The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 27, 1855, Image 1

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fUjmMtratt. VOLUME L1II, SAVANNAH, liA, WEDNl£SDAY- MORNING, JUNK 27, isr,r, Promt Uuaturnn ifnmn. 1. i'ihhi-i.i.. G«a«ral Awls* and MiIm MERCHANT, I No. 154 Hay-airnot, Pnllcli from bit trtenda conslguiutinla or every <te- • r I 1 1 ■ l I I My |x«r«i>nal aibmllnn will ht given m the Mir or Real 1 Estate, (lank Mock. fcc. 1 IWraa u> Miraiu UuImth, Eaq., Pierson, llelill It Co.| K. F, Woml fc • o., Nobln l.yon, Ken., Havaunah; h. II. Ilarrli. II. 8. rtileM It Co., Bales k l.ucaa, W. l». Bob- ; blM, Montgomery, Ala. __ mar 17 m REPUBLICAN I* fiLiliidUp VniIy,Trl*Weekly mid Weekly, ALEXANDER & SNEED. i-ITV .%*!> CIH ilTY 1‘KIITrH 1'KKMS KKUi'CLlJr pally l*NiM>r«ln Adtancu, »o OO II n«»i I’atlil lii Idvanrui H OO pall) «ln .UvNHre. for M illoHlht, V OO Trl“Wi*«*kl|* In Advaui i'. 3 00 T. J. Tllltl'I.KI'.I.II, A«*4. II not t*Ml« in V4vam«, 4 OO * obnkru. SS > aia3g8Rfci l l^^a! S8 fil,0CtI1 . ™««n«oa Itt SROHA N T. No. 148 Bryan-alre<M,lhr«!o d"ur» Ka*t Markot-mj. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Keep* constaullf on hand a goneral stuck of Family Groceries, low Rir rath only. mar 5. wm. waring ii a nuns 11 ,\ i?i, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Cottier o| Huv aiul Alontaomery-tits., Savannah,(Ta. Solicit* consignments, and is prepared rocolve Col ton and Merchandisegom<r.illv. upon alorago. Jan I Nov.l.V55. JAniiN n. Ninioi.s GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jonea* wharf, fool ol Abercoru-aircot, Jan II SAVANNAH, «A. _ ly CAIt l.l.TON A 1‘AHNO.Vn, Gonornl Commission Merchants, B2 IY A Y-STUHKT, rvAV ANN All, UftHUUA. NUMHER 154 Jpocrign Vunlnrsa ifriu-u*. HliHRItiN At JOIIIN. WAYNESBORO, IIUHKR COUNTY, GA. I'raciiM* law In lliohmond, llurko, Washington, Seri- ■aLroM o.Joaaa tJT - In no caw will an order for the paperbealtoudcd K- unless accompanied xrltb lha money, or aaalUriMv IQ' v rvIV rente. ven and F.manui'l. tiion. m. aaaaiBR, tier lit 4- !YI A IX II1.1.1,, ~ A T TO HAT tt Y ft AT /. A W\ Wii) il('*liiirn', On, ltefercnoe-Meeara. A. J. 4c T. W.Miller, Augusta, Ga. oct 2 ly IB . fl, 4 V HAN INN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice In the Flint and adjoining**Counties r.r the Jan 7 Macon Circuit. II nonllcello, lion. HWARU Oft* «ir.\l. llf-l845. H'urrfj. I'raamn. An-on—Henry l.alhmp, Andrew Jackson Haupl. Brown—Ur. John M Johnston. M J Reilly,Julius Gattdry. Calhoun -James E Godfrey, Michael Finney. Car|N»ntera Koxr—William Morlll, Matthias Amorous, t li.til'am -lalsartl G. AA llson, Isaac llrunncr. Columtiia—Joseph F Gammon. Francis T Cola. l*raw lord — Horace t.illtim. George S Frierson. Curry Town—John II llarnwell, SAT l.uwrauca, An tonio Fonce. Decker - Mtlton J Buckner, Jacob F Doe. Derby -William 'A Lincoln, John Casa. Elbert—Itichanl T lerner Edwin SXlttrower. Frankllu iNew t—Tlnuuaa Hoynes, William llyan. rnnklln (<>ldl—Ant«u llorcherl. Edward Lovell. Greene— Joseph lltirke. John FOroopel). Garden Lot, No. V— Millou Humphreys, Thomas Pren- dentasA. lleMhcoie—James Sullivan, Isaiah Davenport. J n-k-ou—Solomon Cohen, William II Gnlon. Jasper—MoseaS Cohen, Alfred J J lliols. U>i.i>elle—Moses It i ulleitt, Oclavu# Cohen. I,itK-ny—Th<<mas F Mevtqia, Francis Hlulr. V 'lderey—Charles YV W Ilmen. Joseph AV Webster. North t'(«ieihor|H,--.Andrew Carry, Christopher Win*, Daniel J McKenzie. Middle Oglethorpe— II D AV Alexander, John Wilder, Lemuel Hover. South i »«iethorpi— l.vult N Falllgani,John M Williams, percival—Jotjn <• Starr. Dr Harvey LRyr.L Pulaski—George K I’ulim-s, AA ilium Uogcra. Reynolds— F. II. Eckmau, Wlllinm D Eiherldga Bpflnghill—AV.lliam Riley, Martin Pey ion. Troup—AA illlain RThomcs, * Inn- ins F.iiacne llarle. Walton—AAMIIUhn Humphreys, William Hermes. AVar on— Edward F Klncldey, Joseph H McDonell. \A'i«hiiiKinn -Hra.ry F AA illInk.Jr .John A .Mayer. NEW-YORK AND LIVERPOOL U. S. MAIL STEAMERS.. rut siitre coMraiaiaothis i.ins ana: ATLANTIC. I BALTIC, • apt. AA'.asr. I Gapt .i'owstoce. PACIFIC, ADRIATIC, Capl.Nva, | Cape- Tboseslilpahaving been biilll hy.-ontracL 3J4lifte»pr»*s*l> lor government service. every rarg bi'been taken In ilielrconairuetlon,nanlsolu thelren. gmes, to ensurestreouih and speed; and their a,'contain. dsn..u« for patsengen are unequalled for ulosance o» eoiulort. ^ PMcr-.r passage from New-Yorkto l.iverjnul, in first e»h n. $EM»: In second cabin, $75; exclusive u*o of As. experienced Surtreon aiiached to each sbln. No IWr'.lis can be .retired until paid for. I*U POSED DATES OF SAILING. *Vss» -AV» lar*. From l.ivrrpaol. ISiS. ISW AVe.lnes.lay....Jan.«4.. lAVVSatnrtlay... .Jan. IS.. IRAe AVe.uu wlay.... Feb 7.. HJ55 Satunlay... Feb .7.. 1855 AA r Inesday... .Feb21.. l&o'Saiuulny.... Feb JO.. IA‘,5 [Satunlay ....Jantf4..lHS5 t or t relglit or Passage, apply lo EDWARD K COLLINS, M VA ull-.lreel. N. Y. lill' U N. SHIPLEY At » O., Liverpool. STEPHEN. KENN AHDJli ,i.,27 AuiUtnFrlara, London. H •• AA* A IN WRIGHT k CO., Paris; or GE>* II. DllAPER, Havre. J ?*“ The owners of ihese ships will not he accounta- l!i- ■•.•gold, silver, bullion, *|<eeie. Jewelry, precious ll.e,,.* ,«r nicials, unless lulls ol lading are signed there* fo'.and Hie value ihereof expressed therein. -hiiipers plca*e lake nonce, ihai the ships of tbla Line CAUiiotcarry au> gootlacoiilrahand of war. _jav. 4 n.wfty SOITD WESTGBK RAILROAD™ CHANGE OF SCHEDULE gmjgtfg novaif AV 11,1.1 AVI l.nWAItllN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKU.OR-Ar-l.AAV. nieiuiopy, Flarlilu, will praetlcoIn Hie Ikiurtaor Enatand South Florida. jTiiuno Pinkney lx Co.Cliarlnaion, H.U. Biilereiicos. '• Piursoii. lleldl k. Co, Savannah, Ga. A Cooper & Mothers, .Allcaubpy, Fla. martfn |y» ha Mil Sis %i .* T» i; i*i*i:ii, Suceeasor to HENRY J. PEPPER It SON. AVatchea, Jewelry unit Nlivrrwnre, No. 175 L'heanul-ttunjwailr thr State Uouae, l*hiln«li*lplilM. may .TU |y cuts. mnos. _ MININ A* JOHNSTON, ! Central Anrtioii U Coramioion llrrrlinnli, Tender their aorvlcea to ihelr friends and Ilia public, i Jan J _ o riiciiVr.s & < «.. I (At 0. A. I,. Lamar’s,cor. Drayton and Bryunats.) Factors and (onniisslou yierrbaam, tf.1FA.WYAH. GA. Jonaa.siM*. I FULTON’HOUSE, i ATLANTA, GEORGIA, nv a. K. hi:i:,. Allanla. March 14, |K'>5. if mar 10 .tIi;NNICN.TH Ni l.fcNlfMBMAIkScCU.. I HANKERS, No. 48 William Street, New Yukk, 1 ttavs Forrlxn Circular Letters of Credit, ON THE FOLLOWING CITIES: ( <AND AFTER TUESDAY, February •■Mh.Pasacu- V t i-< Train* will leave AUcom dully for (‘olumbu* at 3* V'ocfc, A. M, ami lor Ainericus at 7 A. M., arriving •; o'elock, A. M .and ai Am.-rKua lljg A. M- Leave Aim-nm. <lady a 7, A .AI.. and Coluiuhus at 2'n '• .arriving at Macon from Auierlcua at Ilk." A. H . . -i r».,.n a17\ F. M. • •(-.•ecung at Macon each way with tVntrtA Railroad 7*. t « lo >avan:iah, Augu.u, MilleJgeville ami Eaton* i . and wiin Mar •«. and AVn.*tern Railroad Train* to ^ ^"• UUnta, Dalton, Cballanooga, Knoxville,and •nnerthjgdally nt •" •l imbu., with 1 i|K»llka Railroad t) Montgomery, AUlmraa, and Girard Itnilrond,to Silver fc,’ i g ler. iuus. - .•i.neciiiig at Anjerlci* with Alall stage Line to Tat lalmver. .Altxuiv, J n-nu.m lltr. Ac. TtrVav. can 1m»t at Annorteu. to Augusta: and Bt Mar.... to V\ tin. burton, N via Align via. First Ua»s Steamship* leave Savannah for New A’ork AVeilue*!* in t,«, and - t Ptnladeljihln on vN eainoaiays. Pa*.*ng**. iu Hie Cabin, $J<i; steerage.$H. F«ro Horn .Montgomery to Surannali, gut on Do. Columbus to .to p on Do. A mcficu* iu r!» p tit) ’• if. A If A MS, Supvrtntendei.i, -'■•A feti l« COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I HU Huy Nirc« i. iy 13 Sin'onnnH, Ga. sa. J. it. Pavia, w.ii.lono*. I* INF.. |1A V IN *V I .ON 44, COMMISSION M ERG II A N T S, June I Snvminnli, 44n. Him El, PAI.HIIH A- SON,'* lh*alers in HARDAVARE.CITI.KUY, FILES, F. DOE TOOL 8 lie., wmn.aaaha on an ail, No. 148 Cougrv** ami f.7 s . Julian Street*, .Vii’uaa.iA, Gtori’ia. Jnne3 AA M. AY It 14. >FI . GENE K A Ir U U O K B R . FOR THF. FVRl HAtiH A.YI) HALF OF RF.AL •ESTATE AA\) PENCO.W1/. PROPERTY. BAY_LANE, SAVANNAH, ti.A. A. PoNUE, Importer A Tluiiiifui'turv'r of s«>|rura* . Rll. El WHO AKKR-4TKKKT. Keeps on hand a well selected stock of Imported So gara; also Manufactured Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, and all oilier article* usually kept In Ms line of busiuers, which be offers on llio mo** reasonable teruia. nov.Y ( 11. I., FOllliN. I CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, , Tiij lor-»trc***« . (riva poors wbst os nsuT.iMriuin,, I I* prepared to contract for r.ll of Building and Repairing. Also—ToconduciWater through thevarlou*pari' ol Houses. o.-t 13 R’4c J7LACHLISUN, Englnrcrv n n if VI i 11 w r I k l» 4 a, IRO.YAr HR ASS Fnr.YHF.R->, Canal*Straot—Near tho Canal Lock. a. tagHtjaoiL j. *. *«iiii««r. si s; Miller h j. d. feiuiusoqi, * AA llFFI.AVIt ld;iirs A III.A41KNTI ITIIN 8«. 1Y3 Yurk-atrcet* SA FA.YXA //, (GA.) Carriages, Wagon*. Curia and llrny* mHioifaetured. ItlarkMuithlng. including Iron Railing and Grates for Building*,4c. done at Ihcsliorlcul notice. hiiu *.T> Alexandria, Antwerp, Athens, Amsterdam, Berlin, Kadcn-lladen, Berne, Bonn, Bordeaux, Boulogne, Bremen. Rru-sela, Bagnl .11 Luoca, Frenklort, Genoa, Geneva, Gibraltar^ Hnmtnirg, Hague, Havre, » Heidelberg, Hong Kong, Kandy, Ceylon, Liverpool, London, lo*uhorn, Lelpslc, t.vona, Lisbon, Madrid, Malls, .Marseilles, Milan, Moscow, Munich, Messina, Mulhonte, Madras, Malm. Manilla, Mndelra, Bombay, Ituinvla, Boy rout, Cano, Cobloalz, Cologne, Cad la, C.duinlio, • ’ey Ion, Uarlsruhe, Cnlculla, Canton, Dresden, Du**eldorf, Edinburg, Florence, ALSO, CREDITS FOR INDIA AND CHIN A ON THE ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION OF LONDON. and Agencies nt— Canton. Shanghai, Calcutta, Hong Kong, Bombay, Madras. Slngnpoe, Naples, Nice, Oporto, 4 Moron, Paris, Pun, Palermo, Pisa, Borne, Rotterdam, Rio do Janeiro, Hi. Petersburg, Sirssboutg, Plena, Smyrna, Seville, Htultln, ShuighK, Sydney, NSW., Turin, Toulon, Trieste, Venice, Vcvcy, Vienna, 1A leshaden, Warsaw, Melbourne, Aut., Zurich. Ncu>=¥orU anutctfarmnitn. From 8. M. PelUngilt 4* Ue,*j Adaortmug Agmt.y, III* Afassuu-sf., JYsis- York, and JYa. Hi Ston-ot., Rr»i»». P. A Co. nro Agent* for the most inilueuilnl and lar gnslelreulatlngContmereial Pa|ier* both In the United Mtalea and the Canada*. ______ II t SON 14 -1. O. 41. I’.-N. 4af J O. I . A. R egalia, jewels an n • ohtum r.H.Manutaetur* e.l and kept on hand, at the <M.| Kaiahllsiimunt of K- COMB. 244 Grand street, Past ol Rnwerv, New York ordeta from the country piompily aiianded to. J^I2-ly P • VlIKI. I A UOTTHNET k GO., Importer* nf Pronch and 1 • other European Goods, No. 48 Broad-at. Ap.'.tb.’ii. W. J tl KMlA *108. [Of tkalata/mof IP. ir .Y. JatktvH If ffoua.l CiRATK AND FEN DDE >IAKK:HS, 840 Front Ht. and 930 Broadway, N**«v York. ITA^VE eoustantly on haml every varhitv of Grate* 1 1 and Fonder*, also circular and aipinro German Kllver Grutea. Wimlcaalu deslar* rupplleo. may 30-Aug 30 P Combs, Fans and Fanoy Goods. AVIFFIATI TANKER, lit PARK PLACE, New York,loviles Hie attention lx " of S.iuHiorn nnd Weau.rn Merohanls, to til* now stock of Fans,Combs, llalr, Tooth and ball Brushes, l.ndlna' Botlcules, Peifumery, Soap*, Porte Monuules, Jet and Bent Bracelet*. I*, eket Hooka, lire** I',niton*, Pina ami Needles, II.Nika and Eye*, Watch Guards, Wax, ( oral ami Gla«* Beads, Necklaers, uv, India Ituhher Comb*,''aims, BaB*ntid Toy* of every descrip tion. Scissor*, Baxora and Cutler), Gold and GUI Jowelry, Accordeotit and Violins, luc'nding a general mid very lurge stock of English, French and Gorman Fancy Goode; which will ho sold at tho very lowest pri* <jus, for* ash nr Approved Paper. IJT^Ordcr* by letter aeb-.-ted undputuplR the beat manner. Wll.I.IAM TASKER, may i ly *50 ” III Park Place, New York. Choapost Musical Work IN T II E AV 41 II l,lt* PRICE OVE DOLfiAK. Bpauly’i Album, OF .Mt'SICAli BUDS AND BLOSSOMS. A C.dlpctlon of new und admired I'OLKAH, MA ZURK AS, and HCID iTTtSHEH, l’4»r list- l*tnii» Forlr*. Bcnutlfully Ulusirniitl wllli«lx • legaut and appropriate White Sulphur Springs, MEIIIWKTHr.H COUNTY. 44A v npntt lor the , •WAXM’S CELEBBATED PANACEA T«IHI"T™.b WhU*ll,l|J,or I. X eeaami, under the direction of • apt. i iiah. ||. . . ... ,. „ , . . . , Mll.I.ER, late of Ihn I'. H. Hotel, Philadelphia. / „Aerefeta, Omoral //•htHly, The water* at While Niilphur are unrtvntUd by lb,.„ [ HytaJImaUtag^ HMamAaUam, I 0 J lb • /.,„r of nuy olhtr H ntonog Platt in Hit AaafA. T»*elr rn- * ,2. ./ *""••• anting/ram ImpmnUto of •llclnal ipiallllea am well underaimMl and appreciated by **",“*' «/ Mirrmry. our most scientific phyalrlans, who am among in* C » V AIM « PANALKA has be* t for mom thirty year* warrneil Irionda ami siip|Mirlursnf Die place, end who * ’ ceh'bratod t» this conutry and In Europe lor its am dally giving tlu-lr lestliuony In favor (.1 tholr mine- t •xmanralnary etHt-s for the certlflcalea of which re dial efllruey In rasea that have long ballh-d the skill i»f , '* lo direction* and book* (which may Ihn physician and Ihn power «.f medicine. Pop then*'! , ,/*'^ , K, *A' 1 ,eo,m .P wl J ,n l ? thn Panacea- Home of llel of Dyspepsia, In its various form*, < hmnle Dlar- ' w,, J cn g'*" Hie partlcuUr* of c***a D»o frightful for gen rhu>a, Indigosib.ii, Kidney dlaeates, Cutaneous Adec- ; l,f * publication, where in- patients had ti*«ai almost Ilona, Irragularlilnfl, and loss of Ap|*«lll(*, lleblllly, Ac. 1 "I* Kltb Scrofula and wore dovmed Incurable by For nervous adt-ciiona they have atmven ihumsolvoe ! L'l? t > . . Immensely useful. r.ll has been umd In hospitals and private practice, aad A* a a.imtnnr resort, few iilaccs have equal advan- has had the singular fortuno of living r. conimervli-l by i lages. lb-aide* the Red and While Sulphur and » haly- I ‘ hc celebralt *1 phy*lclan* and other eminent per- ; boate spring*, we liavu «• goad cold water a* I •"?« *?”«?*» ,, . can lx* had any w Hem «*ur hnlldlngs are located In a.M «•_. Prof, of Bargery. la. ^njyer*^liy, l AHTI IC’N IPANIIM 'iflTl'RR. the tuulat of iu* native f'«r**t «ru\e«, amply protected I from the sun. nnd In foil view of the mouuUiln ridge, | from which we have almost a pcrpi-nul hn-ete. I’leas- ant rides and alluded walk* aurround the place. The urraiigenieiiU lor bathing In the Sulphur waters I are complete and convenient. Those trim desire comfortable room* nt White Hub' phnr, should make early application, at we expect nil i will be liiki-n aeon. VI* Bora from the |..w country ilinuld corno dlrrclljr to Ltduiubtis. At Hint place they can t-Hlier lak. ‘ Valentine Moll, 51. D. Prof of iturgerv, N. Y. Unlver tV. F. Dewee*. M. D , Prof of Mid. Fa l.'ni verilty. N.i liapuiBii, M- D., Frol of Physic. Fa University. T. Parke. M. D., Frea'l Uollege of I'iiisl.^ana, I'hlla. II'. Del Vollo, Prof of Medicine. Havana. Jos* f^iurebcode, Prof ofHiirgerr, Lisbon. J. t.Ulpmau, Memtu-r Royal College -urv'-oi.r, (gmdon G. VV. Ervli.g, late .Mlnoter to Hpain. Hir T liouiat Pearson. Ma| .r tiiuieral British Army. _ Gilbert Robert--oi. Ilrltlsb Consul,*tc , Ac. Hacks for While Huipliur,~u7(ui7rilnuu up lh« itoad, to l And also, the wonderful cures effsdtd by Hwalm'a West Point or Lagrange, nt both of which places they 1 Paiween, have, for many *«*m*‘ ; » »«« Uivabiahl® -'ll find Hacks Iu rvudliii-i* to tiling them over. I T *"’ Panacea doe* not con it In mercury In auy j form and being an Innocent preparation, U rnay be| ‘ i to th «most tender Infant. I Tb (-retail price has been reduced toll ironlalnlng three half pints: or three boltUrs U. T. MARKS, Proprietor. Jo5-dai:ikw3 ROWLAND SPRINGS! Desigi •ubjcct* l.itbograpb, by D'.Vvignoii, of UiatulloWlng Magic Hound*. “ 2. Benuty’a Mirror, “ 3. Devotion. *• 4. Remembrance. •• Mclmlv. • ‘ tl. (.'(insolation. I'ubllslicd and lor aide by Hxmi'BI. 0. Joli.ix, 519 BroadwH),(4L N(cholas Hotel,) New York. |,y Tin- ub »vo work will tin sent by moll to any part of the country, nn receipt of $t. nd.1ms*e.l to SAMUEL 0 J'M.I.IK,510 Broadway, inayJO— lino iS|. Nlrlndn* Hotel.) New York. Tho Smithsonian House, Broadway,corner ol lloustoa Niroet, NEW VoRK, On the Mintu block with tin- Metropolitan Hotel and Nlldo's Garden, and two blocks above the St, McIioIum Hotel, O PFK1P4 to traveller* Superior .l(rommn,lalioitii. In Hie heart of llroadwax, in Immediate Juxiaposi. Iionlo the oilier first cla»* bouse* mid place* ..r ainnse- nu-ut. at moderate rate*. Thu house has allthccuwve- nlencea In vogne.and I* condnr.led on the European Plan of Lodging Itoolu*, of fifty reals, und opteardt to threedollor* n day, according to location, kc„ and incal* extra as ordered, at prices graded iosuit both the economical and extra*nuunt, lie- gu.-sla ordcili.g in.ii *fit pleiisore. Hi..) r*vivo om.v roa u iiatis r**n. Travellers will Und at the >V.lTll>nNI.\N nrcommodn* rlor order, and evu, if they ch(Nise, make « nnd Agencies at— Mnbland and Newca-lle, Hunter River. Itii-bane nnd Ipswich Morvion Bay. Vienna Branches: .Melbourne, Gerlong, Kynetnn, '' I'lb-maine, Mount Alexander. ILill iral. Sandhurst Agency,.. 11vena Agenc'.' nnrCO • n. r. b. i 4-I.M »* AI. NOTIFY.. G- M- GHII FEN has re in» iie.| Id* store,and is read* for all cusiomer*'call* in hi* line. I h»v« m employ a *unerlor workman at * niches, •'“I al~- a llr.t ra*e vlaoufaclunug nn.i JoUblug i •• I, r and all work In that line win t* received and -1 ne aco-siling b* order, and with dispatch. Calls • i iruui ail friend* and eusiomi-r* In want of *r Met in nil I nt- of t.oslnc**. nov 16 IKON FRONT J FAAII.IC \ STOH £ tVIIOl.UfALC AND RETAIL, Ilfi itioijihluu-al ,brltperii Bull 4* Whitaker The largest and beat scleclial atock of goods V' ., •■*•-'offeredfor»alo In U.l*c;t). Gold andhi|- J".~* jb v '' Walchca, A’est, Fob anil (iuard Chaina, sets Wii4a Jewelry, ( balelaitea, IGnc-lei*. Ilrnochea, c in ini work Finger Kings, Miv.-r Castor*, Te» P.icber., Goblets, Cups, ( ale Baskets, H|ms,us, i '**. I ul. Knive*. I'll- Knivi-a.' becoe Hcoiips, Ladles, -- 'I*. \ -o, all kind* of Plated Ware, Military 1 1 :• 1 I*.and a great varu-iy *>f artlelaitoo nu- -• - im-. io.-I,non . loo whole of which will be *o|.| at kindsnf Watcfics,Clocks, Jewelry and other Job* - - •'’ended to bvcompeient hands. , ' r 4 ilKRTnN At KIKEM\H PIANO FORTES, MUSIC, to. ffdRtan The iiihU rtigned I* prepared, a* usual *<ip|dy ull demands in in* line, having ; " * I fl-he agencle* of some of the he»l f’l^no I in ik< r, in ilie < oantry« a* Stndart, Jacob Uhlclfc '• .• J"o. It. Diinbntn k i%., Grovetieen fcTnialow, I 4 -. U<--i-1 A i o., T. Gilbert At Co., Itc., a choice of ; h. n. rnmrif. x. t. mo* 4111 Ill'll ,V MllhEN, FACTORS&COMMISSION MERCHANTS * Hny tAreui, Suvatmai*, (*v<w*jta. I Haraiiaaoea— t'oeare. Had, \|o—* * Co., mid Col. ; John liniiks.Colninbu*, Georgia ; >le**rs. Hall, Mote* A RoImtiv. Slnuig nuery, .tl.iliamn; .Mr. A. J. Itridy, Atlanta, Georgia. opr 99 AT PI IIMl’S iMtivrixu umi L, Nil. U tt'hlsaUas^lvrvci, ITT 4 DfD» are primed ul $2.5b pur thousand. net 2.5— t f. ' j CARiU AGE 'REPOSIT! >RY MANDTAOTOriY. i — A g.-neriff and complete a-'orinienl, Ju»t | The suliscriln-rv* now prepared to oITol to the public a haudvomu *elee(bin «»f R« »CKAW VYS, i Top nnd no-(. p lll'GGIL'*. built by William Dunlop,of 1 Philadelphia; together Willi a larger and (teller selection ol lighter work ihun ha* ever been offered ill lid* « »lnb- llsluiieiil before, with price* to c«ne*|M>n I witnthe time*. I am to ko.-n only *ucb arnrle# tu my dne, as I can roiiOdenlly recommend and warrant. The public are most rvspecHnll) n-rpteatwl to .-nil and tansl) themselves by an exainlnnlloii ol uiy stock. All kinds of Ru|.airlni| done, u* lie’ulofore. L. H. BENSETT, mar 12 tJorncrof West Broad and Bay sis. *Carriage Ataiiiirartori;. CREDITS I’OR AUSTRALIA ON THE RANK OF Hone of superior order, and evil, ir they NK'V-SOL’TII-WALES OF LONDON. Tiisin au.i.s lkss bv at i.a*sr onk-tuihd tiiab at oriisn ria»T n.As* no rai », ii* cuitducled on Untold •y stent. For re«pectnblllty, order, neatness and . ronnmy. tho Smlihsoidnn ahvll tuuku It* mark on the time*, and be worth* llie patronage of Itio people. apri-OdJ SIDNEY KOPMAN. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 1*J11I,A1>KI.I-!I!A. ml-our AST A > MIIMIVKM'. nil persons aflt'Cieil Ml MINA , WEAK! OKItIHK \. GLEET, SATIUI.D I lie ll'GY Mill AeMJC| tri'i.N or Philadelphia. In view of Hn- awful dHttrurlioii of human lile and health caused by ."exual ill sen see, and Hie deeeptious winch arotirncti-ed upeu the unlonu.ialo victims of surli dis eases by Quae vs, have dirreied Ihelr Consulting >ur- geou.a* a i'll \RITAIL.E A- T worthy id their name, lo give MEDICAL ADA H E GK ATM p. all persons thu*afl|ictc.l, (.Male of Female ) who apply hy letter, with u description of Ihcir condition, (age, nrc.ipalion, ‘ ' *- ■•■■■■ .( exHuine iH.veri) and VI 1 I I A- l.cmral Insuranci- Day si is Y.M .t i hi: ism lien. Thr riiurtiT link Life Inunrunrr Comnany. OF IIARTF-HU), IVith a capital and aurpltl* *»f over $UH),nuii,aUU con- llniies, nu.I will, until dm next annuul nieetmg,coni!idle to imuru thu Ineaol White Fersons, at Hie same rales Cliurgud lieretoloru for all ri sl.leula at the South. By (Is soun.lii.-vs, g-K*d mnnagomeiil, and prompt payment of all d« losses. It ha* placed Itself equal to any Company in the 'xnrld. isfielil Fire K Murine Insurance I'o'y, OF SPRINGFIELD, MA Capital and surplus, over $2.15,1)00 'exnil ill* M'h a* Kprintflrid Fire \ Murine insurance i'o’y, ■•iirenug. to furnish medkink.-* free The Hownnl Association I* n b«-in voli-nt Invliuill'd), establlrlie.l bv k|>erlnl endow ment, for llio relief of the Siillc »1 lltliul rire \ llnrille insurance do. laloU and di*lre**ed. am.cled with-Virulent and Ep|. OF I’FNNHYI V IM \ | deiuic Dn > en-Hj*."aui| Us lund* can bo u«ed f-ir no other rvi»„ • VfTJiSK* i stmt. Ptrr Inxiirnnrr I.finip*» Of Lunil0n> Itlsiic..-i:c*< that Hie Association command’ CAPITAL •2,AfNl.niHi. the Idgl.est Medical skill f (he age ard will furnish the Tlm-v Companies are sound, strong and reliable,and I mo«t approved modern 'n-siin.-nl. Valunlde advice will effl'C. Insurance on all kdidauf property,at rcasou • al*ogiven io«icr and n-r.---.* f.-inalo*. ailbcied with able riye*. lnsuraiicet-iticiedtiiauyamo.ini. , abdnndon! weak ne*s. Womb Complaint, Cotiivcucss, For insurance in tuilii-r of Hie above named Com pa- , Leucorrhiea.Ac. • Hb-«, apply to A. WILBUR, Ins. AgT, | Addrc**. i|m*i paid,) Dr. GF.O. It. CALHOUN. t^»n- Jail IU c No. 112 Bay-street. Miv.innuli. Ga. aulli-.g eurgeou, Howard Wociaiion, No. 4 ~ S«dith Ninth Street, I’hilndoiplila, i'n. I By order of the Hire*' rpillrt well known watering place will be opened for 1 the reception ol company, by the proprietor who will alh'iid to tho general su|H-rvi-don nf It* manage ment In person,and will lie assisted bv Messrs. O.L'otar of Augusta, and Wit. P. Clank of tho Pavilion House, Savannah. Every effort will be made, to make the accommoda tions sadiUi-tory. Suneeaa will depend on tbit. I shall try to deserve It. The House will b« opunwl about m« If.Hi of June. The Springs are five mile* from Cnrtemllle. Uas* county,(leorgla,on tie Western and AHnulic Railroad, where llrst rnte coaclms will lie In rcadinets to convey paikengers to and from the Springs,eonm-cilng with rip and down trains. J• >fIN H. ROWLAND. Mas tr'c',:,. go,Hum—may U ,l .\ A| |.S I.I4.IIN, €'omiiii«(Hlon Tlorrlimit* G4)|«UMill's, GA. D ESIROUS of aci|uainilng thu Mcrehnnta and Ship pers » r Prodiu-• of <M-..rgla and Teniiesaee, wild the tact petUnp* tdresily we,l known to many, that Co- b'mbu* la on of tig. best points South, lor large sale* and good prices luf in-.*i kind* of TENNESSEE PRO DUCE ; an-! being In the above business, lie re*|u-('t- fully eollcits cm* gn.nenl*, assuring those who rimy favor him, Iiibheat eO-.ris to please Ilium,with speedy, plainly iihder«lo.*d Be-'oiitii sale-. Not** lihsiandlng I nave a large fire proof store, all good* are Insured nt a small per cent. Reference*—Messrs. • linn.Her bt Co., I 'h-illanooga, Tetin., Messrs. inrri|bi-ll k Gailt, Knoxville, lenn , Wiu.C.T luilor, Loudon,Tenn. pin I—we PAT UN T ELASTIC SKIRTS. IIATEN 4t FKAN4 R. No. I llnrclny-atrut-t, Nr.w V-.rx. C AUTION.—Nope are genuine evcpl they bear '.he stamp of Hie patent. All manufarl.ireis and seller* Infriug-iig will bo pr.oeculed acc-»diug lo law. mar 19 Mar 18,*50—P ii'.ixx M m oii B t:us. Ill It r»N A I. AN IN 14, MANUFACTURERS and IMPORTERS, No. 184 Arcli-M , 2d door almve Sixth, Fuh.ap'a, \v 11 o /. /■: s a 1.1: a v i) it i: r a i l. Every arnrle -u their Hue of husim •* the very low e*l market c.\j4|| f’KH I.s, nn l solicit the (latronau.- of dealers and others. eoiKItnn mar 27 SEWING MACHINES. I j'X'T.LSluR SEWING MACHINE'. - Made by 'j IBM>D, BATTEI.I.E d n)., Woreestor, Mass#- chnsctis, patented l»y Ella* Howe, Jr., September lOlh, letii. 1 heso Machines or<- warranted,twilli profier u*e not U* get --ul of repair. They are built In a good sub- slaniiai. and workmanlike manner, and will do Tailor* Mi.m makers'and Saddlers' work, in n maimer warratu- ed to give sntislai Hon. The atlch will not rip any nn-ri Ilian common sewing, done hv hand, (nil ami see tlic’r In operation at 140 ClIE.-NI'T strecl, I’lnlailelld.l’-. ui siair*. W. A. D.AWmiN, Agciu. may 12 lyMfcc M'BTT’k 1.1TT1.K 111 ANT COlf.V .f.VII COB .till.I.. l-ATKNTKn MAY llllh, KM. orgia, Tennessee and which Is iloublli’sa •ug tlie must nnportaut ol modern t-nii-s fur Hie use ' ■ ’ ‘ i»Ck feeder; ant Hu :l7, •e given -r botUe lietvuri- **| Imposition.* nelly, - THE GREAT FUHIF1EK OP Till* Rl.OOf). . l*«rilcl«•> Jlrrctirr In »». A ” ‘ u fallible remedy for PcroloJa, King's Evil. Uh««. dV mallstn. ObstinateCulaneaut Eruption*.PlrwplB* r Pustuiea >.» the Pace, HP.ube*.Holla, Cbronk Mr* Kyja, Ring Worm or Tetter,*<.al«i Head.). Alarggmenl and Pali, of the llebci ai.d J '.at*. M-,bb' r.j Ulcer. H* nhylltic lii lord era, Lam bag'-, kwi.sli all Diaeaae. arising Iron am Ipjadiclous use of Mercury, Imj.rudcori in Life,or Impurity of U.a bl-Kid. This valuable Medicine, which ha* become oeHbren d for il.euuml3ir of extraordinary cures effected throagb Itaagenry, has induced the proprietors, ilils urge; 're* dues; of tlie.rfriends,to offer lltothe y uMle. wMelnhej Jo with the utmost confidence in It* v.rtu. sand won derful curative i.roperlle*. The foljr,wing certlftta.s* selcciud from a large numls-r, are, however.«tr»>Ve( testlrn .i.y than the mere word of the proj.rlet*,r« »ad are all from gentlemen well known In their tocalltlea and of the hlgheat rwpeetatlluy. ofthem n<>» re* tiding In the city of Richmond, A’a. P.BnVDEN. Esq., of the Exchange Hotel.RIchmcnd known every where.says he hasaecn the Mndlcli^i coil cdCARTF.rf’H PPANlnll JUI-TA. /tR administered la over X hundred eases, hi nearly all thedLeese* for which A1* rccr.tnmended. with the moat aMoDisking)) good re •ult*. lie aay* It I* the moot extraor Unary medlcln* .j has ever seen. AGUE AND FEA’KR—GREATtl’JtK.—I barebyce. tlfy, that for three year* I bad Ague and Fever of tb# m*.*t violent dearrfTitlon. I had several Phyalrlans. tool large quantities of Quinine, Mercury , and i l»e:,c»e all lit* the following It Iters blown on Ilia glass : “HVVAIM’.“ —PAN \CKA—PHIL ADA." and having Hm name of J*a. Hwaim sismp<-l on the ••sling wax and written on H.e ia'iel roverlng the o<»rk, and a splemli.1 eugraviug for tho aideot the bolile. c .m* jMiml of geometric lathe woUj, comprising nine differ enf die*, which liavg been turned for the exclusive use of tha proprietor, b> flrapur ki’o, bank lu.te eivgravers of Plilfadelpbla. In the centra la a portrait of the late IVm. Swalm. copyright tern red. -Also, NAvulni^a Vrrinlftiffe. A valuable I atmly Medicine, being a highly approved reined; lor all di>i-n*i s arising from iteh.uiy of lha dl- m,r - “ ! SJltr "> ■" “»"*• •“» i „ „ J'MIH M-NGOEN. - R.-aver Dam, near Richmond Va. | 0. II. LI. UK, Esq., now in the city of Richmond, ana I for many year* tn the posiofBce.h*.confidence la lb-astonishingefficacy of < ARTEK'H wFANIKH MIX- At.'TloN TO TllK PURL1U. Persons wlvlilng to obtain the e»nmt.ii SWAIM'H PA- NAU»:a hu.lS'A IM’-> VERM I FI GK, should be careful to observe (hat Ihename S W A I M I* spollcl correctly on the bottle* and label*,or they may b* 1 ni|m.*e.l mi by medicine* made in Imtiainm tiiera by a person bearing asotm-what similar name, well cal culated In deceive. CJKNKKAI* MJENTS FOB TDK L' 8. Ncliii-ifiTin, if 1 oilier* A < »).. W I 11 1 a in - a t r*o «* I, Now York. Bp* 27 3inn • re moat truly naumptlon.depea- c 1.1 ver,the good effects were wonderful !a C II O L E R A . A Certain Cure for ••.,i rf.j.- nr. *.«•> hr f> usd la Ik rj Perry Juris’ FtgUaUt PAIN Ii I I. I. K II . h, Mo, June lUk, 1-M9.’e liisiii-anee. Tbe subscrlbertakt-rtliis melh-rX >d to rntiirn hi* thank* lo tho Ij. leparii • tilled ■ 1 p tited. ill Music, he trusi* ul in the kind patronage he • • . •on -.»g the past five y ear*. H Mlf- HELL. Agent lor F. Zogbaum k ifo., ' '• -t. Juiiao and Brvaii st*.. n.-ar Hie Market II.% H44 A I N N, U’idertigiK'il, having severs 1 Piano [Forte* onronsignm>-ui, wnh Instruction* cm.o sales, will -.(Ter them ai greatly Thrse luatruments are by some of the country, and will ng full*- guaranteed. U. II. MJUDIELL. Agent for F. Zjig'.aum It i'n. i»AN»»:i. cii4».tii.r.Y, 1 ? 8 vu i.onablo Boot-Makor’ ’ I'-irner --I Brooffhtnn and Bull atreett. ■ rfit The for thnllheral patron* ill sue heretofor* rit. ruled to him, dedre* to In* • tlir |.ulillc that he coi.ilnuea to earn-on the huainess at hi* old aland, as, where : ■ • r-'epa'c 11., exerute orders for IU u )T'H of Ihn fl..«-*l t» h i.-l style, and equal. If not auparlor to any l.era>»-fi-dto the public. Having many friend* In -'■•i*. wl... have been hi* patrons In f'harli-alon, hn ’ fully soiii-llsfr-dn them ami the public, a call and • ■ L ly dec 23 WotVmAKI lY4i L. KOUillER. respnot/ully am l>-hi*former patron* and h'% frtwnda gi-nnrsliy. H-al he hastaken 'he formerly' occunlnd hv Mr. II «.* ’■ --»r of Bull street and t oinrroaa at. Lane where he | I " fared lo aaels- H.u.u and Hh»e* of all descriptions, o H-* '-^»i matertaL,and will be happy to recel ve ordera - •> fi * Al'AV IlflOKk. RECEIVED BY JOHN M.4T|OpRR k CO, Wadni-wlav. Mav 30th. •pllV. WAT IIMAN. hr J. M ». I Tl»c Life and Adventure* of Harry Gllndon, H.e Man of yianv • rime*. Harper's Stnry Ih-'-k. N't. 7. • rpa-r'a Graham's. G rde/’s. Pulliam and Knlctrer* t- a-f Magailaqa fnr June. may 10 4 0FFEE. Ar H ' I-soN .MILL" iaround fpices, a lull astorlmeni. - Oronarl coffee of all quailllea. *• “ Ground Rice, for Pudding*, Custard■, ke •' u Table Haft, a superior arlMe, In laoie*. •* •* Mustard. IB Urge and ama'I cans, put up eipraaaly for Hotel* and Drug- a 1*4 a. KHchen't Yea*' Powder*; *'raam Tartar. •* "ckvta'a »n«4 Kh'tde'a - .<w*«a; Prepared • hoeo- • '» I t.rtved fresh f.»mlhn Mills, and for sale *1 Y-rfc prices, by JOI N I'GEIIF'd.l , • 2) No. 7, Jones' Block. Bay at. 1*1. % I N ||AI4l4.f(s tAH IIMl'k. t - lUill'E no.s.t i.l Plat Green, Hlue. Yellow •'* s>m] tVh.le Plain Barege* and fissues. Planisf*' , 1 -•••la-irg*. DO pbee* Dowlas, llro a n<| llleach'-d, ''•* • .lorrd i rs|aa-s. AlanilBa* and i ra|a* Hhawla, • nd • -dored, i.ageiher with a fr**h and hand- * ' of Prmr h rmbroblery, *u-h a* 4'oflars , "'*« ' hnmisH-e*, *c. All of which are now offer 41 very low pflc-w. by RoKF.NRM'GH fc LADPON, **)lu No 3. Hhtitii'a Ituihlirag. t|OI HNIN44 444M»|»W, S 11 H Gln«h*m> Vd M«urnV J*e<-neta end L*wn# bi*ek • l-alllgs. Black Krwing BHIis. 1 Vk llsfrgws Black Barege Plpur.r e*1 ftreaaw*. I" , a r .its lllsck | a-gii«i. i *«(•«« and Veil#. J*1 Mourning Bilks and Tissue* •hi Collar*. Hioov#*, ke. 1 ‘ • •*!* m Inwtti prli fig WITT H MORGAN. '.•no W4TEII I lMTEIII I " Vqhsa t'lavrs bate In*! ranelveil a new and l.ceu » dial •Mortmeut of Water Coolers, from two to lee "’•** 1 lies* iwantere »il keen Wafer much " 'ban ihe old pattern, and are also quite nrna- V. 1 **'* 11 *M axaeilrie at UiVKI I, k I.AfflMORB'ff. publlcfiar their liberal tialri'bagi’.ami to Inform them that h<-tllllcnrrieaou the Carriage husliips* atilie old aland, near the Market. In nil It* various lirenrht-a. lie llki-wl*. invite*‘-he public to *-.tllstud examine hlasiock of Carriage* which lie has now <>i>hand,got up-xprcaa* ly for Ihe Soutborn market,fi-ollng■•-.nftilr'iil t hat lie ran please them In style and In [>nce hrtterihan anyolhnr establish hum lirtheHiy. All kind* of heavy work made b> order,such aa Plantatlop Wagons, Ura) s.fnria,Tim ber Carriagi-s. Air., nil mail.- - -f l»«-t t «-r rainier In I * limn call be found i-Uc where In th.-c'i). A ml the auhserl her flat- tershunscli that the practicalexperli-nccof nvi-rihlrty rears,and hi* unllrliigexi-rli'-ns to please. wIINtlllse guru to him a 11 hern I share ol public patronage. Repair jug done In the)”**!style Mill atlU . ral prices. ...122 i- VV. f| Mill' \MT.i:. Cflarliie Htiiliraii. T HE undersigned respecifu'ly infirm’ all who may need Ills service*. Ilial l-e fine charge of tho MA RINE RAILWAY’, which l* now In npeoa- lion, licit therefore, prepared to juke ora vessel* of any *1x1.0*11*11)' visiting our port, anil to do the work of repairing, kc., on reasoiinhle lerina. Those whn wish in clean nr pnlni 1x.tii.msof Hlulr Veswda can also be accommo<1alei| on the Itnilwnv uf.on terms. He I* also prepared to contract for building vessel* of any class or description aid io carry on Ihe business of Ship c rpenioring, Spa* Making nnd Caulking, In mil lit varlou* brnm-li.-s, ai Ik* easH-rne^* t remit) of the city. .% good -ship Hinilh I* on ilia pretnisea. aug 3 ly II. I*. VVILLINK, Jr. Seii'tnmeili Ih fl llorl: To Ship OH’iwrui.Hauler* And rorpflgno#a of YompIa ^IMIK Subscriber respectfully liiformatliem that IhuH 1 V/NNAII DRY IBM K lanowln smces.l.ii opera- tlon.aa 1 It Is calculated to lake In sliipsnfiiuy classirom |4»4» lo I.VHi tons liurthrn. It la 230 feet long and fVifeel Wide, and complete in every particular. A large gang ol w.arkmct.I* employed and a Inrue supply of ma terials la no halid,ao that lie repaired with a* much despatch a* In any other port- I'ump and Block -Making and Hmlth'a work donoon tho iir.-rulsea and every effort made to un«uri-economy nnn fidelity to those whoinay favort/ie Dock wlinil.a-.r Inndm-s*. D F. LANDEBSIIINE, Agent and .Miperintcndont, feh24 Late of Marsh'* f'ock.tTiorleston. “*■ 4il«l N V A 4 41.. No. 207 ll.iy-sirrel. Savannah, Ua., Ila* opened an ofllrn for the sale of North Alabama, Tonne*-ee, and WE4TERN PBODUcE.and ex peel, at an early dale, lo b* In receipt of Bacon, I 'orn, Flour, Hope,Colton, lie. Re., the produce of that are- Ho«. We keen an office at Uhaltationaa, Tenn., for the pur- '*•• orifiL Tin- I'nitnl Mnlr\ l.ifc Insuraiiro Compnny, Takes risks on the Lives of white person*, for life u a shorter period, and on slaves for inn* or l«ur years, on a* favorable ti-rmn a* any equally responsible Company, i *riT*r **n I«t, I KVA : A bonus of 25 percent has been declared on thebusl- iH-ss of last year, lo all policy holders entitled thereto. minis At Johnston, Agent*. Dr. R. I). ARNOLD. Medical Exnmliu-r. mar ID rirrauil JIariue liiNiiraiice. The Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia, Available Capital $3n<UHNi-Hiirpl.i*$GI,5l7 27. ('MaHTna car.rar i'*i.. Takes roks oil (‘aruo.Frelght, Bmldluga, Merchandize, kc., in low ii and country. Imissu* promptly atul liberally adn?«ied mar l'.f MINIS k Joll.V-TON, AgenU. Xorvvirh Hrr liuiirnnnt Poiiiimny, I'uiin. INcoRpiiRATKI) I-IW-UAFITAL STOCK, $150,MM. r |MlK almve (kunt.ivu) Una been In successful opera- 1 li-.n upwanl* of liny years, nnd bu* a bighrenuta- Ihm, wlu-raver known, as u prompt un-l r<-spoualblo of fice. The undersigned Is prepared to take Fire Risks (or sni-l ffl.n*, furnilure, store*, merchandise, wnrehouae* and cntion. upon the most lavorablo l.-rms. JOHN INGEUSol.L.Ag’lS. F. In*, t o., mar .Y No. 2 Jones’ Building, Bay -el. >1 on ii ri li Ahsii ranee- t'«- l.tmiloii. Pitt F A fit’ll /.IFF -FsTAIII.ISlIFH IH.VI. CAPITAL AND SUIIPLI'H FI'.NI* —$2,non,taw. r pilK AIIOVEineiitlniii-d Company have ealabllshed I n liranch in the I'Hill’ll Males, nnd hnvn todged wiin John L. Xsplnwnll, Geo. Curtis and Watt* Sher man, of Hie city of New Y ork, a permanent fund of . Fa i LEATHER, F-IIT2K. IIF.NIHIY A 4 0. No. 2.2 North Third-a!r«ot, I’biladki.piua. Morocro Manufacturer*. Currtera and Importer* of French Call MOn*, and dealer* In Bod and Oak Sole Leather and Kipp. (lino fob ID I', n ve I o |ic VI a n ii flu- lory. Thr OhltMt tout f/trgr»t i„ tf,e United Sldtea. AA I SI A IIF.ICI.IN, N”. 52'» WtlHatn svruet, New York, I > RSPEUTFULLY' Invito the nllemlou of the trade i to their very extensive a<*orlniuni ol i:.NVi:i.<»rr.N. a«ti: a.yd writing papbiis, ebc. Tln-ir ►o-.-vi taeililii’S in .Mniiurueturliu enable (hem to offer at extremely low price*, nod on iho most favor- able Ufrina 3mo qpf 10 I \ait.YISII !_ I VIli.YISlI! ■’■■■Ml).:.. VARNISH MANUFACTORY, Hi) nmi 82 North 4ih-«(roet. 1 MIE undersigned would earuesil) iiiviie the aitention of Southern Men haul.*, (Joi.rh Makers, t’ab net Makers and others, lo their very superior Coach Body, Carriage. Cnliiiii’l D.unnr. China Ginas Drying Japan, Iron Jn|>-n. Spirit, and every other kind ol Varnish which have hewn ill constant u»e nearly forty year*, and feel confident in saying Hint they ore unsurpassed by of Hip well ndvisca i.irincr nun mock leeder; mil the i ,, , _ . , . . , tu . • ... universal invor with winch It ha« Ix-cn received irom the I Mr. A.T. YY oodwat-l. Uentnf I erry Davis Ini Ki.lcr. lift, more than «m thing else, niiosl* i-.s utility and su- I 1 J 1 ’*; 11 * t J“ ,y i ,,n, ‘ 'f* 10 periorltv ; make known the va-uo of Davis Pain Killer, ar.<J my For portability, slmnllclty of constnicllor, and conve- I experten- e In us e H f-.r * -me of the compla.i.-j. for nlpnce of ■■*,-, thu LitUo i.iani u.. nw .««..*!. It weigh* , “ “ '* ‘ r "tided In Yf-r I tart, on Icon rtweojr. five hundred pomids, according to size, ’ 5"vv» trfowvnv. vxlr.’«, l purotv**«d a one... Imttle can tm put III (•pecal'oii hy tt p furnier In twi-niy inin-in*' ' ' '* *' r pain* w 'ii I have I -ng’.l without expense nr m.-cbann-al aid. then adjusted mid j *«->> made u*o olit on my trip down lo New Orteaua. useil with conveideme by anybody. the most gratify mg an t l.cnetlcial effect*. On my The l.illlo Giant has rreuved the First Brainluin* nt I return trip to thi* •' ty. Hip Cl. dera m* 1e iu appearance , every Sum Fair from Missouri to Marvlxnd the pa-t i am.’i'g~’mp of my pisvng.-r*. I mniL> ura - I the Fain . Fall, and Hint <ii Hu* iii-.M complimentary manner. i E'B' r ’ bvvig i.o -'..’.t-r remedy on I war I, And ; - my Thera Mills an- guaranteed in the most positive man- *»ri; 1 ' ! ''' ! ''“i grai n 'at', n Sound L gave immediate re. lii-r against breakage or di’rangpuiout, and warranted to "" ® rr *' n 1,1 -V- L->Ui*. 1 rallcj on v -u and grind li-eil from ear cor,., and grits or tin- h-.muiy irotn K "t four large b.-ttle*. and stated tn you my c mil fence sin lied corn. will, h .l.-gr.-e -.f case and convenience for ,n 11 “* ni J ' boh-ra Remedy, and remarking to ! farm purposes never altalned before. • you lhat I wanted mlicrUbolcra remedy on my iwau 1 he sul)<crib”fa are now prepared U> furnish tho trade j 1 ""»de use ol four iioith * on toy trip in S.-w ' 'ch ans with improved patterns amt sixes, to amt the vat.ed * n ‘* Lack, f.-r t'h--:ir« and sonic oitn-r cniuplainu lor wants ol all. 1 which it ts recmnim nded, snu met with the mod aston- No. 2 la offered at $*''» complete, ready for attaching I Uhinff anocosa-when I ordered from you six m-’rr . ne the team, and warranted to grind ts.ii bushels of turd | ,, " l ' ur > "'/V l, T n 1 , .** TC m * J '' ,w ‘''“'’L*’ Hip* per hour with one lior**. j I" ><•* Orleans ani hack, arid on my pret.oua trip up. No. 3 nt $7j will grind fifteen imsheia pur hour. | I had more than 4 nt $'.*) will grind twenty bushels hour, with SoVGIlty CrtSCS Of CllOlera . on board, when Uu* PAI.Y Kll.LRR waa Immediately w nu/.ts v « . . used wnh th- most aMoiifhlng results. In all c*m»s ill' ‘■-r " V i I wl '. re It w*s used in lime. Ii gave relief In a very short ine, lenn., mol Atlanta, Gn. hum*; and I can wnh OMitidence say in the nutdi.-. lhat In all of the flret stages of i holers, when taken In time, in my opinion, an mfaJ.'ibte remedy ' and after a fair slid tor lour trio* to New h-leraaii.i lor other inniptidcd, no considera tion whatever would indue.- me lo leave |K»n without a l TURK, that he hat houaht upward* of 5b belt let, which . hu haagiven away lo the afflicted. Mr. Luck sax* ht , Uaanever Known U tofall whentaVei according to dl reeiioas. Dr. MINGK.a practlsiug Fhyaiclan. and formerly of | the' ii) Hotel, in the city o( Richmond, *ayi he bar I wiin ea*4<d In a number of Inatanocs the effict* of t'AH : TER'S riFANISH MIXTURE, whli surpruing. Heaayslua case of i i dentonthp I " ' “ I deed. I SAMI LEM. DRINKER, of tb»- firm of Drinker Or Morrtt.Kichrnoiid, was cured of Liver Complain: of t | year*stamt.itg. bv tbe useof two bottle* of ' AFtTER*f SPANISH MIXTURE. GRfc\T< L’HE OF tM.R(lEl’LA.—Tbe editor*of tb< Richmond Buesibllcai) had a servant cmpl- ycd Intheli ureas riMim, cured of violent Hcrofuia, cot."Lined wltfc ' Rheumatism, which entlrelvdlsabko him from work — Two bottles or 4'ARTi:tt> SPANISH MIXTURE maid* | a perfect pqra of 1dm. and the edlu.rt In a rubfle notice, •ay they ’’cbeerfully recommend 11 to a/j who araaft fiicii-d with an; diae-atc of the blood.'' STILL ANOTHER « I RnoFn. RorD.A.-Ihad a very valuable bot cured byr three kottlr* of (’arter’i Spanish Mix.u.(. I CoritldefH a truly valuable medt ur. J't-T!.fiR,renduc:".roathe E.T.R p.R. R.t o . |(.rhtn<ml. Y a. -ALT I!IIEl M '»F vo Y F.AUS STANDINGCl'RCD Mr JOHN THOMPSON scalding tn the city of Rich- m-'iid. was cured by three bottles of f arter'-Spanish Mixture-..—* It ivbeuru. which nearly au rear* and which *11 thcphyaielansin the city c.,uJ«l not cur*. Mr. Th -mps n i* a wed known merc-han* Ir. il • city ot Richmond. ' :...andhl# rarwis most remarkable V. M. A M 4TTHF.WS. of Richmond. Vu^fcad a serr sr.icured of eyphiu*. in the wool form, bv f'arter’e Spanish Mixture. Ht rats he cheerfullyrecomDMMlsU and considers it an Invaluable medicine. RICHARD IL YVr.ST. <-f Richmond, was cured o| •*croful a .amlw oat physicians cal led c nSm-rni'oojeir. p Ron, hv three l~-Hie# ofI'aner’sSpanish Mixture. EDWIN BURT 'S. Uon.mlasloner of the Uerenue «•}'• be hasspen the good effects of Carter’s. 4 ! »ni»h Mix- i ii in a iiun-lrer of 8% nhllittc cases, and say# it l# a per reel cure for that horrible dlsrase. T. YV.DYUTT 4a SON8, 132 North 3d ♦iraet.FhlU lelpLia. BENNETT k BRP.RS, 155 YlalnsireeL Richmond,Y§ \VM. v. HARWOOD, cf Richmond, Va., cured ot •Id Bore# nml Ulcers, whichdIsabled h‘mfrom walklttf Took c few bottles of Carter’s SnanGh Mvle-e. and w#i enabledi-• walk without scratch; .in short time per cured. PrincipalDe'-oi* at M. WARD. CLOUR k Mai.Jen Lar.o. New-Y'ork. For .aUbv J. H .‘ AWrr.n k Co. N A SOLUMONl k • ".and THOMAS M. TURNER A . t -. 8,t nn*| and by I •r.u-x.M* and o oudry M« m.tnts c vers wi.tcw KSrrneel > •> . ■ •» w i . I frr foftlr or f>, »#e fff. mar 3 nt Nn» SllsVLK^ PI \ hiTIP P V TYTC ' inal With It lor several Weeks, ai 1 lx TV)? I lu 1 -fV 1 i X A & • : "rlcans and back, and nsibg B I- CHKAIV. DrHABLK, A.\D I'HOTErTII h . 7 complnint# for which It is recoin 2, y >"•«.. |.irn 'tbelr.luial- • ISt..<Hsi I.J Ara«ric„,^«,i,lllc^l..b.. Mi I bjr : i.nhv. ,in,line., nn.l h.,mitlful »pn,.»rn.,ro ..n I. I T'-; 11 ™ IIIU 3-1 III., il.rk: m«,, .I..., r„ ,. ,„.| .-.Ini- which will be adjusted di Now Y nrk nnd pruinplly paid. ... ' 1 k nnd pruinplly paid. i ne subscriber ha* been appointed Agent for >avnn- , nali, and will lake risks on th* most invornhli’ terms. ' JAMES Mi IIENBY, Agimi. ! may 31 —Iy No. IIS Ray-*i., Savanunh. UEiotYiAiii: nirui. saieti INSURANCE COMPANY. «r run-anxi.riiu. fl'HI'. kuh*cril>er having bia-n apiiolnleil Agent of the 1 above unmed old esiabllshp.l Ml TU \I, Company, I* priqtaml to Issue It* Folirip* on Marlnp and Inland Navigation Risk*. JAMES MrHKNKV, nov 27 UK Bay-street. FIIOV I.N4TAII\M UAN4I I4MIFA31 OF TORONTO, i V NAD A WEST. Camrai., %2.inni,inni. Thu unilprsigiiPil, having linen appointed Agent of the . < Com|inny,bvga lo announce dial he Is priquired i A ska In isavanuali j A m m '(•* are moderate, nnd terms e»tv totpvo.1 buy- ive us a call. ' . nt’HRACK k UO., it Hum K4l It 82 Nor-h 4lli-tt,Philadelphia. REMOVAL. YV. I). I OIIII, tvtat.XK vh Coin it;/ Ororrri m, I'rnil.A’r. AK Itenioveil hi* ealahlishmem m Broiighl'>n-*trpp|, tr front Jeffers.ui-*treel, where he will be eoinniiMlnip hi* Iriends ami the public with i|H’rtalning lo In-, line of butincs*. timukluBy recelvcvl, ttov 25 4VKATIIF.K AM' FIRF. TROOF. r |A||l’"'FAINT wlllstund any climate,vviihouicrnckor A blisler nnd hardens by exposure, thu* making in lime an enamel of alone, protecting Wood from decay, ami Iron nnd otherutetalMrout ru*land corrosion. This I’alntdllTorsfr.-ni the so-called Mineral Faints of the day, which are principally Ochres and Clay (colored, and are entirely worthless. Silver's Bias'I c Balm* are purely Metallic, contain: ng uo Alumln <*r* lay. They arc lev iguied finely, mix readily with Linseed i )i!, t without Iho irouhle of grinding,> and tlowunderlht- brush as Iri-ely a* the ImM YY lute Lead. These i'alnla excel all others iu body or covcrlugliro ponies,one pomnl of which wlllcovcr ns much surface, as two pound* of White Load. Ther* are tour natural colors, viz: Black or Slate Br«wo,(Rtv« and Uhocolale. Dirx< tions: This Balm flow a readily under l he hrush and It* covering property is Increased by using It mixed as lldcklv as posall'le wilh pure Linseed ('ll I a* the Palm Istlje lasting or protecting hedyaud the* illsliuply theinrdluui or nueni in spreading II. We annex copies of two front ihe I'resi dent of the l'h!iadt-li>hia and Reading Railroa.U'o., the oilier from a geiillotnan, a well known resident of \u- i lhat ne ofll- IU pleased idea of insurance on Fh s ills on Marine risk* geuerall; Wm risk* generally. IRilWllElt, Agent. 1 can ebas* or shipment nf Tennparae rlvi-r products, forwant, direct to planters, and from lhat point. We are al*o in direct corrra|K>mlenc« with SI. Louis, l^oilsville, and Niuhvllle, and will aMeml to the pur. rhaseof arttr.ln* to 'hose market*, to tie shipped to S*- Tr j,or Iniermedia'e |»uii'»lu Guorgia.'.iiB* F4infpAio , • v% illi.w airri’l, above 12th atreef, 1‘liilndrlphia. T IUiN FIloNT'i. of ant i)«*ign, win. or whliout “Mat- lam'* I'atent Revolving Hlvuitat*," a new andsopesl- or article; also.Glular*, Loluinu-, Window Heads,and all other Iron vV»-rk tn-ce** it/ to the ■n-cllnn amt de. coraii-m of l.u Idlngs. F.silinair* rheerfully furnuhail to part'e* apply Gig pal inna l). or by Inter. “*1*MlN h V I AT||M—140.000 I, i William, for .ale J may '« C 4F.MF.NT Flaa'er I . staoilr on hand | may KAN-iiN * B Allll AND. ih* laudUig from bath < hat la* V IInIf*II AM KI LLY «. i .1, rta, and Biarturtug llair (..,n 'f fur sale l.y ••HIGH A tl, KELLY * cm. staidly ay VU ( xtiAI..-'J» ton* Lump LllUtCoal; imi tons Ifrokaiv - and Krronad ll*-d Ash 4'nal. For sale low hv apr 2o f.-LAlillflUN k CUNNINGHAM. |) IGGfNG -llifi lia lea heavy flonity Bagging landing 1 » and for sale f.y MIIUlHAM, K F.f.I.V k UO. may . H AY. on Hale* I'rtma Nwbettv II *>, landing par •choouar J. (L Kloat, ami for *ah by ,nay7 IIIlKJIU M. K I’.LI.V k CO. S lf.k andOollon Umbrella*. Ju*l ler elved an.i for aaleliy I a|ir IV) A Ik IN k BURN'* III. MCI IvNI.I.K A <•«., T Ihi-lr-ienm Englnu and Boiler Work*, Brooklyn, New York, nru prepared loeggculoervlurs for i STATIONARY, RIVER AND MARINE f,’.VG f.VR*. Ilf every descrlpiion. Sugar Mills, Mill Work,etc.,also all kinds of High and Low Pressure Rollers. Th.’ aubser her. ngi-nl In Savannah for the above, Works, will receive orders I ir nuv kind of Machinery, lie now on hand a |»o-lablu lliree-horae |w»wer En gine, which he will sell on terms. WM. GREENE, • order Dry an and Jr-ffcr*-ui ala. mar 2- Him* srniiYTG TriADu. aYolire tooJiirrhatifs. \\7 E now offer, at wholesale,In quant!lira to a.ilt pur xx chaser*.a full a-ut compete assortment of Tin I Ware, ol our own manufacture. Qunlity not in he sur passed. I.DVELI. k l.ATTIMitKE, I • .« El Bar--- xnsla, Georgia. Ofieeoftkt m i*piy cerol a boat or anv family would t*o ' day oiler using one bottle. Believing u to l*e the iu.i*g valuable family ine know n i.» ti.o world, (or all I the different rompla'uta for which It Is recommended. ! |*. 8.—I’lwase send uio six large bolih-s (or this :r,p. J. M. BRUAUtY t.I.L. 1'aptaln Steamer Atlantic. • I most cordially nmie with i apt.Braadwell tn racotn- I mending Berry Davis' Killer lo ihe public, having \ myself Wvnnn-n■'•> attacked with the vholers, and iml relief In a lew h -urs by n-ing thr Fain Killer, d have myself admlnlstrrvii It io more than flitv prr- i* aiiack. il wiin Hie ( holers,and whrnu>ej intime. tire vvu* effected In a few hour* and Ukc pleaMir. mending B io H.ebuhhr a* an invaluable i al should In* without HN N. RUFFIN*. Cietk Stramor Atlantic. Davta’ P*i* Kutza.— In t.*-.lay'» Union will t*e louod an nd vrrHscinent of this celebrated remedy. T he reiiillcaii-s «[ j” n.led, Irotu the captain ai d cJcrk of the Steamer Atlantic. »' know to he genuine, an.1 founded on facts, aa they verbal It stand In our ifll.w the sub- •tanc.-i’f what Ihe* publish.—J*f- J-r*.s C ate*. The I’aln Killer 1* sold hv John B. lelnr, that no iuuix .dual i •ingle id Read np Raifrvad > . oxi.rr 4. -Mav 3, IK53. i I J.s. Sii.vxr, Esq—Jimi Sir. YY'ohave used your | ‘Tlnsth I’slnts" for more Gian a year, and lor Fainting II ridge*, depot*, he., kc , we have found it qulleequalio | any paint wehnve used. In fact, we now give it a prefe* eneo over all others we havetrled for such puriiose*. Y’oura, resiwctfully, (Klgnod) JOHN TUUKFB.l’iealdcnt I I Th ief ^ . M.Turner n*h ; Barret, Ur Augusta ; E. I I Urmiglrtv and « I ini) ID—codimo I DYING AND HBNOYATINO K STAHL I SUM KM. ! 7 J York ■I H. D. BrantJev k Co., Sax an i. and C'ark. Wrtl« k Uuboae irdtecker 4s Co„ M.cou. Also by erry generally. A i’n > I iif) ni. nxi itANf i: nuii’ i w, <*F Till'. MTV »»P NKW.VOllK. 4 ui'lial. • ft GO,0(10- All l*n ifl In. GJ. Msaim. f*ec’y. SIMF.ON L. I.'H>MIS. iWl. The M.iliscrllters having heel. ap|Mitiili-<| tgenis of the almve I'ompany, are now prepared (..lake Risks aitn'n») F)re pit Hnlldlngs, Mcrohi.n.'lsc, 4»c. kr. on favorableterrha. EOIIKNh k IIERT/. July H MI.YDfl.Y l*l|4l>l\ Flit |4)$»|4I. Tins' ompatiy take* Fire Rlskalu this < lly,andIpaure Itnnla and l.easr*. sept V R.HABF.UHUAM 4k.SUN, Agents. 1(41%'AI. INN| |(A3f4’i: 4!4)TfFANf%\ I.DNIMIN AND LIVKRPnOL. 4 npliMl 2,000,1)00 nf ■•oiiiiiIb Nlnrllllff. I ...... ....... ...... ..... Thi.lnstltullon has ..sinhllshcd an Agency In Savan- . „ !. , V; .. . .. nah.nnd Fire Policies upon Produce ami Properly will | V 1 ,'. ' ' 1 ^V 1, ' .u i a'L.«i® 1 Wk OO 1 1 * hlaliesl premium al the YY orl.l’s lair and Amerl- 1 ran liislliute, wh i >• il wns etamiue.l by Ihe dialing.ilsh- fed ehemlal* Ur. • . I.lltlo and I’rol. ohu Torres,au.l ■ AYANNAII .711 T4 A I. IINM MAN4I4 4). pronounced .he Bd urn. a ID'llsv-si at at For s-ile I** the 1'ilnrlpnl OriigglsU hi Ihl* city — price ThIM.'ouipaii) Will take Fire,Marine,and RlverltUkf [ g| principal offlc* and alorr 42A and .Vat Broadway, New York M«r I.Y.'ui-F mar I'l h. nrnr ll»r Court I louse. A V A N S A If, A . t•isblisuin t* laflhf. tT~ 73 er. grateful told* pnlron* and t: end* nllniicl Isv. r*. w »ul«| slab’ lhat. tu ad itill.m lo the Imi-iovem.-nis In Dying *equtrx*l by him during hi* lost v;-r; to England and ScsUlatnl. has made arrangement# for extending hi# l»i’*|ne*#, hr which he Is i hie. | lol'.ea gr.-»ier vsr.ely of l.vloraonMIk 7 3 «#1 T 'lll. suh*c for il , >hawl*. winch he trust* will i •***’ . .. i .1. Ik.,. : * he rvzMBKa 29, l.'(5‘ Stoam Flailing Mills. . /tear Sir — Ynuavk me for my opinion of "Silver’* Mineral Faints,*’which you have put on my Machine Hhopaml Flanlng kill). I givey ou with pleasure my mil ' and hearty recommendation ot it a* a preventlveof tire | comnniuleatiuglrom ehtmnrya orfrom adjoining hulhl- and Woolen lire**, i logs. The Paint which you pot on tuy roofs, ha* now 1 generally plsxsc * ; become a« hard nasi.stb,and I (eul a* aeciirelrom Ore. patronage. Ill thladlri*cHon, a* la possible. A few w. ok# after the 1 G.’nB#nten’s Gai I roof • had hern painted. I made anexperini.-nlon iwoor ! a* may he r.'.jnlr.-.l I Ihn-ealnngles by piscine them In (lie furnace under the ha* generally wo much pleased his patront i boiler#; the result w as, that the portion unenv erml was ! Ijnliea* B.mnoia Dyed, Bteache>l ami Pi entirely consumed, while Ihe palntod Pari waaappareni- mo-i rH‘hl.>n.*hl«’ •;ylc-. Orders imm the c-unirj pane- ly sound, though uponexamtnatlonihe wood wasfoun.l i luaUy atlended )• Term* mo lcate. When i- .reals to he charred ; the paint, however, waa rta a and hut I are sent by snvamhoai or railroad. » onl *hou'..1 lw sent I lint.’blistered. I ronslderthls a* aevere him by letter through Hie P.wt v ’fflca.soBiai he tesy know Paint can he put to, ami under Ihe ctrrmnsianre* I do i wlirnMo . all f. I not hesitate to commend It a* an In valunlde preventive I J* 11 j" Sil’ItINI- 4-4141IIK. epHE suhscr.hei 1 1 a swirled r*T . y.jM HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. T> Ihe Cihtear e ftbe Failed State/,— I ino». numbly and sincerely Dank you f.>r the im mense natr.vnxge wh ch you kav. iK-siowed up»vu my PtL*. I '.xkc tlu* C'pjv-rtur.ivj of »t;, ..i.g that my Abtr»- t«’r* w-ere all American Olilxrr.s, ami that lentcrtxlo (or all that concern* America aul tbe Americans, tbe meet lively »y mpathie*. *••< much that I oncinai.y c«.-q- pounded it.ea. Fillst-xprcosly t.-aui; yourcinuaiv-Uablta, consir.utions. and manner of Lv :ng. i.«e* ab- llsh myself among y«u. which 1 have i* w done, by taking pirtul-eiln New Y ork. THOM YS IIOLLOYY’AY, Afw.s/w L*a*..Vr» )e*-4. PURIFICATION OF THE HI.Ov'lL 1MV I IY LK AND BILIOUS COMPLAINTS The Unm-n* ol the I ulon suffer s uch from dis.'rders of the Liver and Stomach, scarcely *:.y are free frvm the Influence of there desimc'.iv.- tr.aladle*. hence I-.f# wear* fast. The fair sex. |>erhapaibe m.“i haDdsom* lo :he World, up to a certain pen-’d w bon, distrcs* ng to ray, many Ion ihulr let th ard gvvxt! xvt», while >e: i* the heyday of life, such rad evil# tuny be effect catty rcnifsl rd l*y coaiumally kesping the b.cvsl purr, attd the t. ver and Momaeh In a healthy action, when lire w U flow smoothly, and reswmbV plrat* in a congenial edme, w here an eternal spring st j-ears to reign. A* it regard* the praerrralu-n of the Vm. »u frame, and tha duration c-f lltr, much mav be effected, awd I say Irxe- les*'y,th*l hea'.'.h and Hie can be j rvdkvxvged lorznany year, beyond their ordinary limits, K HoHo way’s P»H* arc taken to runiy ihe Mood atvwixL nc to the rides laid down for lies* J> c.u-laired tn ihe d.rocthxi* which ac- company each t”'z. A' AM OF YY EARNERS AND DEBILITY. UP 10 Y I.YKhSTANDINU, (TREDBY HOI.IM-WAY S PILLS. (vyy tf a Letter fram tiru-v .Vtw .ieXaitn. Auer hssw A'»e )>'t. Jslaf Jsassry ill, KS4 To FaoraSsoa Hmi.-s st. J? kkwM-r of Ana awdSaa aau atrret*,N. Y'. Mr,—If is with ihe m.v*thearlfrl: V'lwaWR* 1 have t© Inform you lhat I have hecn rest. >ed le health and Strength hy taking your Pill* Tor Ue last tct. years, I suffer*.! fr>mi a derangement of Ihe Uvee asd Rionvach, amt was reduce.! lo such auextrcmuy Utal I gave up my hh'p. never exjvectuvg lo go lo t>ea any more.M I Fad tried every Bemedy «h*i was recemiwemled te me, hut YLKWNDFR G%Al.OW\Y. (Signed) ANDREW LOW thrnp, M'l C|v|IF. organ of modern I* III May IV- mil lAM'Kt A large a**ortrna|il of Door l^u-ffa, and for tale l.y MIVF.LI. k I.ATTIM*«MK. apr 21 \ir HITF. GOOD*. Plgurwl Mwlaa Muslin, Plain ilo. v X India Dtmlly and llrlHIaoie. Ja nasli, i'anihrlra Mulls.Naimasok*. Plal-I Nwlaa and I'amhrlca, llalrf.nrd DGolli, Berlin' < , Ike .for rale hy atvBfti |taWITT k MORGAN, \ir |, Moi.AnnEP Ifuhhds of •npwrior quality^ Vi • au.1 in flne oi.ler i lha balance of brig B. B l.ewli.e's reran from haul* I'rua How lending and fn MDKf.rMBD. rAY'k.LO, •ala by >nihn rnoalfavorablntarin • -TlPima- llrnry D-Weed, I John W. Anderson, lllrarn Itolu’rte. | N. II. Knapp, John It. Wilder, I Henry Latlirc I. YV. Morrell. 1 F..F.YV, IIHNRY I). WEED, I'ntidtat Hill AM ROBERT^. Uus/’rsc'f Lun Mcttawair.ffc'* mwr(7. 14 I Tl'A Is 'I I.l. 1.44 II A I'll* FptrllMnllsin. 41H »ol. com- • y.irtlryw ihA hilli'sl reenrd el Uul nf • i>rr*nl Fees nnd oiilniona on Hplrlluffl Inter four**. Buhllshed weekly al $2 per annum ; also, all apirllunl Imoka, f.-r sale h. PAlIl KlIlGf k BRIT AN, 342 Broadway. New York. F. *. -A GalalogMn ol Spiritual Ilona* aeul on appll- calion, 3win apr ih I' A II tl N Y3I) IIIIEIHYl; I.4ITN, P A Ii Mm and I Inn Building l.ols will In. ill. tiled *»"' ain-mg htk) subscriber, on ihe 3d day of May ne»t these are situated In Ike hioyililul village of Bose tale, near 'he celebrated Lake lloi.konk»uia, Just a pleasni.) rl'lu from the fill of New Y'nfk, nil (lie Long lalan-l Ball |(-.a.t and have already proven in he a de Investment. Osar two Ihousand lot* amt • been s-Hd, and parllaa p»rrha*lug have lei loill.llhxa or s*v|il out at an ex.irbllanl profli. $ III unis will secure lWo building I'd*, Ml l.y III. feel, or a farm from 2 lo Al arias, Map* of ihe same can fie seen ami receipts given, ht applying Iu apet* W «. YV RIG 111, Agent. Yll YY 411 MVANNAII I >V.ttMV 1*4 n Iwiiding raid* for Hit*beautiful FiaYure will please present them end ree4M4’athelr r>o.v. Thoea wishing ihe Picture* framed ran l>* furoUhral al Ihe lowest price*. In gill or i,,av wood moulding, by heOng Ihelr outer a *1 tb* bookstore of apf 25 « It. MULEY, lUianfrHisi I profl'al.le farm* havi n RYVIT N FYV M*IIIN44 444>4kl»N, FEB R T II .1 ill E II AUGUSTA. F,IV ITT k MORGAN hawe just received jo r steam largo and varied slock ul new and rich s.-us-iuiihle dri-ss goods, to which tlm ol'euBon o| IhB laillcaIf aspaclally Invlltel. star 3 (till.I AN 441 AM) ' */l BAG*4 4 i.ihnu Guano. #/lr 11.1s Guano Is repii-scnled as being he|lrrlhan llmt liluelin Island,i.svlogmornPhoaphaloi.ri.lmeln II Dr. Hays makes Ihe follow lug analysis; |4Mi pun* give Agoiise > ngauir mailer will. Halts iif Aminoi' i, I’l. ipl.a'eof Lime, Snip Lluie and Soils I’arli. I.line 34 «fl luaolnhli. mailer r»n loo mi Threhovels worthy tho *H<-iitl.m of Anleuliun»ts. by UiilIBNH k, URBT7.. lai.l" jjIHi UIT. vi bids, m.da BIm ult, VI do Muller do DO do Pilot Breed, lleentsed alld for sale by may 23 MeMAHON I* DDYLD. I’ bai hale* Prime Noribarn Hay, landing, per l.a.k Flight, and for sale try 7 BRIGHAM,' YMIIROSI! SPF.Nl'ER, I’B EN(’ll k RICH ABUS, A*. IP. I'armor of I Of A and .Uorkrl itrreti. rkila., I'n. GI'.NEBA I. U'IIOLKHAI.E AGENTS. For sale iu Savannah, YYh.vleaalcand • JAMES H.l’AllTEK* CO, No.17(1 Broughlonairret. JulylRt IKolply 8A&1UBL 1‘ALMKK fc SOW, niaeoa'a ei ii .Plans, A ‘an. Mr* Concrete, and «7 St. Jnlien etretlt, R IUI'I.iTI’I'I.I Y' lulorm Ihe trade and dlliena gen- - erally that limy have In store a good assortment of Ynirrlcan suit Eorelgn Itanlware, and being In direct eommu"lc*B- n w Ills manufacturer* both In ihl* coun try end In Europe. *r.* eonsianllv receiving ad.tutnns lo Ihelr atock, coinorlslng Planlers’, lloi|sekeep<'r*' and Builders' g oils Of lh« moat approv e.l sly les and paUerna, aiming which mav tiecntihunalrd Locks, Hinges, Bolts, and Shutter Fastening* <-f all Mud#, Hheet '/.(nv. Sheet I'opirer, Sheet end Bar l,c«il, chain 1‘iimpa, Brass YY'aies. Ilrliaunin YVaie, Hollow Ware, IVreusti.m Cups, Coinhs, Briishps, *n-l a gen.oal Xariely «>( Fancy Go,hI* i'.,non Line*. I'lsh Hooks. Nee.Be*, KnBtlng I’m*, -seine 'In Ine j cross cut. Band, Tenon, Framing, and villi **nwsj • hniti'. Hand and SU|ge Hammers YnxIU, Vtcew, xetef I’Wvtea Sy,»rks an.1 Die*. Smiih’s Bellow #,Cool**’* Tools, FI.OYY'S, CORN HIIM LEHS, llAY CUTM'-RS, IL’es. Axe*. Andiron*, Hhovels, Spades, Gun*. Hay aed Manure Forks. Sad lr,vns.Y\rt ling paper. Porte Moouales, Spun l..-*rL. »*«! amt YVrnugM Nalls an4 Splkr- -* Coffee Mill*. In lari ev er purpose* aed had given iwyswlf «p te 4ssfslr, >asatl«*( txvouvwvetvded »■> lake yv-wt IN It* After using them for three uioc'.h*. ihe res all I* lhat I ifnls Dyml. Clcamsi <w Kenovaied, | am now in better heahh than I have bora foreleve* he Mine superior srvlc which - 'car* past, and in«le<s1 a* well as ever I was In my hfie. is amt friends. 1 Youacequne at liberty lo make Uv.s koo-a for ihe rr»»c.l in Ihe I heeefli olother*. I rem*uv, Sir,yours resywIfriHv, JOHN JDHNMAN. rtuiinrlrilel Ps<*'» ar-r eMtefrily (JWsorsir the Jr..firing eesa/KMsts . Ague Debility Hr*da>e Sec tula or King's Dropsy IndicrattK-m Evil Billows CYWS- LrytapfYa* Jaundice tdaiul* Sleep smt Gnaval It.-:oiiea ew Ihe Female Irrwgw- Sas-kwn'ery Symgr- Skin lar lira* i.rae ave uow in store a large and well ) RoweMYvmpUiru J rveraofaB I lew Cv«,pl*ra%q _ or , _ PHe* kim)s Venerea; tkmsai Spring and Summor ive*npaue«»*f ylmh *««»*«eii-Ha, n i v‘ ° . t \ t \ l \ . ■• D* Bowel. YY arms ef all tta4| Ivl YVcxUnerafr"** Whatever exuse. which they Invite (he Uiemlhu .1 rvvirh***,* y,y * * SoM suhe » svaMishmeei rtPrv’*Tra.'r Bon ew xg 4 ’ IK|| FKI BIT. Yla-.ien l s r. .New Y ork.aud *41 mraod, Auw-4.ra.aHI isr > N KYirr. LATBKl.r e Hi .!LKl* , »•* •» ^[bUIr Draggisr. ami iWlera le MmlMera — - - Mhrv'Uibc ■ iFe I nilgai Maieejw Hoars, al ai X7k|'<weW, SurhiK emit Sum in it •■»' -u-ms. t- k. ui . pnocipal Drag Uouae* In Ura I'etee, by Mease*. A. R Ik D.SYNDKNew Y .vsi.andky yv. vv. l.lKvouN.euvomuh I %W Ttvere is a ccraaMeraMe awtlng hy uhu« the ml. 2 J. •«. II4>4*Mil .N4 tl.. - I WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS l.lkkea’s n«ll$lH|t. il'FLK I' KMI k-Xae lira I wiew hkOa I ea-1 r*d p.-.ieaed l. Lra l-.-ves 1) irdow ids’*. f . ilkras l.Sewrrd Oil; >**' r ath'i.s Hire, trad YVl»4ef frrra- Will *V hs.rels rav YY bale 4M|; 1855. Dry bnefli *tt Yl'halranlp. Cv'rilffr Urtvugliloiy and Jeflomvn-st* , I’n Statrw. ..... . ’Y- ,f tie h AVM. A THOMAS. PRACTICAL PLUMBER. H AYINi, Iveen duly licensed bv the i\ mnu» <i<to «l the Nsv anwak YY aim YVoika, I anv prepare.- n> do ell w .wk evuiu»u»A W uvx care, w a v(v w exauun. •quailed only In ihe Nor I her tv clUe* Hcog a ptariHal PlumlH-r, amt**ee*rat w lyh anv other hnsinr.**, I . Will give my entire lime and alieelton |.< busioee• of j I’lumldng ahme I rv iraSI’vlly eel) aUeol-.u. lo ihe fol Planet'of all kind*. Helrea.' lowtiv* artleW, xrle Mmwei Baths, Itaibu g Tube*. Y er- i llcie t ”J*|rar, B.vllei*,Ylarhle lep wash staivda,Paiewl |rae j water cmeeta. lead p1|*c, sheet lead. Via** andptaled t I do • *vt, h h (Y’M'vn and YY’.ml raids,Uurry Comb*, and I i article advpied in Ihe trade II l,4tr.l.LV A I II. |^|ii "I.UVF.h, French Finite put up in their own apl^lT a, for sale hy AV. II YY In *iore end for **ir ar YVAY’nt a ( May II iewe*'Ni II MINIM * JOIINHTON. v«n I mi >e« prime North Miver Hay. oNI»r YNflwp, w tlulldlug, May *( 'By and eoiinlry orders wlilre.*eive prompt attention, and all goml* (or shlpinenl* carefully |>ackr.|. may H MOURN INI) GOODS. U I.ADK Batewes; doul.'e widlh do lllsrk flaanea l Grenadine-; Mpahiah Oapee Uhallle : IM Mourning it tan re -M Mourning-Uc mci*and (inramllee VM do GlnghanTInd Gingham Muallna i alleoe* • Mark ('rape tSvIlerw end fMeeve* YVhlle Tailllan do .ht Black . rape end l.ove Y’rll*. Ike hr lliraoul.y reerlved, ami fur aaln al the lowest price#, bv Ua YV ITT 4k Mi ill (i YN apr 7 < \*D Pennayl*aela "ala lor sale, vo arrive hv I |e l« JOHN T. BrtYVi AND. J* cock#, hvdianlic lams, ami kite Ken ranges. e-w<*raerty on I hand und lot rale. Ulltce No IU UroughUvn aireet- YYo.kshop Brwnghton *irr*t lane N B UnexcetHBraable nsboence* given. a t o. NO. • YYHIT YKI-U MHMT, H\V ANN AM, UA., | %FALF.ltrv tn traske*. Bllnda, thssrs Mowtdlng*. ke | F Aleot Pelnla. (Hka Yaieishee, Turpentine, Pallyj Trench end Amerleen Window (Hem; Pale lev*. Mamma amt YVMm YY ash Urviatwrai Gold I-eel, a erase, kc Ikde MawUea, «< the meet *»i«*es« *YxYe. J>n Yteo, IttUtnck*. frxwwfl a*h>AtV Jr* Inside Yeneviae ItilswU BwlUr-s ami iM do well |.’ give us* .-ell trafovepn- nasieg The *‘eli»hl«aia|raeee »• ww# veoi'- Httt bruyv s Ylachtner* vHL’ Nvv. I Cast.VI oil, v'-fperas.sreen aed dra; Kiravsw hells, la cask* Kwgafc o casks FeMereVws; .' barrel* I',*Joe.I hertpciie ; IM oweeee )Vrt*’ Hu, C».»'*ra . lo hetxwt* Uu,Hard'sWewff, AN* fo'W aam.rve.) Ceedtcei J* do lej'% Yraxeneforap' (raw. ifiSfflf _ lit eg Petracj Together wrtih eeea*e*ev\« gamvvoaee’ ef Clem* NH efwkleh nr approved pepm \\* »U»t toigNak lereed t.acxa. *e|raUaV| geetRf %v |e*4 rccrl*e-t •»< v« aate F> ae« U MVITt.l vTllK' l k kk* C-BA l» I baitwlw U*«w aed Wrtiv Together wriih mieameevve e*mwm*e> ef Pamesltegy mraPvffriers. Mali. Twmh eed 'kavfrff (M%kKc*, oiWlfove|m,Twck.l>g^aret*edlHde4-emhe, *c.; el 1 Hhleh arewffersal alike lo•«••«prtvce,etY»ecB'r —