The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, July 03, 1855, Image 2

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1 SAVANNAH RKFUR L1UAN, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 3, IHfift. THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. seaMauer av ALEXANDER &. SNEED. nir bwh rwwmr.rrintBw. Tmnn» ftastrciiiD. icvtlv. in advance,per (Annum If not paid in RdvRiu* Patlv. m ndvauca, for ail month#,... I’ri-NV coaly, tn advanoe.por annum.. If not paid in advaucn *•< WooKly, invariably in advance.. ..|!Y 00 . A 00 ,.f3 IN) ,. 3 00 .. 4 00 • 00 W ncNlv, vdub pnen.i 10 noptcaior.»... .13 QQ ADDRESS or T1IR A3IKRIVAN PAHTV, JuimUi4 HtmUlf at .Yf**e«, To tht Pooplo of Georgia. baptlaad Ip considered by many aa illy adaptad to lh« want*, and a reproach lu the illu minating of 4liia generation Tho maxima of Washington have Igat much ul ihcir authority na mica of political conduct;ami only a low mouths since an impudent foreigner, n pauper hy tionnra *i'>u and a guest hy charity, dared to arratftn even Ami, the revered ot all nation#, nt the bar ol Ameri can opinion, lor ignorance nud lolly. And the nation#o| the earth saw- with amazement that aomo wore found base enough to countonanco (ho charge. The miaaion u( the American Fnrty, among other Dungs, I* to real ore tliu government to the atrengih and purity .ol its enrly dava--to rotnaiato the authority -oi its If amor*— to tnaptro reverence lor hutoric name#, nnd roapect lor rov- oluttonaiy virtue; and thua to eatabltaii anew the Cuiiatitutlon ol the Union in the henna of the peo ple. It reverta to lirat principles, and it rotuoiu- j her* first men. It looks at our system ol govern ment not ao much in tho light ol ita present rela- ! lions to the world, aa in the light ol the principles ! and aacnlicus upon tdlnch it started. Tho sources ol our civil and religtou* liberty it finds hi the He- ■ formation, in the grout Knulish Revolution, and in The American party present to tho People their that majestic truth which Chiintmimy—Protestant candidate for the Executive Chair, tn tho person' Chrielianity-alone reveals, that all men nre equal. * , u r . B vm< A \ nit rws nfW.IWos Nations are no more exempt Irotn the oblign- of ilia Hon. GAKNL i 1 AhlJllLo s.oi vviikos, |,„ n „ u j honor,honesty and morality, tlmnimlivt- and a programni# of thetr Principles. Of the lor* duals, fidelity to oontriicts con never yield to mor it may be proper to say, that ho is an able* the demands ot policy, witlioui ignominy. Justice I they that graft* thus iho ruling power ol the ua k man—a true natnot and an agreeable gen i '*1 , * 10 , * r * t attribute ol n.ilioimluy. Necessity,iho tioii I They nre tile appointees and aervants of i honest nun--* truo p,tr oi an t s.i sgrcc.n o g ,,| oa o| lyriinla , no p| nco |.’ ri .o States; and j A,clib.ahop Hughes, ol New Y.»rk, tlenun. Ilia character ta known to tno country, interest cannot juetily wrong, or cupidity sanctity I Ins commission Irotn the Pope. Ho is iimcnaMo I and it is neither necessary nor in accordance wan rapacity. 'I ho titan or tho nation that stoops to a I to him—ho is requited to repair to Ilia Holiness tral Rnitroad,duo at 3i o’clock yesterday nltornoon, our principles to deal m oxtr.ivag.AiU eulogy. violation cl these precepts, stands condemned by onco in three years, to report and to receive in- run oil - tin- track, near tho 37 imlo poet, in eonso- Of oar principles wo might say much, but must m " r *' * w "*° »* civilized world, and by the j smieiior s. Ho owes no allegianco to any other , ., Hl , r .,»,i llltf l( *. lriU .L WUI Ul our principles we ungm rules of private honor. Wo therefore hold that ! i„o,.w. «i.,i.. ...mi,. II.. „, n v l„.v.. i„k.-„ ,i . , l»«»““'i tlio sproaumg ol tiro iratK. rvoouowus , injured of civilized Stales negatives the assumption—rea son negatives K— our aonslilulloii which requires n naturalization law at idl denies It. Our Franklins, Wash muunia ami Jclloivone did not ho tlmik Ogf cxporiencn domes it—lor this unnaturulizud lor- oiguors hi (gir midst are not whilst serving their probation moro.dcgradcd than alter naturalizaii *n. Such casts «r-t loiind in every civilized Slate of the | Union. How enu men occupy a degraded position | who are protected in tlivtr poisona—hi their char , actor— in domestic tights—social piivtlcges and Ireedolii <>| will? Withnoniuik ol diaciumun- lion sgninst th-tn, hut aa to iho right of voting. 1 ho hiiuion of that voluntarily nsMimod ! Nor do wo proposo to abut our doors upon tho world, hut that wo continue to bo tho asylum ol the oppressed of nil nations. Lei iho victims ol civil and ecclesiastical tyranny come. Wliul wo mean to say is, that with our consont they shall not rule tlie land. Huperaddcd to all other dis qualifications, so tnr aa the Catholic foreigner* lire concerned, in tho subjecti-m ol tho Catholic people to their I'riests. Tho number olCaihohca m our Union has been variously cHtmintcd, from three to tour millions, and three lourilis of tho immigration SAVANNAH, C A. amIiuican candidate run iwvr.HNun, ■GARNETT ANIDltEWS, Off Wilke*. Tueiday Morning, July 3. t’.?T Tho City Coun, Judin llnwaid presiding, coiniiiencoil its aesaiun >;vstiftdny morn mg. Tim ducket la light. f tsr Tho nlarm of firo tRiween Band tt o’clock \ UUatmu, m Um m-mmatmii lor FresnUm by the Tho Administration faudenntd by i Dcmuiirnts. At a meeting ol tile National Democrats ol New 1 Ymk, Wedui'sJay last, iho billowing resolution was adopted : • Resolveil, That we roilornln out opinion I• >rnicr- ly expie-ued, llnil to ll|e cpiiiM-a.l the proi-ht Ad- I ministration uru due all Dio dmaaluis mol doli-ais wtm-h ilm Deiiiuoralic party linn experionct-d I t Iho past two year#; that th-i AdmmialruD'di bus in sulted and nuiiagi'd tt-e great national sentiment i ol ilm Amunculi pooplo, uud that tho only sul-ty of tho Democracy and ol tim w|i--lo country iP*w lie* m an unconditional repudiation ol iho Admin- ol n small wooden house nt llm south end of Mou'gomcry -aucol, occupied by a colored woman Loss trilling. £S?” A dispatch to Mesa* I’Hdollurd, Fay A by tho country as Hindi, and m Iho adoption ot a pliiitorm which hImII luriiith lurllier gusrnnu - * ol the right* ami interests ol overy portion tho I'lllon,and which shall resist the nggr, shoos ol Northern auction* Iii-iii upon the lights o| tho S null IMaswl ill Iota *f t'afarinsrslilp. ■ The flrrn of I*. W. Allitssu *• r*o., P/ and Illinois of the Savannah Rz/sk/us". b*s been uissotv- ' t>i| ||,uday by the wlihdrawalof Mr. Mona a. At! ilun Hie Itrpubtlean oAea have tnaii iransfarrsdtoftis new Orm. * P. IV., I A. K. MOriUK- June mill, IMV). ropitrlatcralilp. The liuslnes* of llie Htpyhlin* nlflee will berra'lrr be mnil'icted under the namo and rtytsof Ai.zishdib A mhsvu. P. VV. ALEXANDER, J. K. SNEED. June Ittth, is.*,}. A Word to I’airem In consequoncoof tho above change, it become* t>1 *' ***'*' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I'arr llrSncrtf—f ulilii l’av.»«f ‘.Vi ir VorK. I VI I I.I* NTA1 IA .71AII, I,IN I . THU HTLA.M SHU* FiJ>RIDA Will aa.i Wi dr.i*d*v, fih me. «t to o’clock, A v| prr*n»e|y f* ^ Tli-.p'enim VUlUlUA »l ; . • < fll- i •I ’ b-n plriidw] Wo f Atfi i II lefcr. ' <if K.wt>r. I,*» ..j >111 0rX‘ i III Knvl t Uont, *d U«e f iofida, sa<3 depart '.I -1 \ will i • July 7 li. '■t'M*'* of r niton t»y !*•••• nsarrert. w, il e I.*l i,o r.oUor, will la lor imI it • that la not dm nctly nurksd oi tbs Hli« of J) * t* t'ntholu-. Tina Urge body in governed by their Yoik in fit! hours I'ro st* ami liishopH When it suns their purpose, I they direct tin- whole Voting power ol that coin- j Tho Hienmor Curuluui, Copt. Coxettor, munion upon a Htnglo point, and in Iho elosodtvixion | will leave this morning at Up clock, on an excur* D|. . ulinmmco. Iho arrival ollho I. nt Now *'“ l '“■“"« trnnqu.I.iy lo .1.0 whole n,llon. D.imcl S. Dickenson win imablu to attend tliu meeting, but *ctit a letter, hi winch lie saya there ailegiiiliCo faith and usitgo ol Rome, subordinate to the » Thu t'upeiiutoiideiit of thu Uo-irgia Academy lor ■ w ,. violation cl these precepts, aland* condemned by unco u , say much, but must 'ho tm-ral sonso ot tim civilized world, and by iho I struct 10i s lie owes no allegianco lo niiyidher t Hnro.dmu ,,r tUi track *• . . . , ... .... * „ it.,, r, d*’ a *'f private honor- Wo ihcreluro hold that j prmoe. State or potentate, lie may have taken,it * ** , ‘ content ourselves with little. I luf constituio tin the government shall abide tho laith of treaties, is true,tlm oatli oi nlb-giuiico hero, but that, hy ilm seriously, tin.ugh several wefo s.ightly, basis ol a recant organization which it has been respect tlu- rights ol other States, nnd with un fashionable lo denounce as violative of the const!- • swerving determination exact respect lor her own muon of the Union, and treasonable lo tltft Slave rights. iuiioii j ' . , Lbarged with the trust ol our own iuHtituiu.ns— instituiiona of lhaSoutb—as loving darkness bo- | 1o | iIm , k our , IBII j g ii, 0 destiny ol twenty live cause its deed* are evil—as ashamed of itsprinci- i million* ot people, and resp.-usihle lor tin* linppi- plea, and afraid to avow it* purp-*aea. ltaworkmf 1 ness of the toeuiiog addilic.iml imllmnH destined mschmory hs* been soerst neecs*Bry to sett In up thu old business "I Ibu '.Hi'.o. Our patrons, therol-»ro, both in town and country, who are indebted lu tho office, will d * u* a pnrtt- cular favor by aitemlmg to tliotr acAunls ns so on never wna n tune when tho return of the party to «* possible. power was mure Uceesssary lor tho welfare ol tlm i To I’litiitcr* imil l urfurs. tho time tho I'residuntml Chair w.,* Wi- -boubl foci extremely obliged to our fri*-nd* fillnlby Washington lo tho lime it heenum vnmnl 1 in this and other States, il they would kindly oeod by the oceupii'p*ii of the present incumbent.'' That , u*s aunwciH to tlm Bubjoiued queries at their cal ls what may bo called Severe, especially us it coiii- a lu st couvtiiiciico : Irom u nnhunnl Democrat, a Iro'inl to tlm S-mth. | 1. \\iiatproporui-ndoyouthmktliolaiidplant- And yot the F«-lv;ittu party in Georgia call upon d with < ••tt<>u tlua Spring, bears t<- that last the will. II,cm 11,0 ,U|,p,„l ul tlm ' f;“'1" d ^ ,n »" u1 1 Ail...i...s.ral.ti.. ! ] a. Wl.nt i. ynur opinion of.l.e " ntand " i.r»w oh- I -.'.j 1 uilc^iiiii.'.." svlnuli hoTwcV hi ll.o l,...iil , Ill,,,',I, .,1,,, svu'.Ymmm IW. k»».-„ucnk m .»’• Il '" l,,,lU ' T ' l h " t,0 " u ' urul " •"«'“> k>U ' v..»J,„.«, ol lU n, " i 'o r i m h i I a <1 <1 p 111 a . NKW Hot"i K. Tu MACAKA IAIXS. mi: lki:n .mhithuia i hi.' and mxada. I’Alti: in . ^ EAHE To l*tlll»*t< IpIlllS n||« proimsos to lie a plunsnul oils. t«r Wo leurn tliai the dm i train on the Con- j gtet t<* say, wn* considcrnlily hurl; severnl ul Ins, 1 Im Romish priesthood Know no nllcginnci- hut , win* wero on their wu) with him to perlorm that which they nvvo to the I'ope—all else i* null- , . . . ,ulmr.'. allcuianco „, ,l.a "> ,l "' <■ 'nml ialoodod lor MMi.glit, wera Union, with men who believe they can he at any j Ihosn slmlnly injured. I lie sp train, which left - il, i i 1 il i> mi in* il I'vili.i iiiij im, in- u, .in, (lint its beginning soon to inhabit thi* bread land; witb ample scope | UU0 discharged Irotn its obligation, or absolved here at 4 t'clock, returned with the passengers, «t might bo inaugurated. It was a condition of *4* : linivcr»i»l 0 Roii»o i^VsorTfaUzlu^ Hny- a r, | % »*»'ur duiv lor ltl * ,r| ' , ** , '" n - unconditional convecra , yi o'clock—At being impossible to get past tlm train M,B ' . . . . ^ , i t ,.r.. v-. s'onuu ivoiihj in nor pnmmsi oay, il is > ur auiy | l|(t|| niu | mvineible Zeal, they are, tlm Word for Its ado Hull to the ancient lalidmaiks ol the - •* —-I that met with the accident. Samuel Woils lor Governor. .Mr. Farris, their candidate ot last year, dcclim-d a ro-nomuiation.— Tlm 1 *<>n v i nt ion, uccotdiog to the I'orilnod A-l- verttner, uneountcicd soiim difliciilly in pun>;ng a ruHiiiiiir.n endorsing tliu present Administrate . . . u i,, i, I,, hi",, v*. : I. 1 .. ......... ll(1 „ ami invmeilile Zeal, they are, the being, that it should for a season ludo Its IIIo. i et to develop our own vast resources—to guard nnd I |lVuf ii K , feivn , llfl 0 f R, )|m , *|'| l0 L ,| a „„ ol tlio I I Democratic party. its principle* have been known, nnd tl not hereto- perpetuate our own liberty—and to stand nlo.-l |» t -»|»o is tliat be is tlio vicegerant o| 15od—the In conscqueiiio ol this accident, tlio Concert r«» I for* known, are now proclaimed. 'It meet* the Ir-un the conll.cts and complications-.1 burope- , Sl . Fetcr. and Inlall.blc-tliai there is | lerred ... by us yctorday, bus been postponed ,,,a " ,l, ° cummtiue d.sscntcd, ttgbt .od confront, it. foe. It east. ... pr, | .IS ! lo -«• broadly ovor tho land-mvitos the sorutmy ol the ( g.ea ol the greatest mmUa-iln. ends to bo ace j „ ml u , ilio cbm' Kings, emperllr*. eonM.iu- l&‘ C„|. W illimi# hs* laid mi our table liar- Wise and good, and d. he. alike, the ermemm. ot | t u',‘u—ind'tWo vu-t-Xol to' u^tu'v ’ are rightly mil.- ! M ng i/me lor July It is one of .he most in- honest dissent, and the adroit perversions ol demn- ' v u «> uhiuuiou him imi uu-ntMt uut,m , . (lfl , (1 | M>llll |i lnf |,y i 1 hose pretension* have cast ' , , , , , ... ffoguM and offica poeker*. Totogw a. >11. “ i »'« I ,o.„ | h. prevail will la, all bat mlracalou. i o“ II... f„o. ,ha. bun, ..» I f" ,h " Il,, . n,0 r."» nmrty.dom,and have coma | an,.-I,. I »Vl„r . «»««», du ' ln 1 <»' Standing tn opposition to all other patties, party llm altar id American Ireedom, cmitent *°^kii leaders have suspended their hitlier also, t-< -iib*uli*o and rule Ibis nation. Tlio . Joiioh, Hunu Drimmmll, an Ahvnuan before Seva*- »r P*Mte*, party e a «ar «u American iree.tom, e-nteut 10 anma master curse ot all humanity Is the Romish liter- ,„ llt ,l Fvc....i/at Newoor Arc will be read nflicts, and pull 1 *«' a a beaco ' to the nalhnia Vkh.lst h Tl.ev deny tlm right ol private judgment ‘"P'I, l.v. nmg nt Nkwpor, At., will be read moving npdil in tlm lngli sptiero in widen rruvi- I . ’ .* r , uul, i,« which I 0.IJ* -hair prrjudlco., a„J hu.l,.d Iho alamo,, ol d^'ilay'^.io^oo'anrim.'m.ldkwauo^lo 1 f""a”'!" ' ""'i ! """ lon« omb.ticred parly pa«..n, lo oru.h ... Old «,«««.«. ol opinion taalml |, K al.ya. ««l,..| ; „,„d,..|d iht- Hilda lt„in lliopo„pl‘“Ll llioV 'l'Io *b -iiltl learn their miserable impostures at Dm rcsentuteuts ar« smothoted,—old doctrines are popular right ug.un»l d, spotimi elsewliere We postponed or ignored—the most violent antngo nitma have been harmonized, and strange allian ce* formed ; that a power hi tlm Siam arising to assert tho independence ol tin* people, and the su premacy «*l principle may bo stricken down. Its success was seen to b« the di-*c« inliture ol oHico holders and aspirants lor otlico, by dissolving iho chsrm o| party domination. And therefore, nr- rayed atfatast tt, nre the stereo'yped usng.-s ol a great and prevailing Party, and a *ell-reli»nt,van- qut^jjed, yet struggling minority—Dcm-icmey stun uiatrd by tlio prestige ol success, nod " btggery nerved by tho m»rtitiration »•! detent An.iy.d agiinst it are all the ousts ot polities—th«* ance of offi*)i.»l action—tho rank lust of " 1 a* piration, •»* well as the usaoci.ito’ns and party hub- pr<grants. AH <b" balance • *1 power and right iludes ul the people Aware of the inequality ot liet nig* t-i the Males, or is tc-ervcd to til* people the contest upon vv uch it enters, t is uevoril'eless ll * the S ntea. In tlio legitimate exercisa ol tin ir uodismn)eu. It relies upon ipower <1 virtue re'peetivi* powers is foundilln* admirable virtue and tltb invincibility <1 truth It must pn-v.ul it our F«der.nivo system. Liuroaobmoiil by either patriotism ts aught but a nano—it Revolutionary i* < q ully t • he deprecated and to pn vent it, lb.* memories are imi extinct—d tho Uonstiiiitton >s ex.-iciso ol doohiiul powers should tio cnu-lu U any thing but an antique sorq —'I rcligi. n retains nv.-ub-d. Ah the eonsiitutiou is ihn rule and me.i- lls purity.and Amern.hi h.Hb iy be not a lab.e i sure < I the rights and* of iho I'eder.i; The imeossity of soon a Fitly was toumi m the i «•»«! ^ta’o Governments,obediince to tlutl—Hu-n-.l departure ol the Governnunt Irom its prim.iry emi i “-prompt and profound—Irom all departments and atitutionai course—in the iuc'c i-m- ol Lxicutivo rllioeis ol both, is thu only guarantee of order amt power and patronage—in tho deterioration ol thu p< rtiMiieiny. It hi tin* oxpaiiHouol territory— the repri-aomative character—m the alisence Irom ihe e-unplic »lur.s ol interest, or tu-e.iuso til our varying . , . i , i-ii uiu ii.iiii in., 1111. . ill, i.oniui. n i*,i , “>*, 1,1 '->• • '•*•«' hand. .III..: - . ..tor... obod.oaco thnaigll ill. lutary. iitl..„, ba by «... l,r..n,|,. rc....anii«.n „l Ir.o ; ; when lb,l l „ ,, J-..V. Wharav.., they aai.l ,/r .Mala, by «, ,|,r„ii,u coniaii, ., k "l... i.roui.llw-.u ... ..| t.ivil ..|>lii...»a and ,| 10 , c ,.„|„, L„. pi.iiay, and ala.vo all by ll... n»lil|.|n al a B,.-,.l |,„ rm .d; „„d ., ,l.a .ay,liar pawn, dacha,■» I I. “ ml nailed i»o|ilc. ••■c.iro I, ,|,|,y unJ.-r Ihc „| ml Why.ih.n ,l i. „ul of ll .1 Uic ..(.crnii-n ol dciiiocraiic iii.iiiiiii..ii. , 1 ,.|iur..|i,a.„lli,c, .w,„d and bally, and aii„ll,c,o.,y. N.iinuial Goveiumeuta, il is Mditeu-nt to say, Hint t j w we recogniso "ilm nglrs ot the several States ai< ’ , , . „ . expressed and reserved tn tlm comi utum." and , A convenient means of enforcing States is to nb 111»i,t npon-n caicllil ar„ by ihc (icuoral I solve <o\.jc..|« Irom Ihair „»lb ol nltcaianc... 1: >, Government ol ail interlereueu with lh--tr rights by llm *»' • v *1’ »!•--1>. it ism, a* n Italy ami Austria a legislative or executive act. n ’ TheC.instilu: I’umIu- * D-e government as m .Mexico and ."out!. limits the power ol iho G«-ii. ml Gov,-.111110.11-118 A'»vne ;-i< arrest* civil.zatron. ns m J'pnin and powers are such and no more, n* nre expressly * L eommaud» 1 lie will uI 11s m* mb. r- ar.intcd, and us are necessary to give elK-ct to ex- l,v **»«’ "s outward { Lx*' R will be runiemburel that tho city ol | Columbus issued its bonds I u $1.'iO,<H)U, for the construction ol the .Muscogee UuIm.h1. Thu first instalment ol $'Jo,000 ( due tliu Is lust., was prompt- ; I y pa ul yi xu-rday at thu countir ol Ibu Central Railroad Ibiuk, where It nude payable. Wo h-arn also that tho coupons h-r merest on the bonds | not yet due, are punctually paid every h,x tnouihs, Hi., Uf J o this resolution the chair- implying nn ciiJorsemtiit ol the Missouri compromise. A11. • r several speeches bad been made, an amendin' nl was adopted u* lollovvs: “ll being unduslood dial tlu* resolution J* expressive ol no opinion upon tlio repeal ol the Missouri" '1 lie resolution was then pnan-d council* "f the Nation and States ol wise and g ■ d men, and the presence there ol noisy bruwicrs and mediocre mtwmen—w the prevalence nt the North and West ul Factions orginatmg in th- wild* t vtat n* of ladienlisin, <>r in iho most revu I jug tneotics in morniH—10 irn-vcn lice I >r ven-ra- ble n iin,** und « siabludicd principles—in insubor* dmation tu tho law*—m disregard of the obliga tion ol treaties—in tho want o| alitlity and pru dence in tho national representation nt Foreign Courts, and in the combined «v ,u t up n tlo> S| nc ' insti.ut'uns "t the South, of I'anatieism -nd p lit- icsl selhsliueMi. These evils m gr, at purl r-ngi nated 111 sod are sustained by, a piodigi.uis influ ence operating direet'v through the ball t tn.x. and Indirectly through it* demoralizing action upon the Whig and Democratic panic* M ,- mean the Toting power ul the vast h uy I Foreigners wh • have come among u* since the revolution, and whose annually 11.creasing .on-.-*; >ns tlueaU-n to overwhelm the native population. From n>> exist ing Party could the arrest . t tbe«e evils •»* b--p, d On the contrary, ihu a, coiidi!i«n of* was calculated t-» n fltinc Itiem. Alter V,-.,r.s < I heroic contest,tbo » mg* nr,- r>oio-n up ui n 1 me old issues between the in and tin- Democratic Farty Tire Democratic Farty, vi«-t -r upon a th ux.ind fie ds, reigti* suprernu T'hev p "• -s ihe G .v. ru men!. State and National—lIr--V w.i-id the p-.wef ot ulfice—tru-y shape the |i-> icv d tlm nation, foreign and domestic, and flush'd wrh s-mces*,and responsitde t • nobody, they are unable and unwiii ing to restore tho Government it* original pun- ty and simplicity Success in-pire* arrogance and Irresponsibility engenders No w,,nder ttn-n thsi in p-Ttlons «*t the Union they have bee m,* deplorably corrupt, and every where regardful mainly ul the means and appliance ul reiaining power’ At tn » moment wo-t.»-h ,ld a great peo pio ruled by cbqnos, caucus, *, and eunvent mns—• . by an associated lew—thal tew m the ntum uf the peop'*- suppressing me very b- uminngs f r- - | •istaiic*) t«» their d irnnation, nnd t,u*ied c-vor and anon wuh Iho convenient ehiid* p! iy. •»! n'lju.'i ng Piatlorms to suit the varying smte of ilm time* Wharo in the hisio y ol Froo G ivernmi n: h •- a triumphant and ever-swelling m.1.; "'> f >”’» • "»» 1 capable uf reform! On theodx-r h*nd, the Wnigs, disclaiming ri-spousiliiliiy b, cau-o out of power, have nun,1 lined a sturdy rcMst-nmo to llu-ir . un- qucrofS T'lieir efT-rt* as 4 part)’ have boon llllll « d of Itte lu Osnng but *pasm -lie ■ ll its •-* u ,*• a Ihe Deinoersey. Thus It 1* that th- at.M-n'e I great taauv* utnm old principu-a between li- two gicst parties ol the Suiio and nan n, hat reduced the actum of both to a humn. it'ng sTuggb- 'b- loaves and tho iislie* Kac-h r h -rges tin- . tier with fratr.-rnizatmn with the anti ;iv.-ry pow, r I th- North, each claims lor itself I: hii I •yin;. 1 tbi-e-s up*-n ttie slave question "in "J it* N- nle rn a woe l ate*; both ar*- unwilling 10 I fg • th- ndvari- tagi-s ol x national eonneetion; wh *' free* *rn f owl daily more arrogsnt arid nggn-auve :b- niuO has tieeii hurried to the verge ofdi»* .lull .n, and the Imuro of our country wears uniinstaK.itilc pormn«a of disaster if nut rum N • seti.r .- nun now belmv.-s that tlm South can r. y up ,11 Notti. rn Wings or Democrats l»»r the riinint-naiico o| b-r const»ut 1 .nil ngbt*. Whilst nit tins h tru- l thean Pauli'S aa aurh.lhe great body o! Urn p. -.p - are true to tbo Cons'itittion—'rue to tho civili/i- Don and Ghristianity nl tlio ;ig-—true to right, h-.n-if and justice. Amid Iho w,|,| uproar < I piny conflict*-quirted by party tnumpb* < r atupr-lierl by party detents—their voice baa rmt ber-ri rs'-ed. or tt ra-sed, not heard, 'I be pair .1*111 arid s .und Sense of Ihc- people hi vo been 111 anoyance I In v now aan-ri iheir 0«>ntrnl Tin- pe■••pin ask t'* In- heard They unlurl their banner—it is tliu binm-r of tbo Crir-sniutir.n, and tho railymg cry 1* Amen can* ru<e Amend Tho prop.KUtn.ns lately promulgated by the State Council express thoir opinmna ronnsely.liut cte ,r Iy and foreitily ata'cd, iijhki every qua*!ion nl gen eral importance. In auhmit'ing di-m m dm n- Sideraltou—I tlm voters nl Georgia, ilm b p- i- r n- tertsinsd that they w id eomriiaml the approval "I #v«-ry |ov«r of p-,r, rn-.r liny ami a- nud *i,i'e-m,in •hi« Of lh r «M It M"T *»« •atd, gennrally, 'hat whilst rmt one jot nr ilttl" <J 'h - p'-euliar neh * our senmn is c--m roitiiutd, they ir<- Mr .r, k -ly na- t) rial and cooser* 'ivo Wtut 1* d .r 1 . p «t --ti*m loti,., plait rtn - I any pany, »i dm Hr„ii|i, H*-y ri'sm— rvhdat limy urnh >,ly prim ipl< * whn ti 11 > party ha* heretofore ventured to av-.w •'We are bet of yeiterday, arid nnow no-hmg. bncauss our days «.r. earl»i nt" n •hailow" Ii*, nsaih 11m all pervading Kyo. "'»<! rn*-ivnly t,, tlm H-ipTWO-ln eiog-ti' ",ihs known dge -.1 *uiie.inen I* v „.|y notbi'if. a .id what loey -Jo know atniuld teach homlli'y Welt, the', lore, do, s tlnor pr gramme of principles ripen woh tlio ru ngonmn ot the D> rlne aofen-igniy, and an s«kn •wirdgrrmnt ol nut dirihgU'sliing go .<tnr*s win, li tn rn ihe beginning Has flMfked "Uf esre<-r SS a nali-.ri l>i«clairn|iig all prstensi-'M that lb* Artmriraii Fariy i* religiously be'.iar than other*, yr,l It l* a woriby "I note, Dial M avow* Mi d> penderu « Uf**.n f».d Tlicy Concede, m «efm*, what M I* ' <-lm.* d n > p -i'«•• •* 1 p,fiy «i'.e« Die R*-* • uin,n , *;k-»» i 'I* ' «"d —lh" sublime tru ll, that Glinstianny Is “an r!« merit of oor pobl cal »ya|cm,“ and that tb» Uihln At our* •• tmtoarilly a governmaht rt-laiioiis w tih lore,git t-iat,.*, th it instrument t und by experience to bo msuflieiunt; then wo say, let no man, ■ r officer, or party, or department, violate its provision*, or stretch it* InniMiiniis to cover the wants ol the hour, but let thu amending power be invoked The immigration of paupt-'s and felons 6ln>uld ceuso. Our eli.uitus nt„ due hint to the poor ot our own eouuiiy, and it m cut atiotiu iing pr. -peiny our res lire, 8 o| bem-vob-nce exeeut tin- liomedi-- n tii Is, then wo are c it tied l scl< cl • tin r • hjee - o , ur bouruv. Lntoiicl eli.irny can lay u - • .atm to merit, and the <dd w rbl b.t* no more right to hurdon us w 11li her p„ut c*. t im i i C"ii«tr.uu it* to p iy the c *t ,d her wars. Ncittn r nittur.u g-n> r,,*t • ty it, r th,-obligations ot ehr « tani'y, r« *|.ur»- the Atiurteun Union to become i-,«• mns lions.- ■■! tin* N.nions. Aa poverty i- t -o oil- n utleiided wHli disease and di-priVatu-n, the ailv, nt i t patipcrti In mu unlrcquent.y muitu-d by tin- dtllusioti ol pes- Idetico physical and moral Much loss arewe wilting th it our country *houM become me H cany Ray I nil Inminmty The i-rimma!*-d l.ur -pe are sent to iih by a •ysifttiii',c p,,|ic) Dcsperatu lr,-m K u,|. .....1 ..,i IV*. ,ilc k .,I li-, me* p,e> !|K- ot>sc.’iiw bud* up,,ri our eoinmunilita. The ur- flu, ne« ol their preselu*,, reuebes :ho s.uirecs o| our wealth—the peace ol larnilic*. and trio purity ol tliu splendor ol n* ritual, nnd by tliu lenr • c urse acting upon Miperstnion lie who ib-nn-a 1 these prop,,* in ns ih ign -rain ol history,<>r willing- Iv la.silie* it ll ibesu tiling* he so then wo .i-k, is it nil iinr,-!iM.liable demand tbnt lorcigin-r* he , deprived ol the ngtit t • v i<- until they siiail have i been in tliu country !WenlV-niic yoars? We Hunk imt We are pledged to resist tbo aggressions <1 the Gntliolio hureli, nnd vv-o resist tho t»r,-in*>ri<«n l t i . flieo of all tier*,>n* who nre not unlive born citizen*, and ot nil persons native born nr pot, win, owe nl.cgi.uicc, directly or indirectly, lo nny I r cign pow, r, ,-ivil --r cc-elesinslickl. R, lln-r, hue, a iiiemln r «•! tin- Unllndie eliurv li, unlive bom, d-■, i.»>t m tm t tudd civil a'dsginnev't" » foreign p >vv, t, e vil , r - ce!e» n-licn', lie limy I e nuppoited I r -d- tico a.* nny other native It such nn one ,b -ires oursullr i-_e, tlm burden'd pro.-I lies upon b.m i - *ll -w tint lie liidil* in* such allegiance This bn* neen called imeonstttuinuml. Wo it is Ti e (' s'nuti n ol the Unite,I J*tnl,s dcel ires “ n - o igiouste-t flint I ever be required a* u •pi i ,li, ,i, "i to any olfi.-e or |inblie iriist under the I t> I .'t it, ' and lililln-r, ''llllll Uongrcs* .-bail in ,ke no law r,‘-peeling hii establishment • I r> i g,' i, • r |irohilutmg tin* lr-*e i-xercsu thereof ” , Tlu -e clauses deny iin 1 right ol urn government lo mturiur,*, by legislation -r utherwlsoj vvitb the right ■ • I priv .'ej id-men:. Tlm prohibition is upon th** * State. We deprecate uny Mi di mteib'ienc-; we abhor 'c.'t oaths, und we detest the very idea oi a S .ito .o igiott W e invoke n i legislation—vv, ?k no government interior,me". We simply In .Inminry lust, tlio .Stutu convention of tbo Fierce party in Ohio adopted tho following reso lution : Resolved, That (ho pooplo of < Milo now, ns limy HAVI. AI.WAV8 , look upon slavery a* nn evil, ami uulavoiable to tlm dovelopcmcnl < I ibu sj-irit and piuetieul benetil *1 tree liibtiluln ns, nnd entertauimg these M-n'imentH, they will nt Al l. TIMK.S fuel It to be TIILtlt III IV, to lisu Al t. I'oWLR t l.L.vitt.Y ,iIvi n HY I tu. I l-iiMs ul ill- national eom- pact, to pievent Its increase, to mitigate,ami to i KAincAn. rut. i vii " Slavery in Nlii«a*ka — A Kansas enrrespon- Rio 1st ul January usd tliu 1stJuly. ; j cnl „f t ho St. Lnm Rcpublicnti makes tlio fol- Tlieso bicts speak well for tin character cl tlio | 0 w mg statements : Ronds,and render them a very destnb’.o investment, j \ qieHtion ol Slavery in Nebraska smith of Indeed, wo know of no bonds n thu Suite, in ' tlm I'latto h is alro nty begun to be discussed in a which, at pro*ont rales# a inure advantageous in- | calm ami enlighten, d way. Many ol v< slun-ut could bo niidu. Tlio City <d Co i* unincumbered by n heavy <iebt,.lio instalment* zet lie- rint ngl In r gbi •ured to us by tho Con , dipt- .!. - Ml I oil* Juilgiueui. tin- fact tliat a i n li > tu- furl Ill'll he )<•> up.i- «■ .oil ground i • r - T.. a iinvi. Util lit I'be American Union sprung in t Irotn tlm revo lution, line Minerva M.-in tl.• ik.iiii J ipiter n G- ,ld ase. mplete 1 wna iin- growth o| e« nturms , I *tru.*giu and di*eipinn» 1 . r.-e id is l-.und ill ill- In*;, ry ul ilm K- ; rmn'iou, r.»d Dnv hisnuy •-! Kng.-nd ir. in .1/ t nmt Char tit, lu tin- -ctilmg ,.| dm .H it F wer, aa well ns m "ur own Collunnl In*- i lory. Its principles inspired tin. genius ol J. dm .Milton, and w,-r- written w i lt 'In- !d-.o,i ol llsmp- den nnd Vane. Our fitln-rs tamo to tlio New u rid lu escape Ir.un Kmg enft and Fri* st-eralt. Years ol trui'iing prepared a peopi-j ! ,r Freenn-n — Rritish lyr.muy t»r -tight mi tin i -v.,d,iion—limn canto llm e nfliet—tin eo'ib-der.ii'-ei—thu l’un«ti- lull,rn, nnd In ! tlm Americ:in Union bur ns the .Moon—Hear ns tho him and i< rnble as nn army w11ti Rn tn rs W,- r, ml ms v.,|iio in llm price that was paid r it Wo lovo i nd shall mnmtniii it, I r i! i* die source ,.| our pr--*;,. ity, our |»r• t*-,:!t- u igai - I reign Fowor, and tlio gunrantoo dour lulur- gre.iin- ** W ,- shall iiismt nn H agni-i«i m - ulil Im s-i :,unliii \i d in r, lulu,ii -ill. *e I, <lit Mini the sppolnlin •i ,-,i tie Un- *aiiu‘ prlncpl' - «•!•> n> ii* I In- r,. til ,u ninli ' ul,- i.i.ii ii*. m «|e|iend upon Hi . ,ncs I., ii foreign |M»*er 1 It III* o'.J , Moll Colli,-* If ll-■*• 'it r l p.ol), in *i ere: mi,I n, | , ii i > ex-dude from > 111 III III opinion W " I--HVI- Ihe i i un.l n> ** ,*l .p <i.Ht, tno > lo . I’r ■ d upo u* wo nr, | lat> Ting l><|.v«-.tcnt with polio il.,. I i,in*,| Hinle* ii great v*-i ,ii'iiigrem e<-cle»iii* tral pov i n, « |,i,o,i ,|.«|.on»ihlo i" a lie ti w,- »liiill resist, a- 1 liv all III,Tins Hull nre , Tin- PI ,1 •"'.j'-' “« » Ihe rouiitry on -•fliels ■ I ml-f, s and i ad and t.u lorn,—again-.* -.11**1 ngam*t shall !-*fb. nr ol I In HO ,| m* •id, nd Rut wl I Co|l«|i tlm V oppn-**i <• oud.iugerrd ml (mo ol iin, hi,-li in-. Iili.-a ,-n.p. unpr mi is.-, .* , i"i,g rn virtues litv *ives dm nt>and ,-iplt-s ; r idmr than hazard i pi< ,-nto itm iig.indon s- c Agi'ntmn serves only , i- >u*'itutn,ridl right* nr- w , lo ti i! pr,v, ’• g- * nr,- w ilbdr b-e. un s di - rn*'ruun-nt ol w hy .In n, il irmiain-hn . eoim*. ''having ' Xtiausied dm nrgiinu-nt wo will stand by our arms " Tlm institution* of our eoiintry «nd* ol die .Now party, is ' > pr cu ti n >.f tin- Naturalization Law* :i» wil, r***tra p >wer, ami pi n e dm power I ruling Airn-r ilm bands - I Amcnenn* W# <1 , imt pr- p i i. riel,- w i;h any exiting rigM ol ciiiz- 0 ,, dn n' o n* iho Inw* lie* nt die foiiiidat nnr creed. So long „* iln-y aro •ihrepenl, ,l w- shn I ot,, y lheir I*- ln-sts Thai ,h<- exiHtmg N'.i'u - rioZitom Li*s "fe- vr ub'd t,y fraud* nnd riiinb* ry by eunstru, ti- >, i* n -t n mnttor nl quo - tion. .S mu a* they «r>, they are but th«» pret, emo • >t a limitation upon tin- elec iv<- Iraucbis". In lb-- r o e all- r Voles, tile* bavi, Mh'OII who • hall lir*t relax llmin Foreigu<-rs ,ir- tho Inv rile* ot N and Si.iti! L gi*l .i n I’i ,vilege* have been Coneed",i to tholll wJlh U Hill, Vo ClllZ"t,« unghi n*k lor in v«m Knowing lh" wiughi ul Ihe lor- logn voir, Farlms, l.egi-lnlnre*, Kx-eutivr-a, mi l n largo portion ot tlm party pi, •< tiavo Mopped i., coneibate M, until pr.uiic dly, lh moment nn emi grant •••'* fo„i upon mir soil, n- i« mv ated srli • it z>-n«b.p An emigrnnl land* mi New York, 1 t *ud in ton d*y* Im I* hi K un i* I'll day In- nr - ' ' rivn* h« doelares h. . . . I by tin Oil. I ltl,'. • in oi dm f-outn, nn I i.-o irleinl* ul tlx- l i . Neither the YYh’g i i,y Hum her. i gr>> ,11 win ll I • ighie nl t , M-nlation i Y.. 1 I*,-• ns)t\i,nia I*'** fiitifl,,1 ii n» n ai,,,,i,-»iionT,ld) i*. ol the i|„- I m .ii. whllsl the) rim i iglit*. hli'-u, in nil eomniiiig i U.aV Mt) iTUSIllsvUoU will c„li poser lo etr.Cl Unso gfent ei -lion » l,.Hi, wnli u* t* parnno oil sll oilier* III,,-Mil Mi l roiiM-r 1 , glim Ihal u *»m not Im arc-. mid interest uru promptly paid, die R >ad is doing an excellent business,un i as the Mo i|lo and (iiraid Rond progresses, it promises i. do still hot.or. Under tlieso lav,-rnble circumstance*, wo do not : liesit.itu to cuiiunend the bonds to too attention of , capitalists. Auitrrw* -Tlie U ur t »m- Bioiie, ,t. Tin- Foreign pro*» m Georgia lias already c -m- UK lie, d tho warngiiiuZt Judge An, rc»s, the nom inee ol dm Ann rio.i i party lor l», v,rin r. Many years -g •, dm legal question was submitted to him as Judge of the Nutihern GircU whether an Umveis.iliM, under the Inw* dieii uxistmg, could , testily hi a court ol justieo. Tlm case arose ii the 1 county of Ogicthoipo, during « trial I r murder — One ,|| tho witnesses on tlio part ol tlm Slain Was nn Uinv,-rs.ili*l, nisi tho counsel lor tlu, defence, iuulud ng .Mr. Toombs und Judge Lumpkin n.-w of the S.jpreme C 'lirt, ronteitdvd tliat In* testimony i could ll t be ICCOIVvd Alter tu,l argument on both Hides, Judge All drew*, acting under oath, decided that the vv itiu-s*, M the Inw then »i,»ul, could iu>t ho ndmnted to t- **ity. 1 >1 tlu- legality "I thia dc isi n, tti • Lvirgia t ill/, n, whose editor uuierlama the Universal »t IjiiIi, remains : •• \\ tv l bound lo say, that Ir *m x careful et .niiiiMii ii ot tlm rircunutances und, r w loHi Judge Andrew *,-H years ago, mag, h * ,l«e m->ii idvrrso , i > receiving tn- testimony •>! •> I mver>ali-i in n • ••• • * , I, .«—.| .« ,t*. i, m .** cm Huy L'oII,In. u Law ol Bmtland, an ! hi ll e at -. u< e , I any iiuluio Law mi Gc rgnt, at Ilia tuiio, umbrae- •,g lln-p,, I involved, v»„ bet Hi ,1 bo acted i md cuiiaisb - ,v idi bm oadi as a Judge - t ih- c uri. Subsequently and arising out , l tbit ca*e« lb.* Legislature passed nn nn placing r.,- i, •• rn -i.v t I'mverss.M* on tn • I tmg w ,;|i ol->‘her classes, nnd, an it *n uld I-—• -is m,, 1 , lieiiol m a Supienm being win* gov erns dm world " Wo may add, tbnt il tlio decision was unjust to I'niveiH.-ilisla, Judge Andrew a is n>>t r,-sp,-nMblo |or it II,* decided according to the law then hi f.,ree, nud il tho law m-t aside their testimony, it was not in tu* power to pro\ -nt it. Tin- Judge IS not e-oinp, lent to make <>r unmake law* , rigid or wr, ng, it i* Ins duty t<* ,-x<-. me them. Tin* wit- m .*» m this ease did not anbserthe to tlm di-nimo ot a I'Unre stnto of reward* and puui*luin‘lH*, and c.tim <pi, utly, under tho Law ,,t Luglnnd ,.ii tin* Hiibj-t t then in force hi Georgia, it vv.,.* mi— possible, wub'ii^a gross usurpation ,-t power, to rc-eive lu* lentmiony. ll nny body was t * blame | .r tlm ,ii*»t*Mity under wbn-ii pr, |, -* is ,*l tbo I niver-.iT-t laiili labored, it was the State ot Geor gia, and not Judge Andrews. I* was the duty of llm Legisln'ufo to have rope.' tin-duty ol Judge Andrew* vv .is repeal, d TllO IllOt thu quoiniy passed, placing Inn I ■ . mg with ..tlmr rnligiuu" *' A mile w a put tin* proper com Hi pari oi tho Tcrritoiy are Irotn tlm Soutln-rn Stales, and ho me h th -r acrvnnt* with then — Tin > hi,, pi*-nsed with tlio country—;ln y w.*i:,l like to cudiv.ite their portion ,d i in tlu u own way; Hid they uro vigorously determined t- test llio q icsti -ii at til- billot box. whether or rn>t C.ufr ahaii in-allowed to re'.uu their property m tb ir new Immo They ho tev,i iho regmu a«juth tho Platt,* to be nitmir.ibly oljpt* d t,• * : aV" lala r, and that tile F.atte liv* r ought in re ,1 V to have In ell ihu b-undiiry lm*‘tu-tweeii* and .N, Iuhsk.i Tho pe -p e ol North-Western Mn-aourl, too, are ' ar.-ii-e-i on tin* q n-*ii >n, and will, d <ubilp?*, til., hi Nuith’Tii Nebraska in large nuuil*crs — Wi other, lit* n, tlio territory adopts tho tnatitutiM) ,.| jviiVeiy "f not. it i- nko.y i«, i,-e,-iv„ large ac cession* ul p .pnlatuui from all p ,r:s - t the l mon " Mr FtLt.Monr. tv L -mp>n —l ne London Court Journal of the 13th ult says: Tlm presence <>l an cx-Frcaideni ol the United States nt ,*ur curt, i« an event winch dcsrivesa passing nota '11 1 illmoru |u ks even a y ter man that Mr bu- hannn the American Mini* hi* hair is not so white, iuh is there any npp at an o ol baidiuv* He teems npparen: y about liny ,- gtn, i* am.,! <-t o| MMtun* tliai) tlio linn -',-r. Imt wi;li as li.unl* -me and mtH a c - unensne,* It is umu«u*g to *. e Die sang Ir-'id with wlncli th,- t r- incr chuif • • ’In* )* >w,-rlut g -ve'Diin nt is treated r.v tho uflieers ,*f ,.no ol Irs HUeceasors — The republican principle m this matter i» tut fie .hi, and tbe , x Fi< »;>lent ba* really nnd nctti- ally become m iin g m -re linn an American citizen Sir I ■ m ro Has,however,been me v. I with mu, h , n* deration at C irt, and » i n gr, >i ,||9 , . . - • V Die iii'i.i*:,--« At th" t n . *- semi esof Vis, K U-* Fa m- rM u nn t the Conn- 1,-h* ot Clarendon there is no d-*ut>t the ex-Fiesi- , ,1. lit w li! t • I - ; ei> • age ■ ! tbo day. \\h.-npr.-- .MtlUr .Mu.n-si) .Mr I .linn rn 3. W Ii mi propuDion of the "id crtqfuf your dis- j Diet is still remaining in tbo country I yotiit; tT^TiioStoro of the •utiirrltoer will be closed dur Ing iin- tiiofitlis of July und .\u,u,i, to Peru upeinxl <>n | Ilia f1r*t of Heplcinbor, will, a new and full s**->rt(n, "t uf , nrp„iin««, llug», < »ll (,pithi, < uruin Material*, 4*c. fur'.ie* w uliliig |o,Mjt frmn hi* »'.<Kk ,luring >•'* at* •cue,-, cm, obtain them by appl>ln| to .Mt-tar* NI.Y ITT, LATlIHtil' Sl ItUUEItr, where In* book* bud aeeo-iMa will Ih-found. Mr. June H. Houkh* la my tu lu.n/al * Aitormy. WH. II. til’lo.V, Ac nt. nsvatinsh, June 90, IMS. Jyli—D | Wiikli tnuloii A > . O. T eleg rn |>li Co* | T he Animal Meeilng ol the M,>rkh"l,l, *• , f Dm- V\ n-h i Ingloli Hint New <'rlrilil leleRraph CompHU), will be ; held »t VYutliingtou CU), D. t., fltii VYednetda) in Jut) neul. |.. II If D. P. ,’I.MIK. Merretary C O JVE MBnOIAL. .milKl.T. Mountr. July i P. M. rnTI'lV-The «&j|*i lo diy hum- ml to V.T huii-i ul tho following llguret :"!■ ul 1U, 11*0 nt ,"Jyc. Market dull. Nuvuiiiiuli Imports, July 2. Per shipAoiithpnrt, New York—.VqUOU feel Lumber. nr.tT.iPTH rn* cornm, pi.k it.Mi.noMi. Juile • —'.171 bald ' olton, HI sacks Wheat I • ,’..r . I •' - Lil iour, 73 *H,k* Meul. 1- »;,ck. i \ ii. t in It" lo < "lien* it ILirtz. J vy I hT.n.p A * . Ilj,' !W ., k V < .>">k,\ J'.Im, .,i||*S I If,Iff, 111,*.-. 1>HV A. g, VV I’ \ .mg.-, i rank I in A Hranliey. L |'Hr*oi,« V I<i,n V k V. Muhburn. N \ llrrdev- A. i'o, M II U K !*n'der, l.ockell H. Hliellink'*. W li .1 ■n, it liabiTuhsm A. .**oii,l< V\ ,n.. ... I u I ■•III 11 + / AillHgnru 20 sw* in” 20 * >i.i..Mir- ‘ DOi.I.-in- » (l(f III III ( I II Fn in HAV \ NN Ml ihr ugh • NIAGARA FALL-". %2d. and tl. - ,J:-. in-e aho/tor than by any -/tr,er r >uto The we' tn .»ii fl»l r!«'- l.d- • r ,»l •letrntltlp KEYSTONE STATE, ,l: II H. 1*11.. -i. • »r >rn-uvarmuli f--r Philo- I.M.RY V u; YVKDNLsflAY, ' , May ‘-'tld, June Mh and VKh July lh met I "lb, AuifuK i»*. lit, sad »th, K>-, hr., Iru'ii..- I'hTudelpbla ihc lni,-rm<-,li»n- YVodnsudsys, ,-V.fdt »pee,1. »’fe!;-'h ti^'. j, < rntfi *li<aj*'. i'iOS, • ' -hip I.,- ,",*L »U|K rl*»f U» lbs n, !*,H'e. Hiie-'ih wub-r l'^‘ mile* OB th* Dsls* ■ > Slid River, only two mgL.u at *«a. Till'. STI YMHUIP STATE OF GEORGIA Will *nke IV.,- 1 !»•■" ,.f Dm L» Y -TfrM' r-T ATff, o« t,lp of \\ mIim-,1.1,. July Hh. let* lu A. M . i si lain PiivMigc, MccriiK*' II* 11- 1 li,-- . Ir,.rn Phi! ml n », 1 he Dr, ul N-.-l . V „l.ey ul I tie ft in t , ft I :n. . ■ , Irtnn I’li.ivt-1| I it,- tM-a-uj «..* II Tl* KI T* ul ir-. U-> North V'e . l*T Til. Me'* -TM-rt, r u -, Ir- rn .»■* -< ..h 10 rn I tki-u and *.'antis, . . •: Im Vlln t • ’%e, 1 . rsBaqi* . 1 , tnumlt.i,..». mm] * .fat luutpeutloD lifVlg# h— traversu g h ez-unlry •f-urry. '• .• j.»M«-,.»er» V. •• • t| ■ . • 'W* t*. , • •*• Par * ' > - - - .1, pf.d.-e or Bu|. * *-•* -is vu*. - I. :. \ vt aK. AtecL .Tl III J.l > ». I'or I’oltill.u. 1'loriiln, r 7 title * tititn l:ls. 1 • I’t: ge Packet. liutM-tl, Illceborn • n I.. J v\ .Yiict,-r*oii • ui.i- r I 1,mar. I'm*!, r. Augn*ta--f, II J- hn*<»r,— i-.- e- • and rn-lze t>. t. v|. Uynraux.T li ft J *• • \ I.B-hivr. l|.Tr..intM-. Ji-hnttoo k Do earner t mm la,.*haw, Sl. Au.'’u* A <-dicn 1 l.l \IC I t). !> Soli:hpoit, \\ iIh-ui, New Y ork —Dana Zc Wash. Mfunier < ir,<i n ."-.vuiui-r I - r l.i. FOURTH JURY \. t ItVIlM I,* « ll I li I.I.V I "Y I \RL GOING AND FL I URN ING ! ».-! • XROLIN \ u, raoromr. 3J l»».'!h Putts b- n l bt, k Ar-ply V A.«.«'MLS Prs* - ,V ■ hurf, at 3- n . 1 1. Ju 1. c- au Ex 1 b >»'d. Part e Viol Mil II non noil 1., Rl.oul'Y l . tin- 3d; li \t , tin Dn- V." d Ut Lo donel l‘ M IVN* -Aduic-e* b.iv'e Irom New Mexu- . 1 . ramp - ti I ! Hr, I' >y ntiaeked . nnd t • k m 1 l"I.YLI.It' •r l l. ri a. fr it, t*i. .Yugu<i|iu-—II T H»vh, I llnrhv, P v Pesvete . K Mi 1 I. r. ll >h w J r N-. Mr- J II '*. 1 \\ mu ib. J t* I*, po ar -i i ,t*. i t. t * pp *n-t I J. nkM,». , I; . Ii Dr •' M P. hi. IH VY td- . J N III l.l Mr, • V- I. *1. V! -• ' ' "!• 11. \ I'. 1 I. M tlie. I. 1.■-.* u. J H linker, t It I. R nlolpli. W I -•« It \ v\ I «- *. ti. J II 11* J H f ! Ji J l.amtMTt. II ,t I. J VY". hI. I l • w r ! J I * Mut. ' f ii, It..:. *. J '1 llm c- I. Y • .-.:'*• . 1* j. . it • ..i„.va. J II ' - r e»». ' lltn *-. U | YYX N M MHl.U-"t y -i ym p •* SH.olK). Number l.olle,,1I>rawn HhII-,'* Grcono and Pulaski Lottery, I I. txk I Aw ff'DIl I Won. ,. I‘<u ' table t mmfgii nos qa ,.«•! f r 1 e -*•*• HM f -t Ortd n • fi men InlriMlnr-d r I M« tn it • ■ Jr -rainy .abar loip,o,e. » x | f- -. r trrjf.ur . . v lj>b e. t ,e«wl»f h urr. — » « -. ... k,r not IS P»r: e* 0* •* »«., }»t f T Ti, irrnu - ., -»l«, him! u '*C« p’. wi ‘ * - Y *t' V I.M \N, A(\ FOURTH JULY CELEBRATION. I "I • - t ■ an - * . . Ihe * U YN- N XII V" <1.1 NT l.i: l.l Vii'. lh Ur r..A\ *■: 1 hv VY « I*. -»:, J. It. PKi;*T "v. () N 1,1 b.-l \ , Die e.ili'pequip. , A wer« raptured. - mr ,• •11)01*11,1 nils, * >KY h V YI I M \N. Y P'T.TI'.R. Pr, • \ | VY . 1 1 er t •I 1 In r I -live - l.dIMI I nl • US $1 IM—Share II,led »v four ,ng Ib Mid F«»rt Massnelmsotli s ink'-u . Th* on thu led tlie law, as it was ' ■ , nl in* it until it in ant was subve- u-rs.Rists ,-n tin- r.ima > ts, »li *W* unit .Imlgo Iruettoi) up. 11 the old ty I thoio would have beo ngc. OMU- ".I U|. „ ml lb > 11 H. w„ be! ■n'ra'e nil | : lie . I * ..M.Je, I « rloill tlie lit,, uanu* inn,.. Dm ngtil* ,,l I : pr b null- nny expreu-ion •> ■ •I 1 oiureu, to • *11,1,11*11 or tl*-f I,-*, leal ilk "punon If,-,- 1 1 M lo In, I,'ll, IM-Cail*" op ai lh,- So,ilb, nre tlilT, r,-n 1,Rbl > Di n 1 Ihe I' 1 * of ' I ami Inlen who'll lh«. Ml,te <-f Yl»r, Ininl ,-,*b ,1 Ho- 1 mi, d -laMv hii-1 n li,,- ml, of Hie N ul, I, • l>y .n.l mainUlu* Die rviidnu I •bj-, t nf nluvery. • n ft*. ,1 and ■ 11 .■I II, ,1 -ill-JerI, <n *|>lfT nnd Mi «i|t>*tui.> 1 ", 0 ihe :• r-M Ty of K mix, llie 1 ind Die repeal >>: III" 'll*»,„l»t < oin|,r..i , * n v... ,l 1,.fin*, thadocnim. w ill the .* (Ill, Im',I lo, lo WU the ,L" ’ n I b« p, • pie . I ib** wh«lo •• 'Unity nutaido 1 f Now Lnglat'dtluivo condt'inned tlm actum <d the .Mas- s.uhue,tis Legislature in relation tJudge I. ring. Tbo nbolm -niHtaol tbnt body sought to Ii.iVo bun removed, because in in* cnpu uy "l J"d,:*’ lie in- s Hied upon ihu enforcement **f tlio Fugitive t*lnvo Act in tbo celebrated Rurns can*. itsinio and l,*v*l men, mi tin* contrary, denounced lln ir tiiuticnl pioeeiul.ngs ; they contend,*.,I, .nul v.-ry jn-tly, til»t the Fugitive Slave Act won ln», anil l lint ln*w* ever di-ta»telul It might Im to Mnssnebuseits, it w a* J11,lg- Lormg'n awijiu duty to ,-xeeuu* it "I hey *,ul moreover, uiul with equal ju«lie,*. that n n-su- n> punluli lulu l**r ,’iiforemg n Inw- ,,| Dio land, vv.-uld b„ n Intnl blow nt tin- .ludieinry, at <r0u. 11,obI<■ 11* 11 w*a* unjust R Judge* nre t>* cx- j.ouiul Die law* areordmg t" tin* dirtaii* n , I tbo m .b, vvlnt security It*Vo wu eitlmi lot III,, or j ley, killed I ! Inuse*, pr-.v 1* 1* n rliiel, win* 1* me e-unrn m, 1 returned t '.•it. May. ' 1 th-- J ,, k-oii 'i;--. Yi. r, 1 , Tin* Abutiiioiii*i IC«**-«Ii-r not 10 Im* ||i- iiiox rtl! It will b,* remembered Dint llm Secretary <d W»r m In* -peeeli here three vv,. ks ago, Mated >11 aihii* gy lor llm npp nl <*l R-eder, tb >t h s :ib.,lilmim*m was not k n-wit nt llm time , f pollitment—.bat be vv. ii'nl eert.Mdy be r, v«d, indeed. vvn« p’olubly rein -ved m Du- time In* was spunking This statement ' <*|. Dav.s sptend in public speech, s nnd privnia eonversat - v, Irom tho time In-ton heI tlu* hordsm of Virginia until ho reached Rnaitn 'd It w * pub' • V d m the nv ■ :i I on Ins author,ty ail along bis route - t trnvH il now appears that tin* Secretary wna rather “ahead ol tin* h und* " Reader has not lu-.nie- • moved, bill on ihe ,■ i.'f.ilV 1* oil Ins wnv ! k I > Kansas 1,, n-ist llm “New Aid Soen-ly ’ i to nbidilimn/*' that tomtory This is nn ther ovidence that tlm Admmistrn- I tmn has lately changed us course ,«t policy towards tim South. syphilis mtliri’i. v t'ii iii-*i..\si d hi <"*d. . I , ll urn I .1 M •"*. 1 at e 1 !*pai Ish M (tun* 1- lln- only t| < • >tt,‘- Tin* propn,have In tlie'v p '-e**lon over - m* lMimlri-,1 e.ntll, ate» of be m,,«l evirn ,l.n..iv ■ un-» , t- fecle.l h) II. YY'e refer i . It," cert,It,-Hi, II „ "he, iIT "I t* ehmeml. Y ; iiH••toner >d ' V\ e.rh, of iin- Mammoili .InRion • e > : " ’ " n» |. ,i. I: • hm •: :. Y •TOO I ill M .OHO WITHIN,. I* • ,w* sc: J en «*.:, lu-iar.i a: Uw ;ru*. No. 3 M-.Id- . Hurl •1y ir.*»!e • L-lh I my or li)«k ». . • nsbie , . ,h# (ON C M it 1; it Mir 111:1.1. w-xi Irxlit) l.v,-mug. July Dili. .-cl to Mi*» AM YM» Y Mil. til l U • Mpp, .mhi.,-1- III put,!".' Mr. Y. KLI II. an-i kcla 1 n, l*."tar ea h : I • . ) ul) '.*. ’.r,. . 'KI.RIPt ' ' \ : v «:|t) I . A o M \PTimMlt4TOIfS Nil.I. Ill I MII.Y lo nn ordi r -I tl.- Dour, of * h • • ml*. at a r, - 1 • ar -,nn I ,1 It*)* l»av, Tue- la, . J 10 :»l, , „urt II vuso In the ell) ,»t Dar . n. 1 Y- V| YI. V/IYI * ll WH ' rty -IK f. .** I. tY , 1 HM*, Hbfftg. It.I’. i ok ji i y7iu.Ti.1yTS .n h K a t‘ AVI?. I sots a- N - 1J9 p.Micn. May ttlb. Ir*-’-.'. r *11 Y III AM MU Kil l of L rhar.l Al l VY ill hr »* Hnu*e. In the < il) ,.f 1 tia'I'Hiu, Tlu* Da*. lueH-ia le le^al hour- of ^ale. ,>,,«•* I,*rs1 1 Uniailon er otclol lamt.« ?ki,ta*vn*. In the V nut) I > h> . know 11 a» 1 ha Han pi, 11 1 iw . by tfca suiber .yt in CeHL'TSta, •fh*l • ..VI. I llie -• . , a - Hx Hrtrl lUwarkr-. II i,t , f Ihe , Y. Y i e.l I. ■rr‘« iSpaio.ii VI * ',.nlc«t pur'fter ,,f naM" n Ac,-, llushiiinr* 1 Iileiit,,! *1 auin-win If I ,.*..,, *'. , H.I IM 11 V| \,. St M Y tilk-lo, t> ll,-t«. Ill all«l of Ihe Momnrh n„.l M„*r, •». ** are Hilen,led w ol, ne-.lMy. amt «ivr* III,mediate 1 In ihe hearH'U.n I'be • It. .-I* "I eve,--* In ram ,|,il,kmu toe HP,,,-,i*11V ,, In v,*| hi 11, i,i,| M -ft - - "I III,, nnhle-d ami Ui"*l pl, a*»ni n|" rt« 111*. e»pe» !•> per*,,i ll II .a*.T of Y 4,1, K II Ilanipn*u L. IH lb,* Til* * At A* Hticriir* • (ti e. May •.**'. IftVA. • >U At H AM Mll'.utt'■»'••* WM.Y’. I he ,lo -f • t I In Ml IIoum*. VY 1 ••I*" irpos*. to I,,' and ih o done Im goes t>, ilm polls DV" Iram lusr* fakes part 'll m a C •iialMuih n |,,r Karisna I* In- a Bale ,i,-p > <v *1 llm P"*v„f! Wlial does l>o know ol our iii**i it ill i<-rif-f Wlin* infer,-«t Imt Im lu tin* goverrinientl II s na«->ei- un oi* i»r,. wuh rim fatncrlari I—necnatorimd to a I'ovornmerD ol fin* swofl and -im I*uy ti* t. what i-in Im kn *w ur hod of sub i,Lnnl|,*n to law f .-l Dm authority of c •natimilona—• d an enlighn-oed public -cninimni 1 Dm r,*p iiailnlny of nu/--ri- • ll p I R' lo ved (f ,||| ,|,-a|>oli*Ul w Mil Inwlea* re tx.imd, h*a only idoa "l libcrtv ta todowlmt bu li-i* .No wonder Dm' Dio n>m, « ol lufoigoera o • ropy »,ub large apacaon our rnunnal calendars Tlm d iriger to our m*iiiul,oiia In , >kim ■ alarming wlo-ii wq fefb ,-i upon lln- nunn-rienl a'lcngth «d Dm- foreign v*-ie yei rn re u arming win ri w „ n<.|e Ha power ol c nieniration—arid ■ ven lernfie »n,n wo t'lvrrl lo tin. fad Dial Dm Die I irg- ' pari I M V"l,Hilary but la w intded ‘y , u'Mil'.g Fro-afa. nod poil'ieal eru leaiattb a What ill * pow, r Wo| | In*, may ba learned from Die In I Dial ihe lUinn 1 ' 1 “’ , * -■ I" M ’• gl*lnte ,1 * * . It • I , M • *1 v n,luM**i"it •••• If" pow," U llie *,|l'p* I , I. Ul si .v a'ruool Mn**«ehn*eUa and Judge Lonng, h>,| (teorgia „ml Judge Audivws. ll iig L>r Iho aholiinuiiafa to ilcniund Judge removal hecauae In* eir, hi,-«l Die I'ug'tivo VI , " III,,I II IhTIi Ii equ Is ita sour of opinion, and ■« „t»lni»m I" "»*ly re'iahio political elertisn' when •nl|ght,-ned, they Jo-m 1 flint rul* Win lhai the education ol youth i* an ohligall *i ol llm H . foreigner* - • alholn * • r■ *rn I (flats. And as fraedom o| oinrifon is indi«peo»a • J nb n I * fr- m l ••■roiauy -F'"«* -ia bia f i Civil and (nogiou* Iprerty, limy equally it - a <1 flwnderi--Jew** from Dn end, fist that public school, aha,I b„ Common I" all, I I la'ora from I Inna ’I tie null "without rtlsffn Iron ol need ,,r party, and fr* e ( j,re«<-ribe th** Ir-rma ol r ii/, - b p from any luflenee **r directum of a dniioHiinaiiori* ubta, and tlm prea< rrpru a j ,,f j,*rt)aan ilni»d*r" ’Inal ilm con** verve* know.untversal It rnay be Ire" l»» Interpret tbe (iihle |.,r itself, they protest against da , «• lu»|on tr m a* I, »dse*laiili«b •d by th# Male I bo* Would tb") ,„rnbme *«• u Jar and eaefed instrucliob wiihout mtolrrnnce, and g,Horn reLjmn throughout ih„b<Hy p"lMi,:,wiih- ou a union „l #e«le#ia*'ieal and political power What a contrast do these ealh *li«* Mtilinmrds n hlbll to R'« scllon »nd P d'ey o» lh* Hoim-h «bur«b, which, by the evidsnce "f ev»ry p«gn „l lu history# bos wielded an ir„u d*#p,.Hsni over Hm YY'e rr*p, r.U ill, *'ilunll ,»ir aS'i'l, lain aul'oil- pilnrl* j.lea, l„ Ihe p.i rioliaiii and lidrlliya* a ,d Ihu people „l i.irorgin flr-imlhe Monig uimry Mad — neutral ! ‘I'lii* I*res,-lit I’r,••'soil Il |a With r<*al rogrel, ills' we nhsetvo llm ring meutlng ploola ,d llm l»trayalul lln* HmiDi an,I llm d, 1, v - r y ..I Ma inter, *ia in Kaii*aa, mlo Ir*,— < -od. iiI'.'Imioii hands W„ aiippose flint .Mr Fierce, all, r dm, ,•■ nwnli "lnm. lias decided mat tbo S.mili ,-nn no loouor bo u*elul, and lakes an enrly »t ,tt I., •oeuf,■ the avmpnihma -d lb„ great nnd a'nvery pm' y ai die North. Tin*. In, a rVnr, i* n > el"oa», in- |iat|i di >n., veil, with h<»n<»inli|n liven, I r Ins a iIn "I llm inter,'ala u| ill* S udi It was to Dm he rn nny owed hi* advancement, nnd In. I , * dm »n Till'. I III ally vvi<.iig I r llm iqqniaitlnn ,rck to punuli Judge Andrews ; u „„,' n,„, . t ihe f -r n drriauui rend, red twcniy )oars ago A blow 1 m Judge Andrews, is a blow nt Dm Judiciary of ^ Die country,—nny more, it m rv blow at tlm I' ugiirvo faciure* • Slave Act For the limniont wo a-t tin* precedent "j'' ' *•*> ,.un,»hul.l.. I". ' <»•«»« 'In. In, , lli.v*. in no id wo place d wdhmih" power ol our i,. -' m*iiin,*n* b* il,e North, rn enr nites i>, nul Idy and duloat tho net for tho rendition ol lugitivo slaves We e-'inmeiul till* view of llm subject in the Culuinhilt Timet and llm Augu d.i ('nntntulwmil- ut, two paper* will, h have already bn uglil Judgn Andrew a‘ d*, i*uui tn llm n«u, e <d then feadoi* ■liar prep «ul.-i o, .h« "•".Me'lnl*! an,I .Vieiiai awniiled. Dm ,lr,iB«,»i" iren* rad*. I l III'SII.ASH, I’h i ,,| ,’balbaiit e*.ui"v o. u» rrea'UM r of Ihe v l,»th in i Hriijaiuin li. Daniel: Pi" m It NYU AM Ml r.U I IT? at,. Ihe Con nl) ,»l ^ vll M l THOAIA**. • r r *. — YA'HI be »,'ld I'- '•lav Jut i V. * \ Nl. >r mu i la. • an*, well known liver- , an,I htiiwlfrils nf Ollmri , ft,vi« "I *r AID IHH i I, 'H V M. a* a ,-n-an,e " I I, -lit, "| pur n . i, ami Ik* i I, mo net •< • PP" J IML 1'JO ) L';" FVJ S' o' I-"". t, n a i vK- •*' Vl;l I . ,Yk PAR* A" HI . > * N .' *». v *» codei, ,V|-e ot |w* Kt r I, j «• V 'llI X? Iv 111 KIT . A II Cl \ Y\‘|l l«K KY — A f»w * --• S,k*' «•* " U" ’ *> he • l.l', v '7 At.n a I "A , . I ►* , I , hi;Kt )v Ttt ft ' 1 IJM’l l H - U- *■>*.• K-k ag- - *» f V- ill* Vucvkla « »■•»»■* V *r rruiiukalde. > ’ver i»’U pin »I,■-* graflon may Im reckoned M lull • million annual |, n ,,-tiiued imt n seinhlan, n of Irn ndafiip Im her Its increaao will bo |0 rnill. iia m VO )rnr« at iu» "ii ' bo rmgM aitoly hav„ eounli-d on her •peak "I I_ .feigners w„ mean gr vlltudn sod Irteinlab p I-never It is late,L land and Laly- • •mm Fr.i.iia -f lb earDi and I all Hialea lo j, i* not rpio«||.,|i III* |», *-, bir *<• W ii ng Die J, v*» -si ( R.,uie , m l.nglsml Dm p"*,-, ,,| Farii.uio-rd i* mi toked t" nsinfslrze f,,. goer* , wmIi u« * •*» u»e«* is eipressly rlo'lieil Willi Dm* p- w< r lo esrabliab a unilorm rulo ol usturabzato-n Wu .,r„ n*,i con tent with any rff,rt to ,-■ rrcct •!>«•"» uudar ,-ns | ling laws , w a ,L-i,r„ that Du* laws may b- s*. ballied ss llist no f -ruigoer shall ba allowed tn Vntn until hs ha# rosidnd (ii ihu connirv 21 yeara, wn Would snbjart him •*, tho civ*l prohallon to which our , Im bin-n are aulqeciml It la absurd Dial an .Mr Fierce I,a* taken lu« io th-* 1 t.emies ,,| slsVrry, and, a< IllUt'h **a w e d, pi in Imh re- umiii v. llm htmlli must lunom him siul d< fond In r InsiMUiu-na | hem is • lie , onaolali n about Do* duep lien, li- er v to llm Mouth; t'-n' llm elpo.uie I- SO Coin* pi, ir, in Dm- r> fuka 11-, uy Herd, f lot Ids Ire,-soil miii nud the ' ii.inpli'r " *D Ipm and llm rtoulh* in Jiiiiflat logsilmr, un accuaailoita luuching Juivaia Hnvracier m short, ill" placing >,| John* in,I Llmorn m tin- sama sl<>, ka, to Im peHrd wdb Dm aaum had , tliai nre (hr .wn at He,I, r-* Tub (. ALtroltHU NvuukT <*r tioi u in Fsata. The J >111 nil tlu //,, rr ol til Mill ul’ sava. A lew days ago we announced III** airival at * *''*.* | ( Havre, by Die Ariel, ol a ,"igg*‘! > • native z:i s ill, mi | nl,"Ul J0O,UOH li an,-a, '* III, h '* a» hi Dm (|i t band* ,.| |w>, ’iiluefs, and vva* lobe exhibited at p#ue ,< Dm L'niv, real riudnllon hi I'uis Y\ » leant lo |,n |f j ,||,V I|< MI I' .ns Dial ll"* liujger, inMrad ol being ■ , i • tie* l.vIvihm.Hv, was I-*. *vide,I lo the Rank , l | i . t in view nl "b'n nmg an silvan.'" oil Its The Rank ImVlng "••"(* d it, I und t ,n *' place ol lead e,.v ,.*e,| vv nil gold, neon i Uglinea# nn*l tlm M"eaV.-nne»a ol naltve „ i U"li li I*.,s hesn "ollVO'elli'n,!, to discover il Dm |.< el, JtleS'C.I H Hit lie mi* >>l unqiiallftixl pia ■ likea-e Dm bins* or lliroi II .... I.,, U',, ,, I' <• "Oinif.e,. j..,,!,.., »„ii ,i,r . iii'i.i t":: i„,„i i„. i, I m,,n,tb"Mh„ sdmmistralton pally mini • - • .. dial, make Ir-Mlt *■ pamphlet* . I, I, ** tieen , win, have tw-enmad, •„ poyillu- leivu'h, • I ""I, -peak "l III, n ,. i have a c»ugt. i I** lh, asma hs, tu t,e« „ lc • „ k. n sumt i .. hi ,d < ba;ham , ,, eis,Treasurv.* of ihc * I kihair i*n. va. Mvivn-u, lima incl "ullit sz ,t It la. V Tin‘At as, V Me > he t, ,,l *,all» „l lh" atrenls 1 V| II liNI li «. , •' V\ I IM Ml V ,V|I >N*> K , ■ HV. II" V Y • 'll,... *l vi l> llm r)p..»,il", we on) - '• »•* c-HUpl ill* a,, inaitefs, lliul s-.nje r< ape- 'able admim-DnU n papers will noi vi dale limit consemin allcmpl- Dc »oyage mihd and (oascmrice, by fostering (gnoranco, ar.,1 •<fura(e I tiauv* it Innoiripelent in v,.|o at llm ag„ |, IM ,., g,q gm | n, ri svithholdmg lb* llibl# Irom ilm p,'"pl« ' | „l *J0 year* and 3A3 days, whilst an Ignorsin f,,r Aa wnr.codslromths HevoluDo.i.ry day. Dm | , .p4,ny.m»y v.ds aitmls ol Dm Revolution become# loss and less 1 a* soon ss ha arrives m Dm country b « '-w ,u " 1 A a!- ,h.l W. are mono lo undervalue llm , la lio ba»d*blp to llm lt)»«lgim»-H will operate *•••;• Ran, toll, f.d limformu. Im I i A «-sr Mn.»v, ti-t.t » xrwisorin: We find tlm following psilmilo psiagtapli in llm RalDlinde IrelM'N*. ' »•<* >•»** • my ,lr*>p nl "|d'g«"",» I •„ ! p* in > roeflde,■< pi) r.,r H»e -u*e**r ai ,••„«*>,.• vrlkll* I" v >,,,, •«!.* . ' hs * i I .1, IKA.Y | It tunlr' , "HZ imwi ,*„ IIM f»#hl sh.i'U • ii" | rile, Hv »-<„• , ,*| I csihkiI, In )«s>ti. a n, ,,.,1 ■ it,."M • k |" e*k|,,y >,.,H » kl aside set k Ve*,-, I,, Ihe ,rie< Htr«),ui *|. , aftedbviis Dm ten- M,, I IttrsBrd J" . Ml ATM Y'l -*111.lilt » S ' YI , A I**, I’ll,-•.lav, J,|tv .Vt al it - ■ IhlsNt), twts—n Iks !ip ll *i i"i .,i Und tn Ihe V?iv et a,, a •> i... N .>. M, * hat ham v\ ->,|. with n-. iwpmv,11 - * on "• the |T,,|.eny ,,f J,,., H , ,,Mwvt(c |., •», n • I in-.'it*,. It l>, "Ul afilir ** vv pet to, , • •, v , t • ‘ I , , n is, ci "I Jamet AI. I*a,bl, * „,l J „ i* - :an\t. 1 ,„k'«**s A 111,'M Vh, • . . ( it",ilia l <-in nl.- (oil, | Mil . n.| Annual * R 1 v V- \ Mt'l ' I * M‘' . s*. 'V v vrti.i.V a o a i»s>j.*< j** . >»«h klivMAtm K a «• v**u(lt. , «• i«* k.kkei Y I Y, ktvd m easts- ... r -aw lisv i» * ki I* a . • 'HRaTA'N n .MM (*V4S v IV . A* At,,'** » i.VM' k l ? V, T A ! t , u>mr»«e,ee,.| ^niwi, en S,o .l»>. ■ k * I I .,»*...( V d,.ek.ltv. iul) Sjkl. Vllhk- d h \ starts,! lately that J oins,I til# iL'iimn by tbs Host..I, iniiusmmi W« are piorm lo undervalus llm . la no hardship lo llm forvlfffmr -D Will oporaio l-rtncipms In wbi.b Dial great "ten. o„, tbo ! pr,,.p.„ Dvrly Wsowabim .1 Im LU. ® , "‘ Islor that arbievtd, and llm sat nil, •« Dial «:on#u- •»<*« -m •*»»«■ of ciDZsnsbip m G,.d s imn.a I-1 him 1 'anocrlpi I’ 1B J „ I (,« strin virtues of tliat glorious era stay away It has Imen said Dial llm result "I an, h , «!! Irnul |.-,#|.,W lor I,,S progii-siv« *K« T •»• a law w.-uld crsalo If. our Illn1st a degraded cast* A Ipavkil.m- (L, Dm Dip „f Dm Atlartn, f M.l mv ai.rl our H V • -or p adorn are ipj'.u'vd a wv-nytel CondlU-m •( l„**-.d„m and v'avi.y ‘ ud H. t hs firU Anudrz,/nud r »,o r V -- WMfcurJo! d-,7 Ul! e.l as Unslicisot. and Dm e' l«i»d»*«d - w'lboni -I rh" l*Dr. I . tiS r. , . z. **|,| C || •• at- ut equal l„ /Uty*#),,,. «, hi *1 aid tlm *•< uidy n#-*a»aiy to the loinisr I ••« Ii»#h*'Y •*» •*•••• •»•*«• ii,n u,..*i ala,"'i , . , . I. VI ,,r ' " I'aleidsy Mi- rntny. almtll four ,» e|,M‘k. I »I . » lr„m a h*a<M- 1 11 mao naiimit June*, - I RtoWn, or Hnnlb, ••ill* si", ml i„ hr aid, «l m • Ik-, hole ul his tl"WM.|-.c,Ulimlltrd altcnie In aa,|l|h “ ■ wallnvv oig a d(*e ,d ao,. >L* I be vriiLct ol 1 toil" i-MMiiat a |"V Dial lb* d..e«s ,| ' i„ io l, « lam III act o laiic* to Ilia • raili ll* an , . I and M V B"> <11 „ I* , - ' I , Mail I ill" , .,1 I, « him 'irmly sil l lu <1a«lll ** * • IM ill* l„| ,-b*m,"l, Rlliio. w tilrl, Ink «M* o« invent, and Ih* liaDenit, ,ol>e,,.| nd supposid Isiai dlsrasw, wnw ie Mm alroadt hsed-.i h, v.m. I Let L< ' |,MY» 'll » Ring. Whirl, I ahall tm Sspp; II) ,-n „f m, esiewnv *•*,( i>w»’ t till great ,*• re* '. A «Vt, plaint *>, I "L l «e< k *1, < thu . i.l, «»lh i.-aws ,, Jwif <**'h l Ml bK )•** ew ID , N*w \ lisa Ki**» jatfl v« IM)A« III'* MDtRI I AM A \ |* . k.i I >HW*-. k'V *,--l rv>k»r.V,4, u,. rn |, . , tf D,e on*. • - . •. .V | • • (.,,,* 1^1 »i«k IFlk|(, • o'- ,W*k-V ■ '* • '** ’I** V , ,, a . , , , l„ TW"» ** (N.weH. '»!*.• >,». *•* * •* ...... i ». . wi (Ir lAwplnfe r *., | , k i .. > » ,. .. >h >#••*• SeX V'V .. * YA* iHMhNt W t, l I A W' | -.Mi#'n>#nl l.**W i A VV K SNIP! K K Shorn ta IIH T h.‘VA I. AM*, ja A t l AMAR , i. • X k VAll'kk ll" VV K -Vll't * (Alt I I AMU ) D*