The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, July 06, 1855, Image 1

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VOLUME LI IT SAVANNAH, GA„ Fit 11 DM MORNING. JULY 0, 1K55. NL’MHEB 161 CUE REPUBLICAN I* I'l'IU.IMIM t>uil)«Ti*i*Yt<‘<>kl) aii«l Weekly, ALEXANDKi: SNKED. tin niMoi^i v TKK.M> KKIM I'M' |inll> I'uii«-r. in 4tlvnn»'»’s IftOO If n»i Fnld In IiIvhih'i 1 * « O# Advmirr. lor U 71 .mills,, ;» OO Trl*\%*f ok |) , in lil» mini, II OU If nut I’uiil in ill« mu'" ?domr tiuniurrio (fauna. v mm i.i.i,.' l.cui rnl Inchon mill Commission MBnoiIANT, No l.M Uiiv-Mrcct, hi llrli from In* friend* euuaigiiuiunta <>) every dm • i ’i • i My personal mtcidlnu ** III Im> given in Rio anlc of Real Katntr, Hank Htnrk, fcr. Hr ran n* lllrnm Hubert*. i:*q., I'iormn, Debit At <V».; V*. F. ttowl k ' Noble t<y<*)), F.*q., Nnvnpnnht I., II. Ilnrrlc. II. H.Thlcn* v to., flute* k l.ucaf, \V. I). Hob* bill, Montgoimity, Ain. mnr 17 JForrian ilitniurna (fni-no. 1111(1(114 A JO.NKN, \VAYNBHIHH(ii, III UKF. ml NTV, GA. PrneM*« Inw in Kudimnml, llnrko, VVaalilugluii, Hc’l- von nml Ltnnnih'l. TIliiM. M. BBHHIKN. M*M OM l>. JUNK* due lit I) .7111,l.l.II A 7f IMII I L, jtvnm.YH » s .1 r 1.1 if, IVii) iii"»lMiri>'. (In, Reference-Mown. A. J. fc T. W.Miller, .\ugn«U, «»»• 4 OO T. J. ■ lift I I.K l i ft, A||’(. U X N S K VI «T»WrT^'r.wjuVr?.*“r!?,s ui,urEi! ' f r , " sslim ' MERCHANT. | j„ „„ M ,|, ;,u ,inlet lor the pnpcrbeutlomlcd I«>,unR*** accompanied with Hie money, or a a.iHH'ai'- Ion M-i. t. n.-.'. It0.4IIft Ot' III: II.Til INA.L >1 i'rmmittir. An Henry l.nthmp, Andrew Juck«<ni llnupl. iltywn l* . J >1111 M J<mi,Mon,'I •* Heitlv.Jiihu* Gamlrv. ('.ilh-nm James F. Godircy. Mirli:iel I'lnney, »H ••nti r» Row — VV illmin Mordl, .Mutllii.t* Amoroil*. v Indium I dward \\ llnon, l«nnc llmnner. i'.'iilinbln •! ■»'pli I 1.1111111011. Fr..uci* I'Colo. 1‘riiv* lonl — Horace Gillum, George S I'rli rami. Carry town -John II Hnriiwcll, S A T l.nwruuco, An- v Pone Decker -MiUi’ii J Itiiekner, J«eob F D. Derby — William W l.lneoln, Jotm • n»s i.iin ii--Mieli.ini V lamer I’.dwin f*/.Iitmwrr. Franklin iNcw 1 -- rti< >m <* Hoy ues, \\ ill hum H \ an. Frnnkliii h'Ll i • \ni. n Horeherl. I:. I wind Lovell, Greene- Jo«ei>li lluike.Jn|m Ft'oreopcly. Garden l.<>'. So. ‘.'—Milton ILimphrcvas Ihomn* Prun ilergaxl. Ilemheoie—Jnme*Hull-van, l«ntnli Davenport. Jn< k'on —Solomon i'obeli, VVilFnm II Gnion. Ja*| er— More* S l obi n, Alfred J •• lllol*. l.nliiyelio— M.i«e» D< alien*, < *emvn» l alien. Lit** r y— Tboinn* F Sieveim, Francis lllmr. Menu tev—('baric* W VV Ilmen, Joseph \V \Veb*ter. North I'uiethorpo--Andrew Fairy, tTirl»to|iher 'Vine, Daniel J McKcuxic. Middle Oglethorpe—H D VV Alexander, John \V|| Lemuel Hover. Pomli * 'glelborpt— I.miI* N Fallignnt.J >bn M Wtl Foret* al - John 1 Spur. Dr 11 »r\ ey I. Ilv ril. I’ula'kl -Georire F Fuliiie*, William U* ger*. Reyn* ill* —F II. Lckuimi, William I* FHiituTbc Bpilnublll —" liiley, MarlinI’ovlon. Troup -Willlnm HTliomi •. < luu in* F.iiaene llnrio. \V n In 01—\\ i ui Huinplirey r, W ill mm Hermes. War en—Kilvvanl F Kiueblev. Jn«eph S McDoiu II. y I U illliik.Jr .John V Vlnyr. No. I IS UryaD'Mroet, tlireo doors Must Mutket-si|. SAVANNAH, GI.OIUHA, Keeps conilnulljC on liniiil u genernl sloek of Family Groceries, low fur cash only. mnr .i. 44 71. 4V.4IIINH II 4 Hi:i(N|| ,4.71, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner ol H.iyund Moiiii>oinery-Hi« ,Snvunmili.tiii. Solicit* consISiimenls, niai isprepnreil to reeelvo Col* ton nml MerebnuiLze gener.illv, upon storuge. Jbii I Nov. 13,’.V’*. J 4 7II S N. Mi lllll.S GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jones' whart', foot ol Alu>ronricstroot, Jan II SAVANNAH, GA. ly r tlll.i iov A FAIINONN, Genoral Commission Merchants, HJ II W-SlitGLT, SAVANNAH, GKnitGIA. O. K. t'VHI.KTOH. I'll**. r*H**ON. ; dec IS .711N IN A JOI1NS I ON. Grnrrnl Aiirlion k (Onimi>si*>n .11 rrrlia 11U, Tnulcr their services to Ho ir Irieiult nml the public. Jan 3 _ e f'lir.l 4 I I* A FOn 1 (MP. A. I*. I.smnr's.enr. Drnvlmi niiil Itrynmat*.* Parlors ami ronimissiou .llcrrhams, .'i.iy.i.Y.v.iu. <i.i. vv m. vv. i iiKKvrk. Julia a. him*. ,y |i: . ft . (All ,4 N M%, ATToUNKV AT LAW, Fnruytli . (Hi., (VIII prnctlcein the Flint nml nitlnluiiig 1 'nmille* ••< Hie |mii 7 Mneun Glrcuil. if ►v:nr 44 71. 4- I.Oi l’«N, ATToltNKV AT LAW, .71 on (!<'«' 11 ii, Ger TV *•!'iuutoii - NEW-YORK AND LIVERPOOL l. S. MAIL STEAMKliS. i ns -mr* . oMrruaiNu i m« ui« *kv: ATLANTIC, I BALTIC, i'npt.VVi*T. Cnpl.<'oM«Tori. PACIFIl', ADRIATIC, Capl.Nvs, | I'npl.——. The*eslilpshaving been built by- unlrsct, J2g^HjHttj^evpre**l\ lor government <nrvire, every enre 6n* beeniuken in Ihe.rconsirucllon, a* nl«o in their en. Bine*.toensure«ire"uIII nml speed; nml Ihoirnicommo* datnii* for pnssengei* are 'iiiei|uallcil for ulugnnce **r comfort. Prleevif passagefr uu New*Yi>rkl*» Liverpool, m first cabin, 9IW; in second cabin, $7."i; evelnslve use ol ®* ra*ue•late routn*, S:iiS. From Liverpool to New York, jCttt nml £'Jn. An e\perienci‘d Surgeon nttnehed to each ship. No Rerih*on bcaecurcd until paid tor. Pit DATF.S OF SAILING. From .NVie JurA. from l.trrrpool. iy 13 COMMIS-li i.N M KltCH.V NTS, I tl(i llu» Street. Siirannith, (»rj, June I Alevundrin, Atitwerp, Allien*. Am*ierdsn), Her bn, lluden linden, llerne, llollll, llordeniix, llnitlogue, llrotuen, !lru**els, w. ii. i liagul ill Lucca, l.<)><;, . it-..i.. II \ N T S. 44 11.1,1 471 1:1444 A II IIS, ATTOKNF.Y AND nM'NSF.I.I.oU-AT-I.AW. 7lb'»n»|i).FInriib(. will prnrtlee In llie foitrisol Fn*l and South Florida. i Tiiuuo I’mkney K t o riinrlesion, S.C. Itefornnccs. J. I’mrsou, lleult K * <>, Snvatiuan. <*a. S i on per U Molbers, Micannpy. I'ln. inar'JO ly* S.4.7F I I. 44. fi:fi*i:ic, Siicee#*«r tn II F. N It Y J. I* HP P Bit k SON. 44'ntfliem Jewelry anil Sllverwure, A'o. 175 Chmniit-Htw/*/»wsife t/ir Stair Jluutr, riiiimif ipiiiu. ninv :io ly FFI.TON IIOT'SK, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, iiv a. it. iii:,.vi:*. Atlanta. March 14, IMS. If urn* Ifl '.7|i:SNHN. Ill At 4 A* All l it 71.4.4 A I lb, HANKERS, No. 48 William street, Ni.w Yoek, I •• t’ K KorrlRD Circular J.rttrrf of Credit, ,,N tm; on.t.mviKu miw. WrUt Yoct; »ucfti»rnmiu. fYiim .S..((. 1'illMpl'iWi JlUriritung slgentii. Ill* ,V*<ia«uM-(l., ,Yri( I i.r A 7*Hit Af*. Ill Statr-il. //u,f"» I*, k i d. nre Agunla Inr lb» iniial InDitiinitnl mid lar KoitcirculailiiKi.'nuitnorolal Papora botli Inllie Litiiml Slates and ilts L'aunda«i >ii:imi,lo‘ikon pipk wouks. Hen'll A J||<|IM«. I 1**1*, N I i W YORK, M ANFF.M I I'ltl.US, nml dealer* in Wrougbi Iron Pipe*, FUtiuv*. Owl*.and every de»eijptb>n «( | apparnlu* eonneeieil wilb Steam, Winer ami liar, lor heating ami lighting '•teunicr*. Cbiiri'be*, Hull I*. Prl- vine 11wi iluig*. HuipIlnU, Asylums, Milages, I'lirturloa iitui Hall*. Also Valves, l uck*, Pump*, (inuge*, lluiler* mid duller l ine* made In nnh r. Our Screw r iming Machine* am entirely now. and uiir own pnlout warranted t*>tin double the work of any oilier invention. order* mdii Hi il I min nil *ocllnns of ibu roiintry, nml promptly ptiended to. Jo lid, '.Vi ly .71 4*0.4 l«' I. O. O. I .-*, of T 0.1* 4* I y r.U VI.I V.JF.VVF.t.S ANlM o,-*H Ml S Mmniba tur- 14 ed no I kepi on blind, nl the old l.*lnullsliinent of IM OMII. V41 tirnlnl *'reet, Finn of llowery, New V ork r trdera Imin llie country prmnplly nitemlml In. Je 111—ly P n4ki:n. i i t.'oTTF.NI'.T k GO., Impurler* uf French and I 1 • uther CiiropemiGouds, Nh. 4 H llroad-al. Ap.:itl,'Aft. 44 . .1 4< 14*0.4 A *04. I Uf Ihr In!r Jinn of II . ,V, .Inch ton A- .Sun* 1 tdtATIi AMI OLMIKK 111 kbits, U4G Kiv**vr St smu *J3(l Hr-im.wxy, ,4ew 4orlt. )V F. ron«tiinlly nti baud every variety uf Grates and Fender*, aim clreiilnr un i *'pinru Gerinuii , Silvur Grille*. Wb deaaleslaulera * ipplicd. I inn) .in Vug 311 P Combs, Fans and Fancy Goods. 44 11.1,1 V 71 TANK I:IK, • I* I’VIIK PI. VCH, New York, lnv::e* lliu tillentlotl ■ | ‘' of Steiibern nu . Weviern .Verebnul*. tn In* new | kloek ol !■ nu*.t'•mii'i*, lluir, 3'v'l* mi l Null Hrii*L Whito Sulphur Springs, 171 I II 14VM ill:It « Ol 4 14 f*A r |'IIL l|o| I' Whliu ‘ulpbur I* ii .w open fur I seax'U, under t !••• din < ib.n ol 'apt. i II Ah. Ml, Inin of Ibu U. S. Ilolul, Pldudulpbin SWAXM’8 CELEBRATED PANACEA, ioa tiib > i at or Inilpiml Ctmiumplion, furojmia, Omrrul l/'Lil-ly, , a , IrAift SmUmi’, Khtumalum, hutatu uJ ik t l.ietr r "* l '* I* 11 ** ulpliur are unmaUnl fcy thvr . flw ,/ .Shin, nml nil ilirr-itm uriung frgm /mpunluM */ lVAIM .; IMK ,„ Ulln , ^ celeb rated In lid* nauntr/ and In F.urope f'-r it* eitranrdinary r'ire*-for tin* rcrtlflr.alv* of wbh.h n furunoe la Hindu l<» I ha direction* ami Icok* ' w*> * *• »'•* > be bnd gr»iin a 1- ' oinpany mg Ibu Pint ace a. e<.»n- ■ t wbleb give ib<- pnrueuhr* of i.*i fngf.iful for y* n end puhlli tiion, win'o llm pnlient* bad le*» n alino*t eaieii up tviih .-*■:(..lidit and were Uocnu d mcurahii by I'll)»i« <li*. E u i. • been umkI In Inopiial* and private practice m.d TTn* bhd the air.guihr Inriom, .1 being recoturnemb*! b; i, r,11 ril |ihyiiri;iri* ami olhnr enjll.anl |/cr- t ah i* m-ammi iixu hi . ir I'lnntlllu |di)*iclniia, who nru mnoiig the Wiirim »t frleiul* nml tilppor'er* >K tlo* plare, and who nre dully giving their b**lurioiiv in favor ol ilndr rem«* ill ii I elllcnct in ea*u« llul linvu long hallbsl ibu akol of llie pli)*li-ian and the power i.| modii iu». For I Ini n» lief of Dy*pep*in, In l* varloiia form*, » hrnidr IHar rliri'B, Imligeilbui, Kidney diac.i e*, I ulai eoii* Alfei: Hon*, IrregiilailiiK*, nml lo»* of Appel He. Iiehillt). k> . For nervoii* afb-rtton* llie; bnvi* piovm ibuiuieln-* liuiueninly uaelul. * A* n *uluuier I*:*oil, few pbu u■ Hnie eipiul ad>no- lage*. Ili '.ulea tin Red mid Wlu i. • u pi m nml 1 bn:, lioale Spring*, we have n* go .d cold In •• atone wnter n* I'nn Ii" bnd niiy win re *iui me Hu tied in Du* In *d at * if III" unlive lore*' gone*, it in |-l > proie'li-d Iiuiii Hie »un. r*ii*t In lull view of the mountain ridge, Irnin which w ■ buvu alinoal a perpetual hieetu, Pl< na an) rblen and abndiat walk* >mound lb" plai n. The nrriuigi iiieni* for luilbliig In the Sulphur water* are rumplele at I convenient. Tlui«e vibo de>lre coiufotHi'le room* i t VV’blln Stil. pliur, aleiuld lunire enrly npplirulioii, a* we expect all will lie taken »ooii., VIi lior*Jfuin tin- low roiintry ahmilil come dlrictly to Columlm*. At dial place they ran either lake ilu* Hack* I >r While Hulploir, or eonilnue up the Road, to VVe-t Point or l.ngraiige, nl H uh ol wbleb place* they will llud Hack* In rearliiie** to bring them ovi r, it. 'F. MARKS, Propdclor^ Jefi —dniHkw'.l . TO Till; FI . r |Mli: lilt VNliIlHI'll llul -I. i* now open on the l.u I ropenli plnli.nud ely I->1 Ibu ri-eeplloli •«( Ibu Irnvelliiig public, to vv liu*i* ' "iiilnrl evi-ry allenllon ‘ ‘ - tbii Mc»«i*. u'GmiJy, lulu of JuiDon'* A nu. i tilh’ol,. M I)., l-r lentino Mon, M I». '.I Surgery Pa. I 'nlvermy Prof •. Y I'l. I Park". M H . Ibe In. Del Vallo, profo Jon* I.', ir. le'o de l.i . Memlie , Prof of >1 id. Pa 1'invcraily. •lot "! Pb)*o . Pa l.’niver*il., 't • go of I'l.)•irian*. PI. i* 1 Me«llcliiu, Ilu * ana i/. Prof ol “urg«f,, I.Uhbli. II ij! ' i.lh-ge -urg* oi.», lilli'l I l*b Army. .will he paid, hv l ■ Hotel. a. j. ii. i'A\ i*. ■Cl’*i:. ft A 4 I* • I M M 1 is | O N Mi: *<«4'uiiiiaii, <ia, *4711 i:i. 1* 41. »l I II A Mtv, Denb r* in HAUDW.VRH.iTTI.I.RV, I ILLS, F.DGHTtu»I.Ske„ W III) I IMXl.K AM' Kk I All., No. Its Congre>* aod H7 S . Julian Street*, ,S'ue«n*uA, (itorgin. . Jnno3 44 71. 44 It M. II I'. GKNF.HA1, IIKDKF.II, FOR THK Pt’Rr ff.fM I.VD s II.K uF HK.1l. KST1TH 1.v:> I’l l; <>.V f/. KHurUlTV. HAY I. VNH, S VV ANN VII, G V j Itoinbny, llatav in, i Revroiil, ; Curio. • Cohleni*, I Cologne, Cadi*, Coliimhu, Duvuhlorf, F.illiihiirg, Florence, (iihi.dlar, Hamburg, Hague, 11 n %le, Heidelberg, llong Kong. Kandy, Ceylon, Liverpool, Leghorn, l.eipaic, I'l dan, Morrow, M unit'll, Me**nia, Mulliouse, Madra*, Mnlln, M anilia, Mndeira, M< lliouine, Aus., '/.iirich. Fail, I'alermo, Plan, Home, Itoiierdnm, Rio ile Jam urn, Si. i;eier*hurg, MriiRhuuig, Sill) run, Se> llie, Stettin. Slim ghif , Singapore. Sydney, NS'V., Tiirln, Toulon, Tne*le, Venue, Vienna, VV le-bnden, VV ur*nw, Iretb Hoii*e, No. 413 llron lway, nppotlle New lluven Depot. Pnvulu cutrancu No. -ti i.anal Strict. New York. Ilriiii«lr«*tli IIoiim* Iti *.f n iirnnI, ll|ipo*itu Ni-w llano Railroad Depot, elilrni" « Oil Li*- pi nard mid t anal aireeis Meal* •erred at nil hour* ; oynier* hi even *nle ; tea nml Coffee of very superior quality; every delicacy of tin* neuwui on band Tl • supply of lender 1 in »H uk*. i* iulei"i'*l to la,i • •'clock In tin* nfii*rn*»>n lie .*.••• Mn'* r, late "I tbu New V "rk Hotel, mipurliiteml* ilm e<n.king department. No place in Ibe ■ i|> • an rilppl.. a ebeaper or better dinner—tin* ninny nml tin* b-w will iuve • quul rnu»e H>r saii*fnetion. Reineinla-r l.l*peuar(l rtreet nml ' 'dial —entrance "ii i Rlier street, N. II. Ii.nnur and rupper parties can be accoimno* lit up tu tbu best ' dated with pnvutu room* il de*ired. VSKHR. | _nm> II '(mo* .1 A tl I.N i ’t)in iii i***»ion 7|«*|t hit ii I, • oi.cvttn- j n.t ri:* * rwA.vrt:. • I i i Ririlav-nrc. t, N|.\v4"RK. • the fact |..-r|,ap- already w *■-t I / 4 VI ri'hN. Non* are geiiibiie ex - ept the) bear llie |"tnbu« is "ii ol tl.e tu-i point \ »iamp"l Ibe pV 'iit. All mail'll irturer. and sellers ulll j | i,r , , r a -; kin I* llilringtng w III lie pi uR-d mroiding l*» law. ' |,y*« | and h.-in * m the atiovi mar IW Mar l-. ifi-P Hilly *n|lctl. cn-gn.iient*. a* favor him, lit* be»t ellort* to pi* G. \V Krving. tat*' 'It Sir Iboina* Pnu*"ii. Mai'.r Gilliert Robeii.o ;, |*b ' • .**• ,U' And al*o. tin- wonderful cure* effect* t bj Swann's Paunc-a, have, for iiinny year* inmlu It an invaluahlu remedy 1 be Panacea dot * not i '.ntn.ii mercury .n «.. . form ami being no . Mincer: t preparation, It may be given to tli«iiio*t lender infant. 1 In nt:ol pro • bn* been reduced '"6! .V) in r bottle (uiidaliiiiig ibn e bad p.i.l* > or thro.- t... .• • !..r % l. ■tevviiri- ol I III |>(i*t llois swa in'* I'niimea i* in round h'.'.'.l. », Il Red long lially, with tbi f- 1! .-A lelli-r. blow il • I. the gla*i “SVVAf M - -PAN M L V PIIILADA- ’ ami liavlng tin* naino "f J»*.SwaI!4 rtainpi d c waliiig wax and w * •i-n on tloi la' • I • "vering the and a *pleni|'d eugrnvmg for the *!deof the bottle, jueed of geometric lath'* work, comprising in I die* ■ h Iiv . d I j L dtffi r I.U'lle"' Iti'ili ulev, I'i iluinery, Simp*, Porte Moiiiinie-, , Jet and Reid Rraeelet*. I'* ekel think*. Urea* IHlU"U«, I Pin* nml Needle*. Hooks nml Bye*, 'Vntcli Guard*, Wax. Coral nml Gl.i-v*, Necklace*, to . India lluhhcr i "inti*. 1 ’une*, RaR* and Toy < ■>( every rj''*‘ r '|" inui. Seinaor*. Rn/or* mid C'ltlery, Gold and still Jewelry, Vecorileou* und Vi dins, tuc'udllig u gelieial and very large «u"'k ol F.ngli*li, Ff'-in li mid liormaii Fane) Good*, which will lie void ut llie very loweni pri* l ev, lor I n*h or Approved Pn|H*r. tinters by letter selecied and I prnprlelor, hi Drape- k < " . hank of Philadelphia. In it u centre I* a p*.rr»nof the late XV in Swann, copyright •« <nu d. ' I wo, n isiilm'* Vcriuif uu<‘. A valimtile l am > 4|ed»-'ne. m u.g a b cblv approve*! remedy lor all di*< .. > • a*, ng fi to b of lb" di- gerln*- organ*. *'o I, a* VV r • i -r.. M rh'is, D*** n- lerv. I'.-vi-r i.i. i V.' i It:*-. In..-. Pi,. •, - k Ife.'l .i t ". kc . kr See It.* i' • tup . • w t.,.b may b« tiad gra' • acc'unptu.* :ng 'bo V imi. f ige. Prepared .uiU t.i VIM’S I. VII'Ht VToKY. Till'. Ol.l) M VN D. Keventb afreet he nw • ties nut, Philadel phia, und rdd by a i re«jK'.uhIe Imigg • a in the I. ruled Till. 1*111. \ I IM'P.IPII.It OP I ML P. I.r Sri, Nut u Furlts Is* ul 7l«-ri tin in It* V N lafalllhl* •• nedy f- r r*.f*i!».•*■.' r.g • ».GI. ii«*e • mat iiu, i iht. na'.e < 'itanenit I.rupil' t*. Pimp!** r Puitulea on ibe I a* ■, ftlotr bet. lb .I*, ul romt sore Kye., King V. rm or Ti lt* r.**-aid Head. F. 1*r»ern*i.t and Pa.n of tbi Rone, and J dot#. P.tubb r.. I lorr.Sy nhylltli sordera, Lumbago, FjpIbaK rnnpla sti and all I linear** anting IroOi an injodtctnu* u»e •: Mercury. Iinpruder.i •• in I. le. or Impurit) *.f tt.e Ii; ■■■ ■ rhlsva rablr Med let irei, which baa beer rae -HebraLd lor tin- number of • x'.raordinar) cure*effected l brouBt llragen* y, ti»* it.dure'l the proprietor*. ai ilecrBer.i r*. <jUe*t of lb*.-.rlr,"f»U*,lo offer Ittotbepuhi.' W bit 11 hey do with the utiBott confidence In It* v.ri 1 • tand wot* ' nr -jx-rcn Tbe followtr.rr cerllfir* •* selected from alsrge nuniher. are. i.o»r'n atr■ »•) tiiatlrn- i than the more w< rd of tbs propHeUirt »r.d are all fr irn v< n'dsmcn well known in Ihalr loetUitief and of ibe liigberi r"*ie-c'.ai ill' y. many of *. t.»Ui n> w **• , aiding ,n ibe •. "f U.ebmor.d, Vi. ' F.R'iYDHN. F.«q .of :).* Hrcbtng* Hou LUtehBMtvd known every wb*-re.*aj* t.e ha*aeen the Xi—Jiclne *»:' •d« vltTI.U - •PAM* It MIXV . rfl. admimaier* '■ e nver a hundred cases. In nearly all lb cdtauaaeaf ral eh Ri* rec nirur !»•:•<: a ill. n*oaia»ien'. t.< -v 1 ? g • c r* •'JR*- lie »ay* It I* the moctattraord'ntry e.aaicir.* .n 1 hasever«een. At.« L ANDPF.VKU-GllBATS.t p.lI barvb* , tlfy, for tl.r* < years I bad Vrue aid Feu.* ' ir.a most violent deaeript f I 1 ' I raid ant. look , largeq iantilii * of Qu.nine, Mneury, and i believe *!! Du- Tonies advef.i** hut without *r.v m • re ll"f. At la»t I tf od c.vRTF.It'S SPAM-fl MIXTI HE. two bo'.*.:. • of wbicb eSr-eiualty cured rr.<•. and I tm bappy a *ay I have bail neither Chilli or h ter *tnce<- • M \ Toa the i ! tht only I may l ly ’.Ml ' I’ATKNT In Park Place. New York. IjAvSTICSKIKTS. C VI I I Till. PI - V HRMIFf’li It I. I* '•!• I 'it- and Mi p <1 ill i I" many, that < •• i.xxh-Ti; fit* i-.'i.' unl'in. 4V«lne«ilay... Jan.‘.'4. MAY Saturday Wed in «lay. Feb 7. .I«.'i Sniurday. WedncHlay... .Feh .'l.. Ii*j.i Satunlny.. |sat unlay .. For Freight or I'nssage, npplv tu EDW XUD K vwl.I.iNS, 5d VV «li-'.\r. et, N. Y. BRi'U N. SIIIPI.KV tt i l.lverp- "I. 6TF.PII LV. K LX N Mil) Ar < < h,‘J7 A 11*1111 Friars, I H g. VV VIN'VRIGIl | fc l\»., Paris; or Gf " H. DR \Pi:It, Havre. { V*" The "w n. r* 1 those ship* will not |,e nccounta- hi*'lor gold, stiver, bullion, .*pecle, Jewelry. pri-cnuis •tones ..* un-tals, unless tolls ol laduig ar. »ign**l there*! the vain.* tber<-iif expressed 11. * - * •• 1 n. *hi|i|iers please take liolice. the ships nf this I.ttie c miiutcarry any g'**,,!* contraband of war. Jin n,w 1 ly MU Til W KSTKIIV II • M VN*. I. I IF HC||I'.DI'I.F. ^ VNII ri'I.SD VV. IV ru try *jmb.l ’llSM'll- J o’cl " k. \. VI., and lor Vim'ncs ni 7 A M »| udiimb'is t*l< "Ylock. V.M.anl;,i Vim rin M* I.eave Ain.ul.-us .lady a' 7, V \|.,.V 'M " Dr. P 'l . arriving at ' .Vine .rns 1 M-. and from Columbus at p, M. M icu, mieb w.i» with Central R.ibroad rram* to >a»annali. Vugiista, Milhslgevil e nml Fun m cut and with and VVMtvrn Railroad Trniinto • ill" VlLttr.a. Dal."ii, Cb.ittniioogn, Know die, and Xa-iiviilo. • 'orniHclIng dally at c .lunibn-, with «tpellkn Railroad ard Ruilmud,to Mlver A. P* 'Ni I., 1111 |*orlor A .7|iiiiiiftifturt*r uf MugHr** ' NO. 13 VV HIT AKBII-s | Kk i 1, Keeps on hand a well selected stock ..l Imported So ! gars;ulv Manufactured I SnuH', Pipes, und all Jan. 13.. 1 tvie nlbi 1 articles usually kept in lmlino"i buaines*. which Feb 7..1is.i5 he "(Ter* on the most reas. .liable term*. nnv 3 Jan ’I "Ism ft. I. f<*M I. 4. .jan.i..tMa GONTKAtTnR AND Ill’ll.DBR. Tuvlursalreet 1 Ifivt POUR* VV t * T or |)R WTON ■ TRKK I . Is prepared to Contract t..r all kinds "f lliiildlnu and j Repairing. —^Toe.induct Water ■ b rough the various part* ol ■ O' ■ mbus at •IJ* • House*. oil It. Ac J. I. M III.Mi >N. r. II g III I' I' r V II II if 7| i | I it r i U II t » , IHO.Y* nil. I.* •* K'l/'.V/rf./f.', Garuil-8troet —Near the r’aiinl Lock. R. LACIIt.tsliN, J. I.VI III l«uN. s. s. MTUliU \ J. n. FEliUl SON, WHI'.EIAVUIGIITA.V III. 44'KN7IITIIH .4«. Itf'.l 4 nrlv-wl reel, • n.1.1 • 'nrrlRge*, VYag"ii«, ''urt' and Drays inanufactiired. RlAcksin thing, inclmlin.- Ir>.;i Railu .'iimt i.rules for M ul RI ugs, AiC.doiii* l.i'.In -l.orie.l notice. M il. I III Hi II | CHI IM II A MOM V FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS i , jpi'l lllgolllerv, Al.lbaun, rmlim*. H'lg al Airier rn V. I b • e procure I mb 'lull stag le, Ice. . Auierlcus lo Line I Tab T'l.'kirts can ti •t M.-iCoii to \\ First 1 11,*s Hteainsbips leave fRivaniuili tor New Y..i W'-.|""*'tay* uiet Maiurd.iv*, nod I... 1' . V\ 1 In. • ays. I'Rstuge, m tbei.aliiu, • Jit; M.-eruge. 5 Far. from Montgomery to :*nvauimli, ei:i U", Coiiimliu* to do '.1 Du. Amurtcus to tin f Gl.ii, VV. \ D.V VI?*, .**uper inti’ndeni Marin.Fi'h Litb. I-.’5 fel. D & d" . e.| I l-l XI It 4 I. 40 114 I . Xt. i.RIFFI N I. 1. r,- open.- e.nly n>r ii'l nisinim r«' •• • I:• .- in employ a «qyerlor workn d all w ork 111 Dim line w .11 bi I'r.i- to order, afi-l with di ■ni nil friend* and eustoim- v line "i biisiiiess. k Roberis. Moii'g .luery, Al.i’ianin ; .Mr. V. J. Hr-nly. Ailanla, t.eorg’a. apr 'J'J 4 I’ FI ItM ’X . NCi\n\(s oiling Vo, ti 44 IiituIvrr-Sireel, ITT • VRIM aie prill..-I ul •'* |-* r Unulsand. ' on o.X-tf .(JARRIAGK HKPOSITORY MANUI’ACTOnY. r in. j.i.i r picpared l • KI'VVY A 1.1 s 'CR EDITS FuR INDIA ANUCHINA UN Till’. < 'KILN FA1. RANK CHIU*. tR.VTIuN OF LONDON. Rrmicbes and Agencle* ni— Ganio11. Shanghai, Calcutta, Hong Kong, llomliay, Madras. c It I'. HIT* FOR .VI'mTRAI I V n\ Till* RANK OF N F.VV-Si R CU-VVAl.Bd OF l.uNDu.N. Rrmicbes mi l .Vgeucie* at— Maitland and Newcastle, II inter I! ver. Iti:■ luni'* and Ipswich More on Hay. Vicinrtn Rrniii-bes: .Melbourne, Geelong, Kyiiet.ui, < nsileinntne, Mount Alexnmler. Iliillarnt. Sandhurst Agenry, Ilendigo. ‘Dens Agency. tn n r g:i fimo— I* General Insurance .U r ency,M2 llayst IN Y4M U I II 1’. IVM ltl.ll » The I’luirlrr il.ik l.i fr I iisiirauec (oinpany. Ill' II VRTF IRD, Wnb a caplin! and »urphi« nf over klnn.nno, con. Iinues, and will, until itn* m-xt anmnil meeiinc. .ntiiim •Ibe Inc*.. IX Ii Pei.'-ns. at Hi.- same rale* berclolore lor nil resnlenia at tin - 111I1. Ily Ha nines*, go,"I III tn.i.'einenl, nml prompt paviumlnf nil Hs I'.SM-A, it Ini* pm ed iiself equ.t. to any • ••mpaiiy . in D e world. Npriiiifirlil Fin* \ Karine In mi ran re I'o'y, OF 'Pltl.N'GI IF.I.D, X| \ Fapital nml surplus, over. . . fcg.Vi.ntm State 'InIiial l ire \ lliirine Inxiirauer Co. uf PKNNSVI.V A NI V. ' .■pita land surplus, nv. r 9IP.VNMI Kijiiitiible I-ire liixiir;inre ( omp.,of l.umlun. c l b Compniin > iml, strong rml r will offeei Insuranco on all kinds of proper Tlio Smithsonian House. |lr»ndwiiy,i- rner <d llouaton Street, MAY YORK. 1 Hi tlo* "nine block v« 11I1 ib<- Metropolitan Hotel nml Nit.I..'* tinrdeu. and two block* above ihuM. Nicboln* llii'.'d, I'LR"* to traveil - .'u/'rri#r . In “"imodaliont. Ill the heart nl Ilm; .Iwny, in liuinediatu JuXtup'‘*L 1 tinn to the other t|r«l cla** liou*i» nml place*, nf utli'iae* 1 in.-nl. lit iiiimI. rale rn'es. Tin* house bus all tl olive* Inlet In vogue, nml is conduefed mi tbu Buropenii | Finn nl I mlglng lb i.iii*, ul jiJtM r-iii*. .mil u/iumlt I to three ilnllars n dap, necnrdtng to lounlloii, kc., and 1 extra as order*'-!, at price* graded to sun In 'lb : "lineal and extravagant, the guest* urdeiiiig t |-'« usiire. .n.11'vvimi iisi.v run iv 11 at is 1 sun. is will find Ii: 'I -xilTII"' 'N! IN' accoinm • 1 ;• superior order, and call. It ll.ty ehoiise, rnuke mi.t.s i.xas nv at i.kasr onx-t iiikii iiiai at riasr 1 i.Ass ii*. 1 set.**, a* cnrnlicied 011 the " I i- proof * ' 'hand'. 1 plainly j have a lure 1 small per cx-m. 1 Relerencea- Messrs ' Tenn , Messrs. • 'nni |.l>* II a G’aul, Knxv.He, Dm., j Will. C. I llisler, l.oudoli. Ter.11. J ill I - w- SEWING MACHINES. I VM i:i,.*|n|; -l.'VING M V HIM.-. -Made by , III u III, Il ATT LI. I.F. .V. I'll., \Vor,i.»tor, Ma*».k* 1 cbilseC.s, patented by Lila* II- we. Jr.. Rept.-mher MUli. 1 i*4tl. I iiesu Machines am w ar ranted. 1 w ul. proper u»e n tto ret nut uf repair. They are boil 11 a 1 • it.- stantin'.nnd workman' kemanner,and will dnTailors "liiu-iniikers' und Ruddier*' vv n*k. in a manner warnin' e.| tu givu I h• - b w |i n<ii rip an) inort 'iiiI and see then li.delphl*. 'J| state*. i N M V \ nml 4 )V I'F- | In observe that the name S W A I M ■ Is t| ellr Icorr rtberm I euluti d • • lie. . I Vo. I tl l.M. If VI, M.IAI S I I IK I HI. r s. Si lkii ll. liir.ltrotli. ro A 1 O.. 17 0 W i ] | 1 a in - a t r •) <j t, N w Y A r k j npr U7 It 1 u i• 1 irr-lir ne that ever reached iny e JOHN l.oNGDE.N. Rexv. r Dam. near It cbmntiil Vx. ■ Ii. Id i K. L»q . now in the city • . for many ;■ ear* , r, it.* P ■*;ofr-e, • theMiontahlavaSeacyof 1 ARTKIUF KpvJt - M v Ti III . ;nat I..-ha* t-iiixl.t iit.wardt * fb lie* wf .-l be hasg V. ,. awn;. I . the afffieted Mr. f k »*j. •« ba*nev»r know n It tofail when taker a-- •' * *• dl rec'.ioa*. . Dr, kilNGi a prartlaing Phjrai ar • f the■ ty H ■• . 1 t*.»- elti of Rl .. r. ) xi w in,tins; 'imb*r • 1 balance* '.be er. -. .,f 1 \K D;K> 4 PA MR 11 MIXTI RK, surprising llr*tv»'ria rase deDtcui tb" l.ivi-r. the Bo**l effects were • * wjf rft. r Ki-*ib - -.d. and • '*» [eti* than eommm 1 II l>.M i 1 If wortbv ib npr .' — 11 n't tnilily, o pntro|iuge ■h r, nealm** " I"'"!' 1 ' • ml 1 MD.NLV K< ip.VI VN. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, nni.a 1 Harm \. I 7| FOIIT 4 4 1' .44401 4(i:7||;4T. '■¥•>11 all pe*' III. ,.ll' . 'I w II s.,,.,,1 ,* -ei.,... •iii'li a* 1 -I MIN V . VV I. \ l\ N IIS'*, I VIpi I I.NIT., (i N- llRItllcF. \. G I. FI. I . 'V 1*11.1.1-. Kr . Ue. I In* ID 1IV MID V'I Vri'i.N ( i’ll ladeljib .1. II! ' bnniaii lib* iiorsckcmM. immu are. PH OT A S||OT4Vi:i.l., IM I op.TKKS AMI* «d I No 1.1*11, FRENCH HOUSE FURNISHINO HARDWARE No nt 'la*iieii I.New Iml,. I NYU »: ;hi*a.;entioiiof •• -.'i„ rn and VV. -lorn lid the lleivptlol ' by Vf inr* •, have d 1,as a 1 -'ll VIIII V 11.. I. V. Vli.Dll VI. VDV || led Hi. r • I w.irliii . m \ riit 1 deed. ' V Vi I LM. DKlNKF.R. of the tm. r.f D- i.krrfe Mi.rm.K.tVi w*‘cored o| Ll»< • ' ■ n.fdtir *fc '• of iwo m,;;;••♦ ■ AKTI.K1 rip VNI***' v.\ i! HI. Gil; . • I Hi: ■ iF i*« ID iH L A The. '-rsoftht H i. -, . an bad a •errant ea>| ■ theft l n 0 • m. cured uf «. . nt Bcrofuls, c ru • ibfl with Hi.■ .1 tisai,wl • relydlsobled bits from work.— Two bolt • ' VRTKR'fi PPAftlBJi MIXTURE mad« a perie. i.- # n- f . m. and t be editors l n a - ■. • r- -. say the. chet null; reouiuuiBMl 11 to al] whv a-eafv withai '. ! - x*e of tLebU^d.*' -TILL ANOTHER ( t’RBop -t Rnpt j A.—|bad a - b ) ired .. *.. lies of Carter'! •W... .1 VI. »• Ir nld.-r ; a tru'.i v •: *.• ,e medt J V ML* M.T V. I R.< riuc: • • ;. . K. } k P.R.R. . I -'ALT l:ili:i V ' !' V I: VKN PT AM !Ni 1 FKFD Mr. J' ll.N TH"MP"' 'N realdififiti .; e r ofl.irf- • .*« 1 by thri IwiUf» cl • »• • r'»H|an »t '! a'.;'-. ' Pal'Uln w tdeb be had •;»»•!> ifi year* and which 1 pi - diIb Ibtelt) I not cure. Mr I p a • x w i* known merchant a tin city 01 Hi-bn d. V : x'.-f I.’. .!* tz.ostreR-.arh a! > ' VV M. X M VTTHF" •-. o* R;chm'i,C. V 1. . had a »erv- xi ; c ii ri d ■ I "j phiils. in the worn f.-rm. by ■ r-i '1 a'. He say* he cheerfully rweomac&d* 11 ami( • lert tar Inrafuablemodlelhc. RD )i M;|i K. XVF.-T. of )tichm*-i.-d, wt* furnl o 1 1 what physicians cwllwdc nkrn • • itj ti • '.ii re.- t. ■ 'i arler’s-[an •> 4! » ; . I N m RT< N. • tnmlM r. • f tl !.**»r-e 1 their 1 all pi I |! > •') I II \ID. i Tin-H e 11 I* a bi*m'v..lent ln*titu ow mi ni, lor ibe relief nl " ' irulent nml 1. i\\ l.-F I I.F I I". • aud dl-p. tell, n..*d | Ut Up P l '! Iji." n Is I. hi ed fir the VI.I’.Y v.d Paiwr. Ii great cate v\ i'.I.L, ew York. Je 7—Dm C II O L K I! A . .i Certain < 1 otM nblittlerwei,arC Sty h -rr.t > d.»ea*e. tk -"S’-. North 7d f ; * aj^r cl.rhl a "J hrr, I,an, .4 14 Ivll l',.yl" Tin* iuiii«erilu r a b imlsiune •eld tier *if tlo* \ v\ I l.i:I I U It .v - reliable, amt 'eaaon onipa. \gi, l.i It- I iisiii'iince. it'"i.uiine T||o | nilnl Muir, I ilr liiMirulire l'oiiip;iny, 1 iiocllr— lo n , ni. t'.-si Vlidu, >1 N ,»,»*•• V *s| I.) Fa 1 sof nn-Aiis, with vv . cli V | ! |o :„|vrrtl-e lie-alnive n ’ e. .I ;hii 1 Le Ass.,, lat’un enuilll* d* , •k.ol ol Ibe air** and will liirnisli Hie elerll liealtieni. Vulmtl.le nils I re ."•l lien on* feinules. allticlrst v* 11, ■ VVotilli Coiiiplaiul, t\.stiveiie«», nf plated Ppvit.n* and I nrk«. M OT I ’N I.ITTI.K ol V NT I D/I.V .1.171 I (III .mi.!. I’A 1 i:s n:u M i v HO.. I- -.I. C S. Itfli IVV N, I’roprn-i-ir ..f GeorglA, Tennessee am . Alatiumn, of ibis liiveninui, wbu-n 1* .loiitUii- Gi: i. It. 'LID - .1 n tv. D DF. VltriVLI.L, I’n ilden H g tn •h 1 alii 1 vvnnt nf d m- b |> IU GG Iphin; togelher w .b a • r vv ork Ilm 11 lm« ev • r 1 In lure, with pi’.'--* I mil dulerniiiieil 1 • •nf). I i'ii 11 v r 1 'V .II,mn Ibinhip.of ■ ||. le t ul tbl« i .talk- | • •ulv such uriicles 111 . iin-nil and warrant, ri quested tn i all Slid \ Hiic Giant 1 . In l p ■ A bonus nl .' 1 pi ic»« of !•*-1 year, I »rD*;l— #11104 ntOXI Jl.44 1:1.114 MTOIti; WU"l.l»Al.h AM' RETAIL, I 1<*i'i.rttcerii Hull «V Whitaker • be'elnlnre. I. IIBNNBIT, 1 and IIhv »l*. & -lie III I Fist. Knives.I’ll Kinvci ■ "in. Alan, nil kinds nl Fancy G I*.and a great ttdU'.evl pro All klndto hJng at lenitfi Plated IX a 1 of w bleb w il • ids I un.l «*||. Ir. lor*, re. XI illlnry m: sold at lurks. Jewelry nml other Job" .•lent bands ll"HI"Nfc It IK I; XIA V ft 4411 I. 4 1(0711.1 \ , Pashionnblo Boot-Mak0r' N \V f. ri.-r • ' Cr'.iiRh'.11 .iml Hull *tr. . in --.•nil. r,grateful lor if., liberal p.vtrnn* III di • Hi the 1 1 -Vie. mill eqi. vl.lf not super |erei| in the public.. Having 11 • w Ii twen hi* patron* Ii Ii) • le i * from lhem and Itie |e ly IIOOT-71 A 14144.. I.. ID respectfully annr t • b • former palrmi* and !■ • 1 ml • onurea* *1.1. ’• and a I will bn happy 1 The publii i"*ly themselves ny an • All k:ndv uf Uupairing mar IJ Gorncr Carriage . flitiinlnrlnrt). 1Ojtjir iS'ssrsffliE puld.e 1 • their liberal p.'i:r"iuig« .and lo Inlorin them that he stillcurrii s nu llie •'urrl.ige b'i«lne*. ntibeold ; Aland, near the Murkel. 111 nil u* 1 arluu* lirp.ncbes. He like w is. invites t lie pillill. |o rail a lei - x uni me bissioek 1 of I'nrriage* which lie bn* now -n lutiul.gni upexpress- ly lor the Pnntheni market.• *•• -ling be can please ibein in sly le and m brice b*-iler tbnii any oilier • cstnbllshnieiiilntberity. \IlU indsoj heavy work made ■ | to order, such ns I'laiilni i"ii " 1 Dray «,i 'arts,Tim ber 1 'arrlntre*. Ace...'ill iniul' "I better naleiinis tbull rail he found elsewhere III tin c ’ 1 v. V ml l In- sutiscnlu r flat* t*'r*b in"»'li that the practical experiencen| nveribiny , years, and bis uutlrlngexeriion* i" pl"u*e, w ill -till cure to In 111 n liberal share " 1 pubbr puir>mage. Repair :tig done In lb* 1 *i*'> n .. nd " 1 1 er n l price*. 1, cl •• " II V Rln V-'IT.I . ’ .thirl m Itailiraif. riilir. under'll" ' r. -1 eeifu'ly mf .rmn nil who may 1 need I c*. that III has ell irgu uf tho M 4* RIN I', it vil.VV \ Y . which Ml!* I- fa'ji'iH.N- LI). Medical Lx.1 in 1 1 Tin* nml flu rim* I iimifuhcf. Thi* ln?ur;iiR't*r()m|i;inyofthe* \ :tll4*yof Virtriuia, mil .V v 1 liable 1 'apu.d i t'iti.liiitl —Kurplu* f«il,.'il7 '.‘7. 1 " ' Tnkes ri«ks«.111 ar. n.l'ieigbi, Ruildings, .Mvrcbniidlto, kc , in (nwii and cminlrv. I.o—es pminptly an 11 .rally adjusted in nr IU MINI- 4 k Ji HI\-T< IN', Vgent*. Xiirvvirli I'iri' Insiiriluri- I nui|uinY. InnII. IN' ' HI |U HI ATI I • I-U.i '' VI’ITVI. "I" K. 9i.Vl.lHH. 1 r |'IIK above I'oiupuliv bus been In "in Cesslul opera- 1 i: 11 upward* "i liny years, ami ha* a high reputn- F"ii, wberever known, ns n prompt nil I responsible of* 1 Ibe undersigned Is prepared IC It I !• 4 I I ft. 44 Itftl l. II Mtft 4 .» 4 ft Will Ii IIAlLINd. swruiai nv Kits i’atknt i -■t dviveiM • ,,r I ublic Grounds, t'emcteries, , "3 II. Riileon;. • Ko. Tbi*. .« nr el ."ir ma.i ii.v re parlleul i'lv commeml* it** I: ni able not ■>■. I•..-i Ile l»*, wiiti patent 'Viro Idlng Iron !led*«, VVruiitlit I ir "beep, p nil. Ibe I.dll. Fall, am! 1 11 the 1 Mi« M i l.iranlee lira** Vire Tn ol vv T. Work "pper am loin, .vc, rue. 1 ircuiar* of desi. IxLR ■•* ' 1 X- 4 , N" •.* FI Market . N F. Cor. nl • til -I I’b 11,; LKATIIEI!. riT ’/.. 111.411114 Tv - ■" Mills are s tier u.'iuiis; 1,.• nk.igo .l.-r grind iced from ear com, in •helled corn, w lib a degree lur 111 purposes never attain I'ln sit s ai n i. | with Improved patterns * wants ol all. No. is oif.-re ! at > • c « II grind t mil for sa n I t , U wi «■ ty mu n oiljiiSD'd uni First Premiums a lid the I'M ;.-.r.. manlier. Mr. V T Wo l** »B S )T ' . innki kn wn among some "l 1; K Her. ba» T. W.DY -TT Jelfd la. iiLNSi'TTt. RJ'I.F. 4 . l'g.'i X'a’e n-eet. T. rtm u .X 1 w 'I. <’ H v Ft 'A 1 n If Riel motvd, V -. .. carrd «1 • >: 1 * re* and I > '*. w) leh d'*«*.!.-* ‘ — <* rr wa Fi« I k a few s_rV " • - ,|| et.ab'* *i't ■ A . a . a. a *V >tVl’.Bi«pcr Print »'■ M. VV \RD CLOSF tl I I.IVU king been Aid n- trip d .»n • ■ s w *'; v « 'IioU-r« ni.vle h- apl'eami tmieia Itemed«.. t - • . I ■ I’ART rr. h ret A A ~ 1 A • • .aud Tit*' v M. Tt RNPK A. • ■ - " and hr DrngT.* *ati-' "un;rv Mrrv tax .» r • • tSTPnre n- xs - ' . * cr fottle r r f, f ; p - man r flm d tu uniny fi.nn » here tl v 11 cmiv cnience b-r nine , amt > the trade 1> •• m »>> 1 • sud the var , d ’-rial w .. . I had more than Seventy Cases of Cholera n hoard, w *0-11 l! . I :.'.V A .'/ / > /. Wfc, ; rv. A '-W A,. ^ HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. • Mike F'.re R sks lor "lores, merchandise, se« and cn'don. up"ii 1 lie iii"d lavoratile terms. Jv MIN INi.LU- 41 'LL, Ag'i S I In- 1 ■>., N". .'Jones II i.i.i ng. Ilav-t. North 1 Hir.l-stre cro .Muiiutacturcrs. • .If -ik. 111-, and dea und Kipp. , Pirn Red ATVK 11 l Impurler* < and 1 ink I J M HU • MM Mil i* t.e I • rdurW’J of, Ate., on w i*h io .'lean "f pa'ii 1 1 vessel* of any elans ..r ■ bus 1 ues* of Kldp 1 1 milking. In ill it« van (remit) nl the city . .v good -hip e* rut ID n r po , nml theli up ve n do ib . I'll..1 "I i* Rail a 11—I ptlo « brain- 11 tha premise dip -ii reasonable Duel for building -I 10 carry on me par Making and at the cnsti rnn** dliiiiiirrli 4sviirimre I n. I onilnn, r 1 it y. .7.4*/» 1.1 a. -h:\ r.iiu.frin ii i-:..t. ' VI’II'VI. V N 11 -I Ill’Ll' 4 I'l Ml -#.’.IMHI,IHM). ' I 'III. A IU »V L nii-uiioued • utnpnny have «'Slnlili*hed 1 u brnm'li in Hie I nlied Males, and have lodged well John L. Asp'ii -v in'. Geo. 1 urn- and Wall* f»her- mini, o| ibe nly ol New V ork, n perinitfielit fund of $ l.iU.IHNI in Ameri ml .-ei'lirllles, lo be lield Ii) I Hell) as Tii|« res, liable lur bm*e* sustuined 111 ibis cuuntry, ' t> w a ‘ Ii w .11 be adpi • ed 11 New V ork and promptly paid. I In siilisi-iiliur Ini* been nppiun'.ed -Vgent lor Suv un- nail, nml will take n«ks on llie most 1 .noruble term*. J V VI Lrl M. II I.N R V , Vgent, may 31 -ly No. It- Hiv •• . 4 atniuinb. 1)1 1.4 44 4 1( 1 71 ( 'll 41. >411 14 IN.HI II W 1; I 'IMP V S V. I.nveloiie .llaiiiiraelory. The Uitlrsl nml /.wirtii 111 fi* t utted Sl-ilcs. 44 l.s I' A ill ID I n N ' '--I WV I nil s’.rect. Nl'V Yi'KK, I ) L 4 l’L.i T 1 I 1.1.V invito the n b 1. • n .1 the trade I V t’.r verv iu'ii'i iv.- atsnrtnient "I 1.4 4 I.I.OFI.S soil: 44ft V4 IIITIVG rAnans, cfcc. Ml. VICK" PLASTIC PAINTS, I ni- «’. c lending I . I)self Ur air^* VI s • public. ! UIKAP. I'l KAIH.L 1 K.VTRI A.M» PKOTl.t im, mm h vt!".n viftiii: P., : . A»P iv i.r; vni> mum s c.implmnts l-.Jki'S ■ I tie t IliUD suffer icueh I-MCI ills mach,wearewly any *f< irr* ■ fn-r AN.' Ill k IK . the 'IMII-P 41.4 I iviii "tali.I 1 1 blister nu I hardens In evpc.sur. time nu uuaiiie oi stone, protecting V and lion und olberinetnLir.uu ru*u: I bis Palm dtffersfroiu the • ■ callec the .lay , w hu ll nre principally 1 irbre- Jk • • ’ I *h*'*e destruct;ve tr aiad Lm*cc e .-.‘I The • sex. perhaps ti e tn *: ' ind*- rt • * .-'• ’.*•• eeru’n j e': -! w t en. .. •;*«* -41-* \ •• • 1 r in ;h ar-1 c v «d » r y<; n ..*• ' r, stiff, swd evi's may : -ff :iua y - ! I > r ;'. i ;»: > kcentre the t'o.». j -t, acd crai -ls ir.a.*h n a healthy sr; . when w vn-outi ly, »nii resemt c pma.s • a .vnjrr »l • I’l, . F VV If.LINK. Jr. 4 1.44 IlllftlaS. RLf'LlVLD It V JOHN M. • 'i"Pi:R Ic CO Wedncsdav. Mav :Mnb. rT-lll. VV \T DMAS. I.r J. M . 4 . I The Life and Vdtculuri'a r.f Hairy Gliin'ui Man of Mai.v • r un - l'ii|.i-r’l A'orv It "k No. 7 Harp •* Gr.ilokm s. timley’s. I’uiunin anil K11 h'leker Mngasii e" for June. mu ll" N MILL' I Ol • I I Musiiird 111 up e,pr k mil assortment, ilding*. 1'iiftarils, nrlode, in li.ixes, • mail cun*, put lid Drug. Sartmaah Wi-i/ thirl. To Ship Owner*,MaMtT" .t fttl (on -11; imti.h of VciM’Is 1 r I 'll I. Mibscrib.-r re* pec Dill v in lor in * 1 belli ibu I the 4 V • 1 V/NNMIDIIV D’M K 1 . A in .m eesslul ..pern- , H.o , . H 1 *caleuInti'dto t**k•- m *lilpsolnii) rlnasirmii I |IHI tu 15110 tons lirtlien. Ill" .’.III feel long and I'll leel wide, and complete in every purl’, ul.-.r. V large gang ker- III Wi.rkmenis employed and a large atipply of 0111- :«l term's i< on liBiel, "o t tint v I'ssel-'-a n lie repMred wi'b n« much despatch n« in nnv other port. Pump and lllock Vlnku .• nml HuiiHi' work doin'on the ini miwii and every effort inadi to I'lmureei'oiiouiv anil fidelity to those who limy (avorUuv Dock won 1 K. . D P. I. V ND I.R. 4 MINI:, I'lli: subscriber hav mg ii'lrr»igned ■ mi pail), In I'eeil n|'|ii"litnl Ageli n.shed Mi ll VI. 1 o 1 Agent of the npniiy, I liil.ind J AML's xt. II IN R V . 11* 1 llav -street. IMK.ViSgi ! iUK.YMSii! Fllll. V III I.I’ll I V. VARNISH MANUFACTORY, 4 > an I 4 'J N .rh -I’h -'r. -t. * I 'll F. uieli 1 .gne ’ vv 1 t t nf III'* III" Bill IK 'll I of ».sii:hern XI. r. haul*. Conch Maker*. I’ali net Makers n ttaumr, t'Ulua Gla Ii. and every olber Drying Japan, kind id Varnish v l.irty years, nml unsiirpasai'd by . ;* .1 r • lay. v ignledfliieii ■ tr ut.le "I Iv n» the b.'sl a- ibU'Wly iv» )>"M>U'iu • I’amt is She lasting or | re tbi' iiie.Liuu or agent In » ,c.uila ecrtifleati' .InsowllM!, on fae'.s. 1 r under the ,ini e l verlng pro- j Tt,... M ed Veenl ..f the he is prepared >• In "av uniiab ineresM'd by using It mixed tv pure l.U\*eevt Oif. *' * d i g body at d the’ Ml*lmpl) i-aduglt. | nl Readi: 1. Railroadt >> . Ilia vv. ' kl'oA 1. r deni I I Vu- MMUV* MIF s.i' ’. • -. i* captain and clerk . (-mins, c I'd •r- r.c •il-' 1 I . f the Yob * *' W rflr . • Dct a< . \ • ' l W I VKN 1 s- AND DI’F! ” > . V 1 VK-.-T VN- .Nv.. • I RI DRY Ii' W \V S PILL*. »«4,» .Vtwsea. .*r.r* :r* . jg». ! I rp f To Fa. . Ii. i».. • N V ttJ 4 * s frb.’l L.i 1 Mursli - ii.„-k.1 r llniel* K lichen’s Yen-- Kiiebi ii’* amt p laic Received In *h Ruw Yoik prices, i,y may «-• ri.TiS 11 v it 1 A I Hflll I. Slot VVf. m Plain riaf "rnalei.g. j. ,. ., 6 i.teres color,-.| ■ rapes Wdole and 1 -.i r. d . . t'llS" lot of Freu. I. kleeves.l beinisct X Ing ai very low pro . •. R rn *y l*t s; 1 'ream "Tartar. ' neon; Prepared ' 'horry* e Ml'ls. |il,i| f r «aln al hi N I • 1.1.IIH 1 ‘I. I., !, J.nil*.' Ray St. 4 4ft I I >> I I , lUreges nml I Howl... Hr. . Maniiiln* am 1 >K I'.NIt M'GH and Rleacbeil, • Ii ami !■ n rut - Hi as 1 'dl*f» nre miw ofT.-r I. VDHIlN, (Jill.44 ti.l.l. A ( ft.. \o, 2«7 llay-Slrei-l, Sav aminli. I.n., H i* 1.pencil nn "ITlce f .r ibe *r'e N .rili Vl-ibnm*. and o* XX I. -I'l UN I’ll'HH • F. nml ex- \ nect, nt nn early date, to t..-in r.-eipi d llncim, Gorn, rloiir, Rope,L'ollon, Icc. t' ., Ilm pr - Imu .,f that *rc linn XX'e keep nn nfll- .• nl 1 ba'inuooga, Tenn . for the pnr- I rbn"u or sliipuierit "f Tei.oi • ••! ■» rivi r I'l't *, amt rail forwnid, direct to |ilnuters. nml fruoi llini |ss.tut. Wo nre a |*o in direct c •rruapondem ha i|i hi Louis, ! Louisville, and N«*bvllle. anil will a I tend In tho pur. rlinse o| nrllcle* In in"ki'’s. >• "• *blp|ied to vnnnnli.or luinrinediiiie point* In Gi*oigin. Jan )F fun" limy *J ly 4\ M. < ID ■" DI IL Unit. lift’ll. I 4 SI It 4 41 I. I O 71 F.4 .4 4 , "I nil • ITV "F NF.'V Vi'liK. 1 n plllil. W.Tim.DDD 411 I'll ill in. I' J.'Isa ii*.-.1 y -IMI 1 i.N I.. l.niiMI". I’r.Vt. The ■‘ntisi-rllieis having beet appointed Vgent* If"' nl I uinpanv , an now p.-ipnrul intake l(l*k**' | m. on lluildliig*. Mercbiim'l*e, Ke, An*. fa' "i a i'ii- ter 111 *. 1 • 'll FNh K IIFIlT/ 1.114004 Fllll.41V lilt I. Ol I ft I I'M*• "inpuny lakes Fire Risk* In 1 Id* ''Ily .and Insure Rents and |.en*e* ■ epl II. II V - II A M fc MfiN , Vgent* 1(0 4 .41. I 4M It 4 41 I ( ft 7| F.4 .4 4 . l.uND'iN VND I.IV I.RPIMiL. ( 11 p11111 1100,000 «i 1*011 mlu Ntorliisu. TI1isl11si1tut.ini lias eslablisbe.l nn Vgenry 111 -iivnii- upou I'roilni e niul 1’ioperly w ill nEMOVAX.. \\ . i>. n>lli>. I'liinili, e.rorcries, I'ruit,»fc. | | V - IF m* v e.l b « establishment In llroi,gbl.>u *U" I, pll IS,Ml HI I. ss.sitlin 1*1 Id* Ir en Is soil Ibe public Willi nil 1 In Inct.w e 11 have'.ri.-.| loi Yell'-. J'HIN Tl 1 /i/.n Mil 11 a*i> 11 Icb v All or iel I NI I II A I I) ml Roller Works, o riecnie ord lire okh 1 7|OI It 4 I 41. I.OUIIS, I Oil'll Ginghams Vd Mmirn'.- Jnr ... i, ami l.nwna II *rk 1 liallir*. Ida. k Hewu.H - 'k. itlaek Itar.-gr* IF >c;k llurege I louii' ed Do isr*. jMsck wdws Ri ' k Keatlal, I'rajas* amt Vella. 1 Jd Mourning “Uks and liasima. Willow , I I I III II.Ill IIM m: 101 41» \ 114 I’! Il Ml". I, Fllll.I Ilf I I III I ... Id „l W .1. old f uliern, ligVVf rr K MORGAN 44 I Inill's Palelil It.-vi'ivii. ' r nr ■ o , si*■■. Girders. < II otliar Iron Work nrr, nf bvi'liluvgs. t. i* p'lrnea applying pi. son I A 1 II* l in 11*1 1,nibs Ipliin v I III- "Il " Hi w nml superl - mi d -nv am.nb. 1 lei. , M.4 V .4 4 4 ,4 II Ml Thl»t'oinpany will u r.i. V N Dll I’.VV ■VV A. • H V N * 11N S I n nd 1 ii (g It 11 IGII X M K I ;;:'i uily fmivlkbed F VIHI VND. | 1 bark • bails* ' 1.1. V Jk • l.M 1 •* r pi, I- • eft 11 Jl 1. 1 v r 1 la. 1. \ 1 riMoRi MOUUItlHO UU0D8. 1 >LA' K flaretfrs. d'.'i li'e A bli do * Ills' k I Issues , Grrii«<line*; "panisb < rni es • bailie • v,| Mmiri.iiiv iis#n. . 'Jd Mourning J*. nets and Orgamlle* **• 'I'i Glngbain and ijlngbain Xtuslln* ..O ’ r "*Z ' '■'*• 4 ' r«|i" ' •' '.is I (sleeves Vl'hlta TaMns 11 ,j„ filar k • rape and Love V. Us hi hr Recent.) received, andfors.l. b.we.l prim* by DsVX’ll I e, %|« 11< I: a N • P' 7 '< ( npr . r i » a I may H tMD tv I 1 I' sale I 1 v:.:: i.ING inn tmi,. Iba-l. .Ing flair \ M. It I'.I.LV A. 1 M 1 "«l ; : ill Iona Hiokeu ' I or side low l.v | A* 1 I NNINGIIAM. I ' 4I.I4SI lt.4 4(1 I'll. Ro -1 as* 1 Fire, Xlnrliie.anil lit verltDkt uiosiiavi rnlde lerin*. •TRI'ilirs 1*110 D. Weed, | Jobii W. A in I r r en ii, rain Ilnlieris, n II.F.nnpp, hull VXit-t,( lletiry t.nViiiuii, W . Morrell. I I F.'V ml 1 II I'.N R V D. VV I ID, In.iHnil HIRAM HI III Mil- ri.r/'rr.'l a* M. llasnv. lnwt , 7 . NFIItl l I l| | | | | % ,s„. "■ "' it ■ ""lain* Ilu lull. -1 1. . ..r.| e, II illlelil I ■ Is |il"l "I -os mi ,'*i-ii llui, I mini III 411 4 ^T their -team I uulne ai SrATIONAHV,' RIVER AND MARINE i.vr. r.vfs. of even desci.p il Mills, M 11 Work,etc.,nls. Iillklmlaof High an I Low I'reunre llollera. ’Ill" suliscr her. agent in Savniiunb lor llie a'" , ve Work*, will iv.- order* for any kind of Machinery III bus llow on lintel a po.iable Ibree b"i»e power I n glue, « I", b be a 111 .Hi mi nc'-.'inimnlut Hryn ml Planing Mill. Iglvevnii* 1 and henity recomniemlnlloii of Uni enumiuiitcnui'g 1 rum cblium-y soil ; lug*. The Paint which you |*• i"ti III l b I* d re.lioii, a- IS possible. V tool-bad heel' painted, i made sue I I luce sbl ogle* Is V placing I belli III II boilers , the reaul 1 •«>, tbai l be p.« | entirely consumed, * hi Id Le painted I 1 *dj diting build- 1 ".'Is, has now *i*euiv'from tire, we.'ks »0. r ibe n uneovervvl w a* '-.»*« apparent- Spring and Summer DRY HOODS!! Towl.iib I' ev I vib " V ,! P - : s. -. I 4 " 11 dll VFFIIOV I ft ( III III I . mar x- NI.V 11 f, 1 v'. HID a. kvi.i l.«, •S|i/-ii/c nn#/ Siiininrr Dry (.uvula at 44 lioloanlo t’oiiicr UrwuRb u ami Jito-» r. k* . If S •j'lil ant Bcnhrr fa now trade n this markv t- which In mv le* be st« 1 I linn lishis. W I. LI V Xt f v». \ t VVM. A Till >M VS. FRACTIC'AI. PLUMBER. M VYIN'ii been duly I ■ nml ' v -.- > ominiM 'iwu ol ihr S .v vi ah VV - VV k*. 1 am prepair.l 1 do ail work riitmsied lo ml Sr* v It.* id -ert-nur. is*««.r me. Vv. on mv* i p : .nssta .1 ut r • n-ha, the -r. -'i H that l a 1 Wav e bees I r • 1 >« l* t'r'Ui* *" ■•kc th . l • • ml JelT. i 1 nn: si'king ikadi . Yofirv to• fli rrh<tnts. F II A ofTer, ' «'.oii \1 -er.,« full . .1 lint liesltale j against flu* I * Signed V • ugh upon examination the ••I . 1 be paint, h. w ev 1 r, w aa 111 w and Iml ci I I uai.l !• r ; l • a* severe ati*la«vour spnl tu, and under llie i-lrcumslanees I do in in end it as an ■ n v a In aide preventive Rcsp. . . A. c • Ib I’ M. A ratal", h mil I I AN, I e Ilf Mplrllllal tto. Iluio Itruadwnf, New York, a* *e«1 nn nppti* apr |H ■ l , vi -> '"de*ii"\Vl» ipinllldlrs 10 snll pnr- nil a id ennipele nssnitment ■! I'm miiinbiei'ir.'. if nnt In he tiu- i.ov i.i.i, a# 1, yTriMoRi:. I I llarunnl-sl III s i IIVIll ItVI . .1 Vllll’s 1 new nrt cl. , res-elve.l Ibe 11 n VVorhl’a I nu ami 4 flier I* o • 1 » «• ex mill ni'd I11 the disiiuguisb - I stile and Tour,, uinl '.In 1 pal Iirugf 1st* In Hits ellv |>> b-e V MIlRi ,V *F HI’FN. I K. Fill Ni It K llli'll MIDH. s*r mf Idf A 4nd Martel itnete, I'kila., I'a. N l'.U M. Will'll < VI 1 Vbl'XI s 11 Ha, a 11 ti a Ii. VV holesalr amt J V.MI " tl 1 Vltfl II K 1 «». I'l nnber, * Plunibtna 1 xs, hv'tiaiib,- ram*, an*! ku.-hi laud am! (or sale ''IW*-*' V> ii W mhthop Rroughion •ice* 1 lam gN R t nexer;- nabh* ivfe'e Hen A pi N.. l> 111- I ’ <11 un it *v < 0. Nl* (V VV im VK 1 R HTIO FT MV VNXVH. | y M I RH n - •' ea R • 1 ■ s Mo 1MH11 s\>11 m. r.u >i»:k k son. , rtsg I I*' I I'l nd A V **ii llale 1 I'l HlllGII 1 , ('min#Ha*, Jo* 1 D ,, Dmllng per ' fill ' „ J I Ilex' LKI 1.1.V A. 1 II j |j„.„ III ’IS 44ft III II IIIM, | 11 | v I ARM'S nml I Inn llidlillng I "Is wid he divided alii "IB t'bH s'llisi i'ln r, on llie .11 ilu, Mnv "V These nic *illi*led III Ibe I'enilDfill vlllnee o.evnie, near 'lie 1 ob braled I *Vc lli"ikonli,'liin. pint pbuisaiil ride limn llie i dr ol New V mk. oil ibe I oiig land I Li 11 Hoad is let In Id. ml parDes • it ml 11 . AIN TII h and H'lttirni 1 •* iy» > LA limiN. great bnrgalll* A I so IJress Good*. ID ill L>S II AI June LI M vlll.III.ID. RTIliri'. 4 7 l.alr*, j..,| rrr , ,»ed*„d lor »ab *i» llllKI-NR VGGII * I.AIi-ii> ? fNI N I'ftll.t .- A aidemR'l 1**1 «f whim and coin). j wl l.u en firltla fur Paid* |u*< ><• < • <T and fn, a «u i sal* r 'juns LG ROKKNIIAI Gff 4 J.AIIHI.M . l.'tV I LL h I.ATOM..III'. Il • figured -was Muslin, I’lsln .1., dl* and III 11 11*nil'. J* "1'i'ls, ' muhrlr I’laid Hwlss nml • itinbin a, Hall 1 m ids, he., h e , f"i sale by D, VV I IT it MiHlGAN lisi In,■ I, or • farm fr same ran be ae,.|, U n I I aprVit W.' Mnl.V-l and In fine 1 • r*rifn fruit olrr t dm balance of brg R Rama ' "i» No** landliif an PAID l.»**|l|l I AY 4 < pinrliasliig Rave or ani 1 im' ni nu 1 « ibiiiint 'lie Iwo Imdilinu Iota, 'll by '.’ I., in "crus, Maps of H.e 1 elpt* g' v • n by B|ipL lliu I., W > VX l( IGII I', Afeiil. 4 11 44 III >44 444 4 II I 11 It mi iNn bold 1 nu inirds fiu this lieautlfiii Plrlum » III 1 I please prcs*n I 'hem a ml receive then , p, | bos,. wlslilng Ibe PbtiiM s flamed nan Im furnished «t ilm lovse.i plica*,Inal I"I ...a#' m..idd". H b> b.a.ii , • bell urdatail lb" I- ml * I I •»*• d a n *1111 • jx C..I. -ess Si 1 ,! It?: the I*.Ill si I'll 4 1 44 SFII I 41. RIMIIIX, l; *TI x 'I i: II V I G I •« r IVV 11 I x Mill,!. VN have |II1| rcirlvi'd •nti, a luce nml varied sunk o "ble ill* •» goods. In Which Itie a ( I’ll I 44 ftl .%40 • kivei**'" • and pal Minces, llos nd " ■ puis gne V 1 - * » lib Halls ni Vliiun ne, t’linspliatenf 1.1 escnli'it as being tietter iban nnro I'tlosplinle oil line In It «ing analy ■ 'rganlc matter da ‘in "o ic, nml Xlngnesla tfn i>» ln«ivlul'le mallei |ini 111 • atlaHtloii of Airlriiiiuiis's • '• HI KN* a. in III that Hicy- hive 1" *' re a VllieiIron amt I'nrelg" llar>l» si,'. Coilimilldealli n *a»l’• iuanui*i- n i •• try SUV I III Fill .'I e. *'• r.'iu; 11 tl. te. thru ttivek, coinpiDRig I'lanieis'. |li|tiller«’ g '"it* ef lb* 1110*1 apple v ed nuiong w Ii 1 b uisv tie eh'linei ated I and Mlnilli 1 Faslenlntfs o| all kinds 1 ’opper, Hb ■ -vo.1 Rvi I • »■!. 1 bain I’utap*, IIrasa Wales. Rillann a VX'aie, Hollow IV an , Pcu'iit.ion t aps, • 'null's. Ri iishe*. and a general vsnelv nl I'm. 1 1 d* I 'ol Ion I Full Hook*. Need:,*. K nil dug Plus, “elite I w Inc ; 1 loss fill. Hand, tcn.'ii, I'laSiing, ami Mm Haws, i hide*, llsnt and Ml.-lgo Itammcis. V nv II., V n lie* bio, I D'l •, "ml b s ll. lloiv s.i ...p. I I*. I'l 1IVV 4 , 1 URN HMF I 1 t ID*. IIAV lIUIID, llivos, V via, And •'!'#, Mbove's. HpavVe*. Gwv.s. ttav »»»*' Xtaiwii* \ ting pa|M*i, Pvvrii* Monwale*. Hptm I.-* VV nnigtd Nails amt Hplkes, t'lsnrs ,.1 *l| kinds, “elves, 1 otfee Milts, 1 -inni and VV "id 1 aivls.i niiy » .'mb*, and In ta< 1 ev nry at n, le »d«pi -.l in the u ade 1 lit and v'o-iiitf v ofvlei* will receive p "iW|d alleeli" and all N"<mD tut shipment* ■ arvlvilly jvm Uw.| l|i s I H ADII'd’ H VI Nil ID .' recrivvd.amt 1 •• as ' 111,1 4 I UNCI’ h It *Gt K • t aint*. ' e VV *sh H' wisewhcio The •' •iliwb** siljsemvw'' • ' III-' 0 — IIIM’HN ’ HIH1KN K| 1 I IVKD MM ?’ n VNi.VH In 1 • D» x * * "ei Imu ,-i»|| . t.v l» v*. b ' • • - .1 I * . d-u .dV-.w. ■ l -lira, Ml 1# Xi-w X -l.x-F .'«! ' •». .; I.' .a * v > sjwv •’ ic I'rvifg-vis sr-d IV*'c* - 4*fc>, > •’ > Tv' h* had \V 1 , • v , rpv-ps 1- D.-u*<» la Ike lab's, V H A l' MMmX.s V.\'i *. VX VX 1 INO . rr- Lrf c;t a rwwMJeraMe u<u; .* -i , .1 . II. 7|Oft||| .V i O. vv holksalf drfggists t I ej VV mus v\ . via a ad I'rival do \ ■ it, a v < Hi; 'll; The I I: Hampsen Xn Xilie Kale V«i ’ . h 1* addfst he# . VvUm*, 4 41 ■ ' • • 1 Pant - * 1 ,-,-p at IM vx ,m). wt vt»e }"vvv,»i of a 1 ay ft nvaw a slot, tg the t!rfvt|r>*» , bj llti'i'l a tl.vma In Vb,- New XX id ,•! of Vriwimsa at»J Hun 1/ llv*Ml,»>v . 01 Ar Pin he Del* ef *rde»t*»» IV* Bate t 1 t VX He 4II N i •* *»< Ilm amK ,1 tn,# i'ii, ... | peg as. a and dr* . I ' vie » . >s , 1 .asks Kink ' risks *«alarV»lws ,\ barrels K<(i*v»1 "allpvinc ; i Sc| kilr vjw .v .»* , 10 |>ai iv Is V . 1'.'.Ulvt ■»"»*»•, V*' b, vrs ••* •’ ' I'aswtlvs W do t.vv v LctW.'Si Miswp Iv’ 1 MS Frp f« r X lspKrklHl l.irgvil. t b»Mri e». h. N in..a* 41 a<« a ski v K*v va . i.» "sms V .- c.r* at A VX v,w< , tegTlkei ss i.h s» r \sees’ v , asw-vrswwn.-i I s-f»-1 4ledl . live*. Orfiiasi'd, Han, Vv—.S *».« sks<'>« k'vssa**, T. Ilet Nnapa, 7 4. Drw^lsv* and «*»d» v . s. "i w ho ' are > fic'vkl al Ike IvWMl filtrs, r*»ksi lor its “• appro veil p*|wu »»»• it’T kwalvsk Vv•**-.< l am, eg s-t v '>»-« q««lns nl ae\! b«g ssW by s* 1 N’T’. l.*TM*xT 4 noons a VV '