The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, July 27, 1855, Image 2

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-L SAVANNAH KKFUH LK'AN, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 27,1856. THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. rrai.miiin ay ALEXANDER &. SNEED. <’ltr nnd 4'niim>- I'rlnfera. hhducbs. Daily, in advance,per annum If not paid in sdvsiivA Daily, in advance, form month* rti*Weekly, in advance, pot animm... II nol paid in advance Waokly,invariably in advance Wwokly. ,clnh price.* 10 cxnc* tor ....§5 00 ... . ft «*> ....B3 00 .... 3 on .... 4 00 .... 1 00 ... .15 00 The lllcaelug We llnjay. j The mcrcica o! Providence lo ui, aa a people (aaya the N. Y. Kiprcsa) have juat now an many nianifMtationa, that cold and mecnaalo indeed moat bn tho heart that doe# not, involuntarily, beat wnh thanksgiving and gratitude lo iheGivsr ot all Good. "Peace la within our walla and plenteouanaaa in our palaeea." The lab«ira ol tho huahandman (Dor respond sue* of the savannah Ropabllcau ] A LETTBR FROM Q0RD0H 8PRIN0S Nlr» Trl|ipp'i l.elirr of Acre pin nrr. „ FoMyth.Ga , July IDih, IH56. KonrMT P. I itit rt , Kmj , /Ar«ir Sir Aa srreanl tf ikit drhghljul Wrlrral — Iftftwtn and , in th* Monttltin*' floanoH Hraiaaa, July 98, IR35. ffnifien.-Pmm iho innai rellabla Information Tmr CMUfosv nr Drihinu a Ql'Rkn — What a cruel ceremony Waailie dressing ol that miiik Queen. When .Marie AntoXinlie, hi the day* ol I a morning in cniniiiiiii a appointed for that I her cumbarsnma grealnr |iurpoa«*f i'give* u» iiiih'Ii ph aauie to inloiin you, i the oetitre ol lit r bed i lumber, awaiting, alici her that a ( oiivi ntioti o| iho Atiirrnnn Party of iho hath, her flr.l soldo ol dr*a«, it wa* pn-amiled to 1 hird Ciingr. saional Diatrii'l, a»at-mbltd al'llamcM- j h*r, or latheril wn# paae.J over tier royal ahoul *dl“ "<> the l?i|i mat , and nominated you a* their drr* by the 'damn d'hoinieur ' I't-rhaps, at iho mo i throughout all thia broad land havo ample prntinao that I ran obtain, the grain cropa of Tennessre, Ataba- SAVANNAH, QA. Friday Morning. July 27. ol an abundant reward. The apprahenaluna of lant* , nia and Georgia, am morn promlalui than thry have ina, which erawhtle obtained, havo paaaed awav— , frtr • t»m>ber of year*. The whral crop la already AMERICAN CANDIDATE F»»R GOVERNOR, GARNETT ANDREWS, FOR 0ON«RRft!»-KIH*»T DINTtlCT, S. M. V A 1! N A DO E, Of I thorn »j> rrirgr.ii)ii for itr]>ut)Uc<iii. trout .Retire, Ntw Ori.kars, July 25. The atetmahip Orizaba from Mexico, haa arriv ed at this port, having Bailed on tha 19th. All wa# quiet at the Capital when the Omaha left. Sants Anna's father in law, it ia paid, haa been appointed Mutiattr to tho United Status in place ol Almonte. Sants Anna'* family would lesve in the wsr steamer Itutbnde. lie ta reported lobe willing to make amicable concessions lo the revo lutionists. Front € uitloruln. Nsw York, July *5. The steamship "Star of the Weal," with dates to , the 1st inat., has arrived trorn Aapiowsll. She : bring# nearly s hall million gold. It ta reported that Bauds have been perpetrated i by Adams &. Co. and Page, Bacon St Lo. J Tho Democratic convention tn Ctlilornia haa denounced the Know Nothings, and have nomi nated Bigler lor Governor. I he Knew Nothings will meet at Sacramento, when addresses are *x- : pected Irorn Gen I > - to ami others. Capt. Walker h*s been detested at Rivas,losing twenty men. He lbd. leaving behind important documents. He passed through San Juan on the night of the 1st and escaped on board *»t a schooner to parts unknown. From Nun tit !’«*• New York July 25 Advice# Irom Santa Fe state that t-api. Taun- tclroy has debated a body » f the Utah Indiana, killing 40, and capturing 5 Major Brooks Hnd one of the white# were killed. Indian depreda tions continue. conviction coming in their stead that our barns and granaries will bo taxed lo the utmoat to find .com for the products of the approaohlng harveat. Thou, again, never have we enjoyed a more unex ceptionable exemption frnn pestilence than at the present moment Epidemical disease la, happily a stranger in our midst— and no unusual sickness ol any description threatens ua with a reign of ter ror Health, abundance and general prosperity greet us on every aide—and when to all these in estimable blessings is added immunity front the desolating strile which is just now dtenclnng the fairest portion ol the Old World in blood and tears, our cup, it may be well said, runs o'er. It wi-ro impious to assume, or to any, that our doaurv- ingaaaa people, are greater than those of other countries ol the great human family. That we ao largely participate the divine lavor,therelore,ahould move to public and privato acknowledgments ol tile lavors of a protecting I’rovnienee, every crea ture at all capable of gratitudo to the Creator. The suggestions which meet our eye in the public journals, in favor of a day act apart for a special Thanksgiving—lor a plentiful harvest, the absence of pestilence, and the continued prea«rva- lion ol peaceful relations with all mankind,—are but the natural and spontaneous expressions of tilts sentiment. The sign is a good one. It shows that, notwithstanding the growing materialism of the day, with us studied exaltation of human pride and human presumption, there is still m the great heart ul the nation that humbleness of man's de pendence upon hia Maker, winch was ao becoming and beautiful a trait in what we aornetimoa call tlia earlier and better days of the Republic. From Knnan*. Naw York, July 24. Advice* from Kansas *ta!e that Governor Reeder relusea to recognize tie- eg-* aiure »» a <vgai b» d y t The legislator* haa adopted 'he Missouri code ol laws A meeting <1 the people has been c* Ud. •mi steps will he tak-n t aiicttain Iroin W »i-ti— ington the dic.ston «>l the cabinet relative to the Continuance of Ktcdcr in > Dice. (Itnli-rr* In tin- Tr»*t. New York, July 25 Cholera isprevaiing in Middleton, Conn. Telcffrn|»li lie lay .Station. Niw Y< rk. July 23. The Telegraph relay station will be rein..vcd from Columbia to Augtis'a <s B-><-n as the line ta Completed Iroin AN ashing *n to Kmgavilie. New Yui i> Rnrkel*. New Y-*rk, July 23. Middling Upland C* tt n * and* at l0 5-8c I l>»ur haa udvaoved irum 12 to 18c Corn is linn at Vo cenu. Nkw i • rk. Ju'y 24 The cotton market waa tirm to-day—the sales were 5‘J0 bales, and for three days I3o0 bales ; Orleans fair quHnl at 12 1-2-- , and Middling at 11 3 4. Flour is #a*ier, though n"l lower, it is quoted St 8 1-16 a 8 3-4 Corn i» sel.iug at 9<> 12 - , per bushel. !*cw Orlvaii* yiurkrta. Niw Ori.ean*, Ju'y 26. The Cotton mirket was unchanged to-day—- sales 1,700 bales. Flour war a tr.fl® higher—quoted at 8a 8 1-4. Freight on Colton per ,h to Liverpool, 7-16J A Woril to I’airon*. In consequence of the r« cent chance In the propria torahlp of tbs Kepu- Dean, n lifi"n * necos-ary to fet tle up the old butmeM «.! tt." office. Our patr-ns. therefor*, both tn town and oountrv. who are Indebted to the nUIrr. wilt do u* a par .culxr favor by at tend mg to their arcounta a* soon »• possible. AA e trust tliat anbvcr'ber* and silver l*er». who have r»rr l>ern petK'ual m the payment of their due*, will appreciate lh* nece««'-y of thi« rmtiee They have doublle«« •ill- fered from ihe con>n»«-rcl»l enitia r va«vmen , a > f the* ** well as oilier*, ami under ordinary circumatances, we should not ibink of m«kimr tbit rati; but the ab- Sol'lU* nerr«-. f of iw-ttllliif Up the business ol Ihr Hl'-r, leave* u« no choice. I3T Wo would rein lime within which t r , lory to tho next muin<- p ■ 1st September. A * i **h • nd Aldermen in Deem soon aa posadile ty Our da.If edi'ion • t having be*-n eihauaiod, w maud, wo w.uid stale ‘.oat taming a : I tho n«»s «,f ih> ed »t 2 o’clock m,* af rr-, nd our reader* that the -t-r th- .r names prepara- i-h ctn.n, will expire t>ie desire to vote (of Major, .!>er, should register as >vt<-fd*v and Tuewiay ut satisfying the do- r wcekly t>»pc»,c<.n- i. k, wiH he pnbii<h- i] Persons desiring ecpiee, can obtain ti.ern l-y applying at ed an Augusta paper ernpornrtea in that city ■ ii, arid manage t" gel before the hour tor We have not rrc. thia week * ann> t our r ■ send ua their morning < d ' the ptp«ra to 'tie poat ofli «loe t.g it 7 ty A dispatch receive.I by Me*«re I'aifelf-rd fay A. Co , anonoairi ttm srr val ol the atearn •hip Kooxvillo at N w Y'-ik in 59 hour*. A pasaeng -r, name unknown, wa» lost &v«riK)*rd from the hr g •- nan, uu I" f w *y Irom Dar irn for Newbury port [For tl.e Republican j Orlglu of tin- Aitat'rlt-nii Pnrtf. The origin of a new party, ua lundamental prin ciples and primary objects, and the character ol ua members, sro iho tiret quoatlona a good cittxoo ought to interiga'o l-clure ho enlists under ua banner or capomca its cause. Was there ever n party in this Republic (hat Ind aa iitllu to (ear and as much to hop© (or, Irom such enquiries, aa iho Native American par'.y ol the present day I What then "I ua origin, r.s paternity, pa nativity { Heaven be thanked, it is tho bantling of no apecu- lating Uemagogue, n««r plundcr-seakmg political junto. It was neither conceived nor brought forth upon the highways ( .r the bye-ways, that load to, n>T w uhin, the | urlieus of the Capital \N e Know id no great tact or tealuro in nature that ao happily tiluatra'es the origin, progress and p iwcr ol this party,as does trie origin, progress,and power id tho mighty Mississippi river. Would you learn whence n springs I G<» yo then, on a long journey lar away into the wilderness. There "in tho deep bosom" ul thu "primeval forests," where “Natureplays si will her virgin tricks," and keeps, amid tho councils of her bahblp g brooks, ien ih >usand secrets, >• >u will find gushmg up hi delicious Irevhneas at iho lot ol a nanu-.c.-* Iiuie hi.:, a sparkling touulain Over its ml.hi rivulet the Weary hunter Maps ui hi* carc.rss wan derings, while Irom the rtpp c ol ua meandering vvaleia,tho tim d lawn tdtnelh not aside; t ut pur sue it downw*rd and onward, mi l you will soon find that it w idem and deepens and awci.a, until a Huron's weal'.li floats upon its surface, and tiie hardy mariner tarns pule at Hie roar ot its waves, Such w us '.ur origin, such li»» been our pr.igre.-a and such la i ur power Faraway amid t lie d.a- tunt uud quiet vules file's humility, amid tho ai-qui-stcicd abodes . • an h nest poople, where t'io demagogue r u.d find no sand 'll which to leave ins lootprurs in bis wunder.Mg.*, .id tin* new p .i:y atari. So puic was .is conu pti >n, and ao preun- a. oiilt-ss i • advent, that having no prophets «• | oi l to loretel tho great events q iicAeniiig tn tno womb of Mine, ua coming never was antic pitted , n >r to the startled and astounded hits it yet coast .1 t • be n mystery Like ihul ol the Father ot \N a- ters, 11a course lira - silent and onward.— steuui.y hu* it deupoped and w.doiiod, until now a nation's b-p.a ride ua careering wnvo, "liae n thing of light." Old political tars, who have ridd< n in tnuinpn through a thouaand party tempests, w i'll hearts "merry a* « rn.irrM.'c beo," are running t > arid Iro, be.ier skellsr, ntmut iho roi king decks oI their ri* k' tty, un«eaw..rthy and badly wi ather bett-u erslts, a.I pallid nmt item b. mg, and «v.:r and uiin nin.d the li lul pause* tho *'(>rrn,yuu caa hear in (ho familiar tones <■( their desperate crew, the frantic wailing* of tlm d . rin d *ud Iho damned. So nmio it bo ! .So mil it be ' 1'hua fans our party in its origin, p’ogresa mid power, like tho "Id Father ot Waters If fiko in*, our ul'Mito us are dust me J to tiirb d and eluggiah, it must be Irom a precis-ly similar caua*.—the imru«i<.n ol tnbu aries b tvmg no car.h y connect .on w i.ti its nng n And lor such a calamity w« wan. our countrymen speedily to pic ture. No sooner wifi it bo kn >wn, ss known it aurcly will bo ao >n, ,8am is m.ghty mid will prevail, than lip* thui iuno bun r.uu- will bless lnm then. Aye, they wi : pi -us.y call down heaven's diuisesi b.eMings upJii hi* ano.'.ted li«ad The gre it bait Unit arc to b«- lougtit in tho Woat in August, w. 1 *..enco buridr. da«.I rabid brawlers and bring around our aitara pror.lytea by the legn-n Tho scream* of . ur eag'c* a* they rue from tho hi.l- topaot glorious old K ri'ucky, m. I gather v.iiumo a* gallant Ten in***)ii .ii*til* awuilmg exultaiion, they emo booming down upon our lu»fi.v..d (ie rg s, strike terror to our foe, and in il -tob o next, you'll hear die ! .•( leu.t gurg.c u| iiio in th.* thr -tib. of axpiring power Than will our aecea- ai ns exceed • -ur want* They will have tho l«-s •on ol swearing allegiance "If and on ao pat, tin y w.i i».' if it to Ham. and ewnar «ny thing hx may dic.atn Am >ng,h .waver, tin* eartainti.-a that liny bo satoly count-J on,i»th"oa h that they already prepared, IA*( Dry *lir yi hurt bttn r.rV harvested,and an abundant yield It lisa mad*. The corn crop of upper Gaargla la at this ttm* belter than I hav* aver before teen tt. Most of the flrat corn la already made, and the late corn nr«da but a few mora day* to put that also beyond danger. From Trnursaee and Alal.atna, llku reporta are made of ihecurn crop. Without t-.nio •xiraurdluary drcuinstanres, l.readaiulTk will lie low enough the tint year. The Ninth will ba tn no danger of starvation. • Having recently visited North and South Carollu*, I Hnd the crops there, glrlng promise of great plenty ; — *n fact there has be*n more corn planted this year than for many years previous. The people, ’ll seems, have Come lo the conclusion that It Isa losing business to raise cotton at doubtful prices, to buy corn at most ex orbitant rates. 1 bo prevent year lit* taught tho ngil. culturlsts ot the ^outti a very salutary lesson I he report of the cotton crop is Very Indednlte -Th* weed Is very largo In consequence of (he large ammini ul ruin that has lall»ti,and u Is yet to be demonstrated v» bother the fruit will be In proportion lo the weed. - Fmin Hilt time lo the latter pnrt of August, cotton ha* Its season of doubt, through winch It must pass. 1 feel oertnui ut lb* success of the American party In Georgia. From the mountains to the there la one universal uprising of Iho masses. The numiil.mi boy i have made Ibo acqualulauce of "Statu," Slid And. lug him "a very proper person," are determined to see him out In October I am sorry that Mr. Overby was n<d withdrawn by tho Marietta Convention—nol that It will Injure the vote of the American parly to any mm sldoraMe extent, but that It gives many outsiders an opportunity of dodging ; mu uklng position until they can ascertain, net which Is lo* safest party for tho country, but which will be th* strongest. Judge An drews will bo elected despite of Mr-Overby'* nonnna lion. In no county In the f*tato dot l>*lieve Overby will get one hundred votes, lie It a clever mni, pieacbe* a good sermon, ami make* a fair law argu im iit. The people, however, do not approve hit pres ent point,m. Johnson Is tn bad odor, and them are liiuuy others besides Judge Jones, rising up to teMlfy against hint The Foreign party are badly scared They see the band writing on the wall, amt tbeir knees like Hclshatzar's, begin lo smile each oilier. We are gelling quite n plea*an' litlle company at this dclightim wali-rmg place -about in, at present 8ooil, however, the Crowd w I: begin to swell. Nh.U'O Ii i* done men f.irlhespd Hutu any other In Georgia that I luve Vitliod It Is tufr..undid entirely by u.'-un la.ns, save one pats, which fun. she* u flue toad to mol from Tunnel Hill, mi the Maie Hoad. From H..*e mountain *011111111* at* lai.dve ipe views of rare 1 emit* The Hotel and t'ablns are bmli mi a very gentle eleva- t.nn, Iroiilliu each other; beiweeu Hum it a preity pis.n Cove-el Willi boautilul green grass, dotted with w ole spr> nding oaks and cliv*iuit* and atfordlng n m> st «ls I gl.ilul vbnde ai all hours o| the day. Tile nigh'* are c - l and pleasant, and by ni>..i.lngii blanket it by 1.0 in-aus tinroiufortable. Walks from the hotel ai d rat.Ins lead to tho fprlng* ; here y mi fllid III* coolest, the most per t-ctly transparent, and delightful water that I have ever drank. The ml.le l* sumptuous, and the cenllamanly widower at it* head—the very prince • f landlord —luakca every gm—i frcl a* Ho.’ ho'w.-re at h me. tieu Gordon coip 1 n o bo othorwi*o Ilian g.-i.- Ileinanlv and gallant; yet he l.a* a peculiar fn.-u ty of making every one Hit'.w •■fl’ all restraint and slilTne*#. an I f.-el pe* ecily at ease I have never sat ata better table at Hnratogt than we have lu re every <la>. The a. rvani* are allenlive and well drilled. I have been fi b.rmrd that I hr General has inv Its d all of the v* i ;»u • of Georgia to come and si.are Ins hospitalities for the summer, he may find out w hlch *>f tt.a fair ones he c.-.n peisunde 10 stny over for tl.e wilder,and share In* cabin wuh liim (or better or for worse. The corps editorial are Included in the Inviiatlor—not h..wev. r i . •lay over f..r the winter or rt.aie hi* cal In. but t" inr areal at the table ind a mom In the bouse. Yours truly, \V. i-andidalii lor Conuresa Satisfied that in tin* act, tho convention haa car ried out iho wishesnt tho Panv, and indeed, nl a maj ority id ilio people ol tho Disiricl, pertim ua lo exprsisa (lie graiihcntimi the nmnmaip.n has «.c- cnaioued ns, and lo expreaa llio h<>po that you will accopt h. Youra, Vary Reapecilully, A II Watts, l U K Tivsi.kv, I. B J i Commute# Fohiytii. July 23d, 1856 Mosarw D K. Tinsley, L U. AluxamJur, A II ^ mis, ComnmiuQ GonileuienI nin in roceipt of your communi CMtisin ol iho I9ili inet , itHorming me linn, at n ( "iiventMii o| ilio Aim noati I’any lately hold at B.iMieavillc, | vv.-m*<1 ii* n caiididaio lo represent the I'lotil ( District ol Gaor- Riu hi the i naumu Uonitresa. Approviog aa I do, lit,• great object Bought lo ho secured hy iho organization ol tlm American I’-trty, ami lie loving Moil no iiimi alimild r< Iumi In* s.-rvicca Win II demand, i! by hi* h li-.w-i-iHZem., I ►liilll, ll llie ilc-li.-ii of thu Coiitcnl|..n ol wfiuli yoiiarolho organ, ho ratified hy ihu people, eii deavor with eincl hdcliiy and prop, r *eul, t-> d.»- cliargo nil Hie duliea upporiaming I" Hie < III. e ol a repreaentnlivu of iho pcplo in our National Lu- "■ future. , I 1,1 II . . I" 11 p. IHO. ill u I. I It is pr.ihnhlc, gentlemen, that during tho pres j j,!,. ntairwsy comldi-tn t- no IH. a prineew# «d iho blood a lilered the room, i|or rrmicli Qucciia both dressed snj rimed hi public,) thn right ol pulling on iho primal garuieni ol tier majvalV immeil.a.e y devolved upon tier, lull II tou'ti n*.t be yielded l>. to r l.y ih* Marne d'h >n- neur,' th* I Miter, arreaung tin- cheirnze de la Heine as it was passing d<>wn Ini royal hark, adrutiy whipped il oil, and presenting it to Hie 'premi.-m dame,' that noble lady irnnsl.-rri-d il lotlm prmceaa id the blood Madame Cniupao bad mire given It lo th* Dulctieis ol Orleans, wrio,aoleiimly taking the same wan <>n Hie point ol Hiinwmg u ov* r tho (Juoen's head, when n scisiehing fit wa* c .uirary lo et.quello to knock) wn. In- iid ut lliu door "I her room. Thereupon enteied |||« Connie** de I’fov anco, and shn bring nearer iho llnmin ih*n tho , lady o| Orloane, tile latter made over her ofli * t . the new comer In tho in -antimo ilm (Jueen wt<- .1 like Venus n* to covering, but nljnkuig wuh i-' ol, j fur it waa mid winter, and mutienng, 'what an j odlou* nuisance " i |i« ( unit rs de I’loVence en tered <.ii iho mission wlm Ii had lalicA t<> her, mid thin she did so aw kwarifiy Him she • nlirely demol- lalivd a lo nd iliesa who h had taken three In u * lo build I he (Juoen belie.d list* and got warm hy laughing outright Dr Ih.rsn | Roman I'aintkii SrAttAiiv Tho cicavat i.ris now in progrea* III (him, Hie tin-sire i f Hie pooti cal amry id Koine, and.-I lliu last six hook* I J the .Ivnan, have revealed near an antique villa a rich marble st-pulcbru biglny ■ rnaineiiteO , * mar— RAVSNNAII Vf A II M VVI.I.K i.V HKVIKVV. UflTTON —Arrives! stne* llie H**b lost.,** t'p land, (Tipi |avr Kadrowd, -Vi from Aug.i'ls tint land legs nil the riser.i sod ** dn Hi* tilsrots fharr (or Ho- •sine period aioountb. 3.4 14 bales I'(.Isn't, and HO U<, era Islands, viz : T-> llserjea.i. 17i/j b«irs t’piand, and ‘Jj d'» - et Islsmlt; in llesum fliu bale* • p land, to N> w 1 oik, 7H? bai*s t'plsnd. and M do ee* Islands, Sint to I'hlUdrlphls Ki bales 1 plsi.d b aring on band and on shipboard, not«It sr. d, • stock of 4 Mi lisle* t'plandsnd 314 y>. M ea IsJsnd*. against V,'M) I'|>'and and WUdo. lies Island*, at the ssn.s tun* last >esr (be market during ft.* past week remained lu Ihe asms dull Hate n»tlc*«l In riu* last we-kly rapon Tt.a Slock on sals i* very •m«li, and lbs sale* consequently have hewn 11in.led The sales ol Hie week amount to 431 bales, ai the f • Mowing particulars: si t'H, 3.1 at I' 1 , •'i at H<and 13 at lOJ* rents. Th* bus net* of'l * Week ns* to rn »o sni*l|, sod ll.n stork on sale f, very light, that wo are unable to give r|uotf.HOSi; ws conse quently omit Hiein, I tin wrath.-r, Ir on sit th* a> rounit wblcb we have re- Celvid, roiil.tiue favorable to the growing cr• |.s The receipts In ll.e United Htales up to Hot I me, si compared with Isit jeer, give the following result : (recreate at New • irleans. JO.T.T w |)o. at Mobile :■ ee* SAVANT 41! U IIOI.I NAI.I. I'ltll »,N « I || Ifp.q , % pill Ir a, % r s . • G (toi,.l>. tt i lt^.. I" '1*1. fil l I S .* , Hsvazuish. I*i qtl f-H 1 D I UA ( ff'Cn i . Ilf till »TH l(t »•> si : /j: In., at Florida... Iiirrt-sse ai “atannah . V3 . <* it VS I <* * (* v» )i in l oiigim*, | may bo iblo In hum I u largo |mr- n >n . | inv b-il..vv cilizviia ol llua Diatnci, wbon tbo priiiciplt-a whit Ii w ill govern my a. Moll II • icclvd, caii i-u more tin-roughly di'cussod than m •In* loiter. Thanking y..u lor Ilm kind mum.or in winch lliu abovo Ho lice lit* been given. 1 am, K« spo-Hul'y, YuuiGn’l Sr'I. K F Tr.ii I'E. Font It of July Ih l.oitdoit. Tho Loud.m Advertiser, «>l July ft, has « long account ot Hie grout gailivfing ol American cili- z.-naat Will.*' room* >>n tho Fourth ol July. Mr Georgo IVabody, ns z* Ins cuBlom, g ive ii grand ciiloMamrm-ut Id *01110 Olio hundred Mid cigliiy .•! Ilia lellow -ciilXt-li* e.-joiiriling III London The b«-a| apei ch 1 I Ihe day wus the one made by the II 11 Ju*iali Quincy, Jr.,o| B-.-t n, who was in troduced to tno company liy Mr 1'cabody, in Ilm t.'llowing a perch Mr. Fe.ibody rose to propose tho first toast,"Tho Day w« Celebrate " "Liglity year* ag*.," aui.l Mi I V-abody. "J.-a. pli Waireti, Samuel Adams, and oilmrs wln.-o names w-10equally t-i-napiciious m our revolution, aoni to London .1 young mnn, m whoso inlenis and | .-t liberty they had tlm most unbounded confidence. Tho ohj?ct of 11119 young man'* lilies."h» Wen to t >taldi»li .1 personal inter UI80 w.tli the In.■ndv..| coii*tituti >nnl liberty on till' aula ol the Wsn-r , mid through it are what could He done t" prev-o 1! the rnp'.uro then iiiiperi.l mg. Ill* nu*aii.ii proved lutilo ; and tioiwilli- ■« and mg lie was h .n red with the Iriendvlnp oil i r .111 k I in, t ooii"l Barn-, and ev>-n that "I 'In- great I L -rd Cha'.li .m, wa* h-t.-. d m the o >ur!ti*i->n 1 hat tho nme lor «■ iroin the m-.tlior coinry had arrived. Anxiety <>1 1 und and ardent leelmg wore "'it a Iran leafy. Ho died on In* return h .me, and w.Him sight I Hie Anera-an cuvt Ilia la*i wish w.»* HihI los lile nngii he spur* d a lew l.,.urs hi i wInch to converse wiili Warn 11 ..r Adam* Ifi* ■ * act w.ia, by wi 1 und nsinnmni, to h- >ju- nth '• his only ami the mspring work* of John Locke ' •Mg. ru .n Sidney mid J tin Muioii. W1H1 those enjoined upon lnm i pray that the apin' o| l-beny iiu might r> st upon h in A grand-Hi id tliat early nirtityr—»in- who he .ns Ins hIumi.ouh naim--rn>w Mia hy m> aide uii'b-r wid'-ly ddl rent ampiccs— . II i'll his inmm I I-, j I.. as*oi'iale the t"ft*i I have ju-t given—* Ihe | l.y we Celi-ir ute ' " • beers j Mr Q mu y * ape. c i 1* rep-ete With brilliant hull).-r and q.n-nce The r< innt >.| it oceupm* ' iitnrly two eoiumna <•! Hie L- bdoii )■ >tir 11.1 Ih IB- W.19 loud y cheered. I'.merson Tennenl re»p..nd«d to he loa»l "I*, Iru-ndaliip and amity be tween thu peopiu ot l.nglatid and the Lulled Slate*" II u. Georg* \5 ashingt 11 Vl.iiim, »d j 1 limb Stow n, Mu*- . i -p.-nd.d I - ihe aen inn nl, " l lie 4 Ii 1 JnlV, l"'f> — tile re-u.t >1 the l*;h "I June, 1775 " Mr l...*kv,(U S f'on«ul si B >uth- | mnpi"ti,) re«p. nd- <1 i > "Tho M. -canlilc Martr.. 1 ha! oVered and In with various eolori-d marble, win. Ii appexrs t>. be i llie anle-chsnihcr ol n gren'.-r marble apartment, rontsming Iwosarc'-uhagi >• -vered w. Ii mseripti .r.a , bak-reheia, Stigeia, Ac. I..t«* hi, lliu linliab sculp- . lor, fin-la a confirmation .1 b.s lavonio Hm- iy in the tael that Hies® sculptures an- psintad It 1* ccrisin that the old Romar.a nt l®aa- did aornetinma I paint i|i> ir lliarhle. Ninner >n> br»nz>-a, and r.lher i antique Iragim-nts id n • grave value, |i*v® also | been f.r .ught to fight in the same region within a , lew days l \ irguna and North Gsruhns . .'..*0.' Thr Itrpiiblirau I'.ir ihr l anipainn. \Vo will furnish Hi* Hart ilk tx for lliu Gampaign, on Hie follow lug icrtus.— For Daily |1..'4 For Trowoekl) 1.1*0 For Meekly. I cup) W) •' •• I.'topics 4.1*1 •• M 3tkc >|.ie» I N'ti orders will Imi atlended to unless they are accom panied v nil Hie moiiev. T.-isI decrease |• . HE \ l-I.X.Nfi The t.oek r.n sale la very l.ght, lu (act, there it but htll« in Aril hand*. The tales of (he week hate been him led lo onsitiiail lot at it* it cell s Uerrljils of the wr.-k fe litlei, exports W hales islet during tne ps*i week have tteen -Vher to the retail trade. M'e ha** t.*-a-d "«>• sine* our las: weekly report, and it are of courts nominal, e demand (>r it It* Is (air, but the V\ e quo'.* Georgia. North t.sroltna tr.d 41 %>*> m p«r ubl, to qu4li- ( •VV Prime N -rib, •• letter F bus. *» ' id E- coi.flncd allow of no trait**, i wholesale | ri- r n. V3 Vi y • u ¥ « 4 <*: C .rru«poii.1en.-e of the -*.iv annah It*-j.ubl lean. Will to Siilpluir Spring*. M n i,) .'.Mi. Ii .Mtitri, t’dilon —We are in llie re.-> ipt of many tellers, inquiring the ei|.i-n-o o' living at ihr Whit® Sulphur Hpriug*. I’lcate putiliah thu following In reply : Hoard, J) • rati* or tomii at WHITE >11.Fill It el'KINGH. Including the u*e<>ftbe Halbs, per month.|30.'r0 do do do per week. ..Ill,On do do do per day .. .'.fico — 4 • . II. Mu i.ih , Manager. noth i:. fl7“The lion. II. II. < iV Elill Y hs« con»en'cd, at Hie urgent request of tlm fried* «f T. inperunre, u. ti»u Hiecoiilitle* tielow named, at Hit* time* severally *(>• cl (led In each All per*nn« Ii.tcn «n-d hi the great caute rd humnuily, are m quested to give pul>bniy to these app' inumins, thai Hit- people may hear and Judge fur themselves. >nnder*vll!e, Saturday. Jul> Hay *prlnui, Halnrday night. Block limited. Tennessee bran ty and quantity. CORA—Thor* is a fair dernsn-l. The st rk on **le l« ample. W* quote In bulkaittj^U ui, according to qotnilty. i ■ \ I H—The stock on sale It very light, and ihe de mand Ilm u< d i In H<* abM-tce of la-gr transact i.» we have no wii».t-sale quota.mux lo offer. Jo lou, they are t.-liing s’, b ' i elits per bu*hH. II \Y -tVe have r.o change to notice, and eont tiu# our quotab-.n* ol l**t week. The arrivals sre very light. M' H. A H>EH-Tbi re hav* l*r. n io> arrival! ■ uba 1 during the week, and we have heard "f i»o I|< Id- eis are evk.i.g V> rent* per gallon f .r New Orleans HA'.i'N - Me q uue llsms a; 13* 14; ntmul It-* !<^a. lu, uni Mdes Da,ilJ* cents j ,tr p.und. The ms-kci l* llriu. I.IMF—We qu-.t* from wharf In lou a: |1 2i per ra«W The s.ock on »alo It (air. EX' II ANg I..* — V\ e quote Merbng j^r rrn; prem. Tho Haiik* are ell.i g H.ght Ehe-kv on t N • > n, citie*at A |" f cl. prom,, and purchasing Mgi.i b,..*si v, , lu day* nt i*, iM) day* at A » 'a. da;s a. 1 & rmj . c ju Ytu.r.- .4 «; rn. r n fc * • IC . * • * 14 A i in y m -v. .«) , b • • ■*> 4 IC >. A'bed .y . A. : tj % | V; , |«-r ct dis nt Lfi»i(T >.- II .Mon W c -. ( " lo l.irerpo -I 5-lud, dull t.'oa* New York ^ |i»c. b< »t«-amers; . per bale ; lo Hal.lmore Jgr.; to I'h. “ h, i u'clock. 'lull IIIrIII wf 4 ollnn. 4 to % y. i 75 , Mo ■ b Ju'v l'» i-, Emanuel >w . n- Mount Vernon, Monfg" Tu t l*t. »'bj. Ju'y 31*t. AA odneiday, .\u- i ■ [I'nr thn Itopubllran ] Messrs Editors ■ — Will you ho ai k'nd a*!-- ninko room t«.r ihu lollnwiog explanation ? VAC understand there i* *. itio m'*apprt horti mi .as t■ - m portion <>t'..ur article m Ho- K>q u'diCAii ul y*-*- t.-tdajf In eaymg that alien* paid n p-.ll tax and nti* Ztn* took coriificates ot registry, * e did not mean to c i.voy th<- id- a tliat ri'izcn*, unJcr n*> cirrum*' m c< «, paid a p .11 lax A* a go.-oral lutc.Umy pr<>c .<o Cortificalcs o| registry- and pay Hi® tier* a lou id cno dollar, in lion "I tlm Imud ut ; and if they ii > not, •• limy in ay not, then they arc liat-io lor tlm poll tax. Il iho. CitlXun eti 'U l p-t b'i to i ay bis p ill, Im can il>. so, and need not register Wu were ap> akmg of Hi# genera, prac tice, iho prevailing custom, c l voicra. winch i» Midi a* we slated. H- epocilufiy, n»h"r All 11 -n ■ ercj, mil > ropri-MMi*. i ail and i >1 .'-t in . Hi or i our gi ® ring M. h ant I' In. I) Ite i. m ‘.‘o-r.'i "" r ii" --, H j Im -e, ex-1’reside i i ol tlm I nib d .a d In- w t* ata.nt t . pr | Keld«vilie, Tattnall, Thm Starnt.oro, Hullo' h . I r Hi rmgOeld, Efllogh 4 in-lc Htallon, Monday, >yUai»la Her.von. Tin-d. W nyt,i sl.oro, llurke, M.d l.ouitvillc, Jeff, rson, Thun Davithoro Friday, Aueusl n, Wilkinson, Sam Jd. I ' r " (3d. ’il*y. Aug i»t 4:h. « u*l *>1 h . , .AiikU*. 7'h- •daj. A- gu*t “th. {■lock on ban i, J i •% • n A , \U,M t Vtb. ih. Exports of Cotton from Savannah From ' r » if a. J' da), Anguit i July '.'ft. *53, SiC I h. health nnuii-ii'o i tv \ i».\ 1.1. at »i \ DIMI5 M'lmr.s .Msoiso* 'ratio*. Jul) S3, lc-53. that | a. Tl.e Fancv Ha l 'em ll.e Hth arid . - f AM. ..( Auc-i* I'l 1(1 ! 4 . .TYNER. hnd ro ir u.ilion ■ r hr tha> if »c»..u»'y it'd 1 p( nden • blc F*r lho ball, and ii««v-o.i.*ly iteat-ribi d Ins « , i ih' - i-pp rliwny "fl I lo I lum ■ l lo. cm i I to mi T-valllho*® do*.rou*..I vi lli • tiimmrr, wo w. old •«' wdl ;ukr aecepltn.-e* on r Ion, >a*ani.«h. 31 scon, i'..I "i the -.".I. of t ictobcr ui it. jy 16 •w M'i.4 i % i Minn . A 1.1. I’l ItM i.N W lielob'o.l lo lbo Isle Ann nf I’KirE X A’E are rtifttijul’y rrfunttd lo call on the sub- a '•ritiM.' • Ill I barb* • i«. nt.lo II. I! Ill' KM \N fb II II» MU VC' fit. ,1 a i lie .»! i -me Native AJUkirzi* FRoORE**' -r L'l VIEIZATf N IN J Ar*N — Unp' * 'll Ad <ms. "t tlisi U. S N . wh- has returned from Ja pan, give* « 'tne interesting inlorniation about :ho-r progress ’I'he oflicisl* made many inquiries . | him about Commod-'re Perry, t" whom they »-nt m-v-ug.-sot rerneltihrance. The circular lailroad ai .I lucornotivo ho look out had K-cn put up m Y.-do, and tho Japancto c- uid now- manage thorn v. -ry well, the fin-.*motive making its trips every day They had also the lik-boat in the water, w I n A Special cr«'W detail"*-! lor her. Tho magn. I'C tin graph, however, was rnlicr too d>l!icu|t ! r 111* m, and they had nut succeeded Hi getting n to w. i'K property. During the visit ol Com P*-try's squadron they t'.ok iiieasurt-mknta «-| the st- rcslnp S ■ itiIi«mpi"ii, and limy hi t a vessel ol tlm aamu rn lol an I dimensions n.-arly re my lor launching 'I nc old Jap.muMi law r. «lrmting tho aizo and in del id ilmir junKs ha* rc '-n'ly l.een ahrogai«-d < and the g -vornment n n- w .nn' t>> p..-*. s* t naval squadron similar i«. "ins From tin* l.ut i! will bo seen how rapid lathe growth «d new id< a* in ih * secluded naimn, and what vast chan- g. a must net rasarHy result llolil thoir further in tercourse writ Americans Tho only American article they objected t". wu* tlm introduction ul rei gn-" I hey pretorred :he-r .. . I, and the C>inimi«sioue's returned to L'ap'.aiu Adam* n hundlu id r<digi-ua hooka and trinta, winch one of the American < li.udum* had di*Wit'U'.- ed among the people, requeuing Inin to tsk-- tlmrn hi' k to Amcrma Th*-y n monatmted at tin* at tempt to pr-.*olyto tlm Jape-mm, a* m v ; • 1st i.>ii ol im priimqdea ol tlm treary, and contrary to ■lependt Mi |- n m *.ii . ..» n aiindsi 1 iic cheMi ig, fin-lurid | . g " Tne London Advert v-r, m a . n»«:, 9.').* "W. h. ..Mi 1 w I*|| Ai sunn nl'Zi-n* ... Mr Pesl..« ..I r -ad, il .9 lo Ho- eb.uai tor and III. I) that we mu*l 1" k lor ej American be mg (.-ward III* c u Il ad-l* Ho- I ....vv up '•• nirru-n' mg Lngiand With Urn L'liiltd day — "Li-nieini-latr Lngiand, gr.-an and struggling m t fade de'.o g- fi II r p .pul.ii'e gi.vomitn-in no* c rr»p' urach ii. and tier a - piai.ib-n d t. i what -a»dc ti rio»l In r with Amoru ea ilia: Iln i-h cabinet inmiMcra :r>-. indillareiico, vvlioao smelt are i ill «e coinin' ro le iui’ ion Sl.n i r . i. il* ; Mi "o: mat to III.) rnt.ita o it i* ilia'. w nit her ;nle-r ami pay up. nnd lb. |wn-e. AA At - - J> u - E. 147 11* V It II I A I II. Mil J AMI.- t"M.r),.'umi* J) 4 tr • to ly siilh-'r-zed \- ho >'* o N. h II A EM'M. £xp.iru of Hire and LumNcr from t rum >. I-. )' . i 1-J4. t., July irs53. » at the .v iHi ti Mint r.. | fT" The Store of the tub* -nn« i log iln- months - I July a the flr«i of September, » -lie m la ..I pea. >• ;M don harvoi I. ddiy pr. aeiit.a a lama ol Uur-> .r»C till gai In-ri riii . dial stand. .or w ill t.o closed dur •ii*', l" be rr opened on o w snd full avvorlmei.t I of i a'pel :ugt, Itu«*, < 'll • 'l.-'.h*, ( u*lalil AlnterlaU, X • Panic* wlthlngfood* from to* »n>ck during hi* *b •cnee. r.n. oh'.ain them t>y || i» Inc l.> Atr«a'». N E VITT, E AT lfl«''I’ Ii ID 'GDIs, « ' - r. hi* bock* and account* w.n be found. Mr. Jon* >. Kooia* Is my authorized j Attorney. M' M. II. Gt |( 'N, Ait fit. ’ (savaiinah, June 3°, 18V. Jy 2-tf I I IC I! IA'1 ICAA4 I . 1 Statnurnl ct ihr ‘.AV'iri.V lor lunrantt t . *f.«i ’ a/ .A 'irtrC, lonnrrheut .--i th blA day </ '»s». Cap lal stork 91;•*. in v i». rlurplu* . • 5.321 "" Gres) Hr :ai -I. J.'lin *n v\ . .. liolio Ms i, M«.-n.-fu*rl IUhmIo Islstv I'hds ti-lpl.‘a Haltlm. ro M VESSELS IN POKI b:.:w, rd. f ». a Tlde.l rd, fl) s s. » IE.. ,3-Jt I I mi • i m* ago- i nt* n- '-••*- uns at fu.r • ' IB*r Id ovorll wm •pie b .1 consl, I mf'inea w . great mill , her thr.. a it ii, h r (i i,9..r v , her 1 "an e l.ey-o Ul HhB’e* Rank Mock on. . r J •• lnc«i|M.'ated Compn Hanks Vote* «>•» drinand. secure I b> Meilgsu* --n Real Estsie, lloml*, Monk > . k and other good persunal **cu.H) 1 a*h in hand* of Agi rn* •• in bunk Mm tv ul 4 oil on lu lti>- Inli-rlor low n». Auxu* * and Hamburg, JuG t. . Ju'v I V« I, VTA \A I the u- ' ll*. fill I ...gland *!»-i Ilm t.attl. a lights only h and well." Iiik Nt loon intceeted . c.g s ro w me h"d llolil tllrtt III" -I ah' .» niiiia. w n ch r i* . June I.,. phi*, iTerm.. July 3 . . i< Ina. , ■». 1 .) June 1 ExiHirt* of Cotton. Rice snd Lumber, M■ "I and in i-ur ankiul iicigld.ori ■ battlis . "In light i ll) llgllllilt, America I i llioin quick ' P) ’»! hi E-ifhaa*. k. ■ 'ivies Ms l.e«krH h >. I I by ► unmg i "t dtp • • havo -apod I bo amouiil a ceplbui*. i not o' n clay, ■or, and n other l'o I di-i-i the r ttasin.Jr, Sc-r . ii. Conn., June I st»|U*ar« d be ,i*i h very few o* > PER, Prrsiilrnt. ( ...... Y - w • V caseD > ' ‘ vy-’* !1 N,. CF"rhe Ref County, B L I!" for the foil..wing r- "T»X»i ol t.M 18.5* sod 1855 ll hui w•• a cidenta' y 1851 T. I.o H.-turns for Chatham I x.cej/t our th.-mka V" abstract ol thn "untr," for the yeaya '.) appeared y-atorday, Lol ua never h-ao sight of our origin, of our pi trrnity.ol our nn ivity Upon the «rock <>l c>>rru, poiiin-al org*ii Zdtiuiia, l»-l us creri >.ur temple,•> band down to tliuau who may corno fitter ur, r ll'.rno and a ' . unit) , which shml lie u a >laro and > c.iinloit lo Hi-mi long Htnr Hi" • <| <>| tlm valfi \ eiia'I luveci -ed -.v.-r our dual LLostPih 1855 1331 Polls 75 professions IT'J P»ew pe'S'i* i na. Ain’t I l<snd l it Proper , IZ o7V 81s res M'.neya r. Mercbstvl-i* pl.'l •l.'n* *i r w Mvoifarl •». • fU’UI Ills Altoibsr pr>.j.eri;. IV«,7 «z 5i ■::* .Ain't ot f • i 11, t>-0 Vi rz.A.-J 4VI 7.a. 1.4 V) 4 73I.70U 5,b ■ /,7.V* l.v.l 1 ai pn : «Vi Tout ■ ■ lore*, Vr i»o •I'lill'iru 3V •• ;0 >th«r pr.ijwrtj. ft**'4<9i Tolsl. IMVOiS'O IUaE7u ' r Cmxsi nr two dsallz* In Char • *t i • n - I bero wer* twen'y- Ust week livMiC'hr. —Polthrul l.rnirmt'ii —Ay >'rng man named Lloyd wsa k led on tha evening of lb« 17'h mat , In J<<r.*s county, by J .bn I owlaa — Tbo difficulif gr«w r ut ol p-.titirsl ainiarnaot— a Istt wlocii allouid irnpret* upon ail puldtr men III* (.**«.«• '• y ■ I rn der*t...u Cosvkvtio.v or ( .rr-'i I'f.xvrxNa —Tbo ('..!• ton Plant'ra’(-•.ii'eiitiuri nmt at Cooper's AS’oi.s. M , on the 4ih mat. Ttm Convention waa in aes«mn two d •)*, hut it does not appear that any lor as.iro of loi.i .riarien *o adopted 'J'iio lion .1 J Mi Rar, Hii Governor of do Stale, pre«ub-d At tho opening <d Hie ' •invention, Mr t (i Bs)l< r, tho pr j.i-tof ol Hih a. heme, and who r« ‘ • "f'y * ti ed Luropa, on btdiall *<l Ho aolect coin* rni'iee, to sirangemen;* I. r testing nt |r.i« biliiy,ri|.|airnd si *e rim lei.gKi hi* plan of opera- ( " ,n * Iln prop..««■ to establish m (•eriuany the principal ' "Hon depot or laetorage, w .in a bfan> h in N*w fjrli-sns, poasrssK.g a capital of several dip'll dollars, saloly d*p;>*|ird, •■■ (list iho plant ar* sh .ud havo soq^.. sasursnan o| u* s.oieu. y and itzilpy in every <rii«rgiqicy to ensuro Hiun 4g«ir.*l l"Mrs Al'er some diseuMion of (hi* p an, and of irrnlo vsni pr*-ns ii'g-ng Houtliern p.nj.lo not g> I in ha»« good* ol Miww liu*e"s insnulscurles and H uUmrn lawyer* noi io aid in Hm '-..i | e''ii m ..I dobia duo lor oliens of (list Hi vio, a oortnnlitre w ■• appointed to inv. si gsin H»e •< lisoin lor d>r**-i trad*. • nd tb* Convention adjournad lo in*bt at Jai kw n in January heat I iii. Ilkxr in At»7RAt.tx.— Mr. L. Men*m, f, | Ifi. "klyn, ti"liumg III.) fart that on Thursday, iho iln rniomctnr in s-.ino aitun'i<.||« ran up aa h g m 98 degrees, remark* —We hsvo oar A net roll > n r.- -rd* hef.-ro us, recording temperaturea of 115, II**, und 12" degrees maximum nn lour several d ty-, and oil ono .-I llio*n d.ys H was si ll> I r nearly a wtiolo day AA e havo I ho Arctic record aU.. before ua, o| 50 tn 59 I I .legre-a hel..w zero, for a cold term of lour arid a quarter consecuu vc (Jay*. Ilm two compared lognhor almw n 'fil ler.-m-o ol hundred and «• verity-rutin nnd n q.Slier U'*gree% lOlliperaMiro between tll"9'i iwo pfiiees «d observation I Im goea beyond anything tv.. < vrr lisvn in llua la'itudo. . Mr e Inch ll libel I I" and i'-1 ■ ■ ... pi..doc .1 i i inire Dev d "iily in v. i now m-iig'i und thus !•' I I . Ills I . Hu i" nii.l llie i and I E«m’siu o I'ompsii). ' and Ir ut ti .-I " e above *lnleiin i . certify that I hsve exam" - - ii), slot Und Ihe shove to b. •a d ■ .(dial I* invcMed rr. . EXCHANGE Hank ll.vtr* for Nt-llim; I'.xrlutii: lu • Story — A royal l..\ 1."i* under *'i.golnr ■ oiling up ba t a p n be I I AM I. HI • I. ?U,"c Until Rates f 't I’tmh.A'inc E\(haucr. *1 A It It I I l». 19.1 1 a lq. ' III N K A loircied a • abrmi.e IN . »r. «!>. iidein- dill.-ten. , lo. nor lb e lie • •pie le I However, * Henry I A’, In dc«t ; l.eiler from lion J.dio ,V/ioi M* .* hrrri .4 N IIV 1101.t II I! v r M ) S T. ove • ,-P \M'II Ml Ml III it nil nil I a poll-. Jut) • , k| rt, |-»sex. . . 1, l( It N I It \ I INA IT l 11115. . nI* and »i*p«»m.sece .s' »«• 4 Wrs. AA (■re n. rn ! i.' si .>r*d . e ) iiw I <v ketr - d I. I HI Ifi.*1.>11 >ex Upon » nn . Bi rt i k I ill I' .-I tlm "ing i ..flic., Whan tlm at- , an Lugli'h w aa pM-a> no urige t M-n- f a dead Husxisn l manner, and w - I)i A Lady "•* tack on ilia M lady, iho wiln and displayed great rooti ei a i I’eiiti'-lsther ol»*ei v n »tl a nodsl In.rn thn r»i rei , and in the m- ai ga I very pretiy compliment pmi.ed it on tier sii.wl, siyiog slm had laxly earned it Thu Gvn«ral is a Ei v or it® Willi Hm army , slid ilm lady, wh- li.i* gmai pers-inal a'tvaet' xis, and is tlm daiigh'ei ol xi olq general "Ifmix, Ixgb'y |in|e* ,his in* d-l wi.hX slm I ilrf ..ily ol.lam. d on Die llelii o| balfio I oil. .. ' a Ii it Ivor -in read i may lliu 1 ... ll.e I . •iHS . Ji . A Am : I AN 4 lil • I MIN II and All 'I- I i. A. HER —•Wat !.*"»( o. rT, ks - mixin g I led • ' Iliad, inen Hm w ch tb" fari ol • may be JNiV A| in.TTM. III". Ihe In.k* I Ma»« Miniau i Cat. f’arty ■ I f .bamkea • »• Mass Mrnimg at Csr.eisv 1st (Jsy ol August ob iM-d luf tb* uer-s god tha bslsnca ol c I b* *p* s' er* rap. the inerting, • Hon K A Nsabit, T 14* M ' .aJAt' Tim Aitinli ill E oil a g'ft AYednxilsv H»<) A I■ ••• llnlwra* is A: • batiikrit l«s««rglS ■ ill SIM XlV.lfc'f • ii that occasion to . Hon Gsmati A'.dmws, Nail Brown ol T aim , M iai*7 ■ a r«lsnte lia* r»eeii nail De la Vi. t-r.a, m I fi.U.d Stall «, vico In •mxiatb I .lies, -.I w b"' Hr a Menu r AHonao I • Im < abin.i.,( 11,„ | |„k Aursti x.8 Kl.’Ruloa* — ()f i we I v* Amerirau six -'".a win, bav», willxn a low w«,>ks, gone < ui lo m ilm bet igerelit aiX'Irs |ti'"(>*, Dill* altarh- I ibeinsMV ■s lo the seivx e ol ihe ( far, and ilium O" Joined Ilm Alfie* illc.I hI | lie I ■ »i1 in a 1 i I >nl * t* I trf "«,| In *. (•'*. b xes, » I • IV • . « .. It m prxvhatOt . « ) *IXI*'I |«SIX'* ■ • < II .SI, •• ■ a.a , ... tin Si me. « f, . I OH 141 4. A I I t». AA Hill 4.11 • »H*»N ANO VVIHfc KAILINO. Sl 1 Kl II I'V l l l I KM' V . I NX -"94 1 . i-Av I' Z'--.. • e.wz swi 1 «• ■ • , »•' rd I Ii a I |d) the c ■ I I'. < fid. I'. . l-l t< lary Mai i lew .!•)• not Til Lar «•») rettl-ved I i approved by il a Xuxohor 7 hs sum HI • i o . 11 N a H-itimar y .f h*0tt •(iWiil.zd In Hm w Y >rk lor a L iuwraafist I b*-logi. *1 Judge I H Curie, lion M ' . II .id -llmra Ligto y d ..Urs per I- in ealsia on hlaln Stl*rI, ll..Stoll In Ql.tiy |ulused I I Exz-irtRu Boat Hx‘» -’I bo annual Im.sI fai-e !)*• | WM II the Harvard and Yale ( oliego yaebl 1 luba, look plate Halulday. at .Npringll*lil, Mas# Tb* stance was ihr*e India, and Hie I'flZa towed lu» a baaul.lul set ol thru* a. k bust flag*, a iwiian 1 IJsior. ja. k. and Un»..-d M'.'e. Il*g Th* H.r.srd C>|ub war* vicfxfi'.us, tb. u b -at uba Ins. < "Hill | m ibra* ••eonds aims I Jlitliop Andrsws, ..I lh<> Mitb-dist Lpiae- psj Cburidi, Mouih, srrivtd at Na** Orlaanann krnlsy Wank Ifum Csl.furi.ia Yri l^ w 1 i vi a im l'..S7sM'ii'rn || |s frporird dial I boro is yellow fivar in F./iUmoulli, Virginia I' ws* probably carried lli*r• by ?•*••!* (rum lu- leafad pull* I ■ A I'K N I lilt f ' * A R It I I A Ml M I'lRSU I' 1.« a-mi Mr» a mi R t a | iii. VA . a i p (In i tie • Ii. n "i -I Tuesday, l ll a 3.1 lost , ill" S'railii r I'er* Iln hid iz-.u f.s.f.fir « he<H finer hui t f"f Dm ' nai I ■ r llr.u*b and .N.xtb Aniaiiriu Hirsui 1 ..i |""V. wt* Isiinrlir.l Ir.xii Urn budding ys>.( Nl' ••!*. H- ben Napier \ Hnn*, •> («. van I lie I'er* 1 a is Ho. Isrgoti sieaxilblp afl ai m i W' ild- lar e leee.fiiig ill Iri.irlh, SlrengHl. ' ... / • nd siesln power Hia (traai diilain or ba ll<<. lays, ■••'I • lean.ling si*... by iiu less Ilian C tlm i"f*rntl i s|.sri.| -I |h« laigest I piusani splendid I unsfd Du<r* llar.biel prop i. xis n*y Im u|i •* l..|lnws I.enaDi from liaurrbaad loilrsfl'sil Ih (.fill I" llie Wslai |l.. ..fib of bull III., ll «ll III)) . I >«p|li. Mr.. Hi" land.i in I* i .•nil Ifi i ii i mi t\ui miHv I I II * IN' I : d. I r- r If ii.1 ilm In' 3(Vl f, r I lr.< i' I-! Mo mm b | w Would b .In lux.) W ll 1sti-ud tr. I iMMlxl.ll.y D axi H iislimir i lb« plain, «o| pie i •I'"** b.s 11 sin I lie m....n i ay* on ea. h *inali m-i■ 1 *• • > a ribband •Ue-.-b. d a. i i Dm even.).ir w uni . mm •Ina willl glili'le t-sb, and lu..U| eng ne, •(■ ...a ml - my . y n, I ixqyer* 1 ■>. I, *nd | ,.k« { bill I .1 |„y , , 0 on | iwould bn a xe ..n the in.x|o I j- llX'f •nle, i i * * d*. lo 111 *••*'»■ "A PIIU.IR, • . X > 4 a** 1 . --1 A 1 IX* i»k»> ^-«*l • \N |) l"-l X 8 I |) III . 1 XN Ut X xii WIG IX X-'lllNi. I lie | *h 11 •» ,-ie ll>,i i be l • Ir... 71 lee i M fssi the Ntema-> <•»■>•• W l| .|,| •ui* in "mind x r gb. bn »"Uxii. .. • I iiius I I knew I home •"Ding, j w I •" l"e ,r , |, t ,,| ll.e XI*non*"I. 11..»|lon i II) " 1 " 'I' • u .*xl v «4 A ,s*» ,k ll •*. I • Er,-. ,., r.N • xx ii t .« v »»,! v eewJ* J*’ 1 ' tamw $f*4r mwfr .1 *1SVWS iXw as-.wz t 4 a.. *w4 M»> I Ul l Sl'e' • 8|.*t i. - I , !»-• I* X *•■■ s* 1