The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, August 07, 1855, Image 2

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MOINING, AUGUST 7, I8fi5. THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. rviuaan tv ALKXANDER &. SNEED. n»r mha r««mr [Ov»a«utei9i.) rAPERI PON THE PIOPLB. NO. II. H UPKrellQ ■(•«! PnlMkl.1 I chant— H»wae*r, wo definite tuna Is »l«ftd. The I directly. bbt, ennsetoualy er unmnach.tialy, they el- fjf* In Norwich, it la eieted that »l R"i» A. ringers will not come to the point • nor !• U pne- »••««» insinuated. C<r?9iona c.m.r'a, ih-p while Uhlnir off them»f '-«• — ! tllMlI Allllifl. hla lone Itnprleonment, IioiijmmI of! unconcernedly. i I otters*: easier leima IIinii Aiiinrl* lh.C>Hinli.Ini.nd.ilLai iu iM.irogato 0 ,„ Bb „ rll . n ,, w Halt nr l*ain«l*e *▼ Havana.-A teller from lla The first of thin aorl— offP*™ eon . > .* n * < f. , >h * m Hulour tMrj reasons for wishing Hu> term of proliailnn aisles that seven bimlint and alii) two i Mum* “ | thoughts on the subject ol Kellgmua Proscription ! |. j, your wiah b» thla constant nllualon lo llieaa ' rxtrndsd, |mw nut „f ahu.ra now allrniUi.1 on the lendml Ibere In twn.leys, and add ai In the present number wn shall examine. «h*i. (nr heross, to socur' for them iho gratitude of tho ( abort tarm. The farlltt) with which vmrrsran l»«. man- r . (4 , O rgi;o Aw esi-h full giown healthy no*. Th* • ini At • hatur lu.m ■hall Mil i/I* I,at aVOttn .1. I A .1 - L.I...I .. i ■ih.inMrf I... t...« ... . ........ . .. .. . ... ul * . ... ..... • AVAKIAN NAItHEI. Moen.v Auguri ft. p. M. COTTON—The* elea of lha day ainnuat to lAhalaaal »Ulp.l..#VM..a.para M um *-| *** l w *nt 01 • **•(*•* lortn, we ahall call *h« LaPayaUn American peusle T Already they era enshrined m 'ufhclursd, haa Ud to jmllvlcal corruption, eml a die- italics were downoevi, many sick,and half naked iLfl** ?** At»aSa , f ^ in* i3 HO 1*°^ Polaahl argument—one of the otlanent u»ad our grateful recollections. Already are our ohtl* 1 ■ r#0 * , f , il wuiklln* to foreign in flume*-. 7hu deluge of a greet inany Yuoeian women end children were *ls« rrl*WaaillVillMlJanos par MUUm.’.3 00 •** moat deceptive eophisirlM In Vogue among the dron lo honor their natnoe, and to pause in 1 »•*«• 1 pourlntt in upmi.iur shores, threat- market, teat by Pam a Anna'# agenia. Ten cap U not paid in advaaoa. .'.T 4 «» i opponent* of iba American Party, whether lor pur. , |„vi n g eJinirntion owr ihc atory of their deeds.— ; “^•hetm .... Even m.w, under mlerahle par- | Ulc d Uuaala, from Mia ma.i of Africa, ware for tale; nut Weakly, invariably in advance t 00 poaaa of self dalualou or controversial auccea*. | Already do Urn crumbling atone and tho iteri.hinu '* drill, loreignara might hold the balance of power, oll * of them, who P..rtu<ueaa, made rev#- »>■”! In vl.wof tb. improper imnurf.of th«M illu»- ^.'bi^peilorm th.?r |!ori*| , |i nf ih#^p^iaUi'u in.k!: *Mt?)' ( U wVMj , u 0 t?fcM^«^| ll tu l ^mrii!i C u:r i rIirIi;i.!; 8AVANNAH, QA. k*i Tueiday Morning, Aug. 7. AHKUCAN CANDIDATE Po» OOVERNOK, GARNETT ANDREWS, Of Wllhea. POt COKG&KSt—PIKfT MPTBICT, S. M. VARNADOE, trloua namaa, and tha dall/ daaacration of their s t ra nemiaaton ol their namoe and virluoa to poalcn- with ttm Imptwlanl pn'wvr nt auffrege, tn<(»re he"twa memoriea, it la difficult M apeak to lha ieaue in i ty ; towna and countlea, named in their honor, keep learned to vote umluriutullugly, vr hai ihu** iktkt BY TELEGRAPH FOR THE REPUBLICAN. Tvaaraaea and North ('urolluit Klrr. Ilona. We have nothing further from tho TennoMcu election, except a po#l*cri|'t ol a letter from a friend, who a.aiea that Gentry,the American can didate for Governor, haa gamed 8tK) in Arliville, and that hie gains have been general in Middlo Tanoeaeee. Thera ia no doubt whatever ol his aleciion. From North Carolina we have nothing poeitivc at to the retail, excapt the iollowiug diapaich: Coli’miu, Aug 6. “In the firet district, Paine, tho American can didate, ia elected to Coogresa by 300 majority, over Shaw, Democrat." Thie district last year gave the Democratic can didate for Governor a majority ol 126—thus alt-• wr ing a natt American gam ol 426. The Wilmington pspera contain partial returns from aeveral counties in the aocond, third and fourth districts- Income there have been D.nio crattc, end in others American game. These dis tricts, it should be iemcmbert-d, are larg- ly Demo crat ie, the majorities herotidoro ranging front 2,ni-0 to*,400 m each. That these districts should go for tha Anll-Amencan candidaies, was to be cx pecud ; yet we see uolhmg in the returns nt hand to iasd us to tha conclusion, that tho opposition vote in the State hus been inen-ssod. Tha Democratic gain in one county haa been counterbalanced by tho American in another. In Guilford county alone, in the huh district, the A hand with entire pleehfilj. It la no easy task M rvpresa those uprisings of indignation, which, though valuable saailoata of sincerity and ardor,arc not cumulative argument*. Fortunately, we are addressing an intelligent people, to whose good •ease and batter judgment, rather then whose prejudices or paaelone, we desire lo make our ap peal. Argumoota therefore, and not apostrophes, will beat subserve our end. For sake of brevity, we shell use the names La- Fayette mid I'ulsskt in a gr "ericas well as an in dividual sense, lo represent that class of foreigners, thorn in daily mention : and American history has ( »* iutrmng «»U s iwon. enrolled them in the list of those who shell noil Nothing now rsmslus to the completion of the pise- die. This, then cannot bo your drift. ‘ • nl hut su examination «.f No. w, of the prupoililnua, is«iNHal«<l In the l.sKsyrllo aiilliam. tiflcsuae the Count wi>d the Mar- Such | .lliiai'.n. hnw.ver. lo for.!,. ; iii v tec. wnvniinnti > limrii, Augual 7. Par t»nfk Paul llngta. at. Jsgo da Out,a—t3/Wi rvn I.umber, H7,3;i Tlmbur. Par hrlg hi cel, New York- AM bale* t’^UrMl rwiium, 4" <lu In.tneatica, v ojs Irutl-eli Wheat, lo pb^* rmlsr Per IHi'mU llunlsh, WllmlngO'O— f# * I Timber, ter .MS do Hoard*. Per »chr 1*011*4, New York —4IQ tralee OHIoa, Ul bbl* ll'.»in, '."si !»'>«»• ■ <>|i|Mir Ure, .« bbl* Turprtilltto, esclismeut. * i l*iua Scrap Iron, tl^HrS bag* Wheal, I bundle Hide*- , . . 1 I boa null* , Tatt Ascaatav.— A fornlgn Havant, In a laborious dlaaertatlon tin llie welghu "oil measure* of lire an HI^'KIPTd PKIt CP.NTH Ah It AlhKOAD. Ir.lUU Itirtir.; lu, !W ... .. I J.u,. ■ . M. r,.,.,. ...I n.OM Ul O W ..... SSiYmSTA l-n <—>1 H.r.i.l—, Ml Bi.'i, r.i.., rt.M. . M......M. II NEW A DVERTIHr M rNT8 r»rr KrSvcrS—r.lilH for .Vnr | Vorl.. TIIK BTKAM Mllr AI.AIlAMA Will tail i,n ftsmrday. Ang-.i; II . p y Thv spUMlM last vwnntm i•» «" p a in.i.i r ,j i, 4 * f ,*»• rv.lo P.s.0«r *- '«i#4: •» rr**,i w ,v,» i« «<■« 0i i k0-(i4 * f , » I'. •rr.liK-. I In** t»«iw» II.r f >»*». , l»,»l |« f. Ilia bsle r * ntlss UJ • IX> « >,.h. d-wmf I II ••it aid, muet have tome object in view. Will its no quit were «<mtu«n0y flitcd by their IntelltfvtMWi and llior, lull u. uhut / II illi, not fur lUo |i,r|.un , hi,h ,li,„ c i,, r ur Am.rti.ii diluulilp I. lu |,K.I- abovo mentioned: if it be not the merest clap-trap tml«, and nnlnently iletervlng of it, by esson of lin- to deceive Iho unwary ; tl ll be tnlandud to prove ‘ pnrtant services n iidered us In time or nred: lAsrt- anything at all, it must bo one or other of the lol- all fprelairers are IttieU for and deserving of the lowing propositions •mue boon. In Ollier wolds, a parallH It Insinuated be- 1. LaFiiyotie and Pulaski, both foreigners, aid l*»een lhvs« great and good men, and the horde* of ed us in our snuggle lor liberty ; wo Imvo lltoruby adventurers who come hither tor their own or their wh >, on the breaking out ol tho American Ilovo- i Incurrod a debt: but LaFayntio and Pulsaki, ilm c, "'"try*s««•<**!I lulion, cnino from beyond scat to enlist under our j original creditors, being incmiuble by reason ol his pro|iutnl«u wo hold to he not isorcly a perver- , ' . . . . ... i , ... •'on (-••nun. in ■•.||.,. l but an lioiiMiuU'd Uosocralloii of bumu-ra. It ia important,thus early in the argument* their deo-nso, of teceivmg paymont, wo should pay g „ oll Ine „-. Wuin , rl ,„; vv „ ,,,,11 hll | ti,« parallel to take a brief view ol the various classoa engaged lo the class they represent, viz: foreigner*; tho between UPayeiie anti Pulaski ami timso who come in the Revolutionary struggle ; if not immediately | coin w 0 pay in ahould bopililical privilege*: and horefor ihnrcountry’*good. Kquuliy unjust,however with !>w<<id and firelock, with tongue, purse, pen, tho umount and nature ol tfioau privileges should though less diqpacciul Is the paisHi-l bet«cvn them or personal influence. be precisely equal to, and identical wnh.ihusu utt- ll " , * the better da*a of eiulHian 1 * who ">tuo for their The first and largest class were men born upon ! joyed by Amo. leans born. own. Tho 1 nuat end the Marquis wire uten of high tho soil, yet subjects of Great Britain. Washing-j This is s monstrous proposition. It would aeem c,, « n, c , « ,r .a"d minli geuce—men ol n ark, aud w-.uid Ion, Kr.nklln, Putii.m, H.nco.k, ,nd J.fT.r.on, | only n«....,y In ,1.1. Il, lh« il, »cr, 'yi„» Ml Ihliol.M.oomiimlni body I,era. Ii . for ihi. re»».:n probably Dial nur ug- "»!•’'m- ot tfi.3 army, and taken from all the trade*,occupa- p,.|,en»a tnsmuule rather than assert it—lnsv.< it i.. * H«**ialt*m>mh»w "> b* 1 mwleuuwven and i.nn. ...d . , i. i. _ tnegreai'jiasssf toreigners win* come here, devoid of lions and protections. , be interred, but will not inaisl upon it. Purhupa tim •lightest SbV>alniiiiit« w"h Hie Itrsi primiplus of A second class, less numerous, comprised British so groat an absurdity* will bu disclaimed, ll s > ib'pubiiraiiutu.ii.d imet ”t whom no. .1 tuicleg* not .ubjt'Ci, n.M born upon ih, .oil, but who h,d m.Ju j ,„J „, m elbing bo rcully by iho L.Koycu,’ "'.‘.'.Ve "i',K.“',oi",','!,"Ucu“!iu‘''.“'hllw their homes upon it. These, when the crisis ar- antlinm, there is but one more proposition possible i*afa)*it* linker: hot 10 live weii.iuske money, and «•»» w h‘M T ""-. a, rminw, : ' J;,/;;-, . l :,Ti'.l!?l,‘IS,bI and opposed iho mother country, at much i 2 (.nt *yctte and Putsskt were true disciples of guit »*noi >.vss»-t>rvnd *»roe b»h-*ld sucb a man in defence of their own homes and rights, as Iroin j liberty ; undoritood Rupublicanism : and w. r«> K "“ u - , '“ l any love of liberty in the abstract, or sympathy j eminently fitted for Amoilean citizenship. They w oh ho opprcod poop:,. They wor. in fuel t i „„d,ryd loipon.nt .orrlc, imho Anier.i ponol Ihulpuopl, ... oppiruiud. Robl. Morn.. C.u.u III. irying hour, .nd on ih.i M. ultrie, Monlgomury, and Gun. Ui.rlc, Loe. d.,,„,„, of ,„d, not lo rauin.r.lo oihon. wor. lype. ol Ihi. tiara. i,TI....1..,.,. ! A third class, represented by Lafayette and fu- luski, aiiatidoued h id*, Irietids, aud country, to bigger oiliers M-i- Iiiiii 111 a .Mlitb- lint e'en mis rl><> (oon vlmw u-, frei; JuliusCwsar, J feet. Ilstagal? adits that. If Providence had n-.l been |-l«-sae*l l« •"•- pend ltd* progr««»tve dec •*** *■' than the smallest Insect. £<i\Vhv don’t you gi t inarrUalT" said a >oun« lanjr in ehachelnr friend. **Well, l'*n been trying t«r the last urn rears to get on# foul enough to ha** mo, replied the lit-chelor. “ Hu#»a *«"• tm*’nt lu-en much lu our ^turt* W>» Ih* very linin'.atlng r« J..n».l*-r. Thr uepvbllran rur the i ampaiRU. We will furnisli the Hsn*i icae fur tho Campaign, on li>«following term*. I'or Hally •' ;' 5 . For Weekly, I copy I i copies 31) c ip!** .. 4.1*0 . No orders will ins atiendeh P* unless itie> ore accom panied wlih the m«»nf). noiK*a > <«i nrii.sivo* 3 A*e rt-queiled to meat ut Vlietr Hall T'J-NIGHT, at B o'clock. aug 1 Null riTi f^TThe llon.B. II. HVF.IMIY has e msented, at lbs Ca ii wore •Ii- mencan candidate leads his opponent by 1550 ma jority. The State last year gave the Democratic candi date for Governor a majority ot 2,1163 This mu jority, as the returns come m Irotti tho western counties, we hope to see vtimh into “thin air.” A \%»rtl lo Fitlroiia. In consequence ol the recent change ill the proprle lertblpoi ike Krpu'dlcau, It becom * neert-ary to *ei- Ue up ike old business ot tbo office, our pain us. •;p|.-S ol lib.-rty, tindeisland RopulilictniMi). and .. , „ , , — cmiiicnily fitted for, as eminently deserving of espouse our cau-e. No yoke gulled them into re- American citizenship ! i n- hum. rad,u«.»ed, died on >hcm lor lv ul y, II icon.. H.o utmunt ilreleh of condraran- dckiue; Pul Bred tiy .ynip.ihy wim nn uulrngud .ion lo n Mou «uch wool, in p.oplv, .nd anim.lod by ■ pmn, lu»o lor j ,i„u.,„ng pm, nor would wo .loop p, ii did „„i hboriy. lh.*y volun'nnly .'•pounod , qu.rrnl not llio.r , i|, 0 |„,h .rare , wlicnc. n com.., gi., „ currency I own, and naked iheir lives upon us iseuo. Among a ,„j u authority this c'ass to<>, were some s-'ldicrs of loriuuo ; not . h|iihu»tcrs of llieWsikt-r order, o<*r yet kmgliis ' , ol ihe ago of chivalry ; hut Young and brave spirits* . wi:h maiden swords thirsting to bo fleshed, nud I ! who had names lo wiu and lortunes to muko — ; I Th. ; i invidious. It it not our duty to nuke truth pals .... j table, but to administer it: nor will wo falsify Ins- therefore, both In town snd country, who nre ludehtrd J torical verity to exalt into gi*d§, men, who, though to the office, will do us a parncuNr favor l.y attend.n K ’eminently brave, a, 4 authentically loreign, were to their account* as soon as possible. We trust thst | but men, after kil. nuoeiii«| C |*fh"rI * *1° h " ?r *'*' l ’ , ‘ n I 'I'lieao throe cl arses embrace noarly all th« per punctual in thepayment of iheir due*, will spprecaie the necessity <-f this Uolice. They haie doiibilets sn|- fsred from the commercial emb*'r«*«m. n * ol ihe nine* »• well as others, and under * rdlnary rlrcumdanciw*, »e sbouM not think or making this rail; buthe ab solute uecesstiy of settling up the butioesa o| the office, leaves us no choice. **T»« Ambkican HiscirLtss." i» the tit I* of a new Weekly paper,J’)»t Issue t In AllanU, by V M. Eddie man. It it a neat, well tilled sheet, and at iu name in dicates, assalou* advocate ef the Ameiirau party. Ii is not deii'cd by the American Party, that we ah ulil be deeply gratelul lo ih<* Msrqms and the (.••lint. Wi< nre pr>>ud to own that wo otc* them, and owe them much What we oo deny,i", tlut becMuso wo owe them, we are owing all t r- oralurt and writers wno delight to linger | eigners, soever: and ihnt owing then) much ia r off isle* aislihn Und **i u.e sirauaer. makes the ” w ,h * r 1 '’ e^o ' , ' *"1 1 w ° •""»"••■« «»• did i> are seemingly blind (•* all I* he names, rimy not I n l| to discharge the doht, we are n»t at liberty to ' sought to 'jnfhien h"*- link* i*f chicuhI and fraternal relish this distinction,Hnd may cry out that it 's disregard the aunenor Th.. lovefashnun-J hv **ur t*ilo-r*.ai.d tran*mme>i mm un- . in re. i nu cnee nrokeu, and .«enjoin ilp-ni all true 4iuo*lean«, that, ia precisely Mitnlar in principle, though innni'ely reganiless **f kws aiihoulor item igogue* wlihtn. our lr,M.ccnding .1 in impurlir.c.., lo lha, ronilnnn on, bl.bra. duly oral i.. ii.,1,1.1.. ..t.r« i..-..nd ,.tl.nll..r, ever mlndlui In the w**r.l« of - l. Paul, that, 'He who in *.ho c«*urts, where iho debtor having severil jirovidesnoifor his <*aT, an te<| ecmllyjor ilm-e nf hi* creditors, priority ot judgment decides who shall "T ,w - h,U4 "*'»cd die faith, and IS worm- than su first be paid. Judgment is entered in this ea*o in 1-ivor **l Americans 1* it asked upon what princi ples such judgment is entered, wo answer: upon that greato-t of all principles, next to love of God. Amur Patna ; upon that great law of nature, sell- pt<*'rvalioii, and its udjunct, self-providing for; up >n that • (her law ol nature, hrthnghl. In n word, up ul slut grout American principle, lately in danger • I h>n:g lost sight of, dnirrim for ... , . i Americana. I’rny win* lias a butter right I period in the history of this 1 ‘ r l lint il..Ill la ■ hn,rl..ra I. .. .. j. VST A bale of now co lion, the first of this i yvata crop brought to Savannah, was recoiv.,1 yesterday, by Messrs Church A Moses, fr»m Co lumbus, where it was s .Id at auction and bought I , . . . . by Mcaar,. HukIim it Draicll., 13 c, per fh ! “ " •»•«"«' lh “ who forwarded it. It was grown on .Mrs A E Shcphcid'a plantation, isol good suplo.aodciass- eJ as gu< d imdiiling .n , . . — —- — ginning negsu Am- ricana. II the two were «.-« We learn that .No. r*2')2, half t' ke‘ oj eval in p«>mt of beginning, Americans did not 43U0U in the Southern Military Academy loti ry, \ cxisi prior tq the Republic- Aud il tharc drawo in Mootg.*mery A-a., on the 2d i g|^ j once o<* Republic, onco thcio were no Americans sold to a gentleman in this ruy. at tho ». go.*/ in I <• uld it t»e aaccMaiued xchtn iho Aim-rican lie- l sons m any way c<-nnecicd with tho American aide <•! tho R«voluu< nsty compel; ami u iat<* bo j In rne in mind that tho first and largest class c.*in- • prehfnticd men of various descent, whose ances- I tors were originally loru'gnora by birth, und j cm grants from dilfcr* ut quarters of tho old w-i-r J. j Till* brief retp**i eet concluded, an important • consider ai.' U next fiitces ttsell upon our attention, viz: that •>■ a cettam period in the history of thi* ; l Country, wo wore all foreigners logoih'-r; that there | ; w ;is n nine w hen lhero were no Americans. This I in no nice distinction, or verbal pared'>x, hut a ven- i tatiie luct, capable "f the clearest explanation und demonstration; in this wise :— Rcpub- 1 ■<*, w|io*o citizens arc known an Americans.— This admittcd, <t follows that such Republic must h*\e had a beginning, and with its he- iliul lioweior truly tlio> lUa; *h.irc with l.uFajetlc, Ills i urgent rpqurat of the trioml* of Tcmjx-ranca, t » vt«ll thocimntli!* below nani*- l, »t tbo tlmrs »«-*erallj ipt-ct- fled lu each- All per-ont thtneslvd 10 the great caule of humanity, are requested to give publ'ilty to theio appohumciili, that tt.r people may t*o«r ayl Juilgo for theinxlvet. Koltlsville,Tattnall.Thuradny, August 2d. Nlaiestxiro, Ittillo* I-. I *•<**« Aegusltlil- Hi rlngOeld. I ffii gtmni. 'n'urdai, \ugu»t 4lh. 4’* in le Station, Mondjy, Au«uit full. Hytvanls Prnvcn. 1 iu-mIuj, August “'b. Wsyneslo r*», llurke, t\ . do* s-ts*, Augu*t Ptb. I.nnlsvllle,Jefffraon, rhu**'.ay, August bib. I>avio'*oru Fridai, August 10th. lr**inion, Wilkin* •!*. Halurday, Aug'iit 1 Ills. J) « FANCY 114 I.I. AT Tl SPRINGM Madison Hraiie*. July vn. I•.'>.1. The Fancv Hall "f the Ma»'Hi will taka p'.ac* b -tween the Pits and l.»th of August jjT6-U K. TYNER. T« I’ll I NTF.ICJ*. jyA good i;i i.Mp'O-l l"|:. ols<'l er and Induslrtoui hamt’.ean obtain jM-m ai en'i-mj l*>*nu-ni »t f'lr wag-a, tn the Albany,ti* . Courier office, b> immediate appli c«tlou. None out a sober, No. I, ge .ilt-msn'y Printer need apply. Jy 31—if V \II l». TH E sub»crll>er return* Ins sincere ibanki to thu friends' sod customers of ihe late Arm of M<*U*K A NlL'IHH.H,for the very liberal patronage extended to them during ihe la*l ibr«<->rars; amt Is very l*a|*- py it* «a> vital heanoc (i c- < Bering them tn f ici her nex<,a larger and bet er a»»uMtncbl of srhCle* llun ha* be« n otlered lu this citi : ami wPh ever) tillier imluccuietil In Ills power, hopes lo meet s In,lled ol oppression and UeVoii"ii in liberiy, itiey ar* w.duliy ignorant ••! AMsan *M*M, do m*t undersiaiid Iliul ilm uiSLlillte/y nl »t*J g"*emii.coi, and aredno- gtnmisdi pos.ior*a«*l p- **<r. A uoinbie ‘‘mo eru to* riauce" ••• lisle IjowI Consideration Will iluuklle** occur lo ry reader Very properly im», mlgi*' »•• enier upon a more ex tended view ul t e of-J i ions urged It) tint American party lo loreign ibll'u niM in Amcrlran nlfidr*, aud (lie •Uugcri coiiwq*enl iln-icou < *1 Hilt, |,<>«>•-*• r, more itnoii, II n* cl be. AH •• rtuue t nl, In till* paper, is .in i-xnuiinitin a of Hit •• i-• n. nature, und Hums of our IndtibtuiluefS 0* Imrutiief», llirnligli i|ut class lo w liii-b i.alnywie and I’ul^wk I bHoi g<«i: in point out Hie maiuieri isju-i ue i.i policy *»biih require* ol Ut to da lly tir livrouu o*C> but Itjlier, Ii- III I" km to John li’ii'outi, Wbn iii.') drill to our shores, a* boll e* drill lo luiul—bet sum- i !.«*> tor t-inply, ami in reduev to lerin<i iiiaiuuaMuns, wlndi unui ruduceii, bvcouie ua harmless «- itcy «r-' |uepo* cfona ay, Ill's is not an ! l\ e have ■•uigl-t, nl'ieli willi nn akllliul hand, lo suiku Ho ** rto-rus iii Hu* Vim ricsn Imarl, once I>wintsl*** illi I,—old, Imme airs, and Hie music ol bmHn-rliiind. VV a li«*c s -ngtii to r«—a«*n ken in the Amircmi It-eusi, lliat s« m• m> id, winch. Ill Infl lei n CATO. Tut Cot.LiE Beatnzs«.—Lynn is n >t more f«- tnoua for •hiwe iliaii Troy, N. V , i» tor collar* I and hmomi, Thero arc fifteen ol tficsb establish ; monis in Tray, and it ia estimated th t they turn j out on nn average, 30,(A© cullar* per day. On« eitahlishmest employs lorty sewing mschmea, | pp, Inyvrool St More, l.ocketi A -nedmgs, l.ainar, Young, i\ rail A. Co, Helm W Foslar, VV M Wad- ley, I a Way i.e A Hou. WII.MINlituv, At.T»l.'*T 4.—Turpenilne— v U rihtr , tala* yesurda) of 2*0 tibia, sad to-day of 17* do yal.ow dip at 2 W) per bbl. Wlll fpirli* -We note sale* lo day ol I no casks at 34, aud i„ r . 1 ol in do at 3)>|c j-er gat'oit. T ,,, j HAI.TIMOHF., At'OL'nT V, P. M —Coffse-Thara "j, I have bea u no opt rainn.a in d-> in • ->ITe* Hint w« bate board ot. them I*, however, •nine mqu ry, and ir.« • market touilnuet very Oiiu W e quo'# as '•< nre fair lo g'--d III" at inyaal ic, prime do al il laal I l^r. an 1 J« < • ' el ■ I l-'.jf I here *u an active Inquiry IMa ni'-rning r .r • ('lour, and Hie luarkt-l lor b--Ui, ll-.wo/d Hireei *i,.j i uy I .Mult was steady »i yetlerdey'a flguies. 7|,e **lera . t, ] 'i lisnge r-iubrace 2.i»*i bbls • cy, I t ni,ri,i- I dis'e alidivery ami pail f-*r delivery *1 Inn a fee day*, j ai • • in. irn i,i, s U >*ar-1 Hireet lor unmoai m del rrry ai i* 1", and !,••*) bbls d-i de-iversbla nn ihe l'«ib ( f • He|-ternber at ge lha market lor l>..Ui dew; ipm.n* Flour cbi-e*l o .Hi c-iusidrrable flriDMsa* at ihe qu -t«. lam ns glv-n atxiva- i.rain 1 ho re«rlpta ol Wheat at market IM« morning c>i!.*i<|-fulily etra-eid Hiote ot yesa-rd*>, afeiu: |j,i* > buibels being I'Oered ai the <-oru l.itbange. I i.p t nisi.d very the market de< m, ,y y firmer In lla lone Fricsw Hda in'iiinng were ale-ui i rn hti l-r thari yesterday r*U ad g'a-b * Fa r i > j r rne r» j , wboals •** 11 at JiU*l*sc, la-r in prime wihum ai |er* Use an 1 Mime cl ---ce parcels n| wl,lie btougnt ike Or- mary W peat* were aim *eiI r, »bd *e i, UJ , is'--# He# in-i'DH g si I'ma.bic Ins r#-«npu .»/ i ,, r „ • ere agani Ugtn. nely i.'M/ bu*beis b-ing at rns'ke'. Prua • sir Wlllioul C’-slige, aix^We quoie While St Ida P-n, and yellow ai true New elor>land ao-i Virginia . • >a * w-ld al Irorn 35 lo 4’c f<-r oritniary I pr.ine. Al ihe cl-i»e, aO'-al I-- prime ' *a • wen- selling al .w S"c Pr->tissb-us—Hie sales In dsy embrace •>' bidsFr me >li-»s l*<• rk St I'b. an.l ab-'Ul Vi bbd* ltsc*.r. Nf, icder* at. I Hides, in Ini-, s U\s njji 1 '- IN e quo e Mesa F-.-k ,i al I*. /-ai4 M-J -.• •»r Mess -' . ai l*a ai 1C; VI**- Iteef a'. IB No I .-i al 14 I'iuo- do ai f 14, and Lard al lie In bbis, a:-J | 13c n. k «* | llice— I m- market t- r w-me lime past has l»eert enure- , It bare of It car lull we bote the *r Ival t-iwiay, lr. rn ! ■ i h ir e*b ii, of Idiudi V pari ■ f Hits lo: had beeu J s 'Id •••nn- c.ny* joa *. • rl*. t • srrlte, at C%c for prune, sol* i e iis tree pi wrne further s*e* o pr me '.-ir | In i n made al 0\>. V\ c qume fair i-> prime Rice tt I ab>jr. v« i.i-key— The msrki-t for VVh'*key to dsy I* q'i'e', h"i | < >••» na 'im'banged, and we q-iaoe *• bc'o's. i* S 1 aJUc as ilm ruling flg'iret !••» bids me'al er q-mui -m I tiemg lor < Mo--IV bi-key. VVi- have rep r'.r*l lo day a . » .It- ..f J ii* |,bis Ii ilUmore wl.iske* al 3*Jf c. NI'.W V«i|(K, Al'OL’BT 3.—Tbe ccii'."i* ins'kei was very firm yes.trday.aml cl"s*d ai so advance . f y« i a 4 d per ib, w nh ra ••< of iietwean .l.ikv and*r h*.. I ->l comm •!., im-d uiu an i g-«ej grade*. s|. ag«‘.u ir-'in I .’4' in V c |<er bbl higher. VV t.eal »as alw. flrtni-r. with lair sales of Tern.<»•«-« and •-'her new .-• ii nern red and wiiiio. ai rather i.eiie» pr ces ili-c !d.eai I" •l"*"'g heavy at the in* 4e Be-ire , p is • a* steady with niod.-rale irana*'Hons FrnaMs were • cady. with Ins*.te-al engagements r-'igars and c ff'-v cuulmued firm, sulia f-ir aiuouni of sales. MO I I.E, Al'f.r^T 1.—Cotton—Hale* to-day I gbi— middling* al VHsbJsc. NEW OHI.KANH, \l GL'BT 1. P- M.—OnUrtft—Tk* *a — ban-ly reached m*! hales at irr^ular price*. Inferior -' 'A fl Middling i irdmary 7>» 4- r 's Gmol Middb g n "•■ -al (."<ij Ordinary.. a A V | Middling Fair i. u. ; s I Imw Middling V*» S- “>» lair ■ uounual. *t*Tasi*i or totToa I eiiack on hand 1st Sept., '54 bales. 0|i|.o«iii»n I.Inc. For Palatka, BlaclCreelt,n». AM. I vr IIMKUIA II; I. \; •’,(,« ' '*“• -»")■'« I' * -Mil !• ..-0,;;, ,eflfii2nSHI|£ K "D'* B'easr.-r IV. •» | ^ t" 'be "et.ner -1 MiH |.»; » : " •.!*, '’' r, n •IllieavaTI fS*(MHu m . * *i , ' *** Ine '-h • I.e I Dili 11 • ) • 0 tnr*, • • - • • ■ • ■, * v • i- nr Aunt, at U-e •! »• ». If. M I.Aiflfl.A' OR Ft Op hr * II PI.AB1.I.V rd or to If Itfr 4j*» "AS , . , 4l/ , > 4 l|r|* % II T* I It Ml I | ll.derslgr • 1*0 .irfltHl . ••Me V I.i,-Til.I.I. aril. * S , M lg MFMlV *\ V tVa •n7’V* 1 F.IrSH Mi » KIJ.L-oa* ’ -* 1 lift 'I‘Hi: -ir.Jei a - <s* I. gt- a repi.'.at ■ u 1 . ni. Tif i.ns. H t y i ANDREW FEMALE COLLEGE, CUTHBERT, QA. ptlV. • • I re tel. a»l i gi, prune Jo AL Gl-Tf* Al.f'l . J X F" - >ea- t if t III* n Wrw, V)t ( I '• I ooi j and 1'u0 er*. ttt uria. omu.*n»ii-e • *■ be Ft»»« »r.4 cb'S.ig on I Ultiaru,,, ,r f .unl. -wrelay in rune. ri'Uti N, A. M ,Pre* :»r.. — f'ro'taov*-• l *r-c.»tji l.«m'• sees v LLL, A. M.—Frotrea^r r,f y r A i ER A. M.—Fr-'evaor t-{ Mauw. Dvpar- vii • ivv t. A Di >—Prir-cif>*l P» in* i . M»i I '.-irir '-•» li tany «»*J f'r H it i*cl|ial «*f M*-*i' • .-ae-.-; * i- t. E (.It ANT an3 Mrs L. 1. C VEL.. FLL-Of- laSm- i raneba • lew i ■ » p»**W 'I •a* A ’ 1 V ui. Jer Hie ca'efui di l> III me I-all i: era • i. who h any r earn by ret- re'-<« a H and Tu *-r In*, lac. n ri.di ■J tm. i casvn, ■ 1 .1^1 Broughton etreet. Dr EMANcrraTioxar tiie Soi*r» — ia-, Sulee, Sw'-reHiiy ol lha Southern Ada •istee that the people ..f tho S -uih hjro expended more lo emancipate s avea than th*- religious ct m- muntiy in the whole ciuntry fn* for the benevo lent objects besides. The Sju’h has emaocii amd •'avee si s coat and sacrifice to ihomselves ut $123,- OW.OUO; while the contrihuUoos lo all bensivo v-i.i ot, jocis bsvs ool been more lhan one part u* this amouni. 1 piihin: in gag), wry cu'd ui "nci* detcrininu *vln ti , American* beg.m ; w Inch d.u« w-*uid ulso dclcr- nm • when iheir ri*ht*, privileges and mimuniiiiB ; »» Am* noun cinz'-n-*, hi c mra-dietinclion tr--in ' l"n"gri' fs, had f Ar.» b«ginning. Where 'hen shall vve fix ihis common point, iho j Inrih d.iy ->t tho .vin< ncan Republic, Americans, American oit'Xons’iiji, and tho distinction, Kori-igii- 1 or,.is op|i mid to Ainericaii I Common sense points . I" Hu- day when ihe H.dcqiondence and ncparAie ex- • ta'a-nco "I the American Republic waa sekn >w| YtLLow Ftvm ar N- aroLR axd PonTsMornt —The Norfolk pspera ul F riday report no n• w- cases of fever there for ihe 21 hours Urn day before and one death. There remains only eight cases under treatment. Tne report f-.r the same , lime in P ifismuuth rhowrs that there were ten new' cssc# snd (jut deaihs A large number of ai> k 1 had been s*-Dt lu th« Naval il •►f-it•»I Axutiier of WAtuixoToyr'st*uvu Discovmti) —-A writer in the R ichns’er Amr-ricnn savs tb it a former slave ot General Wash ngi-m, nam'd • Richard S'anup, or Sianhopr, l-vea n L'rb.ina, Ohio, at tun good old age ol 104 years, f 1.- h is in his p 'BsMMwion the - r'ginsl pipes giving him Ins freedom,in General Wasrmigion's own liandwi.- ting, fur which hn has reluscd quitn a sum ol money. He had rather part with Ins Isrm than his papers. He owns about onu hundred ncri-a a'mo ten mi>ea north of the vil'sgo • -f L'rhana, bought with money given him by b.s illustrious . mat'er He is now Using wp.h hist'Xih w»te,ni d to all appearance, enjoying life as well as ihe youngest N«w Yore and B jston CoMraiuo —The Boai -n Traveller has an artic'e up -n lh • pi pulsii-.n -f Boat on snd New York, gitmii some interis'ing slaliSHe* in 1730 tne population of Hoston was 11,000, and of Naw Yurk 8,0k). N'.-w- ihe pnpu'a- lion of Boston is IbUjOOO, of New York 730,ikk' Brooklyn,adjoining Now Yo-k, ihit was a vil.sgn a little while ago, ins 200,uno people, or 50,(NX) more than Hutton; a»d there an- other towns about New York that wil) o-mii In- as large as If -slon This incre-Kw* of people in .New Y -rk was 23&,(M© in tbe Iset five y«an>, which was 85.O k) more than Boston now contains. Kr-lativi-ly fl amn h- a a mueb greaier tonnage, comm«r. « sod wealth Tha average valuation to a peroon in .Ni w Y< rk is fW; to Bor**" it >• ta.000 U-oton, with hut one fifth the population, spa-nds morn money f-.r a- h " Is then New Y-uk 11 is im|H*s*|l*le now »../ anylmdy to conceive how greai a city New York msv t a— come, lie estimate for ISC') is shout one null" n souls, and with iha 'rads of ihe whole eonilnm', i( may b* the whole world ceniermg ihura u cn-»y go up lo five rnillior-e in one eemuiy London and Parte are ihe only iwo places '•! the civi'ized glohe that eiceed it today, fane will soon hem Hie ehsde, and London cannot keep pace wuh Hie inisirrae of the New World Ii <-nly needs Hie Pacifl-i Rsilrnsd, and in fifty years ilm largest my that esisle would he lit inferior, anil very el* -r< y it w-^it<y be able to purchase ihe wealth of iho r>«-h<« of aoctantor m</dern ttrnee, and have * iur p'ua lift. . edged hy (he civiliz.-l nations of the wr.-rld, and j l, “ 1 ' '* “ *' I specially by that power which had di<pniol is ' ^7* M ' a,t 1 ex'stcnce at tha cannon's mouth, and suuglit by i 4 • force o| nrm* to nn..|ti|late il, ns ilia birthday .f ' the II-public—th- c-n <-f AiTi -ncnna Tho imK** , . peml-'rici' ••! th-- R< publi * wh d- clared July 4ih- i • 1771* • -n thH day tho Ropubbo was cnureiml ; but ii t until ns existence was ai-krinwIiMlged, c--uld 1 it lu* io hive in-n born. Such ack'inwledg- ■ irn-ntwas h-fin d sc m mr f -'mition the cmi ■ . aumu**U--P of our birth: and with u began that ; gi .riou* h"» n, American citizenship Tim«, in ’ termnrri-ige, clirii.iie. poculinr inatimii-ina, end a ' Jkxci -fa Providence, have made us moro and more a d stmet people, lioaating an indrpi-iideni oXivt- nc *nd a well-defined national ty Yet **o Hut debt is a giievous burden to nice h* nr n sore afil'ction to tie taunted, dav alu-rd.iv, w.ili our li-ihtluiea to La Kay otto and Pulaski I., i ua inquire into tins matter, » ■•• wbat has been done Inwards ■» discharge of the debt, and, if puasible, s«ci riain tbe balance agnnsi ua. llo»h these l.u'oesliav*- p«s*cd loon ihe scene of ac lion. VViian-ver ia due le them, inert-lore, as Indivi duals, must hi- paid iu u.a-ir inemo'ies To diKlisr.-e lAis Jvbl a perpetual fuud IS laid up. N<> true Ameri can fails to rtapnud lo every dralt nude upon b.iii l -r rep' cl lo tne memory of'ajt u« and Pulaski a r«- sp'inso, cord lol, inslui.l, and - tin Poni ll.c hoait. Hut U I* farther Inslniu'i-d that wear* linlebr-l, Ihmugli them, io thai class whom they reprcsen.eil i. Ihetrylig Uuio-—foreigner* . that n -w. in Ihe d>*«nf nur prn*pcruy. m sin UM | »* 0| : that hi coin u.- par III sh"ii d be p 'litieal p Ivil- jci, nnd 'toil In nin >un. ,t should equal'.he ImVhr gh» of A inert cant. Ail lln tin- Vmr-rlcan parly d-nv. W e hold Ibst mere is ue.-.'«r cnnni'iii sense or Jusiice In that Ui.-ory which wo«'.| in ill•• ut de'Uors to Englohmcn, because debiurt I > Frenehmen; "r iletiio-s lusll 1'ion. hraeii I.e- aus" d- ht--r, t'—Hie Vlarqulsde Fray, wh. t own * e to those Frenchmen Who snug hi, hy britirry, I" c >rruj I our VYashmgl"ii, Fraukilu, l)aiii"ck, Adams, und Hie Idihlesi sprii. <>f revolutionary days T—and i l cnnil|iuali')ii ul public Isvor. VY. II. N'tCHnl.6, worked byes many y»ung women win easily Hannah, August 1st,»«-3- aug l-tf turn oirfituen doZ'-n per day, and it i* said that | - f»l»g4IAI MlTIC'lia they .can f'tdl y vsiru tt*«m V'J u»?UI per week. j A u, PKRSONf*indplnc) i«. the laietlrm nfPUieE i AmiRman Ir •> —Lvt-ry tiling at present indi- I VKADER sre esspsrl/eF'y rryarslrd to call on the sub- ca'cia a prusperout condil'oii -,| the American iron irndc. Our pig mm ta inw in far better repute and demand than it lias been for « long time, and by the atli-iEiuii ol tliu in.mul.iciurcra it tins been so improved n* V-- P" qualilicM "i Sen-ell |ng. Til- iv-sv ail Ihe valuable I’liil .du plna Amer- M uint llupo and Hibernian « doing a !*rg ii. .,'*11 fiatc* that lie iron muni, In N uus'bPM. The rolling null at R-ickaway, N J , haa been enlarg'd, and is now driven by S'eam, inatead ol water jawtr, ttyo *(w«m being gener- , ness, a I ed riiu'eV Ussm ih" wmi» he it ot ilio puddling and haiatmg fuioaees, «*• thnt no mute I >* u»< d ih-in und'-r me w-.o-r | w.-; syaum I lie null is n"W c-'ii* anilr rmi'ioy*d Gin Qiittman h«s l«cn n tii-nata J for Con gress III Ai 1MI*' , ,'i Miss Lons* Rrrnrs. «'l K*m.i*, has *v i' rn ■■ i-m, - r The Now Y-"k been produced ut ( rv It* Moral. o| It* «i,» V* th" i' lor an Ainericaii Notilll y, ami a . can Peer*, lu ho ippuiuinl hy the hi-i F-.r a'giiiueiit's rake, lei U* gin- nur iq-pont-iit'. for a luomenl, all 11• y ask ; let u* grant that wo arodcopl) in* deh'i'd IH'I 1 t.tjr -o the .Varquis and Ihe lom.i, hnl thr-nigh them i" all foreigners •never, now landing »n our s'" res. and Is' deal. I* there n«v limit tnthat Ir.dvhli -I re**? Is tin re hui ess legal lender f I an these rmi Hors only he pod. as -hylnck ilcmnndeil t.. ha pa d, in •" ,l n "'» l v ainpou'selres hi the hare bone*, i-> •sii-ly their cr iv ng*7 II tin bn Ihe ua<ur« ami «■* lout o. our I"'in Hay, in ilm name <>f Ju>i co an I Ain, r ic*. wo it i .Ft iha it-:: Ilm ug 'In: lias iiotMng been done, ’to dl<«*hnrg" Ihlsilehl? Il.i*e no p lincul or other j.rir,leges heeii ex'i nded lin- fnrelghei 1 Is he mu nt u it 41..mein 11,e pi er ol Hu- Am-rlcnn born, in nirr curls of nisn e agreed rrynodlng U e inoval, n mini ' ,- respondrsice iie|w.-en Cnneeilil'ig the ch'.-g- ( lark. Hit Indian a.-. i ii«retn , '>r* publish'd, • >f-1st" Il forming Go h 'thou! 4 aatt*lar'" r * l-ansacllsns in K •>n• s Hotrriiintnt must 1. lli. t Ui"Se yxplansM.'in.rr' i sml w h rh, »e-in<li"g I > a I li»« J>l*l In-rn p'.lhl S'lcat nt - • atIIhi t"r - I ■ t-ii. etee 1111 vo removal .»• ihe V-t:* of Jill ffi "a! p*;*rn on Iho s-lijcr Ihe publi " >v Re-Xer, "Miry Mur. " which haa .•lilnston let- ii-'I'f are nnt r tteealer's rv- srr,t>er and pay up. and theretiy save trouble and ex per,.e. W-M.o. PRICE, 147 Bar s'reet, Jy 11 aarob NOTH K. pr-Mr. JAMFj* K lrn Kt*ON Is duly anlhortxod . pu|(I lo sri i* my AUornrv during my absence fmm 'he Kt.m V. IV. Ho IFF. I Hfi" . pet, au«ft-3t J ham, Mil'll I:. f^^Hnriog my absence from the Hiate. Mr. J \. TARVER end J. 11. i'OIIEN will attend to so »msl ■«i K 0 M. A nillF.N. MiTif »;. y, WITH ING f«'N Is my duly authorlreJ . I AS! Arrived c ®' E<ported to dale t.24i.Ar3 Ei;-or etiio->lay I,*4'..i9*2 Htock on hand and on shipboard tiol elcadro.. 24.*«7 F'rigm* t . non shipping u> lloatoa a. * t c. Exchanges-Demand • m"el l/ondon tCIlf ud tjf psr o i>msl«a ! Fa | Nl » 3 ora dr ■ ! New V .ia is.gri I' ti*o- I * F-r» >1,1 V\*»ne A 1 Ih. ar*' 1 the C tv. I, \V| JIIINGTON. Auorne/ during my abse __ MITIFF. MU JAMRN if. M \iill.l- my duly aulhorlAod lon-ry, during my abn-m »- tr..m lt» VVi SHIP Nil Wfb. • H Ml \NN Ml I.I -1 * VII ItlYUl. t’ha* !* Fe**'er. Ii"flmsi . I h' xd-', ‘ t - P» g Veil* O Co Mdse U> M A ' ■ (I., I\ »'!.e. I.iri. 1 o. N A lls*'.ee k • . Ilru- am, ht A. IS k < ... 4 F. ulls n. t\ F \ J i I r 1 :. e fc N. rn T V I u-ner A ' ri-n. A • e. Mcket L llenn. il, T V\ .. vj A ' ... lla . - nc... I * - *' nint» A iI H M.ur* ■ A . ... Ii j.a ' •■. Kowlao-i A Sou. i-ilbrn A 1 III A i «. Frank *st A lUsn »->, *"l o-drr. • f Had : I rasyir, In.'tttU-'i M .'i>bn*.'!i I m-:le u. Itosu-u A \ il, i,.ng*. Uk ltWoR A ' 4 t l JHI ■ . r cV.u-i rf ' -. Trea-.'it U 1S Jot*tra VALUABLE SEA ISLAND PLANTATION -A.. GtM. ttt I 20 M l'lthl *. S i K it At.I •*!...*••! ‘ V7 *' '- I* >tM< N'.» I-' *; .. N - J » 4 — If N K It ARM M. |i»*k Paul Urn;-* I A • n. ' It ell el. Tal.O I C"l.>nel viany penny, v former -gainst N. \V. Mr I la*k'« re--ly. all NOTH i:. j-y Tbeklore of the • il** r I.e ; lug iho months of July s 1 'u u i ihe first of Hap ember. wuh a n ‘ of i arpcllngs, Rugs, i il »'b-ibs,i rartir* vHal.inni" »'.» Ii- u. hi* sunk d i | orrice. cat. obtain thriu t*>'applvloi to 31e |.ATIIU"P A R'M.I.K-. wh. rchts b. oki will be found. Mr. Ji'MB n. R 'U» ■»'» ' AUornry. " "• H. Gl'l I h**ninth,June 3". HI bo ctnscat dn |.. (>. re openeii o Materials, A r « Nl \ ITT. ! , Agent. j.V-U i • r -eorelafy, that 1 lo his land ! is with ihc It It *.. II underttoot! ! d here a week «r Iwnag • J graphic dispHch which i file si rrlal o vj (isxs Sie : — list trrainienl lot II.e Urr. which has I.e i n ll.oul the kn;l. nn own lee lings. Ill) deep se ( uba—tV R Giles ins A IViih'.uni DiuRiam-Uriftam, sc, >1 iurr. New ik—Rr'gham, Kelly A io 1)1 »* l II I I l> v| I II »l |C IMH. •ol, July J 4 M, si p Jiatrpb Tairat;, fo m ui ts, July IT— Ar, sbi; Jihn Paring, Ir m Jnlr 14.—4r, shir Malsnu*. from -avannah ' Illi.II. I .pe near Pxnon, Ul, *f IV hooping Unogh, , J.,,.,' . |i \N.I. . HENRY s.'ol V ■" -u.i.a. e .Un July. M 41.3 I. ■ 1 1 14 *, a r-1 .. :.-s it**. ,h attvn of I'oiii .nl Mxf.,p* 'Ii ff.. Mil (Ml IN 'll % VII II A, Id pxYST" i>P »R' M Hit I'NITIP »T .. r ed t • * t ti Pi n. #r •-#«*•* l my ; ply fa• r the • Hrlife (. It Is pr vteriii r Reoaler** 1 snmod that the ‘ Hy bo given to e lii-'sl aliMiilng .1 or |r. . the i I s< ui'axsiso >'.i wore unco. U'Hi-h ai'q-'t*, and under the Y"k« : I un.ris <>( trada-, at Urn ec.v'Hge altar, under rout ,.S nor will ii bo coniorided, wo presume, had wu- not church and cathedral, and eri-n at ihe hallni !*•* aiirr thrown olf that y- k*-, itiHl there would now ho any * short proha'I m. and acuinplian e* American Krpu'dic: "r, n ens'qucnco, any j »a r > f.’vsssw T Nar, when arim-dwiih shuielah, hnck- A nit. i, .h,, .hiv.nng ..I Iho pAc, ! *«' |» “"A”'". rt-m .'I .11 Amvf'cnn cilizenslup stsficd into life. All th•• persona io 'he manor horn, and all llioan genc-ru Mfat'fxr re lhan pea-r of Americans horn, lor a few mluuie* >•'"•’•7 We have given him ll-erelly e'e-yihi g III liTfi HU II'IW, save ellgllnlll) m the President, we *e« w . h what Contll'a-lity tills b"Oi| ii « 'h' p I, I.e true as inilnnaied lhal we owe him si »< ,e. W i-ere still willing lo give lout chea|i lamls, 1 nag.', ai.d .1.1 riy ..f 11.1 Ira-e-ioin from passporti y lyrannlrt of i|.sp.< n m •) Un- y hit 1 a glut Ion lianrh hcMiagi' fur his 1 soldicraol iho rev "lulion, and s gm-ia of |lm d< • | e.| irai on, of foreign birth, who had cast iheir lois : ,j, in ih-L’n'ted ain'e*, boesme American cdirctit jii as *u< h, entitled '•* pi-ciditr nglpa, privilege* and . iniiiiuniiie*. On ihu other hand, nil Hi'.se persons ! cl "f I 'feign ’drill, wl.o dnj 0"t adoni this coun'ry *' * c iheir own—emotig whorn was ihe Marquis de I.i * Faveiie—and all ih"So jn-rsorn win. r«mo liph-r ■ ilm rpn-nt to tho birth of the Republic, wero „ foreigners, I Dy « process ofq u' filing, unworthy iho nsmn ■ f i, reasoning, H is now hr.d hy s. iri" cxcotsirely m Callin'>c "/aturs, «i ii World wide sympsihi s. hut little home chut'y, I tint them are still no Anon- 1,1 ct"s, other lhan ah-riginnl Indians, that we are 1,1 s ill all f.irrignoi*. hc-ciu*n all am "I f-ueign ox- 1 Jj' tracli-m , und, as a i or.olary, 'hat being all fofeien- I , er* alike 'here sh u d tm didin-iiun in lh* pri vilege* enjoyrd. Congrcjas.howevcr, ha* rfiec ua'ly ■ ilenec*) this mod*- ol mas-in ng, l.y *go de ciding dint them is snr'i a thing as an Amsficsn citizen "iher than n r.-d ik mno*l personage and that torrignnrs havo an nnqii"<ti.(iiahle existence Whence nur naiurslitaiion laws, oaths of alia- gisnc, and lerms "I jirohalion, but l >r these dis tinctions t Vain, ihvmlore, is ihe effort to merge Into one common mss* dm American born, a"d the strange comers to our shores of to assert lor Ihrin eqial privileges, because lh y have had a romnion loreign origm, rimm or l«*a mmole The human raiaam r >mm>iiily i-e'ieved tr* have etariwat 1li*m Ld- n Where now sm the Kdemlns—the I'ara- disiansf f'erhs|i« noihitig is r Inarer than that an Air-can i* not a Csucaa'an . the difference IS pre »tn» uneaink'* excspll "ii, (the Presi.lsn cisely that of black from while Nor are other ns ! |;,eiu, lbs vilosi uiiumna ••! d.-spuioiu Ions Iwe* nsspy disiingulihsbie, one from soother, p-nhetluii ••••» •*’" formehty nt an ban the«« tacee, though (he line of demeroelHin l»e *i I# by *' l, » *•" me located In c -mplesloO. Ktenrh viveciiy, thsie**, MeieieliMthu flniiati aorl meet, Dutch phlegm, Hc-ilch Ihiili* ,h " ^'fuuf'U ••»••• ,.. , a I lo «o ei 1 *li fstkloesneea nod generosity, end Amerioen I ^ iUl(|| , )|| drrd In n \ Y-t older sl twflity Him 1)4-411 It **l .ii bn* heuloi.'ie • for IH* fi"ld hands f W'di'8 Nortl. ltd* yrar. o hi.real H.e *| nl » i IV '' IS- lo'l'cd I • pair. imi) —The , an M.ihains no h i*ed hit j ii the North- . si-.ppcd in C.I tn ' « !•*»• hsnme in health u.dim-n l" ii'l hrrrw 'liali ear a*• '"ken 1 t am, wn X,a f)r..«*H’k Gn » nYPHIEH*. R' It 1 i.i H\ , ' m > l •» e-p nr L'li m.i ini - ■ Hill *' AN.N, i Ann ailed l" y nu, 1 l«eg i l,» 11 I.e I . pp) ll y. rrgX’d. \st* i*i-1 \.-i n in.onp. . i I l ID i'l irpt'Ol,. uiy 14, fo'.. Juij fnr ! Aueesi 1. . uihamj lun, A ..gusl 15 1 HI) IMI R) ■‘TAT I> «w N . -V July ii. ot i w Nek July .-. C I !Ttr,rara ■"’rrp • ] ...W-*ra l«i csoc er ipfla-'ni• nave m . r.lfli *le» "I ; hr u SAVANNAH POST OFFICE. PLl.lVI.KY AMU l HM.NdOf I iD M MI.S . I.ital VIcilH at At* VV ■ •hlnglnli ' I l u. k, I .*', II Va of iha* Mainm : Mi -I this r Mi in love w nil •d pr-ipmi) ; w hen .11 NL. hddriit. Is tm a Ini *'i ni m inineunly insde shove, fnr argu- u-.'s tskr, we now recall, and Conienil that ll l< *•! on ben i nil Ua Vo Invosl all Imelguer* w (III all lli e • nagus wo uuuolrus unj'iy, as • pa y m<uili*f «"ir iu tin- Haiquit and kim • uiini; in 'mover, Hist - h luvrsiioi'n it iiiis .fe, |i>Judikluus, snd a positive 11*I'isiica* to Aiurricaut burn- I mi—In ihu mailer *n ofll «*, w- ti-dd: that ••> b-ng ■ < ViiH lusn. ■ an Ini found , h ntSl.falllilUl nu>l capa* l>" , a.. "Jl. >, '(..<* ui" ,.n.. oii iastiU'MUip m Hie Pre*. Ui'ln y, til mill l-e conlerrid upon tbrin Iii In any and all ulbe* psrsuus suevsr. And lor Utl* iv»- •'in. ii.a- buw««*i nue'i balancid ibe citims <i * f-r. ,ga.wr will. ih-i*«i ul an Amsrican, In iho Mial art ul bunesiy,capability, Odvllly—be 11tier liasaciaiiu wli.tli Vint f'.iiiisr mere tan ha*.*- Ins i eaiwiiT-a riglu ua t'i. a l.s- a bey nud ibe days ol I sail and Jstob, a r gl.l in .O 1 which fur p'l.taga, undnit inUinuus him who pan* w mu • ngtn by whioii Hie clilldr.ui ir"i<i Hiai parwul, and Mm* innerUanco is valid . a ngm in si.iifi, *»y wliii'h, Hnarinwl and unaccirdiiaHl. ihu Aiiiar.rao born may walk inn* Urn NN lima llnu.c ilai ll, ■ ■»l iltsrr is iiaiiie o make linn afraid. Iiur, mir prrMUt laws virtually lauora tins uglil In our obitus|V nl |)f Archlb* d Ar I 1.. I. '« * * •'■' | lr Ar*' "I ..'.ir. .....‘"ll ' "" '* ''"' l "° 'I* I' 1, j. |, 4 pot* In- w.ib iiii.iclu-d i il but " MIUI ll I ng. | p. II"d >•• IV...I .M ijcsiy H »• 1 " • ; '!>•’ m I iIiuI diS'lngu -he I •" • I'l I hi* dralll * '- ra'l'lh H-gl* I'. .r«u*r•<l. b|iu Mini I III" .Nl 11 Ii dr* - »•' ll Her .•hri , desi rli'l" lure r»"-y all err Hy ihr I'Iu'mI known. irr from I'on. J. h " i l'i< ir* II S fUrti A ir .. Ihr »m . rd .' "I c -F NNI-ll MIMVIU W I'll |-lh'l hgypl, Nl Vitto*m. ihr ryrulirre, N T"ul"U*.’ Alter Hiu war, Dr Am. ,- mp.u.1 ns m .M "i ’•• rtt ill. I "filler si a loll he> a o| Nap- ingtiou P"ltin"iil at nn eecurrd h r him nan, who* lengthen, pmgios* *.» h*a into **arnpms" I lira" a'-nUmcn III" p'lV aiCI*n, n palinll. *» era e v cal" iil'nnlmns i g«nl. In pariicuoir, lull,ill, N apoleoi. jf .v o| Iii.* mspi-ri lor Dr eviiip Hfiy u^Vtm ors i-lle, Ni*c, ncdii. VN i hr r.t . that i it accomp i II" era, II- III" Ilird Ilia pr ti p. naiy > ini" Ihr p rl'cilar " 1 j asi.'iil-hln* ts.'Iis H.*l hs*. Iw. n | !■ duct.i n> Gillies and I "f ;hat mrillrlnr <>e a inrmlwr "f m* own ism* ) under mv own a*lis#r»s""b sml *up« rii.icn.le " -.1 Ins bravo 'h. skin nl H.c t.rai | h**o i • had l»rrn rdim 1ml n and * ■*' U*'ial rnmnlip* bad 's'lcl. (nil* J -- I 1 ' nt it* i*.' in ni i wh' may nr 'T ""' ; ,1..,,!„."i„l (Ill aim IV, | ,1 , mr ,„ t„ Ill*: II i* 1.1 spied I" all cnnsiim l-r, nlld llprigtll UI.,1 dlgndll'd de- I ||,,„( „r Ihsl II w l| */?."•• Hip ssme r* lie* I> all rasps , ill, ' r "ml g'm I' limn, at onco fm, of mursr. I i an L ih ng aba-nt Ihsl in c "lldum ii ul | Imi cX'iaiitdi I w n*i I have *ee g ,1 "pi'ii.ui, Hint . ally I'Hinrd, '•»*' "• »” »") ,,f r% ' r "' I" ,1,1,lira It,. I '■i Ml """.I- 1 . c,«r influtncr or mill-'i ..i UetpeclhiHy yours, jylfi JS I III I IV>I H IM I . Matc*a»al #f it* • .N.'» ' fn* /•»•'**<* frasy*«y iorthern an-l Nu. ,* s I'.’OU e ''Ora « , i Fin.-Id a and »•; " e*i Gc. jbjr « tv Ihr mail b>r Key Weal, llxrsna and *s.|i.>rn>s, w ll be cl s.-ai nn the 3,1 and l$(h Au* j •u*l, and nil 'Im 3d and ISih Scplcinhrr, In go via ‘liar mi'n per »»i mg vra*cl Hack Lino i itovi .tin tin i n in t i rum ii r • ilfir-nig I would li'U he* jafi:-: i-"W* in i uir iwn, v '1rnc<« Hip ni*drr*lS*>r*V would \ Italic mat As hsa "ll l - '-r I l lea * P AlUCI Cm* I MONDAY. imnia-at'firiy afle' llsct. s»n lha, r* pit NVI.DNK.SDAY A KIvIPW lli* F»»* - it *i I N'iiben ft J •- hhprl sl 7 UVsl dl»" imi al'.icll'lo'iil a i* w«m Cordind 1 id,oil tlm pail d a; tail iiprncd I lv all celrd l»Y illnalr imi* is hy .!• Ii In i* Qotxe VicTotia's Visit to Paati —ttrsat n- peciaUubt and high h>>pce bav# l/wwii excited by the Quem's visit Ui Paris—apa-cu la Kona rmi *>■ much political •• oommereial 'I h»y h» vwar.nrrly Use sum of originality. A cr.rnpsny ha* been lor med lot ibsigurpoetoffurnisliHig the hanoars. flairs 1 rninprisr, ere terms world-wide In their slgnill •treemere wuh ftp English colors, and nsimoal esne. and evstywhere end#iat«*«Hl-M often writ- decoraiion# wRUh am v.. U w.,.n ,#n '' ul ln f-,,,u,,, a** •••tvwyw*! in customs. Ry tbepubli«,*Mfe4«4 «gSbetr windows, ..n Thews preliminary remarks Have I wen deemed her Majesty'# ds*l«f |. (f , t ,y , n | necessary, to avoid confuelon of Ideas, end io clear French capital TMDemngda |<rv s|aww« •nihinn* , ihe fi-ld belofn us ol ell side iseuae Lei ui n-w of public rejoicing Hava been very ,„j 1 ,, r „ r „d in mumm Into ihe usetnede hy the Ami- ? It is Isellr eoticlpeied thst s handsome outn w.ii |„ 1 Amrrh an I’any of ihe feet, that •»«# Marquis de j „ reelixed hy tl)e speculation i..i- and ihe Count Pelsshi.linih fureigners, look iism m oer M v.iiuiiune»y struggle. nn • are rsqn«« . . , . _en,i imi to state ibsi th« Fancy Ball nl ib> .... n »u, i.u. M "»•»* •’ •*»*•# I* leid upon th* aid received by ( ^ ( ••• Irmn f-.rwlgners. In (list struggle su lond long the . hsngee that are f»eg upon Lefeyeite I'u sski, a suppiflnsl olieerver or one igimr* • nv I.I r« V'lutiunsry htstory, might ilmoil tritsgme ibsi we ere ln.|.|p«d lo tb-m lor ell We hiT* a»'d •i. dial La> ay»tin end Pulaski were ill# t«le SU* ■ •1 ail "*Ui, sland cblidiao of Freedom. >*-*«« lew* c«u never blul out from al iuenklud, lliel of twu man, P, liui •"'«» of whnm hr.* Hill I hi > III nil Ilia Bill", III* la'ipi list e siiperi'-r <tsim- tainiin-ni souae end eoiniii'Ui Jus deulsre il Tbs eximn Inal Hie wliule Is urvalfi pan. demunsiraie I-, Hniugli wn do Inn "Ifai ef diffurviica'. wh|i b bn lai.ii *vli'cli no .ul c.. I'o use Ihe *< "Tim i-mperoi, valiithlr* g .Id ■, ai"I Ii iving, ** ii ■ ll p Ifllllg Sllflll ly mark* <1 rv• y prcvioii* i,> In* iliss .- » V"iy iii'ck'-mijj int'iiiinny lrn il, and gfsti.lo) a-ii»" "I Igalilo l sl . mitigato tlm cl siillcnnga mda ..I min Ihi'ii mi die talaml, ii lua denlh bed, desired ilisi a ill |."X might bo Inoiiglii to him. i In* dying hand and Itai "ll 'll "I di, "i.giavnl titlidvsi-lt Mo*i*the llai we hu ll further, .lisl were there no rsqul'snn o (US,ire end nghl m ha r.iinplmd with, tiiund pr.inpts i Ilia liauds nf A nu i her luleres.s, ol In Faeov BakL av M*i*lsne Pveisus I the Fancy Nall of d>a pltce btlweae I ». Hh anal lath'd Annul' I, FaSMloe is Psei*. Al IRp prttaM in"mini. fatMne le Paris .ablb'U a c* iMpb In d**eri In .very ladi'a U'.nnel • bvrrlsa gra|-es. h ack currsnU amt ew rn* ■ re now the |o|islir Imnnet ornamee', noil nmn-). (W'lbicg will be I-M hut strewlmrrtse and melnn*: a i Winds ar.,1 ra)*iesBi»y beprsuly lulruduied Is.f • se j •*' ,f s "• dbf llhei'iue, Inw rad nl aiif*iit oo lelrtirerg gefeerwrvslh. ' w,di ue Id lh* dlnrvue toll. Loud e* er# live pnnkiiH" Ihw letter 'N ,' Im iiieaen'cd U l • Ins kmd snd valued In• ml, as a parting mcni 'i'al ol Ilia deep naixfin and hcanh-ll giaiinnl"" llcsid"# »* lot ||, N «|*<i|n<-it In-'pi" «|h"ll I" Ill'll f"'”H N epadeuiie and ilm Hrit ah g .vernii'e'i', I" mark "• app'oha i lull "I It 1 * coft'l'" , C'lnini i"d mi him A *-R'l When 1 dm scenn sl 1st ilic*v I" a rl"*". the patient rl- • jiiicl wnh his right hand Ml ills* ol Dr Am dl Dr A-tiolt »« aim -sl dm last snivivor nl lln-s" i win.a" names »* ill "•<• I* d do** n I" l> stc'IIV I'l ' i mmi*i 11 "ii with ilm event a rd the l«a* *!•?•"! •’ * l»"l""ii Ills * *"l tpnac "us mind »u to die 1 ssi ruby eiored *vidi r..i "llrt-'mnS end anord»t*s"l dm ppmal I ln-e« dm pub m w-ul.l have loe»v **|\tv mteieai. but • S' r Vd * * Hnol " An’'eni i dm Last IMims. Di»ce*s<- and 1*4iat niUftrrn Apiuiei■ "I Nap"''-.m H"n* , parte, ' pub'itlm.t |HJ J, ho .• u d m Vi r he Htduc In.a hsd "iher I be* free, A merle*- airT ei| lu cmmil ilmni i"i >. I-..|. j r»>ln> lent In mill g'la It c-ans lla'allow* as ibevs -sung living ie*h|i«>s gh< publi. ly in ih" k. ■ n a I pain'"'. • .".iroVeisy of are nut !•• b« uverflddsnby Iheapeetrs ul indsbieali.M* I dm Imis, eldi-mph m-ver i’"nre*li g lua "Hinton lu i.a Fsye iv snd FHlaskq nur Indeed la ll iiaia.ibie i . . n p'lvetn i"anv«i**tion f*p y m U" m argemeNii.earept hy elalinlnga nn.'is'i I K)om dm gph. ..• ,.l »-'»*•'lr.nv h ' ,«»I...Jrap.Pln ! !„'ra,I'l'V,!‘Kgo'n:,*ir'l,• - i-...'r #•!•*, fi.r Ibe *'l nlulaii.lloo'll A»w#fleaneteirs. »• -• 1 ,ug n| hi* days'*H| I " die nstgltb.ub.i d «mr nj t'ueeiHe Make aneb a * w t \\ r j.iestn** i*"t . a , ( | hniii-tali'y i. h oaall pul Aiusrii mure IlSeiy lo kuuw M.*y, ••——whn love ll.eo land two suae ll it Hmlr nwn, Amiaeorn give uugtii "H.ei reason why “ elm wefu "i.ksg In toe 're lie id i.llieny, linbil-ed nh ilislr's indh, and !>•*■ navi'i "tr- I’sj.'lal h' Bui plus . i. V. ( nT.sivwivviu'Rsi'.ws* p \ iiKtra vs I ,, Vpi" l ri!,'l"«'p»l.*l"'"Jni‘lIO "" 1*1. lira ll..,. Tr..V., .."..raral Pm,".. " ,i|'nnis-e l.p'ng Isken m ln*u-T Ho • ‘»ipi* •>.' ,, I Vn, inlrlr hi 1 1|>*P»* • •*- I" ro r' ’ ■ ii'ii'li i-"n>rir>l ".'in ri h r c-.l • ' U-c . i*41.•■. *f. ni'-si rw»p4*-'tl'ul | v s.*Ji'iicl. Mac* ■ * ' • • ,wlu N.UPH- Mire* will bs muafl*.' f H-er‘: rS P p-or-l ... . •• O' I p " . •»;. • VS'.I ev W. t s .1 »»».'■: ihr stu-unl .IrpuM.vJ l* vhvr cr a . s \i••'su' t'h hrs»ie*i dealer* .ala-1 NVorroaU j. >|| N V • 1 NRM X • '' .** :• • r Uiol V\ « •. ant*. ** * ,. , sows sc* <•' ihe v.ea’awev, *V -MVW Oil, l« «' . . , II r J y- VI r • • «- «-» r 1 I swd * • .. , . II „ t. r *' • ■ •'» ci N*o. •- n , Vfi.a *•,. i-i * R' alaRa'U C t pas VV eth ' ' • -* h V** •».**. -. , ■ , , ■ . R. S r*ol»». NV*** p« , J I l-v V- *. New • *fWer.» , i„, ... i nuiai, \N aeMngt«*e v * • a V . ■ v -r s’" P IN wax. ». r 'V. I (I.-, WpieEer c*r V owg*V»e. Ii'l ' •- nn ii imcrr, r,.*te'».-ip'. *«•» - ' • ’ ,4 . Nl Howi, Fresi kifkmfa IUW. T I*’ ■ • r '*- f*. . •» . i f .he I'anks n *' '■*• **» "V , " Hii'k tv Ihnt rf Nn( . v R * -ar-t '» n NN eesevsv Ra»k, riiiietm. Ye • ' «•* io'iwcp • (* y.'ioes *rd ' '* t c.| r harar-ei a*J W*. » t . .r>4 !*** Ml VNNtll >4 I. I> I« N I I C » I I '* V I » '" fra'O % 155,341 IU , mill'*" VV Nt. lilt NON • ••■t* "S VMS I "<4r*«l 3)1 Hhams Hank rvbvek !«*»**' >u* Hsuks HI -• |nroip**rmleal 1‘nnipanlesolhpi I Henke,, N»les on demand, Bern*" I h> " i-iis ' tics I l.slsm, llund*. Hank Mo, k and " i eraonal eecu'H* Caati In hands nt Vgpn'* •• In Hank . ■ lltl'M iNM.rew ix* v'.moi un l.l>« '*• • 131,3 JI «n 4 ’ Tl'b I.IIIIIION M HINI.S l.psi n'ul and ouipi smut" > m T»,« w slpf and tllmitr nr I j or V*" »!-* me*, epl-ra. - '-** | .ossps adjusted,un* ' i - I 'anilities lo any He" k, none 1 "isl emounl al ri*k . si I he sitmiiiii el him ' • eeptinn*,) not over :>,***' f. I.ssaasn. Jr . "c Not a Icli, < ."IU , )"•"' ' IVraolially •(•|»eefa-a1 Hip niy Notwlrl*. in end F. l.psineal, J' ■'nil?) ihsl I hs*p evsr«'n»' nt sml find Ihp *l»-"*P ' - same sn.l II,ai lli" •*"'"• «' 1 se d • ■p'lal Is invest" I •" • "ipi-reilon or Intlivlalual - ui. -J,4)ai,'«i 4oy il.k. , wldi very low ex nitrtVivTEll. President qwn Thewsiwr ena cnmtve erv- unruusi •'I “ vea, egii-' the h"shh-c*i i.p."*i« VN , ko« t"i Nt.sune Rue t«* ("nummeie e'lbri onr ntuirsl or n»-'-sl e)*H*eph"*-" « h> • W , j pinphstmeilv • "»si»»*»/ )*•'•*(, " •* t**l’ "*• < *■ • l.ay o yas)i*y II.M4I \r4v****W*.«aV»lioi»t . m isi.ip, senrbstfr* " oalp'sia t'sia* w • <*•-« i .1# .tail* ire n al 7unn"l It HI V n> lr* '»»>#• (hr l*pr «sa V• 1 vv NV v."l«l* -N lii'IMU Vril'ni, NN *lk"l 4 ai , 4.a . '*»*•» X'. KV •.•H""igiso. and Nugnaie (lootula- h ropy J' • I P C. »'M . a»4 i-r •■^a, a»1 atlws IV VlNvV.. r awi *N r; COHUTTAH HFRINliS. (bp a-wv.iy Mini*) VI w r* !'•••» !'• ifipvl l"i in»o wnl'i sl jas'.i ce. vt**'*sl l-v . , - . V, . . I . • w trh i o*ih . ihe In p.limopy who*, *,|aa»l >l>" seel of ih Jump, \*%\ X •• i It.* .m'lrr*l|""al n lead' io Isk# liaka o die All. II 1» il'Otl I *'•«., ,i .-( kf'4 ( »nape- I *i4ir in»nl s»f Ihe i <• Mrh * pari *«r i ,!"i. K'"*d *wd well | 0X4-1 m< bang anal teal, ihu Dvb day *1 • reis lea*" wan |. l in.'iii thru* Ihr* i««f 'r,l I *• • IK a ihp Giest ajdrti, end reverwl " *• many .1*—.. . IIt ws .1 la* It- • l.-«n.l ' e'm 1 . .«' •• (»■ sfetfkssssd ha<» • • , at I'kUon i »»*«(in ' v 1 9: I.I, a * •* . > XM rH M « ". he *•*'' i | Hr.... luaka h*S s-swis ("wvvleMab’v, r —. i-'"* ami r»»v(»<• cf l - *• * v., .' .‘wr'im I NV VVIST.a l» l„, f . .1 V,. . - I U *1 vKTiN, V D , . . ; (. ii">v vki- M 1 . O' . M*,! .a art MsslKWI j4M'.-S|ar*g** | W‘" J - ' ■'m’.'.:. —J4.4 »r- yj I Ml l.u k* r P ' •• ** f V' f I (fie--* Inks- v " .* w,ll he C4'4*shrml r~ the asnrf* ■ i'». .*1 kseries*V » Id.*, be haJ r- — ) *Hl r.r £*»(lhe* yw I • eSSHf syf- eu I 'ara.%4 1 ***«. *rr 1 1 l' •w t •»<"P’ '*■-* ***'’*rr»,. " wwS- ) W i.-a I IVNIHMIK. N NN . , lot Ihe XIk a .1 .1"* .lllll 0.4 . JR" I Ihr Mill •*•* hv »*7i lir N t. MH*eV* VNHHMVN »V *s.k* ...JT - - •).»"• aeJ W'*4», ht<v Hv . in *ar*n «» '»<”•'• a*».l IN < \\l.lN'* >l V n.. v j ..-4 rw-wh D• - • ■' ) -4 »a> h Wswae»H (.4 , K«ra —" S<*4 bob » ' ' .1 b* • v in.. <»* vv * pin* • • T'.*%•• * * (.*#*'***> .Ht Ik ISswaMwe .*—• ■ —•**»•“*•.' , ■ . tVfetaer. VihrwSfVla • ■ "•hlvcwv*. I *•<*"*••. s-m *• - .m I Ol »■»**•« *P Mfl •«!»»*» N*k' ♦**»* yw *•• - • 4* ).*h a* «eri* (*an, N w w* ,*,M**s. I V «• as NJVW M'M'A rv-- •*»» * ■ B NW'N M . sWC** v...»*.*#• u*** , V* s