The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, August 07, 1855, Image 3

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SAVANNAH KKI'UBI.K AN, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, IHftft <E DICAL CO^EQK A OP OKOROp -*jjfc Twenty-(I'tirth course <>i I.t nureain this I nail- 1 mitfn will ooiimu nPv tb« Oral Monday In Novora- Jr n**>; r FACULTY* ia»«omy-0 M Ni.WTuN, M. D. asrirry-L.A. tvl'GAD. M. It. «%fntl»'ry and Pharmacy— A. MEAN*, M. D utirrta Medlca, »hempeutU'a and Mad. Jim * ■ •• uarYin. m. u. mt. Iiiici n>r ( n JhptcUl KoUtto. NOTH’!.. |FJ9^ We ere •uilmrlitil In announce TIIOM AM WOm II. HARDEN, a* a cnn.llilMu lor lli«< office of ordinary oi Chatham County, at Hut I’naulng Jiim- arjr alecllitn. Jo l-lile^ Norm PKI.I.IWV lITIZKNHi-l nm a candidate for the office of t.l«*rU nl Him Superior and k»* •••- r ... . •iiieimr Courts at Hieelection In January next*ami re 7in»irl'lf»Jind Dlaeatceof Women and Infanu-J. spc tritlly *ak your support. JNO. K. UAVIH. i Jett—Ida *•1 ' Norat’p.. Wo are authorized lit annonnca Mr. IIKNRY _ H. PORT a candidate lor llie Clerkshipo the 8ui itrlnr and Inlortor Courts at (l:i< ensuing election Hi January nrkt. Juna I ' "™ Norm;. FI'Ll.oVV CITF/EN8 t—On tha Oral or MmT May la.i, I anmiunued my anil a caadldala fbr Receiver ol I ai Huiurti*: ami am mum a camll* ttaie li»r that office, at th<« next election, and reaped- rtilly aollclt your support. Your obedient aervant, je 8 H. T. TUBUS. NOTICE. FELLOW-CITIZENS ;-l am a candidate __ for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns, In aniary neat, and reaiu*ctfully aollclt jour votea. •* .OILS II. IIAHKHSIIAM. AvK.M.l). ■|'hie»‘'l'’*»y Pathological Anatomy—H. V. M. -it.LVR.M. D. Ipt.liutea and Practice of Medicine- 1..D. FORD, .M. ^Mrflcal, Comparative and Microscopic Anatomy— u f.c tMPHKI.I., M. D. r ppnionelraior of Anatomy-II t'AMPRF.L. M. O. Ait rani DemnnaUator—S H.slMMiiNs, M. I». pmaeclor lo Protestor oC Surgery -JL'lll.4»» HAR- I|*S. M Ik. vlialcal Leciurea tar III be delivered regularly at Hi n ., Moapital, and ample opportunity will be afford# f. ibe study of Practical Anatomy. fre* for llieeiilire eouiae glos 00 gitrlculallou Ticket, ,to fo* taken once,).... 5 00 Fcr dir.lier particulars, appiv to jj 7-ddw u‘. M. N K WTON, Dean. I.AKD irAIIMAVrS WANTED. ; -«.- v ri'HE highest price a ill be paid for l.aud Warrant* . may W If 1 an*0—3 K tVII’lllAUToN. ... . WANTED. V MGIITor Ten prime young N.groea, Held hand*, . irom 10 io 83 jaara old ; for whom eaah wl'l be M.I Apply lo ll-W . 4 KRSTILLE. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS- NORWALK, CONN, r. Nl. hEI.I.I.PK. Prim I pit I. T UI** School will commence it* 8. con.l Srtalon on Wednradav, Hie .'.th of September neat. The Iriiool la loceied In a healthy ami p'eaaant tiariafNor- •ilk.i’onn. Thla place boMere »n I.oiir laland sound, iv.nt 4omllea from ti e city *-f New York. With that no. communication bv mianaibe or New York and apccifully a*k v«ur support, ,4a* II a von Uellr.Mid,la very east, frequent and rapid. , may 8v—jaii5,'5tl The dealtn of ihe Principal I* to aeenre to the pupil* * f »ce l under hi* c«re a thorotiRh English and Classical nlutallon. To attain thla, competent teacher* are pro* • sled In each department of the school. Every fnclll- i« eill be offer«Nt to enable me pupil thoroughly to ynucunt • all ihe auntie* necessary to a complete pre- tar* mn for coHcrc, or to engage in Hie commercial or l-ve purauiia cfliie. The proper physical, menial, iti m ral cuiilvaiion «f hi* p<i|>.le, will alao engage jr strict alleutlon of the Principal. Ttie term*or the ach >«»l are f Hi per annum. There * n< extra expense excepting for the studies of the ftneh and German languag. a. as also Music and piainc. <Tf“u1*i» giving d. flute lulorinatlon rela- o ihe school will he sent to any add<e»* Vhe aatisfaciory rcierencea will oe given whaoever de- uvJ An* Information will cherr.iill) be communicated application to the Principal, chh*r peraonally or i r e-poudenco, at his residence, ang A -6 MHtWALK, CONN. F. A. VHEDI A PI) ? ar " , Januaiy ne j may -I'* ilM? r r January ne a*k your Mippori. JnilN m. Siii.i.en. Ilanafaclory and Uarf-Rooms. 598 BROADWAY, NEW YORK |te"*reii 'be Meiropolitau ami -ni ih'oi.un llolela, 1 'L'MNITI Rf. of every v*rlet»,oi ihe heal quality, ' ai m derale price*. Hr have ihe largeat e»lab* tilbm.-m, and Imat aaa«*rlmeni of really good and »ub- llaniial Furniture t*» he 'omul niM» »:"y or rouniry, to • Mcb we Invite the parit.ular alieiition of purchaser*, aus •—3mo* P “ STo ti c t . T HE Partnership heretofore e*'*U"R between C. T.pplug and l Kre'x. under the firm of EPl'INU fc Kltv.r/.. la diaaolved tin* d»v by inuiual c<»n- aeii'. t' Epplng i* auibonteil lo settle Ibe accounts ofihe partnership, and t * u»e th. name of ibe fl'in fof ll.a. purt>o*e, C. I PPING, Al’G. KKKTZ. savaanah, Augiiat I. Id.tS. aug*. 1 —8 The h ialnea* of the late firm will be continued with- eo: Interruption by Hie uiider-igncit. aug 3 CARL EPPINO. NOTH’!. T<» THE VOTF.R8 a if CHATHAM COUNTY. tJenllemen:- I am a Candidate for election _ lo the office of Ordinary, at the eleeilon in iaiiuniy neat, and will bo thniiklul lor jour auppori. may »• M. »L sHErrAl.L. N4ITHI;. FRLI.otV CITIZENS I am a cnndldaln _ for ri-elcciloii tothuofflreof Ordinary, III linuary neat.and reapeetfullj a-k *oiir may HA—-tf *“**“ ‘ NOTICE To MY FELLOW clII/.ENs tiF CHATHAM c ». I ain a candulato for Receiver of Tax Re turn!. at the election In January next, mid re- WM. \V. OATES._ NOTH’!’. ro THE VOTERS i»F i ll ITIIAM COl’NTV- JT- HF.NTLEMEN i-lam acaudblale for Ihe W&w office of Tax Colleeio. of tliia Cotinly, (the el.euon lo be held on ihe Ural Monday In January, l8ot>.) and reapeciliHly aollclt your support. may IU-if PETEK G. TIlo.MAS. NOTI4K. FELLOW CITIZENS I am a candidate for Ih* - office of Receiver of Tax Return*, lu next, and leapeclIHMy aollclt your vole*, may 11»-if I,R. DILLON, NOTICK. FELLOW t IT17.ENSI am a candidate __ for the office ol Receiver of Tax Retiirit*. lu nonary next, and respectfully aollclt your vote*, m .) 14 if 7. N. WINKLKR. NOTII’E. FELLOW ell IZI Ns :-l nm a ‘candidale ai the election In January next, lor clerk of | the superior and Interior Court!., m d Mill be thankful I for yeur auffragea. WM. II. Rl’I.L'lCII. may 14 lun.V.Mi if ge- FELLoWl ilT/.L.Ns: -I niii n candidate for Jhe office of onlluary at the election In January next, and respectfully aak your support. may 7 J.V..H HARNAMlii:. IIF.K. Mr ja* 1 M'TI E. He are auiborlaed lo announce Ji'IIN V. TARVER as a Candidale for i lerk of me Superior ami Interior < ourls, at Hie ensuing elec tion, lu Jaunary next, may I'J Jan ’3tl 8AVANN4II, MAV |. 1855. ^ Mi»*x» l! totTyya*:—Vim will pten*e an- PjJp nounce Ms. \l.l XANHKR llto.MAS n* a Camlnlale for Receiver of Tax Hie ensuing January election, and oblige MANY VOTERS, nia) !l |f WE are auHiorlie«l to ennounce JAMES E. iftSF (JOliFREY. as a candulato for the office of . . Orilmary of Cbatham » ouniy, at the ajiiaulng January . »' r ’ <l election. may' MESSRS. EDITORS :-Yo.i will iar. January ne may IW— *r. January ne *F a or ho a (tv or th* *txtb ur uetytmu Port Oainea Academy Lottery. T HE aiHiacriher. having received irom llui Comiills- slonora Hie Age.ioy and klaiiagemoni ol the I’OliT GAIN!'. A AC A DENI % I.OTTEKY, ha* eatahllahed the principal Office al Allanie.Ga., atyyl Intendac.oiulurliiig tho Lottery on ihe name plan as Ilia! of the Southern Military Academy Lottery, ol Alabama UKAND (tollEME FOR AUGUST. _ . . Clwee A, To ho drawn August I3tli, 185,1, In the t?l»y of Atlanta, when prlxu* auxMinilng to 30,000 DOLLARS! Will he distributed according to tho following magnifi cent .scheme: And remember, every Prlxo Is drawn at *ach drawing, and paid when due, without deduction, aalm at auction. MV IPEYCEH (IDHIIEIJ.. •7,5 Ml 1 prize of • WO. .•9,000 5.WMI 5 do nf •too .. I,MI0 . 9,1 II Ml 78 do ol .V).. . 3.1X111 |Vl(HI.. 50(1.. . V.IMIO . 9,5011 DW do of 95.. . 3,0(JO 3 do of Ml prises, amounting to f!lo,(MMi ONLY TEN TIIOlfHAND NUMHKR8I QTTicket* #5—Halves VLM—Quarters• t, 1 ‘J5 -£0 llllls on ell solvent Ranks al par. All comii.tinlrallons strictly confidential. HA,ML'EL slVAN, Agent and Manager, Atlanta, (lu. J. F. AW TREY, (leiieral Agent, Savannah,Ga., Office «u Hrouithlmi at., between Drayton and Hull ata. Jv Y4_ D RAWN NtrMRKKHof Greene anti Pulaahl Mouu- tnanl Lottery, Class I HI: 41 II till 47 5.1 13 41! 40 III 40 37 4 aug 7 K. WITIIINOTON. *4,000 7H Nnmher Lottery—13 Drawn liallols. Greono and Pulaski Lottory. Clnee No. IRT for INAA. To bo drawn lu Savannah, on Tuesday August 7. GREGORY h MAURY, MANAGERS. ai nans: I of 94*000 - I of «t AOO-t «« %tUU» TicKoia #1,00—Sharoa in proportion. Tickets and Shurea, eltliur singly or bv I lie Package, • sale by B. WITIIINGTON. I aug 7 ^DippiiiD 3T»ttcrtt»nmmri t’Olt HAVANA A N II KEY WEHT. 8TKAMHIIII' IHABKL, The U. s. Mml aleamahlp INAIIEL, William Kolllna,Commander, will U.ave 'Savannah for Havana and Key Weal on the tin and tilth of each month l’lits HAH El. connects, at Havana, with tho U. N. Mall Steamship Company'* Line ol Sleanicu forHaii Francisco vln Aspm wall, and will carry the Pacific mails. F«r Pnssage, apply to fell ID (JOlIKNH k. HERTZ. Agents. GREAT MKOI TTION IN TIIR RATES OF FREIGHT aarwata Now York and Savannah. THE RATF.8 OF FREIGHT IIV THE Now York and Savannah Hteamaldtis have been reduced aa follows : All GtM.da heretofore paying 10 and 15 cents pur cubic foot, will be taken al 8 cents per cublJluol until further notice. SAni'EL i,. iirmni.E, 13 BROADWAY,N. V. PADKI.FOHD, FAY M CU„ Savannah, liny 'J3 -II t’Ot! 4 IIA It LEkTHII, VIA BLUFFTON, IIOYD’S LANDING, IIILTlJia HEAD, AND IIEA I'FORT. The steam pay kel WM. sF.AIIRoiiK, apt. I'. Peck, will leavo for Dm above very Sunday, nl 5 o’, lock P. M. Freiuht for | i linrleston will bu taken ul the aaino rate a* b> mu ' atenuier I'ellioun. H. M. I.AFFlTEAl', Agent may grl l lliT IIMTtTI N MAIL I INIh ^Vm.'^wirK A v!Mi'oiV? 1 ! - e. I'll I ■ i * * II K, !^l • MAKYn, j A. K.sO.S- 1 A Plantation aliini.-d iw>. in' VII.LK. .MIDdLkIJUUG,(BLACK CUKKK.) «c. K. R.i containing abom Aalts at Ruttlou. abairs at a«ttton. . HJLWVI.J.V * MOM MOI.O*. I. ” > ' I.lZ 52L?». — I ...... * Will be aoldat a bargain If applied fur Immediately, aug 0 Corn at Auction. THIS DAY the 7ih Inal-, In front of O.arl House, I between the legal lirnirs of sale, 3lli bushel* Baltimore Wheal. aug 0 Will be sold THIS DAY, Ihe 7lh Augeat neat, *1 the Court House door,innb aa sooner dl«pua«Ml of,> Two IVimdeii Tenements on Lot No. IH Walton Ward, being on Weal Urond alreet, near the comer of Sttwari, subject to a ground rent of twenty-four dollars per annum. Terms liberal. Jy 7 llutterai Private Bale. PJ tubs orange County Holier, a choice article, to arrlveper aluamalilp Knoavllle.TIIIS DAY. Jy :il "" ’ At Prlrata lala. ’ A second--hand cotton scale, nearly new. Com plete; with Cotuin Hooka. Sugar llo<iks, natiorms Ac. wll. be sold low If applle<l for aeon. Jy ’Ml Farm at PHvate Sale. A I arm containing .me htiudH-d aud forty-nine acres, with a dwelling home am! kitchen theraon ; Ml acres cleared, ihe bulanro well wooden. Said tract 1* sltua- ed lu Whllo lliuff District, aevco miles from this city. Jy IU l^»t No. 5, Weatey Ward, comer Jonm awl HaW- [ atiarn aireeu. Term* caab. BU g y Ihu city of tfavannali, between the usual hour* of ! aal*: I Four Honda of the dly of Savannah , ffiOO each. augfl Private Hale. A Hummer Ktaldtneo al No. 3J^ C. M. K. The lot la ■ve and a half acre* large, ami has on ll a kitchen and ) dwelling house, the dwelling nm quite gnlsbed. Moth, new, will be sold on reasonable tern*, lor ceah or «*- 1 changed fur stock in any of U»* Loan AaeocteUou*. ! Jjy Afprlvate Hale. A Negro Mau, aged 35 years, a house carpenter by irade ; and hi* wife, a Woman aged 34 yssrs,* lint rate t , _'’"»®^* r v*ni, and washer and Imner. Jyk3 At Private SaTe! lb acre, KU acre, and Hi acre lot*, within a f#w miles of the city, amiable for garden or tarn. Iota, will be aold low. If apnlled for soon. Terms liberal. Auction wale*, k, lo front be sold. PATTEN. ffU’TTON Ac CO. FACTORS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS JjJiriL u.a.iHANk,, an iuhii tiaw. CHANT.. Wi l l * Ai ct>., COTTON FACTOR8. AND Forwarding & Commission Merchants’ No. M RAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Jy 14—if SHIRT ESTABLISHMENT. Fo. 62 Sr. Joun Stri.kt Nkw York. Jl DN4IN* 1’OWI.F.K A «’«. Maiiufactt i.-r* and Wholesale Dealer* In Sill UTS, C'OLb A US, AN P I HI AWEltS. IjT. An cxiensivo Block - constantly on linnd. Jy 4—lino ISA Y!% AIIl> A. ItOYVI.AND, AND 1MCOLATA. m «rr e. The new and elegan' Steam Packet XtimUXiStF, ST. J'lllNS, c n pt. James Fruvb.irn, will resume her trip* In Florida, 'ei vlng lor the above pla- ce* on Saturday morning. Till Jmy, at 10 o’chnrk, gn<| conlliiiu' to leave ever) Saturday, nl thcpauie hour. For Fieight or Paasage, having excellent stau, room rnnimn i. Ilona, apply on board, al the I'neki-t wliurf, near the Gas Works, or to J.. J3 y.’I.AGIIORN tt CUNNINGHAM, Agents ’ Foil NEW YORK—Union . jCSJler lir WM. >111111, Chapiaan, runnier, will Form at Private Ham. A tnrmconinlulng about ‘J.. arrua, with a comforunie Dwelling linuai! there,, n ; seven acres enclosed, the bal ance well Wooded- Haul Iracl la situate,! In White lliuff Dlslrlrt, shout seven mile* Irom title city, and la bound ed on the north by Killer's land, en*t by Snlfuer'a, south by K.-lIf.-r'*,unit west by A. Ilnrnla)’*land. Tho above will be a dd low, ll applied for Imuiedl- alo'y. may #4 Private >ale mile* frmn Davisboro (No. eontalulng about < Hiki> sixteen bundred acres of i liolce lati'l, a largo portion of which I* oak and hickory Thu large creek, known a* Williamson'* Greek, runs the whole length or the laud*, and la the boundary on Ihn southwest. This place i* remarkably hualthy having bean settled seven years, and In a family of thirty ffvu Demons, there ha* never been a death from lever. The Improvements consist of a new fence. It On I I. KHDAY, 7th August, le-fore ihe Goon House lu the i;ity of Kavaunah, between u,« | r gal hours of sale; A very pi I me Negro man, aged twenty eight years: and In* three thlldr-ii, a Hoy aged 7, a Girl 5, and a Hr.,. :i tea.*. The aal« eri;| he potlllve. Ilovliyeai*. Theaalu* T, run, Ci ah. Jy »4 nccomiiio i. Ilona, apply oil honrd, at the Finn,I* Steam , «"chi»lng almost tho eutlrn Iran, (300) three hundred of “ 1 • — which Is rultlvnted. <ni the premise* is a nent and com* ' forlable dwelling, kitchen, negro ||,,11*0*,stables. gin T1 i Uouae,cotton*erew,c«Tn h»u*e*. and a welt ol excel- llierovu- , leul wnter, unsurpaaoed in tho Sialo. Tho situation I* . ... ; - . • '■'••r, will pleaanni.and nllogether desirable. For terms, fee., call MMage annlUo ' fOMhe * b P ^ For frtl « ,u or , onoraddroaa ripoucer l' nrell, IM Hay at., Savannah, At Private Hale. SUMMER KKslDKNCKS. Kit tot* on Augnuiiit-llDcr-bca.inful, pleasant and liuulliiy alluatloua, for aumtner residence* A niap of Ihn same may be seen at the Auction •store, No, |.,4 Itnv st-ec,may gy OGDRN.BTARR t (.*(». J FOR lllHTiiN.—Tin* *u|ieri<>r regularpuracl , ■iMtr berkuHARLKS WILLIAM. Hewee, mtn.l will have dispatch at abovo. For freight or |M.*aag.i appn on hoard, or to jy 23 IIRIGIIAM, KELLY ECO. I'iill NEW YORK i.anauia List.—The fine last sailing packet schr. I.uY.M.n IUN- master, liavlmr muster portion ol her fri-lgbl engaged, will have quick iiu«patrhfnr Die above ' \ port. F<>» freight or passage, upplt to • a|aalu ,<u board, or to [aug 3] • i • tllKNs a HERTZ. ‘ For NEW V"RK-Ham l.iat.-The Vegu- I ^JjU^lr.r packet brig EXCEL Tidlman, uiasier, hav- j Inga large portion of her Irelghl engage*!, will hnve . quick tln-puicii. I ,<r baltonc-<>i Ir. igni, apply nu board ai I'mlelford’a wharf, or to , •» :t DANA It WA8HRURN. id F<»R NEW Y'iRK— Oi.p I.hTabi inukii I,is*. , 1 ^yjRJtTlie aplemli.l n”W *ch,,.,nnr LOUISE, .Miner, { maser, will hnve dispatch ns above. For freight or i postage, apply on buurJ, at Telfur’* wharf, or to \ Jy •-'! IIRD.II VM.KLLI.Y At CO. FwR PHIL IDEI.I'IIIA —llaaoR'a Al Private Male. Ill *hares Uontral Ballrus<! Hiock. __Jr‘Ji ai Prlvaia Dalai 30 share. Savannah Gaa Si-u-k. Je TT Al Prlvain Sale. Snvannab Gaa Stork. Je 99 Ai Private hale, \ Negro Woman ; good ro-.k, washer and Ironer Watrautevl sound; nqu-t about 30 jnara Jo M Al Private M alo. •3,500, Lily of Savannah Bonds. Je 90 At Private nalu. A hlack K lr L • * years old ; raised In field, girl, 13 year* old ; hou** servant. A black J*i. At Private Sale. A black wan, 93 years old; good Boot maker. and shoe Je * At Prtftotto s*it. Hi Share* Savannah and New York steamship Block lor aalo. Apply to in-iy « IVYI.LY to MONTMOLLIN. A prime Negro Woinaii. !f3 year* </affa, a |oo4 Geok ’ Washer aud Irooer. Ter lot caab- Ptrcktaw pay leg lor title.. gT Al Auction. Tills DAY, at 11 o'clock, lh front of Court IlmaM. will bo aold : A premium Negro Man, about tweoty-three year* of age ; a gre*d cr»ok. weaker and Hosier. Term* cash ; purchaser paying tor titles. Mg 7 Horse, Buggy and llaraeas alfAncUoe. | Will be cdfcred, Tills DAY, 7th lM!„1a front ofCetrt I House,daring ihe usual boar* of a*Je: A good Bugrr and Haroeas. beer I y new, and a Horae about n year* old. kmd and geotle le kereeaa, or H4w ihe saddle ; sr.ld for oo fault- (ormaceah. Mg? ♦TOMORROW, at II o’clock, will be~so!d ta atore : , The usual avaonmeot of Groceries, Provleiowa, LL qoora, i rockery and Glass W are, Dry Goods, sew and second band Furniture, Uothlaqr. Fancy ArticJeg^CWfee Walcbta, Jewelry, He., 4*. Tcnna, cash before detir. N. B.— All articles purchased al auction and wot set lied for liefore Ihe next regular sale, Will be aotd oe sc count and rt*k of former pure baser. aeg T Kail Hoad Stock at loetioii. THIS DAY, at 11 o'clock. In front of Gourt Home, win be Wild. '45 shares Wayncsbor , 4 Augtuia Rail Hoad Block. Terror cash. aog 7 At Hr;veto Kef#. A prime likely Negro Man, aged ‘47 yeatt, a good Host ler and ' mbib Sampler. Term* cash. aug 7 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY SAVANNAH, pi GKORUIA. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. The rcgulni pncki t rctir MARTHA, (.’apt. Gol- i No. I 7 2 B a Y STRUCT. lb r. Mill have (ilspatch lur alm»n port. For ireighl, cpiiaaiM a a vn*rn, l.iheral ndvanccs nia .e o J illN i. HOW 1.4* P, JR consignment* of Cotton »ppl> lo J> Jl, ‘ K#- withdraw my name n« a Candidate f. SaVaRaaH, August 3d, 1855. M R.C. U CAMPFIEI.O will attend to the b'latneaa nf thla Couipany during my ab*t-nce lr..m ihe city. Tfi.'fo hiking Policies lo rent-*.' or insurance to make, am please call upon him at hi* office on tbo Hay. No. |)l, S. C DUNNING, Agent, aug 3—3mos FAIInKBN’~AND .71 El'tfl.4.Yl( S* fire. Murine k Life Insurants Tompany. Offce Lennlg’sBuilding, a.w :orner !<land Walnut-ale PHILADELPHIA CASH CAPITA I f 310,(100. T *|||> • ampany effects Fire Insurance on UUILD- INGNUOOD^. FURNITURE, kc. * Uar.ue Insurance - n l cm«I», largo, and Freight, to tbf>or.t m ihe wor d. Inlaid In*nranee* on Good* by River*, Lakes, Canals Rail •••a.'*, ami I .and Carnaue to ell part* of ihe Uuion. Alao. Insurance upon Live*, upon the must favorable ifnas. tMuarmaa n,a\ 15—if WAYNE, GRENVILLE Sl CO. F A C T OHS, Coiiiniikbioii lyid rorttardiiiK .iii;k(ii.IsVts, RAY STREET, SAV.tM.tll. TIIOS. >. IVAVNH, (.. E. GRENVILLE, It. ALEX. VVAYNR. W. T. SAMPLE. J7 -if Savannah Chatinnooga, goods for the Interior should hereafter be ad- j wsi. Al’PLKY Coi’PKR. jn.i. cot’PKR yKA8F.iT. 4'01 A* FAOTOHS am GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SAVANNAH, GA. Sheriff I userl the name ul JAMES T. HUi'KNEK in its' stead, i nd obi go SAMUEL It- SWEAT, i Jy M-g i'Fries I Boa >t» i'ixiusy, ) I Augusta. I’Jth May, 1855. \ 4w_2BM» At a meeting ol the Hoard of Director* of Hit* l XhcSF Company «.E" Jl •IIS'*f »N, E*q , w n* regu- | larly apnoinled Agent of the Uompar.y at Savannah, to whom all ’ * * dre-snl. JnilN R. GUIEU, E*<| n l«ihe Agonist Augisla- •so'.daUd Iheuiselvc* t<g)*-tli- I style of McKee 6l llenoetl, for ll ,• nurp'ise of curry lug on ihe ' arriaee bu-mets, and will soon be prepared lo <-tf.-r to Die public ■* h ind- some selecilon of Rocka w aya, lop and no top lluggn-s, carriage* fee., ul nrices lo cnrre*|Hind with Ihu tunes. We el.nll endeavor in keep . lily such art cb-s In our line nn we can coiifloi-ntly recoiumeiid and warrant. Thupub'le are most resj.ectlully rei|iie*:ed tocaliand suite!y thciiiselvi s, by un examination of our stock. II C. McKLE. July if L. S. BENNETT. UVi.Mi iVlMUiMIV.lTIMi KSTABLISlIVltM. T 3 YnrlfXb, iii-nr (las- Court llouei-, SAVANNAH, HA. vs i \ni ibiikp i* i-;u. rr- th 1 ^11 E Miha,Tiber, grateful to Ids patrons und friends for their cnutinued In torn, would stale that. In ad dition to the improvements In lly mg acquired by hi in during In* lust visit to England nnd Scotland, ha* made arratigemenla for extending hi. b''.*lne*r, by which be I* now enabled to Dyu n greater variety of t 'olor* on wi',k and Woolen Drosses, stiaw)*, kc.. which he trust* will rri - ■ generally plunao all who may favor hltn with their k^A Vessel Is wanted to lo ad with I.umber nml patronage, her fot above port. Apply to ! Gentlemen's C Al Private Bale. A woman about 4u year* of age, a first rale pastry cook, washer and Iroiier, and an excellent house serv. ml —warranted sound. mar 31 IIV III TAVI M.'OIIENi tin WEDNESDAY It o’clock, in Iroul of Sion- will In* sold : 4<> bhla Rectified Whiskey. 3" do i »id Mon .ngahela do. I pipe Holland Gin, lu eighth pq«-* brandy. fl quarter-pipes do. rertn«—sum*under giun.caab . (tom |UW to f'JtKi, Sixty daya; over l.k’o 4 months, l.'ll AIlI.ES A. GREINER. . ,i J! FI'U TIIESATII. LA AND TURTLE RIVERS. J-. The sc hr ELIAS REED, D iyle. mastei, will re- Irelghl at Lower Rice Mill Wharf, for landing* on • river*. jy in i_n VESSEL WANTED Full II M.TIMi>RI’..- ' Qbw ' vesct-l Is wanted to loud with Timber for the above port. Apply to J) «• _ RnlVI.XND 4 SON. VESSEL WANTED FOR ESSEX. coNN.- M I.AUGIII.IN, J) « u n ri ll TO 4 II AIt l l lt. ylaL' **evernl Ve ££££nnd "I'"liber, for the Nm >ou h t merica. RotVI. INI) 4 SON. i ■■ tit ■ a. ta , •nd wIili Lumber 4 r:b ..( F.11 rope EPPING 4 K IU. 1/ For Philadelphia, nkw koUtk to NIAGAKA FALLS, THE UUE.4T .N0U1IIEILY LAKES AMI CANADA, H n.Hioa. R. Florei Gco*Be II. Armstrong, Edward I*. Middleton, (■»>rgu llrlmhol t. Tn 'Iius Mauderfi- 1 1, THOMAS | James F. Neall, i h trie* Ditigie, | Eiiwnrd n. Ilelmhnld, I Frederick (.. Hrewaier, | Isaac l.etvh, * II. FLORENCE, Prea't, Eewakti R. D xl w so to. Seen 1 «') A ll ILHUR, A,cm for Savannah and vicinity. 14’J Bay street. aug 1 —if iiF .4i. i l* iimcr.; 7~ SavaNNau. August Isi. I8.V1. \ 0 IIDF.U No. 4.—All ve«sei* arriving lu >avannah River, having. >>r having had since last clearance, xnv aicknet* on board, are to be brought 10 anch«r at Fort Jack win. ami ilierw to remain until visited h> the P IRK TO I'litlivdclpliin -' DOLLARS! >arti I t It I FARE T" F ^.Mngi.ri. I (tile L. IX-LT 2Q rvrrflL doi.i.aus! 141.1*1 (111 ! From SAVANN All tliruugh (o NlACAKA j FALLS, f*28, nnd the di«Dinco ihoitcf than by any diior r>’Uio. ' TUc well known first rta a *e«vU—wheel steamship KEYSTONE STATE, I’atdaln R Dil’DIE. *.ms ''ivanuah for PMla- delphia. I’.VEUV A I.TKRN A TE W I.DN I..-DA Y, a, follows : May ‘43d, Juno 'till and J"lh. July 4th and iMh, August I*:, I dh ami '.".hli, 4c, 4c, leaving l*h ImlrlphU the Inlermed.vve Wednesdays, regard* speed, s.rongih aud accommodations. HAY STREET, Jy 7 —5 mot WAVER It CONSTANTINE, Commission Merchants. A YD DEALER* IN GRAIN, IIAY, cbc. Jour#' llullrlinu Ilia) Mrtwl. SAVA N N A II, (J A. F. WAVER, P. L.CON.VPANTINU. will be given lo Roc lvlng and | Je 5— If j SlU'H Ucallli**•*•»,and then to be dealt with a* the clrciim- there la no ship running 01, the . oast, superior to the »m>c**i'l the ca»e may require. \>s*ela arriving Irom an) P' ’- the Weal Inuies, Irom N«* Orleans, from pi.r’*i6"'iih ami Norfolk. Ya~ or from any port wi.ere a d aease of a mallguanl, contagious or Inleslioua charset rr a prevailing, must al* me in nnchor at Fort J •)*on. »n l there i" r ni,|n until vi-itcd '>v the lleaub Officer N ve*oel w|.i be d. t -ym, to u or caura ol disease lie apparent »•!**: -’■ * J receive a y of the p*s*enger» or crew, for lh, of bringing them t" Ihe citv, from any q *rt»r» mei.H •"•al um 1 »anl vessel- shall have t««.i bo >rdcd by Ihe Health 1 ffleer. John m. ."MN.-ton, m. d.. aug I Health ' 'ffleer of Savannah I «T RECEIVED.—Hlack Har.-ge#, ’ ‘ mg ' loll , bed Ticking, . j'ed and Ibvtted Swl* Mj quit" l.ace and Net*, Rlsca GaUmitiS, lieRege, ft-11 Ribbons. IU" ' l”th Skirt*, Jsc.'i.el* end Omhric*. For sale at the lowest price*, by Jy G D« WITT 4 MORG AN C 'OPFKK. SUGAR, 4c —deft hags I’.lo Coffee, *'• big* and |>ockei* Java t olfee, I J" hales Moeha • >-ff> c V'iihd*Si. Croix Sugar ; 10 hh'lt PorioRIcovIo: hml* New Orleans do; IU do Mu*c«vadodo: I 1 *' hale* Gunuv ''loth, V*i c.ol* ltop»*, 5btMi U s Ranging Twine, I .Vi bhl, 1 >»*li. d, t Unfi-d and l'..wd#red Sugar, 1 in do Superfine ami Ea r* Georgia Flour, 3"0 baa* • a and H bblti Dcnniesd Flour, 5 • bbl* . nler l n.egar, I .Vi boxe. Adamantine CandVa, 150 Mill New iirleans Molasses. I.andirg and lor sale by tug 4 lloLOOM RE, JOHNSON 4 CO. \ I' 'RI. FI.' 'UR — 'ark* and hafel* Extra anil Sn|«r- fine ; received ibis day, and lor sale low to |.-*e e> Ul*'gun eni, by LINN 4 SNIDER. ESN ESS EE CORN - 3<Ki bu*he|*nf prime Tennessee Calilia PitNUisc* #ao-.Siccrauc SN. Tint line, tn c«vmvection wi t, Lite North l\e*t»-rtv - - Railroad Route, from I'bilatlclphla. affords the shortest, d I quaran me unleat chenpeat, and nio«t Intere-tmg route, from the South to Ninsa'a Fall*.the Great Northern Lake* am! I’aunda, pa-*ing'tii* the Vabey of itie^chuylxill.liy Valiev Forge, ihrough Reading,the fammi* Umti Regions oi Pennsyl vania, Williamsport. Ilmira anil 1 anundnigiiH, and ruse IU nu N nig rn Fall* anil the Great Su«peualoii bridge In Iti hours, Irom Philadelphia—'traversing » country unrivalled in the beauti of 11* «cetiery. Tllll 1 •UGH TICK ET** allowing passengers |o stop at Inii rine<liaie points, nml resume llieir Journey at pleas- ure, for aal** hi the Agent »i *tnvaniuh. Fan* from Sa vuin.Ah to Niagara Fall*.ihe Si,sponsion Bridge or Itu(- fab-. ; to Elinlra, $'.’n ; lo« anandaigun. #i!7. mav *21 c A. L. LAMAR. Agent. SOI i ll H KSTKIO It A11,HO t II. UHANOB US 8UIIBPUUB «>»ri* which barbel. aug 4 1>L4M I »chr 1 ill veil b.w at the depot 58 lb*, lo SNIDER. sliding Irom LYNN I bbl*. cal mud Pi a v er. Loyal ScraiitO", and for »ale by • . II C4MPFIEI.D. I >A I L.S r SIMP AC'.LU8 I P.-raaeby aug 3 C A Ad.KING MALLETS, t Iron*, lur sale by I aug 3 1 ED'S SI. p Axes, I Mauls, for vale In *•1* 3 F. IV I tiRNkf L-IIEFF* d and Ml All sixes fjoni y, to Jk. IV. • 1 'l(.NtVE'.l., 10! Bryan alreet. snlXing and Seaming t\ ' >RN WELL, iuj Hryan • r.eU tdi^*. Child*, G.mfea 3.I., Hi!) Rryan Street. iguduigfroui *»hr l.rnily Kei wi »'l. MAI bushel* prime White lt.,i|'more Corn, 381 '-sletcholCn r.nh River Day, jnu buaiiul* good Feed io.t*, Jivi do Short*,‘J'Mi do IIran and Middling*, For sale by WAVER 4 > .< iNST ANTE* E. W| J I I L' EIVeI) PER sTE 4 M Elt kN"XVII.I.E- lt Halt lbl*ona. * aml.rlc Edging* and I r.serllng.; 0 pieces da*k Calico. Gent* br- an cotton half Hose; Lediee' Black Sin. (Hove*; do Muck Gauntlet*; J.iiteii • ambrlc Handkerchief-; IIlack ••ilka; Fine (Rack Barege, 4c.,4c. (•>» x«le by aug ! lu WITT 4 MORGAN, ilif _ e*. Barege dn l.alnea; Summer Silk*; Primed organ.ilea; J*c>-i.t it and Lawns, ac., 4.- . "y aug 7 DeWlTT 4 MvinGAN. SUMDKIRk. | / || | B AG.k Prime to (.’hole# IDo • off**, Iv/U S8» •• • dd Government Java, KU hhda. Choice llaon Aides, I*) ** “ •* Hhouldera, 5 *• " •• llama, 15 “ N«e Orleans Sugar, »a, bhl* H*dl'.e.J .< 75 •• • rashed and I'owdared ffugar,! K5hhdi. ( Ube Molasa. a, 40 bbl*. *• o LO •* ChoiceN.(>, •* too iM.aa* No I Pale and Family Noap, bn “ Variegated « V) “ peart Starch, 60 '• Adamantine Candles, 50 •• Mould Vi •• Sperm ” |i*i •« Tobacco, all grade*. Wi “ Ground Pep re r and Itplce, tai hags I*, pper and Nplce, »«• toll* Rom, 15*0 urki 8*R, Together *i>h a Urge aaaorlmr nt of good* not men lloead. I.ahdlng and fur sale 1 «*, by may l« It rDGEIIB 4 NORRIS. r and mail •ti n.r • olumbus 1 goninry, daily at if. 10 4. M . and 3 I ’• P 'I , arr \ mg nt 1 '..lumbus al 7.15 A. M. and III 3i |V M. Leaves 1 nl.uii- ; bn* (of Macii daily at 4.15 \ M. and !.3'i P. M., ar riving at Macon al lu.44 A. M and 3 5n P. M. Pa-wngeri for Ann-rb 11* will tnko Ihn cvtmln.' (rain at 3 >5 P. M Irom .41 a.- nl - o’clock P. M. Leave Amertcuaat n.3u A. M., and nrrive nt Macon m 10.44 V. .41. 1 ..unectlng at Macon each way with Central Railroad Trn n* to >avannah. lugusln. Mll'e lgevilh* and Eaton- I n : and with Macon and lYnsicrn Rnilr.uiil Trains lo . 1 (Tin. ItUuia, Dalton, Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Nasliville- '.i.nnectina dally at 1 '•■lumbus, with Girard ami Mo bile Railroad. (.onui-ctiug dady at Amerlru- wnh n fnur-h"r«e post UuS'ii Line to Ta il»ha**ee, .Mhnny. Ttiomasvil.e, 4c., and in-weeklv Mark Line to Lumpkin. p.,**envera lor poln!* ..u this R.ui.t ••bnlow Fort Val ley should lake the 5 o’en ek morning train lr--in *av- aiii.'ili. and ll ..'1 b>ek morning Irsin from 4ugii*ta. to av.iidgleicnil. il al Macon; f.>r other point* <01 South II esien >.r vluscogr e R.nlroiola, passengers will liavo l.i. le'.enllon by elilier Iran.*. 1 " k.-i* can lm procured ai \merlriiatn August*; and it Macon to l\ llrulugion, N ' ., via Angusia. First Class Steamship* leave Savannah for New York Wednesday* nnd Saiiirda>*, and lor Philadelphia on We loeelay*. Panage. to thei ahm. #!"; StwraUe, f" Fare from Montgomery to Savannah, • ®LI INI | |)o. Columbus to do !' •*(! , Do. Amorirnsio »b> H 811 GE'i- IV. ADAMS,su|>eriiitrn'lepL I Macon, July 15th, 1855. Jy 31 FINE FASHIONABLE OLOTHIN <3-, at iti'.m i ci. t’Kice'.H' W I I. I, 1 .4 .Al O. I> It I «’ I!, MERCHANT TAILOK, In. 147 Hu y* el reel. All lho*o di*|M’*i .| to avail thnmaelvr* GOOD BARGAIN-* IN IIEIDV MADE SUMMER I’l.ol III.NG. are here |" by Informed that I will now »ell off th«- remaning stock at coat, to mnke room lor a new sup ply of Goods In the I all Don't mlaa the cliance; now is tlm limn, jy It nrstnet aHentl' Forwardjng goods. WII.I.IAX1 II. TI AMI, Factor & Commission Morchant, For Florida am* Souihern (ieorgia I'rmluce, NORTH COMMERCIAL WHARF CHARLESTON, 8. C. AND 97 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, UA. may 7 timo Romovftl. ft. ft. 3III.I.EH *4 J I’F.IIGI fiOX, WHEELWRIGHTS AND III.AcKSMITIIS, Have removed their e«iahlli>hm from th« corner of Hrmightou and Montgomery sireeta, lo >0. I 23 4 or It Mreel, Near St. James’square, wheru they are prejiared to do any work in their line with prompluers and In a workinar.llke manner. t.’nrriaues, Wagona, l^erta and Dray* manufactured. |ttack*nmhing, including Iron Railing and Grates lor Building*, 4c., done at the shorten notice, may 7 tim 44 A II Mil K A Ik.4 V IS, (SneerSlur 1 lu ( ul’brdgr «V WruMrr.) •j VVI|o|,X*»l X ASH KIT All. Booksollers and Stationers. ! No. 159 CONGRRAH HT-. Houth ""in Merkel aqnarn, SAVANNAH, UA. t j*a. o. m. wsrno. a. wg. c. navia may Jfl 4VII.I.I 4 TI J . 44ll.4, ATTORNEY AT LAW, \\ arruiitiq), Geo., Will practice Inti,* Northern 1 'irruit of Georgia, and in the counties 1 IliirLe,' '..lumbia, Jefferson and Wash ington, of the Middle Circuit. ly mn) K SHELLAC INDIA TWINE, COIR YARN, COCOA MATTING, JLC., i.t »iii it I'lir.iiiiir it min F"U NEIV York. II\I.TI MURE, OR PHILA- I * I* 1.1*111 A. £2.5 4 fre.ghti f Lumber 11 wanted, for a vessel Die eatiaeiiy ol L.u M , to either of l.,e ahove port*. Apply to ROWLAND 4 SON. I'll I'.MallT- a A \ essel of llie cal.*.- ly of Hi M .lo 8 I M . feel • f l.uml>er,ia wniilevl for u port In the West lit- me*. C. A. L. LAMAR. %vantV:u, £1 v A vev*el of tin* • apactly ..1 ‘J75 to ’.u.b.nui feel £U&Luiuber, under deck ; 1 ad lorn|N.rl lu .-pain j Apply to Dine ! i illFV* Ac II CRT/. N I 4(1(1 TO l(l.> I . Till. we»i<>ruTenement <>f Brick Budding, ad- Ii»: Joining Mr. Jo* IV. Webster'a, nop vtlle St. An- HJiLdrew’a 11*11, It' . Igv.o, S r.-.-l ; .4 1 leet frollt in>i'.Ml lent deep. Itcoii*!*!* ..| three st-.rle*, an I a t***•, airy cellar, am) is well fitle-l»ither lor a wholesale •r n retail businesa. ALEX. A.HMEI’S. Jy 7- *».l in.»« *,*• obiuibus Enquirer will copy, and tend bill to .. . .wi .. ' larment* Dyed. Cleaned or Renovator!, I ti I rc-sl, in ihe samn superior style which i ha* generally w> inu.-h iden-cd his patrons and friends. I Ladies' Ih.nnei* Dyed. Bleached and Pruaood lu Ihe [ nvrvst lasbionable style*. Drvter*from the country punc tually attended t>>. lerms mode ale. When parrel* are sent by steamboat or railroad. Word should be sent ! him by letter through the Post office,**, that he may know 1 where to . all lor them. ' Jan 13 c A LEX \NDKK GALLOWAY M*H IMi till Mil Ilk IIOl . The Irneim-ul of ' n**ei RowfWvntlng on lley- 4;.' redd'* squaro. I'iomhivii give** 1*1 N..rrna(>or HUL'ieXt. A. A. H.VUT*. j, x;i m ime. '■'(» mTi:>t. on lint l»t oi November next, the de*irsble iree *t..ry brick dwelling In street. Ih-- *een llhit.ikcr uml l arnard *ireei,,now occu- po-.i t.v F Verstllle. Apply !•• jy 31 — !w J.' HRVAN, 117 Hay alreel. M’tkll I N I OK |(| VI . Two Stores oil Moore's wliar^ bv th- m ^4 Hi: change. 1 he middle tenement of Wahl: urg at piesetil occupied l.y Mr. A. H'llbur several .loreson i.ot letter II, nt the head of the Itnv . Jones’ wharves, six and seven, cast of Hull street. P"*«e- i.vii o| the store* given Immediately ; and of the whalves next November. Kolll’KT HABERSHAM 4 SON. jy !u -IIIAm lino r KRSo.N, IILIDT A UO., have in (lore,and ar,re ceiving. weekly, pur aleame.*. a large and well a*- sorted »kh k of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, TooiriiiK with » kkii suriTiovur ’ lierillsliiiig liooils, , Which they offer on a i.niiodjiing term*.at wholesale or Nos. lol L.y an and 0* Sl. Julian streets, leb *•> SPIIIM. tMk M H Mi ll I.IMklkS. 8pilL>l Ilf RIIII.R I,.»« r. .-eiv.-d by the last arrival 1 o| (be steamer, u till! nnd . •.lilple,e slock of GOODS, Fur Spring and Summer Hear. Black and colored i ■••bmereUlotbs Do Doeskins, bia' lt Drap DeEle Fancy French nnd l’.ngll*h i a*»iniero Whitenn.l Fancy Barn-ley Drill*. Ac.. Ac. IVliich lie Is prepared it. make up in Ihe bent ou.l most feshloiuil.lo lli*i."rr. A lao. a lull «l.wk of •«• «■*« VIAIIE ('I.OTHING, — 1 Consisting«»f black Italian Cloth, ••atin dr Chine | While,brown nnd Fancy Drill Alpaca nml (’uatvavere cloth <\>xia Pnntalooii*. uml Vesta. AI*o, FIIIMMIING (illfklkS, of endless varletiea. I'leu-e call and examine. IVM. O. PRIi ’L apr !l Draper and Tailor, !47 liny at. M’lllMi AM) M VI .V| |: I* (.(k<k Iks . • IHN>‘ i.N A u IMP have lust reci Ived, and are nmv op, tnng, their -to. k of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, (Yin*>*Ui ff of everv article requisite t.> a GENTLE* MAV* WAHDR'iBk mar il i*tri:\r tni-riviiT Corpse Preserver. IV F. were sletarn ihe aubaertberx PATENT .MR TIGHT U'lRpSKPIlE*, whereby ibe ijrm and leature* ol a departed relb'.lvu or friend •» preserved w nhout ihe usual mode *o repugnant to the feeling*, of placing the body In lee. This difflruDy bat b*-cn "ier- Come by this Preserver, lu which old airi* the medium used,acting as a pre servative in the wx-incat weather, for any length of time before burial ; at Do- *ernc lime the (..*«•) ;* entirely Hnirn from nocturnal depredations, whllo agin** revea'v al ar y moment the feature* - f ihe departed ; ihu* arranged, it can he conveyed hundred* of mile* will perfect stleiy. ond in a grwtd stale of pre«ervntion This valuabh- article has t»*-cn used iu aomenf the moat rrtpei-iahlc families In Philadelphia, to whom, a* to Phyaician*. references can be given when required. After examining the abovo I'aient we were fully satuOi-d Hint it I* admirably adapted lor the purpose lo which Iti* Intended, and It riflec * great credit upon the Inventor theroof; audio which we would call the aileiillon "four Ineud* ami tho public in central, it being,In our "p.nlon, one "I the greatest lHTeuUoo»..f Ibu present *g<. Tin- subscriber bega leave to refer to the following gentleman: Dr. Samuel Jackson, Eighth at., below Sprue**, lu i. ! 1 ngham,354( heatnutat. Dr. Il&rrte. 3*ie Spruce su Dr. McUlennan, l":h at., above Locust. Dr. Kitchen, Spruce st ,*l« v«- 7th. Dr. It. Gardner, Spruce, below luth. f7/f“ Tne Corpse |’re*er»er it for sale to underta kers. J. ,,'i'iD. Furnishing Undertaker, jy 31—6 No. 145 Spruce st., Philadelphia. C’OK III GATED, U KOI BUT IKON AND WIRE RAILING. (SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT.) )*►•»**.*• • Hrirrvifa For I’uhl c Ground*. ( .•melenea, ?t- —-EUU- i J I'-.tlage*. Balconie*. Ac. Till* n.s article «*( out uixuulaciure paruculxrly commend* tt**-l( to favorable notice. Ir. br-Dicads. witb p»;*n: Hire sa-'k'iii* . * variety of I .! ng Iron IWsit-ads, t\ r..ugn; Iron r'arui fence, ll I'e-.Ni tling. suitable for •heep.jxul. try,garden or cemelery-lcr.c,'. Wire Trellises and >uru* iner ll uaea. wnh every vanetv of Wire Work for gar den*, Ac; Sieve*. Fewlt-'s. Hrxs*. I’opper and Don ll. ve t\ ire i loth. Ac. circular* of designs furhiib*! by ihe nunufacturer*. M. WALKER A BONA, No. ‘!33 Market-at. Jy 86—3mo* N. E. cor. of 6th rlt I’hiix , Fa. •rn TIIURwiiAY, the>nb August neat, w I. be wdd h the residence of Mr*. Uuxtiluck, at lb« corner of Hail an<l Moi.U'-m* ry tire,is : Sundry auir.ies of ii>.tueb»l 1 Parnltare, heloDglag t» ihu t-viam of Jarne* Quant/<k, Jr^ deceaatd, *H aold for ihe benefit-diha credtlora of said eaute, by order of the admirnatraUir Term* ruh. Jy 17 \t P.lvue tale. A Roan ll'.rae,«. year* old. Kind and sound ; aold for no fault; the owner having no farther u»e lor bla. At Privet#Sxie. SO dozen Seltzer Water, p-nta ami quin*, a direct Importation, «a rasled gchulua: will be ooid at Naw Tort price. Jy IT A t Pr rat# Sale. Just received, and fur tale low to t eloae rnwaialgn- mehl ■ 3.W8I bushel* Gorn, In while bag* ■ era) do Bran arid ■•borta. • h/.Ur IN int-a at Pr;vale nxic. 8 ca*et si. Jubti.i ixrct, IU do chateau 1.* Rose do. lo do Chateau Latour. V do lla-n sauierne. A direct importation from Bordeaux, and warranted pure. Will be aol-l low to close a cout.gnmenl. Term* cash. Jy !• Negro Woman and Child at private sale. A go-<d ftlrcr^.k, washer aud troner,ond h-.uaeaer- rant,xg«*l *tr*ut twenty year*, with her rhtld, about twoyuer*. Sour ul and health r : #»*ld for no fault, i nd M -ngibela Wh skey, *t private Sal*. Now landing (Hrr siearoer Fh.r.da, from 't* York •Zi bbl* * R.l M’.nongafi.-lq Whiskey. For **le low. IIY T. J. 4VAI.4II. Privau- "ale. A 1 kt-ly triteII gent Negro Boy, aged 10 vein. Sound • II I title* Uud.-UMed. JJ ft B -.-'oit and Pork at Private Sole, tncask* ol shoulder*, prims, lu do Side* do •Z'.hbl* Me** Fork. >*-bundti-v Eastern Hay. In alorc and for vale. jal% Private Sale. A aenile and kind I’ony . suitable for children. WUI &*• sold low ll apf.liu*! f..r thi* week. Al»o. a pair... gentle and we'l broke Mare*, aecu* tome-11-« double r *mgv harness. Sold !'■' no fault the »wt «-r about b-.r-r g r.-r the summer. Will be de livered af-r • *• * r*f the steamer of next Wed n«-**Say. w:. G- » .J. v» Tr-rrn* ca-h. mav 4 ~ v a out: KHt iti vi \ W H \UF >T< Hit. fzUAble for au.rage of i.cdtoo or i.r, v,...-n* by augJ BAYS 4RD A K* -WLAND._ Ull limA roll HI NT I t INKS’ 14 II 4SiVEs, numbers four ai^J five, .4 nnd 5 east "f Bull airec: F s-esaion g.. r i. tbefim >A Nov ember next. H'JHtRT IIAI)ER>IL4M 4 SON. , nug !—hn > 1)14 I Ik 1 Nik In. At CENTRAL R R. A BANKING « «•. r-F GEORGIA. hivautu, Jun- 5, In55. . r J , IIE Board of Directors have this day drebrt-d a dl- ' 1 v Id rod •>( Four per cent upon the General Stc<k of the Company, from the* - f the 1 f,.r Ike ’ put nx teonlbt payable on and xTu-r Friday, ibe ii.ta ! inst. j lloldc'* <-f Guaranteed Stock* will be paid .te.r dtvt- * at the same lnue. A. (TYLER. Cashier. A" S I> "i ll n !O s ('(kill AMkJI I’i: 3IATH, And INDIA GimllS generally. For saiu low fo* CASH, by GEO. W. DOW A CO., Importer*, ic IJ — tinny 5»». 7 Hurling s|.p,Nt-w York, ill aug it V|»r.(l\l MITII'E. N Th*- 6r*t dny >1 February n»\t, the firm ol MORION (, RiKL'l AN, »,ii (>«• ilis*<dv«-«| by IlmilnUon ARer lid* dale, liny will do an ex- TO HINT* 'elusive CASH BUSINESS. I ,r the purp««* ul set- A comfnrtnlilo dw-.-iln g ii-tuso, In a central. ' llingup. k of IVatchrs, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Fancy Goods, wu will *«-|| at a Vi-r| small advance ii Kivcn on the lit • >,l«-i**ai.t *1111*11011 N'uvciubt-r next • aug it Ri'RERT II.IRERSII \M A Sm.N. U IVII Ik TO KI-.NT, A c .' dw. Ring in a central part of thu :ily. Relit not I-'exceed 43iMl i cr anii'ini. 4|-ply '• aug I WM. WRIGHT. TO III NT. M The Western c-.rner l.-n.-m fronting Reynobla square ; nl die Tenement* of Dio mine ill. l.i there is u<> dwelling house ol feral.le lo ihem, In Ihu ctlv aug 4—tf -lit of Unssel Row, o, two ol ihe mid- row l’..r eonvo- a similar size pro- > i r oi Jl? |N « 1 hu M|ND> 4 JOHNMT'iN. i h*r,lu aior■ and fur aaU b« »"« 1 MINI# 4 JOIIN4TON. AIMVF.e —Madalfa and si.nitr In w»«hI and glass. * <1sret, Hauu-rna and ( l.ampagi.a, in sb.ra and lr.» iat« by ,u « * MINI" 4 J<illN*T(iN L* KGICAL IN-TRIIMENT" A la p gw supply of (to. ) 7 ba«i weMufarturad. F»>» aal* low. by Jim. M 1 I'll*P.M. Agwel, 147 Br.MigldnN airaal. n o.n.tsAs'br.SMAM mm,» - a (••ri»«d end f»r sal* by J'»' M. TURNER, Agsul ( 'MlrllPfl ANl» PULVKIU/ID NUGAKs an ' • "»l.w.I 1-ugarI VI libla I'ulvor-l»d i*ugars g„i and furaeleluw by alv In win I A Mia 4i II fcasiern L*iN- i-.r a#|a by G4Ml.PT N 4 f ApPONn ( lll .tl' OK Y «iO(t|k*v T HE SUR". It III Elt", deairi.ii* of m*klug room for their fall and winter slock, are offering their pre*- antsl.x knl great hargnin*. to ant• purrli.■*«••■. They respeeifull• call ihe aiicnll.iii o( the public to a few ol the g--od* now on hand, such ... - shirtings, sheeting*. Brown and Bleached, of va rious width* and qualities : Gingham* I'riul*. Il.-ragcs, H**ur* ; Muslin*, siik», and a great variety of Drrs* GomIs ; Pillow i aw l.lnrn*. l.ln.-n hheeling* ; Dish Linens, lllearhed and llrown Hi.Hand*; Head ll'kfs for aervati'a, I'lnx and (.'ollou < >*na- i.urgt, M.lrtlng Strip- *, Marlboro' stripe* and Pl*t<.*,4v, 4-e,; I’avllllnu (>suzM, Fslfn Fan*. Ivory do; DreasIngO.tnh* and llr.ishrs logrihcr with a choice lot of Toilet Hoap* and Pt-rfuiui-ry. all of which will Im sold at the very luwest price*. IlOK IN It A I (ill A LADH'iN, aug I No. Z, "haild'a Minrra. 1)14401.ITION 1 *11 F. mparinerthln he-elob.reexisllng under ibe firm of MOR"L A Nl. IDG.a „||,|, day .bssoDed by mutual consanl. II. MnllSE w||| r n Ii.ue ilm l.- *1 the old stand, 15- Br.iugh'on slieel lacturing and Jobbing work ai Ihe shop In Jeff.-r*..n atrael. The unsettled huslnea* of Ihe firm will he attended lo by him. end to whom all areoont* and (.idea due June |,l, mu at Im paid Iniu.rdlalrly. MGlINR 4 ND Iliil.H. Hvvannah. Augiial I*'. IF.l aug I if ||«kl VI KFI I’IO; l.(lllpk,4T()Vi:4, A r, \ TUimTPi)R I’ASII l mil Ihe 1st day nl ivintier Ihn |ire*«-iil slot k •■( llo.i.r V ■ "l.lng G..-mIs will be offered al eoallor raato, by ||« *|f A« E M'lRNK, „,ig | 154 llroilgl.lou at. thi; gri: \t Ml IIOIIM4 IIIVIOIIII 41. 44 011 H - •|*lll Annals •>(Nan Fianrl .... and II story of Fell. I lurnla ; l.y I Soul*, ,ohu II Gilmu, and Jam** Ki,I..-I A large mval r-*., r»lnnn ■>( 7im page* . cle ga'.'l; lllusi'sir.l will. I el steal alol wood engrav logs Hub., rlpllon* will l.a r«««ive*l an-l * spe. linen of lh* work exhibited, by " " KlMI.F.V, aog V 115 I ’..ogre’* #1. A l PRIVATE NALL HU iwr cent Georgia Bute Honda. Apply fo WFi.I.V 4 MONT MOLL IN J* <• Life Insurance, CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO. ol Hanlord, Ct. Fill I* IN*v| K tXCE. EQUITABLE INSURANCE Cl), of London. Mtlim: 4 !X Ik IIII I! IVvIlUM E. FARMER'S & MEUIIA.Mi S INSURANCE Co., rtiiludolplna. BRIDGEPORT FIRE Ac. MARINE INSl'R- ancu Co , uf Bridgeport Cl. STATE MUTUAL FIRE A- MARINE IN- nurnneo Co , ol I'eiinaylvnni.-i. r ■ ' 11ESU Uom|.*nle« are nil sound, and hnve nu drai/' 1 able I upili.I in I u»A. to meet promptly all Inear* they may have,,Mlher on LIFE, I’lRE, or MlltlNL [ RISR-*. Imuran-e tn Unlit ur I'argur, In all i-arlt of! thn world. Apply ■<• A- H'll.llUR. aug'J —tf General lu*. Agent, 14! Ray *tri>ot. , 1.0( 41. i:viiki:><’i of the value and Flin-I’roof qualille* nf WUdor’s Salamander Sales, a* M*Ni-r*niI'Rbu ev 8TARN8 Sl MARVIN, NEW YORK the fire of the 3.1 ln«l., winch ronaiimnd thn brick | bull-ling, occupied by Mr.Jno T. Tli-una* i.pp..*ltu Ihu Ga* lYiqk* In lilt* city. was a safe ot ibe above de scription, containing Ihe hook*, paper* and money of Mr. I noma*, and although Ihe iiutldiug w** dn-lrnyod, , thn aeld Safe auatalned no Injiiiy whatever from Ihe In | lrn»e host lo which it had I men expo*,-<l On opening j the Sgfn. Ihe cnnirnl* were found undisturbed, and lu Ihe saino orib— and condition I * when placed ih> re, ex- cepl » atlgtil dUo lnretum lo the projevttug vi«U o( a few papers, and ihe hack* of one >.r two ol ihu books, caused by the strain gem rated In Iho Safe, while At It* grenleit heal. The Safe and content*, as II came from the ruin*, mav still he seen, in the possesalnn of ' r Tliomat. at Ihn Gas Work*. A large a«*oiiment of these celebrated Hale* always on hand, and n.r sale by i'. II rAMI’k IKED, Agent for Mauufaclurer*, July Iftiili, IH55, |<l llay-sl.. Savannah, Ga. I lake pleasure In corroborating Ihe foregoing stale- nirni, and In addition would add Dial Ihe are now In n*e. J. T. T mMtS, July Will, IH55. Wood Yard, terry Wharf. ! Ir M7-UW Fo. 1’ANllkl.l. .TIollJ.lkN. A HUI’F.RD Ht article of Mould* for Moulding Can dle*, of Hard Britannia Metal, end warranted. Manilla, lured by John • alverlry. Al*o, 8y rtngn*. Hiu glral Inatriiiueiils and llrliannia Ware. JGIIN CALYF.ULF.V, Jy 31 — I mo Dti) Rare street, Philadelphia. I’lkl.. llVltlkEI 'x T 41 I II h. ~ I FI.E anil Light Infaulrv l aril. a. Prepared under Ihe dlrerii.iti of Ihu War Drpirtuiei.l, for ilinuse of Ihe A mil and Mlllila, In It pm kcl vols. l avalry Tactics, prepare*! hy order of thn War Do. pet tine id. I.lghi* anil shadow* of English l.lfo. A novel: l.y llu- authoress of "(he Belle of ihe Season." Female Life among lh« Mormon* : l.y the wife of a M- rin->i| Elder 4'|*ll t» Ihe Uatup before He»a*l.q>ol, will, maps and engravings Ins and i Hits or Paris by Day and Night ; l.y Julio do Marguerrnllea New Hope, or Iho Rescue : a tain of Iho Great haua • ha ( live Hall ; l.y Ihe auihi.r of Amy llortierl, 4c. Ila*|*er sod Puinain (or 4iigii«l aug I • W. THilllNp: WILLI 4 4|s. ALEX. 4. SMBTfl. I O II I VI , Tenements No*. 15.’ and 154, Rollon’s Range, from top to bottom, now occupied by Messrs. *J"W J. 4'. Uonnerai 4 t’o. They will he rente I aepa- raiely or together. Possession given l»t November next. For terms, apply to UullENS 4 IIERI'Z. DJJu TO RENT. c i That commiKtlou* Suite on Ray a'reet, we»tof ffvT® Mes.r, Scranton, Ji.linttou 4 Co., lorinerly Jk"'Wi cupn-il by Messrs. Crane 4 Rodger* given 1st October, For lerms npplv to jy !'i COHENS 4 IIERTZ._ mil nm E l lie Store, corner (tn > and Whllaker streets, occupied by A Unwind ; ihe alorr adyotntng, on 44 blinker street, occupied t.y H. Log in. I‘»*. ii to each ofthe above given iho first ol Novell!- Possession l»*-r io Ai* ’ i Mri-ct B i. . ;- The store, corner of West llroad and Indian Posseasioii giv. n limn,-dtatelv. Apph to 14 .4|. tl RIGHT. IIHt HI NT, , Store No. I4*. RoItonD Range, l>nm top to hot- ju,!jj tom. now occupied by (Ictav us • 'nhen. Esq., pot- 1 JRjLsession given 1st Novouilu-r For iorm» enquire ,m J) l» I-MIEN- to HERTZ- I OK III >| ] Store N'V. 150, llollon's Range, from top to i^iii b"Gom, now .icrupled by .41,-osr*-"ini* 4 John- l.i.I .1,0. Possession given Isi November. For yet in* .enquire of CU.lKNS 4 HERTZ. TO III.mT E i mil I at November in xi, a three *l«rv Brick Dwelling, on Hull street, I .oert square, with large nnd airy rooms-siii.iille.l wnh g '• ami water.— Apply to WYf.I.Y 4 MUNTMOLLIN. TO HI NT ~~ ~ w 4 ll-.ii.o situated on Ihe Me of Hope, from iho Isi of Juno to Isi Nov. Apply I" may W. WVt.t.V 4 M'tNTM*'H.IN. I’OIK HUNT. E Those splendid Store*, corner of Hull and Broughton, separately or together; for a year or term of vear*. Je .'7 - m A* . I mo |(i MPT II 4HF.R8H 4M 4 SuN. I OK HI NT. . , Two large and c..mmodi*>-‘» I'Gek stores, In ilio iff® rear Ihn ..Id sienn.h--al Yard, from 1st Jk::M.j„||0 lo 1,1 Novemtier, I- «' ,, i Hie privilege of continuing the rent l.u a lunger period. Apply al Oil* office. may 44 tf roic hi:v« A desirable Ihtve *l»ry brick tenement House, TEW on on,-nnd a half lots. •Iiualed In l ork sire, !— possession given on Ul Novemlnr. Apply to on the cost, for cash only. IIORTUN 4 RIKEMAN, I In llroughton-atreet. Savannah. June 1st, 1855, may 31—if M 1*1. II Kill (• ■: It H 4> 44 IN IV WU. n.ive jii»t rece ve.l ! IheVluevardt •f D. Leiden, al Cologne,on the Rhine, a v**tve "1 In* celebrated IlncW and among which are the favorite hrand* "1: ••Kudeshelmcr,’’ (Hock,> ••Hocklieimer" do ••Leihlruuw itch." do II H Pilnce tliiicrnlcli'a t astle of Johanmaherg Cabinet Wine, IS Iti Yellow S,«sl, do Grelnhausser, ( Moselle, 1 do Brannuhergor Auratlch, •lo Zelilnger, Sparkling Hock, do Moselle. Aa Ihe above Wines have been sa1ecle«l with grrat care, expieasly forth)* market—their reputation *.. long • ml *■> luiqv establish,>d—parties may rely on receiving Ihe vcry best. Ale., Lugrne t.’llcquot, Honche's, Anchor,and Held- sick 4 i o'* Champagne, III quart* and puns. J> 14 14 LUSTER 4 PALMES. I ( (.nt nu.iA r J , lll. *iin*.-rilH r i* nianuiacturing a plantation Mill Jl which lie bellevoaIs llio most ec> > nomlcal one m , u*e in Hit* part of the countrv. He ha* now ,>n hand, i •t hi* shop, corner of Bryan amt Jefferaou strrela, sev eral Mill* of *11 Here nt size*, an.l lie is prepared to make | si, li.irwi an.l Al 1 Til HIMK. EVER 41. Negro B*>y* and Girl*. Apply to jv 95 W VI I Y 4 >M> IMi'LLIN. ’ W ANTED r |' % *' Hire for Ihrce month* ; flu- N'rgro Men, that are 1 good exeraen. For suc.N, liberal wages will be paid monthly. Apply to 4V.4I. 44 RIGHT. 44 ANTI I* TO l»l It (HAM.. rill Ml. Young Negro Men. ! Ilkelv Black Girls, to f. ' i i order : and for whom Cash will be paid. IV V I LY 4 MiiNTMuLLIN. J8 JJ WANTED rpwo Jl 'URNEYMI N TAIL' *RS, at 1 |«9I ROBINSON It CAMP’D tin NTiNti itmi*ix to «.i;r. wu i',*un- og Room*. Imhe bail ! ng c,-rner o' Bay 1 and Ling >in sirens, let Apply to j. *. PADKI.FURD, PAY 4 CO. I.4IST. \ Twelve foot Yawl Boat, painted lead color. The finder w .11 be reward ed t.y -eturn ng it to Jell llONR It iMNSEUY. NON I.V Hkl N Ik I ^OUND by a negro man. a sum of monev. which * will be delivered uje'ii aatlkfaclory pbn.f of own ership, ami the pajrln. nl .1 a suitable reward to the I finder. 4pntv to j. 44' AI.D il'RG, or in his absence, . to WM P. IIUNTER, ai the Marine Hank. .NOTRE* D 4 41 -ID >UT having made an ai* rrtnent to E. hertz I*.r •.?.» benefit hi» cred;:all per- .a. d'-mands agx.c»f the saej Adam -aert, will pl«*asa re*.Jc a rta’.-tr.sat cf *ucb *!«m*r»d . the ai signre. HIRAM K- 'BERTS. Savannah, May •*, i‘55. mays (IMI HAH Ik 44 % HE MORE. X >1 PERI*iK and varw-j as*- runen: Planterv’, . V Mechanic* .a, -1 iianlware.a.»a»*oe nawd and l-ir sue ai toe i >*ss: price*, le* cash, by GE* >. A. M, ( i.)_-KEV. Ag’t, No. 14«U< nffrwae-ai. mar 15 if 4 41.1 AIII.E HI..41. EkTATK. Ik) trrangem«i.: «.lh i:.e purchaser. - Fg Island I) Mill,ihr whole ptopert? in which the su-jscrlberla xi d waa lately m.rrested. car. be sold to a singlepa». chaser. I>r. Screven laauihvrized lo sell. »n« if \V. W. STARKE. T" je 11 — tf J. W ALDBl’RG. ST NOTH E. “'WO months *Rer dale, application will be made j to the Honorable. Ihe < ham County, for leave io the estate of Hannah 4’i SPFN'KKITRKKLL Savannah. July ®. 1*04 . of Ordinary of t ll the prop,ny belonging to i ntlr.e. deceased- ' Administrate )} '« UEUK TIO.N nl H ATCkul Fit FIGHT PhiUdrlphla & Savn hStraesklp I.iue 1 "( 'll Th*- present, and untl I further not'ce. the rale* * of irrtght for Light Goods, and Dry Go,vd*. by mis (•rr cubic foot, instead ol * hereto fora. • ’ A. L. LAMAR. Agent. I .(IN I \ Nt»TE, made by Holc-ml«, J. hnton to Co ,dated Marcli 17, IS44, for SIUjU, payable to the under- ikixxui i no.N. 'HU firm of • RANK o. lluDGERS we* alaeelred l!lh mu. t > routukl convent. Ejitoer pans ■ ill use Uie name . f the firm lu cl* wing Its present bast- net* II. A. CRANE, J. G. HODGKR8, • COPARTNERSHIP. r TMI F. urvdcrsigi..-1 have cntc-i-1 into copartnerah p, I un IcY the firm l K* HH.FJI-* *. .NOKKIS, (or Ihe transac... u f a general liwij busleee*. r.t (be o4d sUi.d ,1 croi.e to Kodgcrt, o-re* . f Bav a d l.Hvcola street*. JAME> C. R* JAMES A N‘*Kfflg. I Sava-.nxh. May i.'. 1855. mavl*—•» IM.PAKTNEHklllP NOTICE ' r | , HF. Un4«-tGened have thta day ( rxned a cc* paribv:- j 1 slop i f the trantaciK'n . f a General Factorage { and c< mrfliesion bnalneea, ondei ihe name arvi style of It 44 N 4RD to E< iWJ 4ND. atMl aolrnt ihe patr,-a- age of '.beir Dielidi and the public gcneraDr El’HRA.M HAYS’ 4 RD, Jy ll JvHN l. MuWLAND. Ja. COP lit rNI RXlllH. t'M 4S S. |44 lYM. an-l K. ALEX WAYNE trsnaaciitig b-:*w>«w* -.n Savannah under the stvle I TL. - S. 14 IVNC. to - N ; » . E. GRENVILLE to 44 . T. r IMl'i I, iransac: rg hurlnesr .n ihat'.a- Donga, under the S'yle of GKl'NVii.I.P. to >4Mri.E. and In Savannah under the style ofGRENtll.LF to * - • » h-v c ertered .nto NfanarnMn ,io »'.a»e (db the 1st July, IS55.) lor the j urp,*c of iranoac-.irg a gen- V : (amnilvtlon A Forwarding llnelnree Under (be at* *e ,-I 14 M N Ik GRENVILLE to CO . *’. Sav-rnah, GREN l I. l.E, SAMPLE to Cl* . al Chauanooga. atgned. Person* a same. Payment# . si* hnr»e p*.a i(M)iH): ? R n|.r IS n A Y ' HAY' weWrt Hay lemtlng amt f»» **le by D 4 YIH II DII.I.HN, jy It) Market a*i*iare r ’.ll well |l, KMII.V K Fit It T-* arrive leelv llerr-ra "N M Thomas 0* * •*’* chulre I'atllll* Bn gvr* '*ra*l Hsms.tmel: su*. I ..* -alo l*v Jy 17 If 4V ||NI', (.lit N V II IP * Ufl 141 - jn bag* lie.I Je M) Cl 1 A i I' AVI'S * < III EN. I'lkll HI NT. T"o Store. No H'-4 Brian sired. 4 oung'sl.iill.l- b«, lurnn-rly i.c*!iipte*l h) K.H. Kempt.iu, I'***- uDeu luimudiaic'y • ,( MIMS to JOIINSTnN. TO II EN T* Tho Store under Ihe bluff, at the fool of Whlla- or siroi.l. Enquire *.f msr -P.l H SPFNCRR (M'lUIEI.L. TO l.l •’ Rooms, upp..*lle Ihe Pulaski House -suitable fur -.flic** ..r sleeping a par "mm's Kfiqulre FOHAAEE. M l cummu.ll.ui* Brick sh.«l 44 areliouae.attualed In Hie rea* ..f ihe (’harle#l**n Sloambuai Wharf, havlnga loaac .*1 flV" )eara.aiiMahle for Dm sin ragnof I.lino, Hay or mlior nior* hamllso. l l.e lluild in. 1*1*1 he romuveil by iliepnn heswf. at Iheexplrailoii nf llio loaao. Applyl" ^ N.44INR|,RR, J j i if Willi#ni**.« a llellillnga / HUH* ). TI NNI -vMI k. LARD Hki ran. etoobe 4 Tonnrsaoe Lard In cans .-f alionl All fo (ini to* on* h, pm up oiproasly lur lamlly use Jual ro. elvml and l..r sale hy R"l".l lie to NllRRIS. I» 90 M' I i icon - U.i Mul* prime OndeneH Raran ‘•Ida* ) bbits pmvve t tuolunail ' h«‘uUI*r» i ami n H *«„t 'fur sale by !<• l... I H 1 to M > (. to 1 I jy 90 to order any aize, from twut Ihem lor French Burr,, Cologne, .ircommn Gr*nil Slone*, and ho keep* all ol Uiom-iliffcroiu of stone ronatnntl) on hand. Also. (. ■• sale, a* above. Corn Shelters, llav ( niter and Plows, orders so niar .s « III 41* Iklt 4 I.4MIIIN. 1 'MHROIDk RED Hwtia nn.l Cambric Sleevr*, Seia I'j and Lace Chemisette. I.nfo''epos and Sleeves, Mafceline and Florence silk*. Missus' While and Col..rod Hosiery, Swiss Cambric an.l Dimity Bands, 44 Idle. Black and Embroidered skirt*. Printed Jaconeia *nu Lawns, I4'avli Blond, 44 bile and Black Silk Illusion, Dress Silks, White and Black Crape 1W* I’arl* Mantles. Il'sck (.rape Shawls, and many other styles of desirable Good* , for s ile Al coal, an.l less, to close con cern, by 4V. C. WADS4VCRTH, Jy U 135 Congress st. I’MJ 41(4, ( IMH4 I n I ntolnlail Regalia. 10.000 Las Bolls* Arte* »|*». Scllsnita do. Mi,nun .* Li-jiiima, Ambrosia De Garcia. W.iXHi l.a Hague!.> Washiiigiona. .in is"' FI Ev. iu«ivi*mo. 3,non Ll Tullpaii. Ili.non l .a Reii.fior. !\,iB*l I a Fuielis. 1.4,is*' I a Tnulil '.V.'siu sparnsb CUeroo’s. In sum# amt (nr sale on acc -nimodailng term*. h» Jy It IVr.MUTER to PALMES. I ANDING (him achr Kne'ianiroa* ; 4 III hoar* l.aver Kalain*, IU 1g do do do ! Ii 1* Boiler Crackers, 5 boxes I onion tit-cull. 5 iioicos l.ew I*' crlebralml llama, 5 Mila Imaf Lard ; III hblai lashed Sugar, IU bhla i•’M larlfiod Sugar, 5 do (Ci do do III do (A) do do |u do st Croix Granulated Sugar, la pipe ol 14 hue 4Vlue 4 n.egar, III iioxca I'oarl oivorm • 'audios, 3 do i roam 1 aitar I nil do i arlouiale Soda, I Mil Stewart’s Host Syrup, n doaen m un-li Ale S dozen Uvmtou PiWier. For sale b) J. A . DROWN. Jl Ll L*l c Alt. ( • »k l l l’.'ANDLM,toe.—90totods ^ SI. t mlx Huxai Vo l.l..Is N •' Sugar, “fair to choice" ■o H|u**t’acia*he.t end INawdereil Sugar. V.\ ,|.< do A. Cla11tied do. I Vi l.s«« prime Green t offbe, qn bhl* chute* t.*v,t, Vi l.osea "tar • endlea, I is i |...*e* Tadow < an. les, 10 q imiee F M Its el, Vo m,|. Mmli sad Sugar IHsculi «v do Pilot Nre#.I, <•*> reams 4Yrapping Paper, isaaorled alzee,' lu UhD N" ! end • Moeseie* l.sudlM and I" »b"e Tor sal* Jy I nuied tiol lo trade for the ■d. 44’. WnODIlRIDGE. f«h N ti.e II.ACK Roy, IS yes’* < Id ; a g.H*l Bricklayer llkcl* and sound. Apply lo WM.WRIGHT. FRANCIS 44 AVER Je till FOH NAEE. V GOOD Building i.ot, corner..(Jonev and Lincoln alreel*,No. (4 Ijilayetic V4 Je W A ('AllPFNTEH k 1 AOR SALE.About 35 ye*** old; black, of g.nvl , 1 character,and sound. Apply to J#95 4VM. WRIGHT. j 4 A l.l AHI.F. .9.441 IIE- r |s||E Subacriber*keep constantly on hand a supply j 1 of KctlU-weir* Mineral bal'.s and Guano, and Land Plaster. N. A. HARDEE to Ob } Je 91—Onto I 111' IN TUI. TO44 N OF IIH I >V 44 H'H I n OR 8 M.E —No. Ill, range 3.1, known at the Acad 1 cmy lands, l'.*S by 185 feet Irnprvtement* area small frame building, one outhouse, and all enclosed 1 wDh a fence. Title* undoubted. Apply lo WM.4VT IklNNOlfl TKk.N of KklMHUi KNHIP. 'Pill c*> par.nrrshtp here:.:.*# cx*:-c twiwrea 1 B- 'Til44 El.I a. WHITEHEAD la hereby dtfo-dr- | Cd by muiual con sens. Either parly is a o.honied t o aileud to the unsettled bos iww*. S F BOTHWELL. Savannah. June I. WM H WHITEHEAD. IISPAHTNEIINIIIP 'pHE Undesigned ha«e th.* day h^nvod »iN»pan 1 nership n-r the transaction of a Pacfonige aid • ommiBsh-n busmes* under the name and style of B THUELL to 14 HITEliE.AD, and ntW;>ec:fuily so , licit the ivatronnage ,d ;UU* and ih# onw gen eralD. D. B. BvmlWRl.L Savannah, June I. DvVS. B. 4YH ITEM RAD. ( OP4NT4I KMIIP. I 'll E u ml era ice e»t have (hi* day f.<rtm*J a repartwe' ship under ihe name an-l firm of o*den. Naif to co.. r«* me tranaacuon of a giwal Shipping and Cote tuiaaion businesa. EKAS. J. oGDKN* WM. STARR, Ja_ It 4RDKR. *av annah. Mat IT. ’55. Jwaet N ]•’ ’ I. WRIGHT. ro HI NT OH I.EAKE. I (IT and Improvemeui* No. ID. Don ting on India j street On this lot are tinnrovemenia. well known a* a N>ap and and Candle Manufactory for ve#r» tr would be desirable f.<r carrying on that business. 4Iso, two large lots No*. 34 and XV on Mill* stress a larce vw« story bulUlnc oe one o( thega. Apply to T. J WALDR. jo tf No l?d Hioughion-etreel. ►.ally. '* 101**1*1.1 i H 4NIOI4, JAHMDTON to 1<N HOOKA* RECEIVED BV S S SIBLEY, JULY W, IK55 n lM'Ol'KHK* on Truih, hv Th.-rnweB- Which . The Right or the la«f\* 4 new and beau Uml (look — should l»e read bv every one Dr. Haltleheed’a Travel*, or the llecolle'Ucna of a Backwoodsman. Ihe IIlatory of Napoleon Bonaparte, by John S. c Abbott lllsiory of Ihe I’onsulaie and Empire uf I rwece umler N*pole*'n,forming a sequel lo ihe ry »*( the Trench Hrvoluilon, bv M 4 Theure The INvemmon* bonk* ol Tho* t'balnera, D D„ 1. 1. It . 4lion lawk, Tailor and Poet, an aelo('Uvgr«|ito) by |ir, Kingsley. Yeasi * Problem reprteied withenrtwcvloiv* aa*l *«( . illllon* (nun Fraser’* Magas me, by anibor ol Allen • 4 Locke. wena «r • iur Veer of Wedt.vck-— WikefiNtNownahip - Life of Bsmuni 14 nlchwan toe Trask leelev Par* I’asatim* for July —Pufoam’* Monthly —KetcAer - bockrr Flander’s Uvea of lto#l>le< Justfoe* Alao an **M<rXrwenl of Ctolhlrw*'* I’K-xurwand Deeaere Veok*,on Pspo* and Lines P»- tortal. h.r sale el (UNMIUtiON. ’ «'TI>’K I* hereby given (Eat the sperlal cxvparl- ixrshlp'.ng betxroea ihe undersigned, undet thu firm ol F. J. ml DEN, will be diaeo.i^l fVwwt a»J aflei Ibe Aral dav ,«• July, InW FRANCIS J "GDRV FRANCIS T. 14 tl.l.NL Savannah. May IT, DstoS. ft 9—tf P(k*PtHTNEH4HIP 40TIITI. I 'HE l n*ler*tgrw«d have this day formed * o-jv* • Tser- *hip umler the name and stile of Cx’lTKK to PR \M R, h'r the purpose o( rtrrylaga* » k'acvorwg* an.l, I Commission Hui:sr**.n-l rcwj-cvtfollj S' the paU'-noge ol thetr fr-re,*# **nl puMic geci ' y\ *1 41'DLEV » »*t PER. JNO. CV'l PER I K 4SKR. Itav at . Sav-*en*h. ,’uee I _______ (OPtMTNkKNHIP I 'llK uadersigeevl have E>»wwd a rwpertweeatotp, dais fr-'m ihe 1st mat Rw the Ir**,**.-■<me « General Faci 'iwgw, O m»ie*»oa and T.Mwarding ffo*. hete, unde* the lua-J .. _ i I, (M . 14 I I I * to »>'. Sevaneato, end KG II 4KI* Ct RD A l> '-. Me«Nfo. and pledge ih*‘» sxrvci perw'toal aitewt-oe fo nay la*, pee* rairu*lest to ih»> r rhaf**. •» either place II 4 CK 4NR, t^ w. w rui, RICH ARD x CRD Savannah, Jwne5ih. 1855 ^ into— tj Ml I*b" to „I kfoS ktoMtowg Ike, «S4 lw.De*’ risie and RneWfolled to ATHIH la sc* iNHapwa*. Tt**** la wwet wtHtoetoeU vu cab, a* I am d .poawd fo eKI iteaq, to* th* G. H. GRHTILN •e It UIKN - t>*v sackatxww* foeaatetov IX' tNVRGRISHtoDT l | vPNTS Lisle, fGlh.TalN’U awd klj til .rs, \1 lAdiee’ " * ■ « i, • J' «■' 4KTA4TS vXVMDM. 4a.«k4IWl UI.OYC91 I hiIdreeN t.k'isa, bilk awn NeU. 4Ve have a s-a dwe **a.ui .^ai i.»oi‘* tleMs* ami Colton llslf lltvee, uvgwxher with e gvwat vetfoti of Re ..... ^ ...... die*’ ILwterv, w« ich arw being etofoml hi vw*v Ww W' IH WAl.TBD ffODlTl* N D^4 _N'» ^ B VH** IT - ^ i ^ *p* «• S'kl'lll 4t’GN to I VlWWvrf Nt style and veifoty. T. • Wll.LIAM G rtMiTK. S IR WAI.tvvw suni i n "••" a Tate of the Twelve Hundred ami Tew. hy Hit „.pjjBK; ^ n- jr-V H ?IFn . w 'al.ovlai ARlk IHtelKDY- A targe ease it meet, amwrwcieg emt_atyle -!:a C xtiRN KMOtowahsIs prioia New tkrfoen* t »•». n sock a. laeding r, -m sea* NaWwanv Ter Ml# ! low ft* • 4R! DtlAR * I'ARwOK* Awthif a: to I'toJtDT. MM I 4 U >WII — twtoto CIT4 THT ISUDKDto i-mcfc •>*,»*•»#. 1*4 4wgwa*. l«t> The average ptl.v ol FV-w- Ihr hast vwueito MV pel bartwi. Nrrad wtwal wetgto M M»«*V, IU 1A <v*ev* leal e,w*i weogto I p*we,I N ■■.new II JOB. W DiW 'DTD, nvy r