The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, August 07, 1855, Image 4

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORNINH. AUGUST 7, 1855. a.*a«t «otm*. t«nu«olvm!' | To ^ wlK>n> 11 Rl > > °°" c,,rn Whereat, M. nwaat will apply al U» , 0 * r '°' t irviluarv lor l*altars of DiamlMiou aa A«larinlMra<or on Ida Ratalsof Uanlal Foi.UaceaMMJ: Thaae ara tharaiore, lo «lla ami ad oonlah all tua* boiimcb, »** ba and appear balora • aid P'* Rr ‘‘‘* * WIIMM,Mn M. Union, #*#', (*" b'h.'b.m u.,. wm a., ^yiraisaa,. #.#■#. «itaJ*«a|ara A alt*. C ity makmiiai/a halk*.-oa hm amTumi.j ia nr-— 1 — la f ont of Ida Court H<>uae betweea Ida ■aual doura of aala, vlU be aohl Id* fallowing property, ^Lal No. 31, Ohalha* Ward, boundad aa*i bj l.nt No. H,*Mlfcby <U»uvn-«iraaLwaat by Tainall-airaal, and yrtddya Lou lla-aatarad upon aa iba pro party of lid No. fa, Chatham Ward, bouadad #aai by Lot No. 17, amilh bl Uaaioo street, waai by Lot No. 35, and aortdby alia*. Mamutarad upoa aa Ida proparty of J?* 1 *£ a £ } vS**!«*X bj cTAth«»F «LJikuiaTTtouUwhaiuiMJ concern: JXt i.liSUM, *7 Crii” rSl .nd non. I,, ! Court ..I OnllBMT far l#UN* 2* £££££Zi UmI’.im. VowL t*4*oo M IM pn»i»oti| of I ,rt i l 2^*^SSylSjSr?i2 , £S •ii«.iun* .11 oh,,,,, *T!2v!i’K , )M r .w."-.w~^-. , v w i"*»s! !a?33sissx*B5S sstfiiisss: wwffircaJKW-mSws i safittS5tfaftu.i •..< wasfi*-nsrtrrsi^s ? &mswnsMST’"' r ~ aauid by a, waalby Lot No. A3, and north by , u ° r “n’ ' J'DIN M. MILLKN. o. r. • . Cdarlloo atraat. Rereakerwi upou a. Iba property of --ll.., .pT^.-rrr.-,- -, truati* C M. doloatiUM. . . . , k- i .. n . I U ’I To all whom U u»a| concaru ui *„ i Columbia Watl, boundad aa»l by l.ol No. I O tu*ra*u to. I ..... • Muth b» a Imno, weal by LIimmIu aU**t. and north Whereat, llarvolrtt IV Atdlnaon will apply al the a. ■#«•.: htnu-airecL Haoaiarad upou aa Ida proparty 1 Court of • ir,Unary lor. attar* Idamlaaory a* AamtntMra J iiataaid. lor on tha Batata of Tlnmiaa Atkina: Lol N«.YA Crawford Ward, boundad aa»l by l.o* Tbras are, therefore, l<> etteand admonl h all whom No 91 aoutli by aalreaMWambjr Loi No.97, bimI North It may concern, lo lu« and appear balora aaid Court lo bv a Ian*. Ke aatarad upon aa tba proparty of Marta make nhleclinn Of any they have) on or before the flr«t Waldar. Monday tu October next, otherwise «ald latter* will bo Lot No. tN. Crawft»rd Ward, bounded east by Iml granted. No 3U a»mb by ■ — aueai. wait by I rtre alroet, \Vttue<«, John M. Milieu, Faq ,«trdlnary for Chatham a*«i aoiilt by wrvrt. Heaulerwd upon a* the County, thl* fllth day ol April, 183.4 nt ' * Jt iIIN M. 3 d.rg*l Tfotlr* property ol »t. Brown. MCrewlWd Ward, bounded aaalby Iroi No. J3. aouth by a lane. w*#t by Pike Hrrrl, ami worth by •treat Uo entered upou a* tba property of Jobu “tS'Ao. I Waadlitflon Ward, boundad oa»l by lot No. «. aouUi bv a lane we*t by Price atreet and north by Bay mreet He-eulored upon a* the pro|*«rty of John Ready irurtro apr tl cT \ ri: i to . MII.I.F.N, o. c. . !.*».» U lOltn* Mi l OP NBAI. MfATI. IN XNU NIAd TUI CITV Up MAllIKTTA, ua. W ILL he*old on the tint ruuMUy In Auauat, In Ihe ell* ol Marietta, li*.. ettliln the legal hour* nl •ale,the following vary «ln*iiable real aaiaie, to- wit t— . , hiio l.ol attuaied on tba we*l aide and aouihweat | corner of tba Public Pnuare ol Ida cl • y of Marietta, with V? feel trout, and oalem!tn| bark H.v leal deep mi Pauldliu-alicvl, being Lot No, —, In the plan ol a re I . ntvey of building lota in aatd elly. and part of Imi No. j a In the original plan o( aald e ly. one l.ol7*o. altualvd on Tucker’a Hill. In aald clip adjoining ». oil the weal, lot owned by tl - '»■ l ole, on the anutli. and tha Academy ltd on the naal, • cttuiainlng two acrea, niotu or It ae, wall abadad, wltli a j •traet ol vtt l.-.-t on each •Me. Alan a Tract of about 'JO acrea at Mock Hprlng, about hue mile Irmn the I'ublle Hquarr, adiotnlug lamH '>r Nortlicult. Ilaygood, l*r. t ox and olltaia and rmbra ring •altlBpiiug. All unluiprovfd. and lo tlmaa In want ul a bualueaa lol, aBurdinw a rare opp.irtunlty lor In veatmeni. 1M, tract will be •ohl In ItUa to aull pur- chaat-r*. Il ia ■ItiiairdJuBl i>ut*ida llie corporate biniia oi llie city, tna hamlet M eb-gaul villa*, lima ctiiiibin- Ing all the advantage*, without tba burthen* ol a e ly irolileticr. The ►ubdlvlalnn* ol tlita true! will all -rd •evetal vary tlealfable aliea lor auhurhiiu raaltlemea, and thoae in want ot a location In lbl»heauttlul, dour- lulling and liealthfiil rrtn-ni. wll- do well to attend Die aala. To be aold a* apuri of ilia realratate of t|iv Into NM< Benton, of Columbia county, tied aavd. Thai li-ruia wilt be inada known on me day of aala. IIOM’T I*. WOUlHMi, i , NATHAN K. IIENTnN, ( u * r ' June itt, 1853 je'Jtl-W tdv ‘ ABMiVlNTit ATBirk N.t 1,|,. 11’ II.I. lie wild at llryan ftntniy Court lloii*e, on , M llie IWm 'Inuadny Hi Auguvl licit, between Dm ii’itul lioiira ol •nit : ail the t-iate ol the late Tbottina K, IlnrriMui: roti«l>Dng ul two tract* of Inml. .i.o eontatiling iwn blilidletl uma, mul the oilier trnrl. • lie liumiietl and (lily acrea, hi-iog llie late realtp-m e nl • old tieeeaai d. Sold a* per order of the Oidtn rv ol »m-l , "otltily ti llryan, lor the beneltl of the belt* and Ctubl- c.«,. U .“ , ? 1 , ." A '! T '’ •H*l‘0",llmne..i,»rm Whereat, " llllaiu M. |>evldaon will apply the ’oiirt ol iirilliiar) lot Letter* Hiamlaaory a* Adniliilalra ,nr on the Estate o| Jnmea View, dreeau'd: The«e are, therelore, to cite mul ailntoulih all whom tt may conceru, to he mul np|iearben<re aald Court lo muke j or«ot •alde»initi. Ixil No. ti tVaahtngton Ward, boundvwl oaal by Kaal otijecilon Of any they have! on or Indore the flirt Mon Term* on day ol aale, broatl aired, aouth by llryan atieet weal by lot No. 10. day In October next, oiltarwlae aald letter* will be, JeTlI-lda HOItHKN 1. UOHliSt IN, Adin'r. CffW-ilr "" h * 'rnuL.^nM.M .nrjln.rjrorfh.lli.m j ' I.VNN !>MeRil'l''tl III 11. «.IJ .... !,.« Lot No. :u, Waahtnuton Wartl, bounded eaat. by Lot couui) ,lhla flllli day ol Anrll. 1W5. AiiaMjit next. J»t*l»r« Ihe ' "Url w tvW, atvuih by a laim, Wa*l by lot No JO mnl north by ai , r (l JOHN M. MILLKN. o. r. t. i [>"«*• »'• *"*" " r Brunawick. between the r«»M kAi.K B Y A. HON Al'll. - bote* • I, Margaud Claret 13 lioxaa Cbmeau Lafllla Claret. Vi boxiM et.Jubaa Mau»fl. Ik boxaa flock llelaior. BA boxea Haul Haul true wlna. a boxea Haul Jobaatu-aberg t ablnal wlaa, a boxea Bird Heltaar wine. t3 iMtaala llel.lalck Chaiupagna. V.1 Uaaketa Mumm'a tlu may :«u {’writer Hrwugliiwai Mini Jrll«irw«n>Nia UI* ST A Iks. 11.1.a a m a, mioti; I N Now taca vine a gi neral n*» tinu nl of Foreign and IhimcaHc Dry (iuiiila, wblcli lie nlfria lo (ha (ratio on act ninno dattnu It line •v|. W fJOOON I >KU NTKAMCU ALABAMA.-Ulack Tlaauaa and 1 llitrcgoa. Black Cnally ami Hewing Ntlka. •Adoietl Muallna ami Lawn*. Linen Cambric llilk a. Brttwn Linen India end liuck. t•'la-1 Ntik an i l i .noth Linen ctminhrny, lor I'ravelllng ftre****. Tvflcla ami Hatm liltrboua, black ami colorad. For •ale by jo IJ NKVirr, I.ATIIIt'>1* It HuUKKN. (•OUflN Tl A IIP, TO 711; AM III,. O F MIL (tue»t Fabric* and laical Unp<iri«UQ«a, In ■tyie i tpial If u a auperlur to llie foreign protluc- lluua litoiiglit to till* cliy. Cull and leave yi.ur order*. Wvl. t». I'HIt.K, Jana IJ Merchmil T«l to,H7 Uay at. ‘ RECEIVED TER "KNOXVILLE"' AND Pok tAl k IIV BrM I I T A Mottb V3. I .'tMBRDIHKKIL- Ulack llare.i-a.t itlitoa, J Bleached Milriinga, Flno Lngllih I.. Uolha, lied licking, < <itmu Hhiding Apron riieeka. I'ntinn llnan ry, Linen llauictk, Mu-t|'illo Not*. Huttitt'k N hi k in*, lie. ^ . hr. Jy IU UIIII'.Kti'N nt'II.IHNOn. •• O. RHkNTliKY * f!«„ WUOLKtMLK «.\l» DC I AIL DUI tiUlNTN, ooaaaa or aaoenniiia » " n wainxia ikkm, MAVANN AII,HA., Are now revolving a largo atock of gaoutna 1 liltlklM, XII.Illi INI H.t IIP.yilCAl H. 1‘P.HFI • rfs •• 1*1 MKHV, andUerin*'i t'ologna, In great variety— M , I’aiuta, ••!!#, Wiiitl"«v t.laaa, l.aurllaMl'i Hnuff. ,. I.andrelh'a waw crop Harden Hoed, 74 per cent Alco- hal, Mu’ mug Fluid, and» am plmna, P ant y itoap*, Mi ual. e». tr Hiiox>Bin> FEVMl AND AH Ui CUBE, b'BveiiUon and enrei.l Ii.u-rtn liriii «i,i| Urn I miliaiil I e>t"* l rvar at„J Agua. t.Miia and Paver Hu mb Ague, l.eneral HeUiin;. Sigt.t Hwaau, and ail aiucroR loi inu i t'Uivl b-rnia nl die ••< wiitcli havt a coiamnuuriglu ii Mlaxina. natural AmidoU, wbb Ii will amlroiy protori any realilant nr traveller mu, in (l.« rnoti •■•*!) i,t • wnrnp) locaillir*. Hum any Agua, nr llilluiia dlaoaan of, nr an» lulurt ' Miaau.a. Il will tnatanllv check the Agut in f*r»nna wl.«. have . iuIIhwI fur any long-b ol lime, iroirt oue day (<• twenty year*, ao that they iiowinati r have another «,iiili, l<y , etiutinning lie u*o ac*^*rding to 'r ba pa'bini au.nt e tjigm* mu-cove* »| pemc atel «it«t.gM>. »*..t <.>n> . Ilnuaa until a |Mirtna'-eiii anti rwl ral cure u . fl« led. • moor two boiiiea will anawar for ordinary t«mm • . atitno may require morn. A a ’ Idreciitiiia.priiami In Herman. French end tpahiab^c* A. >—'JL Z * com|.tn) each le.llla. Price I Him Hullar. l.llntral diacounU mada to tbe trade. JAM. A. ItHOHKH.Proprie'Of, provnjance, KboJe |aland. The i*orket OK i.VP.KY ON K Ilia u pn,^., ."J " n ' * ■ • THI P r Onrll. iliil'.'.i i ng li m aa* .. i o| iba II or, • bap# 11*11 i add* da 7r. •Ivea-aorimmi' of Clu mu aH.rer«nil) aalecledfrom Iba maniifaciureia. Term*ca*b or wf>|ir*.v« dt n dll. N. I). MltANTLKV.M. H T H POWELL. M l), eanuary t. imVi. i* uan.i.'Mi. THE STOCK OF DHY GOODS Al •%«». 115 ( oiiuriiv-xl. ID* Mi*lnt-aa in intamiab, nfftira Ida *"irk of Fancy a. d Htajile tiomt. «i M.\N V«»BK t»>Hl. lor! Ihe iivti atrip gap* lor * uiA vu/y, and re»f»eclfuliy In* vile* ihe aitoiiilon of the t.atlie* to the aarne. The aa- 1 •orlun nt of Oil KHs Hr M i|)h iin.iiaU of all llie leading I and uioal faaliionable alylt a. aucli aa Aw*#. Harrgtt, t .\luthnt /.mm /.aitn», Front ( mirui and llrtUliin- , In, .Uaflillm, nt., ilr. AI«o, a full alork of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Lilian nlieeting#,PJilow t u>e l.luana, I 'oiion Pbeet- , luga, l>auia#k Clidi.a a>-d Nnpklti*. Towelling of every dr*cnpihm. Toilet Quilia and Counterpanaa, Curtain Mu.Iim, Hiiulliea. Ac. i;ti ■iiioiiii.iiicn. Thl* llneof Honila will no f und worthy of attantlon, •a the atyIce are all new and di-airabla ; *ucb a* Hw,*a and l ami ric Meila, I ollur*. •’leevea. Jac-“tiet hwiaa Kdginga and Inaertliigv, • mmbnc and >*wlaa llanda, lUudki-rciilefa, Ac. We would rail nlieiiinm lo our large atock of /'a- Wi#A nag t/trmnn hunrtf t"ii*iai|| g n| eVt-fy variety lor l.enU, Ladieo, Youilia nod .Mta»e«, which are Very _ J Cheap. IKON AIYn ATI:I I.. WHITE GOODS I - T INS uvanrti d Hoop Imn ; vll tune do. Hand I oU ! of every »li le, tjtiatHi% m d in • • » 3nt->na do Mcroll do. ...... 14 .'-nit tval, Iml >v il and hall nmind Iron. • 'J tin Nall Ibid. ; 'Jtg| ion* Comm,ui F.nkli#h 3lti tin Fngllaii |{«. ,netl Iron ; 14 tuna Mu-«t I do lloai Penn*)ivaula liuder Iron. n aa Dm prop, ny id 41. I li-citl hour# , 1 1 »dc, ibe lolloping property, to i i’nngreaa •treat. Ka euiered upo Calhoun Ward, bounded caat. by |,m No. 7 aouth by a laua. weal by Abercorn at real and Nor'h by Jonaa atteet. Ke-cntacad upou aa tba pni|iart) of A. 7 Calhoun Wl-d, bounded e**i by tol No. 8 ' comity, tor Leliera ol IManilarioii from aald Adinnlix l#i> it 0 la'ln f*»or ol • lark a I'del. 'la-oe.1 out <d tin . **■ ^ v.. a ..ui i,.,nl. I,, J.UIM4 irallnn J IbMiorablf Inft-rl *r fourl of t'auidaii Cnunty. Property •outb by a laua weal by l » > These are. therefore, to cite anil admultlah all Die pnlnied out by Plabdifl'a Aiti.rnev Mrwet ... . .... k. v.. I,. Bln.lrml and cretlllora of oalndeeraaetl. lo (lie Ihclroli. ' Je‘Jo S TATI'. l>F OKoUUlA, f T ... h The untilvlmnl tun*half nl wnieriot im'inber one, town KrriauuAM Cot mt J T-all whom It may concern. |((l lllimb „ „„„, HM .i IllWll hundred and , Wherea*. Alberti* Porter Admtniatratnr. wt.h tlio 1 one, ailiiaietl, lying anti being in the old t-.wn «*f Mriin. | will annexed,ol Marin »*. Mallory, late nl •altlrtmn y, i wick, togelbei with all imp ovenenta lliircim; lev Ini | uecenved. ha- applied tolhe Cottil of i irtllnnry ol aaui mi a* Die prooerty of Abrubam i'olby. tleieam-tl. |o ant I do llhater .-let-L ‘J do t *at m. H. IK do Plata Fieri In atore Hint for *ale by Onvaniiali Jult J, 1*44, Lot No. 9 Calhoun ward, b- onded eaat by lot No 10 •OUtb by a I ne we«t by lot No P. and norm by J-nea. , lr »el. Be-aMi*re*t u|-oi« aalhw properly “I H. H .Stuart. Lot No *1 ■ alltoun W ard. bounded eaat by l.ol No. S3, aouth U) Way no at reel, wea: by Lincoln alreet,mid north by ureal. Ma-autertd ufK-u aa the t. M ’TSTK'lX Tmtip Ward, bounded ea«t hy Lot . T \ rv hi.-nmtlirn a . No. lli.aouih bv llarMa atrv-el, wen by l.m No. I'J and ^ ‘ ‘ • J To all whom II may concern north by a Im.e. lie entered upon a» the proparty ol 1 VV M Hiinmi K Lou Noa git a> d *J4 Troup Wa-d, bounded eaat t»y These are, therefore, to clta ami ailtnolDah all Die Elmlrrd and creditor* of aati. tlecca«ttl, to flietht trob- leeltona (if any they have,) |n m> oflli-u, wnhtuthe lime i prewrilted b> law. ••iherwlae tutid laiu-ra id diauilariou will be r lined to Die aald applicant. Wlitiea* my band and ofBclat alguniure, this «th day vf A pnl, \. U., 1843, J V M F.S It A It N. apr 7 Ordinar* a.c. I I flrM Tiic-mIn) In Atigtivl next, beioie the t'n iii'U-e diHir, in ilte to tan ol llrtinawkk, liaiwet-n i legal Iioiirv nl •ido. ibe lotlowing pri periy 'n wit: Parvi u nrgrn malt, ai'ottl to > yen * of nge. Icvli-U on it* il peri) o- t* dllmn A -allen«, to »«ii*i> a II f Troup atfuxro,aoutli by — •ireei.we-tl t>) I. and north It) — air««l. He entered Upon aa me |tioj»- •fly of C A Cloud. Lot No 34 Troup Ward, bounded caat by Lot No. .17, •omh by Jonaa*'red. west by Lot No M, a ml non h by a lane. Ka-mtered upou aa the properly of J A Hlcli ^LofNo J. Charlton Ward; bounded eaat by Harnanl aireaLWUth »*> lot No. «. W»*i bv to. No. 8, tva-enu red a poll a* Die property of R 'levar .iwiv ll lit.her haa anpbod It* . Letter* -f Hiianllanabip >•• Fmin I* Haaber, a minor nml orn'-au ol Htdeoii Iii.aii. r. Into of *ald c-tuniy.tleei-n*ed. )Ih -k are the#* iron to vile and admontth bM concern •d to flb their oijtc to «, (if nu> they have) In my "(flee. Hindu 'he l me pie*erlh*tl b\ biw ; ollu-rwi e •aid lellt ra will he cr.iii t-tl ltienp|dl mil. t\ nne*» M) h«ml and offli 'nl signature, thlx 3d diy 01 July, A. Ii- 1843. JAMES R.tllN. o. K c. f in closure ot u inoitgn • • url o| l.l) mi cuuiny lu •Igme. llriiuswlrk, .May -0 IMA. ."•ued - or ol John I*. Scar let', a* ■ II.N I*. LA41 o, ■ <i • may 31 S' TATF OF0F.OBHIA, F.m*attau ' • | To all whom il may concern: aon a* in# i*io|ic*»j iii •• M Whereat,John II Ib-rry. Executor of the last will and Lot No. -Jo. • n.vrliou Ward; bounded east by lot No. lettatm-ni of John Kx-e-, late oi -aid couniy, decrared, I. . ... 1 II.. ...nn.iilt III 11 M.-ver .... , ....* I . . i . ... Die ite^en'creii upon •• the property oi It Meyer L»»t No. Jt, • hurl on t» nnl. K. rent* red upon a# proper;* * -1 ilaon A Knaawll. ■Jil. s 7, New Fra iklln Wartl; bounded ex«t by lot No fl.A.u.0 by Day siree'* weal by Meat in i north by lot No. S Sereuiert O upou h» iba property of tbe eaian- < 1 II. n. Byrne, • Lota .No* P. y md in. New Franklin Ward; bounded •atl bv Lot No 7. aouth by Lota N - 7, ti and 4 and north hy U'*er»tivot. Ke antcred upon aa ihe property ol lit i’ll) roe. Lol No. i*J New FrankDn Ward ; bounded oaai by Mouigotnvry atr>ei.aouin b) Ittvarfbeet. west b) Ih>| No. IJ alul north by — aired. He entered upou as the properu of •' P llullla. Lot No 17. New I ranklln Ward ; bounded aa*t by \\ llllamvon’* toi, aouth by the airand, wt-ai by M. nt- guuieiy .ueei, ami north by liner tired. Kireulered upou a* the properly of E it’ll* rue. Lola No. J, 4.4. 0. 7. an l 8. Springfle'il place; bound •d eaat t*j Lot No.u,aouth by ibe Mtamana Canal, w-*-*i by Ltvl No g, and north by Die Louia*D!e Hoad, lie • iBered u|*«m aa tbe property of V\ lu t*. Maff-*n.. Liii No* Had I'J, ■‘pr.Mgilald 1'iuce; In-unded eavl by lol No. I", aouth by the Aliamaha ' anal, nnnh by Iba L»*ul#* lie io*d. Ka enter*U uj» um ibe property of E. u’Kyrnc Lota letter* A 19. II 19.1 19 J i9, xnd K 9 He entered ■pou aa the property of J M. Turner ami "Ibera Lot No. .1. F ray Hi Hard; bounded east by Whlia- , kar atreet, weal b* lot. north hy lol No 4. mid aou't, i.y lotNo J. be entered upon aa the pr |wt* i vt me. Lol »o fora* h Ward; o >umla*i e#x. b* Whi..,kei •trawl a*,u h by lot no 4, weal h> I t, and i.o* h t»> lot No- 8. He en e»e*l ii|e.ii a* tha i-ropertv of C W nie Lot No. JJ. F»r*yih W ard; bounded e-**; by lot w«*t by aired, ami north by lot No. -Ji. He enu red up->n t'-e pro(>«r'* *.f Jacob Itoaenband tail Nr*.'J4 Foray tb War*l; bo mili-d ea«; hy lot. ** • *t by — atree*. a nth by lot. and n -r Ii by lot No JV. lie- •Dlered as lie pr- pe l* . f A Ponce. ImtN ..'JJ. I.Du-ry Ward; • oui.Ucd r«at bv ot No. 94 aoutli ti) Yorx vtre.-t, west by ..inert* -ijuxre. ai,d Bonh by t'r* * A* n aUvet- he euteitd vp*-n a# M»a p.o party o. J J W *ver. Lot No t, 'bnn--ey Ward, bounded ra»t hy lot No •"Uih by 4 I4ue, we*t by ml No .1, a d umlh tiy J "*•• ■traet Ke enierrd upon *»ihe property of L. M. Ttroiup eon. Lot No 6. 'lontorry W ard; ln>ui'dr*l i ■*•! by lot ' <•. 7, aouth bv a lane. w*u, b» Harnanl atriwt, and North by lonea «’rret. lie-euured up* n aa tbe property of P. K. Bhlel*. Lot No U. '’on e*ey IVard; bounded ea»' by lot No. 12; south b) Tx* I *' •:n- -L woal tiy I d N». 4, and north by a I Kiie. Kir-ai.i«r«<J upon aa the property of Id xabetli Vardlar. Lot Nn. 17, Afnntcray Ward ; bounded cast by b> N n 1C, aouth h > Taylor atreet. weat t*y lot No IS, ai-d •ora by a lane. Ke-autered opun aa the property --f K H W liaon. i.ot No JL Elbert Ward ; brvunded i-aal b* Jeff-rw*n atreet, vo#h ny Firry at'eel, weal ny lot No VJ, a d nonr, l#y M' lnomuxb atreet. Ke-anlered upon at ihe pn-|*wrt* of J AMiaTey. l4*u Noa. VI ami ti. Franklin Ward ; bouode-* east by Franklin aquarw, a- u-h by I'.-nurea# *itew*.a**d irori* by Si. Juban airt-el. He cotered ujmb »• the propeity of eauiaol Ii u'Ktrna. . , . Lot No Franklin Ward ; bounded ea*t by lot >o. 13, enuih by a lane, we«t by Ini No. 97, aid north bv Cong'#aa rira t. Kr-t nie-e-t. upon aa the i.roparty oi J Rbarnbam' or W Premlerga*!. Lot No. V7, Franklin \4 ard; bounded exsi by lol N • M aouth b* a lane V*e.l l.» lot No. V - , and m.rtti bv Congo M • reel. Reentered Upon aa the property nl M Premiergaat. 1,4.1 No. 14, firm-n Ward ; bounded ea*t by lot N--. 14 •oulh b» f»ia'e «treet, we»l by l"l No .3, •»*••» norll. I.y • lane. Ite-v-i lerrvl ui-oli a* the nrnpert, .-I J-*a II irke Lot No. J3 • ii-1 VC. (Jreen W aril; bounded eaat Ea«t Hroad •Iree', aniitli Ii) a lane, west •*> lot N... V7 and north by York aireel. Re eMurud upon »• Die r-> party of JIbiurfce. Imi No 4'i,.a-k*on Ward;bounded ••»•' by V\ Intaki-r street m.ojth by I Iberty •ireet, west I ) l« l No 4.. mid noVth by « b’"« Ra-eniared upon a* Die property id Uuaiavii* xiorin Iml Nn. 8 Jaaprr Ward; Iro'inilril east by lot No. 7 ••-u>h t.) - — vbee’.weai b> «>i N 9. and tv>r't* t*> a lane. Re-riiiv-r*il iip-.n .* Do- proper' * oi I M Kor. Lot N' 1 47. Ja*j»er Ward; boii'i.led eat l>* Ini Nn 4C, aouth by J met atreet, we«t u* lot No 4-, and irorth h a lane. Ke-entered upon aa the property of Mr*.#. W fiyerwm. I. l Ni». <5. l.aFayelte Ward ; hounded ea*i b* Lin* eo'n an*-*- *rorDi by a lane. w*>*t b* oi No 4*'» and north by a lane lie-entered upon aa tne property i Mr* Ferry. l^>t N.. I, We*ley Ward ; bounded eaat h - lot No. 1. aouth by aUoe. w.-at b, Lincoln • reel, a> d north by J-iiu-aa:reel be-rniereil up >i. aa Dim pr--|4*rly ol 41 Premier gnat Lot No 4. Wealey Ward; bounded ea*i tiy lot N" 4, aou.U b> a lane. w.-*t in llaberaium *trucl llc-eniered U(«... a* u e property of Mr. Prendf-rg at J, ol Nn *v-*.e* Ward; b-'onded en*' by lot No 14,aouth b- layl-.r atreet. We«i by lot No i4. a d u rh by a lane R#«eot«red up«.n aa tbe property nl A Farreb * Co 1^*1 No 10. We*ley Ward; bnunded ea*t by I.>1 No 13, aou'.b by laylora , by Lincoln atree', and worth by a lane lle-ente»*d upon a* the pioperty *>1 J. H.T-> b>r Lot No * i. Troup W’arrt; bounded eaat *-y lot No 49. •oulh ov Jon-»-treat, we»i by 1,'iicolu aireet and norm by a lane. Htrreulered upon aa Die pro|wrty of J. Mtaley. _jy 7 F. M. BTHNE, C M. C ITTm s ,\I.F,.—Oft the flr«i Tu* -da* In Aaguai. In fr-.nt nr the C«urt limits between Die Draal hoar* of »aie. will (»• Add Die foil, wing property In wit: l»ot No - .with Improvement* thereon; Imi'IImI. •dearth# I all .all aireet, »oiiDi hy — atre. I. wr*t by Jefr-raonrtroat. and north ny loi of go Faillganl'a. D«l#4 up#-n oa Die pro|iertt ol M premh rgaat, to *il- fafy hla city tale* f .r the year* |M‘-4 anil IF'gy J)7 Y M «T• *NP., r M 3i:w Ilf MX K N RECEIVFIi HV WMi.N'n.K A liAVIx, TUESDAY, July Al, ItV. W ill' II tha Kightor D»a l•; Toe upon Faahinuabla Religion. Fal'iarn'a Monthly, for July. Rrilrke'L-' kvr do do do Lltiell’* Living i«# do In Frank • a-be’a l.adlea'Haxettafordo. for aala at No. 13k ' angre • *treet 1*4 I >RF. Mi.' H A'.K ER-. Ae -£o nbirpTM iTr^Tb " IJ I Car b •'• Huber and **#«•# • >ackar# »*• '■ oia • ltd Ji box** t.rarkera •u bb • Phelp’a Uia. finding and for aale hy )«n ID»I<C‘)MHE,J''Mnb<iff hen h lfftF.K ANDl.ARD-tu luba eb" M Gnahan Ilut t«-, M kaga l^taf l.a >d. lar.dmg and for aale by j# r7 I.LAHII' >HN h • I N x I Null l M I aHTi* 7 T,XIfT* ! -NoTHaal Lard 3uat reeriv.d, J and for aa,« by |, YN N A HN 1111 II I* »* \ I Af'V I'.TIFT. ATfH rnffnfH park«ga*~V , | .71 aa*-k* #*l. bt.'a, half-.,bla and kit* ; and l«rt Iba Oeliaii, letMtlbg all (or aala hy If H i.LAHMOiN A CCNf 11011 AM r pii/ fu* * '' jl‘"H wl'om Iiroay concern: haa applied to ihe i ouri nf i trdlnary of axlil county lor loiter* of dlrinlMlim ir> in -aid execitlorahln. The«v are, therefore, to cite ami adntonl-h the kin* drod and creditor* of *uld,dei‘euaed. In flle then objec* t Iona ('any ihoy liaiet In my office, within Dm time pro*cr!h«ui tiy law,otlmrwim* l.cllcr*of Dlsiol* ion will lx- gran cd the *anl ap|dicanl. W lines*, iny hand .md ufflclal alKiiatiirr, 3d day •»f July, A. I)., l«33 ;> 4 ’ J A M BB It AI IN', o. gj c. ^TATL O If r | ii ii Whereaa, Jamea t . Marah will apply at the* ouri of Drdlnury lor li-iler* di*tnla*ory ar u-'nimirtralor uii ihe eateie ol Jaine* I. • lann n, d* l eased : - The*e are therefore i . cln- •' d n-iin -nl.h all whom It may coiirar". to lie ai d appe n lu- ore *11111 ouri. to make--ti ecro-n (if *ny they t>a*e) • -ii or b* ore lire •ecou.l .Monday In January next; oDrerwite aald leDer* will be g>anted v\ Iim-**. Ilt-nry F..Sn lih. I *q . Oidlnary for Uryau t'o'im i, In* vJd day oi June- Du 4. JeV.i-td HbM<\ L. SMITH, o. a •. S T ' T ™ * r ' ,t " * , "’ ,n 11 fonc^rn Whereia. v\ llbaiu Mr-rklai'd appliee for letter* of adin ■ •: ration de tmi.-. non, on tire a*ti.t« nf Aaron Str'ck ami. laie of •aid county, ilrre#a«d : The-** .ir", th-refore, i • ciie nml ndmonlab all and •inguinr. Du- kindred and cnaldora ol aald ib'Cen-ed in be and sppi-a' «' mi ' III- *-. w-tltlti Ihe Imre pre*c»'h'-d b* lx»v. and ahi-w cai.«e, (Ifany lb*-y hav«- why l.ebert of ailininiairailon ai. -uid mu (>• granted Dm *aul appd i tl, \ AN SHERIFF*!* .-At I. • >li the Aral lues-lay 1 Fin vugu-l, wlb be aohl he oye the » »urt ttmi-e »n Hr) n count i. In tween iheleual In lira "I sale, u "ait nl I.and In lire nineieenlli dl»lnci “I *aul couniy. c >n ta-Mug one hundred (Mn-y aces boumbd nil \\ * *l hv Iticliur.l 'I lioinpa* n, -oiiDi by II V\ 4lait>-x; N*-r b und Fast by It II Jnm-a, levied < n a* Dre pro|a-rty nl It II. Ji.iie*. to wmIisiy two fl. ia*. i»-ui-d Di-m a Juttlc '* * '-url nl auid county in Invur in Jnim Sliuninn, va. R II.Jo-uo; poiu'eii out lx defenileiil. levied nn by a c-' reiurncd to me VAlli June, Ir* *.*. J A 31KS T. WU.ulAMS, sheriff, II. C. I July 3* ^1 -RIVEN SHERIFF’S s \I.B.—iVlIl be aolil'befnr ' ^ lire Court House do»r lu Hylvaula, y . mi Dre fbai Tnert'ajr lu .*-e'.t« mlier liexi, wn'.ln Dre I*g. I hour* ul vale. Die bdty wn.g property, to wit; Tire mi- dli i-too nib-rent nl John T Fuiuian. i - h .. Ion died ai d ' lhiriy tu 1.1 ol Land, ailjo mug Iuiiila nf It M W d mm ; and lire e*ia'e of V\ i'• mu llraidu l.evie.1 nn ihe pr-'iieriy of John T in a Dlaly one Juncu- t min fl f* in favor nf u-i»iii v mv. at, and oilier#, Id ) blade and relumed in. ny a « on-inble. Juli IS, ISoA. EDML'N fill Hliiiss, n. a a. c. J* •*'< / «II \TH \M silfc’lllFF'H-ALF.-WIH he aold “m V Dre flr*t Tueai'a) In >epu uil-er next. bef"ru Die t nurl House in iho c.ty of *nv.inuah, w iidu t' « legal hour* o| sale, all of Dial parcel or l.ol of l.nml lying aim being ill the cil) ol savannah, and knuwi a* .'re we-'e-n hall..( l.o| Nimi'-cr rev. II. (7, Fourth Ty Dung, \ .*-i-i Ward, or I'le-Ug'l therxuif lo *al|«fy i, Tax I xecu l"ii Dsi ed by F. 'I 'imir, Tax • .'mlecior. inr In- c-' oi - liaD um l evied on a* Ire proper y .-i lhoiiin* II K'twgermiU lan. ly for stale and c -unty I • xc» for tire year one thnnauud e’gbi hundreil and flirt b ur. A. riltiMAS, J? ” -Ireriff i r. Il h II. WEED. J> <~»f *i w; cm i s RKf’KIVI D JI . V :i|.t. 1843. n Alll’Kirn Motohly Mag#i ire tor Auguat. (•ralinui'a do l'o do Puliiatn'a do do do Frank le-alle’* Hsxe'le, do Hodey'a l.ady'a llook, do For »ale by V\ AHM't K A DA VIA, qog I No l.Mi i ongraa* at. a I \\ HUT’ O R Till'. RES' IT ; n tale oi ihu groat Kanawah— new and a'aming. I'lilnain'e Aingi-nne tor Augtial. Hriiliaiii'a do * do HI'-ii*. n'a kml lllackwo. o'a. Rec I veil by g <». AIHI.EV, ‘J |3'iougr«aa at. Vi; w iiooKNy Received I uesdat, July JI. ig'iA. by W tlf.Nui R «, Ii XVI' 'J' , IIE llelreri "f l|,oig toil or ill" VloDter’a Hecrel : I by lire aull.or ul Liullia V\ y i dliu-n, liavenacbffa, Ac , he. New Hope, or ihe U* *cu«: a tule of the great Kana- I The *ioi k <>f IA inter Ho*ufa *urh aa Hlankrta, Flaii- liela. Met lime*, Fuiaii e ina ilparaa, IlnHibaxu.e* tad- 1 lie l.altica will tie offered .tl nidi pn ea .-a will liuiuce purwni* l-i purchtre, lor next Fall and Winter's uae. An ear') call will #• cure Du beat aelirlinii*. June I'JDi. D*44. If June I'J ClULNLIl iiK BKuruilTd.V AMI JEFFEU'O.V NTS. dht ooi^Diiav SS?mc? mtScxaoz. r | , lll *ub*ci|iier haa m *.o»i a *.■ d u**-.rln.eiil ol 1 ID( 4 l#i n i|)S, coiiipn#ing good* of Foreign and IluiumUc Manutniiu c, u. winch Ire w--utd liivite ihe 1 alienilon nt purchaser*, and w Inch In- .-ffi r# lo the trade on reasonable lefin# > oun ry .Merrhaida vMtoig the clly, will find on uii • xxminaiiou, alyle* of good* pe culierly adapted lu lilt-ir Iran* . Jon e " 11, LI Of li. FIJOTK. N« N l»|l I I N. •>i III H AUK p' line to i lio-ie If In nffe# i)'’*r I4udulalj do do 74 I ui. • i Md Ho ver nine nl J** a do 5o Mul# Ian, prune and cl mce New i uleanaSugar •ti do do do Porto Rico do I.Ml Mda A, Il A C clar.fled do 4” do do and powdered do 5u lihda prime Cuba M I4U Mda do Nii do ll do N V »'enin r flnid Mo.aaaea Hal do Halilinnrt-1 i -ur ’4 do f>e..|gla do Hat ,jo Sugar. Hull'-' and Soda Hlaculta 3d h ■ xe* siala and ' do • 'fairy l.jndou.’ For aale at • ii.- *J I ;.9 DONOR F.88-8T < 4 Iff I (II AIN. .it | I ITIlU'Is j li pinied‘ub e Chain, IVJ«> 14'* do IS do do Uo 3OK d-i 7 id do <j-i do I'O J 4 d. do In aio'e, and lor lain by Jy2n-D N. H. A II. WEED. * ii 31. OH IF! » > I \s on hand a lew X'lillery r wool*, (army regula tion.) which he will tell, lo close the lot, at III, jelli cash IUI) 1 Xi'-il *'8halu#e. lid* July 4MBM IIIUHMMlTH, i mltuary pro tent. 44'. c. «■ all w horn it may c .ncern W.'irev* my hand and of Ifl'h, i" >4. J J y Di^ L Ti T I. KVl fLt.Kf. IA, i ro 4 la ia 0 laa* III 4 o. ( V\ here lioiMirt |; « -ord » dl apply at lire ( ouri of Ordinary lor Letters l> #itn»ai>ry a* I.Xccutnr on Ihu artaU*->i s.vr.*li J. M adtey. Tlu-«eare, ihe'ef.-re. in cite and i.dmoiil#h all wh in ll in** concern, to tu*and appear bclore aant i ouri make otde«-ini|i (D any Do y limei on or ln-f -re tin* flr#t .Mondav in Fntiruaiy n.xi, otherwise aald Letter* will be grunted. Witness John 31. .41 en. F.*q , Ordinary for Chatham County , thi» IWelily Di dnv of Jim, Isi'. ly 3" J' ll.N 31. 3IILI.1 N.o. c. r. i 'll ATtl \M Ml).Rtf » V flr»i Tiu-»dny ii i »cn hour# o| #a|. , („ j. re Do I tin- city of Savannah, sii i naihatn : i ii.e Negro s n* Die properly ol J in* • gage fl In. !••••• d ollt lit I Invor of X4 a* A King,'• p -ml- d nut in aanl fl la. - \X IK i Ii Ho- r.Ml , ll * * * ! 'e ol UtHiig-a, County ol I'Ve, to wit: l-nai , Irvo - u ' 'led, by virtue o I a mori Ibmly Supermr Court, n Ji.urea •« X'eii. proper') A.1HO.M A', a. c . II 4 ( ON AN I) I, k ||k». HDDs prime lUcoll Side*, 4 Mid* I'rpue Hmcoii sho'Dilera, .■■i keg# Prime Lard, il bln#, •• * Jnai receiva-l and for aale ny m .i 11 WEBSTER A PAL31EB. (.nn i kii x.: • J " DHLs sbpinT it t lanfled -iigar, *■•) .Mi b Xi-a Sill -led Herring*. 4" •• lleivlc .'• t allow i nn Da—0 and 8. 40 li»g* Pnn "linen Klu'Jnffce. 7 i lioxei Fa i i ') s -aji |0 Idol*. N • • a ugar (low pr ce i Landi- g irom sab' iriipreai dn July IJ si u wtr t.N. J« ill.N.-T N I W I I (II II. T <X II 4US Fleur i(..ui No* 14 Ileal. ( »)*» j i > ■ I IH'NTl It n» •jo bill* H'-alon I rai kei 3lHi Imp-, No I. pale .md family Soop An do i o gate • and Hi d,-Fa Pearl starch bo do Hedel'a and other brand* 'i alllu* Cat-dlea 140 do dumaiiline do .40 do Judd* a sou sperm do I Kb ' " Hran' H \\ ul.aiu#' S’a and (Fa Tobacco Jiai do iioum. lump T I'acco.aiaortau brand* lu ea*e* Indiai Q ,,-en do 9l*9 It- fa>ie» 44 eililu.g l i ke Tobacco , 3n grit-* U -odwin'.k ng du bull grn»» boxes 4 cd* w Hank tobacco,chewing Mi b--xe« Negro |‘ip.-» 4" do bum h lie*.in 9" do Du'key'• Y- t-: "nwdara, In Jtflb lb cat* 'n do Fla orlng I xi^icta III do UroilUd I’- pp.-r lit »lo d>* At vjuca 911 tiaga filer A Pepper lu do Allspice 9" half chiai# Hyn-n Tea. In Igth & parkagea 911 do Hint k do do do 4 catty* Ilya n *■ d , - g ra, lu bOt 10 ft. boxea Vrti lo. * Reel - lie*) N i l\ , .key I nn do E Pin Ipa' i • m 4" do I’ At n • River Rye Gin Ino do N l. Rum 2.4 do ImllallnQ 41 Wins I i D hl#kej . i'» N,ctar Ambrosial 44'hlakey rand) EVIDENCE OF SAFE*! Y. Saw Voa«, Jun. II, C’A “I hava made a chemical exan.lnain.ri “Kimlaa' Fever and Ague bure,-'or "Antldme to klaUfla,*' and* have tr#wd n lor Avarnlc M*icn»). Qumli.v. ai d "iiycti nine, but have not fnuwl a parlie e of elllrer In ll. n-.r have | louud any aubrtaucc in Da coinp>,#iiion that Would prove Injurious lo lire cnii'blulliiii. JA31 Ka It. i III 1.1"N, 31. U , i.hainiat. EVIDENT T:TjF MERIT. Law *ai tu, ( ipon Uo . Pa . N)»y 2,1*44. 31a. J. A Hiioha* - Dear sia , Tha boi oi ui- -bi.'ua vntia.nt me w-. dulv riieivedon Dre II I. of Xp»d I bave #.dd aleoii uire ball of ii, and ao far the p*-*.pl« wbo ha-eu»cd ll ar.-.ail.fli-d lhal il Ire# cured ibiin. ll ba* certainly ppe<! lire Xgu« III every on« #ln l ** u»'-d il. and til of Ire ctw-i were •> long Itaiajing. M * •••ter, wlio ba* had ll lor five or *'* year* back, and fo'dd never »et ll aiopped, • xerpt tiy ijuliroie. •- ■! lire ••nl) b# ho g ire ahe would take it, la h--w. I Dunk, en lif, ly cured by your remedy C. R. McUlNLY CAI'TIO.N TO AGUE SUFFERERS Take no more 4raenic. T-iliica, >te-eiir>. cj un'be, Felirpug-#, •tryi'l'iiioe nr any Anti INnodicaof any kind. Ihe wed known lucfk' ieney "f ti e*# leill'-u# poison* prove# " • in -o l*e lire • ■n.i • Dug either of tal#e in- -I • .D principle*, or nf mercenart ipiark* I ire > t iy remedy in #p.i*i ■ #• • i a- , t.oifi #'i"- and*# i, RMODES’ FEVER AND AGUE < I KE X' n,*le*|ie Ag'-ma in Aug-i-la' DvYU.vMy. R18- |.l 4 i ■ i, and f-r sale by le lera generally. marl* Iv. w — w a twnirro M Kl l'v I II II I l,MM CORN AND CO MUD.. PATf-NTl.D M X V in Ii, IR.4 HE aiL-ninoiPUno-ra. Farmer# and sorekD- e«lera general, a#e 'e*|H".Dully called to tl.l^li I it tire most I III poll Ii arucle ol lire kllet :<oW n u*e, not • •nl* well adap ed f-.r g'Pid-iik' c -b it*#-#.i fo# » ■ ck. bul gri#i < r flue h'uipn) f .# Dre tan e, nml eapec ally bread meal irom c-*rn n - lull) "|n- <>r dry in Die rci In veiling Dll' XII|i. iio meehairo or l ame work la wanted, only re,p. m.g i . >re U* - < el to • n • r --r plat form Easily a-ij n'.ed and used by any laxly, even • child. I he LITTLE Ul XNT ha* tec* ved tire flra' premium* Xl D-t la * Xcric «l ural Fair# of *F*#oun, K.-nl-u k', M ir. bind, and o her stale#, and Dial I# the m-..i c m pliiireninry maiure r , •» well a- Dre im*»i nady corn men- d n.n from "re lh--.l»alid« «# Iti e*- ng ;* jwforuianre. I lint m i » #>•■ k larantaad lu ">e mm| j- • . # -i xn licragn n«t defer « •*# h'eaka-.-e, an I No 3 war#»,it d I" g'o-d 14 • f ••-.-#1 pe- h-oir. with nrre h-irre. • let nffe#,*l al Die -w j.r ce of §»*4. #• I> c-oupte e. ready Inr f aching Dre te«rn.— No. 4 al 8 4, grind*-jn buaheia per hour w nn two hors a. -Manuf idure l bv 8C*jTT 4c M'N'KHF.E, Augu*ta, a. And aold by r II. < #err *t.n, 4g*n| In* -he xinnu- fact.i*era, 17• Hay t'.roel, savam.ah, where the Ma> f>ina m*^ ire aeen. may I M 44 BOBKK. RECEIVED HV John Xl ,-imiPLH A Co, 'I h'l'adav, *ui.e 7th. ^LH.Mi •' a nf R,-v Ichabod s. S|-enc«r, D. Do with v* a 'ke'ch "i In* l ife A school of *.lre ; bv Xnna 'lary llnwltt. A iininiinjila-e Ko-'g of Thougbla, Mvmnrlra and Fanf'ea : by Mr# Jai-e-nn. n a i nmi v Journal; from the French of •hUr ll.;.. lire •< *rr' oMiga. . , , , •a*Dhg the pm y. n *** i j.^p,, fenng irmn a i.a* v< ■ r i , •light*, nrr v||m r.g*. ai.'i 11 . DiaanaauoM *• .• ■ tj •. ru-m« r. ........ i ii . i , lire in, mod. <.r "..,•* a'x.ui v ,, . ri.n.l read tl. - * ruly -rtful l.« t. „ , " "•••« ’» • ' . fr«*n. I '.e i * *. i * ■ • IT 3u» I'.refvx EM7 f 14 clnar-d In a leti, r, w ' I.APj, Ad i r I lv« 1 p'-.' pa DR I Ay „ p M'kll'v i’rtlrnl l‘lr, kl ’HI’ valuable add i »»« in -•■ •. .. ,.,. . t»b* nrel vr-.l " . uji,,, ' t Pn e II.. Dre "b. >1 I,a, been four : . * *er»b*ade-l aurVa*#-*. n*.« | . na#-<| p imjx.nan' -.(* - y Ire used »• a j. • #' x a • *hd. j urr • < all* ; lire f- mm r » - I . ep . It IT *•»*-* De • * fu.a.v kdlmi, | I ♦ • r , . m l I fin w hich • tprrad lx frg Irt *v-. keep- tre » -• ,i ..* par # r ,#-, ,* , , „ , , *4’*' •" > , "Pi'"'»' " ’»»►• place•*. rr- rkr.ouo , I ' - * * > * -u I ' . Dre n «- rnnrx' i #iirg. N ' *•• '» I I e*r "vr#c n »# t i . ..tu, urved nal h« - mtnoi x- |.. . | *e«». • al) |l V : *■ I., snugi.l #1 »r % ■ '•|re l *.-y ,.l :be I , Pi*,'., . fl-*' Th Mi the m lull* <! •IS' .- I i.r • tl • ■ e* n which it la applred. San-i.ima the >-(xr-ba r.-*' ' • •' **»*.> »m* ui l ev»j. .| '•-fl- "all* i *. • ,t • tea## ■' d" *»ed wi i (g#-*, * s • ei'-ae • • - x free ei{ t<>- <>t* tidteii.-p , H d re# hot pr* •• opo* the part# a « 4 r r l-Kjtrn" •' a • the ■ • • nd'i'l W h.-r. . ipial . . . *1 ' #»| j*,.- . , It »• » u# D# h'. rj and avl’l'y ir h 'i-,,. # •' I' , " 1 ' ' 1 re »■ r' pm fo* • > # *eaa*,f -»n "* pi* • . *: ***r - • . t. * . Dre uaw of ihe are . and nary sold ti# Josl.Pli V 71 RM y f * l • r* . ID ■ ' - I f i I.r '. • -• I '• 7 ' I I I! II 1(411 (TIM ||| lit PsVna^ou.V^ Sta "’ 1 " * V "- 1 " **"•«■* 1 . f! ilr.l. I ■ . . :* 'J *'. Ii il II B .1 all ,1-, , i ’. , j l.m I i- Xnna T' e i 'oii'roversy ber^r- Hug.'ica, Hlihop of N, » 1 lowat' —r #w edi'lnn. f lire Pui; ba : by Alexander ' n Senator Brook* and Jobu by i -n Cognac Bandy -1 S ca*ka Freuch Brandy -key .S' ibJibiini'r:.' ’’i T..*ii*i...n.iim.)c. When as, nenry h - - k will apply nt Ihe Court ol Ordlimry lorl.etter* -i <#,i*,r*li*aiiwlil|tof the person and property nl ,-urah • 4 mn g. These on , therei'ori. : • c e and admonish al wli- m H mv i • cern lo In-ami ;ip| ear Trelore aald Court b. maxu ntijiNHon i ii any Drey i . v •• y on <>r Ii,-lore lire flr«i Mon •lay in-epemP'r nexi.n.hcrw'iaa aald leliera will to gr.oii'-il XX (tin-##, John M M "vii. F-q . «'rdlnary of ChaDiatn Couniy ,th • nlfie'c nlh dav • I Ju >. Ie.4.4. Jyjp J* DIN 31. XIILLEN.o. r.c. id tip:* , 4o Ixnet lb 4o do i • 50 do I*. I 24 do Madrrthd" 4" || and S ' *•«» i in ll i 40 package- \ pip*- vj 1 4 pi pea llolland l*ln I pupehcnn rotrh IX I do Jam lea ll 4)1 bhi# Xnierti-ah Drat Oy I 40 X| Havana egxra list M Xmer.cnti do nne'h : bv auth >r ni lie’ •t e Hioldt-rs, do d oiiiurdian# do •' - ID".he*’* Keeper ; hy . nin.ui ; nr, llxrdtblpa i J-rse - I ' Jr •„ l *1 ’ Uf • ' ' " 4- N- and It# X lm» (Mieity Paprt- : «-> l nory of sw |;, er'and tUlam I'u'm. L 1. D. by If 7.» lo kee ( I.AMA IHAn-l. Tr*r-f lhei,em-'*l X»#*-mbly "f ihe s «!e --f Heor J'B, paa-e-l I- Mi.ledgevi le a' a Hieni.ial K#»:i-ii In l"Vt-4. Coni|dlcd and owe* added by John Ru h •rford. For aale hr JOHN M.0OnpF.KA CO A To all w Ipun.ilmny - r* I iL’TTf.H A'll CHKF.ap. x-l" »»ili» rhnlfx **'**hew I* Hui'e*. aiet I eawa fia* Apple «)*##*• ; rswwite*) pe# •«< #uiafcp Alabama, a#*d for ##re n* 1/ *9 _ CLAHHoRN A i l'NWIWHHAM |T Ai '7!V i .T|ih "a Rif ll A Mi* 74 i.hil# aide* and J * W)i».ulU#»# ti hale* and 71 k*f* |, a rd Nicaak* U#n' eai*a Mam# l.andlny aiwl fo, ••!« »*F a HOLU«MNH| , Ji.tiNei.N A • •• If *• H X' IIX X N f) ai 'ii Alt X Mm|# Haa*,w Midaa 17 hli-la lla 'Ml dip-Old. #*, ' *' do prim* N '» atijar ia eb.rv arxl inr aale by IHTAVI'* UOlir.N lf« W H Al'PlWU PAPPM Ju#l received ■ ga<#l •>#.,,c maul of (Vraiiplng Pane, amiaiiie #*•# and a,bar* tut aale at low prirea, a it Ire UmlMma .f e • aiMI.PV, if,' Mo 114 • oireroa* *• | H KffialPcK A <o iH4MPXf.SE Quart* and Pn*,#. Umlihg and f-re sole • t MINI" A JiiMMWT' N |l,f)M N'N'. xill.l. X 44 III* K EV 4 Urn >.*** t nut t ’!• nongabela kX ii#i i »' '•# -»i and for a* L hy • Hill fit » f • ii I' A i ■ pH IA I I |fl'T4 ' ' Ji. ...wi* V fl.wa# Prn.1# ya-e'ted *■ " • .-.'*> , p M midflUliidlk lAhAi* ( l»» O oTATP. of 0 KOKH I A, I n Wayiii- t o I Notice is lierehy given that 44Tll-aiii Irlrkland will spplv lo ihe i'"Ud ui ''nlmary nl #an| couniy lor mo appointment of gu-iriiini'#hip |or Id* minor broifn r# ami ai*-er«. lo an: l.ewi# 'irlifcl*"d, Henry strti kla ul, El * i sincklaiid. Margare'Strickland ami Ann uiilck- lamt i'Hihan*i'f Xaron HirtekIn# d.- e* eaveil. Till* ifuh day July, 185.4. 4".#i J X M EH IIIHIISMITII, Jy I'* ordinary pm n ui. V\ . C. M 1*1. Ik I a k it t oi Ik r S( ll I % i;> ( o, April a',-ril*« I Nod. Till M.aiai Barg -r f h XV v # T 7»a fc « { .xiiirigBke, hr. X ppe iriiig to Die • o m, tiy the petition of Die Mh- iu•• llvnk "f Iii -rg a. III.ii on Die lll.iQli flit ll dnv • i rt>r unrv, eight, en h'linlreil and Ilf )-three, ix yait XX . Starke and Harper * H*y# -n, ,-•• p timer#, d -Ii g bu*i- li «• under llo- lullie, at* le Him U'lll "I surke A Hrysou, •f the • 111111) ol i Im main.; mail" ihilr certain limru- -rv-ill ii, writing, called n ll:|| ol Lxrliange. <u wlilcti they drew ..ii llollia. Mn'be h t‘«, •• Sew York, payable to Do ir -wu order, «i viy day# a her *ig In llo-reoi. lor il e «il in --f onre'eeli Ihon* .lid, »e**ll liiliidr'd nml tweidy dollir-. * ti ic h fit 11 > I I xcli nge w.i* eod'iraetl hy siaike S ID*-on. and delivered lor v .due received in tl.# #. ml. the via*-ne Hank of Ueorgia, n"d oelng ncrepli-,1 by Du- • iid ll it*, 'ta-ke v i o. wu* al in "ir'iy pmaeidi <1 lor (lar-iii nt aiDiaircounbut room,and tuynient md fu-mg ■il4<ln liu same *,i reiuriied Uluierprote*l In tliaa#b| the Maroio Hank oi Xml D also apirearn.g .hat on Die iwentv eighth day of ry "f 'he aanie vear, Dre aforeMlil sla'kn h Mr.# ii -iri-wtheir -her certain lii*'IUmviil ku-*w I. taHlIii'f Lx i.vige. oil Hie af fi—aul llollia, f*(.vikr * l o , al Hurt) days afle* * gW. for fie anlli .1 • wein> -ui* Dvouxanil fl#whundred dollar#, p.yable to thcr-iwn order, wbl' ii Iml Hill of f.« hunge wa# al*>> en -or«i | and delivered lo the -aid, tbe 'larllo- Hank oi lii-orgiM, hy llie #| Hiarke h Hryaon. lor value reel veil, and the #alne heing duly arrrepo ,| hi IlnlM#, s nrke ti Co . wa# pr,-#««iil,-i| or |i»,in»nl. ami p*» ineot refined, and tire «i - e w#« renirnnd under protest lo tin: •• -I ihe M Dine Hank of Ufirgla. An i " mrih'-r appeal mg Dial the aforeanul VVv all \X' ■iia'ki-, ii order to #e-'ire the pavineiit of Die aforesaid Hid* of I.■change, und other bill* •' Ikecharader.and iron, le-tii*-n due h> i-1 in t" D*e aao| t tie Marine Hank'd UeorgU. ami i-#wto *e<ii'eihe fmDdul pay m-nl --f all nine* Iktrtnjitr to he dianiuuled by Dm «au| ihe xtarliie Hank oirteorgla, for >hn -nrnmmiid.t- Don -•( «ald 'Vyatt vX , -Utrke, ami for Mid lu conatd- er*D m of the «um "I It v dot *'#, to Mm paid by Dm • aid, lb" Marine Hank . I I.eorgla. illil. on Dm twelf-h da* of X pril, In the i e rone ih»u*iinit eight hunilred and flHy hree, make, execute and deliver in Die #n d thn vinnne Haut of <)••>.rgi*. hi# certain «l e*| of morl- gige. envayin/to th« aald the Xlarine Hank nf U,«d- gi#. among oilier pro|4»ny -all lh«l |d iiiailnn,tr*rl «>r p D- el of ta-.d, •Ilua'e. tying and lining In m-rlvt-M ' "ini*, m thnH'a'nof lieor’-a. rail-'land known «• vf iilry '* fond. Son ao.ln I lour I ino,taint irn-a, o* e«*. h nude I mi Do S.irlh hy -4«vann«h lllver. oft f.Dn-r VI I.-* h# | III la of J -ho n'lh. of Nlarke A Talent', Jo* . J* ii I Iii k. le-vell and oilier* . al-". nil Dial plgi laDon, | lr*rt r p-rrrel of land <ituale. lying and hinrig In Dm i a mi dy 4,-rlveu. dta'eof i.e- rg'*, known *• -t'aeki- j h-m 'i-oo aiiilng *even Dnnuand -•rre#. more or i b-i'ln 'e-| nn the N-irh hy Wivannah fllver, on I he oilier • * -I"* bv ItrUr reek »i"' hy land* of Ilr, *atoti. and of f|.-rrv lirannon 'he other real *aiaia named In #aul -n D'g ign dra • aaf lyb g and iretng In ••id rnunt) of ■rivm. And It further appearing iha| aftar Ihe ■HI -h of the aforesaid de#>d of morlgagr, amt on Die '*«m nf «ahtmortgage.and In - «naeqo»nee of Die mn u "rtoff re<| by |herlan#e in Ihe *a'd deed of mortgage ih»t I ah-otld «eciir. ’ a" ant eve*y ole ami not* a'* n-reaf-er "lo be |||#I - -I'l nl ' hy lire aalif. ihe Xl a rin n flank -.f Georgia, f ■» ' he a*r--m,n<Mlalloii of lb# aald Wye" VV "taike. Do-#ald.'he Marine iianh ol ».e-o g- ■ 1 1 l ..n 'ha thirtieth .1 |o June, elgloeen humirid *"‘l Of' > h-ur, dlwo'lhl fo* *#hl W*atl V4'. *'a*be. a rede ai nlirelr day*, hi* the aum oi if* ee Ihoiiaaml d-d >•". an I on dir lwent, .i|il*i| day "I Julm of the (inie • *•-*'her note •' nliml) oar*, for iwetil|-||ve hum tired .|-di#rt,and ■>" the . wenty k«i|ul day of July ol Die <•'"** yea- another note at nine y day# for the aum of d*e <iin-i#art<l dollar*, a,><| mi Uia «* yen'll day nf Xu g'i#l-d he tame •••< a re'fmr rtola at nioa y daya for »hr • on rihrec ih..i|#«>.d dollar*, and on Die day • n-t ♦ *• r a» -iher for the *n-n of two iho-i#ai.d dot • ra *1 I, o*dy .I*I a an" r, the i wehllelh day r.f Novem •r , il/n-eeii inoi-l'ril *.■■•! A"y foil#, amoher oole (.,* he • im of i went|-fl< e huMl-r'l dollar# /ti.A M a,. pea/itiv t ibe f our' Dial <he#e U allll due and o»l.« lo 'll #ald Die M»r Im U#..k of Deorgl*. , H II# I arhaoge, ai'd • ..|.l pi. uil## r> note# h* , r'i, fl|»at m of forty »•••*# i•<•••••###«<(, m«*e lianilmt an t *e. eoty -Inr dollar# and #l#i, , eo reii'#, .flout ihou#eiwt and ii'ny Avedollara and elavao rent# Vtr lu *re«l Or Ihe dale of lid# rule fl |. IUr.rrh.renr dared Ihfl I he aald Wyall W "larke •In oa* lii'ii It"# * 'let. hy 'he 1)1*1 iley of -he mil term Iberertf ihe punripal o'a#e*' and , nai# Hu* on aeiil Kill* of I arhant* and oii#ald nofe#, | Ue e-oiirary , D a' I he have.l and l>,ai «.n ihe failure nl *at>l VX’ | all VV atarfee •>'In r|n the e«|*#«t y nf rrilan,|i oi'i to are) lo Mid mortgaged pramlara t*« h.revar Varsert ami f i,*reIw#e<I Amt m i# farther ordered that Ibis rula Ire putdlahed e one of lha otiilla gage,lea of Ihe I'lly nf M .Vaiioat. •''•re - in .nih fr*T four rnoldh# or • ropy ikeeerd aer *e,i •« I'a#.i| Wyatt W etwike, f»f hla ai-er tal ag»m •••"»"*» el leae* Inrea M«Niha pfevluwa to (Aa Beat ora -D l*ila'’.*afi Aran fane l*4X A l»"r eairar l from the Wienie* (pni vi, ia*c MMMI N ll M H ABFN, (-lad,*0 hr -.* A l,avf fia ei'g a 4iwn«|t.