The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, September 06, 1855, Image 2

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SAVANNAH AN. THUR8MAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6. iBftft. TH£ SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. pueuann* »» ALEXANDER & SNEED. Illy •«< ('•Mir Print*r*. PmtHfUM *f OMMIei. Th* o—oeRlto Rtmi, I* 4oa$Ho *T all m ik and falrna«k«MNl*M »• roue tta*lr broadside# .deal Tli* flaw fark rr***«*Uara *•« th* AiwlHlalraltoa. At tha la'a Statu •.invention of iho Kraaaoll or rL ®"'%.9.?«» oeNOt i «xr* aumyiaiaibb t**ka el iba American party, and | s««ft wing of tha Now York Democracy, tha fol to arraig* tkam for oplal'toa do out hold, ami , lowing Ntolmionn wore adopted #5 00 „ A on *o ..»» .. 4 on .. t **• ifouv. in adranoe.par annum II not paid taadraa^o.%•••»»•••••*• Daily, in adraeoa. Kir all motto... • Tri- w*aaly. la ad*men,par amram. If uotpatdta adraaaa........... Weekly. Hi variably ta advaaon... Wr.lT.ul** MW.,11. OTwOg SAVANNAH, OA. Thursday Morning, Sept. 6- AM BRIO All CANDIDATE Wt OOVRHN'iR, GARNETT ANDREWS, 91 Wllkva. PUB COKORRM-HRST DISTRICT* S. M. VARNADOK, lor okfaeta they Kara lima and again disavowed I ‘Haaohad, That wo regard tha organization «l It la aNacad that *a daolara war agaiuat a largo I band* ot armed hordorere and thair imruaaion into obrWU. d.nomi.iiion of ill. ...unity, .ml uch to I} •»')"»r "'ft*""*. »**> •• *•»(! /"• , hui for iho turi'ftil* auhvaraion of iho nahia wl (* At, ATI At August With i MM. r. EdiioraParmM me. through yonr col* unma, to call Ilia attention of iha Port •office De- Tha peat I** »r ibrra years havo boon a critic »l ■ariod lo tlila imp«>riant mi-iaai. What uuy i>o Said ol Georgia tn thie r**|MMt, <a i«»- m .iu ur loaa true ol all Hi* 8 •uiliam Hutu# wimi,. cm MECHANICS SAVINOS H ANK. aTATRttK^T RMOIVINO TIIR 4 <4*1)11 |ON Of THIS MKollANH ** HAVINOf* HANK. Af«t:BT ll, fcy 1.1 A l» I I. I 1 I K B . HKf'iiKi. r. a. proscrKM iu namaara on 'Mount ol inair religious , „ ., rolori| nnly „ , violation ol thu belief—chat wa have departed from iho lagUimata i .,f thn Union and ih« nghis ol the commaoH. - epbareof polilieal aoilon. and sought lo inlcrfarn I salted, hut as distinctly auhvareivo of iha intent of patlniatii lo alow Itnportani lacia, In which tha ^i^j'^JI^i'vyidant that iln* manufacturn «»l rouon, people ol Harannah and Florida are alike daap'y Bt |«ui Into iha cursor and muro ■imida l .hri. a intereeird. ] wi« on do* for to bo aa brie! a* iba ib<> legdirnaio business hr any sifj. ua . aim • ! ooHio occasion will allow • lhal ,h ‘' cu ‘ l,,,, » ,, »‘»tera mav p «•;«*. proYldrd ihn , _ . - .. .,i-i.Bi k.t same can bu inailu pi* lifotilo (Jnduuhfoill» the In the ftrat place,Iho Poet-office D«p „ jpmmiy " ol Georgia i* well adopt, d,in nvety Nile. In (‘Ircnlailon i.'aphal m.» A pant In .. Il'la In Ifo.ibA .. Pintlt ami Ma enra l Fund . I'tu*#.* Arcotint IihIiti'fual Danonl'a... Havings l)apo.iia J4.**0 41 t l. it,44V a. IM no 41,1.14 JO it»«; *»-ei.ina 4o , Coniiraa*. aa declared In tha bill organ'iimr iha li ia in ••tn .k.i tkn Amnflcan nariv 1 **'" larrltnnea, to leave iha people perfectly tree It ia In ram that tha American party > |o , urm tnd ru|Mlla|0 , hoir oWn domcatio inatn.i In tMitat* that raat aiolualvely between man and hla Makar. oi i.ikonr T* Plaairra ••'»» lector*. Oar acbtcn^eia hat# placed ua under many «.b liganuna hr artnlmg «a reliable ial.>rmation in »«• gard In the greiriaf cropa. I ho gram crops are •owniAtfe. and choc rum i* rapidlf maluroic — *Our Invade, therefore, will do ua and the public a fori her favor; by informing ua of the present con dition and prospecie uf the cotton crop, and of the nee barveat. Aiarrlcau >oiuli**4l*»» In Ik* ElRblb DlaDkl ibe Natloaal C*n*aauoa, the higbeat tribunal id iho party, have declared thair determination to protect " ail eftitcM ta th* fegai and proper oxer cue of thair civil and rcllgtoue nahia and privilu- , ‘ aud that they Vrare oppoaed to M tlmae only who hold civil allegiance, directly or indlrcotly, to any loralga powar, whether civil or eccleaiacitcal,' in vain that tna American party of tiaorgtu, in thair iaM Coavaotion, M utterly disclaim any inten tion to preecrtbe a relig.oua tost aa a qualification for officein vain lhatfthe American Counoila ol . Savannah ha,a declared in the utoai solemn form, and published loft he World,(hat they "do not rerug mm aa a dortnna of thotr political f<atih any oppo sition to individuals own way, , . Union ol iho United States, and that all the power „ ul the Federal and Tei mortal Governments should _ ln» c a cried t" redress these outrages and ir> vindi cate the rights ef the people thereof "RrmuIitil, That tlie I'cmocracy ol thia tyam will faithfully adhere to nil the compromises «.l the Constitution and inaiulatn ell the tesvrved rights ol tliu States They deem this an appropriate ou- caaien to deolara their hostility to the egtanstun »*f Slavery in Free Territory." This Fratsoll convontioa adopted the following resolution also: Ktaolmd, That the national Administration has our Iteaiiy cnmnirience and commendation in l.a iiineagunivnl of the public finances, in iho uxor ci«o ol the vote power to protect the Treasury lr*«m ticing made Iho spoil ol spcoulatiirs, and lo arrest proposed to give ua a aeini-weekly null Irom 8a vnmuli and Irmii Charlnaton. The Savannah boata aie rcgulai,prompt and accommodating •<» the ul* moat ul ihmr aiolny. The mad by ilium ta rarely #v«r behind limn—never wnhuuia plausible ex* cues. 1 lie mails which are due hy (lie Chsileetun hoela hardly ever come iu lima, and wlo-ii iliey do, ll ia oplional with iho officers ol thehoale whether they are delivered oi not—eoitiotlinee they at u kepi from li to 15 houis at the wliari becauau the l*uet- master ia unwilling to lake off hia Iml, how, and ask it hia lordalup, iho commander of iho Charles* ton Steamship,will hs so kind as ti allow the clt|- xciu to ruct-ive ilit.h mull niaitur immediately, nr shall they uwmt his lordship's pleasuro I The P. M. has, it is true, rufusnl lo deliver tho mail beluie thu hour prosuribod hy die schedule, and this is the ground upon which they pielend ih.*y ho<d iho ..n .vvi.uul ol .heir »nJ ri "' ,l l''' l ’“ iii.llih. I..1 mmuu. Um. K.liior.,,t •it...,, oi miv mi-ii .ll..I,.1,1 If avsiemol rigid aecnumahlliiy to which d sbnremg u ....... .» . . . ' . creed, nor the imposition nl any civil disability, | r * c "* sccnumahlliiy n -i lliu dupiivatn>n ol any civil rigid, on dial no* c -unt, Of for that reason;" and, linally, ll is in vnoi that Catholics, dicmsoires, fuvo approved our pnncipUa and objccla and nro co-opcmtiug wuh us id the great work of American reform All tliea# things go lor nothing, and are as air when waighed in the balance wuh party success. What nture can the Aniericun pariy do to repol these foul aspersions upon ua character and mu* Hr . privit. diw.ich Im oinni from , U tlioro oo let ol trull. I or .to .11 rule, moat,. »• lura Him lit. Ain.rlc.n C..o*«tntoo f'T th* coirrKtloii of tho ha man jo.t*m*ut *«l Auiuata, ws learn that th* American Convention bald ysstsrday iu that city, nominated Col La.ay •tie Lamar, of Lincoln county ss their candidate for Congress, »n the eighth disirnt. C l Lamar is a y-'ung man of hna talenta and •icelieoi promise, a personal chat arter above re proach and a bigh-i.'iied geudeutan. These quell* ficatious entitle him to the confidence and suftiagea of the American party of his district. DT Atieonon is calUd to the advertisement beaded "Nurses Wanted, for Noitolk." py We would direct tse attention of owners of cattle to the notice ul thd Mayor, iu this morn ing’s paper. _ ty Mrs. Nancy Johnson, mother ol Gov H. V. Johnson, died at ih* residence <»f her son, in Burke county, on tho idui uit., in the 71st year ot her age. «3TA cargo of new rice, the first of the t resent crop, was received at Charleston tho 2nd imt , Loft us C Clifford, L>q, P. o Pun. It consietsd ol 1350 bu»h*ls. aside and abolished, and all confidence between limn end inau at an end I The American party, when originally conatitu* 1 ted, and euppoited by an incnmideruble portion of; the voiera oi the country, contained features dial rendered it ohnoxtuua to ihe charge ol uppoeition, to die Catholic Church,not,however, aa a religious, but ss a political body Onguiating in die larger cities uf tho North, where that denomination had given practical demonstration ol iheir union on political questions, an op,using movement was neither unreasonable nor unjust. On I the other hand, all history proved, as wo a i smut nine since most conclusive!' established, that iho head ol that church, a lomgn potentate nod ' cfele.isalical ruler, claimed toe authority, jure I diriiir, in control the consciences of i.t niemhors I and to interpose between them and their govern- I menl in all the nations ol ihe earth. What is l more, this same doctrine had been i uhltcly pro claimed by ihoedimra end reviewers ot dial churcli in our own country. We then ask, can our Cath- I olic tiiends who repudiate it. and deny such alls* We see that ThomasTiernay. one ot tho citi J gmm-e, blame the American par'y for iheir oppo* Sena recendy manui.ciured in (he U. S. D'ainci | auiontn a heresy so anti-KefUhiican and danger- otlioera have liven hold, the acruiiny wi ll wlneli dolalealioiia h.ivo heon delec etl, and dm allltude nsMimcd in aui port ol die American nmiiu abroad, it* wi It aa dm important t root tot with foreign G >veinnionte, extending the system id commeictid reciprocity and freedom ot trade, are marks of uu r.onoat and Unhlul administration. Compare wid» this the following resolutions adopted June last by the Democratic convention ol Georgia: Kriotrfd Yith, Thai the democratic and nation ul principles declared and eel forth in the inaugu ral address nnd annual mesaago ol President Pierce, inert our cordial approval, and that Im isen* td'od to ihe 'hulks ol tho country lor hia enlorco- meul ot ihosc principles, in the signature and ap proval ot the Nubraeka-Kansaa hill, hia.taithtol execution o| die Fugitive Slave law, h'a various vetoes, and oilier measures ol administrative policy in cnntormuy to those principles." John Van Uuren and iho Freeaoil Democracy of New York endorse, in a round-ah 'Ut wav, dm Administration of President Pierce; Gov. Johnson and the Democracy ol Georgia do the anno dung l imy are both supporters ol the Ad...tnislraiion, and to that extent ut least, arc colahoieix Yet Gov. Jol.raon nnd Ins. |>erty tell tho p.»*.pin ol Guorgia that dm only Way to stand by dm 8 u'li is to stand by dm nation >1 men at iho North? H-nnd hia supporters are standing hy dm national men wiib a vengtMnco J It we* only n low months since tlmv denounced Do-kinoon and B'onaon u«d th* ir national Mipp >rters, wh le they defeuded thu President who mudo w ir upon them. Away wuh such hypocricy ! rather b ird dmt dll' cominuinty should sulfur in* convenience, heoju«o die t ap'.am and tho P. \) have hoymlily diasgreud. Tho commanders ol the Charleston vtCHiimrs, however, boast that they are not lo run here, but do ll ns a matter nl Rccoiiiumdallon, and mat die people should not lofip'l lhe*r obligati..o, dt.*. N.*w, die people o| thin coiiiumniiy are not content to be dependent upon thorn tln-y supp *ri nnd it becomes iho interest ot 8uvnuiirtli busnivss men to sut Iheir lo-sds toge ther lo rein ‘dy this evil, and they can easily do it* by plucmg an Oiitaide steamer on thu line—a good sea boai.l.r ns you ar« aware, iho Charleston steamers • up country •raviitial parttculai, to itus busmen*, and important ie»pec , to Wit. ill a mild slid iipiah!" clniisto. It has go al.y Um udvunugu o| .my Soldi- oiu or Kasteiu 8tsio li lias ilien>b>re aemiied m many wise and publiu*apiiilnd men at lliu hoinh, that lh«r« must tin lip* Hill* lliiie.a in Bpinumg foi Ion Ul Georgia whoru ll grows, dial do r" la m grinding wheat in i.ur own “ Ueneaaei- Country in either case, saving the ii.mspoiiatiun by imai- llig the tiulda wlneli produce the taw m..t.*rmi. They have thought it aa poor economy n*s»nd co|lon to die N'.nh in to- »pun and biough’ hacK. at iheir exp* nso.ln die ali-ipu ol g*i<>da, as n would bn (or thu Cniiuascu lanm r lo send Ilia whost to . the Sou ti lo be gr >uud, and sunl Iu* k tor til-* o n sumpilun in thu vhape ol Hour With aurtm qua i til's11tips, this whs undoub'cdiy lliu collect view lor them to take; and it w-aa this sonsiblu idea winch originated dm liianutuciunug interest <d (•eor«ta,and lisa uourialmd n until it length dm very largo auiouijt ol capital ul stake temJcis I'B 111 auccesa u Inaitor ot sernma cou*l<lora'|oll. Al ibis Hum time are at»*»ut hby lactones m Ihn State ol Georgia, tioiim ol tuuiii email, illy Con structed, and Wotae managed :—" hers ol tb*. V* ry beat lliaehmery .mil construction, and aa" i*a , laetoin a ever huglit lo bo Aa tmloro statod, llio pari (Wo or thine years Imve been »"ry h-titi ur> •» th so laelories, so that at tins time •» iiumticr ol them arn stopped, others pactial.y so, undur c*r 1 cumslaiieca ol uiso .uiag' ineni so as !<• len der li very uiiueiiuin windier do ) will war »»- •mino operation* wphout a radical change ot own ership and management. ll is h pity dial ll slmuld he so,—lor. 811,111 Ir III tin* iulereais ol 1 hose who have invested therein wuh die hope ol honest gum, die stoppage 1 liu-u w</rkawid ho u public )»•»* J"»t *uch a io»s *is will he more de« ply lull and appioei-ted by dm public alter it shall havo transpir'd, than 11 would i*y Aa- tt-di • a.> sfi»a,si* i'*"i . .. lt"|.l IHlIuMl.ll.tll (Ol>l N-'itt ulsltf ; f«l*v . s , a "uj >« it, •uu. «t| a eat a*l*r •, and f sp. ■«•• Hans Appunananors 44 .77 * WAb et let 0 w,e7-»«,ll4 M*! HA ; •aa t ap«i) i ST A IK uf riKOMilA, I. NlTNlS Couaiv. Parsniially appesred, anbn s M-iuininiUri, I'**!. lar, who dapn«e ami «ay lhai tl.n t "injoiag .uun.,..« ruffe i u, A* i hiiowlsdsa ami i.alialx J<»|i> e. •fUATMOKLIff, H H. *V 11*1*1 A MS, CooklM. Owiirii Iu l.sf. ia fn* ) ! this til. Njpiemha*. IMS. ( t KHWAHlI ii. WlligoN, J.f. and VI 1 , Dlr*M«ri. g<>11M it. MONTMHl.I.IH, Hfesl.'nL JOHN K. WAKf). JOHN 9. TUCKUR, uht of mt(>lkhoi./ji:hm I* MKcin/fior $*»’/ •</* n i.vat. qX r/tr. «i*r .u/uut, iei; All HaaioaaTs nr rsi « iit »r e«vaa**M iHtisi . in,ti. mmis Jno. H. Muniniollln Jim F. lucSaf.. 1*. II. Wiiilarna.... Hiciiard llradly Jim F*. Ward Oen IV Wylly.. J V C*>nn«ril M || VMiiiams llllla-rt lliitler.. . Jim. W Anderson. Ja* K lisinlry . . K. «*. Wdsoh . .. ti-u j 11 H m , 1.1. Ua’r.. 00 W WmelUfUl*# l .'J | Juo || i..l,i.woi .. 110 ! II J l*.<kef»..l. Vi 1 in. 15 I'- * V* i>» <wa; .T2 Inside and nut, and by carrying the mails at their ,l, . c, ‘. ,Me * own couvt-uirnue, and la ling ihe cnixens they do it aliogeilier as matisr ol accommodailvn, dto. There nn those um *iiv> ua who deairu logivethn proleretioe to thu Savannah Him. 'Iliey ieul under ospecinl obligaimu to Capi Kmg ot die Welaks, who has siood by them under evil aa well as under litvoruble eireumslaiues. When the eito-s <>l Sa* vniinuh and Ch ilusi in were alike visited by iho scourge ol disease, nnd our connexions thereby interrupted, L’.ip'. Kmg, regardless ol cvoryihmg el**- but law, continued to p.*rlorm his duiy. They remember ilicse l.ictw with le*-linp,s ol gratitude, and it it were pos-iMo tor (hern to (I" •<* without largely sacrificing thuir nm-reaia, b**ih Im and Ina boal, would receive llio pnironage of all who are work in tbeTviU'h, leaving nnmh g >"d Vet und .. . which Ilisy might do il iliey had pioapc-riiy 1 it* y* of tha Hram have, in common with Itm Kailruada, diverted a proportion ol uaplial Irom die hu«in« a* ol planting, therc-hy helping to limn th« production ul cou.11 to aoiimihmg like 'he wniiia *d ihe w .(id, - •■ihrr* w iau the crop of the Southern S ale* mighi fi-»v« reached 4,000,tkHI bales per annum, aelliug a' 5 Ceiila per pound, instead ol 3,000,IS IU ball sal <0c per p*iuud Tliuy liavo mcrcajed U'e c " isump'i -n ol cotton by bringing into Uv.o a'.y ma ot cultn good*, such aa oSHM"ulg«, baj- an I coning. . m t n pmie o| linen amt hemp I »'*•> 1,HV ' •• -rce-i into active eilip oyiiH III, and lilt- 1 Something like diaci- pline, av ry unroty and unpmluctivo . 1 a **l white p •pulation, wh", when idh*. nr*-, t" a»y 'be least, no friends ■ f the plainer Jlmic ar** »>oW pauper*, l" ep«Hk ol, in any cuiity *d G.n.rg a where a coiloii U.-iory exialt. By Ho* children «d am b, lacorua preserve their paren 1 HOAIIIt ur ii»;ai.>m- Ssv«aasN. Hr|»u-iub*-r 5, iv.^i. At a wseXljr mminr *.l tha Hoard, pn-s^n' M • H*j k- i liar, • haifinan, Mr**'* •*sllowa», llavanp*»ft, Wail . «*i'a**n», V I Cols, VVelisp.*, n.,*ii«. rail. Ha o.l. I.awrenrs, MHb-r. Curmlhers. (ia-Mtry 'V *''irf. Fiiworald, Naylor, Mlscally, U.ois, lieriiis. Tbuoiaa, ilarrie, fllalr Rrpofiof Inlermanlsln f.auref Omre Crroeifry for the »e*a eiKims a. pu-mber 3, lew. Wm > IlieiiB'd ou, I y«ar and 6 monlhs, IN hooping Cough, Havoaadli. BLSl B*SSP CoLofeSD A'shella earner, 4 years sud 9 tuon liB, Inflataation 1£r Cnkoowa ttvgro nan, fouad drovitwl lb havai tab W’" A P.10RI.AV. K.-'pcr LUC Report ol Interments tn iti« l sUiedral CWrtff f-r thr m i rk i nil'ii j s|.t*mber 4, IW Margaral Mc«>ul«), *» year*. Hlllloii* I e»* r. Marini f'arral, 3 1 ,o,r*, llllimu* tevr'. Ifr'a'H Mr, Martin farml. 4U year.. ItillioU* t '»• ». In i*"d M.rm « tire«u. 6 year*, lufl*mstioiMit it .sms. Oijdo County. tin John Kurmns. I week, !«a*at.nah VS ill l'ougliuny . 4 . yra'i. H Omu* re'*'. I*» *»™* J A 51L." U s\ . kcayi-ri smcierj. a*iaril i LsTlua. 4VbItea, 7— Blnrks ar«J col"/r-*). t 7 • at 9 si J lit'CHNCR, Lt. u»n H H. H. A. T l.swataca,bac'ry ti. II. .'kls'l 14 I. Ofnn liotamss *t * -*>Mrs»i, r ttagauo. Uir. vrsy, tail. ( Al a iiiMi-iu.ij <•' tin l< .,M .|i./M(i/,ri ■ < *. | 'mtuptny i.C'i J'lflH-T 1 . I.vq , •«• »» r , a*.y apt-*nned Aver*l «f ibs ' <>npu/it • holB a I «■/'.;• P f ‘.ha 1 (.'.**.•»* 'Im.iUC t*» .|ff*»ol, J 1 'll s 11 til'ltl', K*; , la 'ha Ageoi s'. Aug .so ma) |5—If <J. M LSLlillU.S, m'yk /ra**. It ‘T is l*| | |(| ll.HT U 1bs I’h'U'lriphlk a. <J h*'« , i.»I. *t»i*i •h!p u.i r.ig. t (i-n*It soil Dry t» *-4t W 111 U« |0 ••),(• St*4 li '»tl • (wf cub e hjut, ‘-"f M r.tft r.isblub. C prior »*• J -ss last • ufO * A I. I. MMX, Agesi N«» ITS I lea me * ISI.l.iKt will l»j oj, Ur he fivrs itS* r i.vr i 4»oo u-.ilee #i . I.AFFITK4I*. 1 n v • t if imt in soul*) Wav interested 111 tho opposition linn < w<|1 , It m u y he o-tiuiaied that during Court, ot this cuy , been s ot to jail tor drouk •nnesa and disorderly conduct, and fur ill-ucal msiti of his wife It will b» r«uicmheit-d ihsi ho : wa* arraigned belom the M^yor the day alter he l was admitted to cuuonship, on a somewhat • mi nus, and which they, ifminselve*, condemn 7 As time rolled cm, and th'S q<iesnon got tube better underem id, it became evident, that, whstev* er a few profess, the large b* dy of «*ur native Cs'holies held to no such opinions, and wore *a hr ch ..«*, »ml th.t lie w„ u .111100. to elotct.r . , e ld , „ , 0 b | d und j ud , c |„„, the elective Iranchire that he procured a certificate of rsgiatiy in advance of h<s natural ixuimn 1> I* ( of sooti matsrisl th u one ot ihe great parlies ol the day issnxiuua lo manutaciure voters and office holders. sumption,— that they regarded themselves »* i American freemen responsible in all temporal af fairs 10 the constitution and laws of inetr own country,and an«w..rab!e l*» n» other power. W*ih this distinct repudiation, the solo c.iuse n| opposi tion to-the Am- rican party tell to the ground, and with it that opposition * etsed. Native Catholics, to day, may have every qualiHuition for memb.-r- slpp in the p«ny, and are en ill* d, sra-rding to their merit, lo the highest honors it can bestow. Instead ol opposing, we wouidi’checrlully wel come (him lo our ranks, and to u patriotic co-ope ration wuh us to protect tho Country ag.iiust Ho* evils mat threaten its mtegniy and poicc.. They profess to think with u« on this quest.on, and .ire Atlanta Medics:. Colleoe.—At the first annn* J equally alive to the dangers that beset us iroin th,* ty- A Meeting of the 8'ockholders of the Muse igee Railroud was held in Columbus on Monday |aet. Th" question ot me amalgamation of that run J witn me South Western, was dls- cusseJ, but laid "«tr to a M* cling lo he held l««r Iba: purpow, on the Sih of October, lt is most provable that a unun will bo effected, lor which good reaoooe exist besides the interest of the Stock • holder*. nl commencement of this iQs<itutn<n, the 1st, 92 graduate* were awarded diplomas. IVrBAM County — Ihe American Pariy o* rum-III county b is m.-miastcd Alex. 0. Harrison for tbs Senate, and au-phen U. Marshall and W B. Farrsu for the iit.uae. U gionafid lore'gners that are nnnu illy cast upon <*ur shores; let them come forward and aid us.and lisi< n nu longer to the infl«mmalury and iruih i-a np* j p-ala ol deni igoguoa who seek iheir suflfag. a tor th-ir own aggrandizement, and lo hut'd up the I 'Token fortunes o| n doomed and effule party. Liability of llallruads. The A. V., .tmuucwg I'oim-nHwii _ J ••• . —sw*k(a*wni|MRf^*v^T-titiiivn . 4*y, Ihet ihe Supremo Court ol Guorgia, al its ru j American party of New York adopted nt ih»•• cent term at Du*-*inr, mado a decision ia a esae I Slam Convention at Bmghamion. Though they carried up from Brn» coumy,.n which um ru'n is aetded, as t*> the aoiouni ot diligence winch nee. ssary to orolect railroad oompimea from Im- ; they tall short <*t what ;he S* nth had bili'ti* f »r injnrn a done to property by tho running ‘ olythcir trains. A* me decision is .• minor ol imcr •si and important " both to ilia Railroad Cuiupa mea ol ih* State and lo the public, the ».|iior ol the Messenger prrcurel, ior publication, the (allow ing extract Irom th.- judgment of thu Court: "Macon fit Western Railroad Company Jao'f# M. Davis, adm’r, Stc Ths Conn errud m uistiucung tha jury that con ductors end engineers al* bound to use ih" unnuar ekdi and diiigcm-e t * prevent s<-ci<len s al cross ings. and thai for ihta purpose they musi so nrranae Iheir engines end trains as iu he aide to ehr-ck ur *t"p ‘hem al all rpi-singa, a • as to prevent c«*||i eions—H being tha "pin'on ol iho court that ihe true anti on>y rule m this and all similar caa. a is, that these agents must use rea**>nabl>< diligence, taking into Consideration t'l th ■ cTri-umsiaticea ol ike case, and that whmhcr th« partv ha* been neg ligent or md, depemis up*m the peculiar (acts o' each particular cm*> ; and ihn question is lo b- deeded by the jury, ll is farther the opinion of this Court, that notwithstanding ihe plain"fl may not he without lau't, anil if the injury could h-vo keen praven'ed in the axcrtise of proprr and rea sonable precaution, ■ >n ihe pari ••’ 'he defendant, | w* auppoae Ihe Court «o mean,) and was n*.t,ihu 1 deitfodant will ha liable." The Plaintiff in Krrnr wa* represented by C. B Cr l" and E. A. St J. A. Flabel—'he deb-ndant by ; 8 T. Bailey. d > no' justiiy iho reports that have reached through th- Trihuno and other onpo«mon pap* ra, right to xnet t Irom iho Amnncan party ol the Kmpin state. Aitho same tim n ,th'V pnbably cn un as much concetamn to ihe puti'oc pence and har mony as can be had Iroin any considerable body of the nor.hem people in tho proem, d Mato ol public opinion. But we nro no apologists for eru*r, nr tor ths* unnismy tiuudny that yields lo popu ; lar olamor and foils lo c *m*» up, on all occasions, ' h Idly and squardy to tho full measure ol patriot* j i*m and duty. Our views upon their action ar«, (wuh a slight exception, having no practical mnrpjuM now) con cisely set forth in the foliuw ng c<*miuonl winch wa copy from tho American Organ W» c**nh'se soinn disappointment al thn res lu- lione upon tho wubjfi-t o| slavery adopted a|^> mg himton, but find i tem, upon the whole, not so bids* represented by thovo Ah *liiiuni ts who telegraphed that ihe Convention "had "thrown overboard ihe l’hila<lelplitv plait *rm " Wo li id apprehend d > d -tmcl r«p.,di t on and an auiiauon j agamst tho ex* mg law H»i tho Convouiioii ; comemed thcniselvca wuh denouncing ih» |.»w* m ikers, an i ex|ireaaing ihuir piumn that e, r- tam retulle ihould not follow from ho obnoxious uni' ton nl. ll ia much gained, after the Democratic Free- soil p’edg-- to resist "wrh uncompromising ho# ti'ity (he '*(« nsion of nlavcry" tnd the con*rq*«'fi( agitalt n I " be apprehi-nili «1 If fii nn li n practical c uise—that THE Ami ricans at *n Do I N..T rs* ro*E To advocate mi or the tx- j ISTCO LAWS, o« To TAKE ANY ACTIVE MEASURE "F Icgisls'ion whal*..*vcr. Noithcrn ncuirnlny up n I rout Kan*sv, li is said that Judge Sfirore, recently diamla-ed frnm office by ihe President, has wrinena Inter lo Mr- Coshing, A't* rm y General, in which lie aiaic* he has not viols'ed a single law of Congrcstor order of ihe department, and ih»'. Im is eantfi'-d that h>a rase is prejud c*d. and that hia removal ia decidedly on 'he gr und* of policy ff n also a«ys ! *Hiw point is something gt'md, wuh such a f um that, by the 27th section of the Kanaa*-N.-br*.ka ! dablo organllaiion aa cxis's against the peace of SO 1 , ho hnldt ofKo -for four mart, and give# notice thet he will resist ihe Action of the Preeiden 1 through th# Courts. Th# I •#! number fthe Squatter Sovereign doubts ihoc'unliy Thu Convention is how'aver eubjcci iu a criticism lt should, in tlm prcs-nt crisis, have done *omuHiing mom. They will maintain ths "Union »nd itacomproniisos *' They will ca ll* reliability of Governor Shannon in regard to I dude all sectional doctrines; they will not permit the slavery quest" The following Idler lo ths N. Y Hsrald it from • member of ihe K uisas Legislature : J. G Beooeti, Esq — Judge E'mor* wrl resist, "r ru her contest, the right ol ihe PrastU* oi to r-move hmi Irom uffi.m, upon ihe B "end liial he h-s been appointed lor ktur years, and csnn-.i be lemoved until that nme •gpjrne. Th# greet question la now waamg very warm m this pan ol (he L'o lcd States Tim pro •!*«. rv ....I- M . 1. 7 meo era luHy deirrmln.d l*. carry the question Ihw Territory, even si the point ol the baynei ih** Amm cao name I" bcempl iy#d Pi impair ihe (ighisolthr Slate*. <*r m l.m;cf thn parjieioiiy ol f ihe Union; y«t ihuy aHm st foil inf" this tiap *>f 'lie ! Abolitionists, hy d"cl.*rmg that iho sectional rlmni* ol "nu scemm ouahi to be repudiated nl'o- gether ll is »rii« the resolutions condemn iho "ri i g oal introduction of obnoAiwus legislation 'I hat j they had a right to oo. T'U«, iliey do not rrem , m*-nd the agitation of repeal o| that legislation ; but why not havn c*>me out and aiaunuhmi ihe O* sfi.|f* i Thera ia • much m *rc sen us condo her* than th* peop'c generally imagine fr»m a certain knowledge of the facia W.'* prepared to d*len I ounwlvse in every way that C rcumeisnceemay require Y-ure, i wound - l sectional aifild Why not put oil ihe i*.ur w If TIBBS DxowpeoMoMTiit PxEtarriftfA**." -Dr. Brown ton, in Ids review | ,r 1(414. taye Preefiyienana "am Hot Christians," P(*«hyieriane are compledy nut of tiM Rtfl* of Christfondom f" "They have un«hn* mqnei nf n<>n invention and non-agdation 7 Wny I S|M>ak 1 murmur and maunder ah -ill ihe paal action of ihn admmitlraimn, when the iruo qoutae would have b,-en to condemn iho ad'imueiraiion and maintain tho law." Santa A SNA AT Havana—Wo take the fol lowing extract Iroin a letter to iho Nnw Orleans Picayune Havana, Aug 2*4, IS5.Y Tho ("rearenl (dlf having been ilefoinrd lo lianiEad ibetn>el4*s hy seerriing ihe invalidity of I •«•■>■ ihe arrival of ihe Ge..'gn Law | ( .-m A*piu Csiholle baptism/' Ate Ate We trust our friends ©f th# Presbyterian lai'h will be able lo survive Ihi* tembl* •scommuni«aii"n Hsaith nr New Yo»* afd Boston —Th*m vers 54k death# u> New York leal we«k, ami 94 In Rapt. Judge Cftldl, m# a«<h»r nl Cram h'e Report, ©ted et Wealdngtmi eiiy Haturday, egad Il4 Here* eeivsd hie appr.mimepi filly )<ars ago from ihe •Ider Adam*. Tns Wsnux • **a It'o. J M * r , n <be Whaler •tou have found a vc,d,« *, |llr B., l|l|d •nd Curtie. FoUemnexs in tor Amesp an Cinaa --A wrtur make* the following calcufo'iou Chicago, M'lwsokm sod Hi L'*ui* have It ma . jor *y «d foreign Inheblianie , Cincnnaii. D-"ou Sbd New Orleans, hate ftearlr ss many I in*igi, M 00'iv# horn eHttene New York aounte some loriy or fihy ihoumud more nellv«# lhan foraignere, While Rerun, N*'**ark, PhiladHloloe and §. •Il'eh#*• about •»•>« foreign irepfeni »wn n»* lives The proportion of I •reiguere dwelling In wall, I alii afloided ihe opp r'unliy of anti | to y II Ihe arrival hr ft* of thn Mi’AiCan war a earn era Got! Inirlniia and Guet'or", ihe lorim r ba»'Hg Gen Sari la Anne, lue wile and lanil'y on iMiani I They hid foreweil in l>u»* again on Muoday ■ morning, in lh« small eu-amer Guwrrern 11 •• is un t dnra'oorl io have iiil'-ral -d lo prone-rl first t. Hi | h 'ina*, rmI IroilHlivnre io Carar-a H ha* >'(i / 1'ieGrn (ruiidde sicario'r her* , If* did n •• *.n •horn, aiiho'igh G-o f. m-lia writ «n mi.Ih tin 1 campon board Ills elesmer to congratulate In 111 upon hi* **!*> aifiva 1 , end lo ii.vne him lo un on ehors, the ats'c tern-g" bong el tin land, g l fore lo frielv# him I l.a ilaughuy and l.o j li.iid were ihegu<e<e r*l I * o Yligunl ,1 f' p.r •odin twruiv l*»ur hour* Han in Anna, 1 und r ! •'■nd, "If* rot io h>*n mr.aiu uivrchanra *f line . iiy ■ large eorrie ol money, hut It* demai-ilrd a logb-r ( (afoot miur-S' than Iflvy lo t uui iui} l<i pay, nd I III* t,|f»r was Coos* quemly n il alCSpfod. Ho ? r**a Kansas — I he Wonn«trr (Mass , Hpy ih»i a forge pant ol |uml>eMriau in various pat's Maine er* oi«k">g arrehgemnnis to mu grete the coming foil, In eese-m to imminence ope* raitove e«riptn lire winiar [Dorrespo'i'h-nce »• iho Pavannab Repubt.can ] Tlie ,5«H I*.i ee«-tig rr Depot al M «**»•• Macon, 8upi. IW The new General Paeserigcr D*pot .«( 'ftia place it lulvi.ded tu ncuoipiitodatu the this*' It “I* r*>.ida, abu'.img m this city, vix; Tho Ci-uir-l Ruilmad, tin* Soiithwu«t«*ru K.iilioad, and thu Mncuii 4 Western Railroad. It u looted bu ll cen Fourth and Filth attests, an along N "tb s de of Plum streut, and occupies two ucioa of gr.'und. 'J’he building, of brick, is 370 foot long by 100 lout w id", mi l consists of a lare hull and n '"<*• n oy building Ironting on Fourth street. The '.ill (••r ihe reception nf the Piwiigir train* ul 'll*’ loads is 325 'cel long, 87 lent wide in the rear, and is covurrd with n projecting truss root 100 It wide from oaVi* to vnvo, loinnngau itch ot 15 it i ,-u Oil lop ol this roof Uluru ia a veolil«i>'f bightcen f»*ut w idt* by unit) f»*«l high, closed wuh Bilcrililu Saab ui.d blind*. This lull contains ihice In* ks, t*nu lor i acli road, enluiing tin- bund lug IrnmFii li sifmt hy ihruo arcliu*! d .urw.iya 17 (cut high hy 14 l.ut w ide, and i*xt* ndmg mm h f *i 3p0 hot. JJuiwicn tliosu tracks, tilling up thu V 'CO hiUWi-i n them and lliu eidu wa.'r, thov ar,. loin pluilurm* filiet-ii lest wide, wiufot oinsiih ol ill* .«e-ido w .il i*, undo; llio pi Juctioiia ol thet ml oil both aidrn o| thu had, ar** piHil 'im* *4 Iu* i fi 1 inches wide. Thu height n! the side-walls *1 this Inli i* 2J 'eu , and on cadi side I urn aru tw,*nty niched d**oiways l>* Ic I high a"d V lcr| wid*' I'ha i.vo-siory (mililmg at the wcet end of iho hno *s 15 fact l*y |PP foil wide, and la outered from i 1 jurth *tre11 hy |w., a'cn doorways 61 |»ci «ld n r > J'- I.*"' high, ul*'Wi-iJ w iih str**ug in n gales 7 lc«*l liigh I’ll* lower s'orv f« divided Jmt • ten spirt inonta dceig* < <! as wai'mg loomv fur ladm* a'*d g n''wiii' ii, wash rmma, biggag . rooms, p r • r ns, lick* t otfi e, cc, whilst lliu upper a*, ry c u'aina a hog" dining saloun, *J7 f«*s*i long hy 'JH Icet 6 im-hrv wide, k'lchen, bar ro*mi, atom r "ins. 'io ni lor pumps and water lank, eic The doing i s-iloon has m arched celling and i# provided w nh ' a Urge hale'rny Inward# F’ourlll sires' A i’ •'•Vi*- mum bimri rt.-u* 84 loot wide ooiuiccis both »"iits, and is partly lighted fr*>m the roof. Round tin* building and closing in bcsidn it h a \ ird ol lUd Iciit by 420 h-et, a foncu wall ia put up, | surmounted 'awards Pmin and F"Uith a'rests by a str ing can p ii Iimico. 4 loci high. Tip* yard com municates wph Fifth and Fourth atrt-eis l a i .ugh ir «n gains )2 l«-ct wide, all iho room*, h i. io d yard will l*o ightnd with gae. Thinking y**ur readers would bo inier-^tcd to know something ol tho extent and rharnc'or o| . ilns fine sirtic'iire, l have ventured to send you tlie foregoing sketch ol it The architect ia >lr Aug Schwaah, who ia mio of the mo»t accoinpn-hud civil engineors and architeds in ihe country, n* * tlio Macon Depot abundantly demonstrate* Yoiiis, &.C., X FlUCDVI.ENT Passports—The Washington Union has a correspondence betwen the ll'*n J Y Mae •n, our Miiiisiit to Franc**, nnd th** H m W L Marry, Secretary nf Siaie, ou the eiihjec' **• Irandu'out pusaports. Tho Union prcfn*-* - the correspondence, by enytng that there is no I iw •ojihonzing or requiring any nffi.vr of iho t' S G'lVernmsnt l*» tssuo passports. It In*, how.<v,*r, been th" pranico ol ihu Secrola*y of Hfotn to i»-u*» ito*in gr liiutoiisly to every applicant « hose ritizen • hip wai known nr "Rlnhlished hy pr *n|. 1 i llio ca*e of naiiiralizorl niizr-ne, >he pri sonfolion ol tin- r"rtdicaio ol namraltzat'oii la reqn rod. Per*«*ns horn atirond, however, wfor may havo merely di-ctaica llo-.r iiil"iilion to hecoin" "ttizune, lie* quant If hiivu occasion In relurr> to Europe before (hoy hat" tea d*-d III ill" Unit'd Stale* long in ugh to anshle them to carry iheir intenoon mm i fleet pursuant lo i»w No doubt, most ol liieso P re me have an holiest purpose to cusurnmairt their imcn- Hon, end lhi-n lofo deem H hard tins; tliuy ■ mu i o'tfoin a pa«"p ft from this Governtm-nl. They do n<»l reflect, h .wover, ihm a passport iieuh«ian: ally s inure certificate ol citizenship, which ll * -'ii«l t»o a lalseho'id and a fraud for ihe Barrelery «»l Stale i * * give lo any foreigner who may have merely d"<*lared hia inlention to becomn a cit'Z n. In (hi* emorgumy eurh persona usually apply l > notaries puldio in ih" largo citloa, some ol whom havo printed canifp'aiee in a alp wy form, w-th* (or th" uani" o| ihe applicant, 'caidying to In* being an affi lafod oittznn *.f ih" United 8t ilea A high price ia rhargi d |**r those docuilionis, soil Ihu persons em king ihein are mih.cnd i» In.lovo 1 that iliov w ii| answer for paaapor'a In Eu'opo — I I"*, howi vsr, l* ii"t (ha fact, and ill" Dcparup'iit ol Slain In* me with complaints - I poraona who have lliu* In'*-ii Imposed upon, end who.nlim ih,* I i -uhle ■ nd i-x|>an*a ol a voyage |o Kiiropo, hatfn ‘■■und (horn** Ivca imahln to eur from thu j „tt wheroihry landed, and, m anme iiielanu'*, h>vn hrrn impii»"n> d andiroated aa dangorou* i (i.nac Pis I hrt lunar "I Mr Mason lo Mr .41 an*y, puhlishnd in Ihu Union, *p««k* *1 hia having rp.ioy •i,cli Ir ludnlimi p*a*poilaconnnual'y coming i.4»— h ie him, and ilia! tn***M"e ntlfhi to !•« ■ doplsd I" |"'l a atop »'• them Mr Mercy rcpllre it.ji ihcprui'ljr" ha* long bean p'ovalmi, ih-*l ill" II p*nm"ol has lahi'll every moan* In provviil it hy adVcriismg ill the |»a|»era Wsrumss |n thu pub lic, and oihiii way*, hut wiihoul Hi t I, and llnuk* that III order to off dually che* a it, an act n| (‘nus'eM. declaring it a |muiaI olloucu, will ho to Cliarlcat* I wish to drop a hmt and close my r-pistlo. It any oiio or more t.| y. ur innrchuuta will bo adv *"d hy uti humble individual like iiiyscll, and ailouipi .• iPiiiclr, H m i.J )»n fully in iho power pi your pa- p u to tiring ubom a wholesome return), and divert ihe trade "I :»|, List Flmida to Savao* nail. Tho plan would bi* as lollowa ; Loi one or more good r* spon*ii»lo men of your cuy cs'nblibh i windcaalo jiuru here, and send an agent llimegh the interior to meet und talk with thu planh ra, author z»-d to buy all tIn-ir dilibreot plod nec it ml liiri>i*h llnii) wph iheir *uj'plioB, al a email sdvanco on your own pnccs nt home, and d n* od be pay llu.rn in in* ney by dralta on )uur bunk*, nnd thcruhy Convinco ilium that Savannah can and will d<> heller by thein than Cliarleat**n is doing. This d"no, nnd the great huik of our irtde wid at once he lunud to yi urci')* A branch li'iU'O ol this kind wnl bo ahlo to buy 5,0lX) bales ol I ng co ion, and hn immense deal ot oilier pro dues,an m ih*t mam,furnish us wuh supplies of every de-cnpil *n—amounting hi tm* aggiogalv, to at Iimbi hall a million dollars per annuli). Thu produce ol tli'i s* CH "il is > t a VAiUahlu character and iv i.ipidly iiici' .ismg in quauuty. Not one* i* mil ot ihe £• *»d laud* > I ihi* country are in culti* v.i i*>n. Hlmit s'aplr* coii>»n will ;n a lew ycatt he Btucctaluhy pi .*iuccd on our pine laud*, which will yield ih'in lantly Hence, a' n > very distant diy, E *t>: Florida i* d«-su.).*d io boo .mo onu of the vvc.ilino el wen ms in iho 8 *nth, and her trade of »a> imp .iiaiico io iho c -miiicrcial world- But more am n. Y ors, itspeuilolly, J. A B lain senfCIty ol ll years, tliu lad die "if; .T| r. % rev ,• .««•,. Kr ia> ihn Tl**'lUa»nli<t laiirrpr m- J '* Acc* ulmg t • appointment. Col S 'I Narna* due, *>ur ■ "ml“*a t* I " V/otigrers, addie»«* d a large and eiithusia* u a*ecnii.|y ( ,| Aiiiciican cilizune al tlnsplauo **li '1 mdav, gihn. Mm speech Wa* a candid sia.eiiij-nl • *1 lucii and p.nn deductions llirieirom I""ioWa» n<> ailcnipi* al a dispfo uuher * i tancy, A"t, ur p iwcrs oi ridicule 11 im.iied iliu ant j* i.t in a •« n uv manner, ai.d Dot w.*rd escaped 'i *n 'hat w ■ disr.'l'Ul or even disc-nine lo lie "ci-ouenis **l ihu Ann ncm par. ly , i.' g. 'dot hi*,l rt!ioabuieandbltliugs- g lie that ih t>"> licq " i. >y v.nni ed I*-rill by many • I ill" p tricHsiera "I ih" d iv ia tiegmumg lo disguri ho pe*-p c We luii u ue u bright oinen • hal the nohle s..*nd.i'd Iwarur ot tie- Amorican pariy i• ■ 'll*' tl >' 1 ongti-m.- iiaI Divtrn l I* nO o lo rich ml ill*- pr'ii.-ipl* * iu a iv uale» w i-houl * lildy- lug ms t ponon'». C I Yainsd *" i« •>.i liislrieuds havo cia "icd him to Ou. l’i »*os d ol a strong and wen eniiivaled mind, th" «aav lie*dom with wh'ch tm iiiorj well be follow onz* i>-, shows Inn i i In* wtiHi lie in r* nhiy i*. a plain suhetamial turner Wmi d that uvery former m thi* District cou d have "ac me personally a* quaintcd w uh h>m |l 11 a tn* r ill hi B«* day* o| curiup im lo Imd uni* led in **i*o iu an eicli fine t* louts, such piniv ol char icter *md such s nipiiciy of oinin>*re. Whe ther ho H-cuivus A or not um Colon* I d.-servus ihe support ot thu pair|oi« o’ Um (ire: C.ingiua*iunal d'Sincl. I i* mdeud « privilege to v.*io loi a man ol his gr- a'* ino'ul an 1 mental wor'h '* Oi Mr Varuad *u'8 visit to L >wndi*i county, the Enterpri’e tliu* fcpn* k*. f„| Yarnndou addre««ed ms citizens of Lowndrs, it OknpiLo on thu 22J, and at Troup* vino on me 2Jd While a t 1 "' h'lrner place, a m *t slnrnchil outrag'' b' lwnen um two p htical par- '.pe.gufen up proicipilly hy tliu duiiiocrala l ,.j H,*waid arrived as Ocappi*>, w■ ih iho de* iw»in'*»«• i*»n l-'U ing up-ll Cm \’a.nmlini a Ireo"’- Al interview was hal between iho Ir.imli i huh panic-, sol i*n acc- nut oi sumo disagre* menl at « pr.-v i ns nmutmg. Col. Sow-erd wa*. I ‘Im "ri-uugu u| pariii ipauitg in llio discus*)'-u As so**ii m " ■ l.ict w.i- rt-i-ertaiin d, < n" id "" deiiP'Creiiu p.niy ann**uiK*d to iho p"oide. hut whun t •" V.uuA'Ioe and hi* Irirnds ,*| .M,*it, t ..I Howard w.*u .1 -peak, mtlicr Ir.nn me •fond. "« »l'" n * •‘nmp Acco'ding') . Col Var nadou ar *i* and d i.v*red.i*iHi»l",c *n-i<*andolo- q„„i I sp **'h. I ""id by lua trii'iid W C Hind- ley , w h • *n*u pu »• d in u'di* "Vp.iiuml **| Allien* can pilin' P "'*- As so*'it »• Mi ILimUey cPMM-d, M* Hi waul l!" k ill" Blind, hut Mm« llllllicdfolilly , ril|l | J by a I nd * all Iro,ti the Anmrican*, I*»r H Ll H, in • r I'bia, in ictu'n, drowned hy ih*' '.n*i"in '"lees m ihu loiiugu parly, h.udly lii'iiiaiulmg a ai ""ch lr«*in Col .''••word Boil) g. nnsm n I* «*k th" stand, whim their liu-nds m-h d up from ell quarters, each pariy vowing H,4i ilnn ihainp' ni wa* •u'ltlud, and should occu py ih>* stand; mai'cr* w.-nt nn m th.a way lor •.•um mill*, am *> ,h >' dm and nnduMmi *>l an hun- itr,,l v nr*, Ding out I*»r Seward Hi* w a I d ' Hugno I • " I" 1 ® ■*' VS I || .--Ah- '111*1 I'M ' dli'l M'llS, toil llU'fllMO to lie do • nhod Fmd ng, In.wrVtif, that llio Alitvricana w. i" u>i l.k* iy i" V'cjd thou p***i i n.drsppe this upn ariooa ••aan.', Cn! H -waul foil ill" aland, mul Inti.-m-d by !»• Ineihfo, bfca lopg v, ngoauea und maiili icpa'M'd lo a noight'o'iug clUsior uf treei, win n t»*X had broil placed I r hia OCCU- l„iimu Mr Hpcm "i h* mg *oh m po«*eeal<m of iho-land, w nn Im Vnirm aii purin.n *.| Ins nu ", pi cn d* <1 u IiIio-b licit), w In n h" w a* in- foimpn.l hv ill ' pt'U'd" parly, with insults,tlis- gnculU' Iho vilest "I huiHSlitiy An ilns w- *• borne w pti p iliencr by tho Amort* mu |iiny. whih* ill*" **pp""Anfo ••|"""»d wuh ex- nit at mil i **»>,.! Ih. v sylml lli"'r d-d cowardice. Al iIh. close ol Mi HpcuC' i’s apvo. h, the Amor- Ic it• It'll Col H. w ud and ll'* limnds lo "DJ *y iho Iruuanl III".I lab* i li'illhhi wu« I'm alnisp ho ho-i-iri upon il" Know »N**ihm»• when ihw had alt mil. and h* d •c-vofed hai t"*v wore all hay foiinsr* end nnabh* I* pay Ih. u dchis At Tr upvtifo, the prugra'iimo was changed— a. r. iiiip tfoitiiua won. mad*. In thu li'lloiriiij or* d.*! h |{ Hpoiu'd "poiiud the d.acuaaion wuh half an «*'« acre* h, h* ' w. ij hy t .*l Howard, „inl hah n.'UM • d Vainml .< cant" next, m sri h mr ami * hah. 1*11*.wed hy W C Hand .i I'fotl" Wo* alio called mil, .d whnh lias run two s in Guorgia liavo saved Um ^i.uu from a poor ihx whuh would » heiwi»e havo esc* eded al olh- r l *xca put i.*gcHier Within th.» writer'a memory, which go.*a huk fihuou years, 'be lactone* ul Georgia, h «vc hy eoiiipctltloii uniong ihemselvca, i"*t on y iinpr**v.*u thu clothing >.l ihu negro, hut they have reduced litc*si qu.tu to one-hall ihu old ra «.-» \N hm "« add to ail tills, ihe fact that these lectori.'* |»r*.v*d" each a local market l**r numerous nenu -*i eurpiu* pi.ivist..n", * in lliu aggregaiK a large sum,' which would otherwise hoar n • value, wu mav t»u ju« t fiod in declaring lhai they have proven h* mtulvca to he (m Ihu soiisu ol po meal economy pcrliape ho ni -st productive ol all thu productive intciueia at thu Sou'll. All tin*** conud'-rs'ions nre of imp n»nc" economy ol ■'•>' Stale —'h"ro("rc p i» t*< '•# r. - grrued on IhjIhII ol the c* iiHnonw.*alih. a» w..l', ,» o| individuals, th*' *" tmportanl and usehu nn ">• Irrest should be so depressed. Indued it ought n *t to be eo. There t* no nco-asuy that it *hou .1 ho > >. I'n fit A.\n 1* <xs. [To be Continued j A Slave Consfixacy DisruvtxiMN .Mi>vis»jrn —Thu Marion < Mi"# > Republican give* an acc not ut ihe discovery ol a > conspiracy at Garlands* vi.U-, J..*pcr cuniy. Ii say* : "A i**.alworthy negro .. . a neighboring plann- tion, alter h-.vmg receive.I p|.-ilg.-» I M-Cf' *y. ru- v-nfod III" exist* I th" con-piMcy I*, hii ■ v- i - BOi-r, and rcquesicd lion I" f p ur io a certain plut in h" nniGt **l a dark, null, quei.l* d awnnp, and see l**r hlinsell 'l li *. vc ». • r did n*>l v>, but the nu»t morning ho took w tn him * »m«* Inend* nnd wsni th" spot derlgiltti.-d by tho laith'n img I here ihi V s*w- every m ficaU.m "I j large crowd hnving l>oi-n a«aemblcd; h no hud boon tied up, hr -* kind ed, and, hum arpertfanc- *. th* v . ab u a foil ihal uti" aid, o| one hu**dr*-u negr. * s h n'. tin r • • a*** inbfod on *hu precwdmg night I'll* V ; *io • p l. amt the m-.glihorli * d W «» quick iy alarm d ."i-varal negro"# <•* .# tnki'u up, nml am-'tig them th" Trader I >m g."aleo| "xcucnienl «"• ; revarl- inj l« 'he country; a ronu.'jl wa* held, and il »*» d-r d-d imu h" imgro'i should Im hunginun" dlBieiy, ropes w. rn pr.».-ur* d, end ill" seiuenc «l ( the o>'«incil w-.# s'* "it toex cuH-d.when th" cr >wd re'en'od. h iring lest tl.o innocent sh -*.,.i perish will) Ihe gmt'y. " I’ll" n. gr ma we*d then mwnrsly Whtpp*-d, md tho contcs*ed ih»t ibe c>nsi*na.y ev.sndi-d th ugh ui a forge aeeil n ul country, th. m 0X11 i d aevoral oiht-r * ig uozalton*, w hwh t u v eil cd 's.hoola,' in the m* d, am| r it Iheir ohje. t was lo urgmU" in autiicionl loi,and imrch, iniruismg iin ir lorco as toy wi-m, t * Irro State. .N., arms or uimiuiniu *n *1 soy Mod could ho discovered; bill iho n»g' •"* c Ic**. d that may wore to meet al Gar rt"*isvil|e io-xi Ha turdxy night-la make a s'art. When asked why iliey eclocied that place as a r"nd*-xv.** #, iliey could give nu ren* *n, ami the pr. »*uiipt»on >• t'*.,i they itrended lusuk the p'sco and mu dur ih<* inlnbifoiua Two while Mfon.thev aav. ■ »e tte.ui among*l lIlWD, but ihmr lut'iin w»r» u ; *i, „ » the ncgr**ea, l) <r was i. * * * ih • mz devoiop.-d whnh could identity ih-'ii) A'on an I aminutiitio . um p'uuably C'.neealed luvniuw h"»e, m mi ll a kcne-oo would nover have been attempted without them " Tut Hon E H Uvxi r in Macmn -This, tj lino Union Democrat ad*J'eased ib» pe pie I Mae. ii, on I u* s.h.y evetu.ig lu*i, and thougn I.t boring under much mdisp *BU|on, g«v.* i,» n s > 'inf aril incoiPfoVcruhie aig*"i)"nt m laVur "I um American I’rinciple*. Jndae 0 is no! a meinh- r ol *h" order and ilieroi "»> m *rc wcglu i« due bis "Xpusiu it ol th docmnis ot th.* l’.n.y H i re..auumg on Ih" dangcia hi iho South I n de*»«i* popu anon gradually coining .l.wnup .ii u« I, ill tin. Noilll and N *ilh West, and driving » *vc la (tor bel'U* u* n-muisoliwi compniiii. n h r hi. »d, amount'd to a .foiuu.isirauon m tnu iu*vi*s#.iy imposing some ch-ck ii|Htn l**r.’>gn P.i'jran .i wlu.'h now lolls m upon ilns Country ut th« ra e nl full a million a tear ' So convincing tn h cd was tiro Judzo III pis exp *siHon o'lliu p i t, ,|iu a diaimgni*h"d opp..n» , "t ol'h.» r wh * ho od hioi wa* Bfoggerrd l>v the nrgurn. nt smi .- ii'Ua-n- cd to cunh-s* that il wi* unqurs'ionuhly a rcy •Tong position—[Georgia Citizen ORYZASATI V A , WILLIAM HUMPHREY** * r. w i: r a I. «* I« • « • l * i llamlvoinely pm up in package# ""«*» • I-"'*' ' .Htui. lt I |"*u.*d pacS»ae>. *« c«nl». IUU po'iiqW 4‘5,1*1 l'«L|V«B»P Fut • r I «n»u Tb •*# wuhln* ihu arilrl# can obtdu it by nr*«p- plug Uo.r < rd"r. eucloau* ths cash, Iu Ihu 9 -ai • ifflee. lo my adU'u>s. Eui'iiuk, 4 ufist I 30 I'll I. LjT THK Bu'wcrttH-r h*» I... * Sm to 5«, Im ll.y mru«-'. 8. M l,\mri. \ y^v. PmBUliati, Hstrt l,M*i-'. NOTH ».* MR JEML* * M P.lul, .* ») duty sautiriseC vy. lor. >), during .By it.wii(r Irun It. ".* * Jf 4—4/ * K b'KSL'M. fYO I IC J . t /r~ Mr J'VIIN L > r.. f#'.1 N«. i i* o-i* 5i "lorv. d JI.iig .uf iloratr Ir<-ui ’hf *l»t* a uf IS HT'OT l II MV KIM. MlTIt I . CL5TIUI. »«AlI.I4«4l». t*r\ll.» AT SAVANNAH, or. HtOIA. Th-la-g-.i ext. and m'».l ••npleie »o'k> ol .he Rind in the Vtntml! " iu.v -.xe, on proud o Iu?' • '..»ral liahmed 4n i li> • ® UKPmTOFTIIP.CENTRAL RAILROAD r *«•#■• |r«r»*Taa»T. ab, 4«g *■ J"** I Air. 44 "*• Uanifk'ifi Lkrmut— IKh r* r — VVc.ih" uud»r»Uiwd, Ma*ler Mom » of ih" « t.tlfBl lleit Hoad »« '•«s-nri*. have ih- u.l. nr .iH-r u> fo.i.for you U.I*our rrretiuurudaii■*.. 11 '**"» ‘ your New Mr..'C Poll.b, '"SIX. *a'»v». »» »«• ' [..-le uniquBlIed I >r tlie polish ng ul all bright Meta... Vm'hevr the hot with** of 'he Kngim^fo a'-d m, Chln.svsol ths W Dual \ nr*. Hr*|"-c.t.. l>. •V ll.l.l X M lil RNM, Vfo ''■»» • II L.M'd'LlNI.XL, I*. I'urtman, 1 rv. h. M 1(4.1 «I>N ANH M ANt’F Af'TI'RLK* "I Nl HLl' Al. INHTni Ml Nlfo ANU "Hl» It FINK MLt VI.P WORK* voa* t*r»*r«l *ca». I call )**ur aiunu-n followo*C c'.lrr» I gi*sy*>U Ihu op", ofil <•( 'h* Bifol "ii,i,.ei.i " Pli)»iciai.*..f "avaijuBh u*wb..b I b«ve Ibcbouor lo a.k Jfour Blieuimn. 8wV*V».M. AugU.l V, ‘U.Vi >fo w Hcuruatv*. 0,4r .Mr -I navr rse**lv'd )Our prcM-m-» r» r A•<' nt ) u* Meuhc I'uiisb, lor '•« I * acr*; t W i l.av'r given U a fair trfol on lb" "*• "* br'ghl metal.c eruclr* ais*ui my rwldeiice and Oudu airs. • ru wi hUBOtiim i"».i»b . . . . I i.a.v und ti ' ' mj Hurg'cal Invinimre.* and for tbl. w.' il■. .ee*unlive .* it a# ■» arforlr unequal el. tvtVSf.M !> ... IXSTItl ni.ATX. IV XV ANN All. AHUM W. »*5» Vs. W. llr«.r»»BVX* — t*. #r "o —I I* <*• r.eetved th# •psonv. ib *t von* v,. .... |\.li»h w luub .)'■• »*" |I. »K«I io M ul •*• m*'. • nd after "Bing .hem upon ll.Blrv.mrnl* b"' -* "•»»«*lrrl. can .a) lbs. ll aceoBIyd•#!•»* ni ". 'u.l. U r *,n*r r i f..r whun it i. ieeominr.ii'r.1 rivh* l * i • * Mrfol. * brautll'il p* ••*'» af.rr freeing there t'OO) *fo>»L ■U,| ••*" c**'*uh*ri. of msl l b .V" mil 1.0 %r c-e *h>«*h" • t . I»*e same ohjevl as vr. ll «nd aa quick') \ *«, H »|^r.fU’ v, I'UAKI.Sl V.vvi^r. V D. SAVANNAH, A* ..1’8T,I3. 184'• 31a Wm. II. Mruatt*. i"hruu.l,#c- /)»*' Vir • I Sr I’oli.liHig I'Oedsl . IVsn I" m" t*. I.*., ho i*r*n irird on v«r arllclr* «*f Pn •"!*.». Pl",k Tin. fcr . ■*. in* hoO»* wuh r.*mp nr *.»c,»-*-. »"-t proiiounrnl l*y iti.i.eol my hnu*eb<*i*l • ap'tt *•»« h Mil--is*, lo* for than a nf #111).Ur arucle W* • lrr»1 7- pirn. Will c*> "i i«ur I’.* • tier I ho cou*bn«*d *d * inline, ol BUpertorit) an l grea'er re ... >a.j . go.|,mfulIy *.»o»*, augtl * rr cnseoM .Itt'iug bit iw' 1 >n rill. | j* 1 I) , il*»'.f* "*.!(> IHI I.t: au J J ». .XltlLN * . CO TVL 2VX E nci At.. S 4 % k > A All »l » It K I.T. W .«•»..s*». *fo*< J TI N '• s hue a j. .fit , . 7 bslrs s ' ultt. .. liar at "y, last lo|g. I at I. *c A.xvai.liuI. I Xpert" *«-j.i«-it»brr 5. ' * r»tO»hlp > *l« f lie *'{.». Pr. :x<H .J‘ 1-2IS a I *j 4 U*tv.' olloo, luj<j, Ooat id) ptfo. tudZS. mil i -hi Uo.W", N'« \ rk-tlA bM* R w t ' t •*. . £J 1! -»* j*.* Harrn*. I a* ; iv.i, c t.q ■»-. H* t***vev Villr. 5 bx'sa do, IduV,.*, -US »ur, 0 tr*Xf> I'.MtN, itlgT bu»b' I. 45 br-xl- RlAUirTA ITU .T.STRV . K4ll.HoAI). -,* • • 'h.t*. ip- • ir* 1 n-^ '•*# ra k* »V hr-j,.. a. ».b . I i. nr, ;• .*-(• Vlr,l.#l u a * vd rr ru* • * J Jo r*.l't'* * A It ran"* *' ' . • Hrfo r. -.o. VV , •** • • b IT n.rB. hCCXT*. *. . I . Hefonn* a . X Taym*. * »'ifM V lie** , J llw>ril* , i. VV tinr. .. rrt. *. .. 4 XtUDUAI. * y\ \ss vli "I PTI • HIT. A II ItlYRII ■ * > - i ’ r—-l» ot i • ir • % at —• liar* *t l ban. MSI*' I J I. Jo»r-». U y, l.lfl »»#, “a « J ti vs ll .111* i>f VimIi i*. Iiu.t.nrr. X I »lr.vtWii(i tu'Hv. Ly s*cJ.r John llosion. I. ag \ IM I* m|.»a. Hr « i N'W 5 -I It • I ll I II n n. AR’COI.D.M. P. Tbr Rrpubllrai for lb' tampuc. U #w|llfuru».n ihe Hatmic. for in* Campaign, nn theloll.vwl.tK irrra*.— For Dally »> » » For Tu weekly •*«•" For )\ erklj. I copy ••••• 4,1 cou l.a. J*U|rf-. I • • IVM, M.l IIS >>a*"*t ip Aut'Ma, N« m T • I l t*i*,J«. •» i VV iw t.jrtn, ;•»-.* vi** Th« t**-o. Ar* * VnltUe. *M>- It VV V.k*n, V# t. *4 ... irsn ck a'.tw, I) I’ gw,y. W *1 '•'**%. Vim i \ V >do« win Mr» * l'i*h o|U. - 3i.e pm* '--‘A) No order* xx.l' •*• auen*'ed to unis*, they are serom psuled with the m *».er. r|r. V»rii.*4«>r*e A ppol.t i .x»c n» a. We hxro been n quested 'o sis'* ihsi Vlr Vamado* xrlll «*id-s»* bis Jrllow-clHtens a. rollme* : Irwmvllle, September 1st. Jark*onv>lle, ** 4th. Ilolitfo.vil.e, *' fi'h. Ue* n.'tHc. Tattnall Co. M< Into.h ■v»nd 1151s. W'aynesv'lt#, Hrunswlefc, III* other a|<p*' , ln<ments will hr announeed time. 1 >•- *1 J : • *. fn*m P'htu-g.* h-rsx vrr.* r. " • • v.■ •» l*c11• v>*» p««vr . ni u » s. i • . t»m* Vi * v\ pn*«'B > M.« It. . rr J t.'vi » -i .*!', t: l**« ‘r-, |j«t :hd,. t. a: , 1*'. J »,rr *. VA c llewru. J I.X'—W. c. K V . It r. I I. VV rew. u.l Hi lad*. W L <>»«!« *k e hser. 1. Ifoukr-cliL J I Ph*. vv i; Awiirrs*** .IF 1 r« I I* \ «r*« K v\ Am lira * kS. F K J I. U* »-wp..U. i U*I be*. II II ll*CBn>,•*, ( I*--• Ao*t,• vllk>b),Mit t ->n,Ju,di.J Et (*. V* i " : * B'k »'* i t C'tkim. F t. ll.,B*r. «. •»■( • * * k VI- Ut.®* \ J**nes . sp. T L -),*■ i«p. J an »»>•• bow *.*,1 l ,• tfrrk , c#m,h p !*t*lr of ii <w#'b. FsUfcJr'ph)* VV, V> I. t er-*». « |-,rwt *v # Hr*, ru. i fib. IM. du* CaukAairs for (Dff tr. Milt Oil IM V llt\ Mass Mooting . * * endidats <•*» ■ .wuinrliiic'e Opinion of llio lie. It^r.v* lion nl |ml«• |.cnil An American lady, now s joum ng in Pan*, re- laic* 111 rt jiMVrtii* loiter, llio Im! wing ,.*nv fo.l|**n she had wild Lam.rtinu We kn-.w o* wli.h nii»"l to a.lmiro, tho drl*o'.qirf and grucehu man* IP*I and speech ol h- him bmaii, or tin- ih.TUi ng nun tie wuh winch ihu udy lelj* iho Stuty — *• 1 must foiI y**u ul an er.-iiing l pas-. d wun l.iiuiailllio end l"#w||,. li wa. n qui*-t. s.-cisl evening, only inysoU and tivo . i # x liuia y p««. - plu. O' I w at mi mu* h de*igh'.d w.ihil.epei and hialooan lln talk.-d will) mo lor s* v.i.l hour',*nd ov« ry word n«» uiiered i. digucrro**- typed on my iiiomurir if.- «a charming m cn.v.-r- aaiion—not ai ail Ilk*- a Frenchman, b .; nu* h HP"* Hke an Knuushman or American hi iii.nnci IL lives m a quid stylo, and usually g r* cany uv il 1 Hponcoi . tlm spring i*. Iu* .-siai# m Iho count'). Hut ilus wore n«,iil.-d n, .Mm" l,.nti.illin< wa* quite ill, and iitoa no ... heiil hole 55 hen 1 w av hi I'ana In lor , I had a loti* l Iu him. hut lie wa« 55 h*>* I . a-na line unis, 1 hoard again to* had gone. At F n* o Napoleon*# I was ivgfoilmg hi* nistence, wli.m * friend nl hit, I" wh>"» 1 wa* #/*(>• kj»»g, |* Jd Ittn lit wa* still diluned in l*wx.a 1 went si onco and dnliVti.od lit)' IstisvE; thou ean.e an mvi; .lion tu pa as iho evening l tfovo mciUione.l ] «eauro y**n, that evening g«»o mo m *te Hue d» lulu. u.*rt -.'iv o| ilia great l.ali* I havo ..iiondcd l, uiiirtn.s « *a an e .rdial, kmd and approcialiVc, end sp. ke *•> cliarmlugly **• Amorica and its "istnuii m* " A pfossant liilfo m« "font oeemred in o«»nvrr. sat'on. 5N'(, woio ape *k<.>g ol il..* adt.rat *>n Im si.iwsd upon n lies ai IL m* . and • nr I iho .-.-in* peny rein*.Rod that al naio*n« p a-va*.d s-mo h jod, loeignilicaiit In »t»> If, but ol <nlioi.,i »,» >e Ir..Ill asa.*c'aii.*n» ol ibe past D*» Lsmafimo turn* sd lo III" and sa>d —'A id y**ili tf >,....>> ha* h« nio.l precious ul #11 M#imscil|i'*—ih" Hig ung I t’.o Derfor U| n ol In.lrpemfonc" |) > n *) . ur p"oph* inako pilgrimag* s to l.*« k up.*n 'i 7** I repii.d " Ii is tod. ed piocous I** an ur •Itiiroa, but d.*»iluy prenoiis to m . aiae# my greiv'ia h* •'* name is ilpuu luicnbed. a» one w In* g»v«■ n « b ... soil h*s lofiuno lo pei|*" , .uifo our Ifo Inaliloit *t . “ n Laiuamn.i i».e up, end b**wod t«» ms, axying. Ma.lamc, In thai name v *u have » n*.l>fo h* i - rci.i.'VXA »MTi>rs" *<sT i« *hr <-45es d '•r-ifok'v, »\ ,br s»^ i 1 4*.i >n ""**_••*.! wit. h .habkfu t'* v.w *ae, assy 9* M 0 Ml KIT A V wr !»"•*»•. n'tl.tisl rr,| m *y ft • ll tm TV- ! K1.4.DV Ifr^T t.v ih# t»ISf# i 4acMiuv i*sxi, er*i j'»tw, Vnt.i.r ITi/.IV\ I *•» • ,< » • *-\1 n»r> a. Ihe #Wc - 11 a y**u BUpfowv W ARN A«l* R PM OF THF. AMERICAN PARTY C* 'll V c|*Sl I KiLLRP SV a t Nii.P • A Mi.n wa# killed In f'fo.k r ', A.k , nn ifi* W h nit fay « rhlld thotit Hint . • - , - .. f - - - ; '»i Un years <1 aga Ibe child's foibsr «*.#.*» 8-faun*h ie oo* I. >d. in t n*rle#4..n one louuli, ,a/*d m a list light wuh nmh.r rn.u ibe while tn Winning loll, W L , ll le m.l one twin- | cliibl ran op end • i.«k a kiofo tn bis lelbsi'e sd* vsraerf—knl.iig hon *im.«< i«ei*nily HM-.'seary A ttMid Is I'mruiiB III #«»»H.'|.»«nre of ll.,* raoent abeogi* lit Iho | roprle* i the bspu 1 llraii, U bevo.m. n#e«-**af) »*.*#t- tl ■ Sp III# old l.utinsss of Iha "Me "ur palr-.l.S, thsrefufe, Im.iI. In unit and .*.u,,u y ,• h*. #»" H*.i* ...••*! t.» lbs .mien, #.|| gouts part lotUr fsxor hy aliendtog lo their arc.unis a* mm*h a* possible. VV# iru.t that .uhHiriher. ai.d adviril.#.", •I.o have s»sr i*#p.i P'.na.eal In of Ikelr du*., •Ill *pi "# #'s ill# neee*.h) *1 U.l, no.lre 7h*y l.*»r dool.u* •* •*.© i* >«l from in. smbB'rsMo.n.i • ol »>»».•• eesll ■* *.tI*#,., *,m| ..tide. * rdlaa'y nre*. , i it, ,*llifo " mu lil'li cpiaodr, <i I fotgi)f> iho . , *-'-'** ■* j ■*, - ,,*,■ * .it I, *1, *Ii'»?...u 1 i!l DIllu.'a foiling ll. I will e«y l ds*cul.. d l ot** and 'hs * * palm gi -vre <d llavao* xml H|uin, \r , I.» inailme, |u w|)» ll ho liairovd w pb gival ihler..|. L, i,-i| I, i .i ruii* w »■ .u*** .ou, i , , ^r-V c... no., j Lul Vainavlm 'a >p.>o. h al 1 rnupvillo, wa* a » Was ii* l ilia' a apaik Al. u.oso v* m. bad mfocal. u.aiod ibe tafonl svl old foimer, wore • ve.wh III. Il', Ml Ihu l>.*lll*' 11141.0. r III wlllch ll" d**fol|il".l ill* Am. ii. an pfineip" ■ Ham ia going ebea.l in 1 dial fni'Ht lit,i wolf, andrng .lie fo.Mhfo unafoaghl j J , ll-r a.pghl ‘ nl l| V J h iBun, who maulird iha fodi.w, m* 1 wnl aa a me ul iho iiism. m hit spec Ii oil Monday the Ri.h Ii .hr p's *iv. r ilisi" i«‘l »ii ilia iru'li, W" iluok it w• • ■ .1 havu been holler I 1 ibsl afo loi, j n,.,*) that h'had not *i#t "d Lowndo*,B» wull aa I h *m , fj i*,, . **. „ «„ foam iliat he run mol* "»t id Ih# loi fig" patfo, then h«> hi >..ghl in. * ii.*, Vi, V«i„«.|i,a * aiipolnMDea • h**l Irnsn an- nu ...I Uu,.... I. its H* puM .a..,*" "••*#»•», •llkoui kooBulUPun, Mik.1* api".*.U.nvol* lo#p*"» ••••« lit*. . * ,*. I hi Um .*IM" tliu* II# III*.. * '4". '«• I»'C# • • should not ttifok ..( makleg Hale rail I »»«' *»•- *" ),., Ur ,ym« ,i. **. , BUy. in v|.* a Ion all .lois areeait*; ol acuiiog up Ibe l>*,*s ol lb" • Ah* eaves us »<> tk"l*e iha a Aialil relat'd above -|Rda ! Imso ba I fit..Am Al.l’l. ANlM I V I'll **l tlx.r )*•'•»<•",""* v, ,* { ixliitlrxig i,ti tii*e itiit*, ai ll.*.«* U.m, llan.,,#. I eoui.Vy. nasi Un i*ot"h*i, na.l A»*«•> .»*1 IVi.i >,,# in#* tea's. m*.vl *.( ih«> "mu had > ‘ III. iw *.1> • 4*v. *nd •*.#, [) fo«. ibkh onre , h* so pefo'.wt *u» Is #ta *. . n asiha chilli*)) hiiu,*i»l*f r, i'pi>| i hi* is « q " )-#, llUWl nf ll>s I •*.»•». edv.-IIUod B* ,l #*•• lb -S '•*• t«. m»|..|r I l>. bill!, «B* *l"*ul Ii* *I*i- Op l.i iiviptl), a "#n • B'.al'a spat,let, viio,,,# *, -ik» *.i, n# t .o t*» Im.ll#., tig) "SI**.# lo- |**d uV-*t .».»(» I'.s a .*|,«l. ..«s Ik #«« |ww/krt|| vulvl v«d ha. rn l sad e ski" «-r teat >ll"V* Mr I.»ttg,Is,, Is util) one .*••1 nl |t.< asand. oh.* >*••# •>#Ai#d k| ihi. g.BBt !"•)#, atw.advs .M b» '4 sag ll Till nr. wdl hr a M AIM MLLT.MJol lb* kuislMM Fsriy in Ilisi3,nii \4rxtneeilny. IHU* Rppinnb'r, lo ol.U h ih* pw'ple of ibe t*t»i" and e*pt<i*i!y *1 the •urri'iindlrg eowrlies sre ree|v*c«i«iM> invite I tr 0».llnfn'*h#d "p'Skrr. f*.*r» sbr>\ad hat# hsso piviiol, ami #.# •xpsei'd I" aliewd. I'ome ou. t v'.-»a all I f'T V »pl#o.|.l Fla* has been Aixisrsd, which •'!' prrsrniwl I., lbs ruuniy euUid# "( Hibh, h.'ie# *•*# l»r.".i In"" la •ifootta. co si ih* Al-slink Whisk • III l»# ih# l)*nnrr l'«*uaij T I* h — Amstuku yiepers please copy *»d ks> l’ need ing IU| lb* day % sng <11 V A It IE. TH R lubecrttier revurtw bi* sfocwfo Ikaek. lo lb# friend. *u.i ,-it»i.*m#rs of ih# lave fl"S »»< A|nil*i A NIv inM.8,for Ibe very lihsrel peleohM* |.v .hem during he lad ibfo# vrarvi ami i> «**) b*P py io mv ihat he a».»c'pale* oflbong Ihrei in v»ci -her nex*. * large, and breer »»soMinsnt of Hou.rkrei'in« arneirt ih«n k*. hern ngerwd In ib.» e»l, , a**d b every other la bis btvfse lo i»esl a ronilbnallonol publ.elaws. V5‘.H Nlv‘H» , l.4i. iv.Vknnah, Augu.l ll>, IEW •*! I-U a i* »4 l % I. NOT I OIL nr On lb* It.i day ot I'sbrux.y nev I, tb* Irxe Ol IIO RTiVk R UIKRM AN, will be diaso(Vf*t br Ap»r Ibi* 4*A «b#y etll do MM #k "Isure CAHII NI'llMAv, fd in* purpose wi #*i Unix up. All ,4 oiu stork ol 'VaubiB, Jewelry, 5V»n# an.I I'axcj i.,-«kt., wa o«u »#il *i a mi .... i i*l».*rv VII lb# "o.l, for i«.h I'M) II.«nn»» a* RIKRN AN, lie n.ougbi •# .t s** Mvauoah. June '*«. IRNE. •mi >•-M AQMf'K. Tb* rbUedsl.'bU and s».*.,n»b w*e»^'r • * Uk* VV b'Bi, d*l'.#rw la,Vwi T*rl, »t ixymit. p' bu.b*l Ivaigbt, «*. denwiwd I# fbited.tpb*a *i «e **#,. pec hwsbsllivtahv tkw e.ieMCMMeei ptw—hw Vo *k- r !*•*• the ed.anise* «*< t^a'bsvs ,y v A L I.AI4AR. Agee) arid • At. *«»• •* ll. M.l. rMtai'b* I nd Shied la* ib# iar#h.w» nirlllv K a »'|. '•t#*s,o*fo xa»* .I' savv M.ilwt sod pa. op. •■*( Ikwaky mi. t.webv# Mil er paw* VVN.5E. riUA R, U: Ue. rtevi, || II bl*" try."*# SdT • ,.*n, Hwl* *n %mT VV K »•' itv,.*irod i*» »«vp#tine» 4 \ v ' ' *1)' i: ».\ . m » c*.»d >t*W f*-r tk* ff * Ti.rbam < ..unit, si lb# rw*v>iM* W" »•# aatbi,"k<d .*" »""<*««KW \li,«* II Vlil'IiN. •• a c»t*4kV»l# W ib. • r*( Vbstkawi t ■m.biv, s) Ih# #w»a|*( • «*!« « I I UK «M I ut H I A. , a.k, , gv<-r of v *#f* •'! 'hr - be # f, •.!«'» in JanuA'I V.CVV. »• > m.| pn JNo F Iiav.! Mr M-. vv i my | V' I a«a a . . .. be »i«vii-*# in Ja*.w#i, *fii, a- u. i|*efo." amt Ikfritot Uem, »* a a I bo l .i ku 1*>U> .ulmxiu. W U II Hl l l *V rty II J««a9>*>« • AT N'*Tt I' Ws pv »«!.'*•.»*• ' • ' wmf I"'I5 V TtliHK lb ... .'# *•) Meat mav U Ven till I 15 KR HI TiXHI tlkl* T** *»\ | ELI a) 15 ( IViXl N* ,.r . -.vt' ‘1 ur •»%y T v yer.v.'l • I«a4d«. Rr Jlw-e «« ’ ’ «» ^ i iho #a*k i,oo v« J.-sv'i *wav w»* Hast pw. va hi * av an a ail “ a' Alv*«a. fo.MA. -5- » r.'oMo U* a l.i .V AM'*.* l n ' i. • R«w« ,#* aI Iba k*. . • • k.l . . . k"4 .NKbr* hi ANA V TtJ» VhC" ’ I .aeoar, M ‘ [ w>al I# 1 b i I • t "VA « ttff i.N- I ax* » s*"'^ ■BT ho .hr .'«Lr . < Kkiuno Tu* A# wau j Jk M#AV.a*d .soyrvXWty V '»' ' , J MM* F* t.l'.WA .-lYIErN** 1 *w * R*. k. xe.w.-j Rt.* <s .- t*v a. «** «•*•'* •‘TZ ^ apr- * rv * WA . VTlfltNv law ||Pi » • ih AUiunf Rove*.et tk* k«»t • Mp*4iA»'|i r.*i*,n * m « ,( ~ few- »5V vtw "*• I •a • T5#ww •' . r. .rf l.ttteaoi*,* *e ■ • — —— IK-#. *| Oo #*•« a-MsArw*. • *e ‘«VI |#wr v*s-p tv V*»I .'•**•*#•' t YS* I X»H • A \ 4 llkl » « <‘ MM H * 5,it: V r ,R V'"'1s r I M , Ul A t. » • **/ W Uv -e-au .* . H k •Die. b# b»,4 — .ua » - * ..*..**"■,"*.uk- ( «; •_ <mm n *K| 14 if nr* 1 Ik. IT 1