The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, September 06, 1855, Image 4

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m«—< «»cgtf gfWfWtf; vth Am tfaftnitt* « * i. k.- w m k* »m «*• o* iv, raVaSThStillfo*£mif"i he**♦ *3i6SinMmE!. Oily o» UiUMk, Suu Ol Woo/fla. OMMf OfCbalWaiw; Wa Garry. Sat* Ite, WlH1a», Mare*. ••* llaWwiu Alw\ dm dont** otMaw-bniae oar- Levied ouu* its* m*. parly*Jaiwe* b» v<tM» of a —n—"• Wk lame* Ml fit Chatham Inforhvr Court, la favor at AwArww Itomfius. n*r»w# tfitfififi Minor. Property pwiiweif mi It mM t la A THOMAS, e-c.c. J-'ft SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMl ER 6,18 5, /Vlvh I-*Vmi be roA mi t\e K am rwvedayu Ortwtor urn, kaM the On»n iso *wr,li iM uva m Imivia. lawwa m to- S ki iHMiraoraala, laa MlavtM prupwrtp. mvUiUm faw»wtek ComI* *Muato.lflM aa4 Mag la Urn «mih? a(oiffifi% aaiaaMlat »*■ TWi rirar la Um AUameka rmr.ManMf wl* aMAaMte out *t*rb*ai»rw'iain- >1 thereto. aa< anurtaaao*** Utwnr. Levied on m lb# property aC Aa Mmuawtob Oaaal a*4 Matlmad r.>m- |Ni«,ta«i'f«‘ ' ‘ ‘ “ aaai Wvavt W. titan*. rAB»«i^riucKS% ,.f Fab'wary, elf himn hui*di«iMd •ity-Uiivfa, WyalV. VV. wtarhaand IIb»p«*» O. Bryan*. rn pwrtiMi#, tinlng i wader Aa naaB*. •»»*• and Atm of Hiaraa S ,fnf AalVmtiy of Chatham,! made iMi eartatn aai la wrl'ina, call»vl a Hill nf Eaehana#. in Mr dt«» aa M«lll*,Hia»M A t'o., «l New'Vo A, M ibetr ear* order, alaiy day# aueraifb* U>**»V aoi of alaili aii thousand, aa*#tt aaadrrd and fottaw.wbkh BMi of EtchBig* waa —dmy» laanuafy a • to, la Avar or Hebert Collin*. _ m . CftUrt #f HM co „„. iaaiafUw MaaorabA iapac i ||. ^ allHN P. LAMB, a a nwwsv door, la A# man of Brwaawlck, between ih® ie- ml Mara ureale, (M fbUoaiaa piuperty, to arm u.n liaawlil Oaaal, aitaatr, itiaa aod being la Aa cunty of Qljaa,aitaadtai from Turtle rirar m Aa Aliam*h* rirar, member with all the Nka and works appenatn lat Aaraio.aadapp«rtanaaeaalMraoi. Levied on aa Aa pmpnrty of IM Itrun-wlcfc ClBaf and Railroad Chm- f*ny. I" aailaiy two ■'•«,«** la .svornfllugh Frasier, wmniaad tbaoibar lafaror of 1 Hincknav lln«r-, i»- anad Ml of Aa HorMirahla Snp»ri-*r CViort ot ». d omuu* t|. JOHN P l.AWB, « a c. G "tnnr»HiHtiFPK >.a*.-ivi» iw »m .vh,, •■a Tuaaday In Oriobrr, t*-i.>rr ihct.outi II«m>w« loor. In Aa loan o; Hrn»»«aai< iba |a«nl hAir« ofaalr, Aa Alinoiim iii»|iar*|. l*» aril: Aa llriincnuli Oaaal,aliuata, Ij n^an.i Italnf In An county nM.'rnii, aiiamlltiff iinm rariln ilri'r A il>n AUmnalia rl\nr. >n- (aAar wnh all lira |.mlu and anrha api'crtain int A»-r«- bsaadappartanancna ihrraof. <m aa ilia pr»i.or. ly of Aa Hrunaolck I'aunl amt Hallntml l'i>nit an>, in aalUfy a fl la, laaorrt lr*>iw ihn t*iip,-rl»r Oourt «>f »aid coaat),ln laror ofTho i aatloldm. «• the llrunaairk J'aMl a«id Katlroad ('onitiatty, Alan, in nailaly ’timlry I tea, laaued im* iha Ju'ilrr’a Conn In Iho '.Hlih dlalrld, U 11, la «ai«l enaniy, in farnr nf Th.>tna« ...» Hrunaaick « anal ami Katlroad Otnnpanx; Amlrva Tln-l- Ibrd, ra lira aarna ; llen.Uutlu C. I'ranhlin. »a II a urn* ; i Fraafelin A Ha*rla, «a the wm. I.«ty made andreiuru- •d to aa by a cooaiable. JOHN P. I.AMR, ». • c. AafU’i Ui,18Ad au|V—<d« ; CHIVKN UIIKHIFF's HALF. »OR oCToHbH.— ! Will ba a*M ba!<>r« tha tlt*or of An Oourt 1 Honan In 8>|«anla, he:ween An legal Imura m i aalo,oo the Iral Tuenlay in ocmher next, the follow ing P**par f» •“ *•» : T i , '• MtHlIrtili «l In i.tut or Joliu T. [ Frarwran la *»nn tract t»f land eonulninx W«a» acrea, , adjoiDiaglanda ofihnea aianfCook and W tV.Hiarke, lirM b» ell lun «>f Jut luv > ourt »}.•«« In tar or »f Baa'd, tha aaaltnirt of II F. Me' lellantl »a John T. i Freeman, "on other trad ol laud c nlamlng i'JK!) | %cra«. ad'nlnmg land* or t-aialn of > onk. W. t\ . eiarka and darannah Kl**r. lo aallaiy the »«me. |>r<<p«<iy , pe oia-i tan hy iha adminiatrator ; mv> made aod ra- tornad me i>> a t ouaialdn. i Al^>, at Iba aama lime nod |d ion, will hn »»ld "no Irartolliid c«nl»lr<iD( Viat aerr* i» nnl,ri|e"gen fhea. Ie»»ed <>o b> %irtne •>( a atortvace it la -n rttor •<( the l>ra. Hationera id KRIuabam t ouniy Academy es. Vary Black. Altt, al An tame lima and piece. « HI hn a»M on# negro hoy. Pttlllti, «-*Ud -u *y t'rlue ol two Mipnrmr Court II r t In U*i-r nl N. K. Hnrnutu rs. IticliarU M. tMlliaataoo and oArra. 4 the Mine I'nie and place, will be told one aaom bo>, tVillia. aa Ih- potperiv or Ib mi:.* t!r.>aa, to aatl’l) i>*m 8upn»lor Court I Ta In favor or Tonrna# *-• Ayara va. Mid Unet i. A!•«•, at Ihn uune • Im- and (>!' e«. n il bo a Id wr> aral Intel* at i<ud containing il.' utaod ar ea, ■li-ra or Ice*, adj-dnint: Imda of Vr. Radiel MctJt|.r», tV. L MaAlar, and Aa -‘.lale of Itaac H')lti. wlirr* ou Urveit I*. Siia'p u'tw reaide*. ■»» the |)m|iert\ u| Greeu 0 Slurp, to aaliait auodry d m* in i-avor of Thom- 4 Alan al An asme tlmo and pl*r#. w :i be told tea- #ral tract! of laud conU'imif ele»en tniinlied ^ce*. ad joining Unde of (icorge II. Jltuer. John II Me crr and Perry Hatnaiorn. I#«.#,1 ou aa lira |iro|., ri) "i John Z. Ilannr to Mfafy two Sunoriur • • u-i flfaalo lator ol Tb< maa C- Ayna aud o'b-r* va- tiaoer. ED'tUSD B CHOU, 0 a a. c. bjlvanls, Aug 97, !&j. aug «l S CHIVEN 8HKK;FF 8 ALK—Will ha wdd on tha . IratTueMlat lutKil'-l er neit, beioreihr Court H um . door. In 8jlr ml a. Hcrlvnn county, be.»ten ib" laaai hour* of rale. Aa tnlluwinx pr»|*-rt]r, to tit: Four (4) Megrnea, vli—raany, a «>>aiau ainoii tor.) rt*r ( L.j 1 ffiafvl ago. ol dark complexion - Judea, ear itau^n'er aboat nln • iO> yfiara m axe; llanmio■>. her r. n. «t. ui alx (4) yeara o! age; l»» imr,her >ou"ce*ti hud,about oaetl.yaar'd ax«. Ixiv ej ..ub) «.r:ue of a m.-riaago •■fa laauvd irooi the Sajertor t«iiin of aald eoiuil) ou tha furecloaure of * m n.age In favor «d Thoniaall. Hurna tort'aata ol Tin.uiaer. 4>rr, v« Kichard M. Willlam-on. EUMl'Nl) B. t#Ht*s»8, dplvaufa, A "gnat fat, )H%5. |*e|i. 8 8. t*. j t T ” ; “ **«» Whereat. Ilnnry K I nob will apply al Aa Court nl Oriliuar) fo- l^tiera of t-UNnllan>hi|. ol the peiaouaml pr-'pertt af s*arah C. Voting. Titvaeare. iiierab>r«. to cl a and adiamd-h an* horn H may cooonrn to lecd appearbe'oreaildi ourt: muk- otfa u»n (if i-ff they ha«e) on or tn f> r* tha lira' ll<ni- daj in narpiaiabcr mat, n'barwiac >alu lettera wii: ba frnnlad. Witaea*; John M. tllllan, Km. Ordluart of Chatham Count), ihMnlne aenib iiav o Ju'v. MW _Jy«T J'-HN n' VII.I KN, ore 8 r l T u.'it.! I "* 11 c '’“" ,n tVhereae. Rout-rt Rrf.oril arllj a; pty nl the f’ouri n> Ordinary for Ixsl ara Diamiaaory aa Executor oulhe «a tat# of oarah J. Urxli- y. faaaaa»e.iiiaaaii*». n. .-ita and adm uil-h ail I t may Ooi>C wr ". to tie ami appear IteHori-a iul r.inri'o mak<- nbjncilon ;if an> in ) Have), u or baf»re the Ural ; Monday in I'cbruarv inxl, "Acrw v aunl Lellca anl ! ba grauled. tViioeaa. John >1. UWet, r.rq.,' rJman for Chatham . aouuty, Aia tweoi) eigbtl. day of July, e -6. Jy 30 JOHN M. Mli.Li.N, o. C c. • 8 TAT o..°,t. r « E c.!’' r ’'' ^ Whereat, liarvola t P \Afaann will apply at Ao Court r.l ordinary b-r l.ettere l>*’m «a"iy aa Admli.iatra- lor on the Eatale ol Tb<-tnxa Atkin*. Tbwaa are, Aavefnrr, r ■ edr and ndmoniah all whom It may concern, io M and appear iM-ioro aatd foan to make nbjecU'-n (If any lb-o navy) an or before Ae flrat Monday In October next, oibararbe taid lattera will ba granted. W'toe—. John M.MHIon. f>q.. Ordinary for Chatham Count*. thl» tub of April AV». apr 4 J' IIN M MII.I.EN, n. c. c. i aadar A* naxM. aiyia and Atm of Hiaraa * (of AaCnitniy of rtiaiham.lmAiia thatr earlain lamruaMat A mti'iua, eaUml a Hill of Exchange. In Which lbar diem *• Holl|a,HiarM b Co., ol New'York. aeyeMawr tor IM earn _ iwaaig dollaiP. ... Ma<M M IraanH, i*d daIHfarad for aalaa ycalMdio Aa aaM, Aa Marin* Bank of UaorgA* and beta* award ed hylMmM Moilla, Mtarha JkCo .wa# •» maturtiy prWMmtad Av pay man i al tMir aMktfwp ***** mem not being made, Aa imm wm raArnad aadar prniioi lo Iha Mid IM MgrfM Babk of Oaorgja. An i it ateokopaartac Aalaa the •‘■m«*•? of February or IM aarna year, the nMeaaid M at he fc Hr> ton drew ihalr oAa# ca-ula lawram.m ol wrli »g ka an at a Bl'l of F.*«hanga. •*« »ba a.oreaatd Hnlifa, Hiarhvfa V* thirty day a a»tar eight, lor A« »«m «>f twrat y one tboaaaail flea hundred i.ollara, ptyable to ihalr own order, which laal Bill of Elchanga wax afan endoraad and delivered lo the e*ld,tho Marine llnnk ! nl Georgia, by Aa aforeaaid Hiarka It lirymn. f»r value rtoefaed, aadAa aama being dul* accepted by H' Ufa, H arke fc Co, waa pre«antad tor paymi-m. and paynVa: refj««d, tad Aa aama waa returned under proleei to ' the aaM Aa Marine Kink ol Ueoigln. And it further appanrlng Aal ilia aforcaat'l Wyal W. , -*i«rke, la order lo tecure Ac payment "f the alnraaald IlilUof Kiehanga, and oibar blllaoi Ilka character,and certain nolaa then due by him to the ufd the Mann# Hank o' Georgia, and aleo lo aecnre the fallhlal pny - men: nf all nolee tkrr>ajtrr to bodlccoontad by lhaaald A* Marine Rank "I '-eorma, l.»r the accommodation "f *«»i Wyatt, and lor and In cmrldeiatlon of I lie -um <>f five dollar*. In him paid by ilia aalil. Aa M-.inellank "f (Scofalt. did, nn 'he IwelPli dat'd A pi II. In the one lh"U*aml eight hundred and fill) ''"e.\ tnaae, "• xeciile alul debt#* »" A# Ae Mail"# It ..nk ol Georgia. Ida rerialn dead ol mortgage, C.nve>- Imrtn the laid lit# Maine Hank oMIenniia, among «t»- , ■ i properly, “all that plaiiUII»n, lr-el "i pared nflaml, i't"nle, I) lug and belli# In Hcri ven C"U"l). A iha Hlaie : or Georgia, called and known aa Mol.lry f •*"» '- laming four Ihourand acre*, inor# or l«wa, l oundod on Ae Norm hy Havannah Rfaer, on "Aar aldaa by 'and# of John Nlirllh.ofHl rke* TalC"|i, J«». I ullork. Lovell h0 o,Uh dlatnci «"d . Aery; al*.'. ..II Aal planUllon. In., t, or parcel f Golden ta (he i land, alluale, l)lug and ' Him A A# c "'" '** "j ^ . 1 <i.<e of GiM>rata, known aa -TacWlhfla* contain m ^la'e of Gis.raln, known aa - - . re* eii thousand acre*, more or lo»a; and bounded oil the . Nonhhy‘avannah Rltcr, on Hw other .Idea by Mnar Creek and by lamia ol Dr. Hal on, and "f H'rn Bran- l nont” the nibvr real * dale nameJ In a till mortgage deed mi-i lyi.g and bel*.g A laid count) of Hcrltau. And It , litrAer appearing tbai after the execution of ilie al»r« | aai-i deed of mortgage, and »n the lal'h of aald mort j gageumd in conaeq-ienca of the accurliy offered by Aa clause In Aa*ald davd of tn»rtgaga. A»« HfhouM ae- ( cure -all and aver/ note and nole*,** Aerearter lo be , diacounled" hy the **ld, the MurA# Hank of Georgia, •-•oi the a. o.mtoodaPon of Ae tald Wyatt W. Hlarfce, thr-sa'd. Ae MarG.e llauk ot Georgia did on the Ihlrl'eih . day of June, eighUfii bundled and Huy-four, dlacount | foria'd Wyatt W.Hiarke. a note at n neiy daya.forthe | •um •»( Area thnii*and dollara. and on tha twciily thli.l ( .lay of Jiiua -.f the tame yea*, another n-ta at nAety j da*a. for twenty Bve hundred dollar*, and omhetwaniy i •ecoiid day ol July of Ac»aine year, anrlhcr n»ie al ii'nei* data for the annrof 8«e il«>u*aMd dollar*.and "ii ; (he aeventn dat of Ang'ial ol the «aine year, another I note al Mum* day*, f.*e Ih# « *-f Ihreo ihouaaitd thl 1 lar*. an I on ihe *aine day and year annAvr nole for the ; mi. oi two thoiiM'ul •lolla’* ui ninety do**, unit on A# ; t*-en|ir'h day .0 No*ombcr.elgh'een hoiid'e'l and Itliy lour. an.'Aer n»le lor Ao amn of went* live hundred , dollara. And II appearing to the • o.irt that there t- : •'l l .pie and owing i ihe .anl ihe M»nm« Bank of j Gexrg.a, on aaid tw<- B.lla of I xchange. and n d protn- !*»•>•> uolea. the pincpal >nn> »i f.-ny four ih»>ii»ai"J. Are* hit-<lre<i and •eventy-tilna tlollaraa. d aixtytwo centa,and the ol mur lhou*and and thirty fl*e >'ol- •ar# and vlurn c- nlw for inu-real in Ae da># of tola rule j it i* therefor# ordered, tha' theenid Wyatt W.Hia'ka I d > I a* into ihia C.-.ui by th>- •■at day of the next run , A-r*-of, the pfluc'pai. InUrcat and co.i» due on ••oil HUH o' Exchange, a •! on ajtJn- e*.[ -r ah- wcauao lo be couirary. if any *c havn * and tha on A# failure 1 of nail •kyall'W Hl-*kea«*i.. do. the equity or •# emp - non In atni to tald m .Mgavd premiuia be l.m<vcr 1 barred and foreolored •n-l It lyiuriher ordered In one >f the pub l- calctie* of on Ihe Ml.. Wyatt W. Htarke, or 'da apcclal -garni or aiiorneya *i i.-aat three tnuiitti* j. cv|..u» to the next te- ui »' th la i mm Ar- il Ttaa. AM. A true extract from Ae mtnulee. April9t. IH'-S. GREEN T) HRARPE, Clark Ha« - ->* h l.ivg, rialuiiff'a Atlornaya. may I7—Iam4.u flgiiicr Vi^ cyt(< , rwilwt> ’"“ u ' 'nwiTWiiTr IVY A.BONAl'D.—ttf boxea' bateau Margaad Claret Ii bl Miaa chef mu LaAt* Vfarat. V&boiaa Ht.Juliun Menoo. .ft boxea Hook llrlmer. gft boxea Haul Haularna win#, ft boxea Haul JohaaneaMrg CkbHtal wtM ft bwxea Bird llaliHar win*, tft baaaet* Hehlelck Champagna. tfthaakata Mumm'a do may 30 _ Sew uouiiii- pr.R rtf. a urn Alabama.—Black rtMtaa amt I Barege a. Black Chally nml Hawing HUM. Golorad M util lit and l-awua. I.lnen Cambric lldkla , Brown Lilian Drllla and Duck, oiled 811k and f. n.Cfoth l.inanChamhray, for Travailing DreaaM. Taffeta and Halln Ribbon a, blank and oofotad. for “Jll'j NEVirr. ..ATiiwnp. komkh.. H UDHON MlGl.H Ground Hplcea. a full a»ermmaiu. *. •• Ground VoBbe of all qualitlaa. •i *• Ground Hlce, lor FudUluga, Caalanfa, ( •• •« Talda*8nlt. a auparlorarticl", la bnxea. | •• •• Muaiartl. Hi Inrgu end ainall can , put up vapreedy for llolvla aud Drug, giaia KUrheii'a Y**»i PoWderat CruumiTartar. Kitchen'* and Rhode'* Cocoa; P'epared Choc. te* ,i ih "" may id ’ Ho 9, Jouca’ Block. Hay at. “ HHOR"< IHMIHffl . Further tupidy nf llanrroll'a llfa'nry o' Ih* I idled .\ Hfat'-a, flf - i*eiitli edition, heauilflilly b-'Und In ai« volumea, b> Ga»r*e Hanrrnlt, Eaq. . The lllalory < I England, fr-.m t -e ln*a*lon nf Julnia t'aiaar lo Ihe aiti'C-nlon of James A# tfo-nftrf, a new t*di||oii, wllh tin- a lAor’i la»l porracih.n* ai d Imp-ovu. which i* priflavd a abort account ol hu Ule, | by David II'line, Faq A Go. a very handaoino Million "f ( ooper’a Novels j M.-re "I Ilf* l.amplighler, Ae Watchman, l.lnda, and ll.digrt Graham. I or side by WAHN«H’K fc IllVI", mig C4 Nn. I.M> Con fret* at rod. ! THE GREAT ; miroim-t IIIMUUK-AI. \VO»4 Ii ; 'pilE Annala iifHan Franrl-co, anil II siory of I’ali ! 1 fornl* ; by r .Houle, solia H. U|h«n, mid Jainet I Nlabel. A large roval hvo volume ol 700 pages , elo- ganilv lllU’iraie.l with 1 '.«• steel and Wood viigiavlnq-. Hiib*«’rlplloht will b# received anil a specimen of the work exhibited, by r. s. HlBLEV. aug J I3S I ongre** al. | J A Nl i:M 1*014 HON BE3 .W I T. I M l.Mii;h> ot J-iinet Gordon Bcuneit and bla Tlmea. Ham HRck m search ufa Wile. . The Island Pinpire; or. HcctiM uf ihe First Ell a of the Emperor * epoleon I. Mineral Hi ring# >H the UnBed Mate* end Caaada, by Dr Bell. Iiueas* a of Ihe Huinan Tri-A. by lire. Fox and Hn-rl*. ! iTIchaut’* Nn nml llitlury of Van, 4lh i-dltioii, en. rued by NomI-. wii|i nnmeroiiacolored I’laies. W n Ana ; or, AiUei.inrva on Hie Mosquuo Shore, hy A. Barit. Art HIM*. Arrl iti-eiure, Hculptur# and I’aintlng, by TKE SIAHINE RANK OF GKOKOIA. ■tatsmsat of tbs Oontltlon of tbs Karlas Bank ofOsor|ia sal Its Agonotss, ■it I lass •!•*« mi IBu-lisi'a*. Aaed'iy, ahih’I YOU*, mo** (PPHi.ikHkPix 'owroitMiTY win* THk r»*ci.aM a now or THkaovgiigoii nr ngogou. gun. t4m. 1154.1 Strs^r M * kiu * | ^ | >* * * Each*min running I,,' vistimIty Not#a and Bills 1*. >i«sl#d Conshleiai) g >M ),| . do do b«-t Htoeka and Honda . HanklllW IliniSe Hint l.oll . Beal E»'ai* i-.ken In paymaniol debta. Hu# from other Banka an l Aganls Frolasi# Kipeu-ca ... Notes and Che. ka nf other Ifanka Hpccla NMUllIng balaiien with Agcnolaa •7aii.ur uGoliiiiA. r CIIATII \M CUI’ATY, \ Pgrtormlly ipp#«r#d.Ch*rfaa F Mill*,Proahtknt, an,I Will lam P. Dinner, (.'ashlar of "An Marina flank of Uaor- gla, R and luadnoatn that thaioreiolng Hfalemant lajuit and ima, to l jv best or itnir kn-.wl.-ilmand ballaf u ".‘u.y I (Signed) CIIAHLEH F. MILI.H, pictidaol, Una ih rdda* of Hej-'emln-r, 1813. { VVi|i p ||(TNTLR, Catblai. ...44(i7 144. Ill M.BBI 00—6|\94I.IO MM.1.MI Jl . . . ‘Cl* .B°*. • • IAflH.13 .... 761.4ft—108 AJH.70 117,gift no . . . in one,no ... • •• • SttJ.41144 Ml ii i 7,410.63 &.V4M74 .93T 419 7ft—tfn7,NtO 44 IHft,lk’*A M BJ.VUl.7Tft.v6 ifapual HUick 1,'HvijaaMJU * nculxiliin 7HO.I0 jn 11 uelalmed |7i vi.fand . . . ‘ fan# Pi other Hanks aud AgTa f A,fall.An H.isi^nae Ai'Onuul.. . RD.Ui Proffia aud Km*iv«i Fund. BJS.gftSKS a VMI.7T6.VJ (HignMl) WM. I'Vl.LB, J. i. Kirw n’s l.rltera lo Ill-hop Hughes hui.-ry «i ihe 1 ouni'i .d Trent, hy Itnngenvi. N. w *up|-l> <u Hoe’U. k*. Hue* t'hlna, Visit to tha l amp iH'lor- He* *lop«d T"d<l'»Clinical l.e.-uie* nn i'aral*-ly at-.l Brain. T- e lie*re** of llnugl ioii ; or, the - oihc.'a Hecrat. 1 aug A W. THUltNE Wli.l.lA.Me. till l: 4 MAIN. do , a \> a FATIH'.Mi* 5-lfl pro*id *.ah a Chain, lUi' ISu do 3 M 3.H) do 7 Ui Vin do I 5-l< I Ml do 34 do do do N ^t. k It. wy.nn. I A> 4il A.NO. •T4TE i'F GEORfi'A, ' Wiiyn a* €‘«. N* lice l« herehv given that William Hiilcklainl <1411.1 'I i BAGH Chill in Guano »»'r Tl'i* Guam, la repraa. nied na hclnr better than t ihi* min hw puhl'abed | the Chlncbu more p o-p|,uie uf l.inic m -f me • 'ey of Savannah,' it. Dr llaya ini-k.s the following analyst*: luu parts give Agutin ' 'rganlc m.iller wnb -alts of Ammonia 30 '•0 B-*ne, I’ho-phnte of l.tnic, aUu Mague-in V6 . o HUln I line a. d Hmla 7 7 4 ( arb. Lime 34 lift Iii’.ilublu matter HO 100 HO The above la worthy At attention of Agriruhurista. F r sale by COIIENH A ItEHtZ. Jan IS (7n all who Ii may concern »«! at pi) I" ihe - ourt c I'rdlio-r* ol srfd C'.unl* for the api-oinimeiu of euard'-ntbl| lor hi* minor broibemaml , sl-ter-, 'o w|i : Lewis H|r ckland. Ih nry MrlcklaOri. I.llta Htrlckland. Marg-rei St-lcklai.d and a;.d Hlrlck* , faml. orphan* <>i tar -n Hirlckland, lire. ased. Thl* 10th ifay ol Ju'v, 1I&.V Aireg - : J AM EH Mir.HHMITff, Jy 19 Ordinary pro. lem. W. 0. | S T VaysT^VraTT A *» To *" wh,,n ’ u tn " y C0,M * , " : j When «f, J meal Vi-r*l* will apply al Ae Court «• I'ri'lnnry tor l.eiors .1 nndse. r* as i-dnui lurm >r tbo I #s'iii".-j Jwijie- i.. Cianion, #)< rn •• d: The#* ar*-. thaielore, "* cite and admonfah all whom H | may - onrern.l-- he ni.-I appear befi-re "aid ' 'ourMn make - i-hjM-iIons ; i' any Ho y havei on or before il.e •wc-nd M->. .lay hi January n.x , otherwise -aid luiiera Will he granteil. W"ne*a, Henry EH-nlA, F*q.,<»rdlinry for llryanTo thl* *•’ .1 day of June, IH..6 >•'3 'HENRY P« SMITH, o. a. c. 1 MIF. Jealous IVI e, n ( S T *w«iI} T "•"■»-€•'»> WMrta*. William W. Davidw-n will apply to the Court oif>r*lingry f.-r ..r *rr» HI*mis’ory us Adinl.iGtra linn on As* estate of Jam. • Frew, iierea»e«i : Thaaa are, tberef- rv to*, le and .-dmoidsh all whom tt may omerri., lo be and appeal before said I'- ii i to ■lake or Jaedon fir any they Ii i*e> <-n »*r Mi r» A" nrst Moodar In October ot-ai, i/Uierwtee e«l falter* win be fraafM- VVHows*. John M. M'lten. Esq . Ordinary for ' haAam County, Al* Oitb day of A pH , HW* aprw JOHN M MILI.EN, w r r. S’iKr^SSSVV Where*-, Samuel U Sw.-at wl I apply al the ‘'ourt of Ordinary for i^uer# of f)i-'nla>ioii i * Admti-latraior on , lb* Mlate ol Daniel Fox -facaased. l*heae ar# therefor e. to . he andadmor -*h nil wlmro It ■ny concern, lo be aud »pi ‘ ir *»e-f.• r. »nid « ourt i ( , uiMke OhjaCli- n (If ah) l'-ey bav. . on or i ei-re hr ffr«i - .l -n- •«j In A igas: nexl, oiber• -»e ud I. tier, wni be gran: ad WiinoM. John M. Mllfaf, E»q„ "r JInarv f--r t'baii.nm County, tin* ser.ui d dn) ul '■* ISij. Irb 3 JOHN M Mil I.IN.n.p. r. BOWABO ASSOCIATION, I’llII. AIlKLI’IlTA. l-ll-Oim.M OlSOI ... ESFJT. ! rpo all per* HI nff C «-d With .-evuni rti*e--e*.-urh ] -'MINI W i: * K N Er* ■*, I MI'i 'TL.Nl K, G N- ! ORRi'CE t. GI.1 l'.T. -3 PH.I fo, lie . A*-, The H"W A III' A-M "T A ri"S <d |Mdlmt«lpbla, In View • f II e awhil d- "'icilcii o' l.omn- life an-i bseltli ' cn'ia.'d hy < d r- - »«•*, and ilie dr- - -pt"-n* ** h cli l nre |-rs.Ti*rd uj--n Ae unforMiuale * lei m# o' tiiclid.a ,- 4 «e« hy Quac v ’. hnv.- direct*d U-elr • "i.rn I'l-ff 'ur- geon.nsa i ll ARITAB..E A* T worthy ol their nam-. ! to give MbDH'AI. ADVIrt GRATIS lo all persons AU’afB'ciwI. (Mnloor Female » who apply by fatier. wuh * deterlptloiud their condition, >■>«. occupation, hnhll* "f lile.i A c . and m case* id nt'eme povi-rt and suffering, to FCRNIHII MEDH INLs FREE OF CIlMttrE , , , - - i The Howard Aaeoemtlon I# a beiiev-dritt InMilutfon, Ira'-le the suin.i- i; t e*iah'l*hed by *pec'id endowment, for the rebel of ihe I nut hemillfnt iom--h l si k and (li’irps-ed. .Ifl e'ed and • Vmilaii! and Epl- dam" Oi-ea’ea.”«iui nr fund’ can he n ett fi-rii other purpose. It ha* now n .orpin-<-f inmn*, with *s l. n tin- lintcb'lilovi v led lo is«l»t-r11-- :l" «'-o*c notice. . Il is needles* lo add that the A*a**■ ot-■ -»■ c--niman.l- i Ac '-ichert .Meiiical *kn| the hx" mil will lunilfh the I ui.”' ’.ppr-'Viil " ndern ‘r'-aimeni \'jiuetde n.I'-cc a!so viieii to slek and nervous female* uAbcted w h ■ w.-a* lie**, W ond' « • ii»| lain', i oslivcners. . Letir'-rrhfF* *c. .... Addre*#. fp*'»i I'uh'.t Hr. GL*> B. *' <1 IH'LN. fen I viPl" - -urwc'-n, Ilow.-rd A*s.>ciau"n, No. - Houib | • N .nth -treel. Pblladi-pbla, Pa H» or.far ol the Hfaiclor*, F.Z - * H HEAKTWELL,President 1 k|H4dK** S 114*4)|% A ! vel. by Mis* Piir.foe, author of the I lie i-f "in- D.-Me-hci- Coiifca»ion*<-i » I'rrliy Woman; Rival Benuiles.A><-. W III Tcrnl. or ih«-N.t\«nii>"es(d H young genilt-man born In a cellar, ny J. II. Ingraham. Tha Tinker Hpy, a L.-iiisii. e of 'ha Bev-.lutlnn, hy Jam. s life*, auilo-r of ftlyan r e# ( ny L'le, ftc. F<>r tale hy v\ IRKO K h I' * VI-. aiiu *J4 N". l.iUCong cat street ’ >EU HBOKk, Received l llrvia*. July 31. iBA.V by W kUNiifK II D4VIH r | - 'IIK llelre’a of llaug' i--Uynr ihe MoA- r'a Herr«-t: I hy the auihorol Emilia Wy idham. Buvenrchilu lie, he. New Hope, or the Rrn uo : a ta!" of the great Kaua- wfaa. ¥o#a or •Vary Lyndon.' -Hoi .-n Graham.' F..r sain nl lafli'ONGRF.HS »T ana •' >11 \V IT?M*li m u:w •«4»ii is Vi I HFi LIVED *T Ml. I .Mi. GuNGHEfo- -foil FT 'I'llE Second volume ol the *• Bai k. r’* Dauahter,” or* I l.o I osi W niiesa. A ss-qnul lo -Joac-pn W ,111,11;' ny G. W. M. R- molds, 11 >• fry lleli.; or lie Crnlseof the lll.toilhound, by .hr auA-.r of Gallant ton .Ac r <-r »<»le by W Al.SuCR k DAVIH. No. l.Vi ■ug .0 1 ouw'rs* atnmi, hO NBA 4Ja« IMH UTTO' PLANTl Its 'pllF. I M>l It IGNI D having •-, ,-u api i.irdrg,-..:. 1 Mr the «*i" ,,f il.e c-efal.ruled N’eAfl-y *IA IN LAND 1 inTON (;is. Ae c- loll (tom winch la <> A ul, *• l.l, anil which usually bring* thr,e t.« (Lc coni* p» r more'han Irom any--iher Gm vel i-.v.-uUd .,#> bow | repared I" supply P'a" e»* nnd th.-v wauling. Wllh ti.e-e ol superior workmanship al o e bundled and twain* five dollsraeach. Eairs r-liar-g I. Fa'raci fr-m n le<terli"in e Florida plat ; ‘•The Me Arthy Gin I* Inflnl rly ah.-ad of .-very other Gin *el man"fe" I wron'd uni he w h.-nt one or it ai**e* ir- iihle. Is simple, and turns staple la m Ii J and 1 tie op. n proca-a >0 much dc-alred by the Eng'nii buyer* Is -ria nfy oMnlami.” nug ?4- If BOSTON h VI* I. ALONG A. a rt • *r <-». »m.i \, 1 r „ & Ijai'iix i'nC*TT | roallwhomumaycoucer.i; Wher a*. Mrs Emily II Gucie' l, w,|l appliatihe Court of • intliiary for l eri r* of Ii-»ml-*lon as F.atrii- Wl "B lb#r| »l»i.f lichen G Utlerard, il. rr**».l Tbea* nre. iberel--’e, 1 > . lie a. -I -olmnn s'- all whom It •!*) o-neefb, <n be and appear i-efora «sid I'nurt in mak# obj ctlon (if any 'l.e> l-nve, on ov l-r|. r- in* fl««t Honda* In Aiiguvl neii, other wise tald letter* will ba •flBMO vv’iine**, John M ftlllW u. F^q , 1 'rdlnsry for Chatham County, tbla flrat day of February. leVJ J rb * __ JOHN M.MII.LEW,o.o.e. S TATE np iir.ii):>, 1 a f Kflugbam ouniy ( All person* having demand* against Milion II p .w r rs lal# of ael.t couniy, decea-ad, are hereby noi.ged h> ■'tes'e.l, n-me, wP4,-n I them. 1 rawnbed b» •rsoNi Ind- bsed P> said moated, are hereby r- quire-1 | • Kiaba Imowdial# pay nieni LA WHENCE T ELKIN* 1 If 4 Acilng Executor. [ To nil wh'-m H may concern AT COST! nurss rii.ks. Mt'SLINS AN!' LAWS.-. BAKEGKS I !.-~1 "KS. FH'.Nl’H - VVIBRIO. I'lll.NTKD l.l NUN LAWNS, FKI.V.II BKII.MA.N'IM, i.n.l VI AN I'll.LAS, Al No. IIS ( ongre-s -wee:. I.y |,i W. <’. WAD**WORTH. I (HI, lltll IllliW T % 4 T 14 N. H I FEE and Light Infantry T*«Mis. Prepared under ll.e direct t\ »r llpp ttm«- l, for lira use of Ae krn.v ai-il » Il "a. Hi'J p'-rkvi vol*. I'svalry laclha. prepared by order of tbo VN'er |)e- parin-rnt l.lehia and Hbadow-..f English Life A novel: bv ihe authore** of "th* Belle ot Ilie ?-eaS"i - .” Female l.ifa among the .Mormon* I bv the wlfoof a Mormon Elder. Visit 10 Ae Lamp In-fore Heeaafopol, with map* nnd engraving’ In* and out*: or Pana by Day and Night ; by Julie d« Msrvuarrelies New li-i.-o, or An Rescue : a talc of the Great Kana wha oivn Hell . by the suibor of troy llcrberl, Ac. M"-i>rr an-l Pulonm for kugii’l ■ug | W. I H"HNE. WILLIAMH. EltPlIVliVk TV nil K N. fae* ol 1 he Mg' 1 - h«- Tent the Aliar; The Daily I .If- ; lh*«< hiirch behiro the Flood; Hlgns of the T-mes; Minor IV- rk« - First, Hecond anil Third Serin*; Leones on R'>ninnlsn>; l.cci‘ireaon Ihn \pocal p*e -fal aud 9d tarlat; Lecture* on Ae -even Chur he*, Lectures on l> "iilel; l.cciitrea on Ae pnrahi.«; Lecture*on the Mir-trlos; B.-nr.llcilon, or il n Hlc-.-g.) Life; Hcilpmi# Beahiiigs ; Fain-iv Pixyei*. For sale b) r. IV >1 MW LIVED. I • -,lj y -k fr m ih. i-ei, n THE IHLDI.N I' \ fII. . W \RN• »CK L DAVIH, N.» | di Congr,-*’ sireet. Da I Ii - II4MIKA •JH h ..f Viigust, I*-.V, ano'her 'he cine.' author of •• Alo-ie." y I'nri'V. Ilnnami: .re Dirk. o» lira 1. ni'»e of ll.e We-,.—a talc of in.I 1 he nnlhor nl-- Will W'atch;" ore ..f Ham Hltck ,n sruu h * f a W If.- For sain hy WAIIN'it'K h |»AV|8. ana 3" N ■ I'di Cmigrc’a street. |hANl»iI -. GIN \NH in >i 7 qr C"vk• cxl'4 n»e..l 1 L'ognac Brandy, ft pipea<, Dupuy •• Jn • v arjoir* hr null •* . 3 •• Gin. I piii.'lieou J iniair* Rum. I •• Hi. I Troll Bum. In th-ri- anil for sah by muy V3 J. V. C iSNF.H AT h > n. J l -TRUTH t I).-Illark Barege*, Hl.-arlied Whirling# and L mg > foil-#, Eigii-ed and Dolled Hwl*., lied Tickln Mu q.ilto I.ere and Ni-ia, lllerk Gelloima, Dolfage, Bell IHM.or.a Heir 1 l»lh dklrta, % *.-..|i#i’ amt 1 ambries. For sale at llm lowest prices, by iv il DaW ITT * Mi'flG AN S TATF.OF GEORGIA, brn-aiua ' nravv Whereas, lew.’ U Da*bor !■■• appl'ol lo me for I #t |er* > | Guardian-tip fo * (..nets !>■•' si. a miner and or phan of Glderm Gather, iai» Of sat., roun'y. ■I’.’twl Tbasn am Ihsralnre to nln and e'lmonljh all concern •d fo fl* lh--lr of^eetfone. < .< ans i|.ejr have.1 fo my of- •#*. wllh". it.# time pies- rlfod'liy faw : olfrarwlta said toll#** Will fra granted Ihr •ppllrs- l. W'llnea* my hand and > fflc al sg.slurs, lids 3.) day of July. AD, iHftft. Jy4 JAME* HAItW.o, c c. ; * Vl'p’Si, J -lip H Berry. Executor of II.# Iasi will and laeiawani »f Jof.n Kxley. fa a of mi.i tyuo'y. deceased, baa appifad P> iha f'nurt of‘irdln ry. of a«ld 1.ouniy, f. r Loners of gi#m a.l.m ir-m ’ahl ox. roioralilp Those are, lh*r*fore, |o«ml mlmon sh ihn klndro-l ••-I arwlBos* of sold •!#*:• »*d, lo 0ie ibelr '••Jee rm* (if tt) they havnl In m« ofll », wiihin <h* Mm* pr*#.-in.n-i by liw. olhoswi*# fatiar* oi diamlasion will b* gianfad W>* **hl appdcani. w Hoa*s mi, hand and • Oclal afgnaiure, thw Sd day ol Jaly, A. D„ lixft. Jy4 JAftlF.4 HAHN, n ■ r. /AM ATM AM ail EHI Free Ale—O.Mfottod-Wiliim Y **** lb* 4'*4 Tu«w1<, fa • '#i..i»*f, Imfoia ihe door •f 'kofasd llouan In bn city of Msvsnnah. wilhlb lb# legs' h -ur# ;i snls. aft , f mat f#H os panwf of f.*-«f In Ihn r.ity of a«vanuab, known «■ fo.i Numirar Tniit, Hit 1 3f«l hatha.» Ward. Wllh Ihn improverunufa 1 sin 11. wvmd on aa Aa propwsty ..f J ,n„ m • eii'mdge. to aal In y a osofigagn 6 fa issu’d out of An Honoranfa h.i 'j'roG of •;nstfi»m #>»|..iy In favor .-f •'liver M. LH>H*rtdgan«Ml Bernard Lonauiiune, vs J..hb K. Cub- A. TIHiilAs, “y "hsMff ,. e. ~ r " n a*fad - w "i i J s'.. , k- " , * , ?n.'''""' House dm" III thnclir g. : *'** a, *‘7^»d*r I-. Ocfolmr. **•**•“' "T"*'# »d anfa. sM u. a lumrsai < f W >,n W. •(art*. In ib#i Iran* or nsr—i .dun-i fain# . nib* n.ven MJi fleer known a. Ffa l-..,u» To *^.1, , . ,. ,, ooasl irons Lbaibam Hunertor. nun 1* J *.., J,\ K AhfilU, ra. W ,s<( wTe.was f< by plalotUr 'a altarun)• A-TIHJ94 Ai/. , .l w| anpl ft * S "”ta”tE OF OBORIJI A, I 1 ....rrr* “ ' Hrn«OU*M ijneorv i T »* »•* wbomllmaye*Hin##n Whomaa, Albert G Foster, Adnilnltirnlor, wllh Ihn Will otm0tu4,of Marla* Mallory. laieof*nldcounty#tn oossed, has appftn-t Pi ilwf-urtof' "dinar, of to' I emu, Ijf, f»r fsoiiar* of Dfamlaauni fiom said AuinmlaUa- Ihoaa ar*. therefor# fo dlo and admonish al| the kind rod too CSod-tora of said .l-.-sand. lo • e Anfa ohjecil-ns (If any they kava.l In my «*•*, wlihl» ihaiim# preoJb od by low, othgrwlan aald vtiar* of dlamlialiiM will pn fraoiof to ihn "aid epplk#’' Wii«*n*a m v haul and offi i«| signal ur*. A'# f.A day af Ai'fd, A 6.IIU- •ps• JAMKh r r. ( l.nklAff. 4»4 r«f.T|7ir»« ITOf It '■•HE .1,nn- ■ ork •" Fancy and elajh D»y fl"-. l». 1 n*-w on hand. I* < ff,.-reil at r*dnriHl p-,ce’. wh'-lassfa and retail, in • rder to meka r<""n for on- Fall and Win ter assortment. VA e • al. the ■Hanllon fo'iisekeepers, pfa'.larr, mil Aa pnMIr generally, lo a few s'l'rle* n..w hi he wen ai Hie *■«•* Hheeilng* an . whirling* nil nfjlhs, fflear'.rii *f"f Brown .*hfal.lig Hfaipe*. do, Ai r.-si ' hecks Cmyhani*. Prim*, I o'ore.1 k'•>• 111 -n Bt-ravas. Tiss'i.a H k-, 1 smbflc*. Franrh I'h'o'a. I'u B'lu.i-' sl'r-## 1 4.11-i- dea. Linen Hrlll-. fia» a*k Tal'l i loll.a. |, -,l s ami N mkln* he . with *H rehtr srticln us'iaUt found at a rcaufar Drv G'«e s estshiGhmeni— Call end-aa «■ KEMIAl l.II * I. • |H"N. aug gg No ‘J - i-a.I-l's “i -r.-s / v'lffft f fiffV husl.ely prime " fote L-rn x laiu'ingf' srbr Luilly hen, lor ssla Ir.nn live Whari stall la *T»Ba >-0 bushels minis Whim Ifaliimor* Corn, 3 hi l.ale*i h..irs 'orlh lllver Ifay, VI•« bualrals v-.imI Feed ('"Is, ;pi" 1I0 wiions, 'J ai do. Mrivu and Middlings, r«.r -sfa by WAVER h G'.NHT ANfEvL. SOff J I J'MiTf.P VN|) ALE 7ft cs*as. each e Hlb'ief'- I* Her, ■n.l fin ca-ks, each w .1. ».-n pints 'I l''ll polls, IIIl»t>.-ei • sllprllor I'ale Ale, "-sniilnc.ureil e||-r*aal) I«r lhi» market. Just receltid i-nil 1 or * -In b ana *1 P <DLI.E"HM. F vY <1 C“ III « I IV ||. AhP IN eV'liE—3 cl. Jenkins h Cr.'a celebrs'e-' TEA, Ills- k snd Green 1 put up In W snd H p -nnd pa|»ers. Wsrr n'nl i" he nf il.* Vrr. besi q-iall.y : pot up aspresaly for family u-e l'..rssls by Jy fa J VMM* V flHOVV« nun ni'.Ai-, fin. flf'eff f'f.H Fm sb 1 urn Meal ; ju*l rnenlvr.l, and 1 * *1J lor sale low by 8tV IFT fc J* 1% J l -T RECEIVED PER wTE AM HI — Vn- lh#r sup p'jr of Boys Kisck 1lparo< snd Eugll’b Mrrb.i JackiM". H bn • snd Fancy I men Pirns, Whim Color,.-I e; |rt*. ’Iso, 1 Mtdren's Brown, ( beak *.» Fsi.r, L'nen inllea A|: for sale a' ver, (heap j.r «>i al AnClmhlng *i.-re,Glb no# hang. . hy ii 'in G IB • SD/llOl.w 4 ro I'or | » l.*M' •• t A II lltlflT. 1/ XI R A Fsroll) Fl- nr ; a • 1 me# Hd 0 f Ham* I I sal# low to Close f.ohslgliinelii, by Jolt—& G M h.haoleai* ~ I Jv'l / if MIN — I"».ry*sa llaiiiniof 1 mu In racks, in spire snd . > KJ f" *•!# by DAYNARD as Rowland. • tig 'J3 ^ -II Ml I'M — ill V sicks for -.lie low I . 11->se i'ia *7 |..i, by IIAYNAHH A HOWI.ANH I aug H.I • ii* rnnrr hamn Sfiia'C !*•' i.hds sh, in sir fc'" i.ghl CH*ks, III Here-* Huflfohl'a " #si| ball* iistur. 4 OMNI. ( 0113. V N si.irn and ai wharf, la lola u • constant supply 011 l.snd in lulura. efvifovt vaT"N J store ai d hit ss'e 0: II.HF. of (Inesl quallly. sis.. Rorkfand 1 aniryj t I.A'.fl'»HN A 1 I’ANINGfMM For ^I'E.VnEHhLE ELOl ll -Hen saeva of'v.ry su^.l 'r I 1 I r-nnssso Flour, I" al"is and for na'n l»w In rmsc eoiislgn.naiii. VVAV.NI, Gh IN VIM.I. A i< • •Uf VI Nc - Or- JM « Il "ill II AIM II * 11 A M A HON. FESRiAl l.l A M A H I I A. O N I. TH"I 8 AND 6»n |.iimo»w*I huahs 1* heavy Hnsd 1 mis, in *i'fa#j for s«i* si s |ow >s<s nog iT-1 w Ii. II Mil If II vM m HoN Him a Ala arr.EI.. I T' 'Nw assorted IHs.n Iron, 3*i Pu.s do s. roll do IftL.ososal, Ifalf-Ov.i ami half Mr-11 ml Hon. •J tio Nail IbuJ* < *•> ion* ' -""■"ii • "sllsh I n *. Shu do i' II*los<l Iron ; Ik Iona el.snl Iron x do flrn »*•'."*,nanla lliolar lion. I do Mlis'er Hi—I x do l.'sat meal, H' do Flats Hinvf amt fo, ..fa |,. R I.E II. VVKRH- Hsvannah July S, faftft. Jy 4 -If / v« .|iN Fit. ns Whllo and Vr How Awn. fo * an ■ *. ’tie I»r A . - % I nl. VueF.'* Ui Idols ' 11b* and 'Hi hl.P ill |.1 * Mofal*. a Hirers *n.| tor sale hy aug J:i I I.AGffHBN h ' f VNlM.fl Ml S EGAH, III TT Ell, AND "ODA CRN Kl.Re i>, hi,la 1*1.par • 1 arfcr• •. In bb>s Bui's, 'rarki.r; In bh 1 * H.ufa llisinii, (fresh ) Juu ncnised. and aafa hr 8 IFT AGO. In aim- H A* IN niloi'I.HI MH and f..isals low , to ri any l N AIIJ*-*Mikrg# Nalls In s'orn, and f--r sale hy F. W. COHN Kl.l,, Vh I.hds "liouldel * >se n..nsl(" ii""i CRANE, ELLA Xi4f 1J tha Praiidant, Dineton omi Sh'ckKulilara af tha Marina liunk vf Qlorgia, on Monday, Auymt 20th, CIIAHLEH F MILLS, President DIRECTORS EDWARD PADF.LFORD, I OCTAVVB COHKM, NOAII R KNAPP. AARON CHAMPION, GEORGE HALL. NOLLE A .HARDER. Adam*, Mir'hs W A'l'ibis. S it.ib I) 11 Adaiii’, Must 2 Anderrmi. Ky.lnsf Mary 14 Andsr’n". Geo W, In truat for Mm II Bryan. I Anderson Gm W, in trust, 1.73 Arnold. R D. ’uhttiiuleti trustee for Mr* E V Goodwin, and child'n, 13 H TUIlK 1»*U' LIiEKb: 8h 1 rat. Arnold L-msJ Arnold. E Insv.l D IUnk ot tlte S'at# of Georgia BtUarrhy. Wiitloa Dell. Jo»..| h J Red lo*. Mrs Jolla Dlisa. Mia Martha A do In trial for her children W 10 30 34 70 1ft 33 4 2 Brodnai W E, in trust fur B II Brudn-ix 21 Bofannhan. John fru»tes of Mr* Ffarld't J Henshnw 511 Burroughs J II A B-r.j'n, in tru * fnrV i> Rui".'igh« ,iud cliildran 37 Rulkley Juaiu* R 214 Bunch. Ehtit' elb ft Ain't- looo 700 100 700 50 OOftO 600 600 1600 1700 aa<to 760 1000 2i'0 100 1350 1350 I 107410 ; 31*0 : Hhttrti. 18 IL urn, Mntil'U 40 2"Oo: BurJgalt. William II 138 «v»» CtiMiiipi. n. Aaron 700 3501'U Ch 'inpiim. Fran.'li J 22 1100 do in trust for Jan* M ChBtnbioti 10 600 do do fur Elita A Lar- mmh 10 600 Cnrharf Georg# B 3U0 I5UH0 -Clark. Tliniua* 162 8100 Clara, 0-urge H 26 1300 | Clark. A.i'H’on 6 10 600 Cwisweli. \V tin un E 138 6900 Cashier ul ih.a bank, in truat fur , Wlduwg' ti "''rty 10 600 : Carruttiers. J- m-pb ti, ageul J8 yuo Cwiupbrll. lli.rricl 1' 82 1400 , C.implieli, Hubert, execu r of Julm 2900 ' Caut) Irali 53 CAiupbe.i, Henry F 6 300 1 C iinpl-t-li. Hubert, jr 56 2800 Cli-itbu - Ac.idam>, truateai of 233 144**0 Cain, Anne 3 150 CU) - . 1 tihiuaa S 4 2u0 Cusiaff, lluiiry 61 3200 Clinton Lud^o No. 64, A.Y.M. 2 luu 1 Cuban, Ui'tuvu# 100 5000 1 Cubeu, Jnculi 14 700 ' Cuban, ti -I'.iii >D 40 2on0 Cohen, f\.l--iuuo, Jr. n 650 Cubeu, Cecil* 13 050 Cooper, John, in trust for Mra. E J Manure Collin*, Hubert, A T. G. Hull, 12 600 Trust's ui Mra Martbw A E D»v. npurt 74 3700 C"| e, C'.rntli v J 4 2«'0 C -1 ling. llenrieUd D 5 250 Cumuiii.g. J 'bn 324 16200 Cuuiuiii y;,.G""rg# B 27ft 13SU0 Cuuiiuiiik. ftlunigoiuarF 7 3..0 Cuuniiigb.ihi, Jubu 6 250 Church. L ir ib -tb D.i»ia, 0’ W. Execut. ostateo. IS ttUO Th.-uii- CUik Duon, Julia, A linlnialrutrix 51 2560 estwln u| J G Duuli 30 1950 D 'hald-un, ll.irriat 1.2 3lu0 Dun Id* >i>. J Uins L '.’7 1350 Dunning, E iu M Duiiniiig. C. Tru’iee »f S M, 4 200 S C, VV Ii, A G K Dunning 21 1050 du 4" Maiy Hama 7 3u0 D'i Ignon. E'ixa 15 750 Eh-<sr -. ti-'^bta A U'3 6400 Lr.nis. ti,-| hit Exur'a un 1 Ev trend Gu*rdi*na 22 1100 uudvr lh« will uf J 1 fur A..Justus U •net L min, Laiuu, ■Iron of V K Barruta K« r, James, tu trust fur Maria G Milwnrd 4 K*r, LuuiftaJ ft Ker, Eugenia M ft Kcni), E.faa M 1ft Knlluck, Mary F ft° Kullwck, Maria C ft Kollock, Oeorif* J Truat*#, of E 0 Johnson, and ubtldrea, 12 Kunic, J dm W 10 Law inn, Joa Min Truat for Kllia Suuth, "ft do do for Jao* I! Lartigue, f>7 Lamb, Jataea T I ft Lawton, A U 45 Lamh, David IV 18 I,stub, Ocurge B IB Lunghuru#, John D lo Trad for Mary M Langburn*, 53 Levy, Jacob C lo Trust for F Y Levy, 12 d-j Ex’or of M C Levy, 10 Lincoln. W W 3 Lowd,John L 8 12 Luwd, Edmund Kirby 10 Low, Andrew 500 Luihurruw, Maihnw 30 McIiiiiur, Jusepb 60 McAlpin, Dm aid 8 Mack ur. Hubert Estate of 43 Mnckny. Catherine 1 Maxwell, John J Truat## of licit, r Rnriih Howard, 3 Mullard, John II V Marshall, Mary M 21 I Marshal), Elixabatb 0 3ft M-triliall, Elita IS Maxwell, M-iry 40 Mt'Ntsh, Tbo* J Truat** of IL.burin, Laura, Juno D, and Mary C MoNfab, 41 do do for Mra Su-xnnab D Macoow* ft Mrlntire. Ruburt 28 Marlin, Anna M 2 Mercer. 11 W, Caabiar 45 Mil a, Charier F 342 Mill*, Junes G Oft Mill*. Thoa R & Minn, Unity, and PhilUppa, 25 Milieu, C->ruelia M 3 Motynenx, Edmund 3ft M»rri»a.'ii, Jsiuaa J 25 Mnrrfasoii, Elia* ft Nevilt, L«uD« d 22 Nevitt, Maria 22 Nevtti, Carolina C 9 Xewmn. Gmrga M 72 Nionll, J >hn C ® Nichols, David B 27 Norris, Mary E 13 Nutlmn-, Samuel 30 Owen*, John W 50 1'idelfnrd, Edward 1000 Pedal fur l, F *y A Co 100 l'arkinab, Nivwuttl B 217 Purgman, Julia 74 Parkium, Lucy 70 Peck. It* 800 Phelps, Oliver C 58 PendorgasG P U, Mra 30 Perry, A. S J , in iraat for bia w if a, "Mirth.* Il Parry,”, un- dot ihe will of J.unea Lamb 18 Fhiilirif-b, Mra Elvira F 1J P.'tler, Jims* 553 Putter, Thomas K 2ftft P .Her, James—R F 8tifakfon— RirlisidMockiuii,A R S Ffald, Trustees uf Sarah Jane, John. Oouid. A' omus, guardian of J>> avph ii A>lama, 16 Hall, George. OSU Harder. N-'d# A 2.U Hardee, M'lllhim J 66 H y.lan, 1 iiherinn I' 25 Haupt. M irv L and other*, tlm . Inlilrni «.f Jno Ilsupl, sun 3 Harris, Lew >e F 225 llnttrick. fc rpnon 7 11 .1 ey. l> I', eieouinr erlstn 8 H I'.,rk min I.HJ Ilnl-ej, l» F. in lru»t for Hatnual liretk I’.ifkinsn 74 J nnd A S Hsnridg*. adm'rritalo of Clmrlvs llartrid^a ft llarvov, fcai b 4ft llaid-i'. < Inrlrs 8, Iruateo for AL len N llardau 0 Harden, Ihomat II. iruslan for Mrs Alherla T Arnold 10ft, Aleian.l -r VV 5 llcrberl, .1 II. estate uf 1**7 Henry, I’«»o 45 Henry, J P, e*tala of Ifli Hcnkall, E Iward f 6 llttiiy. E.—iis H . p and P M Kolloeh. Illl’l.'r* 21 11 l>•l.tun, KLri M 6ft ll'.wnr.l, J I) 4 II ( km. Mfa M H.admioJalralrlx 4 Ingrsh .il>, J.diII 8 15 Isaac, R.'l.eft II b-V Jackson. Ehcnner 148 Jewell, ll< nry L ®6 J -liiitii.ii, VVilllim P 48 J'.hnaio", M .iy II 28 g.iaaii W 1® J.iIi.isIqii, |l. lUmy R 120 J. I...*1.ip, 1* A 25 J. hiisii.n, L 'tiiva C 81 J nil'.lion, J ,ii.” 11 n J••htisti.,1. .1 -n.. E ft Juhn’lon, Geu II. iinslnn of Rll ylm'r VH0 200 250 250 700 2500 400 600 500 3500 2850 000 2250 000 000 2650 600 80O 150 COO 5 (JO 25U00 1 if 00 3300 4u0 2150 60 150 450 1050 1800 000 2000 2050 250 1400 JuO 2250 17100 3250 250 1250 MO 1500 1250 2<>0 lluO lt»0 450 3600 450 1350 650 151)0 2500 60000 5000 10S50 3700 3500 40-.I.0 2'.’0ft luUO 900 60O 27650 I49.r0 unito-. 13 POO , Alton Putter 132 6600 Exni'e A Exir'a and Guar lUni Puller, Ant uny 6C0 3.H0U0 r Hie vtlll u( Jamas LuUih. do Trustee Isaac Henry 1 to 7000 fur Virginia S L.iiuO, (a Hahn, William 40 2""0 minor) 13 900 d > Trustee nf Matilda Hahn 5 2.-0 Exoi'a A Lxir'x wn lQuardiana do d» Ida J Rebo 6 250 un.lrr the will uf James L*iok, Rathb'ine, William P flo 3000 f..r C nsl-mca D Lnu.b, (a Raifurd, K»bt, T'usieo of Caro minor) 13 900 line Cooper 18 900 Exur’s.d Jaiuea Lamb, in Truat Ree.i, Elia* 148 741*0 J r R ,'vcin 'V. Clark, un #r H"V ni-|.ls. L 0 113 6600 will uf *‘l Tc»lnlur 13 900 R >i.#rf», Rebecoa 9 450 Falroblld. L J B, In trust for Rkent-eugli, Jacob 92 46u0 Mary ti Fatut t obildren 6 300 lluic k Arthur G 79 3900 Fem.ile A" lum 24 1200 H errs, r W, Trustee of VT M Fivning, Helen 5 250 Huger* 150 7600 Glart, S*rab 24 1200 R -bi-rte. Geo C—Jus Byrne A F Gamlrv. Ann Cnlbarin* 3 15o ; L Mawdolr, Trustee* uf Julia G -r. W i| r.ui 27 13.0 ti ii)mm 48 2400 lire’t, Vulcntioe, Trustee for hit Robertson, George, Jr. 64 3400 | wife 13 900 Rogers, W II 15 750 1 .Iu <1 > Guardian children tihafler, Harriet ti 57 2850 1 ul E D K'litin >n 18 900 tiwv'b Inst, fur tiariogl 10 500 llirrem., ll-.nnit M It 7u0 Stafford. Robert 400 20UUO Gilmore. .1 l - ' 15 750 ' titHtfu'.l. H »bert, in truat for Mra G.idlrc), tiu»au J 452 i Ann flays li 550 Uf' ii!" 360 17600 Seymour, Catherine F Screven, James P 1-3 44UO Uu'-.IhII ftiuburno, in trust fur 663 27650 W 11 tinnier 13 650 . Schneider. Conrad 27 1350 du u • Georgia T Sn .for 37 I960 Spear. J.vs E, guardian of Laura ilu do Gertrude Snider 43 21 oO A W an-i Antoinette A Spear 12 600 du >1" Mary K tinnier 43 21 u0 Smith, S Alexander 188 6V00 Gould, An* luu*, of tin lea. Miss K C 4 200 ELta 11 Adam* 15 760 Smith. Caroline A 5 250 du du H-irriot Adams 15 750 , S>'"tt, Wm J, estate of 432 216U0 do du George M Adam* 15 750 Snlnmu'i*. John G, iu truat for W do <1 > Jutenlmte A lams Li 750 ti nn<l Kina G tiulomuna 1 60 Gould, Ai t.'inuv, guai.liwu id Jnu Stone, J.’se 2 100 ,M Adams, 1 1 700 Taylor. Henry 21 1050 Gould, Art- mill, guatdian uf An- Telfair. Mwry ISO 34.r0 me Ad .(us, 15 750 Thwoatl. James 400 20uo0 A H. In Dual fur bla y |l Juliifaluli, under f Jawsa Lamb 18, wife, M It” will Junes, O’ _ Jones, Juhli • Knapp, Nosh II 3' Kin. 1 p, N.... ii H, In iriiil fur ftnl* Teffi, Penelope 4 750 Teffi, I K 20 400IKI , Ti-fft, 1 K, trealee under atarnag* 11700 •••tilemontuf Marion Mniriaun 1ft 2750 Teffi, I K. trurtea under Ihn will 1250 j A Wilkin*, aen’r 4 I T. fTi, I Iv. cxsl.tar 11 160 Th.-ms*. Hannah A 47 1126" 1 Thomas, John J 16 350 Thump* n, Mm II 146 Tulls, Susan C 3 4 6950 Turner. DaviJ, and Jo# E Colea, I Iruatcea ol 1. " Tuppnr 32 37"0 Tuppe*, I'n-d k A, irustaa f»r ihe 1 children of F A and L W Tup. 250 ' per 10 23u0 Tupper, Frrd'k A, liuata# fur Win 1 P.dlard 5 300 Tustln, Joaiah I' 6 Vm Alien, James U 20 6300 Verslllle. 0 L 8 4ft 250 Villal'.ngiv. John L 1«4 7850 Washburn. J.iset'h 300 2250 Wit linen, N-riinn 50 6250 VV.itart, John, nxncutors of 25 34"0 Wtldhurg. Ellsabntb L 2J 550 Waring, William 4 Waring, James J 4 1050 Warren. John 10 3450 Weltoan, Margaret 21 200 Williams, W Thorn* \3 2"D Wbiion, D will, guardian of And 750' T Miller, odr.fa 65 4250 Wi»#nl»aek#r. Christian 20 7400 ' WilH*m»nn. J,»'in P, *x#<*ulor of 4750 ratal# of Henry Taylor 10 2400 Wilthargar, Wm II 12 1400 Wilkins. Ann R 45 y»0 W/miJ, I) A 2 6300 Wood. 0 A. trutlaa of August* M 1250 Wood i) 41150 ' W004 Kiekisl. J C 6 650 d<> and Ii Johnson trustee, 300 1 nf Alaaldi P llunimg 13 1 Wo..«|inff P II, and f, R Cuyler TOO Intel era nl B II Molrnnua t'D 1 Wver. Ilcttry o 177 Yming, Jaira M 60 Young VV in P |6 Kabiltkie, Albert U 29 200 1000 950 200 700 2350 800 74"0 1700 1600 900 3"0 1600 IJOOO ! 20 000 11,000,00 0 II(INTER CasMer . SALK Or CHOCTAW ORPHAN URN IN T niMIM!PPI. •>— DarsaraasT ny tua latgamB, *mcm of latffaa Agslra, August 12 i»M. ryt'RI.ICRnTH'l. It Hrrahy g*• *w. bai lb* envotal ‘ I pi vests H pares I* "f lauu her • I nailer flnniUd, lying in ina emiullea of falfaiiaioiia, Y-l <uaiu., 'loliuet L 'Wii.tna, and H-.lirar, In tbo dtala of Mlaslesippi, WHI# at lb# H" as and pfat-a dnsigifatael,Ira eapf.*wd f-,r aal« ih s’ya-ars fenefar e* Unas, at pbhlie aueifon, l" iha higti.’-i Imliivr for caab, by rneiuHe-ioner* l" Ira ap- p..inie.l nn bafiairuiura G,me*aw oiph.u*, by tha gn»- armn iihaalbefa rut aa, uu It" Ufa pr-svis-■■•» "f Ufa •i'b clwiifa ul the 10th ertiela nf Ui* i.buclaw ucaty uf , |M>, »•« : f ut Muaday. the 3.1 day nf Decnmi-tf, foM, at tbo c-.ur. b..ussiilm,r In 1 uflevivilla, Um foilwwing tractaUf Yai.diuatia cciinty: Ail in lyntkip Gar*iy-rAr«*(V3) range eight <ij east. Al' n» >*< dun mu-k •(linn (J3.f 1 hr wsrst hair and aouiluaai quarter of eeclfor, twea- ty I falll , JH-J Ihe nasi half ot aeailnn iwaitty bin* (JO;) The ■.(irlM.asl quariei 1,1 a- nfon lb>r.y mra Ol .J Tin nor h half ul *#e Inn llur»y-lwo (3i;) aud Til" areal ball uf sacintu llllny l.'U's' 14) And ai 'Ira s-uiiv iliuaau l place, tna lollowla# dss- cnUtj iracl lu Hw aoj dull g rai'U* in tJehtar temeif, n »•«» ot essfait i»' SSCIOH ,l|l«»I.L* Th* Poekri MncMnpiun; OH, *,Vt.UY O.'h *1)0 wkVN Pill nUAN. Til V. fifth- h frlotun, wUk Oimi lliisilml Kifarasfaga, • bowing D.t c*ea and MaMnv- k.a-miss nl lira DuoiSfl *)M«a 11., 1 try abatra aid form. Ta « b-f Is Is mUUA • Traouao aa 11., irises•- * <■> •'>*ai*a,b*taa ul lira brgbf’t Jfapormacn married f - l‘ u • **» ,fc * •* fan,, rein a r, *>r s,» . uy v\ f I l.l’ M YeiL'NG. M D- l.e re. latbne Lra suik*fas4 tw 11. ifa 1 a w pr u* Ufa MHt v J.A pil'd fo ina cbtmi Is aeiy mi# b m Ii"# #a»'y **■»•- Irai m )«<••>« man •» w. us* enter »i.i.. ti,« sedrrt nti'g’f •*+ of married life wri * ■-» ir'd.lfatb. F").KI.1 A:- IMJlPltA. Ifat M. fafaSaf. a baVUiraH fr. * **" niaiu...........-«■- -m. '*• *"r" Z'jjzcl ItlaWSRcsTTuS ,<a s far 'il i" ir* »*"ied *,.y lfap.4,- »•-1, read lb's truly vu: lh« soaih half of vycifon tblrinao temaihig iwralg III I ill,1 range srers 17 y anl. 1 '11 Muiiilsy, the null ,.f Ua-:#'nlr#r, 1655, al ib« court h').ise d"*.f iu iTiark's'i.u, lallaluichln u.unii, f"l* lowiifa .foscrlbe.l I,Mi ls ,*l fall,I III said V »nl' , si* s /a taiemktf fwsafy /ear ('J4.) rasg# ••• (4) *«»l All ul sncl'.rirs Ibi, u (J;> leu (*U,y *ud Uur-y Urra# 1»3» t he rail hall sw luu (lit lire touii.wesi qu-nn ul arctfon Mira (9 ) Tim inirih half and auuiliwnai quarter ufaoetlon twaa- l)tt*u 1 gg S) Tin wes. hell of eeciInn <• only flvr, ''J5) T he north Its f ol aeut|.<n tvsei'i) ail ) The sni half >if at-t-ifon twenty aeven (tf• W 'flra nmtfiwcst quarrruf seed,11 UiMy f"«r (-It , and Tua north ball ul cfa n ,rt ,wa*l qu*r -r an'- west bull "f‘ha ii’irlhoasl quarter'.I act lion thirty six iJ6) In tavnihtptw ntyjlii («.V)’•■/* fws .if'Soar All of recliuu iwnnty seven (il,) tweuly eight (»»,) and t»«my nine<%*;> lira ni'Mh'disi quarter of section four < 4;» • Ti.e souihwnst quarter #f s-cilon twenty two [.'8; Th* eouihwrat quarter O' peril, n iwtoiy three [*3.1 Amt t.fa c*»t ha 1 "I anctifili thirty (In . /iir#,ftiy oai'f Joar (J4J range three [3j rarl All "• aecin.n three 3,] T'.c east half oitbe U',rili«asl quarter of section two « . an I (hr n .rthnast quarter of sn-lfon four [4 1 In lemnihtp lieintf get [XVJ rang* 1 krt* (11 eajt. J be-oulbwe’i quarts,/Ol *e»'lun i.-nrtean it;] The southeast quarer of aecilou giiernf 1 •;| I Ira ’..uihwest quarter of secibm iw- uiy 8»e ’ The aoU'hwe»i quarter ot secMm. iweuiv aia .a. ^ The souiheast quarter of aedlou tbirije three and lira * uibntal quir'er of aecin.ii ll.iriy l*.ur ( raj On M«i,day. the 17th day ui D», .oiber, ISVj. ai ihe curt h"'isa d'.or in the n.wii uf ngioii. If..iibsra,.,on ly . tun lulluwiug descrilrad iracia of land lu said cuouty, VII. In tummkiy * 1 ttun (I6j rang* an* (L lent. The w* *; l.all„I »eclmn Olieeli ’ I 1 4 and The *•■* half mod s .ulhoatt qusrier uf aociiui, loan- /a I ’ieuiSip Jiftttn (IV.’ rang* an* (I] m*il. The ni'i.lraM,'. quar • r ol w-, il..|i iwe--ly ,' ini Ha’Ufi ai.lbt ."J I of December, I6>5.*:ibe court h<"i»e d->r In ll.e to» "f 1 .ilumbu,, lira dc st' i'ct quarter teetiou of !snd In l^jwndrs county, I ne northwest quvner of section use-ly two [-Si] fovrn»blp iil.ot'i-nl'i 'tinge s< Ve'deen [l7Je»»t ■ M tin- strove dnscrihed lands, sevemy-iwu qua'tnr* arc'-1 n« we c ’elected in IKI4 ai a ime worn ’ u tlo frasi landa Hi ihe » we-e uu 1 cipn-d an l nnan- p’.-|i'>aled . and the ..’her ff»e quarter aswliwra *0*1 one- e'ffi. h acre l-'t. nr vigh h«f a•ecil ui, l »>e tw-eii arqulr- •<l in eeiiicninni ir-m dcoti.r* to lira orphan find Tna Ihiu ommiaaimiert" .e il« wii tleiio.ia •> ih* 1 lund do se- «-s ne land* at,-v<-,-ffern.l l--r sale aa ix ing. ” *1- III.I.I W h-oil all excep 10I1, rich and lertile, W.-ll and adva-- aram’ly h<c*ird. in uy *• them •"iia'derabl) un provral. ’ aod *• being ••largely enbaccn-l m e . fa b» tk# rt i'rnirni I'nprnvnmc'it. f.r-isperif». an-l nxceilsmi p |r* ui*"-'n ..I 1 Ira facti'Mi m wb-ch bey he. n an 1 • am mem ly a i*pi"d" f"t |.l tu >n^ purpuso*. Vu ipp'.nse'i-eiit I itiaoe reserve*, ahowli.g 'he r ' aluu .iid iha rnionau'n p Ic-ai wlmh each lr»e'. re- pect v«iy, may Ira sold, w.ll be Blade prior mUra dales ir -Ul tlte w rv l« WS »rf U’SlU ry* ,\o* pair >.n *er.«J" v T VV I NT V II v 1 ' f XT* et cln-ed I" a le ret. will rec—se « '•» c«-| y ' I • fi’nk uy roaff.'.r Ivsroot. e* wBI Ira M-: "r» • — H ' • Add-rss. .pua* p*id ' DM VV m Y-.i'No, ***g 1 - iy **. t'ri »r"« » . i'u -ni, pkio. hhodes’ FKVI It AND A -I K (TRK, ■ "lilt <(-• preveu -u ». ! - ■ : 1. u »iri--r „g af-d M r aalllgnt Fever# I t-r;.-fal v*. e klA fa*e Du III*. Ague, Ge*,, ral fiebdUv .S.*ri •»*•{*. a fa] a «. her f>rn., f disease vshl, b have a ’ ->r. rr. - -a m-gm | Valaria or Vllasma Tlo# » » a] A" -I- sl-d. • ei- re!y protect env rn*.del. - r I'ave.le . .- i-e rr, s'ctly »r ’•-nif > :ra-s| t.e*. iiom'. y V«J-. n.l. ■■ r - T Whatever. ,.f u.jury Ir . r-ihstaWly mhairag Moloyla or Vll’Sin*. It will lonaaliy clieek l*,r Vg ie 1* ja-rwuhs who has* sulh-r, I : -f • . - len.tti ..r - m» (»-•«. or,* o twenty year*,*.. i*.a r • need inn hur tr.«,-»»er chIM, by coir Inning Ha nee acor j i »> <1 nc *M Ttra pRNM tl non, In fins l< 1, cover »i-;ra*lie afal • 'esig'b. and OUO llnue- nn-, .< irna,," radical cur*"< efeetod. ' ».e ■ 1 |e ' lie * w .U t> farf lot ord-hary COae* - * u.r may require ifa-re l"r. c*- ; |rfia-vl in C.rinaa, Ff.ocb eud npat si, a cmnpttiv e*-h ri ^th I’rtre Our D-WI*'. I.lbaral discntiuU mode Ui Ufa trade. J V8 V Pruprotcr. |‘r videuce- t(h >de iarasid. •f ha e made a rl-em Fevrra-.l Ague Cure." hay* in.'r-l it l--r Ar**-i,k inor. hoi l-nve but Imind have ( .-.-ii-,] any »-,)»••*• proseliijUMou* 1 'i-*- - - JAMES If. EVIDENCE ' f # A PITY Saw V a•.ami |l Ik5i I *1*0 o» * Ky.-eJea' • \i, . I..'- 1 Malaria," anj • i>) U aiA tryct, p. r 0-e ol r her m It ten <cr*s./'<w 10a! »&3.J -■Uffat. HL.ToN. M. D, CWmiaC OF MERIT. ,-si-. P, May ft. lbVL F VI HEM* Liwoaca-. ft Mr.). A Ki J »- - I *c*. .-ir. * be • 1 ®*d c yn., *er.i n.~ wrs dulv re. *a»r.1 «B the H*f- April. I !<«*,- •")<: iv.-,: • m half I #*••! lar -. t jaoyd# wb-- f.*v,- ii»,-l 1 are »*u»fled li st it fc** . then. — I- h-• ee 11 -rty si.-pio tbs Ago-« . • v. ■ baa u~-,1 |i. aud *'* stI the ra*e* • r# of I- • g • sfalio/ My „*le' t w . 1 1. I.fal it for ffsa ,-'*■* years !»■■ » . *t>4 could nr ver gel II *fof-Jfa esre, I t-v q . Mira, and V at nly a# li.og a* stfa v* bid lake >U I* ■ -• • iftlnk. ea- rely cu«. d Ly y>-ur rrrnrd. 1 h >I-UINLY. I ALTI »N To Al.t F. fcl Ff I.RLRfc. T ko r,.. more i'-t, Toe-c*. «•■' ■ Ui *l*e Ft hr fii.'t». -ir», »r 4,.) va i'. * -t-'» any k - rat 1 r-e w, I k-fl . ra-y - i.r-v f^wi# yed- 1 r- ve* t ir. i.e ira , f,\ i • x e - her * f tala* toe-li-'ki p>, •• |4r-s ■ -' ' rr--• rna' q ia t» Tt.# owty rvtnedv i •>'. tit • fa ■ snir •aa/wileat, la Rn- -liL- H.V IM AM' AG I ». • 1 HI Wholesale •»- '.in' ■ i ; vV, . VND, SUbKI’ kk 15 • II. . lot » j Ir by d--kr- fl rfefa-s ly. mi' 17 **--asiwOran _____ 100 I .(•»*,•« v* bars ihn jmrehaser or purrha-nr* of any /act •!. -)) fail in entat i) wnh in, inmm> rate, l»«# J*n 1 • I'ci.urnd wifi be retold at bla or tue.r esprit e aud <sk. Tim lllla in the *e lends la beBered fo Ira lmH#4 - Ik Id# ui If. iu »i.jr ex v. ii,. adversw cam st all l a •*' up c right >be -.rph "•• will ba de'enued by thn g .s.rn me t. ns their gUvhlUo. Tl - *-k'< <v, sa.e* wil! commence M thn placet I k'n> d at I J "’clocli - f rac!> day,and C ,minus until the lands arc od offered. CHAR LEN F MIX. eupt 3— .aw. her 1 Acting • om*i i er Hack Li n e F11 ONI AN! lit 14 fR T 4 4 I Tlinill T Having th" miract in cairy ihn L M*.| I'-.rn An. 'cut t" « ull.heri. via [providence Ihe undnrt'girad w.«uld In- fii'u, oc .raviiiiig pii'dic that he has nn foe Hun an • t •• len. H«ck. amt that it wJi leave for L'l"h»H'f>. every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY, Imiii-.Ifa'e ) ulier Iho errivbl ..I i^e pes-eogef train f'- in -ii. and »rn*c st Cu'hbrr'. U 2 *»' "•<•* P. M. II,.' i* n 1 ’, lea»# i* .ihhert at 7 ..’fiovk A VI on Tl'ESDAYS.THURSDAYS &. SATURDAYS in im; -n AllicrlCU- »atne d*> itr.ivcllo.g publ'c wdl Ond .-n this Hue good w-.'-l Tek'i.s, and careiul D ivers I’*»»ei .ees ro»* rely uiH.n cai* being taken fo insu'e ihe;r -nfriy and -••infur: Any art. " by Lapress w.B la- y I III ,-sr. Ml v r-1-vev, . ■ • • -it, » . '-• r e>-l ol tlve ll.e B.i'ii' <• i- .(rm.agi- rn >*. rerjra. rr■ r:;* aoli- iierl. -lage-.f fl • • 11.1:» I louse in vmcr cu.. and •" •*:» Hotel, lull.'-e-1. VV V| VI. BKADY. I JI 16— «3mn* VALUABLE SEA ISLAND PLANTATION wl V lilt II * M l(J* Prime t • ' r F. • ffen, 4" - Id i,«,ve»*.trehi *»»*, IM Mvrls ce llict. - V’. iu •• *• 85 ravjera, 5 - * Hama. JV ■* New <Me ni^ugaf, » ’<bh|« Rr«i ed 1V •• < r».v • P-.wderad fcagav, ft', hhd ' ufca v,e|,fa.-a, y- bhii i tn- rr V I i-.-t Fami'y A-a®. I •* Tohafr-', all erodes, i -• Ground Pepp r awd fcptcw. ' bag' P, pper ai«u sp.<e. tfc* *.<, ,*ckv •Ifa. kisr,-rkM"n-a,tt M r*ds»el Ml- i-lu.f *u-' for **ra *--w. by R -D-.I.K* 4 N 'BRIN. T'-frllgr * tinned I.. nay iff i'll i: % r nic » ««•*!»** rpt! F M - - it I HER* .t • t - "is "f nrk J ibptr tail OMI irtntw a40dL or* ■ f*»" »' -r* st Un-*I h*fa - '■* S’* -- T »r-ia* (-il . »i :!-e a 'ts.iev d ih- p- I '-C te * few •* the g I'Aud s'-C as i eh' -I esAiMX-. H- •" a |lj I 1 M'kt4, *f *W‘ , i, si dhs atel qukl.De* . Gmil.s*.' Pr<nts IWoges. Ti« ♦Ik-, and* e*e j? c; a Goods, F. .wen.. Liu P.. . run* 81- t i.tvr.m ivu VMiii'H I I. |R - AI P —Thai valuable PL VSTATli'N .^r» ef M'lifoS iaL I'll, kfa.wi, «s II A All !T‘‘.N . C"U- IkU." g 6 7 acres of land, of which 5IU ace* of first q istiiy liutnm- -ck are under cuMvai.ou 1 ms plaoiatlou • .o,. of H,, iu-fat Ira llhf. p’ Slid dea.rsbliv re ldeiu-ss -n lira seafa-arvl ol (leontia. ai, • i-avpic been lor aeliiv v.-srs iimt-r s mgular sy»- te i. . ( Isin WII k high sla t oflerCoiy i-ii b- preim-sfa a>o a dwrihng b -u*e. -nd an race! l—n i gin and cotton h»i,*s>. with baa, innuta of lat.hv ; a h"».-u«l. » ''ksliop. c- i ’fal ' egr.< lu.uoe’.all Ol tabby an-l , *ia"ln and ,>ih,-r on'.'...oars of w<v«d The *c tiemnil I- linmediaU ly oh ihe hands of a tmld 1 river of «aB tvafor. w m a n- a’ ami suhauni a; whatl, aivin -h the sir*.,me.« i». m P nulla i« eavannah a-^j I harlesion land, wlrai. r. qu red; *fa1 Is wtth.n 8 m e# ot iOar ji .-f iifiji.i ■ . . »• d v» id-le-f-.m * raa-N art, ■ffording -ii <liilnl,-r-uplrtl dri.r ot 4 Th<- h- *lih ->l ih'* ulaumiH-n l.a* li--»n 'etn«rkshin, and >i enfovsthe a*ivantage- --f r--«u sr sea breexes tod an abundant mi piy of flsh ■•-•• -.y«te»s. Thc(.og shl'li r- ni Ins I - .*' - ' i-egrra-#, it mvlmlv. am! In , ..iv r. spiel a wy v-ahu'.le one Wuh v C rv f*w excepi'"<*. the i.earoe* r"mfo>si|ig .( have been l»-rn on ;in-; ',aiii«i -<n, and have Irani. sccuslomeO i u a 0>m • 1’Clpltne. for lertna. app'y •** ram, r. Hr.-,.lira O-mira kmt lot ofT-,«. >sta;i-and I'-> a>"u -t me very luwe-. ; • R' l'n • as 1 "aod*: • • •» a Osxra • ' 8v.npea owd .1*: • "krt I.UJV- b Vt-lh a < NMoa U-M SIO a' a W"l b* kin J) ’• la** .1 J. H i PER Dsnen. Ck. (V * 41A All* VI,N I. in/ Iiryan *i. 4 hh,Is I aasai.l's ,an*a*s«.l llama, in aiorw .TfotAVl'd nilIRN. ^ •H"" L HH AN HI I N_ l„ demitohns uf ft. i,*#ud • i-sskels "«» "Ml ms isle „,l for *.ln by uGDI N, w| \ ItM I H A aim and f<»r »*i# by aug i7 gallon*. In #"•/# si.d f.-r t*la hf am IT I 'It MM PII.HT MID WHIP Ii Nr, A It ..Nl bids Hash I ii k*>l Pll 'i Hrasd TO do whip Mies.l nf ft.fahari's Ba'ig/.rlt,*, fo st- re nn l for *.i» l-.s* i,*a #"g|lf JOHN INiiRHHftlLI.. N AII* ,-VMXi (ul Nall* |or sale i sut # 9ft. Ii aw T V vt’8 i "HEN 7l. WHHH sat >■%* | \fi' |XI> - »l#.|eiii and W|,arr» fo wn»Hl and glass, *V < (srst. st-iirnis bud < hampagnn, ,n alarm a ml MINI" h JilliN’TON >|.l I F.MRNT - JOttliarrola ll-sendalo l'« upmlMf quallly, fo* **•• <»» fur aal* by aug ft H um n i. maul II aug 14 I llllMl. mil n,|i s. I bnvtinJ, l, .al* I.y -IVO hushwl*. 16 Ib# Ui lb* ,fH 4 . cNbl » N TIN r | «u . «»i Nl i. V Villi' II A V 11* v all ess • w-. i „ rum and Japanned Im tV am ai t-rai,i»r <■*)., tvy aug W M Mllgftli, 111 Hr <ugtit.*w ansi, k\* nil I VV 4«ll, Husimg amt Ifosnh, rw Yv culved aud l.-i sals hy r. W. t nRNW i I.L, 1*1 ,♦■> Wry s„ y. I 'i.OlMt H bid# Naahv.B# i iiy Mill*’'awdiv I l.fat T lar,sit fio d» *ui-*i6.-- do i ail 6inn N,-w Wbwai, and a anp- r-.n a,-his mu o«W || d i OrHbS* fc UMIlC III vi't i vah» t*U fifimn, I*, i.wg it..m tsar I * * A wsl Wind, *• I for salt hi fo 41 MlNto o IIVMNAI.'**, tuit mi l. MF.VL AND II \ Vfo —450 bushel* prime is ; v*i hu-bels lro«h ground Meal 5 lercvfa N VV I'lntiua*' dujven >r llamv In store »n i i r ».i r ... nug 14 W V VM., 4. R 1 NV1LI LA'". M’ltlNf; WII SI ntIF.U (III4IUV r llII 81 M*-. KIIIfill n*s reemv— 1 bs ibe Ii*t arrival ul ihe steamer, n lull and complwie Block uf DOODS, For Spring au4 Ssuairr Wear, CMIsTIIS or Black and e dornti'a’hmrrpCfnlba |»n llockluv bla' k Hrap Del te Fanry French vnd I7ft."i«h •‘ataliuere Whit#and Fail- - .« Harn-ley iMIlt.fcr .Ac. W l.lch he i# j-r«.p*r\-l i-> msli up in ihe l*e*i and m.fal fahlon title nu -i'. r \ l*->. v I ill ’lock ->f ii i. v i»y H < i.immi;, -vi.«i»tli.gol i.iick Ita'un I’fou . »atln «ie 1 hlnn t\ .ro. bf.«an I Fancy Hr il ,\'( vra and .'ashnve.ei loih '.fal# Faiilalooiia. and Voais Alfa*. 1 IIMMIIV4. MMlIBi end-r-s varif-oa. Please .-ail and exam »* WVi.o PB|rF apr ftl Ifoatrar and Tslfor. 14T stay »i. 11M, VN,i R.mBllSII1B.tT 7 .1 1 urk’‘l.. »»•" r 4l»s* Cali r» If "liar, S \ v A N N A II. t; \ 7 11 >1 *st»»> naif i* inr 7 :\ I ' 11! * il.’.-rlb,-,, k'aldul |.< h'S patron* ot-d Ir'e.nla lor ihelf ri.uilmi.vl liv..r», sr.. ,M slate iPai. In sd ii-'ii In Ihe iini'roVemrtil# m lly >ng ai-qulr—1 tiy l-im i-ing h * Iasi lit" to I uglawd ami *n>ilsn.l, na* made mngv-ini-nt* i-.r ektein"t>a l«l« tv-s-ira—, by which i-e ,# .« .-nt iifc-f :■* Hye a .•'vaisr vane-y «'f « olo-« .»« -«fk -.1 U -i.-'en IM-neses. fchawlt, Ac.. • hi. h I.e iruvl* w"l •ne r *Hv pi-woo ell who tn*y f*v«-r h-m «iib ibcir alo.iMix,. it. -". m.-ii'a liarovents Dyed. Cleaned or Renovs'e.1, , m*v »*,- reijnlrvil. *n ih* su|-e*.,vi at>te w-b ,-ti *• grlrarsllv much l.lea*0>l hU pal root aud In end* tra-llns' Honne'* t*ve-t, Bla»ch«al amt Prw*-n*l o> ihe iMii*,lr umlite aif le- •’rvlwee fo»m for o ui,in fiunc- -ally ’liemh-vl lo term* le vltv When p.-c-l# r I bv stosmiwai or raifovad, w-'M shoakt be seni 1 m • • v leilrr ir-e-oiga Ihe P.fal • 'flhe.s.. llial hr may know ii, rr io a" lor men. Jan U c vl.RS VNisr.H O vi l.'»vv W I 'I »* m atom and , inn-.l bv angtfH. "liil u ,..i h>'|, • Nashtid# foiy Mitt*■ e^a F*nv ly i nil l*u|.eiSue f|.vur fr<ni >-#«» sk-n, In •■re snd I <r aal# hjr txiMl-N'fc A Iti KIT a u-i ft# . J VltPldih* M VG Af TwR.-a Iveaw.l'iil am sniar- 1 <a>ulag unmlfar. I lace, red and for aal* by tui 1 1 Ii 6. fcldl.E V IS'* . i*g•*#*#» . viKN I'.iRil. • for* tie y aug *H ,rrt aKtt iMiTfctT.- ift*Yuba Cbohe ban * |iM". t, 39 hove* en -'ce C,oS*n.i-ew r - v *»i.. p* ■ ng •# 6. U ANTON,J'*IIN6tN»N *1X1 •111 T.iFA fc»"p Ate*. AdfoA Gblawia. tio.fawa ' k--d Maul*. fo> tafa hv *.,*5 r. W tNlRHVVKl.1 .InfHryatvforwwt IVl Rl'.'.vl * Vl.T -l. rttp-l .0*1. i u store awJ • * I " s*'e low, by autf'V I \ NN 4 »v||.U /I'*' I- - ■* hbU supwitwe Fiour. M se e low t* cl-oe i nsisi .neni *u«H l.VMN A WNItvI H ,'X l it A er.IHLFTt f.'WItlW* r*r tfo.j „-t , pirpsrwd •aprw’sl* |. r mi rwisll «r*.ve, »sics *'U 1 ‘ li« t*» ch. lce male* sis. I- • *♦*# hv J.,0 JU. Tl HN Ml, Vet aual IM Itrvvwi- a* ‘i ni'll We *r# r. -e.. ag f i-vnt Ifc.W wnw wheat ( I- r th# c (( Nv-ad • n| G VVAAMIA oiNWT ANI’Nfe * "Wilis dl'rtltt l« 4s^s Ch.*»n» llrv’hee n~llne • NV mbs dn do d.v, nv.lifa pc* wwafaer s.wd im tain y (answ'i pi II ANT* !A . Ji'l'Nwt' N A * M. I quaiiiv, ]>••» »vew4Vt-de«s v-»•***!. awl I'i •#!• by J A Alt hi- I* Al Ml. H A WIN Cd,;.\ Ll» v'F BRi'l GUT 'N 1.\D jLU LKfcJl nT\ I . ST A MIN. DRY GOOD? bv r.t PlLCL x TV 'KkGE r# *||| . - - pr has Hi sassfo | fit*#’* .--u »,.i of 1 DltV '• H‘. c , e--d» •> r .-rv*x> »wd f> .e.n * >n- I.C"irr, . w I. r*- hr » • ' . * ih# ,lrti > |»'Ck**ru,- ulskcV’sifir • , .ht UaM o i -l, r Irinv. • -win Her. r ap.• v *-|-tvg its ct ». a :v.t on at; rxatr. stylos of gv-was peca- Par v k<J*i e-l to :telr trade )au * WILLI AMO FOOrR. 'I'ltlM. (-mills. I 'll!', sihs-- !».-»• '>»*, •.!•■*» ns.-rr • Drgw at»d wai •a*-.-1IrJ .-T *V'K .-I Spricg and Summer DRY GOODS'! To wl hlM, * . A er.' I'.-'.viA » V*v|l Oil VI'FIDU I I* flti HIT. m»' Nt.Vlrr. I nTIIKi'P a ROCIRA N«’|» | N4. R'^., SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, -clc rvqa.s-te i a lilATI.I VAD si *1 *11 II hOODW n a i vAip i a,r o«i r« *«-J. awd a*r 'fo-n.i.g. their » M * \*n vv A UHR' *i tvDr.u i,, I-.‘>o. i*rr 1.••»«!■ sst Vllielrtnle. I'ofrer P ucht rv ai..: J- rtc'n •**•*» . Pp fctarm I 'l.lsv-bM Um- » tn-w i.-or,* -ng oira . ‘ |ke N'.s* r - ra*. *ra e- led SS.-ck •'» 0*>W enr . Aero* I* ttfa • ra 'e i ..s Rta'kri, uv wioch he in*lies rt^. an«o -faef mirrhania. vaIi.I.iAam; hkJTL a || . m*i«»>4; tMi ni qm h CLOTHINO. 1 ).l : N. 'll . r > T a 1 i ■ . '.«*#> in •• re a< arerw* w irk *. ;rar straw '■•*. a l»-cr *ed Ws41 aa- " SPRING AND SUMMER C10TH1N6, Tsaimg trttas MCI •. I , n-ucr 1'nriiitilling tioiHtx, - AA'hieh Ihry oQprnw i-nvoiiii atstlwr War.mi whofosafo or 'civil, si N--s 101 ll.ya" *»d <5* .-i. J - »-rtrai* lob 1* ir ■ 1 -rv*d Hr-ccos^ b'ack *a«i M AM I l.l A- • pia>a 1 .-k do l end rahit* r.»*uc-ai*d yrt pri iind do Mu* twe Bohns .fo • ‘TNiatlrS I tl. A »w-i c Wsnniiaa | HV 1*0 W..IIS U»I 'X» »* trace A * P \xt Btrrrst r * ‘.m II-,.*• Ward • h I » a-a * • ■*" -fa e* CO ATINT.6-floe* • 5 »•< tir-s r >l ffl'l IIMM. OC'TfoM 1 -(GU'Ml M O 5* Ck > ■» ,s Idiit > W4'. H i. v H.Tfs*; I*> v A * fowhrrad b-rarsa H ack - -v» ItiMk l>«' -h • rw.wnw-vd Y..fa AM Nt.-„ -ng ■ v. ’ : : »•*.«. • Vltar*. *A»«**, Ae. For ss'e si • rani t ti. ra, bv urav Se sWirt A VlNRaJ *x n r\GA4tlA\ AA'tNKw. 6. R, || VKO k »■ W v: w.-Mlh vv. I-Sea n*r* Art, V .».* , . o.en't Wl Uj fl'- k-tlta It ml M • • -U Am— (-.m-i b.iv »■ hat-4 .wes’k’.w ■ **ea *»-"« • «-efa nl 'he '* • ini' .»! swre- siwl d*x fi.v -e.' “ *** tvd sw»l wt.-i , v i T'V*>. Most's-., tin '' it-leha, --vwv» . Ao a - ■ Nmi, >>» Xantaq ■ W e*». *mlt«w| L»»' ,t.(vw*w V'.ii > i, k i •«a r . * - r>-» t\ » i. an i Ktv t • .u ri ar. «tw xrr n i« f AR '■*!*•* pr*m|*oy s.*enwie4 «* aa*u»a»fa i '•* sway l« »*w-' •Ufa*- B AI.T1V <nr fo- h- 4* piles WM wvVM'k *t* ^a- >. Sv.-.s . : - krw - . t<*« two ■ a *(«*-■ 4 ue * fv*- >« • oasee- 1 h.'vwa* a, ***e t- * l AMD AND ruv k w.d.s Vfc* .Ms-s S, • .MHi llama, N a l - «• tfatd 'W**vl WI*Wrl n-WS -. »**»• a. s--4 »»*-' Nfat WA * ,J * . • l.’l II*s* >b* •" w«r 1 IV usvhti bwsw Idsv’j* • u# ftft 14 n 'A«‘"V.I .l;|i XNIMNHvL. hbds pri ass hae-.w »«.le«' ♦Abb *t prime IVae.vw *•*'"•* te ta n. anl* prvvwe I-nsf • wrvtt 'M »M’ 4" v»-v dn. V, b -s Ns# V -*b |.*foV»ed Mtfa# ISfab. Jws* * IS vs-u * * I I *• * Uy »««*> ftfUMIW ft PAUtf. . | »f., T'V p g snd •*- I m 'snsissvl • -a< .*» mV»Y, aug «A I '»A - 9CI l A l .AT 11 M" Mr it w. bvavT>*n >.A-»nwivvk Kl.v UlVi UIT.R "KNv'XYU UT- kXv r >«*at» Bv »»e\% in .V IdMh VV A*PR*'I DI till * N-*M Itfsaev' a .I'A ■ Wni w»t* .now. 1‘i-fa *-.vv**foa L- v i-nrAk. |t**i Tfo k .< .' w *A.raUw* Ar« * • >.#a*» *W '« l|.a-.« , Dsosvvi At . q,,v* N«*V I**•»*,A ,As| tui k, . a . A. ys »w Rt6>;<; ai n \* n l.vA I.-M'IVW' k(vV n.Mtfa -^stl txatees A*• haras I *-, v i-e . li<WMa*-aU shades i i ag'Mds Be, ,s troth l iasss .krsitrrVti w«ps«, t,.WWW Ma-o Ifo-arasw*. I MSO I'ltsfa* F-VS-VS l cava rwv W4.. r #faW*... 'n, r*.WV». K N r«*wv*v _ .... isaVaswdi » 4 4i-s kp.v* * »v*V* .‘star* VA h.H M>l Wsfa « »Wg • MANKY • -fafo. 1 . . KV l At