The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, September 21, 1855, Image 2

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SAVANNAH KKI'UBl.K AN. FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21. IW. thexavannah REPUBLICAN. .rviuaaii BV ALEXANDER &. SNEED. ilir bhA CBNMir l*rlui«r«> iHlly,tn B4?mae«.|Mr iinvm 00 If »ot hM in advau.t 4 ih) Daily,la advancn, for an month*,. I ;11X1 Tn*Waaftljr, ta advancn.par amivim » 00 If act piM in advance Weekly, invariably in advance Weekly, (club price,) 10 cotuc* lor.. 4 00 ... t on ...l» On m R*»aMlcaa f*r Ik* taan'K* W.Mlltmu. ktmiMU “• >•" “•■Wl" ■ IMWMIll »■- ftHSaa?:::::: v:.:;:::::;:: Mr. kwaid. Hon. T. Bailer King. i , It alfbrda ue pleasure tu announce, that thla |«n< " It* speech of ihie gentleman at 8t. Andrew'. ' |lim(lll ean d»<lat« for the Htate Honate Irotn 1 Hail le hardly entitled to the dignity of a review, ui ron 0U ue*ly. There are lew men in Georgia who y»«l wo may make some " elegant eitracta,” that j ar<| #(| w<| || q M# uggg t>y oiperlence, tact and oapa. are too prcclmie to be loot entirely to the public. #l|y> , Mal tn , h , a on ., e , glld «„ #ur# that And Aral, aa an evidence ol hie liberality to hie I |h# peopl , of Glynn oounly , lhoy 0ll neult their rarwMiwI* •vr.VaiTta.Oa., kept. IBtb, IM». Tn W. II. Mcl.aae, aao Maniaw llnneiki In )<iur ace.mnt uf the niMliur at Hlaiesbom' on the lath lnet.,puliliehed In the ••tlrorglan” of the lath ln*i., you do me a areal deal of l»Ju*tice. You have rule irroai the 8. V. Kapreaa, ofMoodsy.) The Tm|«4r at Ilia mi. Slokela*. The Hi. Nieholaa Hotel «u, on Haturday even Inn, the ecene ol another frightful encounter elmilar to that enacted *»m»ui a year ag • when Col. D -rlng. o| Mississippi, l»el Ilia llle. It appear* that shortly K.P...UM Mm UwWr from kmul. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS ' ~ rro*N W*pt i. » r..iw ’Vpi,— — fii* r■ aaroaian t l.t sea*. Hi- a. I.i ■*•• Irlirfl-f alli risticr For Vork. • IS 4.ta» n ^ m a,%ntae a )g ,ia. . , _ Be erdere will be eueadad to uuleee ibey ere eeccm \ I«we fn» the eadueiun ol foreign paupers and crp political opponents, ho oompered them to e thief who bed been detected in robbing the smoke house ol hie neighbor, and aaid '• they would yield everything but Tea riuht to lib." Wo have no re ply for thla onslaught, belter becoming a black guard than a member ol the Congreve of the Uni ted Htalee. Mr. Berrien, Judge Nlabel end Mr. Barlow, ho said, "would do anything, BHHT or wromq, tn put down Tnombe and 8'ephsns.” The country known thoae gentlemen, end the eatent of their appreciation of moral duty; and we loavc to it to decide whether thta charge be true or a slander. Mr Seward was opposed to Congreve paealng pawled with the woeer. SAVANNAH, QA. Friday Morning, Sept- 21. ANKR1CAN CANDIDATE rt*8 liOVMlMHt, GARNETT ANDREWS, Off W’llkea. FOB COBCBRW—riRST DISTRICT. S. M. VARNADOE, Off I.Hrartr■ FOR THE LEGISLATURE. rot sasATog. EDWARD C. ANDKRSON. run BtrnuaNTa nvee. FRANCIS S BARTOW, C. A L. LAMAR. By Telcfnph for the KfpablieiB. LATER FROM EUROPE. jtHHir.1L BALTIC. Columbia, Sept. 20 The Baltic turn arrived at Now Y.nk, with one week'* Inter intelligent'!) Iroin Luropu. oho nailed from Liverpool on the 8 h mat fl'nntuiwrrlol. The Liverpool Colton market was easier. Up lands had declined 116 to 1-8. Sales ol the week W.OOl)bales We annex the following quotations: Fair Orleans 1 1-4 Middling 6 7 16 Fair Uplands 6 3-4 Middling 6 1-8 Trade at Manchester was-lull. Flour was stiller Corn had advanced a shilling. Canal fl..ur was selling at 4<> a 40 6. The Uauk of KngUnd had raised the rales ol in terest to 4 per cent- IVIIuccllwiiroue. Generals Simp* -n and Po'ieuor telegraphed to thtir respective Governments, under dele ol the 3d met., that nothing new had occurred either as to the siege or their pos tmn on the Tchernaya. The Russians were again threatening an attack, and the A'hud army was kept on the alert, parties remaining constantly under arms. The question is, whether the Russian* would attack the Tiber- nays line*, or UalaLlava eta the Uaidur Valley Gen. Simpson add*, the Rus-iani w- re ac tively eng.ged in bridging the hurbor of Sevasto pol. and fortifying the north side ; aieo that they have recently received reinlorcements Therein nothing further front ihe Black sea. t no* <I* on the ground that it *aa unconstitutional, ail power in the premises being vested in the j Statue To this we have only In say that Mr Sicphena, quite as good e constitutional lawyer as himself, ia of a dilluront opinion, and has offered to i co operate in a rrmval ol the evil. He then took up Judge Berrien's opinions upon I certain questions of constitutional law, and provod, I " aa dear aa mud," that that old fogy knew no- thing about the matlor, and that such lesser lights I a* .Marshall, Story and Webster, aro nowhere in I the noontide blazo of the sago of Thomas! .Mr 8 gave ua a new chapter in the history ol G >v Johnson in iclaltnn to the Georgia Plailorm lie said the faw Southern Rights members who wrere iu the Convention ol 1860, woro in constant coimnuuicatton with his Excellency, and that alter the report ol the Committee w»* brought in, he, Gov Johnson, advt»ed Ins friends to avrroRT it as IT stood. Th s, Mr. Seward aays, he and hia Southern Riihta Dtends refused to do. How this comports with Gov. Johns >n'a eiprea-uon of Ins opinion of that Convention, vis: that lie had "a supreme contempt for Ihe whole ract," we leave for the public to judge. Ilia chief argument to prove that he ought to by ecut hack to Cmii'roet, wae the importance of hav ing Kansas a hmtn-d as a slave Stale. We • nn relieve Mr. Stfwsrd's fears on that subject. He knows at well ns we do, that there is no difference ol sentiment on that question in Gcorgm, and that Mr. Vnrnadoe, or nut h ,dy also, wou<d conltibu'o a* much to that object as himself. Finally, Mr Seward told us ho should have vo ted lor the Kalian* lull had he been in his sent nt Ihnt rmo, hut was called home by domestic affairs, lie assured his auditory he was none ol y--ur dodging, squirming follows, hut always marched boldly up to hi* duty and did it " like a man."— Ahem! I* 8 — We should not forget to mention, for the information of " all the world and the res' ol man kind." that Mr. Seward announced, amidst thun ders ol applause, that the American I'arty wss dead—to us- ins own classic language—that Know .V thmgiMii had " n u out " Jim there it occurred to ur itiat the ora or < I thu evening had met with s similar disaster' own inisrsata, will rally to him aa a man, and elect him. If they feel a apodal Interest in any mailer, uither ol a local or general character, it scorns to ua they will not hesltatu a rnomont; fur they can not send a more cllicient and industrious represen tative than Mr. King. Ho can accomplish more for their port, and more lor their railway interests, than any other man now before them. Wo regret to learn that Mr. King'a ao-cslled mission to California hat bean revived, end is urged against him to Ills disadvantage. Itischarg tMpro-euied sunt things that I did *sy. and then you i j, B j or# 0 o'clock on the evening itemed, tw., ,.f ihe ha*e notPrhl eoioe other thing* the! I did eay. lor *•* ) boardrre. Cent. J J Wright,,"I Tease, end Mr R •tamp, you »s> In egret, that I said that I h«d quit lh« ^ (Juan, ol Baltimore, were seen talking t ga'lmr llt-uuu-ravlc party and Joined the American party tie «,xcilcd manner in the sal -on, and suddenly causn I sir tu favor of American* ruling Alliance, ami ■ (japt Wright drew I nun lilSpoekat a cowhide, with h.'..|.(l.«r.muir, ...i.., hi..1.. Pop.. h. ".lurk Mr. "" I'-'-nll). ...iii.ii 11..11 di.i.. i »..i I iii« I-"— '""ii * • l """| I’" , , " aay . ... I dor Ins vest, a large howie knilu, the hladool which Ureal llrlUIn Hi. Jiltin'*and Halils* VViial ludma , Ollier Foreign Porta |. J7* raei 1 310 1 <-| ... 1 M.l 1 4 ano.Jrl T.-lal Furwigi»l*nru..| i WJU,*r.l, Maine, 1 IVOJJU' - Maaaacbiiautla 1. IIImmIu l"lau.|, 4r. 1 • New Volk | ifii ! 233,(X*' I'liila-lidplila 10 , I riff. MTKAM HIIP ALABAMA, Will *aii on H»! ,rday. Hwjk TU, • i i 2 /• a Th* *pl*^«dl<t 1**1 ( .'*.f "<». -,tU' , Al.limtl.i •!. a* P«,r f-*i| h j » l*. rAfiEI.roUD » At s . rj” t* "i"" <« * * rrr. 7.,.;... ..i m.... . k » ••'"'I **■ '4 Sr American party, by showing the va*l Increase ol foreign emigration to uur *li«re*, ami that these foreign en,f grauia were mostly felon* amt paupers, and men ul Ihe oral charectni, that they never hud thcbalniiceul pow lagontet. thu wounded men imiuediniely dropped , t;harle*ii>n till’ cowhide, and attempted to get away ■, t»ut, wee I New■* rfleaii*. Ac lullowed by hie etilagouisi, who agon w-.utided him in the abdomen Lieutenant Stage, of thnjfih oil,, r I 1 Total' oaatwiM i cr In our onunir/, that the "Id parlies had bid lor their | Ward police, happened It* bo present, end as Mr. , i,r*„-l Total. I lHlt.vua.7H' * a *,—. • .. I Dean was in the act ul making mother Ihfllil with — 1 -1- votes, and that try thla tnaati* they were ruling our , -. . . . ad that he Bought to Iolluanoa tho people of that couum. Imt I not say toat ten th >usaml foreign voias | hie kuile at hit adversary, caught him try tit" Territory to lorm a Statu Government, nnd that ho ; butt carried the election In Virginia against lha Anterl- "" d ptv*a»icd the ur| mr in to tun u •• ci HEf.'KH'Td HKK trr.NTH Al. H AH.MHAI). Sept :u I'am hale* (ult'e, '/7*.h *ark* VAhea'. used his position ns ngent of the Aduiiniatrutn to that end s 'I he following correspondence be tween Mr. King and Gen. Riley, Governor of California, which waa published in Georgia in I860, will allow the groundloseneae *>l thu charge lion. T. Butler King to Brig. Gen Ht'uy. WaCHINOTuN, Sept 28||i, I860. Dkar Sin:—You aru prohably nwaru that much has huen said lit t ongreas and elsewhere respect ing tho steps taken by you aa Governor of Califor nia, to bring nboui thu loimatton ol a Statu Gov ernment m that territory, and that it has heon argued that you may have received ami ptoluihly drd receive, mstruetlons fDirn General Taylor, or a*»mo member tir memhera of hi* cabinet, to tssuu can party, amt aa* It dt-nleti Again you *ay that I aald that I couhl not vole ftor Uov. Johnson, becaumi ha was to favor of foreigners ruling America. This It lalwt; I *atd no tu-h thing Iu 'act unriu substance. I isld that I hail vutwl for f»*»v. Johntoit In lH/,3, hui that I could not vote for him tu J <'ctnbur next, becauitu there w* ru now political Isnio* 1 before the country, and that liew political parties hud , sprung up, and thaittov. JoIiiimiii wii now opposed lo thu pnrt) ul luy Tk>» I* about llin amount that I ollar I and prevented lh« lur'hor Infliction of violence.— | .... . Capl Wright a-mn lell, i-lhaualed ft• <tn til" l-»s* of hbl* Hour, P-3 **,-h* do, 1* hair* l»-.un'lo, 7 blood, to the fi or, ami Was cunveyc-l to hi* room, leather.,! 1-ale VAhmI and ludie i„ wh-.e hu n, .u.mlad liy mv.i.I >■»., .11 *• * ol wh.-m pronounce his w-»und* tohu nior'al Mr. Dean, in inakiuu thu third thruai wuh th kmle, < cut liiiiisell severely III ihe Hugh, and was also c-ii- 1 n<i dueled to a r *'-m in ttiu hotel, win te th- w- und w ns ilrcsa. d lie, aa well an a In,-ml ol Ins name I Montgomery, who wnnoas> d tho allr-ty, are und-r arrest, nml will |»- kept in custody unt.l an exami nation shall Inko place. The wh >lu allray occu pied hut a low tii -im-rile, nnd wna conducted so *>, Pruuklin 4 Ufanitay, J IS Lathr-tp • ' •>. H-*»u*n A Villalonga. W W-MMlbnilgw, Vrf»UUs 4 Pn#*»,.n, It A Allan 4 N A llardrr 4 ' ,1, It llabersl-sra 4 liar.|*i. k 4 Cook*, and other* - i*l »»• l',,w(r •t fi eh ppr*, • f r«> ph**s -«k*> «•■ tir#. Ih»t I «. • n» ir* I'j* pfrw*« th»t >• '.-.t 4.W -#*'» « *<*»■) 'it. •tie. epN It NKVA y<rRk.-«,»rra#it I t , 11, Vto.r. w JUt lr,«t. T-* 1*4 *. », I,# *l**RT"N «,»»*« h*« o* tr.-m y ^ ear* •-.***■-1 w H'lMibor*. f-alMgi app' f ••»* ir*»a*d t*<« • f u, ♦#p. m fviffM« 4 Mr.irTg. Jr. prill f IV r Ur' r,|.._Tl.* • p#t." A iSUm' '' * 1 J " ' 1 It** !*••'>*. Ml***# • , t h«, rk -l»*p«ti . m ib-.r*. l’-»r fr*-fW. of yr*^, 1 OU-.i . M p ) to a MMIGII AN. KRLLT 4 jHe r: ll ' UI V »l krp . « It Altl.K-T'tN HUT IH - l v,ii»n-The tran*ar'l r.* Imlkt war# limiia I P W bale* at very un*» <1* t p- •howmir a -lrpr*««,-d market The -»)r* rotnpr. bale* aivvt ; 7 *t Hi. 4 al >»H ; 07 at l"H ; le at i'-H I.I* It' ifthkle* eiHc arpt n As ■aid ualii vniiiig. | *||| now itntea lt-w lliliigktliat I *>ld | q,| IV ||y iIimI many who wt-fu in tin: saloon al iho i lliul occi-lun, wMch you have not ma ll, known III j time wnto unawani ol Its occurrence until it w«* your aecouat of thu uwotlng, ell of which you will | over ; the nows, hownwr, apruad repully, and •" dottfnlt-i* rurnlleci *h- n I unit your sf'entnm to fliorn. , «»»*• lull* »’»l lha saloon wv/o crowded by ilia eld- HXZIP 3NT £3 W M . I't lit f "I SAVANNAH . . .M.FTKMIH.It J»» l l<-d mill'll- The quairel, It sppesre, grow out ol enmu'hmg And llr*l will n-inrintM-r that I charg'd Ihe dcui f our proclnmation undor which lh» people ol 1 a„n, . • nu«|u*,i*,, ,t «,»- alilornia acted tn organising their present gov- 1 .. * H * ‘ * ’ N . . ... . I Dean had circulated r- fleeting up -n thu honor and Mnninni. In juaua........»late nu.l " rMo11 <»' w" 1 -.I.- 1 " i „i, a ,» c .u> o. C.|.i W..«l» Ihad to myself, will you hu a - obliging aa to reply to I '*C"lluc: that tiov. J-.hnsun, although hr gave me auen | q^.m a „d hitter altercation* in regs-d in the oh- ■' • 11 * a clutll tetneni, ui-vi-r atitwentl this peil o| my speech, | jauiionntrlo Inuguagu, and on Sa utdny nighi inot whctlior ll mi s dodge or not I don't pivlend to say A Iff ft I %' ff .l*. e|r»mu- lt*ni!r»l|ih. f r««-,r,-. Viitf>i*'k *, II J-.hi.* - . 11*4 I.*.I * ' --It*111, 12.1V **• S* VV l.r*. a.i I v die D- '» H j.,lin*..u, '.ruger 4 Wa-l*, rt M i.**.«-»-1, J Richknitoo, J P Paint. ( by previuus appointment, ui thu sal.-on ol 'he Hi thu following quu»tion, n«: I 1st. Do! you at any nine recoivo from General Taylor, or any monibur or mcmtmrs of hi* calnm i, any iuatruclioua, older* or intimations, lo lame u proclnmaiion, or to tuke nny olbur step tor-q-mo or inducu the peoplu ol California to torin u Statu ■ govermnuot ( 2d. Did or did not the people ol California, in \ • ■ , . . i -r —7-; fom.tng their State constitution, act in c-nloriuity ! tHMipposwl to lb* Amvrtcen party. I denied also lha 1 , n nttvndance wrru y. sn-rdny ol the -pmi- u <h*t with, or under tho diructions coutaim-d III your 1 the Aniarlcan party had Its birth on Free Hull territory. \ tho bluff,- hud glnm-rd, end nut divided tho mlee- proclainelion I [ and *I,„WW,I how li had Us origin at Mainmort*. I spoke I .IW.«..»»* U.,... N-.-ll-.lj. D".n, .... lh. ..... ol 'Capl W.. had armed himst-ll, end when 'hu t.ep- lam struck lion with ilm cowhldf, us-d blew, a poll Thu kntla wuh which I'apia.ii W. waa old school, and one Ol lha prueeul so callsd driu M-rnt.c pari;, by citing y-»u toau ai«oclsllon In Chsihtm I ^ ’j count), called I think, the INnuucyauc association, »hn*a j ^ t nt*l>o«f ( waa eeven Imhte m length ..i.i, n.i.iiin., i,,r ,nan.b« r-loi* is that the sppllisnt- sod i-n'ar- d lilt tpuiin aiiou lor mamber*litp Is itml the appiuaut J ,| 10 nt»t1«,ni**it aim- st up to na lull. ’1 In* | hyticikn* 3d. Did you ever know,or ware vou ever ,i«, „i the cnnattlailuusl power P« coerre a votermp. nu-d. that thu administration ol General Taylor. ui 0 .„,,,, o n uf aaandldate,to whom b« objected on hv II* urilnr# inul r.ii.l ... «■ ... _ v> by it* orders, instructions, agent or agents, n- teinpii-d lo control ilm puoplu id Calif ouiu m the lorniaiuin ol their Hintti governmeot ? 1 liavo ihu liunor to lie, wuh *t>ry great reaped, your most obd't scr.v't, T BU I LKR KING. To BruVul Brigadt-r Genural Ktluy, Brown's Hotel. Tcllsw Fever ol t'nnton. fils*. New, Sept 19. One-fourth of the p pulaiion i,| C niton, Mis*., are down si k with the yell-.w f,-vor, and new cases ura occurring daily. To cut) nino deaths aro reported. The Gate **• aemrrtwy. New Oar.tAva, Sep*. 19 Gov. Johukim tu Jimic v*. hov. Jehu- eon in .September. Tho great burthen • I Gov Johnsons late speech in ibis city, w as the importance ol union among ibe- people ol Georgia lor tho proii-ciioo ol ihu rights ol ;he South, and up-oi inis point he exhausted <tl, i his p.-weia uf di c maiion and logic. He -t-enicd ! t« think it a niarvt> --us and terrihlu thing tliai thurw , sbou.d t,o any unu in Georgia wh • would relu*e '•> go W-TH tux to tho poll* "lu lave llin South nod th-i Union," end aas oed h'v opp-menta that ".ho odium ol preventing io dm North a scismatic South w -u d last them down to the tomb." Now this is ail the nte-vst gammon.* That G .v Johnson d-d not disir«> the union ot-tlm people id Ge rgia, is proved by hie r--jeon<>n of n when ol- fered him in goo.i laitli. tNIr. Seward's account ol this tnatt.-r is «l-*"lutc y ovurwli.-ninng. lie ■ *)», Gov J.'h-is >n rulusod i' b -cause it wraa u st-c I li >nal movemi-nt und would load tn disunion! I Why is'ut it a "sectional movement lending to disunion now, when b»ih Im and Gov. Johnson uru Brigadier General |{r. v i - l|<>n T Bu'li-r King. I W v-tiiMiTov, Sept 29ih, 1860 Dkar Sib :—I hud thu honor to vour noli-<>u ycsiciday, |i'< p -unding i>> oi.-ci-chim qui a lions rt-lniivo to 'lie i -rtiMiion of the State >.i Cali!- r. m, und It givt-a me grout plussuru to an swer iln-m a- foil-.w : 'I’u the lir-*) quo ion I answer— Thai 1 did in.t ul any I iik- riveivo It. in Gen 1 Taylor, or nny incin'-cr >.r mciiihcru.f Inst'uhim 1 any iiistriiL"ions, order- or liiimialioiie to ismui a pr< 1-1.1111:1'i--it, or to lake any oilier Mop l-« i. quire or iiid'too tho people ol Calilorma to torm a ntalu government. Hvcomtly—'ho pi-ople ol Cithforntn, in forming tlmir Sinit- coiiainuii n, did act m conli.iiin \ . w .lh, ... under th • ditrciiona contailit-d hi, mv pr • clamuli- n Tlurdl) — I never dal know, nor was I ever in- | formed, tint lie Admini-iiaiiou ul tit-n- ral Tay- I-»r, by d* ordc e., agunt, or ug- uts, at- It-nipted to c-'inr- 1 th» tie- i>lo ol Culiformu m ihe forniaiioii ot tha n*- Goverument. I have tho honor to t>«, with very great reenact, Vnur obi-di.-nt servant, B BILLY. Bt. Brig. Gen. U. S A., and ei«Gov. ol Calilorma. | eiiuni of bis ri-llgion, dsiilud llial there wai any *uch : power, and ihuwed that this was nut proscription, hu* i sinipl) nothing more nor less than the courtliullonal ex- prsktn.n of the voters will ihtnutih the inedluai of the i.hII.o ii.ix. Hut I will say no inure shout what I said, J tlii* will *iiflt',i In *h >w Dial you ha*" done mu Injustice b> wi t\ou uavu p-ibllklii-ij. Y u *uy *.mm thing alto alu-tit the Ignorance and In il,*.iet,,.n ol dial youth mys'-tf.) Nuw, my lH-«r Mr*, it i» true that I am young— l-u*young perhap, lor a poliitriiu. I may bi- igi.i-rnnt and limitcreel tint If I am. I ilnatit wry inucli whether either o' you li-ve ken enough i-> discern it. I doubt verv much your men ini ct, n.-it), to *11 lojiiiig - rid upon mu to r»y whet he* I urn iv ise i*i IM'I, or ili*rre#t or nol. Hut Uie *t)b* and ehiruc'cr of die mtlc e In question, b,--pcfck* for tt* au- Dior morn Itiellrctual vigor, and more of Iho lore of co'iege* amt honks, than yon or either nr you p -ste**. Iii-nr,- I concbide ilmt y,.u ..ave lir,-n made t< ol* of, and duped into ti.e Nwpomlbihiy of |iiilib*titiig an arleia witicli lefleo* upon me amt nd*reprr*enls me. Thla inii.-h I hav* briefly a»d hurried 1 v said l.e** I con'd not have said, and more I will say amt do If ne- e"*ary. Ileaj, I,. I’asicuTT. Aniurtcnn 44'«iiiru—llciiuiy—Couiuiuo— VI ii *i ••<-1 a Thu following loner is <<iiu ol a collection mude by Plot, dchioeaur, -il Getmany, ol loiter* written lines, and it euch be tho case, ttiu wound, though (righiiul, may n-.t prove mortal. Yi aiurday elirrO'-.-n tin »ppeari-d tn euffer le*e pain, end informed our reporter that the reason .-I hie hostility lo Mr. Ibiao, wae, lhai thu latnrr fiad mid.- a sial.-mrnl Ihnl bo (< apt W ,) hae fin«ap- pmpriatid e.>mn plate who ll was .-I. li aid lha e'uarii.-f Jewees. Wlili-ll was lost al Hardy II -ok in Oi-ti*tier Inal, slid wfiirli *•** own d by him and Mr D- an. fir lust heard of 'In- slai der while fi*- oHi <11 Boston last week, so I limn d nitly c-mu on lo h-i*0 H retracted ll« h -d *• veial iruei vi. w • who D.-au, wb-» put film ■ ll irmn lime to tuu-i, und -m their m-ding at trie Hi Nicho'aa, h- In-iog again rv'u-i d, drew ihe cow h de, i-iil w*» pom-di- nteiv hi Id by Mr M-.ingomeiy, a fr.eod >>l Dean, and had it ro-t b-n that hu w»a held, ( apt W’. Would nut have succeeded in stabbing hint so se verely. list of vessels im poet. ■bltw Alshun* (Si 8-hentk.l.V«i vY'k . f's/lnl'-ri), F*y U r o, llu.sou . ... 7JI dla'g . .Pade.f- »d P*> 4 I «» Barques. Mary II K* n dall V7 • Phil's f- A OfHner |l*.h--rn, ||atli--m ‘iWi ' arij.ff., Kt l!j a - t,l*BS»w, Ward . '■•) -epiir'g H A Alin.* i V'ci-.rii.e. Al..wry .. . .V4" ll--*l,.ii.I5fl*h’ra. Kell- A ' o Mona MoMon, Hulk ley N Va . . uiicu* 4 ll*r.i Brigs W»eli>*.ll*kk*r 3*1 M - Ural ... ' srl I p-.iug H M Charlton,i.lgbiburt. Havana J lt--tx-n» 4 • < I'anflc, Fuller 'aw .Matter kleiai e. . Huh. Mr l'ir»4 \V*»M,um ... N. Y . I**i.» 4 Wtti.buru . Ho*.i,n. I rgdtn, Stair 4 Co Schooners. a J Waring. Neff.. 37V 8 Y . Os-len. *t*rr 4 <o J W .VnOeraon. V\ siaon. .. il'«> Ke-iy % >^a Maine !-»• d.»‘f .Urtfharn. Kelly 4 to l#-v*ii Pra--.K-k«, Terry NY ... 1 ‘gd-ri.H-.a-rk' o Mt-aPke. ' .. . doe’s • At;- - er W 4ATM) Tffff f« ff A It ,m » . r t * (*>• -ly » e»«a>«ak t* p eaawnliy * u»ud l-iauui-aPia rale-r Apply el thu • 10 tl TO Iff S AT l-i.ih Iwftemeiii* <>f the t-m* 'a **• p.^ ( •Heel tuMHikf H H Ja'la- r 1‘41'rO. lere in#»• I «*• »e*» |..r# .( r.«julr*ol lot Uriw*. apply a. I I’.I A • HAVrep.,g7 ff OH 4A«.t *»H HI V f Thr .!»»! mi fc- Moii lt»j p JuM , #,i , lf v, i n-wfuir. . ., * fii»»l. |- .»•#•* - -. - r. "» fl » --fk , la.. i#n#,r.#ni ll»*#k VA •-» IIi.ii, ' - ... . Il.e *i~.«c dsell-iiV *i#l rapalil* '• c-- Apply m 8-.'2 Hay »trw« *r|-l VI l«»ll 441.1 \ M VN. '£• y**r« .*1. a g—I* I * - . vA >,ii* -..-I ,|.. Slxl I 1 ». • Ore • » I# J h )#• k hi uhi kJ -O f, (AM kARItgr. 1 ••-*• (HIM IIVHIP API M 1 — 'I'HI' -.. •»•» »r.«-l » , . » t-r 4a- rn* red -pee. 1 n-jrl. j -- t-'' »«.»oer, I' • .nUrr l-- t alk# aro) * ..» "f Be - * A a%4 g„n P- -HVI-T A * l l.fji sepi .1 -« ROBKHT t A Ll t*. Ittl-f-IM" A .4 Iff M *i |*|. I - | | ' I I • f» r■ • . kebl"' ky ti |»* f . ill 7i ran" 4 . 4 • 4". •' k«j«e '• I I VAV »*-' ti* Uy A| | y to, Stor KeVi#. Ptill. !ffl 1 i ya/dk I)ui.4>* lia.'." er. n •I--'#. To* at* vv r.M«r»:ti 4 PALvu ' rj: i Vagi- . .1 . lien tin** • i u-e -,»4 •» J4-.-I—i.rah#Ik Whtrky in* 4o 4o > Net Ur. ItMB, do • i, ip. . F. I’».*lp , » Ola Comparauva View uf Vessel* ilcut Hi m, in m„.-i > *ru>u» tiawds ihi i sitae ir»i * |eiJ-' TI AHICII Iff In ltd* city on Wt-dneadey evei lug Vepi-mto-r lfth, by lltv. J-.iis PikMroai. r . st t'liiianan Ckspel Mil. HAN l I.I. It II Al.imiN. amt All-- KAIL A I'll 11. Illlli' v, daughter ul thu latu -aunit-1 l'tidi>iick, a'l uf tt.t- r*11> .* NAVA.Will VI AII KI T. CuTI'i N --Arr-Ved *luce the I3lh lud., t.'Jaff ImIiS t’plaml, (4,IDO per railroad, lf)4 fioin Auw.ida ai.-l land tug* uu lha nvur.) and 60 do !*es I-Und*. Thu export* f-,r'hu Sttnu period am-oini to 1612 l.ale* t plaint. ID Mca Irlrli-I, VII: To I’ll la-tulpnia •'Ol bklra I'plalld; tn New York l.iitH bale* t’plaml, and (81 He* Uland* ; ai d pi Haliimore 167 bale- I'pland— leav mg on liatid amt on FORTH. h m t , t 5 i . . • : Z 3 •: l i ? T Z H ! Ncw-i irlesii*. Hep! 1 - h i j 4 i . Mol tie. Sa*|.l 1 i ... 3 ii u 3 i J Florida, bej.i 7 ... u u U 0 o ii H,i\.iiinah, % epl itJ......j 1 i) a 0 • ii ( i'>...rleatoi>, Hepl 13 1 t 2 2 1 t t t’her porta, »ept 7. . .. 4 f. r. U 2 It New \..rk.Mepi fl. . 23 17 4i* lb r, 4 Toi*| . 3- - 33 ' i - .14 l :u It 1 \ I r-l.1V l»K I. AIM .*1 »-fc.itinehl ll.e *•*.»#, aod si." *. » e are - ffermg very lo. •V Fits T Fit 4 PAI Vf, Ju»t oftaWM * hen:-, Ite .fcU* i C A1K14 4 hi ft*- , I.I I,-. HHt i.i.I.T ,\e ) 4 fc-e r w |.'*p*M t-> *♦#»• i hr *)#.»eg —ai »'# ia l-e »»#t i .» r»| VI A|g|8 4 HI LVl H'ltMMi I.IM.H AMU -J..S-. ..,^-ned * n t . ! flj# r# # •' tt-f ;!•*• gik -4i. »t^ off * -e.. .. leptfl MMAkll'IA' J. f '. |WM T » . !»*>♦"• o' ill Strove, of |> a i, all Jnr: nce.iid AIK I At 4 HfRM But thu icMitnony dous not close horn Cornmo- d.rpj .nos, wiio was in command ol tho I’jciti,- squudioii at the time, up.-n reading tho bnae impu tation* Hga.iHt Mr King, VoIuiiiiimIv addreeae I lum n loHi-r, in whnh, alter reciting thu died ' winch the f'lcaidunl'a moMsgc ol July, ]H-|8, hid pioduced upon tin* people ol Calil- run, lie stales that G..v Ma*->ii doubling his povvi r toe iilmuo the t-x- rcise of Kxccuuvo function.*, aanclioiu-d ii call to elect delegate* to a convention lor tli«) tor- instion ol n territorial g .vernment. " This move, (i.i)a t'.-inm dorp Jones.) na I had , predicted at mi) fir»l inli rvo-w with G v Mua n, tailed; sn-l then my plan id a was trt-el) diecusn-.l, and thu puoplu wen- np<- l■ >r ai’tioii on point, mid G,n Rdey'a prop nma- ' r eb-cii-.ns io elect deli-gsies in hoinu hv lie IIi'Mtiaii olli. trs nnd soldiotK, during | ••"pb-'ard, not cleareil, a dock ol 6,'JW bales I plsi.d. Tha gale on Saturday night did ei'ensivu dam- J ann us io effect » ? I here was nothing in thu age at all the places along the rhore ol Laae Burgee. Several lives were lost. New Orlrisne M"rkrt. NiwOxhans, Sept 19 The eetton market waa eteady to dav.nnd 9,500 bales were sold. Tw IMnttfrr* e"fl Farlnrs. Our aub*cri4*fs have placed u# under many ob ligam-ns hv tending u* reliable ml'-rmatton in re gard to the groiri«g cr.-pe. ’I he grain crops are now made, and then-ttun te rapidly maturing—| J jnu ol the present year Our frp-rds, therefore, will do v* and the public- a fur'her favor*; by informing us «>f the pretent eon- dihon and prdspwcts of the cotton crop, and of the rice harvest. Th** .Mecllni I.nsI Anglit. The gathering at th-i A'hcnaum last niffht nl the An»e*tci,n psiiy was aou'her imuosiug politi cal dem-'na'rat'un of power and int. Iligi-ncc Maj John N L-w.a was calie-J to the chair, and J K. Sneed, L*q , appo nti-d S-cretmy The meeting having Keen organ-led, the chair man of the commntee appointed to s'luct -unable esadidairs f-*r the Legislature, reported the lolluw- iug excellent tl- ket F«»r the Senate, Eo C. 4jrp*a*oj« For H--u*e of Refifesentalivea, F S BaRToW^ end CAL LaMaa The rep-rt-,1 the committee »n ad -pled uuam- m -ualy, and wuh gfi-ai eothu* -m At tine we ere n--l *urpr.-ed , for tic t en;l<-mm n nnnaied are worthy the hearty vipm-rt sod c-ndial appro bation -,l (he people of Chatham, and lo them wt- eomrnend them Mr. Bsrt->w accepted the nominal .on in a lew appropriate anJ graceful rnmarka, und concluded by givinc way t - end intr-oiucing to the audience Ibe Hou. James K B-lsc-r, ,.f Alabama. . The hour at which we write will not alow ua to attempt even s *ynopait -if the effort<>f Mr Belaur- 8-ifTicn it t<> aay, it waa a plain, practical, ounsi- b'.a, lulling speech, abounding in solid argument pi-M'itic sentiment*, ami happy hit- If.- mude u m-)St forcible appeal to Ihe people of Chatham *nd of Georgia, to preas forward—nevor t-. allow them- oelvee lo bo discouraged—and naeur.-d th- rn that j victory must and would bn their* Henry M. Law, L*q , the eloquent and gibed •on of Savannah, was r.ext called before lha au . dience. He made one -•• those brilliant and thrill ing speeches for which he is j-jet»> dialinguivhcd. To report it w*m, s« imp.>a*ihi# as to daguerreo type 'he lightning*! fl**h, or raich th- image ol the ever rolling -,ce*n. He, aa well *• thu able gen tleman win, precednd turn, was Ircquuntly cheered . and when he retired, it was m the rn d*t of* round ol epplkOte which, hearty aa it mi, w .* to vertbe- laae insd#-j i*ie to thn eipreoai n -I Ihe gaiiufous entheeiaam animated the audo-nce Thu meuung adj -urn-d with .lira, hearty rh«#r* for the American party, and in tho trust p-reeib.* aptfi# Coiumhu* platform designed to cut us off Irorn our indtwidual friends at the North, ihe extent «>! its Object being " to repudiate all fellowship with th- present national political orvanitalions," both nl w hich had proved treacherous to the South ) Go? Johnson not only did not desira us to h- "one people and one party," bin we are prepared to prnvo that he did not eipect ruch a consummation ; and, indeed, that hu considered it utterly utopian and impossible. • hi* wo shall eatabliah Inm Im own loner i > Mr Howard, written on th- ll*h i-| rhu reader will b- nr m ni". I that l In a Columbus movement was runtineil to th- single que-ti in of slavery, all oihora being m rged and I nd n*iJ« for the time h»mg. Iu Icier G--V Johns -n anys : " The ' tJolumbus movement,' na it ia railed, i* put lor ward undt r the s. ccious suggea'i.-n h-r na io !*e ' one pe- pli- und on- par-y ’ Tina indeed *., n-da ' eauMfuby ll'sm-ick* ol ll polii<CMl loilli-n- 1*1111 But, h -w v, r desirable, we • aun* t be ' one I -pie ami one part)' until « e shell nil think alike In a government irs.wh re Ir-edom ot thouglu i-t'oieri'od, divers y o| seni.rm.-nt must needs exist. .V.w, right or wrong, i-Xperieoce sli-.w* this lo hu , true In 1832, n waa cons di red lhai pwtrlotiimi ' vuntl- ii was issuid belure you ernvi-d ai ' S.,n Francisco ;' and ol c urau bei->re you coul-l p -asibiy have had .my personul agency in in*.igm mg - r oven ha* emog sui h a uicaMiro " A sli.vebolder it.>>»«• 11, horn end always I vmg in a stave State, i Virginia,)—a ' Homhcrn m-.n won S->uihuru principle.-)'- 1 saw, or thought I saw, me Hi,ite organization, thu only means by »Im-n (V. lorma c >uld i.htaiu llu- t'lcaeinga I pea. •- ar.d good governrm-nt ; and Hat u tepui.ln mi •- n t tut"-n formed by a ieir representation ol thu Territory in Convention, wheiher it admitted slaver) or not, »• it would tic tho work ol the peoplu them-oives, wou d hu at once rccc-ivud by Con^u ». .n-J it.,- vexed q-iesiion* ol slavery tn thu 11tr.iotics h» unco more, and I loudly hoped foruver,put '• n-sl " I h< ru is still am-thcr w itness, who was prompted Inch Slid 4 1 3 do -t-a Irl.iiid*. \V« piil)li*li ltd* week ill-' auniMl Ma'crn-nt of Ilia Cnlloii crop for IC.>4 a’d 1*56; which doted «-u (hr foreigner a flow of j | V | mat Tho total tn p ann.uii'a io v,-t7.3:tu lial-*, - . - allowing a ue-na*e of le-'-ea-e :r«m the )'«' before o( 415,641 l.ale*. of the crop r>f lul iliere bavr h.-ei, taken for lioine consuri ptloii ..P3.3-4 bah-*, and for export -J,-.'4I,‘A-U Thedocr«a*e of e -loump- tl*"i i» .l>,H"7 bale*; decreiffe in cx|M.rt» *4 ffff-rt* bale* Tin* imrkei coullnut* tu&ciHe, ifte «.*le* beiog made ar- lln)»llj ijii |>laiili-r'« ace- tint, and ll is difficult t-> itTi-ct sab-" ai our quoiatton*. wh.cti arc liarcly sustain el. Tin- account* by the liable, with ilaie* Ir-.ui l.lver- pool lo Uie -th iu*i., wer received yesterday el wh-d. Id telegraph, showing a drcliiiM of I IDaY "D t'ot - U end ft port," g of the We k kl 50,12X1 hales. Ttiusr aoc-uiuU have tux t very little rflert ->n uur market, but ciut.ol tie cnatldered a* at a'l favorable to price* hem flic tale* of 'he week am "ini l< 74V bale* at Hi* fd- particular*: 1* *i 9, 16 at VI*. V ■ ai VS- VJg, IlstV'J in I'J at Ct* Ul at V’».2u- st lu. ifladt)^, meat IU*, 13 at li s. l.t' 1 at HJJ*. 16 at >U I3-I6c. qcuraTiosa. by th- *nmu manly nnd Imnorahln leelm-i •ctuaicd Commodore Jones. Judg# Dimiuick. "I California—the first Judge ol tho Dibiiici of San J ••,-—volunteers hi* evidence in a loiter to Mr. Kmg Judge Dimtitick says: " I perceive by tho papere roccivod horn sinee your departure lor thu H at-a.lha' y-'U nn- elm , oil- 'llkl lie " n ,-£f" p " n 1 "".•.'■"f i MM .' II.pi US I on-he Tenfl question In i860, many uf uv thought w,« sln-uld be 'ope pe pie and one party* on Iho ( C mptomw q-icvt'.-n On eacll ol ihea ■ ocrasinn*, j 11 vre w**t great • xcitmg issue, deeply .fTc ting ' h- ngh'S and intere*i* of ii.e Homh Bui h iw egn gn.uely were w.- divided! yiu Hue no ffur/i i**o# note—in-lemf, ».o preitni Jitmlmg uffor Tlten, if we coni-t not bn ' -me po p o an I one pifiy' in l-kS-J and l*t5H, wfi. n tllifc wefegreil aul'j-Cl* --I ,-Xi mm- nt, is it n-1*n t>- i-xp-ct it n--w, m Ho- a aurii-n >.f any ronduiising • leiii-nt mi tin- p p- ii' .r mind f In miimi, the innaai-a ..I freemen nru Imrn.inP.iM ; in d—eusai >n, rarely ev,-r VAerb.i.l d.fl.-r in Georgia, «nd Ire at ranged into par-y or- ga nzaiioiia, unlil ifi- time I r ert'on shall c-unc Then we shall be ' ->ne p op'e ami one party l,«-t -h* 4th R-b- ii'i • • -»l ili- Ge rg.a t’.-n*enlu"i ol 186U i*u iraiupli .l under lo. t by Congress, and then our t> p e, w |lll .||i- accord, 'he auc ge-'l-m of pr-limio.i'y meeting*, will rush logo tier l-k- 'he gathering elements ol the brewing inm- peet." Dear me! denr me! What wonderful changes am wrought in the apprehensions, as well aa th- opinions, of mm, ' y anolcctlon! Here it will be van lhat Gov Jolmo-.n, tiut ihreu abort months ago, not only rug >rdcd Hut nl. li ,v mg *-x, rte.l an influence on the l .rma'i- n of i-ur Slate C'.'iisi nut mu Knowing th-isu rliarg-s to h- without loundaiion, 1 will give > u tin- h>l jo wing lads, kiii ct. li.n-pired witlunmy kto-wl edge S -me lour weeks previous to Gen Riley's issuing hm proi-lniiiation cal'mg a conveuiuni lo forma H-aie Co:-»ti'ut.on, Gen It tlev in'.-rm- d me «h-*t he nliouhl issue thu same, prov.d d Hint the n-vo'utioii. l oo wn.'li! work throws much light <>n ffoiue feaiurue ol <-ur struggle, and what ih alway* very inlori-sting,giv lliu hab.ts and niannor* ol ->ur forolathcra. Some a«aiii*i 9,113,1,027 hal-s last -it tho sketches, u* will he scon by tho billowing ^ fgwt-froin Ho- last c-up.a letter, nru very picturesq-ic .md familiar We aro not uwaro ti.ut thu c >lli-cti -n exists n our hbra'ies* tli 'tigli it sn-.u-d In- m «ve*y hikt-'rical library. It ia 10 hu l-und in Sohlo.zer'* Armali-n, No 6U, and Htasts' Ans«tgur,No 72 Guttiugi.ii Vanden« lio.k, 1772-90. T iu |ol"wmg letter ,* d, Voted to the American women «t the revolutionary p-ti.m! : DtnMDClt IS. 1777 Th- women in 11M this part • t the country up |o ll,talon and Now Y ork.Hie -mu and w-li pr -p-.r- • i .11, d in suture, no t w i-.boui b. 1. g ip, it cxn’t I— -ll I tt* -t they am lean The) have Very pro IV little Iceland fine hand* and arm*—ne. k and shout b rx Ai- h* ..indnl y win e. and the cornplix- ...n --I the l.n « is in ah and lio slttiy, w.ih u< need ing any rouge. 1 »,-arco : y remember |.. have pccii a a nglo one marked by tn- amsil pox the r. a s >u m <y t>« reel 1I10 tnorldati n re n. u#c i«r* for a long nma. 2»*» have while ie«"!». i h-rmmgljr rr-J . im. 1 nd iw*** • yee are bright and lively. To m j-'dh-d a m'ursi gn—.* the r in iti-*ns are i-hm and Without i-.-n'i'a-nt — a merry and sell iw.ufldcnt l«C«. and, ll 1 m»y Bay So—n curtain permeas nl manner", wh . h, na a na'uial gill, auus 1 Ill-Ill extreniuly w. I | h-y ar- Very loud o| lie ng w,'i| *' hoed." nod lln-v .ik<- deaiil.n-aa al. »c III They dr«-»s \UI) tn— inii.g.), and .,11 they wear i« w-ll ma t. I'll,-ir n-u.,1 g.irm.-iiie aro - Schirudn* and f. noturhn Ti, ) dr--a th-hair uv.-ry day, hind in.- n lx hind m .1 "Ciogn n," and nn -i.'ig'ng P in \t nl «-v--r «in iltnntrlf n go "< n-*h j i-.n ' I'hey are in «dv *e,-n *1 hold any covering ■ 11 th-- liend ; nt the moat tl* v put on a litue hood 11,-ru nnd trn-re yon w|i| meet .1 country nymph I h h• ir_ living io. *-, ■ r I,-..nd w. h a cololed 1 ihev ' Till. Off I. A 4 ATM’II HA- SAH.IAU DATS To AMD fR-'M TIIK CMITLb *TAT I ^. Pit* Ml ».l ItupL. ItM.TIi', Am, Liverpool, (*cpi I*. f„r New York \VA-ltlV;T'»N, am, rv,un aiiip.- n, -cpt. 12, for ....... New York I AMERICA, Hr. He pi 15. lor . H-.o.n I* A' III', Am. l.lverjeMil, V.’, for New A--k I’Np )N. Aiu, Havre, sent »t, l--r Nt* A -’k AN* fc H \. Itr I,ie.,pool.8*|»l ffV, In, VrtWS All. tM I , Am, I.i verp-Ni 1 ,' >rl 0. lor . .New A -* HE-tAlANAf Am. i*outhampi--n, <»ci tu, x.r N,e A -4 A lit I A, Itr Uvir.-ool. i»ct M. f,-r l- | ll At.Tic. Aro, Liverpool, "ct -Jn. i»r . New ! AltA'l'i. Am. Havre. 1 *ct V4, for New Y--'* .Ar*|A, Hr, l.ivi rjan>l, '<ct -.^.lof li •* • n 1)1 1 \liti-- >•- I IAI.A* - Je-t recrlte) • • - Ik (!•••, I t*#r.». •' l.xfca^e-1 *• **.*' a*--,,,'-: | •# m-.-Vt 4IKI8 4 HI kffl 7IOOII I: A TlYLOR k I- veTlt.l.t-w Hi: r A k|w !>i: P AwTtl.t.l'.w are «* -1 • » c**•!*■ rewmC- l e cure nl • «»•»*>».' tut4 llr.bcii. is,-.., 1# IK*--:.' *• *1 ' -.ff*. Il^i f. rtrf.,# 1 an 1 • ■ hoar* *,#1 — »• 'r*f. - I-* . I'J F'M»At THE t'MTKH MT Al tC. Alt A«IV, Am. New Vork.rAii t-.*V, fur Havre A |'|t |< A Hr, tlosl-in. Cep I Vu f,.r l.’*e»| -->! II ■ I,IH . Am. New Y-Ik. «*rl «. f.w t..i- -. I VA A""|||Ni,li iN. Am. New V rk, ' *ct 8. f-r. Ilrrtuuu A A| Eli I-" A . H». It-»"t--n. • 'cl I ft. for Llverj-.. I- A' II ll'. .Am. New > rk.i'ei |7. f-.r l.tverp I I N|ll8 Am. New A ork. Ii. r . . II, > -e I AN At) A. Hr. |ti.*l»l), "ct *4. t-f .I.’*---. «l Aft ANTIC, Am. New V.-'k, ifcrt 31. f- II t It VI \ AN, An.. Nee A rk. Nn» 3. I -f • n<|i A, in. llos,nn, N.,1 7. lor It*. Am. Nee Y rk, N.-v It, I -r Alt a1.1 *. Am. .New A -i k. N-«v II, lor Asl A, Hr. Ho*t-> . 8-v 21, f..r A-C ! 1 ■ 4 T, , t • - - • t at u* r, t> v )#»•• . b) AV VV. I • o , i>"| ih# iir-iK^ia I —ufK-ik; Ire t’. r-1 - | , T, \ V -III 4 T • A ' r. v '••II A It N I A . SAVANNAH POST OFFICE. .•re 1.1 > f « f - if, I* r* • K 4* • Middling t-v Mri.-| Aluldllug. . Rood fflld-llint Middling Pair 0 < V A* VS* '-'K n -gins DELIVERY AND CLOSING OF TH E M \ 11.8 MIITIIIII • m i Oltl-f t r* r hh -i AYe have rec, nt luformati'-n from tl,o gr crop*, In win. hi-omplaiiits a-em to h« in .re gei-eral, ul M» -m, llie liijiirj wt.icti plant, r« are experiencing lr,-m Hie i lilark rot, boll worm, and ru*t,rxu*ed py etre«*i«e ram* N' Un-se cumplain'.*. ll I* tifiiight , sonhr Hist the Crop of l.eorgia, year, w ill be a vrry la> k * '*■' ' H Ai .lit MG Ihrre I* • llm.ieil tuj.f ly »n band, and ih# r* e* *r# lending upward VA «• bear of a tale ol Hi) lia)#'liunny, lo arrive at laVgc |>er y ard. AAu quote tins •.rk I'S “* HW for iLiioi), nl whuiusale. remark- tug Ilia, order* at r-m I ar- flit, d at IbHc pur lb. II AI.P. It 1 *PK —P-ir (till article tli-re is a boiler reel trig In ttie market than at <>ur |**t repor . 1 lie slock on bant • full) rqual to ihu d. mand. Quotation*, .-)* n. lO.Vffe per lb. B acuN.—Hans *•• setting from 12S t° l®c; Nhoul- ders ll to 12, ami tcarcely any In raa-kel* have advaiii-ed Irom in® 13 to '4VSl5c ; H"‘ stock I* I ght t 1 -. t If . ■iMiatr Bn • ter * r - r'l A • '.L« IB.) s -■ ». r".r|. • s Map* - ir # j*«*i va i.,tu v e#i »m>. i l B*:*di.|l: Ii fcr 7 n# %♦«,- im», b, IflKlrru.r .-»[i |« - .' TH- -l.M AA ). A I A! IIIMIKv. ’ ' • TT Dill HV AA AllKivv; X B *i#1 An : A franx, : * • *r.U I ire I* •• • Rr ,fl- , f lleney The KagMh. r>> P.r j at- > r*o • a-..-l i'*>arariee* *. » *"X rn r ••! t-#-l Irt, l-J ll* MM 'A -.1 s C. l.»r*Vf • kli*'Si-. r Ihe Maid lx ib»*tff-E nd I ..iiimii Th- mail Chi' Key AS--*. H.ivanx and - I tic cl.end -m ihe 3d and 18.n An- h- 3.1 ami I8'h S-ptemlier, to g- via r Bailing ire* | ki.i. si i*ri i»' lek*» . p A the f. :■) i Tn » ♦ 8 m»-V, k i + • ' * - • K-«»**<*iq* I A laff|s Andirw*' I.filer uf 4cref lam n. Wa ln*lts attention to th** following card from the editor of ih*i H-.u'hnrn H#r .rd-r Will thu Alhttta Ba-.m r convpinr u*«H anaw, rad J IVnonul. MlLLIDbtviLLE, <»• , 8*pt. 19, 1855 To Ihr Ediluti of ihr .Y-iranii-M Grorgmn Gamlerucn —I «.l*#«.rv# in your paper of yesrer- - * day an am*, t from tha A then* iiannar, aci'-m- ptniad wan c-rin-nente, tn wliuh it I* alleged, j l that a Mi'l#dg-*i la -dpuf stated, d'liing 'hu lain j I. gornmooreii.e it in Awi«os, " Th«t Judga Andr#w*‘ j p la'tar ol a"*p-aocM was un' <o h ru—'hat after • raadtag it, ha wroia to the Judg« lh*' it w>.uid nol do—that the Judge In reply, diraeiud him tu ar- rikff* it, sod that b* did arang- It " Asl «H ■' Ath*n* dwnng the r-.mmeneemarvi, 1 p*«es*me *|i«ke|r,n i. mad* to roe in ibe f regolr.g •girsrt ; and, m reply, will m-reiy -dsaerve, that •either ol ibe edit,ns ol the Ree -rdef *•«• Judge Andrews' teller -d ampiaere until li sui eer*d In pf ml, so I therefore eoeld have made m. au. h •fetenter,i As en •••' --f jutitee p, *11 |. M . rt, | true' y-»'i pubiwh tin# disc anrv#r *- -< Very r«#iw«*iuily yours, J K* vt,*a F H When Hie charge A*m apt>*ared, I rfewtn- mI H lor, abeord to r,„i|r« A'weme and .ndiep,, •ttlufr caused tbs rensrs too ul it to serene my ei* IS*"Urn. "J. K iimn of our pe-,p u into .me party aa imp r«aitoe, nui actually mam- | lamr-d that TIU.Y Wl.Hk t'MTZD AI.M44DV in snnti- int-nt and lei-hng, and would t,e l--ond ah -uld-r m ah .uldof wliuii Ihu i-rnr lor " uctloii " arrived 1 h * •« tbn liu ll lliuru is no d,V.*ioii in 1 • corgi a up -n Iho slavery isuir, and (*<-v Johns-.u koowail 10 day, hut ii *ni i I,.* pii-kiml purp..sea to plnr-n u portion ol his lull-,w-ciiizcne hi a Ll*- poaiti.m ; Whet, then, wn .-.ak tint voturn of tsu-rgia, hr- | coiues «l ell 'his nil#- led alarm I -r ihu Ii >ii r and ' right* id ihu K,.nib -th«*u liypo.ritunl uxln.ita . 11 n* io stand t-y b- 1 ieorgia I'lalf'-rm—these has- insinuations that thu Atm-ruan l’*ny have Jcaort- cd it I Trxdk wiru II ii.A.m—Wh luarn Ir-un a nr r'ular o| . bu Null., flan.I*' Trading Hociaiy, sent not to tin* country, ol tn« repeal - I tiro tonnage dues -I | thu King-lorn ol Holland It elate* liiat to Hu* ' in- .••urn lh# a'tenip.n -if produce A-xp-.rirrs ought i., Im diruriFd, aa placing Ihu port* ol || .Hand on , the m- at lev-red tooling t-.war-l* Ibu Auioncan trade, bringing them, as the Circular st*t#a,on a level woih ihu gn-at Lngliah *hipping p >rta, en-l pla, u.g thrill in adian—i ol AtWerp, whero lii-i ion-rage du-e ern still conitnu-d hy th- fl-lgiaii * vrinment a ternional govurnni- nt at its then prcsi-ni 8a-«si-n Gen Kil.). rc« eiviug information ..I ill-- di-icnt ol ihe lemi ria b II, pr* mptiy l«eucd In* proclama'i.-n I- w .* p.ih'ie * ed in 11• i-I city, and n large me-ting In- d. .md thu proclamation unanimously appr v-d - I ■ v <h<- pei-plc All this wna done BKfoRi vot’R arhivaI. *t Sam FBAsrisr.i Thcso Incts c.itno wiilim my own pi knowledge " It is clearly rslablishrd by tho highest and m-st iiidispuiahlo leatimony, first, that iho. prodsmaiioli ol Gen. II i Icy w«* .s*iu d will .III " instriicii- na, orders • -r intimations" ,.l anv kmd Irom 'he hue adnimiatrution ; second. Hist Ihu plan ol a Statu G-'Verninuni whs c-nceived 1 v C-mimo- d-ire J o. -, brfmr m- arrival i f Mi Kiigoi'alt- |..rri:a; and l -silv, 'hm it waa pm into i-lr-rutnm VA iih-uit regard to or knowledge of In* opini n* - r , wishes, rtii-ru n-vur w na a casu a-i clearly made out in every p.irncniar Wu cannot Indn-Vu that thu intnlugcnt people ol Glynn will allow ihi-msclvca i<- Ihi arrayed ngun«l an old end (v.lilul pul In servant like Mr Kng Thu iin'iru Stale m mt-ruaiod in hav mg aucli a tln> lu-giu' inifc FL 'I'll —Georgia Flour I* quoted at K to ffV per hbl. L Altlr I* io-w selilnj at 12 to 15c per lb; ihu Ul . M tiun leaving ill- h u*o lor a visit they will va car—bn the tun Aviier-<u Huy l.vo over a" poor—i silken in *null a ->»ur ihu •'•ou .le.e, and put on glov-'H. Tin-y bm« v.-rv i-x|M-rl *n " envelop mg ilu-tnsulvcs coquuii-h y m thu*- inai.ul'a# ;'— one- I the while, well aimp,-.l «rms will always heir .) itaell '1’tn y have on ihe-e oA-eas.--n» a n- at nml v ry engagm.’ Im to hm.iioi on the h-ad,un der which they ui.«Ier»leiid bow to |,. *k f.-rth witn | and ile-nan-l tlicir bnlii .ni mi-i hn v- u- eye* in quiio a t.ewitih mg w ay lu tin- Kngli»h rol-.uica the "belles' I'""* 'I'*?"""*-' *""7 ■ fl .cl.* pm u,. In In. n mk .1- w - l. lb.--soil in thm lashl-'n, these girls „ .* „ nr- iiirin'ti', dancing, skipping about, a> p ' “‘K -I r mu '* held at id to ( wr tn. t.ii-iul'V gr-uting tonne, nnd always ready l--r a •nam-ish anawer when iudiacruetly ad.trcased — Tim* »c saw- ih- m cvcrywlu-rc—Biandnig m scores on ill- r -.oi. which ».- pissed over, laughing mis rliii-Aously nt us, -*r .-liering us sometimes with a m<*ck c -urli-sy au apple At fi»*t \vu boliuvud Ill- Ill in tie Clljr go's, or at least th- daughters • f lh- wealthier mhahi'nnts id ih coun'ry—hut im— III. V wer- tho ila-.gUlcra of thu po -rest farmer*, whose c| "h'-sdid not luavu Hm ludf-t doutit about .spcciiil >otitr y . lilt > ION lit hi I * t'ur f.'eii.t* le ih" conn ry *houl-l ix-i i»‘l 7® *uppl) lb- nocivi-* wi h pnnir-I ticket* f-r i sh-ction. If they will *eiut In their orl»o lo k'r i, N.chol* of Ihi*, be will flli them *-. ,ha fo|i-e r*'e» : Hy Ibe IU0 io DU* at >• cent* p»r henitrsM ; i f-r $3 ; 2uuu for 06. 1beca*b»bouM aee«»nvpa' .' ■ filer. •*., -i> : A’u quote S. v* af and i ra*he»l Ilm vi li- 1 III! ll- elide- n h-mor t-* I,-1• -oiling i mv .-w-. counirywomen, ami ■ -llinm *h the inert • <1 th-- j .try, I iu .s' conic*-- turn that ct and iungo'idimg luuling, aa-Iiii Ii giv.-a hasm i • the form- r, i* hm scry «rilil un ithsm -ng i he ladies here, and that for th <t : , I be in pi me* A mr r I <-ii it .\oiiiiiiui lone m 14 Icliiiinnil. Thu h-HoWing i-.irre*pondunco will sli >w the manner iu which the fecetit were undo iu thu iegralniivo ticket "I our imimmIm iii KicIi- oioihI I he propositi.'ll of t’ol. Milled.n was ns h.rn-.i,ililo to himscil a* it wna worthy . I the ualiinahlu guuilcmau hy whurn it wu accepted [••irrrtpondance.l Ai oust a, (is , Sept I3ih, I ‘*.*>5 llos A J. Mii.iir /) Sir: On my return home from a short vim to the up country, 1 buind thsi Un* Auiaiir.ui lint air rtf that ex «tier h-vers, which is so ulten Inriiiliis 1> i* true, one will '>■-<> S'-u hen- women p,rli-,-ily bnao'iiul, hut, nev- Pidiu ■ Hi't Bi-pi ii -r gneu • I I- main tonderno**, vv'. c — l>ot I"' aa here a o 1 running to wph iny cri p i-rn 1 I' will nev. r d - to e.intinun longer ihi** i<'i"piiir ..n girls; bin have |h-y n-H, nn Ibe 23d n| O.-ioti. r, eauMjd h* the sii-ih h'e I -H* of sumo of our b. at men, who, u nut ao Ineed hy lh" charms "I Hie*- nymi-lis, would never have palled with liter lednw soldo rs t can*. 16 to ffiV (ier t.lsl, and Nc* York .Mum 24A025. Hl'ii.Vll* have advanced In price. Orlrau* ihi# week at 6*4 t > 10c, and I si 11 qr pur lb Wlll. A T. —The reee'p • of ib-week by inllroad were 34,6«2 buthels, amt the export* to Norihern nor.* it> 041 liuilielt. VA e btar -f a (mall lot «i r-d t>i*bu * -Id lo the earlv part uf the w.t-k at ft 3u a 1.55. lluMe-a a»e li"w avk.n.- 01.70 per bushel for red. amt fl 62 a lAi for while. The latest quniati-vn* rece'Ai d by irtier* f r* »»ii New York were 01.rk. a 9u for pi lino .Aoiitl.i rn red. «n I 91 txi a 2 03 for S-'Uiburu while It A Y i" selling In l»i* at ft .< per c ** t. The *upp y on l,a.>d i* »u flic ten l io meet the demand LORN I* still quoted Bl 05c. a fi Oil, with a llmltrd suppiv on hand, but enough for the proeot trade. All . lug .. I’arty .' H.i* conn ) hail nominaled nm f i in tl.<- S-nati- Ite <ev ng, however, many ol our l.-'b.w i-iiizcns, like mysull would lu* parin u- lariy g-nulled lot y■ •*, lo lie our oeli Scnni- r, I •liaIi, when ".a piny rntiel to act mi ibe n-s-gmi ti..n ol (ten. Kean*. .1" a . In my power t>. mdii >• them t*> t- ndi r t - yourself, in consnloraio'ii <1 ) past s-i*ne«, tbn p-.eition wbicll they have so g. ..rr..u«ly . fieri d lo llle Hoping to hava a laV-M* able f.ply at your earl net convenience, wph |"-r- mivai-m in use u in t-a*« I can succeed in making this arrangement 1 remain yours indy, Jn<>. Mii.t.rbok. Larui -r T'-facco— u-ur* *--me rn< nut large Trie L-iuisviIIi n< ration* ml" At'ot*sra, September II, ltr>3 Dkar Hi* —I have y-mr lav«.r o| i||« 13.h i•>#( , ami a.Jmtr-, wlnl-- t t--o.b r to you my ackimw ledg mn.'a Im ymir pr-.p-i'al I mo not a member o| tha American party, na you know, nor am I ol miy other p.-ht'cal orgn.i- ei'aloig My Conalltiienit, 'here!.. coy N nny h‘igah-ada s-dd at f'J | - • •-ugbi to tie I'lllleno o| all panic*, and ih- *■> I 100 |lia , *m >ii"tmg |n the aggragain to f I l.ofx*. • le - ilia e*|v -d I3n* lin" cut Isaf for 021,13N, and I'd) idols do lor 013,810 Hr ait* of Cmarlb«T08 —Thar* warn iwsnty- |-iur dasiha in ( h*rt«eton last week tlm "(Il-'MIT-.WX l l via "— I bn tmg Hr* ||n|le, ' apts-n Riok. #rnv. d at ,N«wp..*i, R | , |r-.m j (* ••fgetfiWn, 8 I n Tuesday. wuh anvaral ua*-• | ..I te*#* on L-ard 'I h-> psilenia w* re rum- *rrl ... | • im Manna lf--*i- lal, wi.**e the nixie died a -on *• letwaid* i< is t-y to- mean* lo.itto*1 I r ant r* ■ h-* ".sit •oil'll- rn r-v»ra I-- b- a"aiked'-y lev--. • • H ih" ii«m# --• Iruorgelown lav-r ha* douli-|u*a t.rei. ei"a-> in 'hit tnaianra Irmn Hi#'iiy in wf... h ll • a* t*k--n T» Our l##t**r Hb##t Pro mi ( -i-rsni, and tt* vial* of tbs mark*! f"f t» # p**' »e*k, w|'| b* ready tot 0«|i«srf thl* morning at II i/eloslr Kia**a I’-iiifir* Hr laii'l* H«iii 17 AL • onlsis--I K n«#» ha*s Ruin n t-d Ki ern -i It-•■de* I-., t -nfliee*. •n-l liave •-leetwil ihu •---vl M-r*d*» n tieioliuf '•-» p I'lng The II u#» *i"nde 81 Rer-ih'iuan ,67 D*m- er*-« and II VA h.g» Tw.. d>* rki* a* yet unie i,|t..#•!, atr pf-iiiaL ) .lon...*r*i* Ihe Ka-o#* lie*.* •• no-n,uaiss H i, Gaoig* 8 rv. nv . r,| V||gl>».«, fi,| dalsfal* lo rougieM mid ro—igoiz# “u. h In addition tu your i -mmunlcation. | ha« reived otheia (r-m tiuhvldual niemlx-rs ..l American party, and I min other l-llow n . , n.niinmng mn I" h-> a candidate I• >r Hi« Hui.cie I h i e.l that I had received an hiio-.rablu dl* qhargn Irom the piddle service, nnd dislike lo *m«f aga'n'he poll ical arena, bui under Ilia cr • r-ini*taures, if my |etl..w cttisena ih-.--eo ••!.*. | rna, uuirammell"d a* I am hy paity lias, I will aa'vr ilium again lit the Senate, lo tho hoal o| my ability I I have no I-. Im in pio.Heal 1 Id , ii < rewards r-• h-.f-« hu hot th. r--- -Hi- tr- n I li«vmg disih«rge.l my duly, ami the approval ..I ! Il»y InlloW I luffeli* V. I y r»*p<, youf oli'l Betv'l , A I Mii i.ta >1 J..UM Mll.lkUr* How tii>■ Y Rzad rut N».vv>rArkB —It is a proof of the great variciy of human dereh.pmeiit tu notice per* ns reading a 'luwspapsr Mr General Intelligence liiat glancca al the telegraph, then al ilm editorial, and then ho gora int<> "i« c-irruspi.ii.lencu Mr Siia'yu'r >.| en* w ih *iorka and rnaikct*. and end* w iih the advi-nlscments lor wants, hoping to hod a vp'.111 Amu Hukey firv nvadsthe atones- then looks to See iv h-< IB msrrii d Mini Prim look* *t 'he in.-tri. igea first, nnd then run.11 'lie ali.rlsa \| m Marvellous l« cun-oia to see iho list of ncci* d.-ola. munl-rx, and 'llu I'ke I'ip Io N-d liuola up a lunny thing, ami laughs VV I ■ ll « Will M ul unu Gusaip turiia t - ill" I--cnI d parimnn'a f->r li- r ihund r, ami having oliiaiued that, throws the p iper aside Mr* Friendly d--p* th-first tear --I sympathy "vurthedemli*, an-l ih'-n-.v-r the marr-agea, lor, a iy • «hc. ihi.' |s about as hail n 'be ■> her Mr r.ilntelan da*b.-« i-.'-. ilm li-le k r iph, an.1 tr io >bai into Hi" eddortal, ending wuh the •|.i lo a alluded t - ()u- literarv friend Is eager l"f a nice cumpoat- ii rn Imm thu editor, -ir • one kmd correspondent At ui ana vmng Hie rhetoric, grantoiai and ihe log. -I pr-iliOti'". H* lun >* e cars-ua# glance at ihu news departin' nt, and then lakes to hia Greek, pur'e. i y • > lafied I II" plaasurs seeker xamtnea the pr-igrammes pu'-iie e.osriaimnent*, end decides which Will all -'.I him 'ho greats*! om-mni -d altpiscmenl Th- laborer sear* he* among 'he want' I -r a bel ter op.-nmg In h.» bust ness, and—but enough, an exit mi-n .'Iho halts u*e!.-sa Th-1- ia just at tn-i- l. d Ifen lies in reader* *■ in—anything Hut the worst i* V«l I'"’ tit* 1* each does not tin I .1 column or le** bi* peeuliar liking, the p a I go.-d lur nothing parpu* I "liking forward to the new cr>.p, which will toon hu un the market. (I ATA.—Tlie market I* overstocked with an ordinary article; which lun-i* with How m e at .0 a 55c. per bushel. LX<’ll AND 15** VYr quu'r Hterlitig ti q per rei.t prrm The Hanks am seim-g Highi I'hrck* un ell Nnrtt.ern cltiesa. per ct prr o., amt purrhaitng htsht llill* at V ID day* at <*, 30 day av I*-t A*. Cu day* at IN a, l *, per ct discount. FKLHill Ir*.— I'relgliia are I «<k.i.g up. • otton tn l.lvrrpuol )• quuled st Nd per pound. Tu lloai»n 5•It'JfcHo. To I'hila.lrlptoa N 1 ’ |" r *iearusl.lp; *>n Wl.eal l«N'e per till*'.el, n> »ai|i..g *ts«el« lia a lo-fB nn t'm liertli for Pblla.lelphla tlm past week. To lla inner* t*» on i*o||on; 71 pe- tm«l.el t<>r Wheat, and 07 per ton un i upper u-e I lie mis* per ileamsb p tu New York are 5- iU lor iq.istu and q- r>-r nou.d hales ; bv Mil.n( *pa*el« 7.W pel !>#■<• t oltuii, and 12q per bushel Wheat Nil* | till a- *• I »| I 'ot | on . it ff-Ntn i ii nr.n i ^ H the Philadelphia *.ul Navannxb 'tram ship line, on t.tgbt G-vx1* and D*y (• -.a*, will lie in • rut* and 13 rrn • per cut* c loot, being ihe rale* rHahltsb.-d prior t-J me l**!. •uj97 i A L. I. Mtl\K, Agent. 3l»TII i: Osrir* laoB % Ti ims-'it i ariAt, r Augualt. Ivth May. Ih55. v w a«ia Al a merllng ol lh# hoard of Il.reclor* ol tht ws8r 1’ninpsajr t.LU J"||N.'T'*N . f *q . • *. »e v -o *•*> ap|Mi.i.ied Agent of ibe Company at Savamuh.U» whom all ifoAxt* fur ihe lulertor sbould hereafter be ad- Irvieed. J- 'HN II til I Ft , l« the Agent may 15-U IS. 31 LU'UIII.IN. > '1*1 4 I «l. Mil *4 ».. t.T’i'n the flr»i day ot IVbru»iy i,e\i, the fl'm Ol HUKTO.N 4 RlKF.ltAS, will tw dHwntve.1 by llmiuilrtn. After thl« data, they will do an ex- clualve FA8II HUhlNKttA, f, r uSe purpn^ of *et tl.Dg Up. All of our stock of Watch#*, Jewelry, Hllver Ware •nd Fancy Hood*, wr will toll at a Tory small advance in the coal, fur caah oplv. HORTON 4 RIKF.MAN. III. tlr"u«hi.-n al-rn. 6*v«nn*h, June 1st, IK5\ may 31-if NOTH I,. IT*During my ab* fhvm ihe Hiaiw. Mr J \ 1 \ItV Fit and J tJ. (X)IIKN wtllatleud to no I. o, m'M. ang R M X COH t. N 3ofitr The I’hllaitelpMa »ml savannah !*leam*b'p I .me wil take " heal, delivers- tu New )<> 1VVg nma |«er bushel freight, nl delivered tu rtoladrlpbta at 10 rents per liusbel Iretgbt Thii a-rangi-meul prevent* L> »b:p. per* tbr adv auiage ot two market*. aug 17 V. A. I. LAMAR. Agent » I'M K' -TiN I D ».r. ff J 3 fl-k'B" • AIK I*. 4 I okraiwe# X;»!.i —i - J li «-«. P-l»..e*.lc A | pies ;«,•# T.w s. I • ».»)* . n 1 l.-f «a # J AMI u 4 i~ai . **» 'v:v; J Jt Xlift.IRN ■ price* |. AV;: r;v. »• V TI NT « >N t- « i ‘l it . X\l - l r Ke»1 . p; *• • NT V vi|l.t -* Ft i RN - • Mw|. tt» • i it tni.. . iii i 'i a ■ r ui«». .-. » *• 1st* • • Nans*. 60 l»'a#a d.- 3- < tiws. K Iff F-- » v». lam ing an) (*» KtNp'V J *HN*r» > k ■rr ■ ^ « I’ I < -.- vi ' ' • . | .*l I ' I 1*11.1 »T »MI WHIP HR I AIU6 im • t* ket Fit •» tlread. CS en p Hrved.of Iw■* ^ m*n.i . c.ure, in *l-oe *#4 for wale . •>« I i'NHON \ND I t -*T-'i T -Quart* and r>.ot». <vow»ta#Uv j .n\' iNv. i:as- •t ni in r -ktfr and n f pint", o.vwiia#i.'« .«# It ARI.lrw H»:I.i »t • MNegmuKew 1 t‘-T Act per llrmr' AtaSkw a, IS bt • »- ' li • in l.t m >wa, lor mo r.« •"« ** • t WIN A. UK' • »a e hy I 'll » » -1;#ovee 4 !ko»S «#r aoakh XffWl 1 '•*’eby LOVELL 4 l.XTI trrtx (mil mi u. |« x\rr* 1 l*>» >. awd Ja|oauw<"l T" VV »## ai < II MaVR6E, INANtm rtiock .ui hand, **epl. .1 Itecrt> i-.l un. i Hcpl 13, •' prev loiialy ... Total Knee.pla Kx|m.rli'.l II I* woi'k <o3 M*i:4 iAi. Mint i , ALL PMtl»i»Nl» tn.let.lnl lu the lair Itrni ufPRb ». 4 VF M>FK are'»xjrsv(/ii-.y ufgersirg to call on the *ul> •crilu-r and pay Up. and Ihvrehi mo Irotibla and ex |«en*e. VVM *1. I’ttll'E, 147 II.< *:ieet, J) tl (VyuMarr. >« I'll ». inn \ Tl K!V lit 8' II TiVAV|4«,tr. - u. Sik.1 and t.«! sake hi k»»< 25 l."YKt.t 4 * ATM I 'I VKITW .M :j*.| m-wii.d. X loin It..* )| Jw'kr* ’a*e« IA . mi i I .-lal Lxporta, .. u.'i [ lloek un hand. f»epl., VD lot .-.v-i Kxtmru of Cottnn from Bsvannsh VIA- tr TIIF. auhtcrlber ha« removrol h.* .-Ace i. •Heel 8, M 1. WFITLAl , Agt. rukkiii*!., Hept I, H»5' I .... |. In "upt ;u |IA*3. | on -up. I. to wept 11*5» NOTIt I'. I JT Mr JOHN tl NF.ID. I Nil E l I* o-.t aaiknrtml Ii »iuduring atoeuce ii.-ni Hie Male • UR 15 HI I|IT B II All MW I /l "I It ' l'," lug »' *#, 11 o :■ N M »«swtii.<e |.a DwC Is- v*« by I'l l-ll IIF i;|N * AND T- •s Sox#* li. # •,«*, 5*. a >« Rant .n, j. ' k»d i u were • roar* * vr- xian rn i7lver)HNi|, | iHher Hr11kali I'urks, . j Tolal Ureal tl'tUlik, Havre, I Ollier French Porta, Total France, • Rher I iirelgn Porto, Toiai Foreign Pori*, I "• L I - plaint. S I I'pland Ai.t’i' 5 N It - k VF.'t .d it. rs> )«.*•• "«n|iw< *■ *« J"hut.oi g len. |X«W tiling al Heave' >!%• •** c-'iniiA. hear 'I'rhiu.-ri.l, ha.t Vine ai d t'eiee M ih ,» a ua-*. nv-"*t .-I ih- I'nve had e' ill* iw e^ a .hi, |y *#*• iban ivuee ; be »*» im.rKed w iu lever* a* the i hill le ‘ ‘ \ l 5 V • . I • •. • . • -wAgeaa. i li ■*# i.-.- u I. » ta New « . 1 ► I i IS ti XI -• e • hill tet h«., ami after tiling pity.if tan* qi i,.# --I ibe T-'iitr* advrrtlaoki ai^i uuv) i| m.ow ".#0.1# i io him. vat iiwgi ii, j)## U p „ .k#. |M ,k,. « k#* • t'Arf'• •panlab Mixture wa* a r 4eu ... be r>t <w« hoiitea, t'Ail before be bad oa#.| •»«# ih«k# * *tn«i« .*#, h# wa. |<v>lertlv cwrvwl amt bat m bad a cMU .w im N O M V"; » *w4 »4er»y 5Y we* • »«- * MINlX 4 * I u |. .|, t<.i*n ai ri»x III# tl.*i IL Irin|.leeieii ••1 In ill* Mimi*i.|.|.i Valiev wa* o-itiserr"led in Hi L mis un llie My to*'ant tu presence uf • ;*.,-n Cnliri ure# ul bo'li *•(*•, oumpu*e-l ul me|i|* .1 III# sncISitl larsa nm lamlly, Slid Dllisrff ul lha ellllsn* IUir off F'» M4l.<* Di ' *i- ne, ..I ili* Ii.i# f Hi 1,-iui*. I'ar •#. •>"• I'ubbslmrt • valiiabla i •iy iho hau. m whiilt Im say* ilia, ifie nm*i . ic • 11liy III d# id dreos.i.g Ihe hair -I (enisles, j '*|m- laity young one*. •» let |i In- •* l.mee •• I i •' le, ni aireiigidi" laig • Soda ►> •• tu lot ' li" an pare thli-og ' 'b- 'o I '• * ffirai nil«i*ke | ■• t-. -.1 li- liati - I • h' dreo ii dor *ii-ven • »iwelvv ) - * * • --I age 'Ilm 1 i-lal'ing hair m,.re ’ »a •Halil* Im h*|»# I • ihr ll nr It, p-.lilug lti#m | '. rlu '« mla lo g, |".»e 'ben i> q <i«tls euy- I V i oui.imeiii" -.i'll gi -w.h III* 1 bat I ihe g.rls *1 ii d also Hot I* Silt or Ihi.mad, 1 but uaiftlv *H**flell-4 lloal Pro. hlriH-e. Now York. IrOi PhiUdrlpliia, till* Hall 1 lionr an t Norfolk, 1 Tiailcaliiii, lithe. I 1* I'.ru, total • '-iatlwtaa<. iii;., | ll rand Total. | .M2 A It I port a of Cotton. Klrc and Rumba-1, rani* * * M it m **ri IV. tvv. Iflm I" X ln'd ('jn’wag /.itr 1 lain r*lmo-ith | i -ia*x tJaHel-rt 1 IIH<» 0 8#» V I Mffi talj lloe PMlwl-l bla •S' loj Hshlo .v». III* ff "W 1 "*»■• ,, * i tuvusden I* iviily one -'ui ol iKouatn.l* who bare . Im WeS.wd bl Ibl* gra-ai WMUc, *!•#••.. <e e«M hl v s ^ |-n ah’ a K4H4 » ,, t T# ell wb <«* - F»•* - •"! aepi* < ol admiNi-iiaiioe *Nl> 3 Aklx Ne»l■. gN *W#WI»W2 • • • »ld lo* h*4e K| mu * <* * N ‘l.r Afi II** > ■ .» w. >..* • ■* ■ hiM X S-W Wk bi *• a r, I-" C'l» i d a im -with »" ■ • •# I • 1 X, | . *. I- - • » I . "’ ) rit-m |lf awt the* Ka«e uw «* 4* *w , ib, f»», »' i« N "»« U. mii, ."ibe-w ia# »b 1 leue-s « n I ) b u ki Mil#-. ... I il ■ BeplaoeMM IXVA ll >||N kl XI11 4 • • V # r e» r . it I > k . - I IY hipyde t< MR t» | | AM*VI AMI F VV r: IMS ft! 44 r Nl'Tlt • HHt I k< - .Mali in i h . *. . Va- n# e* k of it ,« n IN'IU. MU' N • •#« 4r H M . . • |k. MW- k»u .1 aMfk III !«** . Dim 4 vi isHst iv saiaewsb, ##pi IT,tall set Iff ' 41 i> . ...... " • , i