The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, October 18, 1855, Image 2

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SAVANNAH KKI’UHI,K'aX» THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, te h. THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. — •obushsb at ALEXANDER Al SNEED. mr W»A Q>«mr PrlMirrw. TBRM0 IUDX)UOaZ3 ■ ’altr. ib aAvaato.fBr 95 00 (f.BOl Mid >• •dsmoc. *2? IHUv.ia advene#, focatx month*,- J® rrfWBCBlf, IB BdVBBM.ptr * 2 If «kh paid >■ ndvanM J ™ Weakly, invariably in sdvaao* * JJJJ WaeklY.tcluh prira.i 10 SAVANNAH. OA. .Thursday Morning. Oct. 18. TIM IMIS Hssi. 1 THb Urns kae toM svbee iba people of Gaorgfa I [rev Um Bavaaasl R*r«Mkaa) Bbomuvicx, Ua.,Oet. 16,1865. „ , . TIm Article m the Rapuhlican ol »ha I0tk inti, should look altar llMir laiarasu that ara so largely “Brvuewick," demands oar immediate ICOintCJftCATID.] final Oardta MePnb'le. In my card of Sapi. 8»>th, exposing tho craven ■pint ol Mr. James D. McConnell, in relusing two OOMMSnoiAXi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , caution to the public BA VANN AII BIAKKCr. tVapaaipat, Oetotier 17, P. M. COTTON.—Tha sales to-day amouul to 0(7 balsa, m Iba (bUowmf particular* : n» at rjf. IS at H 7-lfl, IIS n involvsd »b thi# improvement. Thai they have ooU ce, aoi at the author ol the article over tho \ distinct call* to meet genilaman whom ha had wan- slumbered ao lo#g, andar U»a doluaion of a falaa # , gBal y r ® u f Glynn in thaGaorgian of the 4:h in*-, toolv io-ulied, on the field of hopor, I promised to , 8*. 109 at 18at S 11 16, 75 at 6|f 91 at 8 13 16. -9 8taia prida, ia to na a ntaiter of uttar aatonUhtnanc but aaooa whotsoltly andomaa tha fiery proceed-; “take no ui >re notice of anythiog ho may hereafter j *18K, 211 at 9, 96 at9X,42at 9 318,36 ai9H.and e Such aa amotion baa no place in tha question, and i 0 g tO f tha mstnorable night ol the 1st mat., t say or write " This pledga was given na an earnest t ****** IQc. Mar hat tin withoat any change In prices if it sad. sad MPsrtoca t*«ch«e | h “ l il “ to though some of a# were oot engaged or preaent at I .1 my sitreine aversion toconduciing parsonal dif- j iavtmnmU Export*. October IT. aaerinoed, not cherishsd, by the policy ws have ao (he burning, and deeply deplora tha aiusmltiea to , ficultlaa through tho columns of public journals; | P# , weamabip Augusta, Now York-Wl balea Cotton . . ?! . _ y?*.*. .** “ „ .ill !!! * w *»hh the esaaperated party raaortsd, yet we feel [ a course ever distasteful to the leelinga ol men ol 35 do Domestics, and sundry pkgs,fce. Par steamship state of Georgia. Philadelphia—'01 A THEN jEinn 1 ML W. II. and Manager Tharsdny. Oclaber I8(b* INftb. dhnetit of MI88 CHARLOTTE WYETTE. ganroudjcucT Romeo ' J ~ Juliet ture the aeaartlon that no man could follow our ex* oof d „i y |o qQ-^ to extirpate from the J honor and courage. I must thorefore apologize for ample, in the management ol hia private affairs, public mind one impraaaion, which "Brunswick" i once more iotrudmg tnyaelf upon public attention, XST Tha Gworgtau aimaka of Medill ns the "Democratic Nabraaka Candidate" for Governor of Ohio. Will Iho Gaorgun plaaaa inform at when and wboro anker Mr. Medtll.or th# demo cratic party uf Ohio, endorsed tha Nebraska bill! , ty Tha Northern Mail fsilsd beyond Angus- b, yssrerday. XW An apology Is due to out readers for the ) introdsetioo into our eolumaa, iu this and e*rvoral past issues, of s controversy, violent in its charac lar and strictly persooal to tha ptriiaa concerned. Tha truth is, we unwittingly got into the ditfi -ulty, and have not ainee been able \o rufune adnnsaioa to tbe articles of eithor gcntlomsn withoat doing in. jastioe to tha other. Though published as ndver* tlsomants, wu amccrely hope that the yffete in our present i»aue will bring the controversy to a cl -so The Journal A Courier, of Ism evening) publishes an article, from the London Timm, showing the preaent tottering condition ol the Pope of Rome, and tho civil degradation and mor al polution of everything that cornea within the reach ol papal influence, and accompanies the sama with thu billowing n marks: Wa publish the foreg-ung not only because Italy is now engaging very largely the attention ol Eu ropean politician*, hut bec-aueo its statements may lood to allay the fear which oor Know Nothing friend* entertain of tha temporal power of the Popo. We suspect thet an they read, some of them will be dilpBsud to laugh at the remembranco.of thoir late alarm. Our friend is mistaken in tho subject for alarm.— No American, in bis sousca, wo presume, ever sp- praheoded a direct interfere nce of the Pope in tho temporal affair* of this country. It is the influ ence ol tho Church itself, that intangible opirituul Substance,operating through its papal head, and leashing men that all government ta tubordmate to ih« same, that the American party deprecate as •nti-rspublican and dangerous to «*ur institutions Our government hoa iis veiy corner atone Imd up on the doctrine of total separaiion ol Church and State ; and we hold thm any man who is op postd to that doctrine la unfit to be trusted with the government. or anv portion ol It. Wo have no faara of the ascendency ol such a principle in this country ; hut "the prico of liberty it eternal vigilance," and it is tho duty of every irue patriot to meet every error, great or small, si tlm very threshold of ll.c temple. Jt may nev.-r triumph, but to the extent that it gums n toolhold, in it dan gerous anil to bu resisted. Wo liavo no ides that bigamy or theft would ho countenanced by any leg islative body .it tho Union, y.-i ibis ia no reason why we should not vole hgamut a bigamist or a thfal as n law-maker. Tint in iho extent of thu American doctrine, and no less. f)<>ea not th H Journal Sc Courier know that 111 this wo are right ( vilhuui bem, »n down «« ■ •Impl.lo. <«d > fool. trough mimiko or I,In iinprowon. hu Iunn«l — W. hive .Ire-dr, "> bfuoghl thi, Ho ,.y, ihe rnpwubl. ponion o( Bnimwi-k due. Di.llvr of lh« Sul. Kind ‘Imlur. lh« public, ind .oimimiIoo ih, «ct of Monday night uig d iba liking ufnmaNcp. for a i-dic.l change I,,,, alluding lo tin mgbl ol ihn 1«. Tmaciprca- nl nor prdicy in regard to il. 'I'ha character ul lh. .dmita ol too great latitude. In oar opinion, a. S ate and the mtercata of tho treasury, alike, there are some of undoubted respectability, and demand it. We have ever been opposed to the gentlemen not at all concerned in tbs affair, who government entering the marts of trade ss s com* have given il their hearty approval. Wo will P< titor ol iho citizen, and that from 1 ha two-fold give for public consideration the circumstances as consideration that it it foreign to tho objects for . ,| lt . y occur . c d, as nearly aa we are able. The which it was instituted, and at tho same tuns opens nil , hl iUccec the great political contest found an avenaa lor the mgrees of fraud and corruption Mf Duryw -* pr ,d a considerably lacerated by tho among the agents and servants ol the peoplo. Tho ficIory achieved over bis favorite, and while being history of our Road lor the past lew months af- goaded by (tlu koeu „f lh „ saddest of disap- fords a strong and ptanling support to tho justice , p„, nlmfln ia t || 0 unbridled his tongue to such an cx- ol ourapprehenaions. Tho facts have already been |ent M |(| flfler an indignity to the fathc-r-in-lawe preacntc-d to the public, and it is not our purpose o|our Senatora sleet, by stating that the “people here to detail them anew. Wo would simply use of 0 | yn n could elect a man of straw to the Sen- them aa an argument Mo prove that something *,«;• . nd whon be heard the cannon, which was should be done, and lo arouse the people to action, j Wl|J| fi(wl by , h0 Jfiend< o| Co , L „ ng Bo , hal Independent of its moral influence upon the gov , heir |ri8ndi lhruUgh out the county might know etotneni sod people, we have gone on for years , |haf , hoy had won tho vlctory( ho Mid; »! W|s)l absolutely squandering thousands upon thousand* Jo God |ho cannon wou | d l)Urtt ao d blow them all on the construction, repair, ami equipment ol the |t) jj e „« ThisseeminglyelectrifiodthfiViryat- wnrk, without realizing, as yet, ono solitary dol ar n)iiH|)bcre ^ af)d j] asb , d w ith almost telegraphic Irom the nett proceed, of its earnings. I h.s too ra|)idlty | ro|II eir to ear, and perverted the warm when it is the best located Hoad in the South, and fl jW o(MU „ atlon t0 lho ica | dill g | ara of i ndifinn . docs a carrying trade that supports several similar (lon and reV enge. A number of tho friends caught works that divereo from ns southern terminus, and Mr. AMI.Crtaj MU* CHARLOTTE WYETTJ To eoociu'ls with the ROUGH DIAKOID Empty Darrels, U.’t busiiela Wheal, 7B2 bales Cotton, 91 bales Pink Hoot, 4< do Featliers, 10 boxes, lit casks Klee, 5NI bales Domestics an<l sundry pkirs mdxe. it up and acted upon it, and did make a man o! straw and breeches, and did unanimously elect it. not to the Senate of Georgia, but to tho burning clement*, ns a type ol Chas. H. Duryce But wo aru credibly informed, that all reparation nec.-a- • try has been offered and received by the purtics, and we earnestly hope that Mr. Duryoe may still occupy that high und useful station among us for which he ia so eminently fitted. Pacer.v enables them to throw thousands annually into the laps of their atock holders. This lacl ahows that there is something radically wrong; and that It ex ists in tho system itself, fifteen years of tinkering to remedy tho evil should be sufficient to prove it. Nor is the Wostero and Atlantic Railroad pecu liar in this. Its history is but the counter-part of that of nearly every other work of internal im provement iu thu country that has hnd to depend upon government for its existence and control. Wo might cite numerous instance* in which the people | mmunicated.] liavo been pluuderad at their held t urning., yc «r 1 -|- ho Jnurnt.l it. Courier -y«, uf the Innutrura- alter yosr, for tho support of such works, und havo t j. Ml u a || : «■ t Wu Gentlemen "!! realized nothing in return hut debauched officials |» 1>ur fellows! they must loci sadly out ol place, and a bankrupt treasury. We have this sxpsriencs Only two gentlemen in such a crowd ol Demo* and our own for nur guidance ; why, then, persist crals! It is hard to eay who ia most to be pitied, I in a policy that can only l»e pro<iuctivo ol evil ?— . iim party, who, even b>r suclt an occasion, could | We have experimented lung enough, and, aa a ' only shew two gentlemen, or tho two gentlemen I sen-tble peoplo, ahouId aet about to retrace our who found themselvesastiuy in such a p >rty. | Bl>-pa, and apply a remedy to the grievanuo. j The samo Courio* publishes an artielo on the , What ai*-p« should ho taken to tid tho people of' present alato ol the papal dominions, and ua ho tho burthen, i« a question for the Legislature, in na holds up to view the fearlul picture of wretched- j wisdom, to determine. Wo nro opposed to nil temporizing expedients, and would sell lho cutiro ' road, with all its “members and nppertonances," . and thereby utterly rid the Governmunt ul the power further to oppress its citizens and corrupt itself. If ahy portion «,l it ho retained, it will un- ms*, oppression and crime hi Rome, he "suspects" thu "Know Nothings" will laugh! ilo is wrong as ho und o.ln-rsare who ‘peak ol American* they aru unable to npprociato. We find no merriment in vn-wing tho wretchedness of , Rome. If wo deprecate, or fear, us ilie Courier { ly he .,I at Ihe • vil. end not . I,.1-1 era.i- |tli , CJUIIl[y „| duultincfl, icalmn, as tho public ill uresta demand. Muyw~ not Impu that the General As-cmbly, anon t Tlae AlltciiRuiii-.VliM* UyelluS Hcnefll, Wo aru happy to announce a Benefit for .Miss Wyeue, at thu Athcnmum, this oveuing. • Savan- iiuh has nut duno justieo to tins young and gilled Woman, who, though yet with two yours of her icons before fu r, has ih velopod talents that cunnot fail lo place her, in niaturcr years, in tho front rank ol Americaniragodiennen. Wo hope a generous amend lor tho neglect may hn made to-night. Wo feel sure no onu who heard her thrilling represen tation of •'Biaiica’’ Inst night, will ho willing to forego the treat that ia promised by "Juliol." Miss Wyett- , as will Ini seen from tho notice, will also appear in tho sljerpiucr*, "Rough Dia mond," in the character ol “.Margery." Henry A. Wise.—A writer in the Columbus Timos & Sentinel suggest* tho riamn ol thu above gantloman as tho next Democratic candidate lor the Presidency. It has also been mention'd iu tho same connection in various portions of tho rvmn- trv. Tho suggestion ia in untiie consonance with policy of the Democratic party, in setting aside those whose lives have boon devoted to their mr- vico, for the purpose of promoting over their heads the converts ol yuatorday to thu fnith. Wise is the old arch-enemy ol Gen’I. Jackson, who did more against hi* administration, and denounced him moro bitterly, than, purha|>s, any otliur man of his day. But the principles and tho friends ol Jackson huvu died out, and whut matters this l We attach hut little importance, however, to any of these auggertions, or even to the p .aitivoin- ■trucliona ol an appointing constituency. Thoy amount to nothing with tho Democratic party, whoso policy, for ten years past, haa bcon to over ride lho will ot tha people. Thoy may hold their nominating convention, but thu uiiaurahlu mocker v upon republicanism and popular supremacy wil 1 result, a* it has heretofore done, in a proscription of siaievmanbhip, dialingui*hed public service, and tried devotion to thu constitution and the country, and the exaltation of some miserable party Uivellcr, whom nobody knows, and nobody wunts. The people have stood the experiment, and its repetition,—perhaps lliuy may do it again. con • Vene, will givu their serious Hlt«*nti«.n to the mutter, sod doviio some plan for nil aiienuii) n nf the pr»- pnny that will ho consistent with the well-being ol the treasury, and tho rights of connecting niter o«ts ? Wo havo no plan to offer, hut suppose them would he no difficulty in deviemu onu to moot all tho nucessitic* of the ea-o. N<>r shall we offer, at ; present, any suggestions .1* to tho best mode ol sp- proprluting 1 ho proceeds of the sale. This Inst { quest inn will coinn up lor consideration in its own * tunc, and can very readily In: disposed ol. Since writing ilm above, wu find tho following • suggestion* in the Macon Journal »V. Mcaacnger.— They seem plausible, and arc, ai loasl, worthy of ciitisidoration: 1st. Let a Gorporntion lw chartered by the L gislaturu with n capital ol - - --nuihoiin >.| dol lars, to ho called iho WcMcrn A. All u.tie ftailroad ' Company, for t w purpo.-o of parclia-ing lho .Stnto . Ivoad from tho .Siam n( a price tu bu fixed by tho Lcgiuluturu. 2nd. Toscomo lho riqumilo ainoiint of Mock,. and .<» givu every citizen < I 1 In- Miutc- an opportu nity t>> suhscrilui to it, lot books lar opened m every county of lho St itn for ono month, undur thu su- 1 f.umpk I- rmtondunco ol lho Inferior C-url, with iho ex i Gilt, 11,1176. Mr. Foster's, 01 Hu. 7ih, 212. provision, that no p.rrwm who is not ... citizen ,j. ^upm-n 1 *, in tho 8th. 2,729. | peremptory verbal munnor; by tho other in a which havo by thu Courier's picture so desolated j furnml, written chnllcngo. They am both still to the laud ami demoralized the people ol Italy, wo | |»e c.iisiderui oporntivn ; utilhrr having ever boon find 111 ills) mournful hist, ry nothing to laugh at I withdrawn. Mr. McConnull rolused to acoep^ Let those laugn who havo ridden into power by . them upon tl.o singular, but convenient plc-n, tha| ant o| those who havo desolated the Romagnu — w. aro not gtullemen. Ho know when urging such Tiuu Americans ol any creed havo only pity lor | a subterfuge, that il was only th* promptings o| the people und the laud ol whom it can Iw *.iid j cowardice-, an evasion that would not meet tho “they aro the victims of oppression." 1 approbation of community. But to plu'co tho matter A.UhRtCAN. ] beyond a djub^whem our rolativo positions nro { not known, and tho grounds of his artifice not i suspected, and also to remove whatever scruples Return or Physicians.—Wo learn from our city cotetnporaries of yesterday morning that Dr’s Roid and Nunn, and Mr. Godfrujr, who have been engaged for weeks past in administering to the aick and Buffering of Norfolk,have returned to the city. Wo unite in welcoming them back to thoir home and liiundi hum the sad scene of their pun- lous labor*. CaMmn.i. Minstrels—Thcao renowned per formers in Ellnopcan minsirolsy make their lirsl appearance, nt St. Andrew’a flail, thia evening — See advartiacmuni in another column. ».f' ilm Stale—no Railroad Company—no Bank, <>r i City Corporation shall he poriuiiicd to subserilii), : directly, or iudiiectly, for any portion if iho stuck, ' und if a larger amount should he su'.scribed tin.n the Capita! of the Company, n» lixwd t.y ih*: L'lgia* jalure, then let all subscription* abovo live sli.ire* ' i»o"*cale'l down" by thu Coiumisaioncr*, which , would give a prufertneo to ail small suliscribura, , ami rednen lho sulwcriptioiis to lho amount 10- ' quirud. 3ul. I,ot it he provided that ten dollars per share shall lie paid at the limn of suhxcrilnng, and ihn balance whon called I T by iho Board ol Di rectors of ihn Company; that five hundred thou- • dollar* ol ihe price stipulated to he paid to thu Stale, *hall he pud uuiiiimIIv, uicil 1I10 who e is paid, and dial until this i* done, din Slain shall retain ns right to the properly, and dm Governor slmll nave the power to t*kn p'>«*o<gion,nud to can cel tlm coni rani of sain whenever a lailurn to com- . ply with its term* shall occur 4th Lot it he further provided, that equal privi— 1 leges shall o« given by thn W it A Railroad lo all other Railroad*commuting widi il at Atlanta, and that its rates of freight shall lm restricted to the average charged on odior Railroads of tins Btato. I 5lh. Let the Slate retnin two-fllthsof lho stock of the Company ns long as il may think proper— the Company being hound to take it any limn tbe legislature may so direct, and in die mean tiniu, to pay, semi-annually, into dm .Stite Trca-ury, two filths of the net profits of the Road, and die State (if it can be done) being pp»H-cied by n spo- : cial clause from all liability aa a Stockholder in J (lie new Company. Pkesidino OrriCERS.—It socma to bo generally understood, from what we cun gather from ilia democratic pres#, that Mr. Stiles, of this city, is to be cboaon Speaker, of the House, and David J. Baley, of Bulls, President of the Senate, in die approaching General Assembly. We muy add* the selections uro unexceptionable, and, wu have no doubt, will be entirely ugrccablo to thu uppo> sitioo. OwLRTHoRi'K University.—We aro pluasod to learn from dm Mdlodgovillo Recorder that thia meritorious iuatilution opened on Tuesday Udi with encouraging prospect*, having an accession of twenty-five new student*. Wo aro not disposed in cm, to our contemporary a character winch ho repudiates } and tho rcadon ol the Journal 6t Messenuer are conaeqnuntly ad vised l.y present*, dint the Journal & lh»u- ner of Savannah, is net professedly, a neutral pa per- What it is, wo aro not inlormed.—[Journal 4. Messenger. Wo aro inclined in think our neighbor has a decided leaning to lho Democracy. At least few days ego, it vssated to deny that Mossra. Toombs ond .Stephens wcio regarded ns demo crats, anil lo iulcirm them, with a seeming “by authority" how they could becoiuo so. Tt also appears to have had scenes to the private hooka o| tho concern, ua il spoko knowingly about “squar ing accounts," dec. ParliHps,however, tliia was only a private opinion of a "looker on in Vonice."— [Rep. Frost —The Mobilu Tribune, of tho 12th, snjs: On Saturday lait thorn wna n heavy frost all ulong ‘ho Mississippi oonst front Lskc Providonco. Kansas Hef.,r E the Supreme Court.—As soon M tho hra: cornar-aione of tho Capitol i* laid at Locompmn, a writ of v , 0 warranto, it is said, will be aarved on tha comm.a.i on eni, demanding by Ihat point. heqOMtlonaf l.„l|„ ofth , , ’ , J.lura will tliu. I>« caniod bwforo ih. Caaual lh» U„\,ert S.„ M . f h ° J'lir Iteoiall in Full. Wo give in to day’s pupur, sa>s liiu So. Record cr, tlm result ol dm iato election Our returns ar« taken from the Executive D, partmuit, and aro dnubtless correct. Tlm uliulo uuinh-r ol vo'es pul!<-d 1* 101,113. Guv. Jiibnson rccciv.-d of ibis numl»-r, 54,-161, Judge Andrews 43,721, .Mr. Over by 0,261. Gov. Johnson’s majurny over Judgo Ainiruws, ih 10,737; over Andrews mid Overby together, 4,171*. The number ol votes polled for Congressmen were 102,MJU. Mr. Seward's majority in the 1*1 district, Is 1,- fi3.'», Mr. Crawtonl’b, n> dm 2d, b'J3. Mr. Tnppe’*, in tlm 3d, 806. Mr. Warner’*, in thu4th, 01. Mr. in tlm 'uli, 3,317. Mr C'ohh Air .Slepm Thu Senate is composed ol 73 Democrats nn<l 3i: Aiimrieaus ; thu House stand* 87 Di-mocruts, 61 Amici mans, and 1 imhipernlHnt Whig—showing a Democratic majority ol over tk) on jqint ballot. Upon lho question of Removal, il will hu seen that Milledgovillo is far ahead ol her compelimrs. The whole number of vote* east i* 83,116 No Removal,48,707. To Atlanta, 29,317. To Ma con, 3.436. Milledgevillu 'jver Atlanta and Ala- con, 15,921 ; over Atlanta, 19,360. li is now to lm hoped that a final quietus is given to this subject. AiunrlcianiMiu—Wlial iait? Whatever partisan* may effect to think of thn' American pariy of this Union, wo do not think there i* ono iu tho opposing ranks, n . mai ler wlmdmru native or ad >piod citizen, who ib»-s ix.1 led ill III* llililo*l huuI, dial dm ohjeciH, princqilo and end* ol our organization, ar» louud- cd in hnd iintm the liol|iu*t laws ol nature, aid are mm!Hiiied by all thu instincts of patriotism, honor and truth It cannot lm otherwise. The feeding to which community: hi* own conscience indy entertain, wo submit iho j subj >inc<l expression of opinion by a number ol j the first gentlemen ol nur county. Many more names ol equal respectability and nolo, could be • added to thu list; hut we refrain, feeling that if j these fail to convince even the fastidious McCnn* j noil, wc had well ncod despair. Dr. Hart and my- sell sincerely regret, that thu prudential scruples I ol our antagonist should render necessary this np- | peal to tliu opinion of our community ; but justice I to Inin and ourselves demands dul tho seroen | which haa so long concealed hit* pusillanimity ! should he torn away, and Ins true character ex posed in ns naked deformity. Ono wor.l more and I am ilono. Mr. A!cConnel| •etatca that ho treated tho challenge of Dr. Hart with contempt, 'him insulting him in my presence. This 1 dei.y; und to prove that il could not have escaped my notico through uny lack of my usual powers of discernment, I wi.l (ako tins occasion to say, there tdie an indignity offered by one of his relative* present, which 1 intliicdialely re*cnted, by demanding and obtaining a full and prompt re traction. Thi* circiiuxtuncu I have, hitherto with held,to av ml every appearance ol a willingness to involve others iu I no dilliculty pending. With many thunks to you, Mr. Editor, lor this opportunity of’siicccst-hidy vindicating my charac t« r Irani tlm vindictive hut nhnrtivo attacks of one, who, for tlm want of employment, socks thus to occupy hi* nlln momenta ; and with the promise to yoiiihell and tliu public mat you vhall bo troubled in* further by me. with this vexed subject, I remain, Yours, very rcspectluliy, A Mayrank Jones. Wulthourvillo, Oct. 15, 1855. Wo take plnsRurn in certifying that, in noint of honor toning- , ami respectability, Dr. E. II. il.trt * and .Mr. A M. Jones are period gcntlonmn, and ! stand upon a lull equality with gonllcmcn uf our - wo alludo porvadu* tbo whole human ruen, civil Ized or savage It einhodm* an iiitRcluimnt hoc- I rind only lo 1 hat a living einld bears a l iving mother—a true, noble, affoctionato, intelligent niothor—wit", while she learned turn to I ivu her, pointed out thn imthwny which alone leads to 1 j hoiiorablo distinction, wli > taught him to lm virtu I I 011* ami upright ; who guid< il Ins youth'll! step* j I in ways ol ruutitude; who impressed upon In* Amcrirnii flnuqucl at Wakliiiigton— mind lu»#ons ol purity and elevation; and Warned ! N|>c«-clt-a ol Hr. loom lx. and AI r. ; him, oh, Imw eariieMly! witu ail the gushing l-ve Step he ns. ’ only a mother’* heart can experience to beware I Sonator fnomhs was present at tho Banquet • tliu wiles ol a deceitful world. Such is tho char- given in Washington in 1853, to oxcitu a more in- 1 acior of lho devotion n noble son oj tho soil* tetiBo AimirienniHin among vh» peopln, and tnndn ' bi his mother a;*il. ‘1 hero ts that about u which W. I*. M. Ashley I*. W. Flouting Goorgu W. Walth'iur John A Thomas R. Cay Jan. Quarturman J. !'. St. veus G. W. Duuliam Wni. Maxwoll Ahial Wiiiii B. A. Bushy W.S Buker B. W. Allen W. Winn Thotna* Mallard E. J.Dulugal a speech on thn occasion. Thn billowing is a brief synopsis of what ho thon said on tho American question: Mr. Toombs, in tho beginning ol his speech, said: " But, sir, inspired by tho example nl sumo oT tny friends, upon such sn occasion, calling for the Ammcan Jeelit‘8 rf all t>f us, 1 will offer anno suggestions upon which argument* may bn built.'' *11 thu courno of his speech, he launlud the dem- lak):s the man buck a* far us np-mory enlivens tliu careless glee ol infancy, nrd each old familiar object becomes ncro and morn interesting n* years Sc v*nr* lnp*n hnlore tlm never censing noireh ol I lino. Hi* allachnmnis strengthen as tlio m-.isuiis rendt-u him less iiilercMcd in earthly things ; and even now, there aro venerable oetugenaruin* ol the revolution tremhlui4 on tho very verge ol thu grave, whoso old eyes will kindle and wh> so old blood will course more rapidly through ihe r aged vein* ai tho m- ro intimation ol a slur upon that Editor* Sav. Ret—Dear .Sir—Pluaan jiuh|i*h the Pillowing eerllh-- ito of'l’apt ( J. W. Fleming ar.d myadl, allowing a sottlntiiont nl the difficulty between Mo*srs. A. S. Qu.irlcriinm, F. T. Hand ley, and A. .M. Jon. *, winch grew out ol ccrimn c«-:t fica'v g veil to Mr McDonnell, in relation to tho vuraci'V and courage ol Mr. J ties. By so doing you will oblige, Yours, very rcspectluliy, U. W. Wai.tuour. We, tlm undersigned, mutual Iriends of .Mes*rs. A. S. Q'larteruun, A. M. Jones and (»eo. T. Hand- ley, knowing their difliculiy having come to a crisis which would lead to morlul combat, havo thrown our.-clvcs between the panics, as mediators iu the matter—have investigated the c»s«, mid have th» ua*ure of saying that tho wholo difficulty has Union for which thev periled their lives und saeri- i huh led honorably and satisfactorily to the C 1 • r parttea, ua by the following agreement. P. W, RECEIPTS PER UKNTKAI. HAH.HOAD. Oct 17— i7e3 bales Cotlou, 2*i89 sack* Wbaal, 159 do “ bales — _ Consult Wllllaius, A Fawcett At Co, T.aon it Macksv. D D Copp, Lynn At Snldar, P A Uwl., W P Y«>ugv, W King 6 8on, tVayne, r.'renviile At C , Dana At VA'aili- bum. Itoibwell At Whltelieml, A 8 Hartridge, J Jone*. W Duncan, liar I wick At Cooke, Frank I Ih At Hrantlej, Rabun At Smith, N A llaMee <*. Co, Helm It Foaier. Crane, Walla At Co, flrigliara, Kellv At Lo, J W l.athrop It Ur, Hudson, Fleming At *.<>, K Parsons At Co, Kme, Davl* At Imng, Way Al Way At Taylor, t. W Germany, d W Lafflteau, Patten, Hutton At Co, Ifostnn AtVlIlab-n- ga,Jack>nii At VVtiitc, c A I. Lamar, W Waters, H H r'or.. J fn.ersoll, Young Wyatt At Co, l4>ckolt It 8u> I- lings, J Finu, rttetrheix At EilDoo, A J At l) W Orr. L 8. ; U«nne|i, W D Etheridge. CHARLESTON, OCT 45 —Cotton—There wax a fair demand f .r this article t-ml .y, soil upwards of IB-mi ball* cn in : ;e>l handr, at pr ce« r-.lher in ftvnr < f buy< r». The sales compri-e 03 bale* at S>*,77 .teR; I87 ntfjf., 7U at Bjf, 402 ul 9, 55 ul 9 MO, ttu at Ofc, aud 78U baits al 9Mc. HAVRE, SEPT 26.—Cotton—Our market cl<>H-d rath-, er quiet al our Ian circular, but without change as to prico. Wednesday, after receipt of advices by Pacific, the stagnant c >iidit|)>n of tbe market continued, and aalesi barely reached JtAi bah a. Thursday there was no alteration In our p all ion, snrti only 6iKJ bales IoiiikI buyer-, aud Friday scarce!) 20oJ tbe noceesity 0 f which will be clearly demonstrated by the fn'lowiog development of fact*. It will he remembered that in his letter of Sept. I2th, Mr. McConnell charged mo with cowardice for not ao insult which he allege* having j FIoug -92 do Rye, 03 doTtorte, 17 do Meair« nffcrAil mv |-v. u art __ nri^nrs. That D*»B>eeUcsand mdxe :o J Lippiuau, Waver At Cr O" r ®“ “’y ,nend * ^ Hirt ; ,n . n,y P 1 |W "“ , 1J , l "*‘ line. M II Williams, A Fawcett It Co, T.son It M any such insult was given l denied, and held him et once responsible for tho slander. Instead of giving that honorable satisfaction, which every gentleman ol courage will afford another when in sulted by him, ho resorted to a convenient aubierfuge already successfully used to “back out" from a fight. The correspondence, with ita obvious sug gest iona, is already before the world. On the morning of September 24th, thie hero o' the goose-q-ijll (hut alas! of what else!) repoirod to hit favorite battle field—tho newspaper*—and attempted a terrific onslaught upon an enemy who had already retired in disgust at hia pretended valor. This time ho wai sustained by a reinforce ment of three friend#, which alone makes hit attack worthy of a moment's notice. Had tho whis pering* of piilicy been heedt-d, he w^ild never have in*ert«?d the statement of Mr. Fleming, as il prove* conclusively to the public mind, that he had re ceived a challenge (through Mr. F.) from Dr. Hart> and which h^ had denied. With regard to tho statements of Messrs. Quar- termzn and Handley, I will a.-knowlcdge thzt tor the time being, they gave much plausibility lo the cau«e of Mr. McConnell, by seeming to substanti ate hi* Pt*ieni)‘nt and allegations, while no con flicting testimony could bo offered by myse'f. I thought, sins! I had fallen into the hands of the Philistines. But no; fortunately tho two l now hud to deal with were possessed both of honor and courag*. When, th< relore, lho amende honorable, or satisfaction in a mortal combat was demanded, th* y obeyed tho voice ol justice and honor, and g'anted thu f rmcr hy a lull retraciion of their ' unjust insinuation*. They had only to be shown thu error of their statements and the injury thus inflicted ipon my eh irneter, to make all necessary n-paratio*. I would topeviliLly invito the atten tion of tla- pub ic to those "retractions," which will be publish 'd in tho Savannah Republican and News, along with a brief statement ol lacl* by Hon. I*. W. Waitiiour and Capt. Fleming. It will be »>*en that at east in that Affair J shall be exempt I'rc m the charge of cowardice. (1 should not be so certain, however, if ihe opinion of Mr. McConnell was consulted !) It only remains to point public attention to the f.Mowing brief summary ol truths, before dismia* sing tho subject for good, from the columns ol tho papers. Mr. McConnell has been challenged both hy Dr. Hart and myself; by the ono, in a Dress Circle and P«rqo«ila,75 cents; Family Clrd* r W cent*; Private Boxes, from 5 to g)0; White Gallery, 25 eenia; Colored Boxes, 5U cents; Colored Gallery,25 1 cent*. Door* open at 7 o'clock, commencing . "TMF. CltlPBELN ABE CIANIINC” ! “MoAel Troupe or Tbe World \!” ! Fourteen Performers. 8T. ANDREW** H ALL. THREE NJGHTri ONLY-COMMENCING TIIL'RS- ’ DAY, OCTOBER I8TH. W ENT A PEEL’S OftIUl.YAL rA.ffP- DLI.I. .711.> NTH ELIA, uiMlsr Ihe d-rac- tlun of Ihe wor’d-renowiied j MATT PBHL, will have the* hoimr of appearing a* above with New Sung-. Dunes*. Ilurlerquea, Farces, ke., Ac. 13T For particular* *•>• Hill* ol day. J Ticket* 30 ceuu.--Door» oi.en at 6K-—Commence : DR. f. A.JONKrt. i teaming from torn* ol tho respectable iinu,., Charleston and Savannah that my Rclie.dxm tro*. Hchnaup^iaexteuiively csuntcr(eiu*i b> »i„ initlw# Ltqnor mixers in New York, PbUadetph'B and ami 6n>lltig i'iat iba plmirs daringly advene* yj tlr ulcloua deceptions nuduf tbe name which belong,i, _ as'dclt, I think It tie> eatery to caution tbe oonjam*^ against these vendors of pfdaou iu disguise. ^ I introduced the Ncheldam Arom«Ucscr.napp,r,,. d purp ite of supplying the metical lacult) and th* »^ conftnnnity with a pur# medicinal optrit, which ci* be prescribed wRhoonAlenoat to all cam wb*, t anx were required, without producing ihe faarfui w . soqueutoawhich invariably result fr.>m uiing t«lnlw nd liquor. In order to render assurance doubly * afti ( bad the article analyzed by chemist* nf world sa cdebrity.oinj anbinitted It for cxperUnenta! last 10 \i, A •and* of die' iiRUhbsd medical practitioners. ‘lk* w spouses front these w>urc<-* were of the most nneqattv cal aud aallslactory character It I, now before-be ^ lie, aurrnundad with those guarantee*,a/.J imrm; unimpt'Dcbableendorsemen'.s, aiu I call upon tr* 0% uiuni.y to protect tbemseivta and me, their own and my reputation, by frowdng cowi, an I r#;: ii, L- the piratical speculators, who are petdbng 11 eir commodities uuder cJVar of my irade Uiurk. N , bad ever been Imported ln»m Holland into thi, m,,,, I onder tl.s name ol Drbnapjx, previon, 1 ! »i rni Fare Reduced—r,Ms Passage S2«. For .Yew York. THE STEAM SHIH ALABAMA, Will sail Saturday, Oct. 20ih, at 2k o'clock, P. M. The splendid last going *te>un«blp ALABAMA,Capt.!*ehenck, will leave a* above. For Freight or Passage an ply to PADELFOKD, FAY A, co. V-*uge 620 Hieeraire Passage 98 N. It—Shippers of Cotton by these •learner*, will j bale* changed hands; but on Saturday there was a slight- „ emppera <n « minrovement In the demand,and «« bates went sold,I pieais lake notice, that no Cop.ou will bo received at although prices were not altogether very regular. y The prenes that I* not distinctly marked on *h- «-|, .suiuiay we received a portion of Hie Hermann'* mails . t(ls b a u, viarJouihaiuplon, with dates to the th Instaiil from* New V ,,rk, announcing a idigl'l decline In that market,| JrT but with no later new, from the .south. | JaSMt Monday we learnt . ad a at Liv. rpuol, with advices from New York FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—Tire new ■.u— .m... uulu _____ lehr C E CAr*TAIRd, f^apt. Somers, wants a | by*'leiegruplohrTarrival of iba Can | freUbt, und I* u..w ready to lake te-ij.jdy lo Hi advices from New York lo the* "cl i«—Q C. A. GULIN ER. 1 lib and from tbo t*oulh u thu 8tb instant conarroingt ihe decline In tbe American markets and the rise In freigtiis al New r irteans. tVe therefore commence)] teet week with a llmlied demand frmi the trade, our transno^ Hons barely reaching 61O bales, and yevterduy, un«l«-r• Uie Influence of a dro»tdng market in Liverpool the* tales did not 1 xcced liou bales—prices, however, not f having undergone any material change. ——— To sum up; Hi* su et ol the week were limited to 3HHH l' n,c ' 1 trales. ngalnst I «U Imles Imports, aud our Block may bet " T 10 fslily valued nt 52,t*XI bales. \Ve hear of uo Improvement in the manufactiirlug* llstricts; saie, were liinitod and prices low, parllailNriy- for Yarn. For further particulars we refer lo the following state 1 meuts t Th* billowing were among tha sale* t-flec/ed, via: 1504 bates New n.luans 74-® inn— l«:7 .. Mobile 79-® 9.'- 974 .. I'pland 9u—®|o3— 19 .. Pernambuco 1U5— ® FOR HAVANA—The Bark THUS*. E. IIAX- \ TER c:iii harnUomely uc'omnuidaie f>>ur or j paMeuiters for above port—apply on board at liar- harf. or lo >ct I —10 CHAS. A. GUI ENT R. FOR iUlD.ADFLPHlA—The S»chr FRANK i . H\LL, Cain, mseter, will have nnick do*- 1 .0 -bove—for freight #r pas#egf. apply < n board, ' net IN RRIGH AM, KELLY Ac IXJ. | FuR UO-T 1 iN — The Packet »clir \V C wBClB, All Ferry, masn r, will haveqiii' k despatch bir a- 3*53 hales. Pries* of United Htaics short staple Cottons, according to the Havre U. -r fl-atinn*. Tr.-ti. Has. Trl.n. ord Uour. P.-cou.Dmr. B-cr. t N.Orteanr. 7rt t* 95 I ml IhU |n9 I HI HO* Mobile .8 87 1*3 IN* HM Inti — —» Upland.... 78 66 91 90 99 — — —4 Mntcmeiit of Cotton In Havre on the -Gtli September., Stock the tat Janunry 7I3-0«| which flteM l)U. 1 liupnrl* irom the 1st do....3351183 329779 . hove. For freight nr passage, apply to net 17 OGDEN. STARR Ac CO . TT. FOR NEW YORK—L'sion l.ioe—Tbe Regu- fUllCt lar Packet schr NORTH 8TATK.IIorton.tua*ter | having the grcnler pnrllnti nf her cargo engugrd will ' h ive d>-spu#h for the above p ul For freight applv lo octl7 OGDEN, HTAItlt Ac * 0 | FELLOW.* ITIZENs— I offer for theofflee J of Shunff of Cl.nthain county, at the umiilng ! election In January nex', and lesji-ctfuily solicit your I support. [net 17—Id] WAKING RUSSELL. CAIU’E'FaND upholstery WARE HOUSE, No. IgOCoHOHsas and 67 St. Ji'likn Streets, Rates... Sales lor Con uuiption.. Slock lliisdny Saint time. 1854. Imi»>rta 36V* I Deliveries 27l*r05 99ti3t; Ureu> I stuffs—The rise r PIIE UNDERSIGNED would take this opporlunity L to expreia to his friends and the public generally, b|» Olio re lliHiiks lor Hieir liberal paironngeand in- l fluei ce, which line result'd In extembni of hit irado *o all nari, of ihn Stale. Also, Carullnu, Florida, Aluhama linn Teiiucto*', thereby cunbllng bun Iu exhibit u slock umnirp.iased In nr-y -oirhern city. Familn-a, Merchants, Hotel Keepers, and steamboat owners,are parilcularl) liivfied to examine the jiresent stock, which te imw complete in all lho vu-nni* depart, meats, consisting lu part ot ihe following goads, viz: CARPET DEPARTMENT, .. 524) 0 suell 1853. 1652. 1651A 371568 348379 341882 304791 326722 246156 81*022 44285 33656 Wheal and Flour at Paris* and in other grain uiurkei* hue been 1110,1 Important throughout ihe week, hut the general Impression ul pre sent is Iba! we have reached Hie liigl.eal point. Tile do- man I has been limited every where 10 Hie most pressing wants nf the trade; several nf nur provincial mark*-:* have lately given way, and it I* thought that others will soon Inllow; hut notwithstanding this, at leu last Monti- villier* inurket prices only declined 7 cents j-er rack ol 2U0 kll., although 5l»u ,'ack, were uu ral>-. The floe weather hat unco couponed, and the farmer Is still bu,y In tbo Acids. Here we have bad a limited di'inund. owing in the ix- trenic -enmity or supplies but buyers gave their alien-, Brntalvlia, Lace and Miiallu Curiaiiis, lion to parcels afloat, winch aru imt, however, so much ■ 8 U iiuilo I .wines. Gilt Cornices, sought alter at present, siuie,— I'if7 hhls New Yurk I Satin mid Silk Damask, lio Pm-and Hand*. Flour, to arrive by -l Deiud-, at 55f; lAon hbls Western | Worsied and Cotton do Tassels. Loops and Cords, Canal, to deliver from November In February, at ; a Velvet und Plu.-lt, (various colors.) Window MiaJes, and 25UU Ulna Now • 'ileiuts. tbr the saute utuw. ul 5lf, .VI' \u«-w tlyln ) Also, every variety nt Fnrullure Cover- 'If per Idil; MKKMH) kil. Lgyptiun Wheat at 64f, and ] mg, Tiimmniu* and Materials lor Decorations, ' ' ' * FLOUR OIL CLOTHS, two to 24 feet wide, for halls and rooms, cut to fit Royal Medal!' Do Velvet, Moool Wilton, Uo lirusseli, Tajiestry do, Power Loom do, Three Ply lngraii> Two Ply do, Wool Dutch, CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTK English llrugets, (various widths.) Mosaic Dearth Rues, Velvet and Chenille do, | Tufted tin. Piano and Tablo Cnv ra. Door Mala,(every variety,) Milver Ac brass -talr Rode, Carpel Hlndtng*. Ate- •“"BUY DEPARTMENT. 30110UU Kil, Pi urrive iruin Lnuiuud, at 1031,511 per ion The market closet very quiet, and with drooping rait-a. Hie*:—V\ e have had a regular di-mund ul steady pne s. Nalca211 tiercesIktrulmuai IV 43;nnuubales Pengullo ar rive at fr 2| 72 In 22 25. and 31MI li.ig*, also to i rrive, at fr 23, on aampli-s; iimu l»,g», lo deliver irom .-apiuiuo lo Februaiy. at fr 21 2 ■ |o 22, and 22, and UiU uugs •;« ringhy ut fr 16 75 to IW. bop: ‘2ti. V M—The dvtnund ttt »»tr Cotton murgcl hus tM-eii i-ict-tdingly dull; mi-y u h-w huu net hales hum chango l liaml- Price-ure 111 lav or ot bnyirs. Auiuricao Hour is offered lor delivery, and -utes haw been iiiwlo fur We-ti-m Unual lo arrive lowunls the end nf the vear, at .'iOlr p«-r hhl. Iln- L'uion. so-ninur. which Milled thi- morniiig wi h a large number ol pu si-ngors, cm Id not take in al tin- freight nffi-red, and refioiil about hoi tons. The vessel* now loading ifle lino in their (ireientnm. lho woollier conliinn.s line wnlimit a seam. The aiioscnbur will obligate himself to mnke Hie pri ces on a | descriptions of goods us l'>w <u Hie same qual ity can Ire purchas'd lu any Northern city. £ ff" Carpel* cut to rooms und go*-tl* sent to any part I, of the city In c >'i charge. |j^" An exp'-'irneed Upholster will attend to the making and lay,ng at inrietinitd 1 til cloths w lien re- qoired. The Dicarnilve and Ciirinm Department is in charge of au Lplmltier ol acknowledged tasieund -kill. W II. Gl lu.N, Agont, oct 18 140 Congress and !>7 8t Julian aireeia. SHIP 2NT XJ "W 8. PORT OF SAVANNAH 1ICTO It F.R 17 A lilt I VLB. St.-umer Hi John*, Fre'-barn, Pulutka. Arc—t 'Inglioru Ac Millliilighuui 22 bale- Cation, I bale .-kins, 2.’:0 Hide-, 6 Ihixds 1'obucco. nnd vuinlrt nulxo to J IV Aiulerson. N A Hardee Ac Co, llnsiou At VIIIuIoukh. Mr Gordon, Airs lloiige, Conner Ac Fruscr, L F Wood Ac Co. tReuuier ravhion ,Joht>aoii. Augusta—M A Cohen. OPLNnU l Al.l, .1511 71 II.1- ,N Dill 1HMH»i. MIC*. C. FRKKI.AND will open HP* day, UPh ' *c.i her, a largo n' d selected assortment of . ids, conslstiugof French, bilk, aud .'alin •rn Bontmta; a'-n a eUnlow lot of plain and colored Mraw*. Kiljho.s. Velvets, l.aues. Flowers, Fealliera, ICmbriddi-rics. Dress l.'ap* nnd Head Dresses. Ilountls Uteuned and Pressed. N. It. Aud this Reason, In tin: lire** rnnkb g depart inent, she olR be i-niihli'd to |dea*e her cu-lnniers In every respect ns to I'ltilng. Making mid Triiniiig. as she has ndvunluges of procuring Hie best aim most aji- provud Purls Fh-IiIoih. inanHily, having aim engaged the services of a coinjielunt person from Hie North.— .She will n ty particular aPeniton to the Making. Ilrald- tng and Embroidering of t'hddren'a Dresses. |>u>t-e* made iu the mast rnshioushle manner iu twenty-four hours. l77,.imoUCHT«»N HI'REEF, oct 16 Opposite Hi. AiidrAws Hall. DEPAIITED. steamer Gordon, ilrooks, charleston. ~ I * A N Nl: N 4 41. ft N Per aleumslitp Augu-ta, (<>r New York—Mf* K Davis Mrs W 11 1 avis, ti M 11 aitmi, J P Fellows, and 7 steer nge. Per ateuiifhip 8iale of Georgia for Phlhnlelphiu-O II Johnson, F I. McNair, MrsJ Kruuoi.ainl 6steerage. Per steamer 81 J. bus, from Palulk.-i, fee—T s Mcln- to-h,J I'oslell, II F Grant Mid lady, .Visa Gram, Mrs box and child, Ml-s lluvis, Mrs llerie,child and -vt, Mrs Mowall, It Davis, G tV Walton, J J 11, Mate'll Hint -v , A Dup'in, Cupt IfeckeP, 5 ' ooen, W T racon, li T Itextrew, II A Simmon*, and 4 deck. .71111 iiii:d lu 8ouih|iort,Uonii.,on Tueaday, Ocl.Oth, at the re*. Idencu "f the bride's luiher. hy hev. J. ri. Purdy, i Lit DINAND N't il.TE.MF.IR, of Savannah. Gn., to .MAR GARET K. second daughter of Justus 8heiwood, M.D. Pl.ANTATIWN f.nillik. U EAVY 1 willed Kerseys, Schley’s Plain*, black mixed Twills, I Plain und twilled R-d Flannels, Canton Flannels, I 31. 7 8 and 4 4 heavy RroWti 8hlrthu:s. I Piu-d ami striped Homespun*, Dome.He. Ginghams, 1 HatiuvU, Kentucky Juans, Ca-lmeres.Tweedvs, Ace. | Hickory striped rihirtings, l.iusey IVordseys, Calicos, { LuiiiJon DnflH and Twiileil niankepc W« offer a large stock of the shove good* for sale, to which we solicit thu attention of purchasers Dxwitt At Morgan, » oct 18 _ Ribro's building, Congress street. NOTICE. ; f I '15 < * month* after date, application will be m.-nte lo L Hie 1 irdmury of Chaihum county, for leave 10 sell laud uud iteuraes bulougiiig to Ute'esute. of Jautvs C l Hines, deceased. ' oct IH JOHN P. IIINEi, Adin’r. N ORTHERN HAY Instore, Mild lor sale by od IH MINIS At JOHNSTON. O YRI'P OF WILD CIIKItltY HAKK- nnd agreeableTmiic and Sedative.—I'Ll* VVoNnxRrrL Ci'rhisitv.- signor Pietro Ilona, said to poisera a most ri innrknhlc incchanical genius, has just arrived lit uur mldsl Irmn Rome,lho Etvrnal city, with a curious und most wonderful piece of mechanism, which ho proposes to exhibit to tin, people of Sav„n nah. It Coindtianf no lent than 150 human figures, re- preienili.g variousmitl'inR end costuuii--, and enpahte of auch curioua arrangcmcnl* and uiovcnieniaas (ogive a true picture of huinnu life iu all its various coinhinn valuable - - - .... Syrup is ctretiilly prrparid Irani a choice of Hark, and parse** e* all its vnhiRiilc propi riles. Uniting with a lonn- |mw- er the property of calming Irritation and diminishing nervous nxciiabdiiy, it ia ndmliuhly adapted to the iii-ulnisut ol tiiseare* in which a debllllnu-d coinllliuii 01 the stomach nr of the sy-lein is combined wiili gen eral or local irrnutiaii. For rule by • ••cl 16 J. M. TURNER, Agent. Market square. AR'igue* in tho Senate with pandering in the tor- H« od ihc-ir prini«7 eign vutera—ho anid they donounrod Austria and * WH8 n ^ no th'iught-—a magnificent nativo j u , • , , , ... American thnuuht—that t»| the so-called Havaue Rumlu lor purlin* dawn Ilia rc.olutmn In llunu.,- »h ., »e«inu Ilia, an chair hid hern j rv, hut would nut dfliiniinco France and Pius din provided for him ai a council with Gen. Harrison, 1 Ninth lor suppressing liburiy in Italy. declined the seat hastily Imnndiod saying, ih lm ■•Thara wan." .aid h..,“ thia marhad diiTeraaaa •'I'.- d hiin.all npm; lha unaiiid: -Tha tarlh » ill lha ca.ra: ii waa .a/a in dannuuaa Auairia and V """ l !° r "' "'T, hor I" iluaaia—inditd, il waa inora Ilian aaln-ii nrtmiiHad ll "" ' lr l o1 ' •'"Wl'nulV hoanlilul aonlcnno, lha nil- to bo a profitable invuMinunl; there was Iturdly a lu ! or V < * i n!< Ml111 ! 0 .* ,u Hienlcntcd » lesa-ni cIihiicu Hint it could coat n unliiicul trader a single whidi tli"U*and* »l nur countrymen would do tv 0 ll vote—on tho other hand it waa not aal'c to die- 10 "'"“y a, | , ‘* |* r *ciic°. nounuo Pius the Ninth. A very numoroUs and re- . Commodore Uecutur also illuatratod lho Mime , Hpcctahlo body of our fellow citizens, both imtivo »'" ,,r 'L l»rii.cipl«, in Ins lamous aoniunonl, | and »dapiod, religious Honiimcn-H, svmpatliiz- wfi.uh will live an long iwtlio mcniury ol hie glu ed with turn. Tlm advocate* <d mtvivemt”it wnni- rioua rleeds, Htid they will bu cherished by hisiory ed iho votea of iheaogood eitizena; thoroforo, thoy V ‘ 1 0 of rv0 V r<l ?, d l " n . 0, Hur0 lookeil on llnu great outragn with Hileneu, il not . w ,a . 1 10 . B,,ld • *'fy country! May aho alivaya wuli indifferonco. Il thoy were not blind, tin y 1 bc ‘.|^' uhl “ bu, ' l r, “ ,,t ur wr ""K- MY country f ! wore dumb." 1 7 I Ilia wua the sontimnnt o| a true boii ul thi At tho nnmo time Mr. Stephens delivered ■ - — ...... w. ...a anil I—a loyal and luithlul child of tho soil—who re - { 1 : garded bis own country as better than all oilier I Geo. W. NValthour. In our ccnificale given to .Mr. James D. McCon noil, it wa* n tour intention to endorse his chargee made against Mf- A. M. Jotica, aa a coward and liar What we i-anaidercd as an meult (nton diff-ring in opinion) .Mr. Jnitt-a might not so havecoriBidered it; lor it lie h id. we believe he would have the courage to have roretited it, as he rerouted one eulircqucnlly given. Any imprcvsion that our certificate might have made 011 lho public mind 111 regard to thu courage and veracity ol .Mr. Jones, wo regret, as it was not our intention that it should convey idea. Ayocstcs S Quarter man, G. T Handley, hoard orTiKAiTriT. Savannah, < ictobur 17, 1655. The Board met— Present, M .1 lliickni-r, Chairman ; J „ u . n 1 • ... — uuuu.ij ub "cui'i man an oilier 1 ...» ” speech at Dnlumore, containing tho lollowingsen* 1 countries, and hia otvn countrymen and country- i Davenport, t'liairman pm. tem., ** A r Lawrence, A J I "l" 1 "" 1 1»«apari..riu lha m.n and woman „r nil i w“i, , Si Knia,, ivTlh.'.ilm.,J Sw.m'l'S “And ao it will ho, I foar, with alt the nations ol 1 otl, .°f . naM, " ,B 1,0 dl ‘ 8lrod b '» C‘'untry to bo right, 1 cnrutliera A ponce, L J Wilder, B F Cole, t' unlit it...... I... n ..t ... i mill lltB cilUIllrvnKin In tin rudil. nil Inn linn. Inn if c w •/... ■ i. u iinun. U(| cupaDlo Ol nmintuming law anil ardor in a free • ' nourc B, mu vary Marling government, must bu schooled in tho elementary 1 ..-L 10 ‘» ln,,ric nn organizatiou—love of conn- principles. I ,r y • ' ,very identical spirit—and when it "All tnun urn not auited for constitutional fron I b « l ,rof “ l ' nt «" «'»'«"»»'> «» d inspire,there government. One uf tlm mont common of tlio poo- " 1,1 bo * of ' , Wor,h c, "' a * h.r-crwiieti tho ulur errors of the day, is tlinl any people having !!‘ u ,t ab ! IB j A't'O'ican party of lho wish to lie free, also havo the ability to ho 1,0 Gmlcd Suites. Collateral issuca may havo, frro. Thia la n srn.l mimnli,,. Oonalltminnul ' f'S" 1 *? d . l *.‘l rty 'l' 1 " 1 "“I' h * v * •amo o Cemetery, for nd. . Savannah. . .. . Havunuah. ...... . ederinan, 25 )e*rs. Palsey,Gi rmany. • William II Anderson, 16 years, Congestive Chile, cw York. J dm Poole, 35 years, Intcmporancc. England. Gi*a*ge mu, 15 laoutiiN, Teething, Havannsh. •Ilunry Pi-iers. years, Dysentery, Germany Edward Timmerman, 8 yours, Uruin Fevor, Augusta, • Gu. Bl.ACKH AND COLORED, n Kiaui lllimimn, I /OnHIItlll lOIM I • u . * . i , . BLACK* AND COLOR ED. liberty, or lihurty regulntod by law—tho only lib- J ,, '' l,n, Rf0, but the orkiimzation would liave never ,.\ n unknown m-aru man, lounddrowned in Savannah ortv that iw wmnh ii.« ;i known vitality, combined with power, oxcetn lorl n.i. r. . | . , ’’ ’ quirud. II it wore, wo would not to-duy be tho iln- natural, ali-porvuding instincia of nativity, to { c.nly pm,|,l» an unrili in h. „wn mij.iymonl. I, 11! * V.' 1 ' ,,a Y» I'urriodly rolprreil. ! trup, lho pooplo uf any nation, with a linn icn ■. I . O'a American, i.l lho Unilcd Swia. loci ih it lion, or it oyvrthrpw tho duapotiaa,a. but Ui«v c.n- I '! R 7 “ ro lhllir . 0 ”" I'y "•>*. nnd not nuild up a ropubliu in iu.iund Thi. roauir... 1 'V"" 8 . *1"* lovo., luporiar lu nil aihor oblip.nimi,. mure Ih.n physical forca. Il mquirrs yinuo in- i l b;y wnh PI povarn I heir n.tive land oxclu«i*.ly; lonipnnoe, morality, palriotisrn and .pucmim- ; • l ' ll " u K 1 '" l ?l' »« 88 e»p.ilile na olh- ihip." era, they aro diepoaud to na*ort thoir inhoront, in* nltunuhlo right. To tho oppressed of nil Innda PffA Western writer thinks that if tho .proper \ thoir hospitabio doors are ever tqien, thoir gonemus wav of .polling tlio’ is “though." and ate '‘eight," heart, and liberal hands always ready to afford and bo "besu," the proper way of spoiling potatoes | succor and encouragemont. But thoy pro is “poughloightoaux " The new way of spuliing j against thoir g iestH becoming governors of softly ia" ptoughileigh." * JMubdkr and Suicide by a Slave Adductor - Tho Richmond Dinpatch of Monday says: Las week, in this city, one of men whoso vocation in to aliduct slaves from their ruuatora, and bum j tin in to Iron Staten, murdered a slnvo, and alter bting arrwted committed suicide. I Frost, Aoain !—This morning wo had a sharp frost, which would have been more abundant, had thorn been moro moisture. It was colder last night thm it hue been at nil. Tho gonorul opinion is, that abaontoos may now aafoly roturn. Wo pre sume that thorn ia luMMdcknus?, now, in Moutguin- «'ty, than in th" Name amount ol population, uny ( whore within fifty iiiiIcn. [Montgomery Mail, 13th mat. protect „ . .. of the mansion that lias kindly entertained them, or that tho soekers lor a sucuro asylum should aul up for lawmakers and political dictators. The offonees of tho American party liavo this extent—no more.—(N. O. Crescent. Mits. Austin,a tight-rope dancer in Sun Fran- ci§C'», lately walked a rope alretcliod gems* Jack-ni Nlrncl to ihn liiiernational Imtol. Sim I pnilurinod ihe perilous leal with ihe groatuat uuno \ and safety. 1 Reeky. 35 years. Inflnminnlten nf Rnwela. Iicani, *2 (lay*, Klei-diug ul Nuvel. I in aril. H days, ^pasim- Iicha, 3.) years, disease unknown. Gnrrate, 36)oats.Congestive Chilli, Inluni, H day*. 8pn*ini. Geiirge, «u years. Old Agh. January Hhnrp, 80 years, ' »ld Age. * Died at thu Poor House and Hospital. A F. TORI 8 AY, Keeper L.G. C. Report ol Interments In the Ua'hodrnl Cemetery for the week cndinir Member 16, 1855. Maraarot Hugeaii. 4«i tear#, l«illl**uw Fever, Ireland. John Porliuh,2 hours,'infaiiline Weakness.Savannah. Th.iina* IValsh, 3 weeks, Infanuno affection, Havau- null. Ellen McCnrmlck, 35 years, Hillious Fever, Ireland. Di-iinl* Hai.ian.3 years, Hllloii* Fever, Savannah. John Neuleu.46 year*, Rllmu* Fever, Ireland. JAIMKH RAY, Keeper C. Cenietory. Hl l »riTCL*TIUN. U Inter, l.i llhicks himI mlnnil, 9. Total 21, M. ,|. Itl'i.’KNEIt, Cli'ini* R- IL J. DIVE I'MliT, * h 'h in.ill pio. tv hi. b. A.T. Lawhencb,M. D.,beo’ry U. 11. S T tE;Z. 8 K-1 T “ 8 " * ■»*»**' Whereas, Edward IV Kukur, will apply al the Court of i irJIimry I'm Letter* of Dismission a* Administrator tlous. Hivii-ir Ilona Is now i-ypged Hi unpack Inu tlie-o . on the nstute c»f James lluker. cuiioii* flguren, und we understand thoy will lie ready • These are, ilierolure, to olio and admonish all whom >*•'- 8 -^ 8 ''-' 8 ' 8 -'^l,ur. , .^s^ the Hme and place of i xliliilnmi will lie given. j Mmi lay hi .May uexl, utlierwiso auld Letters will bu 1 —v — L ~ ,g? ’ granted. , ^SUCCial XOtfCtJ. VVlineee, John M. Mlllen, Ban., Ordinary for Chatham * — i (!niiiil, . iltli, aiiiVMiit. ..ailh dnv ,,f | * * ‘ l — *“'* t Coimly, ibis 1‘oveiitci iilh day of iictobor, 1855. TO l\ I’.ll VOIJ.N kUFI'EIIElIN, A retired clergy man, restored to health In a few days, alter many years of crest nervous ■uffuDng, )* anxlmie to make known the means nf cure. Will rend (free) the prescription ii*«d. Direct to Rev JOHN M. DAGNALL, 59 Fm; m street, Brookl n,N. Y. oct 13—1 in NOTICE. , THE Rule of Freight on nalca of Domestic V by this line tn New York, will be Eight Ceu'e ' per foot, jutil further notb-e. , PADELFORD, FAY Ac CO. Orricx N. Y. and Savannah STkAMSHiPCiv. / j [oct 9] Suvaiiuitli, tljjl, uft '.MJ. \ ' vrlfuVl.l'r _ott 18 JOHN M. M1LLLN, o. c.c. IJMTA.'H IN TIN CANS—JimI received, two cases o 1 llabbill's Potash iu tin cans, for sale hy net In J. .11. TURNER, Agnfit. Market sxuiire. c”lME8»'PUinrci»D LIVER Mil,-|y dozen oTThie O superior * Ml, just recei-nd and for sale by oct 18 J. .M. TURNER, Agent, Ma'kel square L IVERPOOL HALT, in flue order, sad full white sacks, for Mtlu by oct IH WA VEK St CONSTANT!NE. N EW PRIME WHITE CORN-4121 htuhela ftnibiTto the Itushol, alC. I’.. Road, for sale by ocl 18 .j, WAVER Al CONSTANTINE. iA (lit A It Goods uud Drv Good*,I \'f*W J]UCK WHEAT—Just received In Rags aud , f ' 1* Barrels, hy oct 18 J.A.RIlMYN. s per cubic loot, being the — uFts|t , <?irASfSCnBirf P l^T7^,T,r^^ IIITIS OF V U - the Philadelphia a»d Savannah .“team Aftfp Lino, on 1,11*1' will be in i cut* and 15 cent rates established prior luJ-iue last, aug 37 C. A. L. LAMAR, Agent. NOTICE. f3F*Duriag my ab*ouce from tho Slate, Mr. J. V. TARVER and J. G. COHEN will attend lo my bu<d* ness. tug 6 M. A. COIIEN- A. ORANGES, LE.Mf'sw fl T?bAPEFRUIT, B 'NANA’S,Cocoa Nuts, Cranberries, Cabbage*, and I < >1110118, for sale ut wholesale and retail at thu Suvnnnah Fruit Emporium. ocl 18 J A.BUOVYN. NOTICE. nr THE subscriber ha* removed hia office to No, 2ID, Ray street. rt. M. LAFFITEAU, Agt. Havanuah, Hcpt 1,1655. SPECIAI, NOTICE. cr< •n the Aral day ol February noxt, tho Arm of HORTON St 111 KEM AN, will hu dissolved hy limitation. After this date, they will do an ex* elusive CA81| UUHINE&4, f>r the purpose of set- llitlgUp. ■ .'LOUR.—156 bags euperflno Flour, ju*l received X per Central Railroad. F*»r sale bv oct »8 WAVER At UMN8TANTINE. _ Oats, 35n burhcls old and new Corn, in siore. . saleby [octIHI WAVER Al CONSTANTINE. nucoof NVolfc’iBcbsldau Aromatic »«hnapp». | ni4j city. The first Imporutlon being made Into this ettj In year 1848, which cau be seen by ‘he Custo b oks. 1 deposile iny label as a trade n ark lu :be l ed States District Court of the Houit.ern DDirici u f5 (V York, Id the year le5l,aud have the Ce't.fleets in n f poascaeiou of that dale. The greul de.i..ud «i.Rh j, tliu* been cTi-yted for th« gettutne article tx* %*\ ^ whole hive of counterfeiters In tuot'on, and the duty; ovu to uty customers aud trii-uil3,ahd the puhl.c,c a. pels tue, lo pul theui uu their guard against imp«. lion. UDOLPHO WOLFE. W L'eaver »t M X. Ywt Among the complaints for which the »chr.s;,j.jjj, been declared a spenOc hy the emnn ol phys c.«„i l,»*e currcspoiiued woli the proprietor, are drops., p- psia. debility consequent up-n long continuid’»,«. Iiwm atul Old age, ep.tcpsy, waVtitua. gt av et, t- J.c, lion* ol the kidney*, and all chrome di-e<K-»"i 04 genito-uriuary apparalu*. For these and umn, oinet d 1 sordert, .1 •* uo* preset bed wr.(i great sucteu. tj more tnau three thousand medical prtcuuoLer* iu tL-v uus parts of urn Uu.ted states. I neg to cull the atieutlou ol the reader U> tbe folios in / tellers irom physicians :— Dr-1 harh s A. iasw. Coicmlstioner of Health, Ut:; more, wme* as lodows in reUlion to the tatee i Nchuappsa* a'emedy *h chronic calarrtial company A,c. I he letter Is dated July 25, )b*3:— "1 lake gieul pka-ure in bearing Highly cred.ubk leslimnu/ na elUcnC) ns a remdliul ag-nl In the uiw i-u-e in which you recommend it. Having a Damn] lumiuncy li> ihe iiiucu* suriaco*, with a sligol degree f sumula'.i"U, I regard R u- one of (he most lm or remedies in cbrouic catarrhal atfecimns, particu. those ul ihe keoilo urinary apparatus. With uiuca ri.v-t,your uoedieul servant. CHAS. A. LEAR, M. p Dr. C. Robbins nl Uosten.cetebra.e-I lor bis cur*a, e|.n» pay, ci.oh ia, 4.C-. complains ol the greul Uittieur.; m proeiirii.g pure Holland giu, aud speaks ol the dam Nchuupps as loituws, under date ol Uclober j JB52S— *•1 have commended y*<ur article in lour c*-e»— two li Couuecncui, one in Ye rnout, ami one In Rhode Jsiaiai Au or tide 01 th.s kind is i> uih needed. 1 have best unable mhnd a substitute in the ma'.eria medics, or pun Holland gin. Yours, C. ROUINnUN.” “PiiiLxDKLriu*,Ju y lo, lejj Mr. L'dolpuo WoLvk, 22 Reaver sirvet, New )urt- M Dcar -ir: — Last suavon Hie writer received, your agent in this c ty, uootllooi your Aromaticncu. dum ociiuapp., and since that per.mi has prAacrlbHUs same in ccrunu lorins nl urinary cotnpLinu: aiswinaoi ul debility in aged persons, r-o lur liiu 8chnaii|.t ui been ui much heueUt lotho.-n lining It. * * * * it conclusion, where u diuretic und eiimulunt la requir« I shmiid 11-eihe Aroinalic Ncheidani tfehnapps. iiiois mg you lur your kiuuuo**, 1 mo rt-Fpeetlull> yours, A. D all ll.t i.NLR, M. o, I8U south Eighth tireel.* The subjoiniHl letter from II-. l*a ue, of Manched New Hampshire, lelales lo one of li-t- mosl lalnabli medicinal properties possessed by (lie AtoiuslK Hchnupf s, and shows that it acts us.i specific iu paintu. diseate, the gravel:— 'Mia. U'utu: iteriii'l me in address you u !.w Iniei, which mu are u liberty ii'Use.if y-u Ihiuk proj er, nre speet lo your meaicmes called 8clieid,m aclm ipji*. I have lutd a very obstiuale case of gravel alnl ttv» jvurn »l4tidUig,eatulug very ncuute pultt m evtij ulteiiip. touriuute. ustug inuny reiuediei " ' much releil, I was induced to try a bottle of your uniIi- uihe. In the cour>u ol thieednys it proved I'tli-c.ukl, dislodging ter.e piec«a ol stone, some o which larg- us u marrow I., t peu. I coutiuued Hie cording to directions,aud the pLtlentcoiitmue-l uud is last recovering- 1 think n medicine ol ui .ct v.Hue in BodltiresHng a complaint shmpd be knoivo lo the public und ii.c world at lurgu. And J, to* one, uiuti give it my approbation uud •ignattire, THiLMAt* PAINE. M.D.’ Front Dr. John J*. Uee.-e, ebumist, Uulumorc, Md. Hepiemher 15, Icj'J:— “A number ol our phy*teluuB are ordering the ar c s, und si-ti.ruI huvealready prescriued it. Person* ;•> «r - 1 liave sold li, speuk very highly id i;s quallntr: gentleman of my "WU ptrsuuul acquaiutaiiM-, liavirf suffered greatly Willi uu nffecuon ol ihe kidney* aul bladder, look two bullies, uml sun.-equeot y fasteil alone ol considerable size, and Was greatly relieved. Il will, no doubt.go into general use.' l u'in II. .1. I’roui, M. 11., 81. Louis. Juno 6,1653; ''Hating seen your advertisement ol a pure Holland gill, worthy Ibeiontldrncu ul phy Icutns. I wrdn In with* view of proeurlugasumple ul 1. In drop- iidecllous. und in Borne loruia u| renal disease, :• ii: c> bus lung been acknowledged, ui.d It ha».nit)Ui. _ iulo dts'iee hecauee ot Ihe compound* told muter ts name of Hid und gin. 1 want to Us - it ul present u- It is an excellent remedy In infantile colic, cunnot procure u compound to be relied on.' From < It. 1\ooi;tvurd, M. D. Wuierbury, V Muy 2, )6.‘2: — -1 nm treuiinir at the present lime a chronic ufli-ck-i of ihe kidneys, w h cli hus shown itsell very oh-i Uiiireiie:,und have been udosedlo useyuur sjiiviiUx bcnimpps.'' l>r. m.owilen 1’iggiit, of iialilmore, Aug. 14. 1-32, th>a iudicaics ihe value ol “pure rclioidam" in urinary - - plaini* :— "I nm fully -ensihleof tho great bencflis lobe ilernrt Hi ceilu-n lorms oi urinary dUlitrbuuce, from Hit ui iif good II1.1 land;but vital Is an article *0 dilMruns procure, wulmiii great trouhle, that I have been co jielluu to coiileiii my sell with I ss palatable, uml, thru lore,Itssiudi.fully taken iiiedliuini-uls. A pure Ak rate NChi-iduiu cannot tail to meet with the hearty appi hull m of physician*." Dr It. L. I lick ley, of Eust llostou, Aug. 11, l^< write 8 *. '•I have Just received your* nl the 7th Inst, and b«Jt lui,) corn meed that pure llollund gin is potscmi! I many medicinal | roperties, which, when Judicium!) »!• mmi*lered, priNlucu very unueUciul reruns, 1 slul.'W happy to introduce your Iromniic 8cheldaui Hcnuspfi among my iriclnis In tb's vieimty." Dr. J. R. iiihhle. Drukesvtiie, N. J , lu January, R2t writes us lollows;— “Do great lias been tho difficulty with mo lo procu't M pure article ul gin, ii'id soolteu lime I been di»*{- |"'li'ied, thui I have almosi oulirely ceu*ed loproscriw gin loruiiy eoiupluinl, uml nuvo nearly despair* ‘ beiiu aide in do 11 with heuer rucco-, unless y 1* wi.ui you cimm lor; H to, you will have conierredi boon «m tho prautilUdteralu lids country, that l — sure they will nol be slow to acknowledge." From Dr. r*.F. F.,rbe*. Toledo, Ohio, AU|. 13, toll ‘•I ho Ireqiient imiices <>l Hie Hchiedam N-ltiiai p. h«4ji by the pri'lea-lnii and the pres*, hud induc'd IM dislre oi'ie*;lngiht* efllcncy ul this proparull'm "i gs heloro i received Jour hole. I trust it will lulfll IM e.vpucliiliuna of llie most rauguinu, uml prove both * blcidiig and a profit to suffering humanity." Dr. I). Golklns, town physician and surgeon at l.jirt, Conuecticilt, suys, in a letter tiuted Member 14. Dii'- ••l coti»lder yuur s*c1tte-dain -chnapp* u nopjieiti'i»■ licle, uml onu that will nulcome short of our higho 1 expeuLilmna. It m on ailicle the medical frulcfnitj have long wauled. I have used It, so lur. with e*iff uppurem success. D. L'GLKINd" ‘ I aboka 1 ory, Now York, May'2, 1d51 “Mr. Unoi.ruo VYol» Dkar Sir: Icuimot •‘twff too highly ol the purity nf your Hchiediun -clniapi**-- Ills decidedly superior lo any thing"f the kind a the innran'. It 1* perfectly free from tlio admixture I util oil, or any u| those arnyllc cuinp'iiinils which pw h mi*cb)uVous uud Irroparnhlu effect op due* 8 ( coiisiliuiion, unJ which very few sampli-s of uloohuk distilled liquors are without—most nf tlnuii heig largely Impregnated with it. I have phr spected the various procosaca of dlsUllaUott pracdo* at Hchiedam, and know that unusual care is taken > sepuruio tho uoxluus fllcruenls from the pure alcoM nnd vourrtehnapps Isa MrikitiK prool nf iis *acce*»- As u medical agent lor chronic and renal affi 8 cti»w.* havosiiccestlirtly prescribe*! If, and reroniiruiitlHs'U ttgroeahle cordial arul harmleHs Hitmutunt, and stu* coritluiiu 10 do so as we'l ns to use It a- a source of P :>t alcohol for chemical Invesiiiruiloiis und experiDt^ “Your otiedlcut, 16t AIAII DECK, Oiiisuliing AalytlcalUlisrriHl Tho genuino is sold by all lho resi>cclablc Druggi* and Gri.cerelnlhel'nltet] States. UDOLPHO WOLFE- 22 Reaver st. New York aud 25 Mouth Front *• Philadelphia. lutha—»epl9- RANSOM STOVE WORKS, BOOK AGENTS WANTED, '-po OBTAIN SUIWCIIIIIER* for I Work Mat will 1 hu prized hy every liierury ami reading man as an important National IVo-k, being a Cyclopedia of American Ll'eraturn, embracing personal aud critical notices of Author#, wnh pages front their writlugs, from ihe earliest period Ur thu present day, hy E. A. Ac G. L. Durychlnck, with portraits of Author*, views of Collegint ami other Literary Inaltluiioii', Vlgnetls of Iti s.i'em.-es, it0., with moro than 400 Autographs. The bonk will bo published b)r Mr. Charles Rcrlbner, New York, in two royal octavo volumes of over 151)0 AH of onr stock of Watches, Jewelry, Rllver Ware | pages, primed on supi-rfine p*|ier and new type, will he and Fancy Goods, we will -ell al a very email advance I 0,1 November, and sold hy Agents only. The subscription price is fixed al seven rtollr- rn the enst, for cash only. HORTON Al KIKKMAN, 116 llroughtoii-Ntreet. Savannah, June 1st, 1855, may 31—if NPECI.4L NOTICE. ALL PF.RSt rNH Indebted to the late firm of PRICE Ac VEADKItare rr.tprctfully requested lo call on the sub scriber aud pay up, and thereby savo trouhtn ami ex- pens*. WM.O. PRICK, 147 llav street, Jy H Surviving Co-partner. S ALT.—‘2.IH2I Hucks LIverpiKil Salt, landing irom ship 1'onnuwaiter, and lur sain by C Ry ctRt f-YN'- Al HMDEIt. ilit V AND II 4 V- For Hiilo Gy " DAVID U. D1LLUN, Market Hqtiare. A circular giving lull details ol discount made to Agents, who will Uud canvassing for ibis Rook an uu- usually pleasant an. profitable husiuees. Dunes re quired of them. Ate., will lie furnished n* persona dis posed to embark In the business, by addre**lng the subscriber, general Agcul for the stales of New York, North and South Carolina, and Georgia. Applicants will please stale what districts they pro pose lo c-iUVas*, and whether they have before been en gaged lu the business. O. A- ROUtlHAl Iv. *a:t in 145 Nassau street, n«*v York, l^OItTII iiTVERIIAY.— HKI bates prune North River oct I: Hut. uow landing ami fur sate hy III ’ P.IDELFOUD.FAY ai CO. TAT"EH AND OND»NH—Landing thi* dev, and or hhIn by oct 13 OGDEN, STARR Al CO. L vEMENT.—300 bhl* Hydraulic l emonl. for hrIc to ar- I rive, by ocl 16 HUNTER At GAM ME I.L. AT AI.RtnV. NEW.ymSjS- . W E offer for sale, at our .-AVANNAH RTO AGENCY, a large and varied aa&o/tmenl of STOVES, OF OUR OIViV MANUFACTURE, anil solicit a oonOuuaiioo 81 "» l'l»<>«l •nwur.jenu 8 given our Agency In this city during the pas* year the ln?orm.flon o» ALL IMHTIr.s invested .■|* 8TOVK BUHiNEJM*, e" ,ier Buying or selling. *>'"*• ilia miil.lHctlon al Infannlnij our enunnun •!.'"“J* those at home know the fact,! that during the pen FT L. .... S .V0/IK STOyF.S ,h„, any «ll«J»JJ li-hmt'iit in th« R'* 18 «r Georgia or Homh ' arai'"* We make this statement in Justice in ourselvi-a,*""* set us right before Ihe trade, and with a full d' trf® ■ alloil of doing more and better for our ciist'>ra« r, ° ring Urn pn sent year. JAM KB HI'ELI VAX, Agent for 8. II. Itnnsom At Le* y ocl 13—3m Stove Manufhcturera, 11banv, N- Just Published, by tbo . HOWARD ANHOCIATION, PHIM'j R eport on hpkrmatorrhoka, *r mj" Weakness, Impotence, the Vico of t)nl , <m Masturbation, or Self-Abuse, and other Disease* ^ Hcxual Organs, with an account of the errors ant ceptionaof Quacks, ami valuable Advice to the , e.t, 1>y Geo. R. Calhoun, M. D.. t onauUing * ur ?»* fr tho II..ward Associutmn. Philadelphia, Pa., • '>* ^ lent Institution csialilished Dy special indowmcPj the relief ot Uie sick and distressed, affliced ' Vll “ ,i ulent and Epidemic Diseases.” A copy ol the * llft Report will be sent hy mail. (In a sealed »*nvei"P« , j' «.r charge, on the receipt <•! Two Hiampa ter I “y&g Address DR. CK«» U. CALHOUN, No 2 Hi.uth jff i*i., Philudelphta. I»a. ,H l 16-1 | sUcRivTlEAT FTjH'U 20 llalvo* and Q"" r - iv a fo o ua„., i."i' 8 *, 8 '^r;a:i.»*ioH **