The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, November 12, 1855, Image 2

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SAVANNAH KKI'liHI ,11 AN, MONDAY MORNING,NOVEMBER 12, THc SAVANNAH fffi’JBLlCAN. roikUiii ■« ALEXANDER & SNEED. cur ui Caaair m»»«r». SAVANNAH, GA. ItondajJIorninsJfov^iau Telegraph for the Republican. l'TSM('»lilw»U »H41'rtitT»l America** Nm» You*. Nov llili. Theateomar Northern l.ighl mm srrivtKl Sho bring* uo gold, ihouvh iliu mail aicaincr which lull San Francisco would bring $9,000,000. All waaquiM at Nicaragua. Capl. Walker and the Chamora party bad agruad upon Isnns o| p«aca. Gan. ttiaaa was cliosuu Prcaidcol, Wnlkor declining in hw laaor. The Uttar, however, had been appointed Commander in chief ot all the forces ol th« Republic. Thv people weiu plcsictl with the new state of (hinge Col. Kinney wae et Urcytown, and it waa re ported that Walker waa disposed to drive him yu ' of the country Election RrtarM. Nkw Ok lea ms, Nov. 10. The American candidaie ia elected to Congress in the tirei diBtrict of L.-uis ana. laylor, Dent,) ia chosen in ike second, and Davidson (Delft ) ia ahead in the third. Nothing has bout heard from the fourth. luike, (Dcm ,1 ha* been elected in the fourth die* trict, in Mississippi. narkcit Nrw York, Nov. 1<1. Cotton haa advanced 1*4, with pales ol 1600 hah* Middling Orleans, 9 5-8; Middling Upland* V 1-9 Flour i* higher. Ohio, 9 13. Wheat drooping. Southern Red, 3, l*. Corn firmer- New Orleans, Nov. 10. Cotton haa declined 1 8c. The tecoipie up to thia time are 140,000 bales ahead of last yeat'a — Stock on hand 160,000. Sterling exchange ii sell ing at 6 1*8 q 6 7 8. |y A meeting oil he American members ol Congress haa been called, to assemble in the llal) of Representatives, at Washington, Thursduy the 39ih day of November. ^ rz Wc bate nothiugfront Milledgcvillc later j than Friday, our cuttcspoudeni's favor of Saturday having failed to cornu to baud. IjT The tiiat annual teport of the Board of Commission*.!* of the Savannah Water Works has been issued. We havo not yet found time to ox* ammo it, though it appears to be full and complete. tsr We have been ahown a $6 biU, jn the "Rochester City Bank," ol New Ycrk, tjhich hud boon altered to $50, by pasting figured and words in the most ingenious manner. It was pawed oil upon a citixen ol thia placo the let inti., by a tvol. dressed stranger,who said he had some Now York money he desired to exchange lor Georgia bio*.— 11a was about 6 1*2 feet high, thick set, florid com plexion, faco pox-marked, and hair black. lie woro a cap, a bluo Irock coat, and buff* vest, nnd wns easy and rather pleasant tn hit address. Ho has probably gone into the interior of thi* State or further west,and the public would do well to bo on their guard. He passed *11 three of these spurious bills in Savannah. r ’1 he l.niv Kuilia. Our accounts from Augusts, .Macon, A11 a n: n Chattanooga, Columbus, Monig imery.Charlestou and other poin'a in this nnd aujoining Stales, lenw- no doubt that the late rains have been copious and general. At Montgoinuy, Columbus and Auyut-. ta, the Alabama, Chattahoochee and Savannah; rivers have risen several loci, and throughout the j country there has been a general improvement in t the water courses. This timely outpouring of the j heaveas will duubileas ((establish our inland navi-1 gallon for the remainder of the reason, and enable planiers to burry forward their produce with nil desirable dispatch. Large as the receipts of cotton have been up to this liino, wo look for a c-.nsider.i- blu and immediate increase, both here and ai oth er ports; and merchants and shippers should lose no time in gening ready to uccommodaie the busi ness that will soon bo offering. Hccenl Elections. ‘ The elections list week, have resulted rnnro fa vorable to the American parly than wo had been lod lo expect. c? *!(• in New York, the caudidatcs of. tho American party for State officers have, it is believed, all tu rn elected by a large plurality vote, except perhaps ono. The Legislature is in doubt. Massachusetts has gone largely for the Anmri- . can pariy. Gov. Gardiner has been rieiec cd by a plurality of 15,000, and an overwhelming majority ' of the Legislature is American.' ■■Tho party nlsoj elected their candid.ito lor Congress in the 10 h , district, to fill a vacancy occasioned by resignation ■ Maryland has also gone lor tho American par ty ; but by what majority it is not known. For the latest news from Louisiana, and Missis sippi, the reader is referred to our telegraphic head. Wifconsin ha* probably gone for the Fusioniste or Free-soilcrs, and Now Jersey lor the Democrats. This,if true, will secure tho election in the latter State of two Democratic Senatois. Fuller and more reliable returns may be expect ed to-day. . * Dlsufeirnus Fire. About six o'clock yesterday morning, in the midst of a heavy rain and w hen m arly every body was in bed, tho largo brick building on Bull street, owned by Francis Sorrel, :.nd extending from the Bay back to the Lane, was. discovered to ho on fire. The alarm was given as soon as possible, under the circumstances, but notJn time to pre vent considerable loss. Thff building wns occu pied below by Robinson & Lamp, merchant tailors and A. Bonaud, wine merchant; and ‘above by Messrs. Charles S. llenry,‘Jacob JJ.Lamoita, F. Sorrel, and A. Wetter, at .law -cilices, counting rooms, &c.,&.c. The loeauTij&^fuuaon & (Jump is heavy, but Will fall wiihiu their insurance, which waa $10,000 in tho London Monarch Company, James McHenry aguul. Their kooks and a con siderable portion their floor goods were saved— some of the latter in a damaged condition. The interruption ot their husinem nt this season of the year however, is not the lea*t part of the loss they have ausiained. Tho loss of Mr. Bonaud is trifling, !ho fire hav ing been confined by ths energetic efforts ol the firemen to the southern hall of the block. Uis liquors werosomowliat mixed with water, but ihcy will be none tho worse lor that. Messrs. Ileniy, Sorrel and Di-Lainotta succeed ed in removing their books and papers, nnd have sustained no loss worthy of mention. We regret that tho same cannot be said of Mr. A. Wetier, architect and engineer. Tim fj n . did out reach his oflicu, which fronts on the Bay, hut the damage done by thu is, lo him, very rious. His mathematical instruments and library ol architectural works, both of which were very valuable, were nearly all broken and destroyed, betides a number ol drawings, map*, &c., nm<>ng which were maps, nearly finished, of Savannah, Aliamsha and Ocuiuigeo rivers, a labor of ten months, prepared under coiPract for ilin govern ment. Hi* loss cannot bo much short of •'.’,000 ; upon which there was only a partial inHuranco. The fire originated in tha block adjoining the Republican building, and for a time we were threaten*-*! by an invasion of tho devouring olu- mom. We escaped, however, with a alight sprink ling of water from the engines. It will require an architect to estimnto tho dam age dune to iliu building, tho interior of Ihn south ern hall of which is mostly destroy* d. The build ing as well as the runt, was fully insured in tho i Jamdou Royal company--Andrew Low agent. There can be no doubt that the fir** wna set by • an incendiary. It wna only a low days nmeu that fire was discovered in one of thu rooma on the ' ■ucond floor reecnily occupied ns a telegraphic ol- j ficn, and under circumstance* which showed Hint j it waa not accidental. In iho present case, there is some doubt whether the lira originated m tho' ■eemd or thud story. All the offices nnd rooma in that portion of the building were cb-acd nt or before 9 o’clock in ihc evening, and thu fin.. a ex tinguished. We learn indeed, that there waa tiro in only ono room during thoday—orio of the work- shops mtaclicd to Robinson 6c Camp’s establish ment,—sod It ia kn<><« n that that was put out be fore tho workmen lei. Them facta, together wi*h the hourni wIitIi thu lire occurred, luuvun.i doubt as to its origin. IbiM* Inolud. Inantalne. ilin.lolluwlnil LATER FROM EUROPE. propositions: I 1 ■* r 1st, The recognition and sduntion ol the princi ples ostabltailed in the Kansas Nebraska art. Id, That neither llie Missouri Compromise, nor any other anti-slavery restriction, shall hereafter he sxlondod over any Territory of Iho United Slates. 3d, Tho prompt end laitlilul execution of tho THE ASIA AT HALIFAX. Halifax, Nov. 7. The Royal Mail Hiaamship Amu, Captain Lott* from Liverpool nt 1<> 1-2 A M. on (lie 157th Oclo- Fugmvo Havo Law, nnd its permanent com mu- ’ her, arrived shout ID *i'clock Inst night, anew upon the St.Hue Book. I Tim stnunisliip North Slur arrived out ut South- 10th. Resolved, That no man ought to ini held I t>iiiptuii ut 4 |*. M. on lliv26tli ultimo. ■nd eonmdered n member ol iho nuti.uial Demo- j -,- ll0 Ahm miM llllH R f„ r | JlM ,, on cratrc party, who does nut rccoguixo, approve uim , . . , , . , , . adopt the loregoing propositions, un.i tlmt ll"' where aim will bo duu about loti o clock A.M.on Du meet at ic ami unit-Know Nothing party of this Thurmluy. Statu, through its said delegation, ought u*>t to nt T|||; WAK filiatu or act in said convent ion with any dulcgato .... , ... . ,,, or .lol.anlg,, who .hull diuuooru.oand »olo 1 «'mouuco"i,.|d thll III. Uuuiuu.hud Idown the aams. a l' *' or * Wlc h«'las and their other work* nt Otcha- 11 Hi. Reunited, That if *flid propositions shall kull is conflimud. not in substance bo incorporated in the' The principal portion of the nows Iron. Sovasto- adopted by said convent on, 'o dcleK«UH Iro , po | consists ol ohscuro accounts of tho ...s.heuv.ios Georgia ought, in Iho opinion ol t/"a" | ce , g,o ol , ho , wo arnnos in the Hold, thu aub*tanco of withdraw from the convention,and tskuinn inrihor. whwh sppeswi« bo that thu Allies are moving P * rl ,n ”° ni r 1 ** n^.h'wo'bt?Imlrucl* irS!’’ '? “"T 'T', "*« me liuxaiiiii* are retiring m good order hick upon same; and that our delegates ought to bo instruct' ed so to act. _ , 12ili, Resolved, That tho Democratic and anil Know Nothing party ol this Slate, ought, nnd will, support ibe nominees ot said convention for Presi dent and Vice-President, provided the plailorm' adopted by iho said convention bo in accordance with the spirit and intent ot the foregoing proposi tions, and the nomincos thereof, ho pledged, it elected, to carry <>ut the sumo in good faith in the administration ol the government, and in appoint- moils to oflice under the administration. 19th, Resolved, That the Democratic nnd anti- Know Nothing party in all our sister Stale*, and aapeciully ol ilia Southern Stnte*, are respectfully and earnestly requested lo take thu foregoing rcso lutiona into ttuir early consideration, and co opo r Uo with us in tho policy and object* intended to bo hereby sewered. Mr. Cobb made a few preliminary remarks, and Hon A. Iverson addressed tho meeting in support [<-'otreapondw>ce of tho Havannak n#ptibh«a*.l The UturgiuT MjegUlmtmr*. M1M.EDOKVI14.K, Nov. 8th, P. M. Ol tho Inauguration Halt, which eamo oflf last evening, 1 rogroi that want of limo pravonts for thn mofiiont, ao lull a doacription, aa ita rnarita de mand. Ilia Excellency, tho Governor, with hia lady, wero present on lh* occasion ; and there waa a brilliant representation of Georgian beauiioa in uitondanco, radiant in all the charms which Na ture nnd Art trail bestow. I had boon t«d»l that 1 would see at tho Hall every atylo of beauty and toilette, horn rural simplicity m calico to the high bred aemoisrlle,stately ns Juno, nnd clothed in al most royal attire. Variety of beauty thoro waa; but a* to calico, it w aa not there. 1 am ol opinion tiiat this material has become unfashionablo ; and that the calico dresses ol ten years ago, will oro long he in quest among antiquaries, as relic* ol an sec when woman was not got up "regardless of expense," did not carry a small fortune about her, and n wile was wnhm reach ot mon with moderate means. 1 am far from being opposed to "dross.”— The "eternal fitness of things" decrees the beauti ful things of thia world to be tho peculiar proporty of woman ; they woro intended for hor, and 1 de light in seeing An the handmaid of Nuiuro, and j-ining her in making woman adorable and do- I'ghilul ; but Art has, in my opinion, transcended her legitimate bounds. Female dress has becomo an intricu e subject, bewildering to the aye, often utterly inappropriate to tho wearer, and prodigious" ly straining on tho pocket. Thoro is also too much sameness, as woll as too littlo tasio exhibi ted at tho present day ; while Art, defying all past precedent, and haviug apparently exhausted her inventive faculties, has thrown into ono cluotic mat*, flowers and trills, and tucks, and twists and twirls of all imaginable descriptions, handed tho mass to woman, and then pronounced her "dressed.” A laehionnhli- bonnet is a study tor a virtuoso—a downright article ot vetiu : while its usefulness as a bonnet,—a protection lor the hend—has been en tirely sacrificed. What too, does Fashion mem by locating the waists of both ladies and gentle men, in immediate proximity to tho shoulders!— In twelve months from to day tho human waist which has beeu unalterably fixed by nature, will well-nigh havo vanished ; coats will bo all tail; and drcf.-e** all skirt. But enough for the presont on this topic. Let me, however, protest against getting my text at the Hall, of last eveuing. Thu ecstumes ol the evening wero very tasteful; and many of them very r'ch and elegant. My remarks are suggested ra- I'ler by street and parlor, than by Ball costumes: and are intended as comments on female dress in general aa it is now “constituted." Could 1 take the liberty of advising the “last best gift,” whilo 1 would say "dress to your heart's content,” 1 would i*c! betoro her tho beauty of simplicity ; the power ot appropriateness; and the propriety of a some what limited expenditure ; and draw so ravishing n picturo ol beauty in pure whito, with n white r*ut in her hair, only ono flounce, and a t-ervitfeable bonnet, as I am satisfied would enrage tho entire world of mantua-makers. Tho ball passed off very happily, and is consid ered to havu bet-n un unusually pleasant occasion- Tho altendanco was hardly s > larg.- at* usual. Messrs Su phcns and Tooinlt* are to speak to night on topics political, in thu Senate Chamber, the gullory ol which has been reserved for the ladies. The weather however, is very inclement, and 1 presumo will pr« vini the gallery from look ing !'■ iJitt on the occasion. Last evening h meeting ol the American ‘Pariy was held preliminary to a meeting to-nmrro high', lion. B. B. Moore u| Lincoln preMiit d, and Mr. Knowles of tho "Recorder" waa Secretary A nici ling of iliu pariy in power wus also h*-ld la-t gin ,i*i nominate candidates lor to-day's elec lions it was said, no nominations ware made however, and tho meeting soon adjourned. I hand you below a synopsis of legislative pro’ ceudmg* to day: house. By Mr. Harris ol Douglirriy, n bill of incorpor ation, authorizing thu county ol Dougherty, to aid in the construction of the Georgia and Florida Railroad oolwcen Albany nnd Amcneiis, or any other road running to that county, by sulwcriptinn* for Mock amt the iusue of bond-*, upon a vole of citizens. Tho bill fixes Iho capital slock at #100,. OHO ; the bonds at $1,000 each, pnynblo written ten yoais, nnd (tearing interest of 7 per cent, payablo semi-annually. By VI r. Hniris of Mcrriwoihcr, a Bill to incor- p -rale tho "Grccnvillo .Masonic Female In stitute." By Mr. Stamper of Randolph, a hill to create a new Judicial Circuit comprising tho c**uiilies of Early,Clay, Calhoun, Randolph, Stewart, and Ivinclihloune, t« he called tho "PciIhuIu Circuit,” and lo h-added to the second Supreme C"Uit Ju dicial District. Tile General assembly went into the election of ri'ate Huu*. Officer*, Solicitors, &.e. this morning The first election in order was fur an Attorn* y General for tlie Middle Circuit. On tho 4th bid lo 1 , W. U. M (Law* Esq, of Richmond, received 148 votes and was elected 1 louse adjourned to 10 A. M. lu-niorrow. SENA’I E. No business of importance was transacted thia morning, beyond the introduction of thu following hills, which were redd the first lime. By Mr. McDonald, ol Ware, a bill to odd a part ol Ware lo Charlton county. By Mr. Long, of Glynn, lo confine tho jurisdic tion of suits against the Brunswick “ Improvement Company,’’’to the town ol Brunswick. By Mr. People*, *»l Clatke, to incorporate a Bank in iho town ot Alliens. By Mr. Nichols, of Clinch, to create a now Ju dicial Circuit, comprising tho counties of Clinch, Coffee, Ware, Appling, Wayne, Camden, Glynn and Charlton. By Mr. Miller,of Richmond, to provide for tho permanent location uf the Supremo Court, and lor its meeting annually. By Judge Cone, ol Grccno, to fix tho dignity and presetin^ thu order in which dobls duo by deceased persons shall ho paid. tty Mr. Seven, of, to R f„ to Pita,, ol 11,0 ? ,n,l “ 1,1 Ton-tra, n«r Hcmkop,.. Tyboo tinr .,nh Savannah llivor, thaa.mota. n -t lo bo woudvrod al that Iho tula ltuaaian jour- wlnch aru pant at Iho Port of Darion. I"" 8 “ f / ho c 1 0nl, "’ nl l ™ m “'J'*«*>* tty Mr. liar daman, ol, .o incorporate It.. I "“>“ 4 “ C " U “P"” •' Union Coal and Iron Company nr Gemma.” ‘ na 10 °" c “ mo, “ "le.r at,l a. .... ... . . | mcdiiatore nctwocn the belligerent powers. Iho J his aft--r.ioon the tsenatus Acnrfemicus lu ld ' MAItlllRD. . At llavi-niwiro I, ItirInn,in.i county, on th*< evening of! Ttiuriclay, Mb lu*t., Ii> Ituv. Alfred .Mnun, Mr. EpM AltD W. Illll.l,, ..r Ath.-na, »*• MIsstMItNEI.IA M.. *lnuulit* r «f : It*.M. A. Allen, K~|.,.,rtlilH city. ’ K | O O 3Vt M J3 n O X A. Xs . their tonified positions. Tho French and Sar dinians hud ndvanetd from tho Tehornaya nnd Haidar lino, and vurrMsponduncu ol tlio IjiIi says the rrcnch posin woru wiilnn nine mileaol H.iksln oerai, also close to tlio Kuhstan position nt A that I and, where, il at all, tho Ru-binn* must iiimko a atand. i 1 lie Russians havo thirtoon infantry divisions oppvBitt iho allied lines, namely, ono division of guards at the loriiticAiions on tho North plateau, I two at Inkcrniaii, two on McKenzie's ridge, and tho remaining' eight guard thu senes ol plateaus trout H.iksm-Serai down to Aitodor, and thu rivor . course* of thu Rt-lbuc, Katieha and Alma. English correspondents to October 1‘Jth, aupposo ' that till) Rus.-iaiifl I mill iho nonli side of Sotasto- p I wore lallmg back by detachment* on Perekop ; : there was however no diminution of tho fire from thu t >r;s and haitcrius on thu north sidu of tho — —..... .... ......... n ... nuppvi• harbor. Their firu during tho lust four days had . *•1 tho Resolutions; but tho groat gun of the even- Vl- ry ■‘-•‘•ve an*l w-as chiefly directed t.gainst j in, wm Mr Toumtii, who . cq „i„od hta.ll .her % tho we..- , his usual stylo. His platform is to b* found in tho The British and French were ongnged in clear- ! Resolutions, which he supported ; and it is only ing away the ruins ol the city, necessary for me to notu a single remark ho made,!: A Russian dispatch of tho 22d, via Berlin, says lutions were tho words “Anti-know Nothing,' in ccivmg our lam u ‘ H ■ the title of the party, with which ho is now affili •tod. No business of importance was transacted to- dry in either House, beyond the election of Soli citors-General (or the several circuits below mon- tioned, and in ordor ns follows: Chattahoochee—Thaddeus Oliver of Marion, on 3rd ballot, 129 votes. Chorokec—James C. Longstreet of Gordon, on 1st ballot, 126 votes*. Eastern—Julian Ilartridgo ol Chatham, on 1st ballot, 125 voles. Flint—James R. Lyons of Butts, on 3rd ballot, 122 votes. Blue Ridge—William Phillips of Cobh, on 1st ballot, 124 volos. Macon—1'. W. Muiitfort ol Macon,(Co) 2nd ballot, 132 votes. Norih* rn— 1 Thus. M. Daniel of Madison, on 2nd ballot, 124 votes. Tho .Solicitors' elections, though perhaps unim portant to ihe public at large, are oceaoioiis of great interest hero. Tho candidates, lisunlly pro mising ami clever young men, havu each their numerous friends and well wishers, who watch the progress of the balloting* with an attention almost u* eager a* it they were ihemselv -s in tlio nice — Thoro were several exciting contests to-day ; and onu between Messrs Gordon mid Ilartridgo ol your cny was especially so from the closeno-a *H the contest and the varying turns of tho race. Mr. G received 114 votos. I ho American Party hold a meeting this even ing; and a meeting of thu A.tK N. ami D imm- b -m of tho Legislmuru is also anriuuneud. 1 cannot account lor thu failure of any loiter ot ihe 7th to reach y**u hi timo. it was duly mailo*!. Aiucrlruu .VI* • ling: in ftcrlvcii., Nov. 7ih, 1855. Al a meeting of tho American party ol thu county ol Bcriven, held at thu Court House to-dny, Un motion ol B L. Piuseott, iho Hon. G-.n. L. Jackson was called to iho Clia r.aml Jas P. Bays-j more appointed Sucre.ary. - j - 1 'I lie chair man having explain'd the object of the: niecimg, on motion he iippwmied ilie follow mg j gen (omen a committee, t** report resolutions cx-' pressivo ol thosuiis** ol thu incuting, to wit: B L. Prescott, D. E. Roberts, Wm. William**, B F. hcott and J. II. Ennci«, who retired and reported thu following rudiluiiona: Kehulvetl, That iliu American party ol the county at Surivun, hereby abandon their charter which constiiutcd • hem a secret council of tin- Amuric.n order, and from lienculiirward shall bo known as th*- " American Party" **l th*' county of Scnvcn Resolved, Thu* thu Arnoriemi party ol iho county of Bcrivcn, wlnlo ll.oy do run recognise thu * lurnuni of religions prosuriplion ns a part of thoir political creed, nr**, lie vert licluos, opposed lo tho nugrussive p-*licy ol the Roman Catholic Church, and arc now, us lleroioiore, opposed lo the appointment of lor eigncrs t<* oflicu at h*-mu or to rvpresuin us abroad ; ami are in fuvor ot thu culiivatton uf an intensely American teelmg, nnd an essential change in ihu naturalization law* ol iho country—to tho ond th -t " Americans shall rule America." Kesolv/d, Thnt ihe American party of the couri'y of Sen von, meet at Sylvauia on thu first Monday in December next, to nominate candi- datgs for county officers. The resolutions haring been ndoplcd by the meeting, it was, on motion of J. M. Roberts, re ft *lved that a copy of thu proceedings besom to the Bavannnh Republican for publication, and llinl the Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel be requested to copy. On motion tho meeting adjourned. GEO. S JACKSON, Chaiman. Jas. P. Baysmore, Secretary. ccivmg our lancers on the left flank, they returned behind Aktatschi.” Nothing has occurred between Kinburn and Ni- colaeff. English letters lay that the gunboats roconnoi- terod to near Nicolactff Tho latest dispatch from Si. Petersburg, dated October 26th, says: “ Th- wholo of thu militia has been ordered on the march to reinforce thu army of tho South under Gen. Ludors. Two li- ner-, 16 frigates, and some gunboats have entered thu Dneiper.” The Emperor Alexander had left Nicolaeiff for Blisahsgood, 130 miles Northward. Tho uaual srorv is revived, (hat his r«is*on is affccied. Tliero is nothing more delinito aa to the rosigns- lion or ref ill ol Gen. Siiii^on than was brought uut Ly tlio Arago. Tho L-md »ii Post s lya that a now Commander is appointed, but doc* not giro his nnmo. Rumor mentions Sir Do Lucy Evans, Codring- ton,, Colin, Campbell, and other*. Maj'-r Delutn-ld, .11 nj -r Murdoch, Jr , and Cap- lain MeLollau, Amorienn officer*, had arrived in thu Cntnp. A Brnsh general order provides them with rations during ihcir clay in iho Crimea. Osiiihii Pacha, w bo was taken at Sinopo, had been exchanged. Mi>s Nightingale had returned lo Sevastopol. General Wynuham, tn*: hero ol tho Redan, haa the command «i thu 4ih British Division. The Mnuituur publishes a list of tlio Btorea found in Sevastopol, comprising a million shot und car tridge* and hall a million pounds of gunpowder. Tho Und strength of iho Allies in the Crimea, including iho sick, i* officially reported at 210,000 men. A St. Pet* rshnrgh Idler of the 15th says the Al- lit-d succ. ssc** hud caukcd despondency, yet every- iliiug ludicatts the. intentioi: of Russia lo continue thu war. Preparation* were making fora four teenth levy and enrolment <>l Iho local militia.— Prayers wort ullcreil l.-r tlio Emperor’s ssfu return li**m thu Ctioivu. Thu altitude *d Sweden was regarded in St. Pc- buHtnirgli with increasing Mispieion. TUB BALTIC Tlio weather was had, and the English fleet near Virgi n waa preparing lo leave T e gunboats at Elsinore had been ordered to England. Th*) i-oa*ling trado was again springing up mneu ihe removal ol tim fleet. NAVANIXAII VIAICKI.T. Haturpay, Nov. Ill, I'. M. i ri'TTiiN—Them wa*« n k*m.*I deiuaiel today and ' bidder* wen* Hriii m price*, though llicro I* in* *|i|**lnbio I advance. The miIoi* him . mi to HIM bale*, n** follow* : ; 6 ui 7 >„ I at r*, 74 al H.' i ,2lll at 8Jt‘, 6« nt H*j, ||7 ut e>,, * 8» at n W-10, am at H»*» 200 at n»^ # 7 at 8und ‘.'ll balea j al ll cent*. -Nii\n <i null |;X|iorl», Nov . I O. IVr nleamdiip Florida. New York- 4WI hales l olb.ii, IIKI casks lllce, UI hales Doiiiesiics, 2tl bales Leather, I3« bus Rice Flour. I’ornhip KalNimu(K), Liverpool—25171 bain* I'olbiu. Per brig Talulah, Now Orleans—1010 bbl l.ime. P* r schr Kclipsu, New York—365 bales Cullon, 1 b«/x lice* Was, 1847 sacks Wheat. Pur rclir l lluvcreiix,'Havana—180 casks Rico. | I'erscbr J It Prlaler, PlillatlelplilK—306 caaka ltlc*« IDO bales Colton, llHMI tks IVliuat, suiidry boxes and j CHARLESTON, NtlV t» Co lion—Tha tran*«ctlons ( lo-ilu) ruucheil upwards <'04350 bale*. Tlio market was firm nnd former prices were well sustained. The sales c >inprise 31 hit** *18, 55 at H*, 41 nt , 43 ni «H, 286 at 8 li Hi. .Mint 8*i, 14 al 8 11-16, 634 at 8^, :i:< nt 8 13 16. 574 at 8»f. 59 id 8 16-16, 115 at!', and 35 al V^c. WH.MINUT'iN, Ni»V 8.—Turpeinlne-The reeling lu the market this in..ruing, appear* lo he raihcr dull. There are one or two lots i.lferlng, but w« hear of u<> irnuMNCiioii* up to the time id closing our Inqum-s. S|dr|i*—The market appear* quiei, and we hear of no tmu-aeihiiir Uosln—dale* yeslenlny of 1500 bills Common, nt 9t Hiper bbl for a»*oried' sixes, aud ol 1000 bbl* town uinke, ui $1 3.i I'nr Inrce bln*. NEW YORK, NtiV.7.—Colton—All iho lealures this morning betoken a decline, 'here i* hcaviuoM., und gen eral luncitvlly, and the lidelll|enre pur Arago, nt hand Insi evening- prices buing untelll* d and iiomiual, (lie mitrkt i value I* ilISJcull to arrive ui. Thu sales fur the week are 500(1 bales—the export 12,800 bales, chiefly lo Liverpool. Wheal -There Is some lrr< gulnrliy in the msrket.— Wr.l els rather lower but red is quite Arm. The sales are 24,0011 bu* at t'J for inferior and 2 0 a 2 I2>j for prm red Houtheru, und 2 25 for while toulheru. uaU are quiie firm und In fair inquest at 46 a 47 for B.ule, aud 49 a 5u for western (weigbl.) Com !■* without miirh change—the demand I* fair, in { •art lor export-salo* 38,000 bushels at 05 a50 fur wes- urn mixed. Rice.—A fair business doing, at full prices. nmvensloln. II W llPey, Mrs Riley, Mr* Inly, Mr* Moore and child, Mrs llaynnrd, W,c -tewsri. P fl l«n*id 11 VV Lively. W C L'unulngbam, L J Pattenon, Mrs Morris and I •' deck. Per steamer IVr- Huabrnnk, from Charleston, lie—F I) lirolnr F W Flekllng, J J "mull and i*vi, W Proctor, Indy, child and avl, lion T F Drayl'm R J Davanl, and I deck. Per sieam* - r H<-ndnolc, from Palalka, fcr.— Miss lug"lon, P U Nlulibngsle anil svl, Leu Arkwright, A Merron, Alls* Oiburn Mr Mfte.hel. Mr* Hsflm and svl. W Il'niLford slid lady, Mr lleamont. L 8crul"man, Col TlHii Hr klorecock, 2 child aud 2 svis M Capalla, Cap! Catiovn. W P 8birr T K ftuckman.arid 4 .leek. Per sienmer Planter, Irmii • 'ciitri'v Hinge, fce-»-ftr P M Kidlock ami svi, J A Wells, c Hnrnnrd,and 4 deck. ' jlli.llOltA M*A . j New York, Oct 0—Lid, schr Loyal Hcranlon, Lowden, Hsvitunsh. , Msreeloiis,f »et4 —Ar, Toxas, Merrill. Darien. Ilrl.i.d, (let 2o—Cltl, J llrsdsbnw, Hulls, Havannsh. 1.1 vnrpool. * >ct 22—i.’Id, Ellen Maria, U-nnex, Havli. *grcfal wotltifl. TU v. ItV... N S,'CHS. A Valuable I'lanlallon, in Librn, COH HAI.K. 3 M inglon, FOIl MALI*,. TDK PutisorilH’r, wlsliing l*, i-rnovr, , sal*' Ills phinbition adjoining Ho vill;/. ..?/• ii.nslslirig.if "Iglit lniudi.d iw r - n | mt .,f 'j” bio* Ims ii Hiiii.'sufidly < ultivat <1 in > i.,j.». ( r i*[' amlltl**-. Tin* tmlnn*** welt llmlmwl vmii >*,K ,, mol yellow pine forest, run veil lent p. tb, Isiiiy and Oulf Kail ll.-nl. i;|*.n Mo |,r. r„|..' ‘ r.iuifoibibl*. Dwelling, gin Iiouh", gri-t mill, n ' und f*'ii*es In g>»«l r* |M*ir. A goml ! '• nr.- near by, and an exh-rudvu, urol uniivoll.^i fiir sbs k gr.i/ing. Person* wishing to buy will pleas*- npplv t» Jillf.N L. MANN. Din.,,,||, n«.v 12 nrto WYLl.Y A .MoNTMi’u.pjj. FOIl MAIiI]. ACRK8 of I.‘in.I, lying in * m ,.„ 1 MiKH'ind th*' C. It- I!, running ,i -/ unland an»l «iw.rii'.n «>f ilo-lm\ ' ■ uioi.r7. io e. Iho bay land i« equally ax g..,| / 1 as (he **Co..|M'rV’ *>• "Youngs' bays, il JJ' 11 * I tlom. The improvements or*, n l' a »r*.r) fr-n u* i 3*i by 6i loot, with live rooms and all n lugs. Tb • health of tli» location ix us gx-.l .<• .„, v * ,' r 'V,' A retiredclentym..., r..lor«l ... he.lth In . ' With ifi, oW.'',« few days, alter many years «.f great nervous * h „ I|H rt#Kk „f rattle and llog*. A*and a g.. i ..„ n „‘ 4 suflrering, Is anxious to make known tho menus of euro, of Farming I in id*nient*, If the puriha»r »..i, _ 'I 1 * (hirtieulars, apply to nov 12—3w Will send (free) the prescrlfillon used. Direct t*i Rev. JOHN M. li MJNALI^ 59 Fulton street, llrookl> n,N. Y. oci 13— 1 rn NOTICE- ^ TH E Rule or Freight on Rales of Domestic by this line to New York, will ho Eight Cents per loot, until liirtner notice. PAHELFORD, FAY it CO. Orril R N. V. AMD SaVANXAII HTXAMSUlf Co. t [ocl W] Havannsh, < let. 8, 1855. f H ‘ Tf S OF Fit FIGHT II * the Philadelphia a.ul Savannah Steam, ship Lino, <m l.ighl Moods and Dry f>*iods, will lie Ju < cuts nnd 15 cent* pur cubic loot, being the rate* established prior to June Inst, nug 27 C. A. I*. LAMAR, Agent., NOTICE. » 'i *mai Dual and Wood V.-ird. J. T. THOJI AH, orrcits »*)H H VLB AT THE UNION FERRY WHAItF, A HLPPLV 01* Ited A alt Coal amtl Fire Wood of nil klndi I i mi.N8U.MLRS can depend upon bem. j r , ! pli* d willi a good «rth le. strict all-n:,. t, g.» -T | fair ni'-asur* in* nt. lk)X*-s for orders m ; , stor*-s uf Messrs. J. M. Coojht A Co., W.u. p. w ’ j IV. 'dn. nt the ofllre of the Morning N* • I residenco in Jones at. Terms cash. t,* v i 1 WANTED. A ROOK-KEEPKIt WANTED; one a.cud-xi.M t ., v dry goods business preferred. Atidr*-*- ,.*t. r t, j R*.\ 115. Post Ofllce. 11 v SITUATION WANTED. A YOU.NO MAN uf moral aud religion- * Lira- wri ..^ , . _ . . u good bun i and is ready nt hgm ry-Outhe first day ol February next, the Arm 1 obtain n situation ns Cl* rk, or t-Mlosmn--light ol IMIRTD.N fc RIKEM A.N, will be dissolve*! by | Ines*. Address **C. D. L.” nt this oflice. r limitation. After this date, they will do an ex clusive C.\8|| UU8INE88, fir the purpose of set- tliug up. All of our stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Fancy H<«>ds, wo will sell at a very small advance eu ihe cuat, for cash only Savannah, June 1st, 1855, HORTON Ic RIKKMAN, 116 Uroughton-street. may31—tf When th** Russians in Asia heard of thu full of )viitd**po|, they, on 29lh September, nude th* ir k upon Kir*. The Turkisli details of the ul- receiveif. Thu Rursian los* i* nporiud nt V.i.iuii Two Tiirkmh n-iluuhis wero l**si and re taken f«ur Him*. Tho li.ingatian (funeral, Kenini- ly Ihe Turks in the rilwenee *>t the Eni'liah (Jenerr.I, Williams. The Russian Gene ral, Mouraviefl, with 80 guns, cannot conimuo the siege. Thu Riixsians havo fortified all tho pusses |fad ing to 'i’lfll*. Oniar 1’aelia waa at B.iuchom Kalo. tir.LAT Bill TAIN. A new coalition ol Lord John RiihsuII, Bright Giiidalotic, nml D’laracii, »a« s'il| talked of. L rd I’.ilmendon wiahcathe Earl *-l Stiutieshury to accept thu vacunuv hi ihe Colonial Secretary- *l.ip, owing to Sir. Win. Molesworth's deaih, hut fiiacoleagui'H uppobo. Thu nninu ot Lord John Riixs. ll is also inentioned lor thu ufficu. 'J’liu 1 .on.I**n Tillius hus n iticcahlu ariiclo (edito rial) rep Tiling American expansion, und says thu English G, vcrnmcnt is . iniiungno opporiumty of ruinl'.rcing tlio West India squadron, and thu* in- terp 'Sing a powerful iitirner between Britain nnd the North Americ m C«mtiu*snt. "At this moment," say* thu Times, "North America is in profound peace with ihe whole world, yet ia not ihe less true, Hint in her;P'*ns am fitting out nt this mo- nient piratiml lillihustcring expeditions, de*iincil to carry war and bloodshed into tho dominions of nn unoffending neighbor. We cannot believe that 'hose who are now engaged in enrolling unhappy men for ilie-e desporate and criminal entori ris s, tally Contemplate the sec.'ess of a duscunt upon iiu land, toriustancu; a* probable, or even possible. If we can prevent the expedition from sailing, or iniercept them in mid ocean, we shall havo done iniicn to wards averting thu dangers which must arise, should they bu earned out to their natural dcvD.opments.” An impoi ant discussion had been held in tho Liverpool Chuniherot Commerce on the prosont I B. iiish Monetary Crisis. Resolutions were adopt From the Times ol Del.93. Monetary and Commercial AfCnlra The apprelieioii.n has beeu realized that the great. **r part uf thu jE'.MMl,tMiL of goal which arrived from Au-irailia mi t-aturilny, would he purchased fur Iliu Rank «-r France. An Impres-lon I* enb-rtalned, how ever, hi some quarters, that about X.liu.uuo may be re- taned on this -Ido. The wlibdrawMl of this amount when. If builness had bueu left to its natural courts, It would have lnt.1 iho Hank or Eng'&n*!. has created c*iu*lderHble dissppoinlment; but. as it le evident that uo cussaiion of the drain can Imi expected unlit ihe Rank of France ahull ho Kutfluientty fortidud to disconlinuc their excep tional proceedings, the fact of thoir having been sup plied in this extent prniinii.iniilly ainclinnue* nur lu- turu pro-perts Ills still thnuglil that uboui jC2iHi,ixm wa* thu addillonul quantity they had arranged to ob tain. | The mercantile letter* from Paris continue to speak) fttvoraoly of the Rcneral lone or ihe monej mnrki-i. a { sen*Pile palliation being, d.mhile**. proiluced by tl.e i gold obt nned iroin Eng.and, although an *eti ve oxpor- I tut I,-li of specie Is still going on. Ilil.s on Loudon con- j tinned *o be eagerly sought al liigli rule*, which. It might be imerred, iioi only lend lo r e ui hdruwul of i every available bulans.'Ir.-m tin* sine, b .l ul**>, per-' haps, nolwl hslanding our rales of <|i«c-«unix, hid nee I the msiiuficu er of a uninb* r of draughis M meet the . deini.nd. At ihcolh. rcoiitlneninl ritii-s very lilllu 11-| iisnc'alagltniixn l« ux yet observable, , At llaoihnrr, however, ilierutc ol exrhiinge remain* | very Hr n. and money Is In request at per coni. Ini Holland, also the thu oxctiangeU tuv.irutilu, aud mouuv ' !*<•**> tliere a. i er ceut. At Frankfort iliu run* is 351 >'■ X- ! '"d event'-lug pi ricclly sleuily. In llelsinm dixi-oiint i* lo Lu obtained al per cent, hut theru i* • >me oxneciaPon .<1 a ihe- Ai Yicinin tho merchnnie snein chit-fly en.' igeil In dircussing iliu new projects ol Iliu Finance Minis * r. Fro ui Un London 1 line-. Pity Arlirle, of SKId. I The English luiulx *.peii*'*l with ilullin as Hit- morning, j Imi ihi'C**iitiuue*l i-olill i.-uce iiinlilfcxied by the public again causml liriiniees. and upon Ihe n> w* of the Rn- 1 sums linvliig blown up tm*ir (oitdlcntl.ins ni t'cz ikotl I Mit- markel clo-u.l at high, r prii'ts, mi l w.ih u general- I ly improved t.uit*. L’einols form.>iicy which Uf, off lusi I i v ii'i’g :n 67 V|, wire fl.xi quoted 87*, to Inii the Im-i | oflK'Inl irmisai lions wero el 87?,' iur money, and e7»j l« lor tin- nccouul. At •- luler hour u hinlier i.U- I e tick place, and the price lor Die account wus 8:\ t ii. | Tnu in.i a«-iii<iisof'theday coinprlni numerou- sleudv - puichu*.'*. an.I, all the slocus lately shui lor tho *h»i | <l<".<lbfm*in.w<i|..'nlorlr*-*' imnster, thu nmnunt of : b'is.i e*x wu-consld.'iiib'u. I'unsols ure scarce, ami is x a ni the Rank are selling lh. m for ileavu r > ami liny mu them hack lor the account oil tirina which give them ii«. of the nn>ii* y iiieunwhl.e ut a very low rate. Exchtqu. 1-lulls llicuiis.q ieuc*' ol Ihu udwudage in the rule *>i interes:, experie ceil u luriliursllt'hl r*** «iv»- ry, nml were lh all* q iote.1 3-.1 s -ouul t«. '» preinlum . ill i‘—e.g*. exchange- Hi s Hie ra'e upo. P ri- wns -li/htly I •*** r'lien Ins' post. The cl-.x-lig qiiohitiui.s of Ihe French Three per' Tina, •m ihe Pnru H.-urs- ilex uv.-ntug, wisre 64t '.UI.'. t\ r money und 64f 2 ic. for Ihu ucconnl. slimving uu ini provi'ineiilol nu eiuliih, owing lo mmiev iiundiii-i'rx. Lon in n Mo.nkv Mahkxt.Dci. 27i|i. Tim money markei w«x wnlo.ei thu l< h«i rhaiigv.— The Hunk .*t England rate* hud not he«-n vurli d, nml llielO wns Iio extreme depr.-xslon in irmle. Tm- bul l >n ill llie llnnk of Englnn.l hml decreuseil X.VKI.ISIU during •h*' we. k. * i.iixoix had slightly ailvnuei'd jikI cl.-a il 88 h-rmoliev. .Imariian Hat-rniTia*.—Messrs. Raring llrmher* *pi«i«' Ui*' m <rkvi dull, but prices unchanged. Messrs. Hell At I'n , h .wuver, rvpoil Stale <*er,>iniies aoiuuwli.ii heiter. w.ih more doing, and railway stock* su-mlv. with a h*-tt*-rili'iiini., NOTICE- nr THE subscriber has removed hi* ofllce to No. ain, liny street. 8. M. L4FFITEACJ, Agt. Savannah, Sept 1,1H55. NOTICE. fjjf* During my absence from tho State, Mr. J. V. TARVER and J. H.COHEN, will attend lo uiy liusl- nets. aug 6 M. A. COHEN. M’ a iTn 6tTD eT ALL PLUS* 'NS Indebted to the late Arm nfPRlCR & VEADEIt aru rt*p>clfully requetiled lo call on thu sub- I upwards."'lire cents ps-r linTtln^Mrst Ins* riion.'nnil scribur nnd pay up, nml thereby save trouble and ex- 1 '* " **"" pen-o. \V5I. o. PRICE, 147 Hay street. j THE AUGUSTA NEWS. | r ritK UNDERSIGNED, should he meet with j 1 encouragement by tlic middle of Novrm l- r. i » i: . mut the undertaking,* puhliihing s‘nml . DAILY AND TRIWEEKLY PAPER IN Al(il*TA,GA with the aliove till*'. It will be bis aim to insk- it whit Its nam*- pnrjMjrts, a Local, New*, MiscellaneousatnlCiti- mercisl 8heet. The AUGUSTA NEWS will be neutral In Mm the Political Nows of the day will be pmtnpil* am t*.-. fully given, so that its patrJn* will be k* pt w.,-11 jv-v. up in political matters. To keep up with the spirit of the age. several j,-s )-«. turns will be Introduced in it* publication. Tl.e |*j. t w ill he small and cheap, hat will contain u* mu-.L rut varied rcmling iiistti-r a* any other |**|><-r in th* The price of tue Daily will ho only four Dollar* the Tri-AVeeklv. Two Dollars per annum. TL > t< ria» l* lng to low, cash pas m> tn* will bo ex|»ect«d in every . stance, from rob*.liht-r* to either. ADVERTISEMENTS will he charged by the line. All under four lines will charged ten cents per line fur the first insertion, an-, i cents for each insertion afterward*; for four lin> . . _ I that aith'»ugh there is no cmise lor imtnediaio 1 noGRF-Ss of tub Aluf.s.— Enough is now I alarm, thu Government should anticipate and pro- known concerning tho capture of Kinhurn, by the I Tout any break down of public confiiicnc* by sun- Allied Hen, tn mnko i. npunrem tliul tliu Russians : PunJita 'll" oiWMIio.. '-I .he Hank Act ui 1«J, na worn um.runa.nd fn, ,hu blow ihn. has bean .iruuk | ^.'^hli'Xd.ui. ' n ' C ' in that quarter, and that cruat consicrnution pro-1 1 Thu city ol London had presented an Address vailed, at the last accounts, in Southern Ruxaia, in ' tn the Quuun up.*n tho gloriwiia aucccs* of thu Al- coii6..-qnt:iiC<’ of tin* prngref** which was being made - Bed Anny. to which tho Quoin made a suitn- by Knulish and br, nch arms W'lwn lo .his I. ' P ' 0 ‘ ,,,lWK “ ,toHU “ «' «>« •ddud iho victories in Asia and tho Sea of Azuff, Tho London papers comment strongly on Ad- tho renewed activity of tlio invading troops at Sc— . mirul Su rliiig’sdilaiory movements in the Pacific, vastnpol, and tlio ominous oxnudition that had hy which, mi the 20tli ol May hu permitted tho Russian fleet to escape. Lord WharnclifFo, and Mr. C. Lucas, member ol Parliament, are d.-ad. The New Y* rk clipper ship Carrier Pigeon, Abandoned at *•;•) was towed by a steamer into Cork harbor. The captain and crew afterward* arrived thoro in a boat. The ship America went ashore at Giboraltar, al Todlebun has been summoned lo J and hecaiiiu « toi“j wreck. . , c , r 1 I laei G< their UBHi.1 n.cui.nB Who Snn.tu Uumhur. Dr. .upormtund iho“ now (orlificnlion. I Ck-ir- h .uhinlli.d n report on lh« condinon and , whicll woro to b , croclcd lhere _ th „ cvc „ pro.pncis ol I- ranklm C.-llrRo, nnd (ouebing ..n ihu |hal slr ,, na h..ld nnd nrnunnl id Soulhuro Ku.siu is siihji-ct of Common Schools. Un motion ol Alr. : C(»n«*i«l<src*d threatvnod* now that the keys of the M liter, of Rx-'jniond, ^pi»>» of iho | u njl .,, cr are in the p*«*essiun ol the Western P*.w- •“ 1 ® ora. Continued preparations were being made for report were otderud to be printed. Tlio Senntus was presided over hy Ilia Excellency the Govern or, mid on ns retirement iroin tlio Chamber, tho Senate adjoin tied to 10 A. M. to-morrow. C*** MlLLLbOt-.VII.LK, Nov. 9ili, 1855. The Mass Meeting ol the Ami Know Nulliing and Democratic party cauiu tiff last overling, nod I enclose you a copy «»l I hr* official proceedings to be disposuii of as you see proper. You will nolicu that the resolutions pas-cd ure ulrnost idcniieul wntli ol iho Gubernatoriiil Convention of Jiiiiu Iasi. Ilou H'.well Cobh preaided, Messrs R.unsay *>l lUttis nnd Nelms o( Etbrrt ncted us Secrotari*!*, an«l ihe billowing named gentlemen composed iho Coinniilien "» R<i>.>liitiuns : Iverson of Muscogee, Toombs of Wilkes. Stephens of Taliulerro, II. Warner "I Merriwetlicr, Seward of Thomas, Hillyer of Walton, Wright of Floyd, Bailey of Buns, Linton «»l S ephens, I. T. Irvin of Wilkes, II. G. Lamar «'f Bibb, Dabney of Gordon, McIntosh of Elbert, llulclnns of Gwinnett, Law- ton ol Dougherty,Scnvi n of Chatham, I L llnr- rms of Baldwin, McGuiro of Floyd, Phillips of Daherslintn and Paitorson gf Icirurson. [Wo insert tho following as the most important of 'he resolutions adopted hy tho meeting, remark ing dial Messrs. Toombs mid llm Stephenses havo n »w openly taken their place,** m llm Democratic party: Htli, Ri mlird, That it it expedient nnd proper ihui the Democratic and Anti Know-Nothing party ol Georgia, ho represented m the national conven tion ol the Democratic party, winch ia to meet in Cincinnati noxt Spring, bu Hie purpose of minima- . .... - , ting cundidatcs lor P.csnbnit and Vico Preanb i ,r ' h , ' li P '' bllt '1?“’ • -*’ i that tlie Dcmocriii e and Anti Know Nulliing from miBcr I humous sources $J33,49j—total, 9 l-v | 1 ' *' 774,460. The expenditures during the snmotimo amounted to 916.594,1 Ri, of winch wns on account *•( I lie Nnvy, 95,142,111 for tlio War defence on Iho N'urdi side of Sev.istopol, hut it was bulicvud that Generai Pelissier would soon have occupied Bskalii Serai, tiiat thu coimnuiiica- : ti.nis w i'll the Conlinunt would he cut*off, and that | before many weeks the .irmy of Princo Gortscha- | koll’ would bo rvdueud to n most pruunrtuo* c*»n- ' dilion, uud perhaps bu totally unuhlo tocXlricato iis.-lf from the snare winch had been hml f<*r it. Speaking ol the capture ol Kinliurn, Marshal Pulis-ior says: "We have taken 1.420 prisoners, including G.ii. Kianovnch and 40 with 174 piucus ol can non and a quanmy o| arimiumlion unj store*.— W«* uro now tn lull occupituuii ol un importniit p.<*it ion.” Tunnkl rn*..w France to England— For seve ral week** past some aide hydographers nml engi neers have Dovii employed m biirveyiag the cousls in die noighhorliood ol Uo<d*igne mid Calais on tlio French iidu of Dover, mid die South Foreland on tho English mde of tho Channel, nnd in taking soundings, with tlio view of reporting ns to tho feasibility and advanlngn ol forming a communica tion between iho two countries by muniis of a .sub marine tunnel and railway. Charleston Municipal Elkction.—Wm. P. Mill's, the Anti-Aniericaii enndidaio lor Mayor *•! ChurleMon, and all dm Aldermen on dial side, havu been elected -llm former by a m.ipirily nf 141 Got IRMII NT RlCl.llTH A NO EXI'I.SIII IPItM.— During dm quarter eliding thu 30th <>| Sepicinhtr laxi, die recoipiH from customs ainounivd to $17, ind Ami Know Nothing iitMidHira ol tlm Lcgislaturo, together with such oilier members ol llm patty a* may ho chosen to ntlftid, from thoir respective eoumies, lie and itn-y are hereby requested In meet at sonm convo Sir Charles Napier was canvassing Southwark, (London,) lor Pa liament, vico Molouworth with B-jud chances of succoss. FRANCE. The Bank of Franco had nrrangck to obtain a.’tuu millions of inmc* in silver from tho Bank of Amsterdam, and it was rumored that it W'u* also intended to issuo 25 to 50 (rune bills Tho Paris paper* say that splendid gold mines havu been discovered in Cayenne. Bht.Ull'M . Tlio Chambers are in moot on tho 11th No vember. Tim King of Belgium actively offuia Ins media tion in thu vyar. srAiR. Cholera continued t" prevail badly at .Madrid aud about one hundred cases were reported daily. Gen Tacoii, lornioriy Governor ol Cuba, had died ol cholera, nt thu age ol 8-i. i rai v. Di.-tress from Cholera, scarcity, and cruno waa on an incruumi in Tusc.iny. Russia has eoiuo oil an amicnblo underslamlnig will, tin- Pope, respecting thu nomination of Catholic Bishop in Poland. Rumors wmo current that tlm government ol Naples had committed a gross outrage against American citizens, but the particulars nro nut tu hand. DENMARK. Tlio Ministry is reconstituted. M Balz is Minister ol the Interior and President ul tho Council Tim name ol Congress nays a loiter from Berlin, haa lieun erroneously given lo ihe meeting ealied hy Deiiinaik lor lh« seltleiiienl of the S >uud dues. Denmark ha* simply invited llm Suites ol the Baltic., namely— 1'iussm, Ru*xia, Sweden, Mock- leniierg, mid Liibee, t*. n coiilcreiiCe, m order to coin.' to an understanding williiliom as to iho pos-ihility ,.f puri'haxiiig tin* due*. As no invita tion ol lli<- kind 11ah been addressed culmr to Eng land, France, oi tlm United Slates, tho nieoli.ig c.nmul, m any way, ho tunned a European Con- gress.'TH l*KR CENTRAL RAILROAD. , Nov III - l8(Mi hs'es Colliui, 85 Luxes Copper Uro, 748 •a ksVYhi'iil, 207 sacks Fl.iiir. IIHI ,|o Corn, anil iinlzu to Itui^-. Ilavis u Lung, E Parson- • ’<»• A 8 llartihlg<>, Way u Tailor, ColiniaA. Ilerix, Haipoi, HluaG k. C.* t ", SHIP NS'WriS. PORT OF gA VANN All...... ...7... NOVEMfltm 9. ARRIVED. U 8 M rli-anisinp Ftnle *>f Genruia, J J Gnrvin.Jr Coniinanil.T, 58 lunirs front Philadelphia—u \ t. t. u . mar, Milzo in Ainrwnrtli 4t Hnuor, lluiler fit Frierson, II onauil. Krlgiinin, Kell) At Co, (i llnnkman. Adam* u i o. Ita) niir.l M Row and, n llorg, Crano, Well* k to, Church At Mosu*. ll 1) c«pp.* Al Ilerix. O Colim. 9 ciirrull, U Cranton. M A Colieu, IV M liavldsmi, A L DuLo’ge, Cooper At Co, Franklin fc llnmilfy, J It roh'y, c F «-c«', <» Uemendcn, c A G-e ner. H inter At i.'irnmea, Hi-adicanAt Co, I-'. Iln-.-af. lEih.-rcliam At 8<>n, T II llor- d m. J M Haywood, ll II Johnmn, O Johnson Jt<. •» King At 8< n ,8 .m l ffl'.a’i, Low At Co,J Liptnan. \v v\ l.mcoln, l.ynn At 8nid>‘ r , T A Myers, Mmlu A- Uro, 11 O’l Vinn -r, Patten, Hutton At Co, J Hynn, Riixe, D ivl* At Lone, F J R -‘etib.-rg. Sol.'in* na At Co, Ri.whunl Ai 8..n, \ er-t II*' At Frierson, Webster At Palmes, \\ ay fit Tai lor, J Weiirle n, II " .ugand, Wayne, Grenville At Co, W P Yonge, Young, Wyatt At t'o.iuid others. L‘ • M x;i-am«lilp Augusta, T Lyon, Commander, .48 h. ur* fr-m New York—Pad -Ifi-rd, Fay At t.‘o. Mdse to Aiken At Hum*. iVnyn., G . in illo At t o, Young, Wyatt At Co, Pa'.ten. Il'iPon At Co, Parsons At Co, Crane, W i ll* I C >. M A Cohen, Church k. .Moses. Lynn At Snider, Ver- suite VFnwrson, lluMer At F-te.rson, i'heho-n At Cnn ninghain. Wo'd At Co, V U At II Weed, J A Brown. J A llaron. Frankll i At Hrui'tly, IV W Goodrich, W Hale, W M Davidson, A llaywo Hl, II Morse. J W Anderson, W P Yonge, Hidden At Co, Boston At \ illnlongn, W ll Eliieriilge. Farrell At Co. W II Guinn, W W Goodrich, Hri.haiu. Ku'ly At *'o, Chnlfer AtCo, Cohens At Ilerix, IV Duncae, Dma At Wsshburu. cilberl AtTHden. J F Gull marlin. Gray Hr..*, Hamden’* l’X|»re*i, A r* H .rlridge, Hardee At Co, llnbcishsm At Son, Hardwuk It Cooke, J D Jes-e. J Inuer-ol. G II John-on. King At Sons. N H Knapp,Kennedy At Uesch, N Lyon, 11 l.athrop At t o, A H >.uce. C A I. Lamar, J W l.uihrop At Co, S M Lnfll tenu, Lockeii At Snullings, Morrell At < ... May At <‘o, ll II Nichols At Co. Ogd«Mi. sisrr At Co, C C Poole, Palmer Al Son, Ruse, Havu At Long. M J Reilly, Rabun s* StnlMi, K iwiuud At Son, .1 Sullivan, A A 8olomens At Co, Web- sier At Palme*, Wilibcrger At Co, Way It Taylor, IVIL liains At Rolcliffu. strainer Totteu, Merlny, Halil.note via Charleston, lo Hrigliutn, Kelly At Co. Milze lo Kulghi It Son, G H Johnson, Ruse, Davis At Long s.enmer Guidon, llsnlsn. Charleston—J p llrooks — Milze 10 C It R. Fla ll.-ai, 4 Brown, G Kpplng, A Carter, W U Fleming. Iluhernliiuu At .-on, Ilr W rngg, L Solo. m.*n«, ugt. Church At Most-s, P Juc"ln, A Ha)W.>ou, A s llurirutge Cruger «t Wnde, E J Purse, P ll’Loud, W Miscall). Steamer Wm Peahroock. Peck, ci.arle-lon, Ate—S M l.aflU an. 2U lialex Upland U-tlun aud milze to 8 51 Lnfli eao. J F Pelol. Sh-amer Semin -le, Sli.iw, Palalka. Atr—S M |.s(Hteau. 39 bale* S 1 Cullon to l<o*l<>nAt \ ilihlougu, Tie* u At Maco.S M l.afll eau.O <h r. Plai.lio, McNeiiy.i'eii’-evilIngu. Ate—Crate, Weil* At Co. 16 baie* S I Colton, 250 lides.OObbl- Roslu. to B .sloii At Vill loiigu, King al Son-, com- 4 llm. Fawcutl At Co, V VVooley, Webster At I’alim*-, ll*il- coinbe, Jnlinxoti At Co, I, W iiweint, Mrs Davlx, llm.Iur At Gunioi. II. Hark U Tlioiua*, Auisbury, Hoaiifort, N C, lu balla-i 10 Master. Brig E Baldwin. Montgomery, Wise .-suit, to Master. l)ai*i-ti'FI»l,ff‘im pUwwttwM, wl.h 54 casks Hicu'o IE«|.-r-haiu .-oil. King s l-lat, Iroin plantation, with 1260 busliuls Rough Rlee in Halier-hum At Soli. Barclay Fiat, Innn plantation, with in 0 Rough Rica to It lluhershUin At Son. Stentnsliip Florida, Wuodliiill, N.-w 5 ork — Padelfonl. Fay At c«». . Hop K .limnizoo, T.iylor, l.herp >nl—W Katlen*by At Co Brig Tiilulah, Ainshuiy, New i irluaus—Carlvtou At Par- lo s. Si nr IJclip***, Down-. N-w York—Cohens At llerz. ScnrJ R Piuter, Gamly, PimiuU'.pliiu - IIuuIit At • -uni- mull. Schr A Dovereux, Mohorn, Havana- J \ Brown. depirit: i». * Steamer Sj Johns, Freeborn, Palalu, Aic. Me-mier Gorilou, Barden, Charleston, siuuiuur Fusnlou, J..|ii'x..u, IiiimisIm. i» the present sessb,n, nnd select Di rurliiioiil, 9j,II7,Hi.O for civil, miHCeilunumis u*1*-Ii«.mI, I ay h. co, a l*»w s L«, 8 *«."dall. O Coin n, .,i,i nnni.iiiii.iii L.r ihia . i oiovi onu i . . 4 1 ILinter At Gainiuull, F \V Neely. J Jones Patten, i ut- to and uinvonllmi lor mis NtnD . n ,„i |„reign miereuiirse, nml 925J.JI9 Iur redenip- ! t M < ■„, Biwlon *■ Vlllslonga, Helm At Foster, W |)u„. tinn during tlm iire-enl twoniy delegates to slid convoi 9ih, Result ed, I h*t our duleg'itcs to suid Lon- j . t ,j public dufil, including 920,M21 lor pre- 1 *an,N A llsrdee At t:«, HaFain At Bmilh, il It Fort, sent ion, ought, in •ur opinion, lo lm inslructud by . * I At ilrantley.XI II vVIIIIbiiis, Way no, Grenville th"*<. who slull uppoinl them, lo itoi-l upon the 1 miuin red*-elnml. | K i igdeu, Hiarr Atc’o, DDCopp.J FTuckei.C A I. uil. ml mil ..f » phot I m us llm Imho* >.l I „„ , . ... ...... ... ,i., i., i,..« .1, *ion«r. Young, Wyatt At Co, J ll Sneed, M A Cohen, c H , prior to llm ' • L .rdsiown <Ky.•* • .i/.*-li«‘ -mys that the hea.lli li„ y, Douglas. W Waters, C Hlagur, Jo* candidates, and that said plalluriu shall, amongst ol Hun. Linn Boyd la still vuiy bad. Hwhul,H Uosln, Clusiciu At Ecktnan. • ANbEXliEUS. per slnnnisliip Stale of Georgia, from Philadelphia— c A Greuu,huly, child and sv.i A M Doriuun. lady ami 2 -vl* G Swain, lady «ml lull, II llouglieity, L It Fish, •'ll-* Hawk*'*, Minx flunlon, 51 r* llolduu, Mr* Di-nl and 2 child, G Emcllne, C Aia' rou-, lady aud svl, T' Asli- tnea.l, s li ABlnuead, Dr Troup, G A iiuics and ' hil'l* R N I l o na- and 2 svi», T Mugoiru, J Gsla^he. L Gaiaghei ,und .4 slo mgu Peraieum-liip \iiuii*In, Iron) New York— Mies Ju dah. Mi** I ringlu, Mr* Gordonunil avl, J Hmldatil, ady tool 2avl*. Mia- Smddnni, J J sioddard, II 51 Hn.dihird. W Lius.J A I’amherx, .Mix* Momuoiuery, W P elm,G II Cuming, lady, 2cinlil, and 3 avis, Mr* llaolwm, M II lluldwm nml 2 clill.l. Mi*» Sef.oie, Mr- Juno is Mia Salvatore, J W Lewi*. Mr- Mar i, 5 !•- Muru, Dr.-imih, J lleiiiiuil, G Jo.lull. J It V ill'll rhlll, huly uud child, C Wilson, J Mu'rlicHil. > Quaulneg, J VVnodlinui-. D Coakey, J llinulierl, D Ros*. A hit ns and svt, M ly, «: E Hur*i..w, A G Travel, ur MeiMl.c Kyies, • A Fall. Miss Miller, All** I'cokius, Mob Florence, Miss Muckny Mr* Low, lull and 2 *vls, Mrs Htinpkina, M.<» ut Simpkins. E llonisier. lady and mil. Mr- K C Panic by. Mis- 1 lolgson, D It Paruihy and lady, .Mrs Gnlllii, Mits Wheeler, \\ II Harrison, Indy ami 2 •>•!*, .Ml** I#1 vlugslou, Mils Harv«y, M A U llder. Cl: l.evni*:, D S|m*iicu, i*H«alkly,NC I', II FJoue*. K II <■ ri din, .Mist Eaton Mi»a i.olhy, 4 || F* tier and huly, 2 Moses Fosters,K D Foster, P Garvin, B Wri|ht,H««i i0.» steerage. Pit sieamsldp l loroln, mr New rk—U t. Grdllo J It • «'ll, A llllss. c v\ F.uuk. J 1) Man lu, J I Me Ciiiii', II Brown, li ..iignn, t Pnlienion. I*. • *l*'uinei G.oil.ui, I • h.irl.'Miui J 1\ Riley N II llol*vy, ll Ale Miillin, II i iuiili, P VV umt*, F I Ink, Cap Jy 11 Ssrntninjr Co-partner. NOTIC'D. fy I HAVE remove I my dfllce to No. 170 Buy 8t. ocl 31 OCTAVU8 COHEN. and a half cents aft* rwards. These uru CASH 1*1. I*. | City m'-rchants will Is.* accommodated with yearly j tr.o t*. on term* that will he aatirfuctory to tie in. | Tl.e long experience of the undersigned, in condu .* 1 a daily paper for » period of umre than tiwnty-s i rears, fnaldes him to say w ith eontldmcu. tiiui tho’.vE' ' will be adapted to meet the want* of tho Coinm : community, us well a* the Family Circle. No pa ■. ! expense w ill Le spare*! to render it one of tlie mostu,^ r.y FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CITIZENS.—I am J *«ting and readable papers of tliu day. • r , _ subscription lists will be found nt the diffon-nt b aCHiidldate for re-election lor ihe ofllce of TAX u»L- . j*^,., andut the Fuitcd States, Planters' andAu.cs LECTOR, on the 1st Momlny In January next, ami rev j Hotels, Augu*tH. tin. No payments will be receive: g pern oily H«k your support. P. M. >T' IN E. , ‘*1 ««» Number of the Paper U delivered. N.H. If elected, I pledge mv^lf not to accept of any | »" v bAML * M ‘ TIIuMPS0V - other efllce. [ocl St 11 J..M.8, | TO THE Vf’TF.R-t OP CHATHAM mUNTV. ! KNTI.EMEN I nm n camlldatu for ihe I ter ofllce of Tax Collector of this Count ehmiiou to he held on ih** llr-i Monday lu January, |8.’6,) mill respectfully s*ilicit your support, nov I—hie A. F. GEN NETT. JIIJS. CLAUK ‘ILL n sil'i e Uu- Exerci-e* ol her School on Mon day, •'cb'Li r 2H !., other |lr.«id*i.ce in' liarlion 'i. near dm F* u.ale * »rphan Asylum net 25 5\ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOB PHILADELPHIA. To leavo Thursday, Nov. 8, at 6 o'clock, P. M. r- »• »_ THE NEW nml sph tnlid xl*nn)«liip Y8TUNE STATE, Capt. llanlie, will For Irvight or passage, apply to C. A. L. LAMAR. i Passage to Philadelphia »Ji Fare lUdiicod—falilu Fa.ssaffe mmi. for • Vnr Vork, stka msiiTFaugi’sta, ToLenVoNVeilnesdav, N**v. 11, at 11 A. M. THE ii.w and splendid fad going d*uim-hqi At'GF.-TA.Th. —. Lymi ...m- nand. r. wdl sail a* alx.xu. L«.rinigtu . apply t*i PADELFORD. FAY A CO. N. It. ^tiippers «>f Cotton i*y tin's*' st* aiimrs please tak*' notice. that no Cuttoii will he n'C*-ive*| at the prix-es that ix not distinctly marked on tlm edge of the Imh*. Rice Lands and Negroes, FOR RALE. A VALUABLE RICE PLANTATION, t: ivaninili River, within a few mile* uf th-c , .ntaining near 2000 acres uf land, of wl.iditij •r*x ar*- clcar**il rice land under bank—ul»«; ul in o-h land, which cun l> d in nc>—1,7 ac: • *f -alt niur-h. lu juinoig U*i acr. s *>f elennd upland-; acies >f upland, nn the pn-mis's i.r- r * ttlenen:**. mgr. li 'U**** to acc*>mm*«iste **• n ?r on- *T thban.iM.nmst settlem.-nt* on the Riv. i. ;< c f rt.ihl" dwelling an.l oversepFs h.'Use. brick barn . M' on tIn i-h"r, winnowing house, Ac. Fos-e-sj. u e -a luun.'diati'ly. With th- lands may be purchased 170 to ISO NVpr *. tlm |dautatlun.ucciiatonmd to rice culture. For r in.- ply to It. HABERSHAM X nu.Y iiov 7 2aw.'!m XOTICK. OFFICE SAVANNAH, ALBANY A GULF R R. CO. » Savannau. Nov. 3. 1^55. . r piIE THIRD Instalmnit *>f lOpercmt. "till. 1 tal stock of tin* Company, is required to !»• ibis office, on Momlny* tlm "vl» dnv of .Innunrs n-x * older. CHAS. GRANT. S c y and 1 nov 5—emon.Tnn 7 S“kmS;i‘c, U , 1A ’ }To»ll "bon. il m, «« j IV her. a*. Jam.» F. Conoway hat applied t" m- f r j ter* of guardianship lo th. pr. *eiit property ot Vt... 11. nr.v Mdl.-r. a minor and orphan of VV ilhaui .1. Mill :• I lat* of said county. dec'd: I Tlmse sir.. therefore, Incite and admonish all c..n ' t" file their ot.j.'i tioiix. it any they hav>, within the tin.' ) nre*crih«dl.y law. otherwise Utter* of guardian-hip ml he gninte.l iliiMipplunnt. VV .tn *- inv hand and official .-ignaturc. this f-ili .lay Vov. ml ■ r. .V. D. Wm. JA8. RAIIN.Ordiuary l. r. l-’OIl MATTHEWS BLUFF AND IN TER M EDI.VTE |.ANDINGS. THE new and ILIhfimft xteannr VYM. I.ERRY. Gnpt. A.C. King, will leave iroin aml'a. lw et VVliarl. early on Wedne-da\ .'Ioni sing. 8. M. LAFF1TEAU, Agent. b 'LOllt, COHN, OATS, Ac.-10,uO) bur!, choice white Corn, li*) 1>ag«8u|*erttne Flonr, M)0 hn-hrlx cludce 1*0-1 Oats, loo bushels Corn Meal. At C- nlnd Railroad and instore, for sale Vv nov7 WA V ER A C» i.\M ANT1NF.__ very superior househoMC-sL ar sale on ariival. l>v ANI'l.i;.- *5 • 1 " kinds for l u LL r* , No. 6 VYlutakvr cargo of ed. will l«e 1M1I.D N I ATI.S ill All. | INF.. FOR FALATKA. L. KLA . VIA D/TRIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS, JACKSUN- VILLE, MIDDI.KBURG,(BLACK CREEK,) AND FiCOLATA. « . w I lm new and elegant Steam Packet nJUKflC’' 1 ' Jl >1158, Capl. James Freeborn, hav ing resumed her trips to Florida, will *rrve lor the above tilacex uver* 8aior.|ay, at 10 o’clock. For height or Passage, having excellent stale room acconuno .< lions, apply on honnl, al the Florida 8team Packet wharf, near the Gas Works, nr to Jo 23 CLAGHMRN A CUNNINGHAM. Agents. INUEPEADEKT IIOAT. FOR PALATKA & BLACK CREEK, E. FLA. DARIEN, Brunswick'. Vt. mary-, ga., and JACKSONVILLE, AND PR OI.ATA, FLA. To Li act (*>h her former day) FRIDAY. . . gfT— ta Tho favorite steam packet WEI.AKA, JsmmktBKC Capt.N. Kiug, willconnnenccber regu lar inns a* above, on FRIDAY, at 10 o’clock, A. M.. and will continue to leave rugularly every Frldav, ihu VVelnka l* well fitted up with airy Stale Rooms, aud is in every way well adapted to the mm*, sept 8 M. LAFFITKVt’. Agent. FOB IlI Vt lllRT VIA IILUFFTIIN, IIII.T«'N HEAD, l OYD’S LAND ING AND CHARLESTON. Tlieitcatm .’ VY M.REABRofiK, Cupt. F. Peek, will leave tor the above places *m Sunday, tin- 26th him., at 5, I*. M. Fur treight or passage,apply at tlm i.Tinrleiinn Wharf, s. pt 1 8. M. I.AFFITEAU, Agent. FOR KEY west AND HAVANA- TO LEAVE ON FRIDAY, I0TH INSTANT. TneSplendid F.8. Mail steamship is- ,ABEL, Rollins, Coinmatiiler. wiilleave •this port on Friday, i »ct. 19th, and will «Ka^aaBl l ' s, v" thereafter regttlai ly, on Uio 4th and (Hin ul uncii month. Thu ISABEL connect*, at Havana, with theC.8, Mail Steamship Coini.Hiiy’* Line *<i Sieumer* tnrSan 1‘rnuiiscu via Aspiuwull. ami will carry the I’uciflu mails. For I’axxnge, only, apply t« net 111 OOIIENS tt HERTZ. Agent*. FOIl »* Al. Vt'K A . FI.OItlDA, VIA DARIEN. BRUNSWICK. ST. MARYS, DEO . AND JACKSONVILLE, FICOLATA AND BLACK CREEK. FLA. U. S. MAIL LINE. „ -fj"—-k 1 lie now nnd a»i running sicntni'r H E- MIMII.E, ('apt. TIouiihx E. Sl.nw, will leave for 'lie nlime place*every Tue-ihiy, nt 10 o'clock. V M„ from thu Churlcalnu Steam Pncki't whnrves. ni l 20 8. 51. LAFFITE VC, Agt. FOR 4' IIA IC I.II.NTON — 17 very H i-diiev il ii > nml NiitiirUiiy AI It-riiomia, ut > x o'clock. , Till* stimm-hiti GORDON, jF. Barden, coiniiiander. will leave a* "wTli arnvo in Charle-tnii in time tn cuutiecl with |||.' Rallruad line* going North uud WeSL For height or pars.ige, npplv on the i h.irh-Mon Steam I'lii’k* l VV hart. i*» n .v I ' J. p. Illti n iKS, Agent. 4,^- FOIl NEW YORK—NEW LINK.—The • **‘br. V\. I,. COG.-VVI.LL Capt. Smith, will h.**« oiiiii.'.liut*'dispatch for above port. Apnlvte IIOV. 12 ruvvland’a son. FOlt NEW YORK.—The new schr. R. iaK'V • 'tl' Id,, Capt. New rein.', will have dispatch for above p..rt. For freight, npplv to noy 12 lll’XTKR & GAMMEl.l,. GILMORE *k CO.’S LINE. FOR N4.VV YORK. -IV. k l.on.KUanted.—'Tho dvr.GKv). DAVIS,Capt.Smith, wants Fifty Hales i oiiv.ii. In complete deck livid. Apply to no*12 II ENTER k OAUMELL. NOTICE. ~ ~ -in ^ NO DEBT cuiitruetcvl by any of the Crew ef the hwedish hark TRIO, Capt. VV ahlgren, will li" p.ii.1 hy him or the cniiNigliee. nov ID—a F. 11. VVF.LMAX. LOOKING GLASSES & PICTURE FRAME MANUl'ACTO RY. iioiun: v. mmi 9 WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL SALE-ROOMS, 01 Fursylli-IR.i Nrvv York. \I B II. V. 8. would .all the iiUfiitn>lt ol strangers visit• .71 iiu th. i lly, ami e»|Hviallv those in the tia.te. to his ext. n*i*. VV AID-RoO'IS* AND VAM FACTvillY. lu the pox*. **i..n ..| un 'quailed ta. ihtt. *. lie l* en.itd.'.l t.« ex* cute all onli'i'-on th*' |owe*t po**ild.' t.mi*. The *.de-n*>ni* are replete with ehoice *1*ciiiien*. aud a lull ax—riiurwl **f RICH GILDING IN ALL It’S HUANCHLS. Moulding*. Ri. li Gilt, How Wood*. Gak, Maple. and Mahogany , in ev. iy variety and .on.ianily on hand. iii.iers li,.in ul! pm. ol the United stale* and Caiiu.l.ix, eX' Ciil. >1 wuli pioiupiii. -».pu. ke.l vv 111* the greato*l ofmrv. V hi., ■ .1 ,h*e.'iini all 'We.ito the Tiade. 11. V . SIGI.EIt, 64. 67, «W ami 71 Fon*> tli-st., nov 12-41,,,ox 8 N.vvVork, r* aim, ul alt kind* ot St< vcaou ..vv pi I. . *. Call an I *••<• them. , la ‘ UlV F.I.L A LATH MUR E. I OCL DINGS.— cheap, nov 12—6 l lAGGIXG AXD ROPEKvl.-x hc:,'v7.7• I* nv i lutli. 2< i bolt* heavy Dundee (for S-a Liana 56 bolt* niedium *lo 44 inch. 3-jo coil* Kv Rope. ••• .» Ragging Twine. In store ami for sale bv ‘ ll " v VV KnSTEK k I’ALM E5. c l XDKIEN,—L>" dii/i ii 2 ii 3 xiriiml Br.«>m- • J- I'io/. n painted lliu kets. 2'si ft. m. 15 and 20 pii:-a Ir-n-t .iiind Kegs. N*» > 4 nnd l*oxc* Sardines. LO iHix. s Pip. *. In stor*‘ nnd for sale bv »Q V 1- WEBSTER k PALMES. HR ANDIES.—1 half pipe Otard Dui* y I Co. vintage. Ni 1 half Pipe do vin. 1S4S 4 d» Otard. Dupoy k Co. vin. 1S54. 8 quarter pipes do *lo vin. 1*>54. 1 half do F. Kleppcr k Co’s vin ltlft. 3 do do A Signette, vin 1 *‘52-3-4 3*) eighths Sarcnac Brandy. In store nnd for ule by WEBSTER k PALMES, nov 12 VyHlNKEY.—106 Imrrelx Monongalnh Whiskey. Tv 15 barrels choice old Bout bon do. 5 do do do Nectar do. 3*) do Ben Russell's Nectar Ambrosia do. In store and for sale by »»' 12 WEBSTER k P.V LMK.v i 'OFFEEi—460 bags from fair to prime Rio 1 ofl'- 75 bags prime lignum do. 150 mats old Gov t .Is* do. In store and for sale bv nov 12 ’ WEBSTER k PAI.MES- 7 Goslun Butter. 1" firkins looking do. lutubsd l*'") boxes white Cheese. For sal • bv n*»v 12 WEiiSTKI! k PALMK.« I BANCROFT’S EXITED NTATKS.-Th- IA History of the United State* from the di*. *.r> f the Aiiu'iimn continent, bound in doth and Ikautiful half-calf, iu 0 vols, by Georg* Bancroft. Also—Iowa a* it ix in 1-55; a Gazetteer for citlren*. and a land Invok for cimnigmnt*. cint.niring * fid' tie sciiption of the State of Iowa: lly N. Ilowe I’rL r: Omar Pasha, or the Vizier’s Daughter: Bv G. VV. M. 1 •• nold*. For sole by WAKNO* K A DAVIS, Bookselleis and Stationer?, nov 12 150 Congress-*: A ll B O T T'S NAPOLEON—The History ef Napoleon Bonaparte, iu 2 vol*. elegantlv Ivount ia ■ loth and half calf, with maps and lllustrution*. A fur ther supply received and for ►ale bv WARN0CK k DAVIS, 154 Congn I RVTXG'8 LIFE OF AVASIIIN'GTONV 1 To be lomplctcd in thr.w volume*. The Hist vol i> now ready and may be had of WARNOCK * DAVIS. nnT Congrcs* sti e I )RE AD—J.'*" barrel* Sugar. Soda'und Butter 1 'x A > cuit. 75 do Pilot Bread, 50 lioxes So.hi «nd Milk bis cuit. tor salo by WEBSTER A PALMES. nov 12 I JOT ATOES.—75 barrels *• Peach Blows,” (choi,') in store and for side bv nov 12 WEBSTER k PALMES. 11 J TDVR8. ' I. I, aiul I * 1 1 ) OPE.—ftk) cods Rope, lauding Horn selnvm r Jen IA Smith, and for sal*' l>v nov 1" CRANK, WELLS k CY> H A 31 si.—A small lot of choice Tennessee Ham- fer sale by nov 16 CRANE, WELLS .» CO. 'I'OUACCO—V arious Brand* lTvndmc. and :.t-al* 1 by nov 12 WILLIAMS A RAlDLilF. M EAL.—SUM bushels choice Mwvl, fov **>■ t>*‘- .■u*seconsignment. WILLIAMS A RATCLIFF v 12 la ASS. I all axes French Ula*s, 1 the most accomiiiiMlatiug term*. nov 12—6 ('llAl FIT. \ Ol.. \o ' Mle' k ' 1 »LINDS.— 1,0*.H> pair Blind*, id tin- vuu*'“* » u ‘ ) sale on tho most fuvorablo term*, by nov 12—6 C1IAFFLR A CO- No. i> Wldlaker S ash chea| nov 12—6 AO. D v» iO'*<»* * —• CALT.-LiveilHHil slilt in store, and lor Nii.'by O nov 12 BA V N A RD a It*'M LAND. AGGIN’G—Sea Island Cotton Bagging. Tiu'k.r, CooiH-r a Co '* brand, in store, and lor «al* bv , v i j BAY N AltD A It*»W I.ANl\_ 131K.—In store, ami lor sale by ■.nt).. ui si BAYNARD k ROWLAND \\ v 12 H U AN—In Sacks in store, and lor sale low t*' *>■'* ill" lot, by WAY NAKD k ROW LAND nov 12 I 'LOl'R.— 25*' sa< k» rxtiw Flour, Tor sale by < 12 WILLIAMS * RAYCLlD \'11U ID’S FROCK I’A.NTS AND VI>IS-4uM re- I ceiveil a largeas#**rlmunl of Boy’s flue Blue » ,K | Black * loth Frock Cnais, Paul* and Vests, which *•" gioHt and cheap. Cull and sou, at tho cloihtug " ,r «H Gibbon'* Range, by „ct 2.» GKO. 8. NICHOLS k C.. UtfCUQBB RAILROAD STOCK for »sj«by nov 4 O. A. L. LAMAB^ \v HITE BE VNS, MA'X’.tKOM AND V ER M ICi 7 7 1.1—Hi lio.xea Msccaronl, lOdo Vermicelli, ft'bDW VV bile Beans, Ibr sn'e by llllV ;| ^ J. V. CONNER AT ** lO-^ I vKIKII rs'lMf;ft<3r8.A'ASIO.'A1>*UI^-«!««* \llllnlHl., lit.tll NmI, UllX i.ll.)l»,. ('T MU’ hi UoV J J. V. CON S ERA 1 k CO. M