The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, November 24, 1855, Image 3

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—— SAVANNAH KKIM'Hi IC VN. SATURDAY MORTEN (4, NOVEMBER 24, 1*55. *J* t 'v fotice to Contractors. | '“ajs KiSi.*-} : iU;l» will In* received i*t this tiffin* FKNsren Sortial IVottcta. NOTirn FREDERICK R.GIIIFFKN and UKO.C.GR1K- .»u'H I’ROIMSALS will l»> received nt this Office FKNiremj'aullwtliml Allorn«]ii<|urill|mj’iImpikvIVvoi S'! h ?.. a . 1 .V. r.V ‘-I.'JJS «.a.uai¥ira». SaVKIllinh, Nov. 10, 1K56. xSO GRADING UF FORTY v40> SWTIONS OF ,|UHLE8TI).N AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD, 'miui iu inioni of lho 1UU Section. Just beyond • li-a t’lvek Man'll, to the villi of the 60th Socthui Ni lk>'haU'hlo River and Bridge. ‘ i|ni> la divided Uito tWlloua nTernging ww h on* m length, though the Individual Sections vary ' t ji fivin tliia average, to kuli Him more convenient w ,jii of the earth work. , aollli of L'leartng will vary aoincwlmt according ,»hty, hut will average about lot) foot. The Con- will lu nil iwa Im required to clear th* entire ■•I hl» contract Iwforu commencing tho earth- <r trestle-work. ...v will Im on the whole line an aggregate of ahout oi l ii hall (2‘,) mil.* of .trestle-work, which will lo ut tl to 0, amt In a few ruaoa 14 feet In height. Un of at rile I u iv adopted Tor sonn* places. will be i able row of plica driven about tl feet apart, rut off i i.U fret below gnulr ami Capped*, upon which capa •t the stringer*. And, In other places, the com- inverted Yr‘ treatlc. resting ii|«»ii a ground will, or mveaaary, U)Min a all! Itaelf, routing upon 3 plica off at or near the level of the ground. The llenta i rage ahout 10 M apart from centre to centre, connected together liv •tring-phic* not h-aa Qian imho* nquarcd timber, lu the •* Inverted 66" . every 6lh llent will l*e braced longitudinally, .naterial for tho treatlc and pile work mu«t In* of tho .piaUty Yellow Pine Timber, not loan than 18x12 • square. •u* unending to aubinit l’ro|>o*»l» mav obtain xact Infoiuiation by relbrcnec totheMapaand i and gi-iieinl S pec i Heat Iona In the ofllre. petal* may be aubmllletl aeparately for the earth including clearing.' and for the trealU*-work, proposing will specify the price for each acre r. 1 of clearing (Including •• grubbing" within the t the excavated or cmhatiked breutli.) the rate oc >urd of excavation or embankment, with the 11 hundred feet of average haul, beyond DM feet in«t be understood, thul where earth from the ex it is, by the Engineer's direction,hauled into tig* iiikmeiit, provided it l<e within the average haul of i lion. It will be )mld for bill once, with additional in e for average haul, and not paid for aaexcava- .in I emliankmeut both.'—the price |i*r l.inear find -lie work, of or within the liniila of it, 10 and 14 ighl. or. a» will l>e much pivferrcd, the price per i,ot. or Find It.aird uiymnirw of all material in tha They will also specify the Section or Section! rnpoM to con tract tm. Ixuiicnla will Im- made monthly on the estimate of :ineer of work done, •JO |k*i cent being retained ,'ompany for ita security nutil tho lluut cotnple- ns proposing will ktate what proportion of tho unik due them they will he willing to luko in Stock nl.of the Company. • >«als 'hmi! I l>e addressed to the undersigned. and «il “ 1'ropotal* for Graduation” or “or Proposals Tp-tie-work." ned) T110S. F. DflAYTON, President and Chief Kngiuoo. vv—eod'JODec *IUS. I)K. ClJiJiINGHAM’S SCHOOL WAS OprXU) Ob THE First !fffliida)' In November. S. C. would Inform her friends that there are a few vacancies which may lie filled by applying Imuie- \. A few young Indies would In- received into the * as boarding scholars, where they will receive the «t care and attentiou. .. MASSON. Teacher of the French Language. Rest- ■t North side of Liberty street, 4 doom above Bur- NOTK'K. INST ROTOR'S OFFICE, 19th NOV., 1H66. r^i — After the 'JAlli Inst,, all who shall nut have produml their Scab s, Weights and Measures at my Office for aiUustment, will In* promptly reported, imv ‘JO JOS. B1IKL1.MAN, Inspector 6V. k M. 0.8. NOTICE. , — — Tlie annual meeting of the Commissioners of #CflC*PnbUc Roads of Chatham tVmnty will he held at the iVurt House in the city of Savannah, on the tenth day, being the second Monday In Pccemlwr next, at 11 o'clock A. M.. District Commlsalonera will come prr|>aml to rv|Miri the length of thdr nwd'. the number of hands, the number of bridges, the number off days they work and the time of working. W. IV. W ASH. Secretary 20—JmDcc H. C. P. It. C. 0. NOTICE* TIIK Rale of Freight on Dales of DomonlC by this line to Now York, will bo Right Ceuta per foot, until further notice. PAHBLFORD, FAY Is UO. Orm-e N. Y. amU Savannah StbANsutpr'o. i [oclfi] Savannah, (lei. H, 1S6S. j lit AT*-. N OF FimUIT tl \ the Philadelphia and Savannah steam, ship l.liio, on Mglil Hoods mid Dry Hoods, will bo lo cools and IS ernis per cubic Tool, being the rates established prior to June last. ■ui<7 C. A. I„ I.AM All, Agent. KI'En.tL NOTICE. OTiintho first day ol February noxt, tho Arm ol HORTON k. Ill K KM AN, will be dlsaolveil by llmltailon. After this date, ihcy will do an ex clusive CASH IIUSINKS8, fir Ihe purpose of set tling up. All of our stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Fancy Hoods, wo will sell at a very small advance on the cost, fur cash only. IIDRTON Is niKGMAN, I III llroiigliton-streel. Savannah, June 1st, IHS3, may 31—If “hhf.cTai* notice. AI.I. PKRSON8 Indebted lo the Inleflrtn of PRICK k VKADKII are rtapttlj'ully requnted lo call on tho sub scriber and pay up, and thereby save trouble and ex* penee. WM.o. PRICK, 147 Ray street, Jy 11 Sumcing Copartner. NOTICE. nr I IIAVK removed my Office lo No. 17(1 nay SI, out 31 OCTAVUS COIIKN. iLottrcfcs. 1BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OFOEOROIA ] Havana Plan Lottery. Jasprr I'onnly Aradrmy Lottery t MACON, CiA. r PH'« UlTTKRV lit coii'liiclcil on tin* plan of tha Royal T * lottery of Havana of single numbers, and drawn at CONCHRT IIAI.U MACON, UA., under tin* swum superintendence of Col. tlco. M. Logan aud Jus. \. Nlsbet. fesip Orwiul Ichrme for December 17th, 1855. W hen. nmouutlng to 800,0001! OLAaa X. Will lie distributed on follow-N: Aalto at auction. •Sairs at auction HV WYLI Y A {tlOiVr.HOl.I.IN. IIV MPENCEII CHHHKLI, A CO. Dice nt Private Hale. Adnilnlotrnbir'a Sale. 6 tierces of ^tlcii lu store, uml for sale low, torlnaa con- , On the first TUK8DAY In January next, before the Court •' , ’ v House In thu city ofSavaunah, botwean Uiu legal hours 1 Prlr.e of f 16,000 is $l.’i,00i) do 1 do fi.INVl is 4,IMS) is :i,ixiu is 8.1100 Is l..Vsi is 1.100 Is 4.000 8JI00 8,000 1,600 1,100 6 Prises ur #1,000 Is 6,000 10 do 6iM) is 6,IMS) 10 do 200 1s 2,000 10 do l’JOIs I.JOO 26 do KNI Is 2.600 70 do 60 Is 3,600 330 do 26 l« fi.400 I.EFLER k UILCOX, DENTISTS, Office ova* DeVVltl k Morgan's Store on Congress Street. • AV ASM Alt, OA. oct 4—ly JAS. R. DICKSON, Life and Fire lusuraure Agent, ILL TRAVEL through Central mid l’pper tieorgin and Tennessee, duly nuthorired by responsible lines, to solicit ami receive upplicalions from par- oi'lnng their lives or property insured. »tU alyo act as agent for the Savannah Republican. »ter» to Messrs. Webster A I’aimed, Win. King. Ken- S Dearh, J. M. Norwood. P. \V. Alexander, V. W. .Savannah. nov fl—tf WILLIAMS A RATCLIFF, ~ General Commission Merchants, Ravanuah, Georgia. wjLUAMa. anwiH RATCurr. LANDS AT AUCTION. r^»I SOLO AT rrauc AVCTIOX IX TIIR CITT Of BRt’XSWICX.OA. OX TCESPAT, 27m IXSJ., 10,000 ACRUa F PINE AND HAMMOCK LANDS. 'HL**K LANDS lie contiguous to Wuter Carriage, and :he lin«* of the llrunswick and Florida Rail Road, aud icnhy of attention. F r particulars, cmiuire of K. M. MOORB, F-«Q.. Agent. llmti'wlck. Ha. MXliliSma 1030. I’UNTERS AND M Kill’ll A NTS' ALMANAC, For the States of Carolina and Georgia, For tlie Year of our Lord 1800. eeiv«l and for sale, wholcs.ilu and retail, by WAKNOCK A DAVIS, &• kwller* and Stationers, No. 16U Congrst street. ».»JJ Id*firs. Istllrg. 1st llrlg. lat l>lv. ) UK0IIU1A STATE MILITIA. V Savannah. Nov. 14th, 1M66.J r IS IIEUY.RY ORDERED, That an Kli-ctloii take plaea * *rn Cap tain.First an I Second Lieutenant* amt Ensign, mnwn l ( omtavny 11 of this Regiment, «t the office of ■ I titN. F.- I. <*n M >nday, the ’JHth inst., under tho ,mr* ment« m > nfirmity to the law. h i« ordered, 'flint an Election take place for a Captain, mil Second f-i-iii*-niiiitN and Ensign. (•• command rnj sny 1». • ! ilii« IN giuient, on Monday, ’JHth inst., at lie <• of limit M. litsaell, Es.|., under the usual re- r-'inetit« ■ f tie- law. 11« «!-• '.rl- r«l.TUat an Election take place foraCap- n. Fit-) * i n "ill Lieutenuntsaml Ensign, to com- iiili K , f this Itegiuicnt, at J. H. Mabston s fi n “i!. in fir 'Ughton street, on Tuesday, 27th inst. I up n ilie miiic >1 ly. that an Election shall take place *j t.un. lirst in*l He,ond Lieutenant* and Ensign. '•:u:i.4iel t'etiipany F.of this Ri-giin*-uL ut the oilier of r llvir ar,. t.s |.,all of which elections shall U* held ■•r the n ,iuireun-uta of the law. Ily order of JAMES SULLIVAN* Lieut.Col. 1st It) gilll* lit U. M. r -- g - Dvxttts. AilJ't l»t Reg't. nov 10—t,I FOIl SALB. ACRES of bind, lying in Sc riven county, Ttand «,n tlieOgia-cliee River, 62 miles from the city, Kaau I the C. It. It. ruiiutiig through it; 75 acres of upland and a portion ,,f the bnv laud cbar*-d and ■ feme, the baluneo well tiiut- red witli pine and rgrowth. Tlie bay land is o<ji*al|y a* good and fertile ’’Cooper's" or •• Young's I,ays. it lying In-twei-n . Tlie Improvements are a l! £ story frame Dw elling, . 00 feet, with five rooms and nil n*Ve«*ary outbuild- T)i**hculth of the locution isasgiH'lu* any in tho untry. On the place is a fine Peach t»r< hard and •h-scriptlonsoffniit. With the place can be tonight •lock of Cattle and lings, Ac., and a go**d as«ortnnnt 'lining Imideiiieuta, If tho purcbas«*r wishes. For dms. apply to WM. WRIGHT. 12—3 w nr FRIENDS AN It FEI.I.O W-CIT17.BN8.— t am aCandldaie for re-elec lion tor tho office of TAX Cols* I.BCTtiR, ontlie 1st .Monday lu January noil, and res- peel lull) ask y our sup|>orl. F. ,W. STONB. N. H. If elected, I pledgo mvself not to accept or any other office. [oct 311 F.M.H. TO TIIK VOTKRH OF CHATHAM COUNTY. GENTLEMEN I am a candidate for Ihe VXSP office nf Tux Collector of this County, (the eleciion to he held on th** first Monday In Jumiury, 186ft.) ami respectfully solicit your support, nov I—tele A. F. HEN NETT. 2« Approximation Pri*e 6ul l’rl/es amountiiig to |ftl)|U00—Only 10,0tX) Numbers. Every prize drawn at each drawing, auil |«ld when duo lu full without dcdnctlon. Orders strictly confidential. Drawings sent fo orders. Registered letters at my risk. Dills mi all solvent Rank* at par. Ticketa #10—llulvea #5—Quarters #2.50. tif Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, HOY 24 . Mac,m, Ha. ne and Pu monl l.ntlerv,Class SMI: 77 4 54 56 St 19 00 It) SO SO 74 28 06 7 nov 84 B. WITIIINUTON. *(>5,000. 7H Number I.oiler)—15 Drawn ballots. Greouo and Pulaski Lottery. CI.AKN H FOIl 1855. To be drawn at Wilmington. Del, November S4th, 185 HHEHUKY 4c MAI'RY, MANAGERS. ■f'llBNi: l of tOA.oon-i or too,«oo-i of •10.000. TirkolH #20—Shares in proporlon Tickets and Shares ullhor singly or by lb* Package, for sale by nov24 B. WITIIINHTON. slgniuent. nov 10 On the first TUESDAY In Doeember next.tietwe _... tho usual hours of sale, will lie sold belors theCourt House, bit and improvement* No. 6, Calhoun Wurd, eurnvr of Join's and Alairrurn stn ols. On this lot Isa new ly finished brick house, with ull tho niiHieru Improvements. Term*—llulf cash, Imluneeut six mouths,with approved security; purchaserpuyiug fortifies. nov HI On the first TUESDAY in December next, at 11 o'clock, w ill In* sold heforo the Court House, A Negro Woman, ami her two Children. Terms -Cash; purchaser pay lug for titles. ttov 10 At Auction. On tlie first TUESDAY In December next, in front of the Court House, between the legal hours of sab*: 2 Canadian Ponies, good gentle Saddle Horses, and waimuted sound.nov 22 impiniiu ffnucrtioctncnt. dLt&X A Vessel to I. VKHNRL8 WANTED. d to loud from Jacksonville. Fla., to .. ilelphlu. to bmd from Jackaonvllle, Fla., to lloston. A Vessel to b>ud from Darien. Uco„ to Thomaston, Me. For whlcli a IIImtuI fr»*lglit will l>e paid. Apply to nov 23 WAVER k CONSTANTINE. ,, FOIL NEW YORK.—OLDKSTAULIBHKD LINK.—Th,* brig MARY, Walker, master, will ZkU&luive de*|ialch as almvc. For freight, apply on board nt Telfair's Wharf, or to imv 23 llRIHIIAM. KELLY kCO. FOR BALTIMORE.—Tlio sehr. WiXJli jllUlDUK, White, master, will have dLputch for ive |s>rl. Foi freight or passage, apply on hoard at Telfair's Wharf, or to HHHIIIAM. KKLI.V A CO. FOR’ BOSTON.—Tlie ship HARTFORD, llaltett, master, will have de*|>ateh for thu above listrt. For freight or passage, apply on hoard at Hairs Whnrf, or to nov 23 RKKUIAM, KELLY A CO. of sale, A Negro Man, William, aged 46 ycara, latlnnglng to tho estate or 5lrs. Ann E. Guinn, by |>ermlMlon ofthu Court of onllnary. GEO. P.UARH1SON, Adiu'r. nov 20 Real Estate at Private Hah*. Hix llrick Teuenients, two stories on a basement, hand oomcly finished, corner of llurnnrd und Gaston streets. Rents for #1.700 |M*r annum. Also, leu Drlek Tenements, corner of Harrison and 8t. Gall streets. For further |«irf It ulnrs enquire ut the olfin*. Also, it Negro Woman, aged 24 years, with her two children, one 4, the other 2 yeur* old, sound and healty. Sold for no fault. The woninu Is a good plain cook, wash er and lioger. nov 13 At Private Sale. 2 Hhurcs Oglethorpe Plank lluklKIncki If not sold l>e- fore the first Tiiesduv in December next, will lie sold at puldis outcry totbo highest bidder during thu usual Imiira of sale. 3 nov 10 LOST, WANTS, &c. xVanted, I AND WARRANTS. The highest going rates will be J | mi id for bind Wurrants, hv nov J1 M’ENCKIl crUREI.I, A CO._ AV ANTED, A HITI'ATIgN, by n 6‘ouug Man, as Teacher in a fam ily or Assistant in an Academy. Satisfactory refe rences will be givvu as to his com|>etency to teach in any of the brunches usuully taught lit schools. Apply at this office. nov 21—ft WANTED, T 6VO Negro Men to drive drays, for which liberal wages will be paid monthly. Kmiuire nt n..v 16—0 _ LYNN A SNIDKR'8,96 Day afreet WAITED TO’ IIIII I'.. | •) Alll.K lUHMKD Negro Men lo work as coal-passers I £t oil board steamship Isabel. Apply to nov & COHENS k HERTZ, 111 NIC AI. CARD. JUXilUS HARING, I m roft'HHor of kllHHic, Reep<>ctfiilly offer Ids sorvices to the- citizens of .*»avunmd>. a To la* found at IV. D. Zogbaum’si >1 usio Store oct I- a A HATS AND CAPS Corner linrniiril k Bruugliton-Sts. B ELDEN'K NEW STYLE SILK IIATS. SOFT HATS, of all descriptions. CAPS of every STYLKnml QUALITY. I-ow lor Cash or uoou Cavni r. CORNER OF oc 8-ljao RID U’•«UTON «t DARN ARP, B. EUjXjXS, Factor and General Commission vii:i{<uvvi\ No. 71 llii)'Mri<ei, Nnx’itnuuh, Hu. DECK FKF.IGIIT WANTED. A DK' K LOAD of t'olion is wanted for llrig L. A PALMER, hound for Doslon. Apply to nor 8 COIIBNS h HERTZ, WANTED, T O PURCHASE, Sccomldiuml Wine Appl Apply to >1 Porter Dottles. T. J. WALSH, No. 170Day street. WAITED. filA A/wv RUSH ELS of OYSTER SHELLS to bo ItfUaHUU delivered wlllitn Ihe next six months.— Apftly to _ net88 0. A. L. LAMAR. •V ANTED. H ANDS to work III the upper Rico Mills. Apply at ihe Milld or lo ocl 0 ROUT, II ARKUSH AM k RON. CauBOiatcn foc0fficc. FOR WHEN IFF. FELl.OVV-tltlZENS— lolferlor the..nice qhSr of SherifT of Clialhum cnmily, nt Ihe eosuing eieciioti III January next, mid lespectliillv solicit your support ioct 17—Id] WADING IllMsKLL. IB. Nl O I, I N A . IMPORTER OF CHOICE SPANISH SEGARS, Tobacco, A'c. Corner op CoNoaaas and Dull Streets, SAVANNAH. nov I—lyr B. M. BLOUNT, ( iXi AGENT* DARIEN, GEORGIA, YXTOI'LD respect!til ly refer purilustn tho following VV genllemen: Alexander Mitchell. T. P. I’en-o mid Jacob Rokeiiboiigh, Darien. Ga ; Saiou *1 Palmer k Hon, Havaooah ; M.I’.Htacey, K»q., charlaaioo, a t' i P. J* Heck, Esq ,69 Wall-street, Now York. Darien, t let, 1865. oct 2 OPENING FALL AND WINTER .1111,1- NF.HY GOODS* MIIS. C. FREELAND will open this day, IHh of Oc'i ber, a largo and Pelected assortment of goods, coiisistingof French, Hilk, and Hntln llonnets; al«o a choice lot of plain and colored Ribbons, Velvets. Lac.-*, Flowers, Fu&lhera, Embroideries, Dresaf.'aps liinl Head Dresses. llonnets t leaned ami Pressed. N. R. And tliio Season, ill lira Dress makli g depart ment, she •» III In* enabled >o please her customers fo every respect as to Filling. Making mid Triming. ns she has advantages of prociuing Ihe best amt must ap proved Paris Fa'lihms. monthly, having also engaged iheaervicus of a competent pcr»on lruin ihe North.— She will p.iy particular aileiiiioii to tho Making, Hrald- Ing and Emhroiilerliig of Uhildrvn'a Dresses. Dresses made in the most lusliloniihle maiuiei In twenty-four hours. 177, RltOHGHTON i-TRKET, ocl IH Opposite HI. Andrews Hall, FOIl OK DIN A 111 TO'TIIE VOT’EKH (IF CHATHAM l.'OIJNTY, Gentb-tneii:—I am n Cumlldnlo for election lo of Ordinary, at llio nhudlon m Jummiy next, and will bo ihankful for your support, may 89* II. O, 8HBFTALL FELLOW CITIZENS:—| am a' camlldule for the office nf Ordinary al the eleeUou In lanusiy next, and respectlully ask your support. J5,’6fi HARNAIU) E. DEE. W E are aiithorlxed lo announeu J A .M EH B. GODFREY, us a camlldule for the otllco ol Ordinary of Chatham County, at tho ensuing Jumiury election. may ft—id •Fjjftp* We are authorized to announce Tlfo.MAH Jl. HARDEN, us u candidate tor thu otilce of ordinary of Ghaiham l.'ouuty, at the eioiiing Jniiii |e 4—tile* uuiy n ay • FOB H AVAIL—The Ship CONSUL, Captain J. II. .Mortimer, fur engagement of Grain or Cot- Z&SSL tons apply to imv 22 J, R. k J, 0, MILLS. FOIl NEW YORK—DEM ILL S LIN F..— |The regular packet lmrk PETER DEMILL, N. \, nuiNtar, wants about 400 bales Cotton, to eouipb-tu >.go. Apply to ROWLAND k SON, nov 22 mA ■ FOIl NEW YORK—G KORGIA LINK.— J.TIni Moo rust aalliog m lir U)YAL SCRANTON, 'll master, will have quick ib sputi h f..r the above Fur freight or passage, apply i*n board to raptaiu, nov 21 COHENS X HERTZ. tsr At Prlvalu Hale. t> Shares Armory Hall Stock. If not sold at private Bale will be sold al public out cry, beforo the Court D"ii*e, on Tuesday the Olh of November, during the usual hours of salo oct 31 Aatrs si Wm? 1 ?"- HV T. J. WALHi. — dN'^UKHDAY.’fk cetnlsT 4, will !«• fold In frmt <M lire Court House, Iwtweeh tho legal lionw ur san , 60 head «.r Slie. p, 111 fine Mllcll Cow* wills Ula is, 22 hood of Htoeli Cuttle, 1 Mnl-*, 1 Kurrel M»re, l l,nun bushels sh'-lled Corn, moru or less; 3.IXW R*a FOJbjWi more less, sold on the property of T. Green, doieaaeu, un der decree of Uie Uou .Superior Court of Chatham county. Terms cash. , . Tim ileal Estate, Negroes, Ac., will be disposed of on tit* 1st January, inflil, nt the Court House. The sheep. Milch Cows, ami Stock Cattle, cun buscen at any tlni” on Hutch- Inson’e Island, Roys On Uiu first TUESDAY In December nest, will bo sold before the Court House, Western Hull l/d 27, Greene Marti, property "f Estate Win. H. Johnston. Hold by permission of the Ordinary for the benefit of heirs mid creditors of said estate. iiov ft—Id 0. W. JGIINHTON, Adm'r. At Private Halo. Two families of Negroes, a woman aged 38 year*, a field hand, with her children, a boy 13 years and n girl 8 y ears—a Woman 35 years, a good Cook and Washer, her children, a boy 8 years, and a boy 1H months. Ti tles unilotihu-d. nov 2 Public Halo. C3 Plantation Negroes will bu sold nt public outcry, on THURSDAY, 23d of November, at II o’clock, al Milieu, on the Central Rail Road, (7!> mho itallon.) This gang of Negroes wero raised in Hcflven County, on tlie plantation of Jefferson Roberts, and nre well known tlnunghout that County as good plantation hands, accuslnmod to the culture of corn and uottoii. Tho men an* among the most expert and skillful Umber cullers In the Hiato. To those de'lmus nf purchasing Negroes for plantation purpovos unexceptional In every respect, and of established reputation In their neighborhood, an opportunity Is afforded such aa seldom occurs. Titles undoubted. Terms cash, or city acceptances. For Inlbrmatlou, apply to TIDM. W.COLLINH, Macon, Ga., or VVYLLY la MONT Ml >LLIN. oct 89 Savannah. Ga. Private Halo. BH'iUTriand llran, In quantities to suit purchasers— A pair of gentle Family Carriage Horses, kind In har ness and good irave hr*. Central Railroad Htock. South Western Railroad Slock. net 27. Al Prlvalu Halo! A llnnd of the Htate of Georgia for #.'i00, bearing In terest 7 per cent. A llond of thoHouth Western Railroad for #500.con vertible In Stock. ocl 15 eb-rlion. Himw*. | 'tram Saw Mill, k Land for Sale. , A FINE HTKAM HAW MILL, located lu Bulloch ruiinty, on the great Ogeechee Diver, together with a tract of lo.ouo aen s^ood pine land, and »oiin* swamp land upon widen Is a Dm* growth of Ufkory, a*h, Ac. About t>U0 acres of tlie laud Is !.ii|*on w hi< li are two s**ttknit*nU of goml dwellings, house and all necessary improvements for plantn- «**'. The Mill has an excellent circulursaw ntUclmd. property will Im sold at a bargain. Kmiuire of n. McCIUMN. 2m Rcarboro - . gcrlven Co., Ga. .’ Charleston Courier will copy the ulwvu to tho aiu’t dollars, nml send bill td this office. For Sale or Lease, A FARM, four miba from tin* J,. I niln vv l iter’s Hair, BY OCTAVU* COHEN, il 1 ’ILL l>»v»M on Monday ,2t*tb Inst., at lo o'clock from VV m> lower Store; b" bale* Gunny ( loth; 2 rases Rooks. 1 case Rrushes; t cases Mi-rchamllzo. 1 box Iron Rollers; I coils Rigging. 1 case Marble Slabs: 2 barrels Mackerel. 2 half barrels Mackerel; 77 boxes Pickets and Pre serve*. 36 boxes Ph kels anil Preserves; 7 Hi rers OIL Running part of two 4 wheeled Wagons. 1 Im idle Twin-. . . . . contain* ^Ing Fifty Aires of Land, a portion of which is -bared nml under cultivation, the balance well E-i— woudisl. . Flurgn quantity of manure is now upon the land, snf- t f*>r anotlit-i season's cron; also, the present win- of vegetable* are now in a fin** state for marki t. >n given immediately, as the owner wishes to y |«r**>n desirous of such a place, would do well to ' NO. 143 BOI'GHTON 8T., or at Messrs. WYLLY 'NTMoLLl.VM Office. « pair of Fine Young Mules, well broke. Valuable Plantation, in Liberty €o., FOn HALE. | T II K Suliserilier, wishing to remove, offers for I* In* plantation udyuiuing (In* village of Flem- >n*is|ing of eight hundred acre*, a part of which ■in i e-sfully iiiltivnte<l in crops of Corn, Cotton Ilia balance well tiiul>ered w illi oak, rypress, How pine forest, convenient to the Havannah, Al- I Gull Rail Road. Upon the premises are a F nalil* Dwelling, gin-house, grist mill, negro house* 1 ’•"" * In gissl reymir. A good schmi) nml elffirch r Ly, and nu extensive, und unrivalled meadows | ‘k grazing. ■on* w isliing to buy will please apply to JOHN K. ,'IAN.N, liim sville, Ga., or to WYLLY A MONTM0LL1N. |l \NY CI.OTIl.-:.; Ral-s and U llalcs heavy unny Cloth, In store uml for sale by T. It. k J. II. .61 ILLS. JlllRTH.—.Inst recelvisl, a Inrge assortment o'r Filin orts, Gist are Hhirtsiiml no mistake. When in want nov 17 WM. O. I’ltlCK, 147 Ray st. IbH-kland Lime for sale. I»v ROWLAND A HON. I'PKHFINIC FLOUR, Corn MealH^ Com n store ami for aale by LYNN A H.MDKR. I' K FLOt.'It,—60 Mils Kxtiu, landing and fo'rVaio WJI.L1AM- A l[A'K'l*HF 1 _ \ IIIHKKY.—X XX .'TXX and Old Nectar Whim ■R}. landing and for sale by williams ARATCUFF. | I'lK. I.'HNI i asks l.iiri", 60 cask* CaldDed Plaster, "''hug this day, and for sals hv '* CARLfcTON A PARSONB. I'Tim. .,v„ m )vidle Pina Uth*’,~l<i fbet White " iFwnls, Umliug from bark Kmpns», for sab* by CARI.KTiiN A PARSONS. U , 'A|(H,_|| nTnnn Hegarsreceived p'r Isabel, nml -d'by nov 111 MINIS A JOHNSTON. f^ATOKH A18 DON IONS.—600 bids planting y ; ■ - •* JWI do hating PntatiM'S, 50 do Iteduml Whitn I Uiidlng and for sale bv .4 J ' IlDIjjiiMItK. JOHNSON A00. | *fK. -In store, and for sale by _ '•*. _ IIAYNARD A ROWLAND. I “K. '-tiin bills.“RocClaud Uin'e. lamhug ibis day. ■y'l°r sale by ROWLAND A HON. fMl FOTATOKN lj „„f„ 1 g'il, j sd«) from brii ■t Uwrem .• from H ml f**i side by _ I.VNN A HNIIlF.n. I^IEKN HAY,- Ihmi bab’S f-jtsiein ||a>. dirw • Muine, landing per ship Itotumlu. Im sale bv DRIGIIAM.KI.LLV A t o. I'VIKH.’, fa.mii.i 11. j,,, •>ed, and fur »«l** bv SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. One Uiigg.v ami Harness. Being part nf the Cargo of th- Brig Martha IIlll. wrecked on Nug * Head. North Carolina, ami reshipped to this port per schooner Seeing, aobl by order of the Port Warder* fur account of the underwriters and ull concerned. Terms rush. nov 22 AUCTION MAliXaS. BY MINIS k JOHNSTON. EXECUTORS SALE O N the first TUKHDA6' in January next,in front of the Court House, between the legal lioilis of sale. Will be Mild, ill euiupliaiice with the last will ami testament of late Doralln u Abrahams, the following valuable City pro- porty, i" longing to said estate 1 Half Lot No. 4 In fee simple. Laroche, Tything Heath- court Want, mxt to the residence of J. W. Morrel, with the brieh two story dwelling, store and cellar, fronting on Broughton street, now oeenpii-i| by J. D. Jesse nsa lumily gr<M cry, sultjei t to u lease of three year* from first of Feb ruary next. Lot .No. 3, Liberty Ward,with the two tenement two story wooden dw elling, fronting on Broughton street, with car riage bouses, stahlea and kitchen. The lot issulijert loan annual ground rent to the City of $27.60 (twenty-seveo ilollur* ami filly cents.| Also, Lit No. It*. Jaekson Ward, on w'hirh isn large two storv wooden dwellingnii a high briek l>a« u» nt. fronting on II11II street, with carriage house and stable; on On* southwest corner of said lot, Isa small two story wooden dwelling on a high hrick Imaenient, fronting also on Hull street, withemrringe house and stable; lids lot is subject to an annual ground rent of #33.12 (thirty-three dollars and twelve cents. The above property will he sold without reserve. Tcrma—Gm*-tlilrd rush, one-third three months credit, and remaining third four mouths credit, secured by mort gage of On* property, and policy of in*urnm*e transferred. J. I >K I. A MOTT A, nov 10 Executor Deroilo a Abrahams. B ALLAnT MUTABLE FOR PAVING.— 6u Ton* Stone, suitable lor paving, etc., for sale, if applied for immediately. FOIl U’LI.KK OF* COl ItTN. rjar FELLOW CITIZENS:—I am a c.iidldaie HfJfF for tho office id 1 Ter#’ of the Superior and (ulurinr Courts at the Heel Ion In January next, nml re sped 1 nIly ask yoursiippnrt. JNo. E. DAVIS. Je »—Ido FELL' > W i:riTZKNH: -l am a - candidate __ nt tho election In January next, for t.'lcrk of (TieSuperior and Inferior Courts,nml will he Oiunklul lor your siilfrugez. WM. II. IIL'LLtHJIl. may 14 JnoH’flO ""lit iTfoB.—We nre autliorlMNl 10 aoiinuoca WmtT JOHN V. TAItVKH ns n c’amlldale lor Clerk of the Superior nml Inferior t;oorta,nt the ousulugelec tion, lo January next, may 12 Jan ’.611 HEt'EIVEII or TAX Itl'.TI ItNN. nr Feu.ow-LTtieens : I am a candidate for tho office of Receiver of Tax Itulurns, for Chatham County, at the election In January next, and rospuctliilly solicit your vote*, nov 3--id s. S. SIIILKY. FELL »W CITIZENS :—Oii the first ol May last, I announced myrolf a candidate for Receiver nf Tax Returns: nml tint note acandl- imte lor Ihnl office, al the next election, ami respect fully solicit your support. Your obedient servant, jo tl H. T. Til BUS. TO MY FELLOW CITIZENS OF GHATIIAM UJ. I uin a cumlnlalo for Receiver of'J'ax Re- 1 urn* at tho election In January noxt, and ro- •qiecinilly ask voiir support. inoy 8 ’-Jan5,’5« _ WM. W, OATES. SAVANNAH, MAV |, 1ffiST Messrs. Ediiors:—You will pleu*u »n- nnunce Mu. ALEXANDER TIIOMA8 as a _ did ale for Receiver of Tax Ueliirns. at the ensuing January election, and oblige MANY VOTERS, may 3 • FELLOW CITIZENS:—I am a candidate fbr the office of Receiver of Tax Returns, In Januury next, and tespeclfuMy solicit your voles, may ID—tf 1. E. DILLON. FELLOW-CITIZENS:—I am a candidate |jsg& for Ihe office of Receiver ol Tux Ueliirns, in January next, and respectfully solicit your voles. may H If ’/. N. WINKLER. FELLOW-CITIZLNH:—1 uin a candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns, in January noxt, and respectfully solicit your volos. innv30 If IOHN It. *1 MIERSII AM. «ir lo {Li* XV ANTEI) TO C’ll ARTEH.-A vessel ^^jgto load with Timber and Lumber, fur St. .lohus N. II. Apply tu CARLETUN k PARSONS. yis FOIl NEW YbllK-lirlg AUGUSTATSbum ♦jJ£masl* r. will mwt with despatch fur thu uhuvo poll. Fur freight engagements, apply to imv 21 DANA * 6YASHRURN. aO? FOIl BOSTON .—The new fast sailiug ^HClNwk*'1 bark GENERAL WARREN, D. F. Clifford, iiuisiit, having twivtldrds of her cargo engaged, will have Immediate dispatch. For bslnme of fn*ight apply to captain on hoard, or to nov at) CAR I,ETON A PARSONS. FOIl NEW YORK—DEMILLS LINK,— FIRST VESSEL.—The schr. 6V. L. COGSWELL, initli, want* loo hales cotton to complete cargo.— Apply t<> nov 17 ROWLAND A SON. 3 f\ FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER Stalk FOIl AN EASTERN UR NORTHERN POUT.—The new schr. J. A. STANLEY, Capt. Simmons, is ready to receive freight or charter ns above. Apply to tioviT Rowland a son. FOR NEW YORK—GEORGIA LINK.— he line lust suiting schr. TUGS. IlOLCrtMUK, dee, will have quick despatch for the ntnive port. For freight or passage, apply uii board to tlie captain, or to imv 16 COHENS A HERTZ. FOR 1*111 Ij A DELPHI A.—llrig GEO. ♦SaBWIHTNEY. Raker um*tcr, having most of lifir cargo engaged, will have quick despatch as above. For freight or pa**nge, apply to nov 16 BRIOIIAM, KELLY A m. FOR BOR TON.—Tlie now and test sailing ^U2;imrkGKN. WARREN, will have despatch for the above port, For freight, apply lo nov 16 CAKLKTON k PARSONS. FOR BOSTON.—TIio But sailing bark IDS' 1EGHGE THOMAS, A nisi airy master, having |iart ol lo-r cargo engaged, w ill have quick iles|mtch as above. For freight or passage, apply to raptaiu on board, or to imv 11 CARLKTON A PARSONS. FOR NEW YORK.—Tlir new schr. if. ’• T"I.L.t’apt. Newroine, will havedispntrh for ''f WANTED TO CHARTER.—A Vessel about the cn|uuity of 260 casks Rice. Applv to nov H COHENS A HERTZ. Ai' FOR FREIGHT CHI CIIARTERT^ ^Wwa^Th'* schr. ANANDALE, Hus>* master. Apply b lioTS CAIILKTGN A PARSONS FOR LIVERPOOL.—Tin* A 1 American AsC.*hlp EG I' li'Y, Janes J. Noyes master, having most 01 her cargo engaged, will have quick desputch.- For halance of freight, apply to imv 0— tf CARL KPI’INO. YElfeEL WANAIJD* A Vessel from 4IM) to 600 Inns to load with sawed Lumber for Uadez. For which a libe ral freight will bo paid. Apply lo imv 2 COHENS 4c HERTZ. jQk FUR FREIGHT OH CHARTER —The brig >LI'S, Knowlton, muster. Apply to oct .111 JIG DEN, STARK k CO. ' [s ,2, “T’i m SALK.—t-'uum'll’l* lilt cilAliTHli —rite a'.e schr M.VIttr.TTA HAND, well siiiie.i n.r carryTog Grain or Colton, will lake freight or charter, or can lie purchased on application lo Cupt Terry , on hoard, at Anderson's upper wharf,or lo oel 3J ID »\VLAND 4c SON. FOR LIVKKPOOL.—Tho ship MARCIA C. DAY, Chase, tnnsler. will have despatch for Ihe above port- For freight of 500 bale* Cotton, apply lo oct 2H _ J. 0.61 ILLS F')Il LI VEHP'KJL—Tin* A I American Shin _____ CHARTER OAK, lloudliiile, master, having part »t bur cargo engaged, will have quick despatch for above port. For frelgnl apply to ocl 211 BRIGHAM. KEI.I.V k CO. t'DIft KENT. M Two large and commodious brick storer, In the roar of the old steamboat Co’s Yard, from 1st Juno lo 1st November, 1865, with the privilege of continuing ilia reul lor a longer period. Apply atlhls office. may 24—If 1IOENE FOR MALE. M i’hat large and ooininuitoiia Dwelling for merly occupied by Dr. Wlldmsn. situated on a lull and halflot at tho corner of South Broad and Abercoru slieels In this city • Tonns liberal. Apply lo nov 3 BACUN k LEVY. TO KENT, M TWO TENEMENTS In Gordon Block, front ing Chatham Square, and well furnished with water, gas, .tables, 4ic. Possession given 1st November. EDWARD G. WILSON, Agent, ocl 10 No. 73 Bryan Street. rim'll bnt7 M TIIE EASTERN TENEMENT of Brick Build ing, corner of Aboco o aud Jones Street Apply to ” HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON fc CO. oct 20 Private Halo A likely mulatto boy aged 2.6 y ears, to be sold to a clly resident owner, only. Terms accommodating. sep 2ft Private Halo. Two “ Ely’s Patent” Gins for Hoa Island Cotton, fine finish, with mutalic rollers, (new,) for sale low. Also, 100 sacks of(2 bushels ouch) Egyptian Oats fur seed, for sale in quantities lo suit purchasers—a supe rior a rtMe. net 0 RANSOM STOVE WORKS, FOK TAX L'ULLEUTOK. ro THE VOTERS OF Cll ATM A M COUNTY. GENTLEMEN I a in acandidate for the __ office of Tax Collector of this County, (the election to lie held 00 tho first Monday In Januury, 1850,) and respectfully solicit your support, may l«— tf PETER G.THOMAS. pAVlNG .* I nov 17 ROWLAND k SON. NT()\E. —.Mi Ton* for nieetiv IP i\V I, AM) AfHON. iJlPEKIOR IMPORTED WINKS, BRAN- 17 DIES, Ac.—2 half pipes very old t'ognue llnuidy; 4 q, pipes snp*-ri»r fine ('hniunagn** llnuidy. 1 IM5;i 4 eiglilr pl|H*«Ci b braled llnuidy W me, 6ft Imxi aj'lan t. St. Jnlieli Sb-ibs; 2ft boxes 61 bite W ine, Hunt Hunt) rue; lo bon. Grand Yin rouge Vrul lloyer t'aiion; 25 luixes of 12 Flaxes Fruit* in Brandy ; 2 casks While Vinegar. Just rerecon from Bordeaux—ill store, and for sale by ived nov 2i) OCTAVUS COIIR MTATK OF GKOIIG1A, I ' EFFINGHAM C'ML'NTY. / B y virtue of un order from tliebouoruble Iuferiorf'oiirt ••r said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes: on th*'first TI'I.HDAl' ill January next, will be Mild af Springfield, 111 said miiniy, between the lawful hour* "f sab*, ail flu* real and personal estate of Robert Ibairguin. lat*- ■ I said de. eilsfil. consisting of lietwe* n eight ■ud nine hundred acres oPI.AND—liny. Pins*and Swamp —well ndapte I I**r corn and cullsn, lying near tin* ng**- cho River, and five mile* from the Centralallnilroad; and also. Ten Negn»es: t'*.ok. a man about filly yeursof age; Bntrlisr, about sixty ; Rieluud, about tliirty ; Abram, about twenty-eight; William, about twenty-nine ; Raeh ael, a woman ulmnt twenty-five, and ln*r three children; ami Ig*nh, about filly five; also, a House and Lot in 66 hltcsville, in said county. Terms made know n on day of sale. nov 23— _ MGZKLLK ZETLER. Adm'r. S 'l’ A PIi l*5~DR Y GOODN.-Red Blankets. Ijiiuii and Cotloii Hheetlug, Pillow case Linen* und Col Ions Marseilles Qmlt*. Coiint«r|Mines, Comforts, white n*d, and fancy colored Flannels, llm kuhuek*, Huq» 1 Toweling*, Huckaback and other Towel*, Ibid* Eye Diapers, Long Ijiwus, bleached ."hillings and Ismg Cloths, Irish Lin ens, Shirt Fronts, bltaclicd and brown Jeans, Canton Flaiities, Ac. lunge supplies of Ihe above Just received and for sale at thu lowest prices, by nov 23 IfrW'ITT A MiiRG A V. I jK AN.—UK) sacks m •bu, and for .sale by IRINII FOTATOKN, 1 do. wbite M ti|ll i ( 6N.ONM.- Jr, lunris H. f*. Hiifor " 9 tr* m *. i,i. M.iiiietta llurr, no peas, lauding at Depot, till. LYNN A HNIDKlt. 26 barrels Pink Eyes, 2 lo. wbite Mcrceis. 25 do. Red. Isiudiug this day. fiuu ■Marictia Burr, and for sale low, from wharf, M I.YNN A H.MDKR. TO KENT. M A brick store and dwelling, corner of Charlton and Jefferson streets. Apply to kept25 WYLLY k MORTMOLLIN. UILXOKE BINE NEW YORK & SAVANNAH PACKETS. rpHIH NEW LINK Is com|H<aetl of the,following i vusiels, one of which will lotxe Pier No. 9 North River, New York, punctually every Thursday: New schr EDWARD KIDDER, :i2il Iona.Tyler. Masler •• •• RENNET PLANNER,32.6 do. AppleglO,do “ “ GEORGE DAVIS, 3ift tons, Hmllli, do »• LOVKT PEACUCK, 370 tons. Merry. do •< “ WALTER RALHIGH. 330 tons, .Marshall, do These vessels are all of tho first class, and. having been biilll during the past year expressly for the trade, are well deserving the attention of shippers. They are cinmuiided by masters or experience aim ability, and shippers can rely nnnii quick dispa.oh. and every alleu- lion being nahl to their convenience. J. IL GlLMtiRE k CO, 164 Watar-sL, N. Y. 11 I N TER k G A ,61M ELL, Agents, Havannah. AT ALRANY, NEW YORK. W E nffor for sale, at nor HAVANNAH HTJVE AGENCY, a largo and varied assortment of STOVES, OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, and sollc t u conllnuanro of tho liberal encouragement given our Agency In this city during the pas' year. For Ihe Information of ALL PARTIES intermted in Ihe STOVE BI.'SiNESS. cither buying or soiling, we hove the sutffefacilon 01 Informing our customers abroad (as those al home know the f«t.> that during lAs part ymr we hare Mold .6IUHK STOCKS than any other estab lishment in the Slate <>f Georgia or South Carolina- We make thl* statement In Justice to ourselves, and to set us right heforo the trade, and with n full tleterinln atlon of doing more and belter for our customers du ring the pn sent year. JAMES SULLIVAN, Agent for H. II. Ransom 4c Co., ocl 13—3m Hlovo ,Manufacturer*, tlbanv, N. Y. ROBINSON k CAMP,* Yl^GUIJ) INFORM THI'.IR PATRONS ANDT11E PUB- VV lietlrnl tin y Imv.* taken th** St>>r«\ ZOO BXAYA.ZV STIIBBT, 66’ariiigs Building*. n»*xt d«»r to O. Johns<uis A Co. Shoo Store, where they will resume tie ir business in a few days, Kiel ivin.iiu until their old store Is refitted. NEW TIN NTOHE AND MIELT'IHON MANUFACTORY, HO. 141 SOUTH-WICST M4RKKT SglURK. aRYAN STRKKT. I WOULD Inform my old blends and pat rons, I have opened the above store, to con duct tho Stove,'I'm and S,iee'.-lron htitine«a lu all Its various forms, where will be found a general variety nf Sieves. Tin und Sheot- Iron Ware, which I will lie pleased to show you, and at such tiriceg as will satisfy you II you want to purchase. Al kinds of Roofing, Gutters of Lead, Gnlvonlzod Iron Work of every description, Job IVork and Kennlr- ing executed with dcrpatrii.Old Stoves pat up und Pipes furnished ut short Holier. Tin-Ware nt Wholesale and Retlill, Call down Urynn street, H will pay you for the walk, nov3 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. FOIi RENT. ^ Tlie Front Office. No. 172 Ray street, well fitted Il up for Cotton office, witli two stories la-m ath, Well Haidaptud for storage of cotton or merchandise. An- to IIAYNARD A ROWLAND. FOIl HALE. A DWELLING IlGl'SE in 1 I order, with a lot n I'lslfof land,ulinesituatiou, forsale low. Aie JBflBLpIvto _ A. 6VILRCII, Gen'l Inx.Ag't ami llroker. FOIl HALE, A 1*GT IN 6VIIITKS61LLK. near the30mile stn- oj- tlon C. R. It., 011 which is a small Store, Corn House AmL iii'I Htables. Any person wishing to purchase, will apply to the subscriber on the premises. If said l*>t Is m>t Mild by tin* first Monday in Januury, it will be offered ■it public outcry,lit the Court House in !"priugli> Id on that 'lay- aov 8—Qw AM08F. KAIIX. TO KENT. rr&i THAT DESIRABLE IIRD'K STORK sihintod on m Whltaher afreet, next door to tho corner of Ray and opposite Mwllt A Co. apply to Uov ftth WM. IYHIGIIT. M TO KENT. A C ittnn Warn House 011 Iho Bay that will store I50U bales. Possession given Immediately. rapt T. J. WALSH, No* IIP llay-st. „ TO KENT. .. ONE of the lenemenis on Lincoln street, bo- 51 tween Congress and St. Julian streets. Terms J* » mmlerate, and po»,e*slon given iminedlalelyr.— Enquire of ocl 3ft J. p. GAMMUN. GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANO FORTES, BY LIQHTE, NEWTON k BRADBURY'S GRAND ACTION PIANO FORTES. CONSTRUCTED with . ie PATENT ARCH TTTlrtWUKST 1‘1‘ANK. which 1 >* J |>ia iimloiihtMlIy the mo*t . _ Improvi III.*1,1 everiiittialm **d into this Inatrm iiit-nt. Ris'oiiinieiidtdbv Low.-ll Mason,Thus. Hasting*, II. C. Tiliini, Tliendon* Kiri'eld, G.F. R.ait. I . C. Hill. G. J. 6Vebb, and other Prufesaors of tho first standing in tills country. The particular attention of I Ail lea la Invited, by 6V. D.ZIN1BAUM A CO. N. II. GEO. F. BRISTOW, tho eminent Com|NMcr or the OjH-ra ** Rip Vim 66'inkh*," selected one of'the above named Instruments through aoine of the ollieers of the •• Ne York Harmonic Society." who were appointed a ruiiiiiiitb with Mr. G. F. II., their leader, to select tlm ui-ar mxo that id: made lor their use. W. D. 7.00 II I UM A CO., nov 10 No*. 107 Bryniinml 94 St. Julieii streets CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. I HAVE Tills DAY a**.* luted with me, HAMPEL HARM ANY and FRANCIS ,1. CHAMPION. Th.-buri- m ss will )>• reafler be rendu* t< d under the name and style of GAR MAN YS a CHAMPION. Snvuiiiiali, Ga, Nov. 1,1H65. uov 6 o. 6V. GAUM ANY CITY COURT OF HAVANNAH. NOVEMBER TERM, lh.66. T IIK CITY COURT of Savannah ha*been adjourned until the 2d Monday of December next. Suitors, Ju rors and Witnesses, will please take notice. nov I)—tf IV.61. II. BULI/ICir. Clerk. NOTICK. lilt. 8. C. DUNNING having retired from the Agency ill of till* Howard Insuranc e Company ,.f Sr\r York, the appointment hnsla-en conferred upon t| M . umleisigu- ‘-•I, wlio will conduct the biisim-s* of this ComtHiuy for th future ns its Agent for tho State oftleurgia. n»v 7—I in _ CIIAS. II. CAMPFIKLD. NOTICE. CENTRAL R. II. AND BANKING Sivasnaii. Novemb npilE Annual Meeting of Sioekhohh 1 Tuestlny. 1 hih Deoeml*er next, nt 111 o'e|, H -k. A. Si i"' 16 -IH.I.-C GEG. A. CUYLEIt, Carid.-r. NEW hooks. RECEIVED 116’ WARNIH’K A DAVIS, NOV. 14TII.1866. n KLBN l**eson: A| pat New York Society. , Crotchets ami Quavers; or Revelations of an Opera Mnnnger In Ainerira; by Max Mnn-t/.ek. Amy I*-**: or Without and Within; l>y the author af “ Our Parish." The Song of llianathn; by Henry 6V. l*>iigfellow. Forsale at thu Rook Hlole, No. 16U Congress street, nov 16 ING CO. OFGA.1 niter 14.1K65. f •h r* will b- lie|«| on L;EbI. n liom 1 ry, Paper and hut elops, Navels and Light Read Ing. <un la* had FOR CASH, at the lowest New York Pi ms, nl the ll.H.k Store, No. l36CougreaH Street. I wish toilogu out my Htock by tin* first of January. Rarguin* can lie bad 011 early upnlii-utliiii, parlli iilnrly In Blank Rook-* for Men aiililo establishments. __ nov 14 S. 8. SIIILKY. _ North River llav landing,and for r 10 CRANK, WELLS A CO. / 'OFKKK. Win bags choice RIO COFFEE, for sale 1.1 by |nnv tl| WILLIAMS A RATCIFF. I)l( K6VIIEAT AND MACKEREL.—26 I f hall bids llm kw heal,:iuqr bids llm-kw Ie at, 6fti*lglilli bids aiel bug* llie'kwhi-at, 25 bid* .No. 2 Mui kerel, 25 bids So. 3 Mackerel, 26 h ill Mils So. 1 Mackerel. 2ll qr bids No. I Mackerel, 25 kills No. I Mackerel, lumllng and for ,als by uov 7 IIULCoMDE, JOHNSON k CO. IT TO KENT. M Four of the five tenement Houses, situated oil corner of Jones and Abercoru afreets. Rent $.’50 per annum. Possession given immediately. Also, the store on Bull street opposite the Post 1 ifllce. Inquire of A. IIONAUD, uug 14 Corncrol Ray and Bull streets. TO KENT. M TIio Store under the bluff,at the foot of VVhlta ker-slreel Enquire of mnrtW SPENCER CCRRELL. M WANTED TO RENT, a house pleuvanily sltiialnd, apply lo sept7 6VAYNB GRENVILLE k CO. FOK KENT. M TIic Store, No. 1115 Bryan street. Young's build- Ing*, formerly occupied by E. ri. Kumplon. Pos session given iiiunediately. «pr*l tf MINIS k JOHNSTON. FOIISA EE. M Acommodliiusllrickslieil Warehouse,situated In tho roar ofthe Chtrleetoii Steninbout Whnrl, havlngn lunnonlfivo years, sultnble for tho sto rage of Lime, liny nr other tnercliamlize. The lliiild- nig may he removed hy ihepurchusvr.ot iheoxplrailon of the lease. Apply lo Z. N.WINKLIOR, ly 3—tf Wlllium-on’s lltiildlugH. | TO KENT7 ~ M TIio Western corner Tenement of Cussel Row, fronting ReynuhU square; also, two of thu mid* die Tenements of tho same row. For eonvo* nit nee, there is no dwelling-house of u similar size pre ferable lo Ilium, in the city, tug4—If ALEX* A. KMKTrt. _ FOKNAEE. , M That commodious and dusirablo residence situ ated on Lot No. 34, Liberty Ward, fronting on rloiilh llroud, near West Broad slreois. Tlie hoii*o Is sulislauiially huilt of bricks, is well fliiilshed ill every part, and fined up witli gusand water fixture*. It also lias 1111 excellent pump 111 >ho >""• ond a llownr garden attached to the premises, together with all ne cessary out buildings. Tim propenv cau be Inspected hy any one desirous of purchasing. For terms, apply to mu 18—if THO.’*. 11. HABUBH, Trustoe. FOK SAliE. ^ . M A Two and a Hall Mory Wooden Dwelling, on Brick Ba*euuuit near me corner .Mouigomery ami l.llierty streets, on tee simple lot 3ii by 7i» it. Tho house is in good repair, and has been recently run- ovntuil and palmed. It also ho* ga* nml water. In.Und cold, duo hath room, 4tc " For particulars, apply to 1 WM. vv'iIdjht. K poMSERSirfN gltVnVmnmillately, tho Western | Tenetmuil of II. It. Jackson's House lu n.iuih ILllrond-sl. Apply lo A.G, D VVLNl’ORT. iv 2-lf Fill! IK ENT. lock A VALUABLE Wharf H'oro In tho East or u Tenement,on Moon’s Whurf. AW, iho Store “"occupied by Mr. Cullen, on iho same Wlmrl. oct 35 —lino ROUT. HAUERHHAM k HON, rt&k A COMF1 HIT AH L*K Two* Story liilck Dwell- ■Hi Ing, iilonaantly situated ou LIImrly street, with HiiL"tul>le,Carrlngo Housu.nud Servants Room above, pM»d Yard and fine Well oflVater. Apply to oct 211 WM. WRIGHT. rff/jK Tho Stores tinder f*T. ANDREWS HALL, cor- ■isi " or ,,r Broughton aud Jefferson streets, will he MUIL let lit two, three, or four store* to suit tenants, f os session till 1st Novemlier. Fur lerms, apply to sog 2ft WILLI AM RUGBIH, He-rotary. tils, hy TO HOI NEKEEFE IIS. DANIEL CRONIN, t'PIDL.HTERER, IIRYAN-ST, \l, T t)ULD roApt-cifnlly aniioiinau to the citizens ol Vi Savannah,Unit he is ready tu make und put down carpets. Oil Cloth, Mntling, kc., ul the shortest and on the most reasoualilu lerms. 3mo—oct 3 ~ COAL-COAL. orvzv TONS Sill Lump Coal for parlor ii*i*, 601) tons Bro- i)UU ki ll nml Screened Red Ashe, 260 Ions large Lump Lehigh, 250 ton* llli’linion l File* Coal for Smith's use, fur sale low for cash from Coal Yard, Eastern Wharves, nov .11—12 A N. MILLER k CO. AVl-IO’EH. SMOKE? JUST HKCKIVKD. turned to the city Ing Brands of f DELIGHTFULLY FRAGRANT I'iuii de tiro iLomlrcH,) Rio llomio ilauidres,) U llalmnn (Loud re*.) Rio Hondo Galancs, Rio Hondo Millar, Oja* de Gro, Colisuelo Trnhtleo*, lat Munol.i, Esmeralda. Flor Flli.i. tEsiiieniMit,) El Crisol, Item urel Millar, Coliiiubia, I gues. nov A M. Mi >1,1 N A, cor. Cougrcsa and Hull s MEXICO A ND ITS RELIGION, with Incidents of travel In that XV country, by KuM. A. 6VII*on, with illiistrutioii*. Lily, a novel, by a lady,of Charleston, author of “Th Busy Moments of an Idle 66'oiiinii." ciiiilles Limit's 66'orks, with a sketch of his life, by Thus. 1 Talfniinl, in 2 vols. Out of Debt, Out of danger, by Couslu Alice. GMte s lh*tory of Greece. 11 vols. Fil/gentld's Exhibition speaker. Maudaiidlltlier I’in-uis. by Alfred Tennyson. Harper's Story Book, vol. 4. Westminster Bet lew fur October. Eclectic Mumuiiiu for November, imv 10 IV. THORNE WILLIAMS. Y ' A II N N.—12 Tm Ie* as-orti-d nuuil" i* foi-sab* nt the Depot. m.v 7 WILLIAMS k RATCLIFF. M KN8 POIIK.—|U bbls New York dtjr Insuectloo Mess l’ork, for sab* by HUNTER A GAMMELL. J UST RHTKIVKD and in store. 2i*o barrels cheicu l’i liiloes, Onions, and Apples. For sale by nov 22 * * l^'v: nov 22 l STEAMER FLORIDA : J. A. BROWN. Ilnins; do llohigua ."ausage. New Fig*: do Liver Raisin*, do Bum h Ituiriii*; do Cliestnuts. do Hickory Nuts. Alsu, Fulton Market Beef, I’ig I’m-k, Smoked Beef, do Tongue, Choice Goshen Rutter and Cher se, Ac. For sale hy imv 22 J. A. BROWN. C OAL .—A cargo of very sii|M*rlor household Coal daily expected, will he for sale on arrival, hy mo 12 2w ANDERSON A CO. H AY ThAY l f HAY 111—s leet Northern iiu’v, lor salu low, hy DAVIl) It. DILLON, nuv IU Market Square. H KNIIV LATHROP A CO. have this day black Rrus*cD Lu-a*. narrow white ."ilk do., superfine Kmiimlilcred Skirts, Mark and colored Elastic Hi ll*. Mohair Head Dresses aud Armlets, black l'ulka Lu e for Veils. Ac. L ~ AUD, CANDLES, 4t“c.—u7iVk .» prim,* Lai Lir*l; 60 keg* do ; M> box* 9 Beadell's tallow Cnndles t>s ami b*.; 6U Mixes Ailsmantiui* do; 25 barrel* Sugar Crack, rs, (bund made)2u Ids Soda Biscuits; 2U bbls Pilot Dread, landing and in store for sale by nov 14 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. B '~ ITTKIl AND CIIEKHK.—25 kegs “choice Uoslit'li Rutter; 60 boxes du. Chnsao; 60 boxes Eng lish DairyClmcs " " * * _nov 14 f|)KAI.-_ _ __ L toil); 20 doilo «.'ll» do.; 2o.lo dog )«Jn. do; 10 do do; Hyson do, choice article; 25 131b. Caddies dodo; 25 Mb. do. do. do.; 25 Ulb. do (Ming do. Limliug and in store, for sule by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. imv 14 forbaCb. 1 ^66'KXTYSHARES Oglethorpe lawn Association Stock forsale,hy A. 6VI LRU It. UOV 1# Gen’l In*. Ag't and Broker. CL INI CAL SU RGERY, B Y il. NKLATON, from Notes taken by 6V. F. Atler, M. D. Obstetric Memoirs and Contribution*, by Jas. Y. Simp son, Professor of Midwifery. Edinburgh. MiiiiuiiiiV Physiological Chemistry, translated from the 2nd edition, hy G. K. Day, with illustiulions, 2 vols. Kirkaiul Paget's Physiology, and nil the Text Rooks used Medical Colleges. Rev. Dr. Ciiiuming's Twelve Urgent Questions. Helen Leeson, a Peep at New York Society. Tin* New Purchase, or Early Years in tho Far 66'ost, bv Robert Carlton. • ' A Basket of Chips, hy Rraiighau. Snyings and Doing* ol Animal*. Bit* oi Blarney. Tin* Hidden Path. Old Homestead. Female Life among Ihe Mormon*. Mary Lyndon, Doentick*' Jupun. Elder Sister. nov 21 W. THORNB 6VILLIAMS. . to M k; eh nov l t vOAI*.— A superior article of Clover Hill Coal, land- I mg and for sale hy SPENCER CI.'RRELL A CO. nov 6 POTATOES,-125 bids Potatoes lauding from bark X John Howe, and lor Nile by rim 7 CARLKTON k PARSONS* | ) OI*I*’.. —list oil- It.•pi', lauding lion, M'li.mii.-r Jonas XV ."uiltli. nml forsale by nov in CRANK, WELLS * CO. I tACON,—Ikicon Sides ami Hams in , |> BIIe Iiy nov 14 MINIS* J| 8 I’ll A b. COFFEE. Ac.—10 hh.LcliolceSt.Cnd* Sugar, 15 do Porto llico do; lot) 1I0 New Orleans do; 100 bags prime Green Rio Colic - do lair do do; prime Lignirn 30 do of mats Old lloyermneiit Jnv 160 boxes Colgiilcs No. 1 nod lb Bar t DHi do Buchnn's k Smith s Family do, InmllnKnud soiiANTOS » JOHSSTOS SOB, 1 liiT A TOES,- 3*si Inishcls Peach Blow and plant* 1 lug l’.duti“ Iriulilig per bark Clm*. Williams, for sale by nov 21 DRIOHAM. KELLY A CO. U a v7—Prune Ntirtharn Hay in stun*, and for sale by iiov 14” MINIS k JOHNSTON, IIITK CA8T1LK BOAFi—A fresh supply of mile l>y # nov 23 tOFFKE.- JOIIN It. MOORE A CO.. OlhlHius' Ihiihliiiga. -200 hags prime Rio Coffee, lauding from ‘ ‘ * T sale by • MIMS A JOHNSTON LYNN A SNIDER. O Marrictta llurr, and for sab* by OGDEN. STARR A CO. Noriti:. A DAM shout having made an assignment (o llirnm Roberts fc.r tho benefit of his creditors, all per sons huviiu demands agnlusl the said Adam Short, will pmase rendora alatemqiil of such demand In tho as sigm-o. lllltAM ROBERTS. Savannah, May 8, 18.65. mays FOR RENT, U NFURNISHED ItooMS for one or two single g. ntlo- nii'ii. in 11 private family, plia*unt t|>*-uti"ii.uiid |h>*- •* s*l*ni given immediately. Knqiiircut this ullice. nov 1»—ft TOCAIIPENTERN, MASONS & PAINT- KRS. PROPOSALS will he reecho I for tlie rebuilding and I r< paring of tin* Sorrel llnll.ling: for mure nnitleulnr iiifoniiation. inquire nl the sulmcrilH-r at ,1, DcLiMotta's olUiv, (2nd storv of the Sorrel Itiiil.hiig.) from U to 12 o'- cluck A. M., uml 3 to 5 o'clock I'. M. imv 21 JOHN S. NORRIS. Architect. TO BRICKLAYERS, PLASTK11K118, AND PAINTERS. 1 PROPOSALS will he received for the erection of the Maude School House. For iiartlciilare enquire of the siilxw-rilier lat present in J. D*LiMotta's ulfice,) in the Sorrel Building. nov 21 JOHN S. NORRIS. Architect. JUST RECEIVED PKH I1AIIK GEN'L WARREN FROM BOSTON'. r IIIILS large No. 1 Mackerel, 10 bbls No*. 2 and 3 • > Mackerel, 10 kit* large No. 1 .Mackerel. 10 qr bid* No. 1 Muckerel. 6 kit* Sounds and Tongues, A kit.* No. 1 Sal mon, 1,000 lb* ('ml Fish, 2J.j bid* No. 1 Blue Fish, 2(.j bbls No. 1 Herring*. 30 boxes Sealed Herring*. 2'.j bbls Fo. 1 Shad. For eulo low, by J. A. IIR06VN. C iOFFKK.- J forsale by FOIl 11K NT. r f , lIE FRONT OFFICE, No. 72 Bay etreet, with two X Store* L-ncath. Applv to _novl7 IIAYNARD \ ROWLAND, FOR RENT, rtrxwo ROOMS on Bryan st., flouting Johii*ou's Square, X suitable for law olliee* or eleeping aiuirtliieiit*. Ap ply to nov 18 WM. 6VRIGHT FOIl SALK. S IGHT EXCHANGE on N-w York. nov 15 ROUT. HAIIKI18HAM k PON. FOR SALK. t NIFTYTou Paving Balln«t,on board bark Demill. Ap- j ply to nov JO RQ6VLAXD A SON. SCIIR. A. DEV EltEl’V. A rrival of uteri’ for thksaiannah fruit EMPORIUM.— 70.1NH) Sweet Choice Oranges, 35o Hunches Hnnnuaji. 150 Dozen Choice Pine Apples. 11.000 Plantains, And a general assortment of Pegars, Sweetmeats aud Jolloya. nov ft J. A. RliOWN. REFINED Nl'ti A 11. U PON tin-arrival ofthe steamer TOTTEN, from Balti more. 1 will be aide to ofter for sale, this descrip tion of Sugar, of various classes. They rank, in quality, among the la st made. Dealer* are invited to give me 11 call. nov 10 C. A. L. LAMAR. -Old Government Java and Mocha t'offc .MINIS A JOHNSTON. nov 14 POTATOES.—60 bids. Potatoes per Marietta llurr, lamb L ing this day. For sale ou w hart' by nov S3 x OGDEN. STARR A 00. S UNDRIES.—160 dozen 2 A 3 strand Brooms. 60 dozen painted Bucket*. 2>xi 6, 10,16 and 20 gallon Iron-bound Kegs. Kuo) . and Kj box?* Paulines. 150 boxes Pipes. In store and for sale by nov 13 WEBSTER A I’ALMKP. J UST RECEIVED.—Maltese and llonltoii loicc Collar.* ami Sleeves, in sett*. Dress and Cl'Nik Trim mings, I Ally's nml Gents' Merino Ye*t", Black Thibet Shawls, Swiss mid Cambric N. 6V.Collars, Swiss aud Cam bric Collars and Sleeves, in setts, Isidy's English Cotton llo**, Sw iss mnl Cambric Baud*, Liiu-n Cambric Hdk'fs, Kiiib'd Cambric Hdk'fs. For sale bv DztVITT A MORGAN. nov 1ft RiLaro'* ItiiibldiR. OnnKnm*«tresL lore, and for sale b IIAYNARD A 1106VLAND. G LASS.—1.000 boxes French Gln>s, of all size* I use, mi tlm most accommodating terms. Uov 12—0 CHAFFER A CO., No. ft 66'hltaker st. I MIKSII CORN MBAL.—In Sacks,Just received, 1 nml for salo hy 6V.M. P. YONtlK, B ACsGINCJ.—Sea Island Cotton Ragging. Tutkor, Cooper 4; Co.'s brand, in store, mnl tor sale hy uov 12 IIAYNARD A ROWLAND. | iBKF.—20 half hid*! Family Market llei*r, landing IP from schr. John Furniim, aud lor sale by nov 14 MINIS A JOHNSTON. I )ATEN1’ TIIUSSE8,-Juit'r.cci>,.I. a full sup X ply of the various styles of Trusses adapted to nil rose* uf Hernia. For rale by nov 0 JOS. M.TURN Eli, Agent. Market Pqnaro._ x I Ol'IiDlNGHn—60 different kinds for builders use, M rhuap. CHAFFER A CO., No. 0 Whitaker st. imv 21—ft AY AND POTATOKM.— llav m.d 11 600 Cabbages, lauding ta r brig Pliilura from New York, mnl for sale by 1IK10HAM, KELLY A CO. iiov 0 10,000 iielasbu Vbite Coen! 1,60 bag*Siiperfliio Flour, 500 bushels choice Sul Oats, UK) buslielsCorn Meal. i." 1 -*'! ".xiLstisf,, HAVANNAH F1U IT KMFOHU JI. S 6VEET ORANGES.—I would say that 1 have a fine cargo on hand of Havana Granges, very sweet, midwills. il them at Ihe lowest prices: and after tin* pub lic has tried those sour Nassau Oranges, they w ill get their set le.-lli on edge, to bite sharp ut u sweet Havana. „„ v 0 J. A. HH06VN. i Star, Anchor a for sale by /iPBMY CLOTH.—Gunny Cloth in holes JUKI hal B READ.—250 barrel* Sugar, Soda and Bill ter Bis cuit, 76 do Pilot Broad, 50 boxes Soda and Milk Bis cuit, for salo by 66 KIISTER k PALMKS. nov 12 SUN DRIES. inn BALES Prime Eastern Huy: 200 do North River TU'zlliiy ’, 000 sacks Salt; 000 do Corn ; 125 aaeks fresli ground Meal; 100 do new Cow Pens; 260 do Maryland See.I Oat" *, lilt) do Missouri do ilo; fa) do Rrnu ; 60 do Short* ; lot) (ibis Potatoes; 26 do Onious; 10 do Baltimore Lard; l&o sac ks superfine Flour; Its) kegs Nnils. assort nl. In store mid forsale by nov JJ LYNN A SNIDER. 1 ARD Oil..—6 barrels lumllng from brig Mary.-. 4 For. * * ■»«!»■ at auction. HY PHENTI8# “ [StircBssoas to PHtLaairg A Sill tMhViav'm’{l ,K ’ r,, ‘l-ry-atauction. Ahr-iV, W , 11 ”" ,ool, i *» *«>«•* of "tora, will be snld. , <v^s n m. 1 ^»*"lej. u#usaortod Dry Uowls,Clothing, lane f T.m,j»a. • ^ 24 ■ iTOMDAV "l’ 1 -*"' 1 »' AnotoB. • '"" "SSKJIS;- 11 oc, “’' '■ Eight Ig)(s, each about twenty mre*. .itusted ti> hutliam county, lietwwn the (Huston Bluff aud bona- •ntiiro roads, about J miles from the city. On tlioee Lots are high, healthy situations for settle- lent*, goixl planting lands, a plenty of timber and good ater, which make them very desirable f>r country sum-, iier riMldenee*, mid ganlens. They have recently been lirveyed, and plan can be Been at our Counting Room,— (hey will lie sold olio with a privilege of the whole. . Term casli. nov 20 Aiimlnistrntor’i Bale. ii TUESDAY, 11th of December next, at 11 o'clock, will be sold at the Marshall House, Broughton street, All the Furniture In said Huiisn.ronslBtingofa large and iiiinb'te assortment for said Hotel of Parlor, Chamber and Iti ln*n furniture; also mi Omnibus and sett of HsrneM ■r four horses. Sold as the perishable property belonging • the estate of A. B. Hartwell, deceased, by permission oi e* Court of Onllnary midperonlerof the Administrator, •r t lie l>.in-flt of the creditors and heir* of said estate. Term* cash. A. BOX AUD, Temporary Adm’r. N. II. A catalogue of the article* can be seen on applies- on at our Counting Rooms, or to the Administrator. ALSO, The lease ofthe Marshall House can be treated for pre fills to tlie day of sale, on application to A. BUN AUI) or It*. MARY MARSHALL. nov 19 THIh-DaY, at II o’clock, in front of store, Tho usual assortment of Groceries, Provisions, U- Hors, Crockery and Glass 66'are, Dry Goods, New and ocond hand Furniture, clothing.Fancy Articles,clocks, 6’atches, Jowelry, «tc. Tenns cash before delivery. N. II.—All articles purheased at auction and not act ed for helore the next regular sale, will be sold on ac- ount ami risk of former purchaser. nov 34 CAUTION TO THU PUBLIC learning from some of tho respectable firms of Charleston and Savannah, thul my Soheldam Aromallo i chnapps, Is extensively cnuuterielted by a number of ■ .Iqnor mixers In New York, Philadelphia and Boston, • ml finding that the pirate* dariugly advertise their per- {Iclous doceptluns under the name which belongs to my slick, I lliluk It necessary to caution the community gainst these vendors ur poison lu disguise. I Introduced the Hcheldam Aromatic Schnapps forth purpose of supplying the medical faculty and thwwhole Monununity with a pure medicinal spirit, which inigh tie prescribed with confidence; to all cases wliero siluiu imts wore required, without producing the fearful coa- tequences which Invariably result from using adulterate id liquor. In order to render assurance doubly sure, 1 Lad the article analyzed bv chemist* of world-wide celebrity,aud submitted il for experimental lest to thou* “ (wiitle of dis' tiKulklied medical practitioners. Tho re sponses from these sources wero of tho most unequivo cal and satisfactory character II Is uow Imlere the pub Itc, surrounded with these guaranleet,tad bearing these Unimpeachable endorsements, una I call upoulhe com- tnuiiby to protect themselves and me, their own health bud my reputation, by frownlug down and repudiating Ihe piratical speculators, who are peddling tbelr foul commodities under cover of my trade mark. No article had ever been Imported from Holland into this market under Ihe name of Schnapps, previous lo the appear ancoof VVolfd’c Schelduni Aromatic Schnapps, Ini his ■Ry. Tilt-first Importation being made Into this clly In th* your INS, which cuu bu seen by the C'uslo n House books, I duposito iny lubel u* a trade mark In Ibe l ult* ud Slides District Court of (lie ^oiiihera District of New York, lu tho year l’■51, and Imve the certificate In my posK-sslon ol thul date. The great demand which has thus been created for ihe genuino article ha* set Ihe whole hive of counter fellers In mot'uii, und the duly I owe to my cusiomers und Irieiids, aud tho public, com- pels me, to put them on tbelr guard against Imposi tion. UDol.PID • 66'OLFG. 83 Beaver st., N. 6 ork. Among the complaints for which the Schnapps has been declared u *pecillcliy ihe eminent physicians who have corresponded with the proprietor, ure dropsy, dys- pepsiu, debllily consequent upon long continued tick- lies*uud old aue, epilepsy, asthma, gravel, colic, affec tion* of the kidney*, nnu all chronic dheasesof ibe gciilto-uriuary apparatus. For theso and many other disorders, it U now prescribed with gieat success, by mote Ilian three thousand medical practitioners In vari ous parts of the United States. I beg to cull the attention of tho reader to tho follow* Inv letters from physicians:— Dr.Uhurks A. Lease. Commissioner of Health, Balti more, writes os follows In rel.ilon to the value of Schnappsas a temedy lu chronic catarrhal compaluta. Ate. ‘I he letter Is dated July 27,1853:— “Itakegicat pleasure in bearing highly creditable tcMlinony * n Its efficacy as a remedial ageut In the die. ease In which you recommend It. Having a natural tendency to the mucus surfaces, with a slight degree of B'.liiiulailou, 1 regurd It as one ofthe must important remedies In chronic catarrhal affections, particularly those o| thu geuiio-iiriuary apparatus. Willi much r«* sped,your obedient servant, CIIAS. A. LEAS, 61.D.” Ur. 0. Robbins of Boston,celebrated for his cure of epilepsy, cholera, fcc., complains of the grant difficulty or procuring pure Holland gin, and speaks of the Sehet* dam Schnapps us tallows, under date of October 5. 1853**™ “1 liavo commended your article In four caret— iwo in Connecticut,one lu Yo mont, and one in Rhode Island. An article ol this kind is uuih ueeded. I have been unable to fiud a Mibsliluie lu tho materia medica lor pure Holland gin. Yours, 0. ROBINSON,” “Piiiladki.i'Iiis, Ju.y 15,1053. Ms. Ubolpuo 66’olpx, 22 Ueuver street, New York— "Dear«lr:—Last season tho writer received, through your ugeiil in this city, u uotile or your Aromatic scbel- dnin Schnapp*, and since that period has prescribed tho •nine In cerium forms or uriuarycomplaiuls: also in easel ol debdily In aged persons, fo far the Schnapps has been of much benefit lo those using II. • • * • In conclusion, where a diuretic and stimulant Is required. • I should u»cthe Aromatic fcheldam Schnapps. '1 hank- lug you for your kIndues*, I uni respectfully yours, a. i). cll 6loner, m. o. ini south Eighth street.” The subjoined letter from D-. I’alne, of Manchester, New llumpshlre, relates to one ofthe most valuable medicinal properties possessed by the Aromatic Schnapps, and shows that it acta as a specific in u very paiului disease, the gravel:— ”.t| k. 6VoLnt: Permit mo to address you a row line*, which *ou nre at liberty lo use.if you think proper,in re* spect to your medicines culled Scheidsm fcbuupps. I have hud • very obstinate case of gravel and stone of Uve yeur* standing, canting very ucunie pain In every all.-nipt to urinute. After using many remedies without much n-lelf, I was induced lu try u bottle uf your medi cine. In the course of tli(euduys it proved effectual, dislodging lur.e plects of stone, some of which was a* lurgi- as a marrowfat pea. I continued the cordial, ac* cording to directions, uud Ibe patient continued tu gain, and is last recovering. I think a medicine of so much value In so distressing n complaiut should be known to tho public and the w orld ut large. And 1, for one, must give it my approbation uud signature, THOMAS PAINE. M.D.” From Dr. John S. Reese, chemist, Baltimore, Md.. September 15, 1852:— ”A number of our physicians are ordering tho article, and several have alruudy prescribed it. Persona to whom i have sold L, speak very highly of ita qualifies. A gentleman of my own personal acquaintance, having suffered greatly willi un uflecilon of the kidneys and bluddor, took two bottles, und subiequenlly passed a stone ol considerable size, and was greatly relieved. 14 will, no duubt,go into general use.” From Ii. A. Frout, M. D., ft. Louis. Juno 6,1853:— “Having teen your advertisement of a pure Holland giu, worthy thet'onlhleuce ol phy-lclans, I write to you wlthii view of procuriugasamplo of it. In Dropsical affection", and in some lorms of reuul disease, Its efilca- exhu* hmg been acknowledged, and U bu* only fatten lulu disuse because oi the compounds told under tha nauio of Hoi and giu. I want to use it at present in colic, as 11 is ap excellent remedy in Infantile colic, and I cannot procure a compound to bo relied on.” From J. It. 66'ooilwaid, M. 1). 6Vaicrbury, Yoimont, May 8,1852:— ••1 urn treating at tho present time a chronic affectloa of the kidneys, has shown Itself very obstluutu to diuretics,and have been advised to use your Scbetdam Schnapps.” Dr. f uowden Plggot, of Baltimore, Aug. 14, 1853, thus Indicate* ihe value of “pure fcheldutn” In urinary com plaints :— “l am fully sensible of the great beneflis to be derived lu certain forms of urinary disturbance, from the use of good Holland;but that is an article so difflculUo procure, without great trouble, that 1 have beeu com pelled lo content myself with I -ss palatable, and, there- loro,lesslailhfully taken medicameiits, A pure first rule f chcidam cannot tall to meet with the hearty appro ballon of physicians.” Dr. R. L. Illckley, of East Boston, Aug. II, 1853, wrltos “I have Just received yours of the ?th inst. and being ful.y convinced that pure Holland gin is possessed of inuuy medicinal properties, which, when judiciously ad ministered, produce very beneficial results, I shall be , happy lo Introduce your Aronpuic Scheidatn Schnapps I among my friends lu lids vicinity.” Dr. J. It. Kibble. Drukeavtlle, N. J , In January, 1853, writes as follows;— “So great has been tho difficulty with me to procuro a pure article ol giu, and so often liuve 1 beeu disap pointed, that 1 have almost entirely ceased lo prescribe gin lor any complaint, and have nearly despaired of being able to dull with better success, unless yours is what you claim lor; If »o, you will have conferred a boon on llio practitioners In this country, that 1 am sure Ihoy will not bo slow to acknowledge.” From Dr. S.F. Forbes, Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 13, IMJ. “Tim frequent notices of ibe Schiedam Schnapps, both by the pmiesslon ami the press, bad induced the desire of testing the efficacy of this preparation of gin brittle 1 received your note. I trust H will ttilfil the expectations of the most snugulne, and prove both s blousing nml n profit to suffering huronulty.” Hr. tl. Colkins, town physician und surgeon at Lyme, ConnceiiciiLsays, In a letter duied October 14, D*62:— “I consider your Schledum -chnapps a supperinr ar ticle, nml one that will not come short of our highest expectations- Ills an article the medical fraieruUy have long wanted. I have used il, so far, with every, spimrent success. D. COLKINS.” “1-abosatosy, New York, May’.’, 1853. “Ms. Upqi.riio 66'oi.rDk as Sis:—I cannot speak too highly orthe purity of your Schiedam Schnapps.— Ill* decidedly superior to any thing or the kind la the tunraet. It l» perfectly free from ihe admixture of lusil oil, nr any of those urnyllc compounds which pro duct) mischievous and Irreparable effect upon tho conMlluiion,anJ which very few samples of slcoholio iii*iiMi'll liquors are without—roost of them being largely Impregnated with It. 1 have personally In- sprcied llm various processes of distillation practiced at Scliiedaiu, ami know that unuMtal care Is taken to separuto tlie noxious elements from Ihe pure alcohol and your Schnapps I* u striking prool of Us suooms.— As n meJIosI agent for chronic and renal affections, I have succeaslully proscribed It: and recommend It as an agreeable cordial mid harmless stimulant, and shall continue in do so as wo I as to use it a" a source of pura alcohol (or chemical Investigations uud oxperimants, “Your obedient, ISAIAH DECK. Consulting Aalyllcol Chemist. The genuine Is sold hy all the roapvclablc Druggists and GrocerslulheUulled Stales. UDOLPIIO WOLFE. 32 Reaver st. New York and 85 South Front at, dlitlndulplitn. sep Iff— tuth*3m S ALT.—Liverpool stall lu "tore, and female by nov 12 BA VN A KD A K06VLAXD. B FI.LVKRNON MIHSKEYTTwi.M* of the above«u- lierior 6VhUkey,lu store und lor wd«* by nov H 66 M. P. YtiXGK. t>t Bar "freer. pi A NO.—Peruvian Ouano landing, and lyr «>' i„„ U MINIS k JQHN816)N. C “ 'OHN, HAY AND M B AL.—For aal"bx , U WILLIAMS A KAICtWI.