The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, December 11, 1855, Image 3

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mm SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN,TUESDAY MORNING, IDECEMBER 11,1 'Z^mra to »mt, a:mjF -ra.ilt | .Sikci'.H ~Xomtn. 1 ■*>>itpp(uu atjuci’tifltmrd; — TO HKN'IV • flirt oi. N. .irti.i"» ■ Square, ft.rti.crly ucc«- ^9 P Jll'.vl» r «>• Apply at this olRco. i li'UH . V- . o'l uil'l. l<'«'ato<l mul pleasant rooms. fronting '* T . .... .11 'Miunru. suitable l»r sleeping uimrl- M|imro, suitable tor sleeping n|mrt- ,fires. Apply 10 WM. WRIGHT. jju «•■»«* j‘.‘- - TO HUNT. . ai\|I'<>IITAIII.K Dwelling House, corner ot H. Julleli streets, very low, If ai»i»lioU for ,tj ply nl Oils olllre, or to .1. 11. MAYKIl, ptvtigbtou *1.. 2 doffnt Hi ll of *• u>1k° Derrlen’a. r l-" . y kou rent, M* Till: \\ 11 MO ST ’HE t> No. 172 llnv Street, well V*T.' for storage uf cotton or nu*rvhniidir.«*. Ap- lu', ,o not •> RW.N.VKR .V ROWLAND. FOU H1CNT. -rtk file Kroill Ofiltv.-No. l.’J lln> street, well fitted U|i|.>r loll' II olHefc, with Iwo stork-* It.mnlli, well II ATT ALION ORDER*. ^5, AN ELECTION. for 2d l.leiil. mul Ensign. of | ' On* Ogl' tbui pe Eight 1 nfun11 \. in hereby or* ilereil to lie liohl on Thiiro lny, 2’tli lint., between the | lnmm of V mul 11 A. M.,nt thoolfiooorJmdioo It. llnlfonl, , under the usual ■upcriulctiilt-iiro required by lew. Ily | onler ,1011N W. ANDERSON, \ Sr. t'aiptnin Com. 1 ml. Hull. of.Snvitiinah. i Wy. II. Jacrhox, Aiyulnnt. 8 | NOTICK. INSPECTOR'S OI'FICB, llHh NOV., 1*56. j r —^ Alter the l!5th lint., nil who shall not hav® » 25.^" produced their Seales, Weights mul Menniiren I nt my Olllce for ailiustiuciit, will be |ironi|'lly reported. Iiov SO JOS. SIIEELM.VN, Inspector I'nr* Itodiiccd--m(tin $2«, FOR NEW YORK. ,¥.W ; JL‘^vd*iie»l lor storage of cotton or 11 t VV II rchiindisti. A|i RAYNAUD A ROW LAND. FOR R AliB. ’ " ^ A DWELLING ll-H Si: in coo,I order, with » lot 1 m<l a lialfof luml, n line Mtnntion. a. it. Gonl In*. An t mul Broker, j KOH SAf.K, ’ A LOT IN M IIITI>V1I.I.K. near the30mile»tn- i I.' lion W II. II.. oil whit-l> is n small Store. Corn Home Jbltfhtud M.tldc*. An) |»*r*on wishing lo iiuivhnsc, will » I, tu the sul-scril** r t « thepivnil-e*. If eaiil led in ■ j ,1,1 l>\ tin* llr»t Monday il will beolTereil iddlr-JutciV.iit the Court House *u.'pi ingflcld on Hint | AMOS F. IIAllN. 1 . OFFICE CHARLESTON A KAV R. COMPANY, NOV KM RKll K. 1*LV5.—A Sec ond AnnnnI Instalment of FIVE HOLLARS ($5) per Share on the Stock siilwerUH'd for this Coni|mny Is now culled for—pnynient to he nmde to the Secrelnry mid Treasurer, at the Ofllce of the Comi*nny, 32 llrond street, on or heforo WEDNESDAY, the ninth day of January, A,’,*, j IMrt. TIIOS. F. DRAYTON, President. "—- STEAMSHIP AUGUSTA, I.VVANNAil II. | _ ,- * TO HUNT. » Til IT DESIRABLE Rltlt'K STORE situated on . \v luiaker street, next door to the corner of Hay and ■ i iiiioslte Swift A Co. apply to ,v fill WM. WRlflllT. nov. 24—Jan. 0 NOTICK. The Captain nor Consignees of the llritish ship SHANDON, will not benuswernblu formiy debts contracted by the crow. dec 1 REMOVAL. The l.'iidot'slgurd have removed their Olllco NO. 8 DRAYTON STIIEKT, next door to C. T. LYON, Cominntulrr, WILL SAIL ON WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12, AT 1i) A. M, The newmid splendid fisut going steamship Alltll'STA, Tims. Lynn eommuiider, will sail as nhove. For freight ot passage, apply to • PADEI.FORD, FAY A CO., Agents. Caldii 'PiiHMigc £20 N. It. Shippers of Cotton bv these steamers w ill pleasu take notice, that no Colton will lie received at the presses that is not distinctly marked on Hie edge of the bale, dec 10 _ For key West and Havana. DAYNARD A ROWLAND. In 141.NT. ftFour of the iHeleiieinenl Houses- situated nn 1^35 corner of Jones and Ahereorn iltneli. Rent A. L. Lamar's, dec .1 SAVANNAH VOUNTEER GUARDS. v—Members are rei|ueited to leave their measure S5v35T~ at X. K. RAENUM'S. for New llats, by tho7th Bllper niiiinm. Possession given ImincJIaioly. I lu-t.. ns the order will then go forward. V , Hie stoio on Hull street opposite the PoM <ifllee. | dec 3 J. It. RIPLEY. Cli n of Com. 8. V. Guards. Inquire ot A. I»'»NA»'I), | k ug 14 Cornerol Ruy and Ritilsireels. | NOTICE. 'I't» IIF, VI'. 1 t, — ADVANCES made ou Consignments to our -3 P..SSESMON given Immediately, the Western |5^^ frlcndi ,,„ sloni New York. Philadelphia and (Co* Tenement of II. It. Jackson'* lions** in Motilh , . ltv , u t iaiivstav Ji,»t Apply to A.C HVVENPOHT. ! Elmore. deed MINI* A JOHNSTON. “ '*■ AVITIIDRAAYAK. BiVAN.vm. Dec. 10, 1855. on streets, will be 1 5,r8SRS * Emtom t—You will please withdraw tuy to •ult'teouuts. name as a Candidate for Sheriff of Chatham county in January next. dec 10 JAMES T. fllTKNER. To the Voters of Chatliom County. Fixlow Citizens :—I am a Candidate for the Olllco of Sheriff at the Election in January uext.aml respectful ly solicit vour support. dec in DENJ. L. COLE. DIVIDEND NO. 25. CENTRAL R. R. AND 11*0 CO. OF GF.O. 1 Savannah, Dec. 4, 1855.) TD” A semi-annual Dividend of Five Dollars per Share, (being at the rate of ten per centum per annum.) lias Tlii* Day been declared on the llenerul Stock of tho Com puny, payable on and after the 16tli day of December, in stant. Holders of guaranteed eight per cent Stock, will be paid their Four Dollars per Share on ami after the same day. dec 5—1 m GEO. A. Ct'YLER. Cashier. h .r ' Auction Sales. Auction Sales. HF 4 I It It 1.1.4 Wln.*a ami l.l*|Uoisat Private Sale »V t 4». 1 hhd. IlollatidGin. 2 ipi. casks superior Pule Itrundyj 2 do do' Dark do ft eighth do superior I'nlc do I 1*1*1. siipfiior Oiil Mooti'h Whisky. For sale low nt 164 Day street. doe 8 a olllglblu liullding l»l>. Ml by I Ou feet, situated near the Intarsectlon of East 111 .mil street, e«inlinu**<l, with Tay lor, Wayne, nud Gordon streets. Them lots nro lilgii- Kroiiml. and ute in the immediate neighborhood of tho lot •elected as the site f.*r the Albany an.I Qulf Hailron«l Di*- pot. Teriun cash. dec 8. liieent I'rivnto Mnlo. 6 tierces of lUee In store, and for sale low, to close con- •Ignatnotit. dec 8. A likely Mulatto Man, 24 years old, n good sampler mid marker of rollon ; also a tir?t rate Sawyer Mid saw-flier for sal . not to go out <d tin* oily. dec 8 | I foil if* and l<**t at Private Sale. I.**t mid improvements No. ft Charlton Ward, corner of j Joiiim mid Ahcrrorn sis. tin till-* 1*1 is a newly Eulshed | brick house witli all ih" modern Improvements.* The pur i chaser limy truly exelalm. o*i entering its dis*r— > •• I cannot think of sorrow now, uml doubt If o’er I fell il—'ti« so dazzled from My luciuorv hv tbi-oblivimii tianiport." Mummer Residences. Six lots on Augustine River, n beautiful, pleasant nnd | healthy situation for summer resiliences. A map of tlm j sumo may be seen nt tin* Auction Store, No. 1ft! Ruy : Street. deu H j Coni. A superior article of Clover Hill Coal, lauding nnd for Auction Sales. Auction Sales. sale dec 8 YOU IIIINT. .-*** The stores under sT. ANDREW 4 II M.l li. : o t*er of llroiiglitnn mu' Jeff* lei in two, three, or four Ml | .•.■•“ion *m 1st Noveoiln r. F**r terms, apply to u:" W * 1.1.1 \M RUG Ell*. Me reiary. FOR NAI.I.. . tlm c .iiiiii idiom and d*slr«ble residence alt vi- 1 ated on l.oi No. :*4, I.IlKjru Ward, f.oinlug on , «(U4L-..uiili Itroid, near Wes' Hroud Mree's. Tin* i-*sUl*slniili'l'ly built of bricks. Is Well tlinl»h«*| I-, oi.v p irt.nii I fl'iiul up will* gas uml water fixture-, . I, at mi In* a i excelleol puoip in ilio yuul an*l a flower I priii'ii aitachcd to tlm premises, together With ull no- (,*.:ir| il'll IllliillillgS. Die'’properly cnti lie Inspected by uny otto desirous of purebssing. For terms. n|*|* > to . l«? -If THO*. It. •’ARDEN. Trifteo. A'« 11 * • I M . t'4> It NALL L That l irge and oo noto l.oits Dwelling tor- merl> ocoui'led l»> Dr. Wildmau, situated on h lull mil bail lot «i tho corner of Sou h llroad and c**rn sueu'.a In tills city- Term* liberal, \pjuv to ,3 liACt'N fc LEVY. I*4> HIM. . . TWO TEN I'.MRNT8 In Gordon front- Ing C’luthnn Mqnare, and well lurnislied with • vnmirp »JRwaier. gus. .tables, Ac. P.issessiou given 1-t | Nuntb. N.irem'ier. EDWARD G. IVILMON, Agent, j W After Gils date, the steamer PLANTER will ills- •et R' -wS* FOIt ISr.NT. THE EASTERN TENEMENTof B’lck Dulhl- ing. corner of Abeco u and Jones Street Apply to it IIOI.I OMIIF.. JOHNSON fc FO. •J Ilryati Mtieet, | continuo Iter trips to Ritilmro*. (Milto ~ stop at Darien. CRANE, AY ELL' Rluff.) mul will A CO., Ag'tl. STEAMSHIP ISABEL, AYM. HOLLINS, Commamln LEAVES ON THE 4TI1 AND KTH UF EACH MONTH. The ISADEL leaves this port regulnrly, on the 4th and Kill of each month, uml connects at Havana vviGi tho l.'. M. Mail Steamship Comimny'n l.lue of Steamers lor Sun Francisco via Aspinvvall, and will carry Hie Paeitlo Mails. For passage only, npplv to nov 2d ___ COUEXB k HERTZ, Agents. FOR BOSTON. The bark HARVEST, Nlrh *|s, Master, will meet KSmiivltli disjiali'h a* above. For liiilnneuof bvigJit ni>- J"" ply to doc 6 DANA A WA8H1IUUN, H -' POll BOS TON.-Tlie ship HARTFORD. 1 billett. musier. will have despatch for the above mSrniritport, l or freight or pusrng . apply on board at Telliur's Wharf, or lo nov 23 RRIQHAM, KELLY k CO. FOR NEAA’ YORK. AH i Rrig AL'GL'STA, Stone, tu.i*t* r. Imviugn pnrtot vSmiier cargo eiigag***! nnd going on t r.l, w .11 meet '"“"with dib|*aU'li as above. For balance of fri-ight, apply to deft DANA A AVAM||RI RN._ FOli NKAV YORK—DEM I I.E'M LINE.— tX*2 The ii-vv I 'cular nncket •■••hr. R. M. DEMILL, I'apl. II. Look, will have despatch for the above port.— For balance of freight or pnsNtgc, apply to dec 11 ROWLAND A SON. .77'. FOR NEW YORK—GEORGIA LINK.— ^§4tdl^Thi* tin** fa.t sailing schr. .ING. RUMTGN, Lingo lu.i'ler. will have ipiiek de- 1 ] ateb for Ilia above port.— For freight or paring •. apply on bo u I to captain, or to * " i • MIENS k HERTZ. FOll NKAV YORK— GII.LMoRlfa f.i/s El NK.—The ii *vv sei.r. ALICE LEA.Capt. C*.r«m, ve (le.-patch for the above p >rl. Forfri'inlit, apply to the l III NTKIl k HAMM ELL. t’igurs at Private Male. 10,000 Flor Havana, D*.im)0 Wa*hiugtoii, 10,000 Jeron do, 1(1,000 Juquez. dec 8 A Gne Horse Rockavvay, nearly new, will be sold low, If upplietl for soon. dee 8 Wheat Urnn and Northern Hay nt Private Male. 2000 liiishels AVImt llriin in wick*, in store uml for sale. Also, 100 biili'ii Noil hem Hay. dec Whiskey at Private Sid**. 4 Demijohns superior lri-h Whiskey, direct Importn- ! tloii. At Private Male. A One Horse Rockavvay, nearly new, will he sold low, If applied for soon. dee 3 At l'rivnle Sale. Five eligible Ihillding hols. 50 h) 100 feet, situated near the intersection of Taylor, Wayne and Gordon streets, with East llroad street continued. These lots are high ! ground, uml are In tlm Immeiliate neigldiorliood of thn lot selected as the site of the Albany amt Gulf Railroad. Terms liberal. unt 2J I ife- 1 LOST. WANTS. &c. CaaHiHattH for0fticc. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. AA’ANTED I 4W* FlLLow-Cinztxs: 1 am a candidate for re-election a YOUNG MAN vv horn enunuit* are nncmploycd, I ,0,l "’ Ofllce of County Treasurer, on tlm first MONDAY w. idd take Jobs of Posting and making out Rills 1 in January next, nud respectfully nsk your suffrages. t. die 1st January. Apply nt tids olllco. dec 1—ft I ,|,. C 3 JOHN N. LEWIS. AY ANTED TO HIRE, ; - - •wjY THE Yl.AU. 6o l.k ly Negro fell *ws, to work nt , 4*" TO THE AOl’ERS OF CHATHAM COUNT!.— jfS (lie P.irh» Mine. Columbia Co., Georgia. Liberal | FELLow-Ctmr.vs: I am a caudhlate for the office of Cotin- v*j. i uill I*** |*aM. Apply to ty Treasurer, nt the election in January next, and re- li"V •*—1 III l. A. L. I, A.VIA It. I ,, , . spectfully ask your support. AAAXIEU, | ,i,. C \ L. J. H. FAIRCHILD. C41X OR EIGHT good Negro hands, for the steamer : i.has. Hattrulge. Apply U , i lilt 10HAM, KELLY * CO. ■ AA'AN'TED, I A.'.'D WARRANTM. The highest going rates will bo ( . • 1.1 f r Laud Warrant*, by i.v2S Mi'ENl'KR CURRELLA CO. ; TO BK1CKMAKER8. INTEDoou.wou lire k. For |*mtitulars, enquire of fl the subseril*t*r, on tlm second stor.v of the 8**rrel Pu*Ming. nov 24 JOHN 8. NOHRIa, Architect, avaxtedV r l*0 rntCIlASE, S'. li.imi Win.- ami Porter Hottlea. 1 Applv to T. J. IV A l>ll, No. 170 Ray sirceL FOll TAX ('OLI.r.tTOII. tV FRIENlRt ANGFF.U.mV-l ITIZKNM.-I nm a Candidate for re-clecilon 'or Hie nfllco of TAX C'Ole LECTOR, on the 1st Monday in January next, and res- pectl ally nsk your support. F. M. MT« »N E. N. II. If elcc.ed, I pledge nt* self not to accept of any oilier«.(lice. [net 31] F.M.8. T't U A M'EII. 1ll'l IKWI bl'Mlli:..S «.f OY.-TER SHELLS to be JG' LI H H F delivered wilhin llie next six imuitlis.— >i. ■. m * .cl •.»:« « v. i. i.xvi -x u THE Vi’TGRM OF f’llATHAM COlJNTV. GENTLEMEN t— I ant n eundidate lortlie ofliconf Tax t’ollecior of this County, (Hie I elect nm lo lio hulil on tit** first Monday In Jaimury, I IM.'O,) mul resneclfulfv' solicit your Mipporl. j nov l-ule A. F. I.ESNETT. roit siiriti fi. EEl.i lvV-t l rtZENM— I oiler lor 1 STRAYED 4)11 STOLEN. A P 'I NTER JiJG—.spotted—Liver color, ami Whit**—answers t>* name of a *8AMU:J." A liberal reward will be pai*l for the recove ry of said Dog. by VVAYNC. ouf.nvillk A CO. Sf Jgy- FEEI.HW-I I I IZE.NM—loiter l**r tlieotlicu / of Mtieriff of Cliulhuiu county, at the i iisiilllg election in Jiinunrv next, and ies|i*s:ilii!lv solicit )oar suppnrl. [ucl l€—III] W.VKING REMMEI.I., SAVANNAH. A POEM: WITH OTHER POEMS AND ESSAYS, BY DU J. II.VTNU. Price 30 cents. For sale nt the Rook Stores der 7 3 RUNAWAY! ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD!! F4»»4 (SIC DINA 14 \ ■ To Tllk VO'tV.Uw lip Oil A'f'll a'.vi UoTTntV. 6ar-*y Gentlemen:—I am a I'umlldnte f**r election SjaaB^ to (lie iiftlce of Ordinary, ui tlio eleeibm in lauumy next, and will be thankful lor jour siiiinorl. may 2«» M. Ik 811 EFT ALL. ivr FKLl.i »VV CITIZENm: —I am a candlduin for the office of Ordinary at tho election iu Jaiiiiuy next, and respectfully ask vour support, may 7 I1ARNAIU) B. I»F.B._ VV K are auiliorized to nniiotiuce J A M EM E. GODFRKV, as acuiiiliilatu for llie office of irdlmiry of L'lialliam County, at the emming Jan*inry • • may ft—id .HARDEN, b« a candidate lor llie office « . The sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will -- |r . U l ,, t*" paid for th .' appuheiisioii and dcllvcrv in j ll.HA Aw Mnvaunali.or to my overse"!, <*n Mt. ('atlieiine's j „f • Jrdlnary ol Chatham County, nt tlio ensuing Jaim Inland, of ANf 11 'NV.who nb-conded during | arv plrriion. Jol-ldo* the la»t Spring. He is rath-r und*-r five feet iu __ I Im. . ruund lull j/’kolloCI ***** < l-.-HK <•*' CULu'IN. e.nllf HOUSES FOR SALE. -p. A FiNr. North'rn Family Horse; also, a flue Mare, fast troit' dec 10 ter. Apply to JEO. A. McCLESKEY, >iTel s Ruildmgs. Dull st. - In. AN OVERSEER. undersign *1 de>ir>s to piocurc n situation aa ‘i- ' i oii a cotton an I provision |dAiit.iti "n.or m mt manager on n ric*- plantation. Satisfactory • vv ill lie given. Applv at this office. -3•*..! JOSEPH .1. 8ANDlFORD. Vjjjr- FELLOW CITIZBNHs—I uni a 'Piiidldate BqP for tho office of i.lertt of tlm Superior and lulerior Courts at 'lit* election in January next, uml re «pcctluily nsk vonrsupport. JNO. E. DAVIS. jo It—tde FEEE'MV t.'ITIZENMs -luma candidate at the election in Jitiumry next, for Clerk ol Hie .Superior uml Inferior Courts, and will be thankful for your suffrages. _ _ WM. II. IIULLCMJH. may 14 Janft’ftO Nt »TI • II.—We are niiiliorizeii to announce JOHN V. TARVER as a Cuielidile lor Clerk Superior and I ufurlor courts, at the ensuing dec- mi, ill January next, may 12 Jan ’ftfi ..T?' FOll NEW YORK—UNION' LINE.— Mai/J*sTli" regiilur pack**t «ilir. NORTH MTATK, ll"i toii, inii'" i. will have despatch for the al. w p.*rt. F**rlr* ight, apply to _ nov 28 GUDEN. STARR fo. FOR NEW YORKi—DKMILI.'S LINE.— Czfarltki Tin*regular Pack**! Iliirk PETER DEMII.h.Ciipt. •N. Iloey. run take hulk of lliu bale* Cotton. At plv t" m>v 27 ROM LAND .1 MON. , FOR BALTIMORE.-Tl " rclir. SAM’L RANI'Im, W. Itrowii iiiii-i. r. will m>* t with d— spat, n ii* ali iw. For freight or passage, apply on hoard nt Telfair's Wharf, **r to d*e Dl RRIG HAM, KELLY A CO. FOR LIVERPOOL.—Th" A I sliip Rin J’j^ah.TUNDG, Caj.t. Perry, will have quirk despatru. For li' ight, upply t.» dec7 imiGHAM, KKI.LY fc CO. i.W FOR LIVERPOOL.—'Ihc A 1 ship LAW'- ^■•tcgRENCE DROWN. Pi**rce maHer, Imving a, tifcni** Fo i ii-Mged, ami going on board vv ill have quick despatch, gor freight, apply to dec « BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. FOR LIVERPOOL.-Til" American sliiji wPgiFI.OillDA. t’apt. Miiinerman. having eDutmeiiccd ““**f"it*ifiig, vv ill have despatch for flic above port.— FVr freight engagements, apply h* dec 4 T. R. * J. O. MILLS. ‘ — FOR LIVERPOOL.—Tli.* A rAm-rieaii 'la4^,!-bip EtJUlTY. Jatui'S .1. Noyes master, having ni"'i oi lier cargo engaged, will have quick despatch.— For hulnuee of freight, apply to ! novO—If CARL HPIMNO. FUR- l.l V EltPtM il.. —Tlm" ship MARCIA C. ' DAV, Chase, master, will Imvo despatch for the above port. For freight of ftUO bales Colton, npplv I * 00128 T. IL 4t J. 0. MILLS. '-•-"V* FOR HAVRE.—The lino ship GROTTO, , *j£i&Ciiplain l.nmlerkin. For freight ftnu bab-s cotton, apply to |dec 7 | IIUIOIIAM, KELLY A CO. KOllllAVRE.-The MtilpCONMCL,Captain iltr .1. II. .Mortimer, for engagement of Grain or Cot- ton; applv to Iiov 22 J. R. k J. 0. MILLS. WANTED, A VESSEL to carry grain to New York; quick AjSaCpdcspatch given. (TeTn—:i ROUT. HARKHSIIAM ,U SON. ANTED TO 1 11 A UTE 11.—\ vessel .ml with Timber nnd Lumber, for Mt. Julius Apply to CARLKTON A FAR.SONS. 21 FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER— .The schr. EUGENE, apply t«. CARLKTON k PARSONS. _ F4>R FREIGHT OR CHARTER.— ' JUXl The brig l). It. DOaNK. Apply Uf • jSS& dec 6 011 DEN, STARR & CO. 1VAXTHD TO CHAllTER.-A Vessel .about tin* capacity of 260 cu»U* lllce. Apply to C.HIKNSA HERTZ. FOR III!AUFOIST'. VIA I1LUFFTON, IIILTi'S HEAD. I OYD’rt LAND- ; ING AND GIIAKLF.MTON. . W r“**- A Tfiotteniner IVM.8EABRGOK, C’apf. J *'* Dock, will leave tor Hie rImvo ' places on Sunday, the ‘2*iili Inti., nl .'*, I*. M. For freight : or passage, apply ul Ihc Chnrlodon Wharf, s* |.t I ' s. -.i. LAFFITEAl', Agent. UNITED STATES HI AIL I INE. ' FOR FALATKA, iSTkLA . VIA DARI BN, 1 imUN&WICK. ST. MARYS, JACKSON- VILLU, MIDUl.KUUKCi,(BLACK CRKliK,) 1 AND IMCOLATA. „ «.;r—"fc The new and ehignnt Mtcnm Pimkct ; *• rVtJ’.‘V5r2S!j kt ■ J' n i v ft - Cnpt. JuiiK's Freeborn, hav ing resumed her trips to Florida, will hi vo for llie) above places ever) Saturday, at Ml o'clock. For Freight or Passage,having excellent slain room \ accmiitno u lions, apply on board, at ihe Florida Steam i Packet vvliarf, near tho Gas Works, or to Je‘23 CLAGHORN & i CNNING.IIAM. Atrenls. IN D E I* 1C N DEN T ISO A FOR PALATKA &.BLACK CREEK, E, FLA. VIA DARIF.N. BRUNSWICK. ST. MARYS, (iA„ AND , JACKSONVILLE, AND PICOLATA, 1LA. To Leave (on her funner day) FHIDA Y. Thn favorite sicam bucket WEI.AKA, ; I'apt.N. King, willcommoncoher regu- - lar trtjis a-* above, on FRIDAY, nt 10 o'clock, A. ! M.. and will continuo lo leavo regularly every F’rIJuv, ] i Im Wclukn is well filled up with :drj Slate Rooms, uml i is in every way well adapted to Hie route. septM s. M. I.AITITC \t \ Acont. I I*V W Y l.l. Y A. .TIONTif 01.6.IN. At Private Sale. A pair of film earring" horses, work geiillo In double or single lmnicHi;]wlll bo sold low if applied fur Imiiieill. atnly. dec 7 A l Prlvntn Sale. A Funilly, consisting of— A Woman, 60 years old. A Man, 27 " A Hoy, 2ft •• A Girl, HI « A Roy, 12 •• A Roy. Ift •• Tin* above Negroes are likely ami young field bauds. Hold for m> fault. nov 22 Administrator's Halo, On the first TUESDAY in January next, belhra tho Court limine in tlm city ufMuvniinuli, between tlm legul hours of sale, A Negro Man, William, aged 46 years, belonging t„ || l0 estate of Mrs. Ann E.tintuu. by permission **f tin-«'miri of onliuarv. GEO. P.HARRISON, Adm'r. nov '20 i: V 4K t'A V tft 4 IHI eS . llrumlicH at Auetion. On WEDNESDAY next, Dec. 12, at 11 v'durlc, will bo sold in front of Store. 2 II f Pi|H!S “ Pi nett ('until Inn Co" Champagti" liraiidy. ft “ *• *• Cognac durk 1 •* “ .1. k H. Martell •• » “ 1 “ “ A. lirlltouii * * " 1 •* “ Gautier Fiores * “ “ 2 « “ J. R.Guddanl « Palo “ 4 Hr. “ Giles lleecker * •' " 0 >. «» Piuett Castilloii Co. “ Dark " 3 “ “ Rastenu •» •• " 2 “ “ IJberty • a a 1 " “ Carmilla Higiietto “ " “ 2 “ “ Miigluny " M “ 2 " “ J. It. Gmldurd nun 2 “ •* ]lrls*|Uoit, Tiichoe Co “ " “ l “ ** James Mona ** “ “ I “ “ Gautier Fleers “ n “ l “ “ Reiiautt k Co '• " * 1 " “ Tiiriieaud " “ " Terms.—Sums under {Umi, cash, from $100 to 1300,00 d4tys, over $3uft4 nmiiths for approved eudohiod notes, dec 8 BY MINIS 6l JOHNSTON. A l Private Male. A most d'-llght fill Summer Residence about three miles from th** village of Clarksville, in Habersham county.— The Tract contains about three hundred acres of land, u portion of which is river hottuiu, suituhle for larmiug. Ou Hie premises i* a two story I ruined House, in good repair, containing mx rooms, two she*]rooms ami an attic, with kitchen nnd wa*h-n*oiu and out houses fur servant.'. A large new framed burn Imsjust been built, and them Is al* * a corn crib and poultry Inaiso nearly new. Tho dwelling linns** Is W.1I supplied with all iiiruiturc re quired tor lo nisi-keeping. Tim farm is w.ll provideil with milch cows, ovii, l"*lil**r am! oats. All of which w ill l>v sold low if applied fur immediately. dec II AUCTION aAIilUB. BY MIMS he JOILNSTOX. EX ECUTOR'S SALE. KN Ho* first TL'EMD. I«V T. J* WAIjSII* "^virtart Moi". — I MY Itk.r.l, At PHDM HS [HlM'RRSSOaS TO PIIIIBRIIK fc IHU di-tunce from low water li. Plans of th" plautalioii a Ihe fuuuting Ruom. The following lots of laud: No. LG, 3ft District., Murlmi •* 131,11 - V4I, 4 ik. id wiinrf lots can L- seen at 173, K “ 62. II •* 137,13 - ‘26, 12 - 3'.ft, 12 “ 307. 12 “ I, 13 ** 2,13 “ 30. 13 - 6'klH “ 13.’*, 11 “ 77. 17 “ (.lift, 2,3“ U, 21.3 “ 32.14.3*' •2J1. 7,3" 1ft,’21” - 7ii! Ta! 7 ,f 776.21,3“ ‘ ‘27*. 12,1“ * !• P'., 12,1 " * 4':t,13,1“ * '263,12,1 " “ 316,12,1“ * 2, in Square N* lAft arri’a. Randolph 2o2'. 3 aereo. Raudolj'ii Co.. 'gH2' j acres. L*«*«-».. 2U2* ^ am-. Miiiiro" 2 '0 a* iu Cniwford n.. Dooly c*i„ 250 ncrea. Dooly cu.. 26ft aer"X. Dooly co., •26ftncnin. D.mly co.. 260 act* s. I«*"ly c 1., ‘26ft acres. Dooly co., *26 i iut* a. Il**oly co., '250 li-ees, Dooly co., '250 a* r* s. Dooly co., ‘26ft uer**s. Early. Iktkerc**., 2.Vi nerex. TlmioaH co., 26ft acres. Paulding co.. 40 acres. Gordon co.. 40 acres. Gordon (o., lftft acrec (loi'iiiii * <*., I» ft invoi. (ionloii l'k» ui r< 8. Cobb co., 4'lucr. -. Mm 1 nv <• *., li» i'.ti n. Murray co.. It'D acre-. Clmiok* <• co., 4‘) rri'i UlieMk* co.. 4ft nrru'i. I'amiin 1 n.,40 uer*'n. Lumpkin *•<*., 4‘i acres. Lumpkin co., 4*iucr*s. Lumpkin co., 4 1 acres, l oriylb * •*., 4ft acres. Uv virtue of a Dccreoof t|io Superior Court of niatham 1 lo-MOHHOW , ..t 11 Jch^It,'ln front of Mom: <'mini v T will offer for •tde, Imfiiru tho Court Jioaso In i Tlm usual assortment of drocvrles, Provisions, Liquors, t lie!'! tv of Fa van tinli, Urotk**ry and (Jiiws Ware, Dry (J.msIs. new and s.comi On tbc llr-t TLTMI'AV in .laundry, being 1st January, f hand Furniture, Clothing. Fancy Articles, Clocks, Watch* iKfia H," followliig property. Iiolon.'lng t" the estate of } d^'hv, Ac. Terms cash betorc delivery, tlielat" Thoiiuis linen. MoL to loiiiiim’i'e at II o’clorkt V E—All articles loirelias.d at auction nnd not settled All that Tract of land on Ifutcbliibon'** I Jaml, ojipoelte j S 1 '-? wl11 o» occoanl tlm City *.r Huvaiiimli, cont di.lng about four hui.drod ami risk of former oun dec 11 acre* (I :ft acres;) bounded north by Rack river, uast by Ev*** ut<;Fs Male. In nils* iff the 1 -tat 0 "f W. VV. Hlurk*:, and west bv Juugft , q„ t|,|. flint ‘J L'EHRAV In January next, at 11 o’clock, In King's land. Tbl* tract in (livid *d In five lota, for ftio- > front of Oonrt House. dm iiveni -1. Ibis laud is unsurpassed by any in the low l A plantation on White Mar*h l-inml, opposite Tlmn* ciuiitry of Georgia; it is subject to dry culture; tho river del holt, containing about Jh*0 u«r<* more or less, of which banks iM'ing short, they are easily kept in order. j nbi.ut UuOtt'Ti snre clean**! and under good cultivation, Akin, the l*klanc" good wo*mI and shlngbi land white oak, About 1,6'ift fact river front, run off In lots of different | |,jfltorv, hud pint. Oil the premises are a good two story b ngtlis, suitable for wharves, luiiilmryar*l-, \r. Tin* river | i| n , llii;; linii—. I>aru willi all iieeisaary out Iniildinga. Is deep near th** water line. I* lug 15 tftKfe**t, a short 1 About wuim tlnn und plm e, 5 negroes, a woman aged i ab iut 36. with her P. <1 children, a h >y about fl years, nnd a l.ov about 4 y< ars old, a man about 2s year*, a woman i 1 in,ht /.»ver.r*". Also the stock "f sold place consisting of | , !,ti|i. hor-i *, hogs, Ac. Also tho farming utensils oti said 1 plant'll ion with tho lints, ratio**, boat*, Ac., a buggy huc! . Iiarnevs. h'.n*e furniture, about 200 budhcls coni; pea« r ! J."tUt"l ». f'sld T. AC., Ae. J;. l.iimiiig 10 Hi** estate of P. Martcin, deceased, and sold bv order ol tho executors for flu* benefit of tlm heirs and I ereihtuts of said o-tntc. Terms mado‘Pnown on day of aale, dec 7_ JOHN CAMS, Executor. I'.xccuior’fi gale. On the first TUESDAY, in January next, at II o'clock, j in front of Court House. I Will l.esold by order «.f the |; ;(.cut**r: Lit Nos.4 and 6, nii'L Improvement, Carpeuters Row, feo simple, 45 feel | earli. fiont on East llroad st.. an l 150 feet deep to boun- I dary street. Th** liiinrovi*iin*iil* an* tw*»2 story woolen i iuiis h uii Last Rroau htreut, and 3 htory buildings on i Roiiiidary stieet. AJ-o Lot No. 22 and improvenents. Magazine Ward, sit- , uiit"*l mi lb • north en«t corm r of Itnmghton and East llrfji ’. Hlre**t*. 3ft l*y 160 feet. I* ■ simple. The improro- iimiiui'r * 4 tv.** st-ry vviMMlen hull** s <>m Broughton st., I iu..! ; m. sft.r.v building'* on E i«t Broad st., with 0 store 1 on tli" " im r. now upied by Win. Rourke. Al o East Imb I-. No. 3 n:i I Improvetnent*, Perdral [ Ward. *"i Ml il" stmt, next *«> tlm corner of Drayton st- j 3*1 by 3*1 feet. !••<• simple. The improvements are one 1J^ ! rtur.v WTMsJen hon *'. on Mbit" .dieet. and otto wooden ! building "ii tie* Eatio with all < nt buildings, A''. Th-ubov" property belonging to tl.u estuto of Patrick i Duffy. di ce,i.-i <1, and sold by Older of the Executors for tlm l.' ii'bti't tie! lull* und creditors of said estatem- ; Terms made known previous t * Hie day of sale. JOHN CASH, 1 dec 7 WM. ROURKE./ Hard Toni at Private Kale Now 111 store, for sale low. In qiMUtltlt' rs. Hard coal f**r parlor u-e. Tims Indian ytlic ... >. West Point, Go. 1 January next,in front of the : will and t.-Liim u! uf wing valuable City pro- Th * undivided half uf 1. 4,3, (V* eo.,4ftimr *. • l, S. -t. Walker ■ • .. 100 acres. 1.12,1. bumpkin * 1" acres. 3 3. i'auldiii*: • 4 J ai-roo. - Executor*. | , * fault. fin-* ' tdjHult pnre.lMt* lit i’rivato ' Je. Crock'' Indian Muddi-j l'uny. Bold for nov 2fl No. 8x3. 2.1. I'"Ik * FOR PAI.ITKA. FLORIDA. VIA DAIUK.N, l*Ur.\SWlCK, ST. .VIARY; . liKO., AND JACKSON VILLI*:, l’ICOLATA, AND RLACIx CRI*FLA. I V. *S’. MAIL LIME. _ 'MiunewaiiilfasiriiiiningfctcnmerSE- i nii^rterl'* 1 X11 v 111 1 Unpl. Tliomns I'.. Sliavv. will | ieuvo f *r l:o ubove places every 'iNie-lay, ut 10 o'clock. | A M.. from tliu Uiiarlcrtoii Sionin I'ucUei wharves. 1 00190 S. M. I. VITITEMN A-N | FOli C'lIAHM'.STON-J'.very Wediiu.- j tiny nti'l Sulurilay Altcrnooii**,ut N.x o’clock. m THE sploiuEd steam-hln GORDON. I ^miSiSiSSSm F' Ranleu. commander, will leave a* above, und will nr*nvc in Charleston in time to connect : with the Railroad lines going North and West. For Irelgklor passage,npplv on the I'lmrleslon *lcnm Packet Wharf, to 11 *v I .1.1’. IIR00KH, Agent. TLottcncn. Hlit'ElVEll I rr PKtbft CHOICE I.YYOICE OF FRUIT TREES ; t LA Di.vGnud tot sale—comprising Apples, j ‘'^4 Apricot, Peach. Cherries. Pears. Hum. and t^im^l.ii'j'berry—w, re ordered fora gentleman, who --- bus ili.-.puscd of his place, an*l are now offered i f. Apply to T. J. VVALM1, ■i** 1} .No. 17ft llny-st. MramSawTlill,A liind lor salt'. t. A FINE STEAM MAW MILL, located in Bulloch '•"Sla ifinty. on tin* great Ogee* In e Riwr, together with a tract of lu.000 acres good pine lo"*l, ami . ..^ • some swamp land upon whi* h is a fin*'grow th *,f ' Ju ^f ry m;xl . nn ,| rospcclfnlly solicit jour vole*, c ' •'■ekory, nsh, Ac. About 6ihi acre* oftl.e land is | mn y *20 IF illllN It. II AHGR.HII AM. c*'i.i'i.upon which aretwoa-ul'Jtnuntsof good dwellings, i - ... ^ - a Ituiiv and all necessary improvements for planta- The Mill lias an excellent circular saw attached. FT! YU ETFIC NS. -lTtizknb : I nm a candidMo for Die ofllcu ol Receiver of Tax Returns, for Chatham County, nt Hie election iu January next, and respectfully solicit your vo c*. iiov 2--id >• K. MIIII.EY. Fi’.i.Lim-citizens:-I am a aaiididate for O10 olllco of Receiver of Tux Returns, in WANTED, TO CHARTER, several VESSELS to lend with /r -it Ti'.' nn ,| Lnnilier, for ihigland, France, nnd the y fiwv2r Vorth of Europe. Apply to nov 23 _* CARL KI'l'lNO. VESSELS WANTED. Vessel tu loud from Jacksonville, Fla., to ^Philndelphln. "ssel to Load from Jacksonville, Fla., to Boston. A Vessel to Load from Darien. Gen., to Thniimstiiii, Me. For which u liberal freiglit will be paid. Applv to nov '23 WAVER A CONSTANTINE.^ FOR SALK, * A BALTIMORE BUILT A l CLIPPER BRIO ol ;20i> tons burthen-; carries I.Sftl) barrels; four ; coppered nnd copper-fastened; in com plete order for any voyage. For terms, apply lo nov 2:l t'OHENH A- HERTZ. Greene and Pulaski D rawn ntmiiers . Monument Lottery, Class 204 : dec 11 .S‘4.0»4 78 Number Littery—13 Drawn llallots. Green© and Pulaski Lottery. CLASS ‘411.ft FOR 1800. To he drawn nt Muvnuunh, Ga., Dec. 11,1S55. GREGORY A MAURY, MANAGERS. h c 11 c m c: 1 of 81,004—1 «f 8230—1.0 of 880. Tickets $1—Shares Iu proportion. Ticket* and Shares, either singly or by the pucka***, for sal** by dec 11 K. WITH IN0T0N. iBY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OFGEORGIA.! Havana Plan l.otitry. Jasper County Academy Lottery! MACON, GA. BEAUTIFUL SCHEME. 81 ‘4.000 FOR 85. 830,000!! Will bo distributed nt CONCERT HALL, MACON. GA.. Dec. 15,1855, according to tli" following magnificent nnd unprecedented Scheme, under tin* sworn suiierliitcndcnca of Col. Geo. M. Logan and Jus. A. Nisbot. Esq. Class tl. DECEMBER 15TH, 1S65. CAPITAL, 13,000 DOLLS. 1 Prize of. $12,01)0 'lllpllutl. • Willi the III lilt" Domthfu Ahiuhnmv. the 1**11* porlj . In "il.'.'illg t** e.Xi*l ***tll**': Half Lot No. 4 ill fee simple, Laroche. Tythiug Ii* r.tli- i , mirt W..rd. ii"M to the rc-Mcnreof J. VV. Morn I. with the brick tvvo*t"iy dwelling. »i»re und cellar,fronting on Broughton sir. 1;. ii**w occupied by J. D. ,1**— • asu f.nnily groci'i'v. siibj'.' t to alias**ut tlin e years from first of Feb ruary uic.t. ' hut Nu.3, !.'.*• rty War*l.vvic!i tin* two tenom* nt two story wooib'ii tlv.. n c. floutingon lhoucliton street, with car* "Iu. *• I *m« *•■ stables and kitclieii. 'i'lu* l-.t isMtbju-t loan annual rr **ind rent t*> tin* City of $27.50 (tyenty-i.oven dollars an i litt.v cents.* Also. I. ,t N<*. PJ. Jnck«on Wan!, on which Is a large two st >i v v*. *i "!eu *1 vv cllhig 011 a high In lek basenu ni, fronting on iiull street, with carriage lions and Guide; 011 tlio s >utiivve.*t .orm r of wd 1 I >t. Isa *inu!l two story wooden dvvelliiigoiin high brick has m nt. homing also on lluil *>:i" t. with i'!»<* hou*** and Gal*!**: ihl* l"t is subject to uuiuiiitul ground r*-nt u» c '.F2 thirty-Gave dellurs and twelve cent*. Tile above pi-ojierty will he «old without rest rvc. Term*—Oii'*-tiiird cash, om-Uiird tlir .*»• nionliis credit. 1 ndri-muiiiiiigthirdlourmnuihscreiiit, secured l»y moil- gag -of the prop* rty, and policy of iiiMirnnee tran-ferred. Purchasers paying for titles ,1. DELAMOTTA, nov It) ExecutorDerothca Abrahams. SALE AT AUCTION X3V TI1D CITY OF DAPIDW. j •Id **n Suiiirday, th** 8th day of this . . uitli. in th" city of Darien, n* nr tin* Exchange Dock, u! 2 **YI**ck. P. M., tin* bdl* wing nrticl* ». saved rtoin tin* hark M* ntor. now lying *>n th<* llrcnkera of 1'ithoy Bar. S**I.t l»> order of the Port Walden, fur tlio hen. tit of ail coic'erried : 1 Eoii Wheel Cliain. Topsail* Mhoct. Top-gallant Sheets an 1 Runner.-. 1 Lot uft<*r-riintiiiig G, ar: 1 bras* mounted VVhveL 1 Wain-ail 1 .'lain Ti v-ail. 3 T**| -ails. 1 Royal.:. top guliant snll*. 1 Forc-uil. 1 Jib. 1 Ilyin.-Jib. 1 I •reiopma*t stay. 1 Mail. 1 inilii topmast, -tuv-ui!. 1 Miz/i'ii t"pnia-( staysail, 1 spanker. 1 Gall' t"p«uil. 1 I •( bl**"li«, 1 vv* ;r I gear, 1 side ladder. 1 Mi di, in* cb '•!. 1 mahogany sola. 2 ronipasccs. 1 bin- ulc'ic. tfc *ilsii"vv rop.*. 1 si**v** and fixtures, 1 lot running gear, fore bead and spear Ini"*. 1 hall oakum. 2 anchor*. J lum.-if, 7 ’> fathom-. ) ', Jnrli moving chains, 1 devil claw. und tin 1 •' boat-. Al-1 th* .-til hark M<*nlor. a* she now lie* on the North Breaker* of Dubov Bar. together with all the standing rigging, spar-, pumps, tivo authors,nud two chain eu'*l**s. Al? •. 12 hail. U beef. 4 *!.*. pork, 0 do. Hour, ami 13 do, of bread. Terms of sale cadi. E. M. BLOUNT. Auctioneer. Darien. Dec. 3, 1655.dec 6—3 fcj, p.ut.u II of 1/ U- •1. J nerto. Fifteen n.'n Nt groe-: Frank, Jim. Ju**. I ll/a. Daniel, llnrbord. Mary, C'imlu, Judy. Georg*, latlo Jim, Jusiiu^ V irgil. Alfred, Moinniny. One plantalio'i It u (nearly new,I <>!ie wagon, cmshel- hrs. <-"tn fan*, ploughs, hoes, spade*. <*:i*.- tli milling mu- chine, ,vc. Term*: f i th* laiul and wharf I *ts oti«-thlrd cash, bn*- mice one nn '. iw • yar*. hearing hit r* *t fr**m the *lnv of sale, s'"in l by mortgage aiidpet—u*&l s* "rity. For the I'lt oi ian l ii.-gr ics and plant i*. "i Mi. n-i s. *-a-!i; pur- i baser** paying i.»r title*, niortgng-v uml all nec.**«ary pa per*'. " •!■ c 1 JNo. r. 1EEKIEL. Ex«nit**r. *,* (linrlistonCourier. Augusta M"iitimd un*l Columbus Inquirer, c.ipv one** per week for tlirco weeks, uml send bills to tbi* n'Jloc. Ift share* of I lot RANSOM STOVE WORKS, -rrr s j W'SJ gg'8.UMI III wiis.c. Knui: V & of October, a la goods, conrlsiii Ol'EM.VG FALL AND WI.Y l l.14 JIIL1* NF.I4Y MMHIS* MRS. c. FREELAND will open this day, ISlh ' ‘ largo nnd selected nssortiuent of 'linguf French, Silk, and 8nUn patiui-n lionncis; nl*o a ciioico lot of plain and coloreil Hirnws. millions. Velvets. Laces, Flowers, Feathers, Fan broideries, Dress Caps and Head Drosson. Hoimels i leaned and Pressed. N'.ll. Ali i this Heastiii, in the Dressinnklogdcpar'.-, sin* a ill be eiiHbkil io plonBO her customers In ev ery respect ns to Fitting, Making nud Trimiug. as she has advantages of procuring tlio host mul most up- proved Purls Fashions, mniiltily, having ulio engaged the services of a competent person from tlio North.— she will pay particular ut'.ciuion to the Making. Braid ing nud Embroidering of Children's Drosses. Dicsscs matin in the most Iasi-bumble manner in iwcn'.y-four hours. 174, BROUGHTON UTItKET, oct K opposite Hi. A ml rows Hall. COAL-COAL. a 'I'* i\S .'-ill I.limp Coal for parlor u*". 6uo tons V Broken ami M r**em*d Red Aiiie.2.*Kl tons largo Lump Leltigh.'JoOton* Richmftud Fine Foal for Mmitli's tise.for sale low for cash from Coal Yard. Eastern Wharves nov20—12 A. N. MILLER A CO. SUNDRIES. RllEM. Stuart's crushed Sugar, 25 do. do. pow- r der* *1 Sugar. ». do. II. clarified Sugar, fit) do- do. A. *1). Dl hhd*. choice SI. Croix do. 10 do. *!** P. R. d". 5 hid*. Riitl. r, Fugnr, nnd Soda Crackers. AT ALHINV. N13YV YORK. X\7E <*fior for talc, at ,eir SAVANNAH bTJVC Yt AGENCY, o largo and varied a*-*orlineiit'of STOVES. OF Ol’K OWM MANUFACTURE, ami solic it; coutinustirouf tlio liberal encourngeiuent plveii our Apuucy i:i this city dining Hit* pas' year. For tlio Information <•'' ALL PARTIES intcretLd in the k*T"VE ill's,NESS, either buying orsu'ling, wc have Hu* s.itlsliiollon n Informing our ciistomer* nbrund (as those at homo know the f.irt.i that during the past year tec have sold .MU III', s To I' r.s than nay other estnb* IMiuieut in tin* State of Georgia or South CnroPna. Wo mnke this atateaioul in Justic** 11 ourselves, nnd to sot us right heforo the trade, and with n full d-lorntln utionor doing nioro and better for our cusiontere du ring Hie pr* Heat year. J A M EH Si’Ll.IVAN, Agent for H. il. Ruusont 4l Co., ; oct 13—On Hluvo Mar.ufac'urcrs, vlbanv, N. Y. , STOVES-STOVES-STOVES, THE NEW WORLD C )Ol\ STOVE sold by the snbscrihur*. i« iwkiiowl* dc u l*v nil win* have mi n **r u- *1 tin m. t * !* • the l*?-t mid ; most eonvciih ut M* v— for l».i\in*. Fo.vstiug nml Broiling, sold in tbi*city. Me ha.' *1-1 a larg• nuini'ir sine** tiny hav** b* n intro* dncod into Hd- market, r.ll i.f which have ' given perfect siHl*lh<'|jou in every p.irtietilnr. | Tiicy mv «•» con»truete*l In the bottom **v* ii plat***, that , they afford more heat tlmn any other St*»V" now in use. They nr ■ well fitted, very heavy eastings, und largeuvetif. ! We hav** live si/* *. Me ar *-Ring them at v.*ry low i price.-'. Tin* operation of tlii* stove is wairsnit* d. We have also a pretty ii-.-ortnignt of HI* r . Hall. Ofilcc j nnd Rur-ltoom Stoves, whl*'h vv" i.n* selling r.t v.-ry low ; price*. We would be |>lcnscd to have y.ui call ntld ex- , nmiin* before purcimsiiur. d**e Ul LOVELL * I.ATTIMORE. ' 25! I 1.0 s groi 150 do. gWB®" 1 ‘""I .iaL-nk'* ar* old !» 130 10*1 ii M fi \<£T fi To the Travelling Public. . n«riv will bo sold at a bargain. Enquire of It. McCROAN, ■ v 11 2m Scnrboro’, Scrivcn Co., On. ‘ f Imrleston Courier will copy tb« nbovo to tho am't v 1 dollars, and send bill to this office. V** :^***. FF.LLOVV CITI'/ENH:—I'll tlio llr-t ol *gt]bf May last, I niiiioiiuced myself a candidate toi Itocolvor of 'I ux RoOirin*: und nm nmo acandi- unic lor Hint office, ut tho next elocui n, and respect- lully Holicll your enppori. Your obedient servant, Ja G 11. T.TUBE'S. TO MY FELLOW CITIZENS OF CHATHAM G >. fVsgf* I mn us'iindiilnio for Receiver of Tax lie- EOF Dims at tlio election m Jnmiury next, nud THE DINING SALOON in the New Pn-seiiger Depot lit Macon, will bo opened THIS DAY. December 3d, where Meal* will lie s t v.-.l **.i tin* arrival of * i**h Train **f Car*. Attached (•• tlio S.'iluoii, are laulyl*** and Gontlciiii n's Pml"rs ntld Wash . ll<H*m*. nml everythiiiR necessary for th • ncrnmmodntion “* of tie* travelling public. I.OHAN & MEARA. Proprietors of Lanier lluii.e*. Macon, Gn, 1.30ft ; 3,250 i 18 Approximnliun Prizes •251 Plll/.KS AMOUNTING T > $3U,000. Only 10,000 Xumhcra. Tickets §5—Halves £‘2.50—Quarters $2.25. In this scheme if you draw anything, even the lowest prize, it will he five time.- (he cost of the ticket. payable in full, without deduction—and every prize is drawn at vnclt drawing, ami some parson mu-l get them. Or.len strictly confidential. Drawings sent to order*.— glstered letters at my risk. Dill* mi nil solvent Rank- ST. ' • uiululntp I VVM. \V. GATES. HA VAN N Alir.'i A V j."lr'53." Messrs Eimtohm:—Ynu will idea*u nn- r.oilncu Mn. ALEXANDER TIIOMAH us a Til Me Tor Receiver of Tux the ensuing lanunry olectiou, nud oblige MANY VOTERS, tuay .1 FELLOW GITIZENH;--1 atn n eniidldole __ fur the ofike of Receiver of Tux ReturtiH, in lumiiiry next, ami luspectfu'ly solicit your von-*, nay 13—If l» B. Dl I.I.ON. u cuiulldule January next, and respectfully solicit your voles, may 14 tf Z. N. WINKLER. COO ACRES of Und. lying in Scrivcn county, '•‘■■'•frand on the Ogeochoe River. 52 miles from the city, , m , tlv theC. It. It. running through it; 75 acres of I -,, cc if,iilv ask your support. - upland nnd n portion of the Imy land cleared nnd i ma y (jV—Jan5,’60 ’ ii’i fence, the balance wi ll tiinh*-r*-d with pin** and ' r growth. The bay land is equally n* good and fertile “Connor's" or “ YoungY' bays, it lying between ’ ai Tin* improvements are n 1story frame Dwelling, 311".. * with five rooms and nil necessary outbuild- L-*. Tli" health of the local ion Isas good ns any In tlio * 1 v1 country. Oil the place I* n lino Pencil Orchnrd nml & 'E'-r •l"scriptious of fruit. With the placo can he bought * a »t>s k of Cattle nml Hog*. Ac., and a goml n*-ortment : niftig Implements, If the purchaser wishes. For P*” • apply Ui WM. WltlOllT. Plantation and Negroes, FOR KALE. -rt- 1,310 ACRES OF LAND,on the Little Ogerchee , '"^SsvRiver, six miles from Savannah, adapted to tho t '>rW c "lD)t« or rice, cotton und provisions. On the plnccis n coinlortnble Dwelling, with every uni'' muuca uml aecoinniodnlion for sixty negroes. The |rv.i i* well timber'd nnd woo* led. susceptible uf division 1 ■■* ■ f 'im*, with the conv* nicncc of a Plunk Road and * nil to the city. With th** plantation will be sold, if u - —I, .'t.Uftft liu-hel* ol i orn. bidder. stu* k. Ac. Also, a gang of SIXTY NEGROES. Apply to the sub- . nov ift—e<Ml2ni j m .imiii«,x | Look Out for the Murderer!! _ ^^luable Savannah Hiver Tide 8 warn p $100 nn 'W a rt-X) . r -.foTTr. . T:>e, 1,10X1 SAIiia. nROME JAIL In-t nigbt in tin* pin*a Negro Man. r ’ : •* - , , ' ' ’"vllmv t:ii .; I.ANIiS on Izln \ named PRESET, who wua under senteme uf death I.'.!! . ,, . n . rhV ! ""dn amounting t« about i Im the < rinio of murder. Said negro i* of copper color, *'V^ , - , M'«'n*-,..l sill.* hub .nt .in nrr.-H m-e improved I full large eyes, tall, lull six f.-t, weighs about 17ft Dm.. ""ft gooft .planting **111*1. to reilier witu a ilwel- ! very intelligent, tail rend and write, nud will piolmhly 1'.' 7..'JnTo.r n l,rl ' k attempt to pirns US ft tree negro. Paid I'ri-ly I* tin* same •• 'Hi steam tbrn-lier. lid* property I* divi*it,|«. 1 * - Ft) 14 TAX U4M.I,i:4:TOII- r•) T11E VOT HIIH I) F tJ11A T11A M CI) I ’ N T V. GENTI.EV1EN ;—I um nciiiiillilato (or Ihe _____ ifllee of Tux Collector of this County, (the election to bo held on Hut first Monday In Jniuiury, 19511,) and respeutlully aollcit your support, may Hi—if PETEK G.THOMAS. pluntnti >ns containing from 13ft to 170 acreit •*'5. with higli ground settlements attached to each. I m ‘d»"ll as purchasers may desire, in one IkmR or «e|ia- I "ill also sell about 130 Negroes, bred on the place, •• "tioni are an uiiu om! pioportion of y>*ung r— • ' il the Bhc fginds all or In part, with or with fjl '*.« Vegr'H'S. 1 i Hie I.n ml**, part rush, tho rcmnlucr on time. For 1 • 1 I'iirlimlnrs. enquire of Messrs. ROBT. ll-UlKIt- til Wl A PON. or ou thn pn, to r.*' 2%—ewllin W C. DANIEL. Rice Lands and Negroes, ■''im vn.v. w I % gro'tliat was arrested iu tlu* city of Savannah in July last lie was then the property *if Willy K Montmollin. of Pnvniinnh. I will give the nnovo reward for the appro- hentlon of said negro, so 1 can get him. WM. J. OGILVIK. I<cxlugton, On., Dec. 1. dec 4—ft Madison Female College, (AT 31 ADI.ION, ti A.) T HIS.SPRING TERM of lids Institution will begin on ' MONDAY. January I lib, 185ft, under tlm direction ', | of the following Faculty; j Rev. JOS. II. ECHOES, A.M., President, und Professor 1 Moral Philosophy. ■' •V. JAMES I.. PIERCE, A.M., Professor English and Eat 111 Literal urn fl FOll HALE A VALUABLE BICE PLANTATION, on thn j Savannah lllver, within 11 few miles of the rity, 1 „ „ . uu . „ f .. . , „ , 'iitaining m-nr'JftiNi acres of land, of win. h 74(5 j ''1' Inil'yA unilylv"* uT^. 11 "u o ; j '’*"»• ,i " ii " r ' "*"» w *"» J";:"!;1 »""l"uilfcT K.'sIIKHMAN. I'rlnrlml l'rr|mnilmj ".w'.'" ', «'*«» I BW.Y7l.H-ht.lllW IlKl'I., rtfl "Till WMl'Il'R.) |"T iiiiio, ilJli). Tuili'in Iu Literature Department per an- limn. *6". No extia charge for Vocal Music and the hiugiinges, ilaitin and French.) Tlm first Thursday In July will ImCoimiienceinent Day. Catalogues containing imrllciilnrs, nay lie obtained 011 to uny of the Family, dec l-.i.w VV. 1IAS8,Sao'yofFaculty. . I so N" liiul* msy h» pim In* ■''‘"i-*•*'* u*t..|it<id l" 1 !«••• • nil it 1 *. For t"i ms ap- II. IIAllEI.SIIAM A PON. ath 1 di Henry Pemisylvaiiln seed onts, 1 *•*•.- 1,,-ln ,.t f,. ,| „at«. dally expected per schooner *'. A Ptvuui, Iruiu DtUllnior.*. nod for sub* by LYNN A MM DER. Notice to Contractors. I'nui.nccr'r Orrirr, CiunwtTox & Savannah r. R.l Charleston. 8. t\. Nov. ‘2ft, 1865. ) S EALED PROPOSALS will lie received at tin-Olllce until tin* 21-1 December. 1‘•55. Foil THE CLEAR- ; ING AND GRADING OF FORTY i4<ii SEITIONS OF ! THE CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD, from tli*' commencement of the 11th Section, just beyond 1 Raiitowle* Creek Marsh, to the end of the Aftili Section ! m ar Siilkehatrlii" River and Rri*h<. ; Tin* line H divl'led into Sections averaging each one j (11 mile in length, though the individual Section* vary I slightly from this nvtrugo, to suit the more euiivviiimt ' execution *.f tin* earth work. } The w idili of Clearing will vary somewhat according I to locality, hut will average about lull feet. The Cun- ! tractor will in nil cases I10 required to clear tlm entire j length of hi* contract before commencing the earth- j work or trestle-work. J There will he on tin* whole line nil aggregate of about 1 two nnd a half <2! a ) mile* of I resile-work, which will j vary from ft to 3, and iu n few cn»« * 14 feet in height. ' Tin* 11I1111 of structure adopted for some place*, will ho I the double row of pile* driven aliiiul ft feet apart, cut oil • about 2' j feet below grade nud capped; mum which caps t will rc-t Hu* stringer*. And, iu oilier places, the eom- 1 moii •• inverted V\" trestle. r*«tlng up"ti a ground sill, or J where necessary, upon u sill iteelf. resting upon 3 piles j sawed off ut or near the level of the ground. Tlm Rents • will average about Ift leet n|uirt from centre to centre, ‘I and la* connected together by string-pieces not Ii «s tlmn J 12x14 Indie* Mpuired timber. In tlm “inverted VV" J tre-tl**. every 6th Rent will lie braced longitudinally. Tli** material f**r the trestle and pile work niu-t be of the ' bi'-t quality Yellow Pino Timber, nut le-* tlmn 12x12 ilicbe* square. Person* intending lo submit Proposals' muv obtain more exai't iiiforiliatioii by refereiiee to iho Maps mid Profile* and general S|H*cifiratlons in the office. Proposal* may he submitted separately for thn earth work 1 including clearing.) nml for tin- trestle-work. Tlio-** pi"|Hi9ing will spi cily the price fur cadi aero (squaremf clearing (including “grubbing" within tho limits of the excavated or embanked breath.) the into per cubic yard of excavation or embankment, witli tlm price per hundred feet of average haul, beyond lftft feet ins it must be understood, that where earth from the ex cavation i*. by the Engineer's directioii.hnuled into tho embankment, provided it be within tin* average haul of , will be paid for but once, with additional 1 allow unci'for 10 -r. haul, mil md paid for a* excava tion mid ouihmiknioiH holll.l—III" pi ice pel t,incur loot of treslb-work, of or within tin* limit* of is, pi and 14 ■ feet height, or. u* will lie much preferred, tbi* prim per ' cubic foot, or Fool Hoard nieiisme of ull materiul in the trestle. Tlmy Will also specify till) Section or Heel ions they propose to contract for. Puyi lents will h<* made monthly on tho estimate of the Engineer of work done. 20 per cent being retained liy tlm Company for It* security until tlm lluul cunipio- lion. prisons proposing will stale wlml proportion of tho amounts duo them they will he willing to take in Stock or llondsof tlm Company. Proposal* should In* addressed lo the undersigned, uml endorsed “ Proposals for Uraduuti'ui” or “or Proposals for Trestle-work." (Signed) TIIOS. F. DRAYTON. President and Chief Kugiuoo. nov — eodSODcc FIVE DOLL A It S, ONLY. 1 | X()R a beautiful llunit*«te||*l I*i Hie vill.ije of Her* j H’ llie; L. I.. near tin* * itv *d New Volk, filly j farm*mid 350 liullding hits will lie divided among lftft ; sub-* nbei-on lb* **v*'iilng<*f the 11 lb in*i.. eai-ii subscrl- ( her f**r onl.t £6. will receive 01m building I'd, 2A by lftft JAMES F. Vy.NTER. Manager. Macon, Ga. GEO. A. McCLESKEY, Agent, dec C Dull st., (2 doors from Day.) navnnunh, Ga. IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, CXjA.8S XO, Will be drawn at Atlanta, December 24. CAPITAL PRIZE:, 10,000 DOLLARS I i,©oo rxiizES. Tickets, $6—Halves (2.50—Quarters, $1.25. Adilross SAM’L SWAN, Manager, nov '24 Atlanta, Gn. SAVANNAH AGENCIES. I. II. MAIlHTON, General Agent, Bull Street, Imme diately opposite the Post Olllce. J. L. AUTREY, on Uroilghton, between Whitaker A nnriisrd Strei t*. nov 14 Peptter. Smith and Buchan'* family Soap. - Colgate*' pub* do. 100 do. do. II). Bar ami No. 1 do. 100 Reams Wrapping Paper, assorted sizes. Exuding, ami in store. For sale hv dec 0 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. I Alii). CODFISH AND HERRINGS^ M A 25 libl*. prime new j^xif Lird, 2 lili'l*. C*u|fi*h, D") boxes Herring*. Landing, ami for sale bv <! i'll .-'UKANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. C 1 POTATOES.—&ii*. Cnrt.r I’u ! tatoe* ju*t received, flu* sab* by dec fl SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. K UTTER AND I'HEENE -60 logs choice * C.mipani- Go-lieu ltiitt**r. 75 boxes choice Goshen Che,*".— ' Limliiig, uml for sal*- by dec fi SCIUNTON. JOHNSON A CO. e RICKH—firlek* for sale l v •lee 0 MIMS k JOHNSTON. A V ANN AH MUTUAL LOAN ASSOC I- Administrator's S'. !**. • ;i TUBS l)A V. lli!i of 1>.. * mi • r n-xt, nt 11 o’clock, will i .* * -11 at He* Man-hail II '.- . Uroiuhtcnstreet, All Ih Fun • in sa!. li 1- .• *n- -ting of a largo and 1 Mtipicu u,a-ntHunt ,'urs :u 1. 1 f Pull*-r,Chamber an4 bitch* ii J iiriiitui,: a!- •aii«. i i::*i*b Mund *• tt of Harness furfburh* - tbep : -),ablei,r»|H'-rty belonging to tit * evi..t .-of A. It. Hart . !L*: ' !, by permission 01 tlie ( nr: of Oi-'iir.aiv an ip, ri. • 1 of the Administrator, f. r ti. - I "in i.t uitli**.T' il.t t-i.'.d hiir,ofcaidestate. T 'nil-1A. BO.' .*> I D,Temporary Ailta'r. N. It. A i ntabvue of ihei.rtl'l o culi b. * ', n enaiqillcn- ! lion at our Uoanling Ilo nn*. t r to tho AdmiuLtrater. AW. Th? b.f.vj of Hie Marshall House enn In* treated for pre* , vl iiiH totheiliiv of side, oil application t-i A. 110NAUD or 'li.-. ‘1 Al’.V MAH8HALL. nov K I^iuUable l'ire Insur'ec Co. pf London. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $2,500,000. 1 Actual Capital ami Auct. 81,300,000. Ono Million Tlirco Hundred and Fift? Thousand DOLLARS AVAILABLE I 0U LOftSES. DIIUSCTOllM. ; ARCIIIRALD CAMPBELL BARCLAY. Esq., Chairman. , Clmr. II niKlt, J'.ij. I 1'. I ward S. Pytnes, E<q. I Hugh CpiR, j:-*|. I' : in 1 nt Tabor, Esq. John M E-|. I T!."ie. .* West, Esq. Ki"d k. M"- ■*. li**q. I 2. V . Wuudbouso, Esq. J Jvhn Show, U p I BANKER.'—Messrc.Glynn, MillsbCo- I N S U II A N C E . o.N DWELLING.'. SVtillK<, .MiiUCHANDIZE 0F.NKR AI. LV. AND UTilERGoOD RISKS ON FA- V «) It A i) I. U T E It MS. All fume* derived 1 r. iiiiun.* and -ales of share. In th** t'liit- I Sint' • In vested by Trii.-.tee* i* Now Yurk, vi* t C. f.d'.vd. Il'ibieht, I II. J. Dillon, Henry Ludiutu, | Juu. C. Holbrook, liiii' ral Agents fur the United States. PHILADELPHIA AGENCY, -ift WALNUT STREET, FAKQUIIAR BUILDING, Wheru Policies are issued, und claims nitjustcd and paid, without reference t<* London, PHILADELPHIA REFERKNCT?. Mi - -rs. Sind**. Pratt n Head. I .M**-r*. Iting'n it Dock. •• Ludwig. Km *Kr tt U >. I •• Juu. Tiers it Co. •• A. G. C-ttell U Co. J “ Duiiii, IlaigT It Co. •• Corn* lift-. Raker U. Co. | Person* wd-hing Insurance In this Co., will plensoap- plv tu the mbfc rii'er. whuwiil issue the Co.’s Policies on at! <lf* - ripii m* of lnsnrabloproperty. A. WILBUR, Hab’Agt. in Savannah for tlio Equitable Insurance Co., ' Ill I!"y -lv ' 1. dec 8 Peruvian Syrup, DYSPE FSIA, Liver Complaint. Dropsy, Neuralgia, Incipient Diseases of tho Lungs and Bronchial Passages, Genoral Dobility, Ac. &c. &c. T ill' foil' wing are taken from hundreds of tho strong- e-t testimonial.* :— * you have requested some 1 mod la my ease from the • that for NEW TIN STOICS: AND SHELT-IHON MANUFACTORY, KO. I ll HOt rtl VVKST M Miliar sqt'ARR. tlUYAS BTREXT. 1 VVt il 1 LI) iaf'irin my old* nml pat- i', I havo opened the abov e-lure, to con duct the Stove, Tin ami ^..eo' -lron bu*im*'s in all ii* various forms, wher** will ho found n general variety of Stoves, Tin nml Sheet- Iron Ware, which I wl'l lie plea-nil to show you, and at such jir>*:i a uv will sallsfv you 11 you want lo purcln-e. Al Uinds of Roofing, (timers of Lend. Galvanized Iron Work of every degerip:n*n. Job Work and Repair ing executed with desp it-It,Old Stoves pat up and Pipe* furnished nt short m.ti-'. Till-Ware nt Who'e.-itlcsuid Call down Bryan street. It w ill pay you for thn walk, nov3 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. Jilts, mr. axxiMiiAJi’s school WAS OPE'.TD OX T1IS Firi-I Moniliiy in Novriiibri*. M RS. C. would inform her friend* tha^tln re are a few vneunries v. Iiieli may li' fill 'd by applying imme- *li:*t"ly. A few young Ladi* * vv**ul 1 Ih* received lnt.i the family ns boarding s In'lar-, where they will receive iho kindest cere and aiieutioii. .Mr. .MASmi.V, 'J* .ichi'j'of the French Iguigiiage. Fesj- ilein e Nortli side ot Liberty Greet, 4 door* ubow Bar nard. iiov 22 JAS. K. DICKSON, Lire ami ['ire lusuranre Agc-nt, W II.I.TII.'V',:i.llir.i"sh Ci-titral mil 1 |.p«r0 -ririft and Tentie-see. duly autimriz.-d by responsible ipatiie*. to solieit and re* i ive application* from par- ii< * vvisbin - tlu ir live* or property insured. He will also m*t e* agent l*«r tlie Savannah Republican. Refers l i Messrs. Webster A Palmes. Win. King. Kelt- li'dy A: Beach, J. M. Norwood, P. VV. Alexander. V. VV. SkiiT, F-nvniinnh. iiov C—tf d.c GEO. A. McCLESKEY. Sorrel's Building-. ^GLETIIOHPE LOAN ASSOCIATION " STOCK, for *al*' by jjv;eh COATS. Overt oat-of every deserlp- ipiality. in coh-r. in «ljle an I in *!/•*. All -uileil by calling nt tli** Star t'lotlihig Emporium, street. dee it WM. I). PRICK. MINTS k JOHNSTON. and for sale by fl ALINI4 TWIN Id —For -ale l*v “ dee fi MINIS & JOHNSTON. AY — In store, ami for mile hv deefl MlVlS I.EFLBK & WILlOX, DENTISTS, nfiloo over Hi)Witt 4» Morgan's Store j on Congress Strert. , I SAVANNA It, OA. J oct 4— ly j Iff lisle Al* GAUD. iruiiltrs bahing, I*vttt'rxxov of .lluxic, @ Respectfully offer his services to the cidzens of tSnvannali. „ , To be lound ul VV. D. Zogbaum 1 Music Storo . , oct 1 D | tK KOI'CIIE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, WASHINGTON, WILKES CO., GA. Will practice in nil tlio Counties of the Northern Circuit. GARNETT ANDREWS. ROUT. T. VOUCHK. d* c fl—tr HATH! HATS M HATS!!! JUST RECEIVED, a fre-li lot of those fine Mole- slc’in and Soft HATS, of Ihe latest patterns and oloi'H, at the STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, ey 117 Bay street. HATS AND CAPS Corner liiirniiril .V Urougluon-Sts. II dee H II M A<KK . ,K '' : P LASTER d«*c 5 Cw L. A JOHNSTOK. «, large «iz.e. For sale bv MINIS ,(• JOHNSTON. 60 bid*. IMa-ter. fur sale by C (HI.ETON k PARSONS. EMENT -KHi bid*. Cement, for sale by A It I.ETON l PARSONS. ATIIH.—loo m Lull*. Ihr sale by CARLKTON & PARSONS. Elt STEAMER FLORIDA: MT Choice Pig Sides; do do Shoulders. do do Hum-; do Bologna Sausage. New Fig*: do Layer Ral-lns. do Rum'll ItaiidiiH; do Chontmita. do llielcory Nut*. Also, Fulton Market Reef, Pjg Pork, Smoked Beef, do Tongm*. Choice (h*-beii Butter and Cheese, Ac. For sale by Iiov 22 .1. A. BROWN. HAL.—."/Oft bushel** Fresh Ground Just received. lYi For sale by WILLIAMS A RATCLIFF. ( 1 IN AND I1HANDV.-For sale bv Wnovu WILLIAMS ,v BATCHFH U ICK.—1ft casks Priuio Rice, 15 .-nsk* Middling Rice. 10 eusk* Small Rice. 4 HI i* AV-IIAY for sale by iiov 20 H AV—1IAY-IIAY. . liny, for sale low. by nov 2ft IOIIN AND DATS. 'or sain hv WEBSTER k PALMES. HAY,—Select and Eastern llnv, DAVID It. DILLON. Market Square. 30ft Rules North River DAVID R. DILLON. Market Square. Ih avv Seed Oat*, tor sale DAVID It. DILLON. Market Square. SILK HATH. HC'I'T 11 ATf*. "I »'* ■ | <-"C r IP*ln"». "APH .if every »TVI.B,"'I OBA'-IT'■„ Low for Cash or oood Ckxoit. giuin l.It lir oc.H IJo.i IHUHDMITON it BARNARD. J. II. IIII.MOIIE. 1 It A IIHHSI.RT. c„ JP^LtH’ll.—250 «»e S ALT. iiftvli -m a AY.—‘in' bnle* prime Eastern liny, lauding from ■ I brig ('innher. from llntli. and for sale by ,p!e7 WAVER .( CON STAN" P IO IRON, 60Tons No. I Pig Iron, landing ami for ( -r a farm from one to five acres. For imrll- ulnrs Hi, by iiov IS BltlUIlAM, KELLY A CX). ' apply lo dec 7 VV M. \\ RIGHT, Agent. J. R, GILMORE & CO., bom mission Merchants, xv an W it o 3.x xt. I’nrlienlar attention given "‘ * 1 '"H*»r. Rii*e, Ac., ami lilierul ea-li adwmees mud" .m e..i, nis. REFERENCES: -lliiiitcr ■' Giuiimell, Simiiniali, Ga.; 0.(1.1'arslev, Esq., President Commercial Rank, Kidder A Martin, J. ||. Flanm r, Esq.. Wlluilligton, N. C. Iiov Ift—ly 1 ARD. MJ In slur —No. 1 llnltimori* • and for sale by C0NSTANT1NF. I*ard, In liiiricls ami kegs, _ LYNN k SN1DER._ M IDDL1NGN.—40 sack* choice. For sale l».v dec 6 I.YNN k SNIDE1L_ lit ANDY, (JIN fc WHISKY—All qualities ■ xnh'hv |dee 71 WILLIAMS fc RATCLIFF. tr rBMOnAC'C'O.—30 boxes Rucker A Co. bran, landing J. and for sals (dec 71 WILLIAMS * RATCLIFF. B $tcx, Jnno 7, 1865. • " milt "f tho benefit ox- Permian Syrup, 1 will r..l \*ai* I h.ivo Miiieieil from a catahr- limit upon Bmi chlti*. 1 tried various ; •• ■ !<-. im ludiiig t**id - anl -tiidulnul*. geuerul and t " i *1 i'*it * bu'.m-l in* i< li* I. Tlie sv»t in -eeniod to ba f. '. ii umh r r* pi-au-j c.iiLt-tAo nttiieks, induced gono- ' • j rail;, by rii n change* In ihe v nth* r nud over oxer- *" ' li . O.e ar..*. !.. ii"iirriiic up ui i.u average every thro® v * • V... tli*- * It"*-! • i" t pa-dng iff f* r ** veral days. Front t -t.n." adhic-d in favor*' .be Syrup, I mode trial of It. an I - n experienced v di vided improvement in *tringlh ntld ability t-> r- *i*t atmospheric change*. It I, now mx mouth • -luce I had a recurrence of the conges- live att:i ).-. a*. I I have mi doubt, adding tnv expericneo t • t'nat of oth* i>, that tie* Syrup produced tho farornklo • bang*', l.v ry | by.-iciaii Is well aware that there nr® self-limited dl»< n«. -. and wher*n di«.a-" I- not so. that it i* •e.".! :**;l which r im- ly (wl. r. -, vi rellmve been tried) lIT*'. tul the nm; theiei-te Iwdl nn-w* r In advance a <|ii<'-ti<'ii w hich mny he v. ry properly made: VV liy speak »o confidently in tin-< .g ■? Because* having tried vari ous reinedie*, nml nil fulling. tl*H cfiei tul a favornLl change in a short time, vvlieji the sy-tein was becoming dullv more d< bllltateil. I lav In;; the reliable assurance that no ingredient prejudicial to tho system enters into th** composition of the article. I would recommend It where a tonic nml alterative olivet i- de-ired, and 1 trus you will he able to make soim' arrnng* nu nt * by which | l*hy-iri.m- can recommend it* trial in tip Ir practice, with out svLtuiug to counttiiuuco quack* ry. PJIAS. DANA, M. D. Lima, Not. 25, 1853. | My Fritr.d—I hnT» administered the >ynip to tho drop- I si-al patient of the town of Huuura, after she hod been | g-iv* a over by r*ll th- physician* in the* province of Cliau- i av. and in lest than one month -lie has become restored I t > perffi't heillh. V . wool.'quantity taken was threo 1 buttles 1 have been overwhelmed with praises and ' thank- by every member of li e family of the sick lady, so miraculously restored to health : but a* I cannot claim ' to myself any merit in till* matter, other than baring i b". n tin* lia; j*y lut an- of • illiug tlirir attention ton rem edy wl.t.-e i it*.... v bail K "’I l r.a* I by me, 1 of conrse j cnl" t‘*y"U all ti. ir grnti.i l eiii 'mlmn* uml heartfelt | expression* of kiti'lm—. as r.h.i.e due to the author of a i composition so 1" nelicial to humanity. * Your very humble s.-nant JUAN FRANCISCOELIGALDR. 33. M. BIjOUKTT, COLLECTING AGENT, DARIEN, GEORGIA, ! CARD. W^I’LD respectfully refer parties to tho Allowing j The undersigned, having experienced the beneficial ef* >» gcnlleineti: Alexander Mitchell, T. I'. Pec-o raid feet* **f the PERUVIAN SYRl'P, do n. t hesitate to ro* Jacob Uokciihougli, Darien,Ga.; Famu.*l Palmer u Son, commend It to th" attention of tlie public. Savannah ; .*1. P. Sbitvy, n- q., Charleston, 8 U.;F. J. ] From our ow n experience, us well aa from the testlmo- llcck, Lsq .ni VV all-street, New York _ ny of other* whom* ititellip*nce nnd integrity are alto- j gellu*r uiniue-tionnalde, we have no doubt of its efficacy iu ra-cs of Inelpii ut Diseases of the Lungs nnd Bronchial Dnrleu.Oct., 1855. 1'rime Gang ol' so Uicc Field Negroes. BY LOUIS D. DoSAUSSUEE. , A T PUIVATESALE.hii uncommonly prime gang of *0 I rice field negroes, accustomed to the eiiltun* of ric® I on tin* Altamaha riv*r. Term* i** nn approved pur- | chaser will lie accommodating. Apply ns abeve at Charles ton. S. d.-c 7—eodlw T OO A RPBNTB I* S, ItHIC KI*A YE H 8. P roposals will ho i. *ti>.*.i i.y tin* *ui.-criher, until 12 o'clock M.. on V* diwsday. th** 12th iiist.. for the building of the Sorrell ll*>u«.-. «»n the corn* r of Hay nnd Bull streets. For more particular inforiimtion cull at hi* office (-ecoinl story S**rr<dl House.) where tlio plan* nml specification* *nn h" seen. dec 7 _ JOHN S. NORRIS, Architect. C OALS.—Tin* Household Coal*, per Siuiiidon. are now discharging, and will lie supplied in quantities of not le-* than two (2) ton*. Price eight dollars per ton, of 2.240 lb*. Money to he sent witli the application tor delivery onler*. ANDREW LOW fc CO. dec it—'2w‘ TO YOl'NG HEX. S Another supply of Genius* last nnd much mV min'd style of Dies* bilk Hal*, received by last steamer at the Hat and Cap Store, 163 Congress stieet. uov 27 N. lv. BARN CM. 11A11* ROAD STOCKS AND BONDS. S OUTHWESTERN and Muscogee Slock*, ami Southwestern Rond*. For sale by dee 3 JAS. MrllKXRV. IP* Ray st. CLARET COLORED HATS. FINE assortment of Claret Colored, Black, Pus-ages, I’y-pep-in. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Neuralgia, General Debility, fc . Indeed it* effects would 1k> incred- ible but from the high character of tho.-.* who have wit nessed them, and have volunteered their testimony, M we do ours, to it* restorative power.:. (Sigucdj THOMAS A. DEXTER, S. II. KENDALL, M. D, SAMUEL MAY. THOMAS C. AMORY, GORHAM BROOKS. Extract of « letter from tlie Rev. John I’ierpont, Senr.t “Having carefully read the strong testimonial* that hav® been given to the efficacy of the Peruvian Syrup in din- tu*o* of the skin. 1 rc-oived to make trial of it in my own cn-e. 1 took iu July nltout half a bottle of it, tho malady is entirely removed, h nviugthe skin on tho affect ed part a* smooth, soft and fair, as it ever was." A supply of the nbovo valuable ini diclue received by A. A. SOLOMONS * CO., nov 27—2aw5w Agent* for Savannah, Smoke Good Segars! YOU WILL FIND THEM *<tTI CORNER OF BULL fc CONftHEHS-STS. I HAVE RECEIVED by recent arrivals the following brand*, in addition «•> my sto. k ofCHOICK SEGARH, j wo universally aeknow b**lged by judges of tlio article, m “JUST THE THlHTGr I ” C.ftii'hita Opera. Lit Descubrierta, Excelsior Superior. la Prontitud. Coiisolucion, Ia Vigiloncia, Gutierrez. Operas, i nov 24 M. MOLINA. b just r red lit HAHN L’.M’S T I A M.VS v...... DYING AND RESOVATI.YG ESTABLISHMENT. fBi'oivn nud Drab Find Soft Fell Hat*. *»f lute styles, I 73 YorU-St.. linir the Court IIous®. SAVANNAH, GA. 1 t’J~ (itt EsruusueiMN 1832. 4«-73 . FBI HE Sul*vril*er, grateful to hi* patrons nnd frienda B. for tlielr continued favors, would state that, in ad- 1 tl.lion to the improvents in Dying ucquireil by him during Ids lust visit to England and Scotland, hits'mad® 1 arrangements forextending hi* business, by which he in j now enabled to Dye it greater variety of Colors on Silk I and Woolen Drosses, Shull*, fcr.. which he trusts will 1 generally ple.tso all who may favor him with their \ |Httronage. Gentlemen'* Garments Dyed, Cleaned or may be required, in tlie same superior style which has gen erally so mudi pleased his pnt runs ami friends. Ladies' Bonnet- Dyed. Illcuchcd and Pivssed in the most fashionable styles. Order* front the country punctually attemlxl to. Terms inmlenite. Wlien pan'elsatvsentbv steitmlMtat or railroad, wortl should 1*e sent him l*v letter thn-ugh the Post Office, wo t lint he may know whore to call for them. Jiuiia •* ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. NOTICE. CENTRAL R. R. AND BANKING CO. OF GA ) Savannah. November 14,1855. ) HE Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be held on TiicA.Iav, 18th Decemliernext.nt 10 o'clock. A. >1. liV—ls'.lec GEO. A. Cl’YLKK. Cnsliler. CITY COURT OF SAVANNAH. NOVKMUER TERM. 1S56. T HE CITY COURT «*f Savnuimh has been mljourned until the 2d Monday of December next. Suitors, Ju rors nml Witnesses, will please take notice, nov9—If WM. II. BULLOCH,Clerk. TO CONTRACTORS. P ROPOSALS wIIIIm* received until Friday, tho 30th Inst., to take down the huilding on the corner of South llroad and Whitaker street*. For more particular Information, enquire of tho subscriber, ut Ids olllce. second •lory Sorrel Building. JOHN S. NORRIS, nov 20 Architect. CO PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. 1 IIAYK TUBS DAY n*s*»ciiitc.l with me. SAMUF.LG. OARMANY and FRANCIS J. CHAMPION. The busi ness will hereafter he conducted under the name nnd style of GARMANYS fc CHAMPION. Savannah, Ga.. Nov. 1,1855. nov 6 0, W. OARMANY I RISH POTATOES - -4 "choir® lot of Eating Po- tallies, tor sale low from store, li* d«o fc LYNN A SNIDP.R F a 1 RONE CLARKE. ^ |AFNY FERN'S la*t h*>ok, superior to Rnth Hall, Fanny Kern, fcc. Also Frank U*slle's Gazette «if Fu-hions. for December. Knickerbocker Magazine for Decemlier. I'miinm'H Monthly for December. Received by WARNOCK A DAV18, lUtoksellers4 Htatiunors, dec 7 No. 153 Congress street- Il AY ! HAY II HAY ll|M’rimoEasternIluy,for II salebr DAVID R. DILLON, rut 19 Maxk*t Square.