The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, December 17, 1855, Image 3

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aotuto to jynrAalt | -Slitciai Nolltra TO UK NT. H11' .* i*l. James's Square, formerly u Dr. J. M.Mrhlcy . utthla .0JU-*. SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, MONDAY MORN) NO, DECEMBER 17, 1 ■*■•>■.. iiiiupiiiu aauertiBtmcii Mi FOR HKNT Ts. elligildy ba ate-l and osaat nanus, fronlti-tf • • '•iimn*. suitable —* •nlsot Lowomcrs. Apply u fur slccpiug iqmrt- M M. MHWllt. TO KENT. (M.MKoRTAULK Dwelling Jlvusc, curuer or prY® »uil 1*1. J illicit street*, vcryluw-, il applied for Apply tt this ulU< FOR 41 K -A T, -C* THE M IIARFMiRF. I.. No. 172 lUv Mtrret, wcl SjUl.||itcd lor shujg« of rollon or inieiian-lizc Al £*pl' lo BAYNAItl* A IUIWLAND. „ KOI* HUNT. i >IM well r f.*- I'ottali uflli'r. null |«.. J&. 'qied lor storage of.ii or merchandise. Ap* I < io It A \ NAItl) A HOWLAND. DvT .i run mi.k. mt* A DWELLING ll.'I SK in g.«..l order. will. « lot ■'••• >nda hall of latti.I... till*- situation. for nil., low. Au- K— l.tq A. M II.Ill'II, v . i» o. i. l In*. A* t *n.l Broker. KOI* MAl.Ki rT' A LOT IN M 111I I .ll.l.K, near thcOomilestn- Mklll.l Mll.|..|, A III person Wishing to |mivhu»e. Will t s.,1.1 b) Hi.- in>-i Monday in.lHim .ii. il will |...oll.-roti 1 iibllc out. i i.»l rh.-l'oiirt k iniii|:ti,.1.1 on lluU ilov »-0w AM<F. IIAIIN. TO IIKNT. ■r* THAT HOIUAHI.K IIISH'K STORK slimUml ou !» Mliiukrr street, ni xtd.sir to the corner ol Bay uutl L— -pposHc An in A IV *|>|'l.v lo n. i i III W.M. WRIGHT. T'4» IIENT. !*• iSSKSSIuN Kiivii Immedislely. tlio Western Trnrnirnt of II. Ii. Jackson's House ‘ * OrniT or tun Moxtkrii I mi nvxri i'omi'Any or Loxnom, 4 llr.uni Mrwt, krw Vork, Dee. n, IK56. NOTIUK — Mr. James McHenry l« Il only aiiiliorUril Agent of llir MiHiarch VI Imurauc* Company of Ih.ii.Ioii for Bavauusli uud It* 1 rlullj. No olUrr parly lint authority lo rocrivo applli Hun - for liuurauio Iii till* Couiiwuy. GKO. ADLARI), dee 11 8 Rest Itre'y A General Ag't lor llir I’. W, BATTALION OIIDEIO AN KLKCTKIN, for2d Lieut. and F.n.lgu, o f I tlio Ugh-thorpo Unlit liifouliy, I* hereby or- | red to lie held on Thursday. l>Hli ln»i.. hoiwo.u Ho- : •ur* of Vaiul 11 A.M..HI llm office of .lusth'o It. Halford. | iilvr tin. uaual superintendence require** l>.v Uw. My ; order JOHN W. ANDKKSON, Mr. Captain Coin. luil. U*ll. nf/*v«mmh. W M. B. JACUOK, Adjutant. H NOTICK. l.NSI'IICTOH'l* OFFICE, ll'lli NOV.. IS56. —.. Alter the 251 It lust- *11 wli» •hull n produced (tii-ir S.'ulr». W.intiu *101 M.-uaurra •llli;i. *.yiu.tiii. iil,»ill In' |iioni|illy r..|Hii tnl. M JOS. SIIIXI.M AN. lll*|H..Tor W. A M. C. 8. *. OEF1CK I'llAltl.KMTON A SAVANNAH II. MT H. 1'HMI‘ANY. NOVfAlllEH IV. 1X45.—A Src- A ii iiiimI lunlaliui'iil of FIVE Inil.I.AHS (J5) p,r .. on tli>* Si... k •ill." i ll.. .1 for tliia Coui|>any la now iniulv lo tin. SiH ruInry mnl Coiu|iany, Xi llrou.l atrool, of January, Weekly 1.1 n e . FOR PniLADKl.RUIA. T n. m Auction Sales. ^Hr iad-al VLilly u A.C. HWKNPOnT. & I'OII HUNT. Tlio store* iimlrr ST. AMUtIBVt IIAIX,cor*< i«r of Urmubtou and Jrff. rson alrooia, will bo lol lu IWO, Ihr.f, or four Spiro* lo suit lontiiu, .'••noli 1st Novoinbor. For lorma, apply in m U II.I.I AM KlMJlilis. St^relary. kom sxi.i;. I That r iminuliou* oinl iloiirublorraKlvnco *llu- alisl on l.ol No. 114, l.iliorn W’nril. frnnllng oil S.msIi llroad, near tVo»i llrou.l •trim The , i- eulialaiiiiaU) Ituilt of lirirka. I* well flinlahoil rft I flltinl up wilh Ku>*'ol wiler Saltire*. . It., lia* an oacellrnl |.iiinp In ilio >*ril mol a Sower pi.* ii iiiaclinl lo llie premiM-*, loyellier wilh all no- t,-*tjri out bntlilliiK*. |im|iertv can be ln*|>oeleil by auy one ileairnut of i*iug. For lerin*. »pp’y to IS—if THOS. II. 'lABUEN. Trurtae. UOTIE FOR MAIaB. i Thai larKe and ooinmeliou* Uwelllng lor* ' I morly occupied by Hr. Wildinan. lilualed on a •a-Aiiill an.l ball’lot at tlio corner orSouih llroad and cliee'.ain IhUciiy. Term*liberal. Apply to i 3 11 Al l»\ k LEVY. TO III. NT. Sl’.MFA rs in il.’r.lon |||.«k, froni- ; Chatham Square, and well lurni-li.-d with u>. •!able*, Ac. Po»re*.ii>n given l»l .nriiihcr. Elm A It II O. WILSON, AkoiiI, or! lu No. 7V Hr) all Sit cel. Kbit »«»:Vr. ^ Til E F. \STUBS TEN EM ENT of B'ick llulld- 'lua, corner of Abeco u anJ Jonea street Apply io oci 30 IIOIJ'OMBE. JOHNSON fc ro, FOR’ LEASE, A lllllCK V AKU. nilli three piiu.ler* and oil appur- . i l< nance*, live miles fiolil Hie city, ou the Ug.-iabce Apple P.dee 111 Wll. W Ilil.llT. K t iii^ ciia J~R*nler, s LOST, WANTS. &c. A CLEIIK WASTED. V N ACT!A K Young Man, to ait as Mail Clerk in the Republican Office. dee 14—if WANTED TO HIRE, A N.-gro Fellow* and Negro Carpenter*, for the year 1858. Apply lo BACON * LEVY, Corner of Bav an.l Whitaker street*. . HOLCOMB 4 MILLEN', Walhounille. Liberty . tJa. doc 14—itw WASTED, ( I'lN.'lfiSKU for 3 bbl*. Apples, marked J. X. Huron .1 II.. 4 1.11*. Hags. PC. iv.-d per xbr. John llostor t a New York. _ dee 15 WASTED, V i'ohjP, sober, st.-ady rracli. nl ITiuter. lo whom III eral wage* will be paid. Address Ibe nndersigne 'j'* UJ * 10 VV. 1 F. CASTELI.AW. WASTED, S V\ ANN AH Is an A*-.* iali n .'bd-k. by UtO. A. MciT.KftKKY. Br.-ker. ... U S -rrel , Buildings. WANTED. \ A or NH MAX nil,. veilings are uneniployo . n ni l Join, of Posliua nii l making out ililla 1 : .1 a:. . ill. A pi !\ ill ll.i'i.lli-e. d'x- 1—ft WASTED TO "lIlltE, |»i 111K VI. All. 5<» likli Negro h lions, to work D Parks Mine. Columbia Co., Ucorgia. Uberul . * i .Il Is- pai l. Apply to . i .*—lm C. A. L. LAMAR. WASTED, S '\ OR ElilllT Negro hand*, for the steviner i has. lLulridge. Applv to I IlltHIHAM. KKI.LY A CO. going rates will l>« ?Elt CCRUELL A CO. " Tl) BRICKSIAKKUS. W ANT FI' .V*».nuo Brick. For particular rn<|iiire of the *11 - liber, un the seroiid slor.V uf the Sorrel ii .v 34 JOHN S. N'HIHIS. Architect. WASTED, • Pl'UCIIASE, Secolid lmiid Winn and Porter Bottles. Apply lo T. J. WALSH, No. 170 Bay street. silo llfllk RCSIIKi, - * nf OYSTER SIIEI.I.S to bo 11 "'1,1 H Hi delivered wltbin the next six month*.— ... . .. . I ' A I 1 111 1U 111 HIT.NCKU CVUIICLL .V t On the Ural TI'EKHAV in January next, at II o’e ’ll.. Court House, belli'cell the Ingnl ), Auction Sales. Mx Farm Lol* for Ful.\ the Itrst Tin-s lay lu January next, at the ' l ‘“"“ “ *'»■ legal hours ..f Sal,,, I Iciulaville 11.od, imin,-dint.-ly _U¥ OCT A VI f* COHEN. Parlor Coal. Willi*. ...Id, on MON DAY, I7lb Inst., ut 11 o'clock, I IWsl Ton* «ii|n rl..r Parlor Coal—sold by the toil of 2,31 lbs., mid in lot* lo suit purebaseis. T. iius *1 sale, d- U Auction Sales. BY Ti TT^TT^. Knvulis'* We. Auction Sales. Ib.'i8, I for—payment lo llie Office, before WEBXKBBAY. the THUS. F. DRAYTON, Pres !KEYTSONE STATE, r aleuinsbip KEYSTONE STATE, Kolart under, u III leave as above. For fivixhl or lulling splendid slut.• loom ueeoiuiii.Hlnliuiis, Fare ICcduced—raitln Passage $20. FOR NKVV YORK. .as. - REMOVAL. sue—^ The I’lidersigueil have reiuovial their Offic S*-^. lo XO. 8 DRAYTON STREET, next d.s.r to C. laiuiar's. RAYNAUD t ROWLAND. NOTICE. -jr -—~ ADVANCES made on Consignments to our ftv,‘J5i friends in Boston, Now York, Philadelphia slid Ualtiinore. dec 4 MINIS A JOHNSTON. NOTICE. * Au adjourned meeting of the Commissioners of Public Bonds of Chatham eouuty, will he held at the House In the city of Savannah, ou MONDAY the 24tli DeeemlKT, Instant, at eleven o'clock. Members ab- rom the regular meeting, tire notified that they will positively be Ailed, unless they urreur and present good and sufficient excuse*. W. W. WASH, Sec'y, dec 11 II. C. I*. R. C. C. *,* lieorgiau please ropy. WITHDRAWAL. Savannah, Dee. 10, 1855. *«>' Mxssxs. EniTotu:—You viill please withdraw my am,, as a Candidate for Sheriff of Chatham county lu dee 10_ JAMES T. III’CKNER. Toths YutrrsofChstliaiii County-. Gi.' Ftuxow CT.I/.I.NS 1 am a Candidate f-r the Ofllre of Sheriff at the Klectiou in Jmiuarv uext.aud resp-'clful- ly solicit your *up|K>rt. di-c 10 IIENJ. L. COLK. DIVIDEND NO. 4.V CENTRAL R. II. AND UTi CO. UF OEO. ) Savminah, Dec. 4, 1855. j AS- A semi-annual Divideud of Five Dollar* per Share, (being at the rale of ten per centum |«r annum.) has This Day been declared on llie General Stock of the Com pany, payable on and after the 15th day of December, in- ul*.i.- tl,.- Luii-la «t K. J.-iek s, and ruuiiiug from Hu-Hu- I vanimli R.*id, back to tie- Kavaliuali, ilg,. h. ■-uud All*- muliaw Canal. I nil No. 1, t-.niUins niur uud s. v,-n teutb ! “ o. 3, aiAtes-u awl elflit Until oa r.-s. Nu. 11, rlevi-n I ,|y |..r » Sir,. L V .1,1 Sf.i 1 . I..,.|. ...a -!l. . id lm ee led lora Farm,.-onialnhiK thirty.* No. 7, a very .U-sirabl.- Farm lad, ne oue tenth acres. Terms mud.- For further 1-srti.uUr*, apply nt IIV MINIS d. SOIINMTON. At Private Sale. A <b Iightlul Sumiii. r ll.n4U.-is. o ubout tin... mil. s Ill-iill-., - -f Claik-1ill. , in Habersham ...mill Tie Ti*>: • "01.1.0* aluUl llu. • liuudr.d ones ..I laud- a |l»l te.ll el la III. I Indium, siiilabl.- f..r faruilni tie | i.d I i- |asir. Nu. 0, a liaiols. 151 liay street. Wille* ail 1 Idol. II.d l.i.piura lit P .» su|H-rlui- Pule Riiindy. . .... .... Dark ilu 5 eighth do sup' l l..r Pale do I bid. a il peri. Old S.0I.I1 M llisky. For sale low ill 151 Huy *ln*d. diw H Hi. 1 ,.ut Private Sale. 5 tierces uf Riee in si,.re, nud fur sale low, tu close eon- signi uo iil. K. A likely Muluttu .Mali, 34 year* old, a K.mnI sampler uud marker of cotton ; also u Ii ret rale Sawyer slid *uw-!iler fur mile, not to go out id the city. dec b House mid lad at Private Sale, lad and iluproveiu, ills No. 5 Cluirltuu Ward, eoruer of Jones mol Ahereuru »l*. On this I'd is a n.-wly IHiished I'riek house with all llie noolern luiprureuieut*. The pur rlioser may luil; exi luiui. 011 enl.-riiig its duor— •• I eauio.l Hunk of «..rn.w now. and doubt If e'er I felt it—'tie s . .lauded from M,v memory by this oblivion* tiansport." Steamship KNOXVILLE, l.lTH.OW, commander, The splendid and hist going steamship'KNOXVILLE, Capl. Ludlow, will leav* u* above. J’..r freight or i«o>- sage. apply to PADrll.FORD, FAY 4 CO. Cabin 1‘nsonge fJU 8te.-r.lge •• 8 N. II. Shippers of Cotton by tlo-m-steamers w ill pleas* take II,dire, that no Cotton will be received nt tin- presses that is not distinctly marked on the edge of the bale. dee 17 For key West and Havana. STEAMSHIP ISABEL, The 1SADKL leave* this port regularly, on Hie 4tli mid 19tli ..rearh month, mid , 011 lie. I* al Havana wilh the C. t 8. Mail Steamship Com|any's Line of Stemm-rs for Sun BlBm ' > '• Fraueisro via Aspiuwull, nud will carry llie Pacific Mails. Holders of guaranteed eight per cent Stock, will be )>*i.| | For passage only, apply to their Four Dollars per Share on and after the S*meday. | _ IWV 28 COHENS 4 IIERTZ. Agent*. dec 5—lm C.EO. A. Cl'VLKR. Cashier, j I NITED STATUS .VI A 11, | |,M;. **>• After this date,*the steamer PLANTER will die- | K »onNigWBl'K ' ST MARYS 1 JACKSON ’ T,’"' I VllIl5?'l!hnliBljKU*BUAfcK CRKEKO stop at Darien. CRANE, WELLS A CO., Ag t*. | AND PlCOLATA. <Cautomates foi (Dfftcc. ----- 1 ■ FOR COUNTY TREASURER. Be' Feuow-Ctiixcxe to the Office of County Treasurer, on the first MONDAY in Jauuary next, and respectfully ask your sufliug.-*. dec 3 JOHN X. LEWIS. Bir TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY.— F[I.LoW-CintK8*: I am a candidate for the office of Coun ty Treasurer, nt the election in January next, and re spectfully ask your sup|K.rt. dec 1 L. J. 11. FAIRCHILD. lug resumed her trips lo Florida, will above places every Saturday, al Hi o’clock. For Fiuight or Passage, having excellent accmnino lions, apply on board, at the Florida steam a candidate for re-election ! Packet wharf, near tlio Has Works, or to AtlllORN fc CUNNINGHAM. A lent*. Foil TAX COl.t.KCTOK. tjr FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CITIZENS.-I am a Candidate for re-election 'or llie office of TAX COL LECTOR. outlie 1st Monday In January next, and res pectfully ask your support. F. M. SToNE. N. II. If elected, I pledge mi self not lo accept of any other office. [net 31] F.M.8. INDEPENDENT BOAT. FOR PAIATKA&BLACK CREEK, E. FLA. DARIEN. BRUNSWICK. ST. MARYS, HA., AND JACKSONVILLE, AND PlCOLATA, FLA. To /.rave (oh her former day) FRIDAY. _ wfT'"'* w The favorite steam packet WEI.AKA, jHBaiSiBBC Capl.N. King, will commence her regu lar irips n* above, on FRIDAY, nl 10 o'clock, A. M.. mnl will continue f» leave regularly every Friday, 1 he Welaka is well filled up wilh airy Slate Rooms, and is in ovary way well adapted lo the rout*, sept 8 s. 1*1. LAFFITKAU. Agent. in.onopior Hu d», llt.lKHi Joi|UI1 Win nl lira 11 and Northern liny al Private Hale. 3U00 I.ii*Ii.-I* Wind llrmi In nark*, ill store uud for sale. Iso. Dm bales Northern Huy. dee 7 Whiskey at Prinit . Sal". 4 Demijohns sii|»-ikV Irish Whiskey, direct Iiii|H>rla- OU. _ doc 7P At Private Sale. A One Hors.. Itoekaway, nearly new, will be sold low. if applied for soon. dee 3 At Private Sub- » Five eligible llnildiiig Lois. 5(1 hi Hie iiiter.*,-"tioii of Taylor. Wayne with Ea.t llroad slns-l i-onliuuinl. uud. mid are in Hie ininiedbitc ueighln.rhoiMl of the w lw-tml as llie situ of the Albany and Uulf Railroad. 9 Washington, 10,000 Jeron- f.s-t, situated in-ar J Gordon streets, ■iitinuul. These lots nru high nitaiidiiK six r-elui, tw. kiti io n mid wash n«au uud tail h..u-.-» li.r A large in w fruned Isiru h.i*just l.'-i-ii built,and tl is ulsu a eoiu 1 rih uud |-.ullri Iiuii»- nearly new. dwvUilig house u will -upi-lii-d with all furnituri- re-! qiiiri d l-.r lious,-kt*-piug. TIk hum is w. II proiidud witli mill h o». 11. f.aldi-r and 0.1I*. All of wliitli will l,e sold low if apidii-d for iniiiii-diately. dir 11 AUCTION SAIiliIS. I1Y MINIS & JOHNSTON. EXECUTOR'S SALE. V FCourt House, hettl'i-i II lli. l. g il ii„l|l» ol al". Will lii- sold. in ciiiiipliuin-i- wiili tin- |u»l will and h-stuuu-iit of lui - l> iritlii a Abrnliain*. the fullowiug valuable City pro perty. I* 1.lining to mid estate; Half Lot No. 4 in I iuiple. l,-u.« h". Tytliiug llimtli- e.aii-t Wnnl. next to tin* nc.-of J. W. Mornd, witli tin- l.riek twostory dwelling, store mid cellar,fronting on street, in.ii ..., upied by J. l>. .less" usa family gr.n . II. subject to a leas,, of three years from first of Feh- l.ot Ni*.II,l.ila-rty Wurd.wRhthoIwuteuvineut twostory Woo leu dwelling, fruutiiigoii llroitgliton street, with enr- riag.- houses, stal'les nud kitchen. The lot issulijeet loan alumni ground rent to the City uf j37.5u (twenty-seven dollar* *inl fitly cent*.) Al*.,, lad No. Iw. J.v-ksoii Ward, on which Is* large two Stol l Wisalell dwelling oil u high brick basement, fl'i.lltillg oil Hull striwt. wilh earring- hulls" uud stable; on the •outburst eoruiTof said lot, Isa sinall twostory wumli-n dwelling ou a high brirk hasnaent. fronting also,,11 Hull street, wilh rarriag.-lions- uud stable; this lot is subject to mi annual ground relit of {33.13 (thirty-three dollars The above proiierfy will la- sold without reserve. Terms—Ole--third cash, one-third three mouths credit, lUidreiiiniuiiiK third four lilonUisi'irdit, n-rured by mort gage ol the property, and policy of insurance trun'si- rred. Purehnsers (saying for tiths- J. DKLAMO’ITA, nov 10 Executor Dorothea Abrahams. By Virtu* of a Decree of the Superior Court of Chatham ■ (louiity, I will off.-r for sale, before tlio Court House in 1 On MONDAY the fitv of 8aiann*li, . 1 Oil the first TL'KHDAY in January, la-lug 1st Jffuulry. l» .u. Ill" lollowiug proj«-rly. b-loti, lug ! ■ the-slab' id III" lal" Tie,mas lii.*-u. Fab- lo e-mim-m.- nl 11 o’rlurk: All that Tla.-t of land on llutchlusoli's Islalid, i.p(e*it" the City o| Kivouiiah, loutalmug al-.ut I ur liuiidic l iieu-s <4ou oi l. * ;i bouud**l noith by lia* k liver, east by kiudfiiff tin-1- tab* of W. W. Kiaik". and v King's land. Tin- trai l is divnl-l in live I darUVWM-sa. this laud is uusur|u-v*l l>v u e.aiiilry of HisngLi; ii is sub;.. 1 to dry ml! ISlllks being slloli, they ar- easily k.'pl III < fc But A-lnituiaUator * Hale t, 21th Dec., at 11 o'clock, *t St .ro lately “I'M by lint bite Win. Hodges, ou West Broad St., ... ar the e.,i tier ol the Kail,.-ad Depot, A M'«-k of F.iunly Groceries in said store. Kold aa thw pro|»rly "f Wm. I beiges, di-o-neud, l,y permission of tbw r.nii l . I Ordinui y and |«. r oidi r of the Administrator. Term* cash. dec U first TL»I*AY in January n it 11 o'chwk, ii nl, mu off in lol* of different s, lumber yards. .1 e. The river water line, being 15 lo 18 lei-l, a short s- water lunik. ie plantation uud wharf lots am be aueu at ntion on While Marsh l-'-.nd, op|seit.- Tliun- outaliilug nl Mini lie, acres more or |.-ss. of which • under goal cultivation, TLottcctco. U K A W X NIMIIKHS of Greene and Pulaski Monument Lottery, Class 399; 78 35 00 7 0 44 37 58 70 18 22 51 5 3 Tickets Nos. 7 18 78 and 3 Ilf 35, prira-s sold, dec 17 E. WTTHINOTON. 811.10 I 78 Number Lottery—13 Drawn Ballots. .Greene and Pulaski Lottery. CLASS 300 FOU 1S3S. To lie drawn at Fiivanuiih, Ha^ JVc. 17, 1855. GREGORY 4 MAURY, MANAGER!*. 8 Cite ME: 1 of 911,104-3 of 99,000—lof il,000. Tickets {3 50—Shares in proportion. Tickets and Shares, either singly or by the package, for •ale by _ dec 17 E. WITIIINGT0N. [BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA.] Havana Plan Lottery. Jasper County Academy Lottery S MACON, &A. B E A V T I F cT 8 0 11 K M E . • 12,000 FOR 83. 880,000!! Will he distributed nt CONCERT HALL, MACON, GA., Dec. 15. 1855. according to the following magnificent mid unprcceilentod Scheme, under the sw-orti superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan nud Jos. A. Nisi let, Esip finis II. DECKMRER 15TII. 1*55. CAPITAL, 10,000 DOLLS. 1 Prize of. BY IVVI.I.Y A VIONTVIOl.I.n. I At Private Kale. 730^ Acres of pine mid Hummock Lauds. In t'mnden Countv. near Rurnt Fort L-mding; a |deasaut summer relr.-at, perfectly lii«ltliy. with 11 Una frame lions", con- tabling five upright bed rooms, besides parlor mid dining ro»ui. in-wly rep-tired mid painted, with all im-i-ssary out building* for a small force. Hu the place is a well of pure wat.-r. The place is well suited for tin-tar and turpen tine business. With the pine,- would be sold, tin- furni ture now lu the house. Applv on tin- premise*, or to dee IT IVVLI.Y 4 MONTMOl.I.IN. Real Estate nt Auction. Will ho sold Iii front of the Court House on Tuesday the 1st day of January, during the legal hours of sale, Kix liriek tenement*, two stories on n basement.corner of Gaston and Rurnard streets, rents for $1700 per annum. Kale positive—terms one third rush, the balance iuonu mnl two years, with interest for upproved paper. Ten likely young Negroes, comprising Luls'ivr-. Hand*. Cooks, W**hers. Iruin-rii, Seamstresses. House 6- rv.uit*, Bovs and Girls. d.-c 15 Administrator's Sale. On tin- fin-t TUESDAY lu January next, beforo the Court House in the city ofKavanuah. between the legal hours A Negro Man. William, aged 45 year*, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Aun E. Guinn, hv permission of the Court of ordinary. GKU. I'.HARRISON, Adm'r. luting Roo lollow lng lots of h . lol. .'in District., 131,11 - lib koi 1. and pm.. until- | . ■ iniv-s nr- n g.,,.| two story dw-lling hull' , b.i. o willi nil lieii-ssary out l iilldlngf. Ai-Olit same time slid l-laC", 5 In-gris s. a w-until aged ah oil ' . with i. r Iv...• hil'ln n. * Is')' als.ut 8 years, aufi al-.fa' I 1 ■ Id. a moil about 2v y ai*. a soinm ul. Ill S’l -.*" Also tin-Sisk of said place consisting of I "'ll . Il r-. *. hogs. Ac. A!-" tie-farming ubm-iLonsaid plautati m with C. fiat.. * .1. s. I--it*. A*'., u buggy and ul 200 bUrhel* coru i l*M, ,1 p. Martem, den ased, and sold f. 1 ilu- Is-iii lit of the heirs and nils mad- known on day of JOHN CAEii, Executor. to III- 1 3o8, 2,3“ 16,21.3“ 32,14,3“ 291, 7,3“ “ 278.12,1“ •• 4iUi>, 12,1 “ “ 259,13,1" “ 314.13,1 •« Thmmis 1-0., 350 acres. 1'uul.giig cu.. 40 a. re*. Gordon co., 40 acres. Gordon cn„ IMS acre*. Gordon co., 100 acres. Cold, co., 40 acre.*. SI array co., 180 acre*. Murray cu.. 100 ai ri-s. Cherokee co.', 4o aercs. Fannin co., 40 acres. Lumpkin co.,40 acres. Luuipkiu cu., 40 acres. Lumpkin co.. 40acie*. Forsyth co., 40 acrus. Forsyth c - l, in Square No. 15. W.-st Point, tia. The Ulidivld -I half of 815, 4.3, Cara co.,40 arris. 3ok, k, 4. Walker lfio acre*. 894,13.1. Lumpkin co.. 40 acres. 33,1H, 3, Cobb co.. 40 acres. 172, 3, 3, Paulding ro.. 4J acres. Two* No. 883. 2.4. I'olk H nih of Lots— .. 490 iirtu*. RANSOM STOX'E WORKS, tPL am WWWi ''-ifeo.# iiilll. office of Tax Collactor of this County, (tlio eUaiioB la ba haul on Uh. Orst *- *-—-~ I. LAMAR. imp VLW. (HOICK INVOICE OF FKUIT TREES LANDING mnl fur sale—comprising A pples, *t, Pisu h. Clirnieo, pears. Plum, and try—were ordered for a gentleman, who ha* ilitieail of his (dace, and are now offered iv.>. Applv lo T. J. WAUMI, 6 ' No. 1T0 llay-at. Mi am Saw Mill, & l.and for Sale. A KIN 1: STEAM SAW MILL. locnb-d in Bulloch bv, ■ .iiniy. mi the great Ogoehee River, together FjiSlx "ith ii tract of acres good pine land, and ... - ->ne swampland upon which it a fine growth of ai. kory, n*li. «c. AIk.uI 6<jo acre* of the land I* ■l.'ipon wliieh are two settlement* of go«l dwellings, .ii— mid all neee**ary improvement* for planta- - . The Mill 1ms an excellent circular saw attached. I" rty will he sold at a bargain. Enquire of It. Mct’RoAX, 114 2m Scarboni', Kcrlven Co M Go. ' t mrl-sl. n Courier will copy llir nlxive to the am’t ■ b.irs, uud tend hill lo this "Hire. Valuable Savannah River Tide 8wami DICK LANDS FC > I 1‘liilPHKh tosellmy lilt «. i.n.vwson ixin < e'*lx 1 l*land and Aiigo-tino Creek.amounting to nlrnut I .Dai m res, ..| which about 7'"i aere* are Improved ^ -iicl in g.ssl phiniing order, tog-tlu r witli a dwel- 1 ". ov.-i»wr's house, negro quarter* and brick n.ili sti-ani thrasli. r. This property I* divisihl* • pImitation* eontaining from 130 to 170 acre* mtli high ground settlement* attached to each. 1 II n< purchasers may desire, In one body or sepa- “ II "'ll the Rico Lands all or in part, with or with lands, part cash, the remniner on tim*. For 1 partis'ithirs, enquire of Messrs. R0BT. IIABKR- 'M A SON. or on the premiss'*, to 2-—..slim _____ W. C. DANIEL. Plantation fuid Negroes, FOR HALE. w & 1 in i " him Ired nod f FOR HALE, 1,340 ACRES OF LAND,on the Little Ogeecheo liver, six miles from Savannah, adapted to the __ ulliire of rice, .oit'.n and provisions. On ,i^T>'iij place is a comfortable Dwelling, with every i.. e and accnmmislat mn fur aixty negroes. The ' . *e|| timbered and wisaletl. snseeptlhle of division !• ;.is, with the convenience of a Plank Road and ' 'h- Hty. With llie plantation will he sold, if ■ ;.'»►• bushels of corn, fodder, stoek, Ar. U» . •' gang of SIXTY - NEGROFJ*. Apply to the sub- ' n the premia's. J. M. MIDDLETON. GREAT IIA ROA INSM KXKCUTOlt’H SALK. NDKIl and by viitiio of a Deere* in Equity lliirk. .»ii|--r|. r Court. November Term, 1*56, .1 I--- soId, at Cushingville, Station No. 8 Cen- Astral Railroad. Iliirke eounty, on TUESDAY, the 1 awe of January. l*.,n. all the LANDS belonging to '•tale of Augiistuv II. Anderson, deceased, lying In " onlalning nle.ut (8,745) eight thousand ' * " fe acri-a; also, alemt iT.'i sev- ; which are a blacksmith and “' r - Hi'kind will In-divided into (41 tracts, to suit has. '. lata of which will lie presented for Rupee- •-•Ie. On one of lb" tract* iii an elegant I’" -lost two story Dwelling House, ofheauti- : mil, .11 th" 10 - —salV i.ul Imildlngs, well put -rd.i m, i.r.iler tracts at* comforta- . og to.os— will, th'- necessary out buildings.— " f'O'Hh tract, then, are the nac. ssury buildings for r-> quarter. tit* Fun hand traet, one of the two described togeth- I- Is al'i.iil (70) au nty arr.-s >>f swamp land In • loin, with alnut (2ism two hundred ». res wishI- I inosllr llaniined out from the river llgrerhei , on •' It Ajl the trai ls, except the first, are well - mol with*- vruai deaj of pine limln'r mar th* Railroad. w l<^ T Ihrenigh all of them.— ■ [ear*-I ’ ,sw. Mini-1 1.1 f'*r i-iiltiVHli..11 on each '■ Ii Ira-1 *0 hud Hill. Ihnt Ihey will ad|oin '' - Ie 1 liver or Rin-klioiul 1 reek-—olin of them « ' e«IF4 l'.*e*, all III perishable priqa-rty re V "eeA*e.t, m Burke eounty, consisting of .- W^ll'iis-i 'at low,I ..f t'.ittl", 70 head of Khei-n. Ilxen, 'e»3 J .Tie) lo ad ,,f 8i.« k llogs, and a l"t of fattened ’"gather with W agons. Corn, FihI.It, P.antntloii The sole to ronltnn* from ilay lo day, until f sale ; On the land, credit for one half of pur se* •— *— "Il the -•*-. . *- 1 I halt I . F. DENNETT. _Kill Nill, It IFF. M_rap* FELl.OVV-t.rriZENK—toiler lor llivofficu DM? of Kheriff of Chathnm county, at the ensuing election In Jattunrv next, and ie*prctl'ullv solicit your orl. [net 17—Id] WARING RUSSELL. I I .-v I'll III,..., IIIVl 11.0, » l . .Illlll I t; KO„ A N1) J AC KSON VI LLU, PlCOLATA, : AND 1SLACK CKKI.K, FLA. U. S. MAH. LINE. _fi- 1 N I he new'mid i:i«i running steamer SK- (iifii 1|-Ci71| ttivoi r 1'apt. Thomas E. simw, will ; leave for lie ubove places ovary Tuesday, al in o'clock. > A M.. torn ilia ritisrtostnn Missis Pnekei wharves. I net 29 H. M..I.AFI'1TEAU. Agi. I FOR CHARI.E8TON —Every Wcilnev tiny mnl Nniurtlay AI if moon n.ut Nix o’clock FOR OMU1WAHY ■ to THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY, y-jJp‘ Gentlemen:—1 am a Candidate for election to llie offleo of Ordinary, at the elcetion in Janumy next, and will be thankful fin- jour support. may 39* M. G. sllEFTALL. raw FKl.l.i HV CITIZENS:-1 mn a candidate for the office of nrdinary at llie election In Jimmy next, and n-spccifqlly tsk yoor supnort. may 7 J j.V.ii IIAIIN Altli K. DEE. W E arc niithorlxod lo announce J A >1KS |-;. ^ GOHIREY, as * candidate fortltooffico of mary of Chatham County, al tba ensuing January election. may 5—id Packet Wharf, "K-SSsTSWiSK’S FORT -GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY’, CLASS IO, Will Ii-drawn nt Atlnnta. 24. CAPITAL PltlZK, 10,000 DOLLARS! 1,000 DIIIZES. Tickets, $5—Halves, #3.50—<)usrters. $1.25. Add mis KAM'L SWAN, Manager, nov 21 Atlanta, Ga. .. arrive in Charleston in lime lo connect wilh Iho Railroad lilies going North and West. freight or pusouge, apply on the cluirlfs'.nn Steam J. I*. HID lUKS, Agent. FOR UFA I FORT. VIA BLUFFTUN, HlLTnN HEAD. I OVD'S LAND ING AND CHARLESTON, e. Tlieiteamcr WM.SEAI1ROOK, ('apt. IgSdCSKE. Peck, will leave tor the above place* on Sunday, the 26th inrt-. nt 5, P. M. For freight or passage, apply al the Charleston Wharf. 1 *s vi 1 mm:, *.pt I RjT. Ordinary ol S. M. I. A FFITE AI', Agenl^ FOR BOSTON. jri j The hark HARVEST, Nichols. Master, will meet ygjjgwith dispatch ns above. I^r balance of freight *)e FOR I'LEKK OF COLII'M. raj**' FEI.l.tlW CITIZENS: —I am * candidate for tlio office of t lerk of the Su|M-rlor and Inlattnr Courts at the election In January next, and to specHully ask 11.ur support. JNO, K. DAVIS. FELl.ttW-ClTIZENS: —I ant a. candidate wdF *> thn olectlon In January next, for Clerk ol the Superior and Inferior Courts, and will he thankful for your suffrages. WM. II. BULLOCH, may 14 Jan5'5ti of the Superior and inferior coitrla, at the onsulng elec tion, Iii January next, may 12 Jan ’58 RFCFIVFH OF TAX K I! Tl It Ni N. fy KsLi.oiv-i'muss : I am a candidate for the office olUccelvcrofTax Returns, for Chatham County, al tlio election In January next, and respectfully solicit your votet. ,nov 2--td S. g. SIIILEV. ram* FEI.LOtV-CITIZENS:—! am a candidate WCm for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns, in January next, and respectfully solicit your votes, may29 If JOHN II. HABERSHAM. dec5 DANA 4 WASHBURN, FOR BOSTON.—The ship HARTFORD, llallett. master, will have despatch for the above freight or passage, apply on board nt , Ti Hair's Wlinrf, or lo n 1 23 BRIGHAM. KELLY 4 CO. _ FOR NKW YORK. ,n,(. Brig AUGUSTA. Stone, master, having a part ot • SCflB 1 '"f iurgu engaged and going on hoard, will meet . “**®wiHi*dispntcli ns above. For balance of freight, ; apply to dee 5 DANA 4 WASHBURN._ ! Jf- J* FOR NKW YORK—UNION LINK.—Tl is ! Slmfctregular pac ket sehr. ENCHANTRESS, Jayneiiinra- P i. u ill have despatch for the above port. For freight, | apply to .bell OGDEN. STARR 4 t'O. FOR NKW YORK-OLD KSTAHI.ISII- •%4«U.ED LINK.—The fineachr. NORIIIS CHESTER, j Capl. (111*011. having a large part of her freight engaged, I will have despatch. For freight of grain to fill up, apply to dec 13 RRIGIIAM. KEI.I.Y .V CO. 1 FOR NKW YORK—UNION LINK.— I jMqUTIi.. n-gulnr 1 mket schr. L. S. DAVIS. Abel mns- I ter. Tv i’ll have quirk de.-patrh for the nlsivc |H.rt. For fn iglit. apply to OGDEN, STARK 4 CO. e 13 FOR NKW YORK—DEMILL'S LINE.— m for Kecel ve FELLOW CITIZENS :-<)n the flr-t ot „ May l**t, I announced myself a candidate ecelverof lux Rulurna: and am "o*> a camli- __,c for that offlee, nt the noxl election, and respect fully solicit your support. Your obedlunl servant, jett U. T.TIIEU8. TO MY~FELl.oW aTIZ.KNS TIFUllATIIAM t; >. I ain a candidate for Re.-mver or Tax He- WGSr turn* nl the election In January next, and re- •pecilully oak your support, may 22—JatiS,’58 WM. W. MATES. SAVANNAhTmaV 1. |S55. Massa*. F.nuoaa:—You will ple*»« an nounce Ma. ALEXANDER THOMAS aa a ... dilate for Receiver of Tax Returns, al the ensuing January election, and oblige MANY VtiTERH. may 3 FELI.MW CITIZENS:—I am a candidate fhr the office of Receiver of Tax Reltirus, In and irspecll'ully solicit j Caiididale f. nr* I. E. DILLON. Mra FEI.I.OVV ITTIZKNS:— I am a candidate p for llie ofllre of Receiver ol Tax Returns In yi"* 1 '“ J "T*'“sITIrlSEi.KS. ROWLAND 4 SON. | 3 D FOR NKW YORK—OI.D ESTABLISH I AMftKD LINK —The sclir. KATE IIKDITIAM, Evan* j master, will have despatch ns ntsive. Fur freight or |M" j sage, apply on board, at Telfair's Wlinrf. or to d.. 17 RRIGIIAM. KELLY A CO. I ’ Jf}- FOR PI1ILADKLPII1A — HERON'S aWdtLINE.—Hie tine sclir V II. THOMPSON, Caul. ! Ilaru"*. will have despatch for above |s,rt. For freight, ; apply to dee 17—10 C. A. GKKINKR. ' FOR UAIsTIMORK,—Tim schr. SAM'L ^SMi^FRAMTS, W. Drown master, will meet with de- s|mIi li as alsive. For freight or passage, apply on boaril at IMfair's Wharf, or to dec Dl BUIGIIAM. KKLI.Y t CO. FOR LIVERPOOL.-Th" A 1 ship ID* •jSSETUNDO. Capl. I*erry, will have quick despaten Fin 11 eight, apply to dec7 RRIGIIAM. KELLY ACO. FOR LIVERPOOL IV A 1 ship LAW [ItKXCK IIIIOWN, Pierce master, having \ of car* Iigageil.nnd going ou lusird w ill have quick despatch, gor freight, apply tu doc7 RRIGIIAM. KELLY 4 00. FOR LI VKRPOOL.—Th- American ship cfni'UlKIDA. (‘apt. Saiinermaii. having c"liinienceil •' - * FOR LI VKRPOOL - A£Eshi|i KMUITY. James J. Noy liiost ul In-r cargo engaged, will have For balance of freight, apply to roil TAX COM.ECTOR. To THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. GENTLEMEN :-l am arandldate for the office of Tax Collector of tills County, (the ••Iretioii to be held on the Ural Monday In January, 18580 and respecllully solicit yonr supi mavlW-tf PETER 1 1 PETEK G. THOM AS. MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS’ BANK. « V AUTHORITY granted by 111® State Is-gislatun , ; I” estahllsh a BANK under the nl-ovi-title in th® ml t. ge of • > ., mllh'ii 'IIK8IH . (he lnnnpotat.ini nf said Rank having met l the UunncilClianils-r nt Savannah, on Ho- Htlt day of Ik re ill her Instant, ordered llist llooks fir silliarilplion I stisk III raid Bank, he opened in llie Council Chamber, o 8alurday, llie 29th day ol Dn'emla-r, 1855, under the *1 IsTvision of the follov A III, KPPINO. Af; FOR LIVERPOOL. -The slop MARCIA L\ DAY, Chase, master,will have dcspiilch for llie above [Mirt. For Irolghl ol' 5Un hales Cotton, apply b> .HJltM T.K.fcJ.U. MILLS. ' "• FOR 11A VltK.-Tim line ,hlp~GRolTO, 4]raj£Caplaiii Isiii'l 'i km. For freight ,'ssi I, ,1. s rollon, apply lo |dee 7| RRIGII AM. KKLI.Y A CO. FOR IIA VRK.—The ShipI1IN8UL. Captain H. Mortimer, for riigngi.nieut ,,f Griun or Cot- Jmx ton ; apply to nov 22 J. It. A J. 0. MILLS. .'I- FOR FREIGHT imniAKTEIU- Tl"' " 'tf- PLANIHIMK. (‘apt. It T. Ilrown, , put. 11 Apply In" ' " *' ROWLAND A'Ui>.N. rn 1 WANTED TO (TIAUTER. - A ieml 4£C£to hsiil with Timls i- and Liiinln-r. for Ft. Johns rr-Appi 130 “ 18 Approximation Prize 251 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $30,000. Only 10.000 Numbert. Tleket* $5—Halves $23,0—Quarters $2.25. Ill tlii« sell*.in•* if you draw anything, even th® lowest prize, it will lie five times the cost of the ticket. Prizes payable in full, without deduction—aud every prim' is draw 11 at each drawing, and some peraoii mn*t get them, r* Htrietly confidential. Draw Inga S"Ut ti, order*.— ■leml letters nt my risk. Hills VVINTlm, Manager. Macon, Os. GKO. A. MeCLKAKEY, Agent. - (2 d.s.r* from Dny.)!invnmiali, Ga. .11 all solvent Hunks **>-) IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. SAVANNA i I AGF.Xf 'IES. I. II. MAHFTON. General Agent, Bull Street, iuinm- dialcly opjsi,ite the Post Office. J. I.. AUTRKY, on llroiigliton, between Whitaker A Barn«rd Street*.nov 14 Equitable Fire Insur'ec t o. of London. AVTH01UZKI) CAPITAL $2,500,000. Actual Cnpltnl rantl Asset* 91,330,000. One Million Three Hundred and Fifty Thouiand D0I4.AUS AVAILABLE FOR LOSSES. DIRECTORS. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL BARCLAY, Feiq., Chairman. s. Bennett. Esq. Hugh UroO, Ks®. John Moss. Esq. Fred'k. Moss, Esq. John Shaw. Esq. HANKERS—Merars. Edward 8. Symes. Esq. Clement Tiiimr. E»q. TIioiiio.* Wc-t, Esq. F, V. Wise llieiisi', Esq. Glynn, Mills*.Co. INSURANCE ON DWELLINGS. STHIIKS. MERCHANDIZE GENER ALLY. AND DTIIEIiGHril) RISKS ON FA- V O R A 11 L K T E It MS. All funds derived from lireiiiinius and sales of share* in the United Slates invested by- Trustee* is New York, viz: C. Kilud. Ilald. lit. Henry Liidlain, It. J. Dillon, JnmC. Ilolhrook, General Agents for the U. Static.' PHILADELPHIA AGENCY, 46 WALNUT STREET, FAIHJl'IIAIl RUII.DING. Where Policies nre isoied, and claims mljlisted and paid, withoutreferenc®to london. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES. Messrs. Slade, I’ratl fc Read. I Messrs. Iling'm fc Dock. •• Ludwig. Kii -eder fc Co. •• Jno. Tiers fc Co. “ A. G. Cnttell fc Co. I •• Bunn, Knig'l It Co. “ Cornelius, linker fc Co. | Persons wishing Insurance in this Co- will pleaseap- ply to the suhscrilH'i. who will issue the Co'* Policies on all descriptions of InMirnhlepr.qn-rlv. A. WILBUR, Sole Agt. in Savannah for the Equitable liiluranro Cu., >. Ill It dee 8 LKKLEtt & MILlOX, DENTISTS, omcoovcr heWilt fc Morgan’s Store I on Cougress Street. SAVANNAH, OA. Oct 4—I jr .TII RICAL uaii’b. JTTIjITJs BCAH.ING, i*rofesHor of ghEtfl Ruspccifnlly offer his services to llm .ylY B*WE"Dzen»nf Savanuah. CfcadS To lm I,mild at VV. I). Zogbaum'sVgyP '•-* Music Stora oci I—3in • AT ALBANY, NKIV YORK. AYTI. offer for side, nt our SAVANNAH ST iVE » v AGENCY, a large and varied assortment of STOVES, OF OUR OIPzV MANUFACTURE. and solicit a cnntlnuanro of the liberal encouragement given our Age-icy ill this city during the past year. For the information of ALL PARTIES nitrated in the STtiVEIII S-NESS. eilher buying or soiling, we have the s.-illsfacllon 01 Informing our cushiincrs abroad (a* those at home know the fact.i that during tke pa/l year icr hare told .MilitK STUFFS than any other estab lishment in the Sialo of Georgia or South Carolina. We make this statement in justico to ourselves, anil to set us right belbre llie trade, and with a full determin aliou of doing more uud better for our customers du ring Hie pr. sent year. JAMES SULLIVAN, -.Agent for S. II. Knnsom fc Co., oct 13—2m Stove Manufacturers, iIhaiiv, N.Y. STOVES-STOVES-STOVES. THE NKW WORLD CiX)K STOVE wd.l by , the sntiMciil.i.i*, is acknowledged l.jr all wl,o liare seen or II*."I rtli-in. to l,e tile l-est and convenient Stoves for Raking. Roasting n this city. W ' Ituhlli Fifteen (15, Negri*'*: Frank, Jitn, Joe. Eliza, Daniel, llnrl~)id. Mary, Cinda, Judy, Geucge, Lttle Jiiu, Joshua, Virgil. Alfred. Mviimiii.v. Hue (daiitatioii fiat (nearly uew,)one wagon, corn slid* h i corn fan*, ploughs, hue.*, spades, one tlirashiug uia- t lime. Ac., Ac. Terms: foi the laud and wharf loti ope-thi< hal* nn.-e on,- uud two year*, bearing interest'from the ilay of sale, sii-m-ed by mortgage uud personal security. For tlio lots of land, negroes uud plautati.111 uletiMis, cash; pur* im is p.iyint; for titles, mortgages and all necessary pa 's. ’.dec 1 JNO. C. FEU HILL. Ex.sutor. V* Charleston Courier, Augusta Sentinel and Columbus Inquirer, copy »uce per week fur threo weeks, aud seud hills lo this office. MRS. DR. (TNNlXlillAM’S SCHOOL M"; tin th- find TUESDAY, Will U-s.,1.1 Ii 1 January next, at II o'clock, if Court lloiisi.. .rdvr of Hi • Executor: Uit Noa.4 and 5, Aryan,1 r No. 22and imp lie ii-'Hk east ro Rr.snl street,. '.*• by 15U f- leUtaulV 4 tn • I -! .1 a the 1- t llr.-a-l ,t.. and 160 f'-'t d.-ep to Isiun* • t. TI,.* improvement* are two 2 story wissb-n n 43ist "tre 1 nii.13 IJi story buildings un rnent*. Magazine Ward, ralt- r of liroughtnn and East fee simple. The impruv*- . houses mi Broughton st, •lildlifgf "il East Broad at., wilh u stum 11 occupied l,v Wm. Bourks. laid hull h.t No. 9 uud Improvement*, Pereira! Wind. OU Stale Mr-et, uex 1 lo the corner of Drayt.ui st.. 3n by «o (—«. fee simple. Tlie Improvements ar* on® l]-§ story wooden lions-, on Stale street, and 011® wooden building on th - lain® witli nil out buildings, Ac. Tin- |.r-rty la-loi.giug to tin- estate uf Patrick I Hi IT*, d-rcus-l. 1, nl sold bv order of the Exisutors for tin- "hen lit .,f il." h'-ir* and creditot* of said eatrat*.— Twins made kn .ivn previous to thuday of sale. JOHN CAS8. ' dec 7 On llir First Tuesday In January arxt, Will be mltl before the Court Home, al Trajtr’i Hill, in Charlton County, |\K NHGRH WOMAN, the pro[R-rty of the estat* of O • Tueli Sold by the heirs III I.- i-rnilssion of the Ordinary, I creditor* of said estate, s credit, with note and ap- IAC HATCHER, Adm'r. W"i FOR NAIsK. id at III. Court House, on TUESDAY, iy of Jannaiy ii- xt. t . the highest hid* • :«rat Iy.’’with the buildings thereon, outing on joiinsioii sqnar and lirouglitoii street, uud ,.| of Hull Sir. known a- the L"t, (-urchused fur • ew Hotel. Terni<: line-fourth cash, lutlance st three, nine and reive iiionths. wilh int.-r. rl from date,and mortgage on ie premises, fill- jioaitive; punliasers paying for title* A. POP.TEII, J. STODDARD. R. D. WALKER, •he 15—bl Director*. Notice to Contractors. was oprxxn on tiiz Flrkl Monday In November. C. would inform her friends tlint,thi rc are afew auries which may Is* filled by applying iiumc- A f.-w young l-udics would Isi received Into tb» family ns bmirdiug scholars, where they will receive thra kindest rare and attention. Mr. MASSHX. T.-oi'her of the Fivnch latngnage. Resit •liee North side uf Liberty street, 4 doors ubove Barf ExuiNcxa'a urncx, ('HAursToa A Savannah It. R.» Charleston. ?- C., Nov. 31),Jl‘•65. j A KAJ.E1) PRrtl'0.'*AIJj will he received lit this Offica 8 JAS. 1U DICKSON, Lire and Fire Insurance Agent, i,nilsiiin s, to solid lb- will also act «> iud receive uppliciftiuus from pnrv 1 or pru|ierty insured. gent for tile Savannah Republican, 11 '' ms 1 - .v'c—tf * £3. M. BLOUNT," COLLECTINI. AGENT, DARIEN, GEORGIA, TYTOUl.D respectfully refer parties tn the f dlowina* \V gentlemen: Alexander Milcheil, T. I’. I’ja-c and Jacob Rokeiihi.iigh. Darien, Ga.; Ham 11 .'I I’almcr fc Hon,- Savannah; M. I’.Htaeey, U.-q., charleston, S C ; F. J. Reck, Esq ,62 Wall-atreel, Now York. Oarlon.ocb, 1855. . oci ‘3 Coal and Wood Yard. J . T. TIIOttAS, ornr.s ror. siua - AT THE UNION FERRY WHARF, a si ppi.w nr* Red Asli f'onl rand Fire Wood of nil kludrd _ 40N!*l MKRH can depend upon huing proinptly siij I plied -* “**-*- -*—-*■ * * _ until the 21st December, 1S55, FOR THKCLEAR- iNG AND GBAIftNG OF FORTY (40) SECTIONS OP THE CliARI.L. TilN AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD, from the Comillciii-Muent of the lltli Sis tloll. just t«-yona l(sn» iwles C’|V. k^l irrh, to th- end of the both Section Ucnr Kidki-halchni River and Bridge. The liu® is illvitl-d into S . lion- averaging each on* ■ 1. mil" ill leiigCi. 'though !>|. individual Sectious vary slightly ftoin this nverage.suit the more convenient execution of tin i.irfli work. The width ■: f. -img will vary Somewhat according I** locality, bill wtli av.-nip- als.ut 100 feet. TlieCou- trui b-r will i:i all .-j-.-s h.- required t length -f liis cu.iract * ‘ - w.-rk or tp -tli^work. Tlieiv will I- on the whole line an aggregate of ubout two imda half 2 1 mil— of trestle-work, which will vary from 8 i < '•. n:;.| in a f-w cases 14 feet lu height. Th." plan of structure a-hq.i. I f..r places, will lia ' mid" r-w . f |«!.< driven about 0 feet apart, cut off 2' .. fee; I- i w grade end capi-sl; ui»n which ca|« ■ r*. And. in other places, the corn- trestle. r. -ling upon a ground sill, or |>.|i a -ill it*.li sting upon 3 pilea .1- III" I. i"i Ol il-* ground. The lieu la lo f-et n'-arr from ra-utr® to enntro, ronni-ct* • I |..g"tli-r bv string-pieces not less than e coiumeuciug t eartU- 12x1 l'riq--sil- .•oik . iiicludiu. 1 rf'io: Sr',! market, nil of wliieh have given perfect satisfaction lu every particular. Tliey are SO III the bottom oven' |dut"«, that llii-y afford inure heal than any other Stove now in use. They are well fatt**1. very heavy castings, and largeovens. I- «* liv si" '• W- - lling tin in at very low prie-s. The iqH-rati-'n of this Stove is warranted. We have also a pn-tty assortment of Store. Hall. Office and Iku-Room Stoves, whit Ii we nre selling nt very low price*. We would lie pleased tl. hay* yon call mill ex- nmiu- Is-foru purcliasing. dec lo LOYKI.L A LATTIMORK. NEW I'IN VI'OH I. AND MI FIT-1 HON MANUFACTORY, K0. 141 SOUTH VVXST MARKKT Sql'ARK. TIRVAN STRKKT. a* i WOULD inform my old friends mid pat- rons, I hav® opened the Rhovestore, tn rmi- Rbm 'Diet the S:ovo, Tin riiiI Hjoc'.- Iron Imsliio** fIJ?J[7I In nil Its various forms, where will he found ABoisilm R general variety of Stove*. Tin nttd Sheet- JKObL lron Ware, which I will be pleased tn show }"«. *"<1 at such prices as will sallsfv you it you want In purchase. Al kinds of Itnnfliig, Gutters of Lead, Galcunlzed Iron Work of every description. Job Work ami Repair ing executed wllhdRspatcli.OldHtovea pat up and I’ipea furnished al short notice. Ttn-Waroat Wholesale mid Retail. Call down Bryan atreet, U will pay you for the walk. J'MIN J..MAURICE, Agent. nov 3 6i*i;.MN<4 FAI.I. AND JI 11.1- N Eli Y 868115. MRS.c. FREELAND will open tht* day, 18th of October, a Inrgo and selected assortment of £-SL~ goods, conslstlngof French, Silk, ami Satin pnitcru Honnols; also a elmicolot of plain and colored straw*. Ribbons, Vclvots. Laces, Flowers, Feather*, Embroideries, Dress Caps nml Head Dresses. Boiitirts Cleaned and Pressed. N.R. And this Seasuii, In the Dress making depart ment, she will be enabled .o pleaso her customers lo every respect aslo Fitting. Making aud Triming. aa she has advantages of procuring the best aud most ap proved Paris Fashions, innnllily, having also engaged the services of a competent person from the North.— She will nay particular attention to the Making. Braid ing ami Embroidering of Children’* Dresses. Diessot made In the most fashionable manner lit twenty-four hours. 174, BROUGHTON STREET, oct IX ttppositn St. Andrews Mall. _A. CLOTHING /L, W KAn > OHlU T AI. W (0NK DOilK WKST nr TIIC RKPl'IlLtOVN RCVMNU ROOM.) Finn Ready- WM. 0. PRICE, Snp'rfineCloths, FASHIONABLE Made Clotliiiig: llats and Caps, Shiils. Collar*. Gloves, Hosiery, Cnncs,Umhr<'ira Cravats. St-s ks, llundkeirliTs. MILITARY TAILOR, 147 Artieb-a BAY-STREET, Caralmere*. and Vestings.will he Male toMeosure Unexeepti’nsble In Stylo amt Workmanship, By tin. Best lia 11T ANDHEWS A FOUCHK, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, WASHINGTON, WILKES CO., GA. Will practice In nil the Counties nf Hi'- Northern Circuit. GARNETT ANDREWS. ROUT. T. FOUCHK. dec 8—tr HATS t II ATM 11 HATS III JI'ST RECEIVED, a fm-h Int of tlio*.' till.' Moln- skin and S,ft HATS, of Iho UFat patterns and Apply I. iv 21 CAIILKTON A PARSONS. "trtoea,»> (sir rent,.nsh.som. •■.,||t f,.r Imlame as E ff (be perralialde |.ro|"-iM. halfiosh.hal* ; • f.u one year.oxcept for "iims.di«, n ty d.dhira r which rash will I- i qulnsl Notes with spi i-.*fril onJliiy end with lnti-ie-i fro 111 date, ^ "■'loll’d on all crrdll sales, le-iore the delivery of 8ns, rty • " 1 ' ’ will hav® the facility of the f'-i 'd' lutlion-ls lo nlb'nit Ilia mI>, -imuislAtions lienr- MGSM P. GREEN, Ka'r. -IS..'. Dee. 12th, IW16. lire 14 ' M«la(Tirinl>le 4 S-nJInrl, Const it utlonaliaa *"d Mlllidg.-tills ItisiA.I-r, will liist-rt uutiT M e. 11 irwanl an oiint" l«» Ilu* otlli ■ . Kltl'h No. 3 F. , t .,|. |,v "" n MINIP A JDIIN.-MN HIRAM TIOIIEUTS. C. A. L. LAMAR. K. II. MARTIN dee 18—1291) MMlTTxr: I JOHN BOSTON. I W II. IIOBGSON. WANTED, ,, TO CH ARTER, several VKSSEIJt to Ion.) with >-..iVTimh", and l.umlM-r, for Knglaad, Fram e. and th® jfcsJtV.rth of Kunqsi. Apply U. nov 29 • CARL KPPINO. VESSELS WANTED. Fla., to Smoke Good Segars! • For whi. li 1 a IsHi.1 from l).iri" III" I nl freight will WAVER 4 CON: niinstoii, Mo. |»ld. Apply ' ST A* , ..i-ent nrrlvala llie following | brand®, In addition to my »b*k "f CHOICE .HFJ1 AliS, n unlv-rsally a. knowl-dged by Judges of the nrllrlr, os “JVffiT T1IK THIWC4 l ” ('••itrliMa 0|iera. 1st l)r*rilliri"rt®, I* %. • Dior hii|e-rioi. I a Pniulllud Ira YlgilviwJa, UulKtt'* ,w " ' ' ANTIN'K. >J< FOU FIIKIOIIT Olt UIIAltTKIt. Ad4*The line m w sehr. J. IIATHOIIN, J. V.-arl- nu fV. _ i" _ ready for li"ii(lit; Is w. ll adnpti-d f> timh.-r lumler. Apply to BUIGIIAM, KELLY A CO. I HATS AND CAPS q Corner BurnariU Broii?hlon-St». FlI.K HATS. SOFT HATS, of all description*. ■CAPS ,,f every STYLE and IJCALITV . Low lor c«sn oruoonCasntT. • ,,MN ' “ oc. H Ijan BID H'tf J. R. UikMORR. r. KIWiTR. I M Mm 1 sci FOU FIIKIOIIT OH t'lUllTEIl - ||. l-ark MI'Shl.NGI M.) ltd Dn k. y. Ipplt lo d., 1.1 HUNTER A GAMMEI.E J. R, GILMORE A CO., Commission Merchants, WWW YO 11 *' - Parlii-tilnr attention given Willi-sale ol Cotton, llie®, At-., nud lils-ml . ash adrance* made tin r^iasignmenta. RI.FEIlKNCKS:- Ifrmb i A Gainmell, Snannah, Ga.: O.G. I'nralev, Es i.. |*ival.lcnl t'«im®ivlal Rank, Kidder A Marlin. .1. II. Flanner. Esq . Wilmington, N. C. iwv 15—It riNOIIACCO—Ruck, r A Co. bran, landing I and for solo |d«07; WILLIAMS A RATCLIFF. A LE 4k I»OllTKU.-l".'a*k*T..|iii"iil* crlel.rated h Ale ill Hunrtsand Pints importisl dlreet fr..m tin llr> werv. 3o cask* Ilya®* I’urt-r lit |l’lnt *. 30 do Bar- clay's I'. II rin Pints. Izindi'i:. and f-rs.ih l.r ■nvll CI.MIIIOKN A CUNNINGHAM. ( 1HKKMK. -ho* English Dairy Cheese. Ml .hi /< h-u. ■■liralii'iit'lins.i. lamlui -. and l-r sale hv nov II CI.AGII0RN*CUNNINGHAM Fur Gentlemen. JiAVAUfMAII. At Short Notice. * is* Order* from City and Country sulicited. "ut “STO r.LINQ OTJTT NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS. Cheap 1‘nblirationo at lirrntly Redueeil Price*. S IX Twenty-five Cent lh*>k* for One Dollar. Three Fifty Cent llo-ks at On® Dollar. Other Humid Work* Mis -ella will b- Mid nt very low rates for cash. Call mam—the opportunity will he o|s'ti only a f. w days—at lit- Jlook Store of 8. 8. 8IIILKY, No. 135 Congress st. dis* 12 PIIOHC1SAL8 FOR lll'ILDING. P R11IMSALS will he received until the 20lh of Decem ber for tin* building of an Engine House, to roplneo that now occupied hy the Young America Kin' Company. Plans mid spi-ciflcatiuns of the building nmy lie seen in the City Surveyor's office, in the Exchange. JOHN N. WILDER. A. N. MILLER. dec 10—Id JAMES (1. RODGERS. “ NOTICK. fffiY'VO Month* afterdate, application will la-made lo A tli" Court of Ordinary. Chatham County, fm l-nvo to sell n lii'gni mail named Tom, liclougtng to the EsUto of lh'n.i.itnlti W. Fosillck. deeeasiil. J-' 12 SU'III A A. FtiSIIICK, Adinini dialiix. TO IIEALKU8, 4 S Agents fill- the side of No. I la*f Lard, we ran sup* ^4 I'ly the trade nt low price* las*. It 1.VNN ASXIDKI1. STOCK FOIl BALK. flEXTIIAI. Rail Road. Rank Statu °0'’n ,i j l | ' K , ^ N . m, 11-81 117 Bay StrwL FOR RALE. BLACK Woman U year*old. g-««lcook, wash r.o«2 n! and of giaal character. Apply In WM. WRIGHT. KCIIH. A. DEVKIIE AU X HUIA ED In four dn.,s from llaiana, Willi FltUlT l~.ii- ilu- Savannah Fruit Emporium. It u good article. Slrict nttvntiou rtv.m 1 j lent. Boxes f..r onlers an - placed at thj r®. J. M. Os.pi-r A Co.. W. G. Dickson. W i AY. I.inr.ilu, at tlie office of tlie Morning New s, and nt tn $ ii "id.-ie . in Jones st- Terms cash. dec lu—cm » NOTICK. OFFICE SAVANNAH, ALBANY A GULF R. It. CO. ) MVASNAII. NoV. 1855. J T HE THIRD Instalnu-iit of lo per cent, on the capl lal stia-k of this Coiujiany. is required to he paid 1 I this office, mi Monday*, the Till day of Jnnnnrv next, li J order. . CHAS. GRANT, Sec'y and Trt-a*. nov 5—emon.lnn 7 -f NOTICE. CENTRAL R. R. AND RANKING CO. OF GA.l Savannah. November 14.1N55. I T IIK Annual Meeting of Stockholders will he held Tuesday*. 1 Sth December next, at lo uYlork, A. M tiovJS—lkde- GKO. A. CUYI.EIt, Cani.l. CITY’ COURT OF SAVANNAH. MIVEMIIER TERM. 1855. T HE CITY COURT of Snvauualilmsheenadjourni I until the 3J Monday of IWemher next. Suitors, Jn/ roraand Witnesses, will ph a—lake notice. n»vg—If WM. H. Ill I.UK'll, Clerk. 1 - CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. * » HAVE THIS DAY nsma-int-.l with me, SAMUEL( \ ■ GAUMANV end FRANCIS J.C1IAMPI0N. Tlieliu- ness will hen-afu r he conducted under tlio unuu* at •’ style of ti ARM ANYS A CHAMPION. Savannah, (in., Nov. 1, 1655. nov 5 0. W. GARMANY FIY'K DOLLARS, ONLY. * 1 NOR a beautiful Home-t.-i.l in the village of Hr - * nmnville; I.. I.. near the city of New York, fif' , farms and 350 llnildiiig Lit* will he divided among 4' sulesTilHT* on the evening of the lltli Inst., ooeh snhsci her for only $5. will receive .me building lot. 35 by 1< f.-t.ora farm from one 1.1 five aci-es. For parlii iila apply to dec 7 WM. WRIGHT, Agent. " FOU SALK, 'ESTKltX Half lad No. 37, Greene Ward. App' 1 dec 13 WM. WRIGHT. TOHOINEKi: EPEIIS. ' D ANIEL CRONIN. I'Pllt)..STERER, 2(1 BRYAN SI* W OULD respecllully announc® to the citizens t Savannah, that he Is ready to make and put dow carpets. Oil Cloth, Matting, fcc., at Iho shortest noth . and on iho most reasonable term*. 3no—oct 3 . O VER CO ATS.—i'li"t Over Coatsof every desert . tion. In quality, in color, in style and In size. A may- he suited hy calling at the Star (’hdliing Emporium W'v: 250 bids Yellow •rder. tor sale low by dec 13 IJOTATOKS.—M.iver M. bids gentline Mercer SWIFT A C I timl-r. In ill® •■liivertisl W" ••nt will b- braced longituditutlly. trestle and pile work mud he of tlio 1‘iuo Tiuds-r, not less than 12x12 r tu submit Pnqiosol* may obtain it i-m by reference to tho Ma|>* and Speeifirutions in the office. suLiinited sejuirately for the earth iritig.l and f -r the trestle-work, w ill specify the price for each acre ...juan-i ut ■ I" .:: (incltni.:;: •• grabbing'* within tha limit* .-f t!>-. ■• I •-1 . ;e‘-ank.-d bn-ath.) the rato I . . i:! i. y nr i i i viivalem or eiiilsinkment, with tho pri.v | r I-.I of avenig* haul,- beyond ICO feet (a. it mu-! l»- on I rsi-ssl. that where earth from the nx- ravatiiiti is. by tie* Engine r * directi-m.hauled Into Iho 1-iid.niikni- nt. ]-i- v 1 it Is* within (he average haul of lb.- Section, it will I- |inid f. r but once, with additional allowance for average haul, and n.d paid for us excaw tion and emliaiikiiii nt In.tli.Y—the price jmt Linear foot of tn.-ll.sw..rk. if if within the limits of 8, 10 and 14 fe-: height. .1..- will 1-11111.-11 preferred, the price per cubic f.a.t.or F.-.t l’e-vrd measure of all material in (ho trestle. They w.ll al*.. spe, jfy the Si-ctiou or Section* Payment* will I— uiad- monthly on the estimate of the Engineer of work done. 20 per cent being retained by tin- Uoinimny for it* security until tho final couiplo- IVrsons (iriqi.'-iiig will stnt® what proportion of th* amount* due tin m they will be willing to take in Stock or Bonds of the Company. Proposals sh. qld t.- addressed to tli® undersigned, and endorsed •• Pi .|" -als for Graduation’’ or “or Proposal* for Trestle-Work." (Signed) THOS. F. DRAYTON, President and Chief Engino®. DOT—0od2<'Dee A BOOK WORTH READiNG. DIARY AND UOItRKBPONDBNCK AMOS LAWRENCE. With line Portrait* of Ako» and Anuon*. 8vo. Cloth. $1.50. This !mok. since its first publication right weeks ago, has had an nncxnm|ilcd pule. It is the biography of a merchant who began ImsincM with only $20. and gave nwnv in puldir and private rhar- itie*. during hi* lifodim.-, SFVE.V HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS. 11 Is full of interesting anecdote* and reminisceners of person* and tilings fr om the time of tlie Revolution tn th* year 1852: and especially It sets forth the admirable bu siness maxims by which Mr. Lawrence achieved his great EIGHTY MERCANTILE HOUSES in Boston, and oth ers in New York and Philadelphia, have purchased nu merous copies, ,f the work for nirrs to their clerk*. For sale by all Bookseller* throughout the U. State*. GUI LD A LINCOLN. Publisher*, dee 4—eodlvv 59 Washington st.. Beaton. I.aFayette Classical & English S C H O O To. “OUWTT, OA. cer or Eating Potnbas—! Polatis'S Just received, and f. ) sail- low oy dee 13 SWIFT A l\). fctF.KI) POTATOES AND APPLKg.-3i I W hills White Seeil Point .as. I(KI Itlds Mercer Potator | 49 hills Baldwin Apples, for sale to arrive, by dec 13 (KTAVUS COIIEN. i Rev. JOHN W. BAKER, A.M., l*rincipal and Teacher of Ancient languages. I lbv. It. M. RAKER. A.M., Teacher of the Higher Branch®* I of Mathematics. | Miss C. II. MERRICK. Assistant Teacher of Latin and the English Urn nolle*. c 13 RRIGIIAM. KEI.LPA CO. pOTATOESi- A'! 3on Hunches Bananas, 160 dog. Pine Apple*, s' ntnl Tomaba-s. DAVIl) It. Dll.LON Mark®’ Square. ■ 1 INTERS HAY. JkU. .lOllalni prime Foist- ■"< "•>.’• and I-Ub.. huidn.g per sliio .!< hn Btdiioy. Foi sale bv dec7 BUIGIIAM, KKI.LY 4 CU t tOTTON NCALKS.—I'reiiiiuni Cot 6c»l J tor sale low, by JNO. 0. ROWLAND, Xo. 72 Ilay st. . .—£■() lild*. Potatoes for sale by ' 1 Altl.Kl'ON 4 PARSON?. S.—lot) bids. I’lantliig 1' p Rotimdii, in giasl order |dco6| WAVER k UUNCTAXTIXK. H AY'.—2DU lath'* suiKwi.u- Eastern Ilay ^landing froi | brig Carritae, trout Hath, and for sale by decs WAVER A CONSTANTINE. f NLOUIl.—99 sacks Suia rftneand Extra Flour,Ju:| ' nveived from C. K. Read, and for sale by. decs WAVER A CONSTANTINE. ( qt)HN-—3cssi l.usliel* (iriino tXirn, |a-rC. K. Road, f. | J rale to arrive, by dec s WAVER A CONTg.VNTlNE. O LD PEACH llRANDY.—3 bhl.'. old Peac| llrandv, also Uumaiid Whi*kv. for sale by d.cs WAVER A C0N8TANT1NE. lu ALT A FLOAT.-2.VSI sa. k«'l.tver|a«.| salt nfio. | 3 '"'ll for sale by |.|ec ’| OHIKNS .V HERTZ. ■NRBNCil oisAii.—400 h.ixc French Glara, Ju landing and for sale cheap. I'Y ..... decs CHAFFER A Ctl. No 8 W nltakcr st. » H If K8i-Bricks for sale I.V a,, n MINIS A J0IINST0N. rarKW 4400DN —.lust tvcelveil: White Worst* fu|,s. Cel.ired Elastic llelts. White and Cvdore Elastic Belts, Mlssi * colored Kid Gloves, shell side comb Merino veil®, Ac. By dre 7 IIRNRY I.ATIIUDP A 00. 1,11,01' II, FLOUR,—300 bid®, snia-rflli® ext I’ family and family Flour. V«) sack* superior ext' family an.l’ superfine Flour, of various choice brand from Georgia and Tennessee Nulls, all fresh ground, jin , received and for sale by JNO. INGKRSOI.I" dee 16 Jones' Block. Ray street. « ATN, OATS.—lon.Ung this day, from brig M.A. Ft. veil*, prtmo Feel and Feed Oats, and for sale by lire 16 LYNN A ENIDKK. loaf Lore SNIDER. Mis* N 1 KYV 8IDKH. . . Keystone Stale, dre 16 I.TNN —20 hlids. reeelvvtl by sleami ami for sale by IIUUMMHK, JOHNSON A CO. ■e* received by steann IIOUNIMBK? JOHNSON A CO. iVTTIR AND CIIKBBK.-150 boxes 8te Chssaa, 25 boxes English Dairy Cheese, 25 kegs selected Goshen Butter, lauding, and for sale by ,!.v 1, HOinVIlRE, JOHNSON A CO 10UX.- J dec to u A. ATWOOD, Teacher of Voral and InatrnmcnUI •M lisle. The next session of this Institution w ill commenc* Iho 14th Jniiimry. I'M. laFayetle I* sitiiate.1 in on® of the most interesting portions of Cherokee G.airgia. It has the advantages of pure air, gisal wat.-r. monntain seeiierv and fertile Unit*. The village i* ”ii" of the most moral umt healthful in th® State, of easy nccoa* to the W. A A. Railroad., Ringgold being the nearest depot.) yet siiffieieiitly remote to Ii® ex empt from most of the temptations to vice, incident to larger and more pnldfe places. Hoard can be Imd ill gisal famili-e from 8 to $10 per Tuition $18. !.| and $32 per annum, acconling to th* different atudie* piiismsl. Music, including the use of Piano. $5o ja r annum. For further particular*, atldresa the Principal. REFERENCE:?—JudgeD. K. Anderson.Ringgold; Gen. A. J. llama'll. Marietta; Rev, N. A. I’rutt. 1)J).. Roswellf Rev. II. T. Murks. White Sulphur Springs, Ga.; It. M. Urine. Esq . .Milledgeville; Noble A. Hardee, Rsq , Bag varnish. IraFarelte. Ga.. Dec. 4. Ia55. dec 10—8 PKPYN' DIAktYl ' R41 ARY an I Correqatndenceof Samuel Pepys, in th* ■ F reigns orciiarle* 11. and James II., In 4 volra, with 2 |airtralts. Sketches of Virginia. Historical and Biographical. By W. II. V.aite. Second scric*. Tin- Moral and Intellectual Diversity cf Races, from the Fn lu ll of Count tlobineau. tiro nil’s History of Greek Classical Literature. An Escaped Novice from the Bisterboixl of $t. Joseph. |ty Josiqdiine M. Dunkley. Napoleon 111 m. Helena, wdtli Illustration*, by John 8. C. Abbott. S vo. Cloth, gilt. A Child's History of the United State*. By John Bon- Lmdon Quarterly Review for Orloher. Tlie Isute. i for Novemln r and Dicember. Distnmell's Railway Guide. Eclectic Magazine for December. dec 14 U THORNE Wll.I.IAMA NKW HOORN- 1 9EX Years among the Mail Dags, or Notes from Uw Diary of a $|acial Agwil of Ihe lkoit Office Popart meut, w ith lllii-lrati'ins and Biographies, and a correct Likeness of each of the Post Masters General of th® United Wales ; by J. Holbrook WtmmC. II . s IU11.I Iksik of Magic—sseond editon. For WAUN0CK A DAY 18, Iksiksellersand FUllonere, No. 150 Cougreaa at. Just Puhllihed, by tho dre 15 Just Published, bjr lh_ HOWARD ANMK-IATION, PHI1A- H EPORT on SPERMATORRHOEA, or Femlnal Weakness, Impotence, Ihe Vice of Onanism, Mastuihr.tloii.or Wdf*Abuse, and otbsr Ptseesae ol ID* W-xual Organs, with an acrounl of the errors and dm ception*of Quacks, and valuable Advlcelolhe Affllcl* ol, by Geo. Il Calhoun, M. |). toosultla* Btuyeon of lb- Howard Association. Philadelphia, Pa., a benevo* lent Inttlluilc.n established liy special *wdowmeal, fer lb* relief ol (ho dek and distressed, afflicted with “Vtf* •tout and Epidemic Useates.” A copy of Ihe above Report will bo sent hy mall, il* a sealed envelope), free of charge, on Ihe receipt ot Two Mump* for Postage.— Address l)R. 1113• R.L'ALI|OUN,Noi»B.»ulh NINTH at., Philadelphia, Fa. “**■*