The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, December 18, 1855, Image 3

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN,TUKSDAY MORN'NG, DECEMBER 18, J 5i>. Seed's Pat. Chronometer \ yoti»» BATTALION OROUU. *" k;«mi i* .kiku- AN *t«*KHi.forSAi>«t.uaEnaiga.-t [jS s’.'lMA TfcflMtejlofthu J^UZSkiu'oZ I 7^^tKr Ogl-thorp. Light Inlhutry, le hereby or th* :1 “ ’<'*•* "I pc»er about A) i>,-r mil.. aud n~ i |u U> held on Thura-la), 2uth tint., between * ^ II. ■ »<’ifcUt of tile engine on.- half. Thru, tug ot hour* of 9 and 11 A.M..ut thelARcvofJudite H. llaUbrd, 5* u, r “* b ®V’ •»'*" >* : under the u*u*i .ui-rintendcue requited by U«. By doubling thedavol the port, *nd halaii'lug | . * ,. lllv ILuivmuiv, rumor iug the friction *u<l wight of the | ,u r JOHN « ANDKK8'*.', ^ valve*. rrua te-ada, connecting iwl*. Ac. | Br.Caplain Com. Iiid. Ball. uf.ffavaunah. «. B. Jxcaso.x, A<tyaiau(. * ^iiiiiylni’ lluklj Line. FOR PHILADELPHIA. . — r.rowlni *tmpltr4ty of this • aginc, „ a«r»* »u-l melty manag-d 11,mi any otlirr. and 14a ■ i u|»n tha boiler with * heel* it poiuUe efl-tlve. n»w r nature received the Plan I'iiii Minn al the n lixtubitlon In Paris. There are ntuut ••renty-five ' *.*olioW In operation. all giviug groat mtufiv, lion. PRICK*: : Horae Engine |ltei...)fi>tlcre aud Fitliugn ft 25 ill •'««*. *"«U 1 to 10O Horae power, al the ahortrat no- r tnfonuatioii may be had hr a.ldn-«aing TUU8I.KY k HE Eft, —Sew I* 95 Maiden lane. New York. aiousr* to iitni.aas JFarA.Ur with a TO HUNT. -*8 The oltl.-e ou M. J aui«e’a Bquare, formerly occu- -i-jurd by l»r. J. M 8, hie). Apply at tliia office. L— 4m : KOH KENT Too elllglbly pirated and |il. aaant n-.nii. fronting •II Joint* '0 Square, >uital>le for deeping »|«rt- .uu-nts or I-a* office*. Apply to T «'«. M KIUIIT. TO RENT. I OOMF'OKTAHLK Dwelling llouae, corner of I'rioo aud M. Julnn street*. very low, if applied for .**•11. Apply al ■ hie office, <>r to J. H. MAYKK, Broughton at.. - door* west of Judge Berrieu'a. FOB HR.1T, -c* Tilt: WHAKFSTOKKto No. 172 Bay Street. well upted fur at'iace of, ottou ..r uu-rv.iandizc- A|>- It to not 2> IIAY Mltll A ROWLAND. FUR KKXT. The Front (Jtlice, >.. 172 |Uv street, well fiti.-d P for t oiton ..tine, with too atom's beneath, well j^o.t..ptcd for atorage of cotton or merchandise. Ale BAYSAltlt A ItoWLAMI. FOH WALK. -» A DWIXLINii llol'XK mc» Vi mt a half of land, a flue situation, for sale Mir to A. W ILDER. ' > ticu'l In*. Alt'! and Broker. FOR SALK, 0* A I/*T IX W 11 IIE.'V 1LI.K. inar the30mile *U- IjlloaC. It. R.. on which ir a small Store.Coru llouae Awond Stable*. Any pTWin wishing to nurt hnee, will to the aubacrilier on the premise*. If wml led ia i Lid by the ftrat Monday in January, it will !*• offered -ul'hc outcry, at the tV-nrt llouae in SpringBebl on that no* * —Ayr AMOS F. BAUW. TO KKXT. rf* TIIAV KKSIRAIILK IIKIt'K STOItK aiiunte.1 on W hitaker atreet. ne\td.»r to the corner of Bay and .pi**ite ewitt A to. apply to nil, WM. W'RltillT. to its:xt. I*t !SS|->Sii IN given ImniiHliately. the Western Tenement of II. R. Jackson's llouae in South .Broad-at. Apply to A.C. I» VVENPORT. i S-tf _ FOR It FAT. /PA TlieStores under ST. ANItRBtV* IIAl.Ucor- Bjj tier d Broughton aud Jefferson atreeta. will lie 'iil. let lu la... three, or four store* to suit leuauta. —•••inn on 1st November. For lerma, apply to c At l\ II.1.1 AM Km;Lit*. So reiary. FOR MLE. That comiii'Miioua and desirable residence situ- ated an lot Ha. 34, l.thertv Ward, frouiing ou J B rLiuth Broad, near We*' Itmad streets. The . s-o Is substantially built of bricks, is well ffniishod lety part, and Sited up Willi gas and waler dxli|re<. i!ao lia- an excellent pump in Ihc yard aud a (lower .v en aiiachni to the premises together with all lie- ~;.ry out building*. - propenv can be Inspected l»j any one desirous of ; .flusing. For term*, app'y lo lS-lf Tlltt*. II. ''ARDEN. Trustee. llVll HI. FOII NAI L . . That large and oomino-lious Dwelling lor* merly occupied b> Dr. Wildman. situated ou a d*full and hall'total the corner of Souih Broad aud > - -corn stieels iu tbisci'-t • Terms lilxwai- Apply to ..3 BACONk LEVV. TO KKXT. . TWO TEN K'lENT* in Oonion Bl.u-k. front- 1 '• ms Chatham Suuare, and well inrniahed with sAarirf, gas. -table-, kc. I'o-ses-ion given 1st \ EIIWAKit IJ. WILSON, Agent, el Id No. 7-.* Brian street. FOR KKXT. j* THE E Y«TKRN TENEMENT of B-dck Build- mg. corner of A bec» nand Jones Street Apply n. NOTICK* INSPECTOR'S OFFICE, l»th NOV., 1S65. ; ^ — Alter the Btt lust , all who sluUI Sat bSYe ^ produce,! their Scabs, Weights aud Meaaun-s | at my Offlca fir a-(ju*tment, w ill la- pi suptly n-|M>rta<L • nov 'At JOS. SIIKLLM AN, Ilisja* ter W. k M. C. S. I ast.-Wm OFFICE CHARLESTON * SAVANNAH R. j W& R. COJIPANT, NOVEMBER IS. I'M.-A Sec ond Annual lu.talmerit of FIVE IKlLIAliS ,fi) per Sltaro on the Sl.* k euhacrilwd for tlila Coui|auiy is now | calle-l for— payui<-nt to he made to the Secretary and \ Treasurer, at the Office of the Comjwuj. 3'J llrwi-l street, on nr before WEDNESDAY, the ninth day of January, IMd. THUS. F. DRAYTON, President, nov. U—Jan. It REMOVAL. The I'udcraiglled hate reluo Kajy^tu no. * DRAYTON STREET, mat d.-r UiC A. I* Umar'a. BAYNARD A ROWLAND. Auction Sales. Auction Sales. Ilk’ SPENPLB CUM IIEI.L A ML On the lira* Tt'KSDAY in January neat, at II o'clock, lii Auction Sales. t IIoum-, ta-tweeu the legal hours of 7”i A Negr.. Woman, am-d *l years, g<*.l c,«k, washer and ( rei^r!la!|a--rS-ctly hiwlthv" with" trouer. with her,liild, agml 14 mouth*. dei-17 ; lailiiug flat ’•-• * Sit Farm Iota for Sols. Will la- H.,1.1 on thi- III wt Tit. * lay In January m-at,al the Court IIiuim*. I~ l wen the legal hour* of Sale, Six Farm lot* on the leal 1st ill. Hoad, imawdiately aJane tin Diii'l* of K Jeuck's, aud runniug from tin- Sa- fuuiiah Road. I>ack b> the Saraliuah, Ogixllee and Alta uiahaw Canal, lot No. I, contain* nine aud seven teutli ] acres. No. i. *ixt<*-u aud eight tenth acres. No. 3, eleven : aud eight tenth in raw, aud olu-of the la-st l-a-allolia lu | the county f»r a Brick Yard. No. 4, • leveu and live teiilh 1 acres, and Ins a two st >ry Irnmed huildiug on the |>reui- ba-. No II.a bun !»,mc Dd fora Fanii.ionuiniug thirty* ncriai. No. 7. a very desirable Farm Lot. i fort,-oil* on*- teutli acre*. Terms made , of sale. For further latrtlculars, apply al lit Bay street dec 16 Wiin-a and Li.|uorsat Private Nile! 1 Idol. Holland Dili. •J . t ii. casks superior Pale Brandy.' •i do do Dark ilu 6 eighth do superior Pah- do I bid. •uperior ilid Scotch W‘hi*ky. For sul- low at 154 Hay street. H Rico at Prlcata -Sal*. 511* i ce* of Rice in si re, aud for sale low, to cloao cou- aigueuieut. < die 6. A likely Mulatto Man, 34 years old. a good sampler aud marker of cotton; a!*o a llrst rwle Sawyer snd saw-filer for aalu. not to go out o| the city. dec 1 House and Lot at Private Sale, led and improvement* No. 5 t'liai It.-n Ward, corner of Jon.* mid A be re. .r n -I*. On thi* lot i*a n-wly ' ' ' With all tile lllmb-ru iuiproveluellt*. The pur Will be *. KEYSTONE STATE, K KAKD1K, Commander, W ILL SAIL ON WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19, AT 1)-$ V. M. The superior steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Roliert llardie, commander, will b ate a* uImxc. For freight or |**sstge, having splendid stab- t<«an accolu modal ions, C. A. L. LAMAIL Cabin IWige to Philadelphia fM tie,- 3 NOTICE ^ ADVANCES mad-on Condgnment. to our IneuJs III Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. dec 4 MINIS A JOHNSTON*. XOTIC B. . Mu- All adjourned meeting of tlie Connuis>iouers of Public Bonds of lliatham county, will Ih< held at tlio Court House lu the city of Savannah, on MONDAY the •J4th Decemlier. Initant. at eleven o'clock. MciiiIht* al- •*-nt from the regular meeting, tire u-difn-d that they will |>i'*ltivelv Ik- flii'-d. gnb-a* they arrear and prea>-nt good and sufficient excuse*. W. W. WASH, See’y, <!«• II B. C. P. It. C. C. Ueorgiut plows eapjr. WITHDRAWAL. BtVAXN'AU, Dee, 10, Its&S. Mir Messrs. Entobs:—You will plea.--e withdraw my name as a Candidate for Sheriff of Chatham county in January next. dee l« JAMES T. BI'CKNKR. To tlie Voteraof 4'lisit liaxm County. lia • FUA-w ClTItO* : I am a Culididate for 'h- Ofllr of Sheriff at the Election in January uext.and r*-i--ctfu ly solicit your *up|M>rt. dee 10 HKXJ. L COLF. DiviDKxn so. as. CENTRAL R. It. AND B'li CO. OF tSRO. ) Savaunali, Iw. 4, 1*36. | i Is* A tk-nii-aniiual liiibh-nd of Five Dollar** p-r Share, j i D ing at the rote of ten |*-r centum per annum.) has 1 Till* Day hen declared on the (ieueral Stock of the Com I pany. payahle on aud after the 15th day of DeccmU-t, in- ! Holder* of guaranteed eight per cent Stis-k. will Ik> |iaid I heir Four Dollar* per share on and ufter the same .lay. j d.v 6—1 in HE". A. CCYLEIL Ca-bi. r. ! NOTICE. «•)• After this date, the steamer PLANTER will <lis- onliuiic ln-r trips to lUnlHim’, iSliltou llluiT.) and will top at Darien. CUAXK, WELLS A Cl>, Ag ts. ‘ office j Fare Keduced—rahln Passage *20. FOB NEW YORK. % ■ MV WVLI.V A .TION'moi.I.IX. ' BV T. J. WiL»|l. _ A At Private Sale. " " *" Oil TL'ESDA?, January IA, wul he «dd, HI«!» Court ■" ... * Hons**, between toe usual hours of sale, |lk-.v)iel"r's Corner, situated at the corner of Lov.'r's i of Pine and llamuns'k land*, it Burnt Fort landing; ■ rf-etly healthy, with a flue frame house, con- i Rn r * lane aud W ater* Itund, - - • upright Iwl room*, heaide* parlor and dining of laud, beautifully Minuted 'ora reeldeme, a<lioiulog Hie room. Iivwlv ix-ianreil aud pniutiel, with all necessary out- ill) linilte.aiid east of Mr. Kraft's flower aud ornamental building* for a small fore-. On the plan- i* a w.-ll of pure garden. Its location would nuke It a desirable ItiTest- watei. Tloi plm-c Is well *alti I for tin- tar and tui|e-n- n.- ut. D-iug on oue of tin- pleasantest mad* near the city, tin*-busiin-**. With the i,Ian- would be * .bl. tin-fund- ! It could I* laid off lu wvctul l"t*, Iiaving two front* on tun- now in tin- house. Apply ou tin- premiacs, or lo 1 public fads. Tlie pro|*-rty will la* shown at any time d. c IT WYLI.Y A MONTMOLLIN. | previous to Ibe day ot sale n Tuesday tlie Stcaiiishin KNOXVILLE, LI DLtlW, ('oiiiinaitdcr, WILL SAIL ON WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19, AT 3 I*. M. The splendid and fa* Capi. Ludlow, will leav »ng-. apfdy to Cabin I'asaage ug at.-am*hip KNoxvil.I.K. uliovc. For freight or |>aa- PADELFOllD. FAY A C" I* - N. B. Shipper* by tin—etixiiiier. will plea Like uotire. that no Colton w ill I-- received at the presa that i* not distinctly marked ou the edge of the lutle. For key West and Havana. STEAMSHIP ISABEL, e ISABEL b- n tin-1 <r«iuTnH«itro for0fficr. FOR COl’XTV TREASl’RER. Ma" Fxu"»4Ttiksw: I am a cnudMale f--r r*-elecM.»n to th • Office of County Treasurer, mi tin- first, MONDAY iu January next, and respectfully a-k y..itr suffrage*, il-e 3 * JOHN X. LEWIS. an- to the voters *>v chatilim coi nty.— Fttb'WdTnzEy*: I am a candidate i.<r flu- oftic- of Coun ty Treasurer, af the electiou in Jauuarv n- xt. and re spectfully ask v,-ur su|'|>>rt. decl I- J. B. FAIRCHILD. •team*uip ( oinpai o via .AspInwall, .- Real Fatal.- ut Aui lion. •Id ill front of til" Court House 1st iU> "I January, during tin- legal h- Six brick Ii-iu-iiu ill*, two stories on a basement, corner nf tiastmi ami Itaruard *tr.*-l*. relit* for fI7WI |»-r annum. Sab- p.oiliv.—terms mu- tliird rash, the lulaiice iu one and tw o years, w ith interest for approved |«i|»-r. nipri.iug LnDirers. Field A-lmiiiistrator’s Sale. Outlie first TUESDAY in January mxt, before tin- C Hollo- lu the city of Savannah, between the legal h . Half cash, balance iu I'J months, beariug lu- t.-nwt. secured by mortgage on the projierty ; purchaser paying fir title* and uiuitgag". dec IS Auction Sales. OEO. IMIAIIKISON, Adm r. may truly ••: " I cannot think -f snrr-.w now. auudoutit If e'. r I f-lt It—li. -o.laixlol fr..i„ My memory by thisoblivioU* tran*|*irt." Priiale Sale. ~ *») Washington, 10,i»W Jeroii Cl gar i Id,'**) Flor Havana, lo, Ill.Ual Ja*|nex. W heat Bran and N t»«M l.iidu-l* Win klso. list I'll,'* Noll TLottmco. FOH TAX COM.Kf'TOK. IT FRIENDS ANIIFEU.UW-CITI/ENS - I am a Candidate for re-elretiou lor Ibe office of TAX COI* I.KiTnU, on the l*t Monday iu January next, and re^ p«!CII ally ask your support. F. M. ST' 'N E. N. It. If eleclml, I pledge m• self not 11 accept of any other office. [oclSIJ F.M.8. et ill i iUlftK.JOHNSON I FOll LEASE, CO. . with three gill •« from tl dec 11 i'-n and ail appur- IV. on tin- Ug.--, hve WM. WIIIDIIT. LOST. WANTS. &c. I T'l THE Vi'TKRS OF CHATHAM i nUNTY. : sw ry■ liENTI.EMKN I am a candidate for die i "dice of Tax Collector of thi. County, (the : tlnciuiii to tie held on ih- first Aloud.) In January. : IS.’it. i and respectfully solicit your support. , nov i—ide A. F BENNETT. row SIIKIIIFF. : a. *— FLI.i.'HV i m/.K.V.i—Toiler b.r theottce ; Pof of Sheriff of Chalham county, i II.LKS, BACON A LEVV. ind Whitaker si reels. XXaitiourvuie. uio-rty WASTED, { » SSIONKES for 3 bhl*. Appb-*. m»rk,-d J. N. Huron k H. 4 Is lie Bag., f c iv.d |»r schr. J- lin IV-ion, , New V«rk. dec 15 WASTED. i tt.tNNAII I/wtn As«a-iati»n ^ tiBO. A. McC'LESKBY. Broker. .. 13 S»rtel's Building*. WASTED TO IIIKB, ■JV T1IF YEAR. 5ulik-ly N’tgf fellows, to w*.rk at IJ 'In* Park* 'line. Columbia 0-s Heorgia. Liberal . twill lw paid. Apply to 4 , -.".-Ira C. A. L. LAMAR. ~ WASTED, HIT go**l 'egru band*, for the aleniner "idge. Appl. TlllliillAM. KELLY 4 00. WASTED, AKIIANTS. Tim highest going rat", will I i Warrant*, hv sPKNCEB fTRRELI. A Cfk TO BKIt'KM AKEIIS. 11' ANTED .’ssiysai llri k. F r | xrti' uli I? -id— nl»r, on th" second *tor, lit J'llIN S. N'lltUL*. Ar. W A XTEDi E, fisw-ond-han-l W ine and Porter Bottles. tienilemen:—I am a Candidate for election to Ihe office nf i irdlnary, al me election in Jan'iaiy next, and will be thankful for your support. may 39* M. O. SHEET'LL, y w FELl.i'W CITIZENS:—I ain a'candidate for the office of ordinary al the election in January next, and respectlully a*k > our support. JVM BARNARD E. BEE. VV F. arc authorized lo announce J A M ES E. GODFREY, as a candidate for the office of nf Chalham County, at the ensuing January election. _ may.'—ld_ as- -w« aVo are sulhoruid to announce THOMAS WcF M. HARDEN, a* a eandhlaic lor the office of Ordinary of Chatham County, at the ensuing Jann ary election. Je 4— Ide* wr. Ordinary of K4T Inlermr Co FOR CLI'.HK OF I’OtKTS. FELLOW CITIZENS:—I am * candidate for the office of ( lerk or the Superior and .'nurlx al the election lu January next, ami re ipeetfullj ask jonrsupport. JNo. E- DAVIS. FELL 1 lAV-t.TTIZF.NS: —I am a candidate yuiroof i PoT at the election in January next, for Clerk of •f tlm S.rtjl i the Superior aud Inferior Court*, and will he tlninkful xr. hit.-i-i | for your suffrage*. IVM. II. IIL’ELOCH. I may 14 a with tlm r. ■i* for San ;o ific Mail*. COHENS A- IIF.Iir/.. Agent*. I SITED STATES MAIL I INE* Kt)R FALATKA, U. KLA . VIA DARIEN, HRUNSWICK, ST MARYS. JAUKSO.N- VI 1.1,K, MIDDLKIiUKG, (ULACK CRKKK,) AN l) PiCOLATA. . , The new and elegant Steam Packet <iarw!*fiSC s T. JOHNS, t’apt. James Freeborn, hav- iug resumed her trips to Florida, will ici ve for the xbnve place* ever) Saturday, al Hi o'clock. Fo." Fielghl or Passage, having excellent state room accommo u lions, apply oil hoard, al the Florida Steam Packet wharf, near tlie<i-i* Work*, or to jo 33 CLAGHORN Si Cl N N INCH A M. Agent*. isuei'lsde x •«• ito.% r. FOR PALATKA&BLACK CREEK, E. FLA. DARIEN. BRUNSWICK ST. MARYS, t;A., AND JACKSONVII.EE, AND PD OEATA, FI.A. To /.rare lea Aer former day I yHIII.1V. .ip*‘ h The favorite steam packet WEI. AKA, ££3BHKs Capt.N. King, wllcouiincnce her regu- l*r a* nhovc, ou FRIDAY, at Id o'clock, A. SI., und will continue to leave regularly every Filday, ilie Welaka i* well filled up with air. Slate llooiu*. ami ■* iu every way well adapted to the rou'u. sept 8 S. M. I.AFFITE IB, Agent. I 'OU I'AI.ITK A. FI.DKIIIA. VIA DARIKN, HRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS, «; I :c)., A N I) J AC KS< IN VI LISE, PICOLATA, AND BLACK CRKKK. PL A. U. S. MAIL LISE. —I, 11 w ‘lhenewaiiilfa«irunnings(eamerSE- Copt. Ttmma* E. Shaw, wdl leave for liw above places vvory Twalsj. al to o'clock, A XL. from Iho Charleston Oieam racket wharves. oct 29 8. M. I.AFEITEAU. Agt. FOIt CHAKI.ESTO.T-rvery Wcdnex* dixy mill Xniurtlny Nix o'clock. . ,fT~-q. THE splendid *leam-hln GORDON, ^gQmfeSC^' Darden, comniamler. will leave at above, and will arrive in Charle*lon in lime lo connect with the Railroad line* going North and West. For frelghl or passage, appl) oi Packet Wharf, — - FOR BEAI FOKT. VIA BLUFFI-ON, Hll.ToN HEAD. I OVD’S LAND ING AND CHARLESTON. _ The ucamer WM.SEARROOK, Capl. K Peck, will leave lor Hie above place* on Sunday, the 36lh Inst., at 5. P. M. For treight or passage, apply at the Charleston Wharf. ..... i 1 K xi i tmTE 37 30 5« 33 32 8 89 41 31 14 59 41 17 Ticket* No*. 21 33 37, prize $100, sold, dec 18 E. WITHINGTUN. •Si.OOO 75 Numbi-r Lottery—13 Drawn UuUot*. Greene and Pulaski Lottery. CL ABN 301 FOR 1835. To l>c drown at Savannah. Ga., Dec. IS, 1855. UK Elicit' k MAURY, MANAGERS. ichhc lor si,ooo-i or s i,48«-i of si,ooo. Ticket* $1 0U—Share*iii pro|wrti<iu. Ticke t* and Share*, either singly or by the package, for »!•■ by dec 18 E. W ITH I NOTON. iBY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OFGEORGIA.I liarixua Plan Lottery. Jasper County Academy Lottery! MACOIf, GA. 8ii0,000!! Will I- distributed al CONCERT HALL. MACON. 0A„ I* 1 " 15. 1 '"•’> •. a rding to the fn.lowing magnilic-nt and unprecedented S-h.-m.-- under th* *wnrii*ui*-rinteudeuce of Col. Geo. M. Logan and Ja*. A. Nishct, E*<|. Claes II. DECEMBER 1.7TII, 1-55. CAPITAL, 10,000 DOLL*. Ill .YI1X1N At .KHiVSi'OX. At I'rirate Sale. A m-i*t d -lightful Summer K«-«id*iice al»'ut three miles the vi lege ,.f Clarksville, in Habersham canity.— Tin- Tract contain* about throe hundred acre* of laud, a |*Ttiuu of which it river l>ottoni, suitable for krining. Ou tii - pr- uib. » i» a two »t,.ry frane d House, In goal r. |«ir. eont lining *ix rooms, tu-• *hcdruonu aud uu attic, with kitcheu and wash r<>uii aud out h••ll••'a for s- rvanls A large le-w* frane d Imrn bus ju*t l«eii built, an I there i* al*.i a eoru crib uud |«>ultrv hoUM- nearly new. The •Iw. Ring house U well viijiplii-d with all furiiUuro i«~ •ptired for li< u*edie<'|,ini'. The fuim i* Well provided with iiiileli cow*, oxen, fodder and oat*. will !*• «,.ld low if applied for Immediately. AUCTION ffiAIiBffi. BY MINIS k JOHNSTON. EXECUTORS SALE. tie- first TI LSUAV in January front of the •urt Houae. Iietwreeu the legal houra of *ale, will U- ■uni, in compliance with the but will aud testament of bit- Dorado a Abraham*, th - follow iug valuable City pro- All -f whirl On the First Tuesday iu Jauuary next, Will if tail Lifurt th' Court //oust, at Trader’* Hill, in Charlton County, O NE NOtilU) WOMAN, the property of Ihe estate of laaac Tin k'-r. Add by |e-riul»*lon of the o, dinar), fin the le-u.-fit of the heir* uud cr> dilor* of *ai.l estate. Term* of *al", three 111 .nth* eredlt. w ith note and ap- proved *wurily. ISAAC HATCHER, Adiu’r. •he 13 FOR RALE. W 1LI.U sold at the Court Huum-. ..ii TEKKDAY, tin- 1st day of January next. the highe*t bid- iter, tin- Four l*,ts, *i'|«rati-ly, with the huildiug* thereon, fronting on Johnston »i|uar* aud Broughton street, and east of Bull street, Isnowu a* the lad* purchased for a New Hotel. Term*: Oue-Lurth cash, balance at three, nine and twelve uioiiths, with iuti-reat from date,and mortgage on ' tne premise*. Sale |M*iitive; purehaM-r* |«i«iug for title* and mortgage. A. P'lltTER, J. ST' 'Dll A It II, II. D. WALKER, Large Sale of Booki and Stationery at Aoetion. AT THE BOOK STORE OF S. S. SIBLEY. NO. 135 CONGRESS FT.. Commencing on TUESDAY, December lath, at 7 o’clock, oiitiuue from night to night, until the »: . <lis|* o v Half I. 1str--die, Tything Heath- couri vvrirr. nexi nui.e rowiencvof J. W. Morn-1, with tii- brick twostury dwelling. *tore aud cdLxr.frouting on Broughton street, U"W afitupied hyJ. D. .leu.- a*a lauiily gn-o-ry, subject to alcaM-of three years from first of Fete l.--t No. 3. Libert) War-1.with tlietwoti-nemeut two story W....I, n dweliiug. frontingoiiBroughton street.with car riage hous- a.stable* and kitelu-n. Tlie b-t isaubjeet loan a-iuual ground rent to the City of $27.50 itweiity-ievwu dollar*and fifty cents.i Also. L.| No. 19. Jacks'll 'Var-I. on which !«a large two *t .r> v.. -I, u dxv, lling"iialiigii brick L.i- in- tit, li nliug on llull ithi-l. with carriage house an i sulde; ou the •onthw. -t .oriu rof Mid l"t. i*a small two»t T, w.-dm dw. Bing -ii a high brick las - al—-u Hull *fr > t. w ith carriage house and sLible; thi* lot is subject to an aniiu il ground rout of $3.1.12 (thirty-thive dollars The at*iVr property will lie sold witlwmt row rre. Term-— 1 'no-third cash, oin-third tlirec months credit. Midi- imining third four month* credit, secured by mort- g.ig .. to.- property, and policy «f transferred. Purchasers (laying hir titles- J. DELAMUTTA, nor 10 Executor D-rothea Abrahams. laiw. Ilisilorral. Mo!- P.H. M-n-ntine and >li*cciuu<ous Works, and Music Hook*. F.-.l- ap, Bill, Note and Letter Paper, Ftn- velopes, Copying l‘re-*■*. Prim*, elmice Painting*. Blank Book* of variou* i|ualitie«. Bill. Note and Memorandum It-.-k*. Card Cm*-*, Celestial aud Terostrial tlloha-s. Wri ting Desk*. I'..rtf -li... portiuouaic*, Hwk.-i lt...k*. Al*--, a largi’ aud line anaortmeut of Bible*. Prayer and llyinn B<»'k.. suited for different sects. Al* ". Banker’* f'o*'*. Picture* and Picluro Frann-*, Diary. Bill IL-ad* Caro*. Uvuf's Dressing Caro*. Map*, te tter CU|'«, Drawing I!r.s.k» and Pemite. AI*o. a v.-ry siii- ri .t . ».:tmeiitofUoldandSilverlVu* and Pemil ('** >. Inkstands and Ink*. C' Prater Book*. Music H- k.. Mat. >. I'.rket KliDe*. Ac.. Ac. Alio, a very ffip-variety ..r. hoicx B—k*. suitable fur Christina* Piero-nt*. I.vli.*’ Papier Macho Work Boxes Hid portfoli'N-s, Matheiioitical liiMliimeut*. Bruslies. Ac., A.-.. t ".-- tln r with a verr larg,-. full and variisl assortment of all tho current literature of tin- day. and all tin-other article- usually to In- found in a well selected Bookstore. Term* at Hale. dec 15 STOVES-STOVES-STOVES. 19 8.2V ry low . Hail. Office at Very low call and t-x- LOVELL k LATTIMoRE. 361 PRIZES AMOCNTINO T,' |30,0tl0. Only 10.414111 Xumler t. Ticket* $5—Halves $2.i l >—Quarter* $3.25. In this r. h- in if > oi draw anything, even III.- lowest prize, it will l*> five tun-* tin- cost "f tit*- ticket. I’rirsi livable in full, without d do t-. u—and every pna. Mill' ‘FIX STOIC I’. "II MIKLT'IltOX MAN UFACT i illY, ao. 141 (Ol’TII XVK*T MtRXET SQl'vRX. BRYSX STREET. i H'LD inform my old friends and pat- roiis, I have opened the above stare, l icon- d'ict the A ove. Tin s'l 1 Sjee! Iron biislne-s in all it* various io-iu*. whore will be tonnd variety "I Stoves. Tin and Sheet- o.o iron vx rre, which I will bo pleased 11 show .nfi-ieiitml- Drawings s-ni toT.rder*.- i )"«* »'ieh price* as will salisfx you ” * ut my risk. Bills > u all solvcut Banks ULKCTIOX XOTICE. 4 S KLEOTaN Will I." held at the Court ll -us- . iu dM. the dt) of .'avanuah. ou the firot MONDAY in Jan- i,arv next, (l85ti.i being the seventh day thereof, fi.r a Clerk "f the ffup. rl'T an 1 lufi-ri-r Court*.Ordinary, ffher* iff. a Tax Colie* b r. a Iti-ceiver of Tux Returns, a County Treasurer, a G-nntx HiirxrTor. and Coroner. The Sheriff ot th.- County ••( Chatham, or III* lawful Deputy, aud the County Constable*, are required to la in attendance, t.. pr. vrve an-l maiiilain prom-r onler. Tlie Poll* will b. o|- !.".| at seven o'c’o. k, A. M-, and Iw closed at six >•'• 1 -!.. p. M. WILLIAM II. (TYLER, J. I.C.C.C. ' NOAH It. KNAPP, J. I. C. C.C. GLOItGEP. HARRISON. J. I.C.C.C. MONTGOMERY Cl MMl.Nli, J. 1. C. C. C. •Iecl5 JAMES E.fJnDFRKY. J. I.C.C.C. I HAVE Thi* I AND INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, opi-site Messr*. Il-'ne k c-'niierx i Ship Oiaudb-ry Store. I litre the of- lic : rm-rly cii( i-.l by C. 11. Duryee. Masters of vea- ••-I* and Stevedof-*. wanting Seamen and Laborer*, can I-.- (.r-niptly siippli—I, by calling on the undersigued. I liave aNo engage 1 the Urvn.-s of a i -ni|- tcnt Notary Public to assist me. He ran always I**found at m.v office to no! • fi-r Vi s*- !s. and to extend their Protests. All bu siness entrust. ; to me shall he promptly ex- cub'd. EDMUND WALSH, Agt. Savannah, te c. 14th. te.'.a. <!••" 1.'—fmo*. ELEGANT Gll 'L' BOOKS, FOH 1830. ~m KAFLETS OK MEMORY, an iliuiuiuatcd annual, I 1J will iu an,niton,al It uc|ia-k, iu Iroutol si..i,.- Tlie usual assortment of Grocer I.*, I'i o vision*. Uquors. (rockery aud Glass Ware, Dry Goo-ls, new and second hand Furniture, Ch.thJug, Fancy Articles, Clocks, W atch- u u" U h. A ' 4 T, ' ru ‘* '“• l ' , * , ' v delivery. N. Be-All articles purchaned at auction and not scttlad f„r tefoiv the m-« t n gnlar sale, will he sold ou account aud risked former puMiaro-r. ,|„ m Adiuiiiiitrator'. sah-T On MoNDA Y uext, 34th tec ,», (|,, cluck, at st-.r- lately ... up!. .1 by the late Wm Itelg. »,. West Broad st, near the corner of the Kailr-wit !>. p.,|, A Stuck of Family Groceries iu s.,.| u ,| M proje-rty - f W'ni. ilolgrs, duc-as. d. t.y |*-ruii-iou <4 the C-.urt of ordinary and per order ut th- A'imlnniiutor. Terms cash. duels Kucutm's Rah'. Ou the first TUEFDA' in January next, at II o’clock, ia front of Court llmiro. A plantation W hile M.rcii teUiuL oppo*ii,- Thun- ■I- rbo't, routaJuilig nteait 3811 ai-lx-* in lie or fc*-. of which I about 3UU acres nr- ■ -1 '- I an-l un l.-r msai ( Ullivati-.n, lb- b'lln.-- „ -1 ali-l sliiogb-S land of wiitle oak, •'-k-: Ip,,.", on Il.c|.i.n.te,aroagood two story •lu-ll.iig !. u- . I in with all n.-'sciry put buildings. Al--at -.Hi- ti'.i." , 5 U'.rocs, a wouiau aged ateiiit w ath l,< i Iw.. i hildn u, a Isay ate-ut •> yearn, and a te-x al-.ul 4 )ear* -d-1. a man al-ait 38 year-, a woman about .Vi y.ala. Al* i tlie stuck of said place i '.*i*tiugof call!--, h-rw-a hogs, Ac. Also the- fiiriniug Uten-D on said atioii with tin- Hat*, rain*-*, teaats, A, ., a l-uggy and i •>. hous,- furnit ui--. about 20J Im-l.-U corn ; j-ea», **B- I -i.giiig to the estate of P. Martefn, deceased, and sold byor-i-r ol tin- exi-i-ub -i starflie laelieflt of til" In ir* and er. Iitor* of *aid i-state. Tt-rta* mad'- known on day of sale. dec 7 JOHN CAM, Executor. Executor's Kale. On the first TUESDAY, in January next, st II o'clock, iu fraaut of Court Il'aUSe. Will be —Id by oi |. r -f the Ex- ■ ui- r: ted V-s.4 and 6, and lniprovi-me:,i.Caria-niir* li- w. fit- simple. 46 feet ■ o h. fi'.lil • n F-i*t Br «-l -t.. and I '.u fi-et deep to l«'UU- dary-tr.' l. Tin- impr--xi-nu lit* are two3 story w«*le-u Ea-t ltr-*xd rtrwet. aud 3 story I uildiug* on Al- ■ L ' No. 33 and iiuptoVeDi-nt*. Macazlin- Ward. *14- u.'o i. . i. rtii • ..' oner of III ".lit o and East Brisol *ir- ' l*. 1*0 by l^i f.-. t. fi- *mpb . Tin- improve- and 4 .-ii- -t-*iv l.uii lim.* «•" East Br*-,-l *t.. with n store on tin- • oilier, ii .w .. . upi'd by Wui. Bourkv. Alau laial laalf l-at No. 9 and ImproVrlin III -. P. rrival Word, on elate atriet, next to the curner of Drayton st., 30 by •.*> f'-et. t". *11111.1". Tlie Improvnn-nts »r.- one 1J.J it -ry u.«sleii li'-u--. on Slate *lr«-a-t. and one w-*.-deu buiblllig .*11 tie telle- with all out building*. A- Theal-ave| r -|- iix l-l-.iu.-iii; i • tin- ••tab of Patrick Duffy, d-cesue-d. an-l add by order'd tl. Ex-, ub.r* for th" ben, lit.d the heir* and creditor* of sai l estate.— Term* luad" kuow 11 previous t« the day of sal". JOHN CASS, I dec 7 WM. BOURSE. 1 > EX'* UteTS. , te-.k often Ao- A 1 dr-x JAMES F. WINTER. Manager. Macon, Ga. GEO. A. McCLEkKEY. Agent, dec f, Bull st.. '2do..r* fi'.m llav.)Savannah,Go. IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, cxi/ksa lo, Will be draw n at Atlanta, ft-cetnber 24. CAPITAL PRIZE, Hi. DOLLARS I 1,000 PKIZHB. Tickets, $5—Halve*, ggUauarn r*. P l,A SAVANNAH AGENCIES. leu ral Agent, Bull Stn j-nu wan' to p A! kind* of Hooting, Gullet* nf Lead. Galvanized | Iron "’.xrk of every de- ip. Job 'York and Repair- i iug executed with dc-»xt:b,Uld Stoves pat up anil Pipes ; furnished at rimrt notice. Tin-'Vnrc al Wholesale and Ketull. Call down Bryan It will pay you for the walk. JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. .J, MARSTON diatelv o;»|'o-it" the j. i.. AUritEY. i Bn'lighten, between Whitaker A Freeman & Henderson's OPl.Xl.N4i FALL AXIS WIXTI lt .1111.1- X l.ltV 4J4MMM4* . FKEF.I.AMl will open this day, teth ol iic'<'ber,a largo and selected assortment of r , lr _ k'hmIs. eonsistingi'f F'rench, Silk, and Satin pattern Bonnets; also a choice lot nf plain aud colored Straws. Ribbon*. Velvets. Laces, Flowers, Feathers, Embroideries, lire** Cap* Mid Head Dresses. ItaaliM—i* 1 lealaeb Mini PreWeai. M. II. A ml i hi* Hwason, In I lie tires* makl "g ilepar*.- raent, the a III be entililed to please her ^istomera la every respect as to Fitting. Making and Truniug. as she has advantages nf ppicuring the hest amt tno*t ap- proved Paris Fashions, monthly, hiving also engaged . the services o( a competent person from tho North.— inline- J She will n.iy pirtlcilaruliemiontethe Making. Hraid- | lug an I Eiiihroidering of Children's Dresses. Diesses ma le in the most fssMonahle manner in twenty-four hour*. 174, BROUGHTON STREET, ogt IP opposite sl Andrews Hall. s- pi I S. M. L.'FFITEAU, Agcnl, FOR BOSTON HACK, LIVERY AWD SALE STABLES. i’K, TIIE I'NDKKSIGN'KD, thi* in. tla.a-1 of infoiiiiing ... puldir. that oil the first of lano'.'fi T. J. WALSII, No. 170Bay street. Ill,i niiii BUSHKiV'of'oYsTER SHELLS to be I'"i«'MM‘ delivered within the next six mnnlhs.— !|; x m «t 33 C. A. I. LAMAR. BOAT will lie sold. M » bargain, If anplnation be made immediately.— >.4ei* 1 j5 ft. long, 22 ft. l-aui. f ft. •« in. hold: ho*») In. cxlin l.r, S fc -t. u n* mt off. I!-r engine beautinilly flni*h*d' r *n!"on i* made to unship, and is now stowed ha* a Urge iron tank, holding 4.0U0 gallons • !■ : -III |dv of her boib-r t and t* fflte.1 up with a "r. king Pump and Hoisting Ma. him-. She is -I. ,n<l would make a No. 1 paM*-nger •-•at. Iter . apparatus and lank would roll for enough to '.p and furnish hi-r. She i* a first rate tow teat. ,'I..'.particular,, m>, u , mm e invoke ok p'Rlit tkkkm •; LANDlMi and I -r mb—comprising A pplra, ’•-At April.'!. Peach, Cherries Pear*. Plum, and 5y#^lta»pb*rry—were ordered fora genii' — ha* disposed of hi* place, and an- n . Apply to T. J. W No. 17n Bay-at. Meam Saw ,>1111. \ l*and Tor sale* irt A FINE STEAM S \W MILL, located In Bulloch •"At . oiiniy. on tli<- gr. at Ogeerhee Kiti-r. together with a tract of 1u.<**x :uT"* g'*»l |'ine land, and 1 - me swamp land ii|*'ii which i* a fine growth nf of thu Superior and Inferior Courts, at the ensuing elec tion, In January next, may Iff jan ’5rt FOR BOSTON.- Nich'd 1 Ma*ter. Iiaxing For of Fix-ight. n:.|dy to , d * 1* DANA ' FOR BOSTON.—The M llall, tl. master, will have de* l-Tt. For freight Te.liiir 1 * Wharf, or to nor 23 BRIGHAM. KELLY *Ci '■l-'H win h nnd all n- -saar, Impr • Oi.-Mill haa an excellent' i '"fwrty w ill ha sold at a Inrgai ciilar *aw allaclu-d. Eiopure of R. MoUHiiAN. '4 2m Searte'ro', S nven (V. tia. . li.irh-st"ii Courier will ropy tlie above to the sni'l ’ 'I*, and send l-ill to tins office. LI! EAT BARGAINS!! E'EUTOR N SALK. /2_ l and by virtu., of a te- me in Equity Xjft f Burke Superior Court. November Term, 1*55, ■> ill la- *"|.|, at Uiialiingxill'. Station No. 8 Cea- .5*. Iral Railroad. Itiirk inly, on Tl ESIlAV. the > ..f Jxniiarx. lvai. all ih.- 'LANDS lielonging to ite of A'1*11*111. II. A Inter*'ll. ib-rearod. lying III enunty, r-niaming ateun (8,7451 eight thousand I lindred an I forty-file an.-*; also, ateml l"5| S.-T- ' - gr.. Slav.a. among which are a l.lack-inilh aud 1 le- lai. ' w ill 1 '- -lii 1-d .iito (4i tra- Is, to suit wn.. Ii will b. |>r.a'nt"lforiu*|wc- V fin .he I two story Dwelling Houae, uflwl^tb ■ •■I. with all the ncreoimry nnt-huildingt, well put in gi**l order. On two other tract* are • ■ mS.iu 'bug Ib'ii—*. with Ih" ner-wary out-huUdliigs.— oirtli tract, there are tl,.- ue> .-***ry lasildiggs for HKCFIVF.KOF VAX HKT1RXS. nr FsLLOxv-GiTizxas : I am a candidate fur me office ol Rccuiver of Tax Returns for Chalham County, at the election in January next, and re*peclfully solicit your votes. nov 3—td & S. SIBI.KV. adBs FEU.'ivV-CITI’/.E.NSt-l am a candidate for lh« ••ffice of Receiver of Tax Rclurns, In January next, and respectfully solicit voar may39II " A rorAero FI'.I.I.'HV CITIZENS t»n the fir-t ot MMm May list. I announced myseli a candidate for Receiver of Tax Kelurua : ami am aeie a candi date for that office, at the next election, and respect fully solicit your support. Your obedient servant. jcO _ B. T.THEUS^ T'l MY FELLOW CITIZENS OF CHATHAM u i. ^0 tumoi I am a for Receiver of Tax Ke- WOm turns at the elwtioa lu January ncxL and re- -- - ' your support. 2?—jan5,'.'>ii Mi Fin- Ready- lade Clothinc . Boarding Iters--* from i Hat* and Cap*, Twenty Dollar* t" haght.'.-n per shirt.-*. Collars •I ve to flft'x-ii dollars |«-r i-ii au-l a half cents. ' Caucs.lTiibrx-iri -I. ".ir fri.-n.i< with V.hi- ag"ii* -iii'i t'arriap *. of all ry lii"- Lady’s Saddle Po- For tientteil Hacking pn CLOTHING emporii: •>« xx’est .-f tiir. Riprancxx nr.vM.xn WM.O. PRICE, FASHIONABLE Sup'rflneCloths, Cassimen-s. and Vestings.vv ill l« x|n ' X| , i" - nnd all, will fav»r will tii'i'l with ■b'<i'ati'h ro 'x-lght. "| piv t-> DANA 4t "’ASIIBURN. JOHN II. HABERSHAM. WM. " , MATES. apph to '4k $ar, SAVANNAH, M.'V |. |SJA. | Mxssfi* EniToa*:—You will ,dei-e an _ ounce Ma. ALEXANDER TIlliM AS a* a laudidate for Receiver of Tax Returns, al thecuMiing January election, and oblige MANY VOTERS, may 3 FELLOW CITIZENSI am a candidate for th* office of Receiver of Tax Return*, In I ipcctfudy solicit your voles. I. E. DILLON. January m may 19- tar Jaauary n, may 19- FELLOW-CITIZENS:—I am a candidate for the offl^mir llecelrer of Tax Rcinrns, In y next, and rdPtotfully suliclt^utl^ may *4 . N. WINKLER. FOR TAX COM.KCTOH. TO THE VOTERS nPCHATHAM COUNTY. GENTLEMEN I am a candidate for the WMW offieeof Tax Colleclor of Ihis Uounly, (the elne'louto be held on the first Monday in January, IH.Vi.i and reaped fully solicit your supi may 19—tf PETEIt I THOMAS. OGDEN. STARK a i n. FOR NEW YORK—OLD ESTAIH.ISII- KD LINE —Tin- fin-schr. NORRIS CHESTER, arson, having a large part of her fr- ight engaged. .i.-.-’bt r Vrigham. kelly t to. FOR NEW’ YORK -UNION LINE.— i" r- gular ,-a- ket *. hr. L. >. DAVIS. Ate-I inaro ti-r. will have .inick de*|ialcli f-r the ate'Ve port. For ftolght. apply to Oh DEN, STARK « CO. FOll NEW Y’ORK—DEM ILL'S LINK.— ^n&Tlie n.-w r gnUr |*irk.-t - hr. it. M. DEMII.L Pop! II. te* k. will have d -pat' ll f >r tii" ateive port.— For balance ..f freight or passage, apply t" # ib. ll RuWI.AND A SON. ? ;• FOR X’KYV YORK—OLD KSTAI1LISH- S*-KtKD LISE —The *hr. KATE BRIGHAM. Evans SfIT?. Will Lav d. .|wt. h a. F r fr-Ll.t • r paro »ag". o 7; FOR PHILADELPHIA - IILItoN'3 ^SM^LINE.— rh.-line - hr N. B. THoMPsoN. Capl. lia■ 0"*. will haV" d.'»i«U. h forate'Ve I*.rt. I’ r fr. ight, applyto decl:—10 »’. A. GR LIN KK. FOR II ALT I MORE.—Th" -hr. SAM'L S. W. Brown inn-t r. will ni"t with d- For fr. ight or I'.is-ig''. apply ..n tewril at T ifair's Wli vrf. or M ! .I--In BRIGHAM. KKI.LV k CO. FOR LIVER POOL.—Th- A I ship Rib £££TUMMI. ( apt. P. I. y. will have .(link <lv*|Mtcn. ight. apply to BRIGHAM. KELLY 4 0). hip LAW- "itr friend*, one nnd all, will favor us with a •an give th'-m a* nice a "two forty on the an te- had In the. itv, and on more aecommiv- *. FREEMAN A HENDERSON, Wannr's "ldStalde*. " i -t Broad str,-.-t. IT—lm ■ Head - f Broughton. l.Ei'LEU & H'IL( 0\t DENTISTS, OO0- nnico over lli'Wiu n Morgan's Store on Congress Street. oct 4—ly .111 SICAl.~< sxvxNXan, o*. AUD. JULiIUS BAIIINO, ProfvsHor of ullHsic, # Respectfully offer his services to the cillxens of Savannah. To be lound al VV, D. Zogbxum’* Music Store oct 1—3m 1 ANDREW’S *. FOl'CHEi ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, WASHINGTON. WILKES CO- GA. Will practice in all the Comities of the Northern Circuit. GARNETT ANDREWS. KoBT.T. TOUCHE, .tec it—tr HATS! HATS!! HATS It I JUST RECEIVED, a fredi lot of those fin- Mol,- »kln and S.ft HAT.', of the lab *( pattern* aud color*, at tlie .'TAR CLOTHING KMte'RIUM, Uu, xcepti’nabl* Workmanship, MILITARY TAILOR, 147 BAY-STREET, m ec h a n i c s, SAVANNAH. At Short Notice, fr-ui City and C- untry solicited. ~ixtk 147 Bay strei-t. | HATS AND'CAPS fm Corner Itamnrd i Broushion-Sts. BOARDING. TW’i > • r Tlire- Lmlics and a f-w sin- gl- gcntl- in. n. can be accomm.idate.1 ^ 1 — with gi->i! Ib.ird and pU-a-ant Room*, " • c-Tin-r of President aud Ilarnard !*. St. James* Square. I'lASul'i) mt;; s A T W. D. ZOGBAUM & CO’S. wwv. A LARGE stock of Steinway tt Sons, IRC gSjT M ^MSt.‘dard. J. It. Duiiliam. Horace Water*, r. Bacon A Raven. J. Cliiekerilig. Gilwrt « I I ( » ? I »Cu., and Liglite, N, wron an-l lira .hury's Patent Arch Wrest Hank 7 and 7 1-3 Octave i ALSO.— A most extensive assortment of Violin*. VI- 1 din ('• II"*. Guitar*. Fluiinns. Aci-onlvons, Hut-*. Clari- i-ii-1*. French and Italian String*. Ac.. A.-., and ('l.a»-i. al i an-l fo.hional'L MUSIC constantly adde>l. Public favor ' |*.lit-lv «oliclte.l. W. D. >.GGBAL'M A CO- j d.-cll Niw. Iu7 llryan mid 94 St. duli< n *ts. BAFFLE! | IMPROVE TIIE OPPORTUNITY. A SPLENDID Piano Porto for Five Dollars. To lie it will< <l for on Chrlalmsis Evs i PIAN.i TOKTK, Fancy SILK HATS. SOFT II ATS, of all description*. CAPS of every sTVI.Iiand U' ’AI.ITY. Low fi^ Gash or uooo Cat kit. Ui iRN FR OF ne.N-ljan IIU'U GIIT"N 4t BARNARD. . avBMJtr. PT I r- hand lr»'' ..f III" I d"wrihe<1 togeth- • wamp lend ia * tl.r.aigh all of | l f -r • iillivati'.ii " . that they will adjoii *'h.<- river or RlirklMit rrssk — " «t thru '.3s. h" resi-tenC" of d-eeaeed. lie- , -ri.habb-pro|*-rty remaining In llurk. ' -ainlv. ,on*i.llug "f atemt 39 9». head -I I «in,, 7,1 |,„ a ,| Bheep. Ox. a, .f si.*k II ... and a lot of fattened Wagon*. Corn. Folder. P alliation 1 n-ntlnuv frun day b, day, until '*>■ of *ale : Ob th» Iroml. rro*llt for one half of pnr- . nne year, on Ibe nth' r half two on ' JI per rent. ea.l. sanie.r-dlt for 1,1, nee a* • ■ ih. peri.hal.b pi'-peily. •«■- Lull.hwl- ■f r-me year,e|. < pt fi>r •iiniaofiw. ntv dollars . ' ' wblrb cash will lie re-|iiu..|.* with • ' led *emrtlv and will, lilt, ml (, HO dale. II eate*. P De. 13th, - 11 hr-mlrle 4 S. nllio I 4RKEN, K,'r. •tee 11 MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS' BANK. ■ I' AUTHORITY granb-d I.y the Stab- tegi-lnture, city of finvannah. to . .mm- nre— aft.-i tw dn-d ih-'iisan I dollar* *hall hav- te-en |-.,i.t in. w.ih the privihge '.lexl' ii iing the 1 apitpl !•• two million dollar*, and to I .cite lilt INCHES in any r..r|«'iab- town in this Bn,!. the In* i|- r-i'-r* of *.nd 14,iik havii.g in*-t in tlie C.ameil Chaml- r al Sniaiinali. • n the kill 'la, "f lie. rrml.r m.iant. ."-l-n-l that te-.k. for sub*, npti-n I" *1 in mi l Bank I- ..p.-n~l In theU-iiin ill’hai.ilier,on Suliinlay. th* 39th -la, - I tef-mler, 1855, un i' r the »u- |.r»t.|„», „fH„ following >•> FOH LIVERPOOL—Th.-A 1 Xh£IIKM'K IlltoW N. I’i'-t'a noaater. Iiavi... , 1 ".. . iig.igp'l.uii l going "ii b.Kird will havei|iii, k despatch, j g.T freight, apply to I d-c 7 BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. 1 VA' FOR LIVERPOOL.—Th-American-hip ; Cni’Uliilll.L 1 apt. 'aiiU'-rin tu. having coninn-nee.l , Martin. J. II. Haim -™ jX l 1 ling, will hav. d.*|>at.h for the above |»>rt.— nov 15—ly For frig'.t.*. apply b. t> • (IIIIKKRIKH AND LIUIORS, I. R. GILMORE A CO., Commission Merchants, JV Yd W YOIIK Particular atb ntlon given •" tie- «aie ot Cotton. lUoe, :.. and lii.. 11!. ,i*lt a Ivan. ■ s mad" "ii tonsignmenU. REFERENCES .—Hunter A Gammell. fiavannah. tia.; fi p-ir.1.-, F... i'*. sidetit Commcivisl Bank, Kidder A »j.|., WJuRngt -n, C. T. 1 IIIRAM KOItrilTS. I JOHN BOSTON. U. A. te I.AMAIt I W. II lloteiso.v I'.. II. MARTIN. Smoke Good Segars! I HAVE RECEIVED by re. . n t arrival* tlo following j bland*, in addition t" my *b- k ■ fClloli E SEGAHS. , , Iiiii«er*allv arknuwleilged by |u-lg' * "f th- arln te, SJ | “ JVST TH K THIBO I " I Conelilta Opera. Lu Deaciihrierta, j Kxrciator Superior. M Proiitltud. I Coll*.dio ion. I*v ' igdeiiria, Giili-rr.-s Operas. „,.* -J4 M. MOLINA. | Extra Fine. ^ MODE Of Ilio»- extra fine DltKSS HATS for ; genii, m il * wear, n-eeiv. dat the Hat and Cap j H it niiui u k J. ti. MILLS. -The A 1 American ; n”*~"i h- r • ur.-o • ngag'-d, will have >|iiick d<•patch.— »-.r balan. •• "I freight, apply lo n<>v 1—tf CAUL KPPING. si.lL: ' " ll I.IVBRINMH..--Thu ship MAIlCIA G. I ll."’,Chase, master, will havednapatch for the i above port For freight of JO11 halos I'olion. sppl) to • .*• •.'■■ T. K. 4t J. G^MILl.H, /. FOH HAVRE. Th- line *hlp GR'HtS •iS’iap-.a.ii tell ' ik.n. f it ••• Id .-' babw ...lion, appi) ' ' -I ' 7 lilt IG11 "I. KELLY k Co 1 . FOR II AY'RK*—The ShipCONSI'I.,Captain riiri!fi** J. II. M. rtlin.-r, fi.r enzng< meiit of Grain or Cot- SEA ion i apply to • laimlv. Pale do I’earl Man orkagea III*, k an firand*. 8 «, 6's, 10's ; all and Ready. Virgin l*af, ind No. 1 Soap,, *1 halve* aud 50 nr* d>>. rm lin. Mu-le ni d.-ell SELLITSTO OT T T! NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS. Cheap PuUiiatinnt at ti really lleduml 1‘rictl. S IX Twenty-five C ut te. k* f -r One Dollar. Time Fifty Cent Books at One Dollar. Other Bound Works On hand, a a.*' ! assortment of Religion*. Literary and •t author*; all i f which r c.a»li. Call w*.n—the fi w <Uys—at the te-.k , No. 135 Cougrcs* st. dec 12 .MKS. 1)U. fStUOOL .' "U. Work*. I'" sold at vi ry !• .rtunity will t"<>| Firm .91 mid 11 v in Nevemher. would inform te r fri'-nd* tliatjili. re are afew . h* which may l e fill d I.y applying imme- in.v-1,. a tew ,unng ladi.-* would l-e rrclvml Into the family a* tewnling rote Jara, where they will r-ceivo the Mo J.VS. 1L. DICKSON,'r and Fir. Insurant. Agcnl, n.l Upper Georg I* J. It. J 1.0. MILLS. m FOR FREIGHT OR ( HARTER — In tin" -hr. PI.AMmME.tnpl. It.T llrown, 1 i-ceiie freight >,r ebart'-r fin Ea.l' in ol N-.i-h'-rn Apply tu Kti" LAND k fit IN. WANTED TO CHARTER. ',.*~j - load with Tnute 1 and Lumber, for St.Johns Apply tu CARLE-TOM k PARSONS, v 21 * brand* Champagne; 15n te»-k 1- II 1" .,r . ,-k* Wn try ol.. ’la"' ira .. .ie . f*t I.ld* Sugar. N*bv and llnltor 1 r.»< k'-rn ; To te.ars Adamantine and Tallow Candle* ; |mi gr.we Negr. I9i«'* : 25 l*.\.-« pick!. , a -*rt"l: 3u dot atsiipilo ; 2. I- ve* Miol.i 1. 5. do ground I'-pper; fin l*.».-* W lici.l.nn Nhliapiw. ut* and pis. 2n bl u v, rv iibi M -nongate-la whiskey ; fwi I I I. No 1.2 and ; Ma.k-r. lt 5U I.ld. Malaga and IWt " ll'" '• . _ 75 Id-1* Gm. Ituui. " l.i-l" v and Brandy, together III!) II VKNNKLN W ANTED. A Vi-u'l to I'Hid from Ja> le* mill". Fla., In 'hilailelphla. —-I to teed from Jaekwmvllle. FI, to B".'"n • I 1.1 te.el ti'.m Dalldl. I|e*i. 1" Tin marl M«. ' a I.U.'I fl.lghl wdl I- pail t'l-lvl t WAVER AUUNSTAMTINF. 'WANTED. 1 TH CHARTER, - v r ,l ' KsSKLfi tol-«v.l with r -, V T....I. . e. ; | iiml,. r. I r FngUn L Finn. •. and the SBfcwthof Applyto „ , m CARL KDPING. I from ; t FOH FREIGHT OH CHARTER.- SimUATIm'fill" n-W - III. J II Al II'IRN. J.'.-a/i" luaro 1 ,n ‘ t l.TWl adv f...- Height; W. II adapted for l.,„l- r «r ffi | r. Appl) to RRl'ill 'M, KKLI.Y A C». II J. V. CONNER AT 5 R A CO. elected stock nf White _ n 7Jne*. Oironn-*. Ac., ground A V ! HAY It HAY l«p-l' U,*i.r„ llav.lor .a, r ;,y DA' ID K. DILIglN. | nov 11 M*rk«*. S-|Wsre vise application* from pwr- .. . g th. Ir llv.w .f property iunuro<l. I II" w ill also net a* agent for the Savannah Republican. 1 liefer-to Mesei W.'h*t.-r A Palmes, Wm. Kiug. Ken- I a tea. h. J. M. Norw,»*l, P. W. Alexander, V. W. Skiff. Savannah. n " y A—tt PROPONAL8 FOR III 1LD1NG. P roposals win i*' iweivmi untd the tMth„f D, , cem- te-r fi>r the building of all Engine House, to replace that now i.-cupicd bv |jc Vouug America Fire Coni’wny. Plan, and •I'eriflcatlniis "f the huilding may be roen Ui the t'llv Surveyor’s office, in the Exchange. 5 JOHN N. WILDER. A. N. MILLER. I AMES G. RODfftmfi. NOTICE. |W<i Months after'Ut'', application will be made to thei'oiirt of Oiallnary.Chatham County, for leave a negro man nanp-d Tom, tedunging to the Estate SOPHIA ( FO'DICK. Adminl*lnitrix. TO DEALERS. '»•• lit' for the -al. o| No. I te of Lard, w. can wile piv ll," 11.blc al low prkc* II LYNN A SNIDER ■C IH—Id T and niacnifie-nt work, ele gant!' b uu.l. with . ight nioet '-X'jiii*ile illustrations. Tie Roman. ■-. f American Scenery, with sixteen splen- di 1 engraving* of A no ; e on sceiivry. II ." Auth-r. and Home Artists with thirteen beauti ful engraving*. The Thought R'. — in. edited by N. Parker Willi*, with rixte. II Splendid engraving-. Th- ||,.|„" Annual, edited by J. T. Headley, with six- 12mo. ctmiU'i/*. rlrynntLj illuitrateil. and ii In auli/III etylm of' hilliliiuj. *■-’ - ' ‘'erillg. I Tim Forget n.e-l Teui|<eraiice Annual. | Th.- >1—* It.**-. Affection’* Gift. I Friendship’s Tcken. The Snow- Flake. I Tin-Freemason'* Gift. Atlantic Souvenir. | _ The Ocilian Gift. R-ceived and for sale by' WARXOCK A DAVIS. dec 17 No. 159 CongreM St. M. BLOUNTr COLLECTING AGENT, DARIEN, GEORGIA, YTTOULD respectfully refer panic# fo the following v V gentlemen: Alexander Mitchell, T. P. Pea-e and Jacob Itnkenbnugh, Darien,Ga.; Samu.'l Palmer At Son, Savannah; M.P.siacey, E-q., I'harloton,S c'.;F. J. Reck. Esq , fid Wall-sirect, New York Darien, 1 >ete IS55. oct 2 toal and Wood Yard. J . T . Til () MAS, AT THE UNION FERRY WHARF. Ret! Aah Coal and Fire Wood of all klnda. C loN'SI MF.KS can d p nd U|k.ii te-ing promptly sit|e pil'd with 11 g-.*' I urt; 1-. Strict attention given to fair Measurement. It-a * fi.r order* arv placed at the stor. - of M -*r*. J. >|. 1 "|-r A Co.. W. ti. Di. k. n, W. Lin* • !n. at the offic "l the Morning New *, and at niv r.-si'fi nee in June* *t. T- rm* cash. dec lu—*m ’ NOTICE. OFFICE SAVANNAH, ALBANY * GULF R. R. CO. ) S vVAXXAII, Nov. 3.1855. i FWI 1 IF. THIRD Instalment of lit per cent, on th ■ canb M. tal sb--k ..f thi* Company, is roquitval to tin* office, on Monday, the 7th day "f January order. C1IAS. GRANT, See') and Trias. hot 5—emonJan 7 e paid n NOTICE. CENTRAL R. K. AND BANKING O'.OF GA.Y SavaSM vn. Novemlwr 14.1855. 1 T HE Annual Meeting "f Stockholders will l«- held o nov 7 " ’ ‘ CITY’ COURT OF SAVANNAH. NOVEMBER TERM. 1855. FEN HE CITY COURT of Savannah haaboen adjourned i until the 2d Monday of December next. Suitors. Ju- rorsand Witnesses, willph-ase take notice. I,„v9—tf WM. II. Ill I.L-X II. Clerk. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. I HAVE THIS DAY iu>*..-iabd witl. m.. SAMUEL ti. GARMAN Y and FRANCIS J.CHAMPION. The bush licet will li.-roaft. r la- conduct,d uuder tha name and style "fGARMANYS k CHAMPION. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 1,1855. nov5 0. W. GARMANY FOR SALE, W ESTERN Half Lot No. 27. Greene Ward. Applv to doc 13 WM. WEIGHT. ’ TO IIOI’SEK EEI'EHS. D \ NI EL CRONIN, UPHOuSTEREK, 241 BRYAN-ST. IY70UI.I1 respecitully announce to the cillxens ol v > Savannah, that he is ready lo make and put down i’nrpet*. Oil Ulnth. .Mailing, he., al lh« shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. 3mo—oct 3 SUNDlifKS. 41/Y/Y BAGS IM. k snd Drop Shot, (JW luu k"gi Dii|*'nt Powder, 5.1100 lbs. lUr Lernl, list I oxes Mould Candles. 100 Md*. Butter, Sugar and Soda Cracker*, 60 bid*. Crupte-d Sugar, 150 bbl*. Clarified Sugar, A., B. and C. 85 boxes new Raisin*. ») half and >|r. teiva Raisin*, 25 hag* Nut*, all kind-, 20 half hid*. Fulton Market Beef, f*t keg* So. 1 teat lard. In bid*. N1 te af teird, 150 te liiU"hn*. aasortnl. 10 half bid* Rh-u-klH-rry Brandy, 100 rmni* Wrapping Paper. F-r sale by HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A 00. | 25 bbl* prime S'... 1 Leaf laird. 50 keg* pnnie No. I Leaf Lard, I'M te.\"» Herring*. 50 Idd* Carter Potatoes, 1"0 bid* Pink Eve* and Mercer Potatoes, 30* -Fulton Market" Beef, 25 bbl. No. 3 Mackerel, 80 hlf bbl. No. 1 Mackerel, 24 hlf bbl* No. 2 Mackerel. 24 lilf bids lluckwliiwt Flour. 20 .;r bbl* Buckwheat Flour, 24 l*>Xe» Buekwhuit Fleur. Ji;»t received, and for *.i!e by d,v 17 SCRANTON', JOHNSTON k CO. sate by ffi.ll.tH R.—job l>ag*Georgia Flour, ■* 50 t«ag* extra Georgia Flour, tel bbl* extra Georgia Flour, 20 bhl* extra Canal Flour. Ju*t received, and for sole by dec 17 SCRANTON. JOHNffTON k 00. C HOICE LHft’ORfi.-l" hlfpipcsO. D.AOo.'i Brandy, (our own Importation,) 5 pip,-* “ Meder Swan" Gin, 2 puncheons Old Jamaica Rum, 2 puncheon* Old St. Croix Rum, 'A) bid* Moliongahela Whiskey. 10 hid* (Hd M..n,'ligated* Whiskey. In store and just received, foe sale h; r 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. 10 hhda prime Itacoii Shoulder*. 10 cask* New Sugar Cured H im*, 'plain.) to cask* New Sugar Cured Ham*, (canvamed.) Landing, and for *ale l>y dec 17 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. O ATH, OATH.—too l>ii*hel* prime Seed 'tats, land ing per brig Maigarcl A. Steven*from Baltimore. vl*o, ix rtoB*,— bn-liels prime While Corn, tel lb*, to the bushel, 0 telle* Falsi n IU). 1"0 hid*. Planting nnd Eating I'olativ*. Iiwi bn.h.|.|'.an 0 Mil*, teuueetic For sate bv d. IS WAVER A CONSTANTINE CAUTIOS TO TIIE PI BLIG learning from ronne of thu respectable firm* of Charleston and Savannah, that my ffeheldam Aromatic extensively counterfeited by a number of l.lqn"* mixers in New York, Philadelphia and Boston, and finding Dial the pirates daringly advertise their per* melons deceplion* under the name which belongs to ray aa’.iclt, I think it necessary lu caulinu the community against thetu vendor, ot p>d*on in disguise. I introduced the sdieldam Aromatic Schnapps forth purpose ol rupplv mg thu mnlical laculty ami the whole community w 11 h a pure medicinal spirit, which migh be prescribed wilhconfidence; loall cases where sltaiu ants were required, without producing the fearful con- sequenceswhich invariably result from using adulterate ••it liquor. In onler to render assurance doubly sure, I ha! the article analvzed b, chemist* kf world-wide celebrity,nnd submitted it lorexperlmenla 1 le»llo thou* ■xml* ' f di*’ nguithed medical pract itiuners. The re- sponte! from these source* were of the mom unequivo cal viid satisfactory character It it uow before the pub lie. surrounded with liicse guarantee.-.and bearing these ui.imiH-echabluendursemenls, buj I call upon the com- muiib) lu protect iliemselves an ute, their own health and iu) reputation, by fruwuiug cown and repudiating the piratlval speculators, who are peddling 11 elr foul coinuiodita-i under cover 01 my trade mark. No article had ever been imported from liollwid into this market undei the name oi nclinapps, previous io the ap|>ear aticeof Wolfe's ScUmlaiu Aromatic tkhnapj s, tut his iim first importation being made into this city iu.lba year iMr 1 , which can bo seen by the CusP» n House books, I depo*ite my label as a trade mark in ihe l nit- ed filales District Court of tbe SoutLeru District of Near York, iu the )ear ie.'l.and havo the certificate In my I possession ,'i that date. The great demand which haa ' thus been created lor the genuine article has jet tho ! whole hive of counterfeiter* In mot'-on, and the duty I owe to my customers and friends, aud the public, com pel* me, to put them on their guard against raipoal- turn. UUuLPHo IV'OIJ'E. 22 Beaver st., N. ' ork. Among the complaiuto for which the Schnapps has I been declared a specific by the eminent phyticiaus who { liave corresponded with the proprietor, are drops,, dys- i pi-psia. debility consequent upon long continued sick- I ness uud old age, epilepsy, asthma, gravel, colic, affec tion* of tbe ki,lue)<, aud all enrouie diseases of the I vemt-eurinarv apparatus. For thise and mauv other | disorders, ll i* uow prescribed with great success, by more luau three thousand medical practitioner* iu vari- ou* pari* of tlie United Mules. I beg lo call the nllenlloii of Ibe reader 10 the follow- lirr letters from physician*:— Dr-Char!,* A. I-case. Core m'.ssioner of Health, Balti more. w rites as lo.iows In leUlion to the value of 8cnuapp»at a - eraedy m chronic cahtirbal comp aims, kc. 'I he letter is dated July 27, lr43t— • I take gieai pleasure in bearing highly creditable testimony •• It* efficacy a* a remedial agent iu the dis ease in which you recommend U. Having a natural tendency to the mucus surfaces, with a sllgot degree of stimulation, I regard it a- oue of Ihe most important remedies in chrome catarrhal affections, particularly those oi ihe gculio-urtnary apparatus. With much rc- *|H-.'t,)cur obcdieul servant. ’ CHAS. A. LEAK, M.D.” Dr. Robbins r.f Boston.celebrated for hi* cure of epilepsy, cholera, Ac., complains of the great difficulty or procuring pure Holland gin, and sneaks of the 8cbei- dam ns iollow s, uuder dale of October 4, 1842:— * -1 have commended yr.ur article In four cates—two in Connecticut, cue lu Ve mont, and one In Rhode Island. An article of this kind is truch needed. I have been unable to find a substitute lathe materia medica lor pure Holland gin. Yours, C. ROBINSGN.” “PniLiDtirinx.Ju y 15,1853. Mr. UnoLrito 'Voirt,22 Beaver street. New York— “Dear Mr:—-Last season the writer received, through your agent in this city, a Dottle of your Aromailc fchei- datn Schnapps, and since that period hat prescribed tha same in certuiu forms of urinary complaints: also lu catea of debility in aged perrons, so far the Schnapps haa been of much benefit to those using it. • • 4 • In conclusion, witcrc a diuretic and stimulant Is required, I should use the Aromatic 8c!.eidaiu Schnapps. 1 hank ing you for your kindness, 1 am rcspccunllv )oura, A.D.CII'LOSER, M.D. IroSouth Eighth street.'’ The subjoined letter from Dr. 1‘a.uc, of Manchester, New Hampshire, relate'* to one of the most valuable medicinal properties possessed by the Aromatic Schnapps, aud show# that ll acts asa specific in a very painlui diroorc, t he gravel:— ••Mr. WoLra: Permit me !o address you a lew lines, which rou are at liberty to usc.lf you think proper,in re spect to your medicines called 8cheidsiu 8c.'mapps. I luve had a very obstinate case of gravel aud stone of live years standing, causing very acuatepatu in every all mpt to urinate. After using many remedies withncl much rcleif, I was Induced to trya bottle of tour medi cine. In the course of three days It proved effectual, disISdging lar.e picett of stone, some of which w as at large at a marrow tel pea. I continued Ibe cordial, ac - cording to direction*, aud tbe patient continued to gain, ami it fast recovering. I think a medicine of eo uiucb value In so distressing a complete! should be known to the public and tlie world at large. And I, To- one. must give it my approbation and signature, THt/MAH PAINE. M. D.” From Dr. John S. Reese, chemist, Baltimore, Md- fiepletnlier 15, Ir52:— ■•A number of our physicians are ordering Ihe article, and several havcalrcady proscribed It. Persons to whom 1 have sold li, speak very highly of Its qualities. A gentleman of my own personal acquaintance, having suffered greatly with *11 affection of the kidneys and bladder, look two bottles, and tubtcqoeally patted • stone ol vontnlerable site, and was greatly relieved. 14 will, no doubLgo into general use.'* From II. A. Pront, M. D-, St. Louis. June6,1853;— ••Having seen your advertisement of a nuro Holland giu, worthy tbe confidence ol phy-lciant, I write to you wan a view 01 procurlcg a sample of it. In dropsical affections, and in some forms of renal disease, Its effica- cy lias long been acknowledged, aud it hat only lalien imo disuse because of tbe compounds sold under the name of Hoi (.ml gin. I want to us • It at present In colic, as Hit an excellent remedy in infantile ollc, and 1 cannot procure a compound to bo relied on.’ - From J. B. Woodward, M. D. Walcrbury, Veimont, May 2, Ie52:— -•I am treating at the present time a chronic a (foot io a of ihe kidnev s. w h ch has shown Itself very obslinale to diurei:c*,aud have been advised lo use your Schetdaia Dr. Snowden Piggot.of Baltimore, Aug. 14. L'52, thus indicates tlie value ut “pure scheldam" iu urinary com* * “I am fully senslblo of the great lieucllit lobe derived In ceriam form# of urinary disturbance, from the us# of good IL'IInnd t bill .hat is an article so difficult to procure,without grcattrouble,that I have been com pelled to conlcn: myself with I st palatable.hud, Ihere- lore.kwslattbfuliy taken undtcaim-n!*. A pure Aral rale .'cheldam cannot tall to meet w ills the beany appro bation of physicians-” Dr. ll. L. Illckley, of East Boston, Ang. II, 1852 writes *•1 have just received your* of the 7th Insl. and being tally convinced that pure Holland gin I* possessed of many mediciual pnspertlee, which, wlienjudic.ously ad- minlatere,!, produce very beneficial result*. I shall bo happy tolulroduce your Aromatic fchtidaui Schuapp* among niv l>lends in this vicinity.” Dr. J. R. Kibble. Drakesvillc, N. J , iu January, 1643, writeeasfollows;— “80 great hat been ihe difficulty with roe to procure a pure article of gin, and so often have I been dlsap- |Mi|i.ied, that I have almost entirely ceased toprescrlbu uni for an) contplaini, and have nearly despaired of being able lo do it with belter success, unless youra i* what you claim fi<r; If to, you will have conferred • boon "ii the pract it loners In this country, ibal I am ire they will uotbc slow to acknowledge." Dr. I>. Co I kun, lotvn physician ami surgeon at I.y mo, Connecticut, says, In a Idler dauxl October 14, 18'2:— ••l consider your Schudam tkhnappt a tuppenor ar- ticte.and me that will not come short of our hlghcul expectations- It I* sit article the medical flute roily have long wanted. I have used It, to far. with every apparent success. l». CDLKINB.” k l xnoaxToav, New Y ork, May 2,1843. -Ma.UDot.riio Won :-btxa 8tat—Icsnn .t speak tito highly of ihepunty of your Bchledant •'‘chuappt.— It It dccldedlv auperior lo any thlug of the kind In the market, it iv perkx-tiy free from the admixture of lutll oil, or any 01 tteieearnylic compounds which pro duce tu>-h mischievous and irreparable cffix-1 ution the constitution, anJ which very few samplee of aJenhollc dltulle,l liquors are wilhout—most of them te-ing largely impregnated with ll. I have personally In- tpreted Ihe various processes of distillation practiced at Kcbiedatn, and know that unusual care It taken 10 separate ihe noxious clement* trom the pure alcohol ai 0 vnur ffcli.iappj 1* a striking proot of Rt tuoec*'.— As a medical agent fiir chronic and renal afficthme, I “Yo MAI 'll DE, K. t'vnsiihiug AalytlcalChemisL The genuine it told by all the respectable Druggist* and tinaeislutheL'altod Man - *. t<l\V"I.FK. 2J It- avcr tl. New Y’ork aud 24 Hculh Uront tl. I’bi I adv Iphu. set* IS- luthrtm