The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, December 25, 1855, Image 3

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I »yctial 'Xuticcu. Rin m, BASK STATE OF GEORGIA, SxvAMtxa. 24tb Dec., ISM. To-Morrow, CHRISTMAS, thU Bui wtU ba J3^eloa*d. Th# Director* will no*4 at U A. H, Day, to dcchla upon paper offered. w m I. K. TKTTT. Cufckr. SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY MORN ING, I )E('EMBER 2.% Wm. i iuiw tounit,»:imoraai; ft'nmm'B anttutittmr- 1 Auction Sales. I Auction Sales. MOT1CB. i i vMKKt JUNK Of U1K STATE OK GA 1 Kit axxaii. December, 1666. / __ Hi.- A i in uni Kl.-cliou for Director* of lid* its* Bank. will In- held.1 tin- Bulk, on MONDAY, . . .,!i <l*y .-f January ut-xl, 1*48. litweeu tin- hour* of , o'Jueh, p. M. U. \V. MERCER. CtuliU-r. J—. omen CIIAKI.l.elVN A KAVANNAII K. U. COMPANY, NOVEMBER 19. 1866.—A Itere , . t it u uni lusUiiun-ut of rrVK DOLLARS <*i) I-or .!,,. , u ilu- Flock •uhacrltnl for till* Company la u- . .i i..r—payment to In- mail-- to tUo Seetetnry ami airv-r, at tho office of the Company. 32 Rou-I street, i t>efbre WEDNESDAY. tha uiutli -lay of January, 1» ". THUS. F. DKAYTON, I’rerideiit. . M—Jan. 9 REMOVAL.. Tho I'ml.-relgnul havo removed tln-lr Office Sj-JjET^t- NO.* DKAYTON 8THKKT, uext .l-orto0. A 1 Lamar'*. DAYNAKD A ItOtt LAND. NOTICR. ADVANCES inode ou C.-ii'iguuieuU to our JJa.tE - IHmiiIi iii lloaton. Now Yoik. l'liilaili-l|ililaaml 1 MIMS* JOHNSTON. MOTIVE, It. A HANKINtl 0»». OK GA. » Mmim. Dec. 7th. IS.tft. J li.-o for Niue Director* of thi* font- FOR KENT Two clllgibly l-HAU'-l Aii-l |»l-’A»AUl roolua, front.n;; • .-quart), aiiilul-li- I- i sleeping i|nrl iii- Utior Law office*. Apply to T WM. WRIGHT. TO IlKNT. : COMFORTABLE li.-cltlng Qo«M* corner of • and St. Juli.-u sticc ^vary 1 «, u *j-iiln-.l foi Apply at lliii olttcc, or lu J. II., Hi,hiklit.-n it., 2 door* Wi-at of Judga 11-nii-u'i. FOIL ltKNT. I THE WHAKFSTORK t •• So. 172 Hay Street, wi ll u-lupt.J for st-iuge of • .-It.-n or merchandize. Ap Illy to urn > It A YSAKfi * IttlWLANU , FOR MIT. M Tin- Front nffice, No. 172 Hay utrwt, W.-1I filled lui> for Cotton otlnv. with two st.-rh-s l- n.atli, well Bu-laptod for sl.-i.ige of Cotton or in. rchandlse. Ap- lo ^ .UAYNAKD ft ROWLAND. FOR NAI.K. a A DtVKI.l.lNil HOUSE m g-ud order. with a lot and a hall of laud, a Hu.- aituali-u. f--r nal.- low. Ap- ,,|y to A. tVll.llt lt. ,uv 19 Oi-n'l Ilia. Aii't and llroki-r. TO RENT. # THAT DF7F1HAItl.E Hltli'K STORK on 4] \\ im.iki-r atr. i-t. next *Ua.r to tin- corner ol Hay aud A oppoaitoKwitt A Co. apply to lot util tVM. ttlCUillT. T TO III . VI'. May 1*1 ISHflKKIil.N given immediately, the We.le/i Llil Tenemoiil of II. K. Jackauu'i Honao m ridt'h UJL”,i. Apply to A. C. D YVBNPOKT. nov 9—if FOR RENT. Tho Stores under ST. A Ml It HtV * IIAI.I.,cor jjjj] uar of Urouifhton and Jeff-raou alreeu, will In UiL. let III two, three, or four Store* to aim u-uaul, -a-e-aion on lit November. For lerma, apply lo Meekly I. i n e . roil riiiLAhKLruiA. h% »n.M i;u «t it is ei. KEYSTONE STATE, The »u|H-rior ati-amalilp KEYSTONE STATE. Hobart". ■-•liimaild. r. will lean- a» above. For freight or po.-ng--, Iiaviug ipb-udid alate loom aeeoiuimalatioiu, *" LMTLLAMAK.^ lYtldii I'aaaAKe to MiHadelplita f2U Fare Reduced—fabin Passage s?20. FOR NEW YORK. 1 Willi..' a..Ill in froiil of store, at 11 uVlork, 2*tli mat. !i half pl|iea I Haul. |ln|iu b do do Jua Ifenilei b do do JJ bupuy, " do do do. I faaai la.udrwa K,-gaja. tV-rina—iUiua uudrrflUO coali; Kioto 3U0 at daya; over i $.'km 4 iu.a, f.n approi e,| eudona-d uotea. dee 2ft | Ou I I I 'DAI. Jan 1 at, trill* l>« a.>1-1 lu Irunt of tlii- (Vurl ! It. n . I. lw.- n the honra of aule, A faunly ol ,\. gr.iea—A woman aged 48 year*, a Sue | field ban I ; l-oi age,! 12 year*, aeeualouiei! lo tlie lioiiae, I and a *>nl ngeu 3 yeala. warrauled aoumi and hearty.— lleaiiudoubtiil,piiri-linaera|iayliig furlillea. die2S THIS DAY', al II oVIoek, lu front of atoru. Men", Hnter-Priaifiind flm-Kew. d llouta, liiui.iti ni S wnl ami fork Hub- Ibada, M’.-n u aaud iTilblreu'aMuir*, SI. li lllidli..)i M.a.l Mat-. **■"■* • laud. 4'ni-u aud Fur llata. a ro. iiv wvi.i.v a siM.vniiM.i.n | 130 Prime Uni- Field Negruea. n FRIDAY Will be a»l-l lu laniili. a at public outcry, on the — day of February wit, at 11 o'clock, pale Cognac ilraudy. j a-i... ....n.i..., .v !-»»..• - ~ Amongat them are drl- Auction Sales, HI I* J. H ALMS a Sal,-. SVII.I.IAM II ii;i:ii r?,. ir.w ill be In Id at the FYI.KK. ( MKUCHAKTH AMU PI.A.\TERN’ HANK. i c IMHIKK W||||«. op,n d f-r Sub»ripli -H. SATl'tt- 1 \\. Dec. 2 *tlt, Is...., at 11 o'clo-k. in the Chain- I s a rannah. Kulwribera will b.- allowed lo autweribe :.y niimlK-rof >har< a. ,.r ».-cur>-1» K- •» than ten dollar* on a abac-. Kubarribera • to |-av up tb. ir aliaro can do a». or they rau <uoi between ten dollar* and on- hundred .lolla • ue. Th.we who pay lea* than one hundred .l -llaraou . .to. will be auhject to call* for iu>taliuclita, until the > are paid up. Tile dividcn-U or profit, n ill l-e di- , 1 in proporli.-n to the number of dollar, paid in. - at reference to the numb.-.'of tharer tli.-y are paid And aa aooa u» two hundred thousand .1 liar* are , r.‘-e<l and paid in. the aubxrilier* will r. -.-ive ten . . public notice, to meet and elect Niue Director* to - ige the allair, - .f the Hank, and it I* belirT.-d that the l: ...a aill be in op. ration by the fir»f of February a;: IIIKAM IIUDKIiTK, C. A. L. LAMAB, W. It. lloDOSnX, JOHN BOUTON. E. 11. MARTIN. FUR BALK, L Thal c -mniiidl.'iia and deairableresidence allu nbil on led No. 34, l.lberty Ward, froniing on Mouth Hr.-ad. near VVe.i Itroad rtreeta. flic o t* (ubatauliady built of hrlcka, i, well fliuiihed In every purl, and tilled up will, gaeand water tlx lure-. It tilau lias an excellent pump in the yuid and u flower garden attached to llus preinite*, together with all ne- ceaaary out huildlng,. The property can be impected by any one dmiroua ol purchaiing. For term', apply to ,» IH—if Tlltii. u. <1 a It MEN. Tritftee. ^ -* STEAMSHIP AUGUSTA, TO HEMT. . . TWOTF.NKMENTs in tlonlou Black, front- mT* ing fhalhain Square, and well with Jk’"R water. ga». •tauter. Am. I'oareaaiuu given 1,1 November. KIIWAUD li. H II.SuN, Agent, octlO No.ill liryanStreet. ~ FOKH KMT. jg* Till: F.AsriIBN TENEMENT of IWck llulld- S:;M ing, corner of Abeco n and Jouea Street Apply to ml Sit Iliil.iOMHE, JiHINSON A in. FOR NAI.E. <-C4 A DESIHAIILE KKSIDE.Nf Liberty county, via. A rpaei- JULllwelliug. ,11. a.) and all u... * on twent! u.-rea of land. I to dec SO \ym.wi: TO RENT. ” \ ROOM in Hay lame, m ar the corner of Hull atreet. •uitahie f»i iiu office. Apple to dec IS . YVM. WltldTlT. The new and iplemUd fmt goiu Tli... I.y. n I'oiiimnuder, will wil pa»rage. apply t.i hip At lil'ST I'ADKLFOKD, FAY A CO.. <- rteaui.-ri will pl.i weired at tli • preaa edge of the hale. Walihourville. I dwell I , out-building*: i irtieiilarr. apply j For Key Wt-sl anil Havana. TJ. m. MAIIi ELECTION NOTICR. CLERK COI'NOIL'S OFFICE. Sava.nx.vaii. Dec. 19th, 1SS5. t -r At the next regular im-eting of Council, on - .there will l« an election for Judge of the City-Court • oanuah. to till the vacancy occarioncd by the r.-«ig- -ii of lion. 0. T. Howard. Salary . AppUc - must lie left at thi* office prior to nui-tiiig of Counc l.i—Ida A. C. DA VEX FORT. C. C. NOTICE. t. Au a.ljoiiriied meeting of the Commi*-i-mcr* of ' ;ie Honda of Chatham county, will In held at tlie t ll.-use In the city of Savannah, on MONDAY the •b December, instant, at elevcu o'clock. Member* ah- • • from the regular meeting, wre that they will • :v.-ly be fln- d. mile** they arrenr au-l pr,». nt good : .iifficient excuse*. W. YV. WASH. S- e'y, II D. C. P. B. C. C. , • Georgian please copy. WITHDRAWAL. Kxr.AX.vxn, Dec. lu. ISftS. Cii~ MCorfu. Editors:—Y",-u will plea*c withdraw-my — a* a CandiiUtc for Sheriff of Chut ham county ilk . I" JAMBS T. BtXK-NKJl. 'l'o t hr VotertofChifliam Conuly. 10 DEXJ. L. OOIJ. DIVIDEND NO. 9ft. CENTRAL It. R. AND lit, CO. OK OF.O. Y Sav.-innuh. lk-c. 4, 14oft.y A M-nii-aiiniinl Dividend of Five Dollars |«-r Share, . it the rate ..f ton |»'r centum |H-r annum.1 ha* ! > - ,i-n declared on tho General Stock of the Com . payable on and after the loth day of Deeeml>cr, in- i re of gtmranfee.1 eight per cent Stock, will he paid y,,cr Dollar* |,-r Share on and after the same day. .'—Iiu GKO. A. CCY'LKR. Cashier. NOTICE. After thi* date, the •burner PLANTER will di». inn--her trip* to Binbor..'. i Milton Bluff.) au.l will i- Union. CRANE, WELLS ft CO., Agts. IP. 4 BLF A. for tCauinatt* fnrOffitt. FOR COUNTY TBEAWBBB. t.,r Fiu-iw-Ctmtia: 1 am a randldafe for re-election •. miiee of County Tr-u-urer. on the first MONDAY .. irv next, ami (capectAllly a,k your Miffragtw. JOHN N. LEWIS. i TO TUB VOTERS OF < HATH AM Col'NTY.— -i-i'nitr.x*: 1 am a candidate Ibr the office of Coun- : -liter, at the .-lection in January next, and re- ully ask your Mipport. 1 L. 4. D. FAIRCHILD. FOR TAX COLLEITOI*. J f FRIENDS ANDFEI.I.tiVV-iTTI/.KNs.— • . -lidate for re-election lor tho ..flic i I'liR. on tho 1st Monday in January next, and r«»- [-■ illy a*k your vuppnr:. F. M. HTt'Nil. YU. If elected, I pledge m'M-lf not to accept of any Cw'3'1 F.M.H. "■ THE V'TIIRS tiF CHATHAM t IH'NTY. GENTLEMEN:—Inina candldato for tho •Hire of Tax Collector of thi* County, (the to lie held on tlm lint Monday in January, ml re* peon ally solicit your ‘upjjnrt f TAX COL- Ir-jr Ft*It NIIFKIFI^ FKI.I.i iVV l IIT/ENS—loffer lor of Sheriff of Chatham county, at it . and lespeotfullv *; i-ct 17—Id] VAItING PC '.'S.r Milt IIKDINAKT. THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM t.'OCNTY. Gentlemen:—) am a Candidate for election o the office of Ordinary, at the election III ■xt,and will bo thankful FELLOW CITIZENS:—I am a candidate for the office of ordinary at the election In >iy next, ami respectfully nek^n'ir *'j|T^, rl • t ^ I |f YV E are aullioriteAl lo announce J A M KS li. |fc|i GODFREY, a* a candidate for the office of ■' ry of Chatham County, at tho ensuing Jnnuary mn. may 3—hi We are authorised to announce THOMAS I. H ARDEN, m it candidate tor Hie office of Chatham County, at tho ensuing Jinn Je4—tde* *r fer iccr n a c iiidldate for the office of t li-rk of tho Superior * iirl* at 'ho election in January nexb anjl^ ly nk your support. " JNO.E. DAVIS. KT . clI.L' iW-CII I/F:Ns:—I am a csndidale at tho election in January next, for clerk of ' nor ami Inferior ConrD.and will bo thankful ■ r -nffrares. WM. II. HU LU Mill. .«> II lanft'M r NnTD K.-Wo are aulhorlaed lo announce JOHN V. TARVER a* a Candidate for Clerk to superior and Inferior Courts, al llieensuingeloc- . in January next, ay PJ Jan ’All HKCEIVI-.K OF TAX KETITIXN. |.y Fii.Diws imiM : I am a candidate for the S lor tlhalham Couhly, and respectfully solicit - g--td s. s. 8IRLKY. I m y FKI.I.iiW-tTIT/.!•..NSI ain a candidate I tin, for the offiro of Receiver of Tax Hetu-ii*, In " xt, and restiecll'ill.v solicit your voles. JOHN II. HABERSHAM audldate vi-r'of Tax Relurna : aud am n*t* a candl- Uiai office, at the next uU-rlton, and respect- 'icii your ciipp-<rt. Your obedient servant. It. T. TilEIIS. I 1.1.Low iiri/.EN'woF l.'HATIIAM C.». » I am s • imlidaio for Receiver of Tax Re lurna Mitlm uMlua in aauuary naxf, and re- 'i ask your aupport. .'•-Jan.‘,.’.VI WM. W. OATES. SAVANNAH, MAV t. |sv>. * ^ Enno*' -V..U will nh-a-e an- eoiinee Ms. AI.EX ANDF.K THOMAS a* a Die lor Receiver of Tax Itulurna. at the eii'iiing • ehrDon, and obllga MANY VOTERS. Ns:—I am a candidate Her ol Tax Returns, tn ■idicH four vote'. •/. N. WINKLER. ■ 1 vjpts-. 1 v it it ■ i it s STEAMSHIP ISABEL, I - YUKLIr n- 4th and AV A \TED TO 1IIUK, BLE-lluDIED N. gro Fellow* uu-1 Negro Carpenter*. Apply to BACON ft LEVY. f.-rmriif liny ami Whitaker streets. Or to HOLCOMII ft Mll.I.KN, YYuthuurville. Lil- ttv county. Ga. dec 14—:tw ‘ _ WANTED, C I0NS1GNKKK for 2 hbl». Apples, marked ,1. N. Iltireii / A II.. 4 lolls, ltags, received p< r schr. John Uoston. from New York. dec 16 WANTED, S AVANNAH Loan A'-»iati-n Stock. Iiv GEO. A. McCLESKEY. llr.-kcr, dec 13 S»rnT* Itnildiiig*. KOR 1’AI.ATKA, K. FLA . VIA DAIMKN, YYtYTEO TO IUUU, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS, JA'.'KSON- B VTHEYEAi: .t'k.iy Negro i.ii.-w... miv.-rk at ! VILI.K. MIDDLEBURG,tlJLACK CUKKK.) the Park. 'fine. Columlutt Co.. Georgia. Li: re! I AN l> I’iCOLATA. poi-l. Apply to _ I . - gJV"““^ja _Th« new anil elegant Sb-nni Packet lie ki r Mri|a *. Maneli .. I:i.»uk‘ t -. Fancy -ml llalfll-w. N> - k Tie*. Ku»p« udera, ... k C.m : mare. Hatchets. Pam-». Handsaw*. llroad-Axm, t-. -pader. UiligHlid Short Handle* MioveD, Nails, .-• an-l II.t-ki I-. Sold l-y md« r of tho Assign-- -. III. - ash. before delivery. d- e 24 At Au- tnai—Chn*tnu» nml New Y'-ar's Gift'. THIS Al TKHNihtN. at -I 1 .. ... lock, nt the Hook Store . K. S. Mld. y. No.Yda t'ongr.m street. i>- and large ass.irtui. llt of choice Rook*. Paple Work Boxes. Pearl aud Papier Macho Port >1. naics, Curd Caws, lie. 1. Bill ! Tin- abon- uuniber of Negn vers timl planters, earpeiitcrs. c.vipe hug-- port 1 -u of tbi* rang are full hund>, uu-1 the ll M-l-l -ui occurs that to vnliuble a lot of Negroes s ofl-'i-d f-r sale. Term* loads kliown previous to sale. d- e 2" A-liuiulatrstor « KtL-. Uuih- lli-i TUESDAY' in February next, iK.'al, U-f. the F .ml House in tho city of Kavaunah, be-tween tli.- 1 I.- - ni I1..111* of sal-, N.-gr-- YY.miau Julia, aged aliout thirty-five yean, bo- I longing I- lb- K-tai.* of Uwou Foley, by lo-riuiMi-m uf the Fourt of Ordinary. '•d.1 2> JA8. B. FOLEY, Administrator. YV ill I- soldi .01 fli-- fir*f TUESDAY, hi January m .\t~, iN-foi'c ih.- t'-url House, In tho city of Kaiuunah, ho- tlleell the legal hours of sale, All " valuable True! of Land, ku-iwu us the Beau For. *t Traet. S.-H-U mile* from the city, on the t'sual. ad joining I'l lamia of Geo. YV. Owens. Esq., i-utaiuiiig l.U4o .1-1- -. more ..r less. About IftOocres are first quali ty <.| li. e land, wiili g.Hul supply of bacli-wnter: Hie hnl- ui.- w- il wooded. The Improvements consist of a fsw red by m«-19 At Private- Kale. 73o* j Acres of Pim- and lluiuimi k Lamls. In Oaunb-n foil al.’. mar Burnt Fort Liuding: a pleasant suiuluor rctieai p rfecllv heallliv. with a fill" frame hulls.-, c..u- tain 111 - p • upright Ini r.iun*, b.-si-l- * parlor and diiiiug ii. wl> reiuired ami |, with all nee- *-aryout- l.iid in. - i -r a -mall fore*-. On the place is a well of pure Wat. 1. Tho place is well the Ur urn! tui|«-n- liii.- liusiness. With the pine., would he a.>1.1. the furni ture now iu the house. Apply oil the premises, or to dec 17 YVVI.LV 4 MONTMOLLIX. By Virtu- of a Decree »f tlie Kupcrior Court of Cliatliant 1 oiiuty . 1 will ..llor f-r sale, before tho Court House lu Ih-- City of Kaiauiiali, On Ibe first TUESDAY iu Jauuary, being 1st January. 1K,'..., tli-following property, belonging to tli All Oial Tract of hand .,1 fin- City of Hnvauiudi, coi acre. i4i>i acres;) bourn!-.! . cuumucuc" at 11 o'clock: llutcliiusoii’' Island, opposite taiuiliR ub..ut four buudred north liy Hack river, east by lauds >.| Ilu- iwlate of YV. YV. Mtuik--. and west by Judge Klim s land. Tin* tract I. iu file lots. For pro- dm in.-11 ess. tills laud 1* Unsurpassed by uuy iu tlie low Coil nil 1 ofUcrgli; It 1.. -Iry . ullure; the liver banks being thatl, Ibr) ar. easily kept III order. About I .fas 1 feet riv.-r flout, run off iu lota of different I. list lit, suitable fur Hilaries, iuinbai yards, Ac. The river is deep uear Ilu-water Iiu.-. being 16 lo 10 feet, a short *i-tniue from low water mark. Plans of Hie plantation aud wharf lots can lie seen at Ue Counting IPs,111 Tlie following lots of land : No. 194, 3o District., Mariou co . lblarre. " 131.11 •• Bamlotph vo., gu-d • acres. il 0 o'clock, and resume. is ill waut of subslaiitir Iteild. as it is seldom. 11 an auction store. Fu Ou TTEKDAY, the 7th January next, at 11 o'clock, i* front of the Court House, 2 share* Augusta ft Way' Railroad Ktock, 3 share* Faiioiitoii Brunch Hnilroud M.s k. 1 share Og,11-lice I'lauk It.-a-1 Company Aloek, « shares M.-nmer St. Johns Ktock. Term* cu»h. d.i- 21 Ou the first TI'ESDAY' iii JanuarynexiTiTnoVliH-k, i the Court House, hetwu-u the legal hours 1 Estate at Auction. I Will be sold ill front of tin-Court lloum- on Tuesday tho ' of January, during the h-gul hours of sale. 1 k tenements, two stories on a Isu.-iii.-iiI.corner 1 ,ii-l llurn.n l *tr.i-i*. rciitsl-rftl'uo |* 1 annum. year*, w ith iub-r--*t f-r approved |np. i. vab-Kal", Central lbulroad Ktock, Kavaunah Gas K- rvaiits. Boys and tlirl*. Administnitor'* Kr On the first TUESDAY in January 11 House in the city ofSaviianah, h.-ti sal-: 00k, wadierau TLotterifo. D ■ and 1‘ula.ik' ails: aiuslup I' uiii-aiiv'* Ian-- ici-e--\i:i A-pinwall. amlwillcr l- i-s igc only, apply 1. :y the Pacific Mail*. COUKNK Z IIKIITX, Agent*. I'MTED STATES .11 All. I I Mi. . A. L. I.AMAIL WANTED, 1 good Negio hand A'- Apply 1 I ing JOHNS, Cajil Jbiucs Ere. s-iinii-.l her trips to Florida '— lor t IGIIAM. KELLY ft f it tho Florida Klcam WANTED, AND YVARKANTK. The highest g -mg rule* will I.. j i-ai-l for laiml Warrant*, by nov 21 KPKN'CERCl'HItKLLi CO. W;V - Iding. I accoiiimo 11 lion*, apply c i Packet wharf, near the G.u 1, ora', or 10 I ic 23 CLAGIIORN ft. CI'NNINGII AM. Asclit*. IMDKPE1YDENT BOAT. : FORPALATKA &-BLACK CREEK, E. FLA. ! DAlilKN, BRCNSVVICK. AT- MARYK, GA.. AND JACKSONVILLE, AND PICO LATA, FLA. i To I.taet (on her former day) FRIDAY. n. The favorite steam packet YVEI.AKA, loo.ooi) •jipli — AV ANTED. tilEiJ4 of OYSTER SHELLS lo be vereil williin ih.- next *ix months.-- net*1 < a. I, I.AMAB. : CIIOICK IN VOICE OK KR IT T TREES LANDING and for s-.l.—loiuprlting A pph-s. I ioSpa Apricot. P-ncli. Ch.-nies. 1'car*. Plum. 11ml | ml.-. Apply to T. J. VV M.MI. dee 0 »«*- 09 Bay-st. Steam Saw Mill* & Land lor sah*. A FINE STEAM SAW MILL, l-c.itnl in littlDw-h j Capt. N. King, willcomnicm-clu-r regu lar ^i|.» a* aoove, on FltlliAV, al 10 o'clock, A. SI., an.l will continue to leave regularly every Friday, 1 Lr \Y ,-lalut I* well filled up wilii airy Slate Room*, and is in every way well adapted to Hie roll's. K-plH ». M. I.AFFITKAI'. Agent. FOR FAI.ATKA, FI.OK1DA, VIA DARIKN, BRUNSWICK. ST. MARYS, (iKO., and Jackson VTLLfc, wcot/ata, AND BLACK CRKKK. FLA. U. a. M.lll. DIME. upon which are two*, ttb-m-n im*e aud all necessary iinpr- The Mill ha* an excellent Ci The property will b-- sold at a bargain nov 14 2m SonrWn'. S-tIvi n Co„ Ga. *,* Charleston Courier will copy to-- ul-ove to the uni t of five dollars, and *.-inl hill tothiaolliw. GREAT 1! A UGA IAS!! KXEf'l TOR'S SALK. UNDER and by virtue of a Decree in ,if Burk- Miporior C-urf, N-i-ml-r T-ri will l.c soi l, at Cn-liingville. St.iti.-u N-.M'-n- tml Rniinn-I. Dnrke c -iinty. on TI'K>DAV. the .. . of January. l'-i. all th- LAND! 1 belonging lo tha estate .-f AugaMu* ll. Amk r- ». •' - . Ij In. in Burke county,containing al--iit i s .7l--- .-iglii tliuiisand S.-VI-II hundred and forty-live acj. -: al--. al.-nt |7-'. m-v- t.v-Rve Negro Flat. -, among w l-i- h are a Ida. k-iailli and lanmr. Thelan-lwill I. divi-l-l ini-1 I-suit par-Inner*; plat* of which will Is places every T'ln-'ilsy, a) lo o'clock. A .VI., from iho Charleston t'lenm I'ackd wharves. ocira H. M. LAFFITE U . Ygt. FOR cilAMI.KSTOX-Kvcry VVt-rtitcs- tlity iiiiH Saturday AtIcrnooim,:t 1 Nix fc, THE sptcndiil 'tcsm'lilp GORDON, -sgsi2^e*j3CF. mrden, commander, will h-aiu as .. . sli.-ic. ai d will arrive in Charle-loii in time to connect -dtaclud. with the Railroad line* going North and YVest. . ,.f ; For freight or passage, apply on the rimrloMon steam IAN, I Packet Wharf, to nov 1 J. P. HU* »oK<*. Agent. l i ;V;‘i rou FORT. .thiMimt y|A BLL ip FxoNi HILTON HEAD, l’OYD’8 LAND ING AND CHARLESTON. _ The steamer \Y M.KEARBooK, Capt. JHZUriiSSHCF- Pock, will leave lor the above place* on Sunday, the giilh inti., at 5, P. M. For ireight or passage, apply al the Charleston Wharf. * pi I *. Al. L lFF1TKAI’, Agrnl. FOR BOSTON.-The lurk RADIANT, -Crad Fhnn master, will have dc*|*atch wsnboic. For .i.i k load, apply to BRIGHAM. KELLY ft CO. . . _ FOR HORTON.—ih- Dark HARVEST. ^s£ “ icing most of her c.n - _ II m—l with dcs|Ktl. h i! -of Freight, apply to DANA Ik YVAFIIII -oinpl.-t-lv finish. fid m. tip an- hie Dwelling II.m- On the f.mrlli tra it ti.-gn* qnnrt-r. er, then Dwelling l|..ll«-, Iicullli- Well put 1 -r tract- are r-aifortn- . nTAieri will have ilopatch lor tli- shove port. -. with tin ncr. *s.r> ..iil-b 111M111.*.— apple to d-e 24 UGDEN. ft CO. — "I-- "—iini'ii",,I-,; - eoRKKW vonK- iiKiin.i;. I.INK.- d tract, one of the two ilcM-rihcd togelh- I ^ETheieguhir,soke, brig MACON.- :y acre* of swamp h t fr .ru the river 1 will I 1 ply to < .*- * patch l-r the nliovv | F-r “■-YVI.AN 1. iip- wlthab... , FOR FEW YORK.-GII.yioi;|. .i imi- •SSYI.MI LINE.—The m-w*brig OCEAN WAVE, C10 'I --ii, having part oflicr c.u g.ieiiL-age-1. will inret wish -itch for tho above i».ii- P-r freight, .-i-idv to .1.1 22 III NTKIl ft GA 'I MELL. ' 1 FOR XKVV V OUK--GEORGI A LINK.— afcalTli.- line Iasi sailing sclir. MANIIAKKKTT. Drown for*-th-ash-close*, all tli-|*-rli|ialil. pr».|s-rty r.mamln^ ; , 1,. cnlM'N^ ft 1IFRT7 of .aid deceased, iii Uurk- rminty. romdstijig of als.iit 29 Mill ... ||.., „•*. bi. In ad ol Cal ll.-, 7" lie-id of Sh—p. Oven. 1 FOR N KVV VOllK.-llrig ENCI I.. Tall- Ibv*: t-igeth-r wiili Yt.i -11-. Coin. Fishier, P.niituti-.n Tu ; . in; .-11 l»-111.1. will in-. I Willi d.'p-il- h a* — -Hui sal- in ronUnus from day to day, until 1 al--i-. F-r balnnce of freighl. npply ■ - land, ino'llv wIII 'll it lie'. All Ih- trai l', except III- lire tlmliered, an 1 wiili a grenl deal -f pin-- liluh- (Viitral j*i-*r« Ihn.iigh all. Thi-r-I* 1 hami hind, anlflcl-nt f--r culliviiti. tract, and each tr.o I so laid out. that liny 1 eilh-r Og.-och— riv.-r or llu.khead ere.-k—01 Ter •old. fwile: On the loilid. rn-lit )-r one half of pul the Negro.".- 2U IH 1 liulf t> -ash. hnl- vdidlar* )..< with HOSES P. GI1KKN. Kx'r. ill. .lee 14 ft Sentinel.Coii«llluli..nall"t | il Mill—I ;-vill.i Rmii.b-r. will imw-rt until [ YVnv neslisn.'. I*. •,' The A A Republie. ~ FOR SALE. A vahutlde Plnnlnlinn oil the Falilla River. PRa gang of 12u Negn«-. Tli" Intel e..iiiii|..i ■™»ueii 1 i-f laiinl. 400 of Kwnmp Ltml. 2»u . | wiili cleared and under i-nilinnkiiieiil.ainl 1.1|--I.II I-, 11- >1- . Hire lain-1, a- lain the Flute. : '•• f Pile lain- of will. I lb* . leare.l, and lni-n I lantnl 'lie Iasi Prevision*: fh.- slrnalb>n the* mi- : n Hon*- of 4 re-iins. 11 large Ita feel, nml a Winnow in : ll.-u« of ih- river, navign'd.- f-.r Si- 2 I' .rn lloii'es, Klnlde. and g or I3U Negn*»: III- N'-gn*-* dl-i Ipline. Tlie plan- and m-; CosV terms, or the plan, nloli- di-c 'JJ nmuGMe I ■all dwelling Ol-I- 2' j .tori—, high 211 .1 scr.mim.-Ull.-ii «-* !,il'l'ld"-d.1 b e For ROARGIiN'Cl. _ TWO or Tluii- I'.'Y gle genii* It 4ft. Hill. Cl *1.1 DANA la YY’AFHIH’RN. r Ji FOR NEW YORK—I NION LINE.—Thu uiiir p-iek- l ~ hr. EXCII ANTISKn*. .I.iin.-ma*. b-i. will ii.ive desp.ll. h for the above port. F-r freighl, apply lo dec 14 INIDI7N. STARR ft CO. .3-11 FOIl NEW YORK—OLD FsTMII.ISll- $U*bY.l> LINE—Tlie line sclir. NORRIS rill.-TER. Capt. 1 are -li. b.iMiig .1 l.u.e part - f h-1 li - I. will have d. sp.ili h. For fn-iglil ol grain t- nil up. apply to die 13 BRIGHAM. KELLY .I Ol. - : FOR NEW Y01lK-m.lll-si.1lll.ISII- LINK. The sehr. KATE BBIGII YM. Elans ma-r r. mil have d.--|*itell 11. sIn-i.-. For fn i III or pa»- s.1—.-. on board, ill Telfair * YYliuif. or to lllllGIIAM. KELLY ft CO. FOR PHILADELPHIA - HERON S .•SS^tl.lNE.-Tlie line s. hr. N. II. THOMPSON. Cnpt. 1 Borne*, will haw despatch for above p-ii. F-r fr ight, apply l.i dec 17—B) C. A. OIIEINKR. / - FOR IIALTINORE.-The In AIICT A.STKV EN>, St. 1.«. wader. ’ i on'ii.sinl.'al Telfair's YVImif. or t- ' d -11 lllllGIIAM. KEI.I.V ft CO. - FOR LlYKRPOOL.-The A I ship Rib 4tMK*TI NIKI, Capt. Percy, will have quick d. -polcn. For Height,apply to dee7 IIIUGHAV. KEI.I.V ft CO. x- ., • FOR LIVERPOOL -The A 1 ship LAW- JW HENCE DROWN, Pi-rce master, having :, 4 of care F--. -i>- iL-'l.aiid going on hoard will have quick de-patch. K»r fn-iglil, apply to dec 7 lllllGII AM. KELLY ft CO^ JA. FOR LIVERPOOL.—.The Ann-ri- in ship <B'HllT,oiUDA. Capt. Sniin.-nniiii. having . "iqinencca ; “*"*l-'.i'ling, will have deipalch for the ulh-vi- port.— F--r freight engHg.-m-ni*. apply to i|.ed T. It. A J. G. Mll.ljt. ,11 AWN .MM HE US of . lament Lottery.Chis*(HO: 60 69 19 43 48 46 04 21 4 13 64 01 Ticket No*. 4 19 46, prize #6", sold, dec 25 E. WITI1INQT0N. Sl.'j.OOO 78 Number Lottery—13 Drawn Ballots. Greene and Pulaski Lottery. CL ABU 307 FOR 1N53. To lie drawu at Kavaunah.Ga., Du-. 26,1855. GREGORY ft MAURY, MAXAGKItK. 1 of SIS,000-3 of 93,657-10 of 91,000. Tickets $4—Share* in proportion. Ticket* aud Share-*, cither singly or by the package, IK tin by dec 25 _ K. W1THINGT0N. IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, CLASS IO, Will he draw 11 at Atlautn. D--embor2J. CAPITAL PRIZE, 10,000 DOLLARSt 1,000 PXIXZB8. Tickets, #5—Halve*, #2.60—Giiarlers. $1.25. Address KAM'L SWAN, Manager, nov 24 Atluuta, Ga. SAVANNA! L A< 1 KN( 'I KS, I. II. MAIL-TUN. General Ag-nt. Bull Street, ilium diat.-ly opposite tho Post Office. .1. I.. AI THKY, on Bluuglitou, Iwtween Whitaker llarnsrd Ktreels. nov 14 |BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Ilnvnun Plan Lottery. Jasper County Academy Lottery! MACON, GA. the plan of the Royal _ imlicr*. and drawn a* CONCERT HAI.L. MACuN.GA., under the sworn super intendi Ii.-e ol Col. Geo. M. Logan and Jn». A. Mabel. E*-j Urn ml Selu-inr for January IStli, 1630. Win 11 l'ri/j-s amounting to 800.000!! 45 year*, belonging to tl |M-rinis*iim oftli,-Court i. IMIAURIKON. Adui'r. Th- 'fra portion tli- pr. 1 BY MINIS Jfc JOHNSTON. At Pritutc Sale. t -l-lightful Summer Residence alunt Hire-mil ullage of Clarks! ill--, in I Ub- r.lmiu i -uuty. r*-.main* al-uil thi.— I11111-I1. .I acres of hind. -! which is river suilsble for faruiing. On ii-- -1* a twosl-ry franr-d 11 -use. in go-.l r-’pair, .1 sleiliooiiis and an ntlie, with 1 I w .'-re^-simre To-MiAKKoW. at 11 ..'clueIf, lu lr»ul .-f »t-r Th- Usual asa-.rtiii. nt of Grocsti-s, ProrMun:. Lbjuora, Cl-«k- ry Olid Glass Ware. Dry G.«*l*. lo-w and *.i'.md baud Furniture, Clothing. Fancy Arth-h-*. Clocks. Watch- *■. Jewelry. 4.. Term- .ash Iwloru delivery. N B.—All artkh-s at auction and not acttlrd for I* f--r<-Ih-m at 1. gular sale, will be Sold on account •nd risk of former pun-lamer. dec 26 Christina* Ev-Sul- -Gold Lever Wab lies 1111- Mii.NliAY) EVENING. .1 12'. Congress street. A larg- H**>-rlui' iil (ju»t rer-ii, q |- r expr—•) uf G-44 Is *. 1. Anchor aud Cylinder Watcbus, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, fte. Terms cash. dec 24 Gre at Sale of R-s.ks, Stationery, fte., ut Au-lion. ” Tills (MONDAY) EVENING. Ike. 24th, at T -.clock, at our Sales Room, B'-*k-, Slall-m.-rv, Emu l-qa-dias. aud valuable Stan dard Works of every d.-|*r(mcutof Lib ratur--, Sen no* It. - .k - elegniitl) and illumiiuitMl; English and Aiu.-iuiiii edit loin Itn- llibl.w. Prayer Hook*, Letter IV per. au-l Fauci Stationery -fall kinds. 'l l" at 11 I U.-U of the public it re-s|«i Ifull.v invited to l! - l- .l. 1 ..I Ik. d.*, which is believe.I to I-- the m-wt lalu-ibl,- c.db, ti..ii of Ktumluld* ever offered at au- tl .u in this place. Tie- lb-drear- allii-m,au-l laidlo* to call and examine them <!«*- liil. 7.3“ 10,21 “ 152.26.2“ Dmly co., 250 acres. Early. Baker co.. 250 acres, 'i'h.aims co., 26o acres. Paulding co.. 40 acr.-s. -»., 100 acre*, •o.: Did acres! j.-rdoi Muiray co., 100 uerc*. .o. ia, 1 •• Murray co.. leu u- re*. 775,21.3 •• Cherokee co.. 40 acres. 7*8,15.2 “ Cherokeo co., 4o ncreo. 70. 9.7" Esuiiin co.,40 acre*. 27*. 12.1 “ Lumpkin co., 40 acre*. 4040.12,1 " l.uuij'kiu co., 4u acre*. 4.’.:'. 13,1" Lumpkin 4o acre*. 269,12,1" Forsyth c.. 40 acres. 316,12,1 " Forsyth co.. 4u acre*. 2, In Square N'.., 16. Weal Point, Ga. — 11*10. The ti.idivi.l.-l half of (115, 4.3, Cass eo., 40 acres. 30*. *.4. YValkel . Dili acre*. 694.12.1. Lumpkin ro.. 4" acre*. No. SKI, 2.4. I’olk <. I wii hoot reserve, to the I every evening during tha dec 24 !wk at Auction! --.I plain Cook uud House fb-rvanl. ala-ut 40 year* . Sold f-r u-. fault. Title* warrauled. T.rma .1. c -22 lloii'.and l*.t» at Private Kale, i No*. 10 and 47. Crawford Ward, near the New Rail Ik-pot. ou by l'» feet. Tlie iuiprovenidits are 12 -•ry Brick II--uses, urarly n. u ; all iu g --l r.mdb in I iin-l.-r g-.-l rent. F.-r t- rm* aud further p rs. enquire «t >mr C -uiitiug l(.*iui. ■r tstr- c 22 A<liuiiiistr*t»r'' sale. tin MONDAY next. 24th D 11..'chick, ill store lately " • Up1.1l by III." lab- Win. Ilodgc*. oil YV.-at Brood at!, Ii.iir tin* corm-r of the Kailreiid Ik |iut. A Sl.i k of F.unily Groceries in said >t ire. Sold aa tha pr- l- rty of Wm. II.«!_• ■*. d-viued. by ivnoimia of tha " '“■■Unary aud p. r order of tin- Aduiiiii-tmtor. 1 cash. of C-t 1 ll- new Iraimil l-nrn liasju-t la-rii built.and there. I* al— a corn crib and poultry h.-u-- nearly tn-wr. Tlie duelling lions.-is well supplied wiili all furiiilur.- re- quir I 1 r h->us.--ke--ping. Tin- i< well i-r.ui.l-il with mil. ii cow*, oxen. f-*l.l-r nml .mi*. All »f which w ill be » -id low if appli- 'l f»r imiiiedintidv. dec 11 15Y MINIS ft JOHNSTON. EXECUTORS SALE. O N th- lii sl TI'ESDAY* in January front of the C-"irt lion*.*, bctw.i-ii the legal hour* of Nil--, will tie *ol-l. iu e.-mpliamc wilh the last will nml testament of lub- D -r.ii!.c.i Abrahaui*. the followiugValuable City pro- pirl.i.b l-llging tosai-l estate; ll ii' I. I n 4 in 1 -imp!-. Lanahs, Tyfliing II. ath- th-i k tw-.-st -ry dwelling, st-re and e.-lkir. fronting on llrollghti-u sire-et. m.w ti-cupicd l»y J. D. Jessi- »«a laniily gr.« 11. - object to a lea*-of three years from Ills! of Feh- l.o: N-..3.1.ihertv YVarel.w iih thetwoteuement Iwoatory woo-l-u -!- Ring, fronting.hi Bre-ugl-bm at re-. I. with ear ring- I. -11- -.staid.-, ai.-lkilch. il. The I d iasubj , t loan annual - r -uud rent lo the City of $27.50 (tweiity-*evc-u o'19. Jacks. >11 W.:t -ii which i» a large livo ek haseiuetit. fronting • and stable: oil tlie mall twostorv w.sil.-n Will be lU' aa follow*: *0 wx a. -I 4U...S 4.IHSI is 70 do 100 i* 2.51*1 60 i* 3.500 25 ia 6.4-10 1 do 1.100 ia 28 Approximation Pr 501 l'ri/.ea nmoiiiiling to $TaisM)—Only lD.OOil Numln-r* Kv.-ry prise drawn al each draw ing. ami paid when dm in full without deduction. All communication! strict), confidential. Registered letter* ut my risk. Ticket* $10—Halves $6—Quarters $2.50. •Baf*Address cither JAMES F. WINTER. Manager. Macon, Ga. Or. GKO. A. McOLESKEV. Hull sired, dec 19 (2 door* from Hay.) Savannah, Ga. 8140.000! T11 KI I AVAN A PLAN. Man.iukbY Ofvick or Tin: M iRTUin L-tteriis, Y llaltini ire-. Ik eemli-r 1st, 1855. f T HE Mnnagcra <>f the Marylaml Ldt.-rl.-a having had it aiigg. sied that the plan of drawing the ll-ivuna Ih-puldie. have ronelU'le.i to Draw a Loltrry oil llir Havana Plan, On the THIRD SATURDAY in each month. GR'D CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF MI). To 1h< drawn in Rnllimore, Mil., on Saturday,.Tan,9.1859. PRIZES AMOUNTING Til 140.000 DOLL’S. Will be distributed according to the 5dloiiiug Magniti- 40,000 NttnilM-ral—1,000 Prizes! Print Pm/nhlr in Full irilhnul Deduct ion. ft/i-O-Ni: PRIZE TO EVERY TWENTY TICKETS. -«» scheme: 1 Prize of. $50,000 ia... 1 •• 25.1100 la. • MAR- ill have -. apply -Z.+3 FOR PAVRKs—Tin- 1 *W2£C.iptaiu lain.l-rkin. F'.ir fn-iglil 5 apply to {dec7) BRIGHAM. *' -hip GotoSkitt"storyourJowoliT.i’«'" 1 , >1 iI.U. K : ^K..LT,.V«rtSI , . Jir?:'ri , on 1 •’ 11 'hdtinmr, lor engagement of Grain -r Cob Ih- place I- pure lo a line sett Ilf Finger Rill, to il SKI PE'S i-t invite tli- in are-ii ii.iiii.iini F.n Ring*, il YV ho can |iis. Hi •1 ling gift, o SKIFF'S, ir Cl.o-k ■Inlay', will I Hair Ornamonts. S UCH ax Fair Ring*. Ilr-wcln -. Ni-ekboCr—*", Fin ger Ring*: ami. finally, all kimlaoi llnir .1-iv.-li v. niiinufactiire-l I- "i'h-r. by l.-avi.ig Ih.-in nt SKIFF'S, where- a oomph- and pattern' of tli-- - mi l»- s.i-n. dec24 , V. YV. SKIF F. Diamonds! Diamonds!! R ECEIVED on siilurday, another Ini.-n-e Of Diamond Ring* and Pin*, *»hh h innsl mi l will In - l-l -limp. Call at d^'JI SKIFFS. Dollar Clocks. * 8 FOR D0II111 Ch« k«. w- are-• .ml.if Ihem. apply lo J. R. ft J. O. MILLS. - I'liR FHF.IGIIT'OR— ?Th- m-w- fan sailing llr. brig John lll-'lianl*, 350 Papl. I'linrelilll. A limber freight for Eure pe tire- I. Apply to CARI.KTilN A PARSONS. . .. FOR ERFIK.IIT Oil Cll A It <PTYi Th- bark I.EI.A ND. Cunlain Anlnir Ebul.l .will a fre-iglit or rhartei. Applv I" III!, nils —TAVCS COlIKN. jQn. FOR FREIGHT Oil < IIAILTF.H MLsKINlIt M.t'apl. Dickey. \p,.|v to HUNTER A GAMYlI 1.1. ” f fi’ FOR FUKI44IIT' OK 4 IIAKTKK - ojftjATie Ini.- *<lir. Pl.ANlNiME. Capt. II. T. Blown, will rre-.-n • fr-ight or charter for Ka-i.-rnor Northern I Apply to ROWLAND A SON. FOR FIIFHGHT OH I'll ARTFlIl. In- lirig OCEAN YVAVE. Capt. Morion, wain ur a Northern |M.rl. Applv 1 III-NT*' r*£ i'NTEIl A OYMMI LL. •ifKItJlMFI ' I I.KMI'.N • I Sir d 4 .i x I ‘olleCor ci a candidate for lbs • ‘•.11111), (Ihr ( 1 AMEN v >■- - M TOY iumV -, pi WHITING HEsliS. ALBUMS, WORK BOXES, -veryllllng elai- Hut I* lu-ailtlful. -in "l" WARMS'K la DAY IS, No. I ' Hats! Tip Top Hats! 4:; r F'a-hFmalde •..ll Fur Hoi*, am 5 snibible f..r an ouilit dun n- Star Clolhing Empor 1,000 Prize* nmoiiiiling to 8140,000 APPROXIMATION Pltl/.KS. The two preniliiig nml the two hhc- c- ding miml«-r» ti Ihose w inning the lir-l ^«) prizes are i-ntilliil tnn| prox iiii.-it i--n prize* aa above. Tin- pi Muent of all prize* I* guaranteed by the Stale of Maryland. All ti k-l* in the I-dteli.-i liy til" State .1. Maryland, hear tin- lithographed -i.-natiire of “ F. \. RUFINAS. Geli-ral Agent for the Contractor." Plan of tlio Lottory. Then- nro 20.0UU ticket*, mimli reil 1 to 20.000.— There an- l.uon prize*. Tin-numb, r* from I to 20,0110 ling with tln-.-.-n th.-ll. kid*. print, d on s.-pn- rate ►lip* .-f |*i|-.-r, ar- r»ll.--l up and en> in led w itli -m ill tin till*-* ami placul in on- I. Tlie amount* of the different J»i full prize * nr.- al— up in the Mint.* manner, and pta.-ed in another wlm I. The 600 approxi* main -li prize* are d.i*i*lnl a* al**'-. Afl- r r-volving the wlm-l*. n nitmlier Is drawn out of th- wheel ..f nnmliers, nml at Hie same lime one I* draw n from the prize win* I In l-u< who are lilindfoMeil. The*., are op-md ami t- the audi.-m .—the prize be ing rrnhi. d to the numlier drawn hv the Comniissiom-r. Thin op-ralion ia till all Hie prize*an' drawn 1‘er-oi Tin- drawing will In* premipily 'cut to all pnrehaam Price of TlckeU. YYholcn $10— Halve* 5—Quartern $2 50— Eighths $1 25. j Address order* for Ticket' to ,1,1 19 ll,,., F. V. IIIIENAN. Ilalllinore. M,|. id rent of $33.1: ivwill lie ml.| with. rrhaser* |*i.\ing for titl-s mu J. DELAMGITA, Executor D -rolliea Abrahatini CLOTHING X EMPORIUM. P>XB iKi>r. ii kit • r Tiir. nzcvnueiv m-.iniMi room.) Fine Ready- Mad- Clothing; llal* nml Cap*, Shirt*. Collar*, Glove*. Il.olcry, Cnnc-i.l.'inl-reira Omvrtl*. Kl.H-ks. WM. 0. PRICE, Sup'rtlneClotlin, FASHIONABLE MILITARY TAILOR, 1-4-r Yestlngs.wIM Iw Made toM.-mu re Unexceptl'nablo lu Stylo nml Hy ll I,. BAY-STREET, ■»■ SAVAMAII. At Shott Notice, ra front City nml Country solicit PIANO FORTES AT W. D. ZOGBAUM & CO’S. .1. it. Dim ham. Horace YVnlera! f» Y‘-'/I Umim ft Ban n, .1. Chickering. tiilia-rt ft ri J I and Light.-, Newson nml Urn .hury's Patont Arch Wrest Plank 7 and 7 1-3 Octave ... PIANO S . • hoy nr- di>tinguiMi."l lor ex.|iiiMl-- -inality of tone, cla*- ti. ity of touch, standing in turn- mid unsurpassed durubi- ALSO.— A most extenaive assortment of Vi"liti*. Vi olin C- llo*. Guitars, Fluiinas. Arcoreleous, Flm-s, Clari- onels. F'reii-'h nml Italian Strings. A. .. fte, mid ('Ins-icnl mol l.iahiou.ildv MUSIC eoii-ianlli a-ld-il. I’ublir fni-r lielil. lv solh-iteil. YV. I). ZtMillAUM A CO., d-c 11 Nos. 107 Bryan and 94 SI. .fntl-n Freeman & Henderson's HACK., DIVHHV AND SjYLK 8TAHLI-H YVK. TIIE CNDEII.iIGNEI). ike this in. of informing lie public, that on Ih,- first of unitary, we will reduce the l ie- for Boarding ll-rs.-s from Twenty Ik.llara to F'.iglib-en |i-r month. I'.-nies kept f-r from iw.-iv.-1>, nii.i-n .MUrs |i-r nioiilh. All tran-iciit liorses kept f- r svv. nty-llie cent* ji-rday. Single feed, thirty -. \. n nmln halfcciil*. YV.- are m-w pn-|nriil ("furnish onr Iriemls with Vehi cles f.-r pi. nsiire riding, n* n.-iinie Ih-.-ii niaki'ig some n.liiili.-ii- b...urst.*-k. \\-an-well supplied wiili single nml Buggies, open YVap-us nml Carling, *, of all description-; al'.., scleral very nice Lady's Kud.lle I'm ni*-*—all of which are for Hacking purposes. YVe lake ihis op|ioi'tunily to expr-sn <>ur llinnks for former imlroiinge. and lo expri-ss a desire for a conllii- nance of Hie same. YV.- hop.- onr friends, one and all. will favor n« with a call, a* we ran give Ihem ns Hire a •• two forty on the plank." ns can he lni.1 In the city, mid on more accommo dating terms. FREEMAN ft HENDERSON, Warner’s old Stables, YVest Broad street, d*e 17—lino ll.-nd of Broughton. Travellers’ Trunk Dopot. GKO. 8. NICHOLS ft CO. HAVE recently received a fine assort- Ill-Ill of TRUNKS, such aa Sole leather. Iron Ei nine. Ilni-s Hands, Foli-s, ami •iniiiiioii I’acklng Trunk*. -r. Cama—. Itru— Is" nml Illgrnlne.1 Cnrjiet lid Isi-ly'i Salcllels: Sole Is-nthcr. I'nlent ■ mini.-n Valises—all of which arc for sale CLOTHING STORK, Gibbon's Range. Bridgeport Fire and Marine INSUHAWCia COMPANY, OF BRIDGEPORT, CT. AUTHORISED CAPITA 1 5300,000 Henry YV. OnxtriELP, I’real-lent. J. II. W.isiinuiN, Scc’y. DIRECTORS: William H. Noble, YVIIIimii S. Know Bon, Nnth'l Gm n, S. II. Toh.v. .Ir, .1. II. YYa'hlmrn, Joseph Uicliunls-in, lleiii v llr.-mler. Cortland Kelsy, II. YV. Cnatli- ld. Ro ■ Refer in Savannah lo C»l. N. D. Knapp nml D. II. Nichols, E-|. ‘ «ne this Com|wny'* •h- propeiiv. I. Ag't. Ill Hay si. Mils. DU. Cl XMXlillAM'S S411001* wa» -'i-xNEn ox Tin: 5'irnl 71 mill it y lit INovembor. R6. C. would Inform her friends llmljlliere are a few M l vacancies which may lie flll-d by applying inune- ■liab-ly. A f.-w young loiilie* would Ih, twlviil into the family ns boarding scholars, where they will receive tho kio.lest care- nml attention. Mr. MASSON, Teni-lier of the French Language, llesl- ilem-o North side ol' Lilx-rty slrn-t, 4 door* aliovo Ibir- narel. nov 22 -gent, ' I.GKI.KIt ft U 11,1 OX, DENTISTB, o. ijffiee over DoYVItl k Morgan’* Store J JmrflbJ on Congre.a Klrcet. QTffTfh .A7AHMH,-. nad, F on CongroM Klrcet. oeii—ly GEYER YI. NOTICR. IIIFI I N "'.re -'jjemilhi*, mplo) asin* ti.-rw.akmanal » lelt and n-eeiv- npplicalii ... . Ie« wishing Iheir live* or |>ro|H-rty insured. He will also net as agent for the Snvminnh Republican. Refers bi Messrs. Welwter ft I'l,lines. Win. King. Kern ledv ft Itca- li, J. M. Norwuml, I’. YV. Alexander. V. W. Ikin'. Savannah. nov 0—If NOTICR. P1VVG Moiilhs after ilnte. application will lie made lo ft lIn-Court of Hrellnary,Chatham Coiinly. r--i bine O —II ll m-gro innn named T-m, belonging lo the Estate if IV oi.imin YV. F ••lick, d.-c 12 KGI’HIA A. F'GSDICK, Admlnistralrix. H' lannfs.1 wring and Jobbing Jewell- J i r.aml all w„rk in that line will I*- tvrelvi-d and don- nc. Roys' Clothing for Christmas, buslm-s*. not ID ! * own. as. ailCllail.I.N a. Oil. ' IRUMUAM ABD. fUZilVS BARING, JProfruHor of oftuHir, # R«aprell)tUy olTi-r Id* aorvices lo Gu, .NOfa clllamiaof 8a»*nnah. Mam To b« i.mnd at W. D. Zogbaum'aM® Mitalc Kloro , , *?• oct I—Jm ANDREWR ft KOUCII9, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Washington, yvilkek cg, ga. Will pra. lire iii ,i|| the Coiinti-* "f Ihe Northern Circuit. OARNKTT ANDREWS. WHIT.T. FOIICIIK. t of IWYY'K' ClJFTIIING, such aa Bine. Ilrown, i.ii-.-.i...... 111.11 k Clolll Jai-kels; Black and Fancy Col d Cn'simeii- I'niils; Ffinh'd and I'lnlit llluck Caasinu-re.Kilk ami Cashim-re- Vests; all for Isiys hum live lo filtn-n *' Alio, lor young men. very neat lllu- and lllm k Cloth Frei-k t'.sils, I'nnta nml Vests. Uv.-i-C.sits and Talmas for boys I re ml four lo sixteen years old. All of which i* ofl.-r.-'l al v.-rv low prl- -- lor ea'li, or gissl credit, at thai Clz»THING6Tl)RK. Glblun's Range. dec IH I'KDAR PONTN. B II WE r.nli.iM-1 «• hr. Hulltc. Nawaiii. N. P, il. Allnal. Monioiiiy. a- phuitatioii flat (in-arl corn fans, ploughs, hoi A plantation on YVhii- M ir*h Island, opin-sile Thun* •h i b,li. eotiiaiiimg about 380 acres more or I-—, of wbich about 2uoacre*are clean-.l au-I uu-1. r gml . ultiialiuu, the lulnnce good! mid tdiingl.-s hind of whito oak, hi. k -ry. nml pim-. On the premise* are- a g.«-d tu-.. st-.ry .In-llmg hou*r. Imru with all n-esury out buildings. Also at same lime au-l plare. 5 tiegre*-'. a w--mall aged al-ait 35. wilh her tw-irhildreu. a l-.y about d years, and a I- •> a I mi l 4 years ..Id, a man »l--ut 28 year*, a woman 5n year-. Al—tlo--i.-k .-f mid place, nsi.-iing of .alii-, hon-s, luncs.fte. Also lie farming iit. i.-ilsoii suid |dsnlati"ii will, tli.- tints, enms-s.IibiIs.fte., a buggy and •n; ikiw, Terms: f->i Ilu- Uud and wharf l”t* one-thinlcash. 1ml c- oik- mid I w o year*, l.- aring interest from On- day of I", srenr-d by mortgage nmliH-rsonal aecurity. FYarth soflnml. ii-gr-.cs and plantation titeusila. eiuli; pur ii*.-r« paring f-r lilies, mortgages ami nil nm-ssarv pa rs. dec 1 .INO. C. It ILL. Exivutor. • * 11iarlo*l»nCourier, Augurta S. ulin.1 sn-l Coluinbu* qiiirei. copy otice |i-r w-n-k for three wn-ks, mid send ml YValers’ Ibsul, eoiiUiiiing seven acre* idly 'dilatei! fora i.-sidelice, ailyoiuilig tin ca-t of Mr. Kraft's llower mid oruaim-nbii «alien would make it a desirable invest .-ue of the pleasantest romUnuHr the city. I oil in •eTi-ral lots, having two fronts c.t Tlo- prop- rty will lie showu at any tiuu ■'h. I .a l.i ue.- in 12 month'. Ix-aring in im.rigiigc on the pro|K-rty: purchase’ •ale. ml I- ud in AM?: RLRCTIO.N .NOTIC E. KCTloN will be held nt tin- Court Ileus.-, in ill of Savannah, on On- first MONDAY' in Jan : 1 i 1 icing thesm-nth day th-re-nf, lor r ■■ Sup- ri-r nml Int-n.-rCourt*.Ordinary.Kh.-i .'-II.1--lor. a ll.icii.t of T.i v K. terns, a County al'ouniv Knrv.-yor, and Coremer. . inly of Ch illi mi. or his lawful ConMal-les, are re-quireil to l-t - and niaiutalii pr-qier order. Tin- j'hcrin ..f tli. l YVII.I.IAM |l. (TYLER, J. I.C.C.C. NOAH II. KNAPP. J. I.C.C.C. GEORGE |>. GARRISON. J. I. C. C. C. MONTGOMERY CI MM1NG..1.1. C. C. C. d.-c If. JAMES E.GODFREY'. J. I.C.C.C. NOTICE. I HAVE This Day op. mil n GENERAL. SIlII’l’lN't. AND INTFI.MGENt E OFFICE. op|nwile Mes*r . Hone A Coiim-fv's Slop Chandlery Store. I have the of- In ■ t .nm-rly .- by C. II. Duryre. Masters of ve»- acl* aud Stevedore*, wanting Suam.-u and Imbon-ra. can li* promptly'npp'i. -l. by calling on the ntiderslgneil. 1 have also engaged the aervicea of n competent N Otar I Public to a—nt me. He can alw sy * In- found nt my offic lo note for Y'csscls, aud to extend tin ir Prote»t». All Iiu 'iness entriiatcd to me shall lie pre-mpllv executed. EDMUND YVAI.SII. Apt. Savannah. Dec. 14th. 1855. dec 15—time*. COALT" XITCII COAL fo F. W TO IIOI'SFIK EEI’FHIX. IIAN! FH. t’R( i.NIN. I'Plli ii.sTKK ER. 2G IIRYAN ST. \\roUI.D respectliilly anuounec to the citizens o« » * Savannah, that he is ready to make and put down Carpets, Oil Cloth. .Matting, lie, at the shortest and on the most reasonable terms. 3mo—oct 3 RUNAWAY! ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD!! I. of ANTHONY. Who during •t Spring, lie is rather under live feet in has a round full face. i» stout and well P. M. KOLLOCK. prop- —cmltf KOTICE. OFFICE SAVANNAH, ALBANY' ft Gl'I.F IL IL ) • Sivaxxaii, Nov. 3,1655. j T 8HETI1IUD Instnlm. ut «.f In percent, on the eapi- . tal st.i-k of this tN.nipmiy, is required to li- paid at tliio offic.-, on Monday, tin- 7th da, ..rjaimarv next. By —’ - “HAS. GRANT, Scc’y lind Tri-a*. non.lnn iilltAKDV, AVIIVTK & 10., commissi&nTSerchants, AUGUSTA, GA. -' v, ‘ 0"'' 1 ' "|"i i d attention to purrhnsing and ▼ ▼ M'lllng PRiHILCF:. M KUCHA MUSE am I STOCKS It I ■ II illll VI. lull AI.VANCra MIDZON COX'IOSMSMTS. # KF.FEUF.NCF.t—John Holies President Bank of Au- gnst.i; Y\. M. D'Antignar. Pre-sidcnt lbs. Bank: Tlioino* Ikur-tt, Pr.-sid.-nt State ILiuk ; I leal.I ft Davison, l--»i* ft All.-n. M. ft 11. YV. Wilkinson. J. CmimVIin-l, Baker. ft C".. Ailgn-la: G. YV. YVilliams K Co.. Charles- ton; It. M. I., mu.1 ft Co.. While ft Bishop, New York: ll.'ll A Prentiss, Waver A Constantine. John laimn. fa- vanuah: 6- yim.iir. Fanning ft Co.. Nashville; FI. M. ft A. C, Plunder. Knoxville. dn- 20—if J. R. GILMORE & CO., Com mission Merchants, W 1-1 W YORK. Parliciilnr nllenlion given to tin- sale oi Cotton. Rice, fte.. mid liheral cash adiimeea made on ronslgiintenta. REFERENCES:—Hiinbr ft Gniumell, Savannah. Ga.: O.G. I’nrsley. F:».|„ President Commercial Bank. Kidder ft Marlin. .1. II. Flaiincr, Ksq., Wilmington, N. C. • - ’*—ly A. Corner Rryan anil .IrtTcraon Streets, K EGS leave to announce to the i iti/.-ns of Savannah, that Iiu has Just pul into o|s ration, Ida m-w BREAD, KNEEDING and BAKING MACHINE. -I i. p filled. furnish every- nltcrnoon. BREAD uf quality to any heretofore mi ii In this city, ive him a e-all. Order* from families pniutiially dec 19—Into £3. M. BLOUXT, C'OM.Etmti AGIolTi DARIEN, GEORGIA, W OULD respectfully refer parties lo Iho following gentlemen: Alexander Mitchell, T. I’. Pea-e and Jacob ltokcnhoiigh, Darien,Ga.; Samuel I’almcr ft Son, Savannah; M. I*. Stacey, E.-q., t'harleitnn, 8. C.; K. J, llia-k. Esq ,r,2 Wall-si reel, Now York. Darien,Del., IMS. oct_2 Smoke Good Segars! • orknowhilgi'd Iiv Judges of Hie article, as ‘ .TTJ«T TH El THIIia « ” Com him 1st Dis. nl.ri.-rta, KxceDior Siiis-rior, 1st Pruntitud, Consohicion, Ia Vlgih-ncia, Gutlem-z 0;>era*. Itov 24 _ M. MOLINA._ A Paper Hangings and llonlrrs. LARGE iiMortiucnt f.-r sal.- »l nin.l.-rete prlc-s, at JOHN OLIVER'S Paint Store., 121 Rre-nghton st. Mu' )hunisp*)>ered at III" shortest notice. dee 18 Extra Fine. MORE of Hies., extra flm- DRESS HATS for gentlemen's wear, received nt the Hat and Cap .store,Cotigrea*at. ” " doe 17 *.- furniture, about 2UCI l-ushel* e. loddcr. .. fte. B.-l--iigliig to th fnte.Y P,, and s. Jd r order uf Ihe executors for Ihr l«-nefit of 111.-heirs mid of asi.l estate. T.-rtns mad" know n oil day of dec 7 JOHN CASS. Executor. Kxecu t )l o'clock. •nth-first TUESDAY, in January u YY'ill li-aobl by .-r.I.-r of the Exccut-r: Is’t N -s.4 and 5, md improvement, Car|H-nt.-ra Row. fee simple, 45 feel -ni-li. front on East Brou-I st.. and 15U f.-.-t .l.-epto boun dary atrei-t. The improvement* are-two 2 sl.-ry woo.lcn house* on Emt llr-xid strei-t. mid 3 1)5 atory building* on Bonn lari street. Also L.t No. 22mid iinprovenciits. Magazine W’ard, sit- t.-d on tlie north ea-t corner of Brenight.-n and East .*,.1 stii-. l-. '.“i l-y l-'m fi- t. fn- simple. Th- Improvo- • I 4 "11- 'lory- building' on Brought u *t.. with • store tlo- comer. n»w < by YVm. Ik-urke. Ain Fa>t half lot V-. 9 mid iiiipre-velii.-ul'. IVrrival l-y t«i f t f.i- simple. The improvements ar.- otio 1)4 ■ri'--. on flat- stmt, and "iio wuslen laiil-liiig on tin- Iaii- with all out buildings, fte. T1--ul-.y.-pr»p.*rty I . l.aighiK to the estate of Patrick Duffy, dci-ras-d. and '••Id l-y .-relcrof the Ex.i-utor* for '-en-lltof the heirs and rre-litoi' of mid estate, rms : nn.-third . i*h. l«lsne. nl .-in- mid two year* .. wilh inl- r.-t day of sale, secure .1 l-y bond n.-rtg i-.: - • n ih.- preqicrty. an-l <-f iiuuiaure tr.nisf.-rr.-I; purchaser* t • pay f-r all |*i|* rs. dec 19 WM l? IUU*UKE.} l:wntt>r «. On (lie First Tuesday in January next, Will l,e tohl before the Court lloute, nt Trader’s Dill, in Charlton County, O NE NGGKO WOMAN, the pre’IH-rty of the estate of Isaac Tucker. Sold liy permission of tin- Ordinary, for III., benefit »f the heirs and creditor* »f said estate. Terms of silc, three month* credit, with n«teand ap proved sii-urUy. ISAAC HATCIIEIi. Adm'r. dec 13 o CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. ,X tll-br-t TUESDAY’ -. 18.VI. iii front of -nal hour* of sale, 4, New Franklm YY'ar l: bminded • ii.-t by Montgomery street, south bv Bay *tm t, west by lad No. 5, and uortli by Lit No-11. 8-d-l by resolution ••I Council. lire 22 F. M. STONE. C. Id. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. \ GHKEAULY to an oreleri-fth-Conrt of Ordinary of only, will he •old. at th«Court lloima in th- citv ol Savnnuali. Cliatham county, on tho fir«t Tl'KreDAYIn F.-bm.ii v next, tlie HOUSES mi l LOTS iu and elty-. lately-K.-iipied l.y- Dr. Pliil.i H. YViMmmi. do- cea»-1. situated i-n the corner of South llroad and All-re • -rn sir.1-I-. cntahiing one whole nml one half lot. Sold ns Ih- estate of said Philo 11. W'ildnmn. docoa*od. doe 22—til* HENRY lll'IiT. Adm'r. FOIl KALK. In Sold at the C.-urt lion*.-, on TUESDAY, l-t day of January next, to the highest bid- sour L-t«.separately. with thelutil.liug* thereon, .• ou Johnston square and llrenightoii ►in-et. nnd Bull street, known ns the L-t* purebased for • -t.-l. «: One-fourth cash, balance at throe, nine nnd rnoiillis. with interest from dah-.mul uiiq-tgagoon nis**s. Sale positive; pur.lias.-rs paying for title* rtgago. A. I’OllTKIt. J. STODDARD, IL D. WALKER. Y—11 Director*. \v Largo Sale of Books and Stationery at Auction. AT THE BOOK STORE OF S. S. SIBLEY. NO. 135 CONGRESS ST.. Commetieing on TUESDAY, December 18tli. at 7 o’clock, and continue from night to night, until the stock is disposiil of. I T COMI’RISFM a large nml well selected assortment LITERARY', ItEl.lGMUS. Law. Illsitorcal. M.-.b leal. Scientific nml MisrellanmwM YY'orks, Sim-I and Music Book'. F'.idseap, Bill. Not* and L-lt.-r paper, En- 'slopes. Copying Presses, Prints, choice I’aiulings, Blank Hooks of varions qualities. Bill, Note andwl- in .randiim IliH.k', Card Cooes. Celestial and T.-restrinl Gl.-ls-s, YY'ri- ling D.-sks, Portfoli.w, I’ortmonahw, lVik.-t B.i>k«. Also, n large nml tine nssortnu-iit »f Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Rook*, suited for different sn-ts. Alio, Banker's (Yis.-s, pictnn-s nml Picture Frame*, Diary, Bill I lend* Cases, Gent’s Dressing Can-*, Maps, L-lt.-r Clips. Drawing llrooks nnd P. m iK Aim, a very superior Hss.-rlm.-nl of Gold nnd Silver I’.-n* and Pencil Coses, Inkstands nml Inks, Catholic Prayer ' s. Music Books, Slate*. Pocket Knives, fte.. *-<-. ii, a very flue variety of choice Books, suitable for Christ liras Presents. lgidi- »‘ I’npi- r Mnehe YVork BoV.-s d Portfolio.-*, Mnth.-malic.-il Inslnimcnts. llrnslu-'. Ac., -..b-g. Ili.-r'villi a very large, full and varieil aimrtnieiii nil tlieriirn-nl literature- "f Ihe day, and all th-other articles ii'iialty to Is- found In a Well selected lln-ksloro. Term* nt Sale. d.-c 16 l-'OU SALE. A N KYY nuil extremely fast STEAM BOAT w ill Ii- sold, at a bargain, if Tication be made imm.iliatoly.— is 125 ft. I»ng. 22 ft. Is-mn, 7 ft. i. bold; has30 in. cylinder, 6 IL ; stev.-ns cut .-IT. Her engin- iH-atltlftilly llni-hed ler after saloon is made lo unship, nml is now stowed She has ii large Iron tank, holding 4.<s>0 gallon* for simply of her Imller : and i* up with a YVni kiiig Dump and Hoisting Machine. She ia . ist. mid would make u No. 1 passenger Inal. Her wrecking apparatus and tank w-ul.l sell for enough to (It ln-r up nml ftiruish her. She Is a first rate tow boat. ’ or further l-artirulnr*. apply to dec 17 C. A. )■ I.AMAIl. dial-lesion Auction Sale. Potato {Sole— Valuable Hirer Sirtini/i Diet Planta- I ion* on .SVit-iniN’t/i Hi c< r. CAPERS ft IIAYWAUD, Will sell. I-n TUESDAY, the 6ih Jamtai v, 1V>«. north of the Custom House, nt 11 o'clock, A. M.. All that PLANTATION or Tract of Liml. «ltuate In . Peter'* I’mi'll, Ik'.iulbrt Di-lriet. on the north side of Savannah Ita. k Itivcr. culled •> Nclvtllc." Ilu- piepeity • lale Judge linger, containing right hundred All'll timely i69oi acre* ii* per plat of John N. BariUion, Esq, D. S. A160. All Ural PLANTATION or Tract "Bark iv.-r," liken iso Situate in SI. Prior'* Part'll, and con taining, ns |i-r plat of above named Surveyor, one Ihou- six liiin-lreilamleight (l,ftlS)acr,n, wilh Ilu-full ami iiiiiiileiTupUil nai' of th.M-nnnl leading lo the river, a* Conditions of «ale: Onreflinrth cash, residue hy* . l«. |iii.l in .me, twnnn.l lhm> year*, .ijiml c- n'ecutlva amiunl in*lalmcnt», with interest nnuiially fr.-m day of talc, '••cured by mortgage of the pnqierty sold. Pure •ha«- r s to pay f„r |-a|i-ra. Tin- nli-ve may be treated for nt private tele, together wiihnli.ul 140 Negroes, uow on ami arcu-teiucil to tliu plantation. I'llill, S. ('■■ Dee. 13,divtlli—eraltJS N. K. BAUNUM. HOLIDAYS. PKR 8TKAMKR FLORIDA. IlHIk BIII..8. .hole.. APPLES, aHMFVF w hole, hair and qr. hoxc* Raisin', 6>i fancy boxes I’rum *, 50 fancy Jara Prune-, 25 fancy lioxea Fig I’n'te, 3rt d-./, nssortwl Preserves, Sweet Meat and Jelloya. lairge amertinent of Swrel Havana Orange*, Banauas, Pino Apple', Plantain*, fte. F'ov sale low, al the Savnmuili Fruit F.inii.rium. .In- 21 J. A. RKOWN. No. 27 W'hitnkor at. |TO DF:AI.KRN. S Agents for tlie sale .-f No. I Leaf Lnrd, w«> can aup- at low prlc.-a LYNN ft SNIDER. f!’ ,h H” h o bl-ls, Baltimore- No. I, MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS' BANK. » Y AUTHORITY granted by the State L glslatntv, to establish a BANK under the above till* In tha city-of Savannah, to commence bunine** after two hun dred thousand dollars shall liar- li-cn |>ahl In, with tha prii il.-ge of extending ilu- capital to two million d.dlaiXk mid to locate BRANCHES In any corporate town In thia Slate; the 1 ncor|*<mtora of said Bank having met In the Council Chauili-r at Savannah, on the Kth day uf Da eemhiT Inatiitit. orel.-ml that B-i.ks f->r mlwriptien to •I-- k in sal.I Bank, I- opened in tlieC"unellCluiml-er,oa Salur.lay, the 20th day »l lkiemln-r, 1x55, under tha au- |H-rii»i,-n of the billowing oog*ltTZ«: HIRAM ROBERTS. | JOHN BOSTON. C. A. L I.AMAB. W. B. HODGSON. E. II. MARTIN. -I-C 1<Y—1291> llo.NE ft CONNERY | I'M II I! ELLAS, THE S.itiM-iib.r In-ga to intoruilil* fricn-l*nml Ihe poblie, tlial lie Iras Just received a large *np- -ftj^ply of 6II.K nml GINGHAM UMBRELLAS.— ^3?^ I'li-1 l-ti.g mmiiiliictniTd expre-aaly f-r luniself, he can coiifi-l. mli r.i-onimeml them for durability, and at prni-a that will *mt all putx-lure.-i'. YVM. IL SY MONS, Pra|>er ami Tailor, dee 24 17 YY hi taker* In-et. TO RKHT* Finding that the Hepuhliean Heading llootn ia maintaineil nt an nnrunl fo** to tho prnpriotora of near Sjx llumlre-l Dollars, tho room now occupied f-r tlial iinrposo i* offered for rent from iho lint day ol Jauuary next. If dec 10