The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, December 29, 1855, Image 3

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iurtUlICotlcr*. transit],urn for Office. SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, FRIDAY MOR NIN(i, I )E(’EMBKli *\l-a .. rs* n Mll.XDAY. 4*c*S» KOK COUNT YTKKAHUKEK •* fhaumOmm: • «- - -»«*■- «-—‘-f- r IMlwctun l>t manage the i 1,1 , * 1 '' ,MBf *' ,f Treasurer, ou the lint MONDAY * Huai, to lit#ensuing year, will Iw *• Jauuary Ileal, and respectfully auk your suffrage*. iiMIAY. (Ilf Ml» lax I-..--.... ! •* JOHN N. I.KAAT8. 1 &i)ii>piny SUurrtinrn* Weekly Line. FOR PHILADELPHIA. 1 Hist Ilia* . Ih'l«n ii ; i*. II. WILLIAMS. Cashier NOTICE. . KTK |U> UiNKOrrilKHTATKOrtU. I r, ‘* Hivxxxau, Hwrukr, 1x46. J Tlir Auuual Klmion fur Directors uf this J^p’lUul. will be hrltl at tbv Hank, on MONDAY, ,1, *cb ilav *’ f Mtl, 1*56, Wtwevn Ibr buun ol .ad 1 oVLtcL. V. M. H W MF.UCKR. Cashier. ■We *-«+ ,d0 ^ onmouiumii UTAmui BUT R OOMTAMY, NOVEMBER 1*. 1855-A Dec. „„ I Annual Instalment uf FIVE DOLLARS ($5> per >*u tli«* ?t>s'k subscribed for Oil. Company la uuw it—|>ajiu»ut to Iw to the Secretary aiul fM-ufrf. at tlir Ofllcr of tlir Company, 32 llrua-l at rout, ..nor before AA EDNEfiDAY, the ulntli day of Jauuary, 1*59. THUS. F. DltAYTON, President, no* '.'A—Jan. 9 REMOVAL The Undersigned bn. removed tbrlr ortlce : • JS '*T > to so. « DRAYTON STREET. next dour tot', j A l- Lamar *. DAY SARD A ROWLAND. dec 9 NOTICE ^ ADVANCER made ou Consignments to our iJ^ A^frlriula in Ik-atou. New York. Tlnladel|.lua and u ,:i murv. Jifl MINIS A JOHNSTON. NOTICE. CENTRAL U. It. A DANK ISO CO. OF UA 1 Haramiau. Dae. Ill, 1855. j — ——An Election for Nine Directun of thia Com- O.'*? 5 fane, fur the ensuing year .will be held at the p.ukmg House. ou MONDAY, Jan. Tth, betureu the h nr* of 10 A. M aud 1 P. M. I.*c Co—Id OEO. A. CCYLER. Cashier. MKRlIIANTM AND PLANTERS'RANK. 6D* lhHJhS will be o|M‘ar<l for Fubscriptfou, SATIR- DAY.Dee. J• tit, 1*55. at 11 o'clock, iu theCouudl Chain- : t. Savaunah. Subscribers will be alloweil to aubarrlbe i . any number of aharea. aud pay or arcure to be paid, u i leu than ten dollara nn a ahare. (Subscriber* who ure to |iay up their ahare* can do ao, oi .nr >um betwrau teu dollar, and one huudretl dolLm i -hare. Those who |iay less than one hundred dollan on ! a .hare, will be aubject to calla for instalments, until the ! .hare* are paid up. Tlir dividend# or profit, will be di- i. led iu pro|M>rtiou to the number uf dollara paid in, | ii ibout reference to the number of aharea they are paid | on And aa anon aa two huudred lliouaand dollan are j t btcribrd and paid in, the subscriber* will receive ten in*, public notice, to meet add elect Nino Director# to linage the affaire Ilf the Rank aud it D believed that the Rink will 1* in operation by the first uf February next. HIRAM ROBERTS, C. A. L. LAMAR, W. B. 1101X1 SON, JOHN BOSTON, E. II. MARTIN. dec 32 Committee. NOTICE OFFICE S. A. At 0. R. R. CO. 1 SaraxxAU. -dltli Doc., 1»65. J Ad* An Election for thirteen Directon of thia Oumpa- - * fur tlie ensuing y<-ar, will be held al thia oflice on the *.«i TUESDAY inJauuxry next, between the bourn of 12 U.snd'JP. M. By order. CHAR. GRANT, dec JJ—Jt flee'ry and Treaa. WITHDRAWAL Savannah, Dec. 10, 1855. SR** Mi*#**. KniToiis:—You will plena* withdraw my iaic ae a Candidate for Sheriff of Chatham couuty in Jouarjr next. ice 10 JAMES T. BUCKNER. To the Votera of Chatham County. Ac* Fallow Cimtx#:—I uai a Candidate for the Office . r :n riff at the Election in January urxt.aud respectful- . » licit your aupport. • lu BENJ. L. COLE. DIVIDEND ISO. !»*. CENTRAL II. R. AND B'll CO. OF GKO > Savannah. Dec. A, 1855. f tv’ A semi-annual Dividend of Five Dollara |a*r Share, - at the rate of ton per centum per annum.i lina . Day been declared on the General Stock of the Cum payable on aud after tlie 1.1th day uf Deceiutwr, lu ll Men of guaranteed eight per c«nt Stuck, w ill lie paid ir Four Dollara per Sliarc uu and after tho mine day. .- Im GKO. A. CCYLER. Caahler. •r TO THE VOTERS of CHATHAM COUNTY— Fxuuwa'imiNs: | am a caudidale for the uffioe of Couu ty Treasurer, ut tho cKi'tiun iu January uext, aud re* a|oaTfull.v aak your .upjairt. ■ I - 1 L. J. U. FAIRCHILD. *«*U TAX CUI.I.KCTOIE. 1ST Pll I ENDS AND I'KLIJilV-CITIZENS.—I am I Candidate fur re-elccUun lor lh« office of TAX little I.F.CTOR. onthelat Monday Iu Jauunry next, uml roa- port I illy aak your aufiport. F. M. "TORE. N. H. If elected, I pledge mvtelf not to accept of any j oilier office. [oct itII F.M.H. TO THE VOTERS uF CHATHAM CllUNTY. 1 x GENTLEMEN: I am n candidate fur the BOB "ffice uf Tux Culleclor of ibia County, (tlie j •l«-]ii„u tu be held on ill" Ural Monday In January, ISUi.) aud reapectfuily r- 1 " 1 * ““*■* Uev I— ble I KEYSTONE ST ATE, Auction Sales. ~ : ilk Ml.xli 4k JOIliVltTON- : Aui (lull hale. Willlie aolil iu trout of IU o’clock,ou MONDAY Dial luat. 6half pl|u‘B Olmd, Dnpiiv A Co, paleCuguor Brandy. A do do Job lleuiteaaey, do du du. • 6 du do J J Dupuy. do do do. bunu lamdraa Segura. Teriua—auuia under jliai cash; 100 lo OuO til) daya; over $:«HI 4 luoa, ibr approved i ndorM'd nub *. doc 'JO Al Private Sain. A lUuat delightful Summer Kuaideiu e about three uiilc. . from the village of Clarkaville, in llalnraluuu cuuuly— | Tlie Tract cuntaina alout three humlr.-d acre* uf laud, u pirlion uf whieli la river butiom, auilable fur forming. On > the preinUea ia u two atory framed lluuae, in gmal r<-|mir, i containing aix r.aiiua. two ahudiouma and auattic, with kilcheu and wa>h room aud out liuuaea tor aervauta. A targi' uew framed lau n iMajuai l«-en liullt.aud ther>‘ ; ia olau a coin crib and poultry liou»- nearly new. The ' dwelling liuiiae i. well auppiied with all furiiiliire re- ( Ijuired for liuuae-kevpilig. The farm ia well pruvided ' Willi mill'll cowa, oxen, fodder und laila. All of whieli ' .. .. - - ' ediati-ly. dec 11 i Auction Sales. Ill WlLl.l A RUN rviOl.I.IIN. Auction Sales. Auction Sales. •st a. j. Walsh. W ill be aold, II .1 lluuae. oil TUESDAY, thclat | On TUESDAY, Jan lot. will l« edd iu front of Urn Court day ul January next, tu the liigheat bidile . The Four laila aepaiulcly, (or iu anil pureliaaei a,) with ; Hie llllildillga thereon, flouting OU .lullliaull a<|IUIIT Ulld 1 llrouiihtun -livei, and root of Hull alreet, kuuwn iu llie laila purchuaul fur a New llub-l. T* nm: i die fuuitli raah. bolaiii e at tlire**, line* aud ‘ twelve uiuutlia. with inlereat fruiu date,and mortgage on 1 SnV laiaillvv. Pura-bawra paying fur litlea and inert- gag, t. By order of Ihurd of Dina tei>. dec JH lUai Prime Kke Field Negru-a. Will l.e M.ld iu fauiillea at puUic outcry, on the ■ 1 •• of February »-■' — “ • n the hour# of mb-. MY HELL A PMERTMil. fSr< egaonnt to Pun.»gu« THIS DAY, at 11 o'rlnk, In Bunt of atom; Tlie U|ind HMoilue iil ofl.rocerlea, Provlalona, ljijuora. Uru k, ry audGlaai War* - , Dry Guul^ new and aaeoud uve number of Nvgruea. Aluougat llieui uiw dri- j Tenua—Hni'-I Title-undoubted, purrliiiaerai-ityiiig fir titlea. Hu Tl kbliAY. January In, Will be auhl iu Hunt of Ilia laiurt Ilona*, between the usual lioura uf Mile, led No. ID uml impiuvumeiita iu Wallon Word. The improvemeuta me u two ab.ry brick building, arraug'sl for a store and dw-lllug. well lorast.d Sir a grocery. The lot la aaLJort to leaaaof IU year# from In.. IK, Injj, aud renewahh- for Iweuiy-oiu' year#. The present lease ia eighteen dollar- per auiiuin. I and hearty.— ! Laud Furniture, Clothing. Fancy Article-. 's ka, Watch- R HARDIK, Conimuuder, WILL SAIL ON WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2. The auperlor ateumalitp KEYSTONE STATE. Robert | *‘i'Ja- a>ibl low if f.w llardie, commander, will leave aa above. For freight or “ l«Mnige, having a|>lendid atate loom uccomimalatioua, C. A. I- LA MAH. .j, Cabin Passage to l'hlloilelphla |20 ven and |daub-ra, car|HiUteia, cooiwra uml uiosoua. large |«irliou of this gaug * f are ordi-rly aud well di>|>a ll -eld"in ocrun that ao i" balance IJ full hauda, and all ol llieui ' pa|»‘rs. bit of Negi Intel, at witli approved aeeurity. PurcliajuT paj l-'trlng >yiu^ for r»u nisi:itiks. ww _nr- FEI.I.OtV t ITU/.ENS— I offer lor liieoO pof Sheriff of ChuHiam roulily, at Ihe cuaul eleclioii In Junuari next, and loape-MIullv anlicil yv aupport. |oct 17—Id J WAKING RUSSELL dee IT • • rage ... I till OIS III > A It l . I'll THE Vi ITERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. AfAM"- Gelilh'incn: —I um a Caudidale for cU-cuou fat to the office of Ordinary, al Ihu rdeeltoii III Junuaiy uext, and will bo lliaukful for jour support. mu> M. G. HI EFT ALL. Ifjr I FII.I.OVV CITI/ENS:—I uni n candidate ft3T lor ihe office oi ordinary al the election In *L»li<l rcaiiectlully aak vour aupport. Ji,\i« IIAItNAIID E. HEE. W E arc autliorited lo announce J A »l KS B, GODFREY, at u candidate for the office oi f ChalliHiu Count), al the ensuing Junnar} Kart* HeduiPd—rabln Passage $20. FOR Nli\\’ YORK. *3. mad'- know n previous to sale. <1 Administrator's Sale, rat TUESDAY iu February uext. laid, AUOTIOIf ■ALB*. , Ihu C..uit llouaeiu the city of Savaunah, between the a •„ BY NIN IS 4c JOHNSTON.; SsmtHtL. — -1 *' E XECUTOR S SALE, I longing lo the EatateufOweu Foley, by imriui-aiou of WIU ikl ihe lhat TUESDAY in Januury in-xl, in front of the ' 1 I"'" M "Court Hoiix-.lM-lw-'en the legal hoars of aale, will he t uf Ordiuory. t STEAMSHIP ALABAMA, Chatham Couuty, al !'«»* 4 L1.IIK OK ( Ul M I N. I lulanor Cuurt. ut :be election In January uext, and re l’ n > specllull) a.*k youroipport. JNo.L. DAVIS. ■ 1 jo'J-lde Eice Lands and Negroes, FOR HALF.. * . A VALUABLE HICK PLANTATION, on tho '•'jjjwSavannah River, within u few miles of the city, -e«^-.oiitainins near'.Mvaia.-rca of laud, of which 7<u *-. ncresare cleared riee land uniter Imnk—iINncrea 'i--Ii land, which can lie cultivated In rice—l&T acre. :: marsh. a-|joiniug Hal acre- of clean'd upland—DU » of uncicarcd 'ibUnd, Ou the idiU'U, » r • ito-nfa, negro houses to accommamre an nrgnaw, •f the handsomest settlement* on the River, a corn- able dwelling and overseers house, brick barn and • ,nt ihrashcr, winnowing house. Ac. Poaaeaaion given i liatelv. I the land'may be purchased 170 to 1N0 Ncgn-aon i.i 'atati-di, accustomed to rice culture. For b rmaap- R. IIAIIEKSIIAM A SON. VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND FOR SALE, I.\ CAMDEN COUNTY, GA. ..-ji THE Snlwcriher having more Land tli-yn he FKLL'UV-i.'ITI'/.F;NS: -1 am a candidate . at the eleclioii ill January next, for Clerk oi npcrlor and Inferior Conrls. and will be thankful I , for your suffrages. WM. II. BULLOCH. _ may 14 .lmi.V.10 mf jnr* 1 NilTI 1 E—Wo are autliorinal to auimiince |V JOHN V. TAUVKK a* a Candidate for Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts st the ensuing elec tion, in January next- may 13 juu ’3ii The suiwrior Steamship ALABAMA, a* >. It. Rchenck, couimaiiib-r, will Irate as above. For freight or pasraga, bating elegant state room arromuiodattoiis, apply to PADKLFORD, FAY k CD.. Agent*. Cahiu Passage $JU X. Ii. Miippcra of Cottou by these ateauiera will please take notice, that no Cotton will he received at the presses that ia not distiuctly marked ou the edge uf the hale. sold, in compliance with the last will aud testament , late Doratliea Aliraliam-, III- following valuable City pro- perty, belonging 111 sold ratal'': Half Lot No. 4 iu fee siuipl", Lm- in-, Tylhliig Heath court Ward, next to the realdeucoof J. IV. Murrel, with tlie brick two story dwilliug. store ami cellar, Doiiting ou Broughton street, now occupied by J. D. Jesse us lalilily grocery, subject to a I'wof three yiwrs from lira! of Feb- Ld No. U, Libi i tv Wnrd.w ith the twob neuieut two story wuodeu dwelling,' froutiugoii llroughtou atrvH-t, wilii car riage houses,stables ami kiti hen. The lot iaauhjn't loan auuual grouii'l rent to the City of fji-fo) (twenty-seven dollars aud llflyccnta. I Also, Lit No. Hi. Jackson Ward, on x liicli is a large two story wooden durlliugoiia high brick basement, fronting on Hull aired, with carriage house ami stable; on the southwest ii.rutruf -aid lot, is a small two story wood-u dwelling ou a liigli brick haa- iin ut, Doming also on Hull alreet. with carriage house undatable: this lot ia subject to miniiuuul ground rent of $33.12 (thirty-three dollars The almve property will I-- sold wlthoig reserve. Terms—Ont--lliird cash, onc-third thr-e inoutha credit. . i*ml renialning 1 liii.l fourniouths credit, adding iuteri st. secured by mortgage nf the prolierty. and |-ilicyof inau- raii"- transferred. PurcluuH'ra paying for titles, inort- gages and J. DULAMUTTA, —--•*■ ‘•-eenti.r lierolln ■> Al.rahann. JAM. II. FOLEY. Administrator For key West anil Havana. HKKKIVI-.K OK I' % A KK.TI MNN. rr FxLL'iw-t.'iTizxaa : I am a candidate for Hie ! office ol Receiver of Tux Returns, for Chatham County, j at the election in January next, and respecilully solicit ' your vote*. nor 2—td A. M. Ml RLE V. 1 Ogjjftw l'K!,l.tiW-i;iTI7.ENM:— I am s candidate , for tlie office of Receiver of Teg Returns, in j January next, sud respectfully yusir vote*, may'.“J if .GUN It. IIAIIEKSIIAM. ^ S3r~ ff.lT/iiv any kn s : -t in The tir-t «Vt ! May last, I uiiumiuced myaolf a caudidale , for Uocelver of’l ax Return-: and am a-ie a candi uate for that office, at the next election, aud respect I fully solicit your support. Your obedient servant. ' Jo 0 It. T.TMF.I.'S. | Tt* MV FELLOW CITIZEN’S UF CHATHAM C l. 1 WM. ll. MATES. SAVANNAH, MAV 1. IKii. .. M. _ 'undulate for Receiver of Tax Returui. at Iheensuiiin 1 Jauuary elvction, and oblige MANY VOTERS. . may 3 SV JW- FBI.I.OW CITIZENS:—I am a candidate VCm fortln office of Receiver of Tax Return*, in j January next, ami leapcctlhHy solicit yoi 1.1 STEAMSHIP ISABEL, ' 1 e.PILLOW. CITIZENS:—I am a candidate I for tlie office of Receiver ot Tax Returns, In | January next,and respectfully solicit your votes. tnvv 11 if '/■ N. WINKLER. ] hi The ISABEL leaves thia port regularly, on the 4tli and H*lli of each month, and connect* ut Havana with the I.'. S. 'lad Steainahip Couilwnv'a Line of Steamers for Sau Francisco via Aspinwall. aud will carry tic Puciilc Mails. For pa-sage only, apply to novJti COIIENS A IIEKTZ, Agent*. For Hawkinsville, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. ra TliKlight ilraDatenmer WILLIAM **‘'f~Uia^ ■ U LKIIIIY. Capt. A.C. King, will leave For freight eiigageun'iits. up- il-c 2>—‘J S. M. LAFFITKAU. Agent. N. II. Salt will In- carrinl only by iMiitrart. For Hawkinsville, AND OTHER LANDINGS. THE Steamer CHARLES HART- RIDGE, W. Tavlor master, will leav For freight v. r.l. at John-on'* legal lioura of salt All of Dial valuable Tract of Land, known a* tic Dean Forest Tract, seven milra frami Ihe city, ou the Canal, ad joining III" lauds of Geo. W. Duetts, K»|., colltailiilig l.Olu Acres, more or less. About Ifolocrea an-first •yiiall- t.v of rice laud, willt gu<-i supply of lack-water; tlie iuil- suce W'dl vv>Mide*l. Tic improveiii' ids consist of u few Terms: tnc half caali, lavlance in one year, aeeured by mortgage on tic plice, d*-e IU At Prlvilli' Male. 7do 1 j Aereauf Pile and IhiiuuiiN'k Lauds. In Caimleu County, near llurnt Foil Ltuding; a pleasant aiiuincr ivir>al. purfectlv healthy, with a tiic franc hone, con taining 111*’ llpligbt led luolus, tiesiilea jMlb'l ulld dining I' l-iK'd and paint' d, witli al! uer-saarv out building- lor a small force, ilu the plot:'- ia a well of pure wider. Tic plui-e is well suit' d for the tar uml turpen tine busheu. With the plm-e would L-sold, tic furui- ture now in the lions'.. Applv on lie preinii- *. or tu dec 17 WYLLV l MONTMOLUN. itk NFENCKM CIIKHFLL A I II. TUESDAY. January Lt, | \\ ill lc auhl iu from of lie C'lUll lloUSI'. Im-Ihuii the ; , usual lioura of aui' .ii irui luf IjSiiiI on tlcskidaway K'-nl, j live mil. • from Savannah, • ntaining l»0 .o n -. The pule , In r'*v>l mu-thi'Oigli il. Tw*. *-lll' iiienl- vain I-- nio'le, | having *'•«! laud- t-.r KiinUumg in each. A plat .uu he Terms— Purv liMB'-ra paying for titles. dec In i . TUKRDAY, January Ll, lioiil of the Court lions'. iM-tWern the usual hours ol sal.. Two (J)-Ely Patent'' Gins lor N-a l-l.iml cotton; nm- nuiali with Metallic Roller*, » superior oilh'le—can L'li- d ns a loot gin, ul with Power. Sew uml ill orili i. Sale poailive. JO shores ol Augusta A \\ ayuealiuro Rail KoH<lalurk. 'J aliurea Central Rail Ituud .'. Dunking Company • - . Jewelry. L . Tvnus cosh la-lore delivery. S. All b, ta le- p'ir'-h»M'd at auction aud not settled fur larfore tin' next regular sale, will he sold on accout ami ri-k of former pnreboai r. dec 23 Great Sale of Il.-.ks. siatlom ry. Ac., at Auction. THU (MONDAY) EVENING, Dec. J4th, at 1 odock, at our Hubs It.-mii, Rook*. Stationery, Ei.cycl>i|«-||aa. and valuable Uiw •lard Works of ev.-ry department of Literature, Rcicuc* mid Art. Houk» elegantly Illustrated and illumin-u-d; English and Auer., an edittolia tine Uibles, Prayer Bwtu, Letter Pa ler. and Fam v Stationery "f all klnda. Tic utlleiition of lie public is res|MTifidly invited to tills sei" lion of lio -ks, w inch is believed to he the most giHiiduid Works ever offeiwl at The K.-.L - s is pla* Yuliialde aervnut t.irNvh'. A family of negroes. Woman aged about Jli years, a fin ral'- Seiimstres*. with Icr thivecluhlreii, girlC,girl4,bo J, sound ami Icatthy. Titlea undoubted; testimonials a* to her uualilh-ath'lia from lamiliea iu this city can I-' given, Purehaaer- paying for titles. Executor's Sale. Il.v Virtue of a Decree „f tin- Superior Court of Chatham County. I w ill >.!tor f o sale, betoiv the Court House iu the City of SaiuuiiaJi. • »n the Ural TUESDAY in Jsnuai '. bring l»l January 1x4'.. the following pro|-rty. belonging to the eslale ■ the late Tlioiuas lin- li. Sub to ruinin'lice at 11 o'clock All that Trai l of laud on lliitchhison'a Island, opposil tic City of Navaniiali. "iiiluhiing al-ail four luindre ' ‘ “ huuudc'l north h> Bui k ‘ ‘ lands „f (he relate "f W. W. Starke, ami w I Hull— S'-rvunt and Cook al Aucllou. (In TUESDAY, the 7th January next, at 11 o’clock iu | front of Court House, A g.-xi plain Cook ami Hmi.." Servant, about 40 yaars ^ of age. bold lor no fault. Titles warrantsd. Terms llouaea mid Lota al Private hale. L>t- Nos. 4*i ami 47. Crawford M urd. near the New Ball I K.s.d Depot, on by lull furl. The improv. uieuL or* 12 I two store Uri' k ll"ii-». nearly new ; all in g>*-l euiidi- i lion, ami under good rent. For term* aud further |iar- ! titulars. nii|Uire at our tamuliug R'-an. dec 32 Exi ■ ul a s Rale : On tiic lint TUESDAY in January m \t, at 11 o’clock, in fr..iit of Court lloii*' A plniiisi. ii • a Whit" Msrah Island, opismle Thun- d"il-dt • outamhi-.- ■ l—"it :.-o acre* nioie ..r I- <•. "f which alsiut Jtwa< murv ■ baled ami under g.sid cultivation, . I III- lllllrtlicu g--l W‘.e-I Ulld sllitlgl* * l.ill'l of whit'* oak, hickory, and pile . 'In lb- pr.-mi- a are u g,s,.l two atory ; dwelling iiuu-e, turn with iJI ureraaary out buddings. Jpia.... 4 nr<r - «. a woman aged King s Lml. This trurt ia divided iu live lots. For pi* dm tivenesa. this laud is unsiir|iasa«'d by any ill the lot country of Ueurgiu; it la subject to dry culture; Derive, j I'aiikv being short, they ate easily kept In oriier. y Juilg I alsMil 35, w Uottertre. I D rawn NtMUKUii -f liivene~ami Pulaski j Monument Lottery.Clara 3bU: 7« IT 4 72 till 47 ft7 37 46 43 71 19 73 C7 24 | dec J» E. W1TI1INGT0N. $371500 75 Number Lottery—13 Drawn llullot*. Greene and Pulaski Lottery. KXTIIA CLASS NO. 3« FOR 1R95. To lc draw n at Wilmington. Del.. Dec. 29. 1x55. GREGORY A MAURY, MANAtiKUS. 1 of *.'17,500—1 Of *20,000—1 of *15,000. Tickets $10—Share* in proportion. Tickets and RImum,cither singly or by the package, for sale by tlec'JP K. W1TIIINGT0N. [Ily Authority nf thv Stutr of fr'eiir'i/in.] $30,000! IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. FIIIPT CAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. Schedule for Jnnuixry, 1850, CLASS IX, To he drawn January iM, Hffiti. in the city of Atlanta, when prizes amounting to t: $ Will be distributed ivrrnrding to the following inimitalde scheliie. If you 'Iraw the lowest prize you get the cost of yonr ticket, wiih'iut dedurthm, draw ii at each drawing. ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TEN TICKETS! CAPITAL PRIZE, 10,000 DOLLARS. $10,(100 III iloz. Wool Shawl., Jo pcs. Fancy Priuts, 10 |a a. Plaid Uliseys, 6 (lux. Itaakcts. ‘ ‘ ueut of White ami Col'd Shirts, Will be sobl. 1 It oYlocI the lii«t TUESDAY in January ii lock, in front of Court Uouae, .I Ou' - Bay Horae. dr Two Mule Will he -Id. .Ml III'- first TUESDAY in Jauuary uext. at 11 o'clock, In front of c.Mirt llou- . j A Negro Woiiiuii, nl-iut thirty-five years of age, gural Six Farm Ld- for Sal*'. Wilt he —Id uu tli.* first Tuesday iu January next, at the t'.Mirt lb'll—b.-tWeell the legal Il'Mir. of Sale. Six Farm Ld- a. tlie LMu-vilh- Krad. imi.iediat' ly above tie lam I. of E. Jciick s. uml ruuniiig from III.. Sa vannah I! .'I. back I" the Savannah. Og.vlieo it ml Alta- lliahaw Canal. Ld No. I. eoulaill. niue and seven tenth acre.. V. *J. ,ixl*-'ii and eight tenth acra-s. eleven util left t'nth acre*, aud oo*' of thv best 111 tl .■ :. : i■ a lire k laid. N .. 4. • leveii and «•%•• P util H* r< .. an I li i. a t wo .lory frain. d building "U lit'* iirciu- I--. No. ('■• a hamlsuiiie Ld f.d n Fumi.'-oiilaliiiiig t'.iirtv- live «ix telilh acres. No. 7. a very d-airablr Farm Ld. uml c'uitaiuiug fi'rtysine on*' t-nth acr**-. Terms iimile know on dav of sale. For further particulars, apply at lot Bay Street. live 15 Mocha al Ail'd TUESDAY, tli- 7th froul of tli- Court ll> sliarae Augii-la k Wuyiie.l».r..' Railroad Stoik, sliara-e▼oll"lltoll Itram Ii Radi.sol She'k. i.'e Plank Rond Coin pony Stock, •r St. Julius sba-k. lock, i 1 eh: ■en the legal hours of good oiok, washer and inlay In Junuury. 'Iplmrt. ill i! ■ TIH III AS. ?i>ouaro to Unit, a:vo iForAal TO RENT. COM F IRT.IDLE Dwelling House. | Price ami St. Jiilii-n atre-ts, at $35 |» r tin plied for soon. Applv at this office, or to J. A. MAYER. Broughton *t„ 2 door* west of Judge Berrien . ik£.l= - A C 23 Price i JEraLplicd I > for sale -ii mil s fro hi. PLANTATION m the town of St. lilull tract. Said '•ntains, by original survey. 1,000 ACH ■ hab'Ut 10U acres arc first duality marsh Isnd. . I bank. P«) acre* marsh unimproved. luO acres . and about 150 acre* Imniinock'. all good, prasluc- . I f .r corn and i ottou—the balance good tut peu- I pine timbered l m l. improvement, comprise a good. new. comfortable •rv dwelling lion*... containing eight room', with >■■ e in each, overseer s house, cott- n house, negro c nvenienc* of Ash, oysters, good water, and a ■dualiuii. are also valuable conslderati..ns. The • oflvred at the ufiuiualiy low price of four dollars >e half .. balance in one and two UUKWELL A. BROWN, on the prem N. A. HARDEE * CO., Savannah. office. —-able St..—— —— - RICH XoAlfDffi KOR ffiA: I PRUIKSU to sell niv It It'll LAN Da <>n izia Island and Augustine Crock,amounting to almut .l.lU'in. r. «. .f which about 7(H)acre* are Improved i v-i'l planting order, together with a dwel- i ii..-. nv.i-»ri house, negro <)iiart' ra ami brick .. with steam thrasher. This property I* divisibl* In.- pbuitaU' iis containing from 130 to 170 * crr * »itii high ground settlement* attached to each. I • 11 a, purchasers may desire, in one body or »epa- will a '• will sell‘the Rice Unds all or In |*rt, with or with i • r tiie loiii'ls, part cash, the remainer on time. Tor •' I'.irtiriilara, enquire nf Messrs. ROUT. HABER- ■ ' VI A '•"N. ..r on the premises, to ' 2*—cudlm W. ('. DAMKI- Meant Saw .Mill, 6l Land Tor Saif, 'f A FINK STEAM SAW MILL, located in Bullis h ^c-’C, county, on the gn at Ogecchce River, luge'' with a tract of In.OKU acn-s g.sid pine land, • r . .me sw amp land ti|s'n which is a fine grow l liickory, ash, Ac. About 500 acres of tli*- land is •••l.ii|sm which are two settlements of good >1 welling*. FOR RENT. raVS Two elligihlv l.s-atcd and pl.-asant rooms, fronting j on Johnson Fipiarc, suiinlde for sleeping n|iart JSsMni'iitsor lovw offices. Apply to dec 7 WM. WRIGHT. FOR MALE. s-p/A A DWELLING llitl'SK in g-sl onb-r. with n lot jo Manila half of land,afiue situation, for sale low. Ap- JUplvto A. WILDER, nov 19 Gcn'l 1 ns. Ag't an.l Broker. TO RENT. ■ra/A THAT DESIRABLE llltll'K STORK situated ou }» \t hitaker street, next d.-Pt” the corner of Ray ami Jiumo opposite Sw ift A fo. apply to nov mh WM. WRIGHT. TO It I N I E Pi ISSF.SSION given linmedislely. the Western Tenement of II. U. Jackson's House ii. South ltmad-sl. Apply lo A. 0. I) WENPOKT. no/ 2-If KO It RENT. /gfiv The stores under ST. ANDREW' HALL, cor fti’i! ner -if llroughtou am' Jefferson street*, will be H’lt let In two, tim e, or lour Stores to suil tenants, pos-e.slon on 1st November. For terms, apply in aug 311 WILLIAM ' KVH kALG. M Thai commodious and desirable residence sii't- aled nn Lot No. '.14, l.ibcrlv Ward, fronting on South Rrond, near West llroinl streets. The house I* substantially built uf bricks. Is well flinished In .ivery part, and fitted up with gas and water fixtures. It alsn has an excellent pump In Ihe ynril und n flower garden attached to the premises, together with all ne cessary out building*. The propcriv can be Inspected by any one desirous nl purchasing. For lerni*. apply lo sep IS-lf TIIO*. II. HARDEN. Trustee. TO KENT, TIVtl TENEMENTS In Gordon Block, front- Chatham Square, and well lurnished with r, gas, -Uibles, tic. Possession given 1st November. EDWARD G. WILSON, Agent, oct IU No. rJ Bryan Street. KtlR KENT. TIIE EASTERN TENEMENT of Brick Bulld- n!J® Inc, corner nl A been n and Jones Street ■* *■ Apply in oct 30 IIOUNIMBE, JGHHPON A CO. FOR HALE, fwJh A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. In Waltlmurvilb. rafl l.iliri t v county. Ua. A spurious and well llnlslied JSSmbDi" iiitig. 'iiew.i ami all necessary out-buildings: situated on twenty acres or laud. For ^•rt | cul*r*._iyj! , ly TO RENT. A IUMIM in Ra.V Line, iichi the co suitable for nil office. Apply I FOR I’ALATKA, K. KLA . VIA DARI UN, HR UN S WICK, ST. .MARYS, JAUKSON- VILLE. MU)i>LKBUR«, (BLACK CREEK,) AND PiCOLATA. Tlie new and elegant Steam Packet ,ST. JOHNS, (dipt. James I'rcrborii.hav- her trips to ITorltla, will in vu lor the j above nliices every Saturday, at 10 o’clock, rner »t I For Fielgbt or Passage, having excellent state room I, if a|e I oernmmo n lions, apply on Imanl, at the Florida Steam | P 1^ w ^. A At. Agent*. ■ N »I: I* E \ Die N T f to A •«'. j FOKPALATKA & BLACK CREEK, E. FLA. DARIEN. BRUNSWICK. ST. MARYS, GA . AND JACKSONVILLE, AND PI'.OI.ATA, FI'.A. 7'e J.ranr ten her former day) Fit Hi.'/ F. „ .iT"* w. The favorite steam uacket WEI.AKA, ^«MMsd9iC 1 dipt. N. King, will commence her regu lar trip* a« above, on FRIDAY, at 10 o’clock, A. M., ami will continue b> leave regularly every Friday, the Wftnka is well lined up with nlry stmn Rooms, ami is in every way well adapted to the rontu. sept 0 S. M. LAFFITKAU. Agent. KOIt riIARI.i:vr«V-K.vcr|- Wcdiicx* tiny Hint Snitirtln) Alter Mix o’clock- TIIE splomlnl sleum-hln G'lRDON, ’F. Burden, commander, will 'rave in Charleston In lime to connect Will! the Railroad lilies going North and West. For freight or passage, apply on the Charleston steam Packet Wharf, to imv I J. I*. RRt>t>KS, Agent. FOR BEAI KOIIT. VIA ULUFFMN, Hll.Tt>N HEAD, t tlYD'S LAND ING AND CHARLESTON. The >learner WM.SKAIIROOK, Capt. ?. Peek, will leave lor tho above place- on Sunday. Hie 2filh Inst., at 5. P. M. For Ireighl or |ui«sage, apply at the Charlasii '■* ...d,, FOR BOSTON.— The Urk RADIANT, <2ZB Fly nn mast. . . w ill have ib -patcb uantove. For deck load, apply to ,l. c 22 BRIG HAM. KELLY l CO. FOR BOSTON.—The Ibirk IIAItVKfiT, hjMcholl Muster, having most "flier engag- ed ami going on board, wall meet with de»|tatch as above. For Imliinee of Freight, apply to dec lx DANA k WAHIIBFRN. M:; FOR BOUTON.—Tl DAVID KI VIBALL. A. I •k despatch for b apply FOR NEW YORK—t COHENS A HERTZ. 2-r ram .vr. tv atsiasv—ur-'iuGIA I.INK.- frat .ailing |«vk l schr. LCI.II’SFL Cot win master, will liuvi quick ilopatcb for the almve |iort For fri. ght or pusovg", apply on l*«nl t" raplain. or to • I.*- V' COIIKN!* k HERTZ. -FOR NEW YORK —DKMII.I.'! 1 LINK. 9jJJ*Tli. regular |-e ket brig MACoN. t apt V ' wall have dc.pat< h for almve port. F-r fn igh bales cotton, to roinpl' te cargo, apply I" ,|i-'37 ROWLAND k CLOTHING MPOI{I CTYF. ip'rliii'-Clutlis, Vesting-.will lie 1,000 Prizes, amounting to Only Ten Thoutnnd Xnmhrri. Tickets, $5—Halves. #i40—Quarters. $1.25. ' Bill, on nil solvent Banks taken ut |»r. Allcommuni- j cations strictly ronfldenlial. Unexcepti'iiabh In Flyle and Workuiansliip, MILITARY TAILOR, 147 BAY-STREET, m e'r h a u i c SAVA!¥ A All. •« Flmn N"ti mm City and Country solicited. (V At-mt 1,5011 fe. t river front, r ngtlis, suitable for wharves, Iu is deep ii'-ur th'' water till'-. Is-i " ' are from low water Mark. ns of the plnntation and the Counting Room. Tin' follow ing bit.of laud : No. 194. .'m District.. Marion co., It •• 131.11 • ICnndulph r..„ " 344, 4 ** RuU'Mph in idT iu lots ..I Jiff, u i. Ig 15 to Iti feet, a shoi. iharf lot* can lc s-tu ;• lest Iter twochil.Irra, a boy al->ut ti years, and tl--. in.- •!..'- ..I -ail plai • consisting of log- AC. Ai-> the forming utensil* on said >■ tli. flat., i aiu..a. boat-, an a buggy ami funiltur> . at—ut 'JUU bushels corn ; peas, •r.k' .. (te. i tii~ • -late of p. Mart'-ill. di-c-ased, and sold . ex- utors lor thv hem ht of the heirs and ■I estate. Terms mad-- known ou tlay of dec7 JOHN 1'iss. Executor. Dooly ci Doolv c« c ... 350 u. I airly. Itak.-r co., 25u acre*. Tli,,inns co.. 250 acres. Paul,Hug c«i.. 4u acres. Gordou co.. 4u in-rcs. Gordon co.. l*'st acres, floral..u r..„ lt'si acres. Gordon co.. Ion acres. 52.25,2“ Murray' rsi'JL.'f Cherokee XX, 15,2- Clvruki-' 70, U. 7 Fannin co.. 4<> in 7x. 12.1 •’ Lmn|ikin co.. 4u k 12.1 “ l.uiiipkin en., 4n :-T. I.i. I •• l.umpkiu cu.. 40 59.12.1 •• Foray III 4u i 15.12.1 *' Forsyth 4" i 2, iu Fquare N". 15. West Point Tli" undivided half of 15. 4.3, Cuss co., 40 acres, iw, x. 4. Walker co.. likl sera *. 94.12.1. l.umpkiu en.. 4o acres. 23. lx. 2. Cobh co.. 40acres. 72. 3.3. Paulding co.. 4o acres. I HO acres. 1CU acres. ... 40 oi-ra s. lithe lint TLr.SI'AY. i January n.-xl, at It o'clock, I'.-urtll»u- . i • Exigut"! Ld No*.4 sod 5, rs l;.iw. !••• simple. 45 leat , on i 1M I ct deep to boun- . aii'13 I 1 .-.''.ry l.uibliiigs ou •veneiit'. Mn-oiiiuo Word, *lt- isr'.f Dr .n jUtoti and Fjut i. f e knupl.. The impraira- n house- -i East Broad «t., n Drawiglit .il st., uitli n store 1 l.e Will. Ibwirks. and iiu|,i. • meuts, I’crdvol l» III. rr. of Dravtou st., sM hulldlng .mi Hi- Laiie with all tost I". I liars. Ac. The uii'V.- pi"p< rtv la-loiixiug t<" ll.- ..tat'- .f Patrick Duffy, deceased, aud » .id l y order ot tli- Executor* for the benefit of th- |i« ir* stsl ctsUMv of said estate. T. i ms: tinedhird ca-li. balan e at >.!«• aud two ysart credit, v.illi iut r—l fo m day of sale, s-cured by bond Hmi uiortga.- on G... praq-Tty. atni i-di 'y* *'f iusurauca .V far .ItillN t Tw nth of Lds— I’olk D* scr. *. Ualuiii eo..4’JU acre*. C) SAVANNA 11 AGENT IKS. ( ,l ( II. M AIt.xTiW. General Agenl, Hull Straw!, InilUv- | Darnsral Ari «t -. ' **' I'v tfT I [BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA.| Havana Plan Lottery, Jasper ( ounlv Aradrray Lottery! , MACON, GrA. r piIIS LITTERY i* randurtixl on the plan of the Royal | 1 L.ttery of Havana of single numbers, and drawn nt CONCKHT IIAI.L. M.U'nN. OA- under the sworn super, j intcnd-ncc of I'id.tim M. L>gun and Jn*. A. Nislict, Esq- | Grnnd Scheme for January I5th, 1856. When Prizes iiiii'iiinting to!! CLASS 1, Will I- distributed as lollows: 1 Priz.- of $15,000 is $159 UA SUING. St. Andrew’s Hall—2d Session. MR. NIC HOI.N will conimnira- his gec- id X' ssion on TUESDAY. January 1st, |x5ti,for _ Iillein. n. Ill 7'.. o’clock. P. M. For holies, on WEDNESDAY. Jau.2d.ntSL.o'clock, P.M..and TEKDAY. I»' private I'olka. Wsltriiig and Fancy ra.iov* lass, twice ,-arh week, on MONDAY NIGHT. !' ! V \ <S !'!! UT CS A 1' W. D. ZOGBAUM & CO’S. LARGE stock ot Steinway X Sms, ml. J. II. Dunham. Horace Waters, ii .V Ihiven. J. Uldckering. Glloert k .ltd Light*-. News.,n ami lira bury* Patent Arch Wrett Plank 7 and 7 1-3 Octave 3*1 do ftOl i'rize* amounting to 4i'sis««i—Only in.isst Numbers. Every prize drawn at earli drawing, ami paid whi n due in full without deduction. All communications strictly confidential. Regi*t. ra-I letter* at my risk. Ti' kel. $Itl—Halves •»—(Juart ra #2.59. •s' Address either JAMES F. WINTER. Manager, Macon. Oa. (*r, GKO. A. McCLERKKY, Hull stre- t. doc 19 (2 doors from Ray.) Xavannali, Ua. 8140,000! ...! , ALSO.— A most extensive assoriment of Violins. Vi- I olin Cellos, tiiiitars. Hutlnn*. Accorahxms, Flut< s. (lari- oii. ts, French and Italian Strings, kc.. Ac, ami Classical and fisliii.unblo MUSIC constanllv H'l'l'il. Public favor politely solirited. W. II. Z0G1IAUM k CO, dec II Nos. 107 Bryan ami 94 St. .lull' ll *ts. Travellers’ Trunk Depot. <;K». X. NK HOI.N A CO. HAVE recently received a fine assort ment of TRUNK!*, such as Nile Leather. Iron Frame. Brass Bands, Folios, and common Parking Trunks. Leather. Canvas*. Brussels'and Ingrained Carpet Hoys and Lady‘s Satchels: Sole lo-ather. Patent nnd common ViiIIwom—nil of whieli are for sale it the CLUTIIINU STORK, Gibbon'* Range. THE HAVANA PLAN. Manaoer’s OrriCK or tiik M vsvivxn LTrmxs. ) llnlliniore. |ksvnil--r 1st. 1*44. I T HE Manager* of tin- Maryland Lotteries having had it siigg< st.'<l that tin'plan nf drawing the llnvana | Lotteries lia« its favorites, anil being ihsiroiis to gratify the public, ‘ 4*^ Draw a Lottery on the Hat ana Plan. W M. W RIGHT. WM. WRIGHT. ,ii<l all necessary Improvements for plnnta- s". The Mill has an exodlenl circular saw attached, roperty will he sold at a bargain. Enquire of R. Mil ROAN. *, and send bill to I t FOR LKANE, id 1 A BRICK YARD, with Hires- grinders and all nppur- ,,f /» tenances. five miles from the city, on tli" Ogeechee (t,mil. Apply M dee 13 WM. WRIGHT. TO RENT. Kimlinif that tho Kepuhlieun Heading Room is I maintained nt nn nnntinl /..#• to tho proprictora of j near Si* Hundred Hollars, llvo room now occupied , for that pnrposu lx offered for rent from the first j day of January next. If dec 10 • ■ ■ :■> FOR NEW YORK ^ifo4^1li<' fine fu-i -ailing • lir. F. r. will hat ' d, -pitch for tie ul* v apply I'* ilec 24 (RIDE? FOR NEW YORK. I.AH LINK.—Tlie new hri| having part of her ■ Capt. Mori- UNION LINK.— I. WARING. Neff . .'l AKIt A CO. ill.MORE .' ilEtf- OCEAN WAVE, iigisl, will meet I ’HOKE INVOICE OF FRUIT TREKS J. LANDING and for ul<—comprising Apples, '-m. Apricot, peach. Cherries, pears. Plum, and sytSh^Ra-pbcrrv—were ordered fora gentleman, who ha- .liMcsed of bis place, and are now offered ►vie. Apply p, T. J. WAL8II, ■ « No. 170 Bay-st. FOR MALE, aju A' IManiuiii.n on the Satills River, and ril * gang ol 120 N'-gi's... Tli" tract contains 750 **»a- re* of Land, fib of Swamp Und.'JMlof wlihdils >■ I an.l under embankment,mill known to lie n» g.»-l Isuid,a* lain the Mate. acres of Pino Lind. 50 . In. Iijl* cleared, and be. n |.lnni.s| ihe Inal two yesra Provlrioii*; th» situation i* rains iki.l.le for health; iiii|.rovrni. nl* an- : a small dwelling Overseer's n pi Ini" gang und. i g....l • Will l c Bold tog. th.-ron For isirticiilais. apply tu WM. WltlGlIT. patch for the hIsjvc tairt. I’or fra lzbt. apply ,|,v 2: HfXTKIt A HAMMKI.L | ‘ J-2, FOR NEW YORK-GEORGIA LINK.— <j*kTli"linc fast silling schr. M AMI ASfiKTT. Brown i nnistcr. will have quick despatch lc r thealsive I«'it. For ' '- iwsaage, apply on hoaral to raplain. or to COIIKNS k HERTZ. -.1 FOR NEW YORK.-ltrig EXCEL. Tall- - - Mnslci . Inning u |mrt »f her cargo engaged. <n laeiral. will nn"t with .I'.spntcli as the THIRD SATURDAY in • (Ill'll (UmiilATKII LOTTERY OF Ml).; Class 9. To be drawn iu Bnllini"ra'. 'Id, on Saturday, Jr.ti. 9,1856 PRIZES tMOl NTING T't 140.000 DOLL’S. Will h- distributed according to the following Magniti- ) Niimbrral—1,000 Prices I Prize! Pnynhlr iu Full irithnnt Itnlurtion. WONK PRIZE TO EVERY TWENTY TICKETS, ’ul I UMBRELLAS, Till-. Siib-crilnr li'-gs lo inlorni liis friends and ‘ III.' public, t lust lie tins just received a large sum -$y^*-plv of SILK and GINGHAM UMBRELLAS.— ^Ip^Tl.v l-ing manuf.ictnrcd expressly for himself. he cm iltdcntly rax-'Uiinieiid tInin for 'lurability. and at prices that will suil ail purchasers. WM. It. SYMONS, Draper and Tailor, dec 24 17 Whitaker street. HATS AND GAPS k Cornrr llitrn;irri & Broufflilon-SIs.**! IFEI.DKN’K 1> NEW STYLE SILK II ATS. SOFT HATS, nf all description*. c.f’S ol every STYLE and QUALITY, levw lori'vsu ornooDCarnn'. UOKNER (IP nc.H I Jan llUm GIITON 4s RARNARD. MRS. HR. tlNNINLHAM’S SdlOOL a,., Freeman & Henderson’s HACK, LIVUIAY AND SALE STAHTjKA , Ml, IIIF. I XDF.II.'IGNKD. -.' I", lio- nn Heal of informing f( -s' —/ygvrIII" public, tlint on the fit*! of ■ i/tca xj January, we will ra-lure th" for Vt«sliding Horses from .ity Dollars to Eighteen |ier ■ I’ kept for | vc to fifteen dollars per ' All tran-i-nt hot*-, kept for MV' iity five cent* Singlr feed, thirty eo. and a half • enl*. c* ii .* prepared I" In. n.-l,.,1,r (i|.-nd- with Veld* ' pleasure riding. *• wet,*,. |„. n making >ome ' ’ ‘ *- ‘ II •■•nplled with single I* and Carnages, of all iltcrvnl'e Lot, a Sail'll* Po ll*. king pnrp WANTED, A HOY, front into Id y. am of age; Mulatto preferred. Flnqitlre al Ibis office. 2W—2* WANTED TO HIRE, A III.E-RiiDI F.D Negro Fellow* and Negro Carpenters, , S| ]"I"'„ JTOS1 ,. EVV . Corner of Hay ami Whitaker street*. Or to HOLCOMII A.MILLEN, IVathoiirvllle. Liberty couuty, Oa. d.~ 14—3w WANTED, C ONSIGNEES for 2 l.hls, Apple-, marked J. N. Biir. ii A II., 4 tails. Hags, received |ier s. hr. John Ih'Sl'in, from New York. >» : WANTED, A VANNAII Lain A««.N I.y GKO. A. MeCLKSKKY. Broker, ( Surra l's Buildings. WANTED TO HIRE, U Y THE YEAR, 5o likely Negro fellows, to work at the Park* Mine, Columbia Co., Georgia. Liberal '■r„'S-» 1 * 1 '' A,,|V C. A. L. I.AJIAB. WANTED, ^IX OR EIGHT g'asl Negro bands, for tho steamer 3 . .ixs llartrnlg*. App.y^^^^ K k,.LY * CO. WANTED, | AMI WARRANTS. The highest going rat-a S" III rues. VV fe' 1 : FOR NEW YORK—OLD F'.ST.AIILISil- ifl4eA Ki> LINK.-The -elir. KATE RHIGIIAM. Evans ma-P r. will have .l< ■ patch as above. For freight or pas- sage, applv on laavrd. al Telfair's Wharf, or to dee 17 BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. FOR PHILADELPHIA - HERON'S kLINE.- Th" line V II. THOMPSON. Capt. h for above port. For freight, apply to _ dee 17—10 t*. A. GREINER. FOR LI VKRPOOl..—Tin ship FLORIDA, lull, wants 260 lades Cotton to complete Apply to ne, gu T. It. A J.II.MIMA_ . FOR LIVERPOOL.—Th" fine ship EL- J&A 1 t'A MARIA, foii'ix nmabT, will ni" t with de- aEJt-pab h ll* almve. For freight, apply to dec28 III!IllIIAM. KELLY k Cl). FOR LIVERPOOL—The A 1 ship Ro- Nlai. Capt. Percy, will have quick despatrn. Pm ireiglit. apply to d-i 7 IllMGHAM. KELLY A CO. >.£• FOR LIVERPOOL.-The A 1 ship LAW- tjfg'iivvi'v llltoWN, IMerav master, having 4'of car- I dlff.r. To ■ ngage'l. and going on IkmiiI w ill have quick despatch, gor freight, *|>ply to Flrat .Timidity lit November. M RS. C. would inform her friends thaqthere are a few vacaneio* wliieh may la> filled by applying Imme diately. A few young Lillies would In- receiv'd Into the family as lanraliug --Inilars, wlu'ie they will receive the ara* an.l atteiiliiai. Air. M ASSiiN. Teacher of the F’renrh Lingu.i.: Ib-si- tlv aid- uf IJIs-rty street, 4 doors almve Kar ri AS. R. DICKSON, Life and Firr Insurancf Ajrtnl, Compinu *. to *• tie. wi-hing lllev lie will also a. Refers 1“ RHIGIIAM. KELLY k CO. AAnrranis. I I ll hie lluggles. ail'd wbe Ii ai P-n AA a, ENCEIt (TRRKI.L* CO. TO Btllt'K.AI AKKRN. ANTED fslfiissi Ihu k F'oi |svrtieul»r*. mqiiliv ol subs* lilier, 'in the second sl.wy of llie Surra" llulbling nov 21 JOHN S, NOIIRIS, Architect. WANTED, 1 X11 I’l Itl llASE, Jh'.'inildiaii'l AA me ami I'ort. r Itollb'S. Apply lo T.J. WAIJ«II, No. 170llay street. FOR LIVERPOOL.—The Amerli ’flfTYjELnitlH.A. Ciipl. Sanueriniin. havinge.nnineiieeil “■"•bavling. will have de«|«vte W.'n six FOR HAVRE. levnderkin. _ For ftx'lghl almve port MILLS. GROTTO, liltDIIIAM. KELLY A CO Ssi' FOR II A VIIE. -Thi'ShlpC II. Mortimer, for engagement ii ; apply to l .Ml. MILLS. i' this op|*.rtiitiiiy r |<at ram age. i • exprtxs i .banks fir ■ hope our friends, nm and all, will fav..r i," »» • an le. bad in It.". ii v. and on more K term- FnEbAIAN A IIKMiKIt.* AA arnir * old Slaldea. AY. -i In.-id I CEDAR PONTN. If AYE receive hi Bailie. I,..,,, ■ no anil llimilKlJt of OVraTER HIIF.I.1.8 to I dellvere.1 * l T?."' 1 ',?' ■Apply ]■■ '■’•'2:1 1 4 I. I AM,Alt KAL. MEAL. :aaibushel* Inwh "*ml for sole by LYNN A SNIDER. i. V I’., M II ^ATN-OATN OATH. I‘ < FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER *jsgfrTlic new fa-l -ailing llr. brig John Richard*, 350 I Capt. Ilinrelilll. A ilmlmr ftvlgbl for Europe pre ferred. Apply to CARLKToN A PARSONS. lebit Favsl'-ru llav, for DAVID It. DILLON. Market Square. . Ihnvv Seed ami FV DAVID R DILLON. Mark, i Square. , |OT ATOF.M -50 Md* of *npe»l-r 'I'vablv "fTal'l" | lorn Nov* Seidla, Ismliug |- r bug Jolin | or tale by HAY -HAY. s. f..r sale by n, FOR Fit EIGHT OR CHARTER.— Tie lark LKI.ANI). ,'ai.lain Arthur El.lrblg.'. vylll i ,--eive a freight or charter. Apply to Ihe cap tain on Imaral. or I- d- 21 iHTAAI S COIIKV FOIt Fit EIGHT OK CHARTER- 1,000 Prize* amounting i» • 140,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. The two prec'xling and the two sucre, ding numliera to those winning lb" llr-t 200 prize*, are entitled lo approx imatioii prizes a* above, The isvvment Of all prizes is guaranteed by Ihe Slate A?1 tfckrU In the Lotteries nnlhoriae.1 bv the State c Marvland. te ar the lilhograpluxl signalure of •' F. X DllR.N AN, General Agent for the Contractor. Plan of the Lottery. Therv are 2o.iz»> ti. ket-. uumla'nxl from I to '20.000.- Thora are l.issi prize*. The numbers fraan 1 lo 'JUKI corresponding with thcaa-n the ticket*, prillte.1 im ra p* ral.' slips of 1*1-1. are radial up and encircled with .map tubes ami placed in one I. Tin; annmnls of th 2ixi lull prizes sre also rolled up In llie sam manner, and placed in another wheel. The Wiu approx mutton prize* sra decided s» above. After revolving the whi-ds. a number i. drawn out . the Wheel of number*, ami ‘h- same time ons „ draw, from lb" prize wheel I.y boy* who ara blindfolded These ara opened an.l. xhiblted to th" audlencc-thr prize I* Dig credited l" th- number drawn by the I ommls-foner. Tld-operation I- repeated till all the prizes are drawn ""person* wishing particular numl*ru must s.'n.l Ihel oralers early, with instrucifon* whai to do in < *.« they “"llm drawing will lav prumpUv sent to all pinvhxs. ra. Price *f Tlckrts. Whole. $10—Halves ft—Muarters $2 ,V>-Eighths $1 25 Addreas order* for Tlclmt* to ihv ui—im.. E. X. IIRENAN. Ilalllmora, Md. ( ARLETDN a rARSONS. TH DKALKRM. A S Ag.'iils for llie sale of No. I lief Laral. 1.1 v tlio trade at low prlr- I.KFLKR & DENTISTS, offlec over ItaWIIlk Morgan's Sloru on Congress Slrcel. sxvxaasn, us. octt-ly GENERAL NOTICE. 0 A| GKIFFKN hssreavpenixlhls store, raa.iv lor all eii l.>mer*' rail In hi- line. | luw 1. I n. . .JvliveinploV S-up-ivrt.simsn at watelies. ami a — •)*■■ r Jh .. . Alsimls Iwnn. •' I .I ’bl'ing Jewel' < r.aml all work m lluvl line will Im sup- j cordlngtooapaK,and with despair’ LYNN A SNIDER. •... t'nll* soib'IAevl fr> I allfriemlsandcuslonieraluwsnt of article* iu my llm business. •’ applieatnuis fiom |x_ icsor pr.qverty iiisuraxl. agent I t the Sivanuali Republican. AV. Ii-l, i A Palmes, Win. King, Keii- . NotwikhI, P. AY. Alexan r, A . AV. Uov ll—If Hoys' Clothing for Clirislmas. | GEO. N. Ml MOLLS 4k CO. H AVE;just rveeive.l liv SleanuT, a hninlMime assort- mem of 1I0VS' CDTIIING. sneli as Blue. Brown, i tins'll ami Black Cloth Jackets: Black ami Fancy l'ol'd ’ Oissimera Danl.; Knib'd ami Plain Black ('assinu-ra'. Silk and l'a«liniere Ac*t«; all for boy* from five to fifteen years old. Also, for young men, very m at Bine and Rla. k Cloth Fn» k Coats. Pints ami Vest*. Over-Coats ami Talmas for bov- from four to .ixtevn years old. All of which f offered ul very low price lor caali, or gvod credit, at tin CI.OTHINGSTOKF:. Giblain'. Range. dee 18 BLANKETS AND KERSEYS. T ^IIF. I’I.ANTF.U never lunl a better op|Hirtunlty of purebnaing the alaive named artieh-a, at no great liargaiiis a* they can !*• In light n«w at till* Store. We have on hand a largo aasorlment of RLANKF. S. which cant he la st for size, weight and quality. All who really wish lo buy, are advised lo eall al HOKKN'RAUGH A LADSOVS. dee 20 No. 3 Shad'I's Sh.ra Dollar Clocks. A S FOR Dollar Cba-ka, we ara* entirely out of them, but elm 11 have another lot awn, ns the mill will guild thrill "ill. nay I. ii days. A plenty of the other kind on hind now. a- cheap as ever. Such a ticking: Call at dec 24 « IfiKIFFH. Go to Skiff's for your Jewelry. raw in i.x k in %ant of Jewelry for Holiday Gifts, bail | l.dtcr call al SKIFF'S. Those expecting gifts from their friend-, must invite them around to SKIFF'S, oa th,. place to purchase any thing, from a DoRar Clock up lo a fine nett of Diamond Ear Rings. witffiBroach and F'uigcr Ring lo suit. Who can pa-s the holidays, w ilhnnt going to SKIFF S’ dev$24 Hair Ornaments. insnnfaeiiira'l to nriler, by leaving them al SKIEF'8, V. AV. SKIFF. Diamonds! Diamonds!! FVF.IA F.D iwv SwIvnilay.BW.'tber luvvdra of IHanvonil Ring* aud Pins, which must and will lie *obl cheap, t dec 24 6 SKIFF'S. ured by mortgage ami p r—iial security, lot tl. lot-olUml. m-gn-- md planUIi"U ulcusila. ca-h; pul • ba—*r- levying for title-, mortgage* ami all iivceemry p V CharlraiouC Inquirer, ".py >.m bill- lo tbi- ..ffc '. PER It I I.I. r. Augu-ta S'lilimd a On the First Tuesday in January next, Will he ml,l I., lore the Court House, at Trader’* llill. in Chart!.* County, O NE NoGRil AAuM AN. lit.- praq- riy of liie estate of I via.- To. '*• i Sold by pern n" ..f the ordinary, tor llie hciu-ht of I be ||. :r- uml crdii |« "f -aid estate. Term-ol —.ili'. ilir .'e months craaiii. w ith note and ap proved security. ISAAC ll.ATCIIEK, Adm'r. CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. N the lir-t Tl KSB AY iu Jannarv. 1x60, in front of 1 ie Court llon-e. h ►old. I JIT '%... t. Ao. 5. nii'l norih I.y ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. RKKAlll.Y l I nn oral r of Hi" Court of Oralinary of tlie Court llou*n nty. on the first - ES ivuil LOTS in II. AYildnmn, do- •j ••„ the corner of Uroad mul Aber- ..ntaining "ii- wli"|e ami one half lot. Sold .fsiid Philo 11. AA ildinan. deceased. HENRY HURT. Adm'r. FOR SALE. ILL I"* sold nt tin' Court lloil-e. on TUESDAY, 1-t day of January next, to the liiglie-t I'id- r l/.t*. "'|a«rately. with the building* tlu rcen, Jolin-t oi i-quara- and Br.wiglitnu -tret, and l Hull strax i. known as the Ld* puralmwd for a the 11-uni hours of sale, ew Franklin AYaral; lioumlnl . with I.y Ray -trai-t. I.y .t No. 11. .- -id hr resolution F\ M. STUNEk C. M. oral-r of Hi-1 . ... . willt- sold, a Sav.oiti.ih. (Tvstliam ■ • w Liver's Jane uml Water*' Kwul, containing w v.-ii acra or mnn, mwntnmiy muaiwi sirs ressirnra. a.ipantiigtb' city limit*.ami e.«-t of Mr. Kraft * liowvr aud ornainenii' garib ii. ll* l -i'ioii Would make it a d. -inibl'' Inv. *. Hu nt, being on oi the plenaante*! r aid* near the i it v It eonl.l I*' laid off iu several lolx. having two fronts on public tvud«. Tli- pro|«'r;y will he shown at any tim • - on* t.. the .lay «.l sale. rm«: Half '.i*!v. I xi la nix- iu 12 months. Ii-nrine It. I. *• > nra-l by Mortgage mi the pru|irrly: piireha-i piiying for lilli'- mill dec IS Kl.KC-TION NOTICE. N KI.EJTIUN will I' ll. Id at the Uourt House, in llie .,ty of Savannah. >*n tin* lir-l MuNDAA' in .Ian . in-xl. llx.ii'.' being the seventh day thrra-nf. for. t'b ik of th- Sup nor ami Interior Court*. Ordinary. Min a Tax t'olhvlor, a Iteceiv' r ol Tax Returns, a ('“Uiit ■ Tn u-urar. aCoimtv Surveyor, and Coraiicr. The Slteiilf of tli.-1'*.only of Chatham, or hi* lawful Ix-piity. and th- C-tiinly t'.av-table*, ara* r'-'iuira-l I" bo in ailcnduncc. lo pra-svrve and moiniaiii proper older. The lAills will I IK'lled al seven o'clock. A. .AL. Slid be closed ut *ix ■■'•■l.'ck. P. M. AA 11.LIAM II.CUYLFIR, J. I.C.C.C. NuAII ll. KNAI’P. .1. I.C.C.C. GEORGEP. H ARRISON. J. 1. C. C. C. MONTGOMERYCUMMINH.J. I.C.C.C. dee 15 JAMES K. GODFIlFX J. I. C. C. C. NOTICE. I IIAAK Till* Dav o|K>m-d a GENERAL SIIIPPINO AND INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, opposite Measra. Ilone k Connery'- Ship Chandlery Store. I have the of. fii*. formerly is ciiphxl liy l\ II. phryee. Master* of ves- aelx and Stevixlora-. wanting Seamen and lalaireis. can la- promptly supplied, by calling on the undersigiuxi. 1 have also engaged the service* of a competent Notary Public t.i assist me. 11c can always la*found at niv office to note for A'esxcls, nnd to extend tlieir Protest! New Hotel. Terms: One-fourth rash, balance nt three, nine nnd iwelv.* moniliv wiili interest from dale,and mortgage on tlie premise. Sale |-oi.ivt; purcluukis javy iug for title* and mortgage. A. PORTER. J. STODDARD, R. D. IVALKEIt. dec Li—td Director*. silicas entrusted 150 All hu- ■ me shall he promptly executed. EDMUND AA'ALSII. Agt. Savannah, Dec. I4tli. 1855. .1": lie—Bmii". COAL. .TON'S SCOTCH COAL foe sale ba ilee 22 K. AV. REID. 79 Day st. TO IIOl'NEKDEDEItN. D ANIEL CRONIN. UPHOmSTCRER. 2(1 BRYAN ST. IITIIUI.D roi pocilully announce lo Ihe citizens nl YY savannah, that be is ready to make and put down carpels. Oil l.'lnlli, .Mailing, tc.. at tbo shortest notice and on tho most reasonable terms. Minn—ncl 3 Til MCA I. CARD. juiiius xtahiuo, Professor of *Jhisir, # Re*pec'.fully offer his services lo the aJpIlL citizens of Savannah. ndff To lie lound al AV. D. Zogbquin's^BWR oct I— llm AMIKEAVH A FtHCHK, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, AYASIIINGTON. AY ILK FIS CO, GA. Will practice in nil the Counties "f the Northern Circuit. GARNETT AN DUFAYS. ROIIT. T. FOUCUK. dec 6—tr j. a. UII.MORR. r. Ktnnir.. irv binm. SA LK. Al iiiiili'Xtreiuelv last STEAM BOAT will l«- sold, ut a Bargain, If ipplicatiou he niii'le imim diatolv.— ^Me I- 12. ft. |.*ng. 22 ft. b am. 7 ft. “ bold: lu<:si m. cvliiiilsr, x ft. -iiok'-: steveiv* i ut olt. Her engine b. imlifully finished off. Il. r aft. r vib-m is made to unship, and is now stowed awn' She has a large Iron tank, holding 4.000 gallon* v> in r. for-apply of her fouler: and i- fitted up with a St-ani AVra eking Pump nnvl Hoisting Machine. She it very fast, end would make a No. 1 isi-seiiger fowt. Her w ra cking apparatus und tank would sell for enough to lil up ami furnish her. She is a first rate tow boat. For further lartictilar*, apply b •c 17 . I., LAMAR. I. R. GILMORE & CO., Commission Merchants, IV Id W YORK. Particular atleiilion given •ntnetaiv "i i''itton. Riee, Ac., nnd lilx'ral cash advances made on consignments. REFERENCES:—Hunter A-Gnmmell, Savannah, (in ; O.G. Parsley, Es.p. President Commercial Rank, Kidder A Martin, J. II. F'lnliiu-r. Fau|, AVilmington. N. C. nov 15—ly A ’ Corner llryan anil JrflVrsnn Nt recta, K FHiS leave to announce to the citizens of Savannah, that he has just put Into operation, his new BREAD. KKEEDING and BAKING MACHINE, and is prepared to furnish every afternoon. BREAD of superior quality I" any heretofore seen in this city. Ho-Give him a call. Oralers from t'uuvili''s pun.Tu.vlly filled. dec 19—liu» E). M. BLOUNT, t'OLI.■:(''!' I NIJ AUENT, DARIEN, GEORDIA, \17ilUI.I) respccffully refer panlosio ihe following V> gentlemen: Aloxamler Mitchell. T. P. Pea-e an.l THE GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OF WEW YORK, H AVE cummencml taking Marine Risks at their Agency, c. ruer of Drayton and Bryan streets, Sa- Approved Risks will be taken on libenil terms.and the vi * mil credit given on premium notes. Three quarters of tipi business will be returned to the cu-fomtTs in eerlp. DIRECTORS: AV. C. piekersgill. firm <d AV. C. I’h k-r- :lll k Co. J. L. Aspinwall. firm of Howland A A-pinwall. ILol'ert M. Olyphant, firm of rilyphant A Son. G. R. Lunar, Rank of Republic. Richard Lathers. John Allen, linn of Hopkins. Allen A Co. AV in. II. GiiIoii. firm of AA’illitliis * Guion. Adrian Iselln. Mnn of A. Iselln A Co. Tlioiuas Iticliar'l-on. firm of Tims. Riclmralson A Co. John II. Klll-Itt. firm of Elliott. Adams A Co, N. 0. John 1*. Brown, firm of Itrcvvu A DcRovset. James AV. Phillip-. George Barm *, mm "f Barnes, Lyman A Co. A. Isvehsise. film of Laeliai-". Fuiieh'- A Co. I'iiarb's II. Ikvl.m-y. firm oi Duncan. Sherman A Co. AA III. Ie"*sltiek. firm "f Loesliii k, AVeselidvnrk A Co. P. P I' I. Jr., tu i of N. L. k G. Griswold. II F..-pvuldlng. firm orfipanlding. Anil A Fuller. i ofAV.t I'AC". Robert fipeddiiig. finn «>f fipsddiiig A Livermore. Nitnu.-I Rif. s. firm of 9lone A U". .1 It. .lobn-ton. firm of B•-•rlnall. J.dinslon A Co. AA M. Evart*. firm ..f Duller. Evan- a gouthmayd. E. AV. Reimvr. firm or lleimur .» M'-cke. Thomaa Sbs umb. finn ol'M<>rumli. Etow. ll A Co. Iliram Hntrhlnson. Pra*hlcnt Dank of Hamburg. la-wis B. Brawn, firm ofls wi* B. Brown A Co. Amos R. Kim. firm of Elm. Robert* A Co. Ge..rge Bll—. firm of I ieorg* Bliss A Co. AlT.iham Hell, firm of A. Ih-ll A Son. G. II. Sampson, firm of Sampson x C >. .1. M. Drown, firm of Drown, Brother* A Co. James Reukurd. firm of Benkaral A Hutton. Fred. C.Ueldiard, firm ofSchuelutrd A Uebhvrd. OFFICERS: Richard Ijvllu r-. President: John A. Parker, A’lea President: Jn-.C. Fox, Second Vice President: Douglsa Robin-on. fox-ratary. Cnunael for Company. Wm. M. Evarts. Marine lu-peetor*, Jaliez William* and James «. Litre. C. A. L. LAMAR. dec 2S Agent in Savannah. G REAT TiA RG A lNSTl K\KCUTOR'S SALK. UNDER an.l l$f virtue of » Decree iu Equity CvTfcipff Burke Su|N'rt"r Court, November Term. 1S55, 9*3$P&v.lll I*. s.iM. at Cushlngvllle, Station No. 8 Cen- lml Railroad. Rnrke comity, on TUESDAY, tho 22'1 .lay of January. lS.’a). all the LANDS belonging to tlie estate I'f Augustus 11. Anderson, .kx-rased, Ivin^la llurke county, containing about (8,74.*) eight thousand seven hundred an.l fortv-tiva acres; al », about (75) sev- tv-live Negro Slaves, among which arc n bluek.-millv and tanner. The land will be divided into (411 met*. I" suit parebu-en; plots of which willin' pr"»cntcd for inspec tion on .lay of sale. On one of the tracts is an elegant completely finished taro story Dwelling House, of fo-aull- ful ni'sh l. with all (he necessary oiit-buililiug*, well put up and In g"*l onler. On two other tract* arc comforta ble Dwelling Houses, with the iivceaMry "iit-butldiug*.— t)u the fourth tract, there are the necessary buildings for •gro quarter. ARRIVAL OF THE ;SCHB. A. DEVEREAUX, I N 3 1 j days front Havana, with a lot of FHl'IT, for the Savsnah F'ruil K’liporium. comprising— 50.nisi Ornngss. 290 Biinchi'* Hunan**, 2.ISX) Cocoa Nuts, 125 doz. Pine Apples. 9.1*81 Plantains. Also, an assortment of Segura, ffweet Meats. Jelleys. Ac At 28 J- A. DROWN. II Henry Lathrop & Co., A K KECEIA'ED I’Eit STEAM Ell— Colored and Rixl Kid Gloves; do. Iftvrk F'ur Cuffs; F'rcnch Kmb'd. Muslin Cellar*; do. <lo. Cambric do.; do. Muslin Fleeves, Ac. «: I’aiH'r Hangings and Borders. A LARUE assortment for sale at m.slerate priixw, at JOHN OLIVER'* Paint Wore, 121 llroughtou st. *d- Rooms papered at Ihe shortest notice. il.x' is Extra Fine. MOKE of those extra fine DRESS II ATS for gentlemen'* wear, received at^tbe ILj_nmM'ap dee 17 T": e, Congress st. N. K. HAKNliU. NOTICK. Month* after'late. am>B.-ation will Ih. ras.le to eC'iurt ol Ordinary, Cbsilvvm County, for leave to »' ii a n" man warn. I T-nv. hefonglns t« the Fatal* of Ik n|ainm At I",Ink. ib- . a-..I den 12 SOPHIA A. FOFDICK. Adininisltalnx. nil iv alien, with nlmnt (2i*>) two hn.idraxl acres wvxvd- land, mostly <lamme.l out from the river Ogeechee, on which It lie-. All llie tract*, except the first, are well timlwred. and with a great ileal of Pine limber near tha Central Railroad, whicli posee* through sll of them.— There l* cleared land, sufficient for cultivation on each tract, anil each tract so laid out. that they w ill a.Uoin either Ogeeeliee river or Buck head crock—ono of them adjoining fodh. There w ill also he -old at the residence of deceased, be- 1: I fora- tlie sal.' close*, all th* perishable property remaining of -aid defeased. In Burke county, consisting of almut 29 Mules, 9 Horse*. 99 head of Cattle, 70 head of Sheep, Oxen, upward* of 300 head of Ftork llogs, ami a lot of fattened ! Ifo'!*: together with AVagons, Corn, Fodder, Plantation Tool*. Ac. The sale to continue from .lay to day, uatil all is sold. Terms of sale: On the Land, credit for one hnlfofpuix chase money one year, on the other half two year*. On the Negroes. 29 per rant, caali. same credit for balance aa on land. F'»r the |s'riahable property, one half caoh, bal ance credit for on*' year, except for sums of twenty dollara or under, for which cosh will he required. Notes with strictly approved security and with Interest from .lave, will be raxiuiraxl on all credit sales, before tbs dgltvery of the properly. I’nrchoM'ix will have the foeilily of the Central, and Augusta and AVayneslK>r»' Railroads to attend the sal*, aud fine accommodation* near. Mik'KS 1*. GREEN, Exr. AVavnealmao’, Dec. 12th. IMS. dec 14 Th* Augusta Chronicle A fientlnel. Const iiutloaalM A Kepiiblk', ami Milhxlgevills Recoraler. will inmit until day of sale, am! forward account* to this offira. ■ew amt eld, landing and MINIM A JOHNSTON. dec IS