The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, January 01, 1856, Image 1

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IE REPUBLICAN i. ri-ui.isMiKii JAILV, TBI WIEKLY. AND WEEKLY, W. ALEXANDKlt & J. U. SNEED. o 3 l., J * \ . I _ :* Ct* 'I’XJESDA.Y MOANING, JA.2ST XJARY 1, 1856. NUMfilR 1: p»p«r, In AdYAnoe IAOO not Paid In AdYunca, 0.00 futfj In AdYnnoo 0.00 not Paid In AdYnnoo 4.00 ■ly Paper, Invariably In Advanoo,.. 0.00 ,b Price: Ton Coplei for 18.00 In no ruo Kill mi onto forth* l*ip#r lio Mlcmlrtl m« nccompanlinl with uiumy, orOn Mttifectory ro- ;o to NowYork $20. P.4 Cl r*pi. Win, JIPIC, Cunt. Nyi, BALTIC. Gnpt. Comstock. W YORK AND LIVERPOOL IT. N. .11 All. NTRUIKHN. Tlllt SIIIM (OMPKItlNO Till* LINK AM ATI. 4 NTH?, I BAI.Tr* tlnm. ADRIATIC, Cnpt. Their ships having been built by contract,expressly forgovcMiinont service. ov. i ry cate hi* been taken In their wnttntctlon, nt alto luthelr tuques, to unsure ,, rnngtn nut! tpeod: Qnnd tfc >m nmUtinii* for pnrengers are unequalled t'lnucu ir ornfnrt. „ .*)• passage front New York in Liverpool. In first . ?l»i: In seemil ctbl'i, * exchulvo mo of ex- itcwiam n» ra,«325. From Liverpool to Now Vork, and jC-.ii rvperlunred 8nr*oon attaehe<l to each ship, uerttis evi h« secured until paid for. pkupimkd dates of hailing. from Xne York. from f.irtrpoil. ln.77 18.75. n*«lav....Jati.‘!4 .l8Vt|«alurdey..,.4an. 13..IMS •if,i| iv.... i-'eb. 7.. I ^VM^atnrday ..Feb.*.*?.. I«t5 noo-Jay.... F-.-bdl.. I833| Saturday.... Fob. 10.. 1833 1Sat nrduv... ..tail. 84.. 1833 For Freight nr PnMnge apidy tn \RD K. CttLIJNA, 30 Wall streot, N. V. tVN, H||ipi,K% At CO., I lYorp.Mil. pll I’,V. K F.NN \Bl> k Cl i,'.*7 Au»iln Friar*, London, tv \IN IVKIGIIT A. CO., Parli,nr .11. lilt \P-.R, Havre. r lie owner* of there ships will lint ho account a- , r gill. -I vor, bulll >n. spicte. Juwelrr, |.red"iia ., or me al», uuhtss lillla of lading aro algnud •or, mid the vain© thereof ev pressed lliorein. i»licr« ploaso tnltfl r-»tlco, that the ship* or this rniu-it carry any goods contrab ind of war. •i mwfly . il VMit. UF NliillbUITI.U S and ufvr Sunday the 14th October, Instant and mu I turGior u dice, the I'lissungi-r frulus oil the ral lUI.rwul, will run a* follows: BKT.VKKil SAVANIMtl AHI» KAGOH, veSavHiitodi A a n., and 18 1.3 r. M. ,« at Aim-on ».anrt l x. n V 11.47 a. M ,and 11.30 r.M. »••• at 8,IV:,HU h 10 4.7 f. H . und 7.8U a. M. oartvaxN savxshaii anii *rni-*TA. w AAvnnu.ili 18 5r M.< and 8 30 f. M. nt 8.43 p. M.. and .7.3(1 A. M. fl A. M . uml 4 30 P. M. iVfl III $* 0111111111 t 3« p. M. and 10.43 P. M. OKTlVkiKX MAruN AMU At'OI'HTX. .. Mar... 11.47 a. M , and 0 3» P. M- mat iiiiuva 8.4.7 p.M.,aud 5 31 a m. ve tiunm II A M- uml 4.3u p. M. mnt Alacoii ‘2 15 r.M ,h»d I A. M- •VK»:N AVAMAtl, MtLLKDOKVILLt ANO BATOPTON, ve 8»Ynnnmt a. h. vein Mllieilxevl.le 8.47 r. n i’u Alnevn ,.,..,,..,,11.4.7 A. M* ve In Liitotiton *7 P : M. tt M. M. VVADLF.V. vfliinah. (ia , l-Jih <»ct., 187.7. »m *3 South Western Hail Hoad* Cl!AMIB OF tCIICUULB. tttTMI-WF.KKI.V. I*.vITP.D MMTIll MAIL 1,1 XE« new and •ni.Mi'll<l#l<ln whed ate unships: 'Nii.WIM.i-:, 1,.3'iiMona,Capl 0. I> l.i'uiow. itf(U*8r\, IvVW •« •• Tuna. t.YOH, 'I.'111111 \. 1.300 * *» M, 8. WnnoilVM., 11.7HAM \, 1,3*0 »» a G. U.di UBXCK, Will I live BnviiMinb fry WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. no »Mpa are nmnntr (he larxeal nil the coast, HO* osetl In s|H*eil, safely nr, tnaklnu Ihefr pe tn A ty in alx y hour*, and are commanded u> d, eanniii a d (Millie nittcera. Having elegant rnnm nciM'nmndallnu*, they offer a most desirable t< i,nee in Now York. Cabin Pm-s-irq i... .f80 S:n*raw dn 8 cuts: PAtlKLFOUD, FAY h CO., 8avannab. ANM’L. L. MITCtllLla, t3 Umadway. .etff, 187.7. New Volk. Irou Front Jewelry Store 7VllUt.ti.SALK AND RKfAIL, No. 116 Droufhlon-$t.t bettonti Dull b( Whitaker -ar, The largest mid best selected slock of goods M)a ever offered for sale In this city. Gold and 8||. J8-* J|Y«r 77'otelu-a. Veit, Fob and Guard Chalnaxeta to. OH of Jewelry, Chalolnnea, llracvlets, llronohea, 0«e thiinond work Finger Kings Hllvcr Castors, Tea Pets,Plickeis,«obh-t*, '’ups, cake hmkota, 8po»ns Fmks, Fish Knives Flo Knives, Cheeso ricoups. Ladles, Hyphen*. Also, all kinds of Plated Ware, Military and Fancy Hoods, mul u groat varlely of nrticles too nuttier, oils in mention t the wholo of which will bo *old at re duced priors. All kinds tif Watches, Clocks, Jewelry an Jollier Job* blng attended to by e.nnpetcul hand*, ect 17 HORTON fe RIKF.MAN. m«KEC & nERRFsTT* CARRIAGE & HARNESS REPOSITORY, COllMilt OF 7VK8T 11110AK AND BAY-ST8.. SAVANNAH, OA. 77'ould call the attention of the dtLcns of Oi-orgla, Fouth Caro* linn, Florida, Alabama and Tun* neuco, lmth«-lr largo and spU-u* did stodF ef Comh -s, I'hi-atons. ■ very-variety and lkriuis mid Uockauays, i-nibinclng ovory t * .light If * # “-- style now In u-e: ul*», light Itockaw.iy t for ono hors.*, to* gel her with Buggies of every description, w ith and with* out tops. Among our stock will bo found nil of the most fashion* able styles, combining KLKUANCB 7V1TI1 L1UIITNKSS AND 8TIIENQTIU llnllt by 7Yni. Dunlap nnd other reliable builders in Philadelphia, whose work has a reputation for Lightness, Durability and Neatness, unsurpassed by nny other tuatt* ufactures in the Union. *- . „ There may also be fouml among our stock selections from tho vstnV>ll»kment of J. M. Uuuuy k Co., ttaldwtn k Thomas, and other celebrated manufacturers in Nuwark, X. J.,J. II. Godwin and others In New York. Antwerp k King, U. Ferris kCo.. Hale k 77'cterbury, aud O. k D. Cook k Co. In Now Haven, all or which are built ex* pre-ly for us, nnd w hich wo do not hesitate to warrant in every particular. And W» feel rontldcnt In stating that we hnvo now on hand n Stock Hint wo think w ill meet the approbation and wnuts of the public, and which Tor variety nnd extent Is not surpassed benny In tlio Southern Country. All orders ihnll hnvo strict aud prompt attention. 11. C. M. KLK, Savannah. Ih*c. 111863. 1.8. HKNNKTT, New Carnage Ware-House, ...igressanl Montgoiiierv , ... on hand and is constantly receiving, a largo aud baud* some stock of OAimiAGrES, Consisting of Cwv bc*. Itockuwavs, Tcpnnd No Top ling- gies, Carriages, llarroiiclies, nnd Wagons of every descrip tion, calculated to suit the moat fa-tidions, mid aro made of the best material, ami the most celebrated builders of Newark, New York ami New- llnvcn. All of which will bo sold low, and warranted togivo satisfaction. A call is rcspcctfiilly solicited. 44. TV, UAUDCASTLK, Corner of Congress nnd .Montgomery streets, f. B. ItKI'AUllNG ol nll kinds done in the best nmn> nor, and ns low as the times will admit. nov 8—ly ... immiiigs, Linen Cumbric ICdkYs; Embroidered mid Cotton 11‘dk t*: Noodle-worked and Lace Collars aud sleeves, a very great vnrlelyj Kiiglldi thread, Mnltese nnd 7'nlenclenu.cs trices; Ulack Ulmpure do; Gents Fancy Cravats and FcarfsiUon* net. and narrow Trimming Itlbbon, white and colored Sash do., Ac. Just received nnd for »nlo by nov 0 DtW’ITf ft MORGAN. the very Latest. CENTRAL RAILROAD. iwNiwe T typo, and in nppeuraucu will bo second to none In tue United States. A Southern llauk-N’oto List Is essential In every Dank, Counting House, nnd Public OIUco. Let us unite In ad vancing our common Interests, nnd not permit Northern men mid Northern Detectors to fluctuate our mon-*y mat ters as they may wish, while wo are quietly following their dh-tnllon. The work will b? carefully revised on tho day of pub lication. mid all important tlnam-inl changes, as thoy oc cur, noticed, livery exertion will bo made to make it a correct nnd rclinblu guide to the Hanker, and Merchnnt. Hot -I Proprietors, brokers, Auctioneers, Commission Merchants, nnd others desirous of having tIHr names and bushier* widely ,1 .-minted, are Info; ii.ed that n limi ted number of advertisements will be Inserted. Special rates for advertising by the year, or for shorter periods, may bo known by applying to any of my Agents, or at tho ofllcc In Atlanta, tin- . * Specimen numbers will ho sent, on application by let ter, free of charge. AU coiwtwunl'-Atlon* Intended for tho Bank-Note Ms; and Detector, must bj addressed to Swan’s Ilnuk-Noto Lilt, Atlanta, (in. SAMULL SWAN. Jambs Itonuirrsox, General 20—3m o fa rstugcr Crains dally lo Columbus ’» AND AFt’ti.t MIN DAY, August 37, passenger nnd m ill trilm iv.II leave Macuit f irCoIiimlnuaiid Mont* .... us at ,\15 A. M. and lo.:w P. .71. Leave Columbus M .c m <1 illy at 4.10 A. M. an 1 3.3JP. M,. arriving at n m ln.| , A. M. ami 8.MP.M. u< ii? -i- f *r Aiii'-ricus will Like tho morning train nt A-«. fr«i.H Macon, arriving at Anvirlcns at «.W A. L'-ave Aiuvricus at 0.40 A. M. and arrive at Macon 0.15.4. M. an ciin? at Macon each way with tho Central Hail- 11'raiii* to Saviinnnh, Augaitn, MHIshIsuvIIIu and Kn ot; an I with Macon and Western llnilnin l Trains to hi. Atlanta, Dalton, Chattanooga, Knoxville, and !n ill**. •on -cling daily at Columbus, with Olrard and Mo- Railroad. •nn-ctiug daily nt Atncrlcu* with fonrehorso post :|| to Tallahassee, Albany, Tlioiiiasville, Ac., tri-»v« kly Hick Line to Lumpkin, p-iint* on this Ibmd “ below Fort Vnl- " «*l take the I o’clock evening train from Sa uk. uml 6 o'cl-N-k evening train from Augusta, to I *1 t.'iiti'in ut Macon: for other points on South •t-rn, or Muscogee llailroads, passengurs will have l-telition Ly I?itl,-r trains. nt i.'l im .-t amaliip leave Savannah for New York In-slays an I Satur*lays, nnd for Philadelphia on lu •» lays. Passage. Ill the Cabin, 3-D; Steerage, |S Grom Montgomery to Savannah, $1300 “ Columbus to do 000 Atiierlcust-r do 880 M tcon.nngS '66 GEO. 77'. ADAMS, Superllitendtiit, (If) nil? 11 ^ ANDREW FEMALE COLLEGE, 3UTHBUI1.T, GrUOnGrlA, Hilo •.-ntir-i « liolastiu year of tills Institution, by a joint rivohition of the Faculty nnd Tnistess, has throui, into one term, coiiiinenclng on tho First ■lay in .'‘••ptciiiber, mid closing on commencement Tiiursduy ut(«-r the fourth Sumlay in June. FACULTY: L0LSTU3 ALLEN, A. 31., President—Profcrsor of -litli Literature ami Ancient Languages. BJ*- J- H.CALD7VELL, A. M.-Professor of 31c Moral l l liilo'Hi|diy, B7*. T. X. F 1K.4TEII, A. M.—Professor of Mathematics Natural j-cieiin-. 188 ANN li. AI.DHN—Principal Primnry Department liutructres* in Uolnny nnd French. II. I.IGNo.*KI—Principal of Muslt Depnrtmen - . IIS. L. K. GRANT AND MRS. E. T.CALDWFLL— nm-ntnl Rranches. Ids Instil in ion now presents to tho public, advantages th few poss-ss. A lurgouml elegantly cons! i or ted egoediiire; oik* of the largest Chapels ill the Wtato; wcetsary iml-Lultdlngs and enelosnre; a boardlr.gdo- ni.-iit. tilted up In the most m at ami comfortable *. and unler tin* superiiilemk-uce of the tea' tiers ns.-lves: with tho w'bole dotnestiu department under careful direction of ladies of cxp-rrcnce, added to nil fiteilltli-s for a lborough course of instruction which phuiUr institution can offer. It will be «.-cn by refer- » to our catalogm*. that our rams or Hoard ami Till- aro less than cmii bo fouml *1*0where. This fact, In times or pecuniary pressure, is worthy of the con- ration of those having daughter* to <-<tucato. ie Hoarding D-partim-nt w ill be un*ler the direction li'h-nt Abb'ii ami la*ly, an*l Prtdessor CnMwell and Wills spacious ami comfortable dormitories, largo convenient closets, now ami elegant furniture, good experienced servants, nnd tables ruriilihod with tho that the market affords: together with n wholesome parental discipline, wo hopo to lm-r»aso the liberal -otinge with wliich this Institution hns hitherto been M. F. X. Soc'y Fv,,|t r . utlihert. July 80.1866.nng7—Jan 1, *60. Igleftjprpo Medical College, AT •AVAWWAH, GrA, THU HKSSHIN (IF LliCTUHES In tho abovn InsHtm tiou will comntenro on the first day of November terminate on the 1st of Mnr<-li. lie Clinique at tho College building, will be opened to isuts on tlm 20 th of October, nnd bo continued through- the session: lie Faculty |*fonslltut«d as follows: I. L. HYIID. M. I).. Gate of Savannah Medical Collegl,) f-ssor of the Principle* and Practice of Physic. Lr.KOY ANTONY. 31. lb. (or Wavnrsltoro, Go..) Pro- lldi <»r of obstetric* and diseases of Women nnd Children. i’lWLKY r. NORWOOD .71. lb. (of Cokealniry, 8. 0..) if-ssor of Materia M'-dlra am) Medical Jiirlspradsnoo. A7IIM 8. MOREL, M.D., (or Savannah, Ga.,) Professor Anatomy. •MIN DA VLS, M. D., (of.Abbeville, 8.0.,) Profoiwr of rs'ology. * VM. T. FRAY. M. D., (of Savannah, Ok,) Profossor of yniKtry nnd Phannncy. SEE •7(,tD < ... » XIAULKttOANAIIIr, M.D., (af Savannah,On.,) Pso- mr pro ten,, of the principles and Practice of Surgery. MnnmtmMr of Anatomy, R. J. NUNN, 5f. D.. (of 8a- 'ho fees will lie—Itoo for tho entlra course of Lectures: Demonstrator a (to; Graduation ^80 J ftlatrlcuhtlon .rrangements hav# W* n made by which studsnU can accommodated with good hoard at from to $4 jwi nr further Information, addruaa Id 28 II. L. IlYRp, M. D„ Dean, NMTKhTj ORA NT, or tliu hist 77’lfe.arlinrtnlng 4novel,by a,i iiuknownniitli'ir: Clinrh-s Viivaasenr.or (lutcait Heir, by J, Frwh-riek Smith, author of “Amy r fence, •‘MliiiiloGrey,'’ ‘-Hu* Howard." Ac. ForMlI „ . .. 7VARNHCK k It AVIS. ^ ^Itooksollersand Stationers. No. l6UC^ugrew st KAflTEllX HAY* per Prig A. tintWkice. P< r COR. CONGRESS ANO MONTGOMERY STS. MC «,n THE UNDKRS10NKD respectfully In- forms tho citi/ensof Savannah and sur- rounding country, that lie has completed Jits new CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE, jyorttfln jgnstntan gartta. MRIIHIHN AJUNIDi, 1, lit/UKK COUNTY, GA._ 7VAYKS.IORO, IIUUKK 0411 1’rnctlco law in Rialimmid, (lurke, Washington, Scrlveu From S. M. Pittmgill A-Co.’s ^erlUing Jlgeoey. II Xooiaa et* Jtem York, and Xo.W itale ot , notion. P.tcCo aro A pouts (or tho most Influential nun Ur- •U circulating Commercial paners both In the United tales and theUtmulns. . VS A V ISA W. 7Vitt-iH | sboro's tin* ltel'oronco Messrs.A.J.4c T. 7V, Miller, Augusta,Go. octu ‘y ATTORNEY AT LA' . Fer»vtli.<2a.« . Will practice in the Flint and atUnJnlng counties of tho ' 7 Macon L’irenit. if Jan 7 nnv3tf. Blawilcellos fimt. 7VILLII3I RU7V.4UUN. ATTOUNKY AND L‘OUNBRLI.OH-AT.t.A7V, flllniiito|ty,-riorldns will pracllco In Ihu Courts of East ami South Florida.! Itereronces—Tnntin Pinkney at l?o., Charleston. 8, Cos Plenum, HehU It Co., Suvaiitiah, Ua.; Cooper it Mother, Mlcanopy, Fla. inarch VO iy* SAMUEL tV. PIIPPEH, Successor to HENRY J. PEPPER 4c SON, tVntcliosi, Jewel ry nnd flllvor Ware, No. 175 Chetiwt si., opposite the State Houee, Plillauelphlia. may 30 Ijr^ WlitGn 31. TUN NO, Factor & Commission Morchant, For Ploriila am* Kouthern Georgia Produce, NORTH COMMERCIAL WHARF CUARLBSTON, S. C. AND 97 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. may 7 fltno j Wil.l.lA31 J.* ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wnrronton, Geo., 7VIII pracllco in thi Northern Circuit of Georgia, and thccnuiitlasof Uurke.foluinbln, Jefferson nnd 77’a»h- Ingion, of the Mlddlo.t-’lrrult. FULTON HOUSE, ATLANTA GEORGIA, RY A. B. REEVE4. Atlanta, March 14. I H .73. FANCY DRY GOODS. and other stylos of GLOVES. Dress Trim HI Tho vory Inst Fall Style of Uou(lemon's Fino Silk ’ML Dress Hats hnvo been received; an lusiieetioti Is rci|tcctfully solicited. X. K. BARNUM, nov 0 Hat and Cap Store, 160 Congress street. ‘FOll SALE, l SMALL lot of Rice Field Hands for solo. L A 3Ian tlO yours, a woman ‘-7 years, A man 23 years, a woman 22 years, A woman 40 years—all sound and orderly. Apply 7V31. 7V RIO I IT. SADDLERY WARE-HOUSE. Young's llulldlug, t-ign or tku UOLUEN SADDLE, oriDstTE w. it. nujiogs* cloiiuno storc. W. H. MAY & CO. Have on hand a good assortment of Saddles. Itridles and Harnesses, of which the following comprise a part " , - “ iiltF S|uitiLh Quilted, Overlaid and SliaRon Saddles, Plant- i r's largo and extra largo Saddles j 3Ien's plain do.; Eng- lli*h do? Roys' nnd Race do.: Ladle*' Saddle*, of a variety of pntterns; Hridlcs ami Mnrtengnles; Saddlo Dags, Trunks, nov 13 SWAN’S BANK-NOTE LIST AND DETECTOR. Published Stnii-Manthry rt Montgomery, Ala , At 99 00 Per Annum, In Advance, SADDLER'S MATERIALS.—Saddle Trues, Skirtingand Hogsklns; Pad do.-. Straining aud Worsted 77'cb; Thread nnu Tacks, assorted sixes. HARNESSES.—Coach, Ilaronclie, Duggy and Sulky Itnrnesses of nil kinds, by tho single set. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS.—Durouche. Duggy & Sulky Springs and Axles; Do»h Frames: Hobbs nnd Hows, by tho single set: Plated and Brass Stump Joints; plninth *" —iln di)4 b • patent Dash Leather. Top and Curtui narrow Laces, variety or patterns; Fringe; black nnd purple Coach Roans: Duggy *“ ‘ * * * 'Currimr • brond anil Plated and Dross Carriage Hands; Dross atul Plaitcii Knobs, Ac. July 23 LOCAL EVIIICNCE OP THE V^ILUE and Fire-Proof Qualities of WILDER’S SALAMANDER SAFES, AU MANfraCTCRKn BY STABNS & MARVIN, NUW YOHK. IN TilF. flroofthe 3d Inst., which ennsumed tho btlck building, necu- .Mr. John T. riinmna oppnalio tho Gas Works In this city, was n Snfu of tho nhnvu dcicrtption, cantiituluc tho luinks, papers oiil moticy.of Mr. Thomas and ulthougli tho build ing was destroyed, tho anlil s»af- siintwtiu-tl no Injury whatever I'rninthe Inti-tiso heat to wiilch It hud hueli exposed, opening the Sole, the STOVES-STOVES-STOVES, THE XK7V WORLD COOK STOVE sold by the suh-n riburs, is acknowledged by nil who havo seen or used them, to bo tho In-st ami most convenient Stoves for linking, Hoaxting and Drolling, sold In this city. 71 o have sold n Urge number since they lins-obeeii Intro- iltieed Into this market, nil of which hnvo given perfect satisfaction In ovory particular. Thoy are so cons! meted In tho bottom oven plates, that thoy afford more heal than nny other Stovo now- In tiro. They lire well titled, very heavy castings, nnd largo ovens. 7Vo havo flro slices. 7Vo are selling them lit very low prices. The o|ieration of this Stovo Is warranted. 7Ve have ulso a pretty ns-ortinont of Store, Hall, Ofllco and Bar-Room Stoves, which wo are selling nt vory low prices. We would tw pleased to havo you call aud ex amine licforo purchasing. , . . dec 10 LOVELL k LATT1MORE. C 'lituiits were i'jii iU ut.ittxttirlioiLniul In the same order mil condition tie win it placed there, except n alight diicnlornthni to Hie projecting ends of a few pupera, aid ihobnekanf onoor iwool the books, cam-oil by tae stoaiu generated In tho Safe, wtillo at Its grenlost hint. The Safe ami cnntont*.ns ll came from (he ruins, may still bo seen, lu the pnitt-si'nii or Mr. Thomas, at ths Gas Works. A largo assortment of thoso eulubrated Satis always on baud, and for solo try G. II. CAMPFIELD, Agent tor Manufacturer#, July 81), 1833. 171 Ray si., Savannah, Gn. I inlto ploasuro In carrob-rating tho foregoing state niHii, and In addition would add tt ttiHil, nu'd lit addition would add thul tho bouksnre now lit 1180. J.T.Tllu.71 AS, Wood Yard,Ferry Wharf. July ‘20.1853. , oct ‘24 FIREfiXSURANCB' NEW TIN STOIC 1-1 AND NIIKUT-IIION MANUFACTORY, NO. 141 SOUTH WttST MSRKBT SQUSRN ORYX!* STRBKT. t 7VOUI.H Inform myntd friends nml pst-, I havurqMMied Ihe ahovo store, to con duct the S ovu*Tin nml *.,(»«• Iron liu«liie«a In all Its various forms, where will ho rmiml a general variety of Stoves. Tin and Sheet- Iron 77'erir, which I will he pleased to show you. ami ul such prices as will satisfy you II you want to purchase. A) kinds of Rooting, Gutters of Lend, Galvanized Iren 7Vork of every description, Jnb 7Vnrk and Repair- lug executed with de-pit.'ll,Old Stoves p«t up and Pipes furnished at short notice. ^ , Tin-Warn nt Wholesale and Retail. Call down Bryan street. It will pay you Ibr the walk, nov 3 JOHN J.MAUIHUE. Agent. STAtcMi.NT of thu “Norwich Fire* limimuco Conipnny of Narwlili, Connecticut, mi the Oth duy of June, Cup tal Slock .$160,000 1856. Surplus 5.320 00 -1 00 $165,3-. ASSETS Of TIIC COJIP4XT. 321 fImres Dank Stock In various Dunks $30,009 00 23 “ Incorporated Coni|utnics oilier than Banks «... 270 00 Notct on demand, #ecure<l by Mortgages on Dell Estate, Domli. Dank Stock nnd other grail personal security 121.800 00 Cash in hnmls of Agents 2 <K)0 00 “ In Dank 1,150 00 OPENING 1'AI.I. AND 7VINTLII MILI- NEIIY GOIIII7. ,, , ioL MRS. C. FREELAND will upon tills day, 18th of October, a largo nml selected assortment of goods, coiislatliigof French, Silk, and Satin pmiitru Runnels; also a choice lot of plain and colored Straws, Ribbon*. Velvets. Luces, Fluwors, Feathers, Embroideries, Dress Caps and Hoad Dresses. Iloniiet* Cleaned and Pressed. N. II. And this Seaton, In the Dress makl»g depart- merit, she sill be enabled »o pleaso her customers in every respect «s to Fining. Making and Trlmlng. as she hns advantages of procuring the best ami most ap proved Paris F.Milnns. monthly, having also engaged thesorvlcus of a competent person from Gib North.— She will p ty pirtlculaf niionilon to tho Making. Ilrald- Ingantl Embroidering of Children's Dresses. Dtessos marie lu tbe most fashlnrinbln manner In twenty-four hours- mTunOIJOIITON STREET/ oct IK Opposite st, Andrew Hall. Just PnbllGied, bv Hid BIOWAIK IB AVIOUMTION.PHILA. I^EPf'IlT ON HPER71 AToRRIIOUA, or ttemlnnl $165,32100 M.tMtJTIES. lA>» t'snrlju*tc<l,urni'IJU!»tL'd or claims for los*w»—none, Lla'Hitlcs to any Dank, Corporation or individual— ttono. Total amount at risk (about) 3,400,000. The uuuunt at haranl mi any risk, (with very few cx- caption*,) not over .7,000. A BREWSTER, President. E. f.t.uiNcn, Jr., Secretary. Norw ids. Conn., June 9t h. 1865. PcnMinlly np|*enrei| Iteftire tho undersigned, Mayor of tlioclty of Norwich. Ir. said State, A. Brewster, ProHidt-iit, uml E. Learned Jr.. Secretary of tho “Norwich Flro In sum re Company,"nml inndosnlcmnoath to tho truth of tho ahovo stntenu-ut. signed by them. I also, certify that 1 hnvo examined tho report of raid Compa ny, nnd And tho above to ho n correct statement of tho Huiiionndthntthciiotcnamllounson which n part of said rnpitnl Is Invested aro In my opinion good aud well , secured. ; In testimony wheroor. 1 havo here tn#et my hnnd and . caused tho seal of the .city to bo afllxcd, tills 0th day of i J u no, 1856. f L. Si 7VILLTAM L. DRK7VER, Mayor of the city of Norwich. Tho unlerslgned Is agent for the ahovo ofllre, nnd Is \ «ity. .«■ 7Vcakiiess, Impotmico, tho Vico of Onsnismi .Masturbation.or SaT-Ahiite, nnd other Diseases nl tho Hoxunl OtRniis, with an account of tho errors and de ceptions of Q'tsoUs, xml valuable Advice lo thu Adllcl- rd,ly Geo. U Calhoun, 31. |».. ronsilHItiff Surgcou of Jyi* llij lf..wnrd Association. Phtlmlolplda, P», a honovo- lent liistitiitloneslahlishedliy special ctidowmant. lor tho tclinfol the sh-k nnd dlMreused, afll c o<l with “Vlr- ulont and Epidemic Diseases.” A copy of the above .. . .fllud, .... -jpld ..... - Reimrt will tiosont by mnll, (In n senlwl envelopo), (too or charge, on tho receipt Two Kminp* Tor Poslnue.— Address DR GKO It CALHOUN, No 2 Bouth NINTH Ht.. octlff—«od3m__ JjNLOUR.—600 hogs Georgia Flour, ' 60 bugs extra Georgia Flour, *“**• nOeorglnFf 60 bids extra Ocorgln Flour, 20 I ibis extra Canal Flour. Jnst received, and for sale by dec 17 BCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. c HOICK IjIQ,UORB.—lu lilf pipes 0. D. k Co.'s Brandy, (our uwn Importation,) * 6 pipes ”3Iedcr Swnu"Gln, 2 puncheous Old Jnmnlca Burn, SAVANNAH DRY DOCK. To Ship Owners, Masters & Consignees of Vcaacla. T UB subscriber respectfully informs them that tho Savannah Dry Dock Is now in successful ojwrntion, and it is calculated to tako In ships of nny class front 100 to 1500 tons burthen. It Is 230 feet long and 05 feet wide, uml complete in every particular. A largo gang of work men Is employed and a largo supply of materials Is on hnnd, so that vessels can bo repaired with as much dls- S mtcli as in any other port. Pump nnd Block Sinking and imlth's work aono on tho premises nnd every effort mndo to Insure economy nnd fidelity to thoso who may favor tho Dock with tlielr business. D.P.LANDKIISIUNE. Ag't and Superintendent. :k,r • feb24 Late of Marsh's Dock. Charleston. 2 puncheons Old St. Croix Bum, 20 uhls MouongahMa 7Vlilskey, 10 bbls Old Sfonongsheta 7VhIskoy. In store and Just rrcalvrd. Tor ssla by dso 17 BCRANTON. .TQltNgTON k CO. CHOICE LIQUORS AND WINR8. ‘ ’ ‘ 9 drill" * • — - • 50 nnd 10 ,r ‘ CMkl ltTy f. clmlro old Modena 74'ino, « hnlf pipes pine 8a*era»i Brandy, . pljvcspwvu Uniland Gin. 2 puncheons Jainalra Rum, 1 pnnchcon “ llMlt|8oy ,, Whiskey, 26 cases very cliolco Old lYhlskoy, 6 qr. casks Port 77'lno, 26 cases Claret IVIno, 6 qr. casks Pale nml nrown Sherry, (10 bnskot* Huldsirk Clinmpngne. For snlo by IIOIA'OMUE J'’ deo 14 H0IX:0MBE JOHNSON k CO. O ATS, OATS.—800 bushels prlnm Sewl Oats, land ing I*er brig 31nrgan-t A. W to veil* from Baltimore. ttJtO, IX STORK. 1,000 bushels prlma 7Vhlto Corn, 60 |ba. to tho bushel, 200 hales elude* Eastern liny, 100 hid*. Planting and Eating Potatoes, 1Q0 hushsli Corn Mi ni, (1 cask* pure Tenm-nseo llrnmly, 0 Mils. Doinestle Brandy. For sale by d,. c 1.7 WAVER A- CONSTANTINE. I ^PLEH.-wi bblr. Apides, landing from hark l 1", |[|[m|M)| , KKU Y f m f RlfiSII OROUND CORN MEAL. — foo Backs, Just received by railroad, for sale by ' II Till. Y. YONOE, No-04 Dsy sttssL B TO RICE PLANTERS. T HE Subscriber Is Agent for tho Nile of “ Anderson’s Patent Rico Iluller.” It Is compact and portable, tnay bu werksd by hnnd or horse power, turning out ac cording to size of marblin', from 20 to 600hiishe|s per day. ** * ‘ * ’ "In* snmo may bn seen by application 77*31. P. YONOK, No. 04 Bay st. HARPER FOR DECEMBER. M ARPER'S new 3!unth!y 3lagazlne for December.— This number commences tho twelfth volume—now timo to snhscribe. Call early, that you may pro- cure the first number. Graham's Afnorican Sfonthly Msgazlno for December. ——ALSO,—— Lllv IliiNtn: or. Enrl.v Slniggle4*3!idst Continual Hopo. A Tale of ll amble Life, by Allen Gray. Deceived nnd for sale by 7VARNOCK A DAVIS. Ilonksellcrs nnd Stationers, No. 160 Congress nt. doc 3 COAL FOR SALE. TT A RGB Lump Is-hlgli, 1 A Rod Ah|i^(broken ami scroenod,) Poll Vnrtnr Lump Coal. Pinltir* (Rlrhinomil Coal. Onlera reri'lsed, and Cool delivered to any part of the city, by application to GEO. A. McCLKBKKY, .lrc3 PorreTs Buildings, Bull street. 17 barrels" of lids superior lALKinkC ALE. 1^ brand, dime! imiairtatlon. landing from ship Plain, don. nml for sale by 31INI8 k JOIINHTON. doc ll . • ^A!j SODA, &e.-1,U00 III*. sii|Nirior SolStala, 10 boxes <?imtil« Soap, 160 ll»-. A-vrted Gnui Drop-. Jnst received, and for sale by JOS. 31. Auent, dec 3 Market Pipiaro. ami lllark Click ciolli-. Park Flnnm-lM. Knglisli anil French Morlima, Printud 3Iu*lin do lailm-s. Stella Phnwls, Iluy Statu do, Black Merino do. dr. For Nile by DalVlTT k MORGAN, % Ribera'* DuiliUngs, Congresnet. XrU)=Yovtt aaucrttormratn CORRUGATED, WROUGHT IRON AND WIRE SAILING! (SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT.) — FOB PUBLIC GROUNDS, CEMKTK- DIES, Cottages, Balconies, Ac. This now article of our manufacture, particularly commends itauirto favorable notice. Iron Bedsteads, with |>atrnt 77'lro Sackings; n variety of Folding Iron Dedsteads, Wrought Iron Farm Fence, 77 Ire Netting, suitable for sheep, poultry, garden or cemotery llmce; 77 Iro Trellises nml Summer-Houses, with every variety or Wire 7Vi.rk for gitrdetis, Ac.: Sieves, Fenders, Brass, Copper and.Iron 7Vov« 7Vlro Cloth, Ac. Circulars of design# furnished by tlio manufactim-rs. M. 7VALKEII A PONS, No. 233 31nrkct street, N. E. corner offlth. dec 23—Onto Plilladelplila, (•«. Reed's Pat. Chronometer BN-aiNXl. T HIS Is an Improved Steam Engine, for which Let ter* Patent were granted to Joliti A. Deed, of New _ ter# Patent „ ... York. Jan. 0,1858. The nature of this improvement con sists In tlio increase of power about *20 imt cent., and re ducing tho weight or tho cnglim ono hair. Tlio saving of fuel Is effected by letting the steam In on both sides of the cylinder; doubling tho size oftlio port, nml liulancing tho pressure, removing tho friction and weight of tho elldu valves, eccentrics, cross heads, connecting rods, Ac. Tho exceeding simplicity of this engine, renders It much more durable nml cosily managed than nny other, and when placed upon tho boiler with wheels It Is portable though effective. These Engines received tho Fibst Pane Medal at the great Exhibition In Pari*. There are about seventy-live of them now lu operation, nit giving great satisfaction. PRICKS: ..$160...Dollent and Fitting* $125 “ “ .... 160 .. 300... 4‘ “ 300 ... 400... *• ” .... 400 600... «* “ ... 600 1 Ilorso Engluo... U ” ■■■■•«•«• uw... .... ww All sizes, from 1 to lUO horse power, at tho shortest no tice. Also. Reed’s Pntent Steam Pump, tlio simplest and most durable auo In use, for ralslug water or supplying boilers. Further information tnay he had by addressing TGUdLKY A REED, dec 18—3mo P 0.3 3faldeu Lane, New Vork, fESTABUSHKU IN 1780.! PREMIUM CHOCOLATE* WALTERS RAKER A CO. America-*, French, llonora tide, and Vanilla Cl It tC< tLATEt prepare I COCOA: IIROMA.CO- L’t 1A PASTE: • kteoaStleks.Solu ble, llomupxlbia Olid Dietetic Cocoa; Cocoa Shells; Cracked Cocou.&c. These Manufactures to which FIRST PRKMIfH* llRVO beeil tl- warded bylheclibif luatitnt otts an i Fairs oi tbo Union, are tut f.tnf. FI nicer tn Fruit excellent diet for children, In va- of ike Cocoa, milk n tMs, and person* In health. They pud ••pentd, allay r .llic-r than Indtico the ner vous cxciu-tm nt altcndiint upon tho use of ten or coffee, nml tiro recommended by Drs. 7\’arreti, Jackson, Hay ward, TVaro, and Adams,of Boston, aud by omltiunl physicians cbewh re. Forsalo by all the prlndpsl XJrocors In tho United States, and l*y their Agents. * D.C. .Murray. New Vork; Grant It Twells, Philadel phia ; Thomas V. Uruml'ge, Ihiltlm-we: KmitieU Dud- ley. Cl n. 7VALTEK It AKER 4c Cl L, dee 1*7— 3m Itorehwter, Mass. Merillo iron Pipe Works, MEBBIL & JAQUES, 143 Ccntrc-St New York. M anufacturers and dealers iu wrought Iron, Pipes, Fittings. Tools, aud every description of uppnrotus connected with Steam, Water nml (Ins, for heating and lighting Steamers, Churches, Hotels, Pri vate Dwellings, Uospitals, Asylums, 7'lllagos, Factories Ktlu Vortt auuccttflcmtutn. //hms#,3R1 ttroadway, JVrie f ork. LOOKING GLAS8ES ft PICTURE FRAME UJ.nVI'A OOSY. HORACE V. 8H.LEU, WHOLESALE ADS BET AIL SALE-B00M8, 04 Forxyth-St., New York, M R. If. V. S. would call thn attention of straugers visit ing tlio rlly, and especially those In tho trade, to his extensive WARE-ROOMS AND MANUFACTORY. In tho possession of unequalled facilities, ho Is enabled to execute all orders on tlio lowest possible terms. Tim rule-rooms aro replete with chub-e sm-rimens, and a full Assortment of RICH GILDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Moulding*. Rich Gilt, Ro«o IVoutls, Oak, Slnjile, Zebra and 3lah»gnny, in every variety nnd ronstantly on hand. Orders from all part* of the uulb-0 Stalos uml Cnuailav, executed with promptnerMNicked with Hie greatest or care, A liberal discount allowed to thu Trade. H. V. SIGLER, 04, 07,09and 71 Forsytli-st.. nov 13—3mo* 8 New York. Brooklyn City ” ENGINE ' ST I’AM ENGINE WORKS. 13 Waieretroet* Hrooklyn, N. York- D. P. BURDON & CO., H AVING recently fitted up tho extendvo patubltsli- metit at tho nbovo named place, wu an* prepared to iimiiufacture all kinds of Steam Engine 4 , Rollers, Sugar Mills, Saw and Grist 3IIII#, Pumps and Ui-urlug for work ing 3Hne«, Shafting, Pulleys, Ac., ami are- piriMn-d to fur- nbh cast lugs orevery description. Wo would call the at tention of Southern Planters particularly to our Sugar 31111s. Huvliigpurchnse.l the entirestock of Patterns from the Into tinn oftl. 11. Harixon k Co., N. York, wo cun safely say that wu can turnout a Mill which fur strength, dura bility uml iicntim**, esnuut be excelh .l by any establish ment In tho State#. A long experience III the bnilnc** renders us coiiqielcut to execute auy orders, uml we would advise thomi In give want of Sluchliivry to us u call. Engi nes from 4 to 4o horse tiowt r always ou hand. D. 1*. Bludox, 11. *' oct ‘2*2—3iii- I. N.Coxxux, S. B. Cos sun. FIBST PBEH. GOLD MEDAL HARO FORTES. STEINWAY ft SONS, JIANWCTUIIEKB, SS * 88 Walker Bta., near Broadway. How York, I UKBl'KrmXl.V Bill (1.0 fitonUon of tho public to flmlr sidi-ndld nssortinent of . , . - - iSeuiVgrand and S*ptaru Pianos, which, for volume of tone, elasticity of tourli, henuty of finish. In short, everything Hint renders a Piano perfect. nr« unsure liasseil. They were awanltil Hu* First Pre-iiiium for both klmls, Ui wiiniK'tltlou with Ihe in-st dl-tlngulslmd tnnkers from lWb.ii, l'hiludcltihla, New IV.rk hiiiI Uultliuore. NEW TRIUMPH 1 8TKIN7VAY A SONS hasejud lieon a war* hit the First Premium Gold Medal (over all com|H'tlt«>ra) nt the late Kafr of the Amerlcuu Institute, Crystal Psluce, for the best Piano Fortes. S due 10—tf ami Hulls. Also 7'nlvc**, Cocks, Pumps, Gauges, Boilers and Boiler Flues mndo to order. Our Screw Cutting 3Incliino* are entirely now, nnd our own pntent warranted to do doublo tho work of auy other iu volition. Orders solicited from all sections of the country, and promptly attended to. Jo 23, *65—ly Combs, Ferns, and Fancy Goodu. WILLIAM TASKER,—No-10 Park 1'Iacb. New York, I NVITES the attention of Southern and Western 3!cre chants, to his new stock of Fun#, Combs, Hair, Tooth aud Nall Brushes, Ladles' Reticule#, Perfumery, Soar#, Porte Monuak-#, Jet and Bead Bracelets, Pocket lU>ok*, Dress Buttons, Pin* and Needle#, Hooks nml Eye#, W’ntcli Guards, W'nx, Coral and Glass Bead*, Necklaces, Ac. In dia Itubbcr Combs, Cane-*, Ball# nml Toys of every de scription. Scissors, Rnvors and Ontlcry, Gold ana Gilt Jewelry, Acconleons nml Violins, Including a general nnd a very large slock of English, French nnd German Fancy Goods, which will be nold ut thu Yury lowest prices, for Cash or approved paper. O-Orders by letter selected nnd put tip In tho best maimer. 7V3I. TASKER, may 1—ly P In Park Place, New York, _ The Best Hair Dye. B U. 0.31, BALLARD'S (new article) received the high est premium nt tlio World's Fair ami American In stitute, where It was examined by the dl*tlngul*hcd chemj Isis, Dr.C. Llttloand Prof. John Torrey, nnd prouounccd thu Bust. For #ulo by tho Principal Druggist# In this city—prlco $1. Principal ofllco ami rdoro 498 and 600 Broadway, New 7’ork. mnr 16, '&G—P mar 10 \V. J .UIKNON ,V SON. GRATE AND FENDER MAKERS, 240 Front St. and 930 Broabwav, New York, aug 1—ly P SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. - T HESE machines have long sustained Hie highest repu tation III the United States. Tin: first i-rize—a bold medal—has recently been awarded to them nt tho great Exposition nt tlio Palace of Industry in Purls, and thus they have tho W’orld’s verdict or superiority. (irent improvements have just been added, #o that they ran with-oil noise, with enso to tho operator at doublo tho ordinary speed, so that twicb as siren work cam iib honk ix a day. Tho greatest clothing nml shoo manufacturing establish ment* Iii tho country into these machine* exclusively.— They are coni|H-teiit to perform every sort of work In tlio most perfect stylo. A* them are very great nuudicr* of Inferior or entirely Worthless sewing machine# of the Lcrow k Blodgett Avery, W'iUon, Grover k Baker, nnd other patent#, which have been sold, but cannot lie used to any advantage, we hereby offer to receive all such machine*, nnd nl*o unim proved ones of our own luauuractiire, tx kxciiamix for XF.W AND LATEST IMPROVED MACIIIXE*. oil liberal terms. All old machine* thu* obtained by u* will lie broken up nnd destroyed. For |*arlieulur# apply by letter or personally at our New York Ofllcc. N. It.—I/ical Agent# wanted to mnko sale# of our im- f iroved sewing niucliiiies. To |x>r*ons properly qualified or the business, n rare opportunity lor profitable and pleasant employment Is offered. I. M. SINGER CO., Principal Office, 323 Broadway, N. Y. BRANCH OFFICES: 47 Hunov.-r St.. Boston. 142 Clicsnut St., Philadelphia. 105 Baltimore St.. Baltimore. -' ** —' St. dairies St.. New •223 W'nluut St., Cincinnati. 1S)£ Orleans. Hloversvilb-, N. Y., 334 Broad St.. Newark, N: J. nov ‘21—3m ANDREWS ft JESllP, Commission merchants COTTON AND WOOLEN MACHINERY. Steam Eglncs, Hollers, Mnclitnlala Tools, Brltiiig,ftc. Importers ft Dealli;* ix IIaxitactcrert’ Articles. No. C7 Pine street, New York N. B.—Agents for the Woodruff ft lWach iron \7*ork« Steam Engines nml lloller*. Exclusive Agency in New York for Lowell Mnrhlrn shop, 3Incldnl*ts’TiM»I*. P oct 2—ly PATENT ELASTIC SKIRTS. D A..T XI 8 rf> rRANOB. No. 1 Barclay st New \orl; C AUTION.—None are genuine except they bear tie stump of tho patent. All manufacturer* nnd roller infringing will be prosecuted according t*> law. mar lit innr 18, *60—P MASONIC* L O. O. F.—8. of T.—O. U. A. R EGALIA, Jewel* ami Costumes, manufactured an kept on hand, at the old e#lnb1l#)iim-nt of K. Coml 214 Grand *lroot, Tki*t «*f Bowery, New York. Grib-rsfr<*n tho coiintry|promptly nlten*b-d to. P Je 12—Ty CJAFEN.—F. COTTKNKT ft LU, Iiii|H.rt.-r* of Freud ►3 ami other European Goods, No. 48 Broad st. np 3*>« 18.76. DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE, Corner Broughton nnd Jeffcrson-sts^ Lp Stairs. T IIE subscrRtcr I* now receiving ono of the largest and best selected stock of good# ever offered to thu tmdo In Hits market, to which he invites the attention of mer chants. nug‘2 7VILLTA3I G. FOOTE. UiSTUR!* IKON WORKS, t on THK XJVUh'jtCTVnK OK' WOODSWORTH'S PLANING MACHINES and Steam Engines, 67 PEARUST, lluooKLtx, ft. Y„ opposite New York City. T UB Subscriber bating been engaged for the hut 13 year* ill Hie uhm**t exelilsivo imiliufaellire *»r this uio*t important invention, lYoodsworth'# Pinning. Groov ing ami longing Machine. Inis recently completed tin* largendditIon to Id# already extensive Iron Work*, will execute with dkqwtrli all order# In thu rImivi* line to nil unlimited extent. The unlversiilly acknowknlgevl superi ority of W'ikhIiworth'* Planing 3hu1iinc*, inauufartured by biiii, over all yI hers, rc«|uires no n'Rernlioii. In the immnlaeturo of STEAM ENGINES, wo claim a #u|*erlorlty for i-owcr nml #i#-eU. la-nutyof comtrnctlon nmlflnlsli; and ulso gnnniutee the Engine# to tnimniift 100 |H-r cent more |*ower for tlio Willie money than call l*e furnished l*y any otln-r iimnufaetun-r, nn*l more than UK) |*er cent, wiving In wear nml tear, ns well as a largo saving In thu consumption of fuel. REFERENCES: TO PAM IK* IIAVIXII THE eTKAM LXU1XM X0W IX t'SP. Pardee ft Morgan, No# Haven. Ct4 L. 7V. Slocum, Brook lyn, N. Y.; Timothy Bubal, Astoria, L. I.; Lyons ft Curtis*, Bridgeport. Cl.; Stnmronl Manufacturing Co., Stamfonl, Ct.; Juliii C. Sanford, New Haven, Ct.; Bullin Sanfonl, S. York City; Cbns. F. I#*o#i.-y, Austrian Consul Geuerul. REFERENCE Parties iiayixo the 77*u*n»swo«Tit Pumxu SIacihxm xotv IX t'*E. G. II. Sloat, Kensington, l’ldladeli'hln. Pa.; Kidder k Martin. Wilmington. N. A. L. Clapp ft Co., Montgom ery, Ala.; G. A. Sanford, New Orleans, La.; Hinkle. Guile ft Co.; Clnrinnutl, Ohio; Rnntom, Cold* ft Co., Cleveland, Ohio: Fu#» ft Brothers, Chicago, 111.: J. B. Smith, Mil- wuttkic, 7Vi#4 P. 11. ft L. I*. Eaton, Buffalo, X. Y.; Fore vvnnl ft Smith, Oswego, N. 7’.: John Suurr. Toronto, C. 77’. Order* nnd propo«nl* receive*! by mail or otherwise, from all nail# of the United Slates, Canada, South Ameri ca, and Europe, will bo promptly attended to by Agents wlionro traveling In all section* of the count rv. Letters by limit, addle*# JOHN 11. MASTER. oct 4 3m 67 Pearl St. Hrooklyn, N. 7’. CHEAP GAS LIGHT. T UB BENZOLE GAS LIGHT COMPANY era prepared to furnldi PortndIoOus3!urh!m>**, suitable for .Manufactories. Stun-*. Dwelling IIoii-hd. Steandmal#, Railroad Stations, ftc. There .Machine* are warranted to give satisfaction. They aro munufucturctl under 8. T. .McBougair# Patent, and are the only one# Hint will ope- rate well ill Cidd Weather. The Light produced I* one hnlfchen|H'r than Coni Gits, nml less thiin tho commonest Tallow Caudle*. They are easily nmiinged ami free from danger, nn*l tho prices 2.7 per cent, less than nny other Machim * made. The Company offer for sale State and County Rights for all the Stnte*. All order# should he addre**ed to 8. T. McDOL'GALI., Ag't for the Co. oct £1—Cm 8 321 Brondway, New York. FlilST PREMIUM PIANO FORTEST"' STEINWAY & SON, PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 88 WALK ERST. NEAR BROADWAY, XKW VOHX. RESPECfFl'LLY call tho attention of the public t*> tlielr splendid ussortment of ttemi-gruud nml #qimrc Pianos, which, . . for volume of ttnie, elasticity of touch, beauty of finish, and everything that renders a Plano per fect, aro uiisurpn**od. A# n proof of tho superiority of their instrument*, they l*eg leave to stnte, that at tlio gront .Metropolitan Fair held at 7Ya#hitii:tou, the first premiums In both classes, semi-grand nml two strAigcd, were unanimously award-d to them, although they were In competition with tho must distinguished manufactur er# from Boston. New York. Philadelphia nml llultiumre. Purchasers nml dealer* will find it to their advantage to call and examine for themselves, oct 23 8 tf RANDALL & MERCER’S Cotton Seed Drill. A LL PlRtttora hove realized ths want ora maclUM to drill Cotton Seed with regularity snd certainty. Gnu that- would operate equally’'weR on every lcind of 0 bo SO Rf • * ** — Und, nnd at the wwh* time L . iplf It* construction uml operation that It could bs used by negroes without llstillity of getting out of order. A drill which wo think possense# all them* qualities, wo now offer to Ilia plant ing community. After n thorough trial for tho last two years In different hands on all kinds of Und, we would statu sonin of tho ndvunUgvt to bo derived from tnstr uso. , Dt. The wiving of seed, which wlU amount to enough In idnitting one hundred acre#, to pay for Hie machine. 2ml. The saving oflstMir In planting, one horse and hand only Mug required to ojicu tlio furrow, drop the seed and cover from “even to nine acre# per «tay. 3rd. The great saving nf labor in chopping out, the •cwl Using deposited in u lino ono after another. 4th. Tim great saving in subsequent hoe work, owing ktlio fwt that any good plow-hand ran, In siding, cov er all the first crop of grass in tho drill, however small tho cotton may be, without Injuring the stand. Those advantages all fUrmcr# will appreciate; nnd be low wo give some certlflratvs, from which thn public can lenru liow tbeao drills are appreciated by gentlemen of Urn first standing In our hccUou of tho 8late—all practical farmer*, who hnvo thoroughly tested them, and aro con sequently fully competent t.» decide on their merits. CERTIFICATES: 1 his Is to certify that I planted one hundred and sixty tveres of cotton w/tlii Itundall and Mercer’s Planters, and! consider them superior to any thing of tlio kind I have j ever seen or tried. Tho saving of seed alone would pay i f " r •nachlne* in n M-oson or two, and I think a hand i catidoone-third more hoeing than bo could In cotton planted thu common way, 1 . 8. L. BARBER ; Leu County, Georgia, Joly 13lh, 1866. In reply t# 1 have Messrs. Randal) ft Mercer—Gentlemen. ... .. you is fff this «lnte, 1 ran say with satlsfcclloti. tluit f have Ffgf «“**«» ■»« , drtl , »«i the term of D. A. Yaren! Lsq., w ith gn at success. I consider them to ho of great *7 R r A . v, '“ r ° r ' , 1 , ’ ou ‘ oiiHlilnl of the Uhor arre lti planting’and a great aiivlng of lal*or hi planting, aa they vtpen tho furrow, drop and cover the sV.d with •»ne horse and band. 1 think them worth one hundred , . - - Jhlnk them worth one hundred •Hrk-ro to any planter, that t.lanu full crops of f ..V f "‘‘. my,K ' ,f 1 wouW n °t plant d’erep of cotton t without them for no consideration In tho Minds ofroa- -flfol.'SASns nf Living WIInnKi evrtICV to ! louv, «Tjv A JiclghlM> r *j from day to day, thu wonderful effect# of t Leo county, Georgia, July 12th, 1M5. * DAMS' PAIN KILLER. I - Rvxnrsxf Cut, Onto, i 1 have u«ed Bandsll ft Mercer’s cotton Planter tw» 3Ir. J. N. Ilnrrl*: iKnrPIr—7’our favor of the 2ttli nit. * senson#, nml consider them of great value to the farmer j I have reed enough each year to pay for the Planters*. I* nt hand, aud In reply will say—77V In-gnu selling Perry j lliivt-' 1*11 III ICIIIi.r nml l.'ltl. lit C l.t nul l • Davis’ Pain Killer, and with very littlui lVort on our pnVY; j then I wive at fptuiit om-ViunTthe” labor of"cuitivVthm'ajI ' “ * *' j Issevve*! In so narrow a Un<. that withgUd Sides vve-re small at tiret. but ns it berame km*wn In our 4 tin* coifon isseweai In narrow a line that with *i>od community, the dcmnml incren-cd very rapidly, fat-In- I plowing there Is but little Imo work m-eded. There 3oml <*nr expectation*, nnd every iierson that l*onglitlt saving «*f Immls and horses In planting I should sav wj.nld come after more, and *q*eak In the highest term# they w*-ro worth otielnimlnd dollars each, and recom. of It a* a valuable remedy for nil those ilio-a**-s your , lueti*l every Ihnner to use them. IMituphli t n**}k*- *»f. From those riH-omnti-ndations wo t ft. j). McLENDOV were imlm-cd tmise It in our own faniillc#, aud the good 1 Lee county, Georgia. July 9th, 1866. * * * cfh-cts of tbe medicine won* Imnieiliately apparent. 7Yo i Aff* 1 have been ovuraeeiug forSIr. S, D. Mr Tendon novv cotilinne it* iro* "Hit great satisfaction. 7\'e l.avo .the present year, and fully concur in hi* statements sold mere of the Vnlti Killer than wo ever have slnroor I “hove. DAVISSON 7VAKi*v\ before of any other medicine in Hit* same length of time; 1 * * ' nml vve d.* not hesitate to wiy thut It lias. Riving better I in n, ."i ,al1 * M'-rcer-Gentlcmen: In reply to Keep u large supply In tin* West, it Is Just such a medi cine a* the people want, and they have already found out that tin y can cure the Fever und Ague for 23 ct*. It will cure ni-oUl III on** hour—a severe rough In olio Highl and lin* proved to be thu best medicine lauso for a (Uncas ed sto.-iiarb, ami many other pur|*>*i *. 7'inir*. ftc.. Lockwood t Graham. Slow*, perry Davl# ft Son:—Allow ine to n*l*l my testi mony to Hi*- vulne of vour l*nln Killer. Oil tho 4th lust., my sou was badly burned with tire cracker*,—! im mediately wot for Bonn- Pain Killer, uml w ith some sweet oil |H)ultn*i il It. uml he Is novv doing well. 7 ours, truly, Jacob A. 7Ve-tcrvelt, Mayor *>f the City of S. Y. Ou- ‘-77 presume Iio 3Icdical preiinration over offered to the public has lieen more thoroughly tested than Perry Davl*' Pain Killer. Thousands of person*, were they called upon to <b* so, would cheerfully testify that they have iim-iI it for vaiiou* ill*, with the most satisfactory success. It l# within our own knowledge, that an lm- tueiiBc aiiioiint of suffering Ini* bu n relieved by It. Its proprietor*, 3t*-#*n*. Perry Davl* ft Pun, sitv-o no )>aiu* or e.\|H'tisc in order to satisfy the public. Being strictly honorable men, they observe the utmo*t utiirnnnitv in the nmtiiifiii-tiire of their celecrated Pain Killer. Tlio material* of which it I* composed nro carefully selected— noive twvt live i>«M qvmlUy being us.-d, Bv these nunn*tho high reputation which the Pain Killer Im* long since ac quired, I# nt all times triumphantly sustained. In view or these fart*, we a re by no ineati*Mirpri*cd to learn that 3!c*«r* Davl* ft Son's sales are constantly and rapidly In creasing. 77'hilu wo congratulate our friends gcncmllv that so valuable a preparation n# tho Pain Killer I# place'd within their reach.vve mu«t l*e penuitted to rejotcuut the well.iiierited success of Its liberal nnd enterprising pr<*- prb-loi'*.—j Providence Gen. Advertiser. For the 1,000,000. The V. S. Patent Marble Company, [CAPITAL 105,1100.] No. 898 Broadway, corner 77’alker street, New 7'ork. nil orders for MANTLES, A BE prepared to execute nl TABLE-TOPS, COLUMNS, PEDESTALS, PILAS TERS, SLA IIS. ftc., in iiiiituthni of Sienna. Ilrocntcl, P’ ranee*, Neapolitan, nnd nil fancy Marbles, equal i strength, beauty aud durahlliiy to ri al lunrtdc. nnd In some re*|M'Cts superior thereto, aud nt less than half the cost. Unlike iimrbleized Iron, vvooil or slate, it I# wholly freo from all objection* vvhicli lire urged against mere surface work, where pnitit, copal varnish, ftc. form the temporary polish nml beauty of thu article. 3laii|el# frowv H to $tu. Order# from Builders, Cabinet .Maker* nnd other# solicited, nml satisfaction guaranteed. Agent# Pu tin- principal cities treated with. PETER RENNIE. Pre*T. Lovkl ll. Micki.r.- 1 , 7’. Pres’ Joseph I, win. Soc'y. 8 oct 24—tf TILTON & MCFARLAND, 33 Malden Lnnc, New York- M anufacturers of the ivori.d renowned SALAMANDER SAFES, BANK VAULTS, ftc. Baltimore Depot, 146 Pratt afreet. Boston Depot, 14 Howard street. sept 6—ly SHOW CASES. lloOman ft t’ersli. Mnnufnctui-crM, 37 Ilowery, New York f H AVE the large#! nml chen|H}*t MiH'k of Show Cases ever offered In this city, made In every style; Sil ver-plated, Urn**, Rosewood, Sntlnvvood, ftc. Orders promptly tilled, und gv#»U carefully packed and shipped to any |Nirt of the United State# and Can Sep 4—3m E. J. DONNELL, General CommUalon Merclinnt, No. 140 Pr.AHL-st. (Fourth door from 7Vall-st.) New York. sept 4—Cm Important to Housekeepers ft Dealers. <1 Fcltox-si. and 71 Ukkkm ax-hi N. York. Priuci|ml Office 10!l*Front Street, New 7’*>rk. Factory, N»». 3rt, 37, nnd 38 Ilwdwm street, Jersey City, ryillK Proprictonoftbislongnml well known COFFEE j. nml SPICE K*tnl»R*lim**iit. continue to prepare tlio beet PHARMACEUTICAL P07VDKRS in use, for raising .Mustard, Cocoa, nml ninny other article* of daily im* in every faiiiRv, wblcli they offer u|H>n the most n-nsoimlde term*. Catalogue* sent to denier swim request them. II. II. ft J. G. 1SII.73I. N. B.—Consumer* mlvNed to inquire for Iliqa* Mill* ur tide*. . nng 14—ly SHIEFFEL1N, BROTHERS & CO. | iJironTtRs axd nr^i.m* tx i Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, j dse.Vbci Corner of Broughton and Jeffcrron sts. . UP STAIRS. DRY GOODS BY THE PIECE OR PACKAGE. . T HE siibwcrlltcr hns lit store n general aMortnient ot DRY GOODS, comprising goods of Foreign and Do mestic Manufacture, to which lie would Invito tlio ntten- of purchaser#, uml which lie offers to tho trade on reason able term#. Country 3Ierchaiits visiting thority, will find on an examination, style* of go***l# peculiarly ndanted to tlielr trade. Jan 8 77TLL1AM 0. FOOTE. MEDICAL NOTICE. Z>Xl. W. T. PARK, The Botanic, or Reform Physician of SAVANNAH. TBEOB to nnnouiiee that he has removed his ro- ■ ■ aldenco nnd Ofllre from the corner of Stnto and Jefforaon-street#, to the rornier resbli-ncu and ofllco of tlio Into I)r. Rb-hnnlsnne, on Broilghloinitreet. (between 3tontgom*-rv and 7Ve*t Itroml+treels.) Ilo tender# III* iiumt sincere thank* to Id* follow-citizens In tlio city nnd country, for tho very liberal employment **r hi* profes- alntinl service* nince III* location in Sivuiiiinh, nml takes pleasure In niimmucing that Id* facilities for meeting tho constantly increasing demand# iijhiii him are greatly im* pnivuil. linving employed a competent person to attend espeelally to Ids office affair*. Ladle* may consult him either In III* family parlor, hii coiiiuttlng.rooni, adjoining hi* office, or In Ills offica. Ills consulting-room Im* lieen furnished nnd arranged with c*|ierlnl reference to the convenience, comfort and tn*to or tlmso visiting Idm professionally. Patient* visited promptly and punctually. For term* nnd further particular*, see Id* Medical Joiirnnl. 3mo—oct 1 M. CARY, Tailor, H AS RBIIOVED to the Store formerly occupied by thn Into Mr Alexander, In Bull streot, opposite the Drugstore, where lo-1* prepared to (hit and Make up Gentlemen'* Garment* in tho latest #tv le, nml on the most rciiMiumblo term# forca#h: also, Uniform# for Military Comtiaide* for any imrt of tho State. P. S. Gentlemen will And It to tlielr advantage to pa tronage tlieanhscrilH'r, n* they aro euro to he pleased both with tho workmanship und price. Cutting done at the •hottest notice, nov 7—8m 170 7VILLIAM STREET, NEW’ YORK, I NVITE tlio attention o» tlio trade to tlielr large and varied stock of Drug*, Paint*, Oil#, Perfumery, ftc. In addition to tlielr regular Importation# of Staple Drug*, they are nl#o receiving direct from the source# of production und iiinnufacture, suiqdie# of Tooth, Ilnir, nnd Nail Urm-lic*. Bronze#, Cork*. Mortar#, Sponges, French ami English Perfumery, Lullin'# Extract*, and many oth er articles usually embraced in Druggist#’ stock#, which they nro enabled also to offer on tho most ndvuntngi terms. Orders, cither in person or by mall, will receive prompt attention. wug14—ly Sewing machines, E xcelsior skiving .machines.—Made by HOOD, BATTKLLE ft CO., Worcester, 3In#*n- eliuxctt*. patented by Kiln# Howe. Jr., Septemlicr loth, 184it. These Machines are warranted, (with proper use.) not to get out of repair. They are built In a good sub stantial nnd workmanlike mniincr. and will do Tailor*' 8hoomakcr*’ nnd Saddlers' work. In a manner warranted, to give satisfaction. Tim *tlch will not rip nny more than common sewing, done by band. Call and seo them in ■» lin PtlKSNHT nfi-not. I'lillmlnlnliln tut operation, at 140 CIIK8NUT street, Pliiladelnhla, _ stair*. TV. A. DAW’SOM. Aveht. may 12 '• ’*70 The Hand Sewing Machine! MANUFACTURED Under Patent of F. B. Robinson & 8. H. Roper, BY HOWARD ft DAVIS, BOSTON. T HIS Maehino actually Sew#; u*o# but n single thread; thread* It* own neetlle*, and take# every variety of through Htilrh, without loon or rhnin. Thu Mltche* uro formed the snmo a# lu lmml sewing, nml, except in tho lierfi-etlon of their nrciimcy and regularity, cannot Iwdia- d from Imud-vvork. The work I# performed with nt least #lx time* the rapidity, while being of vastly wipe- I J»1 rlor quality to tho best hand sewiug.^ 77% II. WILLSON, Appleton's Building, No.348 Broadway, New York d'Cireulars and Sample# *ent by moll on appUcation. nor 1l»—lm 8 THE AMERICAN WATCH fB N07Y on snlo by thn princl|>nl dcnltjj *** ' oprlnrlpnlil country, and the public nro Invltwl test tbo quality In comparison with the Im^rted nrtlclo. flier nro constructed on the PATENT 1.K7 Kit I K1NCI- l'Lti, *4» long tried nnd approved, with such alterat ion* In the arrangement nf thn part*, a* long experience hns de monstrated to lm the !*•»», to eusuro RclInMltty, Accuracy ami Durability. TheSIaiiufucturers wmrant tlio A3IEUICAN 7YATOII In every particular of It* workmanship and (terfonnanco N. B. Norn* nro genuine union* Hi* name* of thn nianu- faciurer*. DENNISON, HOWARD ft DAVIS, 7YaRham, is engraved on the movement. • nov 19—lm Price. I have planted eight acre* in",lav to each dr f _ .1 r«n| stand. 7 cry respectfully yours, \Y. F. 1IAMR1CK. Leo county, Georgia, J** 1 -* 10<l - *vix. t, July 12th, 1866j H 1 ".:" 1 1' 11 ' 1 !,": 1 ' 1 ',<!“!>'i»»'»■iWiMVtnmViK friS Ilo iii on nil ui} laud except new ground, nml 1 think tin y will do In that, they will do In a mountainous voun- jrv ns well as in a lev,'}, if I hnd not Imuplit I would travel |,> your shop which Is 76 mile*, nnd imv fifty del- Jar* a pleco for tlu-m. It save* one-third of tho vvoriu one band enn plant n# tnitrh ns two. and one hnnd can chop out three acres while one can chop out ono acre after a common tdovv. Your, n-snectfullv, K. BRASWELL cuniniou plow. lUSlviLL. T II [“""U' n *L| J"!y Util, ,855. „ M, ,, wn “? lr! Ihl* Is to certify that 1 have used Rnmliill ft .Mercer * cotton #ee,| drill of your manufacture and am #u well plea*, ,I with them Hint 1 would recent! !, n ‘rhfr H i , !h\? w "wh..^ ,, ii ,m !;'i.V. 0t ,r,e ' 1 thm 'Kivu them T,' h ® U « rt ’ 'ww* «I" V" is a great l.eln« #o itnlforn. In tho drill, the* p oul g cai Tedone Wtcr dcsjavtcli, consequent", tin In*-vvork Is lighter, ns g,N*l plowing supersedes the necessity of a great deal of hard hoe w,»ik. JNO. BARKSDALE. . m' 1 .' i" Zllft U . wt 1 "f llandnll ft Mercer', a lil' i' i n? ;' in ! »«y crop, and wu! , — . well pleased. 1 linve u*e,| five of them tlie ,iiv.«iu, Tin-Pain Killer Is sold by John 11. .Moore ft Co., Tlio*. : Planting my entire crop, nml nm still^better nhsmed”* 31. Turner ft Co. and 8. !>. Brantley ft Co.. Savannaht 1 Th-re |* n saving of between two nmj threo | , , 11 X.V.'7f Ikirn-I. Carter ft Co., mid Clark, Well* ft Dubose. Angus- feed to ihoaere In plaining. Iieridea om horse n, ,l on°/ tni E. L. Strolo eker ft Co.. .Mac,,. A1-. by Druggist# hand with these drills does'the work 3 |ltwJ7,ii5d!SJ nml Grocer# generally. nov 22—eoiiitm CARPETS! CARPETS!! W E lake pleasure In announcing to our friends nnd . the public, that wo have this day opened up stairs over our store, u splendid assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Etc., CONSISTING OK the hoe work, the cotton Iming in so straight and narrow a row. I consider them worth one hundred dollar# each j|’ ( ,l,u,, D' r . and recuimetid all to pure has, uuduS lloyal Velvet Carpets, varhais patters; Brussels Tapestry Carpet# j Rich three ply Carpet*; Very handsome two ply Carpets; . ...-pet*} Dutch and Hemp Carpets: Velvet andClienile Huh*; 31at#of variiai*style#: English nml Atm-iican Drugget; Window Shades; Satiu pill,im-uml Woetsed Curtain*; Lice ami Muslin do; Curtain Pin*. Cornices, nnd Tassels; Curtain llnml#. Gimp nml Cord: Trimming# for Curtains; Oil Cloths, ftc., ftc. 7Vo have engaged Mr. Daniel Cronin to cut, mnke nnd put down Carpets uml Oil Clolli* when desired. Whohnvc ni-oseriircd the service* of Sir. Antotiellaskn, late of Pari# ami London, whose unrivalled skill and taste in decorating and oruaiiu-liting IVimlow# Is uusurpnssed in the Southern State*. He w ill also put lip 7Vlndovv Shades, make String. Hair or Sin** Matrasses, Mull'and cover old ami new Furliiture, decorate French lledstend*—and all other orimiiiciitnl work nppcrtainiiig to u I'ashionublo residence In the latest American am) French style*. 77*o shall be pleased to have u call from thoso In search of the alsive g'NNl*. AIKEN ft Hl'IINS, oct 13 Monument eqr. SCOTT’S LITTLE GIANT COHN AND COB MILL PATENTED MAY 10th ISM. T HE attention of Planters, Farmer*nnd Stock feeders III general. I* respectfully called to thl* Mill ns thu most lin|N>rlunt article of the kind now in use, not only well adopted for grinding cob im-nl for Hock, but grist or tim- hominy for the table, mid especially bread meal from corn nut fully ripe or dry lu full. Ill setting thl* Mill, iio mechanic or frame work Is waul,-,I. only wanting to befn*t<-m-d to the floor or pint- form. Easily adjusted and used by any perron, even a child. The LITTLE GIANT has received thu first premiums nt the lab- Agricultural Fair* of Missouri, Kentucky. Mary land, and other Stnte*. nml that I* the most rompUiueuta- rv manner, n* well ns the most randy commendation from the thousand* witnessing it* iN-rfortiinurc. Tlii'sc Mills nro guaranteed In the most posltivo manner against deflect* or breakage, nml No. 3 warranted to grind 16 bushel* of feed per hour, with one horse, nnd offered at tho low price of JUS, nil complete,re-ndy for attaching tho team. No. 4 nt $75. grinds 20 bushel* per hour with two horse#. Manufactured by SCOTT ft 3I0CKBKE, Augusta. Gn., And sold by C. IT. C.\MPrin.n.A£Hit for the Manufacturer*. 171 Roy street, Savannah, where the Machine tuny ho aecn. may l HENRY IcATIlROP <fc CO. H AVE received per Into arrivals, n large portion of their Fall and Winter Good*, consisting in part ol ('"lor,si .Molt,- Antique Pres* Silk*. Idack do. Rlnck do do IIoIh* Dresses, Colored, plaid nnd #tri|M-d Clietie Silks, Plain black Poult «],• Sole end Gro ,|e Afriqtte, Do do Grode Rliine nml GrodeSvvIsse, French 3!ou#lin de Lillies, in all st v le*. do Merino* ami Cashmere*, in nil shades, Rich plaid 7Vor*te«l nml Cashmere*. EMBRlDERIES. Set* Muslin nnd Cnmhrie Sleeve* and Collars, do ,|,i nml do Cuff* nml Collnrs. French wrought 3liislln Sleeve* and Cnturric Banda, do do lldkf*, Dimity linml*. ftc. CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. Colored Moire Antique Cb>aks, Black do do do and Idack velvet do, Col‘,1 uml black Cloch do, Dol'd nml Idack Clolli Talmas, Rich Cashpiere Shawl*, hroche borders. MERINO VESTS, HOSIERY, &o. laulies' Merino 7'est*nml Pant#, do Cashmere and Silk Glove*, do tine Burk Gloves, do do Kid Gauntlets, Cnl'd nml w hite 3Ierino Hose, black nml white Silk de lllnck, white, slntentid mixed Cotton Hose. Children’* IVoreted Talmas, Cloaks, Hoods and Caps, Infant'* 7Vor*to<l 3!it*. Boot*. Gaiters, ftc. oct Jt Dougherty county, On., July ICtb, 1866.' U ' 0WE!fS ' Metsr*. Randall ft Mercer:—In reply to yours of th ll ‘.l.! 110 and Ionjj sought after. Many an,I varied have been the mrenipt* or intelligent mind* to attain what \;»n hnvo accomplished, hut with only partial aurcess. Thl# leaves nothing to be ,les re.1 In a cotton drill. 11 ihqioslts the seel mdlormlv nml con- Hnuoiisl.v In a straight and narrow linens you wish, save# about one half the labor In planting, and nl«out omi third of thuhoo work In cultivation. It is almost neodlcaa to add that I am delighted with your drill. Your# respectfully, j e MFlH'vn Leo county, Gn., August 10th, 1966. UCEB ’ I Jilutito.l WITolhrr ,™Sii?7lS35llf r !ia Sol'iftcJ: Jviilng row I planted a; well ns ever cotton was planted before your drill como Into use. Tho remit wn*. that In tho row planted with your drill I got a in. r J perfect Man,!, and 1 think It grew off much letter, beside* I cotton the two first time., a* long a# I plant roituu. Leo county, Ga. I shall continue to ns- them frjc Your# ftc. JESsEE COCK. Messrs. Randall ft Mercer—Gentlemen: I have used eight ofyotir Cotton-sn-d Drill*, manufactured bvJ If llntson. ou Col. J. Bond’s Fowitown plantation. ^ I 'am much tdeased With tliein. Imvlnn mnll.Li i n . much pleasrel with them, having realized gre at saving of r'; !' Plntiting and chopping out, nnd the hand# at the first siding could go over at least anv-third timre In a day, nnd do lietter work than In cotton planted ,P . "T* u^', 1 1'buit with coulter nml block. I lia\o no hesitation In giving It ns my opinion Hint in the nse ofyonr drills there is a saving of one-third of tho la- ssruM'iSd'iai • tSSSZEUSSin, 1,55. ««*«. ertlfv (hat I have used two ot Randall ft 711 "’‘ 0r .\. , n '‘i?• lmT0 no hesitation in say. Ing Hint they will ,|n. The saving of labor in planting ia t,,0 1 raving of rood I* nu object, nnd tlio cotton btnnds in »uch n narrow drill that tt tnay almost ho kept clean without the hoes. There 1# nothing to equal them I" planting cotton. 7VM. B. REYNOLDS. Lee county, Ga., July 1st, 1656. r i , „ . Lec Coixtt, 0*.. August 23d, 1855. I Imve used Randall ft 3I, rcer's Cotton-rod Drill, which I purchas'd of Col. J. H. Matron, nnd think they are tha innvhlnea now in use. 1 am ratlsflcd there {# a great savliig in seed and a greater saving in work. I am fully bntisfl,',l there is one-third of the hoc work savc,l. Try them, and any rcasmintde man wUl l>o Mtlsfie,! they are worth more thun threu times tho price they are sold for. PHILIP 77EST. Having obtained from .Messrs. Randall ft 31,-her the exclusive right „r supplying the Stnto of Georgia with tlie#,-Drills. I nm now prepared tosupplvull thiiianda. linving made nrrotigi-iiieiits for tlielr maiiiifiictiire In Pal- inyra and Milledgevill,.. Money sent nt my risk by mall, if thu requisitions of tho Post Ofllre Department are coin- pi id with. Any otlidr information desired ran t>o ob- taiud by addressing mu eitlmr at Palmvntor Milldge- .Ilk,n.-c.ri.-ln. j. u. watsu.n: •Ht 19—iHW.’m FALI, SUPPLIES. T HE Snl-scrilN-rs liavo just received, per steamer from New York, and offer for role low, the following ar ticles, viz: 2 cases striped and plaid Homespune. 1 do New York 31111 Shirting. 1 do Family do 1 do Carolina do 1 do Pear brand, a new article, 37 inches wide. 1 do ltd Flannel; 1 do 7Yhite do. 1 do Ilrown Canton Flannel. 1 do Blenched do. 1 do 3larincrs Stripes. 1 do Blue Denim*: 1 do Bd Tick. 60 pieces Sprague Calicoes; 26 do AUen’e do. 25 do Assorted hraiul* do. 2 hale* Sen Island Brown Shirting. 2 do Ta do. do. 2 do 3, do. do. 1 do Allendale nrown Shooting. do Uncus VllleStrips-*,ami a.Kp^Joraortment 0 f English Half Hose. hot 1! AIKEN ft HU HNS. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. PIERSON, I1EIDT ft CO. A BE receiving weekly, per btramers, one of the largest nml b,*stroleet«|atocke of Clothing ever offered in this market, which they offer on accommodating term* at wind,-mile nnd retail. They also havo In store x good assortment of Gentle men's Furnishing good*. Merchants visiting Hip city would do well to rail nnd ex amine our slock. P. 8.—Orders from tho country promptly attended. _nug 31 O ATH.—5<Hl bushels prime Ohio Seed Oats. For sale, to orrlro, per brig Margaret 8tevru« from Bal timore. Also in store, Corn, Bran, Eastern Hn^r, ftc. For sale by 7VAVKR ft CONSTANTINE. S UGARS.—Double refined Crushed, double refined Powdered, Coffee or eoft CrushimL refined 7VliJte._ In •tore, and for sale by dec 6 0. A. b. LAMAR. TBR JS. -10 m paving nrick, for sale by CARI.ETON ft PAR80N8. B RANDY.—Rramly In halfpipe*, quarters and oc taves, in Bond, Just received, and for/ Haves, In Bond, Just received, anil for sale bv nov 19 MINI! ft JOHNSTON. SCOTT’S CORN AND COB T MILL PATTKVTKD MAY 1Gth,1864. S S. BB07VN. Proprietor of Georgia, Tonne* c and • Alabama, of thi- Invention, which 1* doubtless . among tho most Important of modern times for the uroof . the w-ell advised farmer nml stock finder; nnd the uni- • vernal favor with which it tins ben received from the first • more Hinn anything else, attests its utility and superior!- For portability, simplicity of construcHen, and con venience of use, Hu- Little Giant lias no equal. It weighs from three to five hundred |Hiunds, according to size, ran ■ l*e put in operation |,y the farmer In twenty minutes without expense or tmchaiilcnl aid, tlu-n adjusted and used with convenient by nnytHtdy. The Little Giant has received tho Vint Premiums at every State 1'oir out Missouri to .Maryland the past Fall, and that in thet_ost complimentary ntauner. These .Mill* are guaranteed ill the most positive man ner ntmliist breakage,>r derangement, and warranted to grind fowl fhimi ear com. and grits or fine hominy from siiellod corn, with a degree of enso aud coincidence for farm punairos never attained before. The subroribere are now prepared to furnish tho trade or nil U 'I ltl,VW “ n “ xIev-s, to suit the vnrid wnnte No. *2 is offered at #06 complete, randy for attaching the team, and warranted to griug ten bushels of feed per hour with one horse. No. 3 nt #75 will grind fifteen bushels per honr. No. 4 nt #90 will grind twenty bushels per hour, with two horse*. ’ Manufactured and for sale by „ 8. S. BR0YTN ft CO.. mar 3 . at Nashville, Tenn., nnd Atlanta, Ga. TO BE A ISLAND COTTON PLANTERS. FU^UE UNDERSIGNED having been appointed agent* JL for tho kAlo of tho celebrated McArthy SEA ISLAND CuTTON GIN, thocotton from which Is readily sold, and which usually brings three to five cent* per |>onnd more thun from any other Gin yet invented, are now prepared to supply Planters and thoro wanting, with theseor super ior workmnnslilp at one hundred am! twcnty-flvu dollara each. Extraitulars#ll. Extract from a letter from a Florida planter t "TheMcArthyOlu 1s Infinitely ahead oferery other Gin yet manufactured. I would not be without one for treble the amount; It saves trouble, Is simple, nnd turno out bcautiftil cotton. Thn staple la not Injured, and the open process so much desired by tho English buyers Is c«r- ta nlv obtained.” aug24—tf BOSTONTft VILLA LONG A. F ine black frock coath.—ji7sTre c «l T «>,pw«tsameri * good sssortment of Blen’s extra fins Black Frock Coats, and Pants, silk and rails Vests; for sal* cheap, at tha clothing stow, Gibbons "W CZ0.I. RX0B0I