The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 31, 1856, Image 3

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" '' ^. * “*V> ^ *•' *' S 1 '-n-r ,■,-"<■"■■ •'. : n ■ ' ■*•—•-****■' V's .S3-- -V- 1 . ...... - . , . , * 9R9aiKS!leaillK=9liaailia|IIIIIMIIIC,,>BnK9liaB ^*i | BVWM | aann«ssBnMaHaMMiMMHMi MamMnaMBnMmB -SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, MONDAY MORN ING, MARCH ill, i856. •v.K'O R ;‘ -■■»- - Six Chambered Mill HAS ARRIVED! And will have A PUBXiIO TRIAZi At Mr.UUUmV Mill, Owner or Liberty nud lUUnUm- streets, war tlio Fouth Fast coeuer uf , the Old Cemetery Oh Tnentiau •Yc.rt. Betw*.*ii th« boon of ten and twelve A. M. msr» at MUGS It 8KILT0N. ~»«SBiiHfcb liaVpu wanted;— MR. *«*»«» ftwu 'bo first of May until tho P*Bla<V^of October, a F'iiiutshc-1 Hours, tlmruoghly irtabts and pleawntiy situated. Qua on South Broad or Liberty street. between Jt-Oeisuu and Drayton. woaMUpnfttred. fiver) thing ab tit Uu house and lot wilt bo wall curd for. Apply to martt-lm AUUU8 MoALPIN. ~Wrfn»T.' A Itoro under the Bluff, fronting on Whitaker attest. Apply to , rou*T 8PKNCEU CURKKIJ, A CO. ITOLBW. A I.IDl.nAL Reward will Ik* gl . whowlUgirou»Informationrelativetun»tudl Lw vomotlvo us-lf-r showing our Now and |opu!nr Loco* motive Needle. wldcli wiu s'otau from tl*o aroro of the suI-sciIIh r*on Wednesday nftrrnwm. tic would tay to the Ladles, tin* l/*r<»mottw U eotw, wu still have on btuil a largo aupplv of rim e exctiil ut Notdlca. lAOSJN ** It•''O HUK. tuar 37 No. i, Hiulds Mores. FIAX1TOS. ^v.tmiiao ■^vaatrticf'wcn : •• For Key West and llavnua. XT. m. MAXZi STEAMSHIP ISABEL, WMi ROLLINS* Commander* LSAVBtt ON TllB 4T11 AN1) 10VU OF EACH ,MONTIT. Tho IPADEL leaves this jhiii regularly, on tho 4th and UtU vfoarh mouth, and omuoet«at llavnua with tlw V. 8 Mall Steamship Company'* Lino of Ft. auier* for fan Fnuclwo via Asplnw-ll, and will cnrty tho I'aclllo Mall*. For passage only, apply to nwr-M COHENS k HKUTZ. Agrnta. FOR NEW YORK. " ,l NnNN’h h CLARK'* Celebrated Grand ■action PIANO FnllTUS, II. 8. UO- 1<1ARDUS, Court ll wv rapt we, rado v - -■ Agent. Aliy comiuaiitonnrdlacrlptlonuf inn qiullil.-s onhe** lu«truwnt» U deemed hi|hmI1uuim. Their high reputation of mi many year* standing Mug utumivriveri by th.*mi>ld Increase <>f maker*. i nn li.u- eri can obtain at Now York pricoa, and thu* save •xpi'iKo and rUk of nantpvrtailon. Plano Fortca tuned and repaired mar 35—'ly Savannah SPRING SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. FACULTYr llv.*m Sr*us. >|. D.. Lcotoivr on Obriutrlc* and tho PhyMologv of the Feinnli O-nemivo Organ* and tho Di •.**<* of Wnuioti anil riilMreu. .l.iilJf M. .I'l.lX'Tnx, M. D.. b**cturer on Medical Clirnt* iitry and MateTit Mrallrn. .In*. J. Writ, >1 l>., (Dim. Annt. Favannah Medical r«dl*t*) Lftn.vr .m Aitatomy and tho Physiology uf tbe Yiwra. Oi* m. II. runiva. M. D.. !/htnrvr nn Mln- r and Ope* nvtlv-* Surgory and Denv-nshatiir *.f Anatomy. T'iHAjIi »d will .«p,*n In the building of tho Savannah Medical College, oo. M-irr-Uy, Much 17th. IbA'*. »*nd e|.i4.> tlr* last week A June fjlI.mritK. Op’rittve Fur* g-rv and tb* Practice of MedHne wilt Ih> muglit In the t’ity II wpltil Ctiuii|Ue by tho atteudlug Physician, Dr. Jvwv.U hr in. Term*: M l f o* the fltll Oonm*, Including tho Demon* •tratur's ticket nn ! Il<i*pltal iT>'uii|tte. For ftirtliur particulars, apply t > - H. FTP.HUE, M. D., Dean. Savannah. Feb. 3M. 18.W. eo-lrtvf The Lawton Blackberry VVAV1K0 ae vj.tol from Win. Lawton the Agency for 11 tlii* renni kaMe Fruit, we ur** prefmrcd to fnruDh Plant* nt the following rate*: Haifa dwfen plant*, $100. due d.itcn plants, ft.iO. Fifty plant*. 15.00. dm* Imiidrcil plant*, S.l.i'0. Cari ftilly parked aud forwarded from New Yoik,witb* ont extra ciinrge. 'Flic money should accompany (he ordir. C. M. SAXTON 4 CO, Agriculiurul Hook 1'uldi‘hor*, roar 21—'5 IF) Fulton street, New Yoik. STEAMSHIP ALABAMA, O. II* BCUENCK. Commander, WILL FAIL ON MLD.NlfDAY, AFF.1L U. AT 4 P.M. Tlie n n wand*p1ondld CsM going etcamshlp Af.ALAMA. Ttio*. Lyon eommatidcr, will sail a* above. For freight or paMOgc, apply to PADELF0JU), FAY l C0 H Agent*. K Cnb'ii Pa*ango..... $U Ftc.mgu “ R N. II— Slilpjicro of Colton liy IlieMJsti-nroer* will plcnie taku uotii’e. that no Cotton will In> rm-ived at the pies*,** that (a not distinctly marked ou the eilge of the bate, roar til Auction Sales. DY MIMS * JOHNgOM. At Privato Sale. A moat delightful aumtner residence about throe mile* from the village of Clarkivllle, in Habersliiiiii county.— Theitiftctouutnlna about three hundred acre* i)T land, a Portion of which U rlvi^lwitom, very suitable Ibr far®* lug. On the preroiww is a twinitory frame house, In go-Hl repair, containing *lx rooms, two* and an attic, with kitchen nod wash-room, aud out houses fur servant*. A largo now framed Umha*Ju*l boon built, and there Is tils.i a corn crib and poultry house, nearly new. The dwidUug Iiuiiw is wait supplied with all furniture, n« ipdrnlfur hoitsedteoplug. The farm U well provid'd with milch o.)w*. ox. us, work horscs.and farming tools; a'so, hnga, corn, fodder and oat*. All ur which will bo aolil lour if applied for Immediate* If t*» fell 0 MINIS .t JOHNSTON, Tills DAY, at 11 o'clock, in front of store: BO Trunks, nssurtod. Damaged on lioonl the brig Phllura, on her passage from New York to till* port, and ■old under inspection of the Port Wardens, for account * Underwriter# and all concerned. Turns cosh, mar 31 MV OOTAVCS COHEN. Undsrwrlter’agal*. • THIS DAY, at 10^ o'clock. In the (tore under Messrs. E. Parson* k Co’s, counting room, foracccuut ofUn* dtrwriter* and all concerned t 0 kegs Nalls and lUveta: 3 bags Nall*. . Damaged ou board brig Phllura on bar passage to thla 1 >ort. anu sold under Inipcgt^pn uf Dio Port Wardiu*.— Tartu* cosh. mar 31 NogroBo^ht Anctlun. Underwriter’s bale. 0a WEDNESDAY, 2d April, ut JVilllnk’a *hip yard, at 11 o clock, will be sulilt lo»t Ugglng, Matt*, Dowfprlt, Pump, and old Copper. i:iued mi board ship»u. nnd (old ‘ Du tinned > >n board ship Cant-u, and fold by order of the Pott Wardens, for ncc-.uut of uudcruriiers and all cou* cern; d Term* mh.mar 31 _ cgi On TUESDAY, lit April, nt 11 o'clock, In front of Court lion to t A smart likely nctlvo black Boy. about 8 yra old, Mid fur uj fault. No parents 11 vlug. Title* worrnuted, pur* chaser (laying fur tide*. mat SO DY O. W. WI LLY. Auction Fates. Will be sold TII18 DAY, 3th lu it, at 11 o'clock, In front of our wharf storet CObbls eating Potatoes. mar 23 At Private Sale. 10 share* Central Railroad stock. Also— A l.oautlful summer retldcucaat TliunderboU, will be »oid If appli.d fur immedlatfly. mar 24 At Prlvuto bale. Mechanic'* gavliigs lbmk Stuck. Jirow.i Hdrtitigs, Will rccelvo per *tc«mor Ooplan from Charleston, on Faturdny m«rntng: SJbiloiMviin^lghth Brown >lilrtinfr, which will itivcly bo sold. Turin*: $101 cosh s $tou tu g-jog’ no days; over $3b0,4 mouths, fur npi roud cndoiectl paper, marus dtemnur Plsutun Jut U tlv« years u’.d and In \i«rf*:l or t-r, 135 feet l ing. 21 Let bimidth of beam, touuage moasiiruiiiuut 176,63 li'mopiw.Ton^lnu.Tl Inch cyllmi. r, ti foot BtMke, wheels 22 feu: In diameter, wrought lion a laiu.Ciibm tittup Imnd wi.h2ul.trtU*. Will * “ * id for ‘ “ * be sold at a law Mgure if applied for Immediately. April, w-ltlf lofore tbo If tho o legal Valuable Huai Li tale. Will be told on thu Unit TUKFDAY In April, out rceurve, to I lie li.gheit bidder, lor Court House, in tho city ufaavuuaah, during hours of sale i The hrlok tenement Ifouiee. fronting CO fuel on Zntdy street, aud 82 fret ou Ann street—Lot in fro simple.— latch tenement ooutaluadue<| itouiii*, 2 Parlor*, Dining hown and Kitchen, and Pnutrlo'. Pack Building o Ilriok, 2storl-s Idgli, with Dervani*' llotiias. The tui* p.' veimuttiar * new ami bniltof the bust material*, Uas a id liNtUIO*, SdleiKidmo. lcim*nt*h. mirll on account of tho Importer. romniMng Scriptural, Dumeillc,and I'oeiicnl Hii.J. cts executed in l he Ur*t style of thu Art. Among the subjects ate the ’lan e uf the Marrlago and of Quuuu Victoria; the trial* of Thomas, Karl of Ftsffird, and Charl.-s 1st.— Sir Walter Fcolt. surrounded by literary friends at Ab botsford ; tho Duel t thu Woundwl U^und; Owing With nndtlniug tgniii*t tho Ftreatu; Mmron's Views of Mag* am Fall*; Canterbury Pilgrim* nt tho TuUvrd or £onth* W'nrk t ttncllse'a Picture of Fnap. ipplo Night j thu Sol* ill»r , »Bmuol Hifio: the Feed mg of the lloreu, nnd the Halt, Stc. The attention of Artiste*. • auu'ilsseure, and patron* of thu Art* generally, Is called to th-se Plate*. They will bo on exhibition from Wednesday to day of mile, when catalogue* will be ro uly. Sale pad* tire. Term*cw»h. niarld m WELAKA AND PALATKA, FLA., * INLAND ROUTE. Via Darien, Brunswick, On., and Ftr* uaudlnn, Jacksonville, and Plcoluta, Fla. At Priva'.o 8al>—Yalnable nice Lauds. 583 Acre* first quality of Laud. s:nmt d iu Uryan Gidutr, n (Joining tliu |U.*.) Plantation of Judge Luw,ciu* t iluingdJ i A<*ivs of first quality Rice Laud. Thu Lai* -ore high upland of flret quality. Thu laul la well • rial, and h u two laudhigson the river. Terms easy, id will h.» s iid at u grout liiugidn.nmr l.'i C'tmmaneinj un h hluy, 28 th tint. And will leavo ovary Friday until further notice. The ‘ new mid light draft steamer Till IF. (I. HAIOUT.Cnpt.J. W.Uurk* man. will (after this trip. 2l»t m»t..l make legulnr wtt'kly trip* asafriva, i.uving every Friday at lu A.M.— For ktelghtuv apply uu board at the CUarUstou Ft'Min i'ac' ct Wharf, or to mar A)8. M.L.m'ITHAU, Ag*nt. At Private hale, A tract of Lind lying In Uc.van and Liberty Counties, omitnlniiig 4*«J Acre* of well iimb*re<l Ltml. within oau mil a..f tho Ca!iaa.Uuu It Ivor. Als i aiiuther tract ad* J.Kn'.ng, containing *A*»*. AW. ono linlf lutcrest In u'l^hurtra-t.cuntdulng n»i Acre*, with'n two amis half of the Rlvur. 'flio alaivu land* are well llm- h;'w! with UnngiugTimber, uuJ wil bu Mid at* liargilii If rtnp'le l f.»r mski. mar i; H. S. MAIL LINE. ANEW WORK. Gardening for the South. N. WHFfH of Atl»w. fiMpn. _A must FOR PALATKA, E. F. Via Dnrlen, Ornnsvrlok, St. Marys, For- nnmllun, Jnoksonvlllc, Plcolntn, aud Mlddltburff, Block Creek. TUB tennivr WELAKA. Capt. N. King, will leavo fur thu nlwivo idavos every TUESDAY MOUNINU, at 10 o’cl.ark. i rompleu* uianuul f»ruvury dupnrlnt"iit «>f Ilortlcul* tun*. .mbiaii 'K the Vcgetiddu (iniii. u, mul tin Fin.t Uardeii, ndnpteu pnrtkuluiiy to the toi.ilciii . c tnti»,— “<* #1 26. b«rd. at tlio Florida Ftunni W oks, or to OLAOII'lRN A CUXMNtltlAM. Jan 6 Agents. Tu Ik* obtained of nil Ikv k-cllcre, or rent by nt pre paid to any pari cf the Uni u mi receipt «*f i*rl«»*. C. M. FAXTilN L CO, Agricultural If ok I'uhl'rln rs, mar 23—*3 lio Vn't. n «t New Yuvk. Preserve Your Fruit. B Il A .\ WIII fUS PATENT SHLF-SI.ALiXO AIR .TIGHT CAN.—This uspful. Iug"liliiii<> and cheap ..v.n» v,...,.— »u.a iim'i.ii. i ill'll.. in', iiiiu CA.v having Ikvii thoroiighlv teste*l is offered to thu public with the HS'timucu that it can Ik* ivllud as thu miMt pucf.-uiiy AiMight Can lu the market. Tlu tup of HiU Can is dr iwn Iteiwien .In* surface of tlm nut KOIt PALATKA, K. KLA . VIA.DARIKN, miUNBWlC.K, 8T. MAIIYH, .IAEK80N- VILLI3. MIODLKBUIIU,(BLACK CREEK,) AND IMCOLATA. Tno now and elegant Steam Packet «rr. J'HINS, Cepi.J umes Freeborn, hav* inp resumed her trip* to Florida, will uive lor 'he abaveplaces oven xnturdny, ut l« o'clock. •For Fiulgli' or Pu**n«o,having oxcellout stale room accouimo .i linns, applv ou lumrd. nt tbo Florida Mlemr Packet whnrr. uuir tn*i Mas Works, or to |.» r.t OI. \«HPM!N U CHXNINHH WL.Agenf * r.wuf thu ui'tallc cup fruiting «iwrfruly uirdlght Joint without 'In* use of wax or cciuunt. mid dispensing with tho usual mod« of MoUcrmg thu cap to the outside of tlm can. Till* Cap I* m ido of a m -tallc substance w hlcli cannot afT.-ct th.* fruit lu tlie least. Every fnn Is w'nrraut d. 8*>hl \>y n'l »Ii»V?ts In tin* c.unity, t'olu Mumfoaurer aud Agent for thu city of New York. UFA H'.HKiHTTF. V R William Ft. For rights to manufreturo Itranuhito's Patent Con In *dh-r i.l .cva, appiyJo A. CUNULF, A CD..3(6 Broadway. New York. f P uinrl'J—1m |dyo A. CONUtK A l GOOD JUDGES'BAY ' •egars “OI l.l ill-* breath et thy exit tided prioro Inspire Piy kliMilinu Itonin to the 1n lj.Lt Of this rnfrmptud iln nn*." JT IF A PI,RAFUtiH TO \IH, to udvlre mV friend* L that of thu nr-rlous Havana* they are dully extidling. and si Lb rally pcrrixn. I Imvo -a f.w more left of tl.e same •ort.’kind that 1 have Just add'd a fine stork of the f dfowmg hmwds: Cahurga, Concldtn Opera, Cidslen I/aidres Conriias, Miller, Co:i* dae|on, luvTngi noidud, Ambto iis, J/mdrr*, Cerruflwnln. • Isi IV«a. rroiiscotne. Fxculstor, Ia Vunnslils, U VPawtiopa, Lb* tt*>ndu, La lU-diwa, Ud’ulma. La DcK-ubicrla, Flglo DcxyNucvc. M. MOM.'.A. fob23 Corn-r Congress niid Unii-st*. G oods to arrive • tl' cs; :uiilofeh"Uldere; ■ Ducuu— UU hhds Istid—12U kegs isu d; Candles—Pb boxea Fiar Candle*: Whiskey—16-1 bbla llectllle-l Wlibkey; Molasses—16J ilo M. O. 3lt»l ssFar sa’o to ar rive l.y roar27 rtTAtUa COHEN. D omestic lxcivors— oi bins II I hell s’ U'n; 6) do Old P V II do; hr 6U do N. O. He •tilled Whiskey; 25 do lloniostic Rraioly: f0 do Luther Filtmi’e Rum: 25 do X.« do. In *t-ire nnd for tr.J.* mar 27 R*-RANTON. JOIINFIUN k Cu. J “rU9T RCCE1VED.-1.I Imx-s SlniiM.r., W ih-'icu artieiu 2otiercrs choice Teuuiu-saie Hums, iu s:nro and for sale hv mar27—tt WAYNE. OHKXVILLH k d>. JpATENT WIRE S.VSII CORD.-buituLL* fur the largest sash iu us-.* mar 27 IIAFIWl A C V No. n Whi akur street. rAMS.—Lau.iiug from *cl.r Mary C. Terbeli, from ...... - esie by IJl'M.-51 bids Rnm, landing from rahr Muiiutta 11/ Burr, aud for aab* by nnr 27 ItUtGUAM, KELLY A CO. dpi LOVES, HOSIERY, Ac. *07 Gnu's. Ladle’s, nud Mltt-es* uli.ves; lonile.’ gray, l.rowu. slate, ami while; Gums' do, do, Fancy ami white linlf do; Ml#*e» blown, while PII<>. shill il»-t Togrtih-.-r wjih a large assortment ef^helfOood*. lu store and for rata by FOOTE A JACD l.V. mnr M riOItJI AND CORN BIEAL—In stile, for VJ seta in quantities to aid: lOirchaMre. mar 17 WILLIAMS A RATCLHT. 11T I. MOLASSES.—1'-2 Mel*, lo tierce*. 6 TV •barrals. Lin.ling jier brig Redwing, from Uavumt, nud fur side by mar 1 I'.tDRLPrtRD/ FAY A CO. ■WWTlIlHKI’.V, landing und for salo l.y 1 ' VV mnr 7 MINIS A J0HN8T0N. TV AMI*—25 casks rlmlre llanis. I'ltiding nnd for • ilo IX by [mar 13] HOLComiK, JOHNSON k CO. fWKUUVIAN GUANO, landing and for rata by MT marT MINIS «.80IINPTOV. WWOTATOEft.—loo bids Minting PotntiH-e: so .H libla Carter i'oiato*.-*. Landing from bark C-n». Williams, and for sab* by mar 10 CLAGIIORN A CCXN1NOGAM. ’i*KO>IE»TlCS.~B'ibs3f, %nnd 4*1 f-rowntblrt* M3 tttgaau-l PtaretInset Bale* Whirling, anil brown Drills; Itatae B.-il Tick* and striped Osnalurr*; In sorn aud fur sale by mar 19 FOftTF. fc .UUDON. (T1IIECK8, DBZVIM8 AND PniNTS.- Cia.v Apron aud l urnucre (lurks; du Idn* Denims and bine Drills; do Fanay Prints, various stvb-s. For snta by marls F-hit-. u JAUi-ON. {X XIVOHAM8 AND L AAV Jf*.—Casts Checked reJV and Plaid Ginghams: Casta French and American Law n*. For sale by mar '9 . FOOTE * JAUDON. A DAM AN TINE CANDLES.—rii suae nnd 2%. fur rale by LY.N N A 8.Y1RER. mar 21 TIACOir^ll l-ixe*choice Tennerece Patron Hldw, hheuMetsaml Hams.for eata at rrm-t.nn consign* m *r»L mar21 WILLIAMS A RATCLHT. ^fOW PEAS.—liObuehels. for sal# l.»w to close \j consignment. LYNN * SNIDER. mnr’ , l FhACOlf.—(ft-OOi llrof Itam*. Wrt*re.atid Phonbtar*. Il equal b»any In market, an l for rata at r.«luewl prta.-s. Orders from Planters and d-nler* Mdirlteri. marffl LYNN k 8MDKB. TC«T,RECEIVED^,nr..f Hcror.Pmt •J Royal Mills, 1U0 pctiml* n«;rsark. *Jn store and for s-vlobv WAYNE, GRENVILLE A CO. mar 21 1.W1 edtan* Neat*f<wt Oil, landing thl* day, vP ami for sale lew lu any quantities. cnAFFF.1t A CD., mar 21—ft No. ft Whltnlu r «trr«*». ^MANNERS’ OIL.—Landing thl* day. and Tor M. sale low, CHAFFER A CO., mar2!—ft No. ft Whitaker street. CSliPERlOh FAMlLY FLOUR.-?fin unrtte "•!** Dea’/ta Extra Flour, made from White tt beat, and equal to lllram Fntltb's. Ja«t received and fur rale by JNO. ISO li!’POLL, _mnr28 Jon»a'Block, Bay-at. C4UGAR AND MOLAMES- Fj 10 lihdv choice St. Croix’huger; •-ft d>> folr to elwdta N. 0. do; 10 do Mn«mvado do; -76 bbla rtiulro N- 0. Mo!a»s.-s. Tn store andforeata l»v mar 27 FOR ANTON, JOI!N>TON A CO. 'MVARli'LB MANTELCIt..constantly on band A*A and recelrlny, at m .r a'»-flt CHAFFER k 00’S. IBR ANDY/—Landing and for Mia. JOl_ war 21 WILLIAMS k RATCLIFF. flEEAP FLOUR—COft sneka mtpertar fteorrta Vionr, fresh fintn the mill, Just received and for at greatly reduced prices, by „, J**r » Jones' Block, Bay-st. ■ For freight or ravage, apply on I'uukut wharf, nuar III- Qas FNFI'Lfi 81'A'iTlR.ll.llL I I.U. FOR MATHEWS* BLUFF ANO INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. To Lea re Every Titettlay iXijht. Thu light draft stciuncr Wil. LED BY, Capt. A. O. Ring, will leave ns above, from the Charleston Wharf. 8. M. LAFFITKAU, Jan 23 Agent. For Charleston. On ifwulay J/bruioj, Dle, i0 o'clock. For freight i tmr 21 To nci oniinodah* the neorglx Hus sars, tho Ftrnnur OOI'IkiN will leav * ns nh >vu nnd will omit her regw* I ir trips oil FnlliHay tho iJlh Inst., ’.ilid Wediieola.v riio 2d prox. lastago, nppl^- on the Thai Iu ton wharf . P. Ua*)0l\P. Agent. t oil II J . A H 1 ■•’•* IX I*. IA IILLTPrtiN, HI I >T* »N tll’.All. OYIl’F I.ANll- lNO AN II utt \«i.t>T'»N. sf "e. Ttu*'toainof \VM.*»K\l»lt«*tiK, Cnpi. i Perl., will leave ior tin* ah ivc p!oc**s on -nn lay,th*' *Jitni in*l.. nt A, P. M. For ireigbt »T pu**agc,ftppll' at tho Chttrlvstun Wharf. » |.t I •*. \l I. \FFiriMt*. ttfei t. FOR LIVERPOOL—lla* American .York 1'iiiit sit noli 10. t». U. Hutchings injs 'having |uirt of lur cargo cngagal, will Lave dis patch. Ap|lyto C. A. L. LAMAR, mnr 22 _____________________ FOR LIVERPtSOLi—Thu line Amove ship CU' FAWATTKK, Thuuias I'ax(on, innate r. iliaVIng Olio half her caig.. eiiga^ed, and going oil heard, Will have quick de spatch. For buliin-'c of fr>dght apply to mar 27—b JM>. K. WILIH-IR. FOR BOSTON.—'The regular packet bark -Kint'apt. ('olcfnan. burin-.' m-ist of l.o. cur* ai- u::agcd. will have d.-puvli fir tlie u'.ove jort. fort* - ig'-t apply to ni.tr2*1 HUNTER A OAMMHI.L. FOR BOSTON.—Tin* rcynlur park-1 ... BURR. NId.vis*ni, ma»ti-r, (rill have il«,j,ulcL fur th. above port, For freight hj.ply (o mar 27 iiODB.V, STAR I'. & CO, FOR BOSTON.—The new iritr T. ... ,S'iAI* LlIY, ilupt. 81111111011*. will have despatch above port. For freight, apply to iiUN a u mar 2u IAMMKLTm i&itu FOR BALTIMORE.—itMtUL III LI Nil. _..„^Tlie *-hr .1011N W. AN DHK80N, S.cVtin, ni:Mc,-, trill I'ttve ipiick d-*p..tch for the ahute port. F -r fieiglit or |>a<sage apply to mar 17 DRTIHIAM. KELLY * CO. Jfi FOR PHILADELPHIA*—Him packet 3Mk*e|ir MARY c. TMtlU.I.L, Taylor, master trill hive ijulck despatch f rill** nlmve p rt. lor freight or p.k**aue apply to Captain on bo-uiL or to nnr 25 ll'riUllAM. KKLI.Y A CO. ply t* . FOR PROVIDENCE.—liuvk prriUt UiKMJLL, C|,pi H«M*y. wuntsfioin ,7» to to balvi Colton, or loiik thereof, to coniplcte cargo. Ap tiOWLAMiA fMnr'J*] v 80S. _ FOR .NEW YORK.—Rrig IINCKL. Tall iiiaster, a HI no cl w]ih iL spun h us above.— .*or freight engagements, apply to uuri* DANA K WA t'ASHRURN. FOR NEW YORK.-U;,11,N LINK- •‘SWfcTI. • regular packet *elir K\ellA\TRHF8.Jaynu, lOAtir, will linvo ile putcli fur tlju nbivu jvort. freight, api ly to mar J* OODKN. STARR fc CO. S* FOR NEW YORK.-OHoR.HA LINK. 3QF,Th« line furl sailing schr JOHN BOSTON, Lingo, master, will hnvo quid: di*spatih fur thu above |mrt.* For freight nr passage apply on Imnrd to cnpialn. nr to mar 24 COJIKNH fc IIMRTZ. FOR NEW YORK-OLD EgTHILIAII* Ie,L1» LINK.—The Ifg liar picket brig PIHLURA, Thatcher, master. «III have quick de-patch f..r the al»ove port. F« r freight or passage, apply to mar 21 RRIrillAM, KELLY k CO. ! FOR NEW YORK.—DECK FRI.IUHT WANTED.—AImiiiI iw.» liutnlred Lolas for the deck o' schr. KCLIP Fur freight apply to OjlIBNft A HERTZ. FOR NEW YORK.—DKMILL’S LIN... ^KftTlve Tegular packet tmrk 1‘ETKlt DEMILL. Cnpt. .wfSX. I, 'ey. will Imvo despatch for above purt. For frulpbt or passage, apply to marl'i ROWLAND* PON. FOR NEW YORK—flKOPOlA LINE. ^SMps Tin* fin«* fast sailing packet #< hr LuYAL SCIIAN* TON. Bowden, mu-ter. tt ill hare quirk de>|mtch for tho ■Imre port. Fur freight <ir pasaaro. applv ou boiud to Captain nr to 03118X8 * HERTZ. FOR NEW YORK.—Rrig AUUL>TA. Jfc3C8t'>ne, master. Laving |mrt of her cargo engage*! trill meet with despatch as above. For balance of freight apply to mar H DANA * WASHBURN’. FOR NEW YORK-OLD E.-TAllUSlIKD ^«3aLiXK.—The splendid barquo MARY AND JANE, HflaBCillcliardium master. Laving ui'<st of Lor cargo enga^' d w.ll have qul.'k despatch a* above. For frelxht or pasaige. appiy to lilt'OH AM, KELLY k (>7. Foil NBlWYOR^.-tliiJUOIA LINK. AttfiTI.” Uno fast sailing bark MARIA MORTON, UutaU.v. mi't'C. Will litve quick daspAtcli for the atavva part. For fr »l«Ut or pnmgu, apply ..n liourd to Cntdaln, or to ni trft CJHEN'8 * IIMRTZ. J>A Foil LIVERPOOL—Tho A. M. ship ^3rU«TBA. v l,UEtlAR, Haiward, master, will have qti'ck <le-pafeh liirabiivo |a>rt. For freight of 300 balo* ton to complete her car*», apply to mar21, I KELLY * CO. FOR LIVERPOOL.—The ship UKrilt- ,GIA, Maciisui, master, wilt Imvo despatch hr the nCove port. For freight engagenients^npjdr to T. ft. * J. 0. MILLS. - FOR LIVERPOOL—Tim ftrst da** American ship JAM 18 RAY, Ray, master, will jS5&b« ib-spaMiwl for the abov* port. For freight en gagement* apply to mar 17 HUNTER * O.VMMET,!,. PHOTOGRAPHY, M R. CARY would roNpcctfiilly give notice,that hole liow prepared to eveenfn th* most bcautlftll col- Sir. Photngrnpiis, ever cxniimeo in tin* country. •. HUNT, n celebrated Artist from London, I* nownt th* Oallerv, prepare*! to exectitn th* coloring of them Pictures, eltlicrin oil, Pastil or Water Cblur*. Persons having Dagtirrouty|M*s of deceased friends, may have them ciqdmt and enlarged to any «l»e, up to life. 8pecSroen*ofcltl*en*of?atamtaUare already ttnMudand may lie ae .ii at theOallury^ Janlii—« mo A lcohol, fur **io iy marvB MINIS fc JOHNSTON, RANDLES.—AdamaTltui” In half Imxri, landing \J from aelir Marietta Burr, and frr sal* by HIM 4 It JntlN’gTPN. j*ik city rnnot Hama land* 0nw '""' , '" 1 jfegY "Kinsn, lOTJU^ lCOaack* Chattanooga City Mill* t\ow — WmJo, ~ '■'•*%•' ■’ •At tTiviito cab*. L >t No. 3, fre simple, O) bv 100 f.a*t, bounded on th* Nor* i( by ■ - *tro.*t, uu lb South by Allies street, on !•»•» West tiy Lit No. lii, and on tlm llatt by JefUrsou it., with inii'B'veinoiits; renting for SPJtipar nununi. Adnilnistmtor's Hale. WU| Ihj sold, on tin* llrri TUK8DAY lu May next, before thu Court Hou*u lu the city of Havowiuh, b. tvvoi'U the legal Ikiiii'S of salut Ld No. Li Pulaski Ward, fronting on IIur*Ie street,— AI*o, Lots No. d'LlSth District Macon Co.. Lot No. 3U3, 12t SDiftr.ct.trwiii, now LowudaCon and Lot No. 18-1,7th District. Dooly Co. llelou^iug to the Estate of Churls' ll irtri lg-s uuueasud, e»M fur thu buucUt of the brick of aild Kapiti JULIAN IIARTRIDGE,) mar 14 A. 8. IIARTUlDOK. ^ Administrator*. At Private8-ilc. A Farm Lit of 12^acres, with a front un the Favau- na!i atol Og o.lieo Uauul nt ub <ut iXHi f,« t. Mx acres of which I* rlehlow land aud llm baluneo of thu lot high and dry, sitimteduot over half a mile from thu Central Railroad Depot,suitablo for a prlvutugirdciiaudorehard. Also. F”nrieen fro simple Lots. «'U fr-et square, seven front- liiroii Mill sire-el und svvcu ou—— sire-ut, south of Mill litlVCt. Also, Trn*t Lot* No*. IS noil l», situated on Taylor and Wayuo -'tr.**!*, fronting K'iiath iiu8|imre*.diicc(l.v North of th”tb>nL'ti Ill'K-ktu this city, a most dsriiablo spur for a private reriduna*. Also. Tim two Lite situated on tho c >mor of Jones and Ah- reoru streets. Thesoare splendid Lots for private dwell ings. * Also. A Negro Woman ngo-,1 about twenty-fire yra, a good Cook. Umber, nnd Imnor, s dd for no i-cilt. mar d 20,000 111 One Month! ERNEST LINWOOD, „Uy Mrs. Caroline Lre Hentx. ^^LTII'iUriH but u single month Jim p«*»< d slue* tliu ___ Hi st copy of this br.lil mt book was ImuoiI, yet., greni ha* t*«*-*ii llm forth* last nnd most Lonitl- fill work from tin* p”ii of Its bunoutial nuthoius^thut « j are now Miutiug tho TWiiVUUTII THOUSAND, an uualiutud iluniatiil still pn-iulug its. 8inco the •lays of tin* LuinpILl.ter. ii*» b->ok Las sold m nipidly, or iNK'ioiitt s-iiinlwrieiRr p- ijui-ir. C»l. Fuller, of Ine Xoio York Mirror, in one of the mimt eleymit urticlrt ever penned, in reytinl lu nut hurl ur their pnnl net tone, uses the fuUuicivy •hotly mul hen nt ifnl lunynoyr: Ernrat Ltutrooil, ‘•D-*ath darkens lifre* u.mid nuplunmsbl* wings, But the «.\u -i--»t s mg is th * hist lie sin.-*," ‘ * - 1 H III tlie volume on Mbit “Kdie-t i.luwooil f ju«t Dsitivl •y Jewett U i ii. ( of ii.istuii, vvu huvo the dying snug uf u * eU-gant aud gifted Mr*. * urevUuv La* Hunt/. Mourn* f-nly swust bk-j the sigh of ail rEjlixu lyre, yctduup and "rv.-ulni ns the voice of uiaiiy wnlois. it wins to luivc beoii |K.urvil f-'rtll whlLi Lor soul tloateil ilovVn toilm O-’.-ivw of IM. Un almost ever pare wo can tint” tho shadow* of the duath'iuigvl, who lu*r away whr i h'*rM>u? wn<en led. MyeU-riou* gli-nm* from bencat i thu uplift lug Veil of Spirit lan-i startle u* as we real.— 'line book is a LroiKiut farowell' a Uiigeriiigliaiid-;:r.i«p from on • ure love I. li we mlstaku not, !t* must impies- si" s pa.*44igc4 uro revelations of the inner life of tbe wri ter- Wonderfully vivid uud absorbing, because* real. Wu will n-d attempt to follow cat, in till.* notice, the thread of uu inliiiltatilo tab*; In sod-dug. we rtiouLI only niiib'i|uitesbvnei mid cv< ut*. which come, wi'h bcoiitllul liukhi. h mid fine riTcct. before tlm eye of ihe reader.— W • won11 not »ol» thu hook of half it* charm. Sweet tisbriella Lynn «l!l b*ll h *r own story. P- IIM.-HKD HV JOHN P. JEYVETT A COMPANY K«. 117 \Va«UINC TOX MUELT, lk'SJU.V. Of" For soli* by nil Uouksulh-ra. mac 27—2*\v*it . ,TC) IHIUGGISTS, And licalci-j in raucy Aruc Fancy Ariiclrs. I* ^UniN’ailXTUA.Td, Soaps, Pomade /.Toilet Powdei Lavond'-r. ft c. L»w'« Broun nnd Whlto IVIndsor Soaps, Ox Marrow ami Mjrrie Pomatum. L-.vvslloiii-y Tablets, Ilypophngon,Shaving and Palm 8<>ups. Oluvver'* Honey Soap, Shaving Cream, Clarified Mar* row, tu-ui’e <lrcw*e. Ac. Mottct's urauge Flower anil l’.osu Waters In bulk and bo: tie*. i.'limno!'* Ilandk-'rolib-f Extract* nnd Toilet Vinegar. . Lrovn e allwir OL.Vi *. Mtapa, Uubbvre, ILtU Ulovea and Wadiltig Pads. TOOTH AND NAIL ORUSHES.-French und llnulirii. a li.ruc i.s-ortimnt. HAIR BRUSHES.—I ngVisli. Yremli nnd German CLOTH HAT ANO SHAVING BRUSHES.-AU ki oLaiol style*. TURKISH TOWELS.—Toweling. Dustor*. *r. COMBS*—llulfdo lire*-lug.nil prices mid styles. SPONGES.—MtaUterranenn, Puri*, Venice und Tur* k**.v. a large ii**ortnu-nt. Taylor* Kondou Mustard. In kegs, cans, full aud bottles. Taylor's Arrow Root, Homeopathic Chocolate, Bro- ni i. ,\c. fiver’* Blurt PotRoraatum and Toilet Powder. Imported, uud fur sale at low prb c« by L'UIEFFKLIN llltOTlIUCP fc CO., tYhole.'ale Druggists, No. 170 WUUam-*t n cor. Beckiuuu*tL New Yotk.TJ mar 13—lw P Fairbanks’ Scales STILL TRIUMPHANT I fJpiIK Report of tho Amerlcuu I rot It u;« Committee on S -ides, read* thu*: FAIRBANKS A CO.—For Platform Fettle, rwricuv cmmcrT. with <1r-p Irvrr—Silver Medal. FAIR RANKS A CO.—Prescription ScnU-s—IMpktn*. FAIRBANKS A JO—For Grid Coin Detector, aud Post- Ofllce Balance—Diploma; Tin* Scales in- nil uied aleivo were taken from th* ore din try »t.r-k «f the *«L-crlbm. and prove at the trial bef>ro tin* Judges of tlm Institute Jn.-t what they are warranted to prove on every trial arol lu every-day *e v|ee—perfectly correct’’. They are matmfai'tnrcd, n» hcrctof-ve, by the original Inventor*, nnd tlm utmost euro I* taken to rondor them imrf-'ct as regnrde workmanship and ninti-rfal—every Fcido hc'ng subjected to the severest teat before It is a], lowd b» go out of the estiiblldiinent. Nearly 1*33 nn lltlc.itloni of the** Weighing Machines an* offered to tho liudn 1 !** public, among which are : Rail road Track nnd Depot Scnlea. *'ay and Cad Scales, with Irotilercr*. Marebunse Seale*. Ftoru ScaliM hi great variety. Alro.n neat Family Scale, which should be found every house. ^ Welghmastcrs* Peami. Ranker*' and Druggists’ Scales. Pori fttHe* Balances. Hold Coin Scah-a. A ml. In short, tlw most ext*nalv* and complct* assort* m-rnt of YYelghlng Apparatus to bo found In the United 8t»t;**. FAIHANKS A C-1.. frb tl , No.iyp, Rronilwny, New York. JohnS. Norris, Architect | A'VINO resumed tlw prlrtlco of Hi* profesfioni H v offer* Ids servb-rs to hie friends and the public an Aivliltert mid Filporiiitaudnnt. Duiign* for any part of tlm country supplied amt exo- cut *d in nil the various lirnn. he# of ld« profession; such as Public Kdiftces. Store*, Dwellings, Monument*, Ac.— Tlm-onghly Fire Proof Flore* designed and executed, f* ftc.^ nt pj' sont lu Bay Lana roar of the Custom House, Jan 3—ly TOuawpitf. FRENCH BURR. EITROPITS. & COLOGNE JVJLXXjXj r I30POJSJJOIS BOOARDUS’ HORAE POWER, CORN SHELLER9. IIAY-CUTTERH, PLOUGHS, At. I S I'RKPARED ALSO, to dress Mill Floiiesand lit tlirtm with all th* nw**ii*»Ty Iron*, complete: and la manu facturing a <lrl*t Mill fur Plantation pnrpuses. t:» It* run b,r tho (Hu Gear or Htoam Power. Warranted to griud gieal nteall Ftoro at llnrdcastla'sold stand, on* door west of the market. frblfl—ly VEwmsffir Auction Sales.- BY BELL A PRENTISS. ~ Undurwriter’e Sale of .Magliinceiit Kiigrnviiigs, a nf I'nirrltlliL'l. MOVl. iV Alarm collection of newly Imported Lin* Engravings. Iflsturlcnli Auction Sales. BY JOHN 8* UONTMOLL1N. old. A Negro ■ Boy 13. A .. . At Private Fait. A Negro Man, a good CuriKmter, 21 yr» ol Girl, houiu Survant, 17 yts old. A Negro Negro Ulrl 14. A Negro lioy)2. Also— A fondly of men cotton Held Negroo*, three of whom are mothsra, balance children. mar 24 Wanted. A small png of priua rice lk-IJ Negroes. At Privato Salo. Two likely Negro Girls, ono 14 and tbo other 1 old. Thu eldest a very gom‘ a very good seamstress. mar II iy« At Private Sale. A very valuable Tract of Laud, situated on tho Augus ta road, four milo* from Un city, containing 117 acres, wsll wooded with oak and hickory, ir not sold before tho lint Tuesday in April next, will bo offered before the Court; Hume. . mar 17 At Privato Fele. Two feu simple Lou uu ILrnard attest, and one on Tatnsll, oil desirable building lois.mar 17 At Private eak*. A valuable tract of rice l-nnd on tho Ogccchee river. Also. A Negro Man, • good cottuu sampler and porter. 12 At Public i'.iL'. On first TUESDAY iu Aprd between tbe uiual hours of Milo, In front of th-i Court IIoum) : Puri ot Lot (cum.*rj No. u Currytowu In fee simple, (routing east on Joifeisou street 30 fret, and North on Uustou street Co feut. Ou tho premises ure a store and out builaiugs. Aid, u-Uriuing lot (S iutli) 3d fret on Jeff rsou street andUufoct deep. Then Isa dwvlllugand out bsdbUnga Iin the lot. If dodrodtho4 adjouilug lot* (South) wfil i bo sold, forms, ono half cosh, baiauco 3 and U mouths, mar 11 vLottctrn. D rawn numbers or oia* 771 6 20 tu 67 4 4o 61 1» 43 01 1 TU kvttl 2d Cl and & 23 6l,prhu-sa>hl. mar 31 E. W1TIIIN0T0>*. CLAUS NO. fS FOR 1830* To Ihj urawii atSaVaunuh.Ua^ Mat h311S60. Greene and Pulaski Lottery. UREU0UY A MAURY, MAXAtlBRS. vc tie mr: 1 Of §10,000—1 of §8,000—1 of §1,747. Tluki U SLaioh In proportiou. Tickets and Shares, either slugly or bv tlipj , „ At Privato Sufr. A Negro Man 26 yrs old, u-khI Bricklayer and Plaster* or, nf good character. JUkuty young Negro Men, Arid hand*, mar 11 Planter's Bank stock. Wanted. , ,, itt At Private Sole. A Nogro W onron 33 year* old, field hand, with bur 3 cLildirtu, 7.6aud i yieoliL A Negro Muu 22, held iuxud aud Jobbing Cariieutor. mar ll Auction Sales. BY T. i. WALSH. On MONDAY, aiitlnsfr will be sold, atlFo'cIocMt No. 110 .Bryan strecti. Sundry articles of Bar Iloom Furullure, Decanters,Ac.. f c. At the samu timo will be rented, tlm liar Room aud Barber shop. Terms and conditions will be given at ths time mar 29 UttTULSUAY/Xpril let, will bo sold, In front of the Court Houiu, between the nraalhoureof salet hd No* 17 Uglrthorptf Ward, fro simple, 69 feet front ou Joachim street, running through to Mill atrect. lfae improvements are three buildings on Mill street, aud uuu large dwelling on Juachhu street. On the lot is a Boa writ of superior water. Ihu premises uow rent* Inu frr $460 per annum. tv-mw—li cash, V412 muntbs secured by mnrtgagea the property, bearing lutcrest from day of sale*— Purt borers for ail tbe Wjl 1. row, OT th* 1 ,”!,'“otaUAV^o April, lx bn Court liouss, but ween tbe legal houreol aalAt OneAut chus Iron Safe, ufoniS to Si maft —Ml - • On^^ret TUESDAY In ApriL la front of the toot A Negro Woman about 40 m of Cook,'Washer and Ironer, to be sold at former pnrehaser. e paper*. Private dale, 1.600 boshels of Cotton Seed. Private Bale. 1 Fine finished Mahogany Wardrobe. 1 do' do Bedstead. 1 set Mshoftitny Tables, Dining. 1 Maplu lludit--d. high posL 1 .Mahogany liook-case. For sols low If applied for Imnnwllately. tub 20 Valuable Real Estate, rill be eold on the first TUESDAY In April, In frotft • the Court Home, in tbe city of Savannah, without re* serve, to tbe highest bidder, the three following lota, vlai k . . Lot No. 19, new Leeds, bounded on the north by lot No. 33, south by New street, oast by lot No SO, and' west ■>y iut 18. Tbe six# of this lot (19,J U 63}|foot front, by Piirate Bale. L>t No. 8,8ccond Tythlug, Anvon Ward, fr>e simi.le.— lnivTovmen'.s consist of a two stojy woeden dwrtllng, well L11 bhed, Laving tea rooms, with a good kitchen aud outbuildings. For term* apply at tho counting Lot 13, Curry Town, (sire C0J$ fret fan Inches deep.) bounded north by lot 2, 1 street, east by lot 12, and west by lot 1L Lot 2, Curry Town, (size feet front 80 fret 11 Inch* doep.j biiuuUcd nonh by I Ibcrty street, loath by lot 18, cut by lot n, aud w est by lot No. 1. Terms wade known »*n dsy of volu. war 83 2Jjdmre« Oilathurpu I.kiu Aesocistlon Stock. Will be Private Hale, 100 sicka fresh groun-l Corn Meal. 2i.u tacks Fhort* and ilrun. 1 ton of Livctpom Rock Fait, frb 9 AT PRIVATE FALK,—Lot No. 10 und Improvi-nu-nts in Weltoii Wnid. The hrprovununt* nro a two story bri-'k bcildlng. trronc,d lor a store anl dwelling, well located for a grocery. The lot is subjoct to a lease or 10 year* from P*;. Id, l?jj, sul renewed for twentynue yeais. llio tmeent tease is eighteen dollars per annum. Valuable Building Lots. . . At Private 8»le. Five T/)t*. No*.40,41,42. 43 and 41, of tiie Pared-* ground', being'lli& foot doejf by'wKet'rreu t on Puffy at reel. L'iL^LW^^tofUl.d.ontlie bkhhuva.y Road, At Private gale. A first rata Seamstress with a Boy about two years old. Al*o, A first rate Soamstrossand Ladles' Mold. Both yuuug. Apply to mar U JOHN S. MjNTMoLUN. , At Privato Bale. A g-KJd Building Lot uu comer of Lincoln and Taylur- •treats. mar a On the 1st TUriSUAY m April next, lu front of Court ''ll ' ' Urttlwi, within thu umuU uuuvt of *-aU j The three wusturu tenuiu -nts of Oor.fru Block. Terms liberal au-1 uinlu ktiowu ou Uuy of atlo. Tliu ab ivu can b( treito l for either together oresp*. retely, ttuUday of sale.mar 7 At Private Sato. The Unhn Crock PUututfou, iu South Carolina, sltuat- ulna tho BivanuaU river nbni: 12 nidus from th» city, contaluiug'JJd acret, all of which with the ex.eptfon of -.foi ‘ Ml acres U first quality no laud; 476 ucres uf title is now ■ emiMtuke I and iu cuIUva:I-i:i. Attached t<> thu plauta- — o 1 » OT—, thm is ai?*o l Overarors tlouitf. Stuam Thredwc, Negro U-reene miCl JrlllllSkl Lottery, ' n ••>*»* nnd othor i'uurorumenUnp,K*rtaluiug to mirniiiiv i, \iitinv \i lUiin.-na “ . tatian. Terms lih-ral. ifrby mersi” ’ «.lrm(!sraKK: OltEGOllY It MAURY, MANAGERS. D RAWN NUMBERS of Close No. 77; 5 29 20 67 4 40 61 18 43 63 1 Wanted. Btato or Oeorgia Bonds. 7 JOHN 8. MONTMOLLTN. iu iwTirawn ut savaunafi^HUy. 49" U drawn Ballots out or 75. Good 8cli -mj t j venturo by thu nackako ' SCHEME: 1 of §10,000—1 or §3,000—1 of §1,747, Tickuts $2.60—Hnlvt-s $l.2.».—Quarters t2c. Risk on*u full package of Wholes >32.75 ♦* “ “ •• Halves, 8DL38. _ , “ *‘ Quarter*, **.1U. Or-lor* strictlyoonfldnntlal and promptly attended to, and prlutrtd drawings sunt to all who order tickets.— Ad-Ires* 31 . CHARLES B. PATTERSON. \ At Privato enfr. Those twu new Brick Teaem-nw on lot No. 8 Warren W aril, curni-r of state and Prico striKts, three and a half stories Idah. with bi*e:uunt. These Itutisee are uuwand well finished, with Carriage stvble# and Servant Rooms attached. Tlicro Is a goJd well of water lu o.tch yard. Terms liberal, mar" [Hy Authority uf the Slnte of Oeuryia $30.000! IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY TUB FAVORITE t FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. Fur April— CLASS 14 To lie drawn In thu city ot AtTnnin, April fifth. ISilfl. CAPITAL PRIZE, 7,300 DOLLARS I Price of Tickets—Whole*, <u; Halves, $2 60; Quar ter.*, $1 25. Prig '* iu thl* Lottery nro paid thirty days after the dinwiti're iu bdl* of specie paying jtnuks, with-mt dt-diic* turn, only ou prescnUtiou of tho Ticket eutUlud to thu l’ri/e. Hills on all nolrcnt ILtnk* taken at |xxr. Allcommunl- callous strictly c-.mILK-mini. BAM' L SWAN, Agent and Manager. Atlanta. Go. J.n. MAR8TON. fioln Agent for Savannah, ft dice nuxt dour to A. Bo* wind'* store, corner Ray nnd llwH Street*. Thu next Dmwin/r In thl* Lult?ry will ho Class 16, May 20lh. P, ice of Tickets, $5,00, $2.50 ami $1,26. mar 26 933 REWARD, W ILLBE Ptiuror ihuapi-iemaidun and delivery itt any wife Jail that 1 inav get him. for a m-sro mall named Bill, aLuul 28 years old. 6 fret 7 tr 8 l-lgli. stout Iw’lt. weigh* 1<6 or 170 pounds, not very ld:ck. hu» wmi" whi.«k r*.and has a war on hi* nisei was Iniii-JiI fr-.ui Thus. W. lliggeul>o:lrim, Nassau Co., ' in., tvli .-ru lie will prahaLly be lurking again, mar 20 WM. WRI01IT. A * FOR HIRE. COMPETENT hUlCllLAY hl«, Ly the month or mar 21 J. V. MONTMOLLlN. FOR SALE. jy$\ Bclir. THOMAS SPALDING. Slio is la com* pl> tu order, aud is a very lust -all- r. Apply to . mar 3 llOXE k COXNLl’.Y. IfA H t PRICE REDUCED. A5.JI ‘AVIVO made la-ttcr nrrantremrnts with the nn* _ __ to lit ouv of I’.nudail A Mercers Cotton Beal Drill, I Imvo rodurud tho prim* from I'lPrccN dollars cu:i to twars. which will i nuMe t-ve.y nna that w*To*. to pur* cliav* ibis valuable machine, order* with tin* money en closed will meet with prompt attention. Palmyra, February 24. D5d. J. II. M’ATSOX. A CARPENTER FOR SALE. BLACK MAN, fid years old. good Fiam"r, sound • I hcaltliy. Sold for n<> fault, aud ro’.d to rouialn Titles undoubted. ‘Apply t«» vVM. . WRTftllT. WANTED. A SM A LL OANQ of rice field Negro"*, fur which tlie UlgUestmarkutprlca will bu paid In cash. —a** :l JOHN r. MoNTJIoLLlN. WASTED. S AVANNAH Loan Association Stock. Wanted by fob 8 UK 3. A. McCLaSKLY. Broker. FOR SALE. T lV-l Twelve acre cuiitfriioiii uni t* of Land on tho White Bluff Rood, near wher * it 1* cro»* -d by tho Fa-aiiiiah A liulf Italliuitil, nnd two tracts near thu <»«•*• diet* PlnukroaiL about two milt ■ from tin* city, contain* lug over i-l;lit« en aero* each. If tl it di*pos?d of before tlie first Tuesday in April nuxt, will bo offered at tho Coiit t Home. Apply to lu-ir 8 WM. WRIGIIT. FOR SALE. T UB 8UB8i*RTBEK iiff.-rsfors do three one hundred .tore .'arm lots. w<dl *d ipt'’d to til" purposes of gar* dt'iimg. .Un ited within five inIL** of the city, containing both lilgli and law lauds, aud well wixnl-d. Apply t<* fell H WM. M'ltlUIIT. It ill l>e s.ild on th* first TUESDAY In April next, iu front of Court House, within the usual haute of sal**— That valuable wharf property with the buildings at* Inched, consisting of four toncmeiits, four storie* each, k'luwiuwAudereuti’RUpper Wharf, wltlm front wfntre bun* dredand flvo(l06) fr*.-t un the iivur,bulouging to thu Joint heir* of the late lleorgo An lurwin dif sa-tul. sold for a di* vfriun. This wharf has thu best depth of water of any ou the river. Turin* one fourth ca«h. balance In one, two and three yours, with lutcrest from date, purchaser paying for ti tles. mm- ij| At PrlreteSnle. A prime Negro Man, twenty-ihrco years of age. it good Carpenter. mar 1 wreiuueeirom envauuan, containing iso acres. Thepulu Uc road runs tLronnh It. Two retllcmcnis can bu made, kavlaggooil Linds for ganlculugin tueb. A plat cau bo *— ai the conn ting room. A Valuable Plantation for Sale IN HoINTOSlI COUNTY. \ TUBSub«crii*erotrorsrorsap*tluf«dlrtw* |! lug ralua'du TRACT OF LAND, InMe-gtSfC. ILln w»b county; 1,227 nervs of ptuo l#ml nud well tlnilxmol: UOncnaof gool Luvlaml— 6^ aciet of which Is cleared and und. r cultlvatlou. j art crowing tho Farannah, Albany &Ut,|f Railroad t nlso, J.120acres ofricb swamp and hammock land; 1,830 nerra of rich land, l']0 cleared and tinder cu.m! 1 u'.tlvn* with a good mill »c.u attmho-1 to It, all wliliin M mill** of tin* above nam.-d Rail road. Tliore Is a g-md dwelling on the premise*, situated on u high. b autlfuL and well water-d hill. uUhln IJtf tulles of tho ultove ral road aud on tho .Macon At'arl.-n road. This Is A rare chancrt fur land tmr.-hasurs, and a great bargain can be obtained by ap; lying Immediately to thu proprietor. A. J. IIAOliS, Sr.. Walthourvllb*, Liberty Co« nr to JOHN S, MONTMOLLIN, K«p, mar 21—<Hw|f Favannali, (I*. Plautation for Sale. Thu Subsc/lb-.-r offer* f-r salo his Oak and ,Hickory PluiitHtlou,containing BIx Hundred aud ,Twcuty*flve acres Ihreelittiidrcdand twen* *y fiv*' acres dearieno-l. Tbcso land 1 lie #*v«u (7) null's uost of Albany, in Dougherty county, and a-lj'dus the land] of Moasis. Paul E. Tarvrr, Tlmma* Jfonchun, and others. Any one in want of a small place would do well to call and look for thenuulva*. Tlm land cannot bo suriuiiscd frrj>roductlvcncss nud durability by any in I or further particulars, sddreu tbe suheeriber at Al* bany, Goo. mnr 10—tf E. T. JONES. VALUABLE flDAL ESTATE. 60U nor*-* of Laud ru Oie great Ogvecliee frjWfo River, 300 cf rhlth is Swamp under tank, and ir^clnsrsd, thetmlsnca well adapted to U10 ***1. culture of Cotton end 1 -<*ni—all ur.drr fence. *•» Iqil-rovotueou ere a ptaiu dwelling bouts,, n rv large and eonrenfset t are, with ctlioi necessary iibulldiocsaad accM&uodauoM Ibr CO Negroes. OUll JOB PHISTTISTG. GEO. N. NICHOLS, striiZi-OT, OPPOSITE PULASKI HOUSE, SAVANNAH, OEORGIA. Jan 29—ly ☆ CLOTHING _A_, EMPORIUM.^ (oxb »»u »ur or thu turcuLtoA* uu.uu.vj hook.) WM. 0. PRICE, Fup'rfinoClotlis. FASHIONABLE AND MILITARY TAILOR, 147 BAY.S1BEET, For Uuntfrmcn. S.iVAV,V,U(. At 8hurt Notice *?■ Order# from City nnd Country to'.lcitod. Flna Roaily* Mudu Cluthlng; Hut# nnd Cap#, Slilits. Collars, Oloreo, Hosiery, CtntM.UmbreU'* Cravats. Stock*, llamlkerrh'f., Fancy Artirhs Ctudnmrc#, aud Vestings,will Im? Slade toMcasim* UuuxcvpU'uablc Iu 8tylu nnd Workmanship, By tlm Best 31 celt a uics, WM. GIBSON, A TTORNr.Y AT LAW, after fifteen years' practice, has located in Auguria, (It., nnd will attend the court* lu Itlchmoad, Warren, Columbia. llurk", Jeff r- son and Lincoln counties. Of Uefcrs to Editor* Ue* publican, Savannah.mar *—dOm JNO. C. BOOTH CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. W ILL nlou givu Lis altcutiuii tu Dcsigua in ArehL treture. Of Office in the store of John Williamson, Esq., Bay •trout. Jan 31—tf BARNARD ELLIS, Factor and General Commission ill 12 It CHANT, No. 08 ttuystreet, savanttaU, Bn. ANDREWS A FOUCIIE. ATTOBNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, WASHINGTON, WILKES CO, OA. Will practlcn In all th* Counties of th* Northern Circuit 0ARNETT ANDREWS. ROOT. T. FOUCIIE. d.-cC—tf MRS. 1)R. CUNNINGHAM'S SCHOOL WAS UPKMCD ON TDK FlrM Mu dar In Niivcmbor. TfoWHS. 0. would Inform her frfonds tlmt,tlmre are a few J.YEvacancies which may lw fill d by ii|udying linmo- dlatcly. A few young foulL-s would la* received Into the family a* boarding scholars, where they will receive the kindest care and attention. Mr. 3IASS0X, Teacher of thu French Language. Resi dence North side of Liberty street, 4 doors almve Bare nard. not 32 Ofllce Corner or Boy aud WUIt«(ker*Sta. frb 22—ILno. frrnilby'' >l0r SPIA3SF0 FORTES mnr 4 FOIt SALE. 1 A NEGRO SIAN, 35 years old, a c&pablo house sor* 1 v—* W. D. ZOGBM7M & CO’S. » vant. Apply to FOn SALE. A BLACK MAN.?* year* old; an engineer, iff r>od character. Apply to WM. WBIGIIT. f- b Iff RAILROAD STOCK. HjrONTi»OMERY i n,.d West finnr 01 0CTAVU8 CPU BN. TO LET FOR ONE YEAR. A LARGI-; Square Room, twu windows racing East an-! two Smith, will Ire let to n single OontlemiUi, — - - large Wardrolp*. «nu Bureau- cAIHIIANkS A C-L. Broadway, for the belt Hay, Coal T'm standing ftirtiltura Is „....- . - - - and l'ii tliu e'cnl-i—Gold Medal. #«ul onndmiblu Cl net—a g;red ffonl Ornto *et In fire-place. - * Enquire'nt corner Bryan and Whitak-r street*. Jnn29*rf 0. 51. ORIF7EN. NOTICE. A LL PRR80NS lia» Ing demand.* against the firm of * * lL Wylly at lioiumulllii, will pb‘» c»*. ffrblWl W YLLYJ them at tOXTMOLLIX. notice. fWllIB Firm of WYLLY fo MONMIOLLIN having M. baun dissolved, the uadcrslgnsd will continue the buriHoss on his own nccunnt, Ptrlct pormiinl attention will Ik> given toullluHliiMS entrusted toh.m.nnd IL-crnl ml vanes* made when required. Ufflc* lu Bull stroet, op posite Pulaski Uuuee. _ mo, 1 JOHN 9. 3I0NTM0IXIN. ^j_L0n0K W. WYI.LY. willcuniluue the builiiess In all of its branches, at Hla *;!*! eitol'llslirel offle*. opposite the Custom House, nud will bo thankful fur buahirt’seutrmtcd to his care. marl notice. flW. FIRM OF KOKBNBAUail A LARSON WM i DlisnlvMl bv mutual consent, on Jaminrv 1.1869. Tlm llirelnes* of tliu old Finn will lw settled by J. II. Lad* *’“•■“>' Sl' a’lSloKESBAUail. J, H.LADSON. Savannah. January 28.1886.Jnn28 CO-P.lRTNEHSIIit” HUTICE; T llb Utiilereigtied |»(»V« Till* Buy. Mftalnt M them* e-lye*t-'Rather, uii'lor tboflrra noma .<r LAD3->37 A ..Oil /.IIS, for :mn*ncting a lanry aud Staple Dry Goods nnolneMtn tlm stand retmitv ,kco. ,,i.a bf .b. i«. nrrn Ot AawwP'' Favannali. .Tan. 1st. 1886. CORNELIUS D. HOftEftS. jail 2 TO BUILDERS.. T HE 8UII8RRIIILR I* prepared to execute nt the shortest notice, nnd in tho most work mnullko manner, nil kind* of Mftnl Roofing, nutters, Cornlcu, or other work connected with the manufacturing or renalre lug of Copper, Oalvuulied Iron. Zlnr, orMhert Iron Business. HORACE MORSE, maria 18fi Bronghtun-st. COLT’S 1 FOOT ROCKl T he GREAT ENGLISH llrmedjr, fof^ug}>BJ»nd Colds, For salo by mnr 6 _ INACOM SIPES, ofl'rimu quality, per _J‘ Keystone State, for sale by mar 26 MINIS A JOHNSTON. QUOAUBr-l" hhds clndco Porto Rico Bngar. 60 bbU81unrt's Criidicd do. no dii Vnlvirixed Loaf do. to,nn,.ba ty otM „ B8-J0OT80N t w , •WOFt'EE.-U'J ba|« lUot 6Q pocksU Javiu I 1 Ih. .Nil uU K. A LARGE stuck ot FtMnway & Sons, Stodurd, J. II. Dunnain, Horace Waters, Racou k Raton, J. Chickuring, Glli-ert * . . Co., and Llghtc, Newsvn and Bra .bury’a rcl-brated Patent Arch Wrest Flank 7 and 7 1-3 Octave They are distinguished lor . ...... tlclty of touch, stouding lu tuno and uuiurpasscd durabl Al.Sft.— A mn.t extensive assortment of Violins. Vi olin Cellos, Guitar*. Flutlna*. Accordoons, Flutes. Clari onet*. French nnd Italian Strings, Ac.. Ac., and Classical nnd fishlon.ilde MUSIC constantly ipMinI, Public favor {HiUtcly solicited. W. D. ZOGIIAUM A CO., No*. 107 Bryan and 84 8t. Jnllcn its. GOAL! COAL!! AT J. T. THOMAS'S Coal Yard, Ferry Wharf. d|A|h TONS Cannel. Orrol, White and Red Ash, tll/U _f'oa_Is. on hnnd.jis follows t gut) ton*EnrlUh Cann-1 Coni; 2-X) tons Liverpool Orrol Coal, an excellent article for Parlor Grates, Stoves aud Ranges; 100 ton* Large Lump White A*h Coal, snltablefor Foundries and Hteant Engines; 400 bins Broken and Screened Egg size Red Ash Coal, a genuine article, mdersli TliFunfFersIgncd I* prepared to fill order* at shortest notice, and solicits tbe patronage of til* friends and tho public. J. T. THOMAS, Jap 7 Wood and Coal Yard, Ferry Wharf. FOR SALE. -f AAA ACRES of Land In ono body, I.Us\IUU In Glynn county, 10 miles from Durion/oii the AltnmahK river, well timbered with Oak d Pine, aud ahigh Bluff on tbo river. Apply to nnr 20 WM. WRIGHT. FOR SALE. BLACK MAN, 22 years old, a capUal honw servant UuaUI. eiJk,i, •* jwi uiu, a cni'iim jiouk* eervau. . and waiter, of good character and sound. Apply to ir20 WM.WItldnt. FOR SALE. MULATTO WOMAN. SO years A tract of HVyt acres, JhXV oi which Is tnlari svramu, an-l t.«0 uplands, fine coitun and proristoa lau Is, nioetiv cleared. Abjmt lodhctMi Lave a heavy growth of «nk anil hickory, only enaialle from tide coi'ininnlciitluii to Fa nsa v * **-• * - vannsa by tno Ogcct her Canal, end tho balne:»* heavily t mux-red with pino. Together with the above, will bo sold, n wng ot 14 prime Koatcca, cccwitomed to tho culture of Riot* or Cotton and Coro. For sale by Jt» - WM. WniQllT. CS.ICE I.VVblOB O.PRDIT Anction Salea, *r WPBHCBB CCnWEljl.'fc CP. Kl'J low If applied for eoon. At Private Bale. A likely negro man 22 years of age, of good Hon: e-dd for no fruit. fr| At Private Sale. 30 Shares Canton Mlue Sfoek,for sol* at a vspri^w fig. For Sale to Arrive. 25 bbts. new Mem Beef, New York. to <lo do do Yoik, do do. lOLoxesGoehen Cheese. frbJT At Private Sale. A Negro Womans gocd.plaiu Cook,Washer nnd Ironer, If not disposed of at pr«v*te rale, by next sale day, will . tlkf.,1 tu, in it lu.fnri.,. lil.h. .. l.'.fit.. t lii'U Ito so.d before the Court House to tbe highlit C'u lilies uudoubted. fob 25 At Private Hal*. A Negro Woman, a firet rote Cook, Washer and Ironsr aud ged 8vanretress. aunud and healthy j if not sold at prlvuto rail* before next sul J day, will tbtn be sold before the Court lioasg to the hlghvsl Udder. Titlis undonbtwl frb yj A Valuable Family cf .Vrgroee. A prmw Negro Man, a goal field hand; hit wife, a first rat* Cook, Scsmriria*. Wa»h*-r and Iromr, and their Child, about 6 yean old—»ound nnd healthy. Title# un doubted; if nut disposed of at prirete sale before next rale day. will then bo sold before tire Burnt Hunre to tha highest bidder. fob 25 Valuable Tract of Land and Improvements—At Privali hah*. A vatunbb and very draireMo tract of Lund on tha Skl-ldawny re«d, about five mil'** front the city, contain. Ing about 3oo Acre*, well timbered. On the pnmlaea there I* a good Dwelling Hr.use, Negro Houses, and all the other necessary out-buildings, blether with a well of excellent water. Terms liberal. For farther particulars enquire at our Counting-room. frb 26 At Private Sale—Core Afloat. 2000 bnslu-l* of new Corn In sacke, fbr *ale to arrive. At Privnte gale. A Negro Man, 25 years old, good Hostler and Carriage Driver, und his wire, aged 23. plain Cook, Washer and Ironer. with their two GDI children, aged 4 and? years, warranted sound and healthy. frb 3 At Private Kale. A kind and gcntlo draught llmne, warranted sound. At Privnte Bab*. A handsome Pony, six year* (dd, fourteen hand* high. Pace* a mile In three minute* and trots it In four, war* ranted. For sale low if applied for soon. Jan 23 At Privato Sale. A Negro Maq about 86 years of agt/goodfiFid banfiaat axo man, sound and heathy. Jan a Valuable City Lou frr Sale. Lot No. 1? South Oglethorpe Ward, situated on New Street, fronting new Railroad Depot, ICO feet deep by 63 fret front. Also, Let* Ni*. 2 and 11 Curry Town, being near the earner of Liberty and West Broad streets.— Each DO feet front by SOfrxt deep. All of the above Lott are fro simple, and will be sold on liberal terme. LANDING nnd fur sale—coiiiprislnu Aiwiee, Apricot, IVach, Chttrim. Pasts, I him, and Raspberry— 1 were ordered §nm gentle nan, who hav disponed e( Ids place, and as# nor offered or sale. Apply io V. J. WALSH, **"•0 Ho. ?.’H> Dsy-st. Vnlunhfo Real Estate. Tliatcommo«lluti*,mt)atantlaland wellbniU ••• re • ^ brick Dwelling linure*, situated at the comer ol Umi Koni-ry and State streets, and fronting Liberty £q*#s«, known a* the residence of thelste John1». TlTHfimau ~ It is one of the most delightful situations In tho uty, ret surpass* nnythingor tbe kind in |*dnt of arrhlteuwcal nrrangement*. llio situation I* also very rajnall, Mu located ou l«>t* 'niinihn* !>, 10,11 and 12,bounded by Watt Rroad. M«intgnm<*ry and Slate streets, and unth# north by Brouglitnn Wrett lane. ftn West Rroad street there Is a very large anti • wareJtntue. The lirntlon of thfre property Is so well known, ana thn I 1 TREES prospect of n rapid Inrreasein tlie valueeocertain, that II Islnr A ppluM, U deemed unnecee«ary to sr FOR SALE. f A Lot of 35 acres, well improvctLin Walihour* vlll;*. Liberty countv, Ga. Tho bind hav fo-en alt drareil, and a portion of it Leuutlfttlly Inld out with film orchard*, situated about ono mile from Mofthu Eavamiah, Albany & Gulf Railinul.— Apply to mnr 1 WM. WRIU UT. FOR SALE. « ,C8 Acres or Uuk. Hickory and Pine Land In 2EK*Mcliiti.vh Co., on the AlMninh* River, nt tho IS3lsi'ry**iiigofthe8Mvannnh nnd Gulf Knllroud, ,.f — "h ell 220 acres ilo Ray Land well ditched and tnifor cuPivutlon and ft need. Also. 2)0 aero* of thu oh™, fr upland, under fence, nnd well improved, with a •■o.iifortabb* Dwelling. Gin Houw*. Ihu ns. Stuldcs nud cumrm table quarters for thirty urgroca. Apply to »m»r HR ^ . WM. WRIGHT. HOUSE WANTED. 4 A nrick Uoiivu with Mubfr and t'nrringo hoases. ■ Ou a w lio'.o lot prefo-rred. Apply to * „ GKO. W. WYLLY .uar 8 Auction and Commission Uruker. TO RENT‘TILL NOVTlT 8 A g»«*l Dw.-ldiig Homo l;i Troup Ward, with ■ mxb-rti iiupruvcmeut*. Applv to A. WILBUR, 111 Ray^t. FOR RENT. Two vety dvsir.vble Store* in Jefferson street next Si to corner of Congress street, well adapted to Jfr m.v kind of retail burincre. f-bfi) MINIS * JOHNSTON. FOR SALE. A S 0 ?*! Dwelliug t!«u*w, un tho corner of Ptato jjlin'tnd Hab-*r*ham ithfts fronting sixty (00) fret on Amm, .uluntblasquare, b lfu two stone* on n brick base* mcut, k ttl;h outbuilihngH all in good ord r. Aprly to . , A. WILBUR, frb 12 Out:'!. In*. Agt. A Broker—111 Bay *t. , . #t>*C RH»V. M Tho Wharf Store to No. 1»3 Bay etree', suitable for storing Cotton or KtrchstwGra. Apply to J«*» i * BAYKARD A ROM LAND. Iiobss WAKTtfp; ft A BRICK HOUSE with K ett xo reofnv, vr'th stable D and carriage house, on • hril lot. Apply to * h» 4 WYLLY A MOXTHHUN. SiJccfai Kotfcca. DANCING ACADEMY. SIGNS. A. BgXAUU, respectfuRj Mona. a. ipj.vauo, re^pi-cintiiy inTurm* Ida i natrons, that tho last term of the season will f b.gin on Tuesday, the 2tltli lust. J t’orvon* dHring to ocud pupils, are requested k* t j do eo by that time, rib South Western Rail Road Bonds. BOOTH WESTERN RAIL 1UUU CO.,I Macin'. February litli. 1SC0. f ■WTOTICE Is hereby* givcu to the holders of any of the J.^1 Bonds of the Company, Hint all or any portion of tlw Company’s llonds may be surrendered and convert, ed Into utuck of tho Company. Interest on nny Bond couvericd Into cease on tho datoofthcDividcud d.iy next preciding tbo couverslon. Rr order of the Board. JOHN T. BOIFBUILLV-T, frb 18—5mo Treasurer. DBS. LEFLER & WILCOX, DE3HTIST8, Are uow tully prepared t<» Insert fall or partial setts of teeth on the pr inciple of Dr. J. Alien'* Patent Coutiuuotis tiiim. By this improvement, tho frirn ortho faco can b> restored to nny degree or rotundity that may be vlreln-d. It Is appIlcubleTn all csint where the checks Imvo full.-n In, and cannot Ire detect.-d by tho c.osrst ob* wrrer. Thl* method combine* the fullowingadvantagcs: An artificial guiu, which exhibits a perfectly namml and lit'e*Mke appearance, and imparts to tho tooth that pecu* liar expression WmIcIi characterizes tlie natural organs. This Gum cooflsts of a silicious comp und, wbch Is appll-d an-I fured upon the Teeth ami Plate In such a manner, to HI. until the Interetlct-i around the base of tlu Teeth, and alw unite* them firmly to each other and to tho Plato upon which they are sot This secures perfect clean linen nf the Teeth. Office over Do Witt A Morgan's,Concrete street frb 18-tf BOARDING. PLEASANT ROOMS and good Board can bo obtained fur several Ladies and Gentlemen, at No. F, St. Jauta Square, corner Barnard and President •tieets. WE . A CARD. 'R TTIE UNDERSIGNED were present at an ex* liibitlon of tlWLIttlo Giant Com and Cobb Mill In thisdtv. on the6thpnd£Ji Inst., and considered it the bu.t Mill of the kind we have ever seen, GKO. G. FAUCIT, Millwright, WM. GREEN, Manufacturer Grl-t 51111*. II. II. LINOVILLK, Macbiulstand Eng'r. J. II. BALDWIN, JOHN POSTELL. mar 8 . stress and bouse servant, mar 26 a good eeam* Apply to 1 W5I. WBIGIIT. FOR SALE. .. A MULATTO BOY, 18 year* old, good house servant and waiter, and a Mulatto Ulrl, a good boast ser vant nnd chamber mold. Apply to mar 20 WM. WIH01IT. B EEF.—Philadelphia Family Beef In half bbls,per steamer Keystono State, for avlobv mar 20 MINIS fo J0HN8T0N. B UTTER.—ClvolceG.vshcn Butter, Just received and for sale on consignment. mar 28 WILLIA5I8 k RATCLIFF. AOKERBL, CODFISH, AND HER. M i RING— 261 bbla new No. 3 large Maekeref» 2d da old* No.3 do do; 20 halt bblt new No. 1 large Mackerel; 20 ilo do du No. 2 do do] iked Herrtngi 2 hhds Codfish; 60 boxes Smoked Herrings. jB, ar t >nJ *8piuNW‘ uOIINBTON A 00. ^ §80 REWARD, Will Ire paid for tho apnrehedsloo and delivery at my office of WILLIAM. Ilo is atarat 23 years old, 6 fret 0 or 7 inches high, stout built, proba bly weigh* 100 pounds, was raised la South Carolina, bnt has a mother In this pUctl has been runaway about ons month. marl WM. WRIGHT. PLUMBING. P LUMBING In all ils various branches, attended to nt tho sliortost notice, and lu superior stylo, Alsu, may be found Shower Both*, UklvanUed Iron, Tin and L;-a«Icd Balh Thlre, Copper Bollero, Patent Pan Water Chrrets. Lead IWFheot Lead, Brass and Plated Cocks, Force Pumpfo India Rubber Hows for sale, at thu Uouaa Furnishing Store 166 Broughton aL mug HORACE MORSE. . TO HOUSEKEEPERS. M«pi«iuiATO"ls , ac!ts5”w5?'?£i!l, r Kli a*- «l«. Water Klim. Win ni.h Horen, Kill KMtlea, 8m»D Digeitere, French Tinned Ware, Tinned and Enau* Mleu 8taw Pans,Cooking Stove*, Oreklug Eauges, Table Catlory. Cedar Tnb# and Buckets, Wooden Ware, Willow S“ "n^Jr* 0 • nd Co PP*f Ware, Brass Kettles, oeay more to attract attention. GiRA-N" GEE’S “Magic” Corn and Cob Mill. A Sfo OND KXUJlilTlON which lure this day been 2mglvrn of the efficiency uf thu above tuuued Mill, as nu (f-noinlral and sj-enly motle of grinding Corn In tha groin, aud In the Cob, has satisfied ever} on«cf Its Mifo-ilority In every claim which tt makes upon thu pub* lie confidence. Thl* Mill does not deserve the confidence of the public oxtv. because or tvs rowia, evecn aud rmcrtvixua la rro< king the Corn and Cob with whlcli it Is supplied, but ir di^s nmre;Jt maki * gcc-d Meal, Grits, and licmlny, wl.llo at the enme time it ensex. conx a>b Cct* In a tuai'.ner superior tunny Mill v.lfoh Las yet been offered to the I'UbRc, It is in consideration of the nccnllarh* fine quality of 3lc.vL,Grivs. 4ND IfoMi>r«liKb this Mill tnrne out, that the unih*r»lgne-l as agent offer* it to tbe public. Any further Information may be had on application to tho undersigned, who line the Mill fur sale. OEG. A. .WCCLE8KKY, mar 22 tf Bull street, 3rd door from Bay, THUNDER &UGHTNING. SPRATT’S PATENT LIGHTSING HOBS, [With Glare luiu tutors put np nt the shortest 'noth e. by 8TIBB3 ft DAVIS. mar 14—Uuio cbruxsto-’s PATENT CHAMPION Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. • _ tu- great interest man!- bythep fested fey the pubUo to pro. cure more perfect security from Fire for valuable pa* pen, eocb ■■ Bonus, Moat* ousts, Duns, Nona, and Books or Account, than -mm , . tho ordinary 8AFF8 horo* toforu iu usu liud affirdrfl. Induced thu Subscribes to devute a largo |K>rtlon of and attentloa during ths pmt tburticn year* in making improvements ana dia* coverlet for this olject, and they now beg leave to mure their numi-n'us friends, nnd the pnMIc generally, that their effuris have hren crowned with c«midcte i-ucccsa. and now offer the -IMPROVED HERRING'S PATENT WORLD’S FAIR PREMIUM FILE PROOF 8AFE,’* as tho CHAMPION SAFE OF THE-WORLD. UAVINC WN AWABSXO XtaAU AT BOTH TIIX 1 UAVIXCtEtX AWABSXO MtOAU AT MtM TH* Wolrda Falr% Laiidaiu I^l,«nd N.York.’tt, As superior to all other*. It Is now. undoubtedly .entitled to tliatanpuRatlou. nnd secured wliji 1IALL'8 PATENT T.Il PIlGOF *——• •- * — POWDER PROOF LOCH8.(Which also was awarded WlP* ais as a\reve,5 forms tho most perfect Fire and Burglar Proof fiafee ever before offered to (he Public. Tlm Subscriber* nlso mnnufreturo nit kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Dank Cbret* and Vault Doers, and Money Boxes or Cheeta,for Brokers, Jewellers, andrri* rate Families, for Plate, Diamonds, and other Valuable*; And are also Patentees, (by purcliase,) and Manufacture JONES* PATENT PERMUTATION BANK I0CI/ 8ILAS C. HERRING* CO., PATENTEES, GREEN BLOCK. Nos. 1«6,1S7 aad 188 Water MrecL Agentihi Georgia, Ball and Prentiss, Savannah. AGENTS WANTED. nnilE SUBSCRIBER Is constantly issuing nsw Map« JL of tbo Most Usofnl and Saleable Character. Intel* prUIng agents aud sellers In different parta uf tha count* ry are nuking from S500 to $3000 s Tear. Any persevering man canmakeapermaBMit b with bnt very small outlay and no risk. . CATALOGUE and letter containing ftsH dearti Ums, ftc., trill be sent to a good man who la in ^ business. - ' All Inquiries answered by return n , Great Inducement* and liberal allowance i Agentsiand Pedlars already In tha business. „ MEN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT. address A. II. JOCELYN, publisher ofPorcUftXUt* luesmtss Bums. N<>*. 68 and 60 FULTON STREET, Nsw Tssfc. mar 16—3m V gOAP AND STARCH— figatea Pale Soap; do_ .do do; 100 boxes Colgi 160 do uo 60 do do Pearl Starch; Just received and for sale by mnr 24 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A 00. ARD. CANDLES, Ac— ¥ Anar, eanwacioi *»« JLd 15 bids prime Leaf Lard; nxr&asBBSnsniaiff*' ino dy Hmlth'aA Buchan's Family Soap; TH tin Pdlnt.'i Nn. 1 mil IK Imm -tJT. 100 . 76 do Coin ite'e No. 1 and lb bars dot foreale by mar 27 SCRANTON, JOIfNSTON k CO. ACON HIDES.—10 l.lul. choke Bacon £Meii landing from Keystone State, and for rale by '”'' C. A. GRHINKB. roar 27 ACAV1.AT*. HISTORY fjgjjgpBXBS Itt from tlw Accoesion of Jameail. •aiU r *~—^ ^ “ Acoar, sides and DACOIt, SIDES AK1 M3 Lauding from schr Marla by war 82 . Ml