The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 29, 1858, Image 1

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■ - - St •" ■ ■ ■ _ • V* ‘‘? ! f "■' ' •* ~"V> ";■*. V(> Mr »i.\ ■_'••«• •‘Vf.’. ■•!' volume: lvii. >Yi'o;u is itrmkhkd daii Y. TRl WEEKLY. AND WEEKLY, BY I’. W. SI MS. J. R. S.'Uj2D» ■ Editor. li t I KK OK ADY liUtTOil.NG. •lie « i>i.iiv«I 300 uim* or Iok*. of any type not Ur* h .S.n|, * a ion t m mr tin* first. amt Ao rums i *iu sequent insertion. for any Mine Iona limn ono • ti.o’nr wnik, with nr without rule*, nndadver ii* occupying double column, ahull l>» charged tin- aimvo rams. w hatever length. lor any time loa .• tiiouili, to l»o charged at trail sic lit ratva . i i*irf.*i tunc hi Hit h'lhtwlint rales: t inn. 'into' Ruin* 4 lima II lima (2 lima • j $R* 1 flu 1 $20 *24 $30 $40 •1 u | 22 1 20 | • * :| S 50 •12 , .lh ; 4a on . *21 . 32 . us 42 62 70 3" u 00 so •I »» »" 1 6vi | 61 | 1 ^5 | 9'i •; w i tu 54 , AS it) loo •i 34 | 19 | fts I 62 ■ 1 71 1 no I |K •il i'ii* ns i :(■* 1 1 .0 1 •U 1 | 7u_ 1 «'• | 125 • mo not*'*.i'i* sjieclllid. U|ir |ioi tiomil charge arichia ■iitlorcn tlitvo ti B a week, will tie "•-thirds ll.ciilu.ic rates. Mount •».: !•••! emit (rout tl ithnvn rates will i .I'lverti' -tm-iiuappearing on Mm fourth pag.* ly. imimoa, to coins per lino for tlm llrst. Mini 4 anil a.i..i>ni(imni uisortinii. am. Ill m* c-ian tn lie ivniract. 'luinugv mdhvt. $1. Funem' mvl c«-..i- r.tiii. .Sosp« vial notice in«oitoil l»r li’*» i If. Uutuaiy noiiocB. lto|Hiita, It* solutions mi.-*of any Society, Association, i.r Corpora* . .. .11.- published. 6 couis per Hue. • i* will t> -advertised ut $40 per aiiuuiu for rutin lug, $10 per i cl. .ip* -aImre hi. *.».«* • • or more. $30 nfh. e-rVudveiiiueiiit als not to ho subject to con In* rhurg-l at tin* ratni prescribed per i < nil! rm two ittMith« advertising. otltur than su.nmiti* (.io*, r |.'h», a dodltctiou of 25 pci I-.- made. •tot! •imr. null th© privilege nf cluing". will i! to. : Cowing late: - (iiiit *. renewable mice a week $46 lit let . 66 I .- •• three times *ir oflvimr. :l *qnnr-- e*iittritct***l for to ho charged •• i..t* ► el* **l!iill la* limited to the space Coll ,mi t-»>i.tracts Miall he in writing,stating ■ . t..! put- oi lilt hm'iuesa to III'loi tell let tl.— . -.i*. e.eni. not properly Coiiimeteil with the ■ .•,-tii e ,-h«rgc<t m pi,raid), and also any ex ,ti-r *.»••! The ati'Oimt mntmeted tor. •et i t.i rte-irt. ul-.piy-.ble quarterly: advertise o li.riinc i* aiel li'iusmiit p< ntoim. payable in i-t'e Ml ..ih.-te will he cousi*lerctl dim wlmu called • t{*t under uii ctrruiustuucw. to he lucludodin : ....Si-Mu et Imsiiie.s ranis, not exceeding Mines p-i—ti.s (.. he, - tint- cal ditiales, will ho inserted . •. ui..*:. to he paid for invariably In . le.iMKiiig candidates l«ir olllce, $10, to he paid iu • r.i'.-ui.'iits not iiinrli«doti the copy for a specified tt .1 be Mceried until forbid, ami payment ex- ,i t i>in11.,, r-» uml i,M others sending commit- • ..i-1, ,t - v noticei* designed to call attention • r... - -ir* et.. n| any public cillertiiiiiHients, tie sin.- made f-n aliuittiuic*—all notices of • . s.H-n,tents, every notice d-s|gned to call illtctt* , m ite .-nleipim-’s calelllated or intended to pro- i evetuai int*.rests, van only he Inserted with the . that llm same is to he paid for. If in- ".lit.-risl column twlildi i an he only at the . • i'e-. .in us tlm sunn- will hi* charged at the ti t .••«■> Mian cents per line. , eid* rod in tlm Weekly. $1 per r • •icli ins- i tem f-.r any tint** less tluni ono f -r ue r. than oi.<- mouth, at uue-hnlltlm rates I laid- i | i i..-e <| iiiildli-liers of Wally. Trl-WeeM.v and ip.-., w-i •i-rsi'i Savaonah. (la.. pledge themselves p. eh .r>- to He- above hill of charges, and in no • *!' \ . \t.- tle-lefl.'llA i.t'est.. take em-rt March 1.1850.ami to Png until ciiiMiged »•> the vot*.*u » majority : . • . d d. i. . (■;, .. :, duh -I-ill md in any wny-ITect the in* ,M..iii,g . .ii'iucls, .11,-outilids for tho year .•e u •line, shall only cease with the . pen* •• *.>r w iii- h the were luado. I tv wepllldirall , i, 5.• '• Alt. G»..rgiuii- I i -li's iS’ Morning News ;! .0 irerlhiemeiitH tt IX Mil.*;;<It*’i-"S siALK. • -.I. •-••I tt Omit M--u*e *l*a*r. In ..-ie .•••ii v.oii in tir-t Tu- s lay m 'lay next. ■ . h -ins si.e. tie filmwnig piojuily, . e I. ail of .*!••, a * at lie. III .fe orbs*.— ■ ill pr ■|.-rly ..f i.tilmw M M»igun to . t .i.i oi lie 9*ip-il*.r I’oiirt *1 ttry r, 1....1 I K. ■ P< ts M ulm-w M Pi . i t v point- i mil by Ml- del -edsiit V • I I.I. s*1«**i iff (I C .1 tlidlll -It e. ill I** ►’’M H,\LK. i. - -u in- hist In t ay in May In • -i in- ip'll use i.i t:tll .R»i-im t’oiiuty, .no or* oi sale, an --M ti gio *nau,*, ini *d t r*> I l li 'in s > r. Inns, la-'ietl on hy I! e <\. r.-i-t l,.>. r >o< la y a li. la. in favor of u M ighti-ale's. milt in amt lor i Uai li J ih. |VtS • s,i .lit:Ai K li HKt.MI.Y SVlf K c l i |.: Ob’ <; "lOdiiU,' I'**all" whom it may iM 'M.i M *'"l M Y I , coi.c-rti- , .,1.11., n will apply <il the llmil'tof . t l. p• i. i»i*n.l*** i <>s odmiidstiairu on '...‘ lit r-h.|e. t>. ||.-:iml lldlll'lliinh all wliani it . i i t ■ « t d app-»e m-fir sabl • unit t>» ' j ,|| any tliey u ivt-1 no or hei'.n. ilm llrst < n "t i.o t r * vi. o-hei wise said b tiers will ho |..y, iiiiii.,. IN ,. iir'linary for (.’hathum . .!• mill d.y • I Apt tl. t*.rt J ,|| v IHUKI.oj^.C. . t’hl .)!•' 'iEOitUUi i To all wleun it limy . 11, ; '1 iUI Y. / uoucerii: - .• .if, w l| apply at l'm Court o! ■ t.-i*. is Ihmiiss-oy-. ,m Administrator on the . lot-ill* II 1 11 I* helm admmii«li all whom It said Court to mako '■*r- tlm Iiint Mou* ' o'- r ie-xi. otimrvisu said letters will tm ' .’iu itiliio i‘.*■(.. Ot li eiry for Ciialliatu ! .«• fill >mi ol Mar li IH.S. .1 -UN llil.lhl. o 0.0. ; ti,.* i; huillfil A, l 'Vo-,d wh.mi it ilia -I »i it \ M C*lU sTY ( com-ern : 11 i, *: ito < I to i will apply at tlm Om.r* •» n -i. in- o.•*..,,« us .diuiidstiatormi the .. : i u ". K ov laml. -it r i ip* to i it ■ and iidmoul*ti all whom ■ t<> in' in I api ear before said ■•ni l, to i'ii* il my they tiave), on oi todofe the llrst .•my o-v't, ..rinirwise said l.etteis will tin •I .tin It Ilia, !•:*■!. oi-liiiury for Chatliom . ".' i-iilli 'la> of .1 toin iy. MoV* .1' III .S III'l. o 0 0 yb’ U -;i> I'll 1, I I’oail .1 way il.Mt'l ’It;MY. i i ti. itrigl* i ii. wi I apply at tin-Court of executor on too Ks i IV.*1 s •>')'. it-nii'l 'olni'iiilviall ivhnm it ■ I- - oel n|,|i ar before said C **irt to make on • •« -. aa-et oil -*r llelol'O tlm Mom • v . .iii«e.»i* -sii I leiteis will I*.-granted. . il in •. i:*-( .iii- hairy mr chaihaui Co., ■ I I) ti'iiilMt, is.,7 ,1X0. II! IdlO.o. c. C. r. >)h* H IdOitdl A, i To ull wleun it may I 11.1 i -l Ci>U * I'Y / concern : • i. .ward I,.veil will apply at Mm Court of : r |,-ir.i s IhsuiMs iry as Administrator ou .l.,ri. j I. Millmlt. . tli-i'.-i-.t-.lociie ami admonish all whmii It i.i. ie- oi I »,*imar li -fore said Court touiako i., i i.iv navei m or heforo tlm ti rat Moll* . ie xt. ota i who saiJ l-ttors will ho grant lohii Itilh I. KS'I Urdimw for Chatham . • ..|-von ill I iv oi .faoii-iry, ls..» ...,||X IOC. C. id Of* C KOitUIA, I To all wrnmilt may i s i: *f VI' Y f concern: . uni Icdlv-n vlll apply at the Court m Or .-Her, lineids* try a* vlintul»immx of K*- .m-- il M -hii-II. .I. reamd. ne i'ii*., I’.-., to cite ami a-lnio*ii«ll all whom it i 1.1 . ale im-ir *i , .|-cii-ms (If any they have) • •• *h- itrsi MMiiV iu MAY imxt, oilurwiso I - WI I he granted • . ti-uri K -m Hi. K*ij iirdiuary fur Ur)an his gjd day of • icii,, is:,7. llr.NilV K. SMI 1*11.0 n c. re: Oh* t4Kt>tiUl,Y. I Tu nil whom il mar i.i V \ » 'Ml'.' I’Y. J ruun.rn: ,*. be k* a 'h:<1 wi'l *t|,|,ly at MieCimituf Or* ,i i.e'i.-r- ihs-iiissory u* cmviviug hxicutor of t .dr .» Ihr I, »r . deceased i. iii i t»r** t * cite and mlmouUli Alt wlmm it i„ lit - ilmir olij'Tturns (If iiny they hav«) lie- llrat I lS.i \Y ill MAY next,otherwise is will lie granted. I .■> U. mil i, K*q.. Ordinary for Dryan » ,.s . 11 day of Dclolii r. i* i 57. 11. c. NOTIfli ; ,|-»vr IS A K IT*.* U V'l'K. Application will i to Il,eC;l*l,|tT olTilll Uui'iu lllilik AllgllB* *■ ni.r.r feu sinir •* :S» iluui l-*m«l in Henry ,|. on -mil March. IH.VJ. wlnrli Scriji li r ml*ltiid HHUT..L CAOUIIKY', A iinln strat-r Kslale Henry Harper. i. V-'t.t .larmsry. IRfik. ■ law am NOT CK, ' *•:. mil* af-.-rd it... npplicutlon w ill lmnimle to <d 'ii,lm.rv" r l.ih.Tty County,lorlouve ..-in, of I,-I tel. i hit property of t e esf ato of ' ot id. hit" of said county ih-ceased, and to "• bem Utof the heirs and distributees of an SKAIIO N li MU-TIN, 11 On ir-lbni of Minors of «|ilnt*t». f|1 ’*' ''ML 'lh*.„N*,1 . ii > Diiwct. , * ? ».TT i ttTl.aOX ) • o.i. • i ii|i,-Ouurt,hy iherMiirn of the Plmriff. " ■*' •!■ •• e in*n i* ied to l»* found in llo- County ' *' i *•■ lion. It Is onl.-red that tl,** said , lib 1 • M. .1 or *1 fence il, the Clerk’s Of- ■' i-'i or befoie lie* litsl lay of tin* next , , 1 ' I ■! i*'iirilu r or hoed t nt ihi* order a . '* ’•* "l • of Itie •'■.* lies ol III,* C||y r,| KnillM , -nth* piovioiis to tlm next term of Mill frutu M'S taiouii s this 25i1i March. l«58t W JAJIM RAHK| 0.1.1. (L Bust Rcftnud CHARCO'L IH3N thctrsdiy M:6R^msra, ^lpril s». isss. CALVERT IRON AND NAIL WORKS, Biltimore, Md. J. IP il'KIXSON SMITH, OKFIOE 25 SOUTH Oil A ULIiS-STIiEET V HOOK ANII I'M,AT HEAP ItATI, UOAIJ Sl'IKES, BRIDGE AND CAR BOLTS. NUTS, *ec.. WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS, OF ALL PATTERNS, 5 tql2 Inch MA/tK TOO/l OK ft. i A l)M 1X1STR A T It 1 X\S 8 A I* li. W II* 1 * IM* .mil.ll, (mi the in»t Tm-sdiy in June next, heforo thu Court liou*i iu lliynii Count», ami crate uf Hemgla, 'property he|.iiigiu u to tlm i*dnio of tolm Italy, tie,-eased, liy pmnitssi >n of i lie ll-iiorshle, III • Court of •illunryof lliy-au county: n tract ol leiml known n* Mu\w. il II.11. ,-..i,ininiug 4aUn*res, uioieor Ie'*. being on the Urn- of ntv,n and L.lmrti county wild liou-ided imrili by Imd of.I,.he V Wells ea*. by II I, mg soil Hi ami w.-.t by Hi*. Stones, ttald Laud i« well tiitiheii>.l, anil wilbiu ono mile of * ou 'imli' river, wiili d . acres of ch ared laud*, an I a framed I'wilhng lo arly Aii'shed, with mat,-rials sulll h-nt alreidy iln-.s* cd. lo rumph'ie Hu* ho,i«e undati"it loo slick* ot m-w Tim her. n-a-lv f-n iiuiikei. bald true Ini* llhi aciesid H**l *|tl i.lty I in*l. ail I Is lo.-aied in tlit* best intiUe ■fork of any kind that can be had within luomiU-iof {‘aviiiiniih Al*'l. ill,- ii,-|;.,o*n ‘.H. b ill limber cuitvis; Paul years old up- It! null , i. ilie f-*ll--wii*g m-giiH-*:.Iiiiii*. 3: yenr*oM: I*iuu* ill timher cuiu-rs; Paul, i'll ynsns' old ; .Marla, 517 M.I/.A IIKTII HAl.Y A tinini-’iairlx & SILVER WARE «t JEWELRY. 8. WILMOT, COIIXER OF coxa HESS. jVIUTAKl'.ll AM) ST. \VUKX STREETS, O YFMl III* I. VIKJB ol RICH GOODS, at prices to suit Mie Hpe*. Uu huii.l, and receiving by ••'■•ryadeaiimr, Gold and Silver Goods of Gvorv Ascription# Pine !*ilver Tea Set*. Pilchers 'Vmleis. <,o'.let4f’.‘ups. ^p.Mii* an I Koto,, of ,«„rv wei |,i iml Virb-ty : S CENTRAL RAILROAD. aw.-If’lilKSww.-.uIrmS Now Arrangomonc. O N and alter duii'lay, Fehmary *41st. tlm PasBniger Train* uf this Ho-id will b*.- run a* folhiWs: BE I'WBKk SAVANNAH XNII SAC'lN. i.envolAnviiimnh 1.16 a m. amiSOOr. u Arrive iu 'I son ii. I0 4»A. u.aml a m. Imave daenu I'.-I.'i a.m- and 1..UU r M. Arrive iu Savannab..., 7.1* r. w. and8.6U a.m. IIXTWXXN SAVANNAH ANII VIJUl'NTA, tmavc Aavunnuh 1.10 A M. slid 11.If> A. U. Arrive in -Augusta U a. m. riiiI 7 i*. * I,save Align sin 0 A. M.Hlid 0.46 r. M. Arrtvo in rtArannnh t Ml a. M.aud 10.66 r.M. BITWBKN MAltON AND At'OUSTA. Leave Macon ....9.46a.n-and ll.3lir.ii. Arrive lu Augusta 7 r.M,nnd 9 a. m. Leave Auuuata 0 a m. and 11.45 r. M. Arrive iu Macon H».45 a. u.aml IM^'Ja.U, Tiains c-niiuct on errivnl at (lord<m, for Mldodgeville ami heitontou. At Macon with tiains of the Smithwi-st* eru U<mi-I lor Columbus a-d \Hmuy, aud with thu Ma con * Wesn-rn Road fur Atlaiita Passenger* eavmg Aav.iunan hy tlm 1.15 A. M. train, will iirmc in Allant.i t il P. M. leaving by lie 01>0 P. M. train will arrive iu Atlanta ntO.lfiimxi iiioruiog On buml.iv* tlm 11.15 A M. train fir Auglisbi wilt go Hip mull hi Macon iu place of the 3 P. M , which wul uot be run on that day. LMKUMiN FOrtTK, Snpt. Savannah. February Will, 1*57 m»v!2 Macon & Western Railroad. ms&§mmm*8k ltKDUCKl) NOT I UK. A LI, Pi-rs ins *,aviug ebiini* ug ll.n e*tat<* <*f the l ito Hr. Krunci* II Ih-ui.-ro. will present t i-iii,*tniy uu-'le.i, in ilo* Mm<* |ue*< rl-ed by law, and tin,*** In* di-bu-l will mak" Hum.-dint - pimimut to ujiija ,h» IN o. F Kbit ILL. Adininl*ipitor. NOTICiC. T tVil M'intli* after date, nppli.'-ili "ii will Ie* made lo itiu li-iimrahle Or-hu try ol Clnlh.iiii County, ho le.ivo (•> sell tlo r< <tl ••shite and I'ers-ui'il |ir.*|K*rty bo h.lilting t- the estate "I Fr tn tis Waver, de -us -d __ teti *JJ MAKUA’lKl' N WAVr lt. Adm’x fAOTICK A LL Person* iiolehted t ■ tint mte llrin of AMIN * lll’IIXNiii-e reipi.-steil f'**"tlb*..*tlii*i wise tlmir liot. s or io'1' ohit* ivl'l ho pla. i-d iii Hie hands o| an att-ilmy for eolieetiuii. at tlm next term ul'tli- ' ourt. fehi?_ If THoMA.4 II. IlirtNj*. NOTICK. A I.I, P< r*on* iiidet.t<*d •••the-**t it*-uf Usiii'imiu T. /R Him**. I *ii iryan e-moty dee. .i*..,|, me i*-i|ii st* **d io make pay m nt la ill • iiiid-ismn-1. at !llo*-vlll- Liberty counti: an I t'msi- having >1 mau ls gui' M suid edato will hand Me in iu. duly a li sted, Within the time prescribe i l,y law mar (.1 IIIVF.**. Adm'r of >t It ' 11‘n-*. | <11,AUDI AN 'VAL«r } virtue of an order I’ the touornhl,. Mm Court ! _ of Ur liiiurv f I, It Hy i oiilitv, will t»- so’.d he* j fill*'ll** ''oillt lions- d *>rs« ill 'ih.^tow I, ,.| 11 ill- e VIII - ( . oo tlm 1st Tuesduv iu June next the l,-u« lieii-s ot * i'e, m- tr ■ k of 1.1111*1 in tie* 7*h !»i*ir«l -t said [ Cmilt i of l.ibeity.H I I a* th pi >p. ity of tl ••» : M’l'i, K. S i»tl'-,rd d»cea*e, f .r -lm In lu-IU i f the lo ir* uml 1 distribute'so. salo di'o<->isi*l. I npl KKAII RN It 111 PTHN. Mm dlnn. j « f*r wedding a id oilier pre.t •terv wei lo and v-irhdy*: Silver uH, Cold a«*l iilv, r Wat elm., and Fine sill., e pieces, oeanMfllily pul tin l‘l* it.*.,' .-iiav vih-iy .1 ' WKIiltY, Iroiu the rb-liest dl.iomud to Hi-ehenp.-M plain gold. iiiPludiiV C.,n* '». Lava and Mosaic, In full “**t* iii-'l »*ug|e phe. •: wilh iIimhI ev.-ry d s,-itpn..ii of Ora •»ue,it How* ii u*-;. PI.ATKI) UOilDS.— PI »t-d Cuko ila*l*. is. *.'as ms, T«-a s'ots, Ico i'ltdie^i, nud Plato I Moods of evjry k u-i. '*7C P ACI.KS-In H *|.|. Sllv FANCY «f» H)4, - 11* h i .i I. Tort i-eMo.,1 and oin r COMU a. •dl.x-iisof **iiy and i.‘oi|iilry ai • it iisiiuI. lies,Clocks nml lowelry promptly ItF.PUHKD by w u-k at i- If Fl I’ll'**, with Pebble nil I (ithe, Siuhbi i in Vas * an I M ,'n -it* and l'io. y ti t ,1s. in great variety. I.-*, w ith a gieat 'a t* iyof Iliad Urn Iiii-uim iuii,* In** si n k, wliica will i.e ml | atprices much lower Ilian ti of skill and tengi-S'erience. ’l v . A DJI 1 .M**T14 A TOU’S KO I 1< K- fBY'Vu '| n ui'ii.r .ntie, appli.-ii'ioii Wi-I l«- made lo JH. i lie Ordhiai * i f f 'Ii ii t lm in *’• iii.1v. io "• I th*' real e*l ilo nml negM-H belonging l" the estate ..I'.bu oli l-.h lesion, deceased. li I L V.M ItUHKKT* •na- -i. .\,linliii*'i-,t»r. CHAN(»IC OF 8CIIKDl'LK. THE CHE Vl’KST & IlldCKKsT HOL-TE To the North, *X*WIO . W hi M .1 Vi i i'h'trlfstmi CHANGE (iF_SC1IKDULI5 INLAND ROUTE For Palatka E. F. VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. FEHNAN* ! DINA. JACKSONVILLE. PND' PICOUTA, Stoji/.iiii/ uf nil /.iti'i'wi-i/iTi/, 1 /.<»,«'Hu;/e, 7‘o /eore jW.i.t />>• f'/,„,7.s/„„ Si 1-11,1 /•,/./.*./ irh,i,i iti-rii we uses da >• mo t:\ty tint 9 i.-. .. T’e te*'* .i'ot spit'll it-i sii-amer BVKM11L 'Id'.. i'u 1 .|. I, M.t’.Kiier, "Till- mI-hui 1 ■-i*hi ‘‘i • tl’.Vst pnss,. n **"in siBncwii iW^..| nei*oni*ii- dul ..f any l...ut in Hi--.. In-i-o o**l-r*. ,ml i.-:iiluly with the s*:ig.-> i-.i- ill • interior of s*| ri 11 ,1.1 with h* itrinis wnk •* Fl'iili m.d Fcriutidin, v. i'e ai Keys lia.l • co,a.I*. Itei riling will c-tineet nt S.nm-oiii willi (he • 'emr i’ 1,1 lioi-l. ••*! I Ne* York •■-im- r%. ►lei.’ll* ,*oo*in,*-*l t- tile Agoit- o, (Ms st"ii>ner Will b- r.-«lupps I ii f charge. F-v ir*-uu or pas* ige up idy nti lm tni, or lo JOHN C FIlASi: New Y ork andSavannak. The American AlltnlicSercw Steamship Agent UMTi;0 STAT.^ MAIL. ff 'or i 9 a hr f!:/t ffl. S \ via dm: 1 ex. nnrxswu'K. sr. muiys. ieuxamhxa. jamsuxvu.u:, AM) 1*1 VO LA '/'.-l. Tie-splendid Iron st» 1111-1 5T M All VS. iTipi .I.i*. Kr*-. |..,i vine ii eo Mioro'igii!' piiiiied and o'er- hauled, wib •- miuieim- lo-r regular fr*|*» (o il,.- above pl.i-et, |e .vinj tlo- F **r**lt tcuiu - - - -- - - - j P* V a half on 'loioluy in » long Aprd lit It, at i* AND THE NOU NI-KAS I'EUN HAIL-HOAD |**’elock. and eoutinim to leav. ,-\ery Moo.iay luoruiug for M'eigltl oi pu*sage ai*|dv 01, bond, or to CI.A'lll-iUN * ( II.SNIN'IIIA'I, nn»"0 tg—t*. i:.\7F l) Vf\ri'!*t mail." For Palatka, ti. i'., Via O’tfS, a. It.- nuNir!Si. .!/•/,■>/'». /V,-.„*n7, J.ieiv-.o. ///,. /WmM m„>/ »/;./ //, l.n,y. 5*T .1 MI'S, 1'apt mu N l.ii.g. w II **r ^ fr. I\X leave ev* ry ltid.,y im-rning at 9 .•.-i.s-u. i»i> )*!,,» honl b toi tlii* i■•*■:,....,mI n ti i.ig exleii- .ii'eoiiiiii-bitioii. oilers siip-rior uml others. For freight irnns*age apply on board at the Florrli .(team I'aekel wliart.or to iiiai A • ' 'I. VUII'HlN A 'TXNIMIH Ah. Ag’ls. T!$ HOUGH A It lt.\NOW.11 KNT ra ■'< SAVANNAH Tl) WU.MINflTUN, N. C Uo nml liter SUNDAY. J\\r.\llY Idlh IS5K. il* Tin 8UPHUIOH STEATtfEJ GORDON, F* 11 A It I* K X, Co in in u a tl e r. Will hi.-iv, >.ivintinli t-vi-ry SU.Nu \A .ni \\ i.liNKS DAY AFl'KIl.NuUN, at SI oV.lis k, mid uulve i . Charles. Ion the f 'Mowing inniniiign hi tun- to cl with Mu Train m fhe.Xort i Ka*t-in Hail i!oid,/'ii«7 . Iti-tui niiig. will leives i lutrlest-.ii Vvi-r* M- u.iny ami Friday .Niglit. at *> o’ -i s*k (utter Mi'* arr.vil "f Urn cos Ii "in Whiiiiugt-m,) ami arrive in Sav.ininli curly the following imniiiiig*. rravcller*hound fir lm Vortli, for North «'ar»ll*i , i. *r for tlm muth'-ii. put of s-ui Hi Oaielina. hy hiking 'hi* rmite. will save n.Mt *::•• ewknee, aud will gulujt id. til's Bleep llirongh Tickets tram Savannah to U’lliitlngton, $t No extra c-aige for iitonls or berths*.:: board "i the ate liner. Passengers an I tlmir Rnggujtc truusferro 1 from Mm a »aumr to th- cars. Jrcr „j dmrgr Htggag**ch«c!;**d Iron .•'n'anmih to Wilmington. For engutonmii!*apply to J. P IMtiMKtf, .Ag**nt J im 7 Charleston **teiin.-Pa. k-t it barf. _ NIJNNS k GI.ARKK’S fiWf! PIA N 0-F0 R T E S. II. S. I SOr.E A0H.VT F 0 It SA X'AXXAII. _ \ -:■47'*'* vsp >«.• 7-1 TIP: NK'V AND II.K'IANT M’KAMSHIP.S IirXTkVIMiK, Cnpt. Iloborl llirdio. JMU.NYimNKKY •* Frederick Pr-ekcr tt i ! f» in a e.'.k'.v |s«- I'.fx-een Sivauniili md New Yolk l> u'ing.-a-li p..r» «v.*rv .4.\'ITItl>A V. • li St n :i> I*. I .nil i*n* iich.'ihv.* i-b-gaiit ace <m iii,i ni i 'ii*. I«r Pii'si-ngns, and I -mg ot great si length "ti I *p'd. *' *|'p. »s nil' ly ri tin- gr-t'est ili.-j-utclr to Fiei,;iit. For fiiuli* r pir h-iilirs ajipiv to III!Illb\'1, .1 ALU.' IX \ CO. f tviim. di H**«,rglu or to II. II. CIK»t|iVr:LI. Ai •!.. IIpe (t tf 1-*tt " -i*H i ' «tr*el, *' •» -O*, EH t'llUK ;\‘.li sAIAN.V'H I> IlO P F. 1,1,1-', R LL.N li FOR WbiW YokK. 7'u S:il 111 -l.-l/. 'A vl 'A ,‘ir, k The Snt-eilor S'-nnier h-en Imilt expressly , '\ PI |. •att-l dry Stale Ho..n .Im-ctimiits t i invtilidi Tliornos Swann, <• 11*1 ,kl.\ .)oIt.« A. PO.oT, FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. j Tin* Ii«w .lot spiel,.i- | so nine! .-v ST MAIlYS Citpi.Jiim-s li in. ^d!i‘ teng. | .m-l eotilii.uei . h* iv*- • *• ry TIuumI .y _ •• ilier. lie-lit*,ill,g. she will l.-av-Ch ub nt-li evioy day Mortih-g, ai ti**VI*wk. for ti-Ud or pi**uge npplv-u 'our I. at ilm l-'lori la *li-iiia 1’nrke wir J»A IL’liti.A Y. *i..y l, lit 10 n’chuk, A tl. For Freight or I'lss-igi. hiving flu* ureouiui.Hlntiins, apply to DHld'lAM. D*LI'IV«\ .v CO Cuhiu Pis*tig(. 4|.i 00 A*}* I r.dglit l i«en ; »4ih* east iiar> rdi-i .NOTICE. e<* i'ii' "ploi lid iirope'lers / . I llUMSt ll.'.|i m.d tliiNT. x r- *rp-. t' MutlBUY. W.I. (min a week- V * Idl li'**- Iml.te* Yolk o MACON. Dec. Nth. 1857. N and after Friday, 13th lush, the trains will run ,.UK) A.M. ..** 15 A.M. Il.tIO A.M. ..5 VU P. M night ..7 15 4 51. Leave dm* Arrive at AManti Leave M i. on Arrive at Atlanta. I<**uve Atlaiita Arri*,* at M vcon... l.-ave Ailiuta, Arrive at M- ..12 5.4U P. M. The Night Train* will n ■! he run on Sundays T!i- 1 A. M. Train from M i-. oi eo.nmcis with the’(fate lloa-l for''luittauisiga at 12.3i P. M. an lUcoigia lload r-r August i ai 10 A. M. Tlm l Jin A. M. Train entitled* " It h the State Hoad at 1.-15. A 'I, ami theileoigiu Ito id at <2 Night. dec 25—tf ALFICKIl b TVLKIt. Snp’l. scKEirunia ON THE SOUTH-tVKSTBUN IIAILHOAD, Over whivh pusses the Great Now York & New Orleans Mails Two D'tUi/ 7V,(('||« livlnu; li ,)/<,«:>oi inn/ (Ju l Util but. Leave Macon at I..T0 A M..aud 11 Ilo A. 'I. Arrive iu CoIiiiuIin* ** hi A. M , aud i-Jtd P. M. Leave • oluuihii* 1.56 A M.. ami 4.h'i P. M. Airivw ill Macon 3 5i| A. V..sml lu.’JH |». >1. HUT" ItKX M.UH'.t AMI Leavi* .Macii I 31 A. M. . Arrive in Albany «.la A M. L-ave Albany tl *.*• p M. Ariive in Mae* ii IH/J** P. M. I..-live Mill-on 7.12 A M . Tri Weekly. Arrive iu Ad'nny .'i,.‘i7 I' M. |g*ave Albnnv 7 nti M . Tr-Weekly. Ai UV- in Mac.oi f t;l P. M. Trams to • idiinihus form a tliroug'i connertion to Montgomery. Ala..'iml Augusia.King*villc, Wilmington, SavUriah, Mill**dg**vil|e ami Katoiitoii, Post Cn-vch'.* tut. from Albany to Tallahavsee, Ilnfn- bridge. Tholnasvtlle. \e. liaeksrun from sniitlivillc, 7Vi ltWA/y, fo Dawson, ''ut bln-it. F-*rt liuim-s. *c Also Iran K.*it Valley to P.-ny. Ilavti'-svillc. Ilawkiusville and Knoxville. (In. Passengers for paints h,dow- Fort Valley, idiould Ukn tin, i-venni.j Tr-iiu* from Savat.nah ami AtiguMii h>avoid detention at Macon. For Mu-, point, taket-itlmi-fmiii. l-ir*U e|a«s de uii*hips leave **uvuuii:«)ifnr New Vork on " i-ilnesdavN nml Saturdays Pas-uge in the Cabin $25, steerage Fan-from 'Iontgomery to Suvannab $14 00, d-.i ColuutbiiH «!*• du lu Oo. do Albany do do In 50. fJ KG. W ADA MS. Superintendent. Macau. Feb. *2i.t. I’.58. mar 1 Rates of Freight, KH'I.M Sariniimli to Knoxville. AN li ALI, STATIONS UN' TUB East Tennessee .V Georgia (tail Uoad mist 11.a'.**.**. P IANO Fortes, RiioUs..'t.,taM'.nny, Ih ot*. Slu v", amt Hals, Lu|iiois. ml*, se (in bottles'. C-im* pliiuo and Spirits Turpi-ntii e - iu I ane’s). Carpeting, Cliina, tllass and (duss-Wm*. t giirs (iu Clocks, Ci'tifeotmnaiii t, Cotton C-nh. (iitL-ry uu •ami*), Casks and lloxe*. Dry M->ods i iii box.-s and hales), Drugs. I riiit*, Fruit Tree* and Sliruhh.-iy, Furs. (Innleii Heisl*, Looking,es and I. ...king (Hats Plates (nt owner’s ii*k), nysti i* (in ran* ami iarxpSaddlery, Tin and Itiituiiuia Ware,Tea* mei Spices. (Inorgiu and S-aitli Carolina Doino.lii-t,. p.-r 100 lb* $1.11 S|-.('USD CLASS. Hard ware, except sm-li a* sp.-eitnd lu Hist and tlii***l classes. CulU-e Mill* M.u'oiimiy, roieign 1,1* ipiorsiin Imrri ts.m l pip,-*, To..a. ,-.* iii h**\i *).Iealh. erdn rolls ami hox**si. mi* i|n barrel* uml i-ii.Us), Croeki-ry ami (pu-ma Ware (in eiah-s ami ra*ks), lUc*. WhlUllg. Platter. Slw-el liras* wn-l Copper, per TViii:ii'V:LA>A Axes. **||.,veln, spud.-*. Sail li n., Zinc and Tin, In Digs, Tin Plate, Anvil*. Vi. • *. Ca*k* *d Ch«in»and lines, .'lanilla and Cotton Coi-u-.e. C"li.-e. Ih-avy CasMuga. 'till Hearing. Hail Ihsi-l Nt hei-l* and Axles. I hairs and Spik.s, and lb»Jn tin brrrelsy, per luO bs \f S|K*rliil It ntea Kiiruitine and Cairiage* rif«*c«***.> and other light articles not eniinii-rnn-d: ni**i. Cntiovsnf ntln-r ClieiuicalH. will he i-hargi-d bv ui'imil weight but at double llrst da*s tubs. p--r lull i-uiml*, til To insure safety from lo*s.-s «n*l d'-lay*. shippers unit lisle every package plainly mat Led with iiiium uf ecu' slgneo. desiimitl'ui and depot «*t delivery.. The Depots on Mils road are— Fountain Ililt. Sweetwater, Plat-Line, PhH.t Mpliiu, Cleveland. |e*u Vai. Charleston, :|.i-m*ii’s,f Hiri-ville, Oiuoiil' Allien*. '* anJ Mouse i'reek. Knoxvilli*. * AT>*Tocoiiiiiu-ii.*- 1st Marrh ami couln**i to 1st Jnu 1857.- \\ M. V. WADLUY, Hnp't Central Railroad. K. F'lOTi:. “ M A W. “ *7. M. M'’K, •• W. in A. « II C.JACKStiN, '* H.T.AiMa. “ March 1st, nt>«i •(—tf NUMBER 104 ■ ■ ■■■ &b*9' •Tew York ^advertisement* vzsscxxxm, owinM r oo.. GKN LKAL ADYI.KTIfilNO HUUBK, (api-leton’h cctLntRa,) Nos. .‘i-io di ;|4H Bronluay, New York Furniture! WHOLESALE AND RETAUi. II. I*. DEGRAAF, t>7 JJoKfi-y, ( WfioUmU Wore //on*#,) and 461 /,) ftilnil Store.) TNT XI W YORK £4*1)111* of 843 at YVItnlctale Prleeacd ~ iu p*'e\v oodT" MAHOGANY & BLACK WALNUT, PAKLUn FUHNITUHE, In llr.'gaii-lle. lielulm- and Plush. Can* Scat and Com* im ii Fnrultuie it, great variety-, Alan, ; KNA.ni61.K» UIIAMBKlt I LIINITUIUC, In F* l* from $Y2 to $100. | Sjnu'i'ij, •'unit,l Hair, Mum anil Il'Aale&onfl i M ATTRASSES,* ’ Al*n. Feather il.-d» ami Iteddlnc. Patent Premium Sofa i lledsti-mis, tn-d Patent M-IMti-rldugCradlea. | Dea ei-, will flmlat thealovu st.-rea tho largest and In s' u-*oitun lit -if any v»tabli*iuiieni In New York, and j can huv either at wli'dr-salvor le'ail chea|a*r than ataoj 1 otliei lo.iis -in he city. V 8m* apr!6 ICE! ICE!! T DK K ick* inniker Ice .i,f the CDy of New Y- r’-. having lepteniilnd their Stuck of Ice, offer to the trade to supply ur quality, and ou tue l a tupeiiur quality! GHOltGIA KAILU0A1). Changes of Scliodule. 0 TA1CK KFFKCT (>N UKOUHI \ IIAILHOAD, DU* CUM 11 t.H 2S h. 1857. t■IHHj'UII^CUIHKH ill oirering these itchdiiateilIII* M. ttruim-nts io the public, has no he* tatinn in say ing i hey n-t'i-the purest "id most resi.uato ton**: rivli ami silvery iuqutlity..nwidiu general ellect : tin* «««f c/e/,*rvi/e tnwli ‘inA /«r/rct iwti„n. They will stand tin- hiimi-iity amlcimuge* -'four .**• -ntli-*rn I'lunub- -•t-tli-i tiiau any other now-; nil thnr s*«v//e«r,V# fur if tart. Mr II. i*u practical Pmmefoitc in ik**r. Iiuvi,* 1 b-eii iu tin* business lor fourteen year*, mostly for Nu im** A Clark*-, Ihv uldvtt nml inw.1 cvh hrnUd ll-„i.<, in the Vudvd .Stato ,■ while most ol tin* new estithlisliuieuts that have sprang up sei-m to have tin in-d their nttet.. Mou mostly to Miehcuiitify'iig uf the ius.-h only. Nmuii* it Clarke nave gone m mi proving the t..iw. touch and action, w tii**li is the nn/»/ inlrintic on/iw lo thr. /itrcbiw, until they him* til-irej their in«trniiieuts ahnve uml la* yoiid all iMiopurison- ttsY* '**• II. is oiiiihl dtosutl at NF.W YOltK CASH Pit IfJK-4 ‘a*; deo» s-pA^K vTHKKT. •nnrt-Hnus# 8<jnare. ffFW PIANOSfffk XV. D Z U <j I* A U M di C « , ARK WBKKbY UK hi VIM) H.OM THE FACTOHY TIIK i KI.Itlia VTKtl Stcui'ajny &on»* {){«inoo 9 PiT.iioiiiiced by Artists ami Co •uoisn.-urs to be shH'Kiimn To ant Am.-ricaii Pi-iuo, and tqiial to me Liard or Col- lard’*. Thu advantages | ••** s*ed by these Pii'iusover all oth ers, an*; a pure i|iialiivof tone, an even seal -, »»Im-ti admits uf no percptilde clntuge hi-twe.'ii upper uml lower nc|ai'i-s. -o la'* a* quality of t»no is co.-i.'.-i neo; stuiidiiig iii iutie l-oig. r than oHi-r i stium-mrs; ability toelldliro I lie extie.ue ftiallg*** ii.i-ld-nt lo a > -III ll'-lll climate Tli**ii immense p .w.-r—the-qn ire i‘i-u *pi«s. res* all the bnce ami s length ol Miami Pianos liomoMi* er imik*-rs Thu Mein way k sfont’ Plano*, are fust superseding th ise of ntin-r man -.fai tun r*. hoth North ami soiiiii. lot Mu* universal.y seuiiiue t of Mm inu-ical wni-hl is in t'u ir f4V.<r. mol there is but one remark a- tuoog all inu-i'-al tuurli-iH a*«l dilettanti: THEY A HE THE VERY REST HA NOS now imtdnin .Vnivrlc i. rhu siijieilontv *.f liies.- 'nstru men t* ver any other is mi app irent. lint wu invite pet sous nh'int piiii-hasing to cull uml examine .i ir-bab win n. we doubt not. they will he perfectly willing tn neerd tn the eXor.-*s--i se.itiim-ut of tliosa uiont coni- potent to judgu, lint Ilm SI’KIMVAY s. !h»X*’ PI AN iH SUIIPASS Af.LOTII FIIS lu thnesseutial r<-i|uisitu that gc to ni ika a it.Btn nieut. A large a-surliu nt of all kind* nf Mu-ical Insrrii* incuts and Musical 'l.-rclmnd /e, ineiniling the in a<-*t piihllcatious of .Music, kept <oti»tanlly - n h md. Urvnn a Sundries. -* /\/k TUI.\r.> t iainaiitine ■ andles 1 Vf \y 101 colls Superior Hump Leaf Ropu| 3> hbls Domestic Uiu *25 do do Hi.imly lu q*-e.i*k* superior do 6 eighth dn dn 26 hid, ,\. XX. XXX. XX.XX WUUkoy M do Vinegar 30 Hereon Mii*c •'uilit Sugir 20 hhls d • do 4• ib. Ill-fine I Syrup 50 hoXlH.loip 20 di t* .l-urco 11 0 tiiishi-l* i iiits I 0 hale* llay 10 • Hicks arc. In store and for sale by *l ,r 14 « . EDWIN RATCLIFF. HUM MR a 01)01)8. U>T UK* Bn hit per Hh-sm-lilp from New Ymk. an aHsiirtumiit nfMiuahovosinitiiimbhi goods, which wo ufTur at lowtJtl prices. oprUI IIUHN8. * t’O. WINKV die. “ PI HASKKT.4 H i M--k A Co s quarts jdltW uo do Mii-nh-i's It III7.I qnaris aud pint 10 do do Verge nay, do ilo 20 do Rottrli****, do do 10 do Srhreider. pints 20 dn Anchor, nims 20 casus Lei ten’s Uhiuu VVluos, attmted 30 do Claret do 160 du Port. Madeira and SherrylWInet, toms very old and rboire 20 demijohns t’ort, Madeira and Sherry. n'U 26 do Tulip, Loudon Dock, Clover Leaf, and Swsn Oiu 10 d -mljolp'sst. Croix Rum, old Aim, Old Ilya lil't. Ibuirho. nml "ye Whisky. (Hard and Klepper liitindy. Irish and Scotch WIiLky ; In store and fur sale by mar no CUNXKUAT. WBRSTKB A I’AI.MK*. B acon and pork-26 binu phiuu iiucmi -lilt-, 10 lilid* Prime Sh"iil lers 31) barrels Illimpand Muss Pork. . mxw. Cl, VI II 111 N .V 'TN NlMIIIA'I. Agt*. iiccormnodatioii Boat. FOR PARACHUCLA EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. Th" new aii-l fist .•"lining Pa—i-ii* 1 ..<* ami Fn-lgiii *i.*ivni«-r .i"IKv ti. • I..UVT.IN wI *ave i i I'ai.ii.lillela't*->7,'L.Ja.'jO m-l iuternu-ti tle l.a*.-I i-g*. ••'••iy i.i ty an-l Thui s-l iy. .it I i.'cl -ck, i P. 'I -let I -f tVe*l IL .nl •U-.-et. N. It ■—tjuniraet-. >r landings il, ■»*• ean hi-niiiile Tlut > Itoat will imt bleak her i imnii g «rln dulu. J. W 'leAL-’l v . Ag'-ut. | ih*27 \VI!l*.i*n*.*ir* Hu* h».-/s > Fo Charloston. IWTj A TV X5 Tt. O TJ T E, i /.i in: irroNT <t- nu. m.\ m:.i /». To I live from tin* I'll,lie,t u -te unii-i- k-t Whatf every FAI'l'HIlAV. at 4 P. M. jT a * s-, ^TiTr\ * vi:hiil\iik c» * l. m c.x-itvr, M-X—Tlkt lv,iiaVSWi!l '' tiihis.-ity m. above. WTniaft-- 'f’l»** F.vergbule ronm-els regularly with i!*•* a-Mitli -’ar .llnn an I N >illi K-i*’-.*m I* »llr»i-l-i Fn-igiit •••in«l.*n I t.i Ag.*i,t- will f iwai.l •! I..*** -1 elnilge. For t.eigi.t nr p i**ag • m pu «-u hmi J «.|* to .1 MIN 0. HI \ <KH Agent, novl" v • 7 * n-i* -ti -'t FO R BLUFF TO NT Hilton llvml, Iti'vil'i. I.imilliiif, Duanfort, 4*111*1 Ha) a I 6’t-rry. iVr. The Sew nml S/ih mil'll Sirniucr “OBCiriTV' CU*l I'.I’MR. Will leav- ihe i.’ii ir.i-tmi Steam Packet " hail, i-v-r UNDAY hv**ning, at 5 o'clock. Until luithci notice. T'i- i’-die built ex re«»|y f .r tlii- ru'ite: lm» el -g.i ii *1.1 .-m -in iurommo.!iUi"ii iml i* cm,' riictud so |, I" .eelire I lie/,(/)’/V ami Coi-l/'.il ,f l'UV-l!et». All Finigin mu*t he paid on the wharf by tin- shipper, lie fore'll Will he lUvCiptcl I.T. •I. 1*. IIIIII I|\P. agelll, ocl3 • h trie-ton Wr-tH #"i niige o f Srh tlule 0a-md-ill r M-n • .v the 1'itl, .1 'ii , Ui- *U "liner *V. |V wilt leave S itu* Hall every Moiidiiy >iori lug at ti"'.-| ek. ii> ill liirilu-r until***. upr ii TJ- POR F’ltGlGIIT Oil CfllARVKR. Ofi&b'l li* fl-eful Miibng s. Ill MlltMUND • aptain Cr-'Wi-il. has tni.hei port-*. At ply lo upr 20 0 % 1CI.K** 'N Ai I’AIISUNS (p;, FOR PKKItillT OH fllAIITKIL SSI&T1.0 A 1 brig Cli ,**Ai K4K.Cii|. . Dal y Ap ply lo CAKI.hiMN A PAKSUNS. apr 2H I-’OR FIIEiGIlT (ill ( HAllTBll|ieilorschr It *CKIM1HAM.Capt lapby. Apply to G'HI.LMN .V PAHSUNS. apr 2H FOR biv¥llPI)ilb '111.* tl Aimr “in ^fyst^'Lip AUNK-*..1 mi',, um-i*-i. having •* l ng.-|. i- •j»S i 'll >d' ll«r C llgo I'Mgilge.l. Will II tve quick ills* I'llleh. For freight ellg-gi'llleiils ntndy lo mar 3n It.ilMH M. IIVI.O'VIN fc CO from No ; lltrill. ol upr 2> >1 Savaiiuah I-aviug • ah - * ’ U’..', "Vt every S'lCi i.vY «m and . -*.va** „f„ r Mi,, 1st,iSis, Fr glit Y"rk, Will h>* lak-’ll at h* of Mil* present •us iiinury rut*. ILiDSff \M. DAf.DWlN k CO. lowest FKmrn FASTEST LM Twelve Hours Alien-I nf tiny oilier STK /V IVEIO . X S. New Y -rk & ^av.tnuah Fide-Whool Steamships. VI Ikv-. V >4. Loire Auguvia at 2.IW, A. 'I , and 4.00 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta at It 5b>, A. V.. and 1.04, A. M L--iiv*. Ail inia at 12(1" A. M., and HiOO. A M. Arrive >t Auxu*taat 8,5ii. ,\ ,M.. uud 7 («• P. M. Fnmlay I'ruln- leaving Aiign-la at 1 P. 'I.. ami Atlan ta. 12 A.M. dt-coiillniiud. (The 23u A.M. train from Augu-ta itoune.-ts through to Memphis ) C'lNxr.CT WlTil S-HTII t'A'I'lLIW HAii.notn. Arrive at Augusta at I A. M., and 2 30. P. M. Leave AngiiMa at In.un, A. M., and 8 05, P. >1. W r.sTCHX AND ATI.tNt|C ItAll.tlOAl*. Anive at Atlanta at >1.22.1* M.. and 033. A. M. Leave Atlanta at I 45, A M . and I2 3u, P. M. ati.vmta and wot :*oi\r rvilhoao. Arrlvn nt Atlanta ut DM3. P. M..and 9 27. A. M Leavo Allaiila a' 2.18) A. M..nmt t (Id, P. M. M VMS and 'VKVICIIM H'IL..oat>. Arrl eat Atlanta ut M.I** '. M . and H.'iAP. M. Leave Allan! t ui H'»i A M.. and 130.1 Night. VTIIKV* unwell—Sl*J(nvT.H KXCUWlth. Leave An.'ih Leave Alla ta at Arrive ni Athiiis at.... Leave A<h-iis at Anive at Au.-u,til it., .'itive at Atlanta-it . ..2 dn ' Ighl. I2UII Sight. Intel li.iv. 12.1 n suit. I l-i! Morning. 'V 'SUIN’ ms II.I'.XIM — t'Vlt.V Til'INS ->L*V1' , .V.' K.VtCI CO. Leave .\itg*i*‘-i at 2 3*1 Night. Arrive at Mus'.iugl mi at 7 -.5 Morning. <>ii 'I Hi'lnvvau KvtraTiain l»»ves Wa.'.iiiigi'-n nti 4, evening, ami cmi'o-ci.* with Ihe |)-'Wn Dry Pa*sengei T ain fi-im Atlauta, uml returtiing to Wui-iihigtou ai 5 15 livening w\trar.ST in nnxscti— MiNDtrs r.:.crpT«i Leave Ai|gu-'a n 4 "•'» Evening Leave Alt tutu at 1"IK» *'orning Arrive At Wuient-ui lit 8."') I.Vemng. Leave it 3.:«» Kveinng, .'rnvi* at 'ngu-u at 7 On Kvi-ning. Arrive at Atlanta nt Lut* Night. decl5-ly* UKIHDSH V*'fMtK.fl'-n. Sup't AUtinla & M ost Point Kuilroiul .Vej») Void; .'lilrcriiseiitent yROM XX. rn. SCZXTiITjXiiB A 1) V K It T I S I N C A <i KN0Y, 31 nlTn11*•» HnllrltiiU, AIT* 335 BROADWAY, NFW-YORK^. '&* TIIK CIIKAPKST AND BEST Pumps In the World hnrinpn Solid /*/.«*',n "I'd .I6N Hi'iv#. BN'Hl I'liiuping Kxlinrti*. 1 ! •: ut.d r.-ld Water, niitn- R* Ide for C'ct.-m, Well*, l- , ■•.:ll■l•(*s. Mims, Ai*.— Throwing froti. 20 to A'-C gillons per minute. An exrel- celh-nt Hre Kiigiue for laiuuis Large diM'ouiit tu uealers. Agents winiied. n*.*l T*-rr (-u • d rigid- I r sals K. A. MAIOII »l.l.. 1*.»4 pea 11st reel. jyl S r.-f ti-lstie. N«W Yollt LiuiiTE, NHwniN hilauiu iiv'i 4*2i ty„n. ■Jttli IXl'l'Al’Tl'IlKllt 1 n! Mm Pa ten I Ar'l, Wrest Plan Piano Fortes, nd.-biated bw de|dh. ftoiio-i.* riem ne » purity nml a peeiiliai r-ii.gie.g qriility *t tin ir tone, lor wlilcli they have r*-i'i-i'*ed tin- |iighe*t .••.minium- Iwm the giealest mu-leal ci-el-nth** • 1' (he i otiiitry, and Li r-v-ry fair, when hti.iudit *i» e..*nt **tiil*-n with nllier iustrnim-uls. I.nve ol.boned ihe liicl.* *l pieinhini The Patent Arch IVn-t I’laiwl. eh ;« m d m.d used only Ly us. Ku*ir-u»t*-e« im tr -»»••• Dir I tom longer than auv oilier iiintriuiieiit; while their unpr*ceneiiteil Hi-inn - - il in all | aits of the r.mntry is a "ullh lent pr«o of their superior exeelh-nre. A liberal disc, mil to I’ler gvni"n Pehools and tli-iri Ie S l v-tua>27 I thi-m,.-l«i-s Ire |, , ti u*l r.-nsi-nabii teim*. t Mil* ((iiiip.iny uloiie are selling the Rockland TDk* I f- « hl' lb f"i so idliy nml purity is unlvmally admit* I I'd to lie fir superl-T to any otln-r far shltiplng purposra, j lu i-xpeiieiute all I facilities for comlm tu g l u-iueM . this Comp iny Imv.. no rivals, nml they respectfully so*- i gi st to dealer*. 11 nt lliev will lli.d it la.gely to thflr a» j VHUlH.o toon'er llieir supply through iliu Knlckeibock- I vrCuupaiiy Nu charge for whaifsge tn vessels lying at ! the Coiupinly’s pier*, whilst Miking iu cargo. The veal'st pti mt Miiule unit dispatch given to or* wh:. h may he forwtirdi-d to K. T. CuMl*TnN, )Viq.| ■lent of rl-e Knicknrker Ie** Cnmpnuy. 432 Conal at., York. V—.'Inin mar 2$ ! ..... I -.3 A. J. HILLER & CO’S Nfo. 141 H ROUCiTITOTtr-ST. SAVAXXXIt, </.t. NFW FURNITURE «d all Uml-: COFFINS, fito. Coil luntly iu* liimd al-». n bi'ge a--* ilinviitof LOOKING GLASSES. t! New* Won. m i I-to oid-r m ih«- -tont-st notion I tV').Mailrin-es..l..hhiiu*.midlil.l.l.-ll.\.\l,ISHdone ; ill tlo neiit* «t sly Ie. with • espu. h. Iy J m 19 Plantation and Negroes THE BROOKLYN White Lead Co. BSTABLMIED 1825. Th!* C.vmpa: y c titihues to uiatsufaeluro llirlr aaretlor PR1IIII Willi LEAD, Pelng one of tha oldest an I inost extensive eaUblish- nientslu the country, for tiianutncturing AYliite Load, Hod Lead, and Litharge, FROM THE RAW MATERIAL. I’nrcliRH-w of iheir l-remis rimy rely on pri'cnrln? tha genuine ar title, ou the mutt lavurublu terms, (or catli or credit. They lire always prepared tn exernfe with promptD#M all orders h r ilndr varimi* p Miles aud qualities of Lead, and Zinc Paint, l)i y or in Oi| *a ItrsiNB-K ADDnhss. Hu Front street, New York. N II.—Purelia** r* sluuild la-waie uf llio numsieui boall* bniiulM will, li (III the niaiket. V- Mno j a i*7m )*i r“T" JuTotj!ek. SHOCKOE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS, ('A HY STREET. itIVlIMOXJ), VA. t M AXl’FACTUHl-.l(M**f Porluble Meani Engines, ol all v.'/*n. Ii-oiii 4 t«i4'» hors.* power, on the moat nppiiivc.l plans |.a>tn uinrly intnpied to Cotton and Bo* gar I’liiinaiioii. nml Farwiers' u-e ut-urrully. Built ol tin be-'nmii-riali* nml vvoiknmiisMp, and for rtwipnet* m-* and dur.ildlity, md s ipasM-d by auy unglues how in u**t* ' Also **tiirbui J’nitlnes.of any required power. Circular * S:,w Mills complete, ami I'.u laideOiiMt Mills, of very au* j peiior i '.iixtruciioii. SI.lifting, l'ullt-ya, &c. . !• co Presses mi l Fer-us, iif every di scriptInn.Hras ! nn-l I mi' CiiHiincs, and Wrought Iron Work generally . tmuiu to I'l'k-r w itli dispatch, and ou ruasouuble teims. WfOVtll Vinin Th.. m-i I her ATIUN. in dC2W-H.i|i,g nf -j mm acres o| in liingoo tin-11 real Mi'IHiaml I'.'irlU iiill-s(r uii 8t. \iidrevv'* Sntiiiil. iu luinl |si md. !’*-lni .lir-e'ly on li.c * pa*t.d I -r •ii-alih. and i nvi liieini-s lur crabs a s ', ill It K u'sn roiiveiij-mly I'-eitcd for i sill lollll lei VV U lithe •►id's I*, t tit age Tlo i i ali oi i . VI l.n HOnsK LINIMENT. ** v A An Inlallihlu bemedy for .Vai'iisiy, .V"-* Uln-I, hjlnmutim and Ehtumatitin . /DllllS LIMMJ.'V’l' will cure the Swiunny in horara I si vuth .in fill in its woi»| stage. All persons should *' i,L? I have it ns t„.-ri- are many line hot sea mined forth* *11?*. i. want of iiuuiii.liati- lehet. 16 niTKCTIONSl . JJJ* '"J" ; P 'i'r out and nil* well with the hand tlio nffllcteiparl 1 ’* i iltitll it hlilli.stlie |ior.*i Severelv.Hlidlit It mu will twclvs < ysics: j ,, r then apply It again in the same way th**n niba little oil, i.-i wash with Cnsttle8oa|i and wale* If ii”! relieve I, ii|qdy in ilm name manner. The bets* can hr cured in leu day, or suonor. I'l vi-uiedaml solil l-y •I'HIX W. WOOD!NO. Amerlrus.Ha riv- Vri.-o ti..tb,r tx-i-dirAwlv «-n'l* I ts to »( li -very * I'llitllU- ■■ tist-l FOR I,1VBRPOOL.—The i-lass KlT.T 1 Xnierh-au s up 'VAI.L \('E, Lane, m iner, hav- In; a po tni'i of lierciip* »ngig'*L will meet with dis pateli For O eight enga^iUiteiit*. applv to mar 19 FADEi.F'lltD. FtY * FOR NEW YORK -Hlioitun LI NK— The 1'iieket cur l,UY\L BCIIA V t’*»N Low h-n will It .»••• I iii ill dlate dispa'-h F*»r fi*dg|it nr passage apply to Master nu hour t >t lt-.'t..i,’s Whaif or to At'll A NT* •%' * N'HHH** Jtfi FOR NEW YORK —UEUi.dlA LINE "¥fc$,TIie l ist sailing I'.-uilUr pn-h.-t *ehr JOHN BOS TON. Lingo, m ister. Ii.ivuig iwo thD-ils nf her -a'go en gaged. will have iniiiiediale dispa'-li. For freight «r pissag . apply to iii.tnter on hoirl. at liolr -ii’« wharf, or to SCHWru.N A Null it IS. 3> FOR~NK\V~YORK Tm~Tuui ; naditd Wjk si-lie K. IvIDDKH. Hark*nn Mu will tin* r with desputrli for the nh-ive t'Ort Fortnight apply to nptfi IHTVrFtt * iMM'- M.. if FOR NEW YORK—M.D '.-I *IH.I- • 'W-ilH' I I'M- The tine win K KFOItl) IVEll 11. • 'iipi epiagm- having mast of her c.irg ■ i-ugag it, will have quick ilispii'c-h as iilmve. For halinceo Ir'-lght, apply to IIHiniMM BALDWIN A • » >,i FOR PHIL \ DE I.PIIIA—Toe regular packet sclir'K LEA. v.aid Thou ip-on. will liavr# (Ii-i.iiti'h for above port- For lr»-lirlit. afp'y io C. A. MU KIN Ell k (hi. I ^ll/OYR -2j hhls Slip i lino l loui , ? I5'» sacks do do Hid do Fine do 15') do Extra do Fnrs-di. hy n iWRtt AT WF.RSTEH Hr DA1.MK®. W OODEN WARE-A l.irg- of Cedtr ami I'amted Pails. Tub#, Oak Well Buck- «ts. Ac ,Jiut rerelvert and for sale hy apr 7 MiMHK * FAT. 15 .and 1'.7 nrangbrnn tt. K Mr*. iTntnca Delta* NRWP1TKNT UTERINE SUPPORT, • MTHI' II Isd-'stineil toaaperceili. it|i liirui* .if n" VT htries. Kela'I pr cn $3. A I ted SUP PultTEUS. with t'o-lt recent 'nipr -veim-nis. and nmb-r the Inchon medical ptaroiince. Her o.nnv Inv.o,thins have hei-n usi'd witu iiiiuiiarriipt d sneivs* for ihe past 24 years, will li can he favorably Hliesied hv thousands of lailin* and pl.'sicians in all pans id the Uuiou. Il UUlurlW),$5 tu$3. Forialuhv TII08. M. TL’KVKtt, Ivfvir Barnard and Brough to a-at*, w» atrx'jc wxor vxsmat. Fn-ighl will he l iken l-y tn-e .*t . til - nf - X cent* l-d. F Mt AI. . KINDS OF M \ t.’HEMIlNT • Ill'll)- Light |5u.let- 37 1 eaeti. and other articles iu jo q'.iitmil. I'ADi.fiKUKD. 1-'AV A UU. apr gS Agent*. FOR HAVANA KEY WESTAX0 CALiKORXIA. TJ. S- I iHl 1 TUZJX-XX* Steamship ISABEL, VV (I.I.I A M II <) 1.1.1 X S. COM M AXDKll, II ivmg ju*t lieen entirely ovi.rhiiuh"l an-l pot ill •pb-iids I **id.-r. retlil*-il with new hoilem. and double ait* light hulk li'-al-, f-rival •! an I aft. mak in: Imono d • lie most d“slrahb* sieauiers Inrstfety, sp.-ed imd eiiin- fort, will n-ave >aviiniiah l.*r •avun-v via Key \lvst. oil the lib and I'.eli, an-l l.-avn llavai.a or Savauuah via Key 1 mi tin* I* th -in I 2 -th ••' t-nch mouth. Th- I'AHKL eonm-i-t*. at Havana witlitheU.S Mall Fte-iiii-hIp Comp ny's Line utrteaiiieis, for New Orleans and Sun Francisco. For pa-sage only,apply to ,baits COlIBV.s h IIKRTZ. , r . GREAT REDUCTION OF FARE i'«i .V>te l art-nr South- nap/oa, IIn-i t uud lire. EUROPE. Fir*'cabin Si Ci nid cabin.. •uiK'*... 50 ii, .Veto York front South uiii/iloit, IJ-ivre or Hre— in, Flirt i H In.... Senuid cabin St -rag*- ,..$109 ... 05 „ .... 40 III thr 11**1 ,1.,.s puddle I Mt-4iii*bl|> A HI EL. 2,009 mns. «* D l.iidli-w, coiun.nii', ami Mini II i*TA It. 2, 5no tons. Edward **aveiidy, i niumund-r. t*» sail iruui pier No. :i S»*th river, nt noon precisely, cm rying the United Stales m ni. vu• Km re .Vew York for llrenu nfi-r Siiiiiliiiiii/i'im. Ihivrr Siiitli.iniji- nr Hrem.n. ton. Ariel, .-uinr.lay, March 25, April 17. North Star, ” .April 17. Vuv 15. Arid, •* May 15. .Line 12. N Star. “ Jiitn* rJ. Jii'y 10. ■ , ’ii»*c -ti-aui«lilp* * ••• •*• **t Havie. Speciei|e!,veml in Lon Ion ur Paris Forpats-i"" a fM-lgh'.aii* ly lo D r iRDAM E. AL'-nt, n nr 1 3’no No.6 Bo - *>«..•« rt. Soulhnmjilon Sue York. April 21. May 19. June HI. faubri'IDUOD d« TO >OUTIlAMP •TON AND IIAV RK* —I be inag- steauisliip VANDE • 111 I.T. 5.2HS jjb.n-, P. E. Li-fovre. msslur, will sail, with the in id 1 l’H"M Vr.W Y',nK r»R 8"t'TII AMPToM ASP ll'VHIt. •nturdiiv April 1" Silnrday May 23 Sa'nr lay Inly ritott 8'itITHAMProS AND ii wnr. r at sew t-.«k. Wednesday April 28 Weilm-wlny lime U \Vi-iliiesdiiy..„ July 21 •f passage according to |«»* 'tion of ruum. Find cabin. -S Iiio; <• cotid cabin, $50. Hpi-el- i|e ivi-f"il In I.0&1I011 and Purls. For Passage or Fi eight, apply tu D.T 'RRANUK. Ag’t No 5 Howling (In-i-n. New Voik. npr7 marl THE G-eorgia_C itizen. THE NINTH VOLUME OF THIS WEEKLY PAPER, Commenced on the 20l/i March, At the Hodticod Rate of $2 Por Annum, STB.IOTI.Y IN ADVANOH t A S THE iTTlLEN I* |<i|(dlsli4id iu diicn.ihn cen- t-nl city of (leoigia. ami has a large tin illation in 'l|.n|ie. AVe tern, mid Soiith-AVestern Oi-orglo, It pro- suiits tiuusiial ml ran I a ties, ns a dist class ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Subscriptions and AdTurtiarments respectfully sol Idled. mar 80 Jmo Li F. AV. ANDREWS,,, Editor and PropvUt’o'r. mm Atlanta to H r e*l I'uint, 37 mi ten, Fare. $3 50. QK0U0K M. HULL, Biipciinteudi-iit. i AV.- iailynt... .2on A.M .7 28 do . I 00 do 7 00 do I enves Weil Point, ■ Arrives at Atlanta, EVfcM.VI t'ASSfc.NUKIt THAIS. Ta-nves Atl itita. daily if Arrives at AV-st puint.iit la-avi-s AA'est Point, daily nt Arrives at Atlanta,at i > n > ltt)- Tlii - Ruud cuii in cts. • a. h way, with the Montginu ery A» West I’oj-it l* Ice 28 .1 00 P. M ,(i *.’S do 4 tto do iSU|lct*tU(eit<l«:ltlM Oflic. C. It. 11. .*-AVA>.N*P. (lA . Ull Aplll. 18.V. f rglHB Umler-lgu. il . IIS been Inf-Hie.l by letter rt- JL ceive-l ihi> mm plng.lVom thcO'incra! SupcrlnU-ml uni oi im. \1* inpiii- X nil Bond, that tide Eastern and'A'estern divisions ol tout Homl were to he joined mi the 27lb ultimo, aud that trams would rut, tlirough regularly mi the 2!itli, Throng rate of Freight from Sovannah to 7**.*i-iimhia. I Memphis First Oln*». 1 $1 38 I $1 65 * Second do. | 1 09 1 24 Third «o, . 67 j i di) Sp'-ciul rate for Freight Goods ( 2 70 | 3 lb cUHsiriCAiPdt. 1st Class.—Piano Fortes, Book* and Stationery. Roots, Shoes. Hat*. Liquors, nils. vc. i*. laittb-s, Campiietie and Spls Tii> pen tine in harrels. Carpeting,t’liilia.tiiassaml i)la*sware,Segiiis, In eases.Clocks.Confectionery,Cutt"ti I'ards, C'ullory in casus, ciinksnml boxes. Dry Uuodu lu boxes aud bales. Drug* Fruits, Fruit Truet and Shrubbery, Furs. Harden Sued*. Looking • Glasses nml Looking (Hass Plato, at owner's risk. Nuts in frails. •• vHters in cans and fur-, Baddler , Tin and ilritauuia Ware, Tea util Mpicn. |»-r Di" lh* 2d' 1 Class — Ilardwar.' texe-pt in l«t and 3d ,'ias*ea.) Ci f fen 'tills, Ataciiinerr.Fmeign Liqiiora in bbl aud pipes. Tobacco iu liex.-s. Leather in roll and boxes.Oils iu bids, ami casks, iTocki-t v nml Qnei-nswarp iu crates ami casks. Hire, Whiting Plaster. Sheet Brass and Ooppet per UK) li t 8rd Class.—Axes.Shovida. 8pa les, Sad-Irons. Zine and | Tin in pigs. Tin Plate. Anvils, Viccs.llurrinae ^ Springs aud -Axles, Casks ol Chains fit Hoes, Ilaiiilla and I'olton Cordage. I’ofTeo, Heavy Castings. Mill Gearing and Mill Stones. Hail C2J3?? Roml Wheel*and Axles. Chairs and Spikes, k and Rosin in hbls per 100 lbs. special Hates for Light Goods.—PiirnitiitcaiidCHiriHgi-s ^ thoxed, and other light articles not unumerat* |'*J, also. Carboys of Acids and other I'honil. joals. will be taken at nctual weight, bn charged at deublo 1st i'lnssrati'n,..per 1U0 11>* W.M. SI. WADLKY, apr (A—tf 0i*n'I Sup’t C. H. IL CRAWFORD'S .IERCHANT “SITOA" MILLS FLOUR Uneqiialed by any Mills in Georgia for Superior BreadstufFs. I ITO A S1ILL3 DOUBLE EXTRA HOTEL FLOUR, .9 do do do do Family do, do do Super fin* Rock Mills do do, do do Fine d°i do do No 3 ®o, Bolted Corn Meal. Orlts and Shorts. Received pel : a raid, and constantly forsaio hy C0NNERAT. WEBSTER * PALMFS, Agents for Crawford's Sitna Mills tfr. Customers. Ibikers and Fl air DcaLra am Invite* » make comparison, and for tlm richest article of bread aviug the sweet flavor of clean pure grain, and is nms mifnllv niunufartiirod by tlm b«*st uiuchinerr. usi Itoa Mills D-"t»d« Extra Hotel Flour. septlS 0 whole, half and quarter boxes, Layers uud Mala*' RjldMi tor *»'jJ'* |l t}, r , tkKXVf QROUrar. |{ of jII kill.I-is good. Wilts Ui- p«c< will !••• ■.-;i- l. ft•»» N.gioie. i ii I*-*. I .|i tin- K.'l*. 'IL ' ft • k— wi •' ing c.*l | i-li-1 t . ....ti.. M-l g i- ." i"« Al» t onT»ol- Phiuglo*. V-h vl s. a.. •* •• Tlm linp'ovcini-tii* mi i! Dw.-liing im,.and a half -I i-piir* ) Kiicli-n. ^t r*-!i- u '• Him lion* -, ii'id m-w N•: : i-. It-nt AAal-raiol Ii «• Finn li fer I- E. AH.; .* "* a (.atia*biiry,('n:iid<-n t'••tint j I'"] piiiil'-ii1il'. iii-ply* I" AV 'I itfUKuCGHS. E*q.. ^a annah Ga., "i toMiOiUh*viih*r, at lh tin >wiek, Gly nn i •oiintv, Ga. Mpi 7 tf ALEXANDER CAM IM5EI.L. FOR SALE. ^ A C'lTl'UN 1*1. IN I .ATION.situated and Loiiiiiig .ti Da <"i M i-«.n. , 'air**ll fa pi ill gn, 11"”' oi'd-rg'ilng re- I • illg l-l.ilt. K.X- ID'-/, -ml'.rf. Esq'ti., r mw a0iiB. o seitEVBN house. taili* 1 '9 *arr< i • ■f w lib 1. there nr* ■ ii .i.j, E.i* y em i. dr : net. s o f “ii.* ml*, uml tlo halanr. -•lil-lin." nml nj poituhity off' r«d t*. id -i. »i h-and cm , ito I'tth* l-M-.-lite, t-e - II tie* hay..11. i-h 1."' (» ii.*r**s of fins* h ilea-leiitul, adjoining 1-0 It S jtisirii'Hull from As'iteti to Mm li Kiiid I’ii'nt*,t mi 290in cul'ivati-n 135 to I'l'i I ale* c-*M ui. I i I ! I’l intnlion I* -illl'le-l -n Ml* high '* •L«t qua |i,v >•' rant* land. Th • Improve tin-tit* ci.n*i*t of a n‘ gro quai l* l*. tolnhl. *. and olio r • nt I ut*", a it**w tin b m-l* m c- nf* .-I There nr** fro* * twenty *-i-.l,t f men, woim-u and eliil-li* II— '-in t a lur e qua tuy "t Intniig i liii-liel* c ni. h iy, on-. Ac.. ■*.*.* The above I'lai-tntioii i* a imp ativotm wi-hing t-i pnr.-1-ii-e a fui l ihte le tm-Nl. iid. mi l i»n. v made otic oi the hiiid-' nn—t p a. Incuse I lie pmvhii-. i -li ii'd vv alluvial land, nf which ("• mi' tin* t*l»« ii tut tiili. vvi.l he *o.i| null ]t Glittered f.r toah- will: ■ r w.ili -ut the m-griics, Ui- For D-rui* 9ml c..« .1 I1..11-. ii.Mu-r* lilt AMH.IL IH'iihAlt!* k CO., nprl" Into ft<; ('iirnm’e'et *tu. L New Orleans. DOlf.TnKHTY COUNTY' LAN 1)S I will sell nbiiretiin In my I’l.A 'I A11* »N flfc(t III toeid cull Illy. It Ci'JiM-ln of 2.Ill" *** ,r, l.luo acres Iii i-iiHIva'i'Ui. UI Ilm Im Micro are film acr.-s of g«*el t'nk ii"d lllekorv, and pine 11 ii in tin >■ k. and .'9 • acres of good I'iim Timber I .nml. i Imre an* I v*o ►ottlom.-i.t* vv :h a D-vellii.g Hnu**- and Negiu Cahiiis i n each. Tin* ti ict, llmnfdie, could he iDvi lei Thi* ptace Is in a fiim s'at- ..feir,ij»i,M n. *m l isunly six mil"* s- mil it ADiany. M-e i.uiinnii* of the ^miil- AA'St'Tli Lout. It in Well VV.iMed. lying Oll tin Co * ttw-iili-e tfiei-k, I will give a long credit to n j nu h«*er. upon hi- ply ing oim-lonrlh of It.e juiri h <►.- tm-n-v. Ih-mg utixioim tn cone-Mrate my planting lutcu-rt lu Alnbniua, I will given bargain in tlii* place. For terms, apply to D. A. VA50N, At Alb’iiy 0a. Augusts Coi'MitulInna'Dt. ar. I A' Mi-ji-oger, |ileusr copy two immtli-, and *• ml lull tu tins i>fllco. tnar 11 2ui« For Salo j0% 2.390 ACU K> UF .** AV A d I' A XI H’l X E LAND (fffel&imar .leflt remit-.ii, Cttuh-n v win! also imnr the Itig S-i'illa Hiv. 1. in »<»l tlesi! Swamp, known lor forty* ut tlm Guidon lrac». Tlm swamp land is about t Mi nr re*, uml uvuiluhto n* fleet qii-->liiy cotton.roin uml ne* land* Ilm pine laud Is of tlm best for timber or liii|.e:iti: e. Teim* • a*y. Apply to Jml2 n :>'>N A A T, I L •it GORDON. Private Salo. The well Known I’mmsth'ii callct Mount Iloiat, situated iu I’.iyuii roiinty, contNiniliu nt'oiit 4.3i ai act.-*. I.5"0 under cnllivation. Tlm b- •»- 1 i land very ^..'ta- fertTHTniiil is well calculated fori he i-uIMviitioii ot vai.e, cotton or corn. I- well settled b«v:i.j a tine Dwelling lloina-. Overseer's lloii-e. Darns,, t il •*. fitc., and niC"Hi* moiiutj.'n lor more than 2ou m-gi-** F*"' terms apply to It .1. Arnold. Bryan county. The Albany* H Gulf Railroad run* n*rr Ilm tract. FOR A A I.E A Valuable 1‘luntutlmi in lliyan county, cm tnlnlngifl'incresof Land, I Dol which isumlei fence ami In cultivation. Minuted on the Midway River, about seven iiiUc/lr< ni tn** Albany fir Gull On tlm premises aro all tin* necessary In: hllngs for plantation purposes, and a c*iiuf'>rtubl« Dwelliug House. augl JN0 $ MGXTMOILIN. Corner of Bull By J. B. Foley, Bull and Congress Sts., 8avannfth. ^ Till- New iiUThL. furnished through* /ilS*^-out lu Ilm most KLf.OAM 8TYI.B, is DOW • '•’IiAlli3!K!SW opened and will be kept as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE. MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, (1 BORGIA. The llutise baa been newly re-sr* I’.'Y ranged ami iiTitted. fXvH&ljt- R* MKLDHIM, Proprietor. ic INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, lh rnni.r ..j Frnuktin itrect, :«'w •soj.txc, HAS 1! E li N ll.EOENTl.Y UEKITTED.- The Rooms arc all newly Carpeted, Thu Furniture nml lli-tU Superb, and thu Dnthe Uu empassed* TAYLOR S CELEBRATED SALOONS, AHR COMNICTr.U Willi T'lR HOTEL. Horn la concent rated all tho comfjrts of a home, wllb the 1'ixnri-s of li pnlacc. Till? SPLENDID I, A DIRS* PARLOR I'ominandsan Cm quilled Vila W OI’ BIIO A DWAY. Tin: INTKKNATIONAL Is Hu* mint cential i*f any ol tlm First Ci.'8« Homs for •**, or places of iiiii'isHimnt. nml offers un»urpa*e* i-du<ivantages to F- intli**** and Gentlemen visiting New York. ALFRED FREEMAN, apr •) I mo Proprietor. l-'isk & Raymond's Late Improved SAFES! Tlm subscriber, Agents or tIio Manufacturer, for tlm salo of Lillie's Patent Clill Ir.I—Iron IIUHGLAr* fit dFIRK-PROny RAFKS Hccund with Lillle'a Pa- tout I’.iwder-I’rtof Com blnntlon Dank Ie ck Tiie-i* Safes .-ml Locks nIiiikI unequalled In baffling th" tokill of Hm biuglar and the nj pllcnth n of flre. I*i*tsons wishing to purchase a rale which Ie, in all re* sped*, what tlm term iniplies,are ri-spictfully requested to , a'l exiiiiilne onr SAFES.a*. 155 and 167 BruUgh* ton totM-et, Savaiiiinli, before purchasing elsewhere. Wo think our Sales heed only to be si-t-u to be appreciated. mar an M n RSB k FAY, NOTICE. I WOULD Inform my friends and the nubile that X have opi-m-d.on tho rner nr Price and York streets, a shop whi le I will attend to th* Mnnulwcture of Tin Wai", Tin Roofing, and all other work connected rilb the busim'tr. All urduis promptly attended u nnell—tf GEO ‘ GEO li* WKKD0N. FIFTY DDLLiVltS It K VV AUD — Will 1»" pul 1 lor ihe recovv y of my negro man WILLIAM (or llillyiwho mnaway about the middle of last year, lie I* >-i a dark muluttu complexion, about six f> • •> or a little upward, in Imlgnt. stout built, w <it-li«about twohuminal pounds, and I* about thirty five yea is f ng« lie i» n bricklayer and plasmicr l v tia (i-.reu Is well, and win** times ilHnuirivsna a pii-acbor lie is polite when accost eii Hti'1 rnllu-r giiiii'HI>'qut<iit ill speech. Ah lm has a wile and •--lilldr-'ti In Bavaonah. I am led tc I ml love that he la lurking about Mint Htv or its imighlHirliiMMl. The above reward will he paid for IiIh npprolmnslnu nud do livery, orcouflnemilut io itmrais'i that I m »v e-t him ■kalm Address NICHOLAS WJUB, Mal-tbstutf Wstliiagtdn, 0s*. PKU'K COLLARS AND SETS.—A new i.n.r*i' |l| ’ l>,jU,t NKVl'rr b5 LATinOP * BO0KB3. Heidsick Champagne. 4 ^ liA.-KF.l'.H Heidsick Cuniui'aguf, iu pints sB' quarts, landing and for sale by OLA0HORN 4k CUNNIOHAHI apr 5 FOR MAY. FSI.IF.'S Mngailn*. for May. p J Graliam’s Ladies' Book, f.r May. Mod.-y-'s ilo do ■'* Artlmi's Magazine, l*ot email's tie, Dallou's Dollar Monthly, Nick Nax, Mrs. Sieuliens 1 Magazine, Ucmtdboid Words, do. do. do. do. ilo. do apr SI • J. B. CLEBEIWE, Afenf, pall strMt, oncklts Bc/*r*D PAit