The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 30, 1858, Image 1

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. , _ •. - m* j* a' • *w* *r; *» ■ “-"f • ■ VOLUME LVII. ^iil)iinn;i!|iicpblinnu in rmiLtsiiKD DAILY. TRI WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY, BY P. W. SIMS. J. R. 3VJRD. * * ■ Editor. It.lTKS OK A l> V IdllTlSIXG, V.t.uii* *.| unroof 300 eum or low. of imjr type not Iat* i iih-oi Nonpmvil, 7&ceut* lor tin* first. ami ftucntits (or subsequent insertion, for any timeless Until one m ". r.»Wt»T work, with ot without ruin, and adver ti„<uii'aii ot'oupyiug 'loublo coluiuu, elm 11 bo charged j, iii'lo tin- above fates. V ivcrllieuietiis, ol whatever length, lor any time lei i! iu .'in' mouth, to lio 011 nr it ci I at tmtiKiotit mice t' i t longer (hum at the foil.ntmu rate#; 1 too. 2 mo* 3 mot 4 tuus 6 ulna 12 tuo* l • i *!» I ..| oil #« t«« fan $« I* tl'Itit'MItC 74 \t0 7* | HH 60 j li!4_ rilled, apr portioottl Olurgu it week, will bo rtlcrciJ tlirtH* ti o two-tlm da the above rate*. \ deduction of 2.’) percent front tl above rale* will .. oli*on .iilt'crtlHcinenUiippoariLg on the fourth page :ae daily. v ••■••al notices, Ill cente per line for the Hr-t, nml 6 :•* tor eiw'h subsequent iuaertlou. am. iu no cuse to b« .■I to com rad. Marriage notice*, $t. Kitoera 1 iuvi- • «. ,»o cent* each. No*pccinl notice iuwntvil tor leaa i i ».• ctiite. Obituary notices, Reports, ll»aolutinua •.-.•cdhu's of any Society, Association, r.r Corpora* • Icreil to I " published. 6 cent* per line. *•. tiob.utts will bo advertised at $40 per annum for • a Itertlsed. - u.nip*—where bn miu* running, $40 per au- , t te •> nr more. $50 each. t i •i"iieei* advertisements uot tube subject to cou t but to be churned at the rate* prescribed per a i-ii .»n\ lull for two mouths advertising, other than •rii*. min’tnt* tourer $50, a deduction of *46 per . v. ii* be Hindu, i itiTliaiu*:, with the privilege of cbatige, will \ i a: the following rates: ► r.m • sijinue, renewable once a week $46 »* " •• twice ** 55 • *• *‘ three times or tiftelier 70 i-1 f t io1 square contracted for to be charged • .»,*! the above rates additional. t j irutiser* shall lie limited to the space con* . ii .. All contracts shall be iu writing. stating , the iiuttiic of the business to bo advertised.— . i !%<-,: if im*t»iM not properly connected with tliu »s-iiull b" cb-.Tge,| separately, and also any ex - :;.. tt> i over the amount contracted fur. •ti .ct .elvettis* incuts payable quarterly; advertise- • *t ranger* and transient persons, payable in .;i<v. All other* will be considered due when called v [isjar. under no circumstances, to be Included iu t „t. • i. nul and business cards, not exceodiug 6 lilies, i •• ins.-rted at $20 |a r annum. ‘. Is .mi persons t<* heroine candidates, will be Inserted fbnr advertisements, to be paid for Invariably iu i •iiioimciiig candidates for office, $10, to be paid Iu •. .\ertisenients tint marked on the copy for a specified . i.ul bo inserted until forbid, and puymeut ex* i. ir a -IvertWr* and all others sending commit* n < or i .'.(Hiring notices designed to call attention concerts, soin ia*. or any public cutertHinHietits, • • '!« s are made for admittance—nil notices of v is-.i- Intions, every notice designed to cull niton* • pnvito enterprises calculated or Inletided to pro* • !, liviiluat interests, can only be inserted with the • Hiiin'iiic that tbo same is to be paid for. If hi* ;• i ••- tin* editorial column (which can be only at the a .f the editors > I In* same will be charged at the •' tint less than 2» cents per line. \ •• i'ti,»mentv onbred III the Weekly. $1 per • i- t i l icit insertion for any Unto less than one ... F i m -re than one mouth, at oue-hnlftbe rates I i a above taldo. ! r.icj ed. publislur* of hally. Tri-Weekly and . u v newspaper* in Savannah, On., pledge themselves ■ i ■ i in -■• to the above bill of charges, and in uo •:i,i*i' io deviate therefrom. rales to take effect March 1. 1860, and to i :• a . '•Hiding until changed by the Tote ot a .majority r:: d rutfllC*l. V u — o jiisJuleshall nut In any way effect the In* .•:.t» .it existing contracts, 'll contracts for tlio year , i t!.. r specified time, shall only cease with tho , r ,ii..i *1 e |H*riod for which the were made. K. W. .-<1113, Republican A U. I.' >1A It, Georgian. W r I'lptMI'S'iN. Morning New*. i,vr‘il 'I‘lMi’tnMM'ii/*, \v It it 1 A A Ml nlKIFK’S 6ALK. a.- •••id, t'l'f re • be Court ll..u*e dour. Ill it \..ii •'•iiiut.v.oii th first TU"s.|.,y hi 'lay next, •ii- i.-i-tl leans ••! sale, the following property, * ,t ii Inad of Mock Cattle, iimre or less.— . i ••« ill - property of atthew M Moigan. to ii i, isMo-d out ••!' the Superior Court «>t dry •. i.i l.ivui* ..f H. •*. 1’iej.ies vs MitthewM ,'i.*'i l v pointed out by th** •lelemUiit V * J II,L.Hn-nffB. c :i t’l Mill III vliFlUKK’S HiibK. *■ i. -*• iI.I*. on tti- first Tibs (ay in May. In *. f iIn* oiirt II iiso in l.lli.igliain Comity, .. >• i. urs "I sale, an old u- gn» man,named i ,• i-r rty of ■Jb' » K km*. Levied on by 1 II,i,• t\. Con«t bn*, tosii is'y a II. tn. in favor of . i.'.ii.-1 f.oia a M.igl*ti'itc’si.iiuit lu ami lor •«. 'tui I* i *li. I**.*Jt. • i ' .*.11 .HitA«*K K IIKI.MI.Y MriTr. o ATI*; or GKOltuiA, I I'll uii whom it may turn AM CiMJ.MY J euiicrn. i*. i. issa nlmsi. iid will apply at the Court of •» i.-r le tn is Di*m|s«i r. kh .sdmiidstialrix on • te ol .Iona’ Olinsteiid. ■ no. 11i. ieloi••, to • He ami iidtn odsli all wlmin it • • i n. to'rn ami u;ip*ar o. l .r sai l Court to ijeeio.ii (if any they have) uu or befui* the first i.v -ti nolo* or • ext, otliei wise said letters "ill ho ’i •.s. .t.diii Itilh.,. K«'|. Ordinary for Chatham . *iii* min diy of Aptil, ib. H •; J <ll v firMin, o c_c. \ r 12 or OEsOllGl A, ) To all whom it may • i i l'i| \H C'lU.N 1'Y, / concern: i •• .1 ■ *1,t, i-t 'Vails, iv.II apply at the Court ol • • . t l.etn is Ihsumsory.a* Administrator ou tho • * mi .»*! "ids. . ii-. retori. to clt" an I ndnmiil«li all whom it a. to '•■• an 1 appear before said Court to make . :> iiiy they bavinuii nr liefore the first Mon* ,■ mo. r next, other«isu said letters will be B"l** * I .i Iflh d.v\ ol Mar 1 "Ii. lk.ih. _ .t *11N 111 1,110. <> C. C. <»r 0 IdtVltG I A, \ To ail Wli.liii it ilia il.MllAM CuU.NTY J cotieern : I. .»• It•• ■«laud will apply at tin* Coi.r* n ■ !.• :t”rs Itis'iiirsory as tdministiatorou the a .. a ii b. Kowiaml. •. Hi 'tef'irn. to cite and adiuonisn all whom -hi. to bn and appear before said ■ oiirt, to Ioiist if any they have), on or liefore the first ■ July next, otherwise said Utters will bo -I din II Iho, Ksq. Ordinary for Chatham .’••util day of J, Jatinaay. I MS. JOHN HI 1,110, n o. c. VI ! VI’;.; or ».*;»(lf4f \ t < L'uail WI|..UI It way I \ i'il \'l iMIIM'Y. / concern: • • 'I "iry Urigh.iin, will apply at the Court of •i ' .r I.-ibT* Uisiiiim iry, as executor ou tne Ks ' f \*l,"l W"bS. • . t i.-i •fore, to ctt»and nilinonlsball whom it *•• !•" i iid app-'iir before said Court to make •ay ih 'v na.e) oil or before the (list Mom • ■ ■• < . •theraiMt' S.ii I letters will lie granted. ■ i • .n lldbo, K*i|., ordinary l«r Clmtbaiu Co., ■d Mdcomher, 1667 • • jxo., o. o. c. tv •' V1K t) I*’ <41201101 A, » To all wlmin it muy ^ 'MV III A'l COUNTY. / concern: i* Kheard Lovell will apply at the Court of i-r le'tt.*r» Uisuussory as Administrator on ■•: Mai v.-y .1. Uilbeit. ■ . i ii-i'i'fi.r**. to cite and admonish all whom It i . t„ in* w»«t appear h-f'ire said Court to inuko toy they liavo)oli or before tin* first Mon* 'i m-xl, oilier wise said letters will be grant ■. .1 dm HIIbo, Bmp Ordinary for Chatham ■ - • l-vaiitli day ol J.iuu try, 1H.S* .nillX 1111,110. O. C. 0. 'K Ob’ G12IMIG1 \, I Toull * it uiay , Y \ S *5 iU VI’Y. J concern: 'mi MMIlven will apply at the Court ol Or* .-ti <r, Hixinisoiry as Admiulstrairix of Ks* ••*•1 II M'-KIvnn, dveuasthi. • ■• ti.ei-l *.*•• to cite au,I a.lmoolsb all whom It • ••. to till) tledr o'ljcoli'iiis (If liny they have) •sill', first MuNlivY iu MAY next, otilerwiso is will tm arantsil. ■. i.'ur.v K •'*i„ th. Ksq., t'rdiuary for Hrjan lii* *22d day of October, 1867. ii bn icy LSMirn,n.n,c. S“*; I’ATK OK <4KOILUlA, I To all wlumiil may n.tV\> COUNTY. I concern: . r«as, .lucks ui Bird will apply §t the Court of Or* •or Loiter* IHs'nlssory a* Aui vtving hxvcutorof • •>: \ndrw Ihr-I, Hr. deceased " .f tie r-lore t<* cit« ami aduionivli all wlmin it • i ii. to III" tli"lr objections (it any they bava) • >.... Hie first MONDAY in MAY next,otherwise ■ ' ih a ill be granted. " ■•. - 11 .„ry K. 'iiiiu, Ksq., Ordinary for Bryan • .'Ins£11 day of October, 1857. IIKNIIY B. SMITH,0- B. C. IB> 'hi: NOTIUB. ; iloNTUri AKTKit I) VTK. application will i !•• to the Cashier of tho Union ilniik Angus* *. 1 ill for Ten Hliares (No JluO) issued to Henry is n. ou 26th March., which Ijcrip has i mislaid KOIIT.J. I’AUUIIBY, Admin strator Bslale Ilenry llaiper. Ii. *£ld -Iannary. 1668. |law :im NOT CB. mIis af'er date, application will ho made to n d • irdiimry of hlherty County, lor leave '•io* "f Land, tho property of t e estate of ■rd. late of -aid county decaved, and to e lem-lltof the heir* ana distributees of said BKAHO N It II0HT1N, OnirdUnof Minor* of snldcstat". 'I IV. A lL'tON,) > Divorce. ! -T I \ WlfjHOV. J •in.. i.. Hie Court, bv the return of tho Sheriff, 1 d ndaet is not to be found ill the County . Vs. V" m It Is ord-rod that the said ■ ti.- !•• r |.|. n ,.r d-fenre In the Clerk’s Of- "i: <hi nr before the llr*t day of the next / • and it is larthiT ordered t nt till* order ' 1 "• "i- of tlie gsx'ttcs of the t’lly ol 8avan •o-c in mtli, ptevluua to the next term of this tUcl fruta «!*• minntfs. this 36th March, JAIUB RAHN, *11 FRIDAY MORNING, .APRILIUO. 1858. Deat ReAnad CHARCOAL IRON CALVERT IRON AND NAIL WORKS, Baltimore, Md. J. lluHUNSON 8MITU. Ol-’t-’ICE '25 SOUTH CU&ULES-STItEET. HOOK AND FLAT ltUAl) KAIL HOAD SPIKES, BRIDGE M4D CAR BOLTS. NUTS. &0., WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS, OP ALL PATTERNS, 5 lo 12 Inoh made to on nun Ai).ni.visiu.vnn.vs sa 1,12. W ILL HU >01.11, 011 the first Tuesday in June next, hefuio tho Court lion** iu Hr van Counts, ami Mute or Georgia, property hebuiglng to the estate of John Haly. dei’cnn'd, t.v peuiiisvi-ui of the ll.uiorsblu. th-Court of rilinaryof Itryan county: a tract ot lamd kiioi'11 a* Mawv il Hdl, eoiiliniuug 450 a, res, uioivor le*s. being i.u the llm* of Hry.ui and l.-beri' coiintv aml luui.'ided u«rih by l.iml ..f V Wells ca»i l*y II I, UI4 south and west by Mr. Htniies, Hold Land I* well timbered, ami Within olio Hide of ' on uiche liver, with 3 • acres of cleared lamls, an I a framed bwelllug m arly llmsheil, with materials sutl|. lent already ill*'»«• **•1. to cnmpleii* the h'Ot»e. ami all oil Uni slicks of new Timber, ready for luutkei. bail! true lias loo acres of Hist iju ility Imd, ami i* located in the best range for vtock of any kind tliui can bo bad wiibiu lOOmiloiof Savannah. , Also. Hie fdl.'Wfrg m'gioen: .lime. 3: year*old: I*aac VO. b.-tb limber cutters; l'uul, iu v CHI s’"Id; Maria, 37 years old. KLI/AIIHTII HALY _upr 12 A Iminlsiratrlx. NOT I UK. A LL Persons haring claims agsinet the rsluto of the latv llr. Krain'l* II Hciiiere. will present i i m,du>y Hi test ell, in Hi,' Him* pres-rl a'd by law, and thorn In debted will muke nn lin'd nit" pa.'HM»it to «prl2 JO IN o. PK'iltlLL. Adnitiil'irator. NOTICK. fll'VO Month* after date, applicati >n will In* made to JL the ILiiiorabbi Ur l u try ol Cimtliaiii County, fm leave to sell th- real ••state ami personal property be Uligiug to the estate ••! Krittcis Waver, •lei eas-ii. leb 22 M.UHUllKl’ N. WAVCH, A loi’x. NOT I (12 A LL Person* Indebted t • tlio nto firm of A1KIN A HU It N>. are requested t>s-til"."tbei wise their note* or accounts will bo placed In ihr hands ot an utt»rney for rolo-ctlou, ut the next term of th« • oiirt. fel* 47 tf Tibi'I AS II. HU'tN’8. NOTICB. 4 1.1. Pirsoll* Indebted ••! (lie-sl ite of licitiaillio T. I lln-.*«. lat« itryan r.iiiuty* dee .used, are requ- *t* ed to make payment to th-nmleisigm'd. at llim-vill'* Liberty C'Uinly; and those having deimimis gainst said estile will hand III* til III. duly a tested, within tlio time prescribe I by law. mar 13 •' II1VK**. Adin’r of st It T. Illnes. OlIAUDI A X.nA 1,12. 1J|Y Virlunofan older from the Honorable the f-'ottrl a» of Ordinnrv ■ f Lib-tty rounly, will be sold be* fore the '’oiirt Housed mra. In 'iliegtnwn of llim svill", on tho 1st Tuesday m June next b"iween the Uga' bouts of sale, one track of Liiml in the 7'b Bisir ct ol said Countv of Liberty.* *M ns the piopert.v of the estate of Win. K. S'nll .rd decease, fop i||e benefit of tlie Iteif* uml distributees ol eiibl de'eased. npl • SKAII IIN It. HUSTON. Ouaidbin. A U.n IN ISTIl A TOll’.S NOTH* K. T W'I Months alter iliiie, appli' ii'hiti Will be made to the Ordinal'' • f rioitbaiii t'lninty. to se|' the real 1st Ite and negroes belonging to Mm estate of Jacob Kl- lesion, deceased. HI HAM ItOltBItT-S mar'2i> Admliiistt.ibvr. SILVER WARE » JEWELRY. S. W XL MOT, CO/tXEIi OF COXOHESS, WIUTAKEU AXl) ST. JULIES STREETS, O FF Kit < 1118 LAItUK STOCK or lllCIl GOODS, at pi Ices to suit Ike times. Ou bktul, and receiving by every steamer, Gold and Silver Goods of every description. Film .-liver Tea 8et*. Pitchers. Waiteis. tioblet*. Clip*. «*|i'i*m* and Kora* of ov-rv lit ml v.iriety; Silver 8i t» Hil l singiu pieces, neautifully put up lu cases f »r w- ddiiu a Id other presents. O.jI'1 and Oliver Watulie,, and Cl< I'ks I,r I'Vel v VU'b'ly «f WKLllY, from the richest diamond to llm cheapest plain gold, lurlndinz CiW*n, Lava uml Mosaic, in full ami single piia*e*; with ilnosi every <1 scilptb'iiot itruaiueut tiuw l- w*.<. PLA'FKI) (JOtHJS.—I'lit.'il CaKo Baskets, c'as.ors, Tea 8ets, Ico Pltib T-.Biid PlutuJ Goods of evory i Pl/b»*. tl • d*. in great variety. k m 8PKOTAOI.K8-.In G Md. 8llv«r ami Steel Frames, with Pebble and nth" FANCY GlMDSt-H.' li m I hot uii'ul Parian Va*'san I .-latieuts and K Tort"i-i'.*o"ll and oiler C03ll!a..f styles, with a gt-at i.» bay ..f lle.tdiirn ' it.zousof ,, liy and i.’ountry ar • unite I to examinu tn<* st ick, "*liU*n will bo | at i.ric.-s much lower tbau usual. Watches, Chicks nnd .towelry promptly KKP.UltKD by w.irkmeu of skill and long experience, nprfi tf CHANGE OP SCI1I2UI LK. THE CIIEAl'EST SHlilCKEST ROUTE To the North, r X* -W X O .u A. W J3 ta it nn <'hartestoh AND THE XOimi-KASl’KUN U.\IL-K0AD TdllOlUU Atilt A NC412 MB NT SAVANNAH TO WlLMlNflTOX, N. ill Uu and alter SUNDAY. JA.NL’AIIY Ifilh im _ r-ria sui^innioii STEAMER GORDON, F. 11 A It I* 12 N| C n in in n ii il e r, Wilimav* 8..V.Ininl. -very St.’MiA Y and Wr.liVKA DAY AFl’KKNtMlN. at 3 ..’elm k. and univu In Ulmrles* ton the f dlowing mornings hi tine* to e..nneet with the Train ol theNort'i Kast. rn HaM Monl ffoiny X»rlh. Iteluriilng. will leaves ITnirlesloii every Monday an I Friday Night, nt H ••’.•I >ck. (alter the arrivil of |lie nr* Innu Wliiningt oi.) and arrive in 8avaiina'i early tlie folloMlng uml nlngs. Travellers bound f»r In* North, fi.r North I’ur.dina. .r for the n.irthern part of 8-u h Carolina, by Liking <hi» D'Uto. will tavo i IMS Attn BXt'tMSE, au l will gHIlia liUlll’s Sill'll I hrough Tickets iMtn Savannah In IVLnilngtoii. $11 No I'Atra cnargo for meals or berths ••:: board ot tlio •tenner. Passengers ana tlmir Htggaac transferrel from the s.i aim r to the cars. Jrtr nj vlmr-jr H iggauechecked fr.on .iavaiiu .Ii to Wilmington. For etigageiiieiitsapply to J. p. HlbMliS, Agent jao7 Charleston Hieum-l'it. k»t 'Vlnu l. FOR HAVANA KEY WEST AM) ( VLIFOltM\. ;F J.. r -■ “ AIIj Steamship ISABEL, wii*lraM iioi.r*ixs, pommandeh, Having Just been entirely ovei'iiauled and pul ill spl.'iidid order, refitted with new boiler*, and double air tight bulk In ad*. forwaul iiml aft, making In-t ono »| the most desirable steamers far salety. Sliced and com fort, will mave Savannah Inr invana via Key West, on tlm 1 tli ami Ih'b. and l-ave lla'ana or 8avau:iab v.a K-y Me t.on the U tbanl 2dli••• each month. The |.<<AllKL connect*, nt Havana with tlm U.8 Mail 8te>iiii*lilfi Comp ny’s Lino of8teatuers, for New Urluans and Sun Frauciseo. For pannvge only, apply to dec 18 PnilKNS tc IIKHTZ. 6REAT REDUCTION OF FARE EJXTXLC>X»1S3. iYoin .Veto lurk or South' i\> .V. io J'..efr /«*,.» Smth ainftton, Havre and lire <t>a(4>ut, //acre or lire— CHANG E 0 FS(' 11 El) UI, E INLAND ROUTE For Palatka E. F. VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS, FERNAN* DINA, JACKSONVILLE. AND PICOLATA. Slnp/tiu.V of itH Intiriifiltale {.mniihipe. T<> feare j’rnm i/i- Clmrli-Htim Shnm Fmk.t rh’nf irvxu weoxesoa y Monx/xti ut y The new ami spLii .i l sicatuer KVKUtll.\DE. t’ii|.i. L M.Coxetfr, uill leiiv" Ibis ciiy a*ab.,,'i- 'I'liis sleHliiei Ini!, 'he line*! pitsseti- g-r m'i*"iiiui"'|.ili'>t.* of any boat in Hie >o. tlieru w.U"r», md rtHiuecls regularly wild llm oagei bn-(lie iuteri".-of Floiil v, alt i with Urn Hruns wiik x Fbii'i la and Feriian lina k tV. nr Keys Kail • road*, lietni'ning will colitmct nr 8avaui,ah with Ibe Central Itadroad. and New York sl. ainers. I'lelglit consigned t" the Agent* of tills steamer will be r<-slnppvi| lre" of chatge. For Ireigbt or pasrnge ap ,d) on board, or to JOHN C Flt.\8i:i; Agent .No 74 Itay -in-t. ' UaVITKL) STATES MAILT For M m a frit lea JR. F. via /iMi/EX. nnrxswtcK, sr. marts, FERXAXniXA. JACKSOX YILLE, AX It lUCULA TA. The splendid new Iron steimiT FT MAHY8.1’apt. Jas. Fr- I n.linvliig Iiei'11 tlioro'lgiili plilll-d llol over* bullied, Will cmim in'e bet rogtpar l.!..''"'- New York and Savannah. | The American Atlantic Screw Steamship ••%-lock. and at tin* s i||..,ir. For ireigbt or passage apply ULAGHUHN ill'll "J) v'ing tiu* Florida -team I'l.ning April Ctli, at W evil) Momiay morning in board, or tr» * CUNNINGHAM, Agents. UNI IM) ST A I'j'tsM AIL. For Palatka, E. F., I’l'n Purini, Rmnitvivk', St. Shirt/’*, /•'. •••Miir/ina, Jitrkninriltc, Firnhtht unJ Mi-hl/< hurt/. Tbs new and elegant steamer FT Julies, Captmu N King."* II l.uve every Filday morning ut (• o o ivx r* jviv y, I ■ THE NEW AND KLKOANT FTKAMFIMPA IirNTsVHjLK, ...Cupt. Itobert llardie, A10NT(403I BIlY, •* Frederick Crocker Will firm a .,e, k'y'im* I'etween Sivaiinuli and New Vot k I'M* ing each port every >A ITItDA V. Tliese Ft- a'tiers. I.wn «• im -a"b. Im*.' ibicatit ucc>m mots loii'for I'aisetigus. and biiug id great "U-ii.tli and sp'i-d, can r. ly on tlm gie.itest dispntcb to Freijfit. For r.ii'tlmr par:i>'uiar* apjdv to ItltlUllAM, Is A I.H" IN fc C'L. Fa van nib Georgia or to II. IS. Clt lMWl'M. & npetl tf L*SI Wa.Mln lull street, V IV ’'"rtf. •EU YOitti'AyifTAUNSiU V li O I> ELLER T, I X E FOR MEW YORK. To Sitil Sot ii r Jot/, Mtii/ ]*t,at 10 A. 3f. ■.Vl'i.'k. This boat has been built expressly this r.niti'.aml having»xt"n*ivean I aliyFtaie i:.i .iii oilers *up''ti'T ludm eiu- nts in invalid.! ami itb"n. For freight or pissago apply on Imaril at tho Fbu i la Steam Packet wliavl.n to m ild• i'L Uill'HlN & ‘’L'NNINMMA M, Ag’ts. FOR CH ARLESTON, S. O. The now .ml s|.|"i. lid inn. steamer ... FT MAHY* 1 , t’at't. J .in.* Fr.ei'..rn. liTIvNv will l-uv.i for TI.uik* d«y L'l'tiing. A pill *.M at t»k. m l riiutii.i'et.. |.*.ive every Tbnr*d iy thereittei. lii'iiirmng. she will leave Cb.nI sii.n e*eiy Kitndav M "rub g, ai t» i’cI'H'I. Pur fr -igl.t ..r | is-iige upplv .'ui n.iur I. at .be Fhul la -Ream Pn.'ke* "half, m to in ir :10 Cl, V I A ''I'VMN'ill t'l. Ag’ls, Accommodation Boat, FOR PARACHUCLA EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. Th" new uii'l fut running Pu*«en* ..^r ami Freight steamer JullN G. LAWT'iN will leave tor Paradimds • iid Intermedhte Landing*, every Mi.iol *y mi l TI.ui *day, at 4 oVI alt, P. M —leave *..jt f West Hr . id -Me. t. N. It—C.uitriu’ts *ir liimlltigsab'ive can be made. This Hunt will not break her i unuii.g sell, dtilu. J. W McALI'lN. Agent. oc27 Wllliam*on’s Huildiugs. V ' ■ -ir' . •v-'iri'V ' The Fit) eiior Ftrnmer Thomns Swann, CAPTAIN .11)11 X A. POST, U'lM leave usa'.ovo FAl l.'UnA Y, May I, al 10 o'clock, A 'I F"i* Freight or Pa—age. having fi'.o arc mni"'bitlmi, apply I'. llltlGMAM. 1IALDWIX A* i'O. Caldn P .- a-g.' $15 no 0 U *V r e iL hV ii, ;en |n . Vi«f' • in' i ry c il.* XOTICE. J* ^ I'b" spl-n lid propollor* -- r Hl>TFYll.LK ai"l MONT* X •■ r 'jr*V Jr GGMKKY. will I'mm a week* 1* » H line betw.eti New York ‘.’I'l Fav in.iali l aving • a b .• * r^/inr: every F'lfi;b*r. On and •' aber M.iv l-t. 185', Fr- glit fr-m New V -rk, will In* tak u at ^tliiof the preNeut uirilf. or cns oiimry niter. upi 21 Hitl'.IIAM. BALDWIN h CO. Kit-i cabin Fecund cabin.. Ft. ei ug" $80 Find.a'In 6u Hecn.l cabin... 8t,-i In tin*»*si -Inss pniblle wheel AKIKL.'-’,000 Ion*. C |) Lii.llfw, and NufiTII >TAH 2. fJH) ton*. Kdwar.l''av.', cmmiin.l-r. t«. sail from pi-r No. :t Ninth river, at iioi.u precisely, cai rying the United States mail, vix* Leiirr Xno York /or JJrem Sunt ha 111/1/1111, l/nri nr It re mrn. Ariel. Fatunlay, Marrli 20. Nortli Star, •* April IT. Arid, m May 1ft, N Ftar, •* Juno pi. Snutlntm/t- ton. April 17. May 15. Juno 12. July 10. Southivupton for Erin York. April 21. May lt». June 18. • * "*., - ... ....... July 14. Tlm*o stoani'-lilps •••itrli »t Havre. Specioileliverrtl in London or Paris. For pa-sago --r to D. ToltlSANVK. Ag-nt, _tnar I 3iuo No.A lluwliiiuGroon, Now York. FATIH HBDITCEDi STB AM TO SOUTH AMP AND IIA VIt K. —The mag- <a^Tr;uTff?»iiini lint Steaimlup VAN UK .HILT. ft.’Jii' ’■TOH^SiSfct'.n-, P. K. Lefovre. inaatcr. will sail, with Iho mnll>— YB'iM NKW YeniC f"R YRoM S"L'Tn"1PT0V AND IIAVItK r .11 JttW r 'RK. Wednesday April 28 Winlmsday lime l) Wednesday Inly 21 iti-iii of room. First B'.t'TIIAMPro.N Saturday Saturday flatur lay Price ..f pits* cabin, 91<)fi; *• IAVRE. Apt it in .... May 23 ...July 3. go Recording to b "iid cabin, $50. Specie de Ivered lit L .mloii and Pari*. F..r Passage or Ft right, .apply to D.T )RRAN’PR. Ag’l N.«6 Howling Gre.11. New York. apr” filar i IV. D. 250(4 11 A VH Ot CO, ARK WKEKLY KF3SKIVING FROM TIIK FACTORY TMR CtUtWRATCD StClltiDiU' ft? Sous’ 13L1U0B, Prniioiiticeil by Artists aud Coum.iss. nrs to bo Si'i>ERi»n To ant American Plano, aud equal to the Krard or Col- lard’s. Tho advantages po*»' ssed by these Piammi.ver All nth- »rs, mo 1 a puio ijuaiu* ot tone, an ,.von scale, « hich admits of no pircptible change between uj.per ami b'Wer octaves, m, tar as quality of t..uo is coucrneil; sGuiding in titno longer Ilian oilier ii.stiiiiii.ims; ability to endure tlievxlremu changes incident to a 8»iilherii cliiuatu Tlmir im tile use power—llm ►qu.iro |*j m. » pos- •ess all tho force aud strungth ol Graml i’iunns Irooi oth* er inakors. Tho .Steinway A Sen.’ Pianos, am fast superseding , North ami Soutfi. lor llm UnlversaLy expressed sen tune t or the mu deal world is in tin Ir favor, ami there is but ono remark a* tnong all musical teachers uml dilettanti • ' f T1IEY ARE THE VERY JIE.ST PIANOS now madi. in America. Tlio superiority <.r n,ei 0 ;„.tru* tnciits "Ver any other I* so app iront. that wo Invito per sous about purchasing to call and examine our stock when, wo doulit not. they will bo perfectly willing to accord to Die exprcssmi soutim-nt of tlicsu most com* pc tent to judgo, that tho 8TKINWAY u FUN-’ I’lANuS SURPASS ALL0TIIKR8 in thoossoutial n quisUo that gc to make a good instru ment. A large assortment of nil kind* of Musical Instru ment*. and Mimical Morcliaiid./c, including tlm newest publications of Music, kept constantly . n hand. W. D. ZURUAUM A i'O., IlryAti and St. Julian streets, near tlm MsrsaL S5 Casks Jcffcr’s Sparkling Edinburgh Ale, 25 casks Byass’ London Brmvn Stout, JUSY RECEIVED BY V tl ROSS W CO., SO W'MIflt,, ti. For Cliarleston. INXi AND TVO.TJTH, • 17,1 //am rsotTP 1/ 1 w/.rox in.11>. To leavo from thcUfi n le*l"ii *lu.impa.'kei Wii.trf every 8ATUUUAY. at 4 l’. M. Tlie new and splendi steamer rVKIUlLADU. fa- L. M Coxettcr. s above. Th'* Kverglade connects regularly with tlie S'Httli drdina and N"ilh U til roads Fr-iglit e.»u*igii"'l t" Agent* "UI I— f iwanl-.l free -I charg... For licigbt or p"«<.»«" upplv on*J or to J MIN 0. FR \*G’.U Agent. novl7 No 74 Hay street FOR BLUFFf ON. Illllon Head, Hi«vd'» l-nmllng:, llenufort, l # wrt iio>»l Ferry. Ac The Xnr uml S/ifemthi Simmer “OHOIIiH," CAI’T V. I'Ki'K, ■ Will leave the I’fiui'icetoH Fteam- Piicket U hail, every UNDAY Kveuiiig, nt u o’clock, until turtber notice. Tli" tVcilo lin* hcii built expresdy for this rmite; Im* eb'gaot «tat" ro mii Hccoinuiodatii.ti. ami I* couitructed so a* to sei-iiro Ihfw/'/jf and ro-nf,I'av-llci*. All Fieigli. must lie paid on the "half by the shipper, iK'foreil will bo iuceiptc.1 t-r. J. P. HKUUtvr>, Agent, ocl3 Uhar’.i'al"ii\VI*aif. Clu,Ti^c~i7f Sell vtlttlc On and after M.»• lay. tlm 1 lull .', tlm Fleemer Cecil.' will leave Favaonah evciy Monday Morning at fio'cb'Ck, tn.til turiher mdlce. apr 22 Si* FOR FREIGHT OH CHARTER. Wtem-Th- ti...- f.».» Milling e* nr. NOIt.MUNP. I uptalu Crowell, has tillihel poll*. Apply t" apr 2t) C \ ItLK1.'N Ac PARSONS. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER*, mliriiVs' 1 ' 1 "* A 1 brig Oil >Ai'KAK, Cap). Hany Ap ply I.. C A III. LIMN' ti PAKH0N8. npr’Jll Till FOR F U EiCi 11 T 'O lC c 11 \ UT E It JuSh^TIi" biip.-i lot schr It--UKINGIIA'|, Cupt Tupley. Applyt" c\itLi:ro\ & parsons. I. pr 20 ” " for I,i vi2 llUtit) L - I hV\ 1 Ain. r.iTin , lu.i'tcr. having .. l uge p..r- ngage.l. "ill have quick di»> |.al.:b. For freight eng .geiiient* apply to mar 3ti HitIU'l ‘M. HAL'iWIN & ft). Twelve Homs Abend of any other STHAMEmS. New Y..rk& Savannah FiJo-Wheol Steamships. ., !tr* -* ‘too 8TTX1? T.HXi 'X'XaX'JKS, Fr-ight «itl be 1 iketi by tii.*«e Ft. tun *1* at SlX contH per f...t. F'll ALL KINH8 OF M :A UHKMKM’ GOOD*. Light UuireN 37 1 .'.c eadi. nnd oilier articles in pi"|Mrtioti. PADi.f.FURD. FAY A OU.. apr i* Agent*. Fare Reduced! FOR. NEW YORK. r .&<k Klllt 1stVBRI*OOI-,— rim thM clas* SkitVs tmecica i s dp WALL tOK, Lane, nt »«lcr. Iiuv* Ing a |m>>ti** * of Imr cur > engige l, will Inuet with dis patch For r ieight eng.»gtfineiit*.iip|.lv to mar 19 I’ADKi.FURI). FAY A CO. "j'fy Ft)it~NKW YHUIC-UKUtUil Tlm packet *c'ir LuYALFCRA v'T-iN L»w Jen M et'-r. will iniiiiedfato dispai.b For freight or pa—ago upply to Mast.-r ou b'>ard at ll'.lti.ii’.s Wbarf or to Fi'ltANT >N * N0UK1S. Jpfi~~ FOR NEW YORK—UKUIttiTaTmCiT Stt^The t ut H'lillng regular packet «cbr JOHN lit»*A. TON. Ling.., master, having two third.* of her "aig>. en gaged. "ill have immediate disputeli. For freight ,.r pmagapply to uiaiter on b'lard. at Hi.ln.ii'* wharf, or to SCRANTON A NORRIS, apr 27 __ J’T\ FOlt tVF.W YORK-The regular pmk.t ■«'hr K. KI DDKlt. Hiirk-mi .Mii-I. r will im-t with deipatt It for the above port. For freight apply to 11 pl.t IIUNTKU K GAM'Irl.L. FOR .V E\V YORK—Ol.ll 1;> ftHLIFil. I'D LINK Tlm firm srlu li' KFORI) WKIIII. Cupi >ptugtm In*\ 114 most of her curg » engag' d, "ill have quick dispatch a* above. F»r In.l iiico' freight, apply I.. lilt Ki ll \M. It \LDUTN & • O. “j J _ Ftm’piin*ADKi7Pll'iT\.—Tbcreguliir packet m hr ALICE LEA. Cant Tltumpsoii, will have ill-patch for above poit. For liilnm'e.'f height, apply to C. A Git KIN Lit U CO. ■ .tl,t> It it -j., sup r II no Flour, JC 1«') suck* do do loo do c’lno 1I0 160 do Extra do For sal., by C.iNS'KItAT WKHFTKR Ut PALMRF. W OODEN" WARE-A b.rg • as«"rtiue..t of • Vdir ami Painted Palls. Tub*. Oak Well Duck ets, .tc .Just r-colved and for sale by apr 7 MiMtFB A F,\Y. Ift • and I '.7 nmughtnn st. Mrs. .Inmes Hells’ NEW PVtT.NT UTERINE SIM’PORT, VmriHl.ll Is dwstllicil to supercialo all l.irui* of peS ▼ T s iric*. Retail $3. A I d SUP POIII hUF. with theli recent improvemcntii, ami uml.-i the highest medical plari'tingo. Her many ioveiitions have been tised will. un>ntorni|.t d sueeesa foe the pant 21 yeius, whl bean be favorably nttesied bv tbousamls of Indie.* and pl.ysiciaiiN In nil parts of tlm llnton. It toll price, $6 to $8. Fur sale by TU08. ftj. TURNER, nor 17 |0tfr. Birnurd sad Dro'u^lnba-»U, Cabin, : 820.J1 Sfccrngc, 80. Steamship ALABAMA, G, It. SCIIIOIYCK, Comninmlcr, WILL SAIL SATURDAY, MAY 1, Al’ I'J* A. M The new anrl pplendi.l fa*t going steam Jdp.ALABAMA, G. U S. hcuck.coinuiumler.wiU sale a* above. Fur freight or l’a*sige. api.Jy m l’ADKLKORD, FAY Sc CO. Cabin Paisage $20 Steerage “ $ N. B —Shippers ol Cotton by these steamers will pleura take notice, that no Cotton will 1m received at tlm prene* that I* not distinctly marked »•• tlm edge of the bale. Od" Berths kutsecured until paid for. PADKLFORD, FAY & CO., Ageuts. tlTL. Freight from New York at •?;( cmtouiary, and as low n* In anv oth' r ‘Reamer FOR PHILADELPHIA. —* 'A. X-i- Steamship State of Georgia, .1. J. GARVIN, Coinmnmler, Will Lett re Suturihti/, Muy 1, ut 1), A, Af. Tlm United States Mail Stciiiu*hip STATE OF GKOR 01 A, will leave us abovo. For fr, ight or paiHago apply to V. A. G It KIN Ell Si CO. Agts Cabin Passage *20 Ftc.-iugo do 0 PamcngorM by this ship for Halt I more aud Wash ngtou will belauded ut New • uMle, |)ei., if.leslred, from which place eu s stmt three I line* daily tor tlm above cities, and other Southern points. AU Ft. iglit lulls under $5 payable on wbarf befero de livery. the” Greorgia_C itizen. TIIK NINTH VOLUME OF THIS WEEKLY TAPER, Commenced on the 20th March, At tho Reduood Bato of $2 Per Annum, str.iotxiY xw Apy^ycm 1 A S THE CITILKX I* publish*d in .nucon.thocen- ttal city of Qenrgin, ami b.11 a large circulation In Mi.nihi, We torn, and 8.mtb*AYe»tern Georgia, It pre sent* utiinmiil mlvnutages, a* a first class ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Bobecripliongsud AUmtUrmcnts rospccifnllv sollclttd. 1/ F. W, ANDR^VS, . EJRer «n3 Pr^'rlstor. O CENTRAL RAILROAD. New Arraugoment. .N and after 8iimluy. Febm.iry "1st. tlm Passenger Train* of this Hoad will b.» run a* follows: SKTWktN SAVANNAH aNI> J* A(;«ih . Lnavo8nvRuuab 1.1ft a m. aml300r. m Arrive iu Mmam 10 45 A. M.aml 12.30 a h. Lunve tlucnii 0.1ft a. m-aud I'.JlOr. u. Arrive iu 8nvattii:ih.... - 7.15 f. *■ ami 8.ftu a.m. nKTWKKN SAVANNAH ANP VCOUHTA. Leave NaiuHimb Lift a.m. Mini I Lift A. u. Arrive in Augusta 0*. M. amt 7 p.m Lonvo Augusta 'J a. m. uml 3.4ft r. m. Arrive In Havanuah V Ml a.m. aud 10.66 r.u. BKTWKKN Macon and avui'mta. Leave Macon 0.45a.m.mii.I ll.3»r.u. Arrive in Augusta ..7 r.M.aml 0 a.a. Lonvo Augusta 2 a. M.aml 3.4ft r. M. Arrl'eln Macon Ifi.4ft*'M.aml I2.!1»a. a. Train* cuiuert on srrival at Gur-l'Ui, for MR led guv ilk* nml Knti.nton. At Macon with truluanf tlio 8»uibwe*t* oru Itoa-I for Columbus and Albany, aud with the Ma con ■* Western Road lor Atlanta Passenger* leaving davuuiinii by tho 1.15 A. M. train, will anive in Atlanta »t 0 P. M. la*tving by tli-3.00 P. M. train Will arrive In Atlanta atO.lft n.'Xt morubig On Sunday* the 11.*6 A M. train fur Augu*ta will go through to Mac.ii iu place of tlm 3 P. 51., ubiL'It wLl nut be ruu oil that day. EMERSON FOOTB, tieiietal Snpt. Savannah. February‘.'Oth, lkr>7 miv12 Macon & Western RailroadT REDUCED nil io lmo MACON, Dec. 14th, ln.>7. O N nnd after Friday, 18th lust., tlm trains "ill run a* follows: Lea*0 1.00 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta k.lft A.M. Leave Much 11.fin A.M. Arrive at Atlanta 6 20 P. M U<avu Atlanta 12 uiuht Arrive at Miron 7.1ft A M. !.< uve Atlanta, 12 Arrive at Mac»n 5.40 P. M. Tlm Night Train- witl n 4 be ruu on Sumlavs Tlm l A. M.Train frjin M mim connect* will, tlm^tate Road for *' at 12.3J P. 51. andUcuigia Road for Augusta at 111 A. M. Tlm l .3.) A. 'I.Tiid11 connect* "’Rli the State Road at 1.45, A. .'I , and tlmOeorgi.t Road at 12 Night. dec 2S-tf ALFHKI) L. TVLKII, Snp’t. SCHHDUXiH ON THE SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD, Over which passe* tlm Great New fork & New Orleans Mails 7'icu Daily yVitiii* hit teem Mu run nnd ColumbnH. Leave Macon at 1.30 A M..aml II .l’» A. 51. Arrive in C.iluml.ux * 52 A. 51., nnd (>.33 P. M, Leave t*..|unibu* 1 65 A 51., nml 4.t»l P. M. Arrive iti.Mucoti R.61) A. V.. ami lu.2R P. 51. nr.T" t:r.N mac-n amu alii am. [ t Leave Maroti 1 30 A. >|. Arrive iu Albany S.lft A. M. leave Albany:) Ift 1* M. Arrive lu Macon 10.28 P. M. Leave A M . l ri Weekly. Arrive In A Ilia t.y 3.37 P. 51. Leave Albany 7.0,1 A M . Tr.-Wcekly. A1 rive 111 Macon 3.UI I*. M. Trail;* t» r»luiiil>ii* form a through connection to Montgomery. Ala..aud Augu*t.i.Kingsville, Wilmiuglun, Savannah, Mill-dg. vi 11.- nml Ent.ititnii. l’o*t t'otcli-* run front Albany tu TullahaiRfe, Ruin- brldye. Th 'inus'llle. .vc. Hack* run from Smitbvilla, Tri- Weekly, to Dawson, ’'utblurt. Fort Gain*-. *c AI*o lr"in Fort Valley to Perry, llayiiesville. Ilawkinsville and Knoxville, Ga. PnHiKiigcrs f»r points li.'low Fort Valley, sbeilld Like the evening Trains from Savannah uml Auguxla toa'idJ dete'itImi nt Mneow. For • tlu-r point*' 'ak*' either Tram. First rln**«t<*nm*hipi> leave Sitvaiinubfor New York.on U -diiei liiys and Saturdays Passage iu the Cabin $25, steerage $*. Farefrun 1 Montgomery t" Savannah $14 of), do Columbus do di> In 00. do Albany do do in 60. (1Ei>. W. ADAMS.Superintendent. Mae.»n, Feb. 2l*t. l'-ftS. mar 1 G EG RG1A RAIERO-U^ Change of Sohodule. Rates of Freight, FROM Savannah to Knoxville s 1 AND ALL STATIONS ON THE I-ast Teimcssf'e & Georgia Hail Road "Viiitif »Lt'.". P IANO Furies. U.H>k.i,8tat»ii..i.»ry. R" ds.Fhce*, and Hal*. l,i.|U«is. Oil*. He. (in t."ttl-m. Cam* phiuu and Spirit*Tiir|<enliim .iu bam- *). Carpeting, China, Gliv«* nnd Gta*«\\ uw,* tiu tia*), Clock*, ihitifei'tlniinties. Cotton C..ids. t ntl«*r> tin ciine*), Ca*k* and Itoxi'H, Dry G"ud« on box. * uml lialcs), Dt'iigi., Fruits, FruitTue* and Sl.rubbeiy, Fun, Garden Seed*, Looking 1JU-..1 i.t.d L< okmg Glass Plate* iat owner’s inkOy*:ei*i.iii (nn* and |ar*). Saddk'iy, Tin nml Itfltant;)'* Ware, Tea* uml Spices. Omirgia and South Carolina L’uiim*tii'«,. per luu lbs )L1» SECOND CLASS. Hardware, hiicIi ii* epeeified In first anJ tbl r d elai*e*. Celle" Mill* Mneliiimry, Foreign Lb qmirWiu barrel* and pipe*;.Toeaecoiln l.»\e»}.la'iii||, er <In roll* uml boxe*i. oil* (In barrel* and ra*k*l, Crockery and Uueen* Ware (in craie* uml cnk*), Rice, Wuitiug, Plaster. Sheet lira** and Cuppri, pur Tliiu DCL.AS8 Axes, ^hovels. Spade*. Sad lion*. Zinc uml Tin. In idgit, Tin Plate, Anvil*. Vice*. Casks of Chain* ami ILles, .'lanilln and Cotton Cordage, O'fiee. Heavy Casting*. Mill Gearing, Rail Road Wheel* and Axle*, chairs and Splkv*. und Ueiin (in hrrrela), pur mu S|UTlul Halts Furniture nml Cartiagen tboxe.1.) and ether light art li b s not eiiuiueran d; also. Carhoy* of A< i l*. er other Chemicals, will he charged by actual Weight but at doublo first clues rates, p.-r 100 pounds, 42 * To insure safety fr.un b«.s <H and delay*, shipper* tens have every package plainly marked with name of ten slgnee. ilest Inal ion aml.l-pei deliver*'.. The Depots >>ii this road are— Foun'mn IHR. P*r.a'tw«ter. plate Uu", I’biU'I 'lpliia, ClerelamJ, r„»i.l<»>. Cliurb'itea, tLcm.ii'*/ RicevllU', ConrorJ^ Athens, •* and Mouse Cre ek, ITnnxvKIc.'* Sir To coaiiimucc 1st March and cant inn to 1st Jnu’ 1 i6*.: W M. V. WALLEY, Sup’t Central Railroad. K. FOOTE. « M AW. *• J.M.FPULLDCK, « IV. * A. « U.C.JACK8UN, “ K. T.«i G.\. “ March |*t. nr>r.'—II NUMBER 105 ■ ■ ■ - - •Vctr York Advertisement* vxBsoiism, owuw * oo*. GENERAL NEWSPAPER ADVERTJblNG HOUHB, (APrUTO.Vs Bt'II.MNU,) N01. 340 dt U4H Ilroiuhvny, Ntlv York L«»V" Augu*tn at 7JOT. A. '•!. nnd 4 (V) P. M. Anivoal Atlanta at 1130, A. M„ nmll.04, A. M L-aie Atlanta it’ A. M.. ami ifi.Otl, A 51. Arrive >t Augu-inat S.ftri. A 51. and 7 fid P. SI. i>un.lay IVaiu* leaving Augusta at -I P. 51., uml Atlan ta. 12 A. 51.. ill iron I in tied. (The 230 A.M. train from Augusta connect* through t» Memphis) CONNKCT WITH SOUTH C A11014 * A R.VILROM). Arrive at Augu*ta at 1.0 ), A. M-, and 2 30. P. M. Leavo Augusta at lu.nfi, A. M., amt h u5, P. 51. WKireUN AXD ATI.VNT!<’ HAII.H"AD. Arrive at Atlanta nt 11.22, I’. 5L, nnd fi .‘13. A. M. Leave Atiutita at 1.45, A. M . and 12fill. I’. M. ATI.INI V VN1> WRIT t’OINT KAII.Ro.VI>. Arrive at Atlanta ut Iu.1.1. P. 'I.,nnd 0 27, A. M L-ave Atlanta at 2."0 A. 51..ami 1 OU, P. M. M VOX AND W KIT Kit X R lll.l: 'AT., Arri oat Allai.luat 9.15 51, an lfi.ftft P. 51. S.O.IV3 Atlanta u' Ifi.fiu A. 61., amt I2UU Night. ATilf'.Ni Ull\.V‘ll—SUNHVV.1 EXCKI'TKO. Leave Attxusta at 2.3 ) ‘ Ight. Leave AG.i' ta at I'Jtai Night, Arrive at AtlieiiR at I(>3 ) Dav. Leave Alliens at Night. Arrive at Augusta at.. 9b* "orning. vriiruat Atlanta at IL.'U Meriimg. WASUTN'ireN UR'NCH—D'tLV TR'tNS—Sl'Nfi'Vi RXCKprct). Leave Auuuita at 2 3 ) Night, Leave AGintnnt i'2ik) Night. Arrive at Wailiiiigt .'i at 7 35 Morning. On Monday-san Kxti i Train l-vves Wa«liiu.-t"n at I 4ft evening, and c mmoi* with th» I) •*« Div Pa**enger T ain from Atlanta, and reluming to Wa'ihingtou ut 6 46 Evening WAKRKNTOX llUVNCn—«l’ND.lV9 EXCKI'TW Leave Augusta a; 4 on Evening. Leave Atlanta at In 00 'b.ruing. Arrive at Warronton nt 8.1*1 Evening. Lnsvo Warruntan at 3.3u Evening, vrrivuut August 1 nt " oo Evening. Arrive »t Atlanta at 1.00 Night. declft-ly GEORGE Y«n:\GE. O-n. Sup’i. Atlanta & West Point Railroad Attanta to Went Point, 87 milet, Fare. $3 50. GEORG 4 G. HULL, Superintendent. M'.HMXU PAHSKMUafRAlX: Lcsvo* Atlanta, dailv at 2 00 A.M. Arrive* .0 W. *: Point, at 7 28 do l.oive* West Point, daily at 4 0*1 do Arrives at Atlanta, it 7 00 do EVCXINO fASSENULK TRAIN. L-nves Atlanta, daily nt 1 00 P. M Arrives at W- st Point,at U24 do l eave* West point, daily lit 4 30 do Arifve* at I.i 1ft d 1 Jto~ Till* Road connects, each way, with the Mont gum ciy f West Point J.'c 2* Freights from Savannah TO TUSCUMlilA. AND MEMPHIS, , Mipertnleixteutn Otllvc C. It. It. .-AVANNAH. Ga , 4tll April. ISA*. J fpIlK UmliTMlgii'd huh heeii luf-’Mied by letter re JL ceived this morning,fr.uii IlieU'iiieral Superintend nut "i tne Meuiplii' A Charleston nil Road, that tl^. Eavt-ru nml tVeHteru divisions of mat Rond were to hr |..lin'd ..ti tho27tli ultimo, and that train* would run through rcftitlurly .>11 tlie 29th. Throiifi rule 0/ Freiyhl from Savannah to 7*.*'".hiibm. I Memphis First Class. : $1 3S $1 aft Second do. ] 1 09 | 1 24 Third no, j 87 j 1 no Speciul rato for Freight Good*, j 2 76 | 3 10 CLASSIFICATION. 1st Class.—Piano Fortes, Rook* nnd Stationery. Roots, Shoe*. Hal*. Liquor*. Oil*. Ac., in bottles, { and Spt*. Tuipentino in barrels, Carpet ing.Chl tin. Glass anil Glivsw'are.Fegais, In cases. Clock*. Confectionery, Cotton Cards, Cutlery in ease*, casks and Luxes, Dry flood* lu boxes and bale*. Drug* Fruits, Fruit Troi » and Shrubbery, Furs, Garden Seeds, Looking Glusses and Luoking Glass Plato, at owner's risk, Nuts in frails.. >v*ter.* In can* and |ar , Saddler , Tiu and Britannia Ware, Tea an I Ppivra per Umi 1 21,101088.—Hardwar * (excent in Ut and 3d v'lnsses.) C« ( fee Mill*, Mncluiiery,Foreign Liquors in and pipe*, Tobacco in boxes. Leather iu roll and boxes,Oil* in hl>!.*. nnd casks. Crockery and QueenswHro In crate* nml cask*. Rice, Whiting Plaster, Sheet Riush aud Coppet per loo lbs 3rd 01a**.—Axes.Sliovol*. Spa les. Sad-Irons. Zinc and J Tin in pigs, Tin Plate. Anvils, Vices,rarrin»e $ Springs and Axle*. Cask* ol Chains U Hors, Manilla ami Cotton Cordage. Coffee, Heavy Casting*. Mill Gearing and Mill Stone*. Hull «5!?R Rond Wheels and Axles, Clmlrs nml Spikes, I and Rosin In bids per luu lb*. "*portal Rates fur Light Gouda—Furnitute aud Carriages in I'* •xed. and other light articles not onunierat* I'd, also. Carboys of Acids nnd other 1 liemi, flculs, will he taken nt actual weight, hu charged at doublo l-t ('las* rat os...per 100 ll<a W.M. M. WADLKY, apr r—tf Qen’l Sup’t C. R. R. CRAWFORD'S MERCHANT "SITOA” MILLS FLOUR Um*qualed by any Mill* In Georgia for erior Breadstuffs. UTOX MILL3 DOUBLE EXTRA HOTEL FLOUR, do do do do Family do, do do Superllno do, Ro< k Mill* do do, do do Fins do, do do No. 8 do, Bolted Corn Monl, Orlts and Shorts. Rocolvbd psi Ka road.and constantly for *alo by C0NNEUAT, WHBSTKU A PALMPS, Agents for Crawford's Sitou Mills Caitomsrs, Dakors and Flour Deai»r* are Invltet to make comparison, and for tho richest article of broad having the sweet flavor of clean pur" grain, nnd is mos carefully manulacturod by the best machinery, uw 3ltoa Mill* Doublo Extra lintel Flour. aeptlft O NE HUNDRED UOIEH RAISINS, la wholo. |ulf. gad quarter tfoxo*. Layer* and k£al»*' r ’ «° ** ronfr asoatsr. .Yeir York .Btleevlisetnenl yiRoai xz. iv. bcxxvtj:c,.s A 1) V E It T 1 S INI) A (1 E N (J Y, Mofintt's 1’iillillnu, ta.1 DROADWAY, NEW-YOKK. THE CHEAPEST AND UBST Furniture! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. II. I’. DEURAAF, 87 DoKtry, ( *•((,• U'urs f/omr,) anti 464 Pmrl.ei.,) lit to it .Store.) TV Id \V Y O It it Ci-UlliH of 9'L’i nt WlinlrMile Prleu«^K "ho^'eaVoodT MAHOGANY & BLACK WALNUT, PAUL DR FURNITURE, J lu Krogateiie, Delaine and Pltndi. Cane Scat aud Cob* tiii'ii Fiirulturo in gteut variety. Also, ENAMELED CHAM HER P URN IT URK, In 8. I* from $22 lo $100. Sptiny, Cut did Hair, Mont and 11’Aa/ctone MATTRASSES, Aba. lVntlii'i B'"!* nnd Bedding. Patent Premium Bofa • lt.'.l*te.uls, nt'd Pali tit M'lf-Rocklng Cradles. I Dealer* will Uml nt ihr above *t»res tho largest and best n.i'.itim iit «.l any edai'li-limeni In NeW York, mud | r.m liuv inner at wIi.leKaluor le'ni! cheaper than at an/ J nth.*r bi'iis.. Hi 'he city. V 3m--aprl6 ! ICE! ICETT • HP 11 . 1-1 Iv- "k.-rl.oi ker Ice Company, of tho City of Ksw 1 H *Y'iU Inving 11'pteniit'i'd their Stock (>f Ice, offir ; lfie iii"*l favoral'ln nt* to the Undo to supply I them,"!**.•* will. Ice of a )upviior quality, and ou the • U"**l reu* nubtetetm*. ' I ’I hi* I'oinpaiiy n! .110 aro selling the Rockland Lek* I he, wiiicli, f.u soddiry nml pmlty Is unlvenally admit* to l»» fir superior lo any other f*r ililiqilng purposes. In < xp.'ti.'iice util f'lcilitl.'* lor conifurtHR buslueM tblsC'.mpany hava iimi'ul*. ntxl Gu v respectfully sujp* Rest t • (h aleru, tl nt tliev will find it la.gelv lo their09 van la... t..older Ihelr supply through tlm Knkketbock* prC.impany, No charge for ivhaifagetn vossols lying at the C"iui'ud>’« piers. wbLUt taking tu cavco. The cnatert pioini.tlttide nml dispatch given toor* d irs, which uu) l-e lurwar.lrd to It. T. CoMITliN, Esq., Pri".|<l"i.i of G o Knlckockcr Ice Ci'inpany. 432 Canal st., New' York. V—-31110 umr 22 THE BROOKLYN In the World, havimja Solid Tt.-t-n and Metal fii'ivi; F 'tlt Pumping Extinct*. Hot ut.d Cold Water. »u>tn* Ide for t , '*terii* Will*. Fa. toile*. Mines, Ac.— Throwing fmn. 2" to ftt u g iIIoiih per minute. An excel, eclient Fire Etigiti.' for farm.-is Large rihcoiiut lo Ueah-rs. Agent* wanted ni >1 T.-rr t .i .al rl.Gits fi r sal* E. A. MAIL«‘H4|.L.DGI’.aiI «»rcit. J>1 8 corner of fth.l.l. n l .n.'. V w ft’ntk LlUlffE, NFIWTON At lAKADHl U.Y’S> 421 Ihtiome-rt. X- - i’. »A IB fl ANUFACTEItKItF ol H e |v . ,,t Ar.b M'res' Plan IYjj Piano Fortes, .-eb l.r . f a d<*| tl). ftsHm **. rich- tie** purity ami a peculiar singing quality d th. 11 tone, lor which they have received the hlgh-G eiir,.tt:lui.i* Irnm the greatest tnuslcal ceivbritl.'* if ll.e country, ami lu every fair, when brought in cu*upitllt"U with other ln*trumi'iil». have obt.iine.l the highest prem>utn The Patent Arch Wml Plank, vblcl. I* »wn.'>l ami used only l»y 11* guarantees their st **i dug i t"tie longer anv oilier hn.trc.ment; while tlmir tmt.r' ciH'iited deina'.d in all part* < f th« country f* a*uffi"b t*t pron of their superior excellence. A liberal discotitG to l br- gvin-n Seliool*ami 'he 1 ride S 1 y-mav*. 1 ? ESTAULSMIED 18133. Tbi* Cotnf any continues lo manufacture th*lr aupetlor PREMIUM WHIT® HAD, Reiti'.' one of th» oldest aud most extensive establish** meats in tho country, for manulacturing White Lend, Red Lend, and Litharge, FROM TIIB RAW MATERIAL. PurchosT* of Got brands may rely on pr.’curlpg th* genuine at tide, on the most favorable terms, for cash 6F ciedit. They arc always prepared to execute with promptUHi all oiilers lor their vnii.itt* g Riles nnd qualities of Lead, and Zinc Faint, Dry or lit Oil HIVIN'R-8 ADI)ltl>S. no Front street. New York. N It.— I'uichaaers should lii wata uf the nutnoruu* boju* lu Hints whi.>h fill the inaikct. IkS J. MILLER & CO’S Wo. 141 BHOUQIUTOW-aT. SAVAXXAII, HA. NFW FURNITURE of ,l| hinds: COFFINS. &.O. Cut) tantly on hand also, a liiigea-s. iiuiunt of LOOKING GLASSES. tj-l). New Won m i.le l"(.rd"r at Ihr, sl.ojtot I.rtlce tjw. ftlattrerioi. Jol ht'.I.I.-IIA ,V(»/.\ ti donu In tiiencat* st stile, with • h. Iy Jan It) Plantation and Negroes i'O i\ SAL>!. M TIi.' .<iit.iciiher( ff"is '..r kale hi* PLAN- ' ATI-)N. in tJamdeii O.ointy. Georgia, cm gfm si*tli.g of 2.800 11 res el l.nt.d, tnote "I - l.'ss h Ing 011 t beGrest Fa*ilia ami Dover River,Ti 12 h. Ift mile* fi"in Ft. tndr.'w’s N.uml, iiml in il-w 'fciim' . i' land 11.11ml. Peing .tue.-Gy on tia, Mils. It ii iiiimii* pan*<1 for health, ai d C'liieuicuces for fi-h and oyatets; era I'M nls •, in nl.umlanco It I* al*" eonveTilent'y I- cate.l for mannritig, being snri.inii'led wiGi the 111-I1, wl.i. h. f..r lb <t pnrpoao. is Inr iliial'l". Tb.-ie i* «'p»n. I'.-t w. ni Tub to ;-li neres, |..'kld»s ii’."iila* nin. li m<it" fine w.imp I.v 111. in.clear el, Wbat was |lante.) 4.a* • een T«-*lilig titan 5ft to25 j yarn, aul uli of it near the imhc*. "hi. Ii >■ n g-ul mb Vantage. The range Tu Sha le«.»' all klml*i.* pond. With the p ace will be e >t.|, it d.-kiiol. from 18 |o 20 Negnas. rail' d on tlie'alt*, llm Slm k—with c»eiy- c. mi'l.'lv far eomm.'ncmg pi .ining Ale.., Planta tion Tools Plough*. Veil'd s, No Ac. The InipKivctimtil* t.n lli> j.Ihmi cotis'st of a plain Dwelling .meat'll a half st'iie* higli. (n.>»« iiml.-igolng repair* ) Kitelmn. . 4 t'-ri*h. n*i*. Sui.tki*-li»u*o, Gin h .iise, I’.dioii b.»n*e, and iww Xetr.* Ii -n.**'. being ta,ill. Ex. cell.'iit Water and fi e I’ruil. Refer to IL Atkinson an 1 Ju*. Ilo'Z“n.l Tf, Esq’rs, lamp'd.ury, Ca'.nih-n C. uti'y. G.<-igla. I'ov piuli ulais. apply to W. Il UCRU"L'GHS, F.vp, Mavanuah. Ga., ortu the -ubictiU-r, al Riuinwick, Glynn County, Ga. h|k7 tf _ ^ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. FOR SALE. . A GGTIUN PLANTATION’,sllnslcd ami fronting ou Ri 0.1 'la.-, n Caindl M i HMtii jJi New G.lean*. 4 fr •:» G *. 5iii»is«ip|.| KyL-LQJ. 1 '.W River, and 10 mile.' f.oiu the ti riuinii* of im- ri.u.k o"id now in C'lurmuf cuiulructiou from Ashtoii lo the Uiy-.ti Fai I Plafilatl.111 TO'acrcs.r.f "bleb lb-re are 20U in ctntivatlon, and I* cai' ild" ut producing Hit* year 125 to l.Vt ba»ee cation. Four biiiolr. .! iicr.*s of said I'l lntatlot. I* situ ited "Ii llm high amis, all I th: bul.iUte Is first qua Icy 1.1 nine lnnd. The Iniproveuu nl* crmsist of a cottage Dwelling, tie gr.» quarters, ktaldes. and other < ut loii .iii.g*. There Is h1i >, a new gin h >11*0 in curs, ef boil.ling. A.-. Ac. Then, are fiom twenty eiglit to iliiit.i blt-ly klaves— men, w omen nml children— nitmt". n tiiub s, wagons, ami a largo qua tlty of laiming utitnil*; 1 luu t» iftl-'U bmlmls c-rn, hay, oat*. Ac., Ac. The above PluiGutiou l* a into oppmtuuily ofiVrcd lo j anv ciio wishing t» piircliawa ta ut .l.-iiMt-le ami ctn fail.ibltt b< nmstead, and rati, witn little expeuse, be made olio >.| the batidi.'iimst p acesoii llm Pay. u. Ill cisn Gin putclia-er sh. itid wibli. I,m 0 acre* of fine nil"vial land.«f wbleb Wti nrrea doade.nvd, wdjoiuing tlie Pint, tat Inn, will be sold with it. It i* ottered fi-r mb* wltli or without tlio negroes. C£T t f, r term* nml cor d.tion*. nddi< m IIRAMH’R, IK.'liHARI) fc CO, apr 17 lrn<* fin Cnrntnlelet «tieet. New Orleans. DOVOilEHTY COUNTY LAN DS ]<’() R SAL E. M I will Nidi abargain ill my PLANTATION j_i ill arid county. It coiim*:* g.lon acres. ff-TB I.Dm acres iu <'1 tlm bulwnceB tbero nt« fttH) acres of g.».>d i'ak and llickor.'.iind pine Hammock, uml At* I acres uf pood Pino Timber l.auil. I tier.* mo two keUleinciil* ">Gi a Dwelling IIoiihr and Seg'oCabin* c« each. The tract, tbeiefoiw, could be divided Thl» place Is In i\fln*» stale of cultlvnll n.nnd Isonlv Mix miles hi.uill of Albany, tlm t.-tminus of iliecoittii IV. stern Kail It.i.d. It is well watered: Iy ing ou tlm Co*' aw*.|mi l cieek. I will give a long credit to a |'urcbn«er. upon bis pay. Ingonedoiirih of the purchase money. Being anxious to concentrate my planting intercut in Alabama, 1 will givon bargain In tbi? place. For term*, upply to D. A. ft’ASON, At Albany.On. Atienstn fonRlItutionallst, and 'lucon Mencngor, pliuio copy two mouths, nnd send bill to this i tfico. lAl.liMil \ iJlJOTJlKli, SHOCKOE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP9« CARY STREET. RICHMOND, VA., M ANUFACTUIllibSof Portal.!', hteam KngliiM,ol all bi.’.-s, fiom 4 to 4u luus.-power. on tli* most uppinve.1 plans j.i’tii nurfy adapted to Cntton and Bu* g .r IMiimali 'iisaml Farmers' use generally. Built ot tlm be*! muterinl* '.tnl "'oG.iiiansblp, aud fur com|«et> n. k* and .luraldllty, not h ip.tsi.eU by any engines uoir in me. Alio Station Fnglim*, of any required power, Circular <*111 Mills c .mi'l. t.'. nml Portable Hi iat Mills, of very su* peii-r construcimu. .^I.afiing, Pulley k, Uc. T. I.ii'co Press.'* and .-trewe.i.f every dekcrIptlotj,Br»s an I Iroi Ca-iinus. and Wrought Iron Y ork generally tuu.le to ..filer w itli dispatch, and uu reasonable tarns. r. M -*.3—10.II.V W00 DING'S IIOUS K I. IN I ME NT. At* Infallible hentedy for Sicinury, StclUuy, hi/lumutitn und Jlhtumatiim FJBXMIS I.IMMENT "ill enrn ibo 8winney In horsrt B. "iili.'Ut In it* worst Stage. All perionsshould have it ||1 there are many lino hoisis tului'U for tht waul ul im mi'll lute t'liet. IHUKrTIOXSi Pour out and nil. w.-ll with the hand ihn aflllctci pari until it buitiklbe liutse si'vi-rclv,an<l lit it reinnlti twrln hour* nr inore. tin'll apply it again III the ratno way H)> 11»ul* a little 1 il. er wtid, with (’nstileHoap nml tvale* If ii .t 1-1 hi.vrd, apply iu tlm saino manner. Tlie botse win be cured in ten dais, or eouner. Prepared and sold by JOHN' W. WOODING, Amadeus,G* F|)* Pile.' Oi.e Doll'ir oer II. tile .l(r*w Iv —«.*/• SCRKVKN MOUSE. By J. B. Foloy, of Ball And Congress Sts., f Corner w .... Bavatmah. ^ Thin New HOTEL, furoisbed through* r ... - out In tlm most ttnowr but*, Is now iT.ifwtOTSw opened aud will lie kept as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE. r 11 21110 For Sale 2.500 AGUE* OF 8W.I 'IP AND PINK LAND. ,nei'r Jeff, rsont'.ii, Cimleii county, and also . ^Itear the Big 8»tilla River, in and on Bull Head Swamp, kuowu for fully yi.u* 11* llm Gonluti tract. The swntnp land i* about 1 2.<0 a re*, and available as first qiulity ectton.coin and rice land*. ’Ilie pine land is of Hie beet for limber or tnipintiu'*. Teiuis ea*y. Apply tu Jan 12 _ ITI -'N A GORDON^ Private Sale. f The well Known Plantation called Mount llojH*, ki'untcd In Itryan county, containing atiout 4.31)0acre*. l.ftuO ncnsA-jw^ under cultivation. Tin. b'dloi.i land very md i* "i'll calculated for Go- cnltivulion ot cai.o, cotton or corn. Is well settled bav.*.,; a film Dwelling House, o*er*eor’s ll.une. Itnrns.‘ n* -. ftcc., am! ncom- mudallon for mcro than 200 mg 101. For terais apply to R J. Arnold, Bryan county. Tlio Albany ti Gulf Railroad rtin» t . :-r tlm tract. j^XCtlAi.k ' jfp, A ft’alualde Plantation in Itryan county, can tain ing *30 acres of Land, 4'in »t wbl.-li I* under ifjgffcr aadln cultivation, situnt.'.l on the Midway River, about seven miles from tin. Albany & Gull Rond. On the premises aro nil tho aeii'*«nry bu Irllngi for plantation purpose*, and a romluvtnblo DweUlua House. angl JNO. 8. Mil.NTMOLLlN. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD- . Will be paid for the recoveiy i.fmy negro ranu WILLIAM (or Rllly)"'ho nmaway about the middle of lust year. Ho I* of a dark mulatto complexion, about ilx fi . t, or a little upward, in height, stout built, woi,:hxabout twubnmltvd pounds, and I* about thirty five yeara • f age lie la a bricklayer and plasterer by tra-lc,rea ls well, and some times dl*C‘nir*eaas a nreuebor. Ilu la pnllto whon accost ed ami rather ginndiloquunt iu speech. Am ho ha* h wife nml children iu 8nvunnnh. I nut led to hollovo that he I* lurking about that "itv or it* neighborhood. Tbo above reward will bo paid for Ilia apptehonsion and do livery, orcjuifinctutmt In Yctok'JaU fait f may c-t him Mu . . VicwniAS wyus, awMh.aif Wiiiiiafioo, a«. MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAII, UE01U1IA. The II .us.: Iih* been nowly rmar- ranged and refitted. - - - JfHAM R. MKLDIHM, Proprietor. lnt.4 _ Gmo THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Itruadtmy, corner of f’rtiiiilni street, XKi'lir TGXt»C, HAS BEHN Il.K CENT LY BEFITTED.- The Kooins aro all newly Carpeted, The Furniture nml UcrtH Sujiei'b, and the Untha L'tihui passed* TAYLOR S CELEBRATED SALOONS, ,A1IE OlKXtCTr.b WI1U TUB HOTEL. Here hconcontrated all tliocoinfjrts of a borne, with the luxuries of a palace. TIIK* SPLENDID LADIES' PARLOR Command* rii Uncqutiled VlldW OF 33 H O ^ DWAY. 'J ilE INTICUNAT10NAL I* tin* nio-t central of any ol tlio FIRST CLASS Homs for loisine**. or plii.-ca of amuaenieiit, and ottur* un>urpt>** nl a tu F mil'"* and Gentleman visiting New York. ALFRED FREEMAN, aprfi lmo Proprietor. Fisk & llaymonil’s Laic Improved SAFES! The miUcribor, Agents of tho Manufacturer, for .. Il.n snlo of Lillln’s Patent Cbilled-Iron RURGl.AK h d FillK-PROOP SAFES securtd with Lllfie's Pa- - ,-y.^ tent Powdor-Prcof Com Id nation Bank Lock. Toe'll haf.*s »nd Lock* stand unequalled in baffling the klilll uf the burglar and the n| plica I li n of fire. P.-riui.k w isMiig to purrhasp a Safe which II. in ill rs* apect*. wbat ibe term impliea.are respi ct fully requested to rail and examine our SAFES, a*. Iftft aud 167 Brough* •tMot, Sniaiinah, b.Turo purchasing nliewbero. Wo to bo seeu to bo appreciated. M A R8E k FAY. tliii>k uttr Sale* uecd only t NOTICE. 1 WOULD Inform my friend* und tbo nubile thst I hnv« opcned.on tlm rner of Price and York streets, a shop wbeto I will attend to th* Manulecturs of Tiu Ware, Tin Roofing, and all other work conuectaJ ■’Itb the huaim-H*. All orders promptly attended te an»14-tr GK0.B-WBED0N. IllUl'E COLLARS AND SETS.* I. •.upply, Just received by mar 2 ~uvir<r i.i NKVITT. LATIIIOP k ROGERS. ELeidsick Champagne. mg ^ UA.'KE’Fd Ueidsirk Ouamcagns, iu plow sud • ■9 V uunrt", landing and for sale by - H GLAGH0RN A CUNNlflnAll. Al’ FOR MAY, W ESLIE’S Magazine, for Slay. p J Grabam’s Ladies’ Rank, f >r May. Godey’s do do do. Arthur’s Magazine, do. Peterson’* de, do, Ballou’* Dollar Monthly, do. Nick Nax, do. Mrs. Ktenben*’ Mscoiluo, do. HdtriQUbnl wttfflii do . 1 T. B.i'UBSIMS.Ura*. oUietcrsii J •pr 21 Bui itnst. ^pioute Ccr#uu Uoa<»