The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 01, 1858, Image 1

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i VOLUME LVII. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 1. 1858. NUMBER 108 is rrin.isiiBD DAILY. TRI WEEKLY. AND WEEKLY, BY F. W\ SIMS. B«it Refined CHARCOAL IRON CALVERT IRON AND NAIL WORKS, Baltimore, Md. J. UOPKIXSON SMITH. OFFICE 25 SOUTH CHA11LES-STREET. J. R. SN-JED. • • I RATES OF AUVKUl’ISIKO, Editor. ! for one square of 300 cut. or lew, of any type not Ur* l r ih*u Nonpareil. 75 cent* tor th* first. ami 60 cents fjr each subsequent luscrtiou, for auy Uiuelfi* than one * All'rabular work, with or‘without rules, and adrer torments occupyiug double coluiuu, shall be charged (guide the above rates. A.lvdrtisements, ot whatever length, for any time les one month, to be charged at tmusieut rates For a longer tittle at the f.Hlowiug rates: I- i.». Jiuos it mo* 4m»s tituos 12 I ...,| 3J Jill 920 t*4 H50 I <40 22 20 2 I 3S | 50 1 27 32 30 44 . 00 32 3* 42 62 ; 70 30 44 4o 60 SO 40 6" 61 05 | Ol 43 w 6S 70 l'*0 40 6S fi 71 lid 4S 01 00 77 | 111 60 64 70 Hi 125 i»de. uota'xivo s|KviIied.apri po.tioual charge i week, will be above rates will ou the Lurch pa-- (>< rtts« tuelits ordered three tii .. i two-thirds the above rates, le.luctb'ii ol 26 percent from tl of- on .rdvertiseuteutsappoaring • daily. notices, 10 cvuts |>cr Hue for the IS'nt. mid 6 • for each subsequent insertion. am. In no * .«• to bt t to contract, M.rrriag. Fiim-ta 1 itsvi* ■v, 6o cents each. No .pedal notice iiiwit.-d tot !«** ;><t cents. Obituary notice*. Reports, It* solutions . ,»liiiw< «*f any Society. Ass**ciatlon, rr Corj*urn* r 1. rod t-» 1- published. 6 cents per line. ,t>b .it* will be advertised at $40 per annum for i ' n lvertifod. r••.»;.:ps—when* bu ts running, $4o per an- .. t or nt.-re. |30 each. ti -ue, r* advertisum-nt* not to be sul'ject to con t l ut to be charged at the rales proscribed per u any bill for tw» months advertising, other than id, aim-nuts to over foO, a doductmu of 25 per a • i-c ma ie. , . , lv, ru*:ng. with the privilege of change, will . : a! ti'.u t.dloMltig rati.'! • • -quurc, toui-v.ublv once a week .....$45 • *• “ three times or oftener 70 • . i lit.,in.vl s |utu«* contracted for to be charged , il..-above rates additional. \ a Iv-i tisi-ia shall be limited to the space con* if. All c«tracts shall be in writing, slating : > ih<-ti.Uitte ol the business to be advert!* d.— t i' ertiseuivtits uot proja-i ly cvnue.-t«d with the . .call be charged separately, and also any ex • n.attit „ver the amount c**titracted lor. -r t, t advertisement*payable quarterly; advertise- . fr in stringers and transient persons, payable . . AU otti, r» will be considered due when * ■’ \yj i urH’i t t'Xlu its i'AtfW CENTRAL RAILROAD. nranmi Now Arrangement. and after Sunday. February tflsi. tho Passenger HOOK AND FLAT HEAD RAIL HOAD BRIDGE AND CAR BOLTS. NUTS, Ac., WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS, OF ALL PATTERNS, 5 to 12 Inch HADE TO ORDER. ADMINISTHATUIX’S 8AI.6. I W II.I, It 1-7 SOLD, on the tti.t Tuesday in June next, before the t'onrl l!ou«< in itrvan County, and Mate ot Ueaigla, property b-longiiig to the .Out* of John Italy, d-cease.l, l«y p<*rtiiis«l 11 »»f the Honorable, til-Court of rdinnrvof ilrym o-unty: a tract of Land ' known as Maxwell ll-ll, eoiitaiiutu 45" hi r<*s, timro or . Ie»s, being mi ilie line of lira hi and l.-b-riy county an I bounded tmrth l*y land of Jolit) V Wells, east t-y 11 1. ’tin south and w-«t by Mr. Stones. Soi l I,and l> I w*-ll tinil—ie I. iin-l witt-in one In-ieof '‘on *uchr liver, j vvuli 3 • acres "f cleared lan-ts, an I a framed Dwelling J marly finished, wnb nmtermia sufit lent atreoly dr.-»»- ' ed. to coii<|>le|e the house, and at* -ul loo sticks of new ! Timber, rea-ty for muikct. Paid tr.ic - ha* loo acres td I ti-tquillty land, uti l I* loomed in the best lamte for J stock of any kind that esu be had within 100 tnilea of Favantiuh , ( Also, the f- Ib'Wirg n>gtnes: June. 3f years oil; 1-aac | 29. I>. th timber cutters; Paul. hi y.-ms old; .Mmia, 37 y.arsnll. ELIZABETH IIAI.Y npi 12 A Iniinls'rutrlx. I SILVER WARE & JEWELRY. S . ~W ILMOT, CORXElt or C0XGRESS t WUlTAKER AM) ST. JVUF.X STREETS’, Trains ot this lload will be t uu as 1<dli> IITWItil SiVAKNAH tNlI SlClli. Lesvo Sivanunh 1.16 a m. and 3 00 r, u Arrive In Macou lo I * a. u.and 12.3d *.m. Leave dneon 9.15 a.m. am) ti.710 p. x. Arrive iu Savannah.... - 7.15 p. m. anil 8.60 a. m. BCTWBItlt SAVANRAll A * I* *rnr*T*. Leave Savannah 1.15 A x. end 11.15 A. M. Arrive in Augusta 9 a. x. and 7 i*. x Leave Augusta... 2 a. x. and H.46 p. m. Arrive In Savannah 9 M*. u.and iy.56 p.x. S It W ■ It N MAtfON AS II Al'Ol-'ST A . ! Leave Macon 0.45a. x. and 1 1.30 p.m. Arrive In \iigusta 7 P.M.and 0 4. M. Leave Augusta 2 a.m. and 3.45P. X. ArGteiu Macon 10.46 a. *. ami 12.3' a. m. T'iiIii* c -tinect on arrival at Gordon. f<»r Mlde lgeville and Eatonton. At Macon with tiaiot of the Southwest* eru Roa-I for Columbus and \U*iiuy,aul with the Ma con * Western for Atlnnta Passengers leaving Savannah by the 1.15 A. M. train, will nrnve in Atlanta at C P. M. L-aviiig by the fl.oo P. M. train will arrive In Atlanta at ;».15 to-xt iiinrniug. On Sutid ivs tin* 11.16 A M. traiu f^r Augusta will g., through to Mucou hi place of the 3 P. M , which wi.l not be run oil day. LMCltSUN FOOTE. Uem-ral Snpt. fiavanoali. February Wfh, 11'“ tun 12 Rates of Freight, OWEN Mb CO., OENKHAL NEWSPAl'Kll ADYEhTlSlNO 1J0DBK, I (Arpt.sTox’s tinLbttte,) • No*. 340 A U4 8 Broadway, Kctv York Gold and Silver Goods of every description. NOTICE. A LT. Persons having claims tl.e e*tnte of the file lit. I rand* II Ri-tnot-j. will pte*eut t *-in,<1 ui> a!!'•*'•* I. In the time pres, ip-ed by law, and thoiv iu* debt," I will make iin:m-diat- payment to npi 12 ,10 IN if. FKiiltILL. Aduiinlstratnr. Mlver Tea Set*. Pit, hers. Waite l eautitUily j, Macon & Western Rjilroad. FROM Savannah to Kno.rvtltc s AND ALL STATIONS ON* TUK East Tennessee & Georgia Kail Itoad riutr ci.Aj-s. * , P IANO Forte*. ltook*,!*talati< Itoet*. S1i-p*, j ami Mats. Liquors. <>d«. Ac. tin I*ottb-si. Can,* • phine and Hpirits Turpentine, in l.aire'sy.farpi, China, Olasi and Ulass*Waro. C'i’nrg (iu cuo-i, Clock*. Confectionaries, Cotton (:.»rda, Cutlery (in cases), Casks nml Hole*. Dry Moods (in l*oi<-» ur.d hales). Drugs, Fruits, Fruit Trees and Shrubbery, Furs. Garden Seeds, Looking Ulasvcv and L . king (Hat* Plates (at owner’s risk),^in can* and 1 |ar»). Saddlery, Tin and Rritaniiia Ware, Teas nr. 1 Spice* Georgia and South Carolina Domestics,, per 10J lbs $1.1» SECOND CLAnr*. Hardware, except such as specified In first and thi*"l classes. Coflei* Mills. Machim-ty, Foreign LI* quors- in h*.rrsls and pipes •. Tooacco i ti b'.» •-«}.!.« nth* er till rolls and boxes), "ils 'In barrels ami casks}, Cr<*ikery and tju*-*-ns War** fin fiat*-s uu-1 tasks;. Kin . Whiting. Plavitr. bheet liras* and Copper, per fnnVjj cLAi - !' A xes. Shovels. Spa U«. Sad Irons. Zinc and Tin, in pigs,Tin Plate. Aii,‘l«. Vu*».C.»*ks< t Chains and ilo«s, Manilla and Cott-ri Cor-tn-". Cofl. c. Heavy I'nMing*. Mill Gearing. Rail Road Wheel* and Axl* *. 'hair* and £pik»s, and Rosin (In brrrels'. per 100 Furniture! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. II. P. DEGUAAF, *7 iJ'xrtry, ( II U%iic Home,) and 4S4 J',) Jit toil Store.) 1ST J3J W Y O B. ML Bills of 843 at Wholesale Prlc(i,*0 ■ro^ewoodT MAHOGANY Si BLACK WALNUT, PAULO It FUUNITURE, MACUN, Dec. 14th, 1S67. MN and after Ftiday, ISth las'.., the trains will run bs.. s full -1 a id other pr. s-nts, GjIJ a ■XWO Month* NOTICE. FIJI Ji. the Honorable Ur l n vry o| Clmth iiu County, fm ii will b« made to J t WiiLKY, trotn the richest d. vnoiid to ih- cheapest plain g.d-l. inchi-Hnj Cani*-o, Lira and Mrtaic, iu lull s**r* mi l single pieces; wiili etn.-i.* ev.-iy d-scripti -n of "tuauieut n *w i: u*o. PLATED GOODS,—Plal*J Cako lli,L|i, i.'nv.ors. Teapots, Ice r*. nnd Plated G-jods of svory SPECTACLRS-!n <TM I. Silver mi l S'ctl Fra iics. wi* FANCY GOdDS.-ll- '• I b-, it.- i! Pa in V,*-an Tort '!•»• Shell and »ih r COM It x. f I it.-st *i\ les. with a gr*- ,t t’it.SvUsof «'»*>* uni Country are invited to examine Die at >.k, v leave to sell the real estate nml .personal property be- Rttging to the estate <d Fr»u:is Waver. •!«*• i-a* -d. , leh 2-2 M AIM AnKF N. WAVKit. Adm’x. I NOTH’ K A I.!. Pet*‘>n« I'.dchtet t i the mte firm Of AIRIN' A .25L Ul'RS>. nr.* requested !-• *• tthv'thei wis.- their tud, s 1 or a.-c"U it* wid pla.-*-d in th* b-uid*ot an att.-riii-y | for collection, at the n-xt term oftl. < 'onrt. f,*l. g* tf TiPiM AS II. HU-:Nr». 'll ut. FichM. t'e-y O > d*. In geest variety, a-t oriiMliienia. sold ut prices much lower than W itches, Cl >cks i;uJ lewrlry prouipt'y Rl’PATRF.ll by trot km on of skill and long experience. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE New York and Savannah. A NOTICE-:. U. Piraon* Indebted the e.t-it»..f lie Mine*, kit- of itry mi c.unity d-c .»*-l. at make pay m -ii' to th- nnd-osigned, nt 1 INLAND ROUTE For Palatka E. F. The American Atlamic Screw Steamship called ■. under no circumstances, to be iacluded iu ;• **. >nal and business cards, uot exceeding 6 lines, c insert, d .it c_-‘i p. i annum. * ,ui p.-v*, ;.s t*> become candidate*, will be inverted • r a Ivertie. aieuts. to be paid mr itivaiiably iu idhg candidates for otllce, $10, to be paid in vertiseiueuts o -t marked on ttie copy for n specified will be inserted until forbid, and payment ox* ,»r n*lvi-rriser* and -ill other* sending commit* * or requiring notice* designed to rail att* iitlon . on. ett*. soirve*. or anv public entertainments, :. .rg.s.vt** ma L for a-imittnnee—all notices of * * iciutlotjs, eve r” notice designed to call aiteti* . .t,- enterprises calculated or Intended to pro* b., tuter-sts, can only he Inserted with the liug that the same is to be paid for. If iu* i the editorial column (.which can b« only at the i. ol t fie editor* the same will be churged at the t '. ** than 2" cent* per line. t* ord- red in the Weekly. $1 per • r » ->ch insertion for any time h-*» than one L r m-Te than one mouth, at oue-halfthe rate* Unix; a I tn- •• tlWII : * e*tite will h Mid tin iu iu, duly a tvs!t<l, fie time pr«-»cr.he I by law m-.r 15 »’ MINE-*. A-hr : Tt VIA BRUNSWICK. ST. MARYS. FEflNAN* DINA, JACKSONVILLE. AND P I C O L A T A . , at ‘i7 J.itrrmt ■Hate J. i, -Hiuj*. T-'L -ti I i fit- ('! irl. •ton Sir-tin /*M*-t*f i.-Ur*/’ «-»tT i ' WEDXESDA >' MOHX/X'f .,t V *. nornl'l** the « will I- ► d an of Min.» <• l' AUDI A N NAL ja v virtue of an or ler from the It.* SB *1 Ordinal v f hd** tty toiintv. fare • li»* I'.mrt Housed *»*rs, in , tli.-|{t*iw on the l«t Tui-s-luv in .him* next beiwee of sale. •'HO track Cf LimliH lli*» 7'll t’-"ii,tv t.f Libel tv.» >1-1 as th- pi pi-rtv Wm. K .< atT*rd d. cn*c.f r >h.-benefit dietr il-iit* is vl sab! »ed. apt • SKAII ItN It. 1;U*T"X. Guir.liau. ADM1MSTIIAT*Oil’S XO i 1CF..' T WO Month* after date, -i] pH' mi*'ll wi,| bw III ote to the Urdlnarv . f Chatln.m iii.ty. to *. I il.e r. :il e»t do and m-gr n-s belonging to the h'.i.* "f.l-uobi.l- h'»ton, deceased. HiitAM K'lHL.ifS tr,a"2n Admitiistr itor. l>i» r c| ,.f | f the of f tic licit* m.d (Sr^} wr.k Jt I’l -ri m . r'*.i l«. Ret irning Cvntr-il Ha lr.*.i I. i ( Fielgli* I;,.,., ply on board, u THK NEW AND El III'N TS VII. LIC, MOXTHO.HKIIY to will 5 e ap- eh p- JOHN C FRASKIi. Ag-nt No 74 Itav *tie*-t LW1TKD STAThS MAIL. CIIA.NOEOF St’II KDl’hR. THE CHEAPEST &qriCKEST ROUTE To tlie North, Mor Patatt'a E. f . 17.1 DAIIlEX. DUr.VSWffK. ST. MARYS, FEJlXAXJtlXA. JA' KSuX YlLl.L, AX It PICO/.A 7.1. 1ANT STEA'*!.*HU'S ....C.*p(. lb*', ett llardie. . •• Fie tnick Ctockcr tween Strunnah and New {• V I’L'i.DA Y. »• irii. ‘ iv» elegant ncc->m . 1 i" of gi< at s'length . . -"I the gi**|t**«t dispatch to Fieight. For far :h-r t-ir.i.-ulars. nppiv t-r DKi-.II \ M, Ii4• D.v IN J. C" . Savitxi.tli «l-"-rgi» or to IT. P. rpU'lWi.'I.L a; " -,**''. *••.(■!. V.-w V-rt*. • f .r Pu ap- amumsjajgBg :*igned. publishers of Rally. TrbWeekly and •p*p« is ill Suvaniiah. On., pledge themselves a jy w ad in it I’L/ Eharieston AND THE NORTH-EASTERN HAIL-ROAD n «te uncr ?T 1 U3V YOItli AM) SAVANNAH 1’liO PELL EH LINE • bo ii.L..' da .. niuirlice hi r regli'at .* tne F-or-da 'team • ;:ig. Aprd Wi. ut ;•« ery Momlay tnoru.itg FOR 3NEW YORK. T» Sail <■'!. . .V.n/ I*', uf IU A. M. rSf. i liiere to the above bill of charges, ami in no to 1-viate therefrom. • rat-* to take effect March 1.1S5(1. and to •'iudiug uutil etiauged by tne voteot a .myurity’ *.-d. ' .i — schedule shall net In any way effect the in* - . ... -\i*tiiig C' Utunts. \ 11 contracts for the year • i r-pecifbd tim*\ *dmll only cease with the .-!iti t M e period f.-r which the were made. F. *V. ?UMS. ilepublican A R. Lv vi Alt, t.Vorgiuii. W. T rtf AMPS'>X. Morning Nows. TH UOl'G II A It It A SGKJI B NT SAVANNAH TO WILMINGTON, N. .*->ge ap;dv on be ir 1. nr tn i.A'Jll iRN A ul NX 2.Null AM, Agent*. Un and alter > SUNDAY, JANUARY V'lh 1«5«, I ^TP r-Iid BUPSUIOH L'NI T' 1) STA LKS MAIL. I \ •■''•v.i'ivj. "A ;; ■ .1/s) A. M. .“.18 A M. 11.30 A. M. L-.we itrt, Airivi* nt Atlanta Leave >L». ,,ti Arr vi* ut Atlanta Leave All tnta Arrive nt Mvmn leave Atlanta Arnve at Mac >n Th* Night Train* wid n t Tn* 1 A. M.Train M lb hi f*r iT.wttniinugw at V. for August i at !'• A. M. The 1.3 j A. M. Train Connects w lfli tlie State Road at 1.46 A. M.. and ths Gvorgi * L-«id at 12 Night, d- c 25—tf Al.Fi: lilt L. iVLLIt. Snp’t. 5.40 P. M. run *>n Sun.In vs | i connects with the State j 1*. M. and Geuigtn lion I BCIUFIDUtird ON THE SOCTIl-WESTEUN RAILROAD, Over which passe* the Grcai New York & New Orleans Mails Ttc-j ltaity Train* tefi-ecn Jl-ion anti Culutnbui. LeaveM icon at 1.30 A M..un-lll 3' A. M. Arrive in (.'-•hiinb*;* * .'g A. M.. and »*e>5 I*. M, Lear- i.’.diru'di* .-5 A M.. and 4."" I'.M. Arrive in Macon ** 6*5 A. V.. and 1'. M. JiLIWECX Mv. jN ANP ALLXM.', Leave Macon 1 J ' A. M. ___ Ari1*f in Mlmut Mo A. 51. l.< a Alba ?. 16 I* M. Special Rules Furnltute and Carriage* ib x- L; an 1 o'h-r Pcl.t article* not ennm-iafe*l; nl«o. Cfirhov* ef .\ri !!..c,r other Cheuiicni-*. v 'll l-e charged hv actual weight but nt double first rl i*s rates, per 100 pound*, $2 To insure safety from h*«s-s and delay*, shippers mu* have every package plainly inaiknl wiUi name of ecu' slgnee. drsMiiHtlon ami depot of delivery.^ The Depot* *>n tliU road are— Fountain IMu. F»e^twat**r, Ftat-Lir.e,'pida, Cl-ve'.und, Loud ait, Chath-stoR,'*,f RiruvIlU*, Com of d* Aihen*. r * anJ M»u*el’r«ek. Knoxville."' fly* To commence let March and ct-nttnu to l«t.!ou In Dr .gatelle. Delaine un i Flush. Calie Scat and Com* im n Furnitnr** Iu great vatletv. Also, F.NA.MELKD til AMBER FURNITURE, In Fi t* front $22 to $100. Sprint/, I'urJtC Unit, Man and IVAafc&one MATTRASSES, At*Feather ii-dr and Bedding. Patent Premium Sofa Bo-Llemii*. ni *1 I’ntetit pelf-lti iking Cradles. 1-at-r* will find at then'ove stores the largest and brn u<eoitiio*nt of any o»i.thli*hinent In New York, and v"'' buy (liner at wholesaleoi rvuilcheajier than ataojr "t'i-rl,in-iii lie city. V Sm~aprl6 ICE! ICE!! T ub K', ick*rboiker Ice Company .of the City of New Y ru. having rcplennhed their Stock of Ice, 1S67. WM. M. WADLF.Y, Snp’t iVntrxl Rsllroad. K. F"0TF. •* M AW. •• J.M. FPl’Ll.oCE, “ W. & A. " R.C.JACKSON, •• K.T.&'lv “ March l.*t.mar*'—tf .Vcjc York .Silvcrtisniu’M tl"- most favorable inducements to the Made to supply!>e* wiili Ice of n tupetior quality, and ou the t mr «t i a- nnl :• t( rnm. j 'llu-* Company a! -ne are selling the Rockland Like i Ice, w Lhh. foi -c idisy and yunty l.« nnlvcn-ally Admit* ed tu b* l»r Mfpuh r tc .,ny c tln r fsr vhlnplng purpose*, i In <*xp*rieti*-** uni ftciiiilca for conducting business I this Cuinpaiiy- hn».* no rival*, and they respectfully eug- ge*t r • d< alrie. tl at thev will find it laigely to their ad* j vania.e their supply through the Knlcketbock* ' or Company. Nu charge fur wharfage to tmmIs lying Ut I th* Cutnpady’* piers, whilst tskit.g in cargo. I Ihe L-r-atist p:< mt-tiiiide and dispatch given toor* ' ria:». which may he forwarded to R. T. COMPTON, Eeq., j I»re*t lent of tie Knickockc-r Ice Company.482 Canal aL, ; New York. V—Omo mar22 rKOM y-TCi S. BCHBIjX.iO ADVEKTISING AGENCY, MnlTutt's HullrUntr, 333 BROADWAY. NEW-YORK. tfi Arrive \Uc fi H'.'.' 4 P M. L-.t»e Ma-.iii 7.12 A. M . Tn Wckly. Arrive In AH.auy .".37 P. M. Lea>o Albany 7.uj A. M.. l'r-Wevkly. At live in M...--U1 3 31 P. M. Teams to '’"lurnt n* f rni a through connection to , Montgomery. Abt..and Au.’u*fa. King-villc, Wilmington, i Savannah,Mi:l*-'lg*-viileand Katoliton. | P"M L'ovches run irotu Albany to Tallaha*»e«, Bain- ; bri ig-. Th"U<.i«vi:ie, Ac. Hack* i nn is - m Smithville. Tri tr^V’y. to Dawson, Cuthl.ert. F *rt i.-iin-s. esc Al*o ti m F’-tt Valley to P.-nv, llaynesville. llawkinsv.lle an I Knoxville. G«. Pa.g.-ng-rs for points below Fort Valley, should take tfu-evmiug Tr^inv It 'tn Savai.n »h and \ugu*t« to avoid detention at Mvc*-u. F«*r*tln-r p iint*tal;i -iili-r fruin. lir*i.’la***te:ttn*h!p-*leuv. -avanttal.for New 5’r.t • n R *di •« lay* and Saturday s. Passage in the Cabin $26, St-erage $S. Far- from M uitgomery to ffavanuah $14 f*0. TUB CHEAPEST AND BUST PS In t\e WoC-l. I J^l'.iR Pump THE BROOKLYN White Lead Co. l.XlllUl*. llul 1(1 II*? for C'si-rn* Welii*. 1 ■wiii? from 2" lo 6' f> g.tlk-n* t cell.'tit Fire Ktigine fi r farmers i urge u;w dealer*. Agent* wanted m d Teinbu ol E. A. MAR.'II vl.L.1 *1 P .V*M Fiifrej; (.. !d Wat-r. suita* ■ ":e<. M:i. *. Ac.— tn'iiutv An excel* ESTABLISHED 1825. Thi* C’tflfm y c.m,fluts tn tnacnfacture th«fr aapctlor 1..I l-.lM dtf Mac >*i. Alla 1*. y do do ToiO. GEO. W. ADAMS.Superintendent, •t. 1*6* mar 1 LI(;iITB, NEWTON d. Ii 11 A l) I! I Li. Y’Jj 421 /.Vwi',. -*.. J-,1): M INUFACmiKItS ,.f i! e Poter.t Ar.h Wrist Plan Pian-i I'oriis. eel< t.rat« l fi-r depth,*. rich* n****. purity ai.-J a peculiar •ingirg qnaLty t!.-it t-no, ior which they have r-ceiVtd the highe.t • n "fi.iuin* trom tin* greatest tnti*ic il ce'elt ti-. .f ti e ■ utitry; and in cv**ry f.iir. when brought in c-on;• tl’i- n with other instrnment.*. Lava obtained 'he l i. li it jt-n'i.m | The Patent Arch Wie.t Plank, wh.-h i- c-vr.-l «r 1 u«**d j':nly lv u... cn,raui.«« M-a'i.iii.i j than any oth-.-r iufir.'iiei.t; whii- tit* i j l- run •? fn nil pirf* o' th • country i« * of tli-ir superior i-xeeil' n r. A lil' i gvin-n Rehnol* and ihetrv.l* H Lead, and Zinc Paint, -.n*>iited I -t pr " • Ur ni’*'iNf’.* f 11— Pure .It* I'lnUJ* STEAMER GORDON, For Palatka, E. P., Pi’d /)•!(•(’* ii, //r.MinciYv, .S'.*. M-tr /'». I\rnanJina, J-tckt ntville, PicaUit-i >iu<I Mi-.l lit bttrt). e.i-'fit . l-tre.rllscini-Hlx. iilU.b.V ailBKIFF’S SALE. Cold, lief >re III.* Court lb.Use *lnor, iu t! van Co'i'ity, on Mi fir*t Til-*-l i>* in 'lav next. .■ gii h"Ui* -d sale, tIt. f pi.q • riy, - st-ii In nd of clock Cuttle, in *re orbs*.— th« property of ntthew M Muigan to ii fa. iv>ited out ol ill** S-i|e*rl**r Court 11 Hry* ■>. i i t ivor "f B. • • P***,•:•■# >» M itthew M ■ Ft..pelts int'-d out by th- d"|ei daot V "ILL. Sh- tiffs c . r'r.\ti 1 rV51 wilBHIFF'S _ SASTIC. -.1, V. miLD. on the first Tins my m May In • • *f the ■ oiirt II u»e in Ltfl .fiiiain County. ■ i; ;. gni n .ur* *•! sal*, hu old n- gio mun,x*Ul-d ; r 'j*eriv of Un imn s B kin*. l.e»i-*l "i, l*y Hint tv. Ci'ii't hi**, fail i* y a 11. ti. iu favor of i~L.ii>. i f, a Magistrate's b-*uil in amt tor IV. Hal- ii O' tii. I'JV). sil .MI.A' K B 11KLM1.Y Sh iTr. c iTK OF GEORGIA, ' I’oull wi.otn a may Oil A III AM Oll'M'V / concern llAltDE X, C n in m ii n «1 e r. Will leave ^avannali ev -ry J^UN i'A V at. i Wl.DN'B* DAY AFTKRN.mN. at 3 oYl.e-k, and uriiu* in Ch irh*** l"ii the f dlowing morning* tn tun** to c 'ti' -C! with tin Train *>• the Xmt • Eastern Itn 11(cvf;*of*y X"rt‘i. Ri-Mittiing. will leave* I'lmrleM. it ever* M "id.ty and Fri lay Niglit. at S **’ *1 *-k. [ift*-rth- arr.vil "f the ors id arrive iu S ivann »h eatiy tt*e 'lm*iead’ will apply at the Court of f"V I.-tt! r* Di*ini»*"rv as Admit.Lfiutrix ou <• of Jonathan * 'luistead. r .. [*,. rel«*re. K* * it*' at.d a im <i.i*h all wh 'tn !t 1*11.1*1.,* v d app -ar t* *f *|- • sai l four^ to i, ,f any they Have) mi ,»r bet -re th- first .n wtober i ext, olliei Wiae siiSd letter* will be foil Traveller* hound f»r he North, for North''ar-dion. r for the northern pail of £-*uth C*r**lum. bytakinc tlii* route, will save riwc a::p txrt:>s~. >.u i will .am , night's skvji Ihrongh Tickets imtn Savannah to XViiir.ltigton. ?1 • No extra c .srge for moils or heiths..:; board ol t tie steamer. P4*«eii-g**r* mid th“ir' trnti»f-rre l fr-.-ta the ■ iSHIII'T to the car*, .five of c'nirgc luggage cli-cked fr-tu Somin di t" Wilmington. For engagements apply to J. I*. DR-UKS. Agent j.,i, 7 0lnrl***t"h fSteaiioPaeket iVliarf. The Su|*erIor Steamer Thomas Swann, CAPI'AIN .11)11 N A. PO.sT, Wl'l |. i,ve .isabove ffAlLlii'AY, V.*} i, ul IU o’clock, UEURG1A RAILROAD. Chango of Schedule. •igbt • A »t. Pltsipe. leivlMff fi' (• Rfr*mitislatl>t Mltl'lM AM. It \ fj'*WI N A* 10. (bln P.i**a-ge $15 NOTICE. ■-ur,kr FOR HAVANA KEY WEST AN 1) ( AUFOUMA. P. /^. r u. a. k ,Tv jRr.( ontii.'ie t . Dave •■>. ry ’1 hur*d >; die wid leave Chaih #'i-n ever; •'cl'-ck For fr-igtit **r |*(*»ag' ori U '’-i'll i'«i-k< • wharf, "i t' HAM. Ag't*. r .;*» i’l. V* b|'j\ * • V "Accommodation Boat fr<'tn New 5*..r lunfl. "r cin’.oinaiy rat Th - •i'b'ii*li'J propeller* Ilf'iSHi l.K and MoNT* r.G-.'MLRY. will foim a week* i**lv line |.,.|ween N,-.v Y -rk k md Savannah, havinge* Ii ’.’[-r: every SvUTt'ar. un and after Mav l*t. ih6*. Fr- gtit 1 Lieu at -4th* of the present It 1; IT TI AM. BALDWIN h CO. LOWEST FREIGHT 11 ZsM’iEmm. FASTEST LIVE FOB PABACHUCLA EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. Th-new an I fist running Pr. . J dm ltilbo. Esq. Ordinary for Chatham i* unit day i-t Ap J *11 \ niLRO.o t t limy * FATE OP GEOIIOIA, » To all whom I alii AM CoUNiY, j couvern; *> : ... .1 dill K Walla, w.ll at the Court <*1 . y i r L-ttcr* Di*missory.iw Administrator ou the - . i * tmuel M all*. • . ,,r... there foie, to clt** an 1 adni(»ni«h all whom It •1 *,. t.. i*v and iiqi-ir beSoi'***vl 1 C"iirt t" make • . 1: ,I,y th-y i.av,-loll **r before tho first Mou* 1. .•. » *er u -.xt, other s'is« said letters will be .! E*q.. Ordinary for Chatham • of March. ta.Ns. .1 <11N IHI.RO. o r.r. 1 K*<»b’ ClEOIlCMA, l To .ul whom it ma - 31 \ 1IIAM COUNTY i c -n'em : I .u . ,1,1,1 will apply at the Cour* o • r* l)i**ii.4««ty us vdminiatiulorou the Steamship ISABEL, WILLIAM HOLLINS, COMMANDER, llav-ng just he. n entirely overhauled nn l put m spl-n-L 1 ord-r. reiut. <1 with i cw b**i!«*r». a:.d h.uide air* tight t-ulk load*, f-rwa'd an • af». in tking ln-r<oeo| tl..* m.'*t de*inhl** st-am-r* i»r «if-ly. sp-ed mid .•••111 fort, will teuve Savannah t-.r <avana via K**y \\«**t. on the Itn and l.*'h, m l leave Havana or Savannah via K v We.t.on the l tii tn I 2 th eie-li in*».lh. Th • l* Alil-d. c..nn.*,t«. «» Mavani with the t’.S Mail Ft -iiii-hii* Comp -uy's Line ofJrteutueii, for N*-w 01 lean, and San Franc**'' .. F->r j.a*»vge only, apply to d.rU C0J1HNF k HERTZ. hi t o ma lo. Tills .-t* ' *r landli.g* >ak her lunnii.g » -h* dnlc. J. W Me AM* IN. Agent. Will..tin* *n’« llnildings. Uie Twelve Honrs Aiieml of any other _ o_Tn New Y rk& S .vauhah Fidc*Wheel Ste.imchipa. L'Wo Angu*fa at 2.3(1. A. M , and l/*) p. M. Arrivcnr AC.'iu’s at 11 K' : , A. an ! 1 t'-4. A. M I.-•(>.• Atlanta a’ 131"' A. M.. >*■ 1 '< C. a M. Airivc ,t Augii'-nat V.V.. A M nnd 7 0-1 p. 51. frain* leaving Augu*ta nt 4 M.. an I At'nn* tn. 12 A. M.. <Ji• otitiuurd. f The 2iW A. M. train from Augusta c uriv.'t* through to Memphis 1 CoS.VtCT V\ jT.t * Jftlt ( .Vf.oLINV RAltaovn. Arrive at August 1 at I '. A. M., .c. i 2 30. P. M. Leave Augusta at *1. A. M.. '(n-.l b U.‘>, 1*. M. WT*?l KS AM* ATLVNTIC T.AIU.' VP. Arrive nt Atlanta at H.22. P M.. and '.(33. A.M. Leave Aliaiita «t 1.46. A. M.. an I 12Rtf, 1*. M. ATLVMT V VM> WEST Pof.T R.VII.IU VI*. Arrive tt AtUnt» at I*. M.. and 0 27, A. M L-uvj Aiiani.t ul 2.‘*J A. M .and 1 00, p. 51. jiv-ix am. wtsitr.x r.viLr...>Af(. Arri e nt Atlanta at 9.15 JI. an 1 0.05 P. M. Leavo Allant v a' UbCtf A. M.. an l 12 Oj Ni^ht. ATHEV* BUVNCII—SlXtUTS EXCEPTI.S. la-are Augusta at 2 d l ' Ight. I*”*' v Atlanta at 12 f) Night. Arrive at Ath**:.# at lORJ Day. I At five nt AugU'ttat "•* *'L. ruing. J Arnve at Atlanta it 11.34 M <r*iing. j w*_* >t\ ,* -v u:'.vxcu-:*vi.T trvixs—lsiht* r.v -n-ri.D. I L'i'.v- a 11/u*: a at .2 3 "Night. | At rite at Waal.iugton at 7.-5 Morn ug. hi \J 11 lay vaf. Extra Tram letv.-s YVa*, at l«i5 'JAl.l'.oTT tV UKOTIIKK, SHOCKCE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS, VARY STREET. RI CUM OX It, V.I., . not 3Vo. 141 BK.OUGHTOK-ST. SAVAXXA1J, (r.4. NFW FURNITURE <•! C, n tantly on hnnd nl*>. n ivgo a* LOOKING GLASSES, H'-'l-f COFFINS. &c. fi" 1 *. New Wora in Mattr**s*e». J- 1'iitL.un-l I.EJJ.-IH: done WOOD INN'S . Vi. , IT (1 U V [1’ I Plantation and Negroes An li.failiMe ]*,' ft INHIENT. roR salt:. ' ATI >N. in fVn h n C o.ntv._*i» 3C.m«iing of 2>nf' acre* «'t l.nnd. in-r- «• R5ML* LINIMENT i D lug on the Great c and Iwer|liv( t,Lo out. 1. m.d io view . f Uunihcr ' luii'i ]• • d. I’ciog dir- ily mi tl.,. sal *, it i* ur-*ur* pa**'4 f t health, and c -nviitieticts for fi*h and y tiers: era!'# a’* '. Ill ahiitidnoce It i* al* • conveniently l*-cstr*4 for niar-nr re. brine vnrr. nude I with the nidi. wU-ii. f r that parpure. 1* invitlu tid". II.-re i* tq-en. l-itW'i-n 7v. to e-ti acres. ledcil iMh.’h.* •! Whitv t-d ! I.* •». whi' h I* a g cat n-1 r fit Ft *1: <f *M kii 1 iS StDlfBft. •. 1 • , an 1 1 eVetlillg. T nin fr * 6 46 Evening. WVR :KVT )M tlltAXCtl—« Aii."i'U »• n*» •n Dty P to Wn-hil.ft. c at I.1 ' a tht *ig , 01110! -te f -I c unit 1. nth*. V, h T! - For Charleston. INI, AND IlOUT H, 17.4 MiMT'tR T d- UU. lvX URaC. ! To Lave from the • n*tie*t -n *teainj'a.'k-i Whatf every • Ac V, SATl’l •AY. nt 4 . M 1 V. I: I. ml a im >nisn ull whom II. t • i e and appear hefoi-e Slid flirt, to -.« if any they have), on or bef-re the^tir*t uly u-xt, othorwise said Letters will be GREAT REDUCTION OF FARE DK. "•> n •di £fr r ~~~ r 1 IK rsspv. • at IV 11 lent** L—wo \Ynr.*-nt -n a Arnve at Anv*i*tx Arrive at Atlanta dvcl6-ly < vpvts rx< itt*u 4 -‘ Evrninp loot' ' • Fv. •BNRGB Yi'UNGB.i . l.0 f * Night, Kverchtde c**tint-x >• regularly | i N-rth Ki«*"in Rtilr •* !*. ' nt- will I- f -ih it d-d fr-t* * 1 . . . ... ••‘L.-W- \U11ntii & West Point RiulroiHl mm DE3XJEi.OI»ES- -;'.* j lo X- *'.' 1 fro .1 is Irt I <impf»ii, Havre or Ji .1 GIN C. Fit V*F.1t Ag •: N . 14 Ray street. I ...*Sn Fiirt cA'-fn . n i cal-ii In tti- .1 dm ndh-j, E*q. Ordinary for Chatham • el-v-utli *luy of Jatiu-tay. I >6*. .DUN 111 LUO, o c.C. ' I’ V r K OP (4 ,3 0 It Ml A , • load «.,om .t way ■t '.lATIMM 'MUSTY. ) concern: *> . .. H-.try tin. »IH apply at the Court of .r» 1 r l.-it-r* Dismiss.,rv. us executor on tbe F.s . W**l ? ref.jr.*, to cMean I admonish all whom it i.* . I,- an J upp-ar before said Coil it to make .my th-v na«e) on -r betore the iL*t Mon* n x-. -tileraise s ti l l-tter* w.ll l»* granted. . .I, it.ll*o, K*q„ iirdm try h*r Chatham Co., • >f December, 1957. .IN0 BILRO.n. c c. ^ r.VTF* OP GEORGIA, l To all whom it may *3 OUAlllAM OiUNTY. j concern: •> -r-a*. B-tw.tril Lovell will apply at the Court of t. try for L -'ter* l»i«mn*ory as Aduiiiiiatratur on ;x : ite ol Harvey .1. Gilbert. ; . . ure, th"refore. tocite and admonish all wli *m it n • *ern. t ■ be tti-l appear b-forc said Court totuako )l. -* :.on (tf miv they havejou or before the first Mon* July next, otherwise said letters will be graut L. .12 John Hilho. Ksq.. Ordinary for Chatham * ePrvuth day of J.tnn-try, J*6»' ..<*11N IHI.RO. O. C. C. S TATE OP GEORGIA, I To all whom it may it lk Y \ tf C »U \TY. ) coiicet n: -r-1*. s ni| vie Elveti will apply at the Court ol Or- > i-r L-tt-r* UituiHsory ns .administratrix of F.s* f .lame* il M'F.lveii. tleCea«ed. «* are tiieref *.*e to cite and n<lmo'i|*b all whom it to file their objections (if any they havo) ... *vr.t tiuviu v in M.W iiMvt. otherwise b-f oethe first MONDAY in MAY uext, otherwise ; l.elt.-r* wid t*e granted. I'.tu****, Henry K !*iu ill. Esq.. Ordinary for Brjan in',>. tlii* 22.1 day of October, 1867. *ct.‘3 HENRY B. SMI I H. O. B. C. S ifATE OP GBORGIA.I .To all whom it niuy ItitV \s O'iESTY. | concern; as. Jack* -ti llirl will apply at the Coinl of Or dinary lot Letter* Dismlaaory as Sui vising F.xecutor of L« «te ol Andrew Uir-I, •♦r . decease<l These af" th-r**f'*r<* t < cite an l admonish all whom It ffiny c-nc-ra. to fil» Iheir ohj.-cnows -Ij any ib»*y have) .... .r. a c.i . 111V 11 V V in MAY (.Mil j.i in.iu't.. 9Ii i tin* first MONDAY in .MAY uext,otlu'twise 1 l^-tt'-r* will he graute<l. itn--j». Il«ury B. 'inln. Ksq., Ordinary for Dryao l u tv. tin*2U'l «l»tr of October, l k 57. t.M l| BNHY B. SMITH. O B.C. NOTICE. f|l'!REB vIONTHS AFIBiC DATS. appUratlnn will B 1.c ir..1 !<• t„ in-f't'hi* r <*f the Union Bank Angus* v-.- now Fcrit.f.rTen .Shares (No. 3.9) i«*iie<! to Henry b*i:.--i, mceas-a. «n 2StU March. 1B5L which Scrip has •«n . *t or mi*laid KoBT.J. •'AUGIIBY, A -1111 i it •►tmt'T Bstato Henry llatper. »v hiuah, tChl -lanuary. 1658. <» llatr am I St-erage 4« ili—i st.*am«iiip ARIEL.C/k-O 1 n-lar. nt:*l Ml! 1II >T\K. 2. comma;..! -r. t" s*sil ir-in ] i-r 3 N"tHi river, at noon precisely. < allying the United State* FOR BLUFFTON, Hilton Urnil, ll<>v<l’» Emitting. Denufort, j l'oi-i It »> n I Pi'i'ry. A:c Tin .V* >r o.,,/ S/.!r»aitl Strnmrr CBCILE,” j CAi'i r. i'1'K. | ■ti*. Edwitr'l*’ .V* re Tori; far Suitl. tm/-!un.Jlivrt or lire in-n. A fi.-!. .vitui Lvy, March 2f. North Mar, •• A; ril 17. A ih* 1 . •< May 16. N i ‘X*o s c xce wxi».Tas8, 'r* v* i l I- t .ken I v f . ..* »' *-i.\ <* f-t. P"R ALL KINDS <<F MBA-IMKMBNT >1'.* Light Bui re! * :’7> .*• each, nnd "•in-r article* 1. |..utmn. 1‘ADr.Li'JlvD. FAY J: C<l.. ; r .* Agctlt*. If/unfd tit H'eef Point, '*7 1 ..Pare. $3 50. GB0RGB ti. HI LL, rupe ton Fleam ck. < Uar'e I?ecli iced! FOR NEW YOHK. wharf by th- shipper, ; Tt. Stives At!.vi'a. ! u Write* v \V *1 P.. U-avet West Point. Arrive# at Atlanta, EVl VISA I'ASSS.S .l.i Leaves Atlanta, daily .v. Arrive* nt W • *• IMiit, at la-uvea Wist P- in:, daily nt Aim- at AtUnt i.M... Cxr n. ery et U3 f UHilroi 1" 15 rti ch way, w.:h the .M-ditgom I'reighls from Sarinmali mar 1 3 mo FA.Xt.ll HXUDUCBD, *.\l <»:. Clitingr of Srhv<tnlc ,..) ,fr-r M- n lay. »'.- T"h . f Y. tv. I leave Fava .n th "Wi v M -nd.iy .'tor TUSCUMI.UA AN!) MEMPHIS, t'lriL*. i J y FOR FUEIGIIT Oil CHARTER. Cabin, I fitefcThe ||.,e f.i*t *«ihng #<iir. NORM END 1 aptalu ! STEAM TO SOUTH AMP i Crowd I. has timber p.-rts. A||lyto ^T()N AND HAVRE.-'Il.e mag- 1 apr 2rt C\KLK n »N_k PARSONS^ >ain*l"p VAMiK - IHLT. 6.2<> | pou Fit EIGHT OR HI A RTfcH. ! ,Tlio A 1 brig Cll .'Ai'KAK. C.<t • D‘fy Ap* CARLE IMN A DAll.-ONS. 820. M Steerage, 86. ton*. I*. E. Lefevre. matter, will sail, with the mall* — FK.'M Sr.W r**KK FOR S 'UTII VMl'ToN AXI> lUVFir. Fuiiirdav Apiil 10 Saturday May 23 SiPurlay July 3 Price -f tiu>*tgc Hccnlm C.ihin. Sl<t': f• i-'-tiil •-.•il'in, J.'.O. Ff'ccfe ilt- ir. rc.i tn London and P.<W« F.r P.tH*;ige -r Fi eight, apply to 11. V 'RRAN^E. A No 6 How ling Green. New York. upr7 mar i rr.oM » rTn.sviPTo?c ash invar r n xtw y r.K. Wednesday April 26,' clay lime 9 Wednesday Inly 21 to lo itl-n of room. Fiist ffm pianos^, D. ZOGDAI.H CO, ARE WEEKLY RK' EIVINO FROM THE FACTORY tub celi navTnn Stcinlnnn a Soitfj’ Diauoa, Preii uinc.ed by Artists and Co*iti..ik*, urs to be sip,-f.|.,n T • AM American l’iano, aud equal to the Erard ut Col* The advautages pots* s«ed by these Piano* over nil nth- ers, aro : a pun* qua'itvof toi.e, uu eti-a seal-, whicli ! x<rN—T.iii admits of t* < perc-ptible change between upper und ’j *«,*] I’l.V to Steamship ALABAMA, DW> ' I '••'tun ha'i'i ntld r.. 'v .N.’jr!. Ln* 1 .-Vi.Vl :.***sV ' i.x- ! !*■ t Wn|. T H' I fi t. Fi uit. 1 P. fi, r t" 1:. Atl.i'i'. a an* .L.< II !r•:. !.*rf. t- ! Igina-l iiry.C'a.ndeu I'.aii.'v .(**■• ! F. r patii- ular*. «; |.-> I - W. II |tl.'UUnr»4!I^, E.q.. | S.wnttt.ab. tin., or to inc#uh»oibiT, it li:uii»wkr, Glynn j County, Ga. apr7 tf ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. FOR SALE. A Orrro.N PLaNTATI'iN.situated 1 and fr .nting.-n |ia **u Mac. n t’nir .li j wot a la*.*' bushel* 1 lli-al. . t tiy "i t me mud. ,pi..v. met.t» C" *» -*t of a t i-t». ri.iMe*. a lid Olh*-r 1| ".v gin h -u-e in C"urs-*ot I ar- fioio twenty i-i^ht t > nen and children—tuff t < my ot fftnii« ut . tie ,-t the hand* - 1-til • ext aks c««ai;tTr.& w'lm tub uom. th- ■I f *r Hi' tor leim* a apr 2rt G. R. 8CHEXCK, Cnntinnmlcr, WILL SAIL SAIT'TtD.vY. MAY J, AT i<*5 A. M si FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER 42ftaTlie supeiior s*hr U <CK1N<!HA M. I'upt 1 a)-: C YltLElOA A PAKS'JNS. Apply- to npr 2d FOR LlVBRPUDh -Hi- A 1 AnoiTan ^fti t fc»'iip Ali N E.*, .1 .i.e*. ni;t*ttT. Lttvng a large p r- ZfebtiC ion "f lor c tl go engaged, will have quick die* pat.-n. lor freight eng.geni-iit*. apply t-> inii o-j itnKill »M. BALDWIN k '0. ~ F(»U Li VERPOO l<T—fiie fiT«TTbis* IS Vila Itnerha 1 * up WALL \CE, Latf. inoicr. hav ing a p-ntivi of her cue» engagt-l, will meet with dit patch For Gelglit etigag-*inetits. npp! v to mar 19 PADEnF-<RD. FAY * CO. ! The new and tplcndl I f.t*l goingst**am*hip ALABAMA, I G. R S li.-iick.c*-liimamler,will sale u.ubove. Ft freight | ° f ‘‘ *‘ e ‘ " PADULFORD, FAY A C<\ j Cal in Passage *20 1 N. IJ—Shipper* ui C<*ttoti by these steamer* will plea*# I taki n dice, that no Cotton will he received at the presses that ie net listinctli marked ..n th lg*-ofthe bale. Qi" Uerth* \uT **-etire<i until p»M for. PADEI.F-'UD.FAY A CO.. Agents. Fre'ght fr.';:! N* vv Y-rk nt ^ customury, and as mi 11, I*.- any «>'h' r "*t»am<T l supt'i'iutemli-iit: ... savannah. Ga . 4th Apitl. 1 **.'•*. / IK Un 1er*igned nut heeu inf-'-med l v |ett-r It j _R. .-eivel thi* ii. it nitig.from tlie General su; crinteinl I cut •! tne M-mplii* A Cliarieslou nil Road, that tii* j East 'n and Western division*' of tnut R-md wet0 to he j I joltj’.-d *n the 27th ultium. and that tiaius would rut, through regularly on the 29th. Throt-j rale 0/ Freight from Savannah tn 7*>'aiubia. I Memphis First das*. J fl 36 |1 S5 * Second do. J 1 09 I 1 2| Third an, 1 R i w) Special rate for Freight Goods, j 2 7G | 3 19 cugctrirtTios. 1st Class.—Tiano Fortes, Books and Stationery, Boots, "" "" 61 c., in |.ottle*, tine iu h *pr!7 BRANDI.R. liU.tltAl.D fc ('•. lmo f-d t'li-ot. !*'"-l sitet-1, S' w Orleat.*. i)OUGHEK1Y t'Ut'NTY LANDS I’D L SALE. ftOk 1 will s'.-ll alatcnlt ... cj PLANTATION j_a oiinty. TIIK 1 XT KJl NATIONAL Uf th" JShoes, Hats, Liquors, uiis, 1 -lie and 9pt*. Tui pet ■ *"<* 1 .It*.* lores tiictii; there at*' acre- r.t c.n..: fate ntid ILrk.n.i. 1 llnniinr-ci;. at..I . •/ 1 a- ie.* ot 1 I’.n**'! .".1 er I 'I In-re are too ►i-ttlemn;:*. a Dw-lhrn and N-gto Cabins ill tach. The trait, thent.i he d'V idl'd. Thi* place Is in a five statoof /'-.'t.' six in l-s s -i;*h of AD.Ht.y. ID- i -in AV<stern Rail R-'td. It i< w II w.,t.t Ctev'aw ahec creek. n ) nrcha*er. upon h- i n. 'in l i« r-nly , Hi* "f 'he >0111 h 1: lying on the- Fi'k & Raymond’s Late Improved M »l*-r. will h .ve inim-liati* «li»pat*h. For freight or passage apply to M ister on l it Holton's Wharf, or to _ MIRANT »N « NORRIS. Tl FOR S'F.W YORII—GEOLGlA LlTiT j SaatThe last sailing r-gnbtr pavk.-t schr JOHN BUS- FOR PHILADELPHIA. NOTICE. r |VV'i M'nth* afterdate, application will be made to 1 th*** *.nrt ..f Ordinary of Liberty County, for leave -li 1 tin acres >.f Land, the property uf t 0 estate of K Staff Td. late of .aid county deceased, and to e *■ l * r .Its lot befit of Site heirs and distributees of said 6RAID* N Ii I1UFTIN, Guardian of Minors of said estate. william \v. wilion,* WON, I r Divorce. SON. J I » '> <t I ETT A WILSON . 7 M nearing to Hie Court, by the return of the Sheriff, '' 'h- defendant is tint to be found in the Comity m • gii tm : On ra itiun, It is ord-red that the said F • ' .nt lo file h* r plea or defence In the Clerk’* Of- <•• • •* (' ■nrt. on or before the first day of the next <r ' f . and it is further or ler*d t at this order • • .1 q .„ j,. lZ tt**s ot tlie Pity ol Satan ' tnit-d ni 'Utha previous to the next term of thi* Dnu 11.-xuact from the mluute*. thli 25th March, 181 **'“ J.UU3 BAUD, 4. f. I. i. lower octave*."*0 far us quality of t.-ne is cone* standing in time longer than other Instrutnoiii-s: ability lv vii-lure tint extreme changes Jnct-Jem to a g -utln-ru Cllinuto Tliell HliliiMise p.iW. r—Die square |<| ,11, pos se#* all the force- uu J s’.rtugib ol Grand Pianos ir>-ui ut ti er makers. The' Stein way A Sens’ Pianos, are fast snper-eding those of i.tln-r m tnuf'uturcr*, both .North and t-outii. for the universal y «xpie*».*4 seuntne t of the miidcal wond is in tb*ir fav.*c. und tli.-re is but one remark a* niong nil inu*ical teach-is and dllettar.ti : T11KY ARE THE VERY REST PIANOS now ma le in America. Tlu- -nperlor.ty „f the#,* lustra* meats over any other is apparent, that yr v j.,vite pet rous about purchasing to cull and examine -j*ir *t. rk wh.-n, we duobt not, they will hu perfectly willing t.. accord loth*, expressed »oalimeut of tn,^, m 0 ., colI1 . |<ett*nt to judge, that tho ptss-tg*. -r. iiavinc tw . tiii■ J# of In-r caigo en* iiiiuii-di-iie lii.j.dt h. For freiglit t-r apply to muster on l>..,<r-L at B«lr-n'* whnif. SCRANTON a NORRIS. .3> FOR NEW YORK-The r gular packet »chr IL R1DDKU. Hnrk*on Ma-ter will tne-t win, ie*|-at< Ii f. r the above port. For Bright apply to ..i-1A n GAMMi-.l.L. 3 1 Fdit NEW YORK-OLD l>f MiUSlL , Eli l.l *L The fin** schi B<‘KFORD WEBB. , t*aj; cpiagu- Having ni'at of h*-r carg ■ engaged, will ; hi'** (ini. k disputeIi us atiove. For hnl'*ir»u- freight, (apply t.< H» Dill AM BALDWIN A • O. j i ;- FOR PHIIj .YDELI* 111A.—The reguiai I packet -chr ALICE LEA. t' lpl Thompson, w ill have di-j.hU:h f**r above port. For htlauceo! ireight, 1 apply to «'. A. At ft'. do BTKINWAY At BUN** PIANOS SURPASS ALI.OTIIKKS OLOUR —25 bblsSup rtino Flour, In the cjseutial requisite that gc tu make a ^.«d ii.stru- 1 1*V» sacks do metit. I *’ A large assortment of all kinds of Mu-ical Instru* 1 men Is. and Musical Merchandize, including the netted ' F* publication* of Music, kept cou*l.intl>-. n h ,mJ, \V. D. /."BJAL’M A fO., Bryan and St. Julian street*, m ar ti e Market. Fin« 150 do Extra • l.v O tNNKR AT WKRSTFR fa PALM EC. 25 Casks Jcffcr’s Sparkling Edinburgh Ale, 25 casks Byass’ London Brown Stout, W OODEN WAKE-A l>rg- nss xtmeut of Voi tr and Painted Pails. Tubs, Oak Wtdl Buck- •jn8l JUSY RECEIVED BY ROBS * COt, 90 Whttakir •«. Mrs. Jumrs Ui-tts* NEW PATENT UTERINE SUPPORT, W HD II IsdsNtiuc'l toaupercede all I'uruts of i'os • trie*. Betad A I her coleioat-d Sl’P POBTEKa. wiih then recent 'inprovcttit tit*, and under il.e highest me.|lcal ptarona/e. Il**r many ii.ventions have hei-ii used wit - umii'ei 1 npt-d sttcoss for the pa»t | 24 years, whi h can I.,* favorably atlested hv thousand* of lad e* and physicians in nil partsof the L'niou. K 1 tail price, |5 to |8. For sale by | _ _ THOst. M. TURNER, noTlf JWr. Barnard tud Broughlon-Ot*. ip State of Georgia, ,T. J. GtYRVIX, Commander, WiR Leave Sutnni-ii/, Mai/ 1, <tf 9, A, M. The United State* Mail Steamship STATE f'F 0KOR. GIA, will leave as above. For fr- iglit or passage apply to C, A. GULIN Bit At CO. Agts Cabin Passage S'-R P:t**--ng-rs by tins ship f r Biiitiim n* and >Vto.'h ngton will he landed at New • n*lle, Dei.. ifde*|re*l. from which place <■ n# start three time* dally tor the above cities, aa-1 other Southern point*. All I'r-ight bill# under 55 payable on wharf before do* livery. the Greorg-iajCitizen. THE NINTH VOLUME OF THIS WEEKLY PAPER, Commenced on the 26th March, At the Reduced Bate of 82 Per Annum, STRIOTIiY IN ADV 'VIVOM 1 A S TUB CIT1LBN Is published in Macon, the cen tral city of Georgia, and has a large circulation in Mi idle. We tern, and S«utli*Western Georgia, it pre sent* unusual advantages, ns n first class ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Subscriptions aud Advertisements respectfully solicited. mtr 30 Imo Carpeting.China Glass md Ghfewart-,? gn*, iu cum-a. <. i.K-ks. Confectionery.Cotton ‘ urds, Cutl*.ry in cases, cask#nnd boxes. Dry Good* in boxes and hah#. Drug*. Fruits, Fruit Trer 1 au l Sliiubbery. Furs. Garden Seed*, Looking atid L-*okiug Glass Plate, at owner's risk.Xutsinfrail*.trasters in cans andiar*, Saddler-, Tin and Britaunbt War-. Tea an i epict i per 190 lb* 2djClxis.—Hard wars (except in 1st and £-1 »'ia»*e#.; C< f fee MiBs. Ma. hmcry.F-jreign Liqu- rs in and pipe#. T-vbvcoln boxes. Leather In roll at:d boxes, Gils in bbls. nnd casks, ''rockery and Gneeiisware in crates and casks, Itirc, Whiting Plaster. Sheet Brass and Coppet per liH) II s SrdClats.—Axes.Fhovels. Spates, FtlTrous, Zinc and jf Tin in pigs. Tin Plate. Anvils. Vices,''arrini* | Springs and Axles, Ca*k* "f Chains fa Hors, Manilla and Cotton Cordage, Coffee. Heas v Castings. Mill Gearing and Mill Stones. Rail KgJB Road Wheels and Axles, Chairs and Spikes, » "' and R"*in in l-bls per 100 tbs. Spocial Rates for Light Goods.—Furniture and Carriages 21 Lhoxed. and other light articles not enumernt- f-d, also. Carboys of Acid* and other Chemt, Jcals, will be taken at actual weight, bn charged at double 1st''lass rat( 8...p< r 100 II1 IVM. M. WADLF.Y. apr r —tf Gen'l Pnp’t C. R. R. Ul- li t. inirone-lonith of tl e t<» c**ne. ntnite uiv pi give a bargain in thi* pla.c For tern.*, apply to llet 1 inter ost iu Alub.ima, 1 will >. A. VASO.V, At Albany.Ga. *#* Augusta Con*titutlftnn1ift. and Mac«n Mcseuger, please c py two month*, and •<-ud bill to thisofiice. r 11 CRAWFORD’S MERCHANT “SITOA” MILLS FLOUR Une pialed by any Mills iu Georgia for Superior Breads tuffs. JSUT0A MILLS DOUBLE EXTRA HOTEL FLOUR, do, S I do do do do Family do do Buperfla* Rcrrk Mill* do ov, do do Fin* do, do do No. 3 _ . do, Bolted Com Meal. Grits and Short*. R«eeiv*d p*J Ra road, and constantly forsale b F _ ,. C0NNEKAT, WEBSTER A, Agents for Crawford's Sitoa Mills Customers. Bakers aud Flour Dealer* are invite to make compnri«nn. and for the richest article of bread having the sweet fl tTor c.f clean pun- grain, and is *uo( carefully manufactured by the l*est machinery. u« Si to* Mills Double Extra Hotel Flour. *eptl5 tract. For Sale 2C ,, 0 ACRE* OF SW.VMp AND PINK LAND, ^iiear»i t *n, Ctnibii cu.n'y, and also j,r.-tr the Big BaiilU Kit'-r. in ,u I , n Bnll ll*-ad „ Swamp, kbottti f«-r to:’.y ye.,.9 a* the GotJoti swamp land is about 1 2.i0 acres, and avail aid* as ' fi 191 qti-liiy cttfn.roiti and tic*- lauds The ) Il.e Uud is of tlie t est fvr limber or turpentine. Tettu* easy. Apply to j«u)2 |Ti><\V A GORDON, iertil 1 ,nd very , ■ 11,.*n it <me, g a fine Dwelling f. fac , and .i.-r-.m- I'.ir teru.i apply to Private Sale. The well known I . .t.; tti.xi Mount Hope, situated in Ii-;. <u r containing itl'OUt 4.3Cuan > ’ ' . under cultivation. The h .: and is welt calculated lord cotton or corn. 1* well settled L>. House. Gw rseer’s House. Dorti*.* tnoditii.iti for more that: 2"0 negi .. R J. Arnold. Bryan county. The Albany fa Gulf Railroad n:i FOR >Ai.K S A Valuable Plantation in Bryan county, con taitdng 730 acres of Land. 4 Oof which is under fence and in cultivation. tRu.-itad on the Midway River, about seven miles fr* mine Albany fa Gull On the premises are all tho r.. cessary bo Idltig* for plantation purposes, and a lom'ertilde Dwelling House. angl JNO n. MONTMOLLIN. 1 WOTIOB., -'rthe tract. O" HE HUNDRED ROVES RAISINS, ic whole, half aad quarter boxes, Layers aud Mala OlUi FAMILY QB0UERT, FIFTY' DOLLARS REWARD- Will be paid for the recovery of my negro msu WILLIAM (or Hilly)who irnuwuy about th* middle of last year, lie i* u f a dark mulatto complexion, about six feel, or a Uttlo upward#' in height, stout built. Weighs about two hundred pounds, andi* about thirty five year* -f sge. IIo tsa bricklayer and plasterer by tra te,reads well, and dome- i time* illscrtitr-t'sas a preacher, lie is polite t*hen accost- ! e<) an i rather gtandih quont in speech. As lie hat a wile and ehlldr-n iu Savannah. I am led tohelievo that | he is lurkibK ab"iit that city or its neighborhood. Ti.o above reward will be paid for bis apprehension and de livery, orconflnement In tbifiHi-vtl that I ro«v get him gfctltt Addren NICHOLAS WYLIE, fWU-ft 11« tf Wuhlnito'a, ffw. FOR MAY. ■W ESLIE'B Magsrln*. for May. JLi Grabam’a Ladles’ Book, for Mkj. Godey'a do do do. Arthur’s Magazine, do. Peterson’s da, do. Ballou’s Dollar Monlhly, -- * Nick Nax, do. *u 21 Bail lUMi, o,|Hj?2mTuBnw. Ii liUill/y Being one of th* oldest an J most extensive etlabllsh- tnentr in the c untry, for maiiiifacturitig AVhite Lead, lied Lead, ami Litharge, FROM THE HAW MATERIAL. Purchns'M < f the r biurd* tony r<ly on i-rocuring th# • aithle, on themorl la tut able tvims, (or caih cr genui ir**Uit. Toy are always picpnrcd t<» cxccut# with promptnau all .-Kiel, t -r th* ir v «i. u* g ade# and qualities of . ... . r in Oil 1 ADb»l,s*S. tin Front stie.t, >*eW Y’orh. -ni- rs rhetild l-ui,rn of the numcrona 3*i.h fill ih>- IlCIlhtt. ■if Puiiubh- Mearn Engine*, of l tv 1" l..»rs*'-power, on the imwt •((■•ily i.*mpi*d tu t’ottuB and Su* )i.rn..-is' u*e geuerally. Built ol k'i.nii9li'p. nnd for coni] net* tj a*-« d by any engines uoiF tnti'.n Engines.of any required power, Circular •v -n<; :* t-. nnd I'. riat.leGlist Mill*, of very s.t* 'U*tri:*-'i. n. Minfiinc, Pulleys, kc. i*r••■»«* an 1 ecievis,* f every tit»crlption,Bra• ■ Uti-'ii'j*. an I Wrought Iron Work generally older v* 'th diepat-h. and on reasonable teim*. ite tl * inney in horse* »tac Alt p.-rscua shonld re are niany hue Inns*-# miiiui fur th* DIRECTIONS t Hi II with tite hand the afT.iclel pari (-»•* severely, anil let it reii ain twelv* r-. He n apply it again in the turn* way l.i r v»;.*!i with Ca.*tiUS(-ap and water '“d* api’I.v in the anuie manner. Tho boiN 1 in t'-n da;». i-j #ooucr. ivdan 1 *. 11 l v .‘OI1N W. WouD!NO. Amrrfcns,Ga " r> "*' D'-lb.t ,.«•» it.I,'Ie Hir.t u lv »#♦.<!* SCIIKVKN HOUSE. By J. B. Foley, • of Bull ar.d Congrees St6., Savaunah. '1 hi* New ii'iTK L. furnish t-d through* tut iu tht most tt.roAXT8TTUS, is now opened and will be kept a* a FIRST CLASS HOUSE. MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, UF.OHGlA. ^ The II ■<)•" hav been newly re-ar- l - ‘"L ranged and refitted. IttiHgla. It. MKLDHIM, Proprietor. Ian t Cuiu THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, JJioadicay, corner 0/ franklin itrect, .■jrsi'cir t6hb:, HAS niCUN n.KCKXTLY REFITTED.. The Rooms arc all newly Carpeted, The Furniture nnd Bids Superb, and the Until# Unsurpassed. TAYLORS CELEBRATED SALOONS, Here is concent rated all the comLrta of a bom*, with the luxuries uf a palace. . THE LPLENDID LADIES’PARLOR 1 'untmmdv an Unequalled VllilW OB’ 13RO DWAT. !» th** mo*t -vnttnl t f any at ih* FIRST f't.SSS flOTTU for t us t ■ «*, or pla't-s of amusement, and offers umurpas** • d 11 vantage* to F-mill**« and G»iitlrnien visiting Now Y .k. ALFRED FREEMAN, hit 1 Inn* Proprietor. Tlie subscriber, Agent* of the Manufacturer, for m the sale of Liili*’* Patent Chilled-Iron BURGLAR fa dFIHE-PROOF SAFER secured with Lillis’* Pa- ... - tent Powder-Proof Oom '' bitiBtiou Bank Ix»ck. Tre-e fcaf.-s md Locks stand unequalled In baffling tlie skiff of chr the af pffcath a of fire. Petrous w is’ ing to purchase a fafu which il, In *11 ra» sped*, what the term implies,are rwptetfully requested to cad and examine our SAFES, at 156 aud 167 Brough* but street. P'lvatieah, to»f.,re purchasing elsewhere. We think 1 tir gal. 9 need only to bo even to he appreciated. ”>•*’ M A R8E * FAY. I WOULD Inform my friends and the public that I have npen-d.nn tho rnor of Price and York atrsets. have npt* .... •hop where 1 wi'l attend to th* Manulircture of 11 o' Ware, Tin Rooting, and all other work connect** 1 *"lth the business. All orders promptly attended tc aneU—,f GEO.B* WBKDON. l^IUt'E COLLARS AND SETS.—A new JL supply, just received by mar 2 NKYITT. LATH30P k ROGERS. Heidsiok Champagne. pr J \ BAMCETd Ueldsick Cnampagu*, to plnU and ■ ol 9 quarts, landing and for ula by apr 6 GLA0H0RN Ac CCNNI0HAM