The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 03, 1858, Image 1

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' ^ VOLUME LVII. ;il);uui!i||lt))ul)litMi, Ifi l-ltUUSHKU DAILY. TBI-WEEKLY. AND WEEKLY. BY F. W. SIMS. . B. SNEED. - - ■ Editor. RATES OF ADVERTISING. for one square of 300 cmsorloss, of auy typo not Inr- |)|HH Nonpareil, 76 cents Tor the Am, and 60 cuut* , r ,.*ch subsequent Insertion, for auy tlmolosa than ouo \il Tabular work, with or without rules, and advor i,n occupying double column, shall ho charged .,!>•!»• the above rates. v Uertlscmentt, of whatever length, Tor any tlrno los ,-ue month, to be charged at transient rates, f r hunter time at the fallowing rates: 1 mo. 2 mos 8 mos 4 mos 0 do do do do....... do...... 04 12 mos. SO 118 125 y.ran, limo uotabove ■peciflod.w proportional charge made. t 1m-i tu'omonts ordered three tiu s a week, will bo . . .-.1 two-thirds the aliovo rates, v deduction of lift percent, from th< above rates, will ,i tdeoil advortiaciuoutsnppoariug on the fourth page : e daily. ji ,-etal notices, 10 cents per lino for tho find, and 6 tor each subsequent insertion, atm lu no case to be , t to contract. Marriage notices, $1. Funora* Invl- ,n«. 50 cents each. No special notice Insetted tor less ., ,• c-tits. Obituary uotlces, Report*, Rr,solution* ; tsiiuKSof any Socioty, Association, or Corpora - tod to be published, 6 cents per line. -wa.nb.Hils will be advertised at $10 per unnum for ,,’.i advertised. -t. »m*hlps—where bu one Is tunuiug, $10 per an* lll!U ; it two or more, $80 each. urtioneere’advertisements not to bo subject to con •t but to be charged at the rates prescribed per ! \V'u-n any bill for two months advertising, other than ; v .. r»et, amounts to over $50, a deduction of 26 per ’' !c,riyadvertising, with the privilege of change, will j, • »k-n at the following rates: tvt .no square, renewable otico a wook.............. .$15 •• •* “ twice . “ 66 •• “ “ three Utuos or oflener 70 r> additional siiuaro contracted for to bo charged ..iif the above rates additional. Y irlv advertisers shall lie limited to the apace con- ,1-ii. r. All contracts shall be lu writing, Htatlng ..t, ly the nature of tlio business to bu advertised.— i i .Lortwrments uot properly connected with the reme,* shall bo charged separately, and also any ox- ... f matter over the amount contracted for. ' ntract advertisements payable quarterly: advertise- :;(H from strangers and transient persons, payablo in . nice. All others will bo considered duo whou cullud * l lie paper, under no circumstances, to bo iucluded in I'rafessioual and business cards, not exceeding 6 linos, ,:i: e inserted at $20 per annum. .... on persons to become candidates, will he inserted i< alter advortisemeuts, to bo paid Tor Invariably In Auiouuciug candidates for office, $10, to bo paid in \ :rcr(lsomcnts not marked on tlio copy for a specified . will bo inserted until forbid, and payment ox- l.-iular advertisers and all others sending commit- ,;:i,ns or requiring uotice* designed to call attention t ,ri. concerts, soirees, or any public entertainments, , barges are made for admittance—all notices of ■• associations, ovory notice designed to call ntteu- . • • private enterprises calculated or lutouded to pro- iu lividnal interests, enu only be Inserted with tho •*--landing that tho samo Is to bo paid for. If in- i in the editorial column (which can bs only nt tho . -rt-.t. „f the editors)tho saute will bo charged at tho v- m.t le** than 20 cents per line, tii. rtiseiiicuts ord«rod In the Weekly. $1 per i,w f.r tacit insertion for any tlmo less than one •b. F. r more thnu ouo month, at ouo-balftho rates t • ,.i in iibnvo table. „ .. ' rue nil lorslgncd. publishers of Pally, Tri-Weekly and \r. ,.);lv newspapers in Savannah, Uu., pledge themselves i t;; tiyt.i adhere to tho above bill of charges, and in no ti-wti'ce to deviato therefrom. • above rules to take effect March 1, I860, and to routine binding until ctmngod by tho votoot a minority th- undersigned. - . , v. l: —1 hi- schedule shall not in nny way effect tho in- —i-^rilyof..\istiug contracts. Allcoutracts for tho year I , .tuv other specified time, shall only cease with tho :ti:rati<>n <-f the period for which tho wore made. y. IV. HI M3, Uepublicnn. A. H. MM All, Georgian. \V. T. TllOMPaOWi Morning News. #/cg«< .Idverllscmcnts. | ItltVAN SHERIFF’S SALE. tji.l Ik- Bold, iKiforo Iho Court House door, in In van c.iunty, on the first Tuesday itt May next, :i il.i- l.-cal hours of salo, tho following property, 3i\ti.i ii head of Stock Cattle, more or less.— •■it is the property or Matthew M Morgan, to ■ I... ti. fa. iHstted out of the Superior Court of 14ry- utv. in favor of E. People* vs. Matthew M. .. ' Property pointed out by the defendant. ,, , r .,t V. OILL, Sheriff n. c. y. !•' FI XGIIAMSHB afPP'SVALE. UK HOLD, «n till, first Tuesday in May, in V T front of tlio Court House in Effingham County, I - 1 .a til- legal imur* of sale, an old negro man,sauted fj;: i — proper'y of Thomas 1*. Klkin*. Lovlcd on by .1 llui. ly, Loiist-ible, touatlsty a 11. fa. in favor of I -.ry I is- I from a Magistrate’s Court, in and for ; '•wiity, Mar h 20llt, 1868. 311AIHIACK K. HKLMI.Y. Sh’ff r. o. S TATE OF GEORGIA,! To all whom it may CHATHAM COUNTY J concern, ilncreas, Kli/.a Olmstiad will apply at tlio Court or try for Letters Wbinissory ns Administratrix on :-t iio of .louathan OlmRtead. . aro, Iheroforo, to cite and admonish nil whom it L- . corn, to ho and apnear before said Court to objection (if nny they nave) nu or before ihu first ivy in October next, othorwiso said letters will bo [ IV,it ■s«, John liilbo, Esq, Oriliunry for Chatham , this fifth day of April, 1H58. John,o c.c. k <TATE OF GEORGIA,) To ull wliomltnmy • II vrifAM COUNTY, ) concern: r is. .fiihn H Walls, will apply at the Court o| .rv far Letters Dismlssory, as Administrator on tho Samuel Walls. • •• ire. tliereforc, to cite and admonish all wiiom it •t- .- it, to be and appear before said Court to make f.iiifaiiy they have)Oil or before tiro first Mon ti September next, othorwiso said letters will bo '-.I. ta—s. John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham • v. tl.i- Twt Ifth day of March, 186S. r “a .MHN niLllO.o.c.c. ’TATE OF GEORGIA,! To all wlunu It tua CHATHAM COUNTY. J coiicoru : MS, I.)!,It O. Rowland will apply at tlio Court o • I -. Letters DUmissory tu Administrator on tlio i William I*. Rowland. H-, therefore, to cite and Admonish nil whom ■n. ern, to ho and appear before said Court, to i. c'.Ians(if any tlioy have), on or hofore the first iu July uoxt, othorwiso Haid Letters will be -s. J.dia nillio, Esq, Ordinary for Chatham inis eleventh day of Jauuaay, 1858. ; John, o c. o. vTK OF GEORGIA, 1 To all whom it way CHATHAM COUNTY. f concern: ••41. Henry Brigham, will apply at the Court of u l ,r Letters Dismlssory, as executor on the Es- of A.lnd Wells. • -ire, tlierefore, to cltotind admonish all whom it i-rn,ti> l.u and appear before said Court to tunko "i - if any they have) on or before tlio first Mou- Juno ii'-xt, utnorwlso said letters will be grantoil. -«.. .lo!iii Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary lor Chiitlitim Co., i day of December, 1857. JNO., o. 0. 0. 'TATE OF GEORGIA, 1 To all whom It muy 1 CHATHAM COUNTY. / concern: • r-iis, Edward Lovell will apply at the Court of • .ry for Letters Dismlssory us Administrator on • •; it- «f Harvey J. Gilbert. • • ire, therefore,tocitoand udmonlsh all whom It i •in, tobe aud appear before said Court to muko • -a 'if any they have)on or before tho first Mou- . a July next, othorwiso said letters will be grant- ffitnesi, John illlbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham "•tv, this eleventh day of January, 185F .ioiin, o. c. o. 'TATE OF GEORGIA,! To ull whom It may V llltY/VN COUNTY. j concern: •li-reas, Anu McElven will apply at the Court ol Or- •ry f.r Letters Dismlssory as Administratrix of Es- • f James H.McKlvnu, doccasod. • '••■"•• are tlisrefaro to rlto and mlmotilsh all wiiom it ' ••ticorn, to file their objections (if any tlioy huvo) •r Ihu first MONDAY iu MAY next, otherwise . Letters will bo urauted. Vitiiess, llonry K. 3m Hi, Esq., Ordinary for llryan .ini v, tills 22d day of October, 1867. ocltfl II BN ICY Jb SMI TII, 0. IJ. C. S TATE OF GEORGIA, l To all whom it may UllYAN COUNTY, / concern: Yln-roas, Jackson Bird will apply at the Court of Or- • ry for Letters Dismlssory os Suivlvlng Executor of of Andrew Bird, Hr , doceuai-d. --••are therefore to cite aud admonish all whom It ' •mrern, to file their objections (If any they havo) tho first .MONDAY in MAY uoxt, othorwiso k-ttera will lie granted. ' hi m. Henry K. Smith, Esq., Ordinary for Urynn i'i. thiatifid day of Octobor, 1857. ■«r.-.i HENRY E. SMITH,0. B. C. NOTICE. J ^IIIIKH MONTHS AFTER DATE, application will 1<- in ide to theCasbier of tho Union Bank Augils- .•• w Scrip for Ten Shares (No. U00) issitod to Henry . dicens.KJ, on 28Ui March, 1853, which Scrip has »t or mislaid. ROUT. J. CAUOIIBY, Administrator Eslalo Henry Harpor. M «*uah, 23d danuary, 1868, " llawhm 5 - NOTICE, Months after dato, application will tiomado to fin "null of Ordinary of Liberty County, for leave ”' 11 l'"i acres of Land, tlio property of tho estate of K. Stafford, late of said county deceased, and to t o r'Mi.r ttie lientlltof tho heirs and distributors of said SEABORN II. RU8TIN, Guardian of Minors of said estate. "IbLlAM W. WILSON, 1 In.... >/Wt ■ IDMUKTTA WILSON.) II 1 -'H'-srltig to the Court,In Divorce. 1 • .l.u. .1.11 Ilium IiVi ( , 1,1 ,,UI ’ t,in gazettes of the City ol Pavan Ikirnt ' * ,nw " ,0,,, * 1S provioim to tho next term of this !from th# mlntiles. tbis26lh March. 1858; JAMES HAHN, v. t). l. 0. MONDAY MORlSmSTG, MAY 5J. 1858. Heat Refined CHARCOAL IRON CALVEET IRON AND NAIL WORKS, Baltimore, Md. J. UOrKINSON SMITH, OFFICE 25 SOOTH CIIARLES-9TREET. HOOK AND FLAT HEAD RAILROAD SPIKES, BRIDGE AND CAR BOLTS. NUTS, 60., WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS, OF ALL PATTERNS, 5 to 12 Inoh MADE TOOJtDH/t. ADMINISTRATRIX’S SAI.E. W ILL 11K HOLD, Oil tlio first Tuesday in Juno next, before tlio Court Mouse in Bryan Comity, and Mnteor (loargia, property belonging tu the estate of Joint Italy, deceased, by periuissioti of llte Honorable, the Court or Crdlnnryof llryan county: a tract of Land known as Maxwell Hill, containing 15U acres, more'or less, being on the lino of llryan and Liberty county, and bounded north by land of John V. Wells, east by 11- Long, south aud west by Mr. Stones. Said Land 1- well timbered, and within ouo mile of Cououcho river, w ith 3o acres of cleared lands, an l a framed Dwelling nearly finished, with materials sufficient already dress ed, to complete the house, and about 1U0 sticks of now Timber, ready for tnntket. Paid tract 1ms 100 acres of first quality laud, uti l is located in tlio best range for stock of any kind that cuu bo bad within 100 uillcs or Pavaitnnh. , Also, tho following negroes: Jit tin, 31 years old, Isaac 20, both timber cutters; l'aul, Ml years old; Maria, 37 years old. ELIZABETH IIALY, opr 12 Administratrix. CENTRAL RAILROAD. o NOTICE. A LL Persons having claims against tho cstatoofthe lato Or. Francis H. Demcro, will present them,duly attested, iu the time prescribed by law, and tliotu in debted will make immediate payment to apr 12 JOHN 0. FKRIULL, Administrator. NOTICE. T WO Months uftor date, application will ho nmdo to tho Honorable Ordinary of Chatham County, fm leave to sell the real estate and personal property bo- lutging to tho estate ot Francis Waver, deceased. fob 22 MAIM A It KT N. WAVER, Adui’x. NOTICE.* A LL Persons 1 inlet.ti d to the Into firm of ATKIN A BUB NS, are requested to settle,othorwiso their notes or accounts will be placed in the Immls of an attorney for collection, at tho next term of tlio Court. fob37 tf THOMAS II. HUItNd. NOTICE. A LL Persons indebted to the eststo of Benjamin T. Mines, late of llryan county deceased, are request ed to make payment to the undersigned, at Hiuesviltn. Liberty county; and those having ib iuauds ..gainst said e«tuto will linud them In, duly attested, within tlio time prescribed by law. mar 15 C IIINRS, Adm’rof st. B. ?. Tllncs. GUARDIAN KALE. » Y virtue of an order from tlio llouoraldc tlio Court of Ordinary of Liberty county, will l.o sold bo- fore the Court House doors, iu Stlicgtown of Hincsvlllo, on tlio 1st Tuesday in June next between the legal hours of sale, Ono track of Laud In tho 7 tit District of said County of Liberty, sold as the property of tho estate of Win. R. Slufibril decease, fur the benefit of the Heirs aud distributees of Kuid deceased. apt ) SEABORN B. nUPTON, Guardian. A DJI IN18 TH A TO ll ’ S NO TI OH. T WO Mouths after date, application will l.u madoto tlio Ordinary of Clinlliiim County, to sell rIn* real estate and negroes belonging to tlio estate of Jacob El- iustoti, deceased. 1IIBAM ROBKBTS. loarSli Administrator. CHANGE OF SCIIEDI'IiE. THE CHEAPEST & QUICKEST ROUTE To the North, T wip a. -w-yraiaK. Via 1'harlesUm AND TIIK NQUTII-KASTERN HAIL-ROAD THROUGH ARRANGEMENT FROM SAVANNAH TO WILMINGTON, N.'.CS On and after SUNDAY, JANUARY lOlli, 1858, 5thh buphhioh, STEAMER GORDON, F. UAllDEN, Co m m 11 n il « r. Will bmvo Savannah every SUNDAY and WEDNES DAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, and arrive in Charles- ton tho following mornings in time to connect with tlio Train of the North-Eastern Hail llo idpoon; North. Returning, will leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday Night, at S o’oloek, (after the arrival of tlio cars from Wilmington,) and arrive in Savannah early tlio following mornings. Travellers bound f>r Iho North, for North Carolina, or for the northern part of South Carolina, by taking this route, will aavo time and expense, aud will gain a night’s sleep Through Tickets from Savannah to Wilmington,'$11. No extra charge for meals or berths on board of the steamer. Passengers and their llaggnso transferred from the simmer to the cars. Jrte oj charge. Baggage checked from Savannah tn Wilmington. For engagements apply to .1. P. brooks, Agent. jsn 7 . Charleston Steam-Packet Wharf. FOR HAVANA " KEY WEST AND CALIFORNIA. •* “ Air ‘ Steamship ISABEL, WILLIAM HOLLINS, COMMANDER, H iving Just been entirely overhauled aud put in splendid order, refitted with hew boilers, and double nif- tight bulk beads, forward and aft, making hei one u| tin* most desirable steamers for safely, speed and enm- fort, will leave Savannah for Havana via Key West, on tho Itli and Ifith, and leave Havana tor Savaunali via Key Wert, 011 th« loth mi l 2*ithot each month. Tho IS A It ML connects, ut Havana, with the U.S Mail Steamship Conipoiy's Line ofSteumers, fur New urleaus and Sun Francisco. For passage only, apply to dec!3 COHENS fc_HERTZ. ^^.tiRIAT REDUCTION OF FARE EUH.OPB. From New York or South- auipton, Havre amt lire- 'men. First cabin $80 Second cabin f.O Steerage fin In Hie fi»sf class pinbll. 7'o Nr 10 J '«)•/.• f rqiit South run}tton, -Havre or lire— mm. Flint cabin $100 Bncond cabin 06 Steerage 40 1 eel steamship A It IKL, 2,0U0 tons,C. D. Ludlow,', and NO'ltTII M AH, 2, 600 tons, EdwardCaveudy, commander, to sail front pier No. 3 Not tli river, at noon precisely, currying the United Stutesmail, viz: Leave New J Wk far Bremen for Southampton Southampton, Ha cj or Bremen. Ariel, Saturday, Mnrcli 20. North Star, “ April 17. Ariel, '»• May 16. N. Star, " Juno 12. July 10. Sou thump. April 17. May 16. ’ 12. New York. April 21. May 10. Juno 10. nly 14. Those steamships touch fit II ivrc. Specie delivered lu Loudon or Purls. For passage or freight, apply to I). THRU A NCR, Agent, mar 1 Umo No. 6 Bowling Green, New York. FARE HEDUCED. STEAM TO SOUTHARIP- AND HAVRE.—The iiiax- nllli ont Htennisbip V A N B Bit III LT, 5,208 ««33??5a5aaS3 tons, p. K. Lcfevro, master, will sail, with the mall*— ritoM NKW YORK Pi,K FROM HOLTn.VMCTOV AND IIAVIIK Foil XKW YORK. Wednesday April 28 Wednesday Tune ti Wednesday July 21 First Southampton anu itAvnp.. Paturdny April 10 Saturday May 23 Baturlay July 3, Price of passage according to location of room, Cali) 11,6100; rvcoml cabin, $50. Specie delivered in London and Paris. For Pas-age or Fieiglit, apply to D.T >RRAN0K, Ag’t Nob Bowling lire.,n, New York. nprT nmr 1 W. D. ZOGBAUM «to C O , ARE WEEKLY RECEIVING FROM THE FACTORY THE CKI.KIIRATKI) Stetmunjj Sons’ JjJfnnon, Prunounced by Artists and Connoisseurs to bo Superior to any Aiuericun l’iauo, aud equal to the Erard or Col- lanl's. Tim advantages possessed by these Pianos over all oth ers, aro : a pure quality of tone, an oven scale, which admits of no porcoptiblo change between tipper and lower octaves, so far as quality of tone is concerned; standing in tune longer than other instrumatics; ability toenduru the extreme changes incident to a Bunt horn climate. Tlmlr immense power—the square Pianos pus- sess nil the force and strength of Grand Piauos Iretn otli. er ninkcrs. « Tho Stein way k Sens’ Pianos, are fust superseding these nf other manufacturers, both North and South, for Iho miiversaliy expressed sentiment of the musical world is in their favor, and there is but ono remark a- Uiong nil musical leucliers and dilettanti: TIIKY AH 15 TUB VERY REST IMANOS now made in America. Tlie siiporlority of these instru ments over any other is so apparent, that wo invite nor sons about purchasing to cull and examine our stock, when, wo doubt lint, they will bn perfectly willing to accord to tho expressed ■ontiineut or tiioso most coin- potent to Judgn, that tho 8TKIXWAY U SUN8' PIANOS SURPASS AI.LOTHBBS in tliuesseutial requisite that gc to make u guod instru ment. A largo assortment of all kinds of Musical Instru ments, and Musical Merchandize, including tlio newest publications of Music, kept constantly < n hand. W. D. Z'llIUAUM k I’O., Bryan and St. Julian streets, near tho Market. 25 Casks Mer’s Sparkling Edinburgh Ale, 25 casks Byass’ London Brown Stout, JUSY RECEIVED BY spr2L ROSU CO., 30 Wlillsktr at. SILVER WARE «c JEWELRY. S. "W I L M O T, COHN Eli OF coxa HESS, Will TAKEli AX1) ST, JULIES' STREETS, O FFERS HIS LAHQK STOCK of RICH GOODS, nt prices to suit the timos. On bund, aud receiving by every steamer, Gold and Silver Goods of every description. Fino Silver Tea 8ots, Pitchers, Walters, Goblets, Cups, Spoons and Forks, of every weight and variety; Silver Sots mid siugio pieces, beautifully put up in cases fur w.aiding otlior presonts; Gold und Silver Watches, ami Clocks of every variety. JEWELRY, from tho richest diamond to tho cheapest plain gold, Including Omnno, Lava aud Mosaic, In full sets and single pieces: with almost every description of Ornament now iu use. ^PLATED GOODS.—Plated Cako Baskets, Castors, Ten Seta, Ico Pitchers, and Plated Goods of ovory 8PROTAULES—In Gold. Silver and Steel Frames, with Pebble mid other Sights. FANCY GOODS.—UHi and heantilnl Parian Vases and Statuoits. and Fancy Go >ds, In great variety. Tortoise Shell and other COM1IS. of latest styles, with a great vati.qy of Head Ornaments. Citizens of City uiul Country are invited to examine the stuck, which will be sold ut prices much lower than usual. Watches, Clocks ond Jowelry promptly KKPATRF.D by workmou of skill and long experience. apr 1! tf CHANGE OFSOHEDULE INLAND ROUTE For Palatka E. F. VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. FERNAN DA A, J A C KSON VILLE, AND P I C O L A T A . Stopping at ail Intermediate Lamdimje. To leave from the (Jhnrtentnn Steam Far kit wharf' everu WEDXESUA Y .VORN/Nd at 9 o'vtm-k. The new aud splendid steamer EVERGLADE, (’apt. I, M. L'oxvter, w ill leave this city as above. This steamer inis 'he finest passen ger nccoimnodutiotis of nny boat in tlio Southern waters, and connects regularly with the stages for the Interior <>f Florida, also with ’lb" Hruns witk A Florida and Fcrimiidiim II Cedar Keys Kail • roads. Returning will connect at Javuniiah with the Central Railroad, and New York steanieis. Kidjlit consigned to the Agents of tills stoamor will ho re-sliippv.l free of charge. For fruight or passage ap ply on board, or to JOHN 0 FRASER, Agent L T NlTED^TATKS MA°I £7 For Palatka JE. F* VIA DARIEN, R RUNS WICK, ST. MARYS, FERNAND/XA, JAOKSOX VtLLE, AND F ICO LATA. “V The splendid new Iron steamer ST. u "’’' 1 MARYS, Capt. Jas. Kroiborn,having been thoroughly painted und over- hauled, wiR commence her regular trips to the above places, leaving the Florida *tentn Packet wharf on Monday tnoniing. April Oth, at o'clock, aud continue to leave every Monday uiuruiug at tlio same hour. For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to CLAGII0UN k CUNNINGHAM, mat 30 Agents. UNITED STATES MAIL. For Palatka, E. F., Fm Darien, Bruimmiak, St. Mnry'e, Fvrnnndina, Jacksonville, Picalatn and Middlehurg. The m-w and elegant idenniur FT. JOHNS, Captain N. King,will leave every Friday morning ut U This boat lias been built expressly for tills route.aud having extensive and nicy State Itonnt accommodation, offers superior iuducuiuuiits to invalids and others. For freighter passage apply on board nt tho Florida Steam Packet wharf.or to outran CL AG HORN A CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. FOR CHARLESTON, S.CX _ The new and splend'd iron stenmer —Ii„ “K ST- MAIIYH, Capt. Jntm-s Freeborn, A |\S. will leave for Cbarlestoii, on Thurs- kWS-'S.OflV'la.v Evening, Apiil 2d, at UoVlm-k, •sai^TTM'i'arirSU ll nll continue to leave every Thursday thereafter. Returning, she will leave Charleston ovory Hunday Morning, at ll o'clock. For freight or pnssugo apply on t.onrd. at the Florida Steam Packet wharf, or to mar 30 CLAGHOIIN k CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. Accommodation Boat. FOR PARACHUCLA EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. The new and fast running Passen- ..jf and Fruight steamer JOHN O. LAWTON will leave for Parachucla aud intermediate Landings, every Monday and Thursday, at 4 o'clock, P. M.—leave loot -f West Broad street. N. li.—Contracts for landingsabovo can be nmdo. This Boat will uot break her running scln-dulo. J. \V. .McALPIN, Agent, oc27 WilBani“on’H Buildings. New York and Savannah. The American Atlantic Screw Steamship COMPANY. TUB NEW ANU ELEGANT STKAMSHtPH HUNTSVILLE, Capt. Boburt Hardlo, MON TGOMERY “ Frederick Crocker Will form a weekly lino between Havnnnah and Now York, leavingt-ach port overy SATURDAY. Tlo-so Steamers. 1,000 tous each, Imve elegant accom- tooiia'iiMis for Passengers, and being of great strength and ■•poeil, shippers can rely on tliu greatest dispatch to Fi eiglit. For l'urtlier part bailors, apply to HK1UI1 AM, BALDWIN & CO., Suvuun.ih, Georgia, or to II. B. CROMWELL At CO., npr 0 tf 131 Washington street, New York. 9 NOTICE propel' id MO /r., > i in* npn-ntmi iiruiiniii-rs ^rvfhii-r HUNTSVILLE and MONT- 'rrr^ ^r : H»i' !i »MERY, will form a week- V'»i i p * | ‘ 1, iy line between New York *!■ ,i * ll Ua.,inn.l, In.t.-ltii, I|.I I, and Savannah, leaving c»i h .-JryweJpurt every Satuiiday. Oii aud Hfu . r Mav iHt, 1868, Frmglit from New York, will he taken at J-.jth»of tho present tariff, or customary rate#. jipr21 BIHGIIAM, BALDWIN h CO^ LOWEST freight : ! Twelve Hours Ahead of any other STUAMT3TAS. 7?B STTXT THE TIMES, Freight will lie taken by these Steamers at SIX cents per foot, K»R ALL KINDS OF MEASUREMENT GOODS. Liglit Barrels 37'.Jc. eacli, and other urticlea in proportion. PADKLFORD, FAY k CO., upr 28 Agents. MORE NEW SPRING For Charleston. IlYLA. JV D P. O XT T 33, t VIA DBA VFOli T tf: 111I. TUN UFA D. To leave from the Uliarlestmi 81 earn packet Wharf every SATURDAY, at 4 P. M. "Tv Tlio new aud Bplendi I steamer i EVERGLADE, Or' L. M. OoXetter, Tlis Everglade coum-cts regularly with the Sou III Carolina and North Eastern Railroads. Freight consigned to Agents will ho forwarded freo ol charge. For height or passage-apply on hoard or to JOHN 0. FRASER. Agent, novl" No- 74 Bay street. GRAY & TI RLEA FOR BLUFFTON. Illltou IIend, Unytl’* Landing, llcaufort, Fortltoynl Ferry, au. The New anti Splendid Steamer “ CKCILI3,” CAl’l'. K. I’KOK. i iT-JVi Will leave the Charleston Steam- Paeket Wharf, every -'•UNDAY Evening, ut 5 o'clock, until further notice. The Cedle liashet-n I milt oxpromly for this route; has elegant statu-rooin nccominodatioii, and is constructed so as to secure tlietajilg and comfort of trau-Bers. All Freight must he paid on the wlmrfby tho sliipper, before it will be receipted for. J. P. BROOKS, Agont, ocl3 Charleston Wharf. Change of Schedule- On ami after Monday, the 10th of May, the steamer Coeile will leave Savaunali uvety Monday Morning at <t o'clock, until fun her nutiee. apr 22 JTfJt FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. iJgajfcTlie line fa-t bailing wlir. NUUMUNU', Cupluili Crowell, inis timber ports. Apply to apr 2(1 CARLEt’tiN te 1'ARSONa. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. A 1 brig OH''SAPKAK, Capi. Bally. Ap ply to CAKLKTON k PA 1180X3. npr20 _ FOll FREIGHT Oil CIIAUTER. .The FUpeiioi Hchr If iCKINGHAM, Capr.Tapley. A|TpTyt" CAKLKTON k PARSONS, npr 26 ' 'F6ir*LlVEiliWoij*^lu“AT*^erlcau Mj^ttsliip AG NK8, Jones, master, having a largo por- jinnSiiouof her c ugo engaged, will imve quick dis patch, For freight engagements, apply to mar 3(1 BHIUH \M, BALDWIN & CO. "'ifiil >OR LIVERUOOl.T^TliiTfii7l class jBMEaAinerlean ship WALL VCJ-3, Lane, master, hav ing a pot lion of her cargo engaged, wilt meet witii dis patch. For freight engagements, apply to tniirlfl I'ADKl.FORl). FAY A CO. FOR NEW YORIC—GKORGIA LINK— Tlio packet sell r LOYAL SCRANTON, Lowden SIThter, will hive immediate dispatch. For freight or passage npply lu Master on board at Holton’s Wlinrf, or to SCRANTON k NORRIS. lift FOR NEW YORK—GEORGIA LINK. ■<w4-TIio font sailing regular packet eclir. JOHN BUS- TON', l-ingn, master, having two thirds of her cargo en gaged, will havo immediate di«patcli. For freight or passage, apply to master on hoard, at Beiruti's wharf, or to SCRANTON k NORRIS. I, l ,r 27 _ _ 3^ FOR NICW YORK—TlK- regnlar packet 2R*}tT, sclir. K. K1DDKU, liarkson Ma-ier will meet with despatcli for the abovo port. For freight apply to npU HUNTER tL OAMMKLL. FOR NEW YORK—OLD ESTABLISH- KD LINK. Tlio line sehl KCKFORU WEHIl. I'lipi c-piagiie. having most of her cargo engaged, will have quirk dispatch ns above. For Imlaneeot freight, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * (&_ VrJ. FORPlilL A DELPHI A.-Tim regillar packet *chr ALICE LEA, Cant Thompson, will havo di-patch for abovo port. For balance of freight, apply tu C. A. (1 RKlNElt k CO. Jf'ffi FOirilOSTON.—Tho packet sclir. MAH- jJfiiaGARKT ItKINHART, Peterson, Master, having Gm greater portion of her cargo engaged: will havo quick dispatch for thoubove port. For freight, npply to npi-H OGDEN, STARK A. CO. FOR Pill LADELPHIA.—Tho lino .fast sailing sclir ASA ELDRIDGK, Loivdsn,nms- •'lug half her cargo engaged, will have iiutnodiiito dispatch Fm- freight, apply to _«pr 20 SCRANTON to NORRIS FOR NEW YORK—The last nailing _ packet selii. It. M. DKMIIJ-. Capt. Hendrick- hnving three* four! I is of her cargo engaged, niul going on hoard; will linvn immediate despatch. For freight npply to OIIARLKTON A PARSONS._ Jift FOR NKW YORK—UNluN LINK—Tlio regular packet Mu. L. 3. DAVIS, Lynch, Mas ter, will have quick despatch fur Ilia above pert. For freight apply to OGDEN, STARK A CO. B ACON SIDEM—Landing Ui.d r..r sale by aprJS SUMS A JOHNSTON. Have now In sioro a fresh supply of Fancy and Staplo m §§®»t JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK, Among which they would call special attention to tho following: A complete assortment of Embroideries, Needle- Worked Collars, Muslin Trimming, Real Thread ami hltien Laces, French Printed Muslins & Grenadines, Barege nudfGrenadine Robes, Side-Stripe and Double Skirts, French and American Printed Lawns and Muslins, 8c. to 37J«c. per yard. French and English Chlti'z and Ciiiicoos—ucw styles, ltrillia-ites, 12 to25 cents. White Cotton nml Lisle Narrow Fringes, PicN'ic Mitts—long nm! short. A NEW SITOY OF R I 33 13 O N* S , Daily expected. npr9 Laro'e FAMILY TABLE CLOTHS. GRAY & TURLEY Havo received from New York, ric-li Batin Double Damask TABLE CLOTHS, 7}<J yard* long, 2# wide— the best quality, il is believed, ever offered iu Georgia. Price $2i> to $25 each. Housekeepers aro invited to call aud or.amino tlio goods. opr in ttXteBXT’Kr) HU)M New York Auction Sales. 7 PIKCK.S Handsome Foulard .Silks Flounced Barege Robes do d<* do, double skirts do do da. side stripes Printed Orgntidio Muslins do Jaconnt do 60 dozen Dninaek Doyles 60 do Linen Towels fi pieces Table Donmsk, all linen. For sale nt the lowest prices by DeWITT A MORGAN, npr 2il 50 tabls. 95 per ct. AbCOHOJ.. JUST RECEIVED BY RQSS & CO., »r 21 30 Whitaker street. GreorgiaO itizen. THE NINTH VOLUME OF THIS WEEKLY PAPER, Commenced on the 2<1(A March, At tho Beduced Bate of $2 Per Annum, STrtXOTXjY XN APVAXtTOB » A S THE CITILKN is published in Macon.tho cen tral city of Georgia, nod lias a large circulation tn MmiIIo, Wo-torn, and South-Westorn Georgia, it pre sents unusual advantages, us a first class ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Subscriptions ond AdverKsemcnts rospoctfully solicited. L. l\ W. ANDREWS, tnnr 30 lino Editor and Proprietor. IILACK LACK MANTILLAS. ~~ TTU3T Received, un assortment of tho nliovn goods. %| apr 21 HENRY LATI1ROP A UO. REDUCED New Arrangement. iN and after Sunday, l-'eiu uary 2lst, tlio Passenger Trains of tills Road will lie run as follows: BXTWRKN SAVANNA il ANU MACON. LeavoBavauuab 1.15a.m. andROOr. m Arrive in Macon 10.45 a. M.ftnd 12.30 a. m. Leave Macon 0.15 a.m. and li.30 r. u. Arrive lu Savannah 7.15 r. h. and 8.50 a. m. DKTWEEK SAVANNAH AND AtJOCRTA. Loavo Savannah 1.15 a. M. and 11.16 A. M. Arrive iu Augusta... 0 a. M.atid 7 p.m. Loavo Augusta 2 a. m. and 3-46 r. u. Arrive in daTannah 8.6(1 a. M.and 10.66 p.m. between Macon and acuusta. Leave Mncon ...,0.45a.m.and 11.3t!p.M. Arrive in Augusta 7 p.m,and 0 a. M. Loavo Augusta 2 a.m. and 3.45 p. M. Arrivoin Mncon 10.45A.M.anl 12.30a.m. Trains connect on arrival nt Gordon, for Mlllodgovllle and Katoiiton. At Macon with trains of tho Fouthwost- oru Road forOolnmlinaaiid Albauy, aud witii the Ma con A Western Road for Atlanta. Passengers leaving 3nvantmh by tho 1.15 A. M. train, will artivo in Atlanta nt 0 P. M. I/oaving by the 3.00 P. M. train will arrive in Atlanta ntO.16 next morn log. On 8u inlays tho 11.16 A M. train for Augusta will go through to Mncon In place of the 3 P. M., which will uot bo run oil that day. EMERSON FOOTE, General Supt. Savannah, Fobrnary20th, 1867. • novlQ Macon & Western Bailroad. SUNDAY SCHOOL TICKETS, b flO'l Sale by J. I». Ct'UHKDOE, 1 apt 2i Bull«.!, opposite gersrou House. MACON, Dec. llth, 1867. and aftor Friday, 18th lust., tlio truius will run * ns follows: Leave .Mncon Arrive nt Atlanta Leave Macon Arrive at Atlauta Ih-uvu Atlanta Arrive at Macon Leave Atlanta, Arrive nt Mac-in, Tho Night Trains will not be i The 1 A. M. Train from Much 1.00 A. M. 8.16 A.M. 11.30 A. M. 6.20 P. M. 12 night. 7.16 A M. 12 »l. 6.10 P. M. Ull on Sundays. connects with thoHtnto Rond forClmttuniingu at 12.3) P.M. undGeotgla Road f«r Augusta at It) A. M. Tho 11.30 A. M. Train connects with tho Stato lload at 1.45, A. M., aud the Georgia Road at 12 Night, dec 25—tf ALFRED L. TYLER. Snp't. SCHEDULE! ON THE SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD, Over which passes the Great New York & New Orleans Mails Rates of Freight, FROM Savannah to Knoxville. AND ALL STATIONS ON THE East Tennessee & Georgia Kail Read FI K8TCLAS3. P TANO Fortes, Hooks,Htntntiuunry, Boots, Shoe", and Hats, Liquors, Gils, Ac. (in buttles), Cam- phlno ami Spirits Turpentine (In barrels). Carpet!tig, Chinn, Glass and Glass-Ware, Clears (in case*), Clucks, Confectionaries, Cotton Cards, Cutlery (in cusiwi, Casks und Boxes, Dry Goods (hi boxes and halos), Drugs, Fruits, Frnit Trees and Shrubbery, Fttrs, Garden Reeds, Looking Glasses and Lookiutr Glass Plates (at owner’s risk), Oysters (In cans and Jars), Saddlery, Tin and Britannia Ware, Teas and Spices, Georgia aud South Carolina Domestics,, per 100 lbs |M| SECOND CL A SR. Hardware, except such as specified In first and till'd classes, Cofiee Mills. Machinery, Foreign Ll- «pinr«(in barrels mid pipes), Tobncco(in boxes),Loath- or (iu rolls ami boxeH), Gils (iu barrels and casks), Crockery and Queens Ware (in crates and conks), I Bice, Wuiting, Plaster, Sheet Brass ami Cupper, per '"'.Tniui) , cTAS3.‘ Axes, Shovels, Spades, Sad Irons, Zinc and Tin, In nigs, Tin Plate, Anvils, Vices, Casks of Chains aud Hoes, Manilla and Cotton Cordage, Cofiee, Heavy Castings. Mill Gearing, Bail ltoad Wheels and Axles, Chairs und Spikes, and ltosln (iu brrrela), per 100 ^ Special Rates Furniture and Carriages (boxed,) and other light article* not enumerated; also, Carboys of Acid*.or other Chemicals, will bo charged by actual weight but nt Uoublo first cIhhs rates, pur 100 pouuds,......i2 To insure safety from losses and delays, shippers mils have ovsry pnekago plainly marked with name of ecu', sigtiee, destination and depot of delivery-1 The Depots on tills road uro— Fountain IHU. gweotwater, State Line, Philadelphia, Cleveland, London, CharlentoM, Lenoir's,f Riceville, Concord Athens, and Mouse Creek, Knoxville.''* 4ti~Tocommoiice 1st March ami coutiuu to 1st Jou* 1867.; WM. M. WADLKY, Sup't Contrsl Utilroad, E. FOOTE. “ MAW. “ J.M.SPULLOCK, « W. & A. « R. 0. JACKSON, «• K. T. & Ga. '• March 1st. mnrK-tl 3 J NUMBER 107 JVe.w \*ork Jldvertiacmenta VIB8CHUR, OWHW db CO.. GENERAL NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING HOUSE, (Al'I'LKTON’S BUIltllNQ,) Nos, 340 dt 3-48 Broadway, New York Two Daily Train* between Macon and Coluinbua. LeaveMacou at 1.S0 A M..und 11.30 A. M. Arrive iu Coluinhus 8 62 A. M., and 6B3 P. M, Leave Coliituhus 1.55 A. 51., ami 4.00 P.M. Arrive iu Macou 8.50 A. M..utid lu.28 P. 51. UKTWF.KN MACON AND ALUANY.^j Leave Mncon 1 30 A. 51. Arrive iu Albany 8.15 A. M. Lt-avo Albany 3 45 P. M. Arrive iu Mncon 10.28 P. M. lieavu Macon 7.12 A. M., Tri Weekly. Arrivo in Altmuy 3.37 P. 51. Leave Albany 7.0D A. M.. Tri-Weekly. At rive in Mncon 3.34 |*. 51. Trains to Colutuims form a through connection to Montgomery. Abwitid Augusta, Kingsville, Wilmington, Savannah, Mllleilgeville ami Kutontmi. Post Co-iclie.* run frmn Albany to Tallahassee, Rain- bridge, Ttummsville, Ac, Hacks run from Sinllliville, Tri-Weekly, to Dawson, Cutlibert, Fort Gnhie*, Ac. AI*o tr<*m Port Valley to Perry, I lay ms villa, Hawkiusvillo aud Knoxville. On. pRhsenger* for points ludow Fort Valley, should tnkn tlio evening Trains from Savunnuh and Augusta to avoid detention at Mncon. For other point* take either Train. First class steamships loavo Savannah for Now York.on Wednesdays ami Saturdays. Passage in the Cabiu $25, Steerage $8. Fare from Montgomery to Bavannak $14 00. do Columbus do do 10 00. do Albany do do 10 60. GKO. W. ADAMS,Superintendent. 5Incon, Feb. 21st. 1 NOS. mar 1 “Gli()RGIA7tAILltOAD7 Change of Schedule. 0 TAKE EFFECT ON GEORGIA RAILROAD, DE CEMBER 28: h, 1857. Leave Augusta at 2.30, A. 51, and 4.00 P. M. Arrivo nt Atlanta at II SR, A. M.. nml 1.«4, A. 51 Leave Atlanta at 12.On. A. 51., mid 10.00, A M. A i rive >t Augusta at 8.66, A. M., mid 7 00. P. 51. Sunday Trains leaving Augusta nt 1 P. M., und Atlan ta. 12 A. 51., discontinued. (Tho 2.30 A. M. train from Augusta CMiiiiocts through to .Memphis.) CONNIXT WITH SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Arrive at Augusta at 1.00, A. M., and 2 30, P. 51. Leave Augusta nt 10.00, A. 61., and 8.05, P. 51. WESTKH.N AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Arrive at Atlanta ut 11.22, P. 51., and 0.33, A. M. Leave Atlauta nt 1.15, A. 51., ami 12 3U, P. 51. ATLANTA AND WRST 1*01 NT RAILROAD. Arrive at Atlanta nt 10.13, I*. M., and 9 27, A. 51. Leave Atlanta at 2.00 A. 51.,and 1 00, P. AI. MACON AND WKSTERX RAILROAD. ArrI o nt Atlauta at 9.15 A. 51., and 6.05 P. M. Loavo Atlanta at 10.30 A. 51., and 12 U0 Night. ATHENS URANCH—SUNDAYS EXCEI’TED. Leave Augusta ut 2.30 Night, I,eave Atlanta at 1200 Night, Arrive nt Athens ut 10.30 Day. Leave Alh -us at 12.00 Night. Arrive at Augusta at Morning. ArtIvent Atlanta at 11.31 Morning. WASIlIXiJT’JX MUNCH—DAILY TRAINS—SUNDAYS EXCKfll.D. Leave Augusta at 2 30 Night. Leave Atlantan! 12 00 Night. A i rive nt Washington at 7.35 .Morning. On 51i>udaysan Extra Train loaves Washington at l 45 evening, and connects with the Down Day Pnsseuger Train from Atlauta, aud returning to Wu>;hhigtoti at 5 45 Evening. Winnr.NT0N BRANCH—SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leave Augusta at 4.00 Evening. Leave Atlanta ut Morning. Arrive nt Wiu rciiton nt 8.uu Evunitig. Leave Warren ton at 3.30 Kvelimg, Arrivo nt Augusta nt 7.00 Evening. Anive at Atlauta nt 1.00 Night. dcclMy OEOltGE YOUNG K. Gen. Snp't. Atlanta & West Point Railroad mm GEORGE U. HULL, Superintendent. M JltNINQ PASSENUKIt TRAIN: Leaves Atlanta, daily at 2 00 A.M. Arrive* nt West Point, nt 7 28 do Leaves West point, daily at 4 no do Arrives nt Atlanta, at 7 U0 do EVENING PASH ENU Ell TRAIN. Lcaves Atlanta, daily at .....1 00 P. 51 Arrives ut West Point, at 6 2.8 do !.eaves West Point, daily nt 4 30 do Arrives at Atlanta, at 10 15 do ftThis Road connects, eacli way, with tlio .Montgoiu ery a» West Point Railroad. Jet- 28 Freights from Savannah TO TUSCUMF.IA AND MEMPHIS, I Sujierlutemlents Ollict- C Savannah. Ga , 4lh April, 185'... j T HE Undor*igued lias been iiif-mted by h-tter re colved this morning,from tlieUetiernl Superintend enl o| tno Memphis At Charleston t-ull Road. Hint tl^s Eastern and Western divisions of that Rond were to bo Joined mi the 27lh ultimo, and that trains would run through regularly on tiy> 29th. Tfirout/ rate of Freight from Sorannah to ' Tr.sctunhiu. $1 38 1 09 Memphis. $1 65 1 21 i 00 3 10 First ('Ins*. Second do. Third ao, ] Special rate for Freight Goods, j CLASSIFICATION. 1st Class.—Piano Fortes, Rooks and Stationery, Boots, I'Miocs. Hats, Liquors, Oils, fcc., In bottles, lOaiupiienennd Spt*. Turpentine in barrels, Carpeting,Chinn. (llnsRutid Glassware, Segnis, in cases. Clocks, Confectionery, Cotton Cards, Cutlery iu cases, casks and boxes, Dry Goods In boxes and bales, Drugs. Fruits, Fruit Truer • and Slirtibbery, Furs, Garden Foods, looking f Sff’Glasseaand l<noking Glass Plate, nt owner's risk. Nutsinfrails.uvHters in cans undjar*. \ Baddlorj, Tin aud Britannia Ware, Tea nti.l ** Spice*, per 10(1 |b« 2d^ Class.—Hardware (exeunt iu 1st and 3d classes.) C* j fee .Mills, Machinery,Foreign Liquors In bbl and pipes, Tobacco in boxes. Leather in roll nml boxes,Oils in bbls. and casks, Crockery ami Queetiswaro in and casks. Rice, Whiting Plaster, Shoot* Brass aud Copper per 100 lbs 3rd Class,—Axes.Shovels. Spa les, Pad-Trons, Zinc ami J Tin in pigs, Tin Plato, Anvils, Vices,Cnrrlnae | Springs nnd Axles, Cssk* of Chains & liner, Manilla and Cotton Cordage. Coffee, Heavy Castings, Mill Gearing ami Mill Stones, Bail Iffl® Road Wheels nnd Axles, Chairs ntul Spikes, £ "“and Borin i n bids per 100 lbs. Special Rates for Liglit Goods.—Fur nit uro and Carriages y,agi Ibnxcd, and other light articles not onumorht. B'd , also, Carboys of Acids.and other Clioink Icals, will betaken at actual weight, bu charged at duublolet Class rates,..tar 100 lbs WM. M. WADLKY, apr Q—tf flen’l Sup’t O. It. It. CRAWFORD’S MERCHANT “SiTOA ” MILLS FLOUR Unoqnalod by any Mills In Georgia for S Superior Breadstuff's. 11TOA MILLS DOUBLE EXTRA HOTEL FLOUR, do do do do Family do, do do 8ttpocftno do, Rock Mills do d°i do do Fino d°» do do No. 8 do, Bolted Corn Sleal. Grits and Shorts. Recoirud pel Rs .road, and constantly for sale by C0NNKRAT, WEBSTER k PALMES, Agents for Crawford’s Siton 51111s MGT Customers, Bakers and Flour Dealers are luvltix to make comparison, nnd for tlio richest article of broad having tho sweet flavor of clean pure grain, nnd Is mos carefully manufactured by Hie best machinery, us« Sitoa Mills Doublo Extra Hotel Flour. sept 16 BIB HUNDRED BOXES IlAISIBfS, in wliolo.half aud quarter boxes, Layers aud MiUa- ga IliUsins; lor tale low at . V deciJ BAllRQN'S FAMILY GROCERY, .Vetv 1’ork .Vilvcrtiscmcnt FROM: ZZi E3. QCHHIiijiS ADVERTISING AGENCY, BIofFntt'a Itulhltnp:, fflT 335 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. THE CHEAPEST ABB BEST In th*. World, having a Solid Jislon aud Metal f'tlm; F OR Pumping Extracts, Hot nml Cold Water; Mtitn* Ide for Cistern*. Wells. Factories, Stines, Ac.— Throwing from 2U to 600 gniluns pur minute. An excel- cellcnt Fire Engine for fanners. Large discount to dealers. Agents wanted, nnd Territorial rights for snls K. A. .MARSHALL. 194Pearl-street, Jyl R corner of 61 ahb-n-lniie. New York I.IOHTE, SEWT()F& TlRADUUtti’8 421 llroonwft., New lb)A. M ANUFACTURERS of tlio Patent Arch Wrest Plan Piano Fortes, celebrated for depth, fullness, rich- ness, purity, and a peculiar singing quality af tlieir tono, for which they huvo received tlio higliest encomiums Irotn thu greatest musical celebrities of the couutry; und In every fair, when brought in competition with other Instrument*, have obtained tlio highest premium The Patent Arch Wrest Plunk, which is owned and um-d only by us. guarantees tlieir standing it tonolongor than any other instrument; while tln-ir unprecedented dcmn'id in nil parts of the country is a sufficient proo of tln-ir superior excellence. A liberal discount to I'ler- ’ moo n-n. Schools ami thetrado. ly-inay'27 Furniture! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. It. P. DEGltAAF, 87 Dower if, (Wholesale ll'«i'« //ohm, ) and 464,) Ri tail Store.) TV 13 -W YORK. &)*-Illlla of 8'45 ftt ‘Whnlesnle Prices, iTosewoodT MAHOGANY & BLACK WALNUT, PAULO ft FUftNITUftE, In llrogatello, Delaine nnd l'tnsh. Cano 8cat and Com* moti Furniture in great variety. Also, ENAMELED CHAM HER FURNITURE, I 111 Sets from $22 to $100. Spring, Curded Hair, Moss and Whalebone ' MATTRASSES, Also, Feather Rods and Rodding, Patent Premium Sofa Bcdslemls, and Patent Self-Rocking Cradles. Beaters will find at the abovo stores tho largest nnd best assortment or auy establishment iu New York, end can buy either nt wholesale or retail choupor than at any other bouse iu the city. V 8m—aprlb ICE! ICE!! T HE Knickerbocker Ice Company, of the City of New York,having replenished their 8tockof Ico, offer thu most favorable Inducements to tlio tmdo to supply themselves witii ice of a superior quality, aud on the most reasonable terms. Tills Company nlouunro soiling tho Dockland Lake Ice, which, for solidity nnd purity is universally admit- td to he f*r superior to any other f*r shipping purposes. In experience and facilities for conducting business tlds Company havo no rivals, ami they respectfully sug gest to dealers, that they will find it latgoly to their a* vantage to order their supply through the Knickerbock er Company. No charge for whnrfugo to vessels lying at the Cviiupndy’a piers, whilst taking lu cargo. Tho greatest promptitude and dispatch given to or ders, which may bo forwarded toll. T. COMPTON, Esq., President of tl>o Kuickocker Ice Company. 482 Canal at., New York. V—3mo nmr22 THE BROOKLYN White Lead Co. ESTABLISHED 182S, Tills Company continues to manufacture their superior PRHIlinU HAD, Being ono of tho oldost nnd moat extensive establish ments in tho country, for manufacturing While Lead, Red Lead, and Litharge, FROM THE RAW MATERIAL. Turchusers of their brands may rely on procuring tho genuine article, ou tho most favorable terms, for cash er credit. They are always prepared to execute with promptness all order* for their various grades and qualities of Lead, and Zinc Faint, Dry or iu Oil. n BUSINESS ADDRESS, K0 Front street, New York. N. 14.—I'urclianers should bewaru of Iho numorou* bogus braude wliloh fill the maiket. A. J. MILLER & CO’S lYo. 1-3,1 BH-OUG-HTOWT-BT. SA VAN NAIF, OA. NEW FURNITURE or ull kinds; COFFINS, Ao. Ootutantly on hand: nlsn, a InigonHSiTltuentof LOOKING QLASSjES. fin. Now Work made to order at the shortest not ico. tt*>. Mutt reaxe*, Jobbing, and li ELL-11A NUiN(! done In thcncatest style, with despatch. TAJJiOTT (h liKOTUEK, SHOCKOE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS, CA11Y STREET, RICHMOND, VA., M ANUFACTURERS of Portable Steam Knginos,of all sizes, from 4 to 40 horse-power, on tho moot approved plans, particularly adapted to Cotton ami Su gar Plantation* and Farmer*’ u*o generally. Built ol the best materials nnd wot lunnusliip, nnd for compact* nera and durability, not surpassed by auy engines now iu use. Also Station Engines,of nny required powor, Circular Saw Mills complete, ami Portuhlo Grist Mills, of very su perior construction, Shafting, Pulleys, Ac. Tobacco Presses and Screws, of ovory description,Bras and 1 roti Casting*, and Wrought Iron Work generally made to order with dispatch, und on reosouablo terms. Win—eodly VV00DINCTS * 1 H0ftSE LINIMENT Jr iclil Lcl LlOU llllCl An Infallible Remedy for FOR SALE. J Tlie Subscriber offers for sale lil* PLAN- mm fTT# TATION, In Camden County, Goergln, con- •«‘ t| IR‘*l.*tliig of 2,81)0 acres of l.nntl, more or les*.«J»» lying on the Gnat Sntillnand Dover River, from 12 to 1ft miles from St. Andrew's Hound, nnd In view of Cumber land Island. Being directly oil tlie subs, it is tuiMir- passed f«r health, and conveniences for fish aud ousters; cmiis. also, in abundance. It is also conveniently located for manuring, being surrounded witii thu rn-h. which, f--r that purpose, Is liivuluatdo. There is open, between 7U0 to fill) acres, beside* about as much more fino -wanip Land, unclear t'd. What was plant-d ha* Icon resting from 15 to25 years, and all nf it tu-ur thu niatie*, which Is a great ad vantage. The range fat Stock of all kind*!* good. With the |i‘ace will lie sold, if desired, from 18 to 20 Negroes, raised on tlie unite, The Ftock—with every thing complete for ronum-nring planting. Also, Plan tn- tion Tonis. Plougho. Vehicl- s, Ac Ac. Tin- imiooveiiietits on tliv place cAn*i*t of a plain Dwelling one and a half stories high, (now undergoing repairs ) Kitchen, Htort-house. Sinnke-homo, Gin house. Cotton-house, nnd new Negro-house* being built. Ex cellent Water and fino Fruit. Refer to E. Atkinson nml Jas. Ilotzendorf, Esq’rs, hntigshury, Camden County, Georgia. For particulars, apply to W. II. BURROUGHS, F.*q., Savaunali, Gh., orto tiiOBubscriber, ut Brunswick, Glynn County, On. npr7 tf ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. FOR SALE. . A COTTON PLANTATION, situated A raRsi •- n,,, l fronting on Bu- on Mncon. Uni roll Parish.leniisinna.iilemt I5Umile*Irani Ams tdi r'mliia New Orleans, i-l fr-iu tlie .Mis-issippi lEJaxGpaJMI’t- Itiver. nnd 10 miles from the terminus of the Plank Road now in course of construction from Ashton to tin- Bayou- Said Plantation eontainsl.106 acres, of which there aro 200 in cultivation, und Is cnpiihle of producing this year 125 to I5U bales cotton. Four hundred ncrea of said Plantation is sltitalcd oii th" high and*, and tlio biilatiCe is first qua by of rum- hind. Tho improvement- consist of a cottage Dwelling, ne gro quarters, stable*, und other out buildings. There is ulso, a m-w gin house in course of building. Ac. Ac. Then* are from twenty-eight to llility likely slaves— men, women und children— nineteen mule*, wagons, and a large qua. tily of fniming utensil*; 1 JOU to 2500 bushels ru n. hay, oats, Ac., A c. The ubovo Pluutation is a rare opportunity offered tn anyone wishing to pnrehaso a most d» siiaLIe ami coin foitable honn-rtend, nnd can, with little exprmo, be Mimic ono of tin- liuiidrii'Uirst tiiacoson the Bayou. Incase the purchaser should wish. 1.010 acres of fine nlluvial laud, of which (KM acres deadened, adjoining tin- Plutitntion, will be sold with it. It is offered for sale with or without the negroes. Ut)' For terms and condition*, address UKANDKR. HUBBARD & CO., npr 17 1 mo 50 Curondelet street. Now Orleans. UO L G IIEllT Y CO UN T Y LANDS FOR SALE. M l will sell nbarcaln in my PLANTATION i,,i ill seid county. It consists of 2.100 acres, ffi-H Lion acres in ctiitivaliou. Of th« fmlanre,«*«-■■ tliero uru 5<K) nen-s nf good Oak and Hickory, and pine Hnmuioek, and .V.r) acre* of good Pino Timber Land. Tin-re are two settlements, with a Dwelling Ilmira und Negro Cabins on each. Tim tract, therefore, could be* divided. Till* place is in a fin* stato nf cultivnM n.nnd is only- six hiih-s south of Albany, tho terminus of tho s*i>mli W*stern Rail Rind. It is well watered; lying on tho Cooluwnhce creek. 1 will give u long credit to a purchaser, upon his pay ing one-fmirtli of the purchase money. Being anxious to concentrate my planting interest iu Alabama, I will given bargain iu Hu's place. For tonus, apply to D. A • VASON, At Albany,Ga. %* Augusta Constitutionalist, nml Macon Messenger, please ropy two months, and send bill to this offico. mar 11 2mo Stciuncy, Swelling, Injiamatien and Rheuniatiini T HIS LINIMENT will cure tho Ewinney in horset without full iu Its worst stage. All persons should have it as there are many fino horses ruined for lh« want of immediate relief. DIRECTIONS! Pour out und mb well witii tlio hand tho offiictoi pari until it burns tho horse severely, and let it remain twolvs hours or more, then apply it again in tho same way then mb a littlo oil, or wash with CnstlloSonp nnd water If not relieved, apply in tho untno ranuner. Tho hoist can be cured in ton da vs, or sootier. Prepared and sold by JOHN W*. VVoODINO, Amoricns.Ga Price One Dollar per llot tin dtrAwly sen't® For Sale ■ 2.300 ACRES OF SWA MP AND PINK LAND, ■Lnear Jeff.-rsonton, Camden county, and also P^m-nr tlie Rig Sutilln River. In and on Hull Head L». Swatup, known lor forty years as the Gordon tract. 'J’lie swamp land i* about I 2o6 ncres, nnd available ns first quality cotton,coin and rice lands. Tlie pine land Is of tlio best for timbor or turpentine. Term* easy. Apply to janl2 |TIS«lN A GORDON. . Private Sale. Tho well known J'lamalion railed tfjt^ .Mount Ilopo, situated In Bryan oniinty, wgBb containing about 4,3U0acre*. 1.W0 acres under cultivation. Tlio bottom land very and is well calculated for the riihivntioii ot cairn, cotton or corn. Is well settled, ha vim; a lino Dwelling House, Overseer’s House. Barns, Grib*, fee., nlld accom modation for nmro than 2U0 negro*. For terms apply to . J. Arnold, Bryan county. The Albany to Gulf Railroad run* near tlio tract. FOll KALE A Valuable Plantation iu Bryan county, con ,tnining730 acres of Land, 400 of which is under fenco audiu cultivation, situated ou tlie Midwn; f t a u Oi Midway ltiver, ui amt seven miles from me Albany fc Gull On tlio premise* aro nil tho necessary bn Idings for plantation purposes, and a comfortable Dwelling House. nugl JNO. 8. 5l"NT5IOLLIN. FIFTY D()LliAU8 R10 H ARD- Will he paid for the recovery ■-! my negro man WILLIAM (or Billy)who iiiiMwny about tho middle- of lust year. He Is nf a dark mulatto complexion, ntiout six fuel,or a little upw’ard. iu height, stout built, weighs about two hundred muds, and I* about thirty five years < f ago. Ho is a bricklayer and plasterer by trade,rends woll, and some times discourses as a nrvachur. Ho fa polito when accost od and rather grandiloquent in speech. As ho Ima a wife aud chlldreu In Bavautinli, I um led to Imllcre that he is lurking about that city or its neighborhood. Tlio abovorewnrd will bo paid for his apprehension and de livery, or confinement in someJaR Hist I may get him ■gain. Address NICHOLAS WYLIE, febll-tli ■ tu tf Washington, Geo. SCREVEN HOUSE. By J. B, Foley, - Corner of Bull nnd Congross fits., Savannah. This New llOTKf,, furnished through out in ttiP most ELE0AST STYLE, is DOW opened and will he kept os a FIRST CLASS HOUSE. hov1u MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Tlio House has Leon nowly ro-ar- ranged and refittod. cS * n. MELD RIM, Proprietor. bt-Lj- fan 4 finio THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, 11 road way, earner of Franklin street, :s*a8W Y0KE, HAS BEEN RECENTLY REFITTED.- The Rooms arc all newly Carpeted, Tlio Fui-iilturo nml Beds Superb, and the UntliH Umurpaasctl. TAYLOilS CELEBRATED SALOONS, ,All»: CoS.vrcTED WITH TUB HOTEL. Hero is concentrated all the comforts of a home, with the luxuries of u palace. THU* SPHENOID 1,ADIKS’ PARLOR. < 'onimnnds ntf Unequalled VIEW OF BROADWAY. TIIF, INTERNATIONAL Is the most retinal of any ot the Knur Class Hotels for liiisincf-*, or plan* of amusement, and offers um-urmu*- ed n-lvKiituges to Feinilies and Gontlnmon visiting Nowr York. ALFRED FREEMAN. aprO I mo Proprietor. Fisk & Kaymond’s Late Improved II. 8. BOG ARDU8, Con it IIouso square. safes; Tlie Biibscribcr, Agents or (lie Mauufncturor, for the sale of Lillie’s Patent Chilled-Iron BURGLAR to <IFIRK-PR00P SAFES secured with Lillie’s I’a- tent Powder-Proof Cpm Id nation Bank Look. Tnc-e Safes nnd Locks stand unequalled in baffling the skill of the burglar nnd the application Of fire. Persons wishing to purchase a hafo which is, in all re spects, whut the term implies, are respectfully requested to call and examine otir SAFES, at 166 and 167 Brough ton Street, Savannah, before pnrcbaiing elsewhere. We think our Safes need only to be sceu to he appreciated. _inar2«i MORSE & FAY. HTOTICH.,, ' I WOULD Inform my triends and tho nubllo that I imve opened,on tho .rnor of Price ana York streets,, n shop where I will attend to th* Slnnufwctnre of Tin Ware, Tin Roofing, and ull other work connects^ "1th tho business. All orders promptly attended U u,rel4—tf GKO.B- WKBDON. iaUB~COLLAui AND SETS.—A new < ■ ' ' * * *■“ supply,Just received by *r2 NKVITT, L and .ATIIROP k ROGERS. Reidsick Champagne, m IiamKETS Uoidaick-Cnampngue, lu pints I quarts, landing und for sale by '■JTprft ELAGIIORN to OUNNIGHAM. FOR MAY. J ESLIB’P Magazine, for May, A Graham’s Ladies'Bonk, for May. Godey's do do do. Arthur’* Mngazlno, do. Peterson’* de, do. itnllou’s Dollar 51onthl^, do. Nick Nnx, do. Mr*. Stephens' Magazine, do. Household Words, , . j. B. UURbEDOE, Afent, apr 21 Dull attest, opposite Sere re n Uoui*.