The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 04, 1858, Image 2

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•MM mmem . .. pmm SB • .a* 1 ":-* 1 - ,.?r* — w- ?r :..... DAILY PAPER,.,.,..... TRI-WEEKLY^ •» 00 l«-IN ADVAKCK.-fc* | MM * “—«■« UnlwayMtoppnd, without • ramltUnrel# > continu* It. Timotjr notlca U |tl»*n, #o that llcnftbt mod* Ufore tha axplrwtfon of a sub* 'mj ba malla4 at wr rUk whan tha lattar la xssi: Mo a ay SAVANNAH, HA. Tuesday Manias, May S, IMS. p&* Oar City Court, Jodgo Miliea prodding, commeocad lt« May Urm ywlorday. Thu docket, wa learn, is of medium alie, and sufficient to occu py tha Court for aavaral day». pR* At an election bald at tbo Planters' Hotel, lut evening, Nloholas Gall waa elocted 2nd Lient. and Andrew Goebel, Enilgo, of the DeKalb Kiflo* nan, alee Conrad Sobnolder and Felix Hoienberg, raalgnad. jpy» KuHaU’i Magatine, for May, bai been laid on our table by Col. Williams. pm* The German Volunteer#, Captain J. 11. Steigeo, paraded yesterday, with full ranks, and repaired to the farm of N. Wolf, on Lover's Lane, were they contended for four prix«». the first of whleh was a silrer goblet presented by prlrate Wolf, and won by Corporal Glitch, his three shots measuring 24} inches. The second a silver cup. presented by Sergeant Markin, and won by Order ly Sergeant Myers, bis three shots tnonsuring 33 inches. The third a gold medal, (company prize) was won by Private Drei!er,his three shots measur ing 33| inches* Tha fourth a white plume, (com pany prise) was won by Private Davi#, hi# three shots massuriog 351 incbei. TaarsiCHOBBaw.—The exhibition of tho pupils of Mr. Nichols’Dancing Academy touk placo at 8t. Andrew's Hall, last evening. It was a beauti ful sight, and bora flattering testimony to the •kill and good tasta of Mr. N. as a muter of tbo art. Wa congratulate him upoo tho pleasant and successful season that is brought to a cfose by the Exhibition. Bark or th* State or Gkohuia.—At an elec tion bald at the bankiag house,in this city, yester day, the following gentlemen wero elected Dircc* tors of this bank for the ensuing year : A. Porter, W. T. Williams, U. 1). Weed, A. It. Lawton, W. Duncan, A. A. Sineits, W. 13. Hodg son, and R. Hutchinson. M-ij. Porter was re elected President The Director elected by tbo State, is Robert B. Toung. A lergenumber of very fine engraving? are on sale at Messrs. W. D. Zogbaom’s. T boy- are taken from the most celebrated works of the great masters, and are worthy of a visit from con- noisanri. Stabbiro ArPAin.—A fight occurred in the neighborhood of the market, last night, in which one of the parties was severely stnbbed. Wo could learn no names nor particulars. Frost hi Middle Georgia.—Extract from o private letter dated Maoon May 1st, 1853: “I hear of no injury from frost to anythiug except in a few instances to very young cotton in low wtt land, and even there it is but slight. All crops, I fee), are safe, and tho prospect for nn overflowing crop of all things, under the bloating of Provi dence, is as good as could be desired.” Georgia Fcsdb at a Premium.—In Charleston, on the 30th April,checks on Suvannuh wore com manding J per centum premium, and Augusta and Savannah bank notes tho same price. This fact needs no comment. If Charleston notes depreciate at home in companion with Savunnah and Au gusta funds, of courso tho depreciation must he greater at distant points nbero no local influences ■re brought to bear. Wo cannot but think that, in view of tho position into which tho Carolina banks will bo forced by a continued suspension, an early resumption must take place in that State. We have urged this opinion for weeks past, and wore-assert it to-day with perfect confidence, tho "cheaper currency” dogtnajto tho contrary notwith standing. The last slave in Pennsylvania, died on tho 5th tilt., ata vory advanced age, in Lancaster county. His name was Abram Kirk, and be was tho slave of Stephen Porter, of Drumore township. The General Conference of tho Methodist Church South convened at Nashville, yesterday. National Quarantine Convention. This body assembled nl Baltimore, Thursday Inst. Their proceedings thus far havo Loon con fined to the laying out of work to bo completed and reported at tho next meeting of the conven tion. The following ■objects havo been referred to|commlttees for investigation : A histo y of quarantine. Havo quarantines secured tho object for which they were originally intended? If uot the reasons of their folluro. What reforms aro required to make qunrantlnos more efficient and less burdensome. To wbat extent is a uniform system of quarnn* tine laws possible. Some detailed and specific plan for rognlnting the internal sanitary condition or hygiene nfeitios, which shall ombraco all the suhjocta which may possibly come within tbo province of preventive mediolne. A complete and efficient system of registration of births, marriages, and deaths, with particular reference to cities, and tho nocossary connection of suoh a system with sanitary measures. Upon the subjeet of disinfectants—their charac< ter, effeots and benefits in connection with sani tary measures. Upon tho importance of an ample supply of wa ter—an adequate sewerage and tbo proper dispo sal of the offal of cities. Upon tbo importanco and economy of sanitary measures to cities. Tbo subject of v&ocinatlon as n preventive of variola, and tbo value of re-vaccination with a view to the enactmont of laws for the enforcement ofgenorul vaccination and re.vaccination. Toe Negative Votes.—Goal. Jno. A. Quitman of Mississippi and Millodgo L. Bunban, nf South Carolina, are said to bo the two southorn mom- bora of tho IIouso who voted against the English Kansas bill. SAVANNAH REPUI LICAN, TUESDAY MORNING,MAY 4, 1858. the REPUBLICAN f wThims. J, R. SNEED* - - EDITOR. Frost out Weht.—Our western mail Inst night brought us the following additional informations A dospateh from Memphis, dated 27th ult.,snys : Heavy frost this morning; killed cotton; incr- eury thirty; rivor still rising, Tho Van Baren (Ark.) Intelligencer reports frost in that placo on tho morning of the 24th that it did no material injury. The Vicksburg Whig learns that tho young cot ton in that neighborhood was very seriously damaged by frost on Friday night, 23d ult. The Vicksburg True Southron, of tha 27tb, bos the following: Wo loarn from a gentloraan from tho pnriah of Carroll, In Louisiana, that great oompluints aro prevailing In that parish, in consoquenoo of tho faot that, under tho influence of tho cold night? and mornings, experienced for n week post, the young cotton is dying at an alarming rato. Many of the planters, we understand, are preparing to plow np their orops, preparatory to replanting. Doou havibo mbir “Dav.”—Tho Loglslaturo of Louisian* has parsed tho following act: An Aet Declaring Dogs to be Personal Property SEC. 1, lie it enacted by the Senate nnd Hume of Jtepruenlatlvei of tho State nf Louitiann, in General Aeeembly convened, That from and after the Oly „ e of this aot, all dogs owned by oitixem passage or tbii of faff State shall and are herohy declared to l.e personal property of such oltizcns, nnd shall be plated on the same footing and under the same guarantee of law as all other effects and property »ow legal)/ declared t/i lie personal property. 0*Ui**r—Ur. Hall sev*, onions aro ono of the owfI nutritious, healthful,and dlgesteblo article* ?/f food found In our markets, A few grain* of roesled toffee, eaten J/«m*dl*t*Jy afterward, or u usspovnfMl or two of vinegar swallowed, removes •t on<e the odor from tMreatb. Tha Slavery Question. In view of the late aetion of Congress in the matter of Kansas, the question naturally arises In every mind, how stends the slavery issue now ? Has it boon pat to rest forever, or only lulled iato a temporary quiet, subject at any tirno to be a* roused from its slumbers to distract and curio tho land? Would to Heaven that wo could feel the assurance that it ts buried forever out of sight— that it hat gono off into that "sleep that knows no Woking”! Wo cannot, however, regard such a result as at all certain, even in regard to Kansas, the! prolifie source of turmoil and trouble, that has already given vent to moro oforil than Pandora’s box itself. The bill just passed by Congress in iy settle tho question, but it docs not necessarily d > so, and for this very reason, above all others, we preferred tho success of tbo .Senate’s measure. Tho latter ad- iuittod Kansas into tho Union, took the quertion wholly out of national politics, and left tho new Stale perfectly free to regulate her own institutions in her own way. The English bill, on tho contra ry,does not admit Kansas,hut leaves the question of admission dependent on n contingency that m *y or may not happen. Wo tru-t, and believe, that the peoj-lo of Kansas will oc.-ept tho**propo-Uion” con- oontained in tho bill, which acceptance ha* been made a condition prccc icr.t to their a imistfon into the Union. It is cleat’.y their policy to do so, and to put tho of their new government in to operation at once. Tin-re is no telling, though, what influence may be brought to bear upon them to cxcito their prejudices and blind them to tbeir true interests. There nro bal men enough in tho country, who will let no opportuni ty pass for instilling poison Sntot’te popular mind and creating a moral or political whirlwind that they themselves tniy be kept ubivo the surface. Should Kansas ys f u«o to accept the pr»»p■•tition of Congress, it a; p* ,r to u< tb it the wh ,!c qu.-iti <n will be opened anew, uni the elements of strife, perhaps, lashed into in :r«nsod fury by the force they shall have collected in tho iea*on of temp Tory quiet. Suppose she votes d >wa the proposition, and goes to work immediately and f >rms a now constitution and applies for almistion into the Union undent—wbat then ? Nuprueoc ling of tbo kind will be deterred by anything that In? already beon dor-e by Congress, for it cm do noth, lug to bind its successors. It is j i«t u# com petent for the next Congress to set u.-ido the enactment that Kansas shill not bo a 1- tuittol until she sha.i bare ne juircd a n-j.rc?en» tntlve populati >n unler tho ex’, •■-in.; j; j r i >nment as it was for the present CmgrcJi to annex the condition. The question, then, coming up iu 11.1* form, and Kut.-as knocking at the *!-.-r a year hence for admission, wi'h u new constitution—ir. all probability an anti-davc-v one—what is there to prevent si revival t-f tho whquorifon, in uil its bitterness ? We can see nothing. The contingencies we hare f*rc.-h »!-*we 1 are altogether pojjibic, yet there is not a patriot in me land who woui 1 not deprecate such nn is-ue. We h< pe K m.-as is laid on the rbcif, then t-> till tho end of time. Granting that it i* «*, how siitids the slavery question for the fu'ure? The prueent is a great land m-irk in our history, nn J a time for the agitators of slavery to determine whether the cffiiniry is to be jeaeclul arid happy, or discordant, convulsed, and perhaps disunited. The qua-tion is in the hands of ».ur northern brethren, and it is their# to decide it. Tne S >uih b-t« never attemp'ed an en r -a.-li incut upon any Institution of tho N -r»h, hut lia* always de sired to livo in peace aj,d harmony, os it he- O imci tho people of a great nation to Jive. M'e have only n-ked to be let ofo.ic, quietly and peao;:»> !y to work out our own de-tiny in our own way.— Now is tho time for the North to determine whith er this poor boon is to be allowed ti« or not: wheth er she will return to tho lino of fra'erna! attach ment and duty, and hind together alt the p art* of this glorious Republic in ono h.irmoni <u* family of States, or whither wo are to go on jarring, a- busiug each other as aliens und foes, until tha in jured party sh'ill havo drained the cup of f rl.ear- ance, and shtiil set about erecting new safe-guar is, not contemplated in the constitution, for her se curity and happiness. Now,we repeat, is the time- fur tho North to determine this great question.— As un humMe representative of (he conservative sentiment of the S »u?li, wo do not hesitate to pro claim that it were impo«-iblc for us to dwell to gether after tho nnsner of the past, OlMervntloiiH on the O-iIhIoiih Entrr- tnined in the L’nltei! Staten Concerning Mexico. Under this heading tiw N. Y. //••>•/,/.? of the ilKth ult., contains a letter from ".Several Muxi- c Ills," now temporarily resident iu tho United States. It sets forth the errors into which our picoplo havo fallen in i elation to tho political utrug. glen in Mexico, tho difficulties with which the friends of liberty havo heretofore had to contond, nnd tho probable result of the pending revolution ary movement. Wo hat o been much interested by tho ft' O nent, and present tho following extracts f t the information of our reader?; Jr rntiaut be unknown to any Itciiv.dttal tli it the eilii'W . on ot tho epanl-li col-.file-niter Il.'-ir «•••».quest wn» tl,e molt liuporfert hii I iii»lirnilJ»Hiil thatrr-ulil lie vivcn t.i « puopl». It wui lliu* that when Mexlm he. hum- Itnl* | • n ■lent .Spill, st.o whs finin'! to la- j> .»v-»-eiJ of tho*-- *in- .•Hill, tialilt* Hill niafllielH nf a tna-iety oilin'ateil np >n * pTt«v>j*l« that w .<tl l i-.iint-i <.t.- In nea t-. f*.- n who held t!••• d •miu nit |-mv-i,iuiI wpn.e iiiloie*?# I- wa* to i-nchilii intelligence aud to enc-uiini'a reiiai-n* mi|i'-i itili-1n nn I m-mlon-pucl f<r the piivih-ged cl.w-i-. which could not evwi he eniii' ly extinguialiL-U iu tie n,-i*t civii.y.” I nation* of but pc. VVlih-mt ti'ti'.t, t!i*j heavy not iipprvs.ivH dotnlnatio,, of Spain wa* ilinciuoi that thi-M.-xi<Mi.*. nt IlicUum i-t tltnlr irelepiiniiooce, demro.l lie- nm t • xtrii-ivc cr.j »y- tn'Mit of liberty ^»o i-xtri-nn* vi-ry tmltiml in n>l -v-t.-m- of n prsilt ; and t! »y, thvr f ro. had to itnu'jrlo fioni day t-» day oanlo-t auc.i-nt itiHiiii-iN Hiid i tais privilege*, so >i* to ronqu‘W th' in, iiliii'-st Jrom the vety moincut of ttieir political • uinicipHtioii. If it h‘- vuinid-rwil that iu Europe,nfo-r the most san guinary ii.*voliitnii,n win- ti have uxti-uili-1 over c ntuiici. til- privileged clamm ixint unto this day, without tin- p »s*:hllii.V ot a #i|i«lalt:.i| ;<Ve>til"lit Unit ilcl-l ir-ltl- prm* i;de« havo initi;il-tcly tiiu«nj-l.(-i|. how-i-» it to he - that M-Mco. in i-.-n tli hi tlurtv ei/ht jn.llS. ■Ii-nil I bs. ali’e 11 ■l-Mtoy ’he wed ct ih.irli<-d interest? of thns-cla**'!S, witli >nt eu-iuiidtig a e.-iitlnuai strug- glu ? It is tnoro thin enough to i-xp-ct that Mi-xiei,, havlne bee.I Ml with eleiiici.t* of -I ptitely r lol lil ihnraetel. stioiilil so fn h ivo adv.iiicml in th- path nl rivliiyation h? t-» urrtv-i at that e ndition iu wlihh sli- w.iu'd l.u able t'li*rt un I p-rfeet, p-aciti.dy. the ll.-lnst lihemt pllieip es—sili ll as the li'n-ity of tie 'l.-hl, ih" ot r* tiC •»!. *ti« 4* • llte-n of |tin pUliihlillll lit of dentil. th* rorulatloti of proje-rty, and many others It ii too mu ti that tho liberal party nh<>utd have abol ished the privil"h-strnying the ium.i p,.ht-s estnh- ll-liH-1 asc nistiUitiptiiil principles— the lii» tty of cotti- mcreo, and throwing out the law f.r th« iippiopriHtion of it-jods. tu twi:li-t-iiiditii( the military Insurtecti-iti hr-.u -hr al- ut hi /al iHtfH with tho inten tion of niillifyli.K those laws : a w. hli it mil sli but can nover d—trey itsotfect*. The real posiii m of Mexico is Htitl pninfui and la men table; Inr. Ui-re is nothing in it to d--piir of the cuii-o ef lil-'-ity uni progiess, Imcau-e the *-• y diiniti in of the pio-e-it cono-st is a dis iurtiiii 1 p tlpahi- si^-ri Hint tho power of tho ch-igy r.tnl ot the hayom-l is already an expiring power. Th*re is no example in that republic nf n revolution of the chaiucter of that width uow ngihite* it. There had formally been n-truxglo for th« ovation of a f.iim of govurniiioiit wlii- h idioiihl I-*, eintral nr f. deratlve, Hiid by which this or Ih-t niilitarv r|,i- f nsceiuh'd to poivot; now th'-y struggle for the triumph of an Idoi— ill*' dsinoerat.c Idea-—and the "tmggle the wind* to HH'ertalll the weight of the 1,0 Rt^i ij-l >1 i- sill till! COtl- s-rvatlve party which, fur nnny teiihuiin,cannot lie tortus I a di hnita triumph. ****** Tt in Hiippovet tluit hi-c .niioof war in Mexico at the present time, iif H ‘most i-i rloos elniiaei-r. theref-nil m r.iety is In danger of I f-ing utterly dl-olved. T il* Is a mistake. Mext -• p"-?e*n-silie i-!i-in*-iit*ueci-«#ir,v f»r liar own preservation, and iillloai.h it is true that the national loii'iiiilti s*-*-mu toliare l.e. ii drawn oif and ■-«- li lusted by th'* wastattil nnd slovenly ■ omliict e| » hut,- drod rncu, win have deceived the country, nnd who as pired to p i mw to p«tv»rt If. it Is equally a* true that the nation in itself is rivSi, and not being annihilated. In tiia moment ill which -til* b-gliin to enlHt-nd for the pr -p erly of iioaca he, progress will ba rapid and tin; gu.irau- licH of iior exl*telirii-lire. The severe and t h rent ini ng a* pert o r the pre-cut war ofTors tha most precise and coticluwive piool that n defl nito termination Is near nt hand, by w l !■h the pm Me? wlm are now hat'ting against each other will he united, having roue ti nndrisimid their proper interests. Ihe result of tho conta-t cannot hu doiihtful to the liheral nirty, whom tha treiisiiresof tho clergy havo been erntd- ly “lluggud," au t v till I, wilt tmllnished with tbo rrnin tflilHIira of lh« mm el f ree which isMistalued; while Ilia of pr-igr-ss ami liberty are far from their develop* ni«nt—tiiirulbiig more and more ear li day in proporlioi as tliopo iple lieceiun rc*|U lint' ll with the Citu-esof their Imckwardiiess—iiml on tho other hand disc ivi ring, us by chance, thu tiecessity for iiuproveiiiont iu their social condition. Tho quoitloii Is simply one of timo. /.ulongn may oh tain three or four more victuiies—employ tug all Ids tor- ecs mid Dm tren in res of tbo ehrgy to comp'd the sub mission of a fow Individuals; l-llt lie rail liever l’OI|i|lie, 8 ublic opinion, which must ns-eit itself dining the nly violuiico noil amluctiuu havo uindo liiiiitinsler of tbo lliiiitcil tuiritory Iu which l*« riiiuiiniid*. withoui whbli.if tho oasn hid been troatnl as that of a .*>tal(- f't thu c iitfeileriition, tho now order ot things which he dosiret to UHtuhlli-li would havo liui-n vonmtarily tu cepto I. A man n il«d for iinporlurhubility mid a scolding wile was stopped in tho woods ono night by a pru- tundu'l gho#t. Ho only said : "i can't stop, Iriond; if ymt nron tnnn, I must to |Ut*t you to got out nf tho way and lut mo pare; II you are tho di-vil, enuto along and take supper with uiu—/ umniedyour litter. By the Arabia. THE FALL OP LUCKNOW. C»pturo of 117 Oani—4000 Slain—E*c«pn of 60,000 It«b«U. The following tM-grsm Ireni hor Majesty’s Acting Con sul General in Kcjpl, was recrited at the Foreign Office, on the 10th of April, at 1 I*. M. The steamer G.«ng -s arrived at Suet yesterday evening fri-n Humbly. Tire fallowing Intelligence lists beon telegraphed from 8u?t: Commit. March91..1 I*. M.—Lucknow f-ll on the 10th. Ouohii-i'iiedatul teveut-.-en gnus were captured, and a- l-iut tw-i thnusaud tf tha enemy were elnin during tho siege. Mre. Orr and Miss Jscln«n were rescued. Right ofli<ers were killed. Tin* lown-paople and vtllacwrs.belng pretecte.l, are re- •uuiliig th-lr n-cupstiout. Th-tubUiiMinn ol the pilnci* pal b.n-b wners h\« been accepted. Abiut flftr t'lonsaad of th • enemy bare oscan-d ma king f.r ItiihlKund and Uundlecuud. The army is In pur- •nil of the rebels. Tha del »y of - Ir II. Roso’e force f.r three weeks *t San ger, pr-seiiled th” line of Uo?r* Intended tc Intercept th” eaeruy fr .n» • e'lig cl«H--d up- Sir II. Hore. with the second divisi-in of the llsjj--..tna fl-ld f wee. wat within 25 mile* of Jli.msi un the2tstol March. Hj,t*W tebeisarc *ai I 11 lie in lus front. (}-n«r%l Huhefi * j-.rce marched from N'u«#*on»bad to K -txh nn tho I'Jth au'l Uth. The dlst race is 1 miles. Th • falpee mutini'ers havetaken the fort of Chnrchard mil taken the |(aj di pri»ou-r4vVhiti-lock's f»rce re in »l us In chatC” ■ f 5auj--r. the cavalry " hsving pu*i. -l on t > Adababitd. Muart's brigv-le captured CunJvre-on th- Kill. fftvi Tut«t\xx Trt.iur.RM'.—The f.-ll >wln« l« a copy of a tet*er r-cenrly recilvrd at *>.** Navy I>-j irtmei.t fiorn Captiiu W. L llud*-.n. It b-ars dale Aprd ?tb, lS. r 3, on bi>arithe U. S. iteauicr Niagara, at l’lym.uth, F.aJatid: Hr:—l hive the Irennr to rep<-.ri that we have now fC’i'e I a».s> -I 7 miles ot telegraph cable recently mshii- facttin-I at'Sr-enwii-h. It h»s be»n decided Ly ttiv l»i rector*, iu this ?--c- n 1 eff rt to lay out th« wir- that the Ajk’iu nm -u an I Nitgara -lial!«ich carry 1.4'V' mile- of • «!•!”—-oine tw-ihuii iie-1 miies ui jre in ta h ship than we bad board In-t year: It »■! <r 1- tne ^r*-xt ;.'-*.ur» to * f ate that. or rec-ptl>n h r- !i*« b--eii a grateful tie, aii I every fti»p-.-ituiti exilic- -I ■ n the t-art >•! the Adnuralt) and Her >iaj« sty's * Ul cer* n this ••*!• *n t^f.»allita’»ourmovcine«i«. an l roll, tfer such a c >mm--1 ;• -n- *:.d.»! I a« in w »•' r - ,'t‘re-l f >r carn .-.c n '-nr w r't. I av»il cf this occa-i -n t-.-t’.io that the t ih:<rs and crew nre in go>i hra.lh. ii irsuthstiti ii- g t! •• c-.'Htirn.ed rainy mil unpleasant w-a'h r we have hat since our atr.val iu Keyh.tin d-xk,” armval RNh ItrcifTi -m or the new Fr.txcii Amiirssx- >iR.—The IS'iW-i-j M .: ikotf, tne uc* Atub«»M-t--r irem Fr«n.*c t Kngl ii.J.lati led at Dover nu th-15th. an 1 met with a i Ivi-.- ati'l luihtary teceptl.n. Thfi-e cutrdoof honor w.-reon duty. In n-spm*" t**nti address from the Co-n-iratl >n cl D-.vor, In* said that nothing i-ntild have air-r-l—1 h m gu-at-r pleas’iie than the nppoiutniei.t wh 1 ; i h»l heoa c mf rte I u • »•, him an I It w -til 1 be hi* -arn-st d-*ire top-* err.- th v c -r-ls.*t reiat;--:i» which lut? Imh rt'-xivie-l L' tw.- i. France und Knglanl. Til” Duke triiRel.ed lo L.ndoti In a state rmiwayVat- il*g”. Major Hudson, who effected tho capture t-f the King nf it-ll.i nti'i his two sons, au 1 performed m mv gallant exploit* during tno war, was among those kill'jd at Lu‘know. Trial «.f tho King of Delhi Th-trial of the K ng .-f lb--11.1 Mid pr-e««f*. The e*. !• ‘ic-- i f • ti.-i u( the wi'ti—* i* w -tthy • f t.->te. lint •f l.i—it.-iin.t *.f utin-mi who >*a Ur t I n.’iii-t, c--n- lirru# whst lia-aiw f » t-i-n-ild "f tli-d-afnes* < f x-v -rtru-tit t-i all wirtilii.'. I.i-nt coniiiiHiuU-d a ii.i.,h-tf) ii. p.-t ,.| iii-trui.!ii'ti, and in !r-i;u-i.t cou ver-.t. It,, w li, Iii-n • f ij.ftflvt.- P aun-pts hi I convinc ing | r-. -t --f IS.»ir ':«i .r.t*-r» ed mid even lii'ltI'm-ii-i itjt I- stion. II-duly r-f-Tt-d th-s-convet-iith’iHto h*ii- •jinrt-r-, hut no n itl-c whatever wa* takch. Atu tli-u witu“«s di-c-i • d that mi Al.y-lini-.ti h ol heeti employ •d by t* e King of Is.- hi t • convy l-tt-rs t-s Ill- King of l'cr,.i», pr-j.'.-itig no aliiatice f*r exp'-liiui - ti- Hritivh from In lua. m-<J that ih-Hgarr»sloa on Herat *a* Ir. •; ti, ja-i.c- of tui* corn »{n hdenc«. H-r-rai witness jei.-il hi -n'hs l-ef re the mini tiy 'ipik-out :t whs .en-ia-ly l-eii- v—i in 1». Ilii the I’etwi.ui-l invsd- It, lia* and shut the enure Hrdl«h Indt at. -tiny wait,ng i-ot a ? t -revolt, urn- r, . -oil of -K • trial wdi I— to .t-«,w wl, ,t -!-r. :-i hop- there i« < f He Kup p -mi.* v-t ot t lining the co fi • r *vtn- pithy of the native-, ft will j P»ve Mint an nrgatu?.- • c t.,; ir icy <•,111 g-u.ti f-.r ni ui-hs und r our wry ti •**•*. in ! the! not a n »tiv- >vill b- f .und to betray It; in short •4- III” lo | upon by all f 11... t ns a C -t.-iin«ti (|,-my : tod t.'i I’t.i” I <-f‘e I tit * i f-uir Kiitp'-.VII g >verii in-lit. fir r n being arpre-i ,t”d. w ul.l I - phvliy «x- '•hnne-d for 'he tyranny and oppression of a M diamiue dan di-?poiis:u From Washington. 2fo Change in the French and Euglitik 4/issiou#— Abrogation of th* Clayton-Bulteer Treaty. W ASHUCToir, April 3», 1*M| The foreign appointments jet retnulnlnjf open will all be dispow.d of befarethe adjournment of Oongrea* and as soon as the Kansas imbrujho is out of tha w»y. Con* trsry to general expectation, there will be n<> chant* In either the mission to Kugland or Franc*. Mr. DaUaa will bo |>ermitted to remain, though it is pmbabl# had ha Undered his resignation It would have been accepted Telegraphic News. Further News by the Anglo-Saxon. ACQ,UITTAl”oP BERNARD* GREAT EXCXTeIkENT IN FRANOE MARINE LIST. Snvnisissih, Ut., May !4, 1831. A lllil VBD. Sctir Furs C.vorgs Faeket, IIrdi-io, Rie*', with &xf bo» reusi li-a. to II lUbtr.tiim 1 S-.o i Pclir Wttllsu. li lUrivy, Coibsre. Nassau, ti. I*, la ballast, 1 lo Mostsr. Sti-amsr John G I.awton, Kesblsr, Paracbaeia, lo i \\ VeAtpta A Co. fo-»m«r W II Stark*. Sk,oB»r. to S M I.aOtsau. •:«atB*r Calauit-ia.l'in.p.t. Annu. V. M A C-.!*«». Fare Bed.uce.dt FOR^NEW YORK. ’ I.KAltKIi. ling Irxov, Win, hatilla liver, sous. It*am»r st St.rv*. Frttborn. PaUtka. As—Cl«(b-,rn 1 Caa- ;...C«rltt«a t Par- B. will n„Ml. 8 n-. th. wc P l..cfS?">3r. It. IJri, Uh Ii.« will n.l nl pr.l,nl Masor/s resignation Ml p.artie# to Virginia.Including the gort to force in relation tu tho capturo of too members of the b-gi*l->ture, have peMoued tho Frvsl- steamer Cant in 11 lot.lhlm rtm,ln .1 P.H.. »od it '• Bnd,r.lood Ihe ItMUlr 1,11. , 1 r<quest has been acceded to. I Bernard, tho alleged conspirator ngninst tbo lire stdeTamorStne. lls!m*s. I.l»*r|— l ..Pade'.fard, Fajr a r*. f,'iS.l’T.'lStBSSS.Ii I •'«* re-rll Kuipcror, b., been ..qullto* by lb. th-t'lajton-Bulw-r treaty on th-fir-t opportunity. Die Kngllsh Court, 'ihcevetithas ciu?ed great sensation i. rr»«.«< •laj-'-i'.i .u, b.« renewal of n-i.diatUm*. There UtliU diffi-u-ty iultu- feued to publish tho speeches of tho prisoner’s vsttzs««»•«'-»»■*«•** - w»'-, ..ibr..k- c it'ii.i/ ■ tut- lbiv Island*: and in tn»» cos* » - would it i* believed that tho Emperor will notice it iu a j«- "■« «rw»h As the isutlativIn h-stilitios,* on.r-M iv.iK.s no <!ts ! Note Tho Ins*. Seilpcl. in nn mti'lc on '‘die*.” as- sunits tho position that tho n*o of oil would do- oreu?« tho victim.* of consumption r.ii.o ler.lhs.nt.d that this is the whole secret of the use of cod liver oil. quotes tho following ohttrvalions mu lu by Dr. lioikcr. 1. Of all the lenr.ns hotwoon the n«*r of fifteen an l twenty-two years, more than one fifth cat no lut moat. 2. Of person* nt tho age of forty five, nil, cx- oe-tiug less thin one in fifty, habitually u.*o fat rnb »t. «. Of persons who, between the ages of fif-eon an I twenty-two, avoid fat tn-’it. n |.*w acquire nt appetito for it. nnd live to ii good old age, while the greater portion uio with tiio phthi.-is before thirty.five. •J. Of persons dying with »ho phthbls, hctwcor. the litres of fifteen mid forty-five, riino-toi.tlm huve never used fat meat. The reader h invited to helievo as much or little of tho foregoinj* n• ho chooses. The statistics mentioned do imt hold ^ood. "It Isn’t .Mi:.’’—A Wnshin-to» corrsspondet t writ* s: There i« a funny bit of scandal going hero nbout a coriain well kn-.wn lady noted for her exquiMte eotnpli'Xtoti and lino hair. Her room opened on to a | ii'jngo way, through which u genilemrin wa: p i-?ing, ns the cry of lire was raised in tho hotel. The lody threw np the window t» see how neir the danger tqight ho. M’liut ft sight did she pro- -ent to the n-tuiibhed frien-l pas?ing lay—n* runs hair, ssnu teeth, sans rouge, sans everything— scarce recognizable, she Moo i hcforo him—a spec tre! "Is that you, Mrs. Ji?” exehiimod the nf frighted looker on. "No,” shrieked tha woman, "it is Mr*. A.” A few hour* later Mr*. B. left tin hotel und Washington for the season. Trial of Bernard.—Tho trial of Simon Ber nard, for complicity in Orsini's attempt to asms- ninu'o Louis Napoleon, wa- commenced lit Lond-it- hefurii a Spcei ii Cotntni-sion, prc«id-»d over by Lord Ciinipbell, on the 12-1» nit. Five day* were cor.sinned by tho evidence and tho summing un. and Lord Campbell wa* to churgo tho Jury nt in o’clock of tho day on which tho Arabia left Liv crpoo!. The trial hud excited tho greatest inter est, the assembled crowd overflowing from the court room into tho street. Tho London news paper* report tho proceedings ut length, hut, in compliance with the suggestion of Lord Campbell, abstain from comments during tho prog run of the trial. Otretxi JiKitoNSTttation at Boston.—Boston. April .'UI.—An Orsini, Red Republican meeting wn* held last night, at which adJres.c.* were de livered in four language*. The attendance wn.- large, nnd much enthusiasm characterized tho pro ceeding*. A letter from Lb«ycd Garrison was read, in which ho tender# hi? ardent sympathy. The obituary column of a lito London pnpet rvinlnitied the following:—"Died on the 5th o! April, jit Lymington, Jiants, aged 82. Mr?. Mara Story, Inst surviving representative in England of •hat family—joint founders with Win. l’cnn of the Republic of the United Stntc8.’ , An indignant hoy appliod for alms at tho house of nn avaricious rector, and received a dry motildv c;"J*». The rector inquired of tho lo.y if ho could any the Lord's prayer, and was answered in tb« negative. "Then,” said tho rector, "I will teach you that now. Our Father!” "Our Father!” said tho hoy, "is ho my father as well as yours?” "Vos, certainly.” "Then,” nrkeft tho liay, "how could you give your brother this mouldy crust of bread?” A Ui-C'ivitnv and —A week or tw-i ago tin l*« Tkecp-r nf th- HoiiW' -f ltcpri-*-iitiil|vcH r-porteil ti Spcak-r Orr the fiioti.g l>> hoiuu of hi-Hub ir-llnat”*. in tic- vault* oii'I'T the centre <rr>lui,iia ; .f the i ui.ltol i.'iiiiling, of a lr.rg” tniriihi-r of bunk# beEngiin- to tin ilovc-rniii-nt. #oiii” of tli.-m i.fmin b Ti»:ii”. t,..t h f.«w ,} wbiiti wi re l.uriid III L-.xi-i. %r» lour, nii l-r h.-up* al and «"!•••?. Th* Sp-itk”r ord”rcd their prom; t res- cit”: and f-,r ?«nie lime pail they have teen tralmillv '»-!>< red into till light of the upper ktuiica of th” l.iiil.l- ing. Thun, g-Vtft'i votunu « lmv„ been dii; out tin- cnl.icoiiih in which they have loen eni..iul.e,| f-.r \ M ,r* | a-t—III len-t long ell-Vgll. Illlt Doorkeeper tells it*. I* re-nlt in u tolal oblivii.ii on ihe part of tl„ - t . entriiHieii wiili tlieii < ii.ii.d v iih to uhniHrckpoiotlile f..r ths-ir )••• ration ttiero and the slmtiiefiil c/untHioii ot not a lew ol • h-lil. Ainotig these linol.s are.’l 0 fnM ?• tHof the works ot John Adam-, the records of the ilelnti s in Parliament an tar hark n* lMn. viitloiis tulnnhle French hooka and ii”vv.pnpcr files In French und hii”li*li, v.irioua mann- srrifita houkrt connected with tli” d”t»il* of the ciiHiotn- h-.iiMi Inisliii-HH of the country about twenty years aim. The lll'lHH of the rescued Volumes Were pi|ldl«l|ed hv order tif Congress, mid in all. they will number perhaps .'l«,i>S‘ voluiucH, many of which have been irretrievably injur ed by neglect, the rats, coul mid ashes together.— H’a.»/o my tun .Starr. A s.-ENE IN Citint ii IN Kkntin Kv.—At a clnirch meet- trig hi of the "In-hiotiuMc orthodox chiirchi-n" it A-der-on county. Ivv., last week, n clergyman asked for and olit.iined a letter of dinmi-*ion f.r hlniHeirnnd some ot hi* finiily. II”then mid Unit If any ortho brethren h'.d mi.vtliiiigto say about him, "now declare It. or ever alter Ii dd their peace” Whereupon another picai-lic •aid Noiiietliing was not heard l.y all the c-mgri- ti lltoit,hut the tie pivKivdb.-tw.ven tb.m. Ttispr.-nrher «lit»c-ilied for the letter drew hack hi* liHt and struck the othri pteaclier u heavy blow, and then etuniiienru.l kick lug him. II - kicked him to hard that lie deinnlished his hoot. The defendant I cing ii "lion-resident,made nn deuce,but went before n tiuigl-drntii mid liiadcrninidiilnt Tim iiHHiihint was fined 8D> and cist*, and submitted he>| le, to n long lecture from tho court. A correspond ent ,of thu Dmlitvill” Democrat, in giviugau urcount of Uio nfliilr. say* llm "puguariuiirt divine in a I lookltiK man, of fine talents, great pulpit orator, with preposseiut. ingiiiaiinurH. Tho fight Ion rained hi* stmidlug Mtiioug Id,, lirethruii. home of the no uilit-rs of a tielghhoiing church havo sent him word if ho will m, to tin Ir next church meeting and whip their preacher, they will pay the ti no that is How ugaiiirtt him, and any other out* that may be imposed on him." The'-rmhlDioiblo on ho- •I* - * • 'Min.hcsiii Audusi.u cuuulj, Kj,"aio In« h .pcfiil way.'* ' account? The following item, fr**ui tiio .lr.iti'ci'* ; i* interesting iu cuDuection with tho A> tli-iiutlvtiv in —, position t*. grant ai y p-recr. Nvg ti.ti'tu will, tb-re * f re.un ! .iil.tvlly -ntorv-l into Th-r- i? i-* r-a- u toLi.i-veth- Kngli-li g -wrcuient wilj <U -r any itr-iig , ab<>vo :—[hi». Ref. op.i -Kiti -n to the a* r-.gatbu of th- , Tho trial of Simon BornarJ for complicity with wU?c^weret3<n~Vb^gotUtioi!« on the sahj-ct • f C-n- Orsini nnd other?, was still progressing in London, tr.l Am-lie*, by tt.» v -r.v -t-ainer wlihh brnuht the ■ but wa* expected to ho bpiUght to uC'-nelusion 00 news of Lori l'alaniratou’sUwh ot t'« I’atii.viin nt. • the day the Arabia sailed. The counsel for tho ;Cir. A'U^Dcv Ihra.d. j,|i fo ner, Mr. E Iwin James, had made a powerful a s .,.o»Tn:r«r.f si.«m.nip,. I 'Iq* « Wpa <* Vi. cu«»i. •w-oii'-f ... , , ... i i. n,„.. . 1 to the nnti-Napoloiin prejudices of lit* auditors.— : . „ (V.n-,...,, . 1. ’ M’.dv ,- .U 1». .. .he K,J r ero, a. .J«p-.l. »-l .ffin.- i .* >•.« ?.* ».,i,r..n™.. •bp*, it i« j.-.ei—.nt tb- jiq-'wl i* t.-vtkei bv •. serve a political object at the dictation ot the abet* Aiubr •*« W. Ti, nips' ll, f->r hiin»-if ." I nK-cUt-*—tj> i tor* nf foreign despotism wno dared not appeal to f rmali'.c.-f flr?tahi** »tvnm*blp* to carry th- l s. ■ jj,c BritUh ll 'use nf Common*, ilo calic-1 for it .Vni', "Ik- liiiMchMvk. h - * w .i-ii I i ” A , ' n l“' rt ’ 0 | fearlees and independent verdict, let ibe come#- th- L >. and |.|verp.Kd. The deputurw to he wm-kly i » i •ll*t.«.l from Nesr Y.-rk. FLiU-ielphia mii the winter »ea-oti tmiu N-w. astlv, if th'- upp-r'Delaware h- closed wilh tc-), Iii»:t::u-re. t.-w hing at Nwtfolk aud Savannah, on tho Mine Jay, a* l.illow*: 1st nf the month. New Y rk to Lirerpcol. %tn •• rhiiaJviit.ii 15th - Dal; :mre X Norfolk " 221 “ SaTaiiuah *• T • «e st-’amer*. by a’ternating tin ir trip*, wmil-l. In ea;:i v .ji. • r-n.rn t.. adifli-rent l- tnt than that of llreir dvpirtu’ic. Tun* the -m- failing <>n tli” l?t Iron New Yo.-a wonjt arrive ...ii th” I'.'ih af l.lvsn#w'|, remain tin- td the 2, I #i!l on that dty lor IttUim re; airjvv tho.-. t. Hie N I. aii-f siii >■:< tli-- l-'tti hr l.iv-rjod. rt.h Tile .me sailing from I’tiiixdelf.hta nn :he *tli wort-1 at live in Mvt-rj-."-l <-u iheiOlhi ?--il i li 1st ut the lu x month h.r Pnvnnmih : arrite on tbo 14th, nud again sail :-<r I.ivr-r|vH>l on tli” --’2d. 1 li ’Hi- siip.tig tn>n» lUltiruore ori »h“ 15th wo i-.i arrive .-•• ih- at Liv- rp-j c; #ni nn th-8th ut tho i-xt inriiiSi f rN.Y.rk: arrive -,n the -Otti. nnd be rea ir f .r-tie n.-xt i-i,ulrir departure on the 1st of the next'month f- r l.:v *-r; ool. 221. The one sv-fiug from 8av*nnnhnn the C2-1 WenM •artIV” .11 the 4-h •• the !i”Xt month nt biv.-rp xd : sail tli-ncc ••»! lb” Ibth f rid.::. I f i: arrive th> re OR tne mid t-tl on the f dl n» ine tth for Livorpvol. Tim* it will be qiience? be what they might. Tho speech elicited tretuen-lou* cheering in (lie court, j The Engli-h public is fnlly satisfied that should j tbu Jury find Dr. Bernard not guilty, < r should tho > fifteen Judge? declare that hi* Ca.-o i* not within the scope « f tho act of Vtb George IV., the mission j of the Duke of Malakctf will at once assume a ho»- I tii« diameter, nnd, accordingly, in Parliament we already hear of const de(en.*e«, aud of tbo re-eo* forcetncnt of tie Cnanncl fleet. ! DKPAUTED. Pt#»ra#r *t Miry*.) rret^ra. P»'i!ks,te. M«vn#r rV- ». . |.»:. • o n. vt» Hesatort. | siitiuvr Ivlin <1. l.xstvB, Kc.iiltr, Ptrachacia. MK-MOHANDA. N‘»w Y'-rk. April ;V ...Vrr. *ct.# I. K;l!?r. fror* ; in t-'.* z.*sh i..-!. l.t ai, lun 71 so. «s|.cr.tbe«d » l.tavy e»iv T”"i 11.- „ rt'.cv*- i. l'...CId, st«xia*lof> C:ty of Norfolk, for !.,p John lUven, fr-.m AflUch* I t Sth.-Arr. s’-ip 1 ’-n Dnn-tn. fr m *»r»na»V >-»ror »». Aj r.i i » ...Vrr. lice vtr.v. irom S*»»nn»h. I D ii. l«”lt--» *. Ap-ii •«....\rr, liar--|mn. from ssxxnnib. I (<rsT««cbJ, April it ..Arr.Jxat lc w .*n, from 9aftnn»h. ! l.>v«rp- 1. Ai ri' It...Tits vVyni.inp, fr in |.»r i 1. HUiirorb prd qu»r!«r (t( v« ov,nft*«n ia eui.ii- iht ri<r*r in t:.« ii. im-r«n!i t:.o K».,jorw (r »>. f ,r Apr.- IT...'I • - »> ij. ir.vit p.r'td tt I.! yd s on Thirs* •fo» . A »«ii»'.» i i»lii-:| r i| -•!.* »f » • V i J .tint) •V. 1‘ -7 1» a. I to 111-, lti»t* of t..« MilOikk. »D.J , i: u kiiid f crrt.n.atv kvOinp Ao !»r<,n. i ir<?' a * roi-erinixn-fost. t.--» bten r. cfcof upon x*.~ iiltxrhm U I n»xr Kxn. ut:.. M-ra- "it., Mxt*»ka,L.|t Stcvtu,, »* , fro--, t* , iP.nut llarch .V f r 1* rt Philip.] l’lyn A: 1* ..W- a -f !*.« Am«r n tvrV Victor. : C»i-. li. ».•»—1 t-j: J»i!C lr^ t-'irii.n. ol j L-.nd-.n—*.r. I vanr.'-t (ini a fir to >t>a n.p , fisiik* f -r H e tt’. ,t #ln Jr.-«« *'.i *»u r.ij l-'.f. t»o ' tft'-er« »f.d ! ' ” ’*' r,r "" '.Vo/x.1! ; I f»" N.' Cabin, : $20.Ji Steerage, 80. Steamship AUGUSTA •M. S. \VOOI>IIl|,I„ € ’ WILL sail .lATL'RDAV, MAY r. AT gj ;• M Th#nvwandij.l'-ndl.J fait going •t« M..*. tSoodliub. commandt-r, v..Si U fr Igh; or |Ki*Mg-, apply to ' FADKLI .J;:.. in- k ,... Cshin Passage | A ‘ * c l»- fu-rage “ K. II —8'iipp.norcoiv.b l y llm.' Ukvil ti-U. that t.oCitt'.a willbvr- fi.. ,i ,7 * Ihotl# not distinctly mark-: ..r, th- #-i ■- t tl # » Air Berths aot •‘■r'lrv ! until ;x. PADKLVOKD.F t Y rr-i t » . Freight frem N» w Y- rk .t ' k low ... I v ..., v . th-r *t..»m.-r “*> t*'«‘lt FitKifoilT Oil ( || VK'li.-i, - lb- s’Jp-1 r.vni. is. r Jt !-.. .K\ i f , . C :t. r-l! A;;.;:. *• -**' f.t.V »: T*V £££££. ib-j fv>: sjuiog 5<b It ; *. A; p'y t-> •• rARI.F.T J W. t • f. ' From Washington. Wairtn-ton. May a—The Senate pr«?<d the Indian Appropriati.iii MU, for about $l,2i».oOO, l>y u vote of 20 yens to t» nays. Iu thu Hour;, Mr. Stephens gave notice that lie would call up tin- MiunvSjta bill to-morrow. , ii f-.ii! * j.-t--vt l our rssea*. ;stf i vl rt-ui.i, 1 ty « i;i:tilyoa hid sxvtd l.’.o l*. 11r.r r.u.e »n.. fs»r, sod all my -? w w >ro c.t :u tr ri feu.f.i.e liofinc svery l.j|fin«»» si.i j'.ra-i ) .u. I riusln. dear •*.*.» nr - ,-#-J ..-til •” " -nui*a:?r of t»:’< Yut.r, * ‘-♦i’t. - P Mi? iy* Excursion to Tybee.' -1- 'I-,'.:; A I'-rnooi.. Msv 5th, hi 2 b- -1. I”..t.t r-ref.: ih. Ilx'.ur-ioti 5Cte«nt*. *:.i-1. ■!' j- . . N ii — 1 u i ,r on 1 utr-l. p* v - -t. !• T«* Tlie II)r*. Jvuue. II;-■ v k-j.t up. 1 Domestio Markota. New Yjp.e, May U—Srles of CuHju 3.00) hales; mid* ling wiirlr 12‘, Fi ur u:i*ettK-d; sale* 14.vlo bids, f m i tit.- Wurth |11) t > f4 24 ; ohi • f 4 .:5 to {4 5V \Vh«« n that tli” regular day* of depart ire 1 unsettled and with dvclinini; tend-ncy; sil-s H OoO I ii interchange of ports wo i'.J • ,, \ worthil.u4 t. *Us; wliiu- t . ti C ru ifUcl-i.iy t ithcliue. ol «.\ aie-un-re. r.f three tb^osvrid 1 • -ii■ 1. rung »ix wnt-r-t .’)■! comp rt- , and n t Uv* than tnrve 1 ... tl.ed-r an 1 hunkers to b- in one ‘op- mpaitm-lit. di*. Iiiili-ct-d fi •i h-r*. vx'cp: i:s tlu -xtcii*; -n of t--.e pumps, and »■> >r- ra'tg*>l ttia» iu we- * f acei I-tit t w.jr i«irtluin.f the •!, th- firearm' I n> t t-i extirsuMivd thereby,or the Mi III I * b» t n-v.-'it-.l ' c'd-.iiig- -ale* ul/.'-.'J bn: white w..riii • V t - 7 r v-liuw 71 tuT.v. T'ii|”.-!iti!,t* heavy. Ib^in *;•» I. Df.v quiet. A i ..n, j Ivy u— 'J>t!ja »»:•.•* light; ua- clutlgi d. Cuv'.L_sr.-.N. M »y 2 —Sal.-* of c< tt n 4^u l al- s i«t 11] j to 12]" ,c us i xtretires. Mrtikrt j i #t. New Advertisements. ’J h” V p r w-r t m«il «:• I ly II.*- CO.MMKKCIAL Ki:c:«)UD. ; - »r.-mi. r< t«» I- -l-ilrel ■ 1 to the I- *t *i ie-wheel | a tnir..* lan’ic i.? -. u -te i in Midi in-itin -r a* to | ! ,l.|« f- r »; i>i«|-i rt rb ; * f>.r the i q »jii; of cuuying mwl.-lute but- v-nty five th-iusn.d dollars for ! it .• -1 i rk. :u ?»i#i.* i- li ..ut. tint if the ! i i f-.r th i-t j r..[•-*<••! •!.” - •mm.i-c-d up tnis *i I •i • tli • *ln[i*«.( th- Clyde. SAVANNAH MA11I&KT. I.EIIBI!'-. :i COTTON...TS* nxrk*t ha* been effsriiig (tucksan li'jvnl, tn: l-jy .: acs>-ui* per Ai'4-v »*i-o -ato |r ,»!ti vf thi -1IV '. t ; 1 A il. a: tr. r O' at li 5-- u 12 4 . > -.: 12 177 : 3. t V. M. ; .I : ,*d«y. T 12 , d t .;!* a 1 will - •• at ■d another scheme, the in • ally d -y. KO < f Wi*c >i RO-v. Hu. Ml, Tie L •I.l-'ur- wh”ii ti.rt ii v- eliojid veto any such L;l|. and tb We e .i Strict M. IItin? ti l Mi-lJ.ia?. MidJon? Fair. •• I ■- •r.lTKMENT. v Public Notice. >jm:u:i:> im. • ••.vi /ant/o.v. MAY ••mvi-. ) Fsv*n.n,h. Nl Mat. 1? ' ( t’i'lzei.s f Savtrinal. wl, - n..'i.** w.-r- emitted fre-m ’•h- !•':** I i.*t - i: i: ! vv ls*V. nt 1 v },.. .,r- dv-ii u' •d bring a;;. • nt 1 Ji t.. r.j-r« *.nt ti e City . f fnvi,i.i..ili .it tb- aj.p c 5.-uih?rn 0..mnn-inul tivvi.jion. t. ns—ml .,t M-M2 n.rry. Ala. m- ie «*■» >l* i t- 1 -1” or r.V'i- * it th * o fi diri i.* m-rn- • I ■ «r*. 1 tl.-y wi.i Le ajp -intvd ns I't-iv e iiw to be.. It. WaYNH. Mayor. Att—t: I>«al»0. Wji.«ivn. Clerk oft. nbctl .VOTICK. T > I’Aj-.-FVilIlli^MIt 'I KAMcniP IcAIllII.. ^ •g t* a nxUrv < f \ 1 I to make It f‘2 ■ •?). F.i* i Thi- -1 1.1 -i. n- . : s ri to tai l ' 4 1 C vk. t. CubVcy '..ill t|.d COHEN* & HEI.TZ. pKUv.Nis fV NllKn OF It»:ntl-;i AT •':«« !!, Ai* -iOv l and, n g.<--J a**ortni'-rt o( Eli? All for *»fc at J. p, 1 Ii. • •nbj-rt w.u dropptd. CHAULKS’ LONDON CORDIAL GIN* THE Oil! .INAI, AND ONLY LONDON GIN 1M- p mrilD-Ti.i* d:*:i:;*--l In I. in but s. und Btri-v, uh!t th» surv-ilian'-” tf th” PtltUh 1-lxci-e* i* *!••!(♦. it“l.v ll' w'tli a tinc'.uii-of th” Italian Ju-iij ?r U *rry. nn i -f the ini':: v-i!i: ible r”*t .r-itive* • •f tli- V.-»tHbl« Kmgd m, retnii ring if, in th*-inioti f t... in -*t *-”.iii’.'it tm Ii. il iu -.i. th” ; ut”*t and safest ft is a d.-li.-i u* tonic, of a * /i and i!e'i”*J. U ,v dlf • r:as entlr* ly fi*-ni any •.tln-r ‘iiti, an i •!-•» id nf that bai* i. aciiltas". w’ -.- h x> 11 -r* t! •• .irti-.L-known a* H«.: ’I i - It i* r”Ci.mni”ii-l”d by l , hy>i”i-in« g.-t. rally in ca*cs of T*y*p-p*a. <; t.t, Hln in* "ti i... Dr<.|-«y, 'iia/t-l, C--Hc. ri .;. ra. r •»:. I A„u fttri 'ut-. I i-i.*v* • f tin ft!- tia-y Organ?, the Knin-y*, and thu finwrl*. No: von* I)e- I,ilny. Ac , \\\ .I*t th” weaker s-k will find in It* u*” n cr-rt uii r-'i -l Ir .’ft tli-*'• 'li*tre-i*itig annoyance* which fn-pjentiy ntt.-nl th-ir cM.cit*-<.r*H , ii/..iti D-tor Vafo*itln«* '"••t, -t Now York, tho hlgl.<s: M*di';>.l authority, say *: ■* * * *• I’n-l.-r fireu'iist.v.c-s, I recoin rn.n l pur- 11 dhifi l‘iiu m-nidne. f.IUl:Ll>’ 1,0x- 11 • v DIAL GIN c. nt iti.i: g n ’a-...-r q ;-*ntity in ,i; < r. i r.iiviJ-ra pref-rablc nr'.lcU*, andth.-beti I l ave ••vvrsuvti." It i* pi-cuii irly adaptei to s'-tller* In th« finuthern a * 1 W—•«-rn « 4 "'"*1 '•* f rtrarellera exposed to chvig •* nf MHt-r an-l mr. Yir silo In .j'trrt* at *'-ventr flvo cent*, atm 'ut- tliirty-«: t t*. I y nil Prnggi-t*, t:-r cere, Fruiterer*. and Country Merchants. Do war., of imitation*. Duj onIyCUARI.ES’—SoNB OTHER I IMP DT K. l.j'il'Mi C. ClfAltl.K5, 5-1 • Imp.rt r, 4 i Itrikvlwar, New Y rk. May lm hid, I' 1 Ftvanonh. of A. A. Solomons «t Co., loin, D. Moor”. King * Waring, Tiio*. M. Turner. H D. Ilratith y A Co.. nn-I l’<-* J <.’■*». ly fob 15 era- Tli" gp-vt dr--i W'.a< r. to ; . i? ni emigrating tn the ••xtr-isie We-t m c .iii.try, ii the gi-nt toar they hove of th” F'.-ver and Ague—titt* in*•• t !r ndful of nit diabases. Every diy wo lieu of per* m* r.ttuck- d by tl,i* disease and made help).-* iu n idi»rt time, without a y m-atis • •f -»fi .t.iing u-ii-f. I*- Vi«w v-t Ue- vbm.tttl fi r iv remedy, hr. Host tl-rhas j r-s-iit”Ih!* c-<! l-tatt-l BIT* TKit.-*. whoso curative fowi-rs for nil r.isem-i o! the st-.mirli bwo hem universally acknowledged. Tie BITTED.*, j repared att'ru long exper i.-nc-and silly, h iv*. ri-ceivtd Ih- encoiuinniit of th- >• o-t euii merit phy?i«.-i»iirt, a* "til a* all tlaSM-*, frem every part of our country. To those who-1 -ubt their ninny- virtues, atl we can .-ay D, to tiy them, und judg- for themselves, usp-itir-ly. Fr.ld by lMur.d-tsov. ry vvh.-r-, and by ?t SMITH, bi le fropnetoi*, 5* Water and 5) Front nt.. Pit-fcbuiL’Ii. 1 a ilAw _ npr'20 Tho CJrenlcsl Dlu-overy of the Affc. It soldi-ni occurs tint we notice, under anycircurn •t.mce, pati'bt mei-ciues, i. storntives. or any of the kind, for w- h wu a pn-J idic" ng.iin*t limit ..f them. Hut candor c-mi'ets ii* to l-ivite attenti -n to the ndv-r- • i-. iii”nt- f Prof. Wi.i-d’* Hair llestoraiivc in this day's pa; er. Wo hio o ju 1 • nil -1- icqu i« ni ythii.g or the kind, but some Instances ef its u-c havo come tu our knowledge which almost n*eute« us that it iiu sovereign remedy ng-»iii*t ti.” h iir becoming prematurely grey.— It is not a “ Hair I»ye.” but np« u its iq pli ation us .Ii* recti-d. tli-- ifoi-.-t i* pro-Inc -I on ti.c *kin. wl.i.-li l-iingi •■nt the original riativo c-for'd hair, without kldlue*?, and givss it ft gl'•*?>■ and natural appearatice. Wo have »«en p' rents who luve used ir, und they an- much plena- .id with it. Examine thu udveilisemeut.—.Mies.ur Republican. For sate in Georgia by DruggiAts generally. upr 30 2vv.l4c w A Great Medicine for Feuinle*? lliindn-d* of .itiniulnntrt have been Invented and sold, purp orting to t>” specific in tho vari jus diseus-s and di rangetneiils to wlifoh the delicate form of woman render Inr (nlj-cl. The r-Hi.t of all these siiiniilunti hub been to i.iuu\n<>j •n-tiV.'fy P* the tun'm*iyrt.ut, an-l fal*e vigor tu the mii/d./; but this relief lia* b-i-n •iicc.-tded by a ileprcb'ioti an-l prostration gn-ati-r tlian In fore. and the repeat' d attempt* o|‘Invalids to build thenirteiwN up t»y these false rmi-'li’i *, liavefinully end i-n in ih -ir* vlng vvlial lit11*- vital organiX'tioii was lelt Dot in using DGlItllAVKS IDM.bAND DITTEH8, you wi:l find noeuch di«a*tr»im rehidts. It is purely u vegi- t V-l'-ioiupi uud, prepared l.u strictly scientific priuci|.it 9 -liter the iimnner ol the relehrutjd Holi.tod I’rotessor, llu-ii.iivi. Cii-l.-riti influence every n.-rv” nnd mu*<:le Ives new ‘in-nglh and vigor, npp-tit” and sleep return, and fin-ill.v. p rfoct ht-altli. Fceudvvitidviueut in an > le r i idiiinn. Forsali; l-y Diuggists generally. G apr '2'J Cure the Livor. We wish to call the special attention of eatdi of onr ronb-ri to ih-) hdvi-ril-.-niiMit m another column of Dr. SAM-.IRD S |,| VLit IN VMi"i!.\T>K, f-r in lining so we tliiuk we nr- doing th-tn a l.vvor, f .r thi* nrlivde can not he t ”■ Ididily spdkeu of, a* it pi-rf-uiu* all its pro- piietor* pruiiis to have it. We know ol some of the wroret c i*. * of Liver Di-ian-teinent. D> ip.-p-i-i, .1 a’in dice and Gmieral Debility, being cured by tim use of thi* in- valnnhl i article. Itsoous to Ntrik” ut the root of Ihe disease, nnd re move tin cause. thus ii (fording a permanent cure (lull cannot •>” gniii-il l*v u*ing (lo- inii preparations (hat nro com uoiily i«-snrle.| to for di?n*seg of (he l.ivcr — Tills pre;.--trail ill i* slati d,on g-n-d until”,it> , lo be eu- I holy v<ii”liibl'j, le-ing cuiup-iv-d v* In.II) of guins tli-vt havoraruiy ever been Inins iuc-»d in any n.edRine pre vious to Ihe inirodiK-llon of thu liivlg..rni-ir. The*- -gum* are s iid have aim si lalniloui power ill their act .ni on the l.lwi- and its Mirroundiug organ*, causing il t<>eject ii* morbid. utihiultLy Idle, rousing it fiom iiu lorpi-i elute, aud making it perform it* proper runclioimiu tiie lium.iii i-eonoinv.—UrnwU Onmty /)•-. moernt. Hold, wlioloiuilo and retail, by .1. II. Miuiro, and A. A. 8..I CooninniA lino—ditaw upr “ CONSIGNEES IIY CKNTHAh R. It. May 3...XI2 bales cotton, J.’i l.l.ts Hmir, |>W «»cki do, 3UU tki earn, Sd e<tl]e rape, 12 Mils liver, und indiie, to Onlur, llubun A Nmith, l",lli|s. Odre k t.'o,"ii» k Harts, J I* Drooks, W Duncan, ,\ p Wetter. J Ke.-lv, W II Ms), lloleombs A Co, W fi JJuuuIng, l.ockotl A Snulling, J I Sniilwr A Co, 8 Unrilaer rsAsaiiirvGrXiiis I'cr stconiur Joiiii U l.swtoii, I'rem Psru«hHCla....\lra llay- J rxid, Mias llu fi.-.d, Mim ,M Cain, M u Krteldur, Mr* lluyd. liss Wells. W Wells. A H JuIiUsjii, J II J*u I-u. li l.*fl.(, W II Wil(*n, and G deck. St'.ckon band xu l and o xr-' n-t :! -vr« ! Sivvnuiinit Kx|iuris, .'1 ivy J. I.IVERpn-jJ. . -J..p Taissr:au«....t7i t- . I j.:at.4 and 73 tilumlu itittcu. Jol-n F. Pickrell A Ci.'b Circular. DAl.Ti.'iOllL, M ijr!...Dud:.tii xsntr-l y ontiauti un* C- tt 1..I-1 7. -1 -1 -man |. The **Ui f-« np al it *v 14 fi... i, *!> i u xt an n itur.te to iV, r.- : .-i A r ..'i u«-“. • r.e« v- . , „* bwt io 21 i I. u Vir l t* : I; l M ! !' »e 13 -vl.i't l.l‘. «U Iti -v -in wiiiy r? - .4:i -S.-manJ. Sx.ti at ’; : 4 »r.c. I -rtJ »-.-rc">. r,..Firm, ar. 1 wit’i rclusvl st^ck, prices bnv* uivane- •• i 4»‘;c. Safo-v of P.:-» at l"»lILaguayia, Isld c«nts .. ct •.k, 5. • l:or r.f, 2••• i tag*. IT. »i*s in ..t.riu. V, 4 :.»*•, uc.:n t■> n^-e » f-irtli*r ad- in Pork an-i l.srd. \V« .pi •-> Mm Pork at $11”. him at $i*. Da:ii» Si-lis, !-»•:; SiisiLieri, “c: Lat i, ll’ t 'e. I'.ih ..Mjcksr-.' .re t.i?:.-,.-. Wt .plot* No. I ot il l 75- No. 2 at 412 N > 2t :.t 5* ‘: C 4. .i Hsirii:,-#. » . .'Xr...Ius. 11. c. Price J have l.t! i .* 1 « 4 c C.irii g tlo tt. <. Wv-p-.-.a: N<» Orteaiu. 7 J'.r"., 5* 4 a 7 Cat-v.4 .a-’",®. Imp-rts,-ij 1 .di ui.i l.vei. M'.'.aiv--<...U'nit«<l wf N*w Otkxtii tt -iUo-k; P'Tto R • .32x31,: Cala.SraSl*.-. (juan”...i‘crnvisti, $55, .'lexica*, i23\2*. Wtdil;cy...D:.ll. su es of L.'.j and i enni) Ivan * a: lO^c Oi.i'i -i. 2:c. Corn... With larso rtesifts and life abt nco of shirring demand, | rices l.avc d:cliuod 5 t • fc since our last issue... Sites, lg.Vt-M luitsli. Wo -.note: White,bvaCle; Yellow, tiU'xic. 31,000 lushelr, at a decline of 2o. Wo quote Vtrjlula ut 35c; Maryland, 37c; Pcniiiy .uoin, p.'c. Foreign ?lnrketu, H d.arwj.n, Sj-cr ”e ,i c- (Nnular ] l.IVntl A; ni l'itii...c;-tt u - I ■: mark-t ren'inued ■l*i11. :.H l | i m* il-vi.y -Ifo |-ed uuti. « '-l”l -lay. u lieu ti.e u«- C fM -i.Uto I t-. Ill tt.-. Week ri-v he-I ‘.,-1 per iu ”U t;.o or* -l-i.ary -p. villi' -, nr, i nl'o tu alma. I, m.-.y • r ajndy l-tt-u , y.-L’NU MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. A ni—ting v f ti. 1 * A** ci .::cn will behold i W. !:.• Jiy Ev- :r.n /. fjii iu*t .nr. at the L-iti*. • bur h. at « .-VN-c'd. te r-c-ive fhe re;-it tf '*•« Del- gi: -e wno ntton }-.! :! ( e Conventtuu in Charles* '-• ft- ■ ‘1 ad In—s-s ur-- ( XJ.ecteii to l.- delivered.— M m*.• t • or,- ii -i n »:> <J tu I - punctual iu att- ticancv. AU | .* • - it. -' • |v t-- the i.:.--:ts ot the .-\»«. i.«;i> t. \! r -p -•( illy .nvit. . to t.. pie. t.t 2 nmy 4 3. fAlvUS. Th- UDdvi-igm-J, put r • f tho Fit*’ Caj tilt • l-'-m-h In t .is City, |.i!.t-i tlii* i:,c'.U r ',| ot ro tmu.ii.'t • li.e people of hi* chare”, and the tut tubers of j-tii-n. !.i* uvn. nn 1 Mi*. Ditiie'-’d grateful * kn ■ i.i.ient*. f ri'ev.rv 1 . ra. •• .day D.vy Delia- -. ; n," t '-.n ,.r*-. t. I tb- ui on .‘ -itu-'oay lu?r such au u: -:.-v.v.-d, but g. a* r u* expi-s-ieu • f c- n:i h-uceand r-v ir 1. will n*»ure.Jly l-> ret .imd in the ni< niury. and c mtr.ute a r.-mi..; c tic-.- uhcuo Iragii.i-.o will be I rush .HiJubidin;, c .. -DANILL. in-* y 4 1* (HA Mil-; or sc IIKH LLE- For Blufi’ton, /ft.l.t. It .,./•* y..,MtCtfJ, Curt Hull'll Ferry and ^r* »• i^ Th-ii'-w-nr.d *pli|idid iron iteamer a- J, - h• OECi Lk t. .ipt.l*. IvclLwil .on and after \t.\i -'I d. i-y. M vV Ii. l-.iV” for IhouLoVe g 1 tc-« v •:y A'j \DAY MOHMMi, at d. ]-. K.-’.*«.Li: c--t tiwbatf. #.'>»• All freight n.u*: I- |..idiu the whuil iv the •d-U-I *n.l r- u Wiil t.? r c ■ \ t d t r. may 4 Forsytli Place Fountain. t* il \LI.D PKHpiijt.M.S v.iH be received at the Office fr) f th- ’’Dy .^urvovnr. u.-til tin- 12:h inst, 12 M-, for tin: c •:. >:i-i ti-n u! tli- Dt*.n «»f tii- F .nut iln. to l- v-r cl* 1 in F i*.'t!i I'.a-.-e 1't.ifta atid ,-j.i-oifi • ill-,ns m iy may 4 *2 City Purveyor. Notice. -I «»•••* ' i betlei a sf-.c- [Drokor's I. n-liar ' LIVERPOOL. April ttI i::..:t-f, und the market uu-l u.i tl.e t eda t.4V-• t.-.--.--* * •••>•'.y olTorod, end n -I O.i- v- l-.ei. -re g i.-raiy v in p: i I • and I'jrptlan* have been dull nf sale aud are .',u : J .ttcrni.-l » fair Vcrinosalias btcii mi'l l- -.7 pi .-itie# i l fer P. 4 >- An.--Ii--U.-I and 7 : i-av« l ti'.u. und : -r ear i;.*» Atnerl.-un ar.-i ; Frin:*y nmiii...There haa teen n. -re in- t:f aie tuuwr. the ?*iei at l»r«?.!ttt kc bug*. 3 '1111,1, rpecjla'iijn ur f ■ r evpurt. Tl.e * i* 0-tiinaf.d at 121 '-‘I n.-unit 45?,s27, of which 32I.2L' are AUK-r.eun ;.? uu»t 402,121 last year, HAVRE. April I5...1n the l-e-g.iiiun^ - f th-: week the C l-.ii uwing t- l.ivuratle new* ti -in J.iverf o',l i-.-l t!,o >-.,t*.*, w a* rathe.- active, and holdtr* were aide !•» re.» i/e limlier | nt"'. il-it the li-.-mund lnl ”.'l. Alter the receipt <>f fnv«rab!e news per Aul.ia Hie Inurket active, ci.,‘ine. h.itterer, i|iiift aud rather L.-.ivy. New Or« is iil .-r.a at tr. Sa-ei ol II,.- week i'-ut up ai .-ul It a7*:u*t D iu.t -.rt M-.ek uh Land, 11*.17* U in* eluding l I* Ji N >i’!i A'neric-iu ugj|i.‘t l'2'i,Il<i D the i.tue nil.-.* U»l year. Tlie l.uniiea* iu our n.uniituotdriux dutncti remiiiii* u-ail, aud prices low. Yurns i.r-; wanted, l-ui f-.r Ca-ic .* are trcely selliug at former .piuUsu/us with very lit* tie deiliaud. CALCUTTA, March c :b...Gnnuy Cloth...We have no etiaure to n-f.irt m | rice* ot this artiefo. C-.utructs f r a t.uv l.endr-jii l.u lei 1..tie been luaio at lt» 3-b-n u>. I 3-i.i-", lint Heaven ore generaliy unwilling tn volitinne* lure at tlieie rule*, ihe mum.facturc >,[ Lags pay lug Letter. Guuuy Dag* are ug tin eauier In value, ipintatt-.i.s f--r tali weights being ID i t-4-U to Its 15ai d ordinary quality, l.w weights, i--" * - v -* ** *** w *** - " “ “ u b* had ai Hi V2-*-t> t-> Dr l3-*)*»). Ncav York Dry Goodit -Market. NEW YORK, April 2'.*...Trade sli-.vri incieaMiif activity The new luipnrtutn.iiaof tine drciamki are i-.ugnt J-t er with eagerm-if. uud |nices are iteaily. lienkanl x llutton * «alo w ui thu chief attraction of the past week. Flue plain Mika are in | n-.r »up; iy. und mueli Hunted, but I”*- au 1 medium i|iiuliiK-< are >n large supply. The usk j ,bbt-r« have been d-.iiig a fuir und improving imsinm, hut the wuulea jnbbcr* am ii”t» j active. A lew urtiolr* nfone are of quick laie, like new fancy *tyle* ut r.usiinerei. Old gv-ds are duii an J heavy, with an etccsMve inpply.... have t'-n »ol l <-ut of InipurterV halt Ii at g-»o«l pri ce* for thi* year'* liuportati-.iis, but low f.r !a«t year's style*. Ddiueaiii: 2-.-jd* arc in better demand. All c-.tton ds ur# lirm. There has been quite a muvemeut iu satinet*, large ■ales »f winch hare b*:u furced nn the manufacturers. The straw x'-i-Js trade hus very much iui|-rnved. 'J lieiaihiun runs now on straw bonnets and lint* for ladies and children. Kiiglish Dunstabl”.*. a* well as l.eithurris an I Italian straw*. Iiavi- all advanced some 25 per c- i.t- l.iuens are very dull, with large supplies ol all kind*. The receipts ut good, cuiitmue light. Collection* of ovur duo debts are iiuprevlhn, nnd many parties ore paying lu advance ut the twirit time allowed them. The country is rich lu cereals and raw iiinteriula i.f manufacture, aud butiucta must resume it* wonted activity in a few months. I.OL’LSVI LI.E, April 2'.r....Ji: proti-iunr sale* of 12d bbls mu*s pork in lots to till order* at $|H; 142 tierces of prime lard a; lU'^c, about I Id kegi to nil order* nt 12o for prime country und Ido for city p> rkhouse ; Imi tierce* cauvaased liuiui ut I ••«:. 17 cask* ribbed and clear side* at S»*j nud lu’,c. pkgs extra. The demand f-.r bacu from tho country wa* nut briik, but previous prices were paid, s«y 6. M au I Ino for •houtder*. hums and dear aide*. Lut lard wa* tirlu aud coiumauded lUo for prime LM and I Ic tor ki-K- I'er »tc:im«hi|. City i f .Norlnlk,Iroiu U»ltiiuore...A J Miller A foil. E Ilnn'iilie, 11 Kiugerald. Fiulayion A .McRae. Gilbert A Tilden, i Cliumpuni, J A Drown, J U Watts. J McJntirs, J in liny to, J-alm MuMalion, Llaghurn A Cnuinugham. i lium* ui, Ihiver A Douglas, J7 C Wudo A A .Soloinous A Co, Conno- rut. Webster A I'ulmes, M l.svin, J F Linder, A Fnwcelt A Co. f worroll, K II Agt, \V M Davidaun. Cooper A Gilliland, E .*> Zilr-iw- r, Kti.iaynu A Mclteii, Is O'L'ouucr, Eiualcm A E. I.mull, II D IteadiuHii, Clui|horu A Caiiiiiugliaiu. ratten, lliitt-.ii \ C«, J S Norris, W Wuudbridgc, J W Gaul A Co. W II IlnbCrtham, A Jnhurtou, i.rigliaiii, lia.dwinA Co. M A Cohen. J U Moore. A! Sell*. Morse A Fuv. A Haw kins A Co, M Cniiiiiiing, J Eipman, AI li William*, O Cohen A II .Ht-.ii A, Dr J II Read, P. O'lly rue, .Mini* ,t JoliU4'...ii. J lleauy. W* UAtclulire, A II Champion, T .M Turner, A Hay wood, S Al l.aUlleiu, l* Glebeihouic, J bichel, I \V Alorrell A Co, und J II Carter. I'ur ati-umer John U Lawton, from 1‘iraclnicli...Cotton and •uiidi in* 11 K C Wade A Co, I) AlcAlpiu, and other*. I’ur steamer W II Marko, from Augusta... til bales c>tt-m, 2'kJ Hour, 1757 *ai-w* curu,.'•-i.i *«exa llour, and 2d boxes copper ore. «n S Al l.ulliUuu, !• I., II A Crime, Clwghoru A Cunuiughum, J I hu.der A Co, and J W Gaul A Co. l'or steamer Columbia, from Au*niU...2:|A sank* Flour, Id bbls do. 3iM »aek« Corn, 111* bundle* Laths, Ubalu* IJoiiiekllcw, I lot i-ld Rail Road Iron and satidriea, to Al A Cdieu. Coni .-r A Gillilainl, \V Duuilmrt A Sou, J W AlcAlpiu, l' Al Aly irvU, A.'SlG.NUli'S NOTICE. A IJ, i*,,iiiii* ii.niii*t tli” .•!' .iini-i-li II. I-a.J-on, /la. r.i.i*; h” Ii m i* <| t-. tin- ut. .1 r-i.n- -I un ur fi •• n ifoui Jti..«-, ,n «•:, Jit .Inly a il .:ii-li.i wui buil-c!- r,•!. nmy 4 1 ii.u tH.TAVL'S CGlIKN, Art-.giit e. ^jRAWING-n,.* So. 1 (.5 tl iJ 40 '24 7U 40 3 77 G. A*' u oi iu, rcturiit'i. ST.500! Greene & I’nlii-l-.i .Muiiument Lotterv, CIjAGS WO. lOQ. To bo tlinwuai aavoiu,. '. t.», Iliirt D.ij. lay 4tli, D5S Unl.i' 'ItY Ai .'lAl'UY, Alauugcr*. Ii”m-: S7,300—$3,000—5!..TUO-91,000, &c., Ac. 7 . Nliiulo r——12 I'ravvii Daliui*, ili” Ti k«:» $2—,*-l,.ir.» in j :»p-.iii-.ii. "ill-1* will !■• • n.j.-1« • x-t ■! and a piintr-d ropy ■ f 111- ulliviai tiiavviii: ii. .■ *■ .-il |>- *►-•»:» •>s > |.*s tr lie.-* <-t*. LI.liHA WYLLY, Under, _ "-'.vl Day l^me. M IT \ 'I*: ON WANTED. “* Ni'l-'i lli-.l.N G'-iii ■ man r.: 1 i-d neat inn, '••*■'■• i \ -:i--:.C” in **• <n.m -:iltal • I --iij-r.p ifjt, in nuns* sunilat Iniiiiion »■ fwl "f ri !”>”i ;e» can fi.* fi;rnls!ir*d nn l*i)wiri«-se i* in N”W \ ink 1-iiy. T.rms tu-t *•• inii<li an uiject *1- *iml !•• MiiMiimi. Pur «l.iolia*l.lre*i* It. PiauK- ll”rk!ii.. r • i-miiy. N-w Y- " iiinvR— 2«v A .r, of .MOLASSES- fg^IIL C.IU" "f tli”l,.^.l 11 lvi.t,T]ic«HMMilig JL 2 " LI.US MidaiSi-K, -gdtsuly J, 3.‘ lii rres r|.», .nsi jrW V. u bfi!» «l... for MtoU/ii tn\'3 If.DT. II \liK|(SHAM * FOV.4. -S. I. C() ri'ON biOKD, ran sale dy W 11* I* I A M npr ill ICING A !S ONS. OFFICE CUAULE.'TuN AND l-AYANNAII RAIL ROAD COMPANY. CiivRt.reT”.v, April 7t!i,lS57. Th” SIXTEENTH (1ft, INSTALMENT oil Hi* Capital Stock of this Company full* due ou the lU’.h day of May on idling. Sufiiuribers are requested to inako paymenl of Arrears nt Hn-r.HKo nf tin* Cutnpiiny in Charleston, or to A. Per ter, at Hi* llnuk or tli" State of Gcunsia. iu Savannah. _ apr fiavvid EDW’D L. i’ARK ER, Tn uiurcr. UUOt'GUT TO JAIJLT ~ fl.< . Di. iiitl.t tu D.uifii. Mi ll.n-iii o.iinty, .Tail, a vU Negro Mali, c.t ling }iiin«ell NATHAN, nud s-ivs Nfl iliat hr* In-luiigs tn a Mr. Juim-rt Durkin, near Gain* ivili-'. I.uwt Kli-ri-la. Aged about IS years: live f«-.-t five or MX li.efii *; dark Ci-lu; left- ed. Tin* fun-liriger is c-.inl-li ral’l J- iliefigurid, from bu- iug hurl—a t*ii i >i 11 war iiuder flu 1 I'gld eye, und one aernsrt the ■i.'rte. T lie ov. tier w ill fin riqmred to prove propi-ity. pay el.nrg. h. und take liitn away or lie will be dealt wall aa the law nqnireH in Mich ca*es MoJUKUOll 1W.OUNT,duller Mcl. C. Datlen, Apiil *27. lhf.V trvv4 n pr fii) J oliilAV. Kelly, MERCHANT TAILOR BAY STUEKT, SAVANNAH, H AVING Glitaini-d that large and elegant'store formerly occupied un th” ‘ 8uvuninth Dending J*’ I* prepared, with Itnpioved f.ieilitius, to render hii patrons every sutl.laelion in hi* line offinslnere. Gariiieuirt mail” iu tin* htvlk or wuIikmansiiip, and In suit the tuMc of the wearer. Ills wrruuttenvewtK wte anrh as to keep ldtn fnrnl-hed with Ihe LATEST FASHIONS AND STYLES of Cloths, Cttssimcnyinil Vosllngs. His pres .-lit stork of UENnA MEN’S WEAR, inns lino, hnndrtome, nud datable, an ctllWoliiuiiied iu this city or ClieWlnio. Pariinilar attention is culled told* siiniTlor SPUING AND SUMMER STYLES of C.’foOTIIS t’ASSU JM HllS AND VKMTINUN, when he I* satiilled Hint hi* uiiar.intee of HOt 1) FITS will insure a selec tion from his situ-k.ainl a Irial of Ills ability to render the ns• mf perfect nuti-fu-lfon. d. W. K.. has nl"i* on hand, u supply of Gent’s Ready-Made Clothing, Wliiuli will he found at ns reasouablo price* m cau be i found nl any Hie re iu Un* city. I Call and bo pleased. Smo apr 3 T -it* l o !-i*i2ti.-d having wnh Iruwii fi ir. i*.« ft-9. ter-st tn ih* *.»im-1. .vir. AMuiKU* j. *..»«■! /. *u.;i tak* this a-i"l-1 inak* nn aek 1 - :g::; • i.t t- in fi .eii i* and ll,” |-nl*7i-.-! -t III-ill., ral j •: t.«j • fill m. n l w.-.d-l 1* ti-ai.klid |..r .:* c M.uai. * to hi* *» I. V.t. .ill ll -«hi-riiii!v • . in-1,■-* r.. :|. rir coi ti i--u -up- rt. John ,MtiN7ii:i:. tfavanbah. April 3*. 1S*S. juavki Gunsinithing', &c. THT I! K Undereigm-d. having purchase.! tha It,:, r■ *t •!. Ji. Mr. .1 dm Mc-lniiii-in tho iilxu-e l.tiffn. i?, j4 j.t-s i r.; a red In execute «'l i.rdor* in iii* li-i”. with j j. :nj-|. I,- *-*'«i.d despatch, nt th* eld hT.ii »..f .1, Mdi.tire, *m> censor! ■ .1 T. J MxlUvt * u*:». A. K. LOPl.Z. Satnnnah, May 1. in .>3 REMOVAL. rHlifi: *u'« tile: I..» r.-ni -v..| •, \* • -, r W— re v? r . R. K. Wii'.mgt-'n*s. 14iv |-n.”.wl.. i --w:!!-- imt,, tl ” Cefi-ra! Ilroker-vje, iu cni,:i*c!| n vu’i • L’prr I n*it •-?«. a ni respectfully »--li-f* ri: - ; re ?-.,•• -f !ti* trs-M aud th” public, ll- will. »0-,Mr-,* ? K*’ate, Sleeks nnd Personal i r--i- 1 y. V- 1. .e for lonr* of money. EI.I^MA WVM.V. next door Wwt tu ' r I.. M .-.’-i- r. FOR SALE OR RENT.“ M That n-and p'-an. hou* (dn'il It* tei.enivni ll.n nielli. c..r (JI l>. lltli IM-.II ! nil! M-- If -it iir-it.iu viihcr tvncuiHit v. til l.e n-ld. Also. A fur ieti”lnefit two story I ri”k II ti«o.»n W- *t Ilroai near Dob (tr. siren. EU>IIA WYI.LY. next dixvr West of Mr. L. V' iti.i- „t- n. may:.—lw ^ u*.v loins. FOR SALE, On the Cl,ml; Jlutid, j-tt l„yu„ { the Tnh tint-. ('H A S AND CALVES—aii.-.n ret ll.eS” are * me OF a of tha ficjit Milch Cows iu th-Ciiiiitr. Ai: >10 JOHN 8. MONTMOLLIN, or II. TOW, c 11 the |.reinire*. •I i r .-It -riu 11I1J*- iy tu. J A C Oil fc>’ IMPROVED AMALGAM 0 x /; v oil a n a a n <> s s. f 71Al. II pen i* stain,"”.i *• M. Jacobs' Au; ligain ” ah”, -4 mi each box. a l-e* ..f ih- ni.u.i.t murcr'i siaiuiGire. Deceived unJ f.-r ,a!« 1 v jn »> t_ JreltN M. COOPER x CO. TUB OI«n DOJIINIDN QOSBiS IPOf?. W E lliiv* ju*t received a lull a»*..itii . i.i f4ho id-uvc bi-fftc Pets, nnd effer il.t m nt ih* f .M«r* ing prlrex: At ilie It hist Furnishing Stor**. Ml sit? K & 1AY. rp-ftft No* 1?-5 and 1 f7 Itr* luhtou itre't. TUB GESitINH "OLD DOMINION” COI-BIPOTS. A GOOD AFshHiTMKNT on i.imd and fr •.»'?*« New Y*'tk retail prices, nt the Iiu K«il:i»l*inf Jl|..| 4 .1--P I'leUtfb* U. C. UKACU. nun Store Ketablishiuent, Uodgnon’i tun street, corner of Dull, may 1 Dl'PEEi DECK & SAVI.KJt, BANKERS 4c BliOKKRS, .1 nn-I 5 IJcn,null ire i ‘rut, J! *tun, -V"”. D.. 11 .1 8. give particular attention t» the Vin*sof Lake Suiericr. and nn- prepared to tut nidi red dls lo* n-Kpecting them. A iiuui'lEy levi. w -f lb* Mo. 1; and Money Market. Willi qm-t ,t*i n- • t ill.*Cur* rent r’d-iirltiert. w ill l-o **nt in anj, adi.n *« d> »iri-d. j.\)!ui a. du-le. James bsc:; iiesfa s\tui. ly THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF in tub sort’llr.ux states. Having lately received a fine Hirtoittnent of I* m-WIPIANO FORTES,! ■ I * » | • from the celebrated man- • 1 *» * h facto l ien of of ||. Worcester, and (‘bickering x Ajum nm enabled lo offer thorn to the public, at the ni*n“|** tnrers* prices, flake great pleasure In recoin nienaioi the above Instruments, ns they are made expressly w* our SOUTHHHW CLIMATE' For excellency of material.simplicity id -uyh-.i-lcgaW* of fiuirtfi, aud, above all, the purity. Bw»elne»*.»n» '•r linney of ton*, they have been pronoun.”d I'j ""J. 1 *, being Ihe finest ili*trninent» e'er clleteo to the lUlldic. , .. i«,| Having hail tho sol# agency in this city tor}”*™* twenty-five years. 1 never havo known ol an uiMsn win-re they did not give perfect satlafaclmu: I hare no b.-iitniinn in saying to th«-se in want "I » “ I nn rumen t. that they eunuot do belter lliaw *vh f ‘ thoab.ivo manufactures. I Ii ivo also, a fim* assortment nf Horace " ,, 2 Ihmrduian A Gray, llains Dros. U Cumnim--. J • D. Ulicliere, which I will sell nt reduced price*- 1. W.MOUKELI' Savannah, March IH. IfiA?. *7 - 7\<j ,\ ssI//S NATVKAL I> I KT( ’ 1 ^ Y n a CSVltSERIIIEKfi aro hereby notified that vol*. ” ‘2 have hern "ent In us for deliver*• ’’ • * n - iiiatauee charge tli” work in the account of 11 ,P l,r i ™,' we Imvo no interest in it wtiatsvvr. Ibe cash ,,lU " Th paid in all rasert, when tiio volumes are delivered. *_ as is generally known.l« JOHN M. COOPED & to* -VTqLOI'll—1,6UU sacks Flour, all kind* ami 8 r » J ‘ l For tile low by .lAMEji 1, 8NIDEH 4 may l