The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 05, 1858, Image 1

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.. tA , ... J.T' S 1 i ., . ' ■% .., . ■ V ■ ■' . . ■ ; . / - Bfl,. Bn "^ a. ■ ■"'■''■jS'.'.V.; ' V ■ VOLUME IiVII. r'liuumuiy ^w^iwmvh^ 18 rUUMSUBD DAILY. TRI-WEEKLY. AND WEEKLY. by F. W. SIMS. Editor. J. R. SN£ED, IlATKS OF ADVKUT181NU. otto squnroof 300 oiuh or lose, of nny typo not Ur* in Nonpareil. 76 cents for the first. ami 60 ceuts it subsequent insertion, fornujr time lots tbau one I'lilmlnr work, with or without rulea, and udvor •nis.Hvupylug double column, ahull ho churged tin* above ralea. rusomouts, of whatever length, (hr any ttuo lea i,t« mouth, to lie charged at transient ratoa. i longer time at the following rates: "1 iuo. 2 mos iluuit linos tltuus lit tuos. ttO m $30 w us so 126 V.<r in- time aota'*ove specified, a proportional charge 151. i-.« made. \t%otiiseinonta ordered three th a a week, will bo Vo iwo-thWila the utmve rates. V .'.eduction of 2,* percent, from th above ratea will . n.iduon advertlaemontoappearlnp ou the fourth page ; inr daily. ...... ml notlcee. 10 cents por Hue for tlm first, nud 6 : Teach subsequent insertion, ana 111 no ease to in t to contiin-t. .Marriage notices.$1. Fmiern 1 inti- r*. 50 cents each. No special notice insulted lor leas i,.. i cents. Obituary notices, Reports, it< solutions . 1-. .vedlngs of any Society, Association, or Corpora* i . , i .Iered to be published, 6 cents per line, ji.. ■ sits will be advertised at $40 per annum for .|. it .i.txertieed. \. tt *ts!t'.|.»—where bu one Is umultig, $40 per an- •’ i; if tw <» or more, $30 each. ‘ *,i tiem ers advertisements lint to ho subject to con ri.t i'ut to tio charged at the rates proscribed per ‘uvu anv bill for two months advertising, other than miri.-t, amounts to over $60, a doductlou of i*6 per «ill be insdil, ifim advertising, with tho privilege of change, will at tin- following rates: i r .M • n.ii.nre, renewable once a week.... $46 • •• twice “ 66 •• •• “ three times or ofteuer "0 f, r\ additional square cmtmetod for to ho charged i he above rates additional, v . advertisers shall 1m limited to the space con* . . t t. All contracts shall he In writing, stating i iv the nature of tho business to he advertised.— . i.iicrti-ements not properly connected with tho . - tmlI l>e charged separately, and also any ex- .. ' matter over the amount contracted for. ., r.n l advertisements payable quarterly; advertise- ■. fmm strangeis and transient persons, payable In , . All others will be considered due when called . , iper. under no circumstances, to bo included in ■ -ioiml and business cards, not exceeding ft linos, ui'erti d at $20 tier nninun. v >ui persons to become candidate*, will be inserted • : ,-r a.lwvilsvnicnta, to lie paid Cot UiviU'iably III i .iioundug candidates for olRce, $10, ro be paid In V:. i tiseinetits not marked on the copy for a specified v. ill he inserted until forbid, and payment ex* ... it- advertisers and all others sending commit- . ,.e requiring indices designed to call attention - in-eits. soirees, or any puldic entertainments, i;«rg-sare made for admittance—all notices of I-,.,,-intions, every uotico designed to call alten* • i ivite enterprises calculated or Intended to pro* • interests, cau only ho inserted with tho • T.vvhng that tho Hatuo is to he paid for. If in* vi tin-1 litorial column (which can he only at the a the editors'!tlw sanio will bo charged at tho ,. - i,"t K-s than So cents per line. \ . -vis. minis onh red in the Weekly. $1 par . r i.ich insertion for any time less than one . Y t more than ouo mouth, at one-lmlfllio rates Th^in iVdsiied.'publishers of l"ally. Tri-Weekly and • iv n-w-ipapers in Savannah. On., pludgo themselves .' .elliere to the above bill of charges, and In no :?,Vce to dwiato therefrom. .... rates to take effect March 1.1856, and to -.ue binding until changed by tho votooi a majority • -i. Ht-di-rsiguod. . _ . -, II —1 in * schednlo shall not lu any way effect tlio In- f .\i,ting contracts. Mlcontracts Tor tho year ; ..'her Siieciliud time, shall only ceaso with the !-. v.. ’t "f M*e period for which tho wore made. ’’ F. W. SIMS, Kopublican A. K. I, \ M Alt, Georgian, w. r THOMPSON. Morning Nawa. H.r.:<ti •(iilvertlftemeuis. w w UtlYAN ftllURIFF'ti SAIbK. ii.l. It- Sold, boforo tho Court Homo door, In it. van comity,on the first Tuesday lu May next, Ii-gnj hours id sale, the following property, M.vt-.'II head of Stock Cattle, more or less.— i i. ,i us ihe property of -tatthow M Morgan, to u ■ :i. f.i. Issued out of tlm Superior Court of llry- : ill favor of M. <\ Peeples vs. Matthew M. t'loporty pointed out hy th*- dutemUiit. j, ... V. i ; ll.L. frln-i iff P- c. f. C KINtJll A SUli KK IP PMTs A l.Kr :i, SOLD, on tho first Tuesday tii May, lit t of the Court II iimi lit l.lllnglmni County. U .u i, .urs of sale, an old negro iimn.Hiiined • • | loperly of l* l-hkius. Levlod on hy .' ll.ii. tv. Const .hie, to«iif|s r y a II. fa. Ill favor or i .. is.-imd from a Magistrate’s Court, in and for • -y. Mar h »Uh,lh«S. . ' StHHIlACK K llKI.MTiY, Ph’ff r. n- T VTK OF (IKOitOIA, li’oiiH whom it may • <1 Aril AM IMUNTY j eonoern. . . Kij/.ii utiustead will apply at tho Court of , i.-r I,, tiers Disinlssor.v as admlidslratrlx ou i. : .1. of .loiiall.ali Olinstead. xrn, therefore, to vltvs and admonish all whom It . • rn, to tie and appear before said Court to . ijeciion (if any they have) on or beforo the first ... hi uctobcr next, otherwise said letters will bo . John Dilho, Ks*|, Ordinary for Chatham .ibis lifth day of April, IMS. H ,..i j-ittN l»i.lin,i) c.c. TATE OP OISOllOIA, I To nil whom it may ) >: I iTUAM C'MJXTY, J concern s • v*. .f ilm K Walls, wdl apply at tlw Court of it f. i Letters [>iMul*<sory,Hs Aduiinlstrator on tho :'.miiiae| Walls. if. therefore, to cite and admonish nil whom It rn, to be mid appear beforo said Court to mako .! my tli-v hare;on or before tho first Mon* .. .* luembur next, utherwlsu sold totters will bo > •. .1 .bn ltillio. F.s'i., Ordinary for Chatham * ■ ■ 'Id* l'wvlfth day of Atardi, IH68. JOHN ItILBO. o. c. o. IA t J j (ih G lToIt OIA, i To all whom it ina 5 CHATHAM COUNTY. J coucoru: •r-.*. L.iiii C. Uowland will apply at the Coi.r* o > L-M'-rs Divuissory as Administrator on tho ■ 'Aiiiu-ii I*, ltowiand. t:ilief.'f,.ro, to cite and admonish all whom ■ mi -hi, in ho and appear boforo said Court, to ■ -;-,tj".is(if any they liuvo), on or before the first m .July next, other wise said Letters will bu v-Web n Hit ho, Ksii, Ordinary for Chatham !,| lls<eventh day of Januaay, 1K56. ''.lu JOHN III Llto, o 0.0. 1TM tip GldtlltOlA, t To all whom it way '•I \ 1*11 KM H'tl'NTV. j ciit.corn: ■ .* il-iiry ilrigh mi. will apply at Hu* Court of if. i-r L-itors Disiuissory, usoxucutor on tlio fcs- I '! \ -hoi Wel.s. - o -. ilierefore, toettenud ndnioiilsli all whom it - I..- -iii.l app-ar beforo said Court to mako i »i: any they tin*u> oil or beforo tlm tiist Mon* - 'nil- II otiieru iso said loiters will be grunted. J i .ii HiHio, Ks*|., ilrdiuary for Chatham Co., ' iv "f iiocember, 1867. JNO. 1HLI10.O. c. 0. ATI*: O i« r GBOttG I A, I To till whom It muy CHATHAM COUNTY. J coiicorits I'M'. L tvvatd Lovoll wilt apply at tlio Court of ■rv f, r Letters Disiuissory us Administrator on t!-m Harvey J. IJilhert. - o . iliureforo, to cite and admonish all whom It •i". to be and appear before said Court to mako ' -'* i aoy they havojon or before tho first Mon* Jaiy next, other wise said lottors will bo grant. r-w. John llilho, Ksi|.. Ordinary for Chatham ‘. Hus el-volt th day or January, IH.V i .iOIIN fit LUO, 0. C. C. Tate OF GEORGIA, I Toad Whom It may CHATHAM COUNTY. j coucoru. i t* Henry I). W.e-d will apply at the Court M -■-> lor Letters of Administration *»n tho Kstato id oC. Duuiiiug, Koiilor, Into of Chatham County, • aie, iheroforo, f<» cite and admonish all whom it ■' '• he ami appanr beforo said Court lo make -a ‘if any they l.u v e) on or before t' o first Mon* Jati'i next, utiiiirwiso said lottors will ho granted. "• r ~, John ItlUm, V.H*p, Onlluary fov Chatham . this 'Jbtli day of April. 1668. r till __ JOHN ltlf.nO.O. C.O. IbI II BUT Y H11 BUI F's NAL E. "ILI) Hi: riiil.l). on tlm first Tuesday In June next, l.etweuii tlio legal hours of sale, boforo art House door In Illnosvlllii, Liberty county, tlm .vi/ pn' wit: tins tract or tmrccl ot Lnml, iiiug forty acres, more or loss, and boundod us fo| v rili hy lands of Joshua Fletcher, Fast hy James '!■*. South ari'l West hy lands of Simon Horiiigton. I -a as i lie property of John liuhaiiau, to satisfy a t-*u-d out oi a Justice’s Court, Hltli District of ’y county, in favor of Samuel Hearn vs. John •an. G-vy made mid totmuod to mo by a Cotwin* April arth IS 8. JAOOH TI!IK**8, Dep Sh’ffL.O- . NOTICE. NHHKF: MONTHS AFTEil DATE, application will > iitiele to the Cashier of tho Union Hank Angus* "RwdcrinfurTen Biiarot (No. 3i)0j issued to lloury "■’•‘Win •«, on 28th March, 186'L which Scrlji has " »* '.r in inlaid. ROUT. J. «lAUHIIKY, , Administrator Eslalo Hunry liarpor. W'f'nh, '/ad January, 1868. |lnw 3m MJ.HI W. VVILSUN,) 't > Divorce. ' tKTTA WILSON.) l " the Court, by the rctnrn of the Sheriff, 11 f'O'dant Is not to he found in tho County |, -ZUni: fin motion, it Is ordered that t ho said file her plea or defence in tho Clerk’s Of- '"‘t.i.n or before tiie first day of tho next ml it in Inrllior ordered, that Hits ardor "7'* 1,1 tho gaz-ttes of il:« City oi 8avan o'""- months pruvionu to (he next term of this *H»'t from the minutes, this 26th March, 1868: JAMKS HAHN. - ■f tin- c f l , .MSIKS IIAlin, fl. M. R. fl. L'.vVvJ! 1 sr *lATOR’S NoTTceT It"■ ’'a'a, application will lai mails to ( '*‘atnam County, to sell tho real ■ M '- 1 F ^whElOB la U' n estate of ,T*cob El- |V|; 2l, ‘ * HIRAM ROBERTS, Administrator, WEDNESDAY MiORNING, MAY 6. 1858. NUMBER 109 Beat lleAiieil CHARCOAL IRON CALVERT IRON AND NAIL WORKS, Baltimore, Md. J. IIOI’KINSON SMITH, Ol'T'TCE 25 SOOTH C1UULES-STREET. hook and flat head rail road spikes, BRIDGE AND CAR BOLTS. NUTS, No., WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS, OP ALL PATTERNS, 5 to 12 Inch MADE TO 0 HD Ell. W! A DM 1NI St'I’ll AT IIIX’8 8 A Ib K. 'ILL BE SOLI), ou tlio first Tuesday in Juno . . next, bohno tlio Court House in Bryan County, and Nate of Ueaigiu, property belonging to tho estate of Johu Billy, di-cetisod, by permission of the llonorablo, the Court of Ordinary of l tty an county: a tract of Laud known ns Maxwell Hill, eoiitainlng 46't mres, more or lees, lieing mi the lino of Br.vait and Liberty county, and hounded north hy land of John V. Wells, east hy 11 I. mg. south and west hy Mr. Stones. Said Land I* well timbered, and within ouo mile of ('umniclii* l iver, with fin acre*of cleared lauds, and a framed Dwelling lieiiil) finished, with materials sullideiit already dress ed. to eomph'io the house, and nbotil 100 slicks of nuw Tlmher, ready for mat kot. Said tract has 100 acres or (list i|Uilit,v laud, uti-l is located lu tho best rungo for stock of any kind that cun bo hud within 100 miles of Savannah. , Also, tho following negroes: June, 32 years oil: Inane 20. h.'th timber cutters; Paul, f-0 years old; Maria, 37 years old. .ELIZABETH IIALY. apr 12 Administratrix. NOTICE. Nancy Brewtott, llenjamtn Clrowton, Tomtma Hendries, Nu:b»ii ilrowt"ii, Jr., gu irdiati of Jeml* ma Ifoudries, and her children, Caroline Brew ton. Mar tin T. Miller, nud his wife Nancy Miller, John Sikes, amt tlio gu irJum of tho children of Ellxabeilt Sikes, Allen Sykes, deceased, Samuel r.rewton, Uriah A. Rogers a ttd Martha, his wife, Simon P. Smith and Clarissa, Ills wife,Simon J. Itrewton, and Jauu-s Wilkinson, adminis trator »l John lion dries You ate hereby no ified that T will, on tho first Mon day in July next, appear beforo tho 1'onrt of Ordinary of Uul'och r.iin ty, at State-huro, Tor tlu pmpioe of prortug tho Will of Nalliuu Itrewton, deceased, into of said couuty. NATHAN UUHWTON, Executor. By my Attorneys, DAUHN u LEVY, apr 12 TnuiirSmo SILVER WAREJt JEWELRY. S. ¥ILMOT, COMTEK OF CO Edit ESS, WHITAKEIt AM) ST. Jl’I.lEX STHEBT8, ^^FFFR* HIS LARGE STOCK of KICII (4DOD8, at prices to suit tho times. On lihtul, and receiving by Gold and Silver Goods of every description. o silver Tea Sets, Pitchers, Waiters. Goblet*, Cups. Spoons and Koras, of everv welulitiind variety ; , , . — - . Silver 1 other pros-mts; Gold and silver Watehoj, and Fine Sets and sin/io piee-s, neauiifully put up in case* fir wVddiu, Clocks or ..very variety . „ * T * MIbIIY, froto tho richest diamond to the cheapest plain gold. Including CatnnO, Lava and Mosaic, In full s-ts and single pieces; with almost every d. a.-riptinu of Oru-unetit now lu use. klnd PI<A ' rKD DBODS.—PliitHl Cuko Buskots, Unitors, Tea Sots, let. IMieliors, nud Platini Godds of ovary SPECTACLES—In Gild. Silver and Stool Frames, with Pehhlo mid other Bights. FANCY (40DDS,—Uieh a>» I lieaaliftil Parian Vas-smid Statunits, and Funrv Go ds, in groat varlotv. Tori»is,. Shell and otlu-r COMJlN. of latest stylos, with a great variet y of Head Ornaments * usnni ,,llllL,,, "* ,f * >ify ,U " 1 ,; °' ,ntry 11 ro hivito.t to examine the stock, which will bo sold at prices much lower flmu Watches, Clocks and Jowelry promptly REPAIRED by workmen of skill and long experience, aprft tf NOTICE. A LL Persons having elalint against tho citato of the Into Dr. Fraud* li. Di-inero, will pioseut Cicui,<lu!y att. sled. in the time prus.-rt'x.d l.y law, nud thou* in* (h-lvted will tuuke immediate payment t«* apr 12 J'HIN G. FE.iltH.I.. Admliilitrator. NOTICE. V l.Ti Person* Indehted 11 the late firm of AlKIN A BURNS, are re.;'tested to setthv'thei wise their tmt.-s or aer.ui til a will ho placed in the hainUot au attotitey for .'.dleetioii, at tho next term of tlm Court. f.*l»27 tf TIMM \S II. BURN*, NOTICE. A LL Persons in.leht,*.] »o tlm extato of tlsiijunitn T. JxL Mines, late .it Bryan county d-e.-ased. are re'|ilest* ed to make |>aytu-nt to 111 * iind-rsigiied. at Hinesvllle. Llherty county: mid those having demands ngaitist said e»tati' will hand them in, duly n- tested, within l>«u liuu* pt'escrihed by law. mar IS C HIVES, AdmY of st R T. Iliim* CHANGE 0F^SClIEDULE INLAND ROUTE For Palatka B. F. IS V A It D1A X SALE. 7lY virtue of an order fr»iu the tl.mmahje (Im Court ■~.j9 of Drdlnm-v < f Lthi-ify ceunty, will he sold tie foie the Court Housed"..™, hi M.-ytown of mirnsvilh* ou tho 1st Tuesday in June next between the legal In-un of sale, ) ’lie track of Laud In tlm "til Dial ret of -“th County of Liberty,sold as tin* property of tho es’jrte of Win. li. decease. f..r the benefit of the Lein* and distributers ut said di"*<-'is.-d. np IA SK 111 MIX 11. HUSTON, Guardian. CIIANOE OF SCHEDULE. THE CilKU’KST &(Jli|CKEST ROUTE To the North, 8MBIS® T W X O id A W Ifi JIQ K. JVff (hur/tsToti AND THE NOUTU-KASTEUN HAIL-IIOAD THROUGH AtUUNGEMENT Flf'M SAVANNAH TO WII.MIN’OTHV, N. 0 On mid after SUNDAY, JANl'A BY 10th, 1858, }T«sj supumon STEAMER GORDON, F. BAUD E N| Co in in a a «l e e. Will l.iave Savannah every SUNDAY mid WEDNES DAY AFTERNOON, at 3 nVIock, and arrive in Charles ton the following mornings hi lium to connect with the Train ot tho North-Eastern Bail Ho id ffniny Sorth. Heturning, will leaves t'liar leaf on every Monday and Friday Night, at 8 o'olock, (after tlm arrival of tlie cars from Wilmington,) and arrive in Savannah early Die following mornings. Travellers hound fir the North, for North Carolina, or for tlm northern part of South Carolina, hy takiug this route, wilt *uvo riMt a2» KSVBxas, nud wilt gntun night’s sleep I nrough Tickets from Savannah to Wilmington, $11• No extra oliar^o for tucals or bortlison board of tlio steamer. Passe tigers mil their R-rggiuo transferrol from tho Btemimr to the cars. Jrr- nj cUnr/jr.. Baggage checked from aavuutiah to Wilmington. Fur engagements apply to J. P. IliMDKS, Agent. Jan 7 Ohnrloston Steam*Packet W’lmrt. FOR HAVANA KEV WEST AND (AUFORNIV. Steamship ISABEL, \V IL L IA M It 0 Ib h IN S, COM M AN I) EH, Having just been entirely overhauled and put in splendid order, refitted with new boilers, and double air tight hulk heads, forward and afr, making ii.-i uneol tho nvwt deslrntd« steamers for safety, speed nud com fort, will leave Savannah for tlavatm via Key West, on tlio ttli and Hull, ami leave Havana lor Savannah via Key Wert, on tho lothnuJ 2‘itli o' each ni'iiith. Tlm ISABEL connect*, at Havana, with tlmU.S Mail 8teainsliip Couip.ny's Lino ofSloauiors, for New Orleans and San Francisco, For paiuwgu ouly,apply to doclS COHEN'S k HERTZ. .ft-r- GREAT REDUCTION OF FARE *Irfv253 to EUROPE. 71» .V.'io J'lr.’.- froi.i .Knith amptuH, Havre or lire— From ,V« io York or South* umptoii, Havre amt Jin• hi CM. First cabin $80 Second cabin 6u Steerage.. ::o ud caldu Ill the H*-st •-|n«*t pad'll'.' w , unship ARIEL.2,001) tons, C D. Ludlow,, nnd N0i‘TH STAR. 2, 6«k) tons, Edward’’avendy, Roimunad.-r, to sail Iron) pier No. 3 Niutli rlvur, at nuuu precisely, carrying Gto United States mall, viz: Leave Xno York for Bremen for Southampton Southampton, Havrtt l\£outhamp~ for or tinmen. ">J«oo i<f nn . jf ew y nr k. Ariel, Saturday, MarcUAflk_ April 1". April 21. North Star, “ April-fTN May 16. May III. Ariel, “ May )6. Jitim 12. June It). N Star, “ June 12, July It). July 14. Tlmsosteamships touch »f. Havre. Spnclodelivered in London or Paris. For passage or freight.apply lo I). TORRANCE. Ag-nt, mar 1 ffnio No.6 Bowllu-Green, New York. FARE H.TIDUCED1 8TBAJII TO SOUTH AMP- AMD IIA VIIK,—The m ig- ^^•nr^flnpxynlfieHiit HtenniNluii VANDERBILT, 6,208 run*, p. E. Lufovro. master, will sail, with tho nmiD— FltoM NEW YORK P«R PROM S'dlTfMMPTOX AND SOUTHAMPTON AND IIAVRR. IIAVHK I’oll NEW Y"RK. Putin day April 10 Wedm-iday April 28 Saturday May 23 Wednesday June U Saturlay Inly Si Wednesday July 21 Price of passage according to locition of room. First cabin, 8UK); second cabin, $60. Specie de'ivered in London and Paris. For Passage or Fieight, apply to D.T >RRANGE, Ag't No 6 Bowling Green, Now York. apr7 marl IfW! PIANOS^; W. D. ZOGBAUM to CO, ARK WEEKLY RECEIVING FROM TIIE FACTORY TIIX CEI.KHItATKD Sttintofis & Sottn’ pTun.iunced Viy Artists nnd Connnlssenrs to bo Superioh to any American Piano, and c-ouai to tho Eruril or Col- lard's. The ail vantages possessed hy those I'ianosovor all oth ers, aro 5 a puro <pnt1itv of tone, au oven scale, which admits nr up perceptildn change between upper and l»wer octaves, no far as (;uality of touo is concerned; ■tanding in tune longer than other lustrumanes; ability ell"", o Their l"i"ir"«c p.,w,.|—II,n """“ih"r« U flirC “ ,lr “" 8 " 1 ° ru ™'">Iroinoil,. Tlio Ktcliiwny * So""’ PI""o., „„ r»,t .""or.o.lln" tho." or nil",r nmiiurietiiren, lx,II, Nerth nit" Bo",,, r,»r tho universally expressed Himtimoot or tho musical world is in their favor, nnd then is hut uno remark a> uiong all musical teachers ami dilettanti: THEY AIIE THE VERY REST PIANOS now made in America. Tho superiority of thesu instru* moots over illiy other Is so apparent, that wo Invite per sous about purchasing to call and examine our stock, when, we doubt not, they will bo perfectly willing to accord to tlio expressed sontlineut of those most com petent to Judgo, Hint tin) IIJw BTKINWAY k SONS’ PIANOS SDKPHR.8 ALL0THKR8 in thuosscntlal requlsito that go to niuku a good instru ment, A largo assortment of nil kinds of Musical Instru ments. and Musical Merchuudiv.e, Including the newest publications of Music, kept constantly < n hand. W. D. WiUOAUAI & «'0., Bryan nnd 8t. Julian streots, near tho Market. I1LACK IbACE MANTILLAS. TfUST Rocolvod, an aMortmnnt of tho almvo good), apr 21 UBNRY LATHROl’ A CO, P SUNDAY SCHOOL TICKETS, |0R Bala by J. B. CUB HEDGE, apr 28 Boll it, oppodta gonvon Honif, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. FERNAN DINA, JACKSONVILLE, AND P l C O L A T A . .Stnnninif at nH Internivliiitu f.umilfmj*. To leave ! Jroni the Charlentun Steam /’uirharf every J WElt.Y/JSDA )' MOUMXU at II ./*•/»«•/1*. ! The new and sph-n-lid si.ainer N, EVBBGLXDK, (’apt. I. .M. Coxetcr, ^ will h ave lids i-liy at above This steam.-r has *.he finest pusaen- „*r acc.>mnn"lail"ii*of any boat in tlm .■».!.• tlicni w.iter-i, and comie.-la regularly with Hie stages for Om i*itori"r "f Florid i, . with ‘ill* Bruns wiik A Florida and l'eri.audiuu At t’tu'ar Keys jlail • r.uuls. Heturning will c.imurt at ir-ivaniiah with the Central lUdinud. >iud N'-n York steamers. Fn-ight consimed to III" Agents of this steamer will In* r'-Khip|wd Ire.- of charge. For Ireigitt of passage ap ply ou board, or to JOHN C FltASKK. Agent ,'io 7) Itny.t IS IT K D STAT KS lM AIL. B'or E*ttfutka Si, E\ 17.1 DAMES, nnrXSWlCK, ST. MARYS, FL'RXAXD/XA. JACXSUXVJLLE, AX 1) FWOLA TA. The splendid now Ivon steamer ST. MARYS, I’lipt. Jus. Fre. born,having In-on 1'ior..uglily painted nod over hauled, wilt i-->mnieiico her regular trip* to the ul>ov» places, leaving tin. Florida -teiim I’a.-k.-t wiiaif cm .Monday inn. un.g. Apnl lit Is, ut t> "'dock, and . 'iitiimo to leavi every Monday morning at Um sane hour. For treigiit or passage upplv on hoard, or to OLAiiilOltN A CUNNINGHAM, mat.'id Agents. L' N ITKl) STATES M AI l7 For Palatka, E. F., 17ft Darien, /Intnnetel:, St. Mary'*, Ferunndina, Jacksonville, Pieolata ami Miihllthury. — Tlio n.-w mi.I elegant slentnor ? ,p * n - Ki "K» w,n Thishont has been built expressly New York and Savannah. The American Atlantic Screw Steamship um—u COMPAWY. Vi % uAi^mr' - - THE NEW AN’I) ELEGANT STKAMSflll'S HUNTSVILLE, Capt. Robert Hurdle, MONTGOMERY . “ Frederick Crocker Will fmn a weekly line between Savannah and Nuw York, leaving each port every SATURDAY. These Sr-annr*. I .is HI tens eueli, have elegant neeom- inodml.uiH for Pusseugeis, and In-tug of great strength all I -peed, ahippers can rdy on the greatest dispatch to F'leigiit. For fnrih-r pariieiilars, npplv to BRIGHAM, ItALliUl.N k CO., Savannah, Georgia, or to II. B. CROMWELL K CO.. nprfl If 131 Wnstilncl,in street. New York. NOTICE. The splendid propellers GoMKHY, will form a week- 'ly lino hetween New .pressly | Ids r»ut.',and having extensive and ahy State Itooiii f .iccoiniU'idatiou, oilers superior iuducomeiits to invalids i and others. ' For freight or passage apply on hoard at tho Florida 1 Steam Packet wharf.or to mark’I OHUllGRN & (UINNIXGUAM, Ag’t8._ FOR CHARLESTON, S.C. _ The new and splendid iron Bteatuur *°v-—-i,. ~K. ST. MARY' 4 , (’apt. Janies Freeh..rn, A -h * DTIvN. will have f..r Charleston, on Thitrs- i^s-JsMSa»iM*ffA^dav Evening. April 2d, ut tloVlo-k, orwrrCSatni'ra.cud continue to leave every Thursday thereafter. Reluming, she will leave Chat lesion every Sunday Morning, at 0 o’clock. For freight or passage upplv »n hoard, at the Florida Steam Packet wharf, or to __mur3U CI.AG'IOItS' fi t.'IJN'NINGII AM, Ag't a. Accommodation Boat. FOR PARACHUCLA EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. Tlm new and fast running Pas'on- *^>^1, „-r and Freight steamer JOHN G. A -v. LAWTON will leave for Puruchuclu l " 1 iutermndlato Laiidiugs, every sumniT*«f*riiiiSra Mmiday and Thursday, at 4 o’clock, r> and Savannah, leaviug<-»< It V . •: i Vi ‘ r y Batubdav. (In and .»• J|„y J 8 ( t Frvght from New York, will he taken ut y^thu or tho present ttiriff, or customary rates. upr JI B' , »'" , \M, BALDWINJk CO. FOR SEW .fRK.] 1 Fastest Line ! I FA It ft REDUCED: Cnliit* PixHoge $20 I Frcifebt lowor than l.y any otlui SIX Cents . .. foot, FOR ALL KINLS \- -'I e a s u u b m f. n t cents each, nnd other nrth-los in proporti.iu. The Kph-ndhl nnd roiiinualfons »hle wheel Stecm. rs AUGUST \, I him tons Cnpt. M. 8. W- odlmU FLORIDA 1,0mi *• .. ALABAMA,....IJliH) “ « Geo.Jt.sJn-nclIT And first class Propeller STAR OF’ THE SOUTH, I,Inn Ion*...Copt. Tho's Lyon. Tie *o steamships belong to the old established nnd favorite line, known as the ‘ Now Y.»k and Savannah Steam Navigation Company,” nnd In comfort, nccniumo- daliona and hire, cannot bo excelled. 'Ihey are com manded hy experienced, Mkilful, careful ami polite utile ore, 1'ADEI.FOJID, FAY A CO, Agents, Savannah, HAM’!. L. MITdllLL \ SON, may 1 tf Ag-nts, New York. ioRE ms%mm ; m I P. M.—leave foot ..f West Broad N. II.—Contracts for landingsatiove can he made. ThD Boat will not break her i unuii.g schedule. J. W. McALl'iN, Agent, oc27 Williamson's Buildings. For Charloston. ICTtiAND ROUTE, ! 17,1 tlKA CFOHr If HIT. ToX HEM). To leave from the Charleston .-teampacket Wharf every SATURDAY, at 4 1*. M. The new and splondl! steamer . EVEItGLAI'E, Ch* * L. M. Coxetter, will leave this city as atmve. The Everglade connects regularly with tin* c*'»mli Carolina and North Eastern Railroads. Freight conslgn-d to Agent* will he forwarded free "I charge. For Height or passage apply nti bo.irJ or to JOHN C. FR Ag-nt. liovl7 No.74 Huy street. FOR QLUFFTON. Hilton Ilcntl, IJovd’* LanillitK, Henufort, 1’ortKoynl Ferry, 4c. "Y The Xewaml Sph oiliil Steamer «rfc.MerrrTaTrnri Will leave tho Charleston Steam- Packet Wlmif. every --UNDAY Evening, ut 6 o’clock, until further notice. Tlm Cecils lias been built expresily f.r this route; has •legant atato-ro'.in accomni'Mlation. and is constructed io as to secure tlios(\f ty and comfort'd travellers. All Freigh. must he paid on tiie w lmt'lhy the shipper, before It Will he receipted tor. J. P. IIIUMKS, Agent, ocl3 Charleston Wharf. ChaiiKC of HichciUdc, On and after M"iiduy, the 10th of May, the Steamer (Veil., vvill leave Suvui.uuti every Monday Morning at Oo*clock, Ul.lll liil'lhoi- lioliee. npr 22 £■}' FOR Ii'KKIGIIT OU CIIAIITKK. ^fe^-Tlie li'ie f'l-t M.lllug sclir. MJRMLND, Captain Cr-.wi-ll, has limber ports. Apply to npr 2d 0 MILEI'ON k PABSOXS. Full WKiOlIT Olt cilARTElt. SSS&'l'hu A 1 brig CU sAPKAH, Cap.. Bully Ap ply io OARLKTUN & PARSONS, apr 211 FOIl FiUtflGll 1 TOllCiriUTKIl. aSStTIm superior sc hr K"CKIMIIIAM, Cnpt Tapley. Apply to C.\ III.ETON & PARSONS, npr 20 ' FOIL I.IVERPOOL -TIio aTAm.ri^aii ^rU'hip AGNES, J.uies, niiisli-r, having n large p..r- soB«S i"|i of Imr cng-i engaged, will have .juick dis- parch. F’or freight engagements, anplv to moral) HR Kill VM. BAI.DWTN fe CO. Vji " FOlt I. iV K11 POO L, —Tlio "first class S&SfiaAmuri.-u'i ship WALL VUE, Lane, master, hav ing n portion of ln-r carg i ongngud, will meet with dis patch. For height engagements,npplv to niurlO I’ADFInFoRD, KAY A 00._ rim new y6hk-geoi;gia~link— . t rrTi Tho packet soli r LuYAL SCR ANTON. L'.wdcn 51 Ht.-r, will h iVo liniiieilluto disputeli. For freight or passage apply lo .Master on board at Bolton’s Wharf, or to _ SCRANTON k NORRIS. JKh FOR. NEW YORK—GKuitUI\ LINK ^WiF-Thi. fast sailing regular packet echr. JOHN BOS TON, Ling", rniist.-r, having two thirds of her ciugo en gaged, will have immediate dispatch. For freight or passage, apply to master on hoard, at Uutr«n’« wharf, to SCRANTON A NORRIS, npr 27 JFjp FOR NEW YORK-Tb reglilnrlmckel jgrjj. *'br. 15. KIDDEIC, llarkson Master will ine.-t ivitli despatch for the above port. For freight npplv to npl fi It I: NT Ell U_(I A M M I'. I ,i„_ “if; FOIl I* III LA D K LFIIIA.—The regular SfiiS- packet mIm- ALICE LEA. Cnpt Thompson, will hurt* dispatch for above port. For balance of freight, upp'yto C. A. GREINER k GO. " 5,fr ” FOlC^IIOSTON.—The jmrkot srlir. M Alt- DIET REINHART, 1’eternon, Master, having the greater portion of her cargo engaged; will have 'juiclt dispatch for tlio above port. For freight, apply to apt UK OGDEN, STAItlt At CO. Ji* FOR Pill LA 1) K L PIIIA .—Tho fiw) SftsLfast sailing schr ASA KLDRIMIE, Lowdrn, nnifl- t«-r. having half her cargo engaged, will have iminodiatn dispatch For freight, apply to pr2D SCRANTON te NORRIS. JLft FOR NEW YORK—Tiie lust sailing Six££ packet srhi. It. M. DEMI I.L, Capt. Hendrick son, having threo fiiuitlisnf tier cargo engaged, and going on board; will have imtnedinto dusp'itch. For freight apply to OIIAULKTON * PARSONS. , Sftab regular packet Mhi. L. 8. DAVIS, Lvneh, Mas ter, will have quick despatch for th* above port. For freight apply to OGDEN, STAItll A CO. /n-i FOR NEW YORK,—Baik''EXACT. ^SaaCaplalii Walker, havlriga largo part oi ln-r cargo engaged, will meet with disputcti us aliuvo. For freight etigiigeinouts, apply to DANA A WASHBURN, ajir 30 BACON SIDB8-Lundlne and for sale try B «prte MINIS ft JOHNSTON. Havo now in storonfresh supply of Fancy and Slnplo JfSI HE'HIVED FROM NEW YORK, Among which they would call special attention to the following: A complete nvsnrtment of Embroideries, Needle.Worked Collars, Muslin Trimming, Real Thread and Linen Laces, French Printed Muslins & Grenadines, Baregeeiidhlrennillno Robes, Side-Stripe nnd Double Skirts, French nnd American Printed Lawn* and Muslins, 8c. lo 371 < *. per yard. French nnd Kngli*li Chin*:: and Calicoes—new stylos. Brillia te*. 12 to25 cents. White Cotton and Lisle Nurrnw Fringes. I'icXic Mitts—long and short. A Jt'W sitpit «r RIBBONS, Daily expected. nprO Large FAMILV UU CLOTHS. (SAY & TURLEY Havo received from Now York, rich Satin Double Damask TABLE CLOTHS, 1\yards long, 2j^ wide— tho best qtlulitv, it is believed, ever offered Jn Georgia. Price $2<> to $26 each. Housekeepers nre invited to call and cr.amiue tlio goods. apr 10 KBexavKi) New York Auction Sales. 7 PIECES Hun.lmiiiio Foulard Silks Flounced Barege Robes do do do, double skirts do do da. side stripes Printed Grgnndio Muslins do Jaconet do 60 dozen Duma*); D«jlea 60 do Linen Towels 5 pieces Tublo Damask, nil linon. For sale st the lowest prices by DkWITT A MORGAN, ape 20 50 bbls. 95 per ct. JUST RECEIVED BY LOSS & CO., 30 Whitaker street. npr2l G-eorgiaC itizen. TUB NINTH VOLUME OF THIS WEEKLY PAPER, fnmmenvei/ on (fie 2<Wfi March, At the Reduced Roto of $2 Per Annum, CTItlOTXiY IBT APVAWCB 1 A S TUB CITILEN Is pitldished in Macon, tho cen tral city of Georgia, and has a large circulation in Mi.nllo, We tern, and South-Western Georgia, it pre sents unusual advantages, ns a filet class ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Subscription! and Advertisements respectfully solicited L. F. W. ANDREWS, mar 30 lmn Editor and Proprietor. 35 Casks JcITcr’s Sparkling Edinburgh Ale, 25 casks Byass’ Loudon Brown Stoat, JUSY RECEIVED BY aprtl ROSS to CO., 80 Whlfuker at. CENTRAL RAILROAD. O Now Arrangement. N and after Sunday. F’obiuury 21st. the Passenger Trains of tills Road will he run as billows; nCTW’KKM SAVANNAH AKII MAUOH. LeavoSavaiiimh 1.16 x.m. and 3 00 p. x Arrive lu Macon 10 45*. M.&nd 12.30 a. m. Lenvo vlacon tf.lfi a.m. and 11.30 r. M. Artlvtsiu Savannah.... .......7.1fi r. k. ami&.&« x.u. UKTWKKN SAVANNAH XND XtTMUHTA. LonvoSavaruiuh I.IS A.M.nnd 11.16 a.m. Arrive tn Augusta 0a. m. and 7 r. x. Leave Augusta 2 a. m. and 3.46 p. n. Arrive in dnrannah «.60a.m.nnd >0.66 r.a, B BTWICXN MACON ANU A CO IIHTA. Leave. Macon....,.,, .6.45A.M.nnd 11,30p.m. Arrive in Augusta 7 p.m, nud 0 a.m. Loqvo Augusta 2 a.m. and 3.45 p. M. Arrivnln .Macon.... 10.46a.m.ami 12.39 a.m. Trains connect on srrivnl at Gordon, for Milledgovllle and Katonton. At Macon with trains of the Southwest ern R.iud for Columbus u»d Alhunyjuul with tlm Ma con A Western Road for Atlanta Passengers tearing Suvauiiuli try tho 1.15 A. M. train, will arrive in Atlanta at 0 P. M. Leaving hy the 3.oo P. M. train will arrive in Atlanta atl).16 next nioruing. On Fuiulays the ll.lfi A M. train f"r Augusta will go through to Mat-oil in place of tho 3 P. M., which will uot bo run on that day. KMKUSUN FOOTE, General gupt. Savannah. February 20th. 1857. nuvl2 Macon & Western Railroad. wai MACON, Dec. 14th, 1857. O N and atler Friday, 18th lust., the trains will run ns follows • Arrive at Mac-m, fi.4o P. M. Tlm Night Trains will not be run ou Sundays. The l A. M.Train from M icon connects with tlm State Ron I f.»r Chattanooga at 12.30 P. M. and Ucoigiu Road for Augusta at 10 A. M. Tho 11.3.) A. M. Train connects with the State Jtoad at 1.46, A. M., and tiie Georgia Road at 12 Night, dec 25—tf ALFRED L. TV PER, Pnp’t. SOSIXIDULB ON THE SOUTH-WESTERN UA1LU0AD, Over which passes the Great New York & New Orleans Mails awwggwwtjga Two Daily Trains between Macon and Columbus, Leave Macon at 1.39 A M..und 11.30 A. M. Arrive in Columbus 8 52 A. M., and fi.33 P. M, Leave Columbus 1.66 A. M., and 4.00 P.M. Arrive in Macon h.'.ij A. M.,and in.28 P. 51, UMTWKEN MACO.V AND AIUANY.L la-aro Macon l 3n A. M. Arrive in Albany 8.16 A. M. Leuvo Albany 3 15 P M. Arrive In Muron 10.28 P. M. le ave Macon 7.12 A. M., Trl Weekly. Arrive in Albany 3.37 P.M. Leave All.any A. M.. Tri-Weekly. Arrive io Muron 3.31 I*. M. Traius to Columbus form a through connection to Montgomery, Ala.,nnd Augusta,Kingsville, Wilmington, Savannah. MilledgeviUeand Eut«!it»u. Post C.riches run from Albany to Tnllnhiwsc.i, Rain- bridge, Tlioiiinsvllle, Ac. Hacks run I'rmn Smithville, TVi- Weekly, to Dawson, Cntht.ert, Fort liuiii'-s, Ac. Also lr"in Fort Valley lu Perrr, Huyneaville, Hawkinsville and Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for points l.olow Fort Valley, should tako tlieoseuing Traius trom Savannah and Augusta to avoid detention at Macon. For < titer poiut* take either Train. First cln*ssteamships leave Havammhfor New York.mi WediiMdays and Saturdays. Passage iu tho Cablu $26, Steerage $8. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah $14 00. do Columhua do do lo (H). do Albany do do 10 60. GKO. W. ADAMS,Superintendent. Macon. F<*h. 21st. 1868. tnnr 1 G ]'X) RGIARAIL110 AI r BgMa Change of Schedule. 0 TAKE EFFECT ON GEORGIA RAILROAD. DE- OEM UBR 2St)i, 1657. Leave Augusta ut 2.30, A. M , and 4.00 P. 51. Arrive at Atlanta at 11 30, A. 61., nud 1.t>|, A. M Leave Atlanta at 12.D0. A. M., and <0(ID, A fit. Arriva at Augusta at 6.60, A M.. ami 7 UU. P. >1. Sundtiy Trains leaving Augusta at 4 P. 61., nud Atlan ta.12 A. 51., discontinued. (The 2.30 A. 61. train from Augusts eminocts through to Memphis.) CONNECT WITH SOUTH OAHOLINA HAtEHOin. Arrivont Augusta at 1.03, A. M., and 230, P. 51. Leave Augusta at 10.00, A. M., and 805, P.51. WKSTEHN AND AT1.1NTIC KAILUOAD. Arrive at Atlanta at. 11.22. P. 51., and 9 33, A. 51. Leuvo Atlanta at 1.45, A. M., and 12 30, P. 51. ATI.INTA AND WEST I'OIXT RAILII0AD. Arrive at Atlanta at 10.13, P. AI.,and 0 27, A. 51 Leave Atlanta ut 2.00 A. M.. and 1 00, P. 51. M ICON AND WESTERN ItAIUtuAli. A rri e at Atlanta at 0.15 A. M , nud 0.05 P. M. Leave Atlanta at ln.3U A. M., and 12 00 Night. ATHENS UllANOIt—SUNDAYS EXUEl'TED. Loavo Augusta ut 2.30 Night. i.-ave Atlanta ut 12 00 Night. Arrive at Athens lit 10 30 Day. Leave Athens at..... J2.MI S'i;ht. Arrive at Augusta ut.. no .Morning. Arrive at Atlanta at 1 11214 Morning. WASHINGTON tlKANCtt —D.11LT TRAINS—SUNDAYS KXCEITED. Leave Augusta at 2 3>i Night. Leave Atlanta at 12 no Night. Arrive ut Washington at 7.35 Morning. Ou Mondays au Extra Train lean s Washington at l 45 evening, and connects with the Down Day Passenger Train from Atlauu, nud returning to Washington at 5 45 Evening. WAHKENTON BRANCH— SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Lenvo Augusta at 4 tar Evening. Leave Atlanta at Morning. Arrive at Wairenton at....... F.mO F.vcnlng. Leave Warrcnton at 3.30 Evening. irrivont Augusta at 7 no Evening. Vrrive ut Atlanta at 1.00 Night. Joel5-1 y GEORGE YOUNGE, fl.-n. Fup't. Atlanta & West Point Railroad Atlanta to H’cut Faint, S7 miles, Fare. $3 50. 0EOROW 0. HULL, Superintendent. ..2 00 A. M. ...A 00 P. M ...I) -G do ...4 30 do 10 IS Moll NINO I'ASSKN'IER TRAIN: Leaves Atlanta, daily ul Arrives u« Went point, at I.eaves West Point, daily at VrrivuH at Atlanta, at EVENING PASSENUEll TRAIN. I. eaves A Hants, daily at.. Arrive* at West Point, at I saves West Point, daily at Arrives at Atlanta, at lid' Tills Road connects, ouch way, with the Montgom pry *r West Point Railroad. Jpc 28 Freights from Savannah TO TUSCUMBTA. AND MEMPHIS, , d Hirer i in curt on in Oliiiu: C. It. 11,1 Favannaii, Ga , 4th April, 1857. j T HE Undersigned 11ns been infe-Ried by letter re ceived this morning,from thoUeuernl Eiipurintend cue of tun Memphis * Charleston i nil Road, that tl^s and Western divisions of that Rond wuro to bo Joined on tho27lh ultimo, utid that trams would rua through regularly on the2i>th. Throuff rate of Freight from Savannah to ?r,scumhia. j $1 38 j 1 no Memphis. $1 06 1 24 i 00 a io First Glass, Second do. Third uo,TVS , Special rate for Freight Goods, j it 70 CEABblFtCATION. tat Class.—Piano Fortes, Books and Stationery, Bools, • Shoes, Hats, Liquors, Oils, Arc., in bottles, Cumplione and Spin. Turpentine in barrels, Carpet iug,China,Glassanil Glassware,Segins, In cases. Clocks, Confectionory, Colton Curds, Cutlery iu cases, casks nnd boxes,Dry (Joists in boxes nud bales, Drugs. Fruits, Fruit Truer and Shrubbery, Furs, Garden Seeds, Looking Glasses and LoukiugGluss Plato, at owner's risk, N'utsinfrails, wvsters in cans and fnr>. Saddler),Tin aud Britnuuia Waro,Tea un i SSpIroa, perl OH !!•« Hd'J.GIoas.—1 lard war j (except iu 1st nnd 3d Classes,) Cr-f fee Mills, Machinery,Foreign Liquors in hbl and pipes, Tobacco in boxes, Louther in roll and boxes,Oils In bbls. and casks, Crockery and tluccnswnro In crates nud casks, Rice, Whiting Plaster, Shoot Brass and Coppet per 100 lbs 8rd Class.—Axos.Shnvols, Spud os, Bad-Irons, Zinc and Tlu in pigs, Tin Plate. Anvils, Vices,Carriage Springs nud Axles, Casks of Chains St Hoes, Manilla nnd Cotton Cordage, Coffee, Heavy Costings, Mill Oenring and Mill Stones, Rail Rond Wheels and Axles, Chairs and Spikes, and Rosin in bbls per 100 tbs. Spocial Ratos for Light Goods.—Furniture nnd Carriages boxed, nnd other light articles not nmimerat* ? 'd, also. Carboys of Acids.and other ChomL cals, will be taken at actual weight, hit charged ut doublo 1st (.’lass rates,..per 100 lbs WM. M. WADLKY, apr ft—tf Gen’l Sup’t C. It. It. CRAWFORD’S MERCHANT “SITOA” MILLS FLOUR Unoqnaled by any 5Hlls in Goorgm for erior Breadstuff's. IIT0A MILLS DOUBLE EXTRA HOTEL FLOUR, do Family do, do, do, do do Superfine Rock Mills do do do Fine do do No. 3 Bolted Corn .Meal. Grits and 9horts. Recolvod pot IU' .road, and constantly for sale by CONN EH AT, WEBSTER A PALMES, Agents for Crawford’s Hitoa 51111s 49* Customers, ijakofriTnd Flour Donlcrs aro invite; to make comparison, and for tho richest article of broad having the sweet llavnr of clean pure grain, and is urns carefully manufactured by tho best machinery, us; 81toa Mills Double Extra Iioto! Flour. septlfi REDUCED strjv. Tggr: lien vo 1.00 A M Arrive at Atlanta A. 51. l.eavu Mu.'.iu li :tn a. M Arrive nt Atkiutu f, »0 P, 51. Leave Atlanta Arrive nt Minoti 12 night 7,15 a M. Lenvo Atlanta, i.i Rates of Freight, FROM Sarnmtah to Knoxville s AND ALL STATIONS ON THE East Teuncssuc &l Georgia Hall lload FI ItST til. aVb. P IANO Fortes, II )oks,8tiituti..t.ury, Boots, Siloes, and lints, l.iqu .rs. Oils, Ac. (iu* hutth-s), Gam- pldiio and Spirits'I urpmitlm.iiu liai n-ls).Curpoting, China, Glass nml Ulass-M'ara, Cigars (in cue*], Clocks, Confeciionarlfs. Cotton Cards, Cutlery (in cases), disks and Boxes, Drv Goods (in boxes and hales), Drugs, Fruits, FrttitTiei-a and Shrubbery, Furs, Garden Heeds, Looking (Hastes and Looking Glass Phi tes (at owner's risk), Oysters Hi. cans and Jars),Saddlery, Tin nnd Britannin Ware, Teas and Spices. Georgia nud South l.'arolina Domestic*,, per UM lbs »|,U SKUOXI) CLASH. Hardware, except such ns speeifled In first nnd tided classes. Cofleo Mills. Machinery, Foreign |J. quors(in barrels and pipes), To.mi-cniii boxes).L'-nth* erfin rolls and boxesi, oils (in barrels nnd rusks), Crockery and Queens M are (in i-iab-s and casks), Wee, Whitt UK, Plaster, Sheet Rrass and Copper, per 100 lbs THIRD CLASS Axes, Phnvols, Spade.*, Sad Irons, Zinc and Tin, In pigs, Tin Plate, Anvils, Vies, Casks of Chains and Hoes, .Manilla and Cotton Cordage, Cofiee, Heavy Castings, MillGeariiig, Rail Road M'hret* and Axles, (•hales and gptkva, nud lUedu (In hrrrels), per A09 Spefiai itutes Furniture and Cnrriagoa (boxed.) nnd other light articles not enumerated: also. Carboys of Acid*, or other Chemicals, will be charged by actual weight but ut double first class rates, per 100 pounds, 12 To insure safety from losses and delays, shippers nun have every package plainly marked with nauio of couj signec. destination and depot of delivery.) The Depots on this road uru— Fountain IHIi. Fweetwater. Ptate Line, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Loudon, Charleston, Lenoir’s/ Itlcvi ills, Concord* Athens, rtm | Mouse Greek, fftioxvlllo." Fij' To commence 1st March and coutiun to 1st Jon' 1867." W 51. M. WADLEY, Sup’t Central Railroad. K.FOOTE, M AW. *• J. M. SI’ULLOPK, « W. & A. « It. C. JACKSON, ** U. T. k Ga. •• March 1st.miri-tt A'«w York Advertisement» VlSSCHim, OWHHW^b OO.. GENERAL NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING HOUSE, 9 (aitleton’s DUJLDtNU,) Nog. 340 & 348 Broadway, New York O NE HUNDRED BOXES RAISINS, in whole, half aud quarter boxei, Layers auil Mala* ga Kalslm; for sale low at tV|<t«* BARRON’S FAMILY GROCERY, JS'etv York .fileerliseinent STIOM EC, EJ. SCECXIXiXiiS A D V E li T I S I N (> A (i E N 0 Y, JIoIThG'i. lliillrltiifc, *5^33.1 QROADWAY.NEW-YORK.-gR THE CHEAPEST AND REST Tn the ll'erW. having a Solid Firton and Metal I'lftvs: F l)R Pumping Extracts. Hot aud Cold Water; mild* Ido for Cistern*. Wells. Factories. Mines, Ac.— Throwing from ID to 6U0 gallons per minute. An excel- clb-ht Five Engine for farmers Large discount to dealers. Agents wanted, nnd Territorial rights f»r sals E. A. MARSH ALL. 104 IVarlstreet. Jyl P eorn.-r of Malden.lMtie. N'-w York I.IGHTE, NEWTON to ISR A Dlt CRY’S 421 llr.mine-ft.. Sew M anufacturers <>r tho patent Arch WrcBi plan Pluno Fortes, eel.d.rated for depth, fttlliies*. rich* iieps. imrlty. and a peculiar singing .|uality of tlu-ir tone, lor wliieli they have received tho liiglo-tt eiiconiiuiri* trom tho greatest musical celebrities nf tlm country; and ill every fair, when brought in con petition with oilier instruments, have obtained G.o highest premium Tho Patent Arch Wrest Plunk, which is owned and usud only by us. guarantees their standing li tone longer than any other instrument; while tlu-ir uiiiirrcedented demand in all parts of iho country in a sufficient pmo of tludi-siinoriorexcellence. A liberal discuunt to tier* gvtnen. Pcoools nnd the trade. S 1y-nia.v27 CW a aKsaEsafc a £3^ Tl irl cz&a A, J. MILLER & CO’S Bio. 14,1 imOUGrIITOlV-ST. SAVAXXAH, GA. NEW FURNITURE or all kind* COFFINS, Sto. Couttautly ou hand also, a lui«« ussorlment of LOOKING GLASSES. tPX. Now Work made to order lit tin. shortest tiotlco. 1.1>. Mattresses, Jobbing,and JUiUMfAXGJXG done In tlo-neat* sUtyle. with'les|intr)i. ly Jan 10 Plantation and. Negroes FOR SALE. M TI.e Subscriber ofl'-rs tor sale hi" PLAN- TATI ON, in Guild, n County, Georgia, con- nuS sistiugof 2,800 acre* of I.hiuI, more or jess. Ding oil Hie Great SaGllaaiid Dover River, fiuni 12 to 16 miles from St. Andrew's Sound, aud in view ul Cntutu-r- laud Island. Being directly on the suits, It is iiiimii* passed fur health, and conveniences for fish and o)«ter*; crabs afs ., in abundance. It is also conveniently b'cnled fur manuring, being surrounded with the in-h, ulii. h, for that purpose, is ill Tn limb)'- There is Open, between 7u<) to SlUueres, besides nhcitf ns tiiueli more Hue wump Lun i, um-lear ud. was i-laute.l lias I ecu resting from 15 to 2fi y-iu s, and alt of it near the rushes, uhi.-h is a gieat ad vantage. Tho range Toi Stock of sit kinds is good. Willi tin' p'see will l.e sold, If desired, from IS to 20 Negroes, raised on thn salts. The Stork—with every thing complete for commencing plaining. Also, Planta tion Tools. Ploughs. Vvliicb s, sic Ac. The improvum-iiU uti tlm place consist of a plain Duelling ouo and a half stories high, (now undergoing repair* ) Kitchen. Sl.,r<-h"ii-e. .‘ n, Gin house, i.Viion h"ii«". and new Negro h .uses lulng built. Ex cellent Water nnd line Fruit. Refer to K. Atkinson mid Jus. Hol/eudorf, Esq'rs, laiuu-biiry, Cu.ii'h ii C. iinly. Georgia. For partfruliirs, apply to IV. H RURUOUGII.8, Ksq., Bavaunali, Ga., or to thcKUliscriber, at Unimraick, Glynn Comity, Ga. _"! ,r i - ,f ALEXANDER CAMP DELL. FOE SALE. . - A COTTON PLANTATION, situated JyliWtL-^ Rini fronting on lta'ou .Macon. Carrol I flaWiwkW Parish.Louisiana,irln.nl460 mile*imm H1 IJMibML New Orleans, -l fr- m the Mississippi River, and It) miles from the terminus of the Plank now in coursti of construction from Ashler; to tho Bay..H Raid Pbiiitiit.!nu contains 1.70lacrrs.of which Gieronro '•On iu cililivalioii, and is capable of producing ibis year 125 to 150 bales cotton. Four hundred acres of s.ild Plantation is shunted •>» the high ands, aud the balance is first i|tui hy of ciino land. Tho improvements consist of a cottage Dwelling, ne gro quarters, sial.les, ami other mit buildings. There Is ills ', a new gin hoiiso lu curse of building, fee. Ac. Them are from twenty eight to thiity likely slaves— men, women and chilJieit—liiuet i ii mules, wagons,nnd n large qua tity <d faiming utensil*; Uuo to 25«0 bushels c un, hay, oats, Ac.. Ac. The above Plantation i» a rare opportunity offered to any one wishing tn purchase a Most d« *iiable nnd com fort.tide li"»i<-Hl"ud, mid cun, uitti little expense, be made one of the handsomest p'aces on the Bayou. Ill case tho purchaser should wish. l.Di 0 acres of fine alluvial Imi'l, of which WM ni l. s deadened, adjoining the Plantation, will l.« mid with it. It i* nth-red f«r snip with < v without tho negroes. For terms and address, HUBBARD k. GO., apr 17 1 mo 63 Curondeh-t street. New Orleans. ' DOlGHEItTY" COUNTY LANDS FOE SALE. I will sell nbargain in my PLANTATION i_a in seid county. It consists oi 2,1 on acres, P7VO ' '■«« 1.1 oi) acres iu cultivation. Df tlio hn In lien, Diem uru fiou acres of good Onk and Hickory, and pine Hummock, olid 60 ) acres of good i’iuu 1 iinbor Land. 'I'liere nre two settlements, with it Dwelling House nnd Negro CuhiiiH cn euch. The tract, therefore, could he divided. This placo Is in a fine state of ml t i vat i ii.and is ouly six miles south of Albany, tlio letniinits of the South W.stern Rail Itmd. It is well watered; lying on tlm Co.Huwnhoc creek. I will give a I'Uig credit to n purr baser, upon Ids pay. iugone-tourlh of tlm purchase money. It.-ing niixinus to c»uc< iitnito my planting interest in Alubiiuin, I will given bargain in Ihie place. For terms, apply to 1). A. VASON, At Albany,On, V* Augusta Constitutionalist, and Macon Messenger, please copy two months, and send hill to thlsollico. mar 11 2mo For Sale jam 2.300 ACRES OF SWAMP AND PINE LAND, jHWtncar JeffbrHonti.ii, Camden county, and also PHpknenr tho Big Satilln River, iu and on Bull Head Swamp, known for forty years us tho Gordon tract. Tho swamp land is about 1 2-K) acres, and nvsilablo ns first quality col ton, com and l ice lands. The pine laud is of the best for Umber or turpentine. Terms easy. Apply to Jan 12 UTI SON A GORDON. ui fertile an Private Sale. Tho well known Plantation called ss®- ,Mount Hope, situated iu Ilryi.ii county, containing about 4,3lioacres. 1,600 arras JPjSsS^, . under cultivation. Tlio bottom bind very ^,.4^ nnd is well calculated for the cultivation ol vane, cotton or corn. Is well settled, having a tine Dwelling House, Overseer’s House, Borns, (.ribs. Aic., and nrcmii- inodaliou for moro than 200 negios. For terms apply to It. J. Arnold, Bryan county, Tho Albany k. Gulf Rail mart runs m-»r the tract. forVai.e t A Vnlimhle Plantation in Bryan county, con tnining 730 acres of Land, 400 of which is under fence and in cultivation, situated on tho Midway River, about seven miles from tno Albany At Gull On tlio promises are all tho necessary bu Idings for plantation purposos, and n conifnrtnbfo Dwelling House, nitgl JNO. 8. MGNTM0LL1N. fifty dollars reward— Will bo paid for tho recovery of my negro inau Jjf® 1VII.LIAM (or Hilly) who nuiawny about the middle of last year. Ho Is of a dark mulatto complexion, about six Toei, or a little upward, ■■■■I In height, stout built, weighs about twohuudivd pounds, and is about thirty-five years > f ago. Ho is a bricklayer and plastoror by trade, rea ls well, and some times discourses ns a preacher. He is polito whoa accost ed aud rather graudiloquoot in speech. As ho has a wife and children lu 8avannah, I am led to holiovo that he Is lurking about that city or Us neighborhood. Tho alrovo reward will be paid for 1:1s apprehension and de livery, or conflnsmeut tn som« Jail that I may got him Sgain. Address HICII 'LAP WILIB, fobll-tlistutf Washington, Qm. Furniture! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. II. 1’. DEGRAAF, 87 JJowcry, ( Wholesale Ware Home,) and 464 Vtarhet.,) Retail Store.) 3V 33 -W YORK Oi'Bllls of 8*45 nt Wholesale Prices, IioVeWood, MAHOGANY & BLACK WALNUT, P All LOR FURNITURE, In Brogatellu, Delaine and Plush. Cano Seat and Com* unui Furniture in grant variety. Also, ENAMELED CHAIM HER FURNITURE, in Set* from $22 lo $100. Spring, Curded Hair, Moes and Whalebone MATTRASSES, Also. Feather Beds and Bedding. Patent Premium 8ofe ltvdsU-ads, and Patent belt-ltocking Cradles. Dealers will Uriel nt Ihe above stores tho largest and best |»-S'irt ment of any estal-lidirnent In New York, and ciiii buy either at wholesulvor ro’uil cheaper than atany other h.iii:i.- in h« city. V 3m—nprl5 ICE! ICE!! riUlE Ki.ickt vborki-r Ice Company, of tho City of N#W H. York, having rap:miHh<al iheir Stock or lcs, offer III.- iil'isl lav..ruble Imliivrineuia to th*trudu to supply th'iiis.-lvea with Ice of it superior quhlity, and on th« in- st r- nsotiabli-tcim*. This Gnn.piui) nro veiling ihe Rockland I.sko Ice, which, lur niOldily nnd purity Is universally admit* cd toll* ftr Mip.rl'.r tn any other Ur riill'ping purposes. In i-xpei it-iic.. an I facilities for conducting business thisC'.mpiin.v huv.i no rivals, nml they respectfully sug gest t> dealers, that thev will find it Inigelv to their ai> vanta.e to order their supply through tho Knickerbock* er Co upaii.v. No ciuirge for wharfage to vessels lying at the C 'Uipmly'spiers, whiht taking lu cargo. 'ihe greatest piomplitudu and dhputcli given to or* d-rrs, which may bo fern aided to R. T. COMPTON, Ksq., President of G o Kulckocker Ice Goinpttiiy. 432 Canal st.. Now Y.nk. ^ _ V—Suio mar22 TIIE BROOKLYN White Lead Go. KST A RI/SMIISD 1823, This Oumpany continues lo mnuufacturo their superior PlHilll WHITE LM, P'-ing one of tlm oldest and most extonsiro cslabllsh- nients in tlm country, for manufacturing While Lead, Red Lead, and Litharge, FltUM THE RAW MATERIAL. Purclinsera of their brands may rely ou piYcuring til* genuine article, on the must favorable terms, for curb cr credit. They nra always prapnred to execute with promptness all orders lor their various g> ndc* and qualities of Lead, and Zinc Paint, Dry or In on BUSINESS ADDltKHS.liu Front street, New York. N- IL—Piircbns. js rhoubl bewate of tho uumoious bogus liraiuIh whl-h fill Go inniket. 'J'AJJio'I'T (t JjJiOTUEK. SHOCKOE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOeft L'Altr STUKKT, mCHMOSD, VA,, M AN UFACTUK hits nf Portable Steam Engines, of all vi/es, from 4 to 4n liorbe-powcr. on the most nppr"Vt-d plana, p.H ticuurly Hdiiptcd to Cotton nnd Bu* gar i'l.iiiiiitioiisuiid Farmers’ use generally, Built oi the lie*t niati rials nud woikimiushlp, and for cam; act* tiesi and durability, not B-rpahscd liy any engines not? iu Use. Also Station Engines,of any required power. Circular 8aw Will.) complete, and Portable Grist Mills, or very su* poii"r '•ourlnicllon. Shafting, Pulleys, Ac. T.dwcro Presses uud Screws, of every dcscrlptlon.Braa •Hid Iron Castincs, and Wrought Iron Work gonerally made to order with dispatch, and on rensonuhlo terms. a..^*,3—i-odly HENRY ESLER&CoT At their Steam Engine and Uniter llbrA-s, Atlantic l>xkt, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Are now prepared for STATIONARY, RIVER AND MARINE ISJSTG-ILNTES Ot every doscripiton. Sugar Mills. Mill Works, and Mining Machinery. Also all kinds ot High and Low PresRiirn Hollers. The Subscriber, agent In Savannah for tho nbova Works, will receive orders fer all kinds of Machinery/ II* has now ou hand several small Portable Engines suit iblo for Planters’use, also, one 15 horsepower Engine, which ho will “ell on accommodating terms. H. H.LINVtLLE, Machinist,Bt.Julian . Jdly 4 1." One square west nf the Market SCREYKN HOUSE. By J. B. Foley, Corner of Bull and Congress Sts., Savannah. This New HOTEL, furnished through* r - -i 0,1 * In the most rlgoaxt stile, is now opened nnd will lio kept as a riltST CLASS HOUSE. MARSHAL L H OUSE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Tlio House has boon newly ro-nr- »> ranged nnd refitted. ^ ^ It. MKLDRI5I, Proprietor, THE INTERN ATISH aThOTEL, R road way, vomer of Franklin street, T:m.ixx, HAS ni!i;r; HJKOENTI.V HE FITTED.- The Rooms arc all newly Carpeted, The Furniture unci IterU Superb, aud the Rat ha UiiMurpnascd, TAYLORS CELEBRATED SALOONS, ;aiie co.vxrcTEt) with iuk iiotet,. Horn is concent rated nil thneomforts bf a homo, with the luxuries of n palace. TIIJK SPLENDID LADIES’PARLOR <‘i>Tnmandsnn Unequalled VIBW o IF 13 XIO A DWAY. Till: IXTKKN'A'lklNAL Is the most eeniriil of any ot tho FmiT Cuss Huteu for liiisiuess, „r phu-cs of aniuseiueiit, nud offers iim-urpuss- ed advantages to F- mitten and Gentlemen visiting New York*. ALFItEO FREE0IAN, nprO I mo Proprietor. Fisk & Raymond’s Late Improved METALIC BURIAL CASES. npr 6 II. S. BOG Alt DUS,'Don 11 House square. SAFES! The Biibecrlbor, Agent* ® of the Manufacturer, for Ihe sale of Lillie’a Patent Chilled-Iron BURGLAR k (IFI RK-PROOF 8AFKB secured with Lillie’a Pa- — tnut Pawdor-Proof Com hi nation Bank Look. Tno-e ft'ifss end Locks stand unequalled In baffling Ihe skill of Ihe liiirghirand tiie application of fire. Persona wishing to purcliiise a bate which is, in all re* sports, whut the term implicH, are respectfully requested to call at.<1 examine our SAFES,at 166 nnd 167 Brough* ton streut, Fuvatituili, before iiurchasiHg elsowheto. W« tiling oiif Sal'etf need only to be sceu lo bo appreciated. mar2'l MgHBB h FAY. KTOTIOE. I WOULD Inform my friends and tho public that I havo opened,on tlio rncr of Price and York street#, a shop where l will attend tu th- Manufacture of Tig Ware, Tin Roofing, mid all other <vork connect** rlth the business. All orders promptly attended ti nn«14—tf G K0. B- WM5D0N. plUUE COLLARS AND SETS.—A naw nnr Heidsick Champagne. » W k BASKET'S Heidsick Cnatmiuguo, in pints tnd gjfjq * "" ‘ apr 6 quarts. landing and for sals by CT.AGIIORN tt 0UNNTGHAM. FOR MAY. ■■* KSLIK'8 Jlacnzine. for May. 1 A Graham's Ladies’ Book, for May. Uotfcy’s do do do. Artliur’s Magazine, do. Peterson’* do, do. llnllou's Dollar Monthly, do. flick Nux, do. Mrs, Htephens’ Magazine, do. Uouteliold Words, „ do ____ j. D. CL1BED0F, *gsnt, apr 21 Bull sirest, °p| oiltv Bor-Ysn Uonss,