The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 08, 1858, Image 1

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VOLUME LVII. CENTRAL RAILROAD. CTPTffiT! e *1i© rriv© hi Now Arrangomont. adulter Sunday* February vH»t. tlm Pu*tk<ngnr uu , lUW Road Mill b« rim n* follow*: IlK I'IV It XX SAVANNAH \Nl> M AO’N. 1.16 A. M. Hllll •! 00 M .. 10 46 A. M.ttll'l 12.30 A. M. 0.16 A. M. mill l V. M. annuli.... 7.16 I*, m- nml 3.511 a. m. liKN * AV VNNA1I AN ll A I’ll I'HT A. N'.ritiHiiih.. . i, \ni;iiMn in smrminMli pit riVRKN MAOH .1.15 A. M. mill 11.15 A. M. 0 a. m . ii ml 7 i*. M. 2 a, h. mid ,1.4ft i*. M. ....!.Mi a. m . mnl 10.66 p.M. N A Nil At'lll'HIA. ...o.45a.m. nml ll.anp. m. 7 p.M.mnl 0 a. m. 2 a.m. mnl :U5 p. m. aeon 10.45 a.m.mnl 12.31*. m. meet oil m’lvnl ill Gordon, fur MllloffgcviU© n. At .Mur.ui with tniini nf tho Southwest* I'olniuhu* u ni Albany, mi l with tlm Mu ni fur Atlanta - ©.iving Savannah hy tho 1.1a A. M. train, a Mlawt i nt rt l'. M. i tin 2.001*. M. train will nrrlvolu Atlanta morning On Sunday* tin- 11.16 A M. train . _ will go through to Ma,'on in |»lnct» uf thu 2 M , nlii h nill not bo run on that ilav. KMKRSDN KOOTR, General Supt. h. February 20th, 1867. iiov12 M.icon & Western Railroad. >VI MACON, Dir. I4th. 1857. nl after Friday, ISth iiisb, the trains will mu •Hows: it Atlanta ".via a!m. .i Atlanta V.'.V.'.V.V.V..'. .V'.M i’.'M *. > .t Train* will not bn run on Sunday* l M. I'niin from M iron ©aiinect* with th© State :>i tuttiitiniiia 11112.3))*. M. mnl Ueoigui . .. 1 at 10 A. M. • 1 . •! A. M. Traill connect* with tin* State Hoad at \ d , ami tlm Georgia Ko-nl at 12 Night. . •»—tf alp in: 1) h. t Vi. Kit, Snjrt. JS 013:13 2D XT Xi3U Till-: SOI TH-WKSTKIiN RAILROAD, Over which pusses (ho real New Vork it New Orleans Mails ij /'mini* hvim-rn Mur an mol Columbua, n.' 'Infon at 1 :’o A M..and II 3u A. M. :i\II. • iliitnl'U«8 52 A. M , nml 1I*. M, I' 1.55 A ami L" I*. M. <n Macon 8.60 A. M..mnl to _’s I'. M. |l»:t« KltSf M ACON ASH Al-IIANV. .1.. M icon I 3o A. M. 1 .1 Albiinv H.I5 A. M, • 1, I* M. . M.Id'll 10.28 I*. M. n- Nl.nMii 7.12 A. M . I'l-I Weekly. v. o, Albany ,1.27 l* M. o ■ un.iiiy 7.on A. M , Tr-WocUly. 1 - in Macon Hill l‘. M. •ne t > •'oIiiiiiIhia form a tlir»»mr'i coiiiurrinn to . m,cry. Ala..ami Augusta. Kir.'sull©, Wilmington, . .ah, Y|Ul©dg©vilh-niid Kutuib'ti. ' .1'tics run fr.itn Albany (<• rallnha**©©, llafii* . rn-masvtll©. Ac. *• '.!■! Ir.ou Smithrllle, Tri- IILff ty, to Dawson. ■r I .rt G.ihi"*, Ate Also from Port Valley to !! . • n-ivilli.. Ilawkinsvilh' uni Knoxville, ila. . .. rs for point* below port Valley, should tak© ■ in'ig fraiii* from Savar.imli and Amr.i-ta tonv»id • ." u'ln'"U. Por ttu r point* tak© viCor l'rmu. • •s-t. umslilp* leave Savuunuhfor New Vork.oti - iRiiiul Saturday*. Puasige in lho Cabin $25, .... Montgomery to Savannah $14 oil. . i * >1 uni Ii no do do in in). Albany do do in 60. -* 1 HIM. W. ADAMS. Superintendent. p.»,. 21-t. H68. imr 1 1. KOllO IA 1LY1I. IU)A IT X. oi-f Change of Schedule. . 1: fa at II 3d, A. M.. 1.1 at 12.00. A. M., i_'U*iaat 8.6.1, A 51.. us leaving Augn-ta at l I nl 4.0t) I*. M. 1 1 "4. A. M : loin, A M d 7 00 P. M. t A thin- I. diMMiititiiicd. (T»n< 2 ilo A. M. train from i'i.vh thr-mgh to Memphis.) • , ;. r wrr.mvni i aiiouna n.AiLmnn. \ .-ista at I 0 i. A. M., ami 230. 1». M. !-ia at 10.00, A. M., and 8U5, p. M. ■v'l.STKUN AND ATLANTIC ItAtl.RUAIL "i .nf* at 11.22, I*. M.. and 0A. M. .• taut 1.4). A. M.. nn I I2:SJ, P.M. ATM'TA AND WEST POINT UAIUI-Uti. Nl.. .... at I >.l:i. P. M.,11ml ‘.'27. A. M I'.n at 2.'Ml A. M., and 100, l*. M. *!V">N 1st. wi.srstiiy 1: vii.r.nm. ‘ l eta at. .0.15 1. M . and fi.uft P. M. . '.at Iti.3'1 A. M., nml 1200 Night. 1.1, N-II ill Nil I—St'NDAVS EXCEprm. Aiir ’is at In do iiav. 12.00 Night. 'lorninK. 11.34 Morning. vniys I'xcitprcD, 2 30 Nipiit. it 7.36 Mornnifr, " • ; . \ .an Kxtra Train leives IVii-lmigton at l 15 .. and c iiineetK wltli tlio Down lMv PiiRNcuger :r ■ n Atlanta, uud roturuing to Wurhington at •*■ ion*. Wllt'ir.NTJN UitANOn—HCNMY4 EXIJKl’TP!) ■ Mlaiitii it 1 n.oo Morning. - it Uarrcntori nt S.nil Kveiling. • ">\ ai'iont'ui at 3.3n Kveil 1 ng, Ntlaiita at I.o.i Night, : _ uKDittii: vouxtiiun ... sn. 'r, & West Point Hiniroiitl ■ ' , W‘ii ?>7 milv*,. I'Virc. $3 50. (m. lieiK li. ML).Superintendent. tlani.i at V 'lll«N.:ll — tl.llLY TH AI NS — i M MINIMI PASSEMiKIt TRAIN ! '.■Hi. daily ul O.-d Point.ut • i'-nit. d nly at EVENING PASHEN'IKII TWAIN. •■•inr. daily at ,...2 tK) A. M. ....7 28 do ....4 no da ...7 lid do Naitnumli - t'MItl.V ANI) MEM]'UlS, *sti|>eriiit elide 11 ti> Olliiv C. It. 11. -avannah, Oa , 4th April, 1857. / LTsigm d mis been inf -'Nied by tetter re if.i- i.i.,rnlng,froui tboUnnural .^upemitend '!■ «•*J'lii- A' UliarieHlon ail Ko-ul, that tl^c w • sterndivinimi.s id’tual Hoad woin lobp ■ -7tb iiltlmu, nml that tiaitiH would nit> ul... !.V < n tin* 23th. of Frviyht tram Suvannnh to T'is.: iiiilnu. I Memphis, j tin l 1 00 K7 1 00 3 10 : i.'D: for Freight Goods. J ULA8.SI PICATltl.V. i s— Pimio Fortes, Hooks mnl Stationary. Ibiota^ •leam. lints, bh|ii.irs, Oils, m:., in bottles, i'.uiipl,euemiil Spin Turpentiim in inirrels, 4 , .tip>'ling,Chiua.GliixNnnil tila-sware.Segai s, ■ a eases.f'lorks. Confectionery. Cotton Cards, Cutlery iu ciiKeH, I'lunsiind boxm.Pry floods boseii and bales,Drugs. Fruits. Fruit Truer nml shrubbery. Furs, (iardou cueils, I,miking Classes and booking (i lass Plato, at ownnr's 11 ik. Null in frails. Mi sters iu cans and |ar>. •Liddlm" , Tin uud llriimitiiii Ware, Tea and ;m —II iidwar 1 (excetit in Ut ami 3d Clasmis.) C« l i"C Mills, Miiciiiiiory,Foreign blquors in Idd Niid pH»es, Tidiaocn iu boxes, l/ ather in roll and boxes,oils iu bids, mid casks, Crocker*- and On snare in crates and casks. Iliee Whiting Plaster. Sheet liras., unit Coppm* ... . „ per loo lbs ISH.— AXes.Rhovels,.»pales, Pad-Iron". Zinc and Tin in pigs, Till Piute. Anvils, Vices,Carrl.11,* Springs ami Axles, Clicks of Chains t*. Hors, Manilla and Cotton Cordage. Donee, Heavy < Listings, Mill Gearing nml, Kali Whnelsand Axles, Chairs nml Spikes, and Itosin in bbls per Dili lbs, '.tut s|or bight Goods.—FurnitiiteandDarriiges i- .xed, anil other light artu lea not iiniuiieint< I, also, Carboys of Adds ami oth< r i.'linmii .Is, will lie taken nt net mil Weight, bn ..onrgodat double 1st C|hmh rnteii...per 1UU lbs WM. M. WADbKY, •t If H»n , lS.||l’t C. It. It. ciiA\vW)Ki)'8 VlllNT "SITOA" .MILLS I’LOUlt ' pnh'd hy any Mills In flnnrgta f>*r uperior Bread stuffs. • •! Mll.I.S D'lUllt.K KXTItA litt'l I'.b H.'iHIt, " do do do Fwiuily do, SATURDAY MORNING, MA.Y K. 1858. NUMBER! 12 l! i> Mills do, do, M»nl. Grlls and Shorts, pot •"isiantlv lor sale by 1 3 \T. WKHSTUIl A PAI.MFH, Ag'-nts for Ctawford’s fdlon Mills - Ilaltein and Flout Ileal, rs are luvlb " "0. ami for the I'li'IW M at In Ie ol I>1 tun ' il'ivor of clean pure l'IuIii. iiii-I Is uios e'"lei| bv tile lest lien ll.le'l V. US' •' •• vtm Hotel Flout. .. | tl.. MlltKI) IIOXI.H ItllSINN, 1,1 "“'I <|narter Ihixui, Igiyers and Mala. lidUllON’H FAMII.Y UUOUKItir, Heat llrflntd CHARCOAL IRON CALVERT IRON AND NAIL WORKS, Baltimore, Md. J. llOl’KINSON SMITH, OEEICJE ‘l.j SOUTH CUAULKS-STUEET. HOOK AND l'r.AT HEAD I!AII, 1(0AD Sl'IKKS, BllI0GE AND CAD POLTS. NUTS, &c.. WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS, OF ALL PATTERNS, 5 to 12 Inch MAUK Tom:OKU. REDUCED Eates of Freight, FROM Savannah to Knoirvillc^ AND STATIONS ON THE East Tennessee & Georgia Kail Road Fiiisr'ii.ASa.' P IANO Fortes. Itooks.Sliitationery. Hoots, Elioes, ami lints, biipiors. Oils, Ac. (in bottles), Cum* plmn' nml spirits l urpentine tin barrels). Carpeting, Chinn, Glass nml Gla«s-Wnre. C.'/ars (in Ci«m), Clock^ t.’imfi'Cticuarles, Cotton f ..nls. Cutlery (In cases). Casks and Poxes, Dry Goods (in l">xes and bales). Drugs, Fruits, Fruit Trees and Slirubhi ry, Furs, Garden Seeds, I, ...king Glasses mid booking Glass Plates (ut owner's risk). Oysters-in cans mnl |ars), Saddlery, Tin nml llritiinnla Ware, T< as mid ,$1.11 Fpli i's. Georgia and Foutli Carolina l>onie*tlc; SKCONDt'bA?^.' Hai'dware, except such a" speeillcd ill first and thle,! classes, t'li'b'e Mills. Maelnneiy, Foil ten l.l- HU»i*|in barrels nml pipesi.To’.e.i. co' in boxes,.beatIn fr ilu rolls and boxes), oils (in barrels and casks), Crockery and fpteens Ware (In cm tea and casks), Rice. Wluting. Plaster, Sheet liras-, ami Copper, per 100 lbs THIRD CbASN Axen, 'shovel*, Spades. Sad Irons Zin- and Tin. In nig*. Tin Plate. Anvils. Vices, Cask* »f Chains and lines, .Manilla and Cotton Cord ige. Colb o, Heavy Castings, Mill Gearing, Kail Rond Wheels nml Axles, Chaim mid Spikes, and llo.iiu ^in brrrcls), per 100 SjH-cinl ilntes 1 Kmnilnn* and Carriages (ImximI.) and other light articles mUx'Uninernted; also. Carboys of Adds, or other Chemical*, will be charged l-y -o-Mini weight but nt double first class rate*, per 100 pounds S2 To Insure safety from losses xml delay*, shippers mus Imveeivry package plainly marked with name of ctu 1 signi'e. destination and depot ol delivery.. The Depots "ii this road arc— Fountain Hilt. Pweetwafer, State bill'-, PhiUdelphi.a, WITCHES, SILVER WARE » JEWELRY. S . W I Tj M O T , coitxnu or coxauKss. wi/n\\Ki:i: a.y/j sr. ,n;ui:x sntnnrx, KtCll (i(K)l)S, at pi Ices to Hull the time*. On baud, and receiving by jkl'FlilG 1118 bfllGl'. STiVK 9 every steamer, C4ol(l aud Silver Goods of every description. h'ine Silver Tea Sels, Pitcher*. Wnilcis. Goblets, *’iip*, Mp'imi* and Pork*, of everr weight and variety j ltd single piece*, beautifully pit* up iu cases fir wedding a id other pres-uu; Gobi and frilv . . Silver Wat elm., uud Sets Cl'c . .1 S.W HbllY, from the rlclmd diamond to Hie dmnpi'vt plain gold. Iiieludlng O.itueo, T.ava and Mimic, In full *••(* nml single pieces: willi .il' every <!•»crlfiti-ut of tiniiim hi ti"W pi use. IM.ATUD iiOODS.—IMat'.l Cako Uaskuts, 'Aiitota, Tun Pets, dee Pitelmrs. and Plated Good* or every kiud. Sl’MCTACI.F.S-ln G ild, Sl|»-r and 'Pee! Frames, with I’, bide mi I other FUhts FA .VC V (lllilDS,—Uieh h i I ‘ • t:iinl P iri m Vase.-an I 6t Hit -its, and F uirv G■> T.iiloi-e Mie|| and oth. r CDMIl'i. "f latest styles, with u giewt m buy of Headiirn tlltt’/.eiuiuf I’ity nml Country are invited to examine tlm atovk, vvhlca will bo sold m juice* much lower Gum usual. Watches, Clocks and .lowdry promptly RKPAIRKD hy workmen of skill mid long exp-rlenco. apr r. tr ds. In great variety. Cl nd. c.t INLAND ROUTE For Palatka E. F. VIA BKUNSV/ICK, ST. MARYS, FERNAN- DINA, JACKSONVILLE, ANO PICOLATA, AY" i»/./«»/ of oil l ii I trm i 'li'tli! h'li’itlii'ii*. 77. h-ort I hr Ch.trl.Ht. Shorn /’«"M tr, rt/ * ii7.7gy/;.y/>.i )’ Mttitx/X'i nt ti ^ Tlie now a'id sph tolid steamer • tin. st p'i«««n- “7k „ }};ki ltd- l\» cO'iiineiiCM 1st March and coidm'i to 1st .Inn' 1557.; WM. M. WADbKY, Snp’t Cetitv.-.l Utlliimd. Ik F'lHTIk » MAW. “ .». M. NPI'bl.orK, •' W. A- ,\. “ K.C. JACKSON, «• h. T. 8c H.i. “ March l-r. nmri'-tt 4'1I A .MIR Op’ SCI! KIH'I.R, TilK CHKAPKST & QLIi'KK.ST ROUTE To the North, rafjy.ifffttVftrtsr. ■i* 'W X O 1*1 /V W .in 13 IE. 3 j ti 4'harh’sfon AND THU XOUTII-K.lrfTKHX HAIL-HOAD TimOUtm AUltA.MilkllK.NT Kit •*! SAVANNAH TO WlltMINfiTOX, N. C eC. tin nml after SH'N’DAV, .JAN'I’AKY D"h 187R, STEAMER GORDON, F. 11 A ft l> K S, C n iu in n n tier, Will ic.v*. Sivinnab eviv SUNDAY mid WKDNH8 D VV A FT bit Nn. IN, at ” o'el •*■!{. and arrive in Charles- ton the f 'Rowing morning* iu time to connict with the Train ot the Norl i-Ka-i-rti Un i it"i<l»/»»■ *».-/ Xort/t. Ihdinning, will haves I'hmleslon .very Momlav and Fri lay Night, at s o'.d i -k. (after th • at rival of ti e cars front :t mi.) ami arrive In 8 tv inuah caily the followin'.' nimrs. Trsr 'ii'rs boil id fir th* North, f r North Card inn. >r for th" n- rtln'in pari of Sniili ftai'sltmi. by taking this route, u ill save rtui: a:.d itxi-KSat, and will gain a night’* Nleep liiiotigh Tiekeis from Fav.iittn.h to VVt tnington, $11. No i-xtra iMiu^e li'r meals or berth* on hoard ol Hu; nccotaiiiodaijoi ni'k x FI aM . and Fermiudlmi & a' K-\.s hail- rads. Ket’ii ntng will e iinci'i at .-.r.'iua.ih nitli the Central hadioml. mi I N w York -te inters. FielglU ■•I'O'lgii'd to tie* Agellt' •! this steamer will b > re-*hipp. I tr f ch og '. Fur freig!n or p isrign ap ply on board, or to JOHN O FIM.'KK Aio'nt No 74 Bay street. * INVITED S'fATKS MAIL. M'or PaittfL-ff E. 8\ via /> i/.*//;.v, nitrxswirK, sr. M.wrs, t'HllXAXOIXA, JACKSO.S VILUC, AX It lorn LATA. Tin: nm:w and iai-: I Iir%'T«VILliK, J J11GNTGO.M MIt Y ' Will firm a „.. I.:x dii" l | York. Ie iving • aeh j. •( i v i-’ Tli" I tnoda:e s lor . 1A N'T STHLMSIIIP3 ...Cupt. Ko'ert Hurdle, •* I tv lei Irk Crocker "••••n H.ivmimih a ml Now SA JTUDAY. e ll'll, I ive elegant IlCPOm l being ..f great strength •n tb" :: ".iD'.'it di.-jMlili to j tr-j's t" ill.- .>Do I iil'tin. 1 S..a.'" Ini' For freight n haul". i tlii.i lid '.'"V I gblv pi TIN . no., •rgia, it. i«. ' "i i* i.i.i. « i ii., aped tf Idl Wa-niu-toD - toel.Ncw York. -u'•(■> 11( m 11 leer L! FOR NEW YORK. wilt I places. Ie iviiei the Fi'.-r oa lay inv«.iiin.;. April Minim to leiiv.. eV'l\ Mi'll la, •Ii -team oth. at V in,,ini tig 'passage apply on board, or to ChAGIloRN A CI-NNINGIIAM, undo ^ Ag"t*t*. UNTTKI) STATES'MAIL. For Palatka, E, F„ ''■ii, Itni,/s.‘eie/,', St. jl'irfi, r, rnomlina UL; I'irolnto Mi,Lli, A N if. Sll X. , dipt'.in N. I'lid.ty liiol nit -1"inner Vi II This 1 u’e.'imi havitii: exp lulioii, o.Tel * *llpel'ii :Kt-t imssiigt at U !l*l'» b'-en l.nllt expressly 1 •1' ilt.lll.'i I’piy Cabia, : $20. ji Slccragc, 80. StcaHisliin AU GU ST A, M. H. WOOD HIM,, Column ml r, WIbb cAlb .'ATlliliAY, MAY 8, AT 2J... I*. M. Tli''ti"w and splendid fa.-r .om-.g r.mship AUGUSTA, alld* | M. S. v,iii *u.l as . For I freight or pa'.sage, aj-j'iv to nn hoard at the Florida I ‘ PADKIFOKD. FAY A CO. Cabin Passage <UO tn'ai' ; > I S t, IP lit .X A ’ TN NI NG II V M. Ag’t*. Stcwace «• 1 r ,, rt A , I A r> I rc-rriM o r> ' I . N * » “Shipper* orcot ton 1^-y thc.seM. :■’nu-nwlUple'iM F O FI Cri ARLub I UN, O. w» , lak'-notliv, tliatn..C"it!iMillb"iec.neilnttlmpi'eii804 steamer. : The new and splendid lion steamer 1 Hint I* not lietlnrikx marked on th of tlio bill©. Puss-tiaer* uud their Itaggnto tinnsferro t from th© "Tfx. ST. MAR V* 4 , Cspl. .laim* Fr» et..irn, | <8j5* lleithsNui- un .I until paid i.r. stninier to the CHS. Ji.-til rJi,ir;ir I 4 will i-nv.. f,*r ctiiu list.'ll. "II Tlnir*- I* AD Kb FORD, FAY A CO., A guilts, llag.Mge checked from Savannah to Wilmington. For I Lx 'llD&avW.i.,. Kvenmc. At i :l '.'d. at tio'en. k, tf Freight fr"m New York at eii'toinnry, and as apply to .1. P. BIMgIxS, Agent. | ^”Sli^SS»and continm'lo leave elerv Tl.ur«l..y h.w a*i l.r .my ntln r 'Gemm-r J n, i7 Charleston Stemn-Pni ker U hnrb j tiu>t. Returning, him will leave Ohmlest, n every j IS 10IV VOKtV W!) F'\V \N.\AM PRO PELL Kit L INE ! FOR NEW YORK. To S"if So t ii rtf ti if, Mu;! t-h, ot M. for Havana *31* "ZT;;,tXSZ'aAZiS&'vZ&Z... | ,:.,r 3') IM.Ati KEY (VEST AM) ( VLU’OtiMA,' _ 0pr & i Steamship ISABEL, W I L L I A M H 0 L L T X S, COM M AN OKU, Having just been entirely overhauled and put in splendid order, relit led with new lioili'i s. ntnl iloiihle air tight bulk h'-iids. f.-1'wni'll aud nfi. making her onn n| the most desirable Steamer* I .r safety. *|" ei| and colli- fori, will I'-.ive Savannah lor ilavaici via Key West, oil the 11Ii aud Path, and hnvo Havana or Savannah via Key Wn.t.oti the lidh and 2’dli o* i-iicli neeiili Th" IS.MH'-I. connects. «t llaiaun. with ibotL.S Mail Fleim-hlp Comii.ny's l.luoofSteamei", for New oi'leun- und Smi I'l'-xn••!'<• >! For pa." .go only, apply to decIS C'HIKN? * II Kin /.. r»,GREAT REDUCTION Of FARE | 3ErCT3G : 3.’o>3r’D23. Lilith. /*.* X.m v»rt: fro..\ South a „iiltcr>: vr Un— GlinitX A crNNINGil \M. Ag’ts. Accommodation Boat. FOR PARACHUCLA EVERY MONDAY AND j THURSDAY. Tim new and fast running Passem „..r ati-l Freight stwuoer .M’HN G. bAWTG.N will leave P-r Parachucla , l interim-tin!" bunding', every | M indiv u’ol Tliui v luy, at 4 o'clock, P. M — lei.e loot of West 'll road street. N. It—-'.ontrm t- lor landings ib >vc ran bi made. Till* j Boat .vl!l not Uienk her t mining --ch-dule. ! J. W. McAl.PIN. Agent. oc27 WilliaUi'oii’* Unil dings. For Charleston, i XWXjAND C> t J 'T 1 ti, i7.i nt:At /»/.•/• if- in/.rn.\ iie.w. \ To leave from the Chari,Sti'amparket Wlmrf every SATURDAY, at 4 i*. M. , '■e-w ‘Tx. The new and splntidl steamer i KVKRGbADK, fa- ' b. M. Go.xelter, 1 1 b >ve lli in city a* ut "Ve. I Th • F.Verglad" regularly \ t r.'’--i fC' A ’’ The Superior Steamer MON T’<■: O i\n dRY, I'lPT, I'RKD'K t'ROCliliH, W Ill leave' oio .S.\ IFItHA V, .’iay x. at '2!d o'cloclr, iintl>!oii, Ihiri'c ttit'l Jin- cabin.. ciil.ii .... 6n For Height or pi tiov17 .1 )HN 43. FRA>KU Ag.-nt. o.7l It I V stl'vel Steelag" 3" I Steerage 4b In I'm tl'st class paddle uliee|*lealil*hl|i A R 1 Kb. 2,0(111 tons, C D l.iidh'W, coiiui'.iii' and NUR'I Ii S l’A It. 2. 6* to t'»u*. Edward''a vend,v, commamlcr. to sail I rum pi'-r No. 3 Nmth liver, ut nooti precisely, cat r.vlng tlm United States mail, vt/.t Loirs .Vein Vork ./V Jlnnu-it f'-r Soiitlnimptun Emil ho in/ill ill, //■irrr. ,v.w»///.(ai/i- ./'<)• or lii-siiim. t.,n. jVew Vork. Ariel, Saturday, March 2<t. April 17. A|iril2l. North Star, " April 17. May lft. May It). Ariel, “ Slay 16. .lime 12. .!line Hi. N Star, “ dune i2. duly lib duly 14. These stcnni'Mp* ’oitch i t Havre. Specie delivered ill London or Pari*, l-'oi jiassage ,.r fn-lghi. apjdv to D. THRIt-INCH. Aif nt. marl Hum No. S Howling Gn-en, New York. First cabin $1«0 j ( J i I « K U I 1 S( ' i i I's I ) U JL l’N * For Blufllon, Ifihtui limit, liio/it'n Lmnliiii/, Port lt"i)id Ferry mnl I Ifni fort, r~ H *- Tie* new utnl spluidiil iron ilearner - r . --.-A i> CEclb c.ipr IM' " k v.ill,• -it mid ill r S//'\ y TV 'i ,*VM..||.|. v. Mav hull, leave J..»• tbenhove ./ i lae.-s every MitNDA Y MiiRNING. ut n oVlati.< For freight or passage, apply to .1. P. It;.ii >KS, ' liarie-toti »harf. j;.'.- All freight taiisi I e p-dd on the by the -lli| I el' li.-f-'l,' n will be receipted l"l _ UiUV -I ^ i: KOII l.’itiVlffliT (>U CHAR 5 Kll- J. The Mip.ti -r s. Iio'ioi dt'DGK ", KNNKY, Cajt. iN-tt-i dl. Apply to i'ARbKTGN U PMISONS. BUY GOODS. Second Tinporlation for this Season, OK STAPLE AND FANCY *KcwStor« H to up; lit on s l., n c n v XV Ii 11 n kcr. PEPPER & MOLLOY Would recpecllully direct the attention uf ihe Ladle© of 8,i van mill, and the public generally, to limit- New, burg- nml Complete Stork o| STAPLE AND DP.ESS ROODS ! Tb© pruftuni stock being our second importation, ©in- brace* ail that i* New and Fn*hioiuil<l*i in Ricli Dltss GOODS. Many of our Goad* me fmiii New York auction* tlm price* of which are ho very low as to ©veil astonish pttrrlias'-i* We would especially call attention lo our stock of Plain and Flounced llari-g"*. .Muslin Robes and I'loutP'i-s. Si Ie Triaiining aud Doable Skirts. 18o pieces Gig.indie Muslin*, worth Stic., selling nt 25, 3U and 371—elegant M;>!<•*. 5uo piece* .Ineoin-t tlllli GrRIllldio Muslin*, Ire lit 123.210 26c—vvuriimt.-'l f i-t co|> i s. A lew select unifies in printed bluett Lnivti*. for trnwlliiig dr* 1 '*"*; ids**, line tlg'd Ki-ach Hrllliuiilcs. IllsACK. bAPK MANTILLAS. Pnrn*ol* and Sun l'ihbr*-iht«~roiiuirk'ii'lv i.licap. miik' 1 * ^ silk, nijierior to any other Finibnddured and Guided Skirt*. —— Dooptul Skirt*, in great variety, in nil late iniptovo- tUol't*- 1 KrelH'll Corset*, all -i/.e*, lit tlie old price, Kiiibiid<l"i "d llaii*ll.*-ii'liii-frt, a |.tree h-h,ii tinent. Him Kmlu'oi.ler.-il Collars, (i*.m 1., p. |.; m j,*j 81ee\‘eS, lllid SI. eve- and *'.*11 ,1 *. i i m I* iil,e||i,|i |„| H fill' iiiiilnio Hand*, i.lmiipu'tInin nnylhiiig wo have over yet nlleied. Ita/*s Kid Glove*, Him I’liuich l.uco .Milt*, fmni 37c. upward*. Real Ili'Kieti Hosiery’, in whitentul col'd ; real HtHlah Mi*«<-*' nod Children's Hosiery. Spanish and Palm l.eaf Fan*. IRISH LI Mi.NS- 250 pier*'* real It lull I.innn*; direct Importation, wnr'runted all Ilav. Also. Table Damank, Cl-'lhsand Poplin*, wiirranti'd ; Toweling and Crush. .Mil I -ejile* lllni A Il'Uldllle t|lllll* bini-ii Dillliugri, plain and tlgiin-d. for gent’s nml boy'* pant*. A large tissorlnouit of jfent's I.limn Donum Shirt*; also, w lute a nd <ol d Marseilles Shu Is. Il. nl * IvnlOlov.iH, llaildkeiclil* Is t iuxut*iind llodciy. Window Shades. A large assortment. Ir.iin iincllon—vei) cheap. Our hV'd' in nf luisiiii'tlH large Mile* sninll pn lll*. aud ONE PRICK. riil'I'KR U MULlsUV, spr :i.J FOR «*’K id 14411 T 4)K t'Sl * ICC Id It.— '11m f.i't saiiing Schooner "MYi.US, - ' Cupt llha.m*. Apply to iip*.';ii C.\Itf.KTiIN' A P \Its 'N>. ~j > “r-oii PniriLiri’ or chartru. fkV-fcVThe liuef.-t -idling rn'lir. N0KMUND, t iiptain Cl"V*v ■ ... apr IN. UXRbKlii.x t ' £-■ .. I<’I»U KliKlGHT 4)R ITIAKTHU. SSS&TIm A 1 brig 011' >AI'KAl\, C«|.i. Daily Ap- fStT* CAULKIU.X * l-AKSOSS. apr 211 .t ; FOR FltKItillT Oil CHARTER. S2y±'1'l»« *«l‘x’) l”V bv'liv It' ‘OK 1 Ml H A M, Cwj.t Tapley. Apply lo 0 VltbKTON *t PARSONS, apr 2d KOI: I.IYKIIPOIH. -Tin* A 1 Am.fienn ijv.fL-hip AtiNKS. .lout-*, m.i'ler* having n large por- i"U of li-r cngo engaged, will have .[iitek di*- puteii, For freight eng'gi-nn-nts.apply l" m II- :;'I in.Iii ii \M. IIAbDWIN ti. co. "FOR l7iV»';ilP4)4)L.-Tiie first i'bi** ^Y^Aiihu i. aa skip WAi.l,\CK, bane, master, hav ing a jio'ti'i i "f In r c.itg > engaged, will meet with ill* natch. For Height eiigug'unoiit*. apply to mui- 1t> PAIiKi.FgRD. FAY Jr CO. FOR HUSTON.—The hark bKROY, Cupt •g-TS'-ob'iiian, will liavu depjmldi for lho iiliovu jmrt. lit; NT Kit fc GAMMELL. fiejght apply lo tiinyft 7-T, F4»K NKW Y4M<IC-Oi:oi:GI.\ I.INK— The packet 'dir 1,0 V A b £C 11A NT> >N. bovrdeu M ci*-f. wiil Ii *v<- iniin.-di ite ilispun-h. For freight or tms.siigo apply to Muster on hoard at Ib'ltoii** Whatf. or l„ SCRANTON .x ViiRRIS. w., FOR MSW YOUIv-GKG.tGlA I.INK .- las' sailing i-gul-ir pai-lo t sebr JOHN BU* 5 - Td.N. l inguiast-r. hiving two lliiidj *>f her caigo en- gng-d. will have imm.-iliite di*put- h. For freight or in— *ge. aiiply In master mi b >ard. at linlroii’* vvharb -i., ‘ SCRANTON ft NORRIS, npr 27 5-/- l-'Olt M'-.W VOItK-Tbe r-.mlar puekel 1 y-J- r. lie. K. KIDDER. Ilarksnn Master will iimrl willi r ’" •■‘pan h fur the above port. F*n Ireighi apply tu ‘ m1 ,|5 III. NT FR H GAMMhbb. > ,- |.'4»ll PIML A l)l3LI*ill A —Thercgulni ^Vji • pact.ei .dir AI.H'K bl’.A. Cupt Tlmmpsnti. will Imve .li-jatdi r-T n»M*ve poll. For bubiii •*• m Irei.'- apply I .IV Kit ti Ci 3-t\ FOlt 'Pll 1 LADKLlMll A.-The fine Jft7*4j. fasi * ndng m Iii ASA .. . I.DRIl'GK, b*.w*l*n,ina*. ii.g h ill h.*i carg.i eng igoil, will havu immediate ilispai' b For Ii- ight. apply i<* ii pr 2'.) SCRANTON fc NORRIS^ 3-1' 'FOR N F,1V YOU Ii-Tlm fa-1 Gtillng I'l'ket to-lit. »t. M. HHM1 bb. I apt. Hendrick son. b.ivt'ig three fourth* of lu r caigo engaged, nml going on board; will Imve immediate vdc****ti h. For freight apply to CHAIll.KToN * PARS0N8. 3 1' K4I11 NFAV YORK —UNION LINK—Th© Sbf&i leonlar pa* ket -ih, |, S DAVIS, l.ynch, Ma* ler, will have ijaiik dopati Ii f-*r n,,. ,«|.i*v pm I. F<ir freight ii| p!v to OGDEN, STARR A Co /£•, ,,OU NHSW Y4MIK. -It.iik KXAIT, 'Yalker, havinu’ii huge part id her cargo engage will no el willi dispatrh m* iiIiov* For fn-'glil ntN.njilyto DANA A M'.\S|||tURN. Apr 3'» kACON SIDES—Lauding aud for sale hy ppriiB MINIS ft JOUNdfON. For Pr. igl.t e apply Jo Pat*ure, liavb'g fi»•• nr.'ommndaHon8, ItRIGH YM. I! \I.D\VTN & IV). NOTICJY s* Th" *•! ! ndol ptopnllers - . T III • is> II I-1- and MONT- - /.«*- Gi.M 111: \ . will I-a in n week- 1-n line l-.tvv.* I. Ne.v Y-rk v York, will l.« tuli-u at ?’isv nmn r.»t' *. bitl'il!\M. ItAbDWIX .'iii'Av. on and Freight f l!m present from No tariff. »v apr 21 MOW VORK, HY'awlest .Line!! _fj ft f A IU. It i'.IH.'CKD: /•v ./j-j .p C'ulilti PnsKitgc J '. r /, _f' > "I r* ight 1 w.-i Ilian by any p.'. I" t. I HR Abb KINDS • ( • ,> ; ■ r^L'F M L a S F R K M E X T *'" * G.i'.l'S bight Harrvl*37y t Cent* ea* h, mid other ai ll- b * in | i "| -a ti.-n •| lo* -i Icndid and c<»niii"dioii' 'id • wl I Steamer* AFGIJ-T \ 1 M'i'tons Uupl. M. s. Wnodlmll FI.oRIDA 1.3no «• •• Isaae i -rowoll.JH ALABAMA, I Ho) - «* Geo. R.Sdwiiel*. . «... "‘’•-''I : up*. 7In** Lyon, i .staldi'lied nml i and Suviintmh nfon. m'loiu mo il 11 and p ilit© t da- ; I-. lie* . Id Til"*' 1 ttellMl-hips I" fav.'idi' line, known i Steam Navigation Coiupanx,” a. >1 ill >•'.* uud lure, railin'! I ill Hided by e.xperi. iie."L rkiil "lll-.MU*. I'ADEbFUR Ag-iits, Savannah. SAM'I, b. MIT'Ttll.b te tOV, “more’ new spring finvo now in store a fresh supply of Fancy and Staple .11 SI Iir. •LIVED FROM NEW Y-'RK, Among which they w.mid call *pecial atteiitiun lo tlio fullovving: A complete nr«- rlment of Embri'lderli'*, No-lte-Worked Collar*. MiisIIii Trimming, Leal Thread and Linen harm, Frcmli l’rinlcil Aluslins & Grenadines, Jlarcge nmUGreiiadirie Robes, Sid—Sti ip© and Double Skirts, French and Anu-iicuii I'rlnDd laiwn* ami Muslin*, 8c. li»37L. • p*-r yard. Fri'tidi Uud English Cliint/.uml Calico©*—now stylos. Briliin te*, 12 to 25 relit*.' \1 hit** Colton and biule Narrow Fring*-*. Pic NJc .Mitt*—long and *liort - I I I 13 B O Is S Daily expected. uprO 2.) OcYSks Jcllcr’s Sparkling Eilinlmi'gli Air, 25 casks Djass’ l.nmlnn Drawn Slout, apt Cl Jl'SY lU'.i’Kl VEI> BY HONS CO.i UU Whitaker at. FinST OZiAS FAMILY GROCERIES, LOW PRICES!! Eoss & Co., SUCCESSORS TO W. W. GOODRICH, Whitaker St. ROSS«cCO.Y Sell tlie 33est Burning Fluid, AV» 5‘orlt .fltliirtimiiiiiils a>w Vo»-A Jiarerltitemeul* T-'JTOM XX, e>. SCHMTaTi.S A 1) V E Jl T IKING ACKNOY, Moffat 4 »* ltu Hill tiff, <3Y- ;<3ff BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. Trt TIIB C1IKAP1SHT AMD IIKST T r xc GKN TSBCHim, OWJ.I3W tfi CO., UKNKRAb NEWSPAPER ADVI I.TlnlNG Iff»»'«»• Pumps CHANG H (i FS<' 11LI) U L L, New Ybrk and Savannah. Tin) Aim’i'lciin A l la n I ic Screw .Sleainsliip t/0 CEll PICK GALLON. KEEP COOL! Sponge, Jlij), othbh Bath Tubs; A good ussortiiii'tif mi hand. M ASERU'S 1GHCHEAM FltKI./.KUS, together with . WATER iLMl.t-.ltS. ICE PHM1KRS, uud uiauy •tilin' good I hi li (M *UI tlm ll.-l Weather B. G. RKACIl, Hodgson’s Block, corner Rnuightun and Bi.ll sts. apr 21 SPISSNCw €rOODS : HENRY LAT11R0P .1 CO., W OI'I.I) Invito lUlviitiun Iu a choicu selection ol badie*' Spring ami Summer Dress Goods, Double Skirt Itolo-s.Ti-HU" Robe.*, V-' A’lf'iille, i'rgiudl" Cliint/. Volant, C'hint/. Itiilli .nt'-s, Fieii.-h I'nnibrlcs, Plaid. *tiip>-i| and Bayadetc Silks, Freiicli (’iiiicm'H, Solid e.d’d Barege and Crepe Maretv., Bui eg© Rnlie* A 'L'niil", Plain ail I loi li le 1111 eg,'*. “ “ Bayad.'i © ill ie!t llaregi'S, —AI.-*'*—- Blank bin'© 'fanllllii*. Black and wldi© Itaiei'' Shawls, Cid’d and Much 8ilk Par .sols, WHITE GOODS, In Drllliante*, Naii'ii "k*. and Mull* Plain niid fig'd Swiss Mu*1ia«, Pliild and *'ripi'd i'rubrics, Pl ilu and printed l’li(uaCloths. ClllLDlUC.V’S GOODS.j M<•«©«’ Talma*, liny*' S|e-neera, ** Pinalore*, Ragl'iiis,Dr:''Si>*, Ac. Long Mil l Short Black N"t Mitt* and Gloves, Ladies'. Gent *and IIov'd t.l'l© Thread « •* *• Ginizo Merino Shirts. Ml**••*’an-l Buy'* *• " “ innr lfi T-jaryti FAMILY TABLE CLOTHS, ERAYY TURLEY Ilav© received from New Yoilt. rich Sititi Donlde Damask T'AltbE CboTItS, 7yard* long, 'jjf wide— the hast .piulitv, it i.s believed, ever nfl'cl'ed ill Georgia. Price $20 to $25 each. Housekeepers good*. uateiKxxrjBj) New York Auction Sales. In the tt’n hi, httviniia SoliA I‘i'hnt nvl Mshit Vtt , rrK UTpiR Pumping Exliuct". Hut and Cold V. ater; unta* Id*, for t'lateiu*. Well*. F u lot""*. Minet, Ac.— Throwing Iron. 20 to f."0 gallon* per minute. An excel- eell.-nt Fire Engine for ruimi-r* bare • dlse.-'inl to dealers. Agio,I* wuiii. d. and Ten I -i i:: lit* t r sal* H. A. MAIL* 1 II 4 bb. If*I Peail etteet, Jyl S rorin r of'Mai'!"t"laii". N* vv Y.-rk LIGI1TK, NR1VTOS A 1* tt A lift t- K io> 421 It rooms-ft., .\>m i«,i ft M ANUFACTURERS iff the Patent AreL Wrest plan . Pi-mo Forte*, eehdiraled f.>rdepth. f'.slim-i"». rich* lie**, purity nml a peculiar singing .|i iility d tli. ir t"iio, lor H'lilrh they liavo received Ihe hlglo-)t ©neomltiin* tl'imi tiii> greatest musical celebritle* of Ihe ©otintrys and In ov.'vy fair, when brought ta competition with nthor instrument*, have obtained tin* highest pi< iniutii Tin* Patent Arch Wre*t Plunk, which Is nwin •( and used only by n*. guarantee* tludr ".u i-iing i- top© longer than any oth.-r instniui'uit: while th* ir iitipr- ceitentod ib’inaiil in all parts.if the noiintr.v I* a "ntlb ieni pr-ui of th.-ir"U|'«iiorexcelleuce. A liberal di*c.«".t to t'ler* gyin-ii Seboots uud •lu-trob'. S ly-muy27 i invited to call and cxniuinn th© npr 10 m PIECES llandMUiie Foulard Silks 0 Fbmncvd liar ©go Robes do do do, double *kirls do do da. *1 lo stripes Printed Drgundle Mu«|ins do .liiconet do 60 ilnren Damii'k Duvl.s fill il i bitieu ToW.'d* ft piecr* Table Hama.'k, nil liui’ii. For s ilent Ihe lowest pile.-, by BvAVITT A MORGAN. Plantation Supplies. 20.000i."i, 1* -I'DU yards heavy whit© 0*nabnrgHl 5 ui) | do U Jit it* do 3 boil do IIb korv f tripe* 6.0'U) do Marlboro do In.oiii J|, avy brown Shlrllng 3.o do vvi'l© do 2U.I ilo/"li Hea 1 Hatldkerchiefs LMl lb* Fl.ix Thread 5 iU gins* Dutton s ftD.fIDO Stout X. e -Ie*. F’or sale at ihe l.iw.-i price*, bv npr 7 NEVITI'. I. *TTfROP A JtOflKftS^ str.VDKi i«;s. U'iAR'.—M hhds choice Porto llico nml LouHiauii .to do fair d < do do 20 mi pi iui© Fiilia 7> bbis St ii in'* t'r i'ti©d and Ground (" do A. Hand iTtriiied ) d> Itilijoi.'i© Y-How , C Carilled. 0 bh ls. 10 Here s, mid InOliblsCuba 75 bid* choice New Orleans BA'.'ON -bff hints plum, Sid,•* 2>) do do Shoulders In tierces choice mijii' cured Ham*. liAIID—JO bids and lilt) kegs piiuu* I ©nf. Forsalnhy _uprj» SCRANTON .v JOHNSTO.V. SUM Dll IKS. MOLASSES.- SO Te* and 25 bhl.s Miiscovudo Sugar, 4u Idd* Refill",| Sy rup. I Wl lioxc* Ailaiiianliii" t’ltnlli *. 25 bid* x, xx. xxx, 'xxx, Whirkey, 25 bid* Dsiio"lie Hraiiuy, lu.jr ca»k* Superior Brandy, V»» hale* Nonhern Hay, by HUM Dill KB. tj? UUAR8.— 2‘) hlids ea- Ii choice N Omni Porto Rico •'.*') do do p ini© d i do 25 do do fair Muscovado 121 Mils Stuart'* Itefirn'Kand Clarified do BalHmoie Yellow (13), do MOLASSES—20 hlnls and 60 M l* Cuba 7ft Idd* elmlc* New Orleans COFFEE—200 bags primeGrei ll Rio VLOUU—400 Rin ks and IMl biffs extra and superfine BACON— fto lilid* prime Sides and Sh.uiMurs 20 casks choice Sugar fared llama. For sal" by fit’ll A NT.iN u .lOHNfiTON. fill's. •Tnmi'S Dc44s’ NEW PATENT FTEHINE SUPPORT. W HICH lml' otliiel to Miijierned© all I'oriiH of p'es varies. Retail price f3. A I hercnlehtutoil SUP I’ORTEHS, with their recent iinpn'Vementv, uml under the highcM inclic.'il planning©. Her inany invention* have been tim'd wifi tiniiiterru|>f'd success for tho past 24 year*, whi Ii can be favorably attested bv thousand! of Indie* ami physician* In nil parts of tlm Union, lad price, $6 lo$8. For wile by THO*. M. TURNER, nov|7 t*<!nr. Barnard and llrruiirbrnn-iitv. G II AIIA fil’S C II K M IS Til Y. E LEMENTS Of Inorganic Chemistry, Including the application of the Science to th>< Alts; hy Thoinat GritliHiu F It S. edited hy Dr* Watt* ami Bridge*. Abel I. Bloxam s llaud Book of Cliemistry ; edited by I>r HolTimiii. un the KIT-etfl nf Climate unTitheronv DiRcnso. Carson oti Materia Medica nml Pharmacy. Bowman'* Iirlrudiictioii to Praetiial fliemivlry. B ivvniaii * Practical Hand Ho k of Mediiul Chemistry. Human Histology in il* r. I'Oion to deseiiplive A unto- iy. Physiology and Pathology, with upwards of 4.0 lurtration*. Wilson on Diseaces «'f ihe Skin—4th i dition, Plate* lllmffr Itive of fiklu !>i*©a*.*s—colored. Aldi.visfonl I'diHou of tho VVuvorl.v Novels, in 12 vola, . itli engravings. ON IIVXI): Pu well’s Pocket Formuhirv nml Physic inn's Manual— ’cket hook form. W. THuRNK WILLIAMS, apr 2SI tf A tt UAHIvS Siiunr ('tired Ham* plv BI tIerccR lasif laird 10 llrkins c-i'iiug Biilter. Just received by apr 211 ROSS A CO. IJ|E IIU VIA M GUANO.—'7ft snsk* gounlne Po jL ruvian Guanu, Just received from Bnltinmre, and •r sale by .1A M I'.S I SN Il>Kit * CO^ AMTKI18’ It HOW M LIN KM DUCK. A supply uf llioubovo jiiHt received. a|ir2S BUUNH, BAKER A 00. P' fl A fif H. — lo,-link* Tell ri©"""’ Hams, for vain by „|,r27 A OAMMELL. J l'HT IIKCKIVISD—By *lc,imer Alabama, an iissoriuieni of black felvet Ribbon*, a supply of lean nml Em:li«li Prim*, bale* Blue Denim*, Marl- ro Plaid and Hripe*, for *al© by minis II I'll NS. BAKER A CO. | A It lY-1 ii barrel*, landing and lor *ui© by J J npi-21 MIN 18 A .lllHNfiTnv. f lUI E PDhhAltN AMD HKT8.-A n*w Olpply.Juit Iecel», ,1 by »r 2*' NKVIlT, LATHROP ft ROOKIIS. Tho Jvane. ..mmiiiHNY & BLACK WALNUT, PARI,nil FLIHXmiRE, Iu l.i'.gaielle. Pi lain© ami Plush, fane Seat and Com* !i!"n r UMiitiir© in gnsit vaii-ly. AI*o, ENAMELED UMAfiMIKR LTIlMITUItJO, 1 li s, I- ll"Hl f|,I jfltlU. S/ i iiuj, t'lmh i/ lloi,; Mi,ah mol Whahlone fd ATTRASS ES. Al-o. Feather it.-l* and Bed.lii'g. Patent Prcmlmn Sofia Bedstead*, ai ,I P-itnit ee’t-R.u liin)' Cradles. D. iihr* will find at th© above store* tlm largest aud IMunenJ III New York, vtid ‘"»'all ehoHjier than atauy V !)m-nprl6 ' best I. I ! ICE!! *' h'kvibock©r Irefouipaiiy.nt ttiefilyofN>W i li. Y. ix.liiiviiig r>'|dennbed ib.'ir 8icck iff lee, offer I' «•*( !• ll> .l.aldi 'Ibis 1 '"inj-i i •©. which, fo! with ■ P 1H.SON’S IN NEED OF REFRIGERATORS will do uui o.v (tillli g iin-i i imn i.ibg my stock, which a vaiiety • I' *iz— andpi'n-ins, ir »:t< tne cm- nu n b > i'll. *i i, ih - Hr Lane, w in Ii last I ly rec -mm. nd to the piBdic n* t '«• • lie plus u.tin” of r.'fnger.»ii'i*. A.- '.on hand, a g, od iiMortnvnt of U ATER tflOL- KIIS. Ail I. r Mile at J. 1». O ibblN' S "pi 20 Du Uniin *b -XOricc. FHTHi: Fa I rsign-ff oaiirig v, tlidrawn from the Onn* .li fiuthiiu i-o lie *s. an l dlsp. re-l ,.\ his i-u.ii© iii- ter M in th" *a-ii. to .Mr. ANDRlW K. I nPK/. nciild t ike this i'1-eu.'l ui to Iiialce ail a.T|)o . le.lgm©-I l> Ids Iriei d'and in i i |.’i «... t I,.- lit, a I palr-n.nge bestowed n hi.i,. a i I wonI I be iim'ikiid f.,r ns e.,, m na'io - to Id- *u-. ,-.-* T. wl, in n,., I, " ifully r©eo th nd* t,. iimir I. 'iic-u,i,I tu JOHN Mcl.Mi. i-:. Nival,nub. April 3", 1L*R. iuay2 Gimsmithing, &e. •• Hade to supply ©I' a tnpeiinr i|tuilit), and on tho •© »ra Helling the Dockland Lsko i and punty Is ntdvrr'iilly admit* l ir *it; ri i ie -my otn. r i»i 11 ping purposev. 'I"I"'© mti I'cdiile* i 'i' con,iu,-tu.g I'Ufeinusi npanv hava no r’vals. and »ln v re*pectiully *tlg- ■leai.'i*.tl.iit lliev will litnl il l.ngely lo theirad> I ».iin-i.© t.ioriVr Ihi-lr supply the Iviiiekeibock* i -r 4 ouipunv. No char.-:.' lor wbaifage to vernel* lying at j ll.e t.'o.apady’s pi,-re. Whlii-t lnklli|; in inigo. The un ai--I pioioi'tiliida and iKspateli given to or* i d tr*, wiii, I. liny be forward*.! to R. T. COMPTON, K*q., ,'ftl-o Knickucker Ice 1'i'inpaii.v. 432 Canal at.. New York. Y--'Amo tnur'22 THE LKUOIxLYN White Lead Oo. KSTAIJLI.-xIIKD Thl' fi'inpliny e -ntRities to umii.ilii, ture Hull Mipetior :• *t t > bljiti/f nf I'n olip'sl and most ex ten si vo (slablish- * in Hi© c- untry. f-r imiiiuhicturlng Willie Lead, Red l.cml, mnl Lilluirge, FiD'M 'IHE RAW MATERIAL. Pm- b.-.- .s1-n.t'd* n-i.y i.Iy , n procuring Ilia goiiuino iii ti. 1 -, .-n the in,-si f,voiahle Imnv, lur cush cr credit. Tin y ar«- -iDvavs prepired I© • x- eni© will* proniptncia all onler* lor tin ir vaiioii* g> ioh‘« nudC|unlities uf Lead, and Sine Paint, D.y "r in oil. P.','.'1N!’.•*.< ADim.1.s«. ho Front *tre.-t, Ni-vt York. N. it —I nr* slo ib.l I-. wiiiu <d th© bunmioui bO;n- till i!" inaih,-t. rill HE ll'id'T’i rued, h iving pnrilia‘"T the !r I - rest of H Mr. .i >i .MeInti,-,, in the above biiHin--*, is now t'ts-;«ii- -Ii n. ii'e all • r l-i'in Id* line, wi h j um pt* tn-*« ai.,1 d -*pat"li. nt me old “bind of .1. .del nl ire, buc* cc.'sor to .1 T. .b’lie*, MarU* t f'ptare. A. F. LOPEZ. Pav.ini.ali, May 1. lx •*. n,.iy3 A. Hi fPH| % ^ J. HILLER & CO’S W«. 1^1 JilHOTJGriar'I'OIY-ST. SA I . 1-V.V.I //, ii A, NEW FURNITURF of all l.lnds; COFFINS- (Lo. C.-n latiitlyoii hand al*". a lai,u>.iss.-rtin.-iit o| LOOKING GLASSES. 'fl'V. New Wink mad-to order at th . *)i.ut<"-'l notlcn. t;Mattie.*-. *..Jobbing.and HEU.-U.\.\,;l.\i; done in*t style, willi'Osp ireb. ly j >n H* W* a GU ^ Li" .j ‘-..,3 U'N.S', GUNS', M K D'-mu-i-il* .'(eel Doll’di-tillli* I.T1M V line Lann-I.ute.1 Pi" '! TW 1st Stilh •• Sing 1 I* .1*1 '• “ asm tied Ones, assorted . .e an l sing),-Gun*, for l">vi D uibi" and Siii d ■ i'.ini*no'i Guos, b.vv >.ii Also. Dj.-'r'ing Article*. Miitalde t ■ t],.• -..u. N. 11.—A u -v Ducking D"ii11© Gunv l..r'i|..l.,w. T-U'IX»yb.TTinVG D0NK WITH DISPATCH, by L*IV ELL U LATn.MnitE. d©c 15 _ 1:; llarnar'Uti'ei t. FOR SALE. I l l ; In A fi)T I'i IN PLANTATION.-iluatrd and ! ti e: • n Ha ."i M ..on r«iroll Parish. L'iui‘iutn,iib' tir l.'.o mi;,, tn,ni New ini. ii'S, -I li'.'iu die .Mi"'i-.-lppl 31 River, and Id nub-* fi.-iu tb -1> TAl.lmTT IUiOTHKK. SH0CKOE FOUNDPY AND MACHINE SHOPS, f’-i/. v srurr.T, uh iimoxi), va., M AN UFAf'll RI.’ ;• of P.ulable lea III F.ligilie*, of ul'. -I/", ti" 4 i- b- l.1. on the monk upi't-.v. -. pi it, -. • .0 t;.-ir •»'!x i.-l ,p!.-.| |., c.dtoii and SU« gar Plan,all I.s and l-'i.rm, i»' i,-.- lu ridly. Iltiill ol l." b,-*; uian-i iai-nnd w, ikiiiiu.-li'p. and lor r«-n>| not* lie' * an 1 du! I ll :y, ii"t u rp.ii.-. d by liny t-iigincH now in ••• Ai*-> “♦alien K.-.gine-i,. f any reuiilml power. Circular ’ ■’ Nt Mill*, ot very mi* n. .-''"ifling. Pi,lb and >crevv«. 1 f .-• . m.d Wrought I rv ib-*rrlpti.>n.Brna 1, Wink generally icilnoli.tblu teimil. Iln 15 XK I, I \11 !H ENT.,I-, till. I. 1. .. m B1HIS LIMMENT will cure H with.- : f. l .nil." rm via Ir n« tli'-i" nr© ruiiiy line l.v for mol 1,‘hruinnliain o' nv inney in horsev . All person*tdioiiId •lees ininvil lur tll« Dir.KCTIOMS 1 Pour out and nib will th- band the HllllrteJ part until it burn'tli" hors© sevrrelv, and let it remain tvvelvi hour' or H.en apply it ucuiu iu tlie mi me Way then rub a Hi>I© oil. or wash with CastileSoiip and water 11 not relieved, apply in the same manner. Tho lion* CUIl LOi'ur. d :n leu 1J11 \i, o| suolier. Prepaicdi.iid soi 11 y .lnllV W. WnoiHNO. Atiiericu*.Ha »»)• Price On,- liolbir pel lMHe dlr.lwly *eli'4» HEHEY SSLER & CO. ' At their Eh .mi E ‘ji,isiiir> s H7irkf. Atlantic Mockt, ON’C’OKLYM, NEW YORK Are now p re pa ri 1! f..r STATIQNAI1Y, RIVER AND MARINE JoKCGLNICK t-'iignr Mills. Mill ffYorki,and . all kinds i>| anil Low Ot © .Vile- . n pi ; Mining Mai'lunery. Al- - * Pn' iin Boil.’*. The finl.seriber. agent in Savannah for the abovu W.-rk*. will ©iv© 01 d. r* for ©li kind'of Machinery/ ID;ha* now on hand several small Portable Engine* suit nt i'‘ us", id.mi.on© 16 hoi*©power Engine, whi. h he will '"li -.1. a. ' 11. II. UN July 4 .f • II. 1 LI @ W 0 05fSB« Aslil .11 l-i Hi© Ilav oil b I I ■ I > n«1 ’ndnrr©*.. f whi' l. Ih©r©«re I capable of pi..dll' 11.i: Ibis yell)' 11. Font hni.dred acr.« ..f said 1 tlm high aud*.mid lli" 1 alunce ■•fft vge I iv 2600 20" | n 125 to I..J I'i i- I* Hrsr *|iia I The niipr"’ gro <|iia. J. 1«. s'id Ie*. iv 11' I idli'-r 'lit bin. tin;:*. al*o. ••in h.itM* in cur*"of bud.ling. .'cc. Tlier© nr© Rom ivventv licbt t.■ 111111y lik©lv men. wi’inen and cliilffn 11— i.inet •' n mub w-ij a large .jiih Gtv ot I'ntning ut©n-il-; 1 Iu0 bushels e in. Ini. oa'-'. Ac.. Ac. Th" id .'V" Plai'tati.ui i> a rare npp t't’ndty offered In ai.v on© wi-ldiigt • purcha"* .1 Tii"t ib-iiaLI© nml coin foit ild© lu>iin'*l©iiil, and can, wim 1 tile cxi ©n*o, be made I II." h place*..11 the !la)..u. In rase the putclm—r ►.♦>• uld vvi-h. 1 o' (1 ari* * of fin© allnvi d land, t.f wl ich i-0 > ucn.'i dc idciied, mlj.duing th© Plantation, will be ...Id with it. It otl.ri-d f>r *a!e with or wiili-mt the liegrec*. tl.r for teiins and c.i"l:ii"ii*. addi©** BKANDF.i:. IIFilBARD te L11., up* 17 Itit" 6'i t’a r on'h'J©t strc< t. New < 'rienns. BOrUHKllTY COl'N'l'Y LANDS FOlt SALE, •vyo1 1 will *ell a bm caln in lav PLANT VI'ION j—a MSR in s, i.| ,-ounty. It coitsici* ,*i .’.D-u rVjTB •**»»l.l"n ai'i i* in .'nliivHiioi'. of lb- I. ilam . tlier© nr© 6"» tier. * of good Dak and lli.'knry. ami pino ihiinm.'i k. and 5:i 1 aen- of go ©I Pin© T i'liber L ind. 'I lier© are two wltletnctit*. with a Dw.'lling lloii*e mnl Ncgio Cal>iii* cii each. Thu tract, therefor©, rnnld he dividi'.l, ‘J'iii* p'aee i* In a fin© *»at©of eidtivall it.and itnnly «ix mil' * *"iuh .f Aibany. th.' t< rnimus <ff ihomiih It j* will watered; lying on tlm SCI’KVKN HOUSE. By J. B. i'oley, Coruer of Bull nnrl Cor»gn'ts Sis.. Snvaunah. . Thi* N’"w 1 tiiTEb. fui ninhiul through* A""1 J' 1 ,Im- "‘"'t I I.r-lANTHTVI.It, |* fiUW Ju J open©.! awl will he kept a* n Wltm-wry. riUST CLASS HOUSE. Co.*i leek. i will g >>• a loit ' credit (.' n puniiii*er. upon hi* pay* iiigom-loin lb of 1 be pm. lias© ioi.i:*y. Iliung anvi ni# toc..iie.'iitiali- riiv plint.iig ialaiest in Alub,tmii, I will give a bargain iu ihi* place. For torn,*, apply to D. A. VA80N, At Alb.ny 0a. * w * Augusta (inuHtitutioiia'I-t. miff Macon M"sr.©nger, pl©m"i c.'p) two inublh*, and stud bill to tin* ofiic©.] r II For Sale Jgm 2 BOO ACRE- Or SWA MP AND PINE I.AND, fcW&tifitr • I ' ,f i*"i t ui. Uini'len cmi.iy. and also |jlj2S^t."ar tli" Ri.; .'’a'ilia River, in and on Hull Head JjL*, Jjvvump, know 11 for fully years a* tli© Gordon tract. Tli© swamp hind i* about 1 2 >0 irr©*. miff available a* first ipudiiy , ell ii.cin and l ie© i 1 .,. 1 pii.e land I* ©f the best lor timber ur tin n. iiinie. Term* oi*y. Apply to ,jan 12 tTI.'ON A- GORDON. Private Snle. "iviy.. viitfon ot canc, 1 line Dwelling •i >•., ami 111 com* lerau apply to :• »he tract. ^^^^MoUiit Hope, siliialed ill Ri ^^^conluiiiiug about -b'>nuaei©- under cullivalion. Tb" b "in leriih* nnd i* well eal-nlated for th© cdion or corn. I* w. II «■ tiled hnv ilol|*e, Ovrseei’* II11IIH©. Pal'll*, I 1 modali ui |..r more than 2011 iiegio*. U.,l. Arn "Id, Bryan county. The Albany te Hull' Railroad run' Kim nai.k A Yalnnblo Vlantatlun In Rvvnn county, c vn £'5gfi k luint"g72i>aoi'eH"f Lind, -in which i* under 44ffi$rf©iico and ill cultivation, mt.iaieff un tin* .Midwnv , )tiv©r.abiint *©v©u mil©*fro'ii tn Albany te Gull'd on tin- pi'Hiii*"* 111© all He? i" • • --my hit Iffingi for plantation purposes, and n comfort.ilde DwrlRug lion'©. niigI .INO. S MoNTMOLUN. FIFTY DOLL A ItN KliWAUD- M ill b© paid lur the H'cvery *1 m.v negro man In® WILLIAM (or Billy 1 who 1 ana way about tho M middle »f Inst year. H© Did a dark mulnttn complexion,about *lx f©©*,or a little upward. In lid gbl. Hbait built, welch* iilniut two hundred pounds, ini'll" iitusit thntyftsw jinni >t wg©. llw It a bricklio ©I iiinl plasterer by tiii-tn, ii'ii-Ih well, and miuio* time* discourse* a* a mcaclier. II© I* polite when ncront- ©d an I rullu-r gniu'lil' ijiient In rpeei'li. A* he ha* a wife and eliildren In Hnviiniiiih, I 11111 led to bellero that lie I* lurking at'oiit that "Ity or it* n> ighborhood. The above rewur*l willlm p ,i«l for Id* appielo'iis-ou uni do- livery, or «'"iifin>'iii©ut 111 s.un© lad " •• I mav get him ■gain. Adffr. s* NICIMI.AF WYLIli, Iflill'tli w tu tf M ivlilnutvu, UvOi MARSHALL HOUSE. SAVANNAH, HKORtflA. Tlm H "iis© ha* been newly re-nr* ranged nnd refill* d. ffl 1 ,{ - MKbDRlM, IT"|>iintor. i'isk & Kajmond’s J.atr Improved SAFES < huhrcrlhcr, Agentfl of tb© Mauiilacturer, lor th© sal© of bdli©’* Patent Chilled-Iron UUBObAtl • te ilFIRK-PUOOF 8AFKS f secun d with l.illic-'a Pa- t"lit Povder-Proof Cura I'iuatinn Bank bock. • Safe* Mid bock* Hlaii'l iiiiH{un)lnil In baflling © skill of (I.© buiglnr .tin! tlie a; plica tb n of Uro. Pitsiiii' w mMng to purchimc * Sat© which in, in aM re; I'l l". W bat til.- |. Mil llllpli©*. HI cii'l niid ex'iinn ©our SAFES, a s'lnet. Savannah, in'f"r© pur ink our Safes need only to bo 1 © ri »|m rtfnlly reqm‘*tod at 1 .*».’» and 167 Brough* 1 liu-ing "Tevvliere. Wo veil to 1 © apjiredated. MDBSli A FAY. f W'tl'I.D Ini'..mi my irieini* and the public that I hat© open d.'.ii th© 1 n©r of J'rici and York Btrretn, shop wbi'i© I will nti"Tid to Hi- Miimilucture of Tin .me. 1 in Roofing, acl all other aotk con netted '“HU m luisim *s. All order* promptly utti ndeff tt mi" 11—tf GKD. If WEE DON, 50 bbls. 95 per ct.* 33 JUST RKt.'HIVKD BY EOSS & .CO., npi o| :;n Wldlukar street. Heidsick Champagne. v U\sKE'l’.' Jl»id'iek Cnaini'Ugno, in pints and ri.AGHDItN & OUNNinilAftL Is'OU fil AY. • r lJPI.IK’S Map i/lno. lor May. 1 1 A Gr vbaui’* laoliea’B"''k, fv r Mu)'. God©)'* do do do. Arthur'* Maga/me, <J". Peterson'* do, do. Ilallou'* Dollar Monthly, do, Nb U Nax. du. M r*. Magaelno, do. Ilouivhuld Word*, , d**- ,t. H. CLTHIlII OB, Ag«nt, •pr 21 II id *i 1 vet. opi v*uv hcatruu Uvuit.