The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 26, 1858, Image 1

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' ' ■ 3t* • ms Ww ... WEBmmuSt'-JP? VOLUME LVIt. CENTRAL RAILROAD. WEDNESDAY MORNING, .MAY i4(3. 1858. New Arrangement. ulalter 4itu*uy« Fobtiur) the Pa«*.-ug.-r I'mln* or iht« U*m«I will be run M follows: SB riVlIK SaVaNNSII * XII ftiUlk. i^avoftftVatinah 1.16 a M Hint.loop. M ftmvvlu 'U ,, »u ...........10 Vi ft. ft.uul fl.M » m darnli IM6 a. M ft tut 1..H0 P ft. ■* l *.1A p. m. nnd 8.60 a. H. OV \rriv i Savannah 'ST*. l ( MV** t **«nu»ti 1.1& a »i.fttt»lU.»6 ft.ft. Arr'ftt* 'it 1 us min o a. ft. am) 7 p.m i.Mvi- \iu'ii«ia - a. m. nml 71.45 p. M. \rrm«in *avnmtih I MU. ft.ami >0 66 p.m. ft ft t W ft tft ft Atttt ft AMtt ATQV'HTA. i/avi %l«<’i*ii 0.45a. m. mul II.Tiop.m. ftrritr in Ingusia 7P.ft.amlO* ft. l/aK* 6 .munis a a. m. ami 3.4.SP.m. \rri»i-m M«kh» 10.46 ft ft.ami ia.30A.ft. Train* e •nirnot on arrival at Uur>l<>u. for Mlita-lgovRI* ami Kftl-'titon. At Maron with train* of tlio Southwest- rru K a I f-r Columbus a .d Mbnny.aul with the Ma- (vo a Woftiern Road for Atlanta PaMi-inn r* leaving Savannah by the 1.15 A M. train, will arrive in Atlanta <t 0 P. M. Leaving by tin*3.00 P. M.train will arrive In Atlanta »t0.16m*m mnrninc. On Sundays the 11.16 A M. tTain f <r ftuftim* will go through to Macon lu place of the A P M , which wi.I not bo run on that day. KMKKSl'N FOOTR, General Snpt. Savannah. February 8(1 ih, 1467 miv!2 M.icon Sc Western Railroad. EreffigDSH fflg3B5B3 flfciQ Deal llt-flneil JHARCQ ;LliiJN CALVERT IRON AND NAIL WORKS, Baltimore, Md. J. HufKINSON SMITH. OFFICE 25 SOUTH CH ARI.F.S-STREET, IIOOK AND FLAT HEAD HAIL HOAD BR1DQE AND CAR ROLTS. NUTS, Ac., WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS, OF ALL PATTERNS, 6 to 12 Inch HADE TOOltDEIl. REDUCED MACON. Dec. Util, 1*457. O N and alter Friday, IStli iuat., the trains will mu .« follow *: \a i*e •Ihc.iii 1. 0 6. .6 X. rive at Atlanta S.1N A. 6 j lp.,. n 11.30 A. J \i i v • at MUiita 6 20 1*. .6 (j-m* Ailauta...... 12 uigli • rn*.* at 61 *c»iii 7 15 A 6 L'*\-* Atlmla lurKWa - * W«T« I at 61»C»ii 5.40 P.M. rue Niillit rmln* will ii >l he mu on Snmlav* Tin* 1 ft. M.Train from Mv-on connect* with theState li il for Chattanooga at 12.3) P. 61. nml ftcoigia Komi ( r Aiig-isti at 111 A. M. The l'.Jii A. *1. Train connect* with alio State Road nt 145. A. «l, nml tha Georgia Hi mil at 12 Niirht. dec 24—tf ALFRED Jj. TYLER. So n't SOIIHDUrjTU ON THE SOUTH-W ESTEHN RAILROAD, Over wlilrh paw* the Great New York & New Orleaus Hails TV- Daily Teh ini letter* n Moron *m»f Columbue, L< nve Macon it 1.30 A 61..hii<I II 30 A. Al. Arrive mi Oiiliinilm* 8 54 A. 61, and '•-Ut I'. 61. heave olnnihu* 1 65 A M.. ami 4.00 t'. M. Arrive in M ic hi S • « A. * ..and lo.J* P. M. IIKTWM* MftCOX ft XU ALU ANT. Ir'tve Mac -ii I ll' .». 'I. \Tive in \l"nn* H.lft A M. i.-a.e tin mi 3 6 P M. fttriiei. Macii 10.28 P. M l. aw M i-. 7 12 t M I'ri Weekly. t . r %. ... A 1m»v a07 »• M . , e t li.a t, i 7 0' t M Tr-Weekly in Mae,m 3.34 P. 61 *’• une t • <•! urn nun i.rin a tlir-ngi i-iinn.-ciion t-> ' ft •-.* rv \t. *U'l \lU'l«I:i.Klllu'ftVlHe Wiliuhutoll. ,.«,i,li. Ill- I •-ville an I Kit •titftftii. n from A natty !-• I'allatiawe. Haiti . r. I’Ulle. »c. .rial *init)ivtlle, Tri ir-eVIy t.» l>iw»i>n, t I »in ■*. \e Ii**. iron F«rt Valley t» • ul" 1 . II twkiimviHe mi.I Knoxvilh-. Ua •r |* huh hel-iw Fort VaMei. nIioiiM lake rftin* tr,mi Savannah ami \uir..«iat<»av»l l lr,u Far tlmrpoint*lakeeitlmr fnun :eiuifttiip«lHai" 'availnahfor New Vork.uti ■ I 'ituriiy# I'a-vige iu the Cabin |2A. ! 'i*; »’n -ry t.« ■‘availnaV #11 ml •Inill hit* iln .In In ml I .any do .|<- Itl 60. ■IK >. IV A))\M3.Superintendent ,. 2I.I.IS58 marl Rates of Freight, FROM Savannah to Knoxville* AND ALL STATIONS ON THE Jast Tennessee & Georgia Itail Road FIRST CLASS. P IANO Porte*. II h,kft.Sutatii<iu a ry. Hoot*, Shoe*, and Hal*. Mipmr*. Oils. Ac. (In bottle*), Cain* lime and Spirit* Turpentine (In l.aire'*), Carpet inn, hi mi, Ola** ami Gla«*-Warr, C'^iirs (H» caaoftl, locks t-'oiifectiouiule*. Cotton Cwrtla. Cutlery (in we»i, Ca*k* and Hose*. Dry Goods (in buxe* anil ilea), Rruftt. Fruit*, Fruit Tree* nml Shrubbery, nr*. Garden I*. I.onkmc and lamklnit lass Plate* (at owner'* risk), Oyster* (in can* mid tr*j. Saddlery, Tin and lirltautiiH Ware. Tea* and nleea Georgia and South Carolina Domestics,, per do lbs $l.l> SE-'CND CLASS. Hardware, except such as speeitleil lu first and it'd cla*8e*. Cotloe Mill* .Machinery, Foreign LI* U"r*(ln barrel* ntnl |d|ws).Too*ce (in i>i.xes).Lciith* r tin rolls and boxesi. Oils (iu barrel* and cask*), rockery and Cueens IVnro (iu crate* and*), lice. Wliitmg, Plaster, Sheet lira** and Copper, per TlilUDCLAM Axes, 4hnv«|a. Spade*, Sad linn*, /.inr and Tin, Id f ic*. Tin Plate, Anvil*, Vices. Cask* of Chain* and l"e*, Manilla and Cott"n Cordaise, Coflee, Heavy Castings. MlllCenrliig. Itail R. nd IVlieel* ami Axles, I 'hair* and Spikes, mid Ho*in (iu brrrel*), per IPO Bpeclnl Utiles Furniture and Carriage.* (hotel.! nml other light article* not enumerat' d: nlso. Carboy* of Arid*, or other i'heniical*. will he ehargetl hy actual weight but at double first class rates, per luO pound*, S3 To insure safety from losses and delay*. "Iilpper* nma have every package plainly mvked with imiiie of con* algnee. <lestinali"ii and de|*>t of ihdivcry. The Dep.ii* on llii* road are— Fountain lliil. Sweetwater, State Line. Philadelphia, Cleveland. London. Charleston, Lenoir'*,f Uleeville, Coaeord Allien*. slid Mouse • reek, |4mixvill*. O* To co 'titneucv 1st March Hnd contmo to l*t.luu' 1857. M 6f. M. WADLKV, Sup't ' entml Utllroad, K.FnfiTK, ^ “ MAW. •• J. 61. SPl’LLOCK, M W. .ft A " It. C. d A*tKSOX, " K. T. f* Ga. “ 6fare|i let marR-tl \Tr 1 + 4- + SUCCKSFORB TO mJREEVES, BUCK&CO' ' MANUFACtURF.US OF Railroad Iron, Bar Iron, CAR AXLES, With CONTINUOliSM.lP Ship and Bridge Iron, Spikes, &c. Also, a attpwrtor article of WROI'CIIT IRON Ii. R. CHAIRS, d made t • Dt eX 'dly the fi luges of Halle, J. urn! L IKON, Lf. FIRST OLAS FAMILY GROCERIES, LOWS? RICES 1 , QO TO Boss & Go., SUCCE3S01IS TO IV. W. QOODRtCII, .Vfie York •'Mtlvertigrtnenlti FROM Hi S. BOHSlZiTjiB ADVERTISING AGENCY. Mnflfittl'a IIuIMImr* 335 BROADWAY, NBW-YORK. *6% ISTTJMBP R mr JVctv York .Vtlveriisenicnt* VTOSCHX1H, OWTIW «ftt CO., GENERAL NEWSPAPER AbVEl.TISINO IIOL'DK, (Amr.7o.Vs sntwx.i,) Nni. 340 A 34 8 Broatlftftny, NtwYurk ll rmui'iug I.xiinc(*. Iiui Ill'll L"iu min, »u is- WTree/fts- ssm . _ _ . __ _ - _ _ do for Cetera*. Well*. IVurlce, Mluee, Ac.— I WKOLESAXaE AN D RETAIL, Wr.'ii t Iron Solid and Cimpound Glrduia and llrams* *.r nny rrqntreJ fetigili, (tr Piro Pr >of Dullditg* and Hr dm*. KAfllPIiL J. REEVES, V. Prea't , * majfl »~isw. lv No. 4tn tv .tn ileriM't. Phil* olphla may 0 WhlInker St. TIIK CHEAPEST AND BEST Pumps In the World, haring a Ootid fidon amt Mii-tt Vaiurr. F ill Pumping Lxunct*. Hut and Cold Water i td« foe C'etern*. Wells, I'aeturle*, Mine*, Thrmvlug from iu to 6i'0 galluus per miniile. An excel- client Fire Kt'giii* fir farmer* Largo discount to dealers.* wauled, nml Terri In ltd right* for axis K. A. MAK.'IUld..Uu jyl fl corner of 6!nldeii-l m-*. N^w York LlOilTE, NBWTILt (tH ll AT) BC ItV'» 4'il ilroonU'tt.. X*vi )T>tA- M ANCFACTCltF.U3 oftho Pnieut Arch WrietPUn Plano Fortes. w.l' br*tft l f.r depth, f' rich* ne*s. uurlty. and a peculiar singing ipiality of their toua, lor which they have received the highest cncomlurn* from thu greatest mnshal cuU'hritlee i f tlio roui.try; and In every fair, when brought in competition with other Instrument*, have obtained the highest premium The Pali nt Arch Wrest Plunk, which is owned mid used only by ti*. guarantee* their standing 4 tune longer than any other instrument; while their unpr.T'Heuted ileiiiii"d In nil pint* of the country is u «nlll' lriit pr«*o of th' ir siijierlorexcelli'ii. e. A liberal disci.tint to Cler- gynvui 9ch ad* and ilictrado. Furniture! Jl. P. DKGRAAF, no'fi, 1 HVio/.ft.i/c H*»' /’enrl.rt.,) /,’tMi IftT 70 XV ‘V C Store, i n '.j and 461 ms* WITCHES, SILVER WARE JEWELRY. o S . WILMO T, COliXEK OF CO XG Ii ESS. WlllTAKL/i AX/) ST. JL’LIEX STREETS, Lit* Ills* 1. MiG 11 STUCK of 111C11 GOODS, at prices to lull thu time*. On hand, and retching by •t ry «le,itm r t Gold and Silver Goods of every description. lie Silver Tea Set*. Pltrlu r*. Walieis. 'to'dit*. ’’ups s*|n» m* an I fora*, of ev. rv uvl lii .iml v.iru-M : ? CHANGE OF 81'H liDfLIt. riiK i'i!KU’B«T &qi:h:kkst route To the North, Fine Seta an i siiixi* pi-a*-*. *.i autil'ully put up in c Cl-cU.3 '•veil va i. ty J t W Y, Ironi thn riche, fllll *• «• llti'l hHibL 1 id'C •: with •*!ii. •*» ev-ry -p *cti| PLATED GOODS.—PI it d Cake Hash, t* k U'l. SPV.CT \Ul.Es-ln ff 3d. Stiver and Frn u“». with I'.ddde »n 1 ..1h-i FANCY Gl> IDS. -»:• »> im 1 b-.i uii'.p Purim Vaa ..m I Miiu-ifi. and Pi T.'il i*e.» —ll an I .nil r COMB ft. f 1 il-st -«yl.*. with u gl-nt v.» |.-iy ,.f II, ' it 7. msuf • *11y ..mi'‘iiiiiitry .ir>* i.nltel u exi nine t:,.. shnk, ahtcU will l-o ilftllul. W itch*.*. Oh.-ks and inwelry pr.unjd’y UEPA1IO.D hy Workmen of *kill and (iKOKGIA KAir.ltOAD. il C!iaa?a of Schedule. 1'AKEFFECT u.NGKOHUA UAILUOAD, 1*E- CBM HER 21 ii. • 857. A.uusMft at *.'.30. A. M .and 4 <HI P. M ..•at Ulu.’.ft it 11 30. A. 61.. and 1.04. A. 61 . \ lama at I. no A. M.. and U»00. A '• • t Ai.-u.ia at A M. and 7 u.i P.M da\ i'raiii* teavln/ A ign*ta at 4 P. M., ami Atlae . ft . M . di«c (Til** i 30 A. M train from . fi vi* tnr.ugn to \t -Iiip'iis ) C IXV*.T WIT l * ivril I'.ftil'.LIftft RlILKOftO. I «( VI.-..|| it I O'. \. M., ttod 2 30. P. 61 - \uiu.; i it lU.’U. A. M.. ami 605, P. M U r>TEHX AXtl ATLlNTIO ll AILIIO A[t. r. „t Ail ,m t at I..'2. P. VI.. and It 33. A. M - ftt fit i w I 45. A 61. ami 12 30. P. M. AlllVTA ftXD WB-T p.lixr KAILKOAb. v- il ftiltni i at I".13 P. VI..and 027. A. VI •• Vli utlaai 2.'KJ A. M..ainl l on, P M MlCil.V ftXD WltSTKHX RllUl'iAl). P I6 I. M . an 111.04 P. >1. .10.30 ft V|..and i20o Night •SI'XIilIa EXcrnCD. 234 tglit. 12 Oil Night. ll) Da Day. I2.t'u NiJit. »«'' Morning. 11.34 Mi.rniiig. xiurs ExcKpreD. 23U Night. >2 no Night. 7.35 61..ruing. fiain letva W i*luiigton at i 45 witu tin. D »wn |l»y Paisi iigi-r Atlanta, ami rutur iu^ to Woehlngion nl nlng. iVVIUliXtOV UllftXOII—SUXIlAYS KXCKPTKU I.' tve Aiuusia n 4 no Kviudng leave Atlanta at lo.uu vinriiing Arrive at Wirietit»n at 6.1.O Fvcnuig. leave '6 nrri-n tmi at 3.3 » Evening, Arrive at \u,'ti*t v at 7 on Eveiiiuu, Arri.e at Atlanta lit I.on Night. J.cHe-l.v GKO KGB Y«t»NHK.“iii.'r Am, i* ii V'liv.itN at L-.-IW ItUutiai iTIlbXs UXlftOll- bivt Augusta at • All 1 it I Athens lit... —hftlLt THUXS- L- • .ftugiiftia at •• • Atlanta al .... iniv it Wae diut' "a v|..:,dai* au IS , f-uiog. and T il ' l 45 Atlanta & West Point llnilt’oiul 'g® 1 hi IIVil f’oiitt, 87 inilet, E'tre. $3 50. GF.U’.IGK G. HULL, Sujievintettdvnt. M lll.MXU PftSftKXUEIl train: dally at 2 00 A. 61 a W m Point, at 7 28 dn W<-*i I'..nit. daily nt 7 00 do EVfcNINO HASSLXuMI 1 ■i. daily a 1 P nil. daily at. ...A 00 P. M 6 24 do 4 3o do 10 IS d. h any, with tlio Mniitgom l.*i- 28 T W I a .*4 /V -W R H U 1 9 i 'i <'hen'h stoii AND TUB SOHTn-KASTKUN HAIL-ROAD tiiiioua 11 Ateu v.\aemk.nt ru .»i SAVANNAH TO 6Vll.MiNr.T0N, N. C On and after f\ SUNDAV. J VNU.AUV l"Ui 1858. jT Tin sunsHion STJSAftlE'i GORDON, F. It A ll 11 E N. C o 111 in <111 tl e r. Will ihtvt> Sivannali every SUNDAY and WKDNKS D ft V ftFrr.llMl'IN, at 3 •I’chark. and ivriivo in Charlee- •••ii the f dlewing hi n uiiig* lu li'ii** 'o ••••n»iecf with tin Trihi *»• the N'.n t'i L-ut.-rn Hail Hu i.l going Xnrth. Keiuruing. will leaves <*liiirl*gl»n ev* ri 61..mlay and Friday Nulit. at n u' d-.i’k (alter tlo* arrival nf the cars fr.'-n Wlimt'iu't m,) and arrive in Savannah early tne rn.-elhTshitund fir he North, for North•'urwtlna. -r fur 1I1 • ii.>nlii*rii pait of 8 urli Cu»liu;i. hy taking llii* rente, will save TIME \::n exhl.vsj, uud will gain a niani's sleep I'hrungli Ticket* tmin Savannali t«» VVliniiiighui, |11 N'i extra c *r«;u for meals or berths board of the sletnier. Pa*«*iiger* ami their llagxatc tian*feirui from the s.i inner to the cars. Jrc* ot chargr H vggage checked fr,«in **11 van null tn Wilmington, (•iigaviiii nt* apply to .1 I'. IIK.I11K8, Agent j (.1 7 (Hiarh*«|.in •*,i. k..t W’harl. EX r 8T ; N7”lM ('llATflTTivi iN.—Lilli! further •volte-, Pii»*i*n(i-r* will h* taken » " liarliNl vml back. the •nun.' m the euicucdlng trip f >r one fnro of S3, may 2' For f >r w IJin; a 11 otlv diamond tn tie* rhi-aj>"*t plain gi ld. Including Cmi-o, l.ava nml Mosaic, in •f i*v.*ry d *cii|iti..n of ••raiment 11 -w it «•». lYu .Sot*. Ice Pit, her*, nml Piute I Goo Is of every MeW '••ft d*. iu great variety, d "nmiieiH* ol I at pi ices much lower than '•tic experience. CHANGE (^SCHEDULE New York and Savannah. INLAND ROUTE For Palatka E. F. VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. NWftRYb. FERNAN* DINA. JACKSONVILLE, P ND PICOUTA. St'iiijilni/ at hU fiitrriiitdiiilc /.»»m./•«•;». 7’leave from the tVftrfrihm Sir a >11 Rat •/,*.) 1 rhnrf ereiy ' WEUXESDA Y MORXIXU at CJ The American Allantic Scrinv Steamship COMPANY, tin* *0 th'*rii iv.vt' r*. mige* lor the in tori r link a FI-Iill ami r.nd*. Returning iv.ll c Miuec iVi.lrvl lta lro« l.NVa Y»i Fieigh* consigned i», tin* Ag' h- r—shi|'|.*d charge. ply on board, or to J'l'I.N 0 FHASKI5 Agent ROSS ^ CO., (Sell tlie Best Burning Fluid, AT 58 CENTS, may 6 PER GALLON. KEEP COOL! Sponge, llip, otmbb Bath Tubs; A g >«>d rti»on»m*iit mi hand. Till ASVKUM ICE CREAM FltEP.ZKliS. together with JrJl WATER CJ )l.KUS 10B PI l' HER.**,and mauy "tiler good things 'or the hut weather K. IT. REACH, Hodg*>n's Hlock. c-irncr Hrouglituu and Hull sts. npr vl SPRING GOODS I HENRY LATH HOP ii CO., W Invite ntteiitlou to a choice selection ol Ladles' Spring and Summer Ilress Cood<, lb reived pur list btiamvr, unbracing the fvlluwii.g Wo. X<VX I3HOTJCiKTOIff-aT. SAVAXXAJf, GA. NSW FURNITURE ot .. I 'Gud*; COFFINS- &c. Ct'ii tantty e** hand •'* . »*)• gi*n“*i-rtin-iit oi LOOKING GLASSES, >ik Ilia 1.* t«. oi«|. r .if tin. nhorteit t»»*tlee. •us. Johhiug. and lif.I.L-1( A MUM! «U.n* fill-, null I.rapnlch. ly inilV 4^-UUU of 82n nt TYliulrinlc Pi lctii*El "roseWoobT MAHOGANY Si BLACK WALNUT, PARLOR FURNITURE, { In Itri.galelle, ln l.ii.e nud Plush. Cane Scat uud Cota* men Furniture In great vnrlelj. Also, j ENAMELED CIlA.If HKIl FIRMTIRB, In Fi ts frum (22 to flOiy. Soring, Citrdul l/nir, Mom ami Whalebone MATTRASSES, . j Al»n. Feather Reds and lledUina. Patent Premium Sofa J, m d l’.iti iit bflMt.icking Cradles. I Di alers will And at the above* the Inrgest sndi { b-*‘ u*aoU»ue(it «d any 1.11*1 Ibi.nn-nt iu N* w York, and cm buy ililier nl tth ;• saluoi ti ’ali chcnpi r than at nny other hi>u«" in In* c ity V oin-errl6 ncEiicEir Fl^lIB Knickerbocker lee Comp my.of the City of New JR. Y .ra.hiiving lepleuivlied then S'- ck of Ire, oUel to lit* 11 mie to supply r fluidity, iiLii cu the Ti*-n.* R. hr*, M ull.* Ohiiiit VuUnt» N'KW AND ELEGANT FT CAMS II IPS .1 till* steamer ' •uig.ii hi passage III'NTS VILLI', 0IOMGUMBKY i 6Vill a «e.Ijly Y t II.11 UNITED ^TATi;S MAIL. For M* (theft* a £. F. VIA DARIEX. RRCXSWICX, ST. MARYS, I ERXAXD/XA. JACKSOS VILLE, AXU riCOLATA. Til" Hplut v lr-u From Xtw York or South- ttnipton,/here und Ure “GREAT REDUCTION OF FARE fc BUnOPEI. MAIlVi ii tli.*r.nghly |nln:ed urn! m-p hauled, will r-iniineneo lier regular trip-to tit** HlHtve plan * le *v|iig the Fl'Tida -learn j I'a* k**> wlmf on Mi.i.Jiy mi. mug. April Ulh, at ' vuntlnue to l.*av. every Momlay umruing our. Capt. Ilnheil 11 nr die, •' Fi e h-lick Crocker bet ei-cn P.ivatiiiaii md New •ry 8 ftTUliD \Y. Theie 6l* auier*. l.K"i n ii« each, elegant nec«in- a*."* |.*n* f-.r P.isM*:ig. .s. ni.d he'i.ig of treii .lieimlh lid ■. 3. « upp. *e . iin rely oil the greatest dirpatili to 'luigi.i. For fit'ili-r par.icul it* apply t > IliilGIIAM, ll.6l.Dtt IN *• CO.. Fa van n ih. Georgia or to 11. It. OH DM 66'r.1.1. * Ulh. ap*-r. if Ml W,Hiiing»iiii sir* el. N-w York. Bare Beclixcecl! FOE, NEW YOEK. To tail on Sntat Jay at t>J o'clock, .1. M. . ;^L 7‘» .Yew York front Smith am jit on, Havre or lire1— .-••roiid ca'dli l ; 5 4t-erag** 4 b I*..Idle tthe.|.te,m*1iip AH I EL. 2,A"0 l»r,*.C H I.udh-W., mid MlHTU 8T.6K. 2. inn t'.ii*. Elward''aveudy, n.itnmaad r. t" sail I rum pier No No- th river, at iittou (.recisi ly. c.ii rying lliu United Flalesnoill. VL.: L*«r.' .6"'ie York f.r Dm-mm for Snut.'one[>ton Southampton, Havre Soiit/iamjf for or Itnnim. *011 JWie York. Aiiel, naimday, March 20. April 17. Aprii'21. North star. •* April 17. M.,y 1,*.. May lb. Ariel, “ May 16. 4iine 12. Jiinel'i. N Fur, “ .Inner-). .Inly 10. .Inly 14. The«e •teiiin*lil|*s nuieli -t Havre. Specie delivered in Loiulou or Pari*. For iiiis*agii m freight.apply In D. TOItUANCK. Ag-nt, mnr 1^tnn No 6 H'.iil|ngGre*ii. New V -rk. FOR HAVANA KEY WEST ftXII CALIFORNIA. '4^^^ ” A1X ' •lock, an ! al the sa ne For 'i eight or paisago applv on ho ird. or to OLAuilGK.N A OUNMNGllAM, mu:‘f» Agents. U ISlT-T) ST A I KS Tf A1L. For Palatka, E. F., Pin fhtricn, /triinmrick, St. Mari/’i, EiroanJina, , Jaek'o,,ville, Ricolntn and MitldMuey. ( ‘11)1 !l, J S20. Th'i new and elegant ileamei j ’ ! FT. .1* 'll ft 8, Captain N King, iv II ave every Friday nu.inii.g al L* : 'c|o**k. Thi«l*ont lia* been built expre-Hly ‘ till* roiitc.ainl h »ving**xt.-ii*ivean*l airy Ftale K....m oiiifiiodati ..ii, offur* superior iiiducemeuts to invalid* ami other*. . , v , | Fortreightor im**.ago apply on hoard ot the rlorila t Iteani Packet ttliarf. nr to ... . 1 ULAGH'GtN A CUNNINGHAM^Ag is^ FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. Th- now and* pi end id - P 61AIIY-, Cipi..lames 4r. * i...i 11. • ii: leave for Chsti Uwtoii. *01 Tl.urs- ilay lliei.ii g. 3pul -.’.I at P..’*i.«fk r•> leave evi ry Thlir*d iy ihereafi**:. Heinrning. she will leave Ch 11 leai.ui «'••»'> ■lumtav 61 ■ruing, at 9 o'clock. For fi -kht or pi-age applv on ■•uur.I.'Hi .he Fli.rl la -team I'.uU*- wharf. • 1 to mar30 CLAG IORN ft ''UNNINGHAM. Ag't*. Ponlile Skill lloli V.dant A Q illle, Chini/. Hrih* miei Pla'd. *tif| -J mid Hayaderc Sill.s, Freiuh I'.ili-if*, Solid 1*1 I’d l'ar.*i:i* and Crr|*o Maretz, Hat. go Hebe* A fjlillle, Plain an 1 rinade Hamgcs. '• •• U.iyadei e lllai'k Harcg-S. • —ftLil— Black 1 .are VnniPU*, Rlaek and whin* Haiega «hawls, Col d nml hlaea Sdk Punifc*'!-, WHITE GOODS, | In Dri'.llifiles. N 1*1-0 -k* nml 6!n'l* Plain and Ilg’d tfwi** 'ln*lin*. l’lui l and *'rlp-d I’a'iihrlos, Plain an t prliite I Pi.juaCloths. CIIILD11H.V.'} GOODS, {j MDfci**' Taim ir. Hoy**’ Speiieei*. •• Pifialwie*, ltni*|.ni*.Dro*ftrs, Ac.J —AL'O — L"uc and Short Hlark .Net Min* and Gluves, Ladle*’. Ueiil'eiin l H-w's M«h* Thread « •• •• ’*uu/.e Merino Shirt*. Miss •'and Boy's •* •• •' mar 16 Lar^'e FAMILY TABLE ( LOTUS. OUY & TiffitEY ITaie received from .New l’mli. 1 all >*Hn Double Dtfttmv%k TAttLE CUiTIIS. \\<, >urd* l.*ng. 2Jv wide— the b.-*M|naiitv, it i* bvliwou, e'er offered iuUeur^ia. Price f.’u to f25 each. lions, keeper* aro invited t> call mil crania** thu zo-al*. npr lo_ 5e.uea.t New York Auction Sales. rta PIECES Handsome F. ul.rd 81 iks 6 Flouneed II iregu mEM s . Ul'lSs t .11N IS liema*e.»< Steel I/vU'd" Gun* ‘ F'Ue Lain, nnfej •• " •* Pre-ITaiM •' '• a*tOfted Flub •• Flt'c’c Gim»,a»*ottrd *' ** li'Ui'.lo mid *inglefiiin*. foi h'*ys pould" and single Cuiiimou Gun*, low pri.-us. Al* ., 8|H»rilna Article*, snitaldei . ihe*.a*. n. N.C.—A few Durkiu^r Dnit.le Gun*, f .r*ululiivr. YAKPAXmiNCSr DONE Willi DiSPATt.ll, by LOVELL 61 LATTIMORK, d. el A 13 H'lrnnid eir-* t. For Sale # C3«)0 ACHE- OF Mr * viP AND PINK 1 AND, wear .)•(> r**>»it'*n. ft.’amlvn county, and nl**u tin* Rig 8atHl.ft Kivir. In aud uu Hull Head __ Swamp, for forty years at thu G-.rdou trac*. The i*ivvnp law 11* at out 1 2 *3 a< re*, wild uvailntdf* aft tii -f quality clli.ii. v.i n mid rlv land*. I hi* p'nu land i* of ih** best Iwi liuibei or tuipentiuu. Ti-nuft easy. Apply to JanV2 _ TI8GS A vbiUIMN. Private Sale. Th" w,!| Known I'in.tiilin railed Mount Hup**, vltiialed In llrynn • •■•intt, th" t*i°il f.v .rr.l'h* indurf*m**i)t* tb"t"*<dl«*H with Ice pf n I nic*t r-uft tnd if t.*rni*. TI.U I’ompmy alone nr*» felHng ll:* IV.ckVifd Irlt* Ice. width, hu noldiiy anil pimty I* nnlvenally m ed to be fir »uperi >r luntiy <*tlo 1 1*1 flipping puricies. In rxpeiicnCi* an I facllitlr* fur con'lneiii g l-umnoM thiNiAunpany hava nnrlvnl*. an t they re*pvriloUy »ug. g**t to dealer*, tl at tbev will find it In gel v to tln-lr u*F vantage to .h'm their supply ti.roegh il " Knl* koib* ck* rrComphiiy N« charge for wi.uUa.'to vh*m is l>li gat the Compa-ly'* pier*. ftVhlbt irking In ihrtu. Tin* tfrenifti pi'oinpliliido Rid given lo or* dar*. whirli may l*i* forwnided to It. T. C*J6I I'TI'N, K/q.» I'ri-i i on vl the Knlckecker Ice l‘i 111 any. 434 Canal it., New York. A - Hum mar22 THE BROOKLYN White Lead Co. KSTAY’.LJMIJED J Thh O-unpany c -niltiuc* to tuaunfiu Hue thvlr fupeti.'r , I’BOlini 11IIITI: I E ill. I Ileiil-l tnent* 1 *^>^rt*"l*ininft* a' ont 4."*4) a •T*>^ "1 5 -f cn't:vait..n. 1 In* I* iti'in: Imul' . hoiile and i* W"1 imI. >iUi" I i-.r he cull I vat Inn ol .ane, cot 1 on hi com. I* well•••llleil having n ttnu Iiwil'.vg IIoum*, • l* 1 riee* h H -i:se. burn*.* rilo. 5c., and arc -i.i* m.>d g| 111, r more than .0 ■ negiu*. I'ur tur.ns apply to It .1. Bryan cmiftv. The All an v to (.Hit Railroad run* neat Iln* tract. FDR »A! E jifrx A Vuluahl" I'iuntati-n. in Hryau county, c -n ftt ‘pi,biinl)ij73*1 acre*"f l.nn'., l.**jnl v.liiih Hmnbr AjikAjkfenri. ntnl 111 ruliivalnni. *itunt»d on the .'lidway ..*1.^. Itiver.atK.ti! *ev u luito* frmi tne Albany fc- Gull Ih ad fin the preini*-n are all tin- uedf»*fi 1 y t-n Idinga plantation )>urpofics. and a vnmt..rt ihle bwilbug •f ilia i,|,|.**t nnd 1110*1 extenolvu eslabllab- lln* country, for iimuutui'iiiriiig ; White (.rad. lied J.f-ad. ami l.iiharge. , FROM 'ill). II AAV MATERIA I.. I Pnridimoo » i f Hi r htand- n.ny r> ly u; | rocurtnp th* g.-nniau iirli.lo. .11 thcniort fiu.i aide firms, lor cnih it pni'iplne,* .•ii the nii.ft Lvoial 11 edit* Theft me alw ftft* pierMi J to f-Seci.H «■ all ■ rder* for their vnrl»n* k mle* Bnd:c> ‘ltlu*f f Lead, and Zinc Paint, thy nr in «il 1UI81NK-K Mdilliw. HO Front rtml. N» w YmV N It —l'*ucha*i is rl. nld beuniu el tliv 1 uinerci < h'.gu* brand* w hbdi till ihe mmkil. II*.il*. ncl i\'l M* »N TM'ftl.LIN CS do do 11 Ik* 611 Rouble .dilrts . *idu klrjpts i-lins I'r ffliln from Sariiiimm lu 9 IL’swUl’MHlA ANIJ MEMPHIS, rtiiicmlout* «»lllt* C. At. U. 1 • ftVt.ft.wH. *4.ft . 4th April, la5 f t«ulfti! a« live it iut—Wiial by ietter It • ilu» .iiijriiiiiir,liuiii tlio 11•• nura! Miperlnlen 1 •i : n" l -iiiphi* « ihi*ri"Nli.ii ail Koad. that h*h ml ft.**lerii Jiv|*i..ii. .. 1 m.i lt..*d w*-re loh* . i» Hi** 47m ultimo, and <hat ftiatn* w.*«W rui • *..iliuiy >11 th- 2ith. •>•#./ ••ale uf fright 'row Savannah to "’-•w.imlim. I <1 .-tti(ill • . Jl 3ft \ FI 1.5 •1! J... I 1 n» | t 24 1 1 10, 8T j 1 ■al rat" fur Fisi-'IU Oo»d* | 2 76 | 3 It gbftBoiriCVthfN. Cl i-*.—I»",ij.i Port-a. R.-iik* and {•tathmeiy. H-ioia, -Ii.iu*. Hal*. I.iqu TH, oils. . C.. i" holtle*. Campliuiie and J*pt*. Ti»: pun tine in barrels, •'arp.Ting.China HIj*b ind Ghi**wan*.S-gai*, iu <:.»*,•* Chick*. Coiifecti-niuiy.Co'ti.ii ' ard*. .'utlury in ca«e* ca*iv*.tiid boxes. Dry G.m-ls •u n.ifte* and bales. Drug* Fruit*, Fruit Trei-r md Hi rubbery. Fur*. Garden -eel*. L*K)kiiig itaH«e* in I lemkiiig Hla'S Plate, at owners -iik. n'iiihmfrail* -iT.-ra in can* ami lar . fi ller . Tin aud Urilauuia ftft'ar.t. Tea an I ■*Vlco* per Inn R. IU**.—Hard war. .-xceot in l»tafid 3d Tas*es.»Ci 1 fee ftltIi*, Mai:hin.*ry.F.iroign LiqU'.rs in hbl aud pipe*," in lmx«*. Leather in roll au tkixes.iyiUiubbls. and ca*k*. i ruck. ri and Queunsware In rrato* and cask*. Kir. - 6V lilting Platter. Sheet Dram and Cop|a.| I #ra Ola** — Axus.Shuvels, Hpa let, Sad-Iron*.* Xinr' * Tin iu pig*, Tin Plate. A.tvlli, Vices,-rarrlme spring* and Axles, Caskaot Chain* to llnr*, Manilla and''otton Cordaae. •‘offue, lleafti *'.a*ting*. Mill Gearing and '(ill Sftonun Unit R.tad ftVtieelsaii.l Axles. Chairs and Spike*, and lt"*in in hbl* per 100 lh«. I "twcial Rate* for Light Go-id*.—Furniture nml Catriag.a. let veil, and other light -irticli-s not umtim-rnt* ■■J, man.Carboy*of Arid* and other* lu-iitk cal*, will he taken at actnal weight. I.11 charged at double l*t' 'I*** rateo—pur 100 II-* WM. M. 6VA0LF.Y aprH— tf G-n'| Sup't C. It R. S Team ship ISABEL, W I Ll, I A M It 0 I* L T N S. CO M M A N D E R, Having just been entirely .iVerhniiled and put in •pti-iidi'l nr-h-r. rf'rtited w ith new h -ilers. and doiihh- alr ight luilk head*. f-Tward an i aff. making Ii"! one«i| lie ni-i»t -leftlral.le *t> ainer* f-.r safely. *p' i-il and com- bri. will n-ave Savannah lor nvana via Key Went, on .he 4tti an-1 Ihfli. and leave Havana or Savannah via Key • 1 on the li-than' 2*th o'each nhmili 'fli l.'t.AHKL connect*, at Havana with the U 8 'fail -team-hip Comp ny's Line of.-tuauiers, for New ' trivan* ml -an Fr-inriHcii. For i-a-*vge only, apply to dec18 COITKV8 to HERTZ. FOI1 NEW YOU If, Fastest T-iine!! 5 to FARE REDUCED: ' Cnlllll Pnssnge 820 l ./ Uft Fr. ight I- wer than by any 'V ,*\ .llnr Imul.»>1 MX '""i.t* |h*i fo-1. F'Ht AM. KINI.S *F M K6SU ll 4. M E N T H.iOI'A 1.L-IH Hiiriel* 37J<J •tit* ea"li nnd -dliur arlich** In proporu-.n The -pl'-ll-ll.j and C" llirie.llloll* Side wheel glO.-til' TS \Uni'-T ft, I 6no Cipt. ftl. AV-mHind L’HHIiA 1.3 m *• • 1*11110 urowell. .I.AHA'IA. ... 1 3i>*> •• *• Geo. R.8.In-tick. And flr«t cla«* iT-d’ClIer r ft It <H' TUB HR,* I II. l.l'O l.ini...c«pt Tlio'* Lyon Th »e Henm*hlp* h. long t" th« old eslal.l|*hi..l and iv.ii t>-line known a* th" • New Y-ak md S ivniim.b •*nni Navlgatiou Coni pun ft." and 1 cumfori.acc.'lunio. ill ei* n ..I lar-, eimiiot In* -\c- ll*-i liey ar«- c»m* ii,,ii|i.i| hy experii-nceil. -kilfnl. ’careful and pdits nicer*. PADKLKHUh FAY A CO, Ag.’iilu, Fnvnnnuh. ••A'l'L L. MIT* HILL a !*0\*. m*v 1 If Ag-nt-. New York. »5»aa.Ti1lM—-i 1 Slecrnge, §11. Steamship ALABAMA, (•• 11. sni’cxcK, c oin in a iid vs-, The 1.1 w nr.-t : i, IM ft-t g. ii:grt.*nv:**l ip A LA RAM A. <1. R rf.'h"Uek.coinniandir,wUl«wftlcft<ftbovu. F-.-i treight or i'a*?.'g", npi-ly *u I'AHHLFOltD. FAY .ft CO. N. n —Sliippcrr of Col ton Ly thv*cslcali.t*ie will plrSH tiftki Motive, that no Cotton will be. rvcviwd at the pu-.ei* IliiHI-not diiilnrily iiiiirkedon the edge.H the bale. -Ojy- Rerth* not •.-eureil unlit paid for. P.U'KLFiHtD. FAY «T CO.. Agents. ■f. «ft, I'rvli'it fr an Nv« Y**rU nt i «,t.. , .imi y, uttd aft low 11* hi nn«- mil. r ^t- nnn-r roll PHILADKIA’IILA.' »A5«.s-: .u^asToex-;?}:: I*i inted do ,bn-mi I dn FO d-./en DaiUit-k Doyl-.s 60 do Linen T.-widu 5 pieces Table Damask, all linen. For sale al the lowest pile - hy 1»k6V ITT A M*HlG VN_ Plantation Supplies Heavy fi lipid EGsiia- Aocominodation Boat. FOR PARACHUCLA EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. Tie* new and f i«t running Pn' '< i<- 0 .r and Freight *to»m«r JOHN 0. LA6VT0N wiH leave lor Piinicl.ucla and intermediate l.auduigs, every Monday utid TUnraday, wt 4 u’cl -ik, I*. ft( —leu.. *uut f Hrimd *ire. t. N. R.—Contract* ’ .r landings » can be mado. Tl.ii Host will md break her nirmii.g ^rhedule. ,1. \V fttcAl.PIN. Agent. or'27 AViIliamniu’s Hull.lings. .Only Two Kiglit3 at Sea-Through in 60 to 65 | H nrs. For Charleston. INI» A ND ROU VIA /HiA CFOR T llii. ToX //AM/A To leave from the Cl* .il"*t»ii to-.mparkut AVIiarf every SATURDAY.’ at 3 P. M. The new and sjdendl steamer EVERGLADE. Or L. M. CoXetter. will leave this city mu above. ;35555§jK5Ei3i» e..|inecis regn'arly vitli the Soul Is - 'ar.dina and N.mfti Ka*tem Uallnm-l*. Freight con*iune.| to Agent* w|!l h- f.rwardi-d free *-l barge. For fi eight »r pi «*•!«•• iii-plv 011 bo.rJ «.r to J fll.N C. FH ft**F-R Agent, n.iv-17 N'i- 7 1 »ta> stri-et. CII ANCr KwF -C11K I)U L !•. For Bluffton, Hilton J/eail Hoyd’i Lnndinti. Port Royal Ferry, Rtaofort and Chtirlvuton. . c, ^ The new ami sph udi'l Iron iteamer jrUfA, - IL. C.KCIL Cupi F Peek will.on and aft-r >61,.|i.l y. 6luv cib leave f.r Ihe'ihoro laces every MH.MI.1Y MORNING, ut .. ».,»* . I■ eight or passage, sjn-lv tn J. I». HKO <KS, • lmr:est-ftii wharf. IVJr- All freight muM be |uild *>n tlio «luif by tho sldtn-er u w ill l>e r'C«it-f"d for may 4 V- A 1 eihfji ■’; — Tho splendid »Ue-wheel ! Steamsliip Slate of Georgia, Will eily v> white Gsi'M-urgs, l: 114 ',)•• liiht d* do 3 0 ti) du 11 ti li’iry .• |. f-,U) do Marlboi-. do ltt.'hO do n.-ii*) ft.ri.wn Shining ' 3 11 K> il-t do wide do Uli'f d'-Z'-n Head llaudkercbicfs J 6WI Ih* FI ix ’»lift ad fP* ;.*m gr.'Sb Hntt.'us ffO.n-V) At 'iit Neeil.*#. Por sale at Hit- lowest prices, hr npr 7 NEVriT. LATH HOP ■* ROGER?. “ ' HrviiTiHX* 2HGAIW.—lOhhd* emdee P..rlo RIc » and Lou*lana 30 do la:r do do do *.*') no prime Cnl.a 75 i.l.i* uitmi‘« Or ishe-1 an-1 Ground Pi do A. R and t'larilied f.d .1 • RiHi'imie V- How, C Cnrifio-1. MOLASSES.— - .'" hlid*. 10 In-m *. amllOO hb(*Uubx 75 1-1.t» choice N<-w Orleuus BACON — f>0 h’-ds priuiu Fide* 2-J do do Sli-Iiil.ler* 15 ti-ren* choice »u.»’ cored Hams. LARD—1" bbls and HO ke.*« prime I eaf. For «-.le br ,,pr y M’It ANTON .v JOHN.-D>V. T.\I.IJOTT H lili<»TllE]:. f.HOCKOC FOUNDRY AND MACHINE 5HOf»> CARY STREET, R It'll MO XH, IM., INI'4 At’I i’ll l.lifitif Pui'ial.h* M"*m Engn.ei, -i lYB fi 11 site*, Ii .u.i 4 t-» -40 liorf.* ja.wer. on tin* mn hj.|.i-iV".I |-:.ii.s j-.i'ti-ii.nt lv ii.iapii-*: i<-C.-tt-n nnd >• far ITaiii-itl.ii!* uud Fanners' ton- grnetitlly. Butlf * th > lent i'i il»riftlH »n<l ftftinkr.iaiisl.'p. and f- r c»nt|.r.- ii.--** and ditr.l-llily, net # ipauta-d by nuj t-ngiui-s d- - EiriY lillhb-llil ItEVYAI(l)- 1 in mo. Will f.--pal l f.n H,e r. "oVefty f-l iuft i.ogru m:tu Als*<* Pt nlou any reaulred power. CItvi » AVll.LJftM - .r Hilly'. who lanaway about Ihe |8aw.6lilt*.’'mp!eti-.andl , . riah , e(5ri.iMi||s,of6iryi- middle .-I la-l y**ar. lie Ind a daik mulatto . j-ni- r c..n>trucii*-«. Minfiing, Pull*y e. tie. comp-ex.'ftu,about fc*.s fee’.or a little • pward. j T'L;»cc..Pn -Mu.san l! s i:iowe,4-fiftny(i.>ciiptfoD.R:* - Itt UeliM, stout built, weighs about two hundred ^ and Iron and IVrnnght lam lYutk gefurul'- ittid*. md I al uni tl.i-iy fl*e year* f ngo Hu Da 1 mad, l .i.nlir v* iti. di«patch, nnd in reasonable tunas ; ~ U UODlNirri ~ jH0ftSE UNI1WKNT. j An itifallil.U- f>*r Sirtiinry, Siccllimj, Jnjlumatim ami /(htuwnti- . ; rg^HIe LINIMENT ft*ill cure tho Mwlnnej* lu hnr» 1 I .1 willn>ul fail in ll* worst Stage. All persons*h •-** J|i..«eil a-then-are many fluo letitts i.iiind tor t • • * “•* “ ‘e i»lief. nir.KCTIONS « Pour out mid rah ftvi-ll with the band tlio nflllcte I p*il until il bums the horye *"ft.-relv,uii<l ltd R r«u aln tftte. -» hour* or then apply it again in the same He a rnha little -il.. r ftva*li with CnsliIeSoip and w.»- . It not 1. Hoed. i.ji|.ly u, the Mine tr.fcuin r. Tho h«*i 1 can be cured in i,.n <Ihi *, or toouer. Prepared mi-l s»l-l ft y JOHN 6V. VVOCHiING, Aniariru*.*'-- fa* Prka nni-liollur j...r IlnIH.. dtr.tvrly an-1 ..-'nstf rei by lm U-,rua '* well, and *.-lii" .H*c«.ii!»o»i.s n piein h- r II- I* p dlte when l e l ww ft twth* r giuii-lil- t(aeut lu tjwcch. As ho ha« a I wp<- and - Ir n In fc '«v n*i uh. t u'n l,.l trl-ilievo that ! lie H |iirkii..r >ih nt that • ity <>r it* iieigtihorliMid. Tt.o | a'l-'.ve reward ft*ill be I f-.r hi* Kjiprulotiis-r-u nnd do- I Uvery.fu c-*'flii.uuuut in si.t.i" | ill ilmt 1 mav get Uhu Ad-li.-us MCHmLAP 6VVI.1K. 6Vi*l.iMgton G-ut It OC 1C OH I liei i: "A LU.6I IV AT Kit' FHAHK ttif.rot ih-.e n-l.hrai.d |J[ r.oftv u- pl c >n*ranHy on the nr or KISH KU A! WIN*TON. Dniggiut*. Rlchniond, 1.1.I A. lb KU' KKIt. Lvnrhl.urg. U’e liuftu .nlD"ly ill*- arde.1 barrel*, and n-*w *1.1;- the Water tm'.yin Co 1 p-t c.i«--.-f I -1 .yen half gi'hvi I".1 ties; *.curtly ui.d c.iit- nl'y pt-k".l -it Ih * "pilncs. *t» Rv r. mittin'/ t v 4. 6 6V.,... (.. A. II. 15. f*6. tin* purchaser mil rely on tln-ir i'.-v-v jr.lii.j tier dtr< efti-ms, 1 b-x ol frt nh a..d g-.-uuinu lier hi.r d-e Alum U u.r. Panphlct* a- nl ur-vtii on aj'i-Heati-m. spr.C 2aw-:w I n ft/1453 .V RANDOLPH. tnernl rpring* is . want of linniodia ket in the hand* S B J. J. GARVIN. Comninmler, iHI as nl.ove,and will c»nti. u-. leave each It male fatiirdaft Ihri.iigli-.iK tin •rv iMn Pauuage.. ..{’5 CltAWFOllD’8 | MEM A NT " SITO.A " MILLS FLOUR Unu.|naled by any 61111s lu Georgia for iperior Breadstuffs. I H' 1 - U0Ua,jK HXTRA HOTEL PL'iUR, do do fluncrfino Mills do do Fine do No 3 do, do, do, do, do, . fr-lb-dCorn Meal. Orlts and Bhorta. Received p*l M cunstantly for sale by COSNKRAT, WKRBTKIt A PAL6IF3, Agents for Orawford’s Sltoa Mills I , HwtomsT*. Rakers and Fbmr DnaDra aro ln«lto> | ; 'ntic* cninp-irtuon, nnd for the richest article of bread ‘‘"J ,u * ►we.-t Haver of clean pure grain, mid I* 01.1a "''"ly rii.inutartiircd by the laait nmchlnerr. um *lvlU ftft.>nhln Extra Hotel Vftrmr. sejiilh f |V K H I-SI nriKD lio VKS ~IlAIHINs, is I 'v *¥"• h tlf and quarter boxes, Layers and Mala- i * •»!/* b'W at iw. . itasws luuu asoour. NOTICE. / ^ I'he Npl-ii.lid prnpe'lers ..A*-..* 1IUNTF6 II.I.K nml MONT- ^GOMEUY. wib fuim a week- ■^Iv lino between New York I uud Savannah, leaving e* h '.joirt every S.ftTCrtut. nn and after Miiv 1st 185S Fr** ght -m New York, will bs taken nt drills 01 tho prusuut .ritf. <.r customary rate*. I'f* 1 RRIGHAM, RALD6VIN fa CO._ ftL 8A,,R ’ frkigiitou niAn- •yst 1 Lit— tin. Ilrat Has* Hchr i.UUY K 6YARKKN, • tuna bu-then, cmrlus 4 8 >0 IiunIu-1* grain, nr 600 bids ’ found. Apply lo MINIS & .1 HINST'iN. Fleet age Kx.'iir*i..n Tie' .-ts n> »n I fi in Phil (delphin, ivftliirh will b>* g.u'd tortile hea»ou ) 25 Through Tickets lo *23 F-r fi eight or pasrage. apply lt» may 13 1 . .6. GREINER Sl CO. Ag’ts AT W. O. PRICE’S “STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM, M U7 FOR FREIGHT t»li tHAIU'cll. .Too A 1 brig CU .-Ai’KAK. Cap'. Bai-y Ap- piy”b» CARLE IMN St PARSON8. nprifl FOIt LIVERPOOL.-lh" slop COX- UL. J F. Ilayiien. innuter, hitting a huge part cargo etigated, will have desiinlch Foreiungo- apply to _ T. It- A J- G 51 ILLS 147 SUNDRIES, trarx Tv** and '45 hbl* Mu«covhv1o Sugar, (JlF 4u bli|*l(cfln*Ml Syrnp. I(*0 l».xes Ad mi ir.iinu C indie*. *.'5 hbl* x. xx. xxx. x.’tvx, 6VI»I-key, 2> bids lftamv-tic Mran-Jy, lo qr .rank* Superior Rrundy, 10' ti tles Nurilurn Hay, lVVvt bus "aft*, 3'lu bbls Flour. Iu store and ’o arrive: for vain by EDWIN RATCLIFF. HUNDiilBS, S UGARS.-’JJ hhils i n hili -uu N Oand Porto Rico 30 do do p ini<« do do 9fi do d-» fair Muscovado 121 h'd* Stuart’s Itefl.n-sand Clarified to d . Ralll-noro Yellow (G). do fttOLASSES—20 hlid* and 80 bids Cuba 75 hbl* choice N«.-\v Hi leans COFFEE—200 hag* pi Ian-Green Rio FLOUR— 4"0 si.k* and 150hhl* extra and snperfino HALuN— 6" hlid" prime Side*and c'lioilldcr* 20 ca-ik*chu|c*- Kugtr Cnr.-d limns. Fr rsntnl.y BCR ANTON *» .HilIX^TON. Mrs. Jnmes lletts’ , NEW PATENT UTERINE SUPPORT, W IIP;HIid'»tinedt<.«uperceilo all form* ofpes Baric*. Retail $54 A I hercolehiat'*l 8TP PORTER! 1 , with theli recent improvements, nnd under • Hit- highest medical ptaroiisgo. Her many inventions - have been nvud w it ■ unmU rrupt d Huce** fur ihe" pact j 24 years, whi h can be favorably attested hy tliousauds ; of iid u-nml pbysiciaii* in all partsof tho Union. K Uul price. $5 to $3. For sale by TliO!«. M. TDRVP.R, nnvlT fCor. Rnmur.l and nr.QnH.I....-s>» GIl.HIAM'ft IHHJHSTRY. Tr.l’.KAIKNI’!* .-t In Ch.-ti.Diry, i.reludin-* the fi 'J -ippli-nil-'tiof Hi- S.-i,-i,.*ri 11 ihe Ait*: by Thomav ftii«hon F R S...hi.-U-yl»v-*6VMU-vttd Rulgt*. f Ai"*l I. Rb.x mi’* Hand R • -U of Cbemi>u> : tailed by j I’r llo!f:n;in. I Ion the FIT ct* <-f Climate >'t. Tnher<-us Diu-aao. ! Oiii»"n >»n 'titletla Medio* an! Phurmtcy. I Row man’s Intro lii'i!..n to Practkal Ch-n i-try. R .vvmaiT* Pr-vell-il Hard Ih. -k of M.-di- ai Chemistry. 111* ta 4ii tliutolivgv in it* r b»H m lodescilptiv*- Anai->. n-y. pliftsl-vtogy tied P-tl. -' with npwauUof 4*>0 - lliu* liail.n* WiD-.-ion Dls-ft-e* f ihe «|,; .—4th .diti-.n. Pl-vi". il;u*irnti i. r f Si.:*. —h.nd. Ah'vftUvfurdediiion v-f thu vVavc.tiy Novels, la 12 vol*, with ttignivlngs .*!.«•- ■ s 11 pr»-veil’s P»ck-*t I'criiiul.irv and PhvuldanV 'Tannal— I.-..tut h oK.uu. W. TllGP.NE VVILLlAMi. _npr2«SK« __ NOTICE. ; " , "" T HE Bvth« having twvMv tegaUy c«n«t1tn'vd Aiternoy •»» ftet. I»y Robert 8. I'lh-s. of Glynn cuni-tv, to m*|:. • r .*Hiei w i*-- «!Dj»--u.-. that track of Im-d, Vn-wii as No. 210. mu. District. 4*h Seri ion; orlglnnlly Walker, ftif«w luducounty. All luft.-MtU-d will take uo> tic*- m <*.-r iin„'»y up*:; ED6VIN RATCLIFF. *,♦ Tin Lafayette pa* *r« wi'1 jleauo l:.*«it f-»r one ttft.voth.nnd rvrwmdhiU •« tt-l*. ih,». rNRlilFiS IV STiiltL- •* Nerthren Hat, Iffift I n* Gal". l'«ft l.oxi.u Adurnnllre randies, 4'i Lb's Iter tided 66 1,‘skey. 50 l.t. * D .n.i.tic Gin tud Brandy, 10bhW Yin. gar, 2h trsSm-m-. 35 bbls Mulssues 1c. Iu store and f-r sab*low l-y mi).) I.HV6 IN RATCLIFF. S ”* t' NURii's LASlilNG hi ht. lv mJi*. 6 i'» .-h-.nldcrs, ID bids Laid. I.i bbls HattimtreExtra I'Dur, 25 bb.n Rye 3 > do 6P tuxes MMip, 2f» no Tallow Candle*, Cs te Is 225 halve uilnie Nurllu-ru Day. I/itiding nnd for ale liy 4:D6V I \ R A l ELI 4T pit K» KH V K YOLlt FIU : IT. A ltTlIU ’B PATENT Fnl'iT CANb AMI J.6RB— the only gi-uiihiu nrtieh* f«r pr.-s- rvii.g D ull tho vuu 1..11 iid, h.i b ilu at Nos. 156 and 167 Rr-aigli’oii *t. by may 1£ MORSE to PAY. AT iULK PlilCKr A L'lTf.f l’hlldiM.’"Ptii*it..iev. il j s’ Ragland Sbirls, 7% .V . to Cli'i>u Uu.-iu out. 11 ■ r sale by lliav I" HrUTIT w MnRGAV. ; HEKRY ESLER & CO. 1 At their Strum Engine and Boiler Works, Atlantic L-xk t, i OBOOKLYN, NEW YORK ! STATIONARY! RIVER AND MARINE I ] ClS r GINES Of every dvscripunn, Fugar Mills. Mill AVoiks.««.1 Mining .'lachtnery. AUo ail kin-i* 01 Hign ami L> v* » Pr-sv.reR.-l ." a. Thu fuhseiihrr, agent in Sxvnnnah for the ah«-.te • Work*, will t-eoift .- oidirs f->r ftl’. kind* of Msehim .» Hi. has now en hand several sn.fcll P.-rtftl le F.ngineesiol vble lor Plaftitevs’v.i-r. also, one IL hoT»t‘p«ttft ,, f F-ngh" 1 which lie will "-ll on H- e-unmodmIni- tirn.*. If. !!. LINYILLIJ, MiichlnM.Ft.Julian |"i!v 4 One <anan <r« rt of the Marin i* -S' 'm'w ei ©file : SCREVKN HOUSE. By J. B. Foloy, ! Corner of Bull and Congress Sts., Savannah. Tl J* N*-w i.OTEL.fnrni*|.« d through* , mt in th* most r.i.rr.m mw, 1- now opoiiP'l and will be kept tts s i FIUST CLASS HOUSE. MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Th« lloiu« ha* hben newly re-hr •4 ranged and refitted. J 4 R ’ Proprietor. i’isk & Raynurnd's Laic Improved of h ni'-nb may I' ■ 1 Bay-Street, Sav’h. t I THE HEST AND CllEftPEST. BOTANY roa OUNG PEOPLE & COMMON SCHOOLS. a OW PLANTS CIIOW—A tlmplsintroduc tion to Sttue.lurid Rut any. with A POPt’IaAH FLORA 1 ran Arrangement ami l)"*ciiption of Coimnnn Plants, >Hi w| d and culUvsten. illueirafed by 600 wond engra- 'n k sj by AsaGrwy. 51 II., FlihiV Profvasor of Natural .sstoiy iu Harvard Unl»er*ity Keceirml by mav 24 JOHN M. cGOPHR A CO. ~ FOR FREIGHT ORCIIARTKll- | JgA'h.* A 1 bmk ROUT. A. ALLEN, ft-'wpt. Robbins, j "*Stty y* ll> CARLKTON ft PARBONB^ j " "~ FOR PROVIDENCK-l a- new brig J. "tLv, ll. KENT, apt. lieed. Iiavliig mo** of her enrga ,-ngag-l, will meet with di*pntih. For light Ir.-ighl. apply tn CARLTON to P.6R80NH. JfT FOll BOvTON-The packet *>hr. LILLY, Franel*. masier. havlnu Hie greater portion of !r f: r6 °« urf Sm 1 ' _ FO It BOM TO .V .—The regular packet haik 1 Mil ana, itnpt. River*, liaring a portion of her cargo etignge.1, will have dlsjeitel'^Fiir f«lchj. nppl) to WINK OF WILD CllKltilY. 111.-* iMhim* wine pos-e*..e* all the pr il-erlies i the wild iht-rry. ».nd l* re •i.inmenili-d ks h ..^reeable ti'tili’a.-d *lhni|la"t. eup elallj sdHpted l>. j.tic*. and those -sed t.» plaint* For sale by rpn Ciiriio" Ur- B UTTKll.—10 keg* ch ice G-.stieii llutti-r, Just rucuived pur steamer lluuteville. and for rile hy may D' M II WILLI AM 8. B lack lace mantillas. —lie have ritfOvcil a i.»» nf the above %or.d« in Rtur.k, French nd Chantilly Lace. tun ft 0 HKNnY LATIIMOP A CO. n •>• I C'l ,1. I*. COI.t.lXW. . H«m> nnd Shoulders, Just recuiv- J\t\ FOll N — . jflHt 'Apt. Horton, will meet with di*patih fur the abim- port Fur freight «r |ai**age ut'ply Jo ma>25 IIU>Tlv - A OAMMKLL. Jj}- FOR NEWToRK--KJVI«»N LINK—Ih* ftokt 'egular pack. 1 vclir.TARGET, Purr.iHU makt.r, haviug the great r pcillun of her cargo engaged, will have despatch. For Trelght of 160 bales Cottou, to com. pie to her cargo, app’y to may 45 OGDP.N. 8TARU4 CO. may 11 B acon ed uud for sale by Inay 14 JAMBA j. SNIPER & CO. T KAH.—ft'huici* Rlaek Teas, Pouclumg, Souchoug and Oolong, In half chest*, f->r *alo by niHv8 MINIS 4|J‘»HN8TOX* 0 t MORE NEW SPRING 1 Have now In storo a freMi supply of Fancy and Staple OUT Kit A N D ALB — Porter and I folluvrluK : FOlt NEW VmiK^idiniALBUlJL j Scotch 3-* OKOItGI \ LINK-NF.W YORK PACK- ^tYt " ~ "ctir ’.VILLIA61 SMITH. Capl. Ilshnr. wilt have immediate dlvpateti ».-r fn-lght or |ta.*age, having super! >r nccoinuiodutioiiR. apply to .may 22 HCuAN'uN k NORRTA. -Jr* ' POiV NEW" YORK- U' IGN _ *LINB.— ^^jJ^Tli" regular parkel schooner TARGET, Furm«n, mThtiT, will havo quick di>Pttcb F*r the almve jwrt. Futr frui^it, tj-ldr rw OQDBN. 8TAKR ft CO. K EROSENE OIL.—Tlio Kcr. *i'ne UU compa ny'* tRuminating oil I t side hj may fa JOHN IL MOOIIK, Olbhop*' Rulldlngs TRAOI-APOTIIEOSIK, IN FIVE ACTS. '■^UE i-ouai.f U«nu : a Tragi-Apoiheulil, iu live acls; 1 bv T H Chlverv, 51 H. Mamnir of Captain 61axlmiti*n Montagu Hammond's Hitl, llrlR-da, UrlUiel. *««»* *1 may 14 JOHN M. i.OOPKIl & I G. H BIDSKICK CIIAMFA€4MK-I4uarl* uud pint-, fhr sab- by MINIS ft JOHNSTON. "WKXA COFPKE.—100 mats Old Goveanment s|. ,jnvji Cotieo, tor sale hy may lfi . PER ANTON ft JOHNSTON. C iOKN I ii.bel>.*for va'olow to c mS V.M “ dAfdtU I- »NUfER 4 GRAY & now In atoro a fresh DRYGOODS JL’SI RKCKIVBD FROM NEW YORK, Am mg w hich they Winild call special attention to the A c luplete asBortment nf EmbroMsrlss, Ne-’dle 6Vorked Collars. .Muslin Trimming, KmI Thread and Linen Laces, French Printed Muslins & Grenadines, Hare-go and Ureundlue Kobe*, Elde-dtripc aud Double ttkltts, French and American I’rlutcd Lawns and Muslins. 8c. lo37>$-: pi-ryard. French aud Buglhli Chin's and Calicoes—new styles. Brilliu -tea, 121» 25 cents. IVhitr* Cotton and t.l»Ie Nnrrow Fringes. Pic.Vic Milt*—long nml short. A !UW si-mt A r.ft» R I B B O jST S Vvllf ixpi:cled4 ... •F.* 5 XK6V MAY m-TTBlt. •g iJ'K TUB rli-.lce t.vw May ltultcr, landing per If 9 ’-tt-amrr, and for sale by may 12 8' RANTON ft ’‘OURIH.^ A CON MIli KH—-O l.bda prime It-u'oTi Hd. s, atidlng her ettauibliip 8tnte ol Georgia, and for sale by HCKAMuN At NORRIS. may 12 NEW GOODS. J UST RECEIVED— BUck I'.mlard Hllk llobes HlacU Crape I'a sges rialn Black Baicgi-s i-wIsj Mulleand Jaconet Muslins 5ludin C«dUis Tucked Cambric skirts "’bits Bonnet Cord Whits T’trloi oo Etecl Extension Pkiits, 4c. mayd HENRY LATHROP ft f.O. tWRECmVED IN HTOiiE- lou l.lide fiidesand dhouldt-ruunil lluuis, No. 1 Pmftsiatt Guwnu. 5 • boxes choice Urd '.'ifToe. 25 ca*lr talinbiirg Ah*. ICO hues ..f No. 1 nod Family Soap, f.0 do Ho*’.a do do 25 - do Toll* t ’» 1 (VO sack* Extra Family Flour. ICO hbt* N G. Sugar Hou*c fcy«» P. 2b hhds Mol.v**' C. LOU bug* Tui k* leUnd Salt, 2i« boxes Adamantine Camth • )00 d» Half dn d - j TO C ARPK N T it K h 7 4 PAIR OF FOLDING D-iDll.-.!*r fc -o eiro. u<*rtu- ern mad-, nnd ft.ui |ftliift» >.wft —■wiRI h.- *.>hl lu A|.|.IV «» »hl* *fih-e C ONCENTRATED Pit »•’. PA RATIO NS RES IN "IDS OH OLEG RESIN.* SAFES! The *iibecrlh(.r, Agents of tlm Manntn-iurer. g.r tin- *ale i f Lilllu’s Patent Chille-l-Iron RURGLAii to dl'lRK-I'HOOFSAFES semr. d with Lillic’a i’n* lent P<.w.der-Pim.f Ccm *^<tv Lina tii n Bank Lock- taf-b *nd Lock* stand une^uailtd In fcafRIng the (kill of the burglar and the "t p'deatl. n of fit*. [ Persons w ishing tn puri hase a taf* whirl: Is. In all re- ' specie, ubat tho term Implies,are respectfully nqueatvd I to call andexamlrs our BAFKS.a: 165 and 167 'trough- t<.n street. Savannah, before purchasing elsewhere, ws think our hale* need only to bo seen to bo appreciated. mur’J't MMtSE ft FAY. NOTICE. I WOULD Inform my frioud*a»d the public that I have opeue-1.r u the rner of Price and Vnrk strrrts, a shop w I,ei«-1 will attend to th- Manufacture of Tin 66aro.Tin Holding, and all other work connected —Uh tl.c buBini si*. All orders promptly Attended it a»i"14—tf GKO IP 6VP.ED0N. | 50 bbls. 95 per ct.' alcohol JU8T RECEIVED BY ROSS & CO., Inn ‘47 | "I aprCI 0 Whitaker street. " Abfiepln, F*i«iitn»rln, Hydra*!In, Feu", m, I**pt;in<lr|n, F* ni«H iflu . Fodot>h)Iliii, SllHingln, Xanthoxyli'i. A rnpplv of the o>xivo preparation*, manufactured hy Tillman i Go., received snd f-r rale by THOMAS M. TURNER, mav 12 Corner Broughton nnd liarnard etrvefa. H ~ AY*—123 hulea North River Ilaj 1 , to arrive per hark K A Allen; for sale by may 11 HUNTER ft OAMMELL. LACKSMXTH»A COAI. Blstliuuith's Conlft ft Heidsick Champagne. K || RA.-KUT8 Held sick Cnampagos, lu pints and • si 9 quart*, landing nml for ul* hy «n?6 CL AG HORN It CUN'NlOlfAM FOll MAY. W* F.6LI E'S STagnr.lue. for Mny. J| A Graham's LadiiV Bonk, fuf May. do do. do. do. do. B I way U f-»r jn.le by }h> *t::r iiodejr'* do Arthur’* Magazine, Petrrann'* do, Pnllcii'* Hollar .Monthly, Mck Nax. ,| "* Mrs. S*cpli#nii’Jlngkiine, do. lloustaDltiw^nli, . . .* . J. B. UHBBFJJOE, Agent, X DAMMELL. < spr'H Mull *7r-»V an«ilt* Bcrvv.® Dvusa . —50 sujicrlor