The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 27, 1858, Image 1

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' . V- -J. ' p - v .v IV; ;/•" .VCO y r ; * VOLUME LVII. THURSDAY MORTsTINTG, MAY *47. 1858. NUMBER 1-48 CENTRAL RAILROAD. Now Arrangement 0 \ and after liiitiday, February Mint. th«* Passenger Train* "f Go* Hoad Will In. rim n* follows: •irwimhavanhaii anuhauor. I mvo!*nvniinnh 1.1ft A.M. anil3OOP. M Arrive In Macon............ 10-4.1 a. k.kiuI 12,30 a. M. | ,<nve M.icoii ....9.4ft A.M. nml 11.30 p. M. Arrive in Savannah ......7.14 p. m. ami8.40 a. u. H (TW K t H M AT ANN All AND AI’OCHTA. UaveSavannah 1.1ft A.M. ami 11.15 A. M. Arrive in luitusU 9 a. m.bihI 7 v.n. leave Atw«*ut 9 a. m. ami 3.4ft p. k. Arrive in Savannah. 1.M* a. M.nud 10.66 p.M. SKTWCKM It 10 OH AND AC HU IT A> 1/»tp Macon 9.4fta.M.nud 11.30p.M. arrive ill \nmuta 7 P.M,ami 9 a. M. U’ave Augusta - .2 a. M. ami 3.4ft p. M. Arrive in Macon 10.4ft a. m.and 19.30 a. m. ’ fraitia connect on arrival at Qordou, for MUlcdgovUla an ,l K'Vtoiitou. At Macon with tialna of tha Southwest* rrn U><a I for Coluinbn* ami Albany, iin l with tho Ma* f on * Weatern lload for Atlanta. I'aaaenttvra leaving Savannah by tha l.lft A. M. train, will arrive in Atlanta ut 0 l*. M. Loavnur by tho'A.U01'. M. train will arrive In Atlanta At a tft to*vl morning. On Sundays the 11.16 A M. train f,*r August* w ill go through to Macon iu place of tho 3 r M . which will not ho run oil that day. EMERSON KOOTK, General stupt. Savannah. Fehmary Mlh, 1867. m»v13 Macon & Western Railroad. MACON. Ucc. Uth. 1867. O N and aftor Friday, 18th lull., the train* w ill run at follow*: 1.00 A.M. Aritvo at Atlanta 8.1ft A. M. leave Macon 11.30 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta 6.00 I 1 . M Ia»*o Atlanta -12 night. (invent It iciiu ..*.li A 51. l-,v" Atlanta 13 Anive at Macon,.., 6.40 P.M. riie Night Train* will not ho ruu on Sunday*- The l A. M. Train from Macon connect* with tlinState R.itl for Cliattan»ugn at 13.30 P. M. nml Geotgia Hoad f-r August* at 10 A. M. riio 11.30 A. If. Train connect* with the Stnto Road at 1.4ft, A. M ., and Ilia Georgia Hoad at 13 Xlulit. dec 36—tf ALFRED I,. Pnp’t lleat Refilled CHARCOAL IRON CALVERT IRON AND NAIL WORKS, Baltimore, Md. J. IJOl'KINSON SMITH, OFFICE 25 SOUTH CHAKL.15S-STRF.ET. FIRST OI.AS FAMILY GROCERIES, AVw Fort .l(lreetim’,ionls FROM XZi S. ROHCinXiX.18 ADVERT I SI NO AGENCY, Ulnflutt’w IliiildlnR, 00- 335 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. IIOOK ANJ) FLAT II15AO RAILROAD Sl’lKES, BRIDGE AND CAR BOLTS. NUTS, ftc., WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS, OP ALL PATTERNS, 5 to 12 Inch MADE TO ORDER. LOWaPRICES!! REDUCED Rates of Freight, FROM Savannah to Knoxville, ANI) AI.L STATIONS ON TIIE East Truncssec* A Georgia Klatl Road GCHEDUI.E ON’ THE SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. Over which pataca the Great New York & New Orleans mails 3SS3855B fiSSilSSSEUSES tYiwT 1 Daily Train* between Macon ami Oolumbu*. Lt-ava Macon at 1.30 A M.,ami 11.30 A. M. Arrive in C'dumliHs 8 62 A. M , ami 0.33 P. M. la-are Columbus 1.65 A. M., and 4.00 P.M. Arrive lit Macon 8.60 A. ft!., and 10.38 P. M. nr.TW F.XN MACON AMU ALHA.Nt. Leave Macon 1 30 A. ftl. Arrive in Alhauy 8.1ft A. M. l. -avc Albany 3 16 P M. Arrive iu Macon 10.38 P. M. I.mvc Macon 7.13 A. M.. Trl Weekly. Arrive in Albany 3.37 P. M. Leave Albany 7.00 A. M. Tr-Weekly. A i rive ill Macon 3.34 P. M. Train* to Columbus form a through connection to Montgomery. Al l.,and Amriivta, Kingsville, Wilmington, savannah..MilleU-villeiuiJ Katoiiton. I*.>«t Coach"- run from Albany to Tallahasaee, Haiti* bridge, ThoninavlUe, Ac. Il'i.-ks run from Sraithvillo, Tri- Weekly, to Dawson. C'ltlihert. Fort Gaines. Ac. Also I min Fort Valley to Perry, lla.viieaville. Ifawkinaville and Knoxville, Ga. VaWtvurafev points below Fort Valley, should take tile evening Trains from Savannah nml Augu«(a to avoid J-tentioti at Macon. For ether point* tako either Train fir-t class steam-hips leave Mavauuuhfor New York.ou Urine*. lays and Saturday*. Passage la tho Cabin $35, #8. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah $14 00. d i Columhu* do do 10 00. do Albany do do in 60. GKO. W. ADAMS,Superintendent. Macon. Feb. 21 *t. 1868. mar l FIRST Cl, A Sc. P I AND Forte*, R.'okiqsJtntatlcmery, Uouts, Shoe*, and llnta, Liquors. Oil*. Ac. (in bottles), Cam* phiuo ami Spirits Turpentine iiu barrels), Carpet I tig, China, GIiisi ntnl Glass-Ware, Cigars (in caso-j, Clin k*. Cotifi-ctiennriea, Cotton C,»td*. Cutlery (In cases , Caska and Boxes. Dry Goods tin boxes and hale*). Drugs. Fruits, Fruit Trees ami Shrubbery, Kura, Garden Heed*, Looking Glas-ev nml Looking Wins* Plates (at owner’s risk). Oysters (in can* ami iars). Saddlery, Till and Britannia Ware, Tea* and Spices, Georgia aud South Carolina Domestic*,, per liW Ui* 41,11 SECOND CLASH. Hardware, except such a* sj.eeilled In first and Mil'll classes, Cotlee Mill*. Machinery, Foreign LI- iluors(in barrel* nud pipes), TobnocoUli boxes), l.eatli* er ^in rolls nml boxes), nils (in barn-la nml casks), Crockery nml Queens Ware (in crates and casks), Rico, Whiting, Plaster, Sheet liras* and Copper, per 101) lbs THIRD CLASS. Axes, Shovels, Spado*, Sad Irons, Zinc nml Tin, In r igs, Tin Plate, Anvils, Vices, Cask* of Chains n»d lues, .Manilla and Cotton Cordage, Cofh-e, Heavy Castings, MillGearing. Rail Road Wheel* and Axles, Chairs und Spikes, nud Rosin (iu brrrels), per 100 bs Special ltnteH. Furniture nml Carriage* (boxed.) and other light; nrtich-a not enumerated; also. Carboys of Acids, or other Chemicals, will he charged bv actual weight' but ut double first class rates, per ioo pounds, 13 SUCCESSORS TO -JREEVES.BUCK&CO- ' MANUFACU'llERS OF Railroad Iron, Bar Iron, CAR AXLES, Skip and Bridge Iron, Spikes, &c. AI*o. a Mijorior nrtlrlo of Ross & Co., TUB CI1KAPKST AND IIEHT S •VeiB Vert .‘[clrertisrtncnftt VISBCHHH, OWI13V «*j OO.. ADVERTISING HOUSE, (APPUtON’K nuii.MNO,) Non. 310 A 3-18 Rronilwny, Near York SUCCESSORS TO W. W. GOODRICH, Whitaker St. 7n the World. havnig a Solid Futon and Metal l'a I re*: F i)ll Piiinpitig Extracts, Hot and Culil Water; nota ble for Cisterns. Wells, Factories. Mine*, Ac.— Throwing fruir. 20 to 6un galloii*|H«r minute. Ati excel- client Fire Engine for farmer* Large dim-oiiut to dealers. Agents wanted, nod Territorial right* fur sal* K. A. MAHHlIM.L.m Pearl Htieet. jyl enrm-r of Maiileii-lam-. New York I.iaiITK.*NIC\VTO.\ & BltADm ui’a 431 Uroonu-tt.. AVie 1‘otk. M ANUFA0rURF.UK of tho Patoiit Arch Wrest Tlao Pisuo Forlu*. eeh-bratvd t-.r depth. I’alliit-ai. rich- no**, tmrity. ami a peculiar dinging -tnnlity j| their tone, tor wlih-li they lu»vo recoived tho highett encomium* Irom the greatest iniiabal celebrities of the coiiutiv; aud in every fair, when brought ill competition Willi other iusti iimnut*, linvu obtained the hlglu-Ht premium The Patent Arch Wrest Plank, which is owned ami used only by u«. guarantee* their sumllng |, tone longer than uny other iiistrmneiit: while their uii(irererleiiled . demand lit all parts of tho country is asulhclent pro« of their sutierlor excellence. A liberal discount to rier* gyineii, Hchools and iln- tradn,S ly-ina.v37 Furniture! KEEP COOL! Sponge, Hip, otiikr Hull! Tubs; WHOUGHT IRON 11. If. CHAIRS, With CONTlNUOV!S*Llt’H, and umdo t-» fit ox ctly tho Range* of Rails, u nd L IRON, &o. T —Al.*n— Wrought Iron Solid and Compound Girder* and lleainsj of any required length. f»r Flro Proof Buildings aud Ur'dius. . .SAMVEL J. REEVES, V.Pm’t., wmyH-IBftq. 1 v No. tin W.oii'H sneet. Pliil«i!«.lpliifi »»\f To Insure safety from losses and delny*. shippors mus have every package plainly marked with unuie of cou’ signet), destination ami depot of delivery.* The Depots on this road aro— Fountain Hill. Sweetwater, Statu Line, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Loudon, Charleston, I«onoir’a,[ Ricuville, Concord Athena, ami Mouse »treck, |tCuoxvlU«.*8 A*?* To commence 1st March and cuntinu to 1st Jau’ r WM. M. WADLBY, Sup’t Central Railroad. K. FOOTE. •« M. AIV. “ J.M.HPm.LOCK, •• XV. & A. « It. C. JACKSON, '• E. T. A Ga. •• March 1st. martMt WITCHES, tfBB. SILVER WARE «t JEWELRY. S. WILMOT, CO 11.VDR OF CUXGRR8S, WHITAKER AXI) XT. •K'f./E.Y STREETS, 0 m : M,u L ,.AKOE 8TIf;K of 1UCH GOODS, at price* to BUit the time*, on harnl, und receiving by AND OT II Kit A good assortment on hand. M ASTER'S ICECREAM PKKKXKItF. togellier with WATER C.50LKRS, ICE PIT HfcR-Land many othur good tilings for tho hot weather li. O. IIEACII, Hodgson'* Block, corner Broughton aud Bull Ms. npr 11 SPRING GOODS IIUNIIY LATIlHOP .% CO., choice selection id W OULD Invito nttcntiua lo Ladies’ Spring and Summer Dress Goods, embracing tho following Received per hint btcniuor, styles: Double Skirt Rohe*,Ti*-<ue Rohes, Volant A'Quilto, iirgaudle Chintz Volant, Chint-/. Bril I mutes, French Cambrics, I'innl, striped ami Bayudoru Silks, French Calicoes, Fob-! rul'd Barege and Cri-pu MuroU, Han g.- Rohes A Qnille, Plain and rocade Bareges. “ “ U.iyadnte Black Barege*. Gold and Silver Goods of every description. no Filler Tea Bet*, Pilchers, Waiters. Gobi its. Cups. Hpmms and Foil;,, of every weight ami variety —also— Hlai-k I*»co Mantilla-*, black ami while Itarego Shawls, Dol'd ami black Silk I'aras-t**. mill fully put up in ctso-. f *r w-.d-hng a id other presents; Hold and Silver Watch Sliver Kino Set" ami siiu Clw .1 MW K LU Y, from tho rlchost diainoml to tli« olu-ap.-st plain gold. Including Cameo, Lava and Mosaic in linn ill I In.iiin..1,1 It. .11- i.. ..... ’ full s-t* und single piecest with .ilmosi every di-scriptluii of Grunmcut m-w in .. PLATED GOODS.—Plated Cako Basket*, Casiors, Tea Fats, Ico Pitcher*, nud Plated Goods of ovary CIIASGF.OF SCIIFiDl'LE, THE CHEAPEST & QUICKEST ROUTE To the North, GEORGIA RAILROAD. Change of Schedule. 0 TAKE EFFECT ON GEORGIA RAILROAD, DE- OEM BKR 3SiU, 1867. Lmtc Augusta ut 3.30, A. ftl, and 4.00 P. M. Arrive at Atl-mia at II 3'L A. ftl., ami 1.04, A. ftl I.-ive Atlanta at 13.00, A. ftl., and 10.00, A ftl. Arrive it Augusta at 8.60, A. ftl.. nud 7 00. I', ftl. S-mdiy Trains leaving Augusta at 4 P. M., and Allan* ti.l3A.ftl. disciiiitlniied. (Tho 230 A.ftl. train from Aaja-u c-miiect* through to Memphis.) c-'ft’.vr.or with south i-arouxa railroad. Arrive at Aag ist.iat 1.00, A. M., ami 2 30. P. M. L-sv-- Augusta at 10.UO, A. ftl., and 8.U5, P. ftl. W I.'TIIKN ANU ATLANTIC HAILHOAU. Ai.-v- at Atlanta at 11.22, P. ftl., and 9 33, A. M. L-e- Atlanta at 1.4ft. A. ftl.. ami 1230, P. ftl. ATLINTA AND WEST POINT RAILROAD. Arrive at Atlanta at In.13. P. ftl., ami 9 27, A. M Lsava Atlanta at 3.00 A. ftl.,ami 1 uo, P. M. MACON AND WESTI.UN RAILROAD. Arri eat Atlanta at 9.16 A. ftl, and 0.05 P. ftl. Leave Atluntt at 10.39 A. ftl., uml 12 00 Night. ATHENS URANCH—SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. L-svw Augusta at 2.30 - Ight. L ive Atlanta at 1209 Night. Arrive at Athens at 10 39 Day. I.*i»e Allien* at I2.DU NUlit Arrive at Augusta at.. 9.H«- 'Inriiing. Arrive at Atlanta at 11.34 ftLiriiing. Uv-IIIXOT-IN BRANCH— DAILY TRAINS—SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. L-isv.- Augusta at 2 39 Night. L- sve Atlanta at 12 00 Night. Arrive at 55'nsldnuton at 7.35 ftloriinig. on 'Lindav« an Extra Train loaves Wastun^loii at I 46 evening, ami cniiovcts witli the ll rwo Diy Passi-ng'-r Lain Fr-mi Atlanta, ami returning to \Y.ishingtuu at 5 46 Evening. WlHKKNTON IIIIANCH—SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leave Align*ia a 4 on Evening l>wo Atlanta at ln.oo MoruiiiK Arrive at Warrcntoli at 8. 1 *) Evening. L-avo 5 arrenton ut 3.3a Evening. Amvftut ft'UUsU at 7 AW Evening Arrive .it Atlanta at 1.00 Night. K-lft-ly GK< iRGK V«MJXO K. Gen. Fup't TWI.Otil A. wiamt' Win Charleston AND THU N 0 UTH- R A ST U UN HAIL-ROAD THROUGH ARRANGEMENT PROM SAVANNAH TO WILMINGTON', N. C On uml after FUND A V, JANUARY lOtli, 1858, rx ora supraxixoxt STEAMER GORDON, F. DARDEN, Co in m u n iter, Will leave Favu'itiali every SUNDAY ami WEDNK3 DAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, and urrlvo in Cliarles- ton the following morning* in time to connect with till Train ot the North*Eastern Rail Itmil </-n'/i;7 Xarlh. Bcturiiing. will leave* every Monday uml Friday Night, at 8 o’nl-ick, (alter tho arrival of the cars from Wilmington,) aud arrlvo in Savannah early thc followiug morning*. Traveller*bound fir tho North, for North Uarellna. -w for tin* northern part of South Carol Sun, by taking till* dll *avo time .\:tn expense, und will gain a uigla’u sleep mgh Tickets from Favanttiih to VViitnlnoloii,'$ll No extra cnarge for moals or huithson board of the steiiner. P.»**-ii«or* and tlielr Baggage transfevro-1 from the steaim-r to I he car*. Jreeaf clutriir.. Baggageclieck*'il from .Savannah to ftVilmington. For ongaaeim-iit* apply to J. P. BROOKS, Agent. Jan 7 _ Oh-irb.*t..n ki.-an.-Packot ftVlmrl. F.X''IIHM*~NS To Cli.\HLi>'iON.—Until further notice. Passengers will he taken toCharln-ton nml hack, the *nme -<r Iho succeeding trip, for ono fore ol Hi. may 2 i i-^GHEAT REDUCTION OF FARE Allunla & West Point Kailrotul *gi‘' < to Wat Point, 67 mile*, Fare. $3 50. QEOltGE G. HULL, Superintendent. MOHNIXO PASSEN'OEIt TRAINS L*av*» Atlanta, daily ut 2 00 A. M. Arrive* *■ ft\V*t Point, at * 7 28 do Leave, West Point, daily at 4 00 do Arrive* at Atlanta, at .7 00 do EVKNINO PASSENGER TRAIN. Laves Atlanta, daily at 1 00 P. ftl Arrive* ut ftVeat Point, at 0 28 do L-sv •* Weal Point, dully ut 4 30 do Arrive, ,,t Atlanta,at 10 IS do CiJ* This connects, each way, with tho Montgom try « ftftVst Point Railroad. Jsc 28 t'rr.igius from Savannah TUSCUMBIA AND MEMPHIS, I Siijioi-luteinteiitM Umoii C. li. U< Favannaii.Ga ,4th April, 1867. J rllllE Undersigned tin* huun lufwmed by letter re R. reived tlii* morning,from tlioUnuoriU Fiiparititend vih ol trio Meinplii* A Charleston . ail lload, that tl^e Ksst-i n alid Western division* of tnut lload woro to bo 1-iiie.j „|, tha 37lh ultimo, and that trams would run tHr xigh regularly on the 29th. Throng rate of Freight from Savannah to Tuscumhln. I Memphis. First Cla**. \ $1 38 $1 06 8-o.u.| Ho. | 1 (ID I 1 34 Tlnr-I uo, j K7 * l o0 Bj'-cial rate for Froljht Goods, j 2 70 | 3 10 CLAHSirtOATION. lit Class.—Piano Fortes, Book* and Stationery. Hoots, Siloes, Hilts, Liquors, Oils, f*c., in Lotties, Camphene and Spts. Turpentine in barrels, Carpet ing.Cliiim.Glassand GIu-h ware, Sega is, Iu cases.Clucks, Confectionery,Cotton ttarda, Cutlery In cases, casks and boxes, Dry floods in boxes and bales. Drugs, Fruits, Fruit Trees and Shrubbery, Furs, Garden Feed*, Looking Glasses mid Looking Glass Plato, tit owner's risk. Nutsinfntils. wvsters in cam and iar>, Bablb-rj, Tin and Britannia Ware, Tea mi l Fnlcefc per 10H |l>* Id 'CIms.—Hardware (exc«nt in Ut and 3d Classes.) (VI fee >1111*, Machinery.Foreign Liquors In bid and pipe*, Tobacco in boxes. Leather In roll an-l boxes,Oil* In Uhls. nt„ft casks. Crockery ami Q.mensware in crates and cask*. Bice, Whiting Plaster, fclieot Brass ami Coppei 3rd Class.—Axes,Shovels, Spa-Ins, Sad-Iron*,*/dne^and Tin iu pigs, Tin Plate. Anvils, Vices,Carrinse Springs and Axles, Casks nf Chains St Hoes, Manilla and Cotton Cordage, I'olfen, Heavy Castings, Mill Gearing and Mill Stones, BnII Road Wheels uml Axles, Chairs nml Spike*. and lloslti in Mil* per 100 lbs, Special Rates for Light Onods.—Furniture and Carriagei *bnted, and other light article* not onnnieraU f-d, also,('arhoys of Adds.and oilier Clioml. 2:a1s, will betaken at actnnl weight, lot charged at double 1st Clns* rule*,..per 100 lbs WM. M. WADLBY. spr d—tf flen’l Hnp’t 0. It. II. Sout! (Mipfo/i, Havre and Hre men. Pir«(c thill. $80 •mil eiiliin 60 X3XT3EXOI*Ii!. Steel I,g. Ill 111. 7b ,V/«i York from South uinpton, Havre or lire- nun $10" State 1 /.... Flint rn'-ln Second lift St-er.ige 4n tl**i e|n*s puddle wheel *u-uuialiil> ARIEL,2,01 hi D l.mlh'w. nml NOHTII STAR. 2. . l-Mward-'avemly, command r. to sail I nun |d- ■ >■ th river, ut noon precisely, cuiryiug the Unin-d .ail. vi».: •V.ip Y»rk f>r Breni*nfor Southampton Suuthamjn Sonthaiiipti or /trem.-n. ft riel. F:H hi day, March 30. N«*nli Star, ••' April 17. Ariel. “ May lft. N Ft .r, “ June id. These >team*blp* 'onrli t ll tvre. Fpncicdelivered in l/ondoii nr Paris. For passage <»- freight.apply Iu i>. TGIIUANCE. Agent, mar 1 hno No X ll-.w IliigGi-e.-n. V.-w V rk. April 17. May 1ft June 12, July iVut> I'orlt. April 21. May 19. June 1 it. July 14. kind. KPRCTAHIiRH-lii Gold. Silver nml Ft eel Frames, with Pebldo uml other Fight* FANCY 4400DS.—Utdi and bountiful Parian Vas-sniid Mutn-its. nml Fancy U„\|*. in creat nulefe Tortolio Fhdi ami oilu r COMUv ,.f latest styles, with a great vaGeiyi.f Head Ornament* ^ Cltir.ousof city und '-mmtry are invito ! to examiue the stock, which will he miM at price* much lowor than usual. Wiitchos, Clocks and Jewelry promptly REPAIRED by workmen of skill and lengcxncrience ipr C. tf WII1TK UODD.S, Tn llrlUiniite*, Nan-o-'k*. am) Mull* Plain nml figM Swiss ftio-lln*, Fluid and striped G.imhrlcs, Plain and printed PiquaCloth*. rmi.Ditkn’s auous.ui Misses' Talmas, Boys’ Fpeiicei*. ** Pi mi ton-*, llaglaii*,Dre«*(-M, Ac.] nml Short Black Net ftlitt* and Glove*, J Julies’, Gent earn! Bov's Lisle Thread “ •• " Gutr/.o .Merino Shirt*, Mis* s’nml Roy'* •• " " mar lf» CHANGE OFSCJd E1) U LJj; New York ancl Savannah. INLAND ROUTE For Palatka E. F. VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. FERNAN* DINA, JACKSONVILLE, AND P l C O L A T A . Stopping at all Internwiinte Bantling*. To leave, from the (Vi arlt if on St aim Packet wharf every ’ WEDXESDA >' MOllMXU at PJ o'clock. The new ami spl.-mli.l steatuvr KV EBOLA BE. (’apt. L M. Coxeter, ill leuvo this city a* above. •i lius (Jl- A nest passeii- dutioii* of any in tho •Nmtlicrii wat- r.1, ami conin'cls regularly with th" sittgeti for tho IntanoT of Florid v, aW<» with the Bruns «HU A Florida-and ForuamUoa Ac. <\mu Ke.vs Kail, road*. Belurning will •-••um-ct at Favatiuali with tiro Ci-nfral llsdroid. ami New York stemm-i*. fieiglu t-. III” Agents of this steamer will Ih- re-shippwd line of cli.vr,;e. For froigiu or pusvago ap ply cn board, or to JOHN 0 FRAFER, Ai No 74 Bat i- f. CxMITKl) (STATES mail. For Palatka jE. C. VIA DA It I EX. HREXSWIFK, ST. MARYS, FERXAXD/XA. JACK SOX ViLLE, AX D PICO BATA. rnp* Th" splendid now Iron Htoaiuer PT. MARYF, Lapt.Ja*. Fieeborn,having men thoroughly pilnied and over- hauled, will commence her regular lie ainive place*- leaving the Florida '•team barf on Monday uio.uiug. April 0th, itl >'clnck, uml eoitmun to leav.. «very Mombiy moruiug at the Haui" hour. F*»r Height or passage apply on hoard, or to ULAGIDHIN A CUNNINGIIAftf, inn"') Agent*. Aj'nh’kd states .mail. For Palatka, E. F., Via Darien, IIrun*wick, St. Mary'*, Fcrnnndina, J'ickmniville, Piet Jala and Middle bury. Stoninsliii) ALABAMA, eZotu&ZSUvexJM* | ]iisl'";>t lias heel, bllilt ( Xpre.ssl) I 1 for this roiite.ami having extensive ami airy Plato It'emi j b. It. SVIll.NrK, Cniiiiimiicirr, The American Atlantic Screw Slcnmsliip COMPAWY. IT11K NBftV ANI) KLR0ANT PTBAMPH1P8 IlUJV’l’JiVIIjI/K, Capt. Robert Hanlio, AIUA'l'KOMBRY " Frederick Crocker ftft'dl foini a weekly Mm* between Savannah ami New York. I»nvingea< h port every SATURDAY. I'll.-*" Ptelliin-r*. l.hlV) t( it4 each, have elegant MCC'Mi) ino'la'lons for l’i--veii-ei*. and b.-tng of gre.ii rllength ami -p"« d, shippers can rely on th" gieatest dispatch to Froight. For further partlenlai*. applv to BIUGIIAM, IMLDUtN ft CD., Fnvanu ih. Georgia, or to H. II. CROMWELL *s fit., npr 0 tf^ 131 ftft a*nlii :toM a,r. -t. New ft'ork. Fare J-yfediicecl! FOR NEW YORK. Satnrdui/ at 8) o'clock, A. M. '■A a - . .!'■ oi7 o Cabin, : 820. U Sicerngc, 80. FOR HAVANA KI5Y WEST AND CALIFORNIA. mi£ Steamship ISABEL, NVILI.IAM HOLLINS, COMMANHUR, Having Just been entirely overhauled and put in splendid order, refitted with now boiler*, and double air tight hulk heads, forward ami aft, making lioroucot tho most desirable Rteamors fnraafety. apeod und com fort, will n-ave Savannah for Havana via Key West, on tlm 4th and 19th, nml 1«avo Havana «or Savannah via Key ftft'e.t.nn Hie lothiind 2*i tli of each monili. Th- ISABEL connects, ut Havana, with thoU.8 Mail Steam-hip Company's Lino ofStcuuiorn, far New Orleans nud Fan Francisco. For p'lHsagu only, apply to •1.-.-1S COHENS & HERTZ. FOR NEW YORK. Fastest Line! 1 FARE REDUCED: ,/ Cabin Passage 8201 TwfFT^feight lower than by any il-'/B othercteaniersl PIN” per foot, l-'GR ALL KINDS » *’?‘fflsSS* 0 * M B'A B U U K ft! K N T .Vv V^ivir^aooiis. Light Barrels 37}$ cents each, rind other articles in proportion The splendid ami commodious *ldu wheel Stonin' rs AUGU«T \, I 690 tons Oajit. M. S. Woodhnll FLMBIBA, t.3'W “ •* Isaac Growell. ALABAMA 1.3(10 •« « Geo.ll.Sclu-nck. And drat class I’rapelW .. STAR OF THE SOUTH. l.l'.'O toii*...Cupt. Tlio’s Lyon. These steamship* belong to the old fitaldlshod and favorite line, known as the ‘ Now ft’ork ami Havanmih Steam Navigati'iad'oinpiiiiy," and iu comfort, Accommo dation* and farer cannot he excelleit. 'I hey are com- iirindn>l by experienced, skilful, careful and pilite ufllcer*. l'ADELFOKl), FAY A CO, Agents, Savannah. HAftl’L L. ft! ITCH ILL * PON. may 1 tf Agent*. New ft’ork. NOTICE. st:- C R A W FORD’S MERCHANT “SITOA” MILLS FLOUR Unequalml by any Mill* In Georgia for Superior Bread-stuffs. (JJIITOA MILM DOUBLE EXTRA HOTEL FLOUR, do do Snperflno Milla do do do Fine do do No. 3 l*«.k do, do, do, ik'ltclCoru Meat, Grit* and Short*. Kocolvod pot “ roud, and constantly for unis by CONNERAT. WEBSTER £ PALMK8, Agent* for Orawford’a flltos Mill* , Customer*, Baker* aud Flour Hosiers are invltei jo mstt* comparison, and for tlm riclie*t artb-le of bread ,,M> " w *' l ' t flavor of clean pure grain, nml Is mo* ii. 11 ! v .. "lainifoctiirod by the best mocnlnnrr. mu fllfla Extra Hotel Fhntr *"nt15 f| x “'‘lIUlflnHBfJ BOXES RAISINB/Vn 'r *Wi, lw| f n H d quarter boxei, Layers and Mala* for ulu low ut BAKRON'S FAMILY QROOBBFj Th" splendid propellers HUNTSVILLE and .MONT- .UUftIKHY. will form a week* oy line betwccii New ft'ork and Savanmdi. leaving «•»( h ?imrt every SatuiiiisT. tin and •mMay 1st 1868, Freight *'York, will Us taken at •yjthsot the present laritr, or customary rnter. api-21 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN fc CO. from No' accommodation, offers superior inducement* to invalid# and others; apply on board at the Florida Fteuin Packet wburl.or to marl!) CLAGlIOItN A CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. FOR CHARLESTON,^. C. The new ami splendid Iron Meunior '. ftlAltYF, p«pi. James Fre. b'.i-Ii. ill leave f"i Cnarh'sioii, on Thills* •nlng, Apiil 3d, at 9o’elo*k, _ ... . iImi—ioleave ••vi-ryTliur-dly -in-re"lt«r. Ii'-iiniiieg, she will leave Charleston every Sunday Morning, in 9 o'clock. For In-ight or pus-age iitplv ■ n board, at .h" Florida Steam Packet wharf, or to limr 30 CL VOILHtN A CUNNINGHAM. Ag't*. I The new slid splendid (u-t goiod-t'-iim-liip ALABAMA, ! G. It hch'-m-k.commandcr," ill ailcnv above. For freight ; or Pan.-age, apply lo ! I'ADEI.Fflltn, FAV A CO. | N. II —Phlpper- of 0.,| ion by lhe»e„t, tuners will picas* I take not ire, that no Cotton will be received at the pmtiia ihatis not distinctly marked on the eilgi-of tlm bale. 8jj’ llertiis not*<-eiired until paid for. i'ADLLI-'OltD.KAY .V CO., Agents. I ftp. Freight from N( w ft’ork at •?,'cu-t»inary, uml as ’ as hv iinv oilu r it'ann-c toeatxtrxao xjimx New York Auction Sales. 7 1’IEf'KS llaml*"in« Foulard Silks Flounced It u>-gc* do d-> d-», double -klrtS do do da. eblu oil I'lintcd °i-gamlie Mn-lii.s do Jneonet do 60 dozen Dsma-k Dov h-s 60 d i Lm-ti Towel* 5 pieces Table Damask, all linen. For sale at the •►t juice* by DeftVITT A MfiRGAN. Plantation 20.0R0.,'.'ir-’ li-.otrtt yard# hoivy whlto Osn il-urgsj 6.09.1 do licht it-* do :i()9H do Hickory Mri| es 6,91' do Marlboro do 10.--90 do tleav) brown Whirling n 3Dt'9 do do wide do 290 do/.'-ii Head llandkeicbiefs 1 i.0'1 lb* Flax To• cud fP" ft"ll gross Buttons 6HM0 Stout Neoulc*. For *alo at Urn lowest prices, br npr7 SKVITr. LATIllUH* A HOOKUP^ Hi;\I)IUKS. S UGARS.— |f> bli-lv clinics I'orto ltlco and Lonslana SO d» fair do do do 29 do prime Culm 75 Lids Plti-vrl'st*rasli*i1 nti l Ground 9) do A. II nml Clarilb'd ft-) d-> Baltbnoio ft’* How, 0 Clarified. MOLASSES.— 29 It lids. 10 tl.-rce*. nud 100 bbD Culm 7ft Iddsr.boico New Orlrund BACON -60 hbds prime Sides 2'l do do Plmulilurs lo llore* olink-e siiaa> cured Hums. LARD—10 I'Ll* ii n-1 B'O k-gs prime I eaf. For sain by npr Si**MNTON .v JOtlNFTiW. 1 ftl UllOVUl) ICE mm A. J. MILLER & CO’S 141 BnoUCtHTOKT-BT. SA VAX'S All, U A. NEW FURNITURE **f ad kind": COFFINS, 8tO. CnUitantly on hum! id*", n huge iiM.>rtiueiil of LOOKING GLASSES. tb- New Work mu.!" t-« oid-r ut tlm xbortcht notice. U*). Maltre*vi-*. Jobbing.and /*7.7.//.I .VG7.VG' dono •n at- m *tvie. with iirspalch. ly jmi II) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. H. I’. lJKliUAAF, 'll Ilotrerg, ( Wind. *',!■■ Wart- Donee,) anil 404 Pen, It, fait Store.) JNT Id IV YORK itv- RllN or 89.1 nt Wholesale Pi lcea.-s* llOSEWt )()l). MAHOGANY & BLACK WALNUT, 1‘All LOR FURNITURE, In Brogat. iie, Dt-luinw uud I'litxli. Cmiio Fist aud Com* limn Furniture ii* great varb-ly. Al-<>. ENAMELED CHAM BKR Fl’IlNITUllK, In Elds fri'in $22 to $1(10. Spring, ('nrdt d Hair, Mon* and Whulcbona MATTRASSES, Also, Feather lied* and (teddies. Patent Premium Sofa Bu'lsleml*, and Patent feelMtnckiug Cradles. Dealers will Dud at the above eture* the largest anil best n-Kiitmeiit of any e*lul-li*huietit iu New ft'uilt, and can boy cither at wlndesaleor re'uil cbt-Hts-Mban ntiiuv other bouse in In-city. V 2m—a|>r 15 ICE! ICE!! Kiiick, rimcker Icet’oinpsny.of the City of New Jl ft’-if*. having |-i-plenilli«.l tbt-ir Slock of li-e, otfei guxs, ■gu: p r ' ll.ft'K lii-ina-cas Steel Double Guns Fill" I.nim-imtt-d " “ " Steel Twist “ “ aiworted Ptub *• Single Guns, assorted " " Dmikloaml singleGmis, forb. ys Double and Pinglo Common Guns, low priou*. Also, Sporting Article*, suitable t < the season. N.JI.—A few Bm kiim D.uil-le Gun*, f-r►aK-l.<w. TAltr^AITLINCi- DONE WITH DISPATCH, by LOVKLl. U LATTIMOR R, 13 Barnard street Hie most favi-ruble to tLc Hade tin-m-elves with Ice of u superior quality, nml on the tno*t reAs-.liHlde tcitn*. ’ibis r..uipiiiiy Hloiienrp veiling »l*e BccUand l.ska lee. w hii-li, lot solidity ui,d j urily i* iiiiirerMilly a- nill* -d to bs Ur sitpeiior to any utter l*r shipping pit I pose". In "XperJi-tii-.e Hill flicllitie* Ibr ColldOiMI'g IlIsllJeMI ibis I'otupany have un rivals, nml iliey re-perlInlly »ng* jest to dealers, ti nt they will find it lUigidv to tln-lr n.V vimtakO to older their supply tluo04.l1 the Kidrl.eil. «k- -r Cumpnny. No charge for w Inn fage to vessels lying at : he Coin pud)‘h pier*, whilst inking in rntgo. Tlio greatest piomptltiiil" ami dlsjmtih given to or* dars, which may li# forwarded to It. T. Coftl PT'iN, Ksq., Pri-sbleiii of il-u Ktdckuckc-t Ice I'cmpau). 432 Canal st., Now York. V—3m» mar 22 dec 16 For Salo 2.390 AOKKt OF MY a Ml* AND PINK LAND, ^Weivr JvlT. rmmt »n, Camden county, id,A also ^ueur the Big S'Dill" Itiver, iu ami on Bull Head „ Swamp, known tor forty years as Iho U"idoti Tli" swamp laud is about l 2"9 ncr* s, and nvailaid" as r*i qusliiy cotton.cot 11 uml rice lands. The pine laud of th" best fur limber or turpentine. Terms easy. Apply to jaiil'2 TISGN A GGItBOV. Till-) BROOKLYN White Lead Co. ICSTAVlf.&MI J'»l) 182ft, Tills Company cotitihiies to niamifneiuru their superier PGIIISI Him LEAD, Being otto (>f tlm oldest ment*iu tli« country called * Private Sale. Tlio well Known Pl.mlatioi Mi ■uiit Hopo, situated in Bryan coiitainiiiu about 4..‘9 uacre-. I.t>90 a under c. 1l1iv.ili,*n. Th- It-Uli m laud md is vvellcalculate-l for'In-ciiliiviitioii ot can", •n-oui. I-wdi settled having a line liweiiing Hons". OversM'v’* House. Barns, • rib*, fee., uml aic.-tn* iiiodati ui more than 200 m gio*. For terms apply lo R .1. Arnold, Bryan county. Tho Albuny it Gulf Railroad runs near I lie tract. FOR SAI.E A Viiliialdo Plantation in Bryan county, ran ,‘alnlng 729 acres of l.uml, 4'niof wl,h h I* under 'elice ami ill cillllVUli"M, *:• • atnil oil till' ftlidwuy Itiver, about seven mil"* ii urn tue Albany A* Gull On the pn'iiil""H an* all tlio necessary Im Mings •or )dviitatiou purposes, ami a roiufort.ihlo Dwelling IlouD'J and JNo S M'»NI'»lOI.|.IN. FIFTY DOLLARS RKWAIID- ftVill b" paid for tli" recovery of my m-gm man WILLIAM for Billy ft who runaway about the middlo ot lust y-ar. lie is "f u dark mulatto complexion, about-lx f'-e>.or a little i pward. in height, atom built, weighs about fuiihumlivd lound*. nndl* about ihiityflvo years • f age llo in a urh-Uluyi-r and plastrrei bv tin 1e,rea-ls well, mid some 'inn * dincmiivos a* a iiieiirlier Ho I- palitu when accost ■•I nud rather graii-iil'H|ueut in speech. As ho has a wife nml '-hi! Ir"i» In Siivaiiiitih. 111:11 ltd to believe that t" is lurking ah ml that "ity (>r it- neighborhood. The •hove reward will lie paid tor Ids apprulmnsiou and do- iv-ry, or rontlnmiieiit in some jail that I tii.iv g'-l liim ig'dli. Address NIGlIilLAS ftVYLIK. fehll-lhstn If W'tMhingtoit. Geo. I most i-xtcn-ivo < #lablish- u'actnriiig ftVliilc Lend, Hod l.ond, and J.illmrgi-, FROM *JHE HAW .MATERIAL. Pimlina i* of Ge-ir biaml- may r< ly on prcrnrlng Hi* genuine 111 tide, on thoum-t favotuble terms, lor cusli ir edit. Yl-.ey nr- always prepimd in » x«rnl»- vBI. ptomptiitsn dor* for tin ir varb-u- g tide* and .',u->litie ' Lead, and Zinc Paint, llcy ..... or in «bl. Bt’.-INE-S Do Front street. New ft’oiV. N. B.—Putchii-ci* rheiild I-. wmio of tho tiUUionu s b’-gna t>rnmlM which till tL- market. TALIUiTT vV LUOTUKK. SHOCKOE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS VARY STREET. RD'HMOXD, VA., M A.M'FAi II :(EI..-of Pot table Mchiii Engines, id nil *iZ' ", li.'i" 4 to to bort<e.|...w-er, on tlio iin -t it) prov.'i! plaiis, j..nticuurl.v adapted to Cel loti uud Fo g .r Plaiiiiilii'i.sniid I'Hiiuers* ii-* ueucially. Built th-.* lies! inateriH!" and woikiualisli'p, and tor Compile- lie" • uml durability, not s 1 passed by any engines m »• Also 9t«don Kiieines.of any required power, Clrcwb t Snw .Mill* complete, uml P01 tal-le (DM Mills, of very eo lurior coiiHtruciioii. Fbnfting, l'ulb-ys, be. Tobacco pr—e- andi-vv«,of, very d-scription.l'r.*- and lion fa-ting-, and ftVrougbl Iron Woik geiorallv made to order with iL*palcli. and on retm.iiablo tertiia. H...73— eodly WOOIHNU’S HORSE, UNIMENT. Rociciminui-: Ai.r.n ivater. flftllKHicsrof tli"*e celebrai.-d mineral springs I* B. now kopt ron.-tuntly on Hip market In tin* hands .f FISHER & WINSTON, DniggM*. Bichmoiul. Vii„ 1 ml A. B. KUJKLR. Lyucbburg. We Imv* entirely IlNcardi'd barrols. and ii"W vhlp tin* Water only in plait. 7n*t p-T ca-oo: 1 0 ;i-n liiilfgillo'i bollh-s; Hrely uml •urelntly p»ck -<l at tin- spring*.$t». By reiuiirltrg t«» F. 1 W.. or V<> A. It. II. ill. Hie purcli .M-r may n-lv mi tlodr •rwardinu per dir* ctions, l box ol fresh uml g<-tiuiue (ockbi'ii’go AI tint Water. I'amph.eti sent gratis on application. nprlli 2hw—:iw 4HAZIER .V RANDOLPH. JUST RECEIVED, Rest Silver Plnted /incl Ilrllnnula Accommodation Boat. wSsiaaacaaianiB m FOR PARACHUCLA EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. The now nml fast running PtiH-en* u ..r and Freight it earner JOHN G. LAWTON will leave for Paruchiida mid Intermediate Landing*, every .'Monday and Thuraday, ut 4 o’clock, r. .vi.—-luive tout "f West Broad street. N. II.—Contract* for lamlliigsHliove can be made. Tills Boat will uot break her running schedule. J. W. McALI'IX, Agent, oc27 Williamson's llnildinga. For Charleston, INLA WTJ TL OUT 33, 17.4 BRA ri’OB V «£• HU. TOX HR A V. To leave from tho Charleston .Mcniiipnrkel Wharf evory SATURDAft’A at 3 P. M. Th" new and spiendi 1 strainer F.V ERG LA DK, Cn-' L. ftl. Coxetter, will leave this city a* above. The Everglade connects regularly with the Smith Carolina ami North Eastern Railroad*. Freight consigned to Agent- will be forwarded froo ol charge. For Height or (invitUM apply <»u luuirJ or to JOHN 0. FIUSI'.R. Ag-tit. nov-17 No. 74 Bay street. OAT r^a?k; CHANG K u V S(! i 11-] I) ULE. For Blufiion, Hilton Head. Royd's Banding, Port Royal Ferry, Beaufort and Clmrlt*tau. The tiewr ami splendid Iron t learner :OECILE.C«pt F. Perk.will.on ami after ^.Mumlay, Mav loth, leave for thoahovo gfo 1 daces every MONDAY MORNING For freight or passage, apply t< J. 1». RROiiKS, i.'hnrleston w-hnrf. W* All freight must lie |mM "ti tlm wharf by the rihlpper before 11 will bo r-celpted for. ninv 4 FOR FREIGHT OR ■Tlio A 1 brig GU•‘BA PEAK, Capt. Hally. Ap CARLETUN A PARSONS. npr 2(4 FOR J.IVKfCPOOL,-Tiw*sTiip lh»N. .SUL, J. F. Hayilen. iioinier. having a largo part cargo on .»ated, will have despatch. For engage ment-, apply to T. R. it J. G. MILLS. ply 10 apr26 .^1"! liny 17 ec.'in FREIGHT OR C1VAR- “-.It— ilm t ir-t cla-H *elir LUCY It WARREN, 98 ton* biirtlum, carries 4.K-H) bu«be| N grain, or 800 bids. Hour-nearly new, and well found. Apply to U|l> - V 18 Ml MR ft J1GIN8TON. BOTA.ISTY roa YOUNG PEOPLE & COMMON SCHOOLS. H OW PLANTS GROW—A elmple introduc tion to.Structural Botany, with A POPULAR FLORAt Or *11 Arrangement and Description of Common Plant*, both w|:d uud cultivated, lllusirati-d by 600 wood nugra- viitgM; hy AnuUru.v, 51. I)., Fisher I'rofi-sior of Natural History la Hnrvard Ualrersltj Beccived by may 24 JOHN M. COOPER k 00. received p*r llcamer Huntevllle. und" by may III M H WILLIAMS. B LACK LACK lilANTILLAH.-Wo linvn rervlveil a loi of tho above good* in Black, French and Olinntilly Lace. mav9 HENRY LATIVHOP A CO. H ERRIAIO»—60 bbU Herring: for *ala bv may 11 HUNTER A GAMMELL: FOR FREIGHT OR CHART Kit — Th" A 1 but k KOilT. A. ALLEN. L'upt. Hobbio*. ftppiy to may 2ft CABLET IN A PARSONS, FUR PROVIIHCK (ik-Tlio now brig J. tf-jtt II. KENT, • apt. Reed, having most of her cargo 442 engaged, will meet with di*piitch. For light freight, apply to CARLTON *»_PARSONS. ■ FOll UOnTON— ThR pHch01 a. hiT LILI.ft’i Francis, uiaster, having Die greater portion of liar cargo otigaged, will havudbpiitch. l-Vr finight ap ply to OGDEN, M’Altlt t*. CO. FOR HOSTONL—'Tlm regular puckot bark INDIANA. Capt. River*.having n iiortlon of her cargo engaged, will have dispatch^^For freight. Kpjd^ to FOB NEW YOE'K. To Sail Saturday, May lit', at 9 "5 1. M. Tlu» American Atlantic Screw Sbamsiiip Company’* new ami fust atenuu-r ET. ri ii i s \ CAPTAIN JOHN A. PONT i*l e, Will depart Tor New Ymk mi SATURDAY, May 21). For Freigiil or l’nisigc, having nccmiiniodiitioas equal to any steuimmlpmi tlmcoiiHt. apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A 00 fahin Pas-age, $16 00 Elec luge do 0 09 may 19 FOR J1MI1LATIEI/PIIIA. X'AllF. M.J-;D Cr(JS5J) !! Only Two Nights at Sea—Through in GO to 65 Hours. Tho splendid side-wheel Steamship State of Georgia, J, J. GARVIN. Commander, Will sill a* above, and will continue to leavo each city every alternate Saturday throughout tho ncnsou. * fahin Passage $15 Ftccrng" do 6 Excursion Ticket* In and frnin Philadelphia, twhich will b«> good for iho bwwum.) 25 Through Ticket* to Xlagnxv.. 23 For freight »»r passage, apply b» mav I:: f. A GREINER & CO. Ag’t* AT W. O. PRICE’S <• STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM/* may 12 0A ItLETON A PAR’ ’jiIFOR NEW VtHIK—The schr BALKIUll, stati 1 apt. Ilortmi. will meet w-illi dispatch lor tlio almvo port Fur freight or passage apply to ilia>aft IIUNTBk ft 0AMftl ELL. jrm FOft NEW YURK -UNION LINE—The regular packet sclir. TARGET, Furman mawler, haviug the greater portion nf her cargo engaged, will lmvodespatch. For freight of 160 bales Colton, to com. pluto h«r cargo, apply to ■naygf’ OGDEN, STARR A CO. GEORGIA LIN SSWi.KTd.-Th" schr WILLI NK—NEW YORK PACK* -.,7 - LIAM SMITH, C.vpt. Fishur, will nave immi'dlal" dispatch. y lip frciKht or pusvage, having super!or uccoiniundatlons, apply lo may 23 HUH ANTON A N0IUU3. J'lT) FOR NEW YORK- I.'nfu?Tl lfth.— T^bVbe regular parbot aclitinuer TARGET, Fiirinnu, tnukler. will have quick dispatch tor Gib ubovn port. For I freight, uppl* to OGDEN, STAKK A CO. 143 Eay-Street, ICE PITCHERS, C'UtilCE PATTERNS, lft’’or Sale at Cost! * J. P. COLLINS. THE OLD DOMINION 000083 000. TUST RECEIVED direct from tlio Manufacturers, J --- another lot of tin so celeerateil CoflV®_P its, at the H iiisw Fuiiihhiiig Stole, PATENT DOUBLE-WALL JUST RECEIVED, TNROM Th* Re*l Manufacturer of Iho article in the JT Uhited .State*.'-and for sale, -as low ns the ftatno quality aro relniM In New York, at tlio Ilonae Furnish ing and Stove KstaMishtneot, Hodgsou'* Block, coruor Broughton and BuH-sliecls. ifd~ The attention of purchaser Is solicited. K. C. BEACH. ANOTHER L'»T OF T11K GENUINE “OLD DOMINION" THE BEST AND CIIEIPEST. WINK OF WILD CHERRY. T HIS delldnii* wine possesses nil the prnpertlo* of tho wild rhi-rry. and I* rio-oiumemleii an a most ngret-ahlu tonic uud stimulant, especially adapted COFFER POTS, UPl' Received nt the House Furnishing Establish- J L - iio-iit, Hodgsou's Block, corner Uronglitoii and Bull sweet*. K. U. BEACH, nuiy 20 tr dyspeptic*, and those predispoced-to piilmoi.nry com- TN' plaints. For salo by THOMAS M. TURNER. B? plaints.' For sale by nnyU Corner Bri ghten nud Bernard st*. LOU R AND IlOPK—To arrive: 300 bbl* Ex tra Flour, aud LOO c.-ils Hope, for salo by mayft E. RATCLIFF. GRAHAM'S i’llHM18TRV, I N LEMENTS of inorganic Clnmistry, lie-liuHne th* iipplicnliuii'if th" Si-Ienco to th* Art*: hy Thomiw iruli 'til F II S, (< lit.«l l>y Br* Watt* and Riblg"*. A1—1 I. Rloxam'a Hand Ho-'it of Chciniotry; edllcd bj Dr Hoffman. r-n tho KIT-tIn of riinial" on Tnlieroii* DIm aso. farkoii on Materia Medn-a and Phiirmaey, Bowman’* liitra-bi'-llon to Pructkul Cheii'iHtry. Bowimm’* I'rnciii-al Hand ll/...k of Mt-db-nl t.'ln-iniwtry. Hi'insii 1 fi-t'»'-,;?v in it- r- lalIon todeM-iipliv* Aniito- ay. I’liy-i'ilngy and Pathology, with upward* of 4c0 tlvs, trrvti* iih. WIIm.m on Bise-iee*. f |l,e FUu-lth .dltloti. Plato- illnsInMvn af Disiau.'t.—colored. Abbo tsford •••IHiuii of the VYnveily Novels, in 12 vol.r, villi engraving*. st.r'ON '!(•(•: Powell'* p,a*feet F"iniul** v and Pby-ieinn’ii Mi-nnsl— po ltet bii'klonn. W. THORNE WILLIAMS. «i" j-’aoa NOTICE. r HTHK Bnhscrlhcr Laving been legally rouslltiitrd •1 (*»«*•—v in firl, by Robert Piles, of Glynn county, to sell, or otherwise dl-pi.-e, that track of land. iiovvn us N". 2I‘>, loth DiHtriri. 4tli Section: 01 b-imiliy WalHer, nmv I lade county. All IntcitBtud will take no tice accordingly EDWIN RATfl.lFF. wrl for otic Tho Lifaytto paper* will p|e< iii-mlli. and orward Idll lo tlii- ottb-e. liFNDRIKS IN STORK— 126 hale* Nerthron liny, lt8io Im- Oat-, pm boxes Adamantine Candle*, 49 Md* Red I lied W hlski-V. f.t> Lb'* Di'tiieMic Gin and Bruudy, 19 Idds Vim gar, 30 Irh Stiirnr. 35 hid* M"hik-e* .Ir. In store and I miv.ft __ EDWIN RATCLIFF. ^I’MmiEh LA.ft'DIKG- 3 •" litnls Hides. ' Mioiildi'ts, An UitaUible Remedy for Swinnr.y, Swelling, lnjlumuti*n and Rhtumatim.i FBTH1S LINIMENT will cura the Hwiuiiey In hoi>-i il. wUh'iiit fail in its worst stage. All persons siimi < Imv* it a-tli'-te him many iinu liorkcs luiued for t •» want ofiniiiiiHliate rcli'-f. DIP.EfTIONH l I’oiir out ami rub well nitb tlm band tlio afllictcJ p*<i until il Inn hath" horso H.ivc-relv.andli t hour* or niur*. then apply ii ni>ain in tho sum" «•> then mb a littlo oil, -r wa«h with CusttUFuap nud wj>-. . If not relieved, apply In tb* saiu* inuniii-r. Tlm boi-. can be can d in ten da- s, or #oou,-r. I'lepuredaii'l *"ld by John w. Wooding, auici-icus,u* 0*J’ IMeo One Dollar per Bullle dn.Vvrl , HENRY ESLEE & CO. At their Steam Engine and Boiler Work*, Atlantic Diet, t, OROOKLYN. NEW YORK Are now prepared for STATIONARY, RIVER AND MARINE K'N GINES Ot every description. Btigur Mill*. Mill Works, an t ttluing Machinery. AIho all kinds dt High and Low Pr-esuro Boiler*. Tin* Subscriber, agent in Savannah for Ihe nln.vs Work*, will receive orders f ir all kinds of Marlilnvrv Holms n»w m» Lund several small I'orlaldo V.liglncs sui l vt'l* for Piawtor*' use, also, on* lft hor«-power Eni;i>o which Lo will s«ll on ae.coiiiiiicdating D-riii*. H* H. LINft'lLl.K. Marbitilst.St. Julian Inly 4:: (»ne..noirevrekt of the Market* EIS'S/ Q008Bs SCHKVHN HOUSE. By J. B. Foley, Corner of Bull and Congress Sts.. Savaunah. ’i’liiaNew lillTEL,fiirulHbi-il through* out in the most elki.avtstyle, is now opened and w ill be kept as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE. r snip low by In hhi* La 19 1 M Im ‘••ap. do Tallow Caudles, (’•- & 8* 22ft bah-# ptiuiu Nortbetti Hay. Landing nml for ulchy EDWIN BAit’LlFF. PRESERVE YOFR FRl'lT. ' A BTIIL-’S PATENT Fit IDT CANS AND JARS— iho only genuhiu nrticl" for preserving fruit t lie year round, tor #ule at No*. 156 and 1ft7 llroiigli'oti may Pi MOB BE fv FAY.__ ' AT HALF PRICK. LOT of l.'bildreii’* Pinaloi. s, Ii •>*' Itaghuid .Shirt*, to do*" tlieill out. For -ale by may 10 U».WITT At MORGAN. NEW MAV HI TTKU. SO TUB - ch'iire new Muy Bui ter, landing per . __ steamer, and for *alc by may 12 SCRANTON A NOBKIH. AMIN H1UE8.—id hitds prime Bacon Sides, landiug per steainsbip State of Georgia, and for - tlCII 1 VTHV M. vnlllMU ale hy may 12 SCRANTON fit NORRIS. NEW GOOD*. J UST RECEIVED— Black i'oulntd Silk Robes Black Crape Bn eges Plain Bluuk Baicgea bwi## Mulls and la.:on"t MuaUus Mc.rBu CnUwrs Tucked Cambric ^IrtB White Bonnet Cord Whlto Tarleion Sleel Extension Skirts, Ac. msvR HEN lift' HTIOtOP k ( 0. J bST BEUtlVEH I.Y 8TOIIK- 160 lihd* Sides aud Shoulder# und Hums, No, 1 l’reiiviuh Guano, 5') boxes choice Grd Coffee, 2ft cask Edinburg Ale, |no boxes of No. 1 and Family Soap, 60 do Soda do do 2ft do Toilet do C(Ki sack* Extra Family Flour, )00 bid# NO. Sugar Home Syrup, 2ft hbds Mala*#'-*. 600 liag- Turka Diaml Salt, 200 boxes Adamantine Cundb #, 100 do Half do do loti sack* Bio Coffee. For sale b.v my5 • M U WU.UAM9._ TO CAKPKNTUIS. A PAIR OF FOLDING DGGltS. »i larje size, norm- ern mad", and but |llttle nw.1—wiBl be s.dd'low. Applv at Oil*•• flic* Ian 27 C VONC'ENTRATISD PREPARA TIONS J RESINGIOS OH OLEG RESINS. ' Anclcpii', | Saiigumariu, llydrastin, I Ben*, in. l.eptandli-1, I SniteH iriu , l'oduphylhn, | Hv'Bw^vw, Xanlli'ix.vliii. A supply of tbs above prcpar.ilIons, iiianitractiirrd by Tillman A Co., n ceivod and f»r rnl" by THOMAS M. TURNER. may 12 Corner nrmivhtnn and Barnard street*. H AY.—125 bale* North River Hay, to arrive per bark U A Allen; fur sal* hy may 11 HUNTER ft GAMMKLL. B LACKSMITH'S COAL.-r-ftt) ton# suporior BYscknuilh'# Coal: for sale bv may 11 1IL.MEU St UAMMLLL. MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, CKOIUIIA. The Hnn*e ha- been newly re*ur ranged and refitted. R. MELDRIM, Proprietor, inn 4 (hno l'isk ffc liaymond'.s Late Improved ffiTAUGMIBULCM . BOG AUDI'S, Conit Hon*" squ-re. SAFES! Tlio subscriber, Agents of the Manufacturer, for Hie sale of Lillie's Patent Chilled-Iron BUBOLAiT h dFIRK-PROOK SAFES secur'd with Lillie’* Pa tent I'* iw lor—Proof Com binatld) Bank Lock. Tno-n bah* and Locks stand unequalled in buffliog tbe skill of tbe hutglar and tiie arp'icath ti of file. Persons wishlnK to purchase a fsf* which is. in *11 re spects, what th" term ifjpHe*,»re respictfiilly requested to call and examine our SAFES, at lft6aud 167 Brough* t..n stiret. Savaunah, before puichaGng elsewhere. Wa thlnu »>nr Salve need only to l»o seen to he -ppredated. ma. 20 M-MtSK k FAY. NOTICE. I WOULD Inform my friend* ami tha nubile that I have ojieued.on tho rnor of Prha aud York streets, h *hop wheto I will attend to Hr* .Manulticturo of Tin Warn, Tin Roofing, nnd all other eork connected *“ltU the biinim-M 1 . AU order* promptly nltcnded tt „n"l4—tf GKO. B* WREDON. 50 bbls. 95 per ct. 1 <a*f JUST IIKCE1VKII IIV HOSS «& CO., 3fl Whitaker street. Heidsick Champagne. s* BASKETS Heidsick C-nnmpague, iu piuts and J ' -“*■-*■“ apr •» FOR MAV. I ESLIK’S Mngaziii". fur Mn>. A Graham'* Ludios' Bonk, fei May. Godey’s do do do. Arthur’s Magarme, Pi'l(r«ni’i de, Ballou*• Dollar Monthly, Nick Nux. . «"■ Mr*. Ktephotis’ Magnziue, do. Household Words, J. R. CUUllF.DQE, A west, s^ 21 J Bull strset, op| oeil* Soiwrsa lie use. do.