The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 28, 1858, Image 1

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• •' . • v. • wr • MmvMimn VOLUME LVII. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY ‘28. 1858. NUMBER bi» CENTRAL RAILROAD. Now Arrangement. O V tn I after Sunday. |Vl»»Wury 2l«t. the I’Rss.mgtr rmiix \d ill*** Hoad will b**run a* l'* d low*: KT'VII* *»V AXNaII tun w AC."* !*avttill til 1.1*1 A M a I!. *1 IK) I* M Arrive In'I'•••»" 104’ia M.nml 2.30 * m. i^nvr *1 icon #.*•*» a.h. am* 1. an r u. U nv. iii *avann’h .. - 7.1-*P, m «. M. IITIVIIH * AV AND All 1*0 Al'OI'ST*. t,#*ve‘nvnlinnll MS A M. mill 1 1.16 A. M. \rn*re ill Augusta I) A. M. mill T P. M t, M ve "UMinn - a. M.aiuia.-U* p. M. \rriTO in Savannah « MU. m. nml 10 66 r.n. RKTWKKM tUWIM AN11 APlll'STA. '1 aeon O.l’i a . m . nml 11 .an p. M. arrive lu Vogusia 7 p.m.hihI l< a. m. I^ive \«K0*la U a. k. ami 3.16 p.m. Amt<■ in Macon 10.45 A. M.ft"d 10.30 a. m. Train# connect on srrlrnl at Gordon, fur MiHodgevlllo an.l Katonton. At Macon Willi train* of the BouiliweM# rm H**a>l forColitntbna mid Albany, uul with tlui Mn# con » Western llond for Atlanta. Pu«cii*er» leaving Savannah by tho 1.15 A- M. train, will ani*e in Atlanta at 0P.M. L-avlng by the 3.00 P. M. train will arrive In Atlanta it 916 next morni'ig Oil Sundays the 11.16 A M. tmin for Augusta will go through to .Macon lu place of tho 3 l’. M , which wi.l uot be run on that dav. K.MKUHiN FOOTF., Guiieral Supt. Savannah. February ?0lb, 1867 novlfi M;icon & Western R iilroad. aamEaiprossMa MACON, Uvc. 14th. 1S6 QN and after Friday, 18th luat., the trains will tun ...1.0*1 \.M. ...>.16 A. M. A.M. ....i.liO I*. M 12 night. ...7.15 A M 12 . :..4o P. M. folblW* »lac.iii Arrive at Atlanti. L-*V" Ma.utt...... Ar re at Atl mt (.•tie Atlanta ... it,|..'Nt Mac.hi b*n- Atlanta,.., AT. vest Mie.ii, fue Night Train** will n il be ruu on Bnn.Uv# Tito 1 A. 'I. Train from M iron entitled* with tho State Real for Chatt ui..oga at 12.30 P. M. and Georgia ltoad (*r Ancuati at 10 A. M. Tin* I'.-Ij A. 'I. Train connects with lint State Road at 14.i, A. M , and the Georgia lt-*ad at t’2 Night* dec 25—tf ALFRED I. TVI,Kit, Nnp’t OOHSlDUIiX] OX THE SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD, Over which passes the Great New York & New Orleans Nails Heat IteAnetl CHARCOAL IRON CALVERT IRON AND NAIL WORKS, Baltimore, Md. J. lJOPlUNSON SMITH, OFFICE 25 SOUTH CUA11LKS-STRF.ET. HOOK AND FLAT HEAD RAILROAD SPIKES, BRIDGE AND CAF1 P.OLTS. NUTS, Ac.. WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS, OF ALL PATTERNS, 6 to 12 Inch MADE TO ORDER. J'tc.i Da Hg Train* hut teem <hm/ Columbia. L*.ave Macon at 1.30 A M..aud 11 3n A. M. Arrive in C.»l uni bus 8 52 A. M, nml '>.33 P. M, Lave 'Rambus 1.55 A M„ ami A.isi l*.M. Arrive inMtC'iii S.Afl A. M..and 10.28 P. M. llSMVKRN M ICON AND ALU ANY. h- ive Mac *ii I 30 A. M. Arrive in Albany 8.15 A. M. h ave Albany 3 16 P M. Arrive in Mncmi 10.28 P. M. I. »u* Macon 7.13 A- M . Tri Weekly. Arrive lu Albany 3.37 P. M. l ave Albany 7 v»v A. M , Tr. .Weekly. Aniv.* In Macon 3.31 P. M. Trains t*> •’■•linnim* form a through connection to o. ■ «tg iiii-ry. A1 »..aml Augusta.Ivlngxvill. . Wilmington, mv mu ill. Mill" U villr atul Eumiton. i* .«t Cnoche* run from Albany to Tallahassee. Dun* Ir !_*■■, Tll'UII *sVIlie. Ac. is run from vnithvlll*-, TVi-HV-Uy. to Dawson, •rt. K *rt Gain-*. me Also tr.*m Port Valley m Uwn-aviH**. II\wklnvvillv and Knoxville, Ua. -ng -r-* f t paint# belmv Fort Valley, should uk* •i"i; Trams ir-un Savannah and Augusta toavn*.| i..u **t *1 »eoti. For ther point** takeuith'-r Tram •l.i-sat-tui-diip.i leave Savannah fur Si*w V**rk.oi, •* I n* ami Satttrdars Passage Iu tho Cabin $2 *, .-*■ i•*. :r»m Mmtaomery t<» Savannah |14 00 . Oolumlius do do loOO. o Albany do do 10 DO GKO. W AD\MS.S«|ierinlcndent M»- >n. P'di. 21»t. 1*69. in «r I :(i GEORGIA RAILROAD. gggggljg jSgSgglg Clianga of Scliadulo. r.llvK EFFECT UN GKJIUIA UAIUtG.VD.nK- 28 h. IS67 v t Au.-uo •■Ii* Train* . A. 'I . di'C ...2.30. A 'I . and 4 00 I*. M A. M.. ami I 01. A. M 12 on. A. M.. and 0 0L*. A at 8.60. A M and 7 00 |* M aviog Aagu*ta at 4 I’. an I Alla i- ntiiiued. i I he 2 3u A. M train from i r.ei!|.*,-t« tnr oigb t • M'-inphis > eiNvrcT wiTii south iarousv railroad. it tag nt * *t lot. \. M.. ami 2.",0 P. M L*-.,.- Augu.ia it 10.00. A. M.. and 8 06. I*. M •..TSTtRSjUiD ATLANTIC RAILHOAtl. Ht A:'. .Ilia at U.22. P M., and »33, A. M. \t ant a <t 1.45. AM. and 1230, P. M. ATI.lNtl INI* WC*T POINT RAILHOAtl. Arnvst i at 10.13 P. Ai..niid 0 27. A. M L.-Attf Uliiita at 2.o0 A. M.,aml l Oo, P. M M VC IN AND WESTERN tUILIlOAll. •It Atlanta at P.15 >1. nm1«.'»6P. M Une Allan! i a‘ A. M„ and 12 00 Night \inv.NS HRvSiMl—sCNlMTs EXCEPTED lates of Freight, Savannah to Knoxville. AND A 1,1, STATIONS ON TUB last Tennessee ,V Georgia Kail ltoad FIUSl' CLASS. P IANO Fortes, 11 mlH.Siutatlnnery, Hoots, Shoes ami Hats, l.iipMts. Oils. Ac. (ill bottles), Cam* line and Spirits Turpen tine (in barrels). Carpeting, hlna, Gliu* and Ulass-Ware, C'gnrs fib cases), lock**, Coufoctinnurl* *, Cotton Colds, Cuth-ry (In vies,. Casks nml boxes. Dry Good* (in boxes nml tie*), Drugs. Fruits, Fruit Trees nml Shrubbery, nr*. Garden Feeds, lexikitiR Glasses and Looking In** Pintos (at owner’s rl*k), Oyster*(la can* aud .r*,. Saddlery, Tin and litItaiiiua Ware, Teas ami tires. Georgia and South Carolina Domestics,, per del lbs $U| SECOND CLASH. Hardware, except such tvs sp.-nilual In first and hi'il classes, Collee Mills. Machinery, Foreign Id* ,uors*.in barrels and pipe# i, Tobaccig In boxes), le-atli* *r .in rolls ami boxes). Oils (in barrels and casks), Rv"-Wery nml Mneens Wave (lb crates and casks). Hire. U niting, Plaster, Sheet llra*s and Copper, por THUib CLASS Axes, ^hovels, Spades, Sail Irons, Zinc and Tin, In nig*, Tiu Piute, Anvils, Vices, Casks of Chains atid I in**, Manilla ami Cotton Cordage, Coflee. Heavy Castings. HiIIGearing, Kail ltoad Wheels atul Axles. I hairs und Hpikvs, and Kosin (in brrrels), per luo 8|>rciai Hntcs. ' Furniture and Carriages (boxe*l.) and other light articles not etiuniernted; also. Carboys of Acid*, or nth *r Chemicals, «ill bn charged by actual weight but at double first class rates, per lot) pounds, 13 To insure safety from losses and delays, shippers tuns have every package plainly marked with name of ecu', signeo. destination and depot ot delivery. The Depute oil till* road are— Fountain Hill. Sweetwater, Stan* Line, Philadelphia, Cleveland, London, Cliarlestoit, Lenoir's,[ Hicuvillo, Concord Athens, and M»u«o Creek, |Knuxvilla. * tfEr Vo commence 1st March anil cotitinn to 1st Jnu' IS57. W M. M. WADLKY, Sup't tfentrsl Railroad. K. FOOTH, •' MAW. •• IV. At A. « K.T.&G*. •• iiiir*Lt| SUCCESSORS TO ^REEVES, BUCK&CO* * MANUFACTURERS OF Railroad Iron, Bar Iron, CAR AXLES, Skip and Bridge Iron, Spikes, &c. Also, a sti| orier article of WROUGHT IRON R. R, CHAIRS, With CGNTINUGUSjLIPF, and undo t * fit ex cily the fltngo* <*f Rails, ± and L IRON, &c. —al*o— Wrought Iron Solid and Compound Girders ami Beams* of any required fength. for Fire .Pr-of Buildings and nr d os. SAMVEL J. IIBEVKS, V. I*rf#*t., nmy\'-18 ! iC ly No. CD W * n if «**»d. Philadelphia L--. i v tIt- i at... riv nt A'i.*ii*ta at nreat Atlanta at Xl'IllV'tToN IttUNCII—DULY TRAINS' M»e at Was'dngtou at .2 3n Ight. 12Oo Night. 10 3 j Div. Night f) u ’ '’uruir g. 11.34 Morning -SUNDAYS EXCrtTED. 2 3 * Night. 12uU Night. 7.35 Morning. i Moudaysau Extra Train latves Wii*iiingt'*ti iug. ami c-mnects with the D^wu Diy P.i*«eug*-r am from Atlanta, ami returning to Washington at O Evening. WA'tUrVMN niUNCIt— SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. 'At- Atlguvtu a 4 no Evening Atlanta at lu.GO 'Girning at Wiii"iit<ui at....* n.ij*i Kveimig. mv* Vurreaion at 3.30 Evening. rr.rv at AucusU at 7.ou Kv* ning. rm" .,t Atlanta nt. l.un Night. J cl v-ly GEORGE YOUNHK. Gen. Fnp't. tlanta&West Point lluilroiid (i^it'ibi tv Went f’oint, 87 mile*, Fare. $3 50. GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. IMUNIVJ PAJSItNOER train: AtUnta, d uly at prove* ,r \V- hi Puint. at......... .2 no 7 28 A.M. do [-»"« West Point, daily at 4 00 do fcrrne, ut Atlanta, it ...7 00 do ! liVKNINO l'ASStNUKH TRAIN. h'w Atlinti. daily a; 1 00 P. M Lm-» *t tV* #' P** ii 24 do r*'” rt 'esi P rint, daily at.... 4 Ru do Imr-, k: Atlanta, nt 10 15 (h [ flrf* rtiis it iid connects, each way, with the Monlgot • l***lnt Railroad. Ire 28 fills from Savannaii TCSCL’MBIA AND MEMPHIS, i I I & it per intend out*. Oltli*.: It. t .'AVANNAtl. Ga , 4th April. 185“. f [*‘IK L’mlerslgned mis been inf-*ued by letter t ••tved tlu» morning,from thoG-merai Superititeni >t tm* M.-mphi- At Cliarlestim nil Road, that th ‘l in iml vVe*tei'ti divisions of tnnt Roml were to I • i -i Hie 27Hi ultimo, and that trains would ni ugh i n the 20th. r "mj rate vj Freight from Rovnnnnh fo* _ Tisciimlnn. I .Moitiph- J* r, tRla*a , |1 38 fl 95 l*'•'id -to. I 1 09 I l 24 . ‘ 00 V"cis) rate for Froight Goods | 2 70 j 3 10 classification. it Clast.—Piano Fortes, Rook# and Stationery. Hmu *hoe*. Hats, Liquors, Gits, sic.. I*, bottle C.mipiieiie and bpts Tin pentiau in barrel Oai petlng.Chinn.Glass iml G|a-swar?,S>-gai • n cases. Clocks, Cnufectionory, • ’anl Gulhipy in cases, casks and boxes. Dry O.iu in boxes amt bales. Drug* Fruits, Fruit Tre *nd *hrubbery. Fur*. Gtrden 'oed*. le>okit 'Has*e» m l L tokiug <llu*s Plate, it ownei risk Nuts in frail*. <Asf*-rs In cans and lat eiIdler .Tin and Britannia \V«r«. Tea at , >pic«.. n-r luu It -ia*s—Hard war* .-xcent in 1st ami 3d |ai**ms.| C- fee mil*. Macnmery.Foreign Liqu -rs ill bb* %mt pipes, rob we., it,|. Bilt |, Br i„ ro l and b .xes. • tils in bins, and cask*. • r*.ck* i asi-Ul’i.ieiisware In crates and cask*. Hi, Whiting Plaster, Shoot Brans and Ooppe _ l<er too || |tClass — Axes.aliovels. Spa lea, dad-irons. Zinc hi Tin lu pigs, Tin Plate. A..vile. Vices, ‘arrli* Springs and \xlen. Oank*«l Chains iw H». Manilla ind "niton Cordage. *df«o. !!■•«• Hastings Mill Gearing .in I Mill Stones lb t .ml Wbeelsand Axles Clintre atul Sjdk* wot K-isin m libl* per 100II acUl Ratos fitr Light Goods.—Furniture and Carriatt «boxeil, and other light articles not onumon F "i , also,Carboys of Acids and other i hen Jj«1s, will be taken at actual weight, )> charged at double 1st *’lass rates,..per 100 ]i WM. M. WADLKY. L»pr »-tf Gen’l Sup’t C. R. It. CJIIA WKOHD’b |ERCHANT " SITOA " MILLS FL0U1 Coeqnaled by any Mills la Georgia for lerior Breadstuff’s. \ MILLS DOUBLE EXTRA HOTEL FLOUR, do do do Family do, d-, ill, Superfine do, *** Mills do do, *lo Fine do, j d" do No 3 do, "RvdGurn Meal, (Trlts and Shorts. Reeolvsd \ t constantly forsalo Ly CONNERAT, WEBSTER A PALMES, Agonts for Orawford's Sltoa Mills tom*rs, Bakors and Flour Dealers are Invl’ ■ < ivir..., i c, " n l |,iri ** o n. and for tho richest artlrlo of Itro I '"* * w "‘ , n ' ,v °F »>f c' n »t> grain, nml Is *n t k'amilacttinid by the bust machinery. •» k * l ,, *nbl« Extra Hotel Flour septlfi UOXKH RAIHI.VH, n Eswi. : HWf * quarter boxes, Latrors and Mr *• T,“'i 'or sail) low nt - ..BARRON'S FAMILY GROCERY/ CIM.VRF, OK SCHEPI LK. THE CUE WEST & QUICKEST ROUTE To the North, *JP -W X a «U /v W XJ 33 It IV/f I'httrivsion AND TUB X 0 KT U-K A ST Ull X HAIL-ROAD TIlltOUGIi AH.ltxVNOKMK.VT FROM SAVAN'N'AH TO WILMINGTON, N. 0 On and after SUNDAY, ,1 VNHAUY Wth 1858, &T T ra STEAHEa F. 11 A It it E N, C i»,m in it n d r r Will i*.iv. * ( >a nab . v.*ry SUS:> aV ami WI.DNR3 H \ V AFrK.tS .1)*, at 3 .*Vl..i-k. and iirrlv.1 In Charle*. t-in th.. f •ilmvitig ui iriiingH in ti-m* to <• ui’.i-ct with llu Tr-iP* *,i tin* Nort'i-K i'ti-rn Rail It*ml going .V>’rf6. It.'lurning. will leave* ''Imilest .n every M'-ndny and Fri lay Mg'it. at 8 ii*.d-*c!c, (alter tiiarrival **f the cars |r.*ni Wliim-igt >11.) and arrlvit in Savannah early the f**II*iuing in inline*. rra.'"ll-T» !.*iund f *r the North. f.*r North''arulb n. >r f..r tie* n--rtpart of S-uiGi Carolina. L.v taking thi* r»ite. »ill save TIME EXPENSE, atul will iinliiu night's sle?|* Through Ticket* tr>*m Savannah lo M'lititlnztnn, }!' •urge for meals HATCHES, SILVERWARE & JEWELRY. FirtST OLAH FAMILY GROCERIES, LOWiPPJCExS!! Boss & Co. SUCCESSORS TO W. W. GOODRICH, may il_ Will inker Wt. KEEP COOL! Sponge, Kip, otiuL Bath Tubs; A g'lod ns'ertment on bund. M ASSED’8 ICE CREAM FREEZERS, together with WATER OtOLKH.9. ICE PIT. ILKIl*.uml many Utlxer g'*o*l tbiny* b»r the hot MeHtber V.. 0. REACH, TL'dgs tit's Illock.C'.rner Rroughlon and Dull st*. apr -.1 SPRING GOODS I HENRY LATIIUOP it CO., W M'I.D Invite attention lo n choice selection el Ladles' Spring and Summer llriss Goods X'XVOM Hr R. BCHMIxL.B A D V K KT I S 1 N O A G K N 0 Y. Mnirntt'a llulldliiR, 333 BROADWAY. NEW-YORK. “if* TIIK CI1KAPK8T AND BEST Pumps In the HVrW. hiring a Solul A>Um nmi 3M»l IVltW F OR Pumping Extracts. Hoi and Cold Water; suita ble for Cbsterus, Wells, Ftu:t*>rles, Min* *, Ac.— Throwing from it) to M’O gallon* per nuuute. An excel* celb-til Fir** Kimine for farniert* Large dlneoitlit to aealori. Agent* want**!, ami Territorial riebt# f**r sals K. A. MA1WHU.L. l'.*4 P-arMwt. Jx 1 F corner of Vlal*li*n*l iri». N*w Vr*rk IvlQUTK, NEWTON iT BiumilUV'S 421 Hrorfhwft., ,\\n< Yotk- ■^1 ANUFACri.'RKUH of the Patent Arrl. Wrrst Plan i.YJi Piano Fortes, eelebiate l f*r depth, fallnc**. ricn* US'S, Purity, and a peculiar singing quality of their tono, lor which they liars received the highest encomium* trorn the greatest musical celebrities of the country j and iu ovary fair, when brought In competition with other Instruments, have obtained lb* highest prem'nm Th* Patent Arch Wrest Plank, which Is owned and used only by us. guarantees their standing I torn* longer than anv other instrument j while tlndt unuriccitented demand In all pint* «f the country I* u *utH •lent prut* of thidrsuperinrexi’ellelice. A liberal discount to tier gyim-it, Fein* AVie York .lUvirtismunlH uvere York .Tdvcrtisement* VZGISOHXm, OWWJV CO., GENERAL NEWSPAPER AUVLItTlBINQ I10CFK. (AFPUTON'e trrttblNfl.) Nos. 340 <t ,T-»8 ffrniHlwny, firvr York Furniture! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ii. i’. “7 Ilouery, t \Vhol ml, ll ux. //,.u*c,; anti 4C4 1‘rarl ft.,' Retail Star,- i IV 30 XV V C> Jl JC , Dill# of ^25 nt Wholesale Prlcti,*C| ROSEWOOir MAHOGANY & BLACK WALNUT, PARLOR FURNITURE, In lirogntelli*. Delaine and Pbwh. C»ne Seat and Coin* riion Fiirnitiii" in gi.-at vuriitt. Aim, 1CX K 1*1.1) CI1A.M ItKll l l llMTUUK, j In S«ts ffitu fV2 to $Hai. Spring, CnnUrl Hair, Mart nmf Whalebone MATTRASSES. AUo, Feather ii* .i* and ll"ddiuu. Patent Premium Sofa lied stead*, und I’atf nt .vlt R*<vking (.'ladles. rlu**l* and f|ietr«*h*. Iv-niay27 YU I I, M O T, f.'A'X.S'. Will TA 1 v/j v V .Tt'i 11■ »* s rou.vFit of coxa it Ess, w n ita Ri: c axu sr. jrurx streets, lYFUll* 111? LMU1E STOL'lv of HlCli GDUDL* ( at prices to suit the time*, on bund, und receiving br evety Ntoann-r, 6 ‘ Gold and Silver Goods of every description. .* Silver Tea P*t*. I'itcheis. Wailei*. G..'det% Cup*. Spoons ii u 1 F.*ro*. of everv Wel.-htand VrtCRtv : Wo. X 13TTOtIGrHTOXV-EST. SAVASJiAU, (iA. NFW FURNITURE of •■•! hindig COFFINS. &.0, Cou-tatitly on band nl- *. a la*su assortment ot LOOKING GLASSES. tin. New Work tua l** to md'-r *t Go, *b*.t text rotlca. It9. Matin*-••«. Jobbing.and HEU.-liAM.ISCd-me In tl.eueit* et *tv lo. v .ti* nrsp.ati b. ly j.ut 19 Deiii.-i- will find at tin •*! nr* store* the largest and bi*i o-Nortnient of »ny e«t*i:l-tinwitt in Nrw York, and can buy either »t wh 'U*jl*or re'iill clieivpav than ntany otbei lo-M* > in 'In* rltv. V 3n>—nprlfi !CE! ICElf Yim* .. Gup#, t . e.iutifiilly put up in c.h.h f *r w.-ddui verv weight and v.iciftv ; Silver 1 ol her pii-nints; Gol I and sliver Watch*,, and Pet* Clock. J t .XVII I.IIY, from tho richest diamond to th-* cheapest plain gold, Including Cameo. Lava and Mosaic in full *->- and eivgl*- )«be».«; with almost every description of Gmament m*w i- u*n. I R jPkATKO GOODS,—Plated Cake Daak, t*. *:«#mrs, T.-a nets, Ico Pitchers, and Plated Goods of ovary Rl’KrTACLV.N-ln G M*l. Piter anl Pt«*e| Krunv'S. with P.dddo and other PiJif*. FANCY (4(»i)DS.—Ri<-h i*> I !»*• a I’.uiia V.u Mafm-it*. am) F.„|. t o,, t,, - rt . at Tttr :„ t _ T-rt. i-e -•■••'i and otlo r CBM1I*. **f l it*‘«T *iyi,*. with a groat in ii-iy of lien 1 •■rii.iments. • 'it r. -ns of ■ *liy uud i.'ountry are in • I tel to ex tmina tii* stock, which will be sold at puces much lower than G *tch-e. Clacks and -tawdry promptly REPATRED by workmen of »kill and lorigi-xpcrlciico. GORDUJSf, burtlis**:: board of the r« ant their Ricgacc tiun*f.urel from the tlo- cars. Jrt- oj charge i‘h"C!:«*i fr*>in <aviiini-ih t** Wilmington. For i apply to J. P. ItLOOKP, Agent G!iarl"*ton *i. aii..Packet »Vli*rt HnTTT'F)I A 6nT—TT til fni her . u M-r* wilt In* t *k« u t'ii3iatlo-t'>u an 1 back, \ trip* t-* thesu-cci-diiig tup fur one fo <-ol So. CHANGEOFSCHEDULE INLAND ROUTE For Palatka E. F. VIA BRUNSWICK. ST. MARYS. FERNAN DA, JACKSONVILLE, AND PICOLATA. Stopping at nit fnU rnh -linte'lt in;*, T< have jr'm the Ch\u /•. -ton Steam /'in7.’t< trha»-/' crctv WRriXKsuA y youxfxo at pi .>>/.„•<•. i The tiew m-i i *pb o .i i eh-aiHcr KVKLGL \DK. rapt. I. M. r<»i (i>r, 1 the --o tli-ruuit r*. i'i1 i-uiMfi* r*.’i:i r :.i with th.* I s am a lor tii* interior of F|*>ri 11. .<h*> with ihe Krun* | wl'k j. FI 'till .lie! leriMIl-llIJ.I »; 1HI K--1* bill’.' II c -nu-.-t ar iavtiiii.ih with tho i New York and Savannah. | The American Atlantic Screw Steamship COaiPAI,- Y. Received per l**t steamer, eiubraciug tho following style*: Double SI;'it Ri>b"*,Ti*M|.* Itob"*, Volant A'Qollle,urgmdl" i.’liuitz Volant, Cubit/. Kn!li itite-i, French tlumiitica, IMn'il. *ti ip*-d ami Datadere Mil.*, French (’niicne#, Solid col’d Hiireg*- and Cr.*po Matst/., Itat eg*' IlnLes ATJnill". Plain and rocn*l»* linrece*. “ “ Daymlei o Hlack llareg"#. —ALso— Black Lace MantlUa*. Black ami whit e Rat eg* Shawls, Coi'd uml bi.u-it Silk purixol*. XVUITK GOODS, I In Brllliante*, Nan-o k* and Mti:l# j Piaiu and fig'd Fwi** Mn-din*. I l'lutii and Mtripi-J Cambric*. I Plain ami printed PlquaClothe. CIIII.mUDX'S es' Tuumi*. |lo>**’ jieucet *. I'ltiiiloten, Racial**,Drorses, Ac.a — AL-O — Lone and Short Black Net Mitt* and Glove*, . Ladle*', Unit'* nml Huv\ Lisle Thread “ " '• 'iuu/e Mciino Milrts, Mi** *'nnd B-»y'* •• *• _ 14 mar 10 jtwtewrrBjdi a/wteax' , New York Auction Sales. 7 PIECES Hamii->mo Foulard ffiik# Ftc-UliCcd 1* ■ l <•*.*! h>.b*.-« | do d i do, double "kirts rio do da, hide ntiipvs Printed ^rgaiuiic Mtulina Mi- Centril Hi lroi I. a a ' Ft el/III coi|*l tn-d I Iv r*"*iii|'p.-l ply oil board, or to Hi" Ag o ; thl* i learner will pauvtge up- J'MIN C Mt VjSKI UNIT hi iTWr A T !■■>' M AI L. ior JPtifafitit tl. S'. 17 A 0 A III EX. ttltrXSW/CK. ST. MARYS.] FRIIXAXIHXA. ./.-ICK'SOX 17/.IF., j AXI) FIFO/.A/A. 1 Th" *;-b-n lid ow I ro*i «te n*i»r ST. ! MARY#. • tt.'t. .la*. F>0"born.haring j I" on t ior. i|/.ilv p nil."d and over- | hauhij, Will I .nim -ii. e h*-r legnlar j pl.v ev. le 'via/ tin- F or da -leant j u'i Monday uio.iiiiig April Ctb, ai ;• > itinu« to n-iiv. every Mon-lay morning j .THE NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS UVXTSVILI.K Cap* R-'eit llardia. M OX TIiOMElir •• Pre b iLk I'l-.oki r M :'l t imii a kiv in-* betaem S.ivuuiaiti and Now Y-r k b .ivmg *-u< Ii p"t i-v- r> SAIC'G'W. I 'n—• Si ii'm-i *. ' .•"! • i*;ti ■ •• i"’;. Ii iv- eb'/ant ncc-mt m i • wi »i< for Pii«*eiig.-is, und bdiig of great i-tieirrtli •■n i -p ni, * ipp- '* ■ ..a r*-ly « a ik" gieiiest liiipulch to Fiei^lu. For Lu'h -r |*ar; to BRIGII \M, ii \LB" IN \ CO., SivaHaih.Georgia, cr to II. B. CROMWELL * • •».. «p r *' tf 131 V* ■ !■>,, *rr-. f. New York. Fa l^ejR educed.! FOR NEW YORK. To sail on Saturday ut SJ o'clock, A. M. GREAT REDUCTION OF FARE arwc Front ,V«u* York or Font' amgion, there and Ure. mm. Firii caldii «<in Svc* a I •‘iildii fill 7b S’* to J’,rl: from Smith amptvu, Havre or Ore— men Flint * a'In f 100 Second cabin 06 f St -erage 40 In t'*» Ii'*i >-lu*y p-uMIe vvli-el*>tejniibip ARIEL.2,'X/O tm*. i! D Ltiilli-ir., mid NOR I'll STAR. 2, MO fu*. Edward''avendy. comn:a«*l r. t-* vail Ironi pi-r No 3 Ninth river, ut noon precisely, on;Tying the United all, vi,;: Bremen for Siul.’iamptvn SuitHiamp ' - .’i look, an-1 i at th" Kin.- |r For ireigiit V, 1 ,'Ct, hi bo*ril. or to « CCXNINtlllAM, %4?t Stilt- I., are. X. York. South tiiipton, Havre or Bremen. Arl*-!. Saturday, March 20- North star. •• April 17. Ariel. » May 16. N Star. “ June id. Tb"*e )*tenni<hl|i* 'ouch Hew York. April 21. May 19- June in. April 17. May IS. Juno 12. July 10. 11. t Havre. Speck'delivered in London or Paris. Pot passage or freight.apptv to I>. TOUR ANTE. Air-nt, mar 1 ‘imo Nn 6 Ibiwlj no Green. V.-w York. K13V FOR HAVANA W EST AND CALIFORNIA. Steamship ISABEL, WILLIAM HOLLINS, COMMANDER, Having just been entirely overhauled and put in splendid order, refitted with new holler*, and double air tight bulk head*, forward nml aft, making her one of the imiM i|e*in«hlu steamer* fur safety, speed and com fort. will leave .Savannah for davnua via K*y West, on the ithnm! Huh, und leave Havana or .Savannah via K*-y We-t.on the Mill and 21th id t-acb mmith. Th" ISABEL connect*, at Havana, with theU.S Mnll 8teaiu*hlp t'omp.ny’s Lino of .Steamers, for New Or leans and San Francisco. For passage only, apply to declS COHENS fit HERTZ. FOR NEW YORK. Fastest Line!! FARE REDUCED: Cnlitn Pnnsnge 820 I i.v -v.i- ■ p-ina * , ’ r ‘ *wht lower than by any iLilLVil "Hier •tcann r*! SIX Cent* - imr fm-t, Full ALL KINbS M K 1 S U U K M K X T ..•*^;'*,4»" f ^'l«) U |iS Light Barrels37\< t con's e.i-h. and other article* in proportion The -i-lemlid and cotuimulion* *ide wheel Stennv r* AUGUST 1 MO Ion* Oapt. M. S. W-o-thaH FLORIDA,. 1.300 •' •• Isaac ''roweil. ALABAMA 1 30*i " “ Oco. R.SJuticl*. And first class Pr-ipellnr srut up THE Situril. I.1«>0 Inns-Capt Tho’* Lynn Th *e Hli-iim-l.lp* hdong t" th" old i-*taldi*he*l and fav.o.t ■ line, known a* the * New York and Savannah Steam X iilgill"ii i'mupain.” and i > C“nif"ri, accommo. d iii >••* ii'id<\ cannot h« exc-llct -h'-yar*- com* in i'iilu I l>y oxpurionred. skilful, careful uud pdito ofiled*#. PADKLFOIll), FAY A CO. Agent*. Savannah. SAM’L L. MIT' HILL a SON. may 1 tf Agent*. Yew York. NOTICE. /* ^ I'll" spl -ndid prope'ler* ■ •r.yW-P mi-'TSVlI.I.F. and MOST- ' r /^f.DGMERY. Wlli foiin a week. ‘•'-.-I.' i . rt - IITt lino belweeii New York -iml '■'ariinnali. h aving «•» h 'port every Satuiidat. nn ami after Mav 1st I86S, Fr<- ght will Im* lakon at ^th*ot the present from New Y *r's, tariff, <*r custoninry rate apr 21 » T'*IIAll. BALDWIN •» GO. U X1 IVD_j-T Al'ES .U AIL. For Palatka, E. 17a /J-i"■'"•i. I!■•nits>ci<k, St. .I/'ii'i/'*. /-'• r'tniuliiin, yito/.'sinii’lV/f, Ficolata ami MiAJ'thnrtf. Tii* n'«■ uni eh-gmt Hi.-iinti-r ?T. JiGI'f*. Cupiain N. King, w 11 ( , s v,\ leave every Friday on.ruing at 5* ! . 'c-riag.'AfcgSJMLy ■ i'c I • it k. i 1 f j,-^ t-ci*\t In* b*-**n built «xp'*-**1y ' r till* r-'*l having extensive and airy State Root*. I, iiiltu'* *upi rior imim-einents lo invalid# 1 id other*. i For freight«r pamuige apply on board at tho FhmTi ' ^to.uil Packet w hurl.-t t-* mart i CLAGlDHlX A l UNN'INGIlAM. Ag'ls. FOR C H AP.LESTON, S. C. The new and splendid iron steamer ST MARY*. C*u|*l. *Liine# will l*-i»%*•• for, on Tliiir*- •lay Evening. A pi R 2d, nt •■** Ink, Itml Ci'lllil.llelo leave every Thllfi-di.V thereuflur. i.'-iui'i-iLg. #lm will leaveChail-«i. ii *acr’v Sumiiiy M'unii'ir, nt :• ..'clock. For freight or passage apply "itboiir l. at ih" Florida steam Pui'k' t wl. nl. • rto mar 3') Cl.kiUI )3N A ‘I'XMNGHAM. Act*. /> ■ '-V.; ’j I Cabin, : S20._|. ! Steerage, $6. Stoamsliip ALABAMA, I (*. II. SniKr.TK, Coiuniniiilci', 1 Tlieni'W end fp'*n Ld fi»t going M htndilp A LA BAM A. J G. K N:li";i*iii,n<,'r,'u»above. Foi (ifight • ot Pannige. sptdy *o | PADEM'-MIP. FAY A GO. ■ N. B—Shipper# of G»lton by thefoNt-nnier* will plea** I tuk" notice, that no Cicton will be teceitcd at the prv»c« i llipti* not diniitii'ilA marked on the edm of the bale, j Cif* Un til* xuT*"CBit'd until |uid for. P.VDELFGRD.FA V ft 00., Agent*, i if#. Freight from NVw Y *rk ui cn-toinary. ami a* J low a* hr anv nth- r *d*-niise*- .lac do f.n uo/on 1’imn-k Dcib-s /" d. I.'i.- ii Towel* fi pfrc-e Table H ima.-k, nil line". For#a1"*ttli*- lowest pi ic-. bv Dr WITT A Vi*KGAN. Plantation Supplies. J-.iWJ yank heavy white l)#H iburg*. fi.'tM do If ;lit d< do ati'W do Hickory .‘tripe# 6.IU -io .Marlhoto <]u ii> brown 'billing ‘ *t» <lo 2"«i it"/.- n Head tl indkcrct.iefd j f t") II- FI *x Tb-ea l pT» j) UI v.r-ei* Butt* 11* fi'.i.bisi stmit Nee lies. For «ab* at the lowest p' :ccs. hr hit 7 NI.VITt'. LA TII RHP h ROGERS. sti.\ iyiTi ks. ijU iAR 4 .—4'lhh U ch**ic« Porto Rlc i and l.ouniuua *i*i imr do do do V.' no print" Oiiba 7.i i.bis SlinriV i!r "■h"d nn 1 Ground 9 > do A. It nml Clarified {.) d ■ B.iUiii'oia* B»w. C C arlficl. MOLASSES.—'> nloi*. 10 li.rtand 'mlbblstubn 7.'i 1*1*1#ch-dee NVw 'tthann BACON *60 h ds pi line Sid--# 21 io do Sh-oildrr* ID th-rc«* choice aii.n* cored Ilnm*. LAUD—40 bbl# ami lDO k**g# prime I caf. For aole bv apr 9 SC'WT'iX i .t'llIxaroN. 1 M ruu YE I) ICE nirno B.XINK Ik-nma'H* Sl*-*-l D/'iM** nun* BA Fine l.amet*nte*l *• • •• Sl*"I Tw ist •' “ am-ortei) fc'lub ** Singh* Guns. a***.rt>-d •• *• Dr.nLI" ami suigleGun#. f'-r l-'-y« Double am! Single C*.mi»"ii Gun*, low price. A!*", r*purling Article*, suitable t. ili<-e* h». i,. N. B — A few iHv-huig B'*wU" Gun*. f-*r -aU* luw. DONE WITH DlsPATUI, b.v LOVELL h- LATTIMORE, dec 1ft 13 Barnard *ir. * t m For Sale j 8.900 ADRESUF SWAMP AND PINK LAND, ( ear .Ml' riant-m, Camden coiin'y, and also | ,enr Uie Dig daiilia River. In uud <’n Du!) Head | Swamp, knutvu »•**• forty year* a* the Uwidmi T HR Ki, ickerhock-r lrei.-*nip«uy.(*t the City of N*w Y ‘ i"pli*ni«beil tli"ir Ri*-rk *-f Ice, offer | th* tii*Mi faViirnble inducement* ti* the It.'ide to Mipply t liein *»*iu* null Ice of a ei.penor quuhlj, «t*il on tho ' tiu -t rcii* 1 nabb't»rin<». j Thl* Com|tany alone arc «ellltig the Rockland Lilts j Ic«. w hieh, tm H.ddiiy and pmiti I# i,niver#elly u^tnlt- I "J t * b# f*r vttpetior tunny other J*r rhipping purjnse*. I In "Xp"l1"I.CH Hill f>u*llitl*'>< for Collduellt'i; buncees j thi* Cotupwny have tin rival*, nml Giey r*'#pectlully *Ug- i g'-‘t to d-«lei#. tl at tbev w iii fin.I it luigelv to llit-ir n*> 1 vnnln.e* r their nipp'y tl.imich th*» Kuirkeiti- ck* er Company N** rhnrge for e t" vessel* Ivlngat Hie Ompndy'e pier#, w hint taking, in * argo. The vr. *i##t proiiihtltude and di«natih given to or# •lar#. which may l*« lorwardnl to R. T. C»|MI'T"N. Fjuj., Presi'L nt of ti e Knickocker U" Ceu puny. 434 CatiHl #t., New Yolk. V—3tiu* nu*rt!2 Till-; liiiOUKLVN !'White Lead Oo. j EkTAKf.MlEl) I8*:4.“,. | Thli Company c.-ntiaue# to maaofaeiure thiTr supetior ^iiinr innw ir. j ijjAii, t extensive t Mu tilth Be'tig cue of tit#* i>M**#t and nient* in the c<*untrv. for nmii 1 white j.«ut, iw i.m.i. and Litharge. '* of the b* et lor Umbel or lurpeutuie, Term# easy. Apply to Janl'J TN'*N At Gtil.'DnV. Private Sale. The well Known l'iiiiiiati»n called v**™*Moil'd IIope. rliuat'"! in Biy *u c**i.iity, i^'&Kccoit.iinitiv ai.oiit 4 .:no ii ere- l.Mn ,vr*>^ ..-•A.-*^ under cuiti»ati'-n. 'Ih*- »•-.»*,*m land ’ i"|iib* and i* well caboilaie-ll*,r Hi" cultivtili .-•■f-<■■« m c "i. t* w* |! vd'led having a hi." Duelling House. i|\i-is"***-V. || im*. B.irti#.' rib*. Ac., and a in* nn.daii *ti lor nn-te ihati -0 i neg'oi. For tcrui* apply to R J. Arm-Id. Bryan i'*unty. Tin Albany ft Gull l!Hilr<’.**l run# near tin* tract. FOR VAI L <**» A Valuable I'ianfAHon in Bryan c/.unty. r >u J^j2»laining78'» :»<ti*h **f Land. 4i'0ot which Guilder fence amlln coltivati *ti. #:tuated on the Midway . River, abunt #ev*-n nub #from tm* Albany A i.nil Road. Hu th" pr»*m:#*•# aie ail l!i» ti"Ce##ary bn Iding* •**r plantation purpose.*, and a rotufmtable Dwelling Ih uae. aog! JMi S Mii\TM<H LIN. FIFTY lit Mil, \ its UK W AltO- ff jt Will he fiii I for the recuvoiy ,'fiuv negro man WILLIAM : t>r Hilly 'j who mnawav ut*. ot tb« vL middle "I last year. * II** I* **f a d irk nmlaito \ ^ comph'X'cn, about *lx f‘-" . or a litiio epward. —w—ia*» in I.* i 'hi. *t.*ut built. Weighs about t*vu hundred pound#, ami i* about thirty five year* -f ago lie in a brick layer and [•hi*|fr**t t.v tra r| c,rea !« well, and *'*tni thn* * di#cr*uru'*.i* * 5-n-Hchi*r He i* p t'lte when nci-'et ed an I rather gi«t.-lil-'qn**nt In speech. A- he ha* n w|i" and < l)tldr-ii in ttavum-ah. I am led tr> bolievo that In- 1# lurking ah nt 1 hut ' -ty or it# ticighhoilioml Tiio ibov*-r* war-l will lie paid for hi* api*it')i**U“oti and d»- llverv, or court >ement in m*iii« Jull that T ma) g* t him again. Address NH'lluLAS WYLIE.,.»h«r.itf Wi*Mni*l**i> G-*t ROCK Hill !>«'TTa l.'r'M* XV A TICU7' ~ T ill, vin'er .f ihe#,* celi*hiai*-d mineral springs I* now ko;,f r -tiMantl) on flic niarket in the hun*J# of FISHER & U I\*T'»N. DruggisG. Bichim.nd. v*„ and A. B. UU KKR. Ltnehhnrg. HV have di*"Hr-l"d barrel*, and now ship the Water i>iib/»V g!:i$t Co.| p *r c.weo f I il* ?i*ii half gi'b'a b'liile*: .">-uri*1y ami caieluUy p ck d at ih- spring#, ft*. By r-mittint.' to I. V \V„ 1.1 t i A. H. R. $<V li.e pui*:hm-cr may t> iv mi their f rw4r*lh»u per dlr*eiiiH", 1 1-vX *d f.oeh a>*d g'-lilllue llockbrr'K* Mum ltai r. I’* sent grit!■ on applh’ath'n. nprlO 2aw—:iw " FllAZIKil At RANDOLPH. 1 — FROM IHE RAW MATERIAL. ! Rurcli**"!# of Hieh brand# iru*y rely on pr, rtirlug tl « ■ genuine article, on tl.amost Gveiabl" t#rin#, lor curb - .* j credit. They inn always prepared to execute with promptiii** It .•r<i.*r» lor tin ir vatb u* i: mle* and qualities <*f Lead, and Zinc Paint, Diy <>i in "ii HI .-INT-S ADDiih-r*. !•" pr- nt »Mv*t. Nrw Y•?'■ . ! N B —l"i'* lm*< is »l.i ni l Lew«rn of thn nhme> • * ; bogus L-iamis wbuh fi'.l llu t .aik, i. t mar 2 t —; n . . 'i ai.iHii r i i*»i;<iTHKii, ’ , SHOCKOE FOUNDRY AN0 MACHINE SHOhs CARY STREET, A H HUOXO, YA„ M ilT;EI.*..f I'. i’.itl*. hie.,iu Engii **. i all si/-#, fri.m 4 to 40 p.-rs-p* w*t. nil tho i. • < i n* pi.*v*..l plain*, parti* amtpie-i »*, l’,*it**n and • g ir )*bu:iatnm* un i Varm*i*' ns- -"nerally, Bui’: •• III.* Im'kI ni-it"iiiils and w<)tkuint-»li*p, iiih | r j ii"#''and ditrabbiiy, nut b i pass-din any «ii^in-# i-■* in Use Al# •{•tarlon Ki cine#.c*f anv najulrid power, f • u aw Mil,# ,*i>mp|"ti*. .in.I P .MhI I" tii :.-t Mib«. ,<f x,,, . ! pcn-*r c*m#tr*.n. Moifiing. 1'iuby#, Ac. T-*i*acf* I're-scs ami Fcr- we,*,f everv di>crlpH'n.*!. and Iron Casting*, ai d Wr*m, ht li<>u Moik ger.»r-. '• made t • order wnli di#i alr h. and ->u reawDuide t, it. 1 r...«,i3—• *v|1 v \V CODING'S ; H 0 Ii S K UNI M K N T. j An Ini'iHildc Remedy li.r j .S’lrinmy, StctHim;, I,tjimntit,^n und Rhttirtntt. ! FUVUn WN1MKXT will <-.r** the fwiwtmy in i j B. withc-ni t u| *u it* w,.r#t st#,'!*. All p**r#< in #1* ■ have it u# th.-i -ni-- tu any Is*"# i"*iei*d luin'-d lor t • ' want of limueiliaie i-hc’. I Dll’. r-iCTlO.VHt ! ffii cmt am! p'h w.-ll with th- hand the alflletoi i. , I until it btiin#M.r li'.M" S.wrelv, h"d I* I llr-ii ainte j hour* -ir then hpplv it again in tho sumo *• * j lh«n ri.b a !itt : • ni.. rrw.odi with C.rsiil#y„ u *. i.m) * * i • If U'»t reh*-v#d, i.pply lu rlw »am«* utwuuer. The l*-* • ; o«n i*c cor,«! iii ten *1n.\,. <>r soont-r. I’lepartd and #*>i l l*v I JOHN \V', U'nitpiyn, Am**r|rn#.i;. At)* I'rb-e Hr.,. Dollar p**r llottle dlrtu ly #.|,v# CHOICE PATTERN?, For Sale at Cost! J. P. COLLINS. FOU 1*1 EW YORK. Sail Saturday, Mug !!'.». «< « A. M. TUK OLD DOMINION Accommodation Boat. FOR PARACHUULA EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. Tii- n*w a*.d fast tunning l'a*«i i.* ,r and Freight siwuncr JOHN 0. LAW’l'iiN will leave tor 1’ntachnela I intermediate Landing#, every Monday and Thnn-Uy, ut 4 o’clock, I’. M —leave lout .-f Wear Broad street. N.B.—Contract*‘or Inmllngcabove can be made. This Boat will uot break InT i mining schedule. J. W. M.'ALl’IN, Agent, oc27 Willi^jisoii’* Building*. For Charleston. IWX.A. nrr> route, 17.1 OEAVFOET it HiLTOX HEM). To leave from the Uhttleslioi ‘leimpacket Wharf every SATURDAY,* nt 8 P. M. The tmw nml splendl uloamer BV ERGLADB, On* L. >t. Coxetter. will leave this city n* nnove. Tim Everglade cniineets regularly DAI 2Zf=T-.r2i with the .‘‘**111111'arolliiH and North Kast-in Rallr* Freight c*>w«igm*d t*i Agent* will lie f rwardwl free c.t charge. For fiviglit .>rpi**a«--anply on l*n.,rJ « r to J.HIX 0. FRASER Agent. n«vl7 No 74 liar street. CHANGlFiiFSOinnVULE: For Blufftou, IIHton Head. ItetigTe Landing. Fort Royal Ferry, Beaujnrt and Charleston, The new nml splendid iron iteam#r CECIL-- Capt. F Beck and after Motid y. 'lav u ih. |.-av*- f -r thoabove laces every MONDAY MORNING,at 'Height or passage, ap. lv t i J. P. IlllO »KS, • harleston wharf. 63* .Ml freight must be paid • ii the wh*tf by »ho shipper |.* f .to it will be r- c*-inied f.*r m <v 4 FOIl FREIGHT OK UiAll l ie A 1 brig CII .‘Al'KftK. Cap . Daily Ap- CARt.KT.iN & PARSONS. FI) it LIVERPOOL. — l'li« snip *iv. I’L. J F. llu vh'ii. nni#i"r. having a largo part oi ii *r I'arg i t-ii j.i^ed, will lutv*-tl* #pntc)i For *n iige ni<-ui*. unply to T. R. .V J G MILLS Itl l.v I" er.d3 FOR FKKIGIIT ORCIlAItTEit- Awl|i ’Ii" A l bmk HOur. A. ALLE.s'. t'upt. Bobbin*. S^BApplytn „ „ inn) 25 OAR LET 'X A PAR FOSS. I-I 11111 S V CAPTAIN .JOHN A. Tim American Atlantic Screw St*'Ainship Company'- new and fa*t «tvntu*'r i 1 e, POST, Will depart for N.-w Y **i k nn SATURDAY, May 29. For Fri lglit <>r Pav# ig*-, liavn,j acci'iniuodali'mfl equal toiuiyvte.iiusulpeu lliecoa-t ayplv r > II It IG 11 >L BALDWIN k W t'ahin Pii#‘»ge, {15 00 may 19 ru Rj’ hYlai )k lihi ia. 3?a5r» ’ MtKD'xr6B» !! Only Two Nights at Sea—Through in 60 to 65 H -urs. j&A' JtllL SALK, FREIGHT Olt CI1AH- nTr*. “ l,, " " p br I.DOY It WAR It 1-1%. 98 ton* burthen, came* 4 8 -n i-n#he|* grain, nr Sul) bbl* Flour—murly new, and well found. Applv in may 18 MINIS k .I'MINST'iN BOTANY row YOUNG PEOPLE & COMMON SCHOOLS. H OW PLANTS GROW—A Hmple introduc tion totSlrurtiirnl hotxti). with A POPULAR FLORAi Oran Arrangement aud Description of Common Plants, both wl U and culllvated, IllusvrsteU by 600 wood engra- vIovb; by Asa Gray, M. D., Flslur Professor of Natural Hsstory In Harvard University Recclvo-I by may 24 JOHN M. COOPER & CO. B UTTER.—10 keg* Ch-dce Ooslion Butter, Just rm'fived per steamer Iluntsvlllo. and for ante by nuiy Hi M If. WILLIAMS. B LACK LACK MANTILLAS,—We have received a lo' of the above ^oods in Black, French and Cliautflly Laco, tnnv 9 HENRY LATH MOP A CO. H ERRlNOt—60 bbU Herring: for sal" by r . may 11 HUNTER l (UMMELL. FOR PIIOVIDENCE-Th - i vw hr g .1. II. KENT, apt. i.'-d. haling ni"*' «f her ring» eng*g--l. will ui'ot with di#pitc)i. F«*r liglil freight, npidy l*i CARLTON •* PARSONS. ' FIR* BID TON -The packet hr. LILLY. SpftMfr From i*. imts'er, having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will In.vedl*patch. Per fieight ap ply to OHDKN. fTAKIt k.' ii. •i'Si FOR BOSTON.—The regular packet bark INDIANA, ''apt. River*.having a portion of her cargo engaged, will have dispatch For freight, apply to m*y 1 i CARLETHN A PAR-ONK Jt?! FOR NEW YORK—Tin-schr UAl.hliili ■WHS; 1 apt. Hoit'-n. will meet with di#pntch for the above port For freight nr i nesape apply to ilia)35 IIUNIT! • * GAMMELL. JKjifFOiCNEW'YmiK-UMi»N LINE—The wffffr legular puckvl #chr. TARGET, Furman master. Imving the great r paitl-m of her curgo engaged, will lmvedr#patch. For freight of 1MI balm Cottou, lo com. ploto her cargo, npp'y to OGDEN. STARR A CO. GKORUI % LINK—NEW YORK l'At’K- -j.-pj-KTH—The *i:hr WILLIAM SMITH, C.vpt. Fhhnr, will have Immediate dispatch. For freight or lia>miui', having Httpetbr accommodation*, applv to may 22 HORAN l't’)N A NORRIS. Foil NKW VOTtXC— IIMiiv _ !1" legular purket schimner TARGET, Fiunmi, masti r, will haro quick dispatch for the above port. For fyolght, opply to T . - - OGDEN, fcTARR A LU Tbo splendid side-wheel Steamship Slate of Georgia, J. ,T. GARVIN, Commnnder, Will hs nixfVc, iiu I will c*iiiti*.u-< I- leave encll city ever) alt- rente Siiturdai thriuighuiit tbo #ea*nn. Cabii. Passage {ifi Fteemge 6 Excursion Tickets to nml fr-an Phil t*h-iphm. (which will be g-md lor the seiirou ) 25 Through Tickets to Niaciui 23 For freight er passage, apply to mav 13 i *. A flit MINER ftt CO. Ag’t* AT~YV. O. PRICE’S* "STAlt CL0TI11XU EMPORIUM,” .ft 143 143 ©000110©0» f L'ST RECEIVED dir'-rr fiom the Manufacturers, nii'ith* r lot of tueseceh-rriih-d Ceff •< Pots, at the •use Furnishing ctoro, Non 1,6 and 1*7 Br<oigIit*.n st* imv Ht*K * FAY. " "patent double-wall Git A IIA M’S CHEMISTRY. | WLT LE'l KNTF uf In -ream.: CI,* nnuri, in.'udinc tbo • "tiplicnii.'u"f Ih- Science t" lh» Arte; by Tb*.ina< ' ir *1. mt F R d. *#diie.t by hr* Wait# tn-i H I Igc. I. Bloxam's lluud llu .k of i.'htmisti \ ; t-dilcd by Dr Hoinnnii. Lee *.n the EfT-'Ct# of Climate "n Tubor^n* Disease. | tAiei'i on Materia vi.-die* und I'harnn.-)'. Bow nrtii'* Iutro hn t>*>u t<* I’racU* al Chen Dlry. i P -wmanV Pr *vl Hand !■" -It -.f M. .It- a I <"h*m!Mrv. . Ileni-n H>*lologv in fi« r lailon t.iibrciii.ij... Anal— ^ iny. l’by*.|oi.>gy and Palhetugy, with upward# of 4.0 } Prestim- tioilerw. Ill*(rations- . The gubrccibe YMIrre. .--i Diseases *.f ib«* *’;ia—4th id ti<Ml. Plate- ii ii-iiai!'*- of Fkin l»i#eas.*r—colored. Abb* t*f.-rd •• liHoii of the VVaterly Novel*, in IS vol*, wit!i engraving*. At *‘. tt»>‘p: Pn-.voU’-i Pocket Fonmilarv and Pbvsirian’# Mann*l— ; pu b-1 rm. IV. ltloHNK W/1.L1AM.S. .• _upr2.'jgjj?l _ I . NOTICE". T HE ft.tb#crll ei invjng ii legally rniistltiHen Attoro-y |o f ei. by Ibdort S. Pile*, nt Gtynn rounty. to M'll.rr otberwl#.. dl*.;i. H*, that track »*f La !, wn h«*N-*. 21", loth District. 4 h ‘•eellon: oil-'iimlly tVala.-r, now Dadecounty. All linen sled will take no- ■ace- iflll.gly ii pi 3 ID WIN RAHLIFF. 'l In* Taifnyefte paper# vil' t lei,*.* t f-*v one i.H*. and or ward bill I.. *!• I«-*lt;.-e HENRY ESLER & CC. CJUNUIIIES IV RTtHtiL 12ft bab-# N.-rthien II.*). lCb.' ■**., It*) boxes Ad minntine f’vndlc*. bid* Ib-tified U hisk- y. fin l*b> D>.rue-tic Ulu and Brandy, lit i»bl* Vinegar, T.O ti#fin::tr. 35 bbl# M..*1,»#m # Ac. In nod f it sale low bv may 5 Hi'WIN RATHUFF. MllMHUKb LANDING — Jo HI tiU.l* >|ii* #. 5 <1.* rhoiilder*, 111 l*l>!# Laid. 1" bbl# liaiiiinji* Extra Fb ur, 2.) blue Rye do o . fill boXe* >oap, 25 no T.iUow Candle*. Os fc S# 226 bale# pi inn* Not them Hav. Landing nnd for ulei.y EDWIN RAI CLIFF. PRESERVE YOU It FRUIT. A RTIIU ’D I'A'lLM’ Fltl 'T LAN.* AND JARS— the only genuine article let pr. fruit tin* round, Sor sole at Nira. 1L» and l.'d Bt*u.#!>•**» .Ly ...ay 12 __ MORSE *\ FAY. ,, A lw ,. PKIL b At t\<ir Steam Engine and Boiler Boil*, Atlantic BROOKLYN. NEW YORK Are new prepared for STATIONARY, RIVER AND MARINE LiNGLXES 01 every ilo«riptii.n. hi.gar Mill#. Mill V«rks. ni-*i Mining Mhchitieiy. Also all kiune ot Illgn and L--v • Rent in FseHnr.nb for the nb* *« Work*, will recnir«oi'der« f-*r uli Uii< :» t-f V.ocbltiery H" In • now on I cn i several snm!l PartaLle Engine* **;’t tble for Planter*' fse. nl#o. one 16 horsepower Kngli *• which howiU#*.-li on a-rcc-ninirxlatiric t.-rmr. H. II. LINY 1 LI.E, MHcb nM.St.J'tliifj tnlv 4 .' rtun *i<in#r*' tee#t »-f the At ark el ai® o©iiisa. SCilBVKN ilOUSE. By ,T. B. Foley, Corner of Bull nml Congress Sts.. Savannah. ^ 1 bis New tiftTEL. furnished through# Jf .»b?*K-"tit In the tm».t ri.i.'iA\T>TYt*, is now ."i" 11 "' 1 w «« fe-1'1 w« KinST CLASS HOUSE. tl vl ' « _ MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, HLOUtllA. Tbo Hou*<# b<* ucwly re#ar J \ t ra nge-d and refi ltd K. MELDRIM, Proprietor. ‘Mbj-iTXcZgjygy jan 4 6mo Fisk & lluynimul's bale Improved out. > )>' liaglund M.irti, -ab> III -1 v i DkM UT * M"R«!AN. B' J Bay-Street, Sav’la TUE BEST AND CHEtPEST. WINE OF WILD CIIKKRY. T HIS dflhlmH Wine poi«e‘*e* all Ihe properties of tho wild cherry, and h mommer.dwl as a most agrecablo-lonlcuml stimulant, especial ly adapted tr dyspeptic*, and those ptcdlspnsed to pulmonary ronj- pUlntA. For sale by THOMAS M. turner. m*yl> Corner Dr« ghtotj atul Uurnsid tts. JUST RECEIVED, UNROM Tbo Best Manufacturer of the article In tho C TJIi I ted Slate#,-nnd f v r sale, n* low as the same mllty «re reiailod In New 6’ork. at the House Furnish- i and Stove K*tHl>ll#hmcot, Hodgson’s Block, cornor . "Hirbion and Bulbsticel*. 4tr The attention of purcha#cr I# soncitoil. ANOTHER i. <T OF HE GENUINE »OI.D DOMINION ** COFFEE POTS, T EST Received at the House Furnlihlug Eitabllsh- tnent, Hodgson’s Block, corner Broughton and Bull E. O. BEACH. y 20 t^LOUR ANRJROPF- mu)1j -Toarrive: 300 bbli lie £l _ m Mb me. ft NiiW MAY BUTTER. rt iTX TUB cii.-k" ii.-v May Butter, lauding per . 1x9 H 'Mim r. and for sale by may 12 B 1 I!ANTIN' A N0RR1B- ACON - hii)KM — >u lili i* i Vi'i'c il icon -bl.'f, | auding per steamship State of Go *tgia. and for .y BCR AM UN At NORRIS# j N'EIV GOODS. UST RECEIVED— Black Fi'Ulnid hilk Robes Black Crap.- I'a eges plain Black Burey s is- Jlullsar.d iaconet Muslins Muslin C-dlars Tnrkwl Cambric skirts While Bonnet Cord White Thi Ictou * Fteel Extension Fkirt#, A#, mavft HENRY ’. ATtfAP .1 fO. i.S'i' u M,il lVEi> IN H'i'OUK- 15U hints Bi les and Blu>ul<ier*r.'*d Hams, No. 11'rcnvlnti Uuam>, 5) boxescliolco GidL'cffee, 26 cask Edinburg Ale, 1°0 boxes of No. 1 and Family Si-np, 60 da Boda do do •25 do Toilet do 3H» Hack* Extra Family Fbaur. ■ ICO bids N o. Sugar llou#e .“J fij'i 26 hlul# Molii-n. #. SOU bag* Turks Irlatid Salt, 200 boxes AilatnaiitlueCai.dll r, , i 1U0 do Half do J' lul saefi- RiO Coif* o. For mile by ( mj,, M H WILLIAM^ j TOC ARPKN TKli * ; A PAIR <>F FOLDING D'MlRF, .*f i*r k -<* size, nerttt- i eru mad*, aod but |litilo «#»*—wllij he sold low. . Ai-piv #1 »1*l#"lRee l*" 27 , /AON ifn NTH ATKD 1PREP A ItA TI6n"S i KKdlNUlDB oil Oi.EO REBIND | AKcb-pin, | PaiiL iiinariu, 1 IlydraMlu, J Sep.-, in. | l^pt'Uvdrtn, l PcnteU'tiu, I'odoubyliln, | BGIlmgin, Xant l.oxyl in. A supply of the above prepare! ions, manufactured by Tillman £ Co., r. coived and for sals by THOMAS M. TURNER, may 12 Coiner Bionybton #nd Barnard itreels. _ AY,—125 bales North River Hay, to arrive per bark R A Allen; for sal*! by may 11 HUNTER A GAMMY-LI*. B LACKSJilITU’S COAL'.-C0‘‘tone auperlor Blacksmith’* Goal; tor *nl* bv I may 11 HUNTER A GAS1MLLL- SAFES! Si Tim Miliwribar, Agent* of the Man ii lar rurm. for the sale of Lilli"'# Patent CMUeiMtau miUGI.Ar. k d FI It le# PROOF RA I'EH —~ ~iir '* with Lillie’s Pa- tent I'-tw.lei—proof Com blnntltB Rank I.ock Tne e hafi-s «*nd Ltcks itaud unequalled in belBlng e skill of the l-urgbir and the orjdleafi# n of fire. Persons w i#bu g t** purrh»*« a Sat*- which ia. In ail ra« •tele, w hat the term inptfee, ar« rt-rp-ctfully requested caM and examine our SAFES, at 166 aud IS* Brough# n street. Savannah, before purchasing «ist'« ncr#. «'« ink .-nr Sales need only to be stun to BTOTIOE3. , r WOULD Inform iny IriainU and the nnMic that I (. hove "pi-ne-i.iin the m* r *»f I’rl:« nml York strrcU, dmp where I will attend to th- />1uuulin'!Ur* of Tlu are, Tin Rooting, and all other eork connected ~ith e l-iisitn-se. All order# promptly attended u an'14—tf GEO B- WEE DON. 50 bbls. 95 per ct. 1 JUST RECEIVED BY ROSS & CO., ,r «i 80 Whitaker street. BLeidsick Champagne. ' £ b HA.-KBTS lletdslide Cnatnpague, in pints and Df I quarts, landing nml for sain by OLAflllOBN fe OUNNIOriAM. FOR MAY. r EBLIR’S Magiiiliie. Mr Slay. \Li Graham’* Ladles’ Book, for May. God* y’s do do do. Arthur's Msgoxinc, do. Foteron’* do, do. Baliim’* Dollar Jlontbly, do. Nick Nux, do. Sirs. Htephent* Magazine, do. Ilousebold Word*, „do. . ... J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agaot, »4'» 1 Ti. * 11> on? 0 * 11 * *«•«• How*