The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 29, 1858, Image 1

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x«. ■. • •'.if: \4g*‘r •• ■• :* vyJZ*:: •• p?»<- v'ijwv-- VOLUME LVII. CENTRAL RAILROAD. 0 trrivela New Arrangement. < vvl vit-T Sunday. February vllst. the I’aatungor Truin’*"( vlvv* Road will lu» run a* hdhvWi* •. A( TOXIN SAVANNAH ANI1 xAOnn. .. 1.14 a M Bln1 .TOO r. M • io 4'*a o.imti a.m. i .,v,- 0.icon 4** a.m. am* l. 5li» e M. tn Hivannnh.... - 7.lo r. k .ami H.6n a. u. VXTWXXN SAVANNAH AND AtMH>HTA. 1.15 a m.ami 11.15 A. u. trfivi' 'ii XilBUlU ,9 A. M. and 7 P.M ■ «ri‘ \iiviiHia 2 a. M. and 51.46 r. M. i, rl iei» Savannah I NI a. M.aml >0 66 r.M. SSTWCBN NAIMIM AND ADOUtTA. l/irr Macon 9.45 a.M. unit ll.30p.M- ,rrtvr in tngusta 7 r.N.imlt) a.m. i/avi* tngnsta 2 a.m. and 3.45p. m. tm*< In Macon .....10.45a M.aml 12,30 a.m. Turn* e 'iiucA't on Arrival at (lnr«li*n. fur Mtitelgovlllo (ql K«tt“n. At Macon with tmin* of the Southwest- ,ru U *» • 1‘orColnnibn# ami Vlhany, ami with the Ma* mi * 5V.>itcrn Rond for Atlanta Vm«i.ih!.t« 'evvlng 4avainiali by the 1.15 A. M. train* •ill ani*i* In Atlanta i*t 0 P.M. l.-tA tic by the 3.00 P. M. train will arriv** In Atlanta ,t.u:.ii-\i 'iiorniig On Sundays tin* 11.'6 A M. train (,»r Augusta will go t1ir*<luU to Macon In place of the 8 i’. M, which will uot be run on that day. KMHItHiN FOOTE, General Snpt. J»*annah. February 20th, 1H57 n«vl2 Macou & Western R vilroad. MACON, Due. Ulh. IS.V O N anil after Friday, 18th Inst., the tralua will tun .»«foil me t ’•aeon l.ort \. M. tiro.* at Atlanta x.lfi A. M. bar.- Ma. mi 11.30 A. M. trnr.’ at ttlmta 5.20 P. M b*.**. Ailmta 12 nUht it Mhmii 7.15 A \1 i,.,i- Atlanta 12 .If,,re it Uau.ui 5.40 P. 51. Tli- Night Train- will n >t tie run on Snndave T'i-1 A. M. Train from 51 von connect* with tho^tato I! *1 lor ClintMtioOga at 12.3) P. 51. nndUeorgut Hoad fr A'lit'ista at 10 A. M. rt»«. I '.do A. *1. Train connect* with thi* State Hoad at HS. A. M . and the Georgia Itn id at 12 Night. ■i-o'D-tf ALFHKIt L TYLER. .*np’t SOHEDUtilil |uN I’llE SOUTH-\VICSTiSKN ItAlLllOAD, | Over which passes the (ircal N«*v Vurk & \ew Orleans Mails I Rady fraint better tut Mamm ■».*•/ Culumbut. ■n*t* daeon it 1.30 A M..ami It an A. *1. II.*v m ..'.dniuiiHHN 32 A. M . ami «>;<•< P. 51. ..nirnhiH 1 55 A M.. ami 4.<>u P.M. in M icon 8 -0 5. ' ..ami ln.2S P. M. IIU'Wi.KN MACON AND ALU.ANY. • I IV M u- Ii 1 a I A. *1. r-.v,. .n U'-alii .8.15 A, 51. Ill- *.him a 5 P M. in. <•. 'la.-oii l.l..’8 p M. i. .. M »•■•» 7 12 A M . Tri Woolcly. im>. In Vbany 3.37 P M ,.. \n.ini 7 o* K. M . Tr-Weekly. ii. iv in lacmi .331 P. M i :i« to olii'Mini* I inn a thrniigi connection to •mu-h M i., m l \n,'U*ta. Kiiu*viI1i<. Wilniimtton. . i ill. Mt.l- I.wllh- iml K ttmtoti. ?.tcn«» run fr *01 Albany t-> Talltlia»*ei*. lliaiit* i . Hi .hi tivilte. vc. rk* inn ironi Amitlivill**, 7Vi- IRyWy. to Dawson, i-rr K >rt ilain-*. \c Alan troru Fort Valley t*» . it ivii"4viilp. If iwklnsvitli* and lviioxvilh<. Oa • ,.* nj r* i <r i* .mi* tmlow Fort Valley, slionld tako -» mit-' Tr tins ironi Snvaim ih and Amr iatnt.. avoid ‘•iti.m it Micoti. For flier points taki-idlhi.r Train. :r*i U**«ti.nnihi|>s leave •Savannahlor Now Vork.oti I-,lnsand Saturdays Passageiu the Cabin $25, -rwv f*. T >ni Motitgnmery to Savannah $14 00. I* Colnmhii* ilo do 1" 00 l.» Vliiany do do 10 &0. iJK'l. W ADAMS,Superintendent Ii. oj. F. 'i. 2l*t. IS58. ttnr 1 GF.ORG IA RAILROAD. Cliaage of Selisdule. * fAlvK KFKKCT ON OKOH'tlA RAILROAD, DK- OHMiielH 28 h, 1857. bite A'litmta it 2.30, A. M , and 4.00 P. 51. A: :t.-4t \tl iota at II 3H. A. M.. and 1.04, A. M bi - Atlinla at 12 un. A. 51., and 10.00, A M. Attire t A'U’Hita at 8.50, A M.. and 7 00 P 51. j.vliv Tr »ins n-aTlug Angn*ta at 4 P. M„ and Atlan- i. ::a. M. .ll*coutitJued. (The 230 A. 51. traiu trout tifi-ti " meets through to M.-iuphU ) O'WECT WITH SOUTH OAKhUNA RAILROAD. Am*-at Aau’ista at 10*. 1. 51.. and ‘230. P. 51. L i*- AiiiOi-ta at 10.00, A. A|„ ami 8 05, P. 51. tCBvTRllJI AND STLINTIC HAtLKOAD. A-fiv St AH mta lit H.-.’2. p. M„ and 933. A. M. L-i.-AM.ila at 1 45. A. M . an.I 1230, P. M. Stt.AVT.A AND WEST POINT K.AII.ItOAD. Aff.vrtt Atlmia lit 1U.13. P. M.,and 0 27, A. M U*.- 2.*HI A. 'I..and l 00, P. >1. KACO.N AND WesTttUN ItAILftoSU. Ar Atlanta,a $*.15 A.M, hii4 0.05 P. M bit* Atl.ii.11 a 3'* A. Al., and 12 00 Night UIIBX.1 mtAXCtl—SUXDITS EXCEPTED. bi*r Aiumt i .it 2 30 Igtit. ■1‘r.Ati.i to at 12 00 Night. • "-st AtlietHi at 10 3 * Day. **»t Aih-ns at 12.1*0 NiJit. t>-it Annuitant 0 ••*' Morning. • " st Atliintwat 11.34 Morning. In .tv-it IS Bt. Ajicu —D.Atl.V TRAINS —SUNHATS EXCEPTED. •it Aiuns'it at 2 3n Sight. •• - \tl.' 12 00 Night. :•<• at An*'In.-too at ?.3fl 51 urning. '. 'Li idaysan K«t*-a Train leaves AVasiunaton at 1 43 '.mg, and connects with the Dawn P iy Pa**<i-ng<-r • *i fr mi Atlanta, and returning to IVauhihgtoii at o Kvi-nlug. WAKlENTO.V UHAXCII —.SUXDATS EXCEPTED. -iir A>iin*tii a 4n» Kveutng >t a-ita at ItMlO Morning t AV in on till at S.irtl KAVidtig. in.oiton at 3.3*1 Kveinng. .t AiirustA at Too Kv.-mti/ *t .Atlanta at 1.00 Night. 1.-1} tJF.tlU.iK VUMJK Oe„. <ui. ' $11:111111 & West Point Uiiilroad '**1*1 to U'eef Point, 87 iu He*,,Pure. $3 50. OK )IIC1A U. HULL, Miperinteiiduilt. M i.« ruAix: llama, dally W st P ant, at ••s I' ent. daily at t Atlanta, t EVKNINO PAESr.NOKU 1 iluita, daily a i aa st • s' P <1111. daily at ■ At Ian'n. at li a i, I - oniteCte. i*arh ss\ TM'dnt S.iilrnid 2 no A. 51 7 28 do 4 on do 7 Ui) do RAIN. 1 00 P. >1 fi '28 do 4 30 do 10 f* d . '. with the Miihtgofii I-.' 28 1’i’igliln fritm Sarannalt TUSUUMHIA AND MEMPHIS, SATURDAY MORKTUSTG, MAY W9. 1858. lleat llenned CHARCOAL IRON SUJI. ” AV INN All. Ij A . 4 til Aplli. 185 . [1 IK . .is l.,.«n inf-*nfd by letter e l iIh- imriiiug,fvoni theti-tierHi Nuperititt' •• *|ein|mi< A Charleston ail Hoad, that nd W estern division* ol tout Itond wen- t. ("-I ’uttio 27ih ultiuiu. ami that ttatn* would rut. ' 'irh ..i^nlarly oi the 2.ith. v,, "7 '0if of Freight from Sovannnh to "’-.scjnihia. I .*i.<lii|ih'- , fl 38 $1 95 S i. | l 09 | 1 *24 ''' •'•• 87 ; i 00 "*’*1 rate fur Freight timid* | 2 70 | 3 lb , . CLASSIFICATION. '.la,*—Piano Portea, Hook* ami Stationery linois, 'h ma. Hats. Liquors, Oils, ic. In hot ties, 0a n|ihnne anil hpts Tin petititie in barrels, ‘’arpeting.Uliina (Jhi-s ttnl (lla-Kware,Segals, incasea ('locks. O.iiifectionery.Coiton <'arils, J ltl-ry in cases, casks and boxes. Dry Ootids hi boxes ami bales. Drugs Fruits, Fruit Truer and .Shrubbery. Furs.Garden Seed*. Looking •Hamea and L.Mikiug Ola«s Plate, at o truer'a risk. .Viitsiiifrails. • vs ter* in cans amimr-, Sa Idler , Tin ami liritauuiH W»r.i, Tea an I • r . 7 ic ^** per It*'* lbs Urns.— lard war j i except in 1st and 3d lasses.* O' I oil. Mills. Machinery.Foreign in Mil and pities. Tobacco In huv<*. Uather in roll and li •ves,Ollsin bbls. ami casks. • r.ick.-r* and Hmmiisware in crates ami casks Hie,'- Whiting Plaster. Sheet brass ami Co|.j.i-i’ .... „ tier Inn lbs •bias*.—Axes.Shovels, 8pa les, Sad-Irons. and Tin in pigs,Tin Plate. A..v||s, Vices,''arriase Springs and Axles, (hiMks rtf Chains & ||<i-h, Manilla and Dolton Cordage, ''olfue, IL ntt Castings. Mill Ueariug ami Mill Htones. Itnil 3 Mid Wheels and Axles. Chairs and .Spilo-s, ami Rosin in Mil- per lOit lbs. •mh for Light Goods.—Furniture ami Carriages , *mved, and other light articles not enuinerab T d . also. Carboys of Acids ami other cheml. J-ytls, will betaken at actual weight, hi* charged at double l-t tflnss rates...per 100 |b» *VM, M. WADLKY. »>f*-tf OenM Hnp't C. H. H URAVVFOUD'h tt.’IUNT “ SITOA" MILLS FLOUR UriH'iu'iltnl by any Mills In Georgia fur Breadstuff's. DuUllLK BXTKA IIOTBl. FL'lUll, uperior 0OA MiLI.8 DuUl •In dn do Family do, du Superfine du, ■Mills du do, du Flua do, du No 8 du, I'MC.'.,, nrlt. an* Shorn. Rao.I.Id h«i j.'"'. c"tist«ntlv for sale by W'NKItAT. WKIlPTKIt « PALM KB, Agents for Crawford's Hltoq Mills bakers ami Flour HeaTrs ere Invlitv «ml for His rieh-st srfleln of breed ■i tl nor ui ''lean pure grain, and Is •mis s ,|;i|. ;;" , : < ! , "'" r *"l by the best imiFIdiierv. usi " K.lrn llnl.l Vlimr .eiillf, iiiivks iiiimiv*, HI ,{"l<|N.rl.rlHi>M, l/tyr. .ii'l M.I. CALVERT IRON AND NAIL WORKS, Baltimore, Md. J. IIOPKINSON SMITH. OFFICE 25 SOUTH ClIAltLES-STUEET. HOOK AND FLAT HEAD KAIL HOAD SPIKES, BRIDGE AND CAH HOLTS. NUTS, &o., WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS, OF ALL PATTERNS, 6 to 12 Inch MADK TOOIlDKIi. REDUCED aia tg. Rates of Freight, FROM Savannah to Knoxville, ANI) ALL STATIONS ON THE East Tennessee & Georgia (tail Road FIRST CLASS. P IANO Fortes, H ">ki.rftntntiuiu'ry. Him its. Slitter, and Mats, Liquors, Oils. Ac. fiu buttles), Cam* phim* ami Spirits Turpentine < iu bane's). Carpeting, Chinn, Ulnss ami Ulass-Wnre, Oars (in c.isaii, Clock*, Confectionaries. Cuttun L..ids, Cutlery (in cushs). Casks ami Hexes, Dry Goods (In boxes and I tales). Drugs. Fruits, Fruit Trees ami Shrubbery, Furs, Garden Send*. Looking Glasses and Looking Glass Plates (at owner's risk), OysteiS(in cans ami inrij. S.idillmy, Tin and Hritniitibi Ware, Teas am) Spice*. Georgia nml South Carolina Domestics,, per 100 lbs fl.H 8WONl* CLASS. Hardware, oxcept such as speeilled III first and tid'd daises, Cotlee Mills Machinery, Foreign Lb quors(ln barrels and pipes), To.iai cd in boxes), LeatlD er i in rolls and boxes). Oils (in barrels ami ensks), Crockery ami tfueeus Ware (In crates ami casks), Rice. M'liitmg, Plaster, sheet Brass and Copper, per 100 lbs THIRD CLASS Axes, ’•hovels. Spade*. Sad Ivon*, 7.1 nc and Tin, In pig-, Tin Plate. Anvils. Vices, Casks of Chains ami Hoes, Manilla and Cotton Cordage, Coffee, Heavy Ca-tings. Mill Gearing. Hall Road Wheels ami Axles. ( hair* and Spikes, and Rosin (In lirrrrlsl, per 100 Special Hates Furniture and Carriages (boxed.) and other light articles uot enumerated; also. Carboys of Acids, or other I'hemie.ils. will ho charged hv actual weight but at double first class rates, per ioo pounds, $2 To Insure safety from buses ami delays, shipper* tuns have every package plainly marked With name of Coti 1 sigiieo. destination ami depot of delivery. 'The Depot- on thi* rondure— Fouuialii llili. Sweetwater, State Line, Philadelphia, Cleveland. London, Charleston, Lenoir**! Kicoville, Concord Athens, m2 Mouse’ reek, j*f noxvltte. ’ Vjf To commence l-t March and couliuu to 1st Juu’ 1857. M M. M. WADLKY, Snp’t Central Railroad. K.FOGTK. “ MAW. •• J. 51. SPULLGCK, “ W. « A. « H.C..IAt:KSON, K.T.AGa. “ March l-t mir'-M SUCCESSORS TO [Tp *r 4- j —4reeves,3uck&co- ^ ■' —M B MANUFACTUUER8 OP 4 1 + ■ dC -^L -j Railroad Iron, Bar Iron, ^ CAR AXLES, Ship and Bridge Iron, Spikes, Sic, Abo. a mis srlor urtlcto of WROUGHT IRON R. 11. CHAIRS, With CONTINUOUS LIPS, and mado t • fit ex c ly the fi itigu* of Rails, J. and L IRON, Ate. —At-0— Wroti :ht Iron Solid and Compound Girders and Reams* of any required fenglh, for F ro Pr of Building and Bridges. SAMI’Eli* »T. RBF.VKS, V. I*ieb*t., 9-1S58 Iv No. 4Hi «' .’n .» PI,Ha elphta FIRST OXiAS FAMILY GROCERIES, *’ a LOW-PRICE S’ 1 .! ioo to r* , ~* 1 , Ross & Go., SUC0ESS0US TO W. W. GOODRICH, nmyO Whit Aker St. JYeu) York >1tlvrrtisemciils fhom xxi s. sonxiiiXiis ADVERTISING A 0 E N C V, MofTatl’a lIulltlliiK* or* 330 0ROADWAY, NEW-YOBK. CIIAMJEOl.’ SCIII'IIH’LP.. THE C1IKIPBST & QUICKEST ROUTE To the North, STEAMER F. OAR «l K X, Will leave Savannah eve: DAY AFTERNOON, T WTO ,j a. W Bill It IV a i'havlvston AND THE NORTH-EASTERN RAIL-ROAD TilItOVOIl ARllANOEJIENT SAVANNAH TO WILMINGTON, N. C On and after SUNDAY, JANUARY lOlh 1858, s nraramort. “I GORDON, D «> in in u n (t e r, SUNDAY ami AV HUNKS ■ek. ami arrive In Charles- ton the f dlnwing uMmlugs in time tn ennect with tin Train nt the North-Ka-tern Rad I to id going North. Returning, will leaves rharlesimi every Mimduy and Friday Night, nt 8 iT'ii-iek. (after the arrival of the cars from Wllmiugt hi,) and arrive In Savannah early tm- followin'.’ morning-. Travellers bound fir he North, for North Carolina, *>r for the northern part of South Carol Inn, by taking thi- route, will save time a!('i EXVKN8R, aud will giiiua uiglil’s sleep l lirough Tickets Ironi Savannah to Wilmington, $11 No extra charge for moils or berths nit hoard of the steamer. Pa-—tiger* and their Itiggaso transform! from the s.'iMiier to th« ears. ,/»*£•• oj ehiirgr Daggagechecked fr-on 8avanmih to Wilmington. For engi-'eiui'iit-npply to J. P. RK'UlKS, Agent, jm 7 i!hnrhwt"ti •*teatn-Parket Wharf. FX U !STiNT' : r t “Cll A It r K.'i’i is.—Cntll rurlher nolle*, Pa—en.-ers will lu« taken t" harle-ton and bm k. the Hiimnvi the succeeding trip for odo fore of S3, may 2'* GREAT REDUCTION OF FARE TO EUHOPE. 7b AVw front South a ni],ton, l here or It re turn First eft* In flOb Sewml cnldn f.3 _ 40 III the JD-I ,-1.1-c* p.'lldle wheel -te itnsllip Alii KL. 2,011(1 t'»n-. <5 D l.mllew, C' Hill! NtinTIt r*T \ It. 2. ftoo fun. Klward''avetuly, commander, to salt tpnn pb-r No ii Nie tb river, at noon precisely, cai tying the United State-mml. vy.: 'in 1 orb for Bremen for Stidham jiton ■ofdon, //1 ere Suithainp- SILVER WARE$c JEWELRY. S. ¥ILMOT, CORNER OF CONGRESS. WHITAKER AND ST. JVI.IEN STREETS, O FFFK* 111? LVRGK STOCK of U1CII GOODS, at prices to suit the times. On hand, and 'eceivlnc by every steii'in I, Gold and Silver Goods of every description. Fine Silver Tea Set*. Pitchers. Waiiem. Goblet-, 'hips. *;io ms an I forai. of ev.-rv weight and voletv t Silver Sets a Clock* • bty ■cantifully put up in ciso* f -r w ddiit; a 11 other pivs.-ufj; Ual 1 and silver Wntclm,. ami J' WFiLltYt'frutn the richest diamond to the cheapest plain gold, including Cinien, Lava and Mosaic, In full *••!• un i single pi'ct»; witli iluioHl every il 'Hcripiion of timiuiimi i|.<u-| u«e. PLA'l'ICD UUilD.S,—Plata! (hike Husk it*.‘a* or*, Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers, and Plated Goods of every k nd. SPRfT\i! I-KS-In 0 Md. Silver and Steel Frames, with Pebt.le and nth’w Sight-. FANCY GO IDS. Rn-h in I bn iiiful I'.uiui Van .-an I Matuots. and Famv 0 i d«. In great variety. T"Hoi*e Si.eii amt oth r COMB 4. of latest style* with a gteat vn letyi.f Head "rn-nient*. * ht.zeiis of 'iiy and i.'ouiiliy arc invited lo ex inline toe stock, which will l-e sel l at prici-a much lower than usual. M itches, Clocks and 'owelry promptly RKPttRKD by workmen of skill nnd long experience, apr rt tf CHANGE OFSOIIEDULE INLAND ROUTE For Palatka E. F. New York and Savannah. The American Atlantic Screw Steamship COAIPA3VY. KEEP COOL! Sponge, llip, oth eh Halil-Tubs; A g'-nl ns-ortment on hand, mo ASSKIPS l'!K CR1JAM FHKKZKIIS. together with -TJi MATKU UiGLcIts. 1045 4*i r. IIbR.*?, and many utbui good ihiiii* ♦or tin* hvt wenthur. B. O. DI5ACII, llodgson'u Block.ciruer Hrougbtmi and Hull its. opr il THUS CHFAPF.HT AND BEST Pumps 7n tht World. haxSiufa Stlid J‘i»ton and iBtol Valven F OR Pumping Extracts. Hot aud Cold Water; Mi'ta* bio tor C'steru*. Wells. Factories, Mines, Ac.— Throwing from 20 to 5uu gallons per minute. An extol- cellvnt Fire ITtiglna for farmers. Large discount to uoalcrs. Agents wanted, and Territevial right* for sals 15. A. MAU8IIA LL.llG Pearl-street, jyl 8 corner of 51 aldend’Hie. N*w York LIGHTR, N15WTON A UtUUUbItV'» 421 Broomt-it.. New folk- M anufacturers ortho patent Arch wrest plan Plano Fortes, eelobratvd for depth, fullness, rich* ne*s. purity and a peculiar »iiiRliig quality jf thuir tone, tor which they have received the higheit encomium" Iron* the greatest musical celebrities of the country; and in every fair, when brought iu cutnpctitbiu with other Instruments, havo obtained the highest premium The Puteut Arch Wrest Plank, which Is ownod nnd used only by us. guarantees tl.elr s**ndltig l tone lunger than any other Instrument; while their unprecedented demand In nil parts of the o-untry I* a sufficient pruo of their superior excellence. A libersl discount to 1‘ler- gvm-ti Pchniilw and the trade.H l)-may27 Ul’LD Invito attention lo a choice seleclion ol Ladies’ VIA BHUNSWICK, ST. MARYS. FERNAN* DINA. JACKSONVILLE, AND PICOLATA. Stopping fit nil Intermediate Lanolint/n. To leave front the Chnrlveton Steam Packet wharf every WEfjXES/JA K MORNING at 9J o'clock. Tn* 1 now a ml spb-u d I steamer KY45i(GI, iDK. rapt. I, 51. CVieler, will leave tl.|- city as a'-nve. ““ i» itenillei Il'IK 'Jle finest pIlMl tl ,reimiui"dali'*t,> of any boat in the '«!■ .tilerit wut'C*, md couuect* ragulirlv with the i-'ag-s |ur the iutori ir of •'l-rt-li. al-1 with ‘ihc llruns wlilt .t FI di 11 ■un! Fernandlua n <V nr Kei* Rail, c*Mil-. Relnruing will c-imeet nt S iviunali with this Central Ibidroid. and .W York steamer-. Ft eight coil'd <ned t" tie* Ag-rntn of this steamer will he fi—hipp-d free of cli irge. For freight or passage ap ply on board, or to JOHN 0 FU ASKK. Agent ~UNFrl)~STATES iVlAlL7 For I 9 ninth a F. ff\ l l A l) Mil EX, ll It l NS W/t'K, S T. MA R VS, FERXAXniXA, JAtlKStiXVIUJC, ANI) PICOLA TA. -* M| “W Tie* spltm lid new Icon steamnr ST. a »Tf5v MARYS, Caj.l. .la*. Ff'liortt. having ask in?"7iiltiIffy 1111,11 thoroughly piinnul and over* jgjggflaESggfrgji,hailh*d, will comni-tu'e her regular trip" to ill- aliove places. |e 1 v|ni tiiu Florida ’'team Packet wharf on M.onlay mo<iiitig, April (1th. lit V ;. and oatiuue to leav.. every Monday morning iTIfF. XK5V AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS 111 1 \ T S VIL L E, Cnpt. Robert Hurdle. MONTGOMERY “ Frederick Crocker Will f ii in a we, lily ’Die between S, van nab and New Yoik leaving each pint every SATURDAY. Them St.-atiler*. I.Oijo ten * each, have elecatil needn ino'D-bui-lor PiiH-eugeis. and being of greil Htr. netli and "peril, * ifpp'-rn can rely on Hie greitest dhpatdi to Freight. For furilcr parHeulara. npply to it It IG11 AM, HAI.DVMN a- CD., Siivnnri ill. Georgia or to II. B. CltOMWKI.I, a. ' ll., ape 0 tf 131 5Yii-ningttin 1‘tri'id. New York. Fare Reduced I FOR NEW YORK. To naif on Saturday nt 81 o'clock, d. J!. at tlm For i r«lght > Smt>, i or Urn Artel. Siirui'diiy, March 2 North Star. •• April I Ariel. " May 1 Nrw Ye>rU. April 2*. April 17. May 13. •Ii 12. t Ha vie. specie d'livi-red in i-'ige or fr.-i jlu. api'l i lo I*. TURK \NI'K. Au nt, * It .w'lneGc- n V.-iv V . r k. ni hoanl, or tn t CUNNINGHAM, FOR HAVANA K12Y WEST ANI* CUllOltNIA. Steamship ISABEL, WILLIAM ROLLINS, COMMANDKK, Having just been entirely overhauled nnd put tn *pb-iiilid older, refitted with new boilers, and double aif tight bulk In inl.. furwai'd and nf'. making het otm ol the ni"st de-irable *t"amer- tor safety. s|h ciI and com fort. will leave Savannah for nvana via Key West, on tiie I tli and l'."h. and l-ave Havana er Savannah vm K".v VV.-t.nii the l"lhan • 2'tli o* each month Hi at Havana with tlu> IT.S Mail Sl- itH-hip rump .mj’s Lino of.'leameih. fur New Orleans and San Francisco. For pass-igconly,apply to lecis COM FAS *: IIKItTZ. , 'in-rim rr!"l Lr Mtsbiwat I * xIAUttOM'l IAUILY OROOKUr, FOR NE1V YOU 1C. Fastest T_,ine! I A-^Lr 'z-SM&SSSS, Cnbtn Passage 9521) t Fr- i r ht b «"i tliati by ulij otlnr tiuiin I-! SIX Cent- per fo-1, Full ALL KINDS »P M F. \ 8 U ll 15 M K N T '•J<L"^-*^,j,ioi»8 Light Barrels 37 cents, nnd other articles In proporii-'n be splendid ami comii|"dions .-Ide wheel Ste'ini'TS AUGIHT V I f."0 tuns Unpt. M. p. W .o lhu I KL'iRIDA 1.3'Hi - •> |-anc irowoll. ALABAMA. ...1 linn " » Oeu R S.lmncl.. And first clas- I'ropeller SrtR "F THE S'Hini. I.P O tori-...0'pt The*-Lyon Tli se ftenm-liipi belong t» tli** obi e*taldi-hi"l atf* favoi-te Hint, known as the • New York ntnl rtavanu-h Bream Navigation tlmupanv,” and in comfori, ncconime. ibitious and lare, cannot be exc-llnd hey are cm. ii led by uxperionced. skilful, careful and pilite idllcer*. PADKLFOI(L), FAY A CO. Agents. Savannah. SAM’L L. MIT''HILL a rON. msyl tf Agent-. New York. 3STOTICE. The spl 'itdid propellers IlUVrSVIl.I.K and 5H»NT- i n w,0°MKRY. will finm a week- ;V Jl hi line between New York 1 and Savannah, leaving e» h jpnrt every 8atuiii»*T. On mid r .. „ after Mnv 1st 1858, Fr<* cht N °" Y ,‘ rk ' wl,) b- taken at ^fthsoi tliu present tariff, or customary rat-*. 4 „*P r4 ! HR 1G1IAM. BALDWIN k CO. PUKIG.IT 011 rilMI- I*'* 11 —I he lint clii"* schr i.UUY R WARREN 1)8 ton- hit then, carries 4 H i0 hushels grain, or BUO bbis Flour-m arly new, and well found. Apply n, *»*y 18 MINIS * .llKINSTON. BOTANY . r«m YOUNG PEOPLE St COMMON SCHOOLS. H OW PLANTS GIIOW-A ilmpl-lntmduc Hull Iu Structural Bulan v. w ith A J*OI» CL All FLORA t Or an Arrangement and D»ioilptfmi ef Common Plant*, both wl d and cultivated, |llu»trsted by 6U0 wood engrs* vlm*i bv Am Ursv. M. If. Plain r I'rnfi-aaor of Natural llxtoiy in Harvard University Hecrlvad by Uiai 24 JOHN M. ('OiH’F.R A CO. ■fajllTTIOII.—10 kegs ch due tbliiien liutler, Inal I ■ received per *ti'am< r lliints« llle. and lor rale l.y may III M H U ILI.IA Vlrf ■ IhAdK LAUIG HI AN TIL LAM.—VV e have |1 re*'' lved II lo' of Ihu sbovn gin-Is ill lllacb, French Mild l.'lmnlllly lisiu im, id IIMNMV LATIIMOI* ACG. H GUIIINOit-60 l.bii Marring i fur isle bv m»Xl! ^caallUhTUU A UA5JMBLL UNI I’KI) STA TES M AIL. I For Palatka, E. F., 1'ta Parirn, llrnnmrick, St, Man/'a, I\rnan<liua, Jack-muvillv, Piv-Jntet and Middhbury. — Th" new and elegant -teitmer ST. Jolivs, Captain N King, w ll 111 “ -vimiSaESSiais* [ h, N |„.,it hi- built expressly lor rid* ronte.iiii'1 h ■.vuig •• nicy State li.u'tr. itci.oinni-eliitiun. oiler- nuperlor iudllci tuetiu to inviilid- and olliets. For freight or pasoago apply on board nt the 4'lori la Steam Packet to iuni'31 ULAtni'iUN A iMINNIVGIIA n. Ag’ta FOR OH"ARLESTON, S. C. I be new m<! -pl.'iidi'l ii,m sieami-c SI* .MARY-. Cup', .bititei Fiiei».n.. leave for Tliui- Evening. April *.'d lit 0 "’do k. (•••ntimu'io In ive every Thnr»diy liere.iltei. lleilll'liieg. she will leave Cliailesli n eieiy Dimlay Morning, lit Wo’clock. For tr-igbi ..r ip)'h "i* .In- Florida -team Puck-' whnrl. m to mar 511* Cl, VG'I- hi \ A 1 'UN S I Mill A M. Ag’ta. k&m. ,,.. Cabin, : $20. ii Slccrngc, $0. Steamship ALABAMA, * G. K. SCHENCK, Commander, The new nnd splendid fn-t g"lng BteHm-ld|i A LA KAMA. G. R Si'beiiuk.cionniaiider,w ill ejloae above lot ft eight oi ru PADKLFOUD. FAY A CO. N. B —Shipper* of Cot ton by these steamer* will plcaM take notice, that no Cotton'will he received nt the pteeBi* Hint la not distinctly marked on the edge of the bale. Ou' Bertha not "cciired until pnid for. PADELFORD. FA V * CO., Agents. U®. Freight from New Y»rk ui •'*.< customary, aud ns bo. nnv oih.r FOR JM i. W YORK. To Sail Saturday, May 2i>, nt 9 A. M, SPRING GOODS I HB.N'RV LATIIU0L’ t 00., w Spring aud Summer Dress Goods, Received jier last ntcHuiur, utnbraciug thu following styles; Double Skirt Robes,Tia<U<< Holies, V daiit V liullle,''rgauiDo Clilnte Volant, Clilm/. Ilri'li Mites. French iktmhrius, Plaid, si i ipeij and Bayuduro Silks, French Cnilcn-ii, Solid col’il Ritrege and Cr*po .Maretz, liiuege Iti'be-A G'dlle, I’hhi till I l ocaile bareges. *• “ lt.iyadeie Black Bareg e. —ALSO— Black Lace 'hintilla*, Black and wldce Bin ego Shawls, Uol’d amt Mao- Silk Par.-el-. WII1TIS GOODS, In Brllllante*. Vnii*u ks and Minis Plain itu I fig’.I SwiaH Mn-lins, Fluid nod -iclped t’a'iibrlou, Plain and printed PlquaClotha. CHILDREN’S GOODS.J M sso«’ l.i ui ts, USpencets. •* I’n.Htoreik Raglans,Dreraea, AcJ — At."o- Long mid 81 ort Black Net 5Jitt- and Gloves, 4 Lad ice', Gci.Loan.I Rnv’u Lisle Thread " " •' Hnll/.y .'Iciliio SblrlB. Mis- a* ii"i Bo>’« •• “ “ mar Id y£MxxvTBSi~xxijSSa: New York Auction Sales. 7 P)ECKb llati'lsomo 4'"iil.ird fink* Flounced B ir«- r e It- bv- do do ib>, double -kirt# do iU> da. t.ble stripos Printed ^rgnudlo Mm-lina ■lo Jncotiet do 60 dozen Dhiiih-U Dn.vK-u 60 do Linen Towi la 5 pieces Table Damask, nil linen. For aa1«at the lowest pile-, by DvVV ITT A vi'Hill AN. Plantation Supplies. 20.O4MV;;:''"’ * ‘ u "“- 1 ,'.u(i yard* iioivy wldto Osnaburga, 6.KM do Iiglit d- do 3 OoO do Hickory f tripe* b.W > Ao Marlboro do 1Q."00 il-» liens) brown Shirting * 3 nut) ,|o do wbfe do 2cu i|u/.' , n ID-ad lluuUkorclilufa J f*»0 lb* Flax Tinead (P*5'ilt gr.'-H Bnll'.iio 5U.0IJI) Stout Nee de*. Fur sale at the lowest prices, bv apr" NI5VITP. I.ATMROP * B0GF5Rf». «iixf)iulis." S UGAR 4 .—lOhhd- dmice Porto Rico and Loti stuns 30 do fair SfbiP«^3g A. J, MILLER & CO’S No. JL4.X BHOUGHTOW-ST. SA VANNAII, UA. Nf W FURNITURE of all kinds; COFFINS. Lo. Uotl-tHhtly on hand «la<». a In'gOHia aiuient ol LOOKING GLASSES. tY?>. New Wotk made to order nt tin. shortest notice. 143, Maltreaaea, Jobbing, and IIKLL-H.INtilNt»' done In tlietieiit' at style, with despatch. ly .jan 19 pr e Cuba t’r ishe-l and Ground Pi do A. Band Clariiled 50 d < U dti more Y How. C C nrilh'd. .MOLASSES.—20 lihds. ll* Here *, and Km bbls Cuba 75 bids clinic* New Orleans BACON - 60* prime Hide* 2d do do Shoulders 10 tierciH choice Mtua* enred llama. LARD—40 Idd- aud KHJ kegs prime I euf For sale hr apr P SCR WT'IN V .lOHNSTttV. IMPROVED BCE Accommodation Boat. FOR PARACHUULA EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. Th" tiew and f i*t running Passim* ,gw —ii ~K and Freight steamer JOHN G. A I.AVVTON Will li-nvo lor Parncl.ucla -III l interniediale Lauding*, ^ every P. M — leiv„ '.Mt - f West Broad street. * ’ N. 11.— 1 Contract., 'or laudltignabove ran bonnwle. Thi* Boat will not break her rnntiii g schedule. J. W McALPlX. Agent. oc-27 William*im’» Buildings. For Charleston. XNX. A ND H.OXJTB, 17,1 be a rt'OH r d mi. ton iiea it. r.. leave from Hie I5h .rb-t-n Wlmrf every SATURDAY, at 3 P.M. <«Tv, Tin* new and splondl steamer .VKUHMLae,- '..M.C will leave this . Th- Kverglado connect* regularly w ith the 8.uii )| 'arolina and North Kit-'em R-llroad-. Fii'lgnl cuisigned to Agent* will be f.iwanb 'l free •barge. For height orpm-ig-m plv mi hour2 or to J MIN t>. FB 58Kit Agent. n*»vl7 _ No 74 Bay street _ CIIANOK i »F SC 11 HlJULE For Blufffcon, Ililton Head, liuyd't L-mdiiaj, Port Royal Ferry, Dean fort and Charleeton. The new and splendid iron iteamer . ECU, i'iipi F Peek will on "ml «H* r > y, Mnv I'Rh. leave f.,r tin*"bore lies every 51. IN DAY MORNING, ut - ui Height or pa-sage. np,.|y to .1. P. Bit'* >K8, i 11 a rid* tm wlmrf, tfir All freight nitiai be jMildon the wh,rfb\ the ddpper hi fin- u will be f..r nnv 4 FDR FltElUll »' »Ml i iiikifc » Lit. Ti.o A 1 brig Cll .-Ai'KAK. Cap 1 , llniiy Ap- li i. OAKLET.'N it PARSONS, iipr'.’tt FO it LI V Klil’OOL. — I'ho slop •in* UI,, J F- Hayden, master, having a largo part l iircarg" eii ;"Liid, will have d, I’oreti.'ugo tents, apply to “ T. It. * J. 0 MILLS may 17 '■'■dlt FOR FREIliRT ORCilARTKil- i 'Iiii A I bulk ROUT. A. ALLEN, L'upt. Roubius. tVpp') t- i 25 CABLET »V * PAP.SONS ,, FDR PllOVlDBNCK-Tkrt tew hug .1. II. KENT, apt. nnd, having iii"*'- of her cargo IsmC tmg.igid, will iHiiit with di*piitch. For light freight, npidy to 0-5RLTO * At PAR80N8. Ft) H IIO TILY -The packet scliVr LI LLY. shilSt Francis, masier, having the greater portion of bar enrgo engage 1, will liuvedhpatch. For freight a|e ply to OGDEN. HTAHH fc lff». FOR BOSTON!.—'The regular packet batk •mS^INDIANA. Ospt. Rivers, having a portion or her •migo engaged, will have dispatch For freight, apply to in *v 1*2 CAR LUTON A PAIfOVB FOR N1CW'YORK.—Tlie »clir RaLnii.H. SMb a, t Horton, will meet wl'li dispatch fur the It p u t For freight nr pin* ige apply lo IW"'81 _ IIU vTlill A GAUMBLL. Jit FOH'iTKW Vo|TK~0v1iin LI>K-.h. loL jsgular phckvt *chr. TARGET, Furman master, having tlm great r portion of her cargo nngagrd. will hared' (patch. For freight of 160 hales Colton, lo cum plate I er on go spp'y to "•sy2*i OGDEN. RTAItH * CO. Jffi! arcOUGI 4 LINK-NEW VltiiU P D'K Slm. K T4.~ I In* "''hr 'A||,I.IAM SMITH, Capt. Flslmr, wilt have liiiuie'lhlii dispatnh. For fieight ur |>a*»age, li'ivii g sU|"Tl T HiTuintiii'iliilhnis, applv |.i may 22 WCIianVi.n A NO'IIIT*« FOIl NMYV YOlllt • IJ v |„v" l.l si:- jSiMMbl'b" ("Uilhir pN'ki l »iliiM»ner TAUGHT. Funnan, master. Mill have quick JDpaUh f>'« (lie Hlmv* poll' Fur«,^/ ^^uuWi>'. 1'IAUR k LV The American Atlantic Screw St< amshlp Company’- new and fast Bteumcr U it ntsvi 1 e, CAPTAIN JOHN A. PONT, Will depart for New Ymk on SAT UR DA 4% Mar 29. For Frclgiil or Passage, liav.n r arroiniiiiHlations equal tunny ate-imenipi.u tlieco—i applv tn llllHiII v.M, BALDWIN b 00 t'ahin Passage, jl&OU Steerage do 0 Ol* may 19 FO R FI 11T. ADK LP HI A. »A»3B U»33tre»P !! Only Two Nights ut Soa—Through in 60 to 65 H ura. To Sail Saturday, May 2D. af OJ P, M. v.-pr. The splendid side-wheel Steamship State of Georgia, J. J. GARVIN. Commander, Will s.ii a* iii'uvo, ami win contH.uv i" leave each city every alt-mate Sntiirilav ihroughuut thu sea»«n. I5a*du Pussage $H> Etceiage do 0 Excursion Tickets lo an I tr-m Poi advlpbin, (which will ho good lor the aeasuti ) 25 Through Tickets lo Ma/iua ‘43 F"r freight or passage, apply "» tin,v 28 • I*. A GREINER V I'tt. Ag’t* AT W. O. PRICE’S "STAli CL0XU1SO li.MPOIUUil," 113 143 Bay-Street, Sav’h THE HEST ANI* CHE (FUST. WIN 1C OF WILD CHERRY. AV I N 1C OF 5Vinu I'lii'UiH' flllllH ilclli'l oi, wine* nil Hie proper I le* 1 Ilf the w 1 ti| iheiry. • ml Is te-otumei tied as a st agreeable tonif. nod sllmulnut. esp- dally adapted “•'“““rEsaE L’talliU JL'iT RECEIVED, Heat Silver Plntcd and Ilrltannln y, CIIOIPL PATTERN8, For Sale at Cost! J. P. COl/LsINS. THUS OLD DOJUNION r UST BKOEIVKI) direct from the .Manurncturers, atiolli'r l»t "f tUMOCelecruted Guff <• I’nts. at the ■use Furnishing Store, Nun 1 Sand 1.7 Brought n at. inav st «nH*K A FAY. PATENT DOl'BLE-WALL ®fSS« E MSK Dema-cns Steel DutndeGuns ’ Fine I.Hiuenated “ “ “ Steel Twist “ “ assoiteil Stub *• Slmrtfl Guns, assorted •• *• Double ami singleGuns, for boya Double anil Single Common Guns, low pti^eu. Also, Sporling Articlr-. suitable t. thesi-nson.—A lew Ducking Donlde tIntis, f'.rsalolour, ra.rara/vinuvGr DONE WITH DISPATCH, by LOVELL H I.ATTIMORR, dec IS 13 Barnard street 1ST TIMBER 1HO •Teir VorA- Jlileertisementa vissoiirara, oxviaav «b co., GENERAL NKWrtPAPKU ADVERTISING HOUSE, (amirax'it hciiMvo,) No*. BAR <Sl 348 llrotnlwnyv New York Furniture! j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1 It. P. DEURAAF, i 87 Bowery, ( WlmUmlr Mar* //ou«e,) and 444 i PenrKtt.,) Ri tail Store.) 1ST an XV YORK *43*RIIIs of 825 nt Whnlesal* PrlOd.YM “lltBEAVOODT MAHOGANY & BLACK WALNUT, PAIUnU FURNITURE, In TJrognlelle, Delaine and Plnab. Cone Seat and Com* mou Furniture iu great variety. Also, RNAMELBO Cll A.MB ICR FU11NXTURB, In Set* from $22 to $100. Spring, Cur did Hair, Mom and Whalebone I MATTRASSES, Also. Fenthor Beds and IlnddiTig, Patent Premium Sofa Bo'IhIead*. noil Patent .welMtirking Crndlei. i Drab r* will find Ht the above ati-ree the largest aud i best ti*#ortmimt of any t'-tabli-hmeiit in Ni w York, and 1 ran buy either at wh'doMlvor re'all diesptr than atany other huH*"inliorlly. V Out—apr!6 fCE! ICEir fIMIK Kiilckertiucker Ice Comp viiy.ot Hie City of New JL York, having replotndied their Stock of Ice, offwi the moil favoraldn liidiiceinnnti to the Hade to supply tin tu ml vet with Ice of u rupeiior quality, and oil the most ri'Aionnhlt' terms. This Company alone are selling the Dockland Lake Ic*'. which, fin eoiidliy m.d punty |« unlvcr>tilly Admit- ••d to b- fir superior to any oth. v fvr ehlpplug puipnaiu. In expel bmee mil faillill-i tor roiniiirtiiig bu-iiiPM this Cum p.i ny l.ava nnii'al-. and 'hey reepecttull) .ug- got to de.iiers. ti nt thov w Ml find it linei l.v lo their a.( vantH.rt order Iheir sup) •> llitongh die ii uickeiR'cR- er Company No charge f,.i vvluu f.ige to vessels lying at the O'linpndy's pier-, whil-t taking in cargo. The greatest promplil mb' and dispatch given to or- «L*rs. which may be forwarded to II.Cu'l ITi'N, Esq., President of the Kuickoclu r Ice I'nuipatiy. 452 Canal st., New Yoik. V—Bum mar 22 THE BROOKLYN White Lead Co. KSTAULSMIED This Company continues to nmuntuclure llalr super Ir i5 -IPRIIIII WHITE LEAD, Being one of Ibg oldest and most extensive ealablist nent* iu tlm country, for mannlactunng jwiiilc Lead, Itwl Lead, ami Litharge. For Sale m 2 300 AGILE.' OF SW vMl* ANI) PINE L ^S,near J. ff rsunton, Cim len comM; . Sqtno ir the Big 8 it i I la River, in aud on Bull lb .. . - ^ Swamp, known for forty years a- thu Gordon 1 is of the best fur limber u Apply to juu 12 turpentine. TIS'IN* A GORDON, Private Sale. jff-Jt The well Hliowii Planialioii culled dYv^&Mouot Hope, siluivti I in lliynn c» rfSS^coiitaininu about dJifOacr-*. 1.5"0 ."A^undvi ruitlvutlon. Th- b 'ltom bun fertile ami I* well calculated Ion he cultivation cotton oi corn. I-w«|l settle,I having a fine Dwelling Hoiim-. ilverseio's HoiHr. Barn-.' rth-. Ac., and acC'itu- mudatl 'ii fur mere than -JO** negios. For terms apply to K J. Arnold. Ilrjan county. The Albany K Gull Railroad run-near tb" tract. m FROM TH45 RAW MATERIAL. j PnrcliftH”* - of their Lintol* may n ly Mi prccorlrp t: - , g( iiuinc article, on tbe mort Uvmable tinni, lor cii.L ? ci edit. ! They are always prepared to execute with prmnpn • •* | nil order* tor tludr vmluu* g ade- and qiialllle- i t j Lead, and Zinc Paint , Dry nr in'Ml ! RUSINn-H ADDBE-s. DO Front sheet, New V- • •. N B —Purchasers *h- uld biwaio cf tbo i>Ui£e- •« | liegu- brands wlii..h fill the market. FOR SA I 15 <ra A Valuable Plantation in Bryan county. <* jh t*&,tnitiiug 73') acres nf Land. 4 '0 of which is under ja^lence and In cultivation, situated on the 5t|ilway j ILu i,about sevi'U tnllcr lieinuie Alban.v A. Gull j lid. On tin premises am ell the ne»is»ai.v bn Mines I idaatation purposos, aud a com fort ahln Dwlling | .use. JM) 8 MoVTMot LIN. | FIFTY DOLL ARS RK W AUD — Will be paid foi tin* riC"\,iiy cl'my negro tnau WILLIAM for RBI)) who iiumway about Ihu Wl middlo ol hut year. Il« I* of u dark mulatto completion, about -ix feo 1 . or a lltiliv "pwiinl. -a —.j in lieig'u, siout built, wniiih*about twohundi"d non od*. nudi- about thirty five years -f ago Hu Isa bricklayer and |da*tciei by tra le,rea la well, and some tini'-s dlhcoiu so* iis a preacher lie i- poilte when accost ed and riitlu-r grnti lib qm<nt in speech. As te* has a wife and > hildr-n In Suv.vnt<nh. 1 am led tc believe that king ab-iu that <'itv or it* neighborhood Tbo u'c<vereward will be paid for ids apprulmnsion iiiid do- | IIvitv, oi vMiiftiieiiicnt io soiim jail that I mav pet him iig-iiu. Addiees NDilluLAS WVI.IK, f»M I - III « to tf VV—biiigl'.l) Gen. ROCKiminoinVLUR AVATKIt. FtnUE Mii'rr of th"-e celebraied mineral sprinpi Is i IL now kept constanilven tliemaiket in the hands j nmSIlLIt Al \VIV*T')N. DruguLts. Richmond, Vs., mid A. It. RtB'KICR. I.vtichhnrg. l\'c have entb'dy , ■li-cirdeil barrels, and now *hi|i the Water only in ylaa. Cn-t p> r cas-of I dozen half gallon bullIi h; wcnrely and 1 carefully picked at the sprit'.'- $rt. By remitting fo F. j .V W., in’ to A. H. R. $d. Hu- pnr.'b '*er liny rely on their | furw-rdiiia per din ctlon*. 1 L i* of fresh and gi'imiuo ! Ib ckbr dee Alnni Water. 1 Pnnuihleltt S'-nt rratio on aii)diriil|on. ! Hiirii) 2iiw-:iw I'iiA/.IKd A RANDOLPH. I 'J AI.UUTT H nilOTIJEK. I SHOCKO£ FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOf | cm; v xriiKcr. i.n iiMOxn, r.i., j mVANEMCTURLKbof 1’iTU,Uo bteaci litigu — XtJS. nil size*, from 4 to 40 hersi-pr.wor. on the . I approved plans, •lariiiiii.i I j udapled t" t’otfon an" gar Pliimat,oils and 4'anm iV u»e gem tally. Dud* the be*? lualcrbils cud "(okmniieb’p, mid f>*r can | •• • nesi and durability, not * rpasstd by any engine* ' In mci. I Al*-** btntb'n Kuplne*;of any required power, Un «■ ! Saw Mills complete, and PortableGlist Mills, of vu- ! pet lor r.itiHirnc'i'in. SlmfHnp. Pulley b, Ac. : Tobacco Preeses and Screw s, of every d r script ion. i and Irou rarting*. aud Wrought Iron Mink git»" r ■ ! made to order with disimtcl.. and on reasniiable ten* ■ ! X...73—eodl.v ! WdulHNii'b IIIORSE UNIMKN'i ' > An Intallibli! Remedy for Sicinuey, Swelling, Inflamatiru and Rhtttm-t',- rilUS LINIMENT wilt cure the Kwlnuej J JL without fail in it* worst stupe. All person * Hot •I nmny fiuo horses ruined Po. i * >v«ut of immediate relief. DII’.KCTIONH l Pour nut and rub vvll with the band the afflict" 11 -. t until it but ns the Inrio *••*orel v, and b t it roumin »u ■ ., hours or more, then npply it again iu thosatm «v *- then rub a little nil, or wash with (’asHloSonp un . »n. i If not relieved, apply Iu the senie uiauuer. The *••• » C«u be cored in ten da vs. nr sooner. Prepared and v.-id bv JOHN 5V. WOODING, Americas.*»• •#^J’ri"e One It.'llnr per ll-.ttle dtrAwly HENRY ESLER &C< . DRAIIAM’N CIIKM1STRY. LE5IENTS of Inorciitdc Clu-miatry, Iridtldlni! the _ ,. . , „ , ... , . Jl'j ..pplH.Honof lh-Mun™i..lh, All., l.y Thorn.. I M u " r Sm ”‘ *•»?"uoi'JBoi/tr Horlr, JUanl.c / v ", i Walls >ind Bridges, ok of Chenil-tiy; edited by Mil nn F It S. edited by Dr Abel t. Rlox im’s Hand Hu Dr Hoffman. Lee on thn Eff ct* «,f Climate on Tuberous Disease. Carson on Materia Mediraau l Pharmacy. Bowman's Intro liiutinn t*» I’ractlml UlmiHstry. Bowman's Practical Hand Hr* dt of Medn al Cbeniistry. Iloiiun Ifi-tologi in Its r bilbm to descilptlve A nuto- my, Phy*!oiogy and Pathology, with upwards of 4C0 HlnM ration* 5Vil«on on Diseaees , f Ihe S'iIm—4th edition. Plates Illustrative of Skin DU'-Mri—colored. Ahlioitsf'iid edition of thu VVavaily Novels, Ju 12 nds, with engraving* AtS'O.N Powell's Pocket 4‘oriiiularv and I'h.vslrlan'a Mannal— I'oM. i beokform. 5V. THORNE WILLIAMS. “pr2'.*SJfc5IM NOTICE. T HE Bnbserlbei having !"•« n legally i Attorney tn f*ct, by Roberts, I’ib'S. County, to sell, < r otherwise dl-p-e, that I onsfitu'ed of Glvitti •k of hind, No. 219. Ii'tb District! 4tli Feci Ion: orluinuRy Walker, now I'ndocounty. AH Intelested will take no tice scc'idiugl.v npl.3 HDTV IN RATI'Ll FP. *,» The Lafayette papers will please L.eeit fur one inonll'. and <.r» uni bill l» Ibi-. (IW. ZTrNbTtlKFriN STORK— 126 bale* Nerthren IDty, loW bus Gats, D'O boxes Adamantine rsiullft, 40 bbls Remifled WIHakey. Mi bh's Doiiiestic Gin and Brandy, Hi bids Vinegar, 3ft Ira Sugar. 35 bbls Mullinses Ac. Iu More nml f'r sale low by mays _ EDWIN RATHLIFF. IINDRI KniTa N DIN «* - 11* hhtis ml s, 5 Jo .-boulders, Ui bbla Lard. In bids Baltimore Extra Flour, 25 l)hln By,- Jo llv 59 hexes Soap, 25 do Tallow Candle*, (is At 8* 225 bulm pi imu Northern Hay. Landing and for ale by EDWIN RATCLIFF. PHBSERVK YOlit FRUIT. 4 RTIJU ’H PATENT Fltl-IT CANS AND JARS— r\ tbo only geiiuiioi arlicle for preserving fruit thu veil- round, lor sale at Nus. 153 and 157 llroii|!h’oii *i . by ' ii.iiy )2 _ MOUSE *V FAY._ - AT HALF PIIICK. " 4 LOT of t'lillilien's Pmutuie*, tl ys* Ragland Sliiitb, .ve, to clueu them out. For -ale by may 10 DxWITI’ v. MORGAN. K K\\r 31 a\~IIUTTKK. lATIIIP choice now May Butter, lauding par I tN stouuior, uud for sale by may 12 S' RANTON A NORltlS. ACON SIDlfif».-*0 lih-ls prime Bacon Sidei, laudlug pur atcanibblp State of Georgia, nnd for sale by 8CUANT0N At NORRIS, may 12 BROOKLYN. NEW YORK Are now prepared for . STATIONARY, RIVER AND MARINE lfilSTGITSTES 01 every description. 8ugur Mills. Mill Work*, .u d 5Ilning 'Uchlnery. Also all kinds ol High ana l • w Prufsnre Rdbrs. The Buiacrlber. agent In Savannah for »he al,<« ! 'York*, will receive orders for ull kinds of Machh i '* U« has now on hand several small Purtalda Engines *< t j vhle for Planters’ nae, also, one 15 horsepower Kdkh ■ Ahlch he willsell on Hrc<vinin>'d.iting terms, i II. It. LINVILLE. Machinist.St.Jnllni' ! |nlv 4 'A One «mmr. vet < f the Market \lDWW aOIPSBo SCI?EVEN HOUSE. By J. B. Foley, Comer of Bull and Congress Sts., Savannah. Thi- New I iOTP.L, furn i*bed lliroiipl - cut In the most rUOANt style, Ii t.o'.v opened and will be kept as n FIRST CLASS HOUSE. JUST RECEIVED,. F ROM The Best Manufacturer of *h« article In the Ulilted 8tale*,*aud fur sale, s« low a* the same quallt) are romlled In New York, at the lleuse Furnish ing nnd Uluru Establishment, Ilodgsun'a Block, corner Broughton and lliill-stieeta. 4D* The attention of purchaser laaullcljad^ ANOTHER I. T 0V TIIIC OENV1NB HOLD DOMINION" ■COFFEE POTS, J |'ST lice ive-i at Hi" House Furnishing Establish- iiienl. Hudusun'a Block, curlier llroiiuhion and Bull siieets, E. D. REACH. mar 20 JsUOVH. ANi>'j^OPE-foorvivT>i Jog hUl'iE*. NEW GOODS*. r CST RECEIVED— Black Foulaid Bilk Robes Hlack Grape *■» eges Plain Black Bnrogos ewiw Mulls aud IwcouH Bluatlas Muslin Collars Tucked Catui'ile eklrts White Bonnet Lord White Tn Ictun bterl Extem’.loti Skirts, Ac. e-nvrt HF.XItV f.ATTTWOP A CO. M l/S'X' iVAlli 1YEU 15 hfoiiii- P loo lihdi Si 'esHiid Shouldirnind Hums, No. I Preuvliiti Ummo. 5 knv ■ »• ‘re Grit t vffoe, 25 cask Edinburg Ale. inn boxes of No. 1 and Family Eoap, 60 do Soda do dn 26 do Tullel do Sis* sacks fcxtia Family Flour, ioo bid* N it. Sugar House fc)inp, 25 hints 5lola«*' s, 60u bags Turks ldaud Salt. 200 boxes Adamantine Candb 100 do Half du do ':r k "“ C *" WTI.T.IAMH. TO CAHPKM ICHN. A PAIR OF FOLDING lbmiRS. ..f large size, n'-rttr- i mad-, and but |lliti" will) b« si,Id low. MARSHALL HOUSE. SAVANNAH, 0E0HH1A. The l!"Hhe Im* been newly re-er - ranged nnd relit led Isn 4 Fisk & llnyiiiomFs l.atc Improved n BURIAL CASES. tij>r vi tl. S. BHOARDl S, Gwuit House aqu *e. "SAFES! . The subscriber, Agents rggff-SV'. of the Mnnula'iruror, fee " the sale of Lilli«’B Patent Chill'*d-Iron BURG LA it Si dFlKE-PRGOP 8 A FISH secur'd with Lillie’s Po tent Powder-Proof Cum _ binathB Rank Lock Time Bair* ..nd Lock* Bland unequalled in baffling theebill of the boiglarund tbe nj pBc-tb nn»o. Person* wishing to purchaso a Buf*» which Is. in ail re spects, what the trim inplftw,are rt*p>ci'ull.y request!d to call and examine our SAFES, a; 1a5aud 167 Brough ton st'cet. Savannah, beforo purch**Imr elsewhere. W# think our Sales need only to*be seen to bo appreciated, .in M "'USE A FAY. ktotice. I WOULD infui m my triunds and the tmhUc that I havenpened.uti the rncr nf Prl'-'oand York strecta, a shor where 1 will attend to tb- /daiiutwcture of Tlu Waie. Tin Uonflng, and all other A oik cnntiicteJ -ith die hindt"-"*. All orders prouiidl.v attended ti Hn al4—tf GEO. If WKEU0N. 5 of.M l ltd* »Iflrt n 27 OMlEiVITtATflD PlCKr,\llA TION8 Rl.SIMUDS OK OLEO UthlN8. Asflepln. I Fauguinxrin, IlydrasHn, I Bwiuh-Iii, Leptandrln, [ FcuteUarln, Pudophv Illii, ! bdduigin. Nantbosjlln. A supply of the a1*nv» preparatl 'Da, mnnufactnrrd by Tillman .V 0u.,r*celvi'il ami f -r *»l" hy TllOMAH M. TURNER, mar 12 Cm tier llrmiuhtoti and Barnard street*. H AY.—125 hale* NArtli River liny, to arrive per b-rk It A Allan; for sale by may ll HUNTER A QAMMKLL. K LACICSMITli’N COAL.—60 tons suj>cikir Hlakluultb'v Outfit IW * b t v may 11 III Mt.i; t* UAM5U.LI.. 50 bbls. 95 per ct. 1 JUST RECEIVED BY ROSS & CO., .. oi 30 Whitaker street. BLeidsick Champagne. 9 g V racKETS Ueldsick Cnamnague, tn pluts an« 9 qneris, landing and fur luvl** 0LA0HOKN t Cll ; cnXNTHKAM. FOR MAY. f FEME'S 51«Rnzln«. fur May. J Graham’s Ladies' Rnuk, f» r May. Umby’* du do do- Arthur's Magazine, do. Peterson'* de, do. Ilailon'. imllar .Monthly, d". Nick Sax. Mrs. Nlnphtma’ MaKitllne, »*"»• , a MS,*«.!, JI, —^ Di/li "ll »|.». u«e