The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, May 31, 1858, Image 1

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VOLUME LVII. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Now Arrangement. O N ami after Sunday, February 2l*t. tho PUBauitKor Train* or till* Kiwi will lie run na follows i StT'VBIIR MAVANNAIt amp MAIMIR. ' t.eavo *av«mtah 1.1ft a m. am) 3 00 r. m Arrive In M**on 10 ISA. u.uml 12.30 a. M, t.osve *1 neon 0.43 a. M. mill 11.30 P. M. \rrivi-ln finvantmh ... r. m. mul8.60 a. u. AKTWBKN SAVANNAH AHP aOHOSTa. Leavefiavannah 1.1ft A. m. anil 11.16 A. M. \rrivo in Aiiuosu.. 0 a. M.nml 7 >‘.M l.onvo Micnain 0 a. m. amt 3.46 r. M. Arrive in savannah...., «.HL.m.ami 10 66 r.M. ■ tTwatM Macon ano aooi'rta. 1avi Maoon 0.4Sa. M.iiml 11.30 r.M. Arrive in Aiuusta.. ..7 r.M,ami 0 a. m. Leave \mmeta U a. M.ami 3.43r.M. Arriv,»ln Marnn 10,4ft A-M.ami 10.30 a. m. Train* connect on arrival at Gordon. for MIHtvItfeviHo awl Katontun. At Macon with trains of tlio SouUiwrat* era Ura l Tor Oolumbn* ami Albany, ami with the Ma- o,ui * Western Hoad for Atlanta Pawn gar* leavingSavannah by tho 1.15 A M. train, will artive in Atlanta at 6 P. M. leaving by the 8.001*. M. train will arrive In Atlanta anMftm-xt morning. On Sundays tho 11 16 A M. train Augusta will go through to Mil con ill hlsco of tho 3 l\ M . which will notbo ruu on that day. EMERSON FOOTS, General Snut. Savannah. February ‘.’0 th, 1057 nov12 M icon & Western Railroad. MACON. Dec. lltb. 1067. O N and after Friday, ISth Inst., the trains will ruu a* follows: Lra*o damn l.eo \. M. Arrive at Atlanta s.16 A. M. Leave Mai nil 11.30 A.M. Arrive at Ailiuta ft.110 I*. M l.rave Aitanra 12 niaht Arrive at Mvcon 7.1ft A M Leave Atlanta 12 Artive at M iC'in 5.40 l*. 51. The Nlitlit Train* will ti a lie ruu on Suiulavs The 1 \. M.Train from Mnm connect* with the •Mate llna I for •'Imttaiinoga at 12.3 I l'. M andUeotgia Hoad f *r August t at 10 A. M. Tho li.3o A. SI. Train fr>m Macon connects at Atlan ta, with rli-ileaitfia Kail Hoad, at 12, and Atlanta iiud IVi«t I*-*int Kali Hoad nt 2. A. M. Pit«»Higoi* fir Western and Atlnnllc Hall lload and points beyond, should take tin* train leaving Macon nt I, A.M ALFUSII L. TYLER, eup’t. dec 25 . t( SCIIEDTTtiH ON THBSOUTH-iVESTEIlN RAILROAD, Over which passes the Great New York AiNew Orleans Mails Two Daily I'min* between Macon a mi Columbut. Leave Macon at 1.30 A 51..and 11.30 A. M. Arrive in Cnlutuhn* 8 hi A. 51., and 0.33 I'. M. Leave olumbu* l.hft A 51., and 4.00 l*. M. Arrive in 51 icon 8 50 A. l\.and 10.28 I*. M. ULTWB8M MACON AND ALBANY. Lraro Macau 1 30 A. M. Arrive in Alt’aiiy 8.1ft A. 51. Leave Albany 3 >6 l» M. Arrive in Macon 10.28 l*. M. Lra*e Mae.m 7 12 A M . Trl Weekly. Arrive In .\Hiaiiy3.37 l». 51 Lome Albany 7 00 A. M . Tr-Weekly. Arrive in 'liicti 3.34 I*. 51. Trams to ■ 'oi form a through connection to Montipuii-ry. Ala..and Augusta, Kingsville, Wilmington, Savin oih, Mil lodge vllle uml Ent.niton. Post (Viche* run from Albany to Tallahassee, Rain- tiridge, Tlioitiasrille, Arc. Hacks run Irani Smithville, Tri-Weekly, to Dawson, Cuthhort. F-u't (iiiiims, &c Also troin Fort Valley to IVrrv. H iv nos villi*, Hawkiusville and Knoxville, Ha. Pass-uigers , ,r paints below Fort Valley, should take die,.veiling Trains from davanuah ami Augusta to avoid detsnilnii at Macon. For ttier points take either Train. First class sleatnsliips leave siivuunalifor New Vork.on il.-d ics l.ivs and Saturday*. Passage in the Cabin $25, Steerage {H. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah #14 00. do Columbus do do 10 00. •lo Albany do do 10 60. QBrt. W. ADAMS,Superintendent ‘ ,Q<:0 mar l Macon, Feb. 21 at. 1858. GEORGIA RAILROAD. jgggagfag (|sp Cliange of Soh.ed.ule. 0 TAICK EFFECT ON G KOKH IA RAILROAD, DR* OKM mill 28 h, 1867. Leave .Augusta at 2.30, A. 51 .and 1.00 P. M. Ahi Atlanta at II 30. A. M., and 1.04. A. 51 L M*e Atlanta at 12.00, A. 51.. nud to.OO, A M. \ i rive t Augusta at H.ftil, A M., and 7 00 P. M. S.ndiv Trains leaving Augusta at 4 P. 41., ami Atlan ta. 12 A.'1. discontinued. (The 230 A.M. train from Augusta lioniu'cts tnr-iugh to Memphis) C'lXVKCT Wltu SOUTH CAIIoLINX UllLROAD. Arrive at Aug mu at ...I oi. A. M., and 2 30. P. M. Leave August a it 10.00, A. M„ and 803, P. 41. W\;sTKIlX AND ATLANTIC KAILKOAD. Ai.lveat Atloiiio at 11.22. P. M., and 033. A. M. Leave Atlanta at 1.45. A M., and 123u. P. 51. ATLANTA AND AVB.sT POINT KAILItOAD. Arrive at Atl.iulaat lu.13. P. A|., mid 0 27, A. 51 Leave Atlanta at 2."0 A. 51.. and l 0U, P 51. MACON AND AVKSTGUN HAILKOAD. Arri eat Ailaoiaat 0.15 A. M . and fl.'lft P. 51 L.-ive Atlanl* u- A. M.. and 12 00 Night AftlKNA BRANCH—SUNInYS EXCLHTKD. Leave Augusta at 2 do Igllt. I. ave Atla la at ....12 no Night. Arrival Athens at 103u Day. l.- iAe Athens at Ig.uti Night Arrive at Augusta at ime Morning. ArriAuat Atlanta at 11.34 Morning. W V-III Nil TON HU ANCII —DAILY THAI NS —SUNDAYS EXCUPfED. I.eav- .AUgiM>a at 2 3o Sight. Arrive a* AVas diigton at 7.3ft Morning. ■ in A|„ i,lays to Extra Train leivra AV’.isiniigtou at I 4ft evening, and c noeers with tlm D >w.i bit Passenger T aln Ir..n Atlaiua, ami retun iug to IVanliiuglou at ft 4ft livening. Wilt lENT IV UllAVCII—SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. [.•■ave Augusta a 4 oo livening In.oh Morning 8.oi) Kenning. .... . 3.30 livening. 7 00 Kvruiug. 1.00 Night. >• at AV.ii l-cl.-ly GEORGE Y'HIMJi:. <Di Sup * Atlanta & West Point Kuilroud Atlanta to Went Point, 87 miles Pure. $3 50, GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. MOKVI.NO P.ASSE.NllElt TliAIN i Leaves Atlanta, daily at 2 00 A.'51 Arrives a' W st Point, at 7 26 do s West Point, daily ut 4 00 do Arrives at AtlautM 7 U0 do 1 00 P. M 0 28 do EVEXINQ PASS EX UKK TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily m Arrives at W* st I*.du:, at Is-aves West Point, daily at 4 30 do Atiiv«s*vt Atlanta,at .*. \o 1% d* OiT Tliis Hoad connects, each way, with tho .Montgoin ery v Uesl •failroad. Sac 28 Freights from Savannah TO TUSCUMBIA AND MEMPHIS, , supei-liinjiulcnt,, ()J3c7tj. 11. it. ( rjnilK Undnrsigned tms heen Inf-med by letter .. JL csiA - e*l tills morn iug,from the Uminral SU|mriiitund MOIST DAY MORNIN G, MAY 31. 1858. NUMBER 181 Real lie fined )HARCO\LiaON CALVERT IRON AND NAIL WORKS, Baltimore, ffid.* J. HOPKINSON SMITH. OFFICE 2a SOUTH CHAHLES-STREET. FIHST OXjAS * HOOK AND FLAT HEAD RAILROAD SPIKES, DRIDQF ANT» CAfl BOLTS. NUTS, 8io., WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS, OF ALL PATTERNS, 5 to 12 Inch MADE TO ORDER. REDUCED Rates of Freight. FROM Savannah lo Knoxville, AND ALL STATIONS ON TUB Bast Tennessee & Georgia Uail Hoad FIRST CLASS. P IANO inks.Statatioiiery. Hunts,Shoes, and Hats, Lignors, Oils. Ac. (hi bottles!, Cain- plum- and SpiritsTuriioutiumin hai ruin). Carpeting, china, Hinas and Glass-Ware, C'gnrs (in cues), Clocks, ConfectiotmrUs, Cotton 0«rds, Cutlery (in caxosj. Casks and boxes, Dry Hoods (in boxes auil ot tun Memphis & Charleston nil Road, that H4< K vit-rii and 'Vostern divisions of tniit Road were to bp |*iiiit*.| .hi tho 27tli ultimo, and that trains would run thr-oigh regularly mi the 20th. Tliriiui/ rale of Freight f rom Savannah to ?*i«cmtibia. I Memphis Post Class. j fl 38 #1 06 eacnpil do. ] 1 00 I 1 24 Third oo, . 87 J i 00 Bji-eial rate for Freight Goods, j 2 70 | 8 10 OLABStriCATION. ••I Class—Piano Fortes, Rooks and Stationery. Hoots, Shoos, Hats. LiifUors, Oils, vc., in bottles, Camjiiiene anil bpts. Tin pentiuo in barrels, Carpeting, China. UluHsund Glarawure,8egHis, in oases.Clocks, Confectionery,Colton i.'ards, Cutlery iu casus, casks and iioxes.Dry Goo-ls in boxes and bales. Drugs. Fruits, Fruit Truer and Shrubbery. Furs. Harden Seed*, Looking Giassesand Looking Glass Plate, at owners risk. N"tainfrails.'.vstsu-H in cans and iar-, » Tiu and Brluunla Ware, Tea an l M ’0I»m—ijardwarj iexcont in jstTud sVl'^Kes!) C.’I mu 'tills. MacUinery,Foreign Lio„,.rs in hbl ’“! {I', 1 *"; boxes. Leather in roll and luxes, Oils in bids, and casks, Crocker* and Mueenswaro in crates and casks. Itlr.’. Whiting Plaster. Shout Brass am) Ooppei per 100 IPs Bril Class.—A xes.Sh.iveis. Spades, Sad-Irons, y.lnc and Tin in pigs,Tin Plato. Anvils, Vices,>:arria*e firings and Axles, Casks of Chains b Hi Manilla and Cotton Cordago. ••ofTee, He...,, Castings. Mill Gearing and Mill Stones Rail Hoad Wheels and Axles, Chairs and Spikes, and It'iMiii hi Mil* per 100 tb*. fyiclal llatesfor Light Gouda.—Furniture and Cmrmges boxed, and other light articles not unuiiiernh "•d, also, Garlmyfi of Acids and other ' h«tnl> t cals, will lie taken at actual weight. Im charged at double 1st* Mass rates,..per IWl lb WM. M. WADLKV *pr 0—tf G«n , | 8ii|)’t C. It. R GHA WFOliD’M MERCHANT “SITOA" MILLS FLOUli Unei|H'iled liy any Mills in Georgia for erior Breads tuffs. 2'ITDA MILLSUOfJllLB KXTIIA IIOTBl FL 'Ult, 9 du do do do Family du, do Huperflns do, Mills do do, nock do do Fins do,' do do No 8 do. Belled Corn Meal. Grits and Short*. Racolved p. M "“"I. and oinsiantU for sale hy • ONNKRAT. WKIWTKII A PALM KB, Agents for Crawford's Hlioa illlli r»rllaiiersaiid H ait ll»n ra are HivUe- h and for Hie riehrst arth le of bread •V '* * W " 1 fl l*a»ii pore grslti. VSSh ....... ... I l» OIOS . Iiisiiiilsi'llirwl by Hie |e>it macnliiary, um WIilMiW. UU. UiMI flow. eiitt .nd Lietkiug Glass Plates («t owner's risk). Oysters (In cans ami |ur#).Saddlery, Tin and HrUaniiin IVare, Teas and Spices. Georgia and South Carolina Domestic*,, pur SKCONI) CLASS*. Hardware, except such as Hpeoifled In first and thlM classes. Cofiee Mills 5Iachitiery, Foreign LI- quorH(iti barrels and pipes),Touacc<>(in boxes). Leath er (in roll* and boxes), Otis (in barrels and casks), Crockery and Mucous Ware (in crates auil casks), Rice. Whiting, Plaster, Sheet Brass and Copper, pur 100 lbs TIIIHl) CLASS Axes, Shovels. Spades, Sad Irons, Zinr and Tin, in pigs, Tin Plate. Anvils, Vices, Casks of Chains and Hoes, Mnnilla and Cotton Cordage, Cofioo, Heavy Castings, Mill Hearing. Hail Hoad Wheel* and Axles, (‘hairs and Spikes, and Itusin (In brrrela), per 100 REEVES, S3UCK&CO ■ MANUFACrUllEBS OF I Railroad Iron, Bar Iron, GAR AXLES, Skip and Bridge Iron, Spikes, &c. FAMILY GROCERIES, A’ew York .Ftlvcrtisetnenls IPZiOM Hi S. SCHUlIili.S ADVERTISING AGENCY, MnfTnf(*s Uulldlnfi, 99- 33B BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. L0W2PRICES!! TIIK C1IKAPJECST ANDBK8T Pumps Jh the HbrW. having ft .Solid Tttlon nnd Metal I'oImj; P OH Pumping Kx tracts, lint and Cold Water; nuitft* bio for (bsterus, Wells, Factories, Minos, Ac.— Throwing frotr. 20 to fiHO gullotta per mlnuto. An tixrel- cellent Fire Kngino for fanners Large discount to duaiera. Agents wanted, and Territorial rights fur sals B. A. MARSHALL. 11*4 Pearl-street, Jyl S cnrm-r of Muiden-Une. New York •Veto York .Itfvertisetnent* 7ZS8CHX1H, OWEN db OO.. QENKKAL NKWtJl’APKU ADVKKTIblNG I10UBK, (Amr.TON'B natu.ta,) ios. 340 At 348 Urondxvoy, New York Furniture! Boss & Go., SUCCESSORS TO W. W. GOODRICH, iVliltnkor St. Alto, a buj oi lor urticlo uf With C0NTINU0U8 .LIPS, aild umdo t ■ Hi ox . WROUGHT IKON It. li. CHAIRS, ly the Hsu go* of Sliill*, i. and L IRON, &c. —— Wrou Hit Iron Solid and Compound Oirdurs and llcatni* of any required length, for Firo Pr-of Dulldlngs iml llr d.-e*. SAMt’lOL J. RBKVBS, V. Prct'l., mi*vlft-’H;78. ly \n. 410 Wa'n it *'ie-. Pbim olp'lila Special Hates Furniture ami Carriages (boxed.) and other light articles not euumernted; also. Carboys of Acid*, or other Chemical*, will bo charged by actual weight but at doublo first class rates, per 100 pounds, i2 To insure safety from loraos atul delays, shipper* mu* have every package plainly marked with unuio of ecu' signet), destination and depot of dollvery. Tho Depots on this road are— Futiiiliiiu lllll. Sweetwater, State Line, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Loudon, Charleston, Lenoir's,[ Iticuvillo, Concord Athoii*. and Mouse * 'reck, jKnnxvIlle. * 4t#*Tocoiiituencu 1st March and contmu to 1st Jan 1857. WM. 41. WADLKY.Snp’t Central Railroad. K. SOOTH. “ 51. k IV. •• J. 51.8PULI.OOK, “ W. & A. “ R C. JACKSON, " K.T. &(»*.“ 4Inreh 1st. nnird-t| SILVER WARE & JEWELRY. CILlftldBOF SCHBDULF.. TdK CHEAPEST & QUICKEST ROUTE To the North, mmx T W XO.i) A. WHHIC rifi Charleston AND THE NORTH-EASTERN RAIL-ROAD SAVANNAH TO WILMINGTON, N. C On and after SUNDAY, JANUARY 10th 1853, iT-iai BUFBmion STEAMER GORDON, c ii I n ii 1/ v r « ... ' DARDEN, C e in in unde r. tt’ill teavi S.ivuinah every SUNDAY ami WKDNKS DAY AFTKRNiiO.Y, nt 3 o'clock, and arrive In Charles ton tiie following mornings in time to omm-ct with the Train ol tho Xnrl'i-Eastern Hail Knul#0111/7 Forth. Keturnlng. will leaves charleston ever> 5t.uiduy anil Friday Night, at 8 n’.d-ick, (after the arrival of the ears tram Wilmington,) and arrive in Savautnih early the followin'..' morning*. Traveller* bound f »r ha North, for North Carolina, ar for III" northern part of South Carolina, by taking thi* route, will save iimc and expknue, nud will gniua nig Ill’s sleep igli Tickets trout Savannah to IViiraington, $11 No extra charge for meals or berth* on board uf the steamer. Pass-tigers and their Rag-tana transform 1 from the so.ainer to the can., ,/iv.- oj charge Baggageehecked from Savanmili to W’Dmlugtnn. For eiigiueineiit* apply to J. P. HIMOKS, Agent J.in7 Clnrlest-m *teiun-»M. ket IVluirl KX U'^TWlM Uli A III. 6SfuS'.—Until fnrilier nolle-, Passed dth will be t'ik> ti 111 harle.ton nud bark the same ot lliesu.ceedlug trip for nno foie of S;>. tuny 2 1 ^,^GR EAT REDUCTION GF FARE From AVw York or Soul. am/iton, Havre and lire wen. Fir* 1 cal du }S0 “ " d - nbin 50 t age .. Ill the |i'm rln.s |l;id lie I 7b .Vein Fork from South amt’ton, Havre or Ji re- men Flist m' In $inu lid cabin.... *t »■ 4« Ludli . . *. K lwar-1 "aveudy, in Hi river, nt uuuti j> sleamship A it i Kl, and NU«TII .-T ilt. 2. oinimiml -t-. to *nil Iron, p|-r j (.finely, cui Tying the United S . ■W I L M O T, OF CONGRESS, WHITAKER AXI) ST. JULfEX STREETS, O FFERS HIS LARGE STOCK of RICH GOODS, at prices to suit the times. On hand, and receiving by every steamer, b } Gold and Silver Goods of every description. 10 Sliver Tea Set*. Pltrliers, Walters. Hohlet*. Cups. Spo um aii'l Forks, uf every weight ami variety : KEEP COOL! Sponge, )Iip, 0 m, lialli Tubs; A good asHortmout tm hand. M ASSKH’S ICK CHEA51 FREEZERS, together with WATER C IULE1LS, ICE PIT 1UR3,and uinuy otliur good tliiu.* Cur the hot weather H. 0. BEACH, Hodgson's Block, corner Broughton and Bull sts. npr i.1 SPRING- GOODS HENRY LATH HOP A CO., LD 111 v I to aiteiitlun lo a choice selection ol Ladles’ Spring and Summer Dress Goods, Received per last steamer, embracing the following stylus: Double Skirt Unties,Tissue Rule-*, V'daut VQuille, iirgaudle Cliiutr. Volant, Chl'it/. Itiiilnnli'S, French Cnmlirics, 1’hiirt, siriped and Bn) adore Silks, French Cnlb'iius, Solid cd’d Barege and Crepo Mnretr., lint ego Kobe* A Qniil.i, Plain him rorade Barege., " “ . Bayadere Black Barege*. —AL80— Black Laco 5tnntlllas, Black and wblre Barege ?hawl*, Col’d and lilack Stilt Parasol*. Fine: . . , Sets and slugio pieces, neautifully put up in ca*o* fir Wi-dding a id other pro Clocks of everv vn'b'ty JEWELRY, frtim the richest diamond to the cheapest plain gold, including C.iuieo, Lava and Mosaic, in full *"»■* and single piece*: with almost every description of Ornament imw |i> u*n. PLATED GOODS.—Plat'd Cake Baskets, i.nsiora, Tea sets, Ico Pitchers, and Plated Good* of ovarv kind. RPEOTAOLFit-tn Gold. Silver and Steel Frames, with Pnhhlo and other Sight*. FAftCY (400DM.—Rich and heaniifnl Pariau VasHiiml ntatiielts, and Fancy Oo d*. in great variety. ■It and ot In r COMB a, of latest styles, with n great vnlety of Head Ornaments.' of ’’(ly ami Country are ravitod to t-xaiuiiio the stork, which will bo sold at prices much lower than Tnrtni Cit'Z' usual. Watches, Clock* and Jewelry promptly REPAIRED by workmen of skill and longcxiierlence. npr ft tf CHANGE O F_S() 1L ED U LE: New Y ork and Savannah. INLAND ROUTE For Palatka E. F. VIA BRUNSWICK. ST. MARYS. FERNAN DA A, JACKSONVILLE, AND PICOLATA, Stopping at all Jn ter mediate /.mndinga. To lea re /row the Charlatan Statin Fuvk*t wharf every WE OX LSD A r MORXfXG at l>i o’clock. Thu new ami splendid steamer KYKUHLVDK, (’apt. L 51. CoAeter, ill l. nve this rity ns above. This strainer has 'V finest passeu r *r iiccumnnidnli'itis uf any hunt in tho southern WAt-v*, Ainl nunnecu rejnlarly with the singes for thu interior of Florid 1. ul«o wiili Hie Bruns wiik A Florida and Furiinudinn ‘V. nr Keys Kail • road*. Returning will counect nt Savannah with the Central Itailrmi i. mid New York steinners. Fiekhi coiidgiied to the Agnnt* of tida strainer will 1 hipp-d ft if charge, For freight or piutage up- The American Atlantic Screw Steamship COMPANY, ply on board, or to JOHN C FRASER, Agent 7 4 liny -tr. UNITED STATES MAIL For Falallca E. S\ VIA DARI EX. niirxsw/cx, ST. MARYS, FLUX A XDISA. JA UK.SOS VIL l. E, AXD PICOLATA. Th" splendid new Iron steinter ST 41A IS VS. (’apt. .Li*. Free neon tlioroiighlv piinied ami iiv-r hauled, will com trips to the iitmve place*, leaving the F!nndn Pick"' wharf on Monday mu.nuig, April titli o'elurk, and continue to leav.. eter) .Monday un at th« aaaie lion,-. For Height or parage apply nn board, or to CLA'illiHl.N A CUNNINGHAM, jn ii30 Ag-iip. ■ UNI I’M) ST V 1‘KS" Al'YIL InT regain ing For Palatka, E. F., Via Darien, Rrunnciok, St. Mur if1, Fernnndina, Jnvkiunrilte, Pieulata and Middleburu, [THE NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS I1U5ITSV1LLE, Capt. Robert llardiu, fllO.VriiO.llEHV “ Fredetlck Crocker Will foim a .vei kly Hue between Havanuuh nud Now Y"ik having each port every 84TUIIDA4'. I’h"-*e Sb amers. 1.00J tun* each, have elegant accent modaHons for Pasaeuguis, and being uf great Minngth and *p *ed, shippers run rely "it the greatest dispatch to Fieight. For furlh-r par.bailors, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN n CO.. Sbivnun ill. Georgia or lo II. It. CROMWELL u in)., npr rt tf 131 " nsiiin-tni, street. New York. WHITE GOODS, In Brllllantes, Nansooks. and .Mulls Plain and fig'd Swiss Muslins, Fluid and striped Cambrics, Plain and printed I'iqiUtGloth*. LIGHTK, NEWTON Oi, ItItADItl'ltV’rt 421 Broomcut., Xeu> ]*n> A. M ANUFACTUltERH of the Falont Arch Wre*tPI»n Plano Fvtrto*. eeh lirntcd depth. Mines*, rich* tie-s. purity, and a peculiar mngliig quality of thmr tono, ior which they havo recoivi«l the liighoit cm-mttiuia* Iroin the groatost musical celebrities of the rnuntry: and In every fair, when brought In eoutpotltlon wilh other instrument*, have ohtniued tho highest premium Tho Patent Arch Wrest Plank, which is owned and used only by us. guarantees their standing Ii tono longer than uny other instrument: while their un tin-ceiiunted demand in uli part* of the country is a sotuclent proo of their suporiorexcellence. A liberal discount to L'liT* gyinett. Schools and thetride.8 1y-Tniiy27 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. II. I’. DEGRAAP, 7 Itowrry, (Whidanlc Ware Haute,) and 404 1) R, toil Stoie.) W X] IV Y O B. It ^5~BI)2h of 835 ni Whaleintlt Prlcn,*C| A. J. MILLER, & CO’S tm. Wo. 141 13 n OUCSrllT OW-8T. SAVAXXAH, UA. NFW FURNITURE of all kind*; COFFINS, &o. Con tantly on band ats«. n lmgcawi,irtinetit of LOOKING GLASSES. ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY & BLACK WALNUT, PARLOR FURNITURE, In Brogatello, Delaiiio and Flush. Cane Heat and Com- tnoti Furniture In great ratlety. Al*o, ENAMULEDCHA5IBER PimNITUItH, la Sets from $22 to $1(10. Spring, Carded Hair, Mott and Whalebone MATTRASSES, Also. Feather Beds and Bedding, Patent Premium S° Be-Meads, amt Patent M-ll Boontug Cradle*. Dealers will find at the above stores the largest And be*i ii'hortment of any eMnl At-liment in New York, and run buy either at wliulesibtor rc'all dumper than tttsnjr other lions-in Hie city. V 3u—aprlft ICE! ICE!! W3_ New Work made to order at th* shortest nntlco. fti)„ .Mattresses, Jobbing, and BELL~HASUiS(i done in Hienent' st style, with despatch. ly jail if BY I Ni K Dema-CHs ."'teul Double Gun* M? Flno Lnineiialod CHlLDUEft'S GOODS.|| Missus’ Taiuins, Boys’ Fpeiieors. •* I'iualures, Racbiiis,Dre,*eB, Ac.] —AMO— Long nud Fliort Black Net 51ltts and Glove*, , Isidien', Gent'* nud Boy's Lisle Thread “ •• “ ‘tniizu Merino blilrls. Mi*« s’aml Boy's *• “ mar 10 DtlBeKXVBB MOM New York Auction Sales. 7 ’ PIECES Handsome Foulard 8ilk* Flounced Ualegu Rubes do do do, donhle skirt* do do <la. sldu stripes Printed n rgandh> Mu*liu« JlU'O do 60 dozen Dauin*k Da,i |« h 60 d > Linen Towels ft pieces Table Damask, all linen. For *<i1«»t the lowest jiriC"* by 1)8IVITT A MORGAN. Plantation Supplies. 20.O00J.2 1- ."00 yard* lie ivy 1 FOR PHILADELPHIA. tfASB JiiarceKi) 5: Only Two Kighta at Son—Through iu GO to 85 H-ura. Tho splendid sldc-wlu'vl '.’■are .Yew 1 S<, Bremen for* Southampton - Smtthainjn for ton Few JVirK*. April 17. A|>ril2t. May 1ft. May Id. Jiino 12. June lb. July 10. July 14 1 'ouch -1 Havre. Specie delivered in For passage ..r freight.apply to I). TORRANCE. Ag-nt, No * lb.wHogHre.-ii New Writ. ', 51 in.-li 20. April 17. May Ifi. FOR HAVANA KEV WEST AM) CAI-H ORMA. AJ, Steamship ISABEL, W 11,1,1 A M U 0 L LIN S, COM .M ANDEH, Having Just linen entirely ovurbaiiled and pot in splendid order, refitted with new boiler*, and double air tight balk head*, forward mi l lift, making her one o| the iwwt'desirable ateannsrs (or safety, speed and com fort. will teave Savannah for invnnii via Key West, on tho ttli and Huh, and leave Havana or Havnnuuh via Key Wio|. on tho loth and 80th u* each month. The ISABEL connect*, at Havana, with the U.8 Mall Ste*m*hip Comp -ny's Lino of.steamer*, for New Orleans and San Francisco, For passage only, apply to dec 13 COHENS tk HERTZ. FOR NEW YOltK. Fastest Line!! FARE REDUCED: Cnlrln Pn*sng« 9‘AO ! Freight lower than hy any .'ii "titer-tenmersl SIX Outs ... .. per font, FDR ALL KtNI»M • )F_M_B ABU K K 41 K N T HOODS. Light UarrolsSf^ cents ■•'ii'ii, rind other articles iu proporibm Tho Hpli'iidid and coniiiiodious side wheel Steamer* AUGUST 1 ftilO ton* Capt. 41. S. Wnodliull FLORIDA. 1,3m 1 *' ■* Isaac (trowel). ALABAMA. 1 300 ** “ Geo.It.Siheuch. And first cbm* Propeller 8TAR OF TiI15 SOUTH. I.B'O ton«...0apt. Tim’s Lyon. Th-se steamship* belong to thu old established ami favorite line, known a* tli" * New York and Savannah Ste.1 in Navig-iihiu (.•.nnpail'." and 11 comfort,accommo- dilio-'H and fare, cannot bo i-xcllea - hoy are com- iiriudeil by exporienci'd. skilful, careful and polito ofikurs. PADELFOKD. FAY A CO, Agents. Savannah. HAM’li L. MIT' HILL A SON, may 1 tf Ag-uta. New York. NOTICE. The splendid propellers IIU>TSVILLK and MnNT- 0051 ERY, will form 11 week- ‘ 1 lino between New York md Silvan null, leaving ea h ,i<irt every HatuiihaY On and uftur May 1st t86X, Freight freni New York, will lie taken nt Oiths 01 the presunt iiirllf. ur customary rate*. upr 21 BIIIOHAM, BALDWIN k CO. sarEifEI 1 Steamship State of Georgia, I,.,, h ,..,,,,...1, 1 e vilVIIV. Comini.mler, boat has been built express! for this route.ami li iVMigi-xtensivi-and airy State Ro<>i. mi >d at ion. ofl'er* superior iuduromeuls to invalid, and other*. For freight or passage apply on board at the Flori'h Btenm Packet wharf.or to mar'd'J - I, \GIIORN A I'UNNINOIIA M, Ag’ts FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. Tile iiuw uni spli'tidid iron steamer I' 51A It V -. D ipl, .lame* Freeborn. Ill b-.-ivo f*>r I'narli-stoii. nn Thin*, lay Evening, April 2d. at ItoVlo It. Sunday Morning, u ajipl v <-n I'oiivd. at 1 he Florida • mar 30 CL tHHilRN !t 1 •ry Thtiinday 1 leave L’liaili'Stnn eiery r freight accommodation Boat. FOR PARACHUCLA EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. Th" new and last running Passen- nud Freight steamer JOHN O. LAWTON will Itmvtf for Paruchucln intarmi'diate Landiugs, every unlay arid Thursday, at 4 o'clock, r. 51 —leave tout West Broad street. N. II.—Contract* 'or lainllngsab"ve can bemado. Till* Boat will not break her ninuii.g schedule. J. W McALI’lN. Agent. oc‘27 Williamsoii's Building*. Mont For Charleston. JIYXi A WX) ROTTTID, 17.1 BEAVFOUT & HU.TOF HEM>. To loavofrom the -teampacket Wharf every SATURDAY.' at it P. 51. Tho tirw and spieinll stenmor t-'VEROLADE, On* J.. 51. Coxetter, will leave this city us above. Till* Everglade connects regularly 1 ''arid I na and North Eastein Railroads, ligui'd to Agiiiit" will be forwarded free "I fiuight or p.mage apply on board or to JOHN 0. FRASER Agent. novl7 No 7 4 Bay street. CHANGE uF SCHEDULE. For BlufFfcon, .Hilton Head, lluyd'r Landing, Port Royal Ferry, Beaufort and Charleston, The new-and splendid Iron Itcamor CECIL' .Ciipt F peek. will, on nud after • M.m.l iy, Muv tilth, leave for the above agacggeg£sSfe"1«'«» crerv MONDAY MORNING, at 0 o’clock hoi freight or passage, apidy to J. P. HKO >K3, Charleston wharf. 0-Z~ All freight must bu paid nn the wharf hy (ho shipper before it will bo receipted for. limy 4 jfib 1‘1> to _ _ FOIL Fit EIGHT Oil t'HAKTKR. bo A 1 brig OH .-APEAK, Capi. Bally Ap. CARLiVLMN & PARSONS. FOX LIVEIlPOOL.— llie slop (MV. waJA-Lsri.. J. F. Ilnyileii. ma*ter. having a large part 1 cargo engaged, will have despatch For e 11 gage it*, apply to T. R. ft J. G. .MILLS lay 17 er.d3 ’LL 11 ..? 1 . 1 FItICIGIlT 011 <11 Alt- 11.11 -1 ha first Hass selir LUCY it WAR It K n . 08 ton* Ini'1 lien, c.irrle* 4 fi •« '"isli. l* grain, nr buu l.bla t tour - nearly now, and welt Ton ml. \ pp) v i„ U|, *>' u IN Ifi ft J.‘iM\8T"N K M' BOTANY YOUNG PEOPLE & C0MM0N SCHOOLS. n fOW Pl«i\IW'I'M GHOW—A 11 -inieiuriil Hot•• 111 with A POPlil.AII I'l.Olt A 1 Or an Arraugemnnt and D"scii|>ln>ii of iftnuiiioii Plants, b.ilh wl d and cullivsleil. lll"Sirsleil by 6'JU Wood miKin- vln.s: by A»» Ur»v. M. D.. Flsln r Professor of Natural Hsitnryin Harvard Unlversily llecelrol by may 24 JnllN M. niOPRK A Co. ir )11TTHIl.-ll) k gs eh ie» t).«t.en Rnlb 1 pur alramer Hum*'Hie. mid fur/n iliaV m 51 II WILLIAM n l« A VIC IsAPIC MAKTIIsIsAN. » I 1 is "ived a j the aliovu nulls Iu IDnrU, Pi. and riiiintlliy Isu'ii j imt F«ll FltlSIGHT ORCIIAKTElt- KiiTlie A 1 bark ROUT A. ALLEN, Capt. Robbins. H* M'PO b( „ . mat -ft CARI.KTON A PARSONS. FOR t’"»’'H)F v C -V'm.w RrgT H. K ENT, Capt. Reet), having most or her curgo ng.igid, witi ui et wiiu r -i unt ir..,, to 0-tiil/lo.v •> PAlimtNH. J.,) FOR UO TON-Tim"packet *ci»r LILLY Fram i*. niaater, having tlio greater corLum of bor cargo engagod, will Imvo (lb patch. Fur ft fight ap ply to _ OGDEN, ftTAIJli At 1 O. ^ >(111 IIOSTO.Y.—-Tli" regular park. t b.iik ifcSS'M'IANA. ' apt. Rivers, having a purlloti of her cnigii ''iigauud, will have dlspileh For fn iirhi. Hpjd) to liny 12 CAItl.KTilN A PARxiNfi FOR NFW YORK-Tim selir if .5 l.i:n'.|L t. H-ot-iu will tiieet wiili ili*|)iiteh for the For Ireight or | nssage anply n Ft-I d in Pa ihr.iiigh'Uit the t* Ii Ea< (which will Ii" f Through Tickets t. For fi-ljlit er pa%*a. 1 28 Mi l fn ni Phil idelpliiii, ml lor I In* si'.iMiu .) 25 NiV.'UJ't 23 , apply to A OitKINEK k CO. Ag’ts AT W. O, PRICE’S " ST A11 CLOTHING EMPORIUM/* V.MtDS Heavy otriped jiOsaa- _ .."burgs yard* tnnvy white Osnaharg*. ft.i'ilU do liglii d" do W (WMJ (lo Hleltrtry rtrlpws do Marlboro do 10.1)00 do Heavy brown fihirtlug ’ 3.01)0 do do wide do 200 d iz«n Hoad Handkerchiefs. ftOO lbs Flax Thread (P*^ft"0 gross Huttons fiO.(HM) Stout Needle*. For salu at the lowest prices, hv apt 7 NKVITP, LATIIROP * imiETtS. •7 Twist •* “ assorted Stub *• Pingte Guns, assorted « “ Dnul.b- ami single Guns, for buy* Double and Single Common Onus, low prlei-s. Also. Sporting Article*, suttable t • the scutum. N. B.—A few* Ducking I>»uld» Gun*. fi-rnalolow. TUSPAIRINGr DONE WITH DIdl’ATOH, by LOVELL tt I.ATT!MORE, dec 1ft 13 Barnard street. T HU Knickerbocker Ire Company, of the City of Now York, having replant thud their Stock uf Ico, ofiei the most I'uVi-ruble indncemetiM to thelrndn to supply tlieiiMclvc* with Ico of n mperlor qnalily, and on tho • nn *t I'uasnunhle terms. This t’mmniny alone nrn selling tlm Rocklnnd LsUo Ice. which, for solidity and purity I* universally admit* rd to he f«r superior to any other t»r shipping purpose*. In experieneu and facilities for rondueting business this Company hnv<* no rival*, and they ruipectluUy mg- gest to din lets, that the v will find it laigely to their tuV VHiitaca loonier their supply tlnoiigli tho Kulckeiln-ek- er Company No charge for whin fage to Vessels lying at the Oouipndj’a piers, whilst taking ill caigrT. Thu greatest prnniptltiid'i and di'irntdi given to or • dats. which may be forward-d to R. T. COMITcN, Esq., President nf the Ktiickocker Ice Company. 432 Canal M., New York. V—3n»o nmr 22 THE DILOOKLYN WMte.Lead Oo. ~ ! E8TABL1MIKD 1825. 'hi* Company continue* in nmuufBctnre their luperi- r For Sale 2 300 ACRE.'* OF MV A HI* AND PINE LAND, •nr Jeff rsoiitoiii Camden county, ami also ..jar the Big fiat ilia River. Iu and ou Bull Head _ b'vainp, known for foity year* as the Gordon tract. The swamp land i* about 1 2->0 acres, and available as first qualit} rut ton. coin uud lice lauds. The pine land I* ef tin- best for lltubor or inrpontluo. lYi ms easy. Apply to .bin 12 TIPON * GORDON. PRiilliM WRITE Hill), Being otic of tho oldest nud 1110*1 extensive tudabliti. ten 1* In thu country, for m 11 n nine luring While Lead, lied Lead, and Litharge. FROM lifts RAW MATERIAL. Ptirrlinaeia of their brand* may fly on prorating tl - Private Sale. Tho well known Pluulntiuii railed rfTE_ omit Hope, situated iu Bryan county, ftv'.y's.romalnft’g a'-'nnt 4.'toy acri's. a-tf* JW 3 ** under cultiviition. Th« b"ttnin laud very fertile and 1* well ealculatwl for 1 lie ciilliv.ilimi ol ratio, cotlun or corn. I* well sell led having 11 lino Dwelliug Huu«". 0(ersce' ,, s Unitis, • rib*. <Uc., and aie-'in* moduli in l»r mere than Utu tiegros. For terms apply to K J. Arnold. Itrjan county. • Th« Albany U Gulf Railroad runs near the tract. inline hi tide, »u tlm luont f.ivorable terms, for cash ■ edit. They are ahvays prepare ii to execute with pron'pti i n order* for their various g sites and qualities nf ! Lead, and Zinc Paint, .*?*••**: I Tlrv nr in lilt Dry or in • Ml. BUfilNK'fi ADDBK-fi. HO Front street, New Vnl N. It.—I’urohueeis should pewatw of tlm Lumet. 1 "gus brand* wbl jIi fill tin nun ltd. mnr’.'J V— fiiim - ! FOR fcAl.Ei f A Valuable I'iautation in Bryan county, md tainlng73o acres of Land. 4 10 of which is under | func.n and Iu cultivation, situated on the Midway River,about eeven niil.-sli'-ui tne Allinny Hull I On thu premi*'** are all tnu neees-ary Lit Ithnw* for plantation purpoNi 1 *, atul a eomfmtuldo iiueRiug House. a a — I .IM). 8 M'iNTMol.LIN. i A CALL TO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN Lewis, Haviland & Co.’s Ur) Goods Cheap for Ihc WtUiou!! AND Would take it us a favor to rucelvo a cail or an ill order iron* all eODTHKUN AND WESTERN fiti.itOHANTfi, beb-ru they buy their six and iwelvo moutiiH bills tlmt they in a v bucniue ni'iiUiiiiited wilh thu very great in budng all kite's t .f HKAVt BROWN H11KKTINOS, AND DUMEST1C GOODS, UF iiir.41, AT 111 Kilt 7 S M A S II I) (J W X P R I 0 I: S ! ! 6W biles7-8 BROWN SHEETINGS, ft?Jc , mar ket v it un 7*.j|. Tho best BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, fur«c,In tho country. All eastern and near by merchant*, who have rind the aunoiimo aeiil. are th'uiigiug tlmir More daily, to lalio mVvaiil»{t' nf the Very great bargabta offered in all kinds uf (to-ids bought on specubitloU ut forced auctinu sales, for cueh, mul Inr busli-d paper, duiit'g .he panic time*. 12 and 140u Pacific Lawns, fioin ccuts, b‘-iiglu at 111 el.Ming auction sale. The nestsii cK ol M’lt n il.cii.M .-ilks, Elmwls, and film Dri a* tluo-l® in the city uf New York, ut u*tuiiUhiugly low prices. Glasgow, Lanciistor and Clinton Gingham*, to 0}..$ cent,—old price li to 12c. A better I n k Ilian tlm (I.imilt"ll Tick, lit 0) ft cent*. 3s Inch 5lu*liii, equal to Vtmusiitra .Milts, ft-c fiptague's. Anieriemi Diimi'-I*and UisMiicu Prints,. to 8 cents— best styles iu market -regular pi ico HJjJ to lOj-ji I tain 1 lt< •■<, 5Litirhi'Mtor and I’uclfic DcLaines mid Chnl- lios llbft t- 14*. 143 Bay-Street, Sav’h. THE REST ANI) CtlE(PEST. IM PROVED ICE PITCHERS!!! colali Ginghams, ry, to 12)ftc—old price 14)^ toili'c. 7 x all Wool runnels, 21 <—old price .Me. Film ail »'n«l lui.nj.iuii, 21 102& cunts—worth 3. t«>4ft JU8T RECEIVED, Fine liaregesnud Ti*sti"s, lllft to 18^-j—hulf old price. fil'd ca»i sColtoiiinlcH. fit jj to 14Ls —worth 1ft l" 2(lc 2-> In. (Jrusde’Uhiim silk, high luatre and good quality, 4ft to (15c. Ud iu Lustrino fiilk, 37to42j,ft cent*—old prlco 60 to 1)2'$!. 6»o nil wool Urochu Long Shawl*, uuhcaid of price $7, tvnrtli •'816. 2,0d0 square Shawls, $J 75 to $5—worth $0 to £7 fill each. Printed C'nshmoro and Barege Shawl*, 50c. to |2 26 each. CRAPE SHAWLS, AT ALL PRICES, K'-niucky Jeans and Satinet*, 12^ to Sac— bought ot II jobber D mini* and Stripes, very cheap. 8).<s to DJ^c. Extra lairgnin* ill Cl iy and liish Ltuena. Alpaccus, ll)£ to 26 costs—udvuucud 011 and must be sold. Black and colored fiilk Robes, 10}£ to 12}.£c—Worth 16 to 2('c. (Jim 1 liehnd Barege Robes A’QullHe. $2 to $4 60. Stella .-haw Is from $1 2ft to tstcll. Biack Sill, Velvet Ribbons, steamboat an 1 other beet brands, less ihiiu 4 cent* on Die dullur- Grrat bargains in LEGHORN HATS, from 10^ t« 50 cents—worth fr .in 6" cents tojd 2ft each 31 in. striped and plaid fuuiard fciike 42 to45c—worth •)2c. Best Silver Plntetl anil Urltnnnla CHOICE PATTERNS, For Sale at Cost! J. P. COUSINS. ANOTHER L T OF GENUINE “OLD DOMINION” COFFEE POTS, ■i'an ".....1 1 ... it... ll.iiLu VM„.idl.l>... l.'../i.l J L'fiT Received at tlm House Furnislilng EsUlillsh- nmnt, Hodgson'* Block, coruer Rr>>iiaiilon and Bull K. U. BEACH may 20 _ SUNDtUKS. “ UGARfi.—40 lihd* choice Petto Rlc.i and l.utislnna 30 ito fair da do do 20 no prime Cuba 7ft bhls Stuart’* l!i'i*ti*d and Ground p:i do A. It and i lai ilied fti) do B iltimore Y- Bow, C G arified. MOLASSES.—20 blids. 10 Here*, and 100 bbls Cuba 76 lit'U choice New Orleaus BA 'ON -60 h' di prirno fiides 2u do do Sliouldors 10 linrcfl* choke *uaa« cared Hums. I.ARD—40 bbls and 100 keg* prime Leaf. For sale bv npr 0 _ fiOltANTON A JOHNSTON. T NR OF WILD CIIKUllY. YU Ifi dull* bon wine piMM'Hse* all tin- properties mm 2'i HENRY LATH"o II U.J> 11 MJfcC lltlR. f' MEH t IlIJsTE .v OAMMKI.L. JFt> FOR NEW YORK -WvlitJl I.INE-ilm egular pNcki'l «clir. TAUOET, Furman iiii*»(i-t. tiavTuu the grust . puiliiiinl her cargo ungaged, will have despatch. Fur freight of IftO hairs Cnllou, to com piste Ifn c-irgo app'y t<> »'»y 0RDKN. «TA11R A cq. nicoiloi I LI NIC -NHIV V«•' •' U Pti'K *'■* - U"'«'"( 'II.I.IAM SMiril.C.'pt. Flshir, ».n 1.... I"" 11 ii- di ipali Ii F< r ftnghl nrpa »ige, having silpeil .r nn(Mniiindalliois, appli I . limy 22 fit’ll AS • o.N A SOitllH J l. Fill* NEW VOIIIt - D'lON 1 I v 1. — SilXlJbT - ru/i|bir pa tu t wl inn I'AIUJI.T. I'm m ill, In.•*»' * will havu q'llilt 4D|«ib li I >r lliv ai.nie p fl Fof (rrlghf. Apl'l.* ' • OGDEN, i'TAKR A t’O. ilieiry. . ml I* re i.iuiuendeii us iigreeable Ionic and sliinulant. i spcmll) mlapled tr in»p piie-. and thusa preilispused to pnliiii'iinry com plaints For sale by THOM AS 51. I UuN Kit. tunyU Corner Bri'glitmi and llernaid Ms. M lfiSH FOR K.-ftO bbls prime Mc»s I'.uMiir rim low by EDWIN RATCLIFF. - -y 2' rillUlCR FAMILY FI.OUR—Win tor's lul. wlmle ui d ball suck*, fo, earn By MINIS fc JOlINfiTuN. IE' » \ 1,10 HOFF..- ik'd Rif lie'iup Rkkf JfdUG. Id 'lore nud f''r> itv nu (uvjraldij iV,Z. IIHWIUH. BALDWIN U CO. hoice Kamlly II .ms. l.,n,i 41 IN Ifi A .lollNSMN II* lililiar.liHitiV Ba linpe, ’ ' ah’ And a store full nf all kinds of o»ber goods, impossi ble to be mentioned licru.nt like reduction. Merchants who find their old iu a aimprudt d nud crippbd coiidiliou, onai.lo to furnish them with cheap good*, are invited to cull ami see the great diller- emo in prices. Don't bo pera'iaded to buy until yon have seen the good*. All good* wilt be sold precisely at tlm prices * tilted. Orders filled promptly, nud mouoy returned If tho wood* do uot buit. LEWIS, HAVILAND & CO, 101 Chambers nt., N W. corner Church, N. Y. apr 27 3mo Maryland State Lotteries. R. FRANCE ifc CO, Manugot*. Caution ISTotice. P ... . „ .. ilistHiicenliouid t.« extremely camions of whom they order Lottery Ticket* or rtificates of Packages of Ticket*. The country is n aided with bo.'Us and swindling Lotteries Every in ducement is lu l l out to get persons to invest money in them Prizes nf from JSO.U'lO to jlOA'Ih) head their aehsme*—wiili tickets at Ona D-liar. «:Git.i t*0 Capital 1'iizea are offered, ticket* ji. All such, in awry insiiiticn are frauds; and iI money is sent to them f»*r tickets, ii is*. 1 tuiim thrown nvvuy without the slindow ol iiclmncunf gening a priza. Bew-nro of till laitteries wlwm the i.'apUai Prize i* unusually large in couipari- *>n to Hie price of tickets. J11 'every iii«tancu where large p-izra are offered for a small cost uf tiikets, put it down us 11 eertuiu fraud. Thu Kentucky Mato Lottery for tin* benefit of tho Shelby College, under our management. D the only L"t. tery in the United tf late* which is legall) decided by the Mary bind Drawings; all other Lmcrn-s whir h purpuit to ba decided by tho Mary land Drawings, uru IrituJs. THIS MARYLAND NTATR LOTTERIES Purealise in tho .Maryland finite Lotterios, then you are sure of being right. ' And In ordering iu tlm Mary land Lotteries, you arc sure id fair uud holiest draw* iug*. one thing look to. and that I*. If )'*'« "'dor frent auy licensed vender m Baltimore, do lint receive any but Mniaigcra"iTckot* and Managers' Printed Ceitirtrutr# ol Packages. The .Managers'(Vililloiites have tlie numbers 'inicd uud have the lifhogiophed slguutuio of 11. frail* e ft On liss a right to mud his individual co tlficates, ami If ho doe* it, bs sure there m a fraud al the bottom ot u. it- FRA NUD A CO., Managi'tg* uf Maiylnnd State ImUetles. apr ft NS AND III) 11 Ids.— dilpn Runes j .!(€,’AN UI Id MIJKI, Iliya let" till rage, ami ■» Printed J icoii.'U and Ltmis Inuaisiind M iH|Ui»i"i lie lieges and Mohair Lustre* French ' aniline Rubes, for morning dresses I »" I pU'ti VftA'U Ublll'Cliel). t-e. Fv)l sain ( ll V s low.i-ir prices, Py Ut'A'ITT A H'JKHAN. tm IT 1 ,, FIFTY DDLIjARS RICWARD- Will 0" pal I lot die recovery of my negro id'iii 1 WILLIAM (or Billy) who tuna way about the 1 middle "f last year. lie Is of 11 dark mulatto ! complexion, about six fee', or a little 1 pwnrd. 1 ill hel^lit, flour limit, weighs about two hundred I pound*, and i at out lliiity five years f age ilo Is n I In icklnyer and plaitcrer l.v Im le,rca Is well, and some | Hines d’i-coui se* as a rreaeher lie I* p»IHv when accost ! nd mil ratlier uraiidllequetit in speech. As bo ba* a wife nud eliildivn In Savaeimb. I am led to bcliovo that be is lurking nl> id that "By "r its neighborhood. Tho above reward will bo paid for hi* apprehension and do- livery, orC'.i-finement In some Jnil that 1 may get him Hgnln. Address NIDIIliLAS IVVI.II*., fel.ll- lhsluir WnsblllKlotl. Gee It or K« «1 Dfi ll - ALt'M TV ATKR. T HE Ha'er of ill'("ii nelebrati-d lliiiiernl spring* I* now kept cornu null y on tlte market in the hand* ofFISHEH ft WlVs'i'ON. Druggists, Bicliuiond, Vn„ and A. II. RUCKER. Lynchburg. We have entirely discarded barrels, and m-vv ship the Water only in glass. Cn«t per ease of 1 d"/e» halfgiMo'i Imtlle*; s.iinely and caieiii'.ly p:i''k.*d at I be spring*. {i»- Itv remitting to 1. * W.. ui to A. B. II. $il. Die purchaser iim rely on Heir f..rvvjrdliin per dir. eti«na, l box ot fu-nli ui.d g-.-uiiine Reckl.r dge Alum Water. Pamphlets sent gratis 011 nnpMentlon. npr Id Saw—»w FRA/.I Hit ft RANDOLPH. TAUIOTT fi lUfOrilKii. HOCKOE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOfi-v VARY STREET, RICHMOND, VA„ M ANliFAt’TUItlillfi.if portal.'.) fitenm Engine all sizer, from -I to 40 iii)ra»-pnwor. oti tlir 1 ■ ■proved plans, particularly adnpi>'il to Cotton and • ■ r Plnnintiiins and FnrtnciV n*o cencrally. BtiiP iu best materials and uoik'nnnshlp. and fi.r rwi |n." •** and durability, not s rpasml by any uugi&it* «. ■ Also fitnti*.it Knrdne*.nf any required power. Cir. i. iw .Mills c.itirplete, ami Portable Grist 51ills, of v* 11 -rior cni'slrneinm. filmfling. Pulley s, he. Tobacco Pi esses and fie re w s, "f every description. I 1 ml Inui ('listings, and Wrought Iron Moil. genr. •ado to order with dispatch, and nn lean'liable ten. « Um.'io—eoilly WOODING ‘ri HORSE UN I MEN 1 An liifnlliblc Be •licinnvy, Swelling, lujluinutix ■il> for 1 tmrf Rhunnai BTHTS LINIMENT will cure tlm Swlnney in la ■ ve it iis tin r-avo many Hue Imtsca mined lot 1 •ant ofininiedlato relief. OIRISC5TIDN8* I'onr out and rub well with the liuod tho allllcte.l 1 nlil B buiiistho horse sevendv, and let It rcii nin t" • airs nr in.ire. tlmn apply it ngatn fn the Naum " •eii mil 11 little oil. '1' v. ( i-Ji with ('nstilafinap ami ply in tin; snine manner. Tho l • 1 be cured i. Prepared end v>1d by Atf- Pi lee One fio (GURAM'S micnilSTRY. LEM ENTS of luorgnuii! Chi tnistry, inelnding the SJA applicntioDof tic S' fonee t*» liio Art*: l.y thotna* Ur.'h mi F R S. adltod by Dr* Watts and Biidge*. At"d I. BioxtiUi's Hand Book nf Chemistry; edited by Dr IlntruiHn. Lee un tho I’.ffTti of Climate ou Tuberous Disease. Garsnii on Materia 'ledica and Plinrm tey. Bowman's Intro li).'t,ou to Glien.iMry. It 1"mail'* Practical Hand Bo d; nf ft|..1i<'al <’hemi«lry. 11 mu ti ItistoloRV in it* r Ution to desciipli'e Anabr- my, Pliyslmngy and Pathology, with upwards of 4.0 lltm tratlon* Wiluvi nn Diseacoa 1 f Ihe Skin—Hit nlllion. Plains illn*trati'e of fikin Hiseua. s— Ahbuusford iBioli of the Waverly Novels, in 12 vol*, with engravings r W. WOODING, Aniorlcus.i dtrAwly sen md Plivdei in’s Mannal— j TUuRNB WILLIAMS. pdweH’s Pflck-t Furmul' pork, t l■ook^•.| , ln. _j»pr2t* .'•’Sv'TJ _ NOTICE. ” ' , T HE fiitbacrlber having t>-ei. legally constitu'ed Attorney In f*ct, by Robert fi. Piles, of Glynn county, to will, f-r olherwlse di*p se. Hint track «if laud, kn iwn as No. 21:*. IOllt BiNtrict. 4‘h fieetlon; oricinally Walker, now-I lade couuty. All liilctt-stcd will taka tic.- arcmdingly apt 3 EDWIN It ATI’Ll PP. *** I’im Lnfayetta papers will plraso l .seit for one month, nml m w-ard lilll b. Mil* ..litre. S UNDlillCS IN STORE- ~ 12ft bales .Neithrmi Hay, 1000 Lit- Gats. 1'k) boxes Adamantine fanilli-H, 40 Idtls Rectified Whiskey. 60 bii's Domestic Gin uud Rruudy, 10 bbls Vinegar, SO tes fittvnr. 8ft bbls MulaaRCB Ac. lit stnr« and f ir sale low by may ft EDWIN RATCLIFF. yiiftblUEft LANDIN'!*— 1'i blids fiiilcH. ft do fihotilder*, D) bids Lard, In libls Baliiutjre Extra Flour, 2ft bins Ityu d-i do tb boxes Snap, 2ft do Tallow Candles, t'-s U Sa 22ft bales piiine Northern Uny. Landing and for jtlohy EDWIN UATCIGFF.^ PRKSBRVK YOY'r FRilT.” A Hl'llli ’S PATENT FltlJiT CANS AND JABS— ,-w thu only genuine nrlmlo for preservinp ft nit tho yn-tr round, (or sale at No*. 166 and K>7 llt ouKtiton ft . by •nay 1*2 Ml)K6i: A 4AY. HEHBY ESLEE & Cf. .tf their Steam Engine and Boiler Br.i ^t, Atlantic l >■' t, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Are now prepared for STATIONARY, RIVER ANO MARINE KN'GITSrJES Ot ovory duritnption. Sugar Mill?. Mill AVnrhs. s. ■Ruing Mit'-hmery. Also ull kinds ot Ufgtt ana I *. lusaurn Bnih-rs. The Subscriber, agent in Savannah f..t the ab. . ork*. wilt receive orders for nil kinds of Mu hiin >» -bus now on hand aovera Ismail lortnlile Burin ws> i dtfor Piant.-rs’use. also, on** 16 horsepower Eng it • liich lie will sell oil accomtiindntit.g lornia. H. II. LINViLLE. Machinist,St.Julian Inly 4 A One».)iiar‘- wi st of the Mnrket KIBW 00UIB senkVKN MOUSE. FIRST CLASS HOUSE. MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Tho House has been newly ro-ar ranged and refitted. : jan 4 AT HALF I’ilICK, A LOT of ChUdrenV PinnUne*, it .ys’ Ragland fildits, &c , to close Hu m out. For *«!»• by may 10 Dr.WI’IT u MORGAN. ME1V HAY BUTTER. -jl 4"K TUB cboiae unw May Butler, landing per flag "teuiner. uud for sale by nmy 12 lACOX HIDES. Si JUNTOS' A NORRIS- -1^) Lh'bi prune UacvD fildee B Ending per eleanibhip State of Georgia, and lor 1 ‘ ,y .e may 12 SCRANTON & NORRIS. NEW GOODS. J UST RECEIVED— Black Foulard Silk Rohes Black Crapa ba eges Plain Black Bart gen fiwUi Mulls and laconet Muslin* Muslin Collara Tucked Cambric fikirta Wliite Bonnet Cord White Tailelnn Steel ExU-iiNioit Skirts, Ac. HENRY L 4TITROP A f.O. msvfl J UST HKCb 1VKD I.N ST(I lati libd* Side*and Siiuuldersai.d 1 I'OKE- l Hums, No. 1 Preu'iab Giiauo, ft . boxes choice Grd (ft (foe, 2ft Clink Edinburg Aln, (OO boxes ..f No. 1 and Family Soap, 60 du FtfJn do du 26 du Toil't do 8(*t sack* Extra Family Flmir. 100 l'bl» N Sugar Houm: Sy rup, 2ft hltds Mola«S' s, 6(i0 bag* Turks Uland fialt. 2i»i boat 1 * Adamantine Cun.ll* 100 d" Half d'( du 100 s.irks Hi0 Coffi o. For sale !•(• mvft 'f II WILLIAMS. TO CABPK.VI l-.IC 4 PAIR OP F'Ji.DINU Ii'HlRfi. • ' . eru mail", and but |Rilh> nsal—u Apt* I tlllK . (tie. size, ni'i ttt- iil| bs sold law. ( 'iOKCKNTKATJSD PIIEIUHA TIOMH j RlifilNolDS OR OLEG REfil %fi. Akclepln, I fiangninarin, IlydraMin, Sen. , mi. Leptatiditn. fi.-un il.tiiii, PoJuphy llin, | fi'isimgln. Xantl.ovyhu. A supply of the ahuve prepiiraitiiit*. manufactured by TIBui 111 ft Oo., r- colvetl ami l»r ealu by THOMAS 51. TURNER, tnav 12 Coiner llrmmhtou and Barnard street*. 1 M A V,— i2.i iiali-s .Nortii River Hay, lo artive per IB h'llk R A Allen; lor sale hv ni*) II IIU.VfEll .( GAMMELI,. LACUfciMlTH'B CO.lL.-iU ton* suiHirlor »A ‘ B HliRksmith'a Coafj flrtci aray 11 MVNf»:»l k (JAMMELL Fisk & Raymond’s Late Improved SAFES!. t t T WOULD Inform my friend*and the public th*t I have opemui.iiii th« .rnor of Price ami York streets, •bop where I will attend to th" Muuiilnrtiira of Tin ♦re.Tin Roofing, am! nil othor aork ronuectaJ “Uli •1 business. Ali order* promptly attended u „ n ,. 14—tf a EG. IP WEKD0N. 50 bbls. 95 per ct. 1 JUST RBCKlVqt) BY ROSS & CO., 30 Whitaker ttreftl. Reidsick Champagne. *' If h BAt-KBTfi lloi'islck CbampagDu, in piul* *ud * )t w quart*, landittg and for a»lo by CL AG II0HN ft- CU ,*r (. i CUNNIOllAM FOll HAY. •C ESLIF'S Magozltio. for May. , i Graham'* laidie*' llnult, for May Outlay'* do do d n . Arthur’s Magnzino, do. l’eteraon'i de, do. Itnl lun'* Dollar Monthly, dn. Nick Nax. do. .Mrs. Hlaplipns' Magnsiov, UoUMiUuld WonlJj •1 r Itl j ... 11. uui»*rof, llnll stirei. oj, o*li* fio)* 1 1 % By J. B. Foley, 'ornor of Bull and Congvess Sts,, Savannah. This Nr w liOTLL. fiirnislicd throngii- C-**\ ("It in the most KLKO A ST »T vtc, I* now “I' on '*'* n, "1 H 'DI be kept h Th« hiibscrlber, Agent* of the Manufacturer, for the sale of Lillie’s Patent Chilled-Iron BURGLAR ■ A1 dFIRK-PKOOF SAFES J second with Lillie'* I'a- j—_tunt Powder-1'root Com bloatlitj Bank Lock. Tnu-e bates snd Locks «t*nd unequalled In baffling : « skill of tho burglar and the a) piicstb n1 of fire. I’ptsou* wiehing to ptircbaic a Esfo wlilcn in, in nil ra- • eels, whst tho term million, *re rofpfCtfully requrati-d call andexiitolim our SAFES,at 165 aud 167 Brough. !t street, finvaunali, before nurolia.lMg oleowhoru. W* • 111 k ntir Sufes uced only to be own to l»o appreciated. nm.-2n M-'RSB & FAY. | INDISTINCT PRINT 1