The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, June 03, 1858, Image 1

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m ■ .a ■. ■■■•..' , ' A :*}***>* ■r-.’r: SOHKDUIjI'I ON* THE SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD, Ovor which passes thft* Great New Vork & New Orleans Mails § m VOLUME LVII. Now Arranged - “umlay, February UUt, is Ho.a«l will ho run M f< 6nt. ‘•Hut. tho Passenger ft* follow* i IITWIlK **V AJtNait XHUMAUllH. •»v« !*»v*uu*h '.J'X**'*' «"• " ,mv*in AVSSfSniSafflJ v *' nTWIIMtU 1045 *, K. aud 10.30 k. K. 9.4.W.*.*nd IWOr.M. in tuvannan.... .......T,l$ P* H. andSAU a,M. iitwciN savaHkxH *nn aOhurra. M rt www nh Lift A.M, and ! I.1B A. *. .0*. m. and Tv,.. ... ,.8 A. *. am) 3.46 P.M, mtVw In Savannah .I.MU.H.antl 10.66 p.m. tiiiNW Augusta.. “■ . . i.. c.mlllish larwaaM Manna aan auouhta. 0.45 a.m. and 11.30 p, m. ^Vr l« tutf'Wl* ..T p.M,and 0 a. m. .jo* tiwurtft ..8* m. and 3.45p.m. j Macon 10,45A-M.and 18.30 f *ln* connect nn arrival at Gordon. for MlRadgevllh* I .hioii. Al MftOou with train* of the IVuthwest- ru K »1 M t’ohtnthn* ami Albany, au l wilh the Ma- Western Itoail fur Atlanta IStH'iKer* waving Savannah by the 1.15 A. M. train, nil arrire in Atlanta at 6 P. M. Learln* by the 8.00 P. M. train will arrive In Atlanta n^vt morning. On Sunday* tho 11.15 A M. train far tuentta will go through to Macon In place of tho 3 \i winch will uot bo run on that day. EMERSON KOOTH. General Supt. Jirannab. February 80th, 1857 tntvia Macon & Western Railroad. gawmatBW^a MACON, Dec. 14th, 1867. O N and after Friday, 13th Inst., tho train* will run a. follow*: irtu> Macon ........... 1."* A. M. Imre at Atlanta .» A. Sf. Lr Macon U.30 A. M. jrrire at Atlauta.. 5.80 P. M i»,f Atlanta ..., »12 nlglit irrneat Macon A. al. .4 tlsuta, 3 . nt Macon, 5-40 P. M. Night Train* will not be run on Sundays jvl A. M.Train from Macoa connect* with tho State p,a I for Chattanooga at 18.30 P. M. and Ueoigia Hoad r Augusta at 10 A. M. The 11.30 A. M. Train from Macon connects at Atlun- . ,»ith tho Georgia Kail Road, at 18, and Atlauta aud W.-st Point Rail Hoad at 2, A. M.. iwtigor* for Western and Atlantic Kail Road and * beyond, should take the train leaving Macon at 1, ALFRED L. TYLER, cup’t. dec 85 tf Daily Trains between Macon nnrf Columbus. Leave Macon ut 1.30 A M.. and 11.30 A. M. Arrive in>us 8 52 A. 51., aud 6.33 P. M, Leave (’olumhus 1.65 A- M., and 4.00 P. 51. Arrive in Macou 8.56 A. At ..and 10.28 P. M. BKTWBIX MACtfN AMD ALBANY. U»vo Macon 1 30 A. M. Arrive in Albany 8.15 A. M. learn Albany 3 15 I* M. Arrive in Macon 10.28 P. M. l^ve Macon 7.12 A. M., Tri Weekly. Arrive in Albany 3.37 P. M. L-*va Albany 7.00 A. M.. Tr.-Weokly. Arrire in Macoti 3.31 P. M. trims to Columbus form a through connection to •Mgomery. Ala.,and Augusta, Kiugaville, Wilmington, ill, Millodgovilleaud Katonton. o'oiclies run from Albany to Tallahassee, Bain- bn.iic, Thomasville, Ac. Kick*run from SmitltvIIlo, Tri-Weekly, to Dawson, i il'ert. Fort Qaines, Ate. Also from Fort Valley to rti. Uayne*v|llo. Ifawkinsville aud Knoxville, Ga. ug'ers for poiuts below Fort Valley, should take •\ening Trains from Savannah and Augusta to avoid '•'/lion at Macou. For other points lake oil 1 or Train, ■irrt clan steamships leave Havannahfor N *Y irk.on luM'lays anil Saturdays. Passage iu'the Cabin $25, ersce $s. Tireiruin Montgomery to Savannah $’4 00. Columbus dd do 10 03. Albany do do 10 Jit. QKO.W ADAMS Sup rlntendent. a, Feb. 2l*t. 1858. marl UKOltGIA KAILllOAD- Change of Schedule. 0 TAKK EFFECT ON QBOROIA RAILROAD, DE CEMBER 28 h, 1867. Augusta it 2.30, A, M ,and 4.00 P. M. at Atlanta at II 36, A. M., and 104. A. M Atlanta at 12 00, A. M., and 10.00, A M. r Augusta at 8.66, A 51.. and 7 00 P. M. in I'rain* leaving Aogu-ta at 4 P. M., aud Atlan- 'I •li<contiiiuei|. (The 2 30 A. M train from u c .ii'iMCt* throng" t» Memphis.) emsor withs »uth oahquxa railroad. it Augusta at I0t. 51., and S 30. P.M Augusta at 10.00. A. 41., and 8 05, P. 51 WEsTKKN AND ATLANTIC tlAILHOAIi. at Atlanta at il.22. P. M., and 0 33. A. M Uie Atlanta at 1.45. A 51.. and 1230. P. 51. ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAILROAD. ttnve at Atlanta at 10.13. P. M„ and 0 27, A. M L ue Atlanta at 2.n0 A. M., and l 00, P. M MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. eat Atlanta at 9.15 \ M. and 6.05 P.M ,re Atlanta at >" 30 A. M., and 12 00 Night ATHENS URANCIt—SUNDITS EXCEPTED. bare Augusta at 2.30 Ight. eAtlanta at 1200 Night. , vtlii'iis at 10 3't Day. e Aih'-us at Night. v- it Augusta at U o>' Morning. teat Atlanta at 11.31 Morning. 111.NO MX till INCH—DAILY TRAINS —SUNDATH EXCEPTED. L-if - Augusta tit. 2 30 Night. bare Atlanta at 12 00 Night. Arnv,. at Washington at 7-35 Morning. "a Mondays an Extra Train leaves Washington at l 45 M-nitig. and connects with the Down Day Passenger ‘ rum Atlanta, aud returning to Washington at IS Evening. * WARREXTOX BRANCH—SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Dive Augusta at 4.00 Evening. Atlanta at 10.00 Morning. At Warrenton lit 8.nO Evening. ftarrenton at.... 3.30 Evening, Arrire vt Augusta nt 7 On Evening. ‘"be at Atlanta at 1.00 Night. Jicli-Jy OBOKtiB YOUXOB. Dew. Sup’r. Mlimtu & West Point Railroad Atlanta to West Point, 87 miles, Fare. $3 50, GEORGE O, JIDLL, Superintendent. MORNING PASSENGER TRAIN I Dues Atlanta, dally at 2 00 A. 51. Arrire, a' West Point, at 7 28 do le-sves West Point, dally at ..4 00 do Arrives at Atlauta, nt 7 00 do , EVENING PASSENGER TRAIN. leave, Atlanta, daily al I 00 P. M Arrives „t West Point, at 0 28 do l*A»es West Point, dally at 4 30 do Arrive* at Atlanta,at 10 IS do dj*This Rond connects, each way, with the Montgoui «y r West Point Railroad. .!«o 28 Freiglits from Savannah TUSCUMBIA AND MEMPHIS, THURSDAY MCORTSTING.-JUNE' 4 1858. NUMBER Dot lleflntd !HARCOALIRON CALVERT IRON AND NAIL WORKS, Baltimore, Md. J. IIOPKINSON SWTH, OFFICE 25 SOUTH CHARLES-8TREF.T. Iraporlaiii to House & Hotel Keepers, PRESERVING Fruits, Vegetables, &c. HOOK AND FLAT HEAD HAIL ROAD SPIKES, BRIDGE AND CAR BOLTS.'NUTS, fco., WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS, OF ALL PATTERNS, 5 to 12 Inch HADE TOOItttElt REDUCED iates of Freight, Savannah to Knoxville, AND ALL STATIONS ON THE* East Tennessee & Georgia Kail Road FIRST CLASS. I JlANU Fortes, Rooks,gtatatiiuiurjr. Roots. Shoos, 1 , aud Hats. Lhjunrs, Oils, Ac. (in bottles), Cam* . me and 8|)irita Turpentine(lu barrels), Carpeting, jtinn, Ulan* and Glass-Ware, C'gara ilu case*), ■ ‘ icks, t'onfectinnaries. Cotton Cards, Cutlery (in I I w») t Cnsks and Roxes, Dry Goods (in boxen and i les), Drugs, Fruits, Fruit Trees and Shrubbery, ! irs, Garden Heeds, Looking Glasses and Looking 1 1 ass Plates (at owuor’s risk). Oysters (in cans ami l s), Saddlery, Tin and Uritaunla Ware, Tens atul i l ices, Georgia and South Carolina Domestics,, per . I l lbs $1.11 SECOND CLASH. Hardware, except such as specified In first and 11 ini classes. Coltue Mills. 5Iachinerv, Foreign Li- • t ir*(inbnrrelsand pipes),TohacctHiu boxen),Louth- • I (iu rolls and boxes), Oils (in barrels aud casks), i l wkery and Queens-Ware (iu crates and casks), IJ -o, Whiting, Plaster, Hheet Brass and Copper, per THIRD CLASS kxes, Shovels, Spades, Sad Irons, Zinc anil Tin, In s, Tilt Plate, Anvils, Vices. Casks of Chains and es, Manilla aud Cotton Cordage, Coflee, Heavy •tings, Mill Gearing, Kail Road Wheels and Axles, sirs and Spikes, and Rosin (in brrrels), per 100 Special Kates rwlfureand Carriages (boxed,) and other light Idea not enumerated; also. Carboys of Acids, or or Chemicals, will be charged by uctual weight . ut doublo llrst class rates, per 100 pouuds,.„...i2 l: ’o Insure safety from losses and delays, shippers mns o every package plainly marked with uatne of ecu’, iee, destination and depot of dedivery. ho Depots on this road are— Fountain Hill. 8wcetwater, State Lipe, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Loudon, Charleston, • Leuoir’s.f Klcoville, Concord Athens, and Mouse Creek, Knoxville. * f* To commence 1st March and cantina to iatJnu upeclutemients T Havannah, Ga , 4th April, 1857. HE Undersigned iihs boon Inf-'-Hiod by lotter .. wived this morning,from the General Superintend ••’n <»t tno Memphis ft Charleston i all Road, that tl^e fw-rj, unit Western iltrlslons of that It and were to tie ■"wd on the 27th ultimo, and that traius would run thr ough regularly on tho 29th. Throw/ rate of Freight from S’ovannah to ' ?nscumbin. I Memphis^ $1 05 l 24 i oo 3 10 WM. M. WADLBY, Sup’t Contral Railroad. R. FOOTE, " M.AW. •* J. M. SPULLOCK, « W. ft A. “ R. 0. JACKSON, «• K.T.&Oa. “ | MarchlsL^^ ____ I CllANGBOF SCHEDULE R CHEAPEST & QUICKEST ROUTE To the North, rv w x o iu a. w ja jei Via Charleston Id the noutii-kasteun rail-road TUUOUGll A Itll.iVNGE.HEXT most flVVANNATf TO WILMINGTON, N, C Gn and after PMWX SUNDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1858, - , ^IBl SUPHRIOR STEAMER GORDON, F. It A U II E N, Co m m a n it e r. {ill loan. SavimiJ'ih ovwry SUNDAY and WKDNE5 D. f .’ AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, and arrive In Charles- to:; tho following mornings In time to connect with the i of the North- Eastern Rail Itoid going Xorth. tin uiiig, will leaves Charleston every Sfonday and ly Mght, at 8 o'olock, (after the arrival of the cars Wllmlngt-iu,) and arrive iu Saraunah early the >vln« mornings. a rollers bound hr the North, for North Carolina, or lie northern part of South Carolina, by taking till* '. will save ri.MC and xxpbxbg, and will gain a night's Sle | 1 * • aigh Tickets from Savannah to Wilmington, $11 xira cilarge for moals or berths on board of the I j n-ngets ano tbolr Buiigago transferred from the Hi | ier to th« cars. Jrtr of charge I I -gage checked from davannali to Wilmington. For •II I -eiiii-ut* apply to J. P. BROOKS, Agent j 1.7 Charleston -ttean.-Pimki-t Wliart. | v 'OH81 iNsTTo CHARLESTON.—Until further taken to i bnrIe»ton and back, the ■ i e or the succeeding trip, for one foro of §5. Z\i GREAT REDUCTION OF FARE 3E3TT3ES.OI»3E3. 7b A Vie York from Smith ampton, Havre or Hr 40 s puddle wheelste.mHiip ARIEL. . 0 D. Ludlow, comir.Hiidor,and NORTH STAR, j -ns. Edward "aveudy, ronunaedi-r. tn sail from pier ( Noi th river, nt tiuou precisely, currying tho United mil, vis: La • .Veto York for A ['thamjiton,Havre oi firemen. Ari . .r'aturday, .March 2d. Noi 1 1 Star, •• April 17. Ari l, “ May lfi. N.. |ir, « June til. Premrn fur Soul ham p- Jinx 15. 12. Southampton for JVeio York. April 24. May 10. -JREEVES.BUCK&CO " JIANUFAOrUREllS Of Railroad Iron, Bar Iron, CAR AXLES, Ship amt Bridge Iron, Spikes, &c. Also, a superior article of WROUGHT IRON ll. R. CHAIRS, j. uud L IRON, tec. With CONTINUOUS LIPS, and made to lit ex mtly tho Gauges of Ralls, ttuffc} — ALSO— Wrought Iron Solid anil Compouud Girders and Beam** of any required length, for Fire Proof Buildings and Bridges. S AMU ED ,T. REEVES, V. Prca’I., may ID—185**. ly No. 410 Walnut street. Philadelphia urn* SILVER WARE * JEWELRY. o S . "W ILMOT, COHXEIl OF COXGJIESS, WIIITAKER AND ST. fVLIEN STREETS, FFEUS Ills LARGE STOCK of RICH GOODS, at prices to suit the times. On hand, aud receiving by very steamer, Gold and Silver Goods of every description, tie Silver Tea Sots, Pitchers, Walters, Goblets, Cups. Spoons and Forks, of every weight and variety ; f> Fine Silver Tea Sots, Pitchers, Walters, Goblets, Cups. Spoons and Forks, of every Weigh”and variety ; Silver single pieces, beautifully put up ill cues for Wedding iud other presents; Gold and silver Watches, und Clocks of every variety •MCWEDRY, from tho richest diamond to the cheapest plain gold* Including Cameo, Lava uud Mosaic, iu full *»t« and single piece*; with almost every description of Ornament now in use. PLATED GOODS.—Plated C'ako Baskets, Castors, Tea dels, Ico Pitchers, and Plated Goods of ovary kind. SPECTACLES—In Gold, Silver and Steel Frames, with Pebhlouud oilier Sights. FANCY GOODS.—Uleh and beautiful Parian Vi»s-s*ind Statuette, and Fancy Goals, In groat variety. Tortoise Shell and other C03IBS, of latest styles, with n great variety of Head Ornaments. Citizens of «fty uud Country are invited to examine the stock, which will bo sold at prices much lower than usual. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry promptly REP * DIED by workmen of skill and long experlonco. apr 6 tf CIIANGE OFSOHEDULE INLAND ROUTE For Palatka E. F. New York and Savannah. VIA BRUNSWICK, 3T. MARYS. FERNAN DA A, JACKSONVILLE, AND PICOLATA. Stopping at alf Intermediate Lamdings. To leave from the Charic»ton Steam Packet wharf every WE DNSS DA Y MORNING at OV o'clock. The new und splendid steamer EVERGLADE, Capt. L M.Coxeter, will leave this city as above This steamer has 'he finest pnsson- 'ger accommodations of any boat iu the Southern waters, aud connects regularly with the stages for the interior nf Florida, also with tlm llruns with A Florida am! Fet ruti linn a fUn,ur Keys Hail - roads. Returning will connect nt Savannah with the Central Railroad, and New Vork steamers. Ficighi consigned to'tho Agents of this steamer will ho re-slopped free of charge. For freight or passage up- ply on board, or to 4^ JOHN C FRASER, Agent No 74 Hay-tue-t. UNITED STATES MAIL. Bor Paint lea JE. B. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS, FERNAND IN A, JACKSON VILLE, AND PICOLATA. trip* to the nbn Packet wharf . Tin- splendid new Iron atoamer ST. MARYS, Capt. .las. Froclwru,having "eon thoroughly printed and over 'inulml, will commence her regular places, leaving the Florida 'team Monday morning, April 6th, at W slock, and continue to leave every Monday morning at the saute hour. For freight or passage apply «n board, or to C LAG HORN A CUNNINGHAM, mat 30 Agents. UNI I’t.I) STATES MAIL. For Palatka, E. F., Via Darien, ftrnnmoivk, St. Mary’s, f ernandina, Jacksonville, Picolata and MiddUbnry. The new and elegant steamer ST. JOHN)*, Uaptain N. King, w II leave every Friday innrniiig at 9 o'clock. This boat has been built expressly for this route,and having extensive and airy State Room July 10. June 16. . .. . ... July 14. steamships 'otich i*t Havre. Sjiecio delivered iu Loi 1 on or Paris. For passage or freight, apply fo ■ I). TORRANCE. Agent, n rl 3mo No a BowMn.jGreen. N««- V« r 1r. FOR HAVANA V WEST AND CALIFORNIA. w T-'sgSasftV'L-L; ’teamship ISABEL, ELI AM ROLLINS, COMMANDER, vlng just been entirely overhauled and put iu lid order, refitted with new boilers, and double ait- bulk heads, forward and lift, making her one of mst desirable steamer* for safety, speed and com> will leave Savannah for ilavunit via Key West, on me | h and 10th, and leave Havana 'or Savannah via Kej .iVrwt, on the loth aud 25th of each month. T ISABEL connects, at Havana, with thoU.S Mail Ste '• iship Company’# Lino ofSIeamera, for Now Orleans am* m Francisco. F , passage only, apply to ocl8 COHENS Ac HERTZ. FOR NEW YORK. Fastest Line!! Jim Claw, hcond do. Rird ao, , ni rate for Freight Goods. | 8 76 CLiBStriCATIOK. « Class—Plano Forte*, Book* and Stationery. Boot*, Mhoos, Hats, Liquors, Oils, *ic., in bottles, Cauiphonu uud Spts. Turpentine In barrels, Garpoting, China. Glussand Ola«*ware, Segais, In cases,Clocks, Confectionery, Cotton Cards, Cutlery In caaes, casks and boxes, Dry Oooil* fa boxes and bates, Drug*. Fruits, Fruit True* ami Shrubbery, Furii.Oardon Seeds, Looking Glasses and Looking Glut Plato, at owner's risk, NuUinfralls*Uvsters In cans and lor), Saddler , Tin and BrlUnula Ware, Tea nn.l 1 Class—Hardwar j (uxcent In 1st and 3d ofauead Oi l foe Mills, Machinery,Foreign Liquors In bbl and pipes, Tobacco lu boxes, Leather in roll and boxes, Gils In bbls. and casks, Urocki-rr and Qunensware in crates and casks, Illce, Whiting Plaster. Sheet Bras* and Copper „ per loo ll-i "t Class.—Axe*,Shovel*, 8pa le«, Sad-Irons, Zinc and Tiii In pigs, Tin Plate. Anvils, Vices,Uarrhue Springs and Axles, Casks nf Chninr i Hoes, Manilla and Colton Cordage, »'offen, Hour Castings. Mill Gearing and Mill Stones. Ilai Hoad Wheels and Axles, Chairs and Spikes, , and Rosin in bbls per 100 lbs. >pe<lal Hates for Light Goods.—Purnlture^nd Carriage* boxed, and othor light articles not onumerni. -d, also, Carboys of Acids and other t .'hetnl. cals, will betaken at actual wolght. hit charged at double 1st CJnss rato*,..per 100 lb* WM. M. WADLKY. *P r «—tf Qen'IShp'tO. R. R. if CRAWFORD'S MERCHANT “ SITOA" MILLS FLOUR Unequalod by any Mills in Georgia for uj mu j .uni m ueorgia ror Superior Breadstuffs. MILLS DOUBLE EXTRA HOTEL FLOUR, ^ no An ftn j. ’ Family "do,” do, do 8nt)orflne B “k Mill* ‘do J® 'do Vine do* d0 Wo.B do’ «H*«Corn Meal. GriU and BhorU, It^lvtd pe. ^5t*jd constantly for sale by CONNER AT, WEBSTER i PALM Eg, Agent* for Crawford’s 81 tea Min* . .Bakers aud Flour Dealur* aro l,v|tec swftjs* ““jafi . Ul, .do , hJSt I “ l £v.°I l- ^vtpKth FARE REDUCED Cabin Pitsauffe 620 J Freight lower than by any other 'teumersl SIX Cents per foot, FOR ALL KINbB M B A 8 U R K 51 ENT .d*fcVl4****<u>OI>S. Light Barrels37^ ccn each, nnd other nrticlrs in proportion. ' o splendid anti commodious side wheel Steamers AU J4TA, 1 500 tons Capt. M. 8. tVoodhull Fl.< ilDA, 1,300 “ •* Isaac Orowell. AL IA M A 1,300 “ “ Geo. U.Schenck. And first class Propeller ST/ l OF THE SOUTH, l,l"0 tons...Capt. Tho’s Lyon T ho steamships belong to the old established ami fav. i t« lino, known as the * New York and Savannah Ste a Navigation Company,” and In comfort, accmnnio- dati is ami fare, cannot be excelled. I hoy lire coni- ni«» led by experienced, skilful, careful und p-rlite dll., rs. PADKLFOUl), FAY A CO , Ag«nt*, Pavsnnsh. PAM’L L. MITCHILL & SON, Iri y 1 tf Agauts, Now York, NOTICE. The splendid propellers HUNTSVILLE ami MONT- n GOMEItY. will form a week- I ly line botwoen New York rand Savannah. leaving e» h ‘/|w»rt every Saiuedxt. I Mi and „ _ , after Slay 1st 1868, Krcght i Now York, will h« taken at ^.thsot tho present 1 f. or customary rate*. * ■ BRIGHAM, BALDWIN U CO. hFORSALE, FREIGHT OR CIIAU- 3 Xl TBit—The first rlass schr LUCY It WARREN OR tnis burthen, carries 4 8uO biishefs grain, or 800 libls' Fl> ‘ r—nearly now, nnd well found. Applv to ■ • -ri8 minis a Johnston. BO TWISTY ■ FOR Y: UNG PEOPLE & COMMON SCHOOLS. If •ow PI,AMTS OB6W-A,Jn,p],)»li»)oo. tlon to StructnmliBolany. with A POPULAR FLORAt Or an Arrangement and Description of Common Plants, b< - h wild ana cultivated, Illustrated by 600 wood ongra- vi u*J by Aift Gray, 51. D., Fisher Professor of Natural II itory In Harvard University Received Ly ; iay 24 JOHN M. COOPER A CO, j JUTTKR.—10 keg^cbulce Go*h*n Butter, Juit received p*r iteamer Uuutavllle. nnd for tale, by • . „ ,, iitv, ,r, i,g 61 II. WILIJAM8, •u»y Hi ^ |LAOK LAO® MANTILLAS, . ... . -We have received a lot of the above good* Iu Black, French a; fChantilly Lace. nay# HENRY T.ATTIROP A CO. 1 f ERRING,-50 bbll Herring tfcr *ale bv JI £ taey 11 (HUNTJUl A OAMMELLfl •illation, offers superior inducements to iiivalbls ml others. For fr>dglit«rfm*«ago apply on board at tho Florida leant Packet wharf.or to mar-'to OI.AGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. Accommodation Boat. FOR PARACHUCLA EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. The now ami fast running PasHon* „..r and Freight steamor JOHN G, LAWTON will leave for Pnrucliucla -and intermediate Lnmlinga, every Monday and Thursday, at l o’clock, M —leave mol • f West Broad street. N. H.—C»ntrnct» ‘or lauillugsabeve can be inado. Thu Boat will not break her tunning schedule. J. IV. AfcALl'IN, Agent, Williamsoii'aRuildiiigs. For Charleston. IKTIiA. WD ROUTE, VIA HE A UFuJi T d- HILTUN HUM). To leave from tho Charleston .'leauipacket Wharf every SATURDAY.’ at 3 1*. M steamer Coxetter, Tho new and splondl i 7^^-sT^Sv EVERGLADE, On-' L.M.( leave this city as above. The Everglmlo connects r regularly with tho South Carolina and North Eastern Railroads. Freight consigno 1 to Agent* will bo forwarded free of charge. For freight nrpmsiute apply on board orlo JOHN O. FRASER. Agent, nov!7 No.74 Bay street. CHANGE 11V SCIIEI)ULE. For Bluffton, Hilton Head, Royd's Landing, Port Royal Ferry, II cat fort am/ Charleston. . The new and splendid iron iteamnr r . k OECII.K.Capt K. Peck. will.nn nnd after ^Mouthy, May )0lJi. leave for tbs above ^fcu,l,.i - ^fipbices every MONDAY MORNING, nt r freight or pntuuge. apply to * "'. IIRODKS, Charleston wharf. AH freight must bo paid on the wharf by tho shipper before it will ho receipted for. may 4 FOR FREIGHT ORCHARTER- Z^iiThe A 1 bark ROUT. A. ALLKN, Capt. Robbins. Apply to may 25 CARLETON * PARSONS. The American Atlantic Screw Steamship COMI»A.3VY. .Mi , - ... ZW ZffZZ" |THH NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS HUXTSVILLE, Capf. Robert Hardfo, 5H)XTGD3IERY “ Frederick Crocker Will form a weekly line between Savannah aud New Ymk. leavingeuch port every SATURDAY. These Steamers, l.OOd tell* each, have elegant nccom ida'lousfor Pavsciigers, nnd being of great strength l speed, shippeis can rely on tho greatest dispatch to Freight. Ror further particular*, apple to UKIUIIAM, BALDWIN * CO., Snr.iuiuh, Georgia, or to II. It. CROMWELL & CO., npr 6 tf 181 Washington street. New York. Fare Reduced! FOR NEW YORK. To sail on Saturday ut 2 o'clock, P. M. -w m Cabin, j $20. M Slcenige, $0. Steamship FLORIDA, ISAAC CROWELL Coinniaiidcr The now and splendid steamship PLORIDA. Capt. Crowd], nil! sail as above. Forfu-lght, apply to PADEf.FOUD. PAY A CO. N. B—Shippers of Cotton by these steamers will picas* take notice, that no Cotton will be received at the presses that is not distinctly marked on the edge of the bale. Berths not secured mill) paid for. I’ADEI.FORD. FAY A CO., Agents. W.*? • Freight from New York at •'.{ customary, aud a* low as bv any other steamer DAYTON-a NEW AND IMPROVED METHOD FOR HEW YORK. To Sail Saturday, Jane 5, of 2-J P. M, Tho American Atlantic Screw SteamshipCotnpuuy’-. new and fast steamer MONTGOMERY, CAPT« J'KKD’K t'ROl'Klill, Will depart for New York on SATURDAY', June 5, For Freight or Passage, having accommodations equal toauy stuiiinsuip on the coast, apply to DIUGHaM, BALDWIN A 00 Cabin Passage, $15 00 St aerugo do 6 00 FOR V III LADE LI* H1A. ‘X’JiMX. M3iX)trex3) ! ! Only Two Nights at Soa—Through in 60 to 65 Hours. FOR PROVIDBflfCK— Tho now f»rlg J. rfihi H. KENT, '.'apt. Reed, having most of her cargo .Smt engaged, will meet with dispatch. For light freight, apply to CARLTON PARSONS. FOR BOSTON.—The fast sailing packet EMMA AMELIA, ffnr(fug, master.having T tier cargo ongaged, will huve quick di*p itch as above. For freight, apply to Jane 1 BRIGHAM. BALDWIN & CO, FOR BOSTON—The fine clipper schr A BUY WHITMAN, (.apt. Haws, fmv(rg a por tion of h r i-nrg'i engaged, will havo dispatch For bal anee of freight, apply tu June 1 CARLETON A PARSONS, FOR BOSTON.—The regular packet bnrk INDIANA, ''apt. Rivera, having a portion of her cargo engaged, will havo dispatch For freiuht. apply to ay 12 CARLETON A PARDONS. KSs ’ FOR NEW YORK.—Tho regular packet S3lg,imrk I'KTER DEMII.L, Capt. Huey, having half her cargo engaged, will tneet with quick (llspntrh. For freight, apply to CARLETON 4c PA .SONa* Juno 1 FOR NEW YORK—UNION LINK.— _ _ ho packet schr NORTH STATE, Horton, mu- ter. will have dispatch for tho above port. For freight or passage, apply to STARR fellAKDEK, Jnnol . Silt FOR NEW YORK—GE0ROIA LINjf* fljffltTlie fast sailing packet schr WM SMITH, Vlslisr, master, having p rt of her cargo engaged, will havo lm mediate dispatvli. For freight or paisago, apply to master on hoard, at Bolton’s wharf, nr to may 27 81HANTON k NORIUS. FOR PIIIIj AllEhFIIIA—KKYcTO.VE LINK,—Tim new schooner JAMES MARTIN, [larding, having hulk of cargo ongaged; will tneet M, . Capt. Harding, having hulk of cargo ongaged; will nmol with dispatch for tho abuva port. Fur freight apply to n»»y '28 HUNTER k GAMMKLL. •bov*p IUNTKR fc GAMMKLL. FOR JkW YORK-The schr. KA LEIGH, - capt. Horton, will meet with dfrpatch forth* port. For freighter passage apply to “““ HUMBit * Q4 HUNTdit 4QA5IMELL. GEORGI A IilNB—NKYV YORK PACK* Sem.fiTtl.-rUa schr WILLIAM SMITH, Capt. Flshar, will havo Immodiato dispatch. For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply lo KOHANTQN —' may 22 I *'NORRIS/ JJ'^IMB*—-200 bbls Rockland Lime, landing from »>y24 rehr Lilly, and iur sale by OGDEN. fctARR k 00. Tho splendid side-wheel Steamship State of Georgia, J, J. GARVIN. Commander, Will sti! ns above, and will cui'itinue tu lenvo each elty every iilt-Tunto Saturday throughout tho season. Cabin l’nssago $16 Steerago do 5 Excursion Tickets to nnd front Philadelphia, (which will be good for tho seaeou,) 25 Through Tickets to Nlaenjo....* -3 Fur freight or passage, apply to may 28' l\ A. GREINER kCO. Ag’ts AT W. 0. PRICE’S “ STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM,” 113 143 Bay-Street, Sav’h THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. ANOTHER l t of GIpNUINM MOLD DOBtimoar” J UST ltccelvod at tho House Furnishing Establish— meat, licdgsaa's Black, a.tact Broughton sad Hull rUMti. E. U. BEACH. Tlib ttnderilgned, havingpurchavd the latoand kxoLubivk right for tho Counties of Clutliam and Lib- •sly t » make, c»ii. •trin t, and u*c, und to vend to otl.ors to use, JVciv York .ildverUsements, FROM I). H. RotlRI.l.’N AD YERTISING AGENC Y. Moffati's Ruildhigs, .135 Rroudwoy, N. Y. TOB CHKAraST & tBDEBT PUMPS NICHOLSON’S PATENT FXHAUSTER Of which this cut Is a representation, by winch Hr* air can ho extraclod from Jars containing FRUITS, Vegetables, *o., more cheaply, expe dition*)/, a ml ctTcciu - ally, than any other process ever Invented in this or any other . country: offers them for an..- hi,n .mi i,dividual right tu use them. With the nld uf this EXHAUSTER, Fruits may be preserved fresh, without a particle of ftngnr; and Vege tables, Totnatooi. Grewn Corn, Pena, Heims, fcc.. pro- -vod with their fresh 11 -vor, without cxpoimo. Y\ bile ' ' " iki '‘ the Exhauster is so cheap every family skould possess All Infringements will bo dealt with according to law. Alsu, on hand, always, a good assortment of Frnlt Cans, Arthur’s and other most approved kinds, for sale lew—lo all of which tho Exhauster cat. bo uimljeij. K. O, BEACH, Albany 8tov> Agency and House Furnishing, Hodgson’s block, corner Broughton nucl Bull streets, may 29 TIIE OLD DOMINION J UST Received per steamer Stalo of Georgia, the fomlh invoice uf the above Uolf.-e Pots, for sale at * published prices, ut Nos. 168 and 167 Broughton st. may 29 MOUSE k FAY. ARTHUR’S FRUIT CANS AND JARS- Two M od.als aud FI vo Diplomas award ed for Arthur'a Pat ent Air-Tight Self. Sealing CA.HSTS und M .| is s, for preserving Fresh Fruit, Tomatoes. Ac. Directions for pris serving uccomi.uDy each Cau. For Halo at tho THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR DISEASE OP THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE. CtPOIl no ludigosfloR, Acidity of tho Stomach, Colicky »r islivoness, Blind ami Bleeding Piles. In all Nervon ^ lthomnntic,nnil Neuralgic Affections, It has In nutueroi t instance s proved highly beneficial,and in others i-ffccle i decided cure. This io a purely vegetable compound, prepared or. strictly scientific principles,after the manner of the cel- t-hrat-d Holland Profussor Bocrhnve Beciiuae of Its great success in most of the European States, tta intro duction into tho United States was Intended more es pecially for those of otu fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among them. I now offer it to tho Aiui-rionu public, knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It Is particularly recommended to those persons whoso constitutions may havo been Impaired by the continu ous use of ardent spirits, or other forma of dissipation. Generally Instantaneous in efT.-ct, it finds its way direct ly to the sent of life, thrilling aud quickening ever) nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact iufns log new health nnd vigor in tho system. NOTICE-—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will lie disappointed; but to tho sick, weak and low sp|, Red. It will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pobsessud of singular remedial properties. CAUTION. The great popularity of this dollghtftil Aroma 1ms In duced many imitations, which tho public should guard against purchasing, llo not persuaded to buy anything else until you havo given Boerlmvo's Holland Bitters a fair trial. One hot(|e a ll! convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these Imitations. Sold nt }1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the lolo proprietors. BENJAMIN l*AGE, Jr. A CO.. Manufacturing Pharmaceutists nnd Chemists, Pittsburgh, Pa Soldiu Savannah by JOHN B. MOORE, A. A. SOLG510NS A C0„ 8. 1>. BRANTLEY 4 CO. J E. Dr.FORD. KING A WARING, JAMES II. CARTER, T. M. TURNER. And Drnzcisls K"n».rally throughout the South, npr ROT" Htsinlw JN THE WORLD, having a Solid Piston and Ma’al Valves, for Pumping Kernels, Hut aud Cold Water; mutable for Cisterns. Wells, Factories, Mines, Ac., throw- log from 20 to 600 gallons per minute. An excellent Fire Engine for fanners, latrge discount to dealers. Agents wanted, and Territorial right* for mIo. K. A. AMKKHALL. Kit Pearl street. Jy 1 8 Corner of Malden Lane, New Yotk, LIGHTE, NEWTON & BRADBURY’S, 421 Rroumc Street, New York, M ANUFACTURERS of the Patent A clt Wrot Platt Piano Fin to*, celebrated far depth. Iitllne*-, riels- ties*, purity, and a peculiar singing quality of tliolr tone, far wulth they havo reculvixi tho highest encomiums from tho greatest musical colebrltlea of the country; i ni In every fair, Whan brought In cainitt llon with othor Instruments, have obtained iho high, vt premium. The Patent Arch Wrest Plank, whtoh Is owned and used only by us, guarantees tliolr standing In torn, lotigor than any other Instrument, while their unprecedented demand In all part* of Die rounliy J* solMcjout proof of their superior excellence A liberal discount to.Cler- gynieu, Schools ami the trade. 8—ly may 27 Farm in Habersham County FOB. S*ALE THE FARM belonging to tho estate of the Into Rol»t. D. Cntiulchnel, about half a o>Bn from tho Court ilou*n In Clarksvillo. containing 160 acres—61 acres of which, l)lng on the Soqtto River, are In a high statu of cultivation and improve ment, and capable of producing a* much ns any Und In upper Georgia. To any person wishing a snptrior Farm, in a healthy am! delightful section of country,unrounded by intelligent and refined society, the above ofli-rs a rare opportunity. For htrihnr particulars and ter ns apply CARMICHAEL k BEAN, Augusta. Ga. apIGwSm FOR SALE. 2,300 ACliKS OF SWAMP AND PINE LAND, ,near Jeffersonton, Camden county. anJ also ooar Hie Big 8atill.i river, iunmlon Hull ID a I Swamp, . known for fort) years as tin- Gordon tract. Swnmy Lutid is about 1,2U0 acres, and available as first quality cofl n, corn and rice lands. The pine Ian-I is of tho best for timber or turp -ntino. l'n.ims easy Apply to TISON k GORDON, fan 12 PRIVATE HALE. Tho well known Plan tat ion called Mount Hope, M'natod In Bryan county, containing about 4.- 3D0 acres, 1,500 ucres under cultivation The bottom land very fertile, and is well calculated for the cultivation uf cane, cotton or corn. Is well set tled, having a fine Dwelling House, Orerscor’s Hou'e. Barns, Cribs, All.,uud accmnnmdatiou for more than 200 negroes. Fur terms apply to It. J. ARNOLD, Bryan county. The Albany A Gulf Hail Road runs near the true I. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD * Will he paid for the recovery of my negronion w WILLIAM, (or Billy,) who runaway about the middle of lust year. He Is of a dark mulatto ^ complexion, about six fo, tor a little upward, in ***=» height, stout bui.t, weighs .si,out two hundred pounds, and Is about thirty-five years of nge. He Isa bricklayer and plasterer by trade, reads well, nnd some time* discourses us a prencher. He Is polite when ac costed, and inther gramHIoqtintit I" speech. As he has a wif*« and children in Savannah. I am led to believe that In- is lurking about that city or Its neighborhood. The above reward will he paid for his apprehension and do livery, or conflnrmunt Iu some safe jail Hint I may get hint again. Address NICHOLAS WYLIE, h‘h II end— If Washington. Gn. SCREVEN HOUSE, By J. B. Foley, Corner of Hull aud Goiigrces Sts., Saraunah, This now Hotel, furnished throughout in the most ELEGANT STYLE, I* now opened, and will bo kept aa A FIRST CLASH HOUSE. nov 16 MARSHALL HOUSE, SA-VTAJISOTAH, GA. THE HOUSE HAS BEEN NEWLY RE-ARRANGID flfy'AND RE-FITTED.-6:0 IS. JtlcUlrlm, Proprietor, Jan 4 Oino % % A. J. MILLER & CO.’S • Ml /Irony4fern strtet, Savannah, Georgic NEW FURNITURE "fall Kinds; COFFINS, 8co. Constantly on hand; also, a large assortment of LOOKING GLASSES. ■ftf)- New Work made to order at the shortest notice. An' Mnttrusses, Jobbing,and BELL-HANGING done 11 iho nentoptstylo with dispute!) ly jin lit sisi» eras. E 11SB Damascus Steel DuUhloGuns Fine Lnmeiiated do do Steel Twist Double do, a-sorlol Stub do Sfrig’a do. do do do Double and Singh- Guns, for boys. Doublo uud vinglocnuimou Guns, low prices. —also— SPORTING ARTICLES, suitable lor Iho searon. REPAIRING done with dispatch, by LOVELL <fc LATTIMOUK, 13 Baruntd street. gl-’islf & Jiaymoml’s Laic Improved Maryland State Lotteries. It. FRANCE A CO , Munngere. Cfitatioii USTotice. P ERsoNs Living at a ilistam:onln.uld bo extremely cautious of whom they order Lottery Tickets or Certiorates of Packages of Tickets. Tho country is tl >odcd with Iiosmh nnd swindling Lotteries. Every in ducement I* held out to get persons to Invest money In thorn. Capital Prizes of from $26,000 to $40,000 head tiieir schemes—^with tickets at One Dollar. $100,000 Capital Prizes are offered, tickets $5. All euch, In every instance are frauds; aud it money is sent to them for tickets. It Is so much thrown away without the shadow of a chance of getting a pritt. Beware of all Lotteries where tho Capital Prize Is unusually largo iu compari son to tho prlco of tickets In every Instance where large p rizes are offered fur a small cost of tkkuts, put It down us a certain fraud. The Kentucky State Lottery for the benefit of tho 8holby 1 'dirge, under oer management, is the only Lot tery In iho United States which Is legally decided by the Maryland Drawings: all other Lottorlre which purpuit to be decided by the Maryland Drawings, aro frauds. THE MARYLAND STATE LOTTERIES Purchase iu tho' Maryland Htato Lotteries, then you are sure of being right. And in ordering In the Mary land Lotteries, you are sure of fair and honest draw ings. Uno thing look to, nnd thnt is, if you order front nny licensed vender in Baltimore, do not receive any hut M«nngcrs”l'ickets and Managers’ Printed Certificates ol Packages. The Managers’ Certificates havo tho numbers printed und havo tho lithogrophed signature of R. Franco A Co. Nootuthns a right to send his Individual certificates, and If I10 duos it, ba sure there is n fraud at Iho bottom of it. R. FRANCE A CO., Mauagorgsof Maryland State Lottorios. apr 5 3nm notice. . , I WOULD Inform my friends and tho public that 1 have opened,on tho ;roor of Prlco and York streets, a shop where I will attond to th» Manufacture of Tin Ware, Tin Roofing, and all other work connoctad -Itb tho business. AU orders promptly atteuded u anvil—If G EO. If WKKDON. 50 bbls. 95 per ct. JUST RECEIVED BY BOBS & CO., 80 Whitaker street. II. 8. B00A11DU8, Court House square. SAFES! The subscriber, Agents of tho Manufacturer, for Iho sain of Lillie’s Patent Chilled-Iron BURGLAR & (IFIKK-PK0OFMFKS second with Lillie’s Pa- Tne-e Safes »nd Locks stnn l unequalled in bafiling the skill uf Iho burghii aml ll.o nppllceth v of Pro. Pornone wishing to purchase a Safe which is, in all re spects, what tho term Implies, are respectfully requested to call and oxamino our SAFES,nt 165 and 167 Brough tun street, Savannah, before purchasing elsewhere. We think our Sufcs need only to bo seen to bo appreciated- mar20 SI-MISK A FAY. Literary Bureau. A N EXPKRIKNOKD EDITOR, a suecosslu Author, and n thoroughly educated Literary Man, weary with twenty-fiva years of Iho drudgery of Daily Jour nalism. has determined to biro nut or sell his brains at retail, to thoso who upiy require their services, in any honorable way. Merchants, Kindness Men, Inventors, nnd dealers of overy kind, will bo supplied, off hand, with Adver tisements, (poetical or otherwise ) Notices, Cards, Circu lars, or nny species of article desired. Politician will he supplied with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pamphlets, Editorial Art! clcs. Communications, nnd every fort of Brain-work which they may find it iucouveutout or troublesome to do themselves. Ladies and Gentlemen,of every rank in society or oc cupation tn Ufa,can havo Lettors written on any subject, whether btnineas nr eeutlmeutal. Tho advertiser will also conduct or translate Corres pondence of every kind, either Eugllsb, French, Span ish, German, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics, Lines for Ladles’ Albums, Notes, Billetdoux, Monodios, and Compositions of tho most delicate aud confidential character, incident t>every possible circumstnucu or event in life, will ho furnished in inviolable confidence, by wilting to the undersigned, nnd oxplsining their wishes. Orders by tnnft, nccompaniod wilh rash, will be strict ly ami promptly littendod to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, apr 28 4y Box 9285 Philadelphia !»■ 0; Pa. The Southern Homestead. The ondewlgucd propose* to publish at Atlanta, Oa.. a Monthy J mrnal, devoted to AGRICULTURE and such other kindred topics as may hoof Interest to Southern, Planters, Fanners and their Families. An able Domestic and Foreign Correspondence will bo secured. By this correspondence, and tho diligent per sonal attention of tho Editor,.it is hoped that tho "Southern Homestead" may become a pleasaptand Instructive monthly visitor to tho lUuiesof tho South No effort will bo spared to mnUe It quite equal to (toy similar publication In any part 6f this country. Ab soon ns ono thousand subscribers are obtnlnod, tho first number of tho “Southern Homestead " will be Issued. Too typographical execution of the paper (ball ha of th* first character. It will contain thirty-two page* of reading matter, Th# terms are Ouo Dollar por annum, payable on the receipt of tho flr-*t number. AdvestUoment* will b* tnaerted at tho n*pal t ratea.^ Kingston, Onorgla, April, 1858. C. W. HOWARD, tf muy 1 PSTEXNIiiSaEE RACISM bUOL’LB^llS— .1 For saltrat depot,by M. If, WILLIAMS. Yew lTork sidvertifiemt VIHCHEII, OWEN A CD.,- hNKRAL NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING HOI (APrutob’a Bctuoitie,) Nos. 34 ft it- 348 Broadway, New York, FURNITURE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. H. P. DE GRAFF, 7 Bowery, ( Wholesale M f tm» House,) and Pearl street, (Retail Store,) TV 1)1 W Y • As'Bill* of S'J.T nt WIiolfHnlo l*rIeen.*S« ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AND BLACK WAIiNUT, UPAIBXGB. Dt , tfB.33£rXTtrB.«, Tn Brocatella. Detalno nnd Plush, Cano Seat and Odut- (non FURNITURE, In greet varioly. Also, KNA5IELED CI1AM1IER FURNITUHE, In Rets, $22 to $100. SPRING, CURDED HAIR, MO?8 AND WHALE BONN MATTRASSES. Also, Foatlier Beils uud Redding, Patent Premium Sofas, Bedsteads nnd Patent Self-Rock In Cradle*, Dealers will find, at tlm above stores, Ilia largest and bod assortment of any rriabllahintDt in New York, and can buy citharat whidmala or rclall cheaper than at any other Imure In tho city. 8mo—V npr 16 Ice! Ice!! T nU Kn'ckcrlmckerlcoCcmpany. of the City of New •York, having roplonlMied their 8tock of Ico, offers tho most favomhlo Indur/.nii Dta to the trade t» supply themselves with Ico of a superior quality, aud on the must reasonable term*. .. 'Ibis Company alone are selling tho Rockland Lake Ice, which, fjr solidity and purity is universally adinlted to be far superior In any other for shipping purposes. In experience und facilities for conducting business, his Company have no rivals, and they respectfully tug- <•»t to dealers, that, they will find It largely to their art. Ullage to order their supply through the Knlckcrliock- r Company. No charge for w luu Inge to vessel* lyiug t tho Genu-any'* plus, whilst taking III cargo. The greatest promptitude nnd dispatch given to or- ors, which may bo forwarded to It. T. COMPTON. Esq , resident of the Knickerbocker Ico Company, 432 Ga- al strix t. New York. 3mo— V tnarV2 THE BROOKLYN White Lead Co. ESTABLISHED IN 1825. Tills Company continues to manufacture their superior mm 1 ir Being ono of tho oldest nnd most cxtonslvo establish- ■outs in the country, manufacturing iVhilc Lead, Kcd Lead, and Litharge, FROM TIIE RAW MATERIAL. Purchasers of their brands may rely on procuring Dm muino article, on the most favorable terms, for cash or edit. They are always prepared to exeento with pnjniptncss I orders for their various griides and qualities of LEAD, AND ZINC PAJNT, Dry or In OIL BUSINESS ADDRESS, ICO front st., New York. N. B.—Purchasers should bpwaro of the numorous b<>- • s brands which fill the market. Onto—V mark’d. ■ IARRON HAS JUST RECEIVED, A FRESH LOT Preston’s Premium Chocolate,Broma, COCOA AND CHOCOLATE STICKS, 3 A. C3r Xj 3EJ CHOCOLATU, AKU Premium No. 1 Broma. B R other beneficial ingredients, rendering It a higlu rreeablo nnd wholesome be Vet nge, both to tho sick hi -nvnlesceiit. and to (arson* In health. To Invali • < ither driuks have hecomo tllsagracablo. this 1 • found both palutalJe and composing. It Isalsohlg’i recommended by physicians, as a nourishment f.ic ’tihiron. PRESTON’S PRF.5IIU5I COCOA, thus prepared, >if- rd-j a w liolesoino beverage, and is rccommendoil I y lysician* nn nutiitlous. nut only to the sick and cohmi- scent, but to tho healthy It is very composing t-» cak nerves, and to al) those who nre unable tu ttw« • l erTea or Coffee, this will bo found a ino*t excel la ■ t • bstitute. PRESTON’S CHOCOLATE STICKS, is nn excellent •nrlihmeut for children aud invalid*. AH of tho above are warranted to give satisfaction, nr mriey relurued. G’ivo them u trial, If you waut a gen tle article. , Try tho EAGLE PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. All to bo . •dnt BARRON’S CENTRAL GROCERY, fell 13 Corner nf Whitaker and Charlton *H The Dr. Ivane. rjn it hp BEUS0N8 IN NEED OF REFRIGERATORS will <l» P EI well by calling nnd examining tny stock, wbh l» oinprlses a variety of sizes mid patterns, from the coni- non Ico Cheat to iho Vr Kane, which lust } particular- { rcc«iunirud to the public as tho “no plus ultra" « f • ft igernlors. Also,nn band, a good assortment of WATER C0OL- <118. All for sale ut J. P. COLLINS’S, npr 20 162 Itryan st. PATTEN’S Refrigerators! A NOTHER LOT uf Ibis beautiful artlcla Just rocelv cil. As this may bo U10 last lot I will receive Ibis n, persons in want will do well 10 got one before ton late; at least just drop Iu and see the to at the Ifnitro KnrnHiing Establishment, Hodgson’s Block, corner of Ibotighlnn and Bull streets. K. O. BEACH, may 19 50 baskets genuine lleitlsick, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALK E ROSS $c CO., (SUCCESSORS T 0 W. W. GOOD RICH.) nmr29 20 AVhttakor Street. 4tTH VOL. SPURGEON’S SERMONS. W THORNE WILLI AMS has just feccived Sermousoftbe Rev. C. II. SpurgeQn, of Lon don. 4 vol. • Bancroft’s History of th« United States, vol. 7; being the 1st of the History of the- Revolutionary War, aul may be bad ns a snparsto work. 7 : in> New York Pulpit In the Re viral < fIP5fi; a memori al volume of Sermons preached by tho most eminent Clergymen of various times und pluct-s. Glimpses ol Jesus; by Bov. W. P- Balferu, of England. Life in Judea, or Glimpres of the first Christen Age; by Marla T. Richards. l’artbenia, or the Last Days of Paganism; by Eliza Brcrkminstcr Lee. author ul Jean I’aiilb. • Tho Kaman Exile from the Italian of^GuglisImo Gnjani. A Woman’s Thmiahts about Women; by Miss Muloch, author of John Halifax. Charles Mack,ay’s Poems. mayT V OL. 7 HAN CROFT’S HISTORY of the I United Status. llccoltcctIons of the Lust Days of Shslley and Byron; J>y E J Tn-lawjiy, Tho Interpreter, a Tale of the War; Ify G J Whyt* Melvilo, first iwued in America In Littel’a Living Age. The Royal Princesses of England, from tho reign of (leorgo tlm 1st; by Mrs Mathew Hall, author of Noblo Dorris of Woman, Ac. Tho Indian Mutiny to tho Evacuation of Lucknow, lo which 1« added a Narrative of the Detouco of Lucknow, and a Memoir of Gen Havelock; compiled by a former editor of the Delhi Gnzetlo. Tho Oceau «‘hUd, or Hbower* and Sunshine, a Tale of Girlhood; by Sirs Harriet Myrtle. Received by *OHN *' * tnny 6 HN M. COOPER & CO. 1HE CYCLOPAEDIA OF WIT AND IT|R- . HUMOR, containing clioico mid charnctorlailo So* lectlous from the Writings of tho most eminent Humof- ; ins of America. Ireland, Scotland and England; Illus trated with twenty-four portraits on steel and mauy birertercd wood engraving* ; by Win BBurton, iuSvol*. The Every Day Book of History and Chronology; embracing tho Anniversaries of Memorable Portion* and Events, In every period «rid state-f the world, from the creation to the present times by Joel Mansell. Select Dlscnuisc*, bv Adolpho Monod, Krummacher, Thnluck, and Julius Muller; translated fr >m the French and German,with Biographical Notices,and Hr.Monod’* celebrated Ixirinre on tho Dollvery of Senuons: by Bov IIV Fish and DW Poor, DD. ' Woman: llor Mission and Llfo; by Adolpho Monod, D I>, lata Minister in Paris. Cornell’* Fiist Steps lu Geography. Received by - - “ ’~”N M. * nr : . JOHN . COOPER h CO. FOR, JUNE. H ARPER’S Magazine for Jaue, Bal on’s Dollar Monthly, for Juno. Thompson's Coin Chart Manual, lterelved-by may 19 J. B. OUBBKDOB, Agent; WINE OF ^lLb CHERRY. T HIS delicious wine possesses all the propfriles of tho wild cborry, and la rec<>nuuended as 1 __ or tho wild cborry, and la recommebtil _ most ngreeabh) tonic and stlmnlnut, especially adapted tr dystK-ptics, and those predisposed to pnimonary com plaint*. For agio by, j* TH051A9 M. TURNER.. mayO Corner Brogjiton ana Barnard *t«. T E A.- 39 case* choice Oolong and Imperial Tea $ 50 half cheat* Oolong and llyaou Tea; 100ca,tU * ~ " 10 lb. boxca Oolong and Hyson’To*' For nite'bC. ' ° * may 27 CONNBRAT, WEB8 r KR A PALSIES. ■JECEIVED l’ER BTEAMEK.-Ii boxe*. 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