The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, February 28, 1877, Image 1
THE JESUP SEfIITmEL Office in the Jesup JLouse, frontuuj on Cherry Sti-eet, two doors from Jir-oad St. PnWtshwl every Wednesday by DA.MEL & L.ESTKK. , SUBCRIPTION RATES Postage I’rc-iKild. One Year SI. 10 Six Months. 75 Three Mouths ho ADVERTISING RATES: Per square, first insertion SI.OO Per square, each subsequent insertion. 75 to Yearly anil Large Ad vertisers. TOWN UIKKCTORY. Tovrn officers. Mayor —W. H. Witnlej'. Councilmen —T. P. Littlefield, 11. . Wlin ley, Bryant George, O. F. Littlefield, Ander son Williams. Clerk and Treasurer —O. F. Littlefield. Marshal—G. W. Williams. Comity officers. Ordinary -Richard B. ilopps. Sheriff'- -John N. Qoodbread. Cleric Superior Court —Benj. o.|Middleton. Tax Receiver —J. O. Hatcher. Tex Collector W. R. Causey. o u nty Surveyor —-Noah Bennett. County Treasurer— John Massey. Coroner— D. McDitha. C.unhj Commissioners—J. F. Iviug, G. " . Haines, James Knox, J. G. Rich, Isham lteedish. Courts. Superior Court, W ayne County- J no. L. Harris, Judge; Simon W. llitch, Solicitor General. Sessions held on the 2nd Monday iu March and Seotember. PROFESSIONAL CARPS. W. H. R AMS EY , ATTORNEY AND COIiNSELLCR AT "LAW homerville, geokuia. Will practice in the Brunswick and| ern Judicial Ci. emits. Special attnetiongiv cii to tl o collection of claims. business solicited, and prompt attention guaranteed. W ALTER A. WAY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW DARIEN, GEORGIA. Particular attention paid to the collection of claims and the examination ( land titles. Will practice ill the Superior Courts of I lie Brunswick and Eastern Circuits;also in the Federal Courts in eases in Bm-kriti tev, et<R 11 R LESTER, M. D-, JESUP, GEORGIA. * LL CALLS WILL BE PROMPTLY AT tended. Those on the Railroad by first tiain. Charges moderate. Office at Lester> Drug Store. c. T. LA TIMER, M. D JKSUP, GEORGIA. Tenders his professional services to the citizens (f Jesni* m<? vicinity. Can je fou i:l at the c.fficc formerly occupi- <1 by Dr. R. B.Harris. novitf DU. ALLEN BROWN, DENTIST, Blackshkar, - - Georgia. Is prepared to do all kind of Dental votk in the most approved style. All orders will itvrvt with prompt attention. Us s all the late improvements. Charges and 8 tttislnctici) f. luo untcf and. jai.‘2‘2-lj “GEORGE W. LONG, INSPECTOR AXD SURVEYOR 0 Timber and Lumber ? DARIEN, - - - GEORGIA. Patronage Solicited. FRUIT <(- ORNAMENTAL TREES, SITKUBS. BOSES, ETEBCBEEJiS. FI.WEKWK I’!.A\TK, irrc., etc;. Cultivatad and for sale it the TRUITLAND NURSERIES, „ AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. I*. J. BEIItKMAiS'S, Proprietor. Parties in Wayne County wishing to pur chase from the above Nursery can obtain Descriptive Catalogues bv calling at this office, where orders will be taken and promptly attended to. A u M S T R 0 N O' S LINCOLN BUTTER POWDER Good Fresh Butter all tlic Tear Bound. BI TTER IN 20 MINUTES. Lincoln Blitter Powder is an entirely harmless article made from a celebrated En glish raceipe, and now in daily use by many or tlie most noted farmers in the butter coun ties around Philadelphia. In hot weather this Powder mKes butter mnch firmer and sweeter than it usually is and Keeps it from turning rancid. It also re moves the strong flavor of turnips, garlic, weeds, corn stalKs, cotton seed, etc.; and the increased yield of butter much more than pays the trifling expeuseof using it. _ 35 cents per paeUnsre. _ "fil'E L> All JEN TIMBER GAZETTE Rub IF hid by ItU ESA :u> W. GRUBB, AT DARIEN, KcINTOFH COUNTY, GA The Gazette is acknowledged to be one of tlie leading weekly papers of the State. Circulates extensively ill South ?rn Georgia —especially throughout the Timber Count ■ties, and in addition to this immense circat }tion in these comities, has a liberal pat- Tonage in ull parts of the Slate. The His torical Sketches and amusing Anecdotes •which appear regular from DR. BUDDIES NOTES is an attractive feature in this journal, and are worth more than double the price of sub scription to any one. Advertising rates liberal. Subscription 52.50 per annum; sl.sofor six months. Send for sample copv. Address ' RICHARD W. GRUBB. Darien. Ga. WHITE SUPREMACY VERSUS NEGRO EQUALITY. VET YORK BAY-BOOK, eetab;ih-bed in 1850. -' The White Man’s Paper. Specimen copice suited -n receipt of 6 cents in portage stamps. BA Y-BOOK W. Bfrtiiwin w. W ,Y. VOLUME 1. KING’S HOTEL, WAYCROSS, GA. Noutii wide of tUe Railroad--'Twenty Step, lroin:tlie Warehouse. Comfort and satisfaction guaranteed. Rales reasonable. A. E. KING, Prodrietor MAGNOLIA HOUSE DARIEN, GEORGIA. J. W. M AGILE, Picsiri.ttor, Beard and Lodging,s3 Per Br y THE NEWYOdK MiLINER & DRESSMAKER INCLUDING HANDSOME CUROMO, FOB ONE DvDLAR PER AXXUM. Every family should have it, because it is equal to Any Four Dollar Magazine Don’t delay sending in your names, accompanied by One Dollar. Send for card of terms to agents, which are liberal. Address, SHARPS PUBLISHING COMPANY, 13 Mercer St. ,N. Y. 500 Yds. in One! AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIBRARY OF Poetry & Song. Being Choice Selections frem the Vest Poets, j English, Scotch, bisk and American, by WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. It one had the complete works of all the poets, itself a large library, costing from SSOO to SI.OOO, he would not gain in a life time, perhaps, so comprehensive a Knowl edge of the poets themselvijsi, their best productions, the period during which they wrote, and the places honored by their birth, ns from this elegant- volume. The handsomest and cheapest subscription book extant. Having an immense sale. Extra terms ! 'Send lor circular! J. is. ford &<:<., x? Park Place. X. Y lie Chcnjest Store in Jcsuj ! L. WEISS, DEALE'I IX Cheap DRY GOOD?, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GAPS and NOTIONS. REEFS ALSO ON HAND A FULL LINE CF GROCERIES, Which lie will sell cheaper than any iiou in Jesup. Surrency’s Bar. AT PARKER'S OLD STAXD, JESUP, GEORGIA. Fine Liquors of all kinds always on hand. Cigars i f the best qui.l ty a specialty. Bottled Beer, Ale, Wine eic.. etc M W. SURRRNCY. EIXEY’S “BEET” BLACKING. A OHSIVO mWH IM-AimT. ;am> . ICA TII Kit I* RESEIt VAT IVI2. Experts and Prosrssional Bootblacks in New York, and all other large cities wlieie this Blacking lias been introduced, acknotrl eitge Ug superiority over all imported or do mestic Blackings in use, as an Elegant Pol ish and Conserves of Leather. NOTICE. Bixby's “Best” Blacking lias a Red and Blue Label. Do not be deceived by accept ing our “Standard” Blacking in place ot “Best.” The Standard has the label stamp ed into the the tin cover. This brand is made to compete with othei American and French Blackings, but is in ferior to our “Best.” Bixby’s ‘-Best” Blacking will nave erilire cost in "the wear of your boots and shoes. Hill BF.KEEPEIIB TRY BIXBY’S FRENCH! LAUNCRY BLUE v IN SI El INO NONES. The most convenient and economical package, and the only combined Bleaching and Blueing Powder in use. 8. M. BIXBY &CO -, t MURDER? Bat a man can earn withthi* WELL AT7GER, $25 Per Day any me. and at the rate of l//j feet per day. Angera inade of Cat~teel and warranted. Alwmyuc cezefol In quickeand. Bee* tool in the world for for coal and orse. Farm, Township and County rirhte for sale. Send 10 cte. and roar P. 0.,C0. and Shat'*, and get descriptive book with explaaatio'zj. A*idsees Co., be. Locie, Mo JESUP, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1877 If you wish to grow Vegetables for sale, read Gardning for Profit! If you wish to become a Commercial foriM, road Practical Floriculture! j If you wish to Garden for Home use only, road Gardning for Pleasure ! All by PETER HENDERSON. Price S?.S(J each, postpaid, liy mail. | Com bided CATALOGUE or FOR THE GARDEN Numbering 175 jutgeg, with 1 color, and pinto, pen F K E E ! to nil our customer? of past years, or to those who have purchased any oft lie above books; to others on receipt of 25 cents. Plain Plant or Seed Catalogue without plate; free to id! applicants. , PETER HENDERSON & CO., bccuiiica, Market (Lardeneis <V Florists. 35 Cortland St., New York EROAD STREET, JESUP, GA., Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of goods usual j Tv kept in a Drug Store, such as DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, Oils, PAINTS, FRESH GARDEN SEED, &0. T can always he found at the Drug Store, except when ab sent on Professional duty, where Medical advice can he ob; tained. ' R. F. LESTER. M. D. 1 Webster’s Unabridged 3000 Engravings: 1810 Pages Quarto, Price, sl*2. A NEW PEAT I TIE. To the 8000 Illustrations ;iieret of e in AVvhstei 's Unabridged we have added fom pages of ( OI.OKED IDDI STlt ATIONS. BfiaT* National Standard. PROOF 20 TO X. The sales of Wolmtrr’sDictionaries Ihrorgli nuUlie country in 1873 w en* ‘2O times as large ns the sales cf any other PictioinnricH. We will send proof ol* this on application, and sucl) sales st ill continues. More than THIRTY THOUSAND copies of Webster’s Unahriitge have been placed in ns many Public Schools in the United Slates, by State enactrneiitK or School Officers* Can you hot ter promote the cause of edu cation and the good of community than by having a copy of the Webster's Unabridged in your family, and t iyingto have a copy in each of your schools. r now in glorious.—it leaves nothing *o be desired. Pres. lOiyinond.Nassar College. scholar know s the vnlm; of the work. ‘ J W. H. Preston, the Historian Oelievcd to he Hie most perfect oictioiihry of the ** laiimmure. Dr. J. G. Holland. CSnperier iu most respects toany other known to ini*. (ieortfe P. Marsh. r Phe standard authority for printin'; in this ofticc. 1 A. K. Clapp. Oovvrment Printer, a’l others m giving and defln Ult Heeh-ntiflc * J vords. President ivitehcock. Oeniarkoble compendium of i iiman knowledge, * v W. S. Clark, Prea't Agricultural College ALSO Webster’- Nnlltnal Plcle.rfnl Dictionary JW4O I‘agcs Octavo. <SOO Engravings. Price $5. Published by G. <fe 0. MEKItTAM, Springfield, Mass. Keystone MANUFACFURERS OF PRINTING INKS, k and Yews Black a Specialty,) 17 Worth Fifth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. Otir Inks are of a superior quality, being made from the best ingredients and under the personal supervision of a practical prin ter and pressman, therefore we will guaran tee every pound < r ink sold to be of a su perior Jc| Black, Quick Drying, and en tirely Free from Setling-Oir. Oni prices me from 30 to 50 percent, lower than any other Inis manufactured iu the United States. A trial of a sample Keg wiJ! convince any printer that he has been paying nearly double what he should for his Lies in time’s past. Put up in Kegs and Barrels to suit purchasers. Address, Keystone Printing Ink Cos., 17 North Fifth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA; THE WELLS TEA COMPANY £ Importers of Pure China and Japan i Teas 201 Fulton Si reef, L 0. Box 45fi0. New York. THE WELLS ’IEA COMPANY Supply ’Pests to Storekeepers, in oriental packages, at lowest import prices, ns per sample sent on application. THE WELLS TEA COMPANY Supply Teas to Druggists, Genera Dealers, end olllrrs, packed ill handsome sealed packages of one pound each, in Can isters of the same capacity, and in 5 Ib., 10 lb. and 20 lb. boxes, Full particulars on application. •if HE WELLS TEA COMPANY Supply Teas to Peddlers in half pound and one [annul bags, plain or printed, at a more liberal discount than in given else where. THE WELLS TEA COMPANY Supply Teas for Club Orders, and allow a larger commission than usual,J and in nil cases guarantee the qua ity of our goods. Forms sent when required. Send for circular and please say under which of the foregoing heads you desire particulars, so that we may send yon all the information necessary without further trouble. THE WELLS TEA COMPANY Is one of the largest and most reliable houses iu j the trade; all parties requiring Tea in quantities will do well to send tlicii orders direct. ORIGINAL Goodyear’s Rubber Goods. Vulcanized Robber in every Gevceivuble. Form , Adapted to Universal Use. ANY ARTICLE TNPEK KOI It fOl STS WEIGHT. can be rent by mail. WIND AND WATER PROOF garments a specialty. Our Oloili sur face Goat combines two garment in one. F r stormv weather, i' is a Perfect Ifa ler Proof, and in dry weather, a NEAT AND TIDY OVERCOAT By a peculiar proC'RS, the rubber is put between the two cloth surfaces, which prevents Smelting or Sliding, even in the hottest dimates. They are niado in three colors—Blue, Brown ml Black. Are Light, Portable, Strong and Durable. Wa are now offering them at the t x treim-iy low price of fSIO each. Sent past paid to any address upon receipt of price. When or lid in e-, state size aruund che-t „vcr vest. Rcliat In pitr lies desiring to see nur goods, o:e„ fend for our Trade Journal, giving de scription of our loadirtg’ai tieles. Be suro mid get the Original Good year’s Vulcanized fabrics. Se id for Illustrated pricelist of out Celebrated J’lieiet Gymnasium. Address carefully, Good years Rubber Curler Cos., 697 Broadway, New York ( By. lelil-fl-difii Post Olllre lx 5150. The Savannah Morning News For 1877. On tho Ist of January, 1877, the Morning News enters upon its twenty-seventh volume, and, it is hoped by its conductors, upon a [uospcious year. Every reimning tinniver s:iry lias witnessed its extending influence, and to-day it is the text of the political faith of thousands of ils readers. Its uniform consistency end steadfast devotion to princi ple has gained f<u il. the confidence of the public. 1 1]us enabling it to cont ibnle huge ly to the triumph of tho Democratic party. la the future, as in the past, no pains w ill tie spared to make the Morning Nkws in every respect still more deserving of tin con fidence and pMmnnge which has been so liberally extended to it by the people of Georgia and Florida. Ti e ample m. ims of the i stab bailment will lie dev at ed to t h e ini prnvement ol the paper in alt its dcpartim: nt" and to making it a comprehensive, matron tiv* and reliable medium of the riirn nt news. Its stalfof special correspondents at Washington, Atlauta, Jacksonville, Talla hassee, and other points nt inletest Inis been reorganized with a view of meeting every possible emergency that may arise, and pains will be taken to make its commer cial new-, foreign and domestic, complete and reliable. I’OSTAGE FREE. We will pay postage on all otir papers go ing to mail subscribers, thus making the Mon.NiNo News the cheapest newspaper of its size and character in the South. TERMS OF SUIISOUITTIOX. DAILY. One copy, one year g 10 On Fi "topics, one year (to one address) 45 ID) Ten copies, one year (to one address) 80 CO TRI-WEEKLY. One copy, one year !$ (•> (0 in: copies, one year (t<> one iidenss) 10 On l ive copies, one year (to one address) 15 00 Ten copies, one ye,.r (to one address) 50 00 WEEKLY. One copy, one year. 2 00 Five copies, one year do one address) !) Oo Ten. copies, one year (foone address) 18 10 Twenty copies, one year (to 1 address) 35 00 Kemitt 'iices can tic made by l’ost. Office order, Registered Letter, or Express, at my risk. Letters should tie addressed, J. 11. ESTiLL, Savannah Oi. 8." GUC KEN HEIM Ell, WHOLESALE GROCER, LIQUOR AND Flour Dealer, 14 ami 151 BAT STKI.I.T, FAVAXNAH, - - - GEORGIA NUMBER 28. ENTHUSIASM. Let us have it by all means, and plenty of it; It -s the drops thrown up mi glancing play by the fountain of the everlasting youth within us Who is there of us that desires to gru-w old be fore thr r time dose oouio This blessed fueling of euthustaui, nestled so cosily to sleep, just to nourish and keep it with us, wben' 1 aroused into no tion well repays for I lie shelter granted to it, by making us youthful and happy. It evinces a strong appreciation of a'l that is beautiful iu our lives, and iu na ture. A far from unpleasant sight is nn an imated face, each feature kindled into enthusiasm, tho whole beaming with reflected p O'Siirc— even tl ought tho ob ject that called forth the feeling may not IniVethc same power to similarly move us, yet the face, die brightness if it, does good. A lovely view of nature: a gtcat hill with sloping sides covered with ver dure, and rising clear against tho Line sky, from the emerald crest, is o tone - mg tree, many-leaved and strong. A little In me-uest of a house cosily mst led among oiec|iiig vines, with a golden haired child swinging under tho tic in front of tho roomy porch, yud y sleek-loeking tabby e infirtmdy sun ning itself on u mat. Kvcn such a IlMiic-liko sight as this i- cnpnb'o of producing un intense feeling of pleasure which is the but.tiling up of cotushism not at all out of place; as well there is it, in its own degree, us at sighs of frowning mountains, rush tig 4 tull w, rolling prairies, and all the fl coy grillid aspects of animated nature Enthusi asm is generous, and has a full share for each and all beauty; and happy is tho heart that rejoices iu its ever-wil ling fiunlnin. We all f is have it, but mistakenly wo choke the spring with the rocks of coldness, the rubbish of over strained decorum, and the Heavy earth of too much practical hard-headedness. We uff ct a studied demeanor of ind ff r eiicp to all tho many beauties cropping nut around t)“, f>r ’wo think it shows window, flow wrong is the iinpr. s-ion wo labor under. Our philosophers, our greet thinkers, our scientific men will ■ urn nsido from their heavy hood fore, or their geology, to admire tho tint wood-vi ltd, or to wactb the cunning antics of tho sprigt'ly squirrel,„ ami would kindle warmly at tho sight of thr golden glory of the western sky when the day-gnd is slowly sinking fom tie gaZ'*, and then fix their rapt eyes upon the I wink linpr first star that heralds the approach of its ntiineruu ■ brethren. Great wisdom is oltcu united with gre and -implic t . J l , lit h nsi tie in i.- 4 a feeling wo will all do well'io noui isli anil keep with us. The fountain of ivorlutting youth that Police tie Leon sailed in search of prov ed a myth, hut the fountain of enthu.-i a-in is not. Is the fiutiti.iii checked? Char away tho obstructions, and y u will liud the rich f cling,clear uud read) to pour its cooling spray uu tho world fevered heart. ORIGINALITY. “110 original <r nothing.” says a writer,hind with all due (liforotuo to the originality of tho remark, we still think that it is rit her a poor rule t" follow. If every writer was oiigina! what a flush in tho pan would the hrigliteso thoughts prove. It is to the careful analyst, tho ono who probes for and brings to light the bright spin l ies or 8"lnl sense of the subject tid< r h's keen observant ey, s. tlmt tho original writer mainly owes h'B prestige; yet there may lie ne origna'ity within the nature of the analyst, The streak of gold in the quartz needs the rkiQed a'sayer to make ils quality manifest. 'The mi ner is tho original finder, but it need ed tho Jammy cr. The same rule ap plies to iuvei tions, for were they all original, a ilcligk’ful mixture of hy brids would out patent office pre-eut. It, ns human being, wo wo o all orig inal what a curious conglomeration *onlil appear. One cm never ceas adniiting the delicate shade cf (liffer ence that tl c human countenance presents —the elements precisely the same —eyes und r eyebrows, note i>e iv.c n eyes, mo mt under nose, et cli a l sot price of face furniture. Yet how differin'. V\ herein lies the secret— who can tilt? ‘Be o iginal or be notliirg,” save the mark! The great ' est amount ( f origina's that w have , we tire obliged, (or the safety und i welfare of cur existence, to kei p them | carefully secluded from the mass of | human b ings, so their originally | may find vent, without, liowercr, ! causing harm to the woild, who,con and not stand at o < xci si-ive t.ose of ongA i mlity. Originality is very well in the nbs act, but a very litt'e of it vrib go a great way. Win nwe nfhet up the suti g, •‘there is nothing new un der the sun,” from whence will eon.c original i/. THE STRUGGLE FOR KXIS TANOE. The different members of the nrgnuio world arc so bound together by complex relations that one chance usually invol ves ninny other enauges. Wo know lilie, it is true, of the way in which one animal or plant is bound up with others,' but wo do know that groups tne most apparently disoonecled are often en tirely dependent on other groups. Thus the introduction of gnats into St. Hel ena destroyed a whole fl >ra of forest trees. This was the son tenon of death on nil thepnsects mullusca and perhaps birds, which found their living on trees. Swine which run wild ih Man ritius, exterminated the dnd. Tne same animal is li e most mortal f>e of venomou- b> p i.tP. In many|di.strio.B the brows ngjof cat tle will prevent the growth of trees. With the trees an end is put to the in sects which depend upon the trees, to die bird which feed unon tho inr.ects, nn I to the small mammals which live upon t: e fruit, a-cds, leaves or rovs, lose eta moreover have the mo-: won derful influence on the range of mam mals. Iu Puriiguay a specie of flv de stroys new born cattlo and horses, ilenoo neither of thtse animals run wild in that country, although they abound in the adjacent regions. This leads to a creat difference in the veg itntio.i of Paraguay, and thuogh that to a difference m its insects birds rep tiles, and wild animats. The extinc tion of ■ hie fly woti’d change tho whole face of the country. So in South Afri ca, in the di.itics info-ted ly tho tsetz t flv, no horse*, dogs, or catilo can livo Yet it ha - no affect oil asses, l b as, or until p B. M'. n.ow’iiL often q o’eil cae of the w's and clover afford an apt ii I Ul tra t ion if the points in question. Ir. i known that in U'gl md both red el.ivor and w Id heartsoaso are fertil ized only by tire visits if bumble beer. But bum hie bees tiro largely kept down by field mice, which dosotry their combs ,ii I nests. Field mice in their tnru are kept down by eats. If there were no ea s there Would ho no red olover or wild heiftseuao. For in that case thero wou and be no clock on tho field mice, whcili would muhihly t-o abundantly as to destroy all humblo hi os. Thero would be nothing to f.rtihze tho red olover and heaitsease, and the Iwi plants would pr duee n i seed and he-, cumu ■ xtiiio'. THE MAGIC BULLET. Many years ago, when the white men who liad 4 sceri ibo Rocky Mountains migiitjstilljliavc been counted, and only a vary few of the prune ladiuns knew the tisc of flro arms, n hunter named Fitzpatrick had ono day gut separated from hi* compatiions und was pursuing his gain a alone in the wilderness when, as ill hick would have it, he was seen by n patty of Indiana, then on the war path, wh • immediately prepared tojgivo chase. Thors was not the smallest chance of escape for him; but the joung tinnier Hindu a hint of turning away, in order if possible, to gain time. Ho happened to know that these snvayes, who ns yet, were very little acquuintad aiilt the the use of fire arms, had sev eral times, wl co they lad taken white t.riso ers, put tho muzzles of their rifles c’ sc to their breast and fired them, by way of t xperiment, to see what would -totue tif it lie, therefore, thought it prudent to cxtjc! the bullit from his, und then continue his flight. The In dians followed and very soon ovctto>k him, disarmed him und tied him to a true. One of the warriors, who. it ap |.eared, understood Imw to pull a trig ger,, seized the tide, and placed himself a fi w puces ill front of the owner of it, und took aim at him and fired. But when the Indian looked eagerly through 'he smoko t-wad where Fi'zpntrio etood, they saw lie was safe arid sound in hi- place, and ho quietly took out of his pocket the bullet lie had previous ly placed there and tossed it to his en inics, v.lio were all amazement. Tticy declared lie iiad stop; ed the bullet in its High'; that ho was uu invuloerablo and wonderful conjurer, and what was more that some gteat ui's'oriuno would befall toe tribe if they did not s t him ftce tunned lately They therefore, cut In- bonds and made oft as fait us pi 8- si hh*, leaving Fitzpatrie to go where e pleased Gourrier-Journnl: Rhode Inland's pro'est, through a resolution of her legidature, against the arrest end im prisonment of the Loui-i m.i Return ing Board is enough to moke Con gress tain pule. She meant business (jet lier a little worse stored up than hlio i-, niid they i!l have to rend the photograph of a mj ia l of soldiers up the re to ke-p her from try ng to hurt somebody. The Fulton Time" says that love will make 123 pounds of girl feel no heavier than a feather on a fellow’s knea The Danbury News snys that the same fellow would have hts legs cr mi and all out of shape by 75 pO'inds of wife. Bridges Smith’s Paper thinks that depeuds somewhat on w lose wife it ip. Courier-Journal: There is a “re tnaind' r” of $400,000 in the treasury of Mississippi, and the carj e'-b iggers and scalawags who used to p under ttie S'a'e never think of the fret with ut a wish t > sneak aw.iy to some lone'y spot wl ere, unseen and un' eard, they fn enss lit ! sir knavish Wtli and howl.