The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, February 28, 1877, Image 4

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OTIS JISSUIP SEHOTm, The only Paprr ptihlloheil on ilir JL llnin.wlrk Rail road Iwtwerft Itnm.wWk and Knotninn. THE BLUE GLASS THEORY. Uime poor devil unearthed ihe llic ory some time ngo that the odorous onion was a Meep prodnrcr. and then th(- world ate those oscalents before retiring in order to woo the quick’np l'i-onch of nature’s sweet restorer. The "hole country became a hot-bed, and whole cyclones and herricanes were ‘H'ftvy with the breath of onions. But. it was a wicked snare. It ) ronght jiot f eep, and the vegetable with the reckless odor wns abandoned. Now wo have ft new theory—the bine-glass cure. It is claimed that the rays of the sun focussed through n pane of bluo glass will cnre r’leumn t m and kindred ailments. Experi r -nts have proven, so they say, that this cure is one of the most wonderful ever known, and that it promises to supersede physcians and physic. We confrss to a love cl the theory. It h a pretty by annbeams. And so simple. \\ e begin to think of tho days when the primitive man lived and cured his complaints with the simple bark and herb. We imngine ourselves tl ating back to tho good old time when sttgar eonted pills and cholygogue were un known How much belter than having your back rubbed with red hot liniment would it be to turn your back to the ! blue-glass window and let the genial sunbeams play upon it! See bow easily backaches could be cured And toothache! C- uld anything be more blissful than to lie down and fill your mouth with warm blue sunbeams* Give us flic blue-gins* cure Let us bask iu the cerulean sunshine aid thus heal ourselves.— ltridges Smith’* Paiter, LITTLE* MEN. Not long Leforo bi H death Canon Kingsley drew attention to the surpris ing number of small young men to be seen in an English crowd. Acctrding to biu) it wus a sign of tt.p deteriora tion of the race. Hut there are two wnys of looking at everything, rind, f..r tho comfort on<J fatisfuciioo of mnll people, we would point nut that it might also be taken 08 an indication of int. |. lectual prowc-s. Many—we to’ght al*., ray loos' <f the great men of history hnvc been men of short stature, fr. m tlm days of I hut ancient pbil -si-plii r who, as the story g'es, was so diminutive that ho had to carry lead in Ihm pockets to prevent In* being blown away. Car nuto the groat, f-ir example, was a sin gulatly small man: Napoleon, too was little, Nelson bad no height to boast of and Great Condo was short enough, liildrrbrand— Gregory tl lo scvntb— tbe inightieat of all Pope*, was i I o quite a diminutive person. Then amongst men of letters, poets and pliih Suphcr*, Mootuigur, the osssyest, wus link; ho was I’ope— "u litlia crouknl thing that asked question,” so was Dry den; so was l)r. alls win insisted, au we ail know, on tho mind being the stature of man; audsowa. Scarron, who alluding a> ouee to biH ill nealtb and bis sire, called himself on abridgement td human aiiue ties. Will any one, after such names as these— nod the list might be ind. (i --tuiely extended —|r ok down on little in on with disdaiu? A Ntw York letter sny s: “Thoro an Ml.or tight crowing nut if Isaac M .Sf iy t s will, ho had been married'live or six limes, nnd his In jra are very numcr ;I " ll ''d. lie left a fortune of some SI 1,000,000, and, of course, the heirs are not all of one mind as to the distii . .1: i hi of it. homo of them arc row niis ite: a row ia court because they cannot get enough money to support them in rmkless extra* ngnticc Here is one ) ung nisn ef cighlieu whose mother l ays he ought to have at least SSOO per nonln out . f the estate 'to enable him to live up to lis position.’ For each of niff (wo ►isters ilie snroo allowance is e'nimed. Another hrir, a young mar ried woman named Foster wiiobas bien getting SSOO per moniL', now wants $1 . 000 Mie also want* to live up to Jier position. I wonder if these people ever think of the ‘position’ of Singer ami his wife, iu their early married life, when ih*y traveled wid) shown and hayloft theatrical companies about the o-,untry, ", Wl ’ ul ' l llo 't thought $1 000 almost • fortune Klctclier W.Ul.r, (lie second and IgM hi 11 Daniel Webster, niter lend, "'f-' !1 somewhat last and rratio life, w„ 8 killed in battle near Washington, . n the liOih of August. IBC2 A melancholy remembrance of the f*iniiy was revived iu the Senate the other day by the ii troduetion of a bill to incr. ase the pen sion of the widow’ from S4O to SSO a month. This lady is now aijty fire year* of age, and Mr Boutwell *Uted upon presenting the bill that she was in eouonton of actual distr. s. Tnn Foin-Vkau-Oi.d's PitaVEit.— Her father bad been away from the city on t unit es for two weeks, nn 1 the mother has taught the little cue to conclude her evening prayers with “and phase watch over my papa." Last evening the little lady solemnly dapped her Lauds and said, “please wot b over my pepa, and you'd better keep an eye on mama, too!’’—lMtrs h'r lA ntiK'rul. Maccn & Brurswick Railroad trF.NKrt.. SiTKIUNTEn MENT'B (>Fncr. | Macon, Ga.. Febi uury 4th, 1877 j On and after Sunday, Fehruaiy 4th, i 1877, iascngcr traii.s on thinruaci will ; run as follows: NIGHT PABSKNGEIi, [Daily.] Len ve Macon 7: to I*. M. Ariive at Jcsnp 4::itJA.M. Leave Jean p 4-70A M. Arrive at Brunswick 7:30 A. M. | Leave IlrntiswicK 7 0(1 P. M. i Arrive at Jesup 10.10 P. M. | Ljavo Josup 10:4S P. M. Arrives! Macon 7:15 A. M. [DAY I’AStrENGKB, [Sumluy exc Leave Macon 7;:iOA. M. Arrive at Jesnp G;:J0 P. M. Leave Jcm'l A. M Arrive at Macon 5:20 P. M. The night Passenger Tiain mak s elnse connection through io Brurswick, Fernandina. Jac. t-onvi Ic, and other points in Flo.ill. by the Cumberland Route ('lie new line to Florida), ami nt Macon for points North, Eas% West j and NorthwCft. Tas enger* for Brunswick and pilots i below Jrsup, to avoid delay i I take I Niglit I’iissct ger Train Tho Day Passenger Train makes countctioo at Jesnp with tho Atlnio& and Gulf Railroad for Jacks nvi.lo and other points in Florida. Palace sleeping cars on Niglit passenger train ACCOXIMOIIATIoN Til MS BETWEEN IIOCHHAN XSV HAWKIN-iVII.LE, [SUMJAVS EXCKITKO.] Leave < ’ocliriiri 10:10 P.M. Ariive at Hawsinsville 10:10 P. M. Leave HaviKinsville. 4:45 A. M. Arrive at Cochran 5:15 A. M. Leave Cochran 10:15 A. M. Arrive at Hawainaville 1115A. M. Leave IfuwKineviUt 130 P. M. Arrive at Cochr a a 2:001*. M. Passengers tonud from ibiwkiiisvillc go by cither Night or Diy Pas enger tram, except Sunday. JOHN A. GRANT, Gen. Sup*. VV. J Jai vis Mast T ana. Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. CItNEIUJ. SriiBIIWIENDKNT’H OFFICE, J A l lan IK' and Cull liu ill nail, r •Snvniiimli, Nov'i 25, )87f>. ) ON AND AI'TKIC SI N. AY, November 26 Pumm:r ger Truitts on this liund will run as follows: NIGHT EXI’KESS. I,cave Savannah daily at 4:15 I’. M. Arrive at Jesnj) 11 7:55 i’. M. Ariivo at Buitibi'idge “ 8:30 A. M. Arrive at Albany “ 10:00 A. 31. Arrive at Live Oak “ 4:10 A, M. Arrive at Jucksnnvillo “ 11:00 A. 31. Arrive at Tallahassee “ 11:15 A. M. 1 cave Tallahasseo “ 4:140 I’. 31. Leave Jacksonville “ ...... 11:10 I’. 31. Leave Live Oak “ 9:50 I’. 31. Leave Albany “ 5:00 T. 31. Leave liainbridge “ 4:40 I’. 31. Leave Jesnp “ 0:20 A. 31. Arrive at Savannah “ 11:15 A. 31. l’uUmnn Bleeping Cars run through to Jacksonville limn Savannah and fioin Mont gomery via All any. No ebangfl of ears be tween Savannah and Jaeksonville or Albany. Passengers from Snyanuah to Tallahassee take this train, l’nssei gets for Brunswick and Darien take this train. Passengers leav ing Macon at 7 : 0 p. in. daily connect at .Jet>- up w ith this train ter Savannah. Connect at Albany with l’assetiger trains both ways on Southwestern Bailrnud to and from Entanla, Montgomery, New Orlofttis, etc. Mail Stic m er leave* Bait.bridge foi Apalachicola every Satie day; lor Columbus Thursday and Sat urday mornings. Close connection at Jar k sotnille daily (Hut-days excepted) for St. Augustine, I’nlat. aid Eulcrpri DAY I’ASSENtiEU. Leave Savan li. Smly’a exceple l,nt 8:50 A.M. Arrive at Jesup “ “11:16A.M. Arrive at TebeaUvillo “ “ 1:15 J’.M. Arrive at Live Oak “ “ 5:201’.M, Airivo at Jacksonville “ “ 10:2*i P.M, Leave .laeksonvillo “ ■’ 7:45 A.M. Leave Live Oak ” “ 12:55 l’.M. Leave Tebeauvillo “ “ 4:26 P.M. leave Jesup “ “ 6:40 P.M. Ai rive at .Savannah •* “ 9:45*P.M. Sleeping ear firm X-onisville via Jesup to and from Jaeksonville on this train. Pas sengers from Macon by Macon and Bruns wick 3:30 a. m. train connect at Jesup with this train far Florida. Passengers from Flo rida by this train connect at Jesup with train arriving iu Macon at 1:30 a. m. Trains on It'and A. It. It. leave junction, going west, Monday, Wndncsdav and Friday at 11:14 a. m. For Brunswick Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at-Fillip, m. ACCOMMODATION I BAIN WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont Sndy’s excepted, ntJS:OO A.M. Arrive at Valdosta " 7.4)0 A.7f. Arrive at Quitman 11 “ 8:53 A.M. Arrive at Thomasvllle “ ‘*11:00.3.M, Arrive at Camilla “ “ 5:04 P. 31. Arrive at Albany “ “ 7:10 P.M. Leave Albany “ “ 0:00 A.M. Leave Camilla “ “ 8:05 A.M. Leave '1 liomasville '• “12:45 P.M. Leave Quitman “ " 2:48 P.M. Lease Valdosta •* “ 4:10 P M. Arrive ut Dupont “ “ 0:15 P.M. C n.licet in Albany with trains on Soldi western Railroad leaving Albany at 0:35 p. m. daily (Sundays excepted,) arriving ut Al ii : t y at 5:l8n. m. daily (Sundavs excepted.] Way Freight train, with passenger iiccom inodalions, oan s Savannah daily at 7:OOa. m. [Sunday's excepted], ariiving at Savan nah 4:15 p. m. [Sundays excepted). George S. Haim s, General Ticket Agent. 11. S HAINES, Genera I Sup, tint t tub lit BRIDGES SMITH'S RARER. 1$ sl-00 'a YEAR 1$ A live, newsy paper from the Capital, full of chat, gossip, (i ipinnl mu toll, s, pumgiaphs anil mention* i.f nil kinds. Just itic kind it a piq.iT lo dtive away bines mid, give tbe world a bright and tlieerfhl look. A good agent imittid ill ciery torn in the South, to a liberal eon,mission will Iki paid, sen., stamp let- s| coin en eoj.v or olio Use one dollar and rieeivct be [wiper for one year. Address FRIDGES SMITH’S I’APEK jau24 Atlanta, Go. TRY A BOX OF THIS rYNI> CHE- „^ YOU WILL VSE NO OTIIKIw PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS. Which can be done with one fouitli the usual expense, by or.r PATENT SLATE PAINT (Fifteen Years Established.) MIXED HEADY FOR USE. Flrc-proof, Mater proof, Durable, Eco mimical and Ornamental. A rnof may he covered with a very cheap shingle, and by application of this slate be made to lust from 20 to 25 years. Old r ofs can lie patched and coated, looking much better and lasting longer tbau new shingles without the slate, fur Giic-tlilrti llie cowt of St<*-lilnKiinpr. The expense of slating new sliing’es is only about the cost ot timply laying tl) ni. The puint is fuse proof agait si sparks’and flying ctnhers, as may be easily tested by any one. IT STOPS E V FRY LEAK, and Or tin or iion has no equeal, as it expands by heat, c- ntracts by cold, and NEVER CRACKS IXf FCileS. Roots cov ered with Tar Shouting Felt can be made water-tight at a small expense, and preeerv. and for many years. This Slate Paint is EXTREMELY CHEAP. Two gallonSgWill cover a hunred square feet of shingle roof, w hile on tin, iron, fel’, matched boards, or any smooth surface, ft out two quarts to one gallon are required to 100 squaro feet of sur face, and a I tough the paint lias a heavy hotly it is easily nppliul with a brush. No Tar Is used In this Composition, there fore it neither cracks in Winter, nor inns in ( -Suinmcr. On decayed shingles, it fills up the holes and potes, and gives anew sub stantial roof that will last for years. Curled or Warred shingles it brings to tlu ir places, and keeps them there. It 111 s up all holes in ielt roofs, stops t lie leaks—and although a slow dryer, rain does not affect it a few Ictus af ter applying. As nearly all paints that are black contain TAtt, be sure you ol tairt our genuine article,which (for shin gles roofs) is CHOCOLATE COLOR, when first aj [died, changing in about a month to a uniform color, nnd is, to all intili's and purposes slate. Ou TIN lIOOFB our red color is usually preferred, as one cut is vqualjto live of any oidirni iy paint. For. BRICK WALLS Onr BHiGiiT kki) is He only rcliille Slate Faint eicr introduced that will iff dually prevent dampness front pine tinting and discoloriiqr the plasHr. These paints are also largely used on out-hou cs and fences, or as priming coat on fine bidding-. 0.. oily color* aie Choclate. Rip liltKlHT lltD AM) OIIANUL’. MAI VOttli I'ASII I'lllt 1C |,|*iT. 5 Gall. n“, can and hex . . $5 50 10 * keg 9 50 20 “ half barrel . . . I(j (10 40 “ one barrel ... 00 00 We have in stock, of our own tnanu f'Oture, roofing materials, etc, at tho following loir piiees: 1000 mils extra Rubber roofing, at IS cents per square fool. (Or Wt> will furnish Itul ber Rm fing. Nails, Caps and Slate l’uiut fur au entire new ro> ai 4[ cenis pi r tquar foot ) 2000 rolls 2-ply Tarred Roofing Fell at ]jj rents [per square foot. HOUO rolls 3 ply Tarred Roofing Felt, at 2i cents per square foot. 200 rolls Tarred'Sheaiing, at I cent per square h ot. 5000 gallons fine Enamel Pain', mixed ready for use, on inside nr out si p\!• work, at $2 per gallon, all shades. 1 000 Bbls b'late Flo> r . per bbl. $3 00 1000 “ Soapstone Flour •• 3 00 1000 *• Grafton Mineral “ 3 00 1000 “ Motalic Paintjdry" 3 00 Special pi ices per ton or car load lots. All orders must be accompanied with tbe money, or subject to 30 days draft ou well k' own parties N.Y, SLATE PAINT COMPANY. 102 A: 104 Maidi, Iri j o Ntw York, I JSHCJIA/i <r JIALLS CONCEKTRATID POTASH. Warrrnlnt equal to any Potash tn the market,and fur miimtloi- to Conren trateil lor at! imriuisesfor wtilrli it la used l’r.t up in one pound me:a cans, eonven ient for use in i tnilies for making hard and j soil soap, for chiming purposes genet ally. Directions for making soap, etc., aecolnpu ny each can. * | For cleaning lyj re, presses, machinery. I paints, softening water, washing sinks and tin it tree m the spring, it is unequalled for excellence and convenience of package. For , sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere Visscher & Hall s Insecticide and Dis infectant Powder is iuvalnabe for the distraction of the point, e bug,cotton worm, grasshoppers, mice, rais roaches, insc s] and vermin of all kinds. It is harmless to mm and animals, and far cln iq or than rai ls grem lor the destruction of vermin. It is also imaluble as a Disixfkit. nt, prrifv ; iS the air in hospitals and sick looms and 1 destroying the f. ul odors of sml s, c, liars stublos. Ac. l'ut up in one p. nnd cans’ lor sale by Druggists a-.d Gr eers every where. VISSCHER A HALL Mannf: eturciw. 9C U’oll Sire. tN w V.j msw& mmm. Comer Broad and Cherry Street, Near the Depot, JESUP, GEORGIA. Nevvlj' renovated and rofimrnlud. Fatisfaetion Guaranteed Polite Waiters will take your Baggage to and from the House. Board $2.00 per Day. Single Weals, CO Cents. Regular Board ers atredueed?B,ates. BAR ATTACHED. T. P, LITTLEFIELD. Proprietor. LOOK IfliT ROBERSON & CO Have just received a large stock of Paddies, Bridles, Mar ling-ales, Paddle Cloths, Wagon Whips, Buggy Whips, Spurs, Etc., tc. The largest Stock in this line ever offered in this , Market which they are determined to sell at the very LOWEST CASH PRISES, OR BARTER. Gall and be made happy. We sell Saddles from $3.50 to sl2 50. Bridles from SI.OO to $1.50. Hardware; Guns, Pistols, All of width we are offciing very low for Cash or Barter Come and Bee JESUP, GEORGIA Who arc constantly receiving by the Car Load, Direct from the West, by (Treen Line, COEN, BASO AND FLOUR, Which are Specialties with.them- They Keep. Constantly on Hand a Full and Complete Stock of DRV GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC., TO. WHICH THEY ARE SELLING VERY LOW FOR CASH OR BARTER. GANDGOFFS ‘ READY FOR USE” FLOUR AT SAVANNAH PRICES ALSO DEALERS IN; Hardware, Glasswae & Crocker;. fer Prompt attention given to all Orders from a istoß© No charge for difiyag® to the depot. TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS W/M x, *} Or INTZH23T TO EV’EH'S’ ONE. l*<- A PIANO OR PARLOR ORCAH CHAIR, with an adjustable back,—made to support tho back of the sitter while leaning forward ia tho ordinary position for playic:;, and by a Pimple which pives it a backward and at the same t time a downward movement, follows his motions and supports him JBraJ in auy position without interfering iu tho least with the freedom * 2d A PLATFORM ROCKER OM CASTORS, with thclonsc easy movement in oaly Platform Rocker uiado ALBERT best & CO., tayif not kept Vt ar.y dealer in your k'a, “A DECIDED ADVANCE." Judges' Report , Amor. Ins. Fair. WILLCOX a/ * G-IBBSJ [Medallion In base jp&LjSS&r of every machine..} STEW AUTOMATIC SILENT SEWING MACHINE. Awarded tbe grand “ Gold Medal of Progress ” of the American Institute. Nov.. 1875, and ihe “Scott Legacy Medul,” of the Franklin Institute, Oct., 1875. No other Sewing Machine In tho World has an “AUTOMATIC TEN SION,” or any other of the charac teristic features of this machine. / Correspondence and investigation invited, C ,g Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Cos., * v /Car. Bond St.) 658 Broadway, New Yor.V, ATTaLs AT LAST! A TRiAL will UIGURS ITS POPULARITY EVERYWHERE. mAamwm. When once i:acd will retnin its place forever. WE EXCHANGE MACHINES. Scr.d your old-fashioned, cumbersome-, heavy'-mnni ngr, woman-killing: machiao to as, mid we will allow you for it, as part nnyineut lor one of ours. !7 IS CELEBRATED FOR IfS ADVANTAGES, IN THAT If IS ONE OF THE LARGEST SEWING MACHINES MANUFACTURED,—ADAPTED ALIKE TO THE USE CF THE FAMILY OR THE WORK SHOP. IT HAS THE LARGEST SHUTTLE, WITH A BOBBIN THAT HOLDS ALMOST A SPOOL CF : BREAD. THE SHUTTLE TENSION IS AOIUSTABLE WITHOUT REMOVING THE SHUTTLE FROM THE MACHINE. THIS MACHINE 13 SO CONSTRUCTED THAT THE POWER iS APPLIED DIRECTLY OVFR THE NEEDLE, THUS ENABLING IT TO SEW THE HEAVIEST MATERIAL V/ITH UN- E QUA LEO EASE. IT IS VERY SIMPLE IN ITS CONSTRUCTION, DURABLE AS IRON ANO STEEL CAM MAKE IT, ALL ITS WEARING PARTS CASE-HARDENED OR STEEL, AND INGENIOUSLY PROVIDED WITH MEANS FCd TAKING UP LOST MOTION, SO WE ARE JUS TIFIED IN Warranting Fvsry Esachltia for 3 Years. IT IS THE LIGHTEST AND EASIEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. IT IS, ALSO, THE MOST ELABORATELY ORNAMENTED ANO PRETTIEST MACHINE EVER PRODUCED. WtTH ALL THESE ADVANTAGES, IT IS 501.3 FROM sls TO $23 LESS THAN OTHER FIRST CLASS MACHINES. EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF TERRITORY GIVEN TO AGENTS. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS OFFERED FCR CASH OP. UN CREDIT. SEND FOR CIRCULARS AND TESSAS TO kra yo. a 338 llucliil Avenue , jrrr) CLEVELAND. 0. thiTneW Sni li WA3 AV.'AHDLD TH3 FIRST PREMIUM! At tlio Centennial Exhibition, l-7t, and has always carried off the inchest honors wherever exhibited. „ A COMPACT. Ristrth. ntmtAETie. ■Light Hurmras anrt EFFICIENT “LOCK STITCH” MACHINE. AUAPTEir to thy WANTS of EVEKViIOBV. The HOttr SF.VVI33C f-7 AC Id i H F was Perfsctedeigh; years since by the aid of the beat invpntivd talent aud Mechanical Skill. It cosmiM n all the Esenti:U Parts tf a FIP.PT 0LA Q 3 MACHINE, is SIMPLE ir. CONS'I RUCTION. SUPERIOR in Strengitr and Beauty, cmitaiasles ß Working Parts and is Oapabli of DOING a icidci- roiige ot lie r.A tint n oKirr Sewing Machines. It will KPN for veirj inthoutcosTix.; OG£r CCiaT f-r Rn-Atnv. In the Manufacture of this MACHINE tba Very Host jVfrvteriale are USED. The WEARING PARTS are HARDENED, and the Mechanism haa been CoxsTßCCTkir xvitii the special rl-ic of producing air xaasy Eunnin*, DUE ABLE, and airnort S’OISELKSS M ACIIiNE, adapted KQLML! Y WELL for Coarse cr fino THREAD, COT TON, SILK or LINEN, SEATING from tho J.ightest Muslins to Reaver {'ln h and leather. Such Confldencois fei.t in the INTRINSIC MERIIS of tho HO ME SEW INC KACHIHE tlru* every MACHINE is luily Warranted for Five Years. LITE AGENTS wanted in localities where we are not represented. Send for prices, and samples of work done on the HOME, or call at any of our offices. JOHNSOH, OLARK & Go,, 30 Union Square, New Tori, 664 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 1111 Second A 75 ., Pittsburgh, Pa, 141 State Street, Chicago, 111. 21 South sth Street, St. Loois, Ko. 17 New Mjatgotcery St., Sic Friiorsec-, Oil,