Newspaper Page Text
Office hi Hie J'sup JhAise, fronting on Cluing
Street, tiro doors from liro'ul St.
i*ni>i:iicu every Wcditeaday by
T. I*. LITT Ll' KI Kl>
JEST P, GxOBGIA, may 16, 1877.
Tlio Cha'iibeilain officials In South
Carolina have withdrawn from thecon
te-t for their office", the seals have
been ordered taken front the dour", aid
Governor Hampton will have no fac
tious impediment in tbo State to-day.
Secretary Thompson will take a look
at the navy-yards soon. It is not
likely that his visitations will be after
tlie mild-mannered s'yle of George
Robes m, who always kept his off-eye
closed to irregularities. Tk itnpson will
shake the buys up.
If Congress !i and abolished the office
of Secretary of tbo Navy eight years
ago tlio Government would have saved
tons of millions of doll it's thereby, and
would have lud a bettor nnvy than it
new has. but, then, vvo should have
hid no Robeson.
The prcc'stnation calling for the ex
tra ses-ion of Cm/ross, to convene Oc
tober 15, indicati* the occupation cf
the National capital for legislative pur
poses until next Spring. The extra
session will dovetail into the regular
session, arid there will lie abundance of
time for the discus-don of the Presi
dent’s Southern policy, arid every other
subject which will agitate tlio assem
bled brains, those of Blaine and Mor
ton included. _
- - - 9m
When Grant leaves Philadelphia for
Europe, on the 7th inst, all (ho United
States mon-of-war in port will fire sa
lutes, and n revenue cutter w*ll accom
pany the steamer as fur as Gape Hen lo
pe n. Ifthe reports are true, Grant
will come hack ns Ulysses Simpson
Grant Kffendi Grant Pasha, nr Abdul
Grant, with crescents on his buttons
and shirt collar.
Hayes’ appointments to offico are |
upon an averngo. better thiin wore |
Grant's during the first few months of
his reign. It whs not nn unusual thing, I
ns everybody will remember, for Grant j
to appoint to biclt and responsible I
sifions mm so utterly unknown and so
difficult to find that they had to be
hunted down with blood hounds b -foro j
they could be notified of their appoint- |
A London dispatch savs the British
cabinet bus “resolved to make a formal
request to tbo Russian (iovorunimt to
state the ohjeol of I lie military opera
tions new being undertaken against the
Ottoman Government, and to define the
the extent to which it is proposed to
earrv those .operations.’' Which will
bo pretty notch like a policeman saying
to a midnight prowler in the backvnrd:
‘ Please state your H to. t jn poisoning j
licit watch dog, and aunt) the extent '
to which you propose to plunder tlio!
'The l’ermaiieut Exhibition, which
will ho opened bv the President on the
1 Oth instant at Philadelphia, will sur
pass in many respects ill * glory of the
Centoutiial Exhibition. Forty different J
nations will be represented in it, and I
tho articles tiro said to be arranged with 1
greater earn and taste than last rear. \
The permanent buildings at the Fair
mount Park arc the main building, Me
morial Hall, Machinery Hall and iloi
tieultural ll ill.
The finny will not suffer much by tbo
postponement of tho extra session of
Congress. The soldiers sropaid every
sixty days, and they will receive their
pay on July I. Thu next regular puv
day is September I, and that will he
skipped. There is ample provision for
the subsistence and transportation of
tho tinny. The soldiers will only miss
one regular ptun ct t, ntnl get four
months’ pnv in November. The only
serious difficulty connected with tho
postponement is the payment to sol
diers of their snvincs at the close of
tlir-ir t. rut of enlistment. A largo num
ber will bo discharged this summer
whose terms have expired, and the per
centage of their pay deducted in past
years ns savings is in tlio Treasury and
eannot be disburs'd to the ntou except
by the authority of Congress
- - ———
The Chicago lnter-Ocenn is groan
ing over the ‘ shameful and humiliating
scene in the South Carolina Legisla
ture, when the Republican members
who had treasonablp g-me over to tlie
Chamberlain Legislature, supnosing
Chamberlain would b ■ sus'nim-d by
Federal bayonets, were admitted t>
their scats upon pr- peily repudiating
their rebellious noth ti. Tlio Inter-
Occan is trying to make out t at these
poor dupes are martys to principle.”
aud says their “humiliation” was like
•‘the eld alaye scenes before the war.”
Thcso “mnrtjs,” be it remembered,
were men who bnvc been trying to fix
upon South Carolina anew tile rule cf
thieves and swindlers. It was right to
acquire them to acknowcldge their guilt.
♦• ■ ■
Homestead Notice.
State or Geoeojx— Wayne County.
Marv Newsom has applied for
Exemption of F- rsonaltv at-d setting
uplift and valuation of Home"tead. ard
I will pass u'.-n the same at 10 o'cl ck
g ni. on the 17ih day of May 1877 at
Q,y office. April 26th. 1877.
1 R B. HOPF?, Ordiuary.
Scukves, Qa., M .y 14th, 1877.
Mr. Editok: I see in your l ist i
su ■ that Mr. ‘ Pinsy Woods” gives i - i a
communication —lie appears to bn dis
satisfied with the la'e nomination. Mr.
•‘Pit cv Vv n >d” says brm i cat i'*de
pendent candidates—and he dr .\vb
iii eat extrasagaoeo, for lie B"vs bung
out a field lull of them 1 ohje-it *o ljis
proposition. B e .us>-, it to ru ■■> any
nv in the wold to defi-at the earning
elee ion, it is hy carrying out Mr. ‘Pi
ney Woods’” proposition ; to tiemoral
ze the citizens of tlu; I) strict and bring
out Tom, Hick and llai ry and get up a
thribhle cxeite ne; t, get some l<n Tom,
gome for Pick and some for Harry.
Then the result will bo that a great
many will go to the polls ad vote fur
no other r asoti but to a ,, s r y the ex
tremely eager and aspiring esodj lutes
regardless of princip’es. To prove tln
fttet, we have only to view tne pas’.
What few chiiSSUS pit tleipatcd in • It•:
primary uiee iug in the Jesup District,
if i am correctly ii.foruie I, was s me
of the ino-it prominent It is an evi
dent case then, that they acted in good
faith ami served f>r tin- District at
large; nod l don’t th it tlicit act" sli m and
he discredited by sayu g •‘not many
ought ti he bound by the late couven-
Hjlj.” lu the t.auie of justice, s' all
th-sc few rulf r lu-s hecait-e rviiy one
was nut there? If “Pr ey Woods’* is a
Democrat, lot him act m co;.ce t wi‘h
his brethren, and lot it fail him forevt i
hereafter tu make and attempt lu con
fuse them However’ this is nothing,
as there is always some try mg to got up
cuoti,.tioii am! dissatisfaction; nil it is
often that it in someone who has failed
to get the nomination. Cons l quently
they aro disnjitnficd an t go to work
thou on the delegates, nominees, and
every body else. Now if l*iu**y Wo ds
hail hoeo noiiiiii.itod we would not have
heard a woul from liirn. If lie is seri
ously n jur-d in the matter, let him
come out an I bring the vot-rs to the
elect mu. But It- liitu bo sober, quiet,
aud and lligenl, and oe sure to not ijiive
tlio i-niy.uiis so bully excited that they
will forget to put the word convention
ou their ballots.
Wire Go ass.
SSX-—------ - - . -.1. -rr==-
Will bo sold before the Court
House door in tlio town of Bluokshoar.
Pierce C >unty. Georgia, on the first
Tuesday in in Juno next v itliin the le
gal hours of sale, the following propel tv
to-wit: Cet'ltiin town property in the
town of Blnckdioar mid said county,to
wtt, twenty-three acres of land, more or
less, bounded on the north by lauds of
Mrs Mary Strickland, mi tho south by
tbo Wai'osboro’ road, on tbo east by
lands Of K. W. Garpeuter, on the west
by tbo land." of the heirs of Sil is O .'ei
street, and known -s the place wbereou
William Sutnmerall now lives. Said
property levied on as the property of
James A. Harper to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from Ware Superior Court in favor
of Sarah M. Trainor vs. 'Benjamin
Minchew, Jamesß. Strickland and
.IninesiA, flarpar; property pointed out
by Plaintiffs Attorney. Trims c.ih.
I'urchaser paying for titles. This April,
24th, 1877.
K Z. BYRD, Sheriff, I’. C.
Printers fee §5 00—Paid.
Railroad Sab Groat South
ern Railway of Georgia,
ITS franchise, right of way, tc,
Tim sale nf The Great Southern
Railway, its franchise, road bed, right
of-way, and all and singnl r, its real
and personal properly in G.orgm, un
der an interlocutory decree of the Olian
cellor of the Brunswi;k Circuit, io an
Equity cause pending io Wayne Suptri
or Court, said Slate, m which G odioar
& llarri" for use of the Southitn & A
- T'legrapli Company at. id. a c
eoinplainau:s, end the Gent Southern
Railway Company ft. ftl. are re-pon
donts, advertised in the Ttlegiapii A
Messenger, ofMacnU Ga, the S - .v ni
nth Morning News of S-iv.iin ah, G i .
and other papers for the fie-t Tuesday
in March 1877, having ! eon |,
and a second decree havi g In en rei -
• lered in said cause at the Mu ch Term
18(7, of said Wayne Court.
I'or the sale of said properly ou the l-t
Tuesday in July 1877.
Notioo is hereby given that the un
dersigned, the Receiver of the Court
in said cause, will mil The (beat 8 utli
ern Railway, i's right ot way, ban
ihise-, road bed, and a’l and ‘singular
the real and personal prnpeity of sail
road iu Georgia—the sail r-'.id com
mencing at Milieu. Burke C uoty. Ga.,
and roi uing through the Ceunues - t
Wavne ami Cnmdet, '< f said Sta'e to .he
Florida line—Ou tn< Ist Tue-dme it
being the 2rd day of J uly ,1 §77, bvlw et,
10 o’clock a. iu, and 4 o clock p, in of
i hat day. before the Coui t House d-or
at Jrsuii. Wayne County, Georgia, n
public outcry to the bigest and best
bidder. Terms ef sale. Cash, on day
of sale JAS. F. KING,
Receiver Goal Southern Railway of
Georgia. maygtds.
The Best Fertilizer in the Mar
W H. WHALEY \SON. Agents
Corrected Weekly by IU. H. Whaley
& Son.
4 P .ini J s of Coffee $ ! .00
7 Pounds f Sugar. Extra C. l .On
8 l’na (1- Sugar, Brown for 1.00
Bard, per fi, .15
Binlr>ked C. R. si tea, per Ih .12
D. 8. Bacon per lb .13
Corn, per bushel, 93.
Oats, per fni-’i.'l, .75
Hay, per r*'., § 1 40
Gandgoll’" ji. U. Floor, per bb’t I 4.15
Flour per b riei.f-om 87.50 t, 12.50
Hams, per pound, . 16
Prints, per yard, .B'o .10
Homespun, per yard .7 to .15
Yarn, 1.15
Country Produce.
<ol, .20 j Hides, .11
ax, 25 j Tallow, .7
„ .rs, .15 j Chickens 15 to .30
lttfJfDl ttil
Measurer and Inspeetor.
500 Avc. 5:;..H050.T 500 Ave ss4o'-< C. 25
toll 4.50((i.'i00 i 400 6.0W,tt.5<
700 .. 5 u0fa.7.00 500 V.uOfo
807 .. 5.00(5,7.00 j tiOO .. H.ODio/.1.U0
Keeps constantly ou hand a lull assortment of goods usual
]v kept in a Drugstore, such as
. ' - always be found the Drug Store, except when ab
sent on i r fcssional dqtv,2 where Medical advice can lie ob
tained. v ‘ F. LESTER. M. D.
llend tli* Dispatch from the Centon Exhibition to the New YontSun:
rniLADELi'itiA, Sept. 27,. 1876.
“Tim very highest hortyrs which
could lie cinlcfrel on any exhibitor—
tw Medals of II i. or ami two lij.lo
mers of Met it have been awarded vo
the Sniper Mmmbietui ing Compar y for
Su"ing Machines.”
in I sr-sales in Pveess of ail
The Pooplo Favorite!
the most populvh ■ because tiie best
So Still Inereastngr. Competition
Sing- r M inufg Cos., . . . 252,316
H owe Machine Cos 109 294
Wheeler & WiVn Mac. Cos. . 108 997-
])ome'ic Sew’g Machine C>. 23 587-
Remington S. M. ('a, . . , 12. t lt>.
Mowin'! 'inrititiot I'.i:'itip!c*.l trail Levy
aii'l Mato.
The following act | as-ed the Georgia
Legislature by a la' ge majority :
Suction 1. Be it enacted by the Gen
,-rid Assembly of' the State of Georgia.
That the 20-10 h S a Don of the Code
1873 be, and the same is In reby amend
ed bv wilding to the list of articles ex
empted from levy nod sale, under the
provisions of said section, ONE FAM
esoinpioo shall exist wl e her the per
son owning said machine is the head of
a family or not, and shall be good
against all debts except purchase
Sec. 2. Repeal all conflicting laws.
C. S. BEATTY, Agent.
172 Broughton Sweet,
Savannah. Ga., or
Jesuit Ga.
Rbaxoh OfFi is in Atlanta, Athens,
Augusta, Mae n, Columbus and Timm
urilk, Ga j Chnlestoo and Columbia,
S 0. ; Jacksonville {and Tallahassee,
Florida. . __
Blafckshear, Pierce County. Ga.
\V. M. II AMS B Y,
Wi tl ♦-]ni sv,;<L t-nl South
ern / 1 dicial Ciic-nitft. SipHhl uttiietioi) gi
en to the coiluction of claim*. Buwne
solicited, find prOriipt aticotiot) gmifititeed.
I) Alt l MX, aMO K GIA.
Particular attfulimi paiO to the collecticr.
of claims and the examination ol land lilies.
Will practice in ilic Superior Courts ot the
r lui.iinck and Kastern C.i-eHits; also in the
liederal Cos mis in casts in Bankruptcy, etc.
~R j\ LESTER, M. I).,
tended. Those on the Iloilroacl by first
11(11,1. charge.-; moderate. Office at Lester's
Drug Store.
C. T. L A T I M E R, M. D
Tenders liis professional services to the
citizens of Jesup and vicinity. Can la
fond at ihe office formerly occnpi'd by
Dr. R. B.Harris. ’ uovgtf
“dr! allmx brown,
Blackssiiea u, - - Georgia.
Is prepared to do nil hind of Dental work
in the most apj-roved style. All orders will
meet Willi prompt aUoncion. Uses all the
late iinprovt.-uieiits. moderate and
-v lisfiieticn gu iranteed. jan22-ly
Timber and Lumber,
p<t~ Ratvonage Solicited, 'fey
South Wide of (he EaMronl—Twenty Steps
front Mic Warehouse.
Comfort and satisfaction guaranteed.
Rates reasonable.
A. K. KING. Proprietor
Devoted to Railroad Intevests, Literature,
Wit and Humor. Fifty cmtM year.
CURUi.IO to every subscriber.
A-iii:ess Eenacsaw Gazett?.
Atl nta. Gv
r Jinl'iM
PIL # M .
Thousands \>f Cases ElFctualiy
Cured by this
V, <)> I) E Hill- II iV I I
AftW'i causes tend to produce this
jyiut'ul and distressing slate. The,
blood is retarded in its return: the too
freyiient use of (/rustic purgatives tends
to produce congestion of the. bowels, tor
pul action of the liver, and numerous
other causes arc the sour v of this com
plaint, and hitherto nothing effectual has
I cen presented to the public,which would
rapidly alleviate symtoms and ultimate
ly prove an effective cure. In PILON
tee have a remedy which not only acts al
most instantly, but will remove the lar
gest tumors of the parts (Pies) by ab
sorption, and many who have received
not only benefit, but ham been radically
cured, have been assured < prior to using
this treatment) by eminent surgeons that
the only relief they ever could expect in
life, would be by on operation, and re
moving it or them from the body by a
procedure which necessitated the knife.
This reined)/ has been ha led with de
light, and is now prescribed by many
practising physicians, who are cogni
zant of its merits, as the on r y known .sure
cure for PILES. Price, Fifty cents
j,er package, or six for §2 50.
Sent by mail on receipt
Sold by all Druggies and dealirs in
medicine throughout the world.
prefared solely by
1479 Broadway New York.
Where orders eaube addressed.
Offers the following Price List for the examination of the
public, all of which we guarantee to be the very low
est Wholesrle prices, but at which prices
The in tel live ii t public will understand, that it is an impossibility to publish
ev\rv article >• e sell and to quote the prices, Ur in the first place, it wi uld oc
rnpy too inner "mice, and secondly, it would not give on all ai ticks snffieiens
i-xt lanain n. Ur this reason, we are willii g to forward samples with prices att'
tached to a- v nm . who will write us for tin m, if they will enclose a 3 cenf
postage stamp, which at the same time acts as agu irantee, what the purchaser
lias to, x|,.-, t, hot phase do not write us to send you samples of ev. rything
we 1, vt- as it any -i f i hot is tin impossibility, bui mention such articles only
whirl) yon ii fond to ii re-, as .
Uk (Ji. to is of 'jwrviY 1 otuns aid Oor we ru Phepu tub Friight
M oie> <• n in* net,t ein-cr by Express, F. O. Money Order, Registered Let
tm ~, lo t- on 0 inn i'sioti Meicbant, or we will send gw ds 0. O. D. (cash'
oi, it.-Mir.) j aoi It' <rquestt <1 wil. extend the privilege, m . x-.uiiiie the goods
bef re pa' in j t r ; lies.. We would also beg, not tomde: §-”0(!s, util* s* partus
SO lining, ttnve th - u> m-y t-ady to jay f r uem, as \ve do not r-. il on credit.
As poopic g-ni-railj ar.- u: tquainted w ti; the Express charge*, we will
herewith publish 'hem: Up to 5 pounds, 25 cents; ti to 20 pout d', 50 cents; 2k
to 40 pounds, 75 cent-; 41 to 50 pounds, cue dollar. Small pncnges cuu be
sini through tht mail at 1 ceut per ounce.
Price List: colored Calico - at 6J cts
Very best quality Galileo - at 8
Augusta 3-4 brown shirting at 5£
Heavy 7-8 brown shirting at 7
Heaviest 4-4 brown she. ting at 8i
Good sea island 4-4 sheeting at 7|
Very best sea island 4 4 heeling at 10
Best quality bronn Drilling at ]0
Heavy brown O-oaborgs - ai 10
Bleached 3 4 shirting, as low as 5
Blenched 32 inches wide shirting 6J
Soft finished yard wine shirting at 84
Best quality yd. W ile shirii g at 10
Sheeting 24 yards wide - at 25
Geoigla chicks - at- 10
Georgia stfipcs - - nt 10
Hickory stripes - - at 10
G->< and cheeked ginshams - at 10
B and iK-king woith 15 ets. • at 10
Good feat her licking wot tii 25 ets at 161
Besi feather ticKi tg in rti. 30 cts at 20
K' lituuiiy jeans us iiW a.-. - - 10
Kentucky jeans worth 20 eon'" at 15
Kentucky jeans Wur’h 30 cents at 20
Kn'ecckv jeans worth 35 cents nt 25
Ken'ueky jeans worth 50 cents at 35
W ash poplii s worth 20 c°nts at 10
Nice dress plaids worth 20 cts at.
Opera flaunt;! wnrt'> 00 cents at 40
Red flunnel,all w 001,27 111. wide at 25
Black waterproof if yards wide at 75
Black wate proof b-st quality at 1.00
Blue waterproof W'-tl. §1.50 at 1.00
B uck alpai-a.double w idth, wort* 40 at2s
Black al| aea,silk finish,worth 75 c at 50
Paper cambric, yd. wide worth 10 at 7
Twill joan for waist lining, w-rlii 15at 1
All iineu shirt fronts, 20 in. long at 25
Honey comb bed spreads - at 75
Swiss muslin, as low as- 10
Corded pique, worth 20 cents - at 10
.'pun yarn, best quality, a bounoh §I.OO
11 mmirg edgings & insertions very ileap
Towels, 27 indies Iron 10
Tow .4s, 36 inches long - at 12|
Gents white uudershins, worth 40 at 25
Gents whit rsliirts,worth 75 at 40
Gents white undershirts worth §1 at 50
M e have new endeavored to give an idea, how we sell goods and we EOW
tt as a positive fact, that e sell cheaper than anv house in t >is great lain .
Judge now f,,r yourself, you see 1 1 at we are not afraid to puhiish our
prices because.
We defy and do not
fear Competition.
Tint one may puichnse rne or tw° article** per* hanee mb cheap elsewhere,
is not a jut criterion: pome idoy an article away as a bait, to meure \
sale, be charge to us for our reputation fer *
is already so well established, that g it is useless for us to offer any assurance.
IGO Broughton Street, Savannah, Georgia.
M. Eason desires his fri ends to know that he is io
our emjdo}',
■ - 1
‘ ana
'djUt ta -" T % JSS. 0
Eepct, ISM iiIiAEE STREET, New York.
Men’s heavy drilled drawers worth
-60 c uts at - - - 4r
Miu’n whit.- dress shins, usually
sold ~t $!.50 - - at sl.6@
Men’s wime dr.-ss shirts, usually
sold at 82.00 - - t 51.25
Mm’s win e dress starts, usually
sold at 83.00 - at $1.50
T ble oil eloiti, 45 in. wide, a yaad 40-
Linen lable clour, yaids wdue at 25
Linen table cloth better quality at 40-
Id Ol sowing mrcao, 16 oalls for 35-
Oat" an-* Clark’s O. N. T (bread
a spool - - - 6
Goats ad G.aik’s per UozeD 65
Needle", the very best in the world
a paper - - - 5
Needl.s, usna'iv sol-i for 10 cH. for 3
English pins. 5 papers lor - 25
American pins, 4 papers f-r - 10
G-uts wnite tiaij'lkercliiefs, 4 for 25
Gen's ftmey brodrtd huntik’.' 6 or A5
Ladie- ostnbiic hemni- and handl. fs for 5
Ladies ail Ijnen,corded iiiiuok l 3 lor 25
G- uts half hose as low as— 4
Gents half i osi-.tlonble fuel and toe SO
G nts liaif hose, fancy striped - 10
Gents half h"s.-, English - - 12^
Gents half bus.-, Ei apish, very best 145
L i lies hose, a Kood .mole s -10
L .dies In-so.iii i ft-.-ior article 4 pr for 25
L dies hose.a superior article 2 pr for 25.
Ladi.-s iiosc best Eng.l3l. without
Stems - - 25
Cali liens ami misses hose a go and
article • ■> • !0
12 a. z n agate shirt buttons for s 5
Alpaca skirt - raid, a bounch - 5
4 halls of knitting r darning yarn for 25
D -y In s, a piece - - 5
Doynes, turkey-red, .piece - - 6|
French wh.ilcUone corsets 5O
- 15
Rlifts f>t the uo k.a a- zon for - 25
Beta.- for veils, per yard 4O
1 button bla.-k kid gh-ves.rsmall sizp,so
2 buttou black a-.d ( coloredjkidg a“J
s z s-- 75
Warr anted as ' Represented !