The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, October 10, 1877, Image 3

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THE JESUP SENTINEL^ T. V LITTLEFIELD, Editor and Proprietor. WMixesim, (xtohkh 10 1x77 J Rsrr ROYAL IM.irTER, NO. 51 Meets ttie first Saturday in each mouth nt 3 o’clock, r. m. Compnuious in good stnud ng ar aternally invited. 11. F. Lester, M. E. H. P. JESI'P LOSEK, AO. 115, F. .V A. If, Moots every Saturday in each month at 2J o'clock p. m. Members of the Order in good standing are fraternally invited. W. H. WhaiJcv, W. St. LOCAL ITEMS. When you come to Jesup give Mr. Sinclair the artist, a call. Last Sunday was a good day for the barrooms in Jesup. Nearly all tLe .‘burn®’ in town was on a “jus'.’' Mr. J H. Popped has moved bis stock of I)rv Goods and Groceries to No. 5 Macon & Brunswick Krilro id. Tliorc is ifman m Jostip that is uct r uiaily too h.zy to woik for his living. Whm be gets rmphiym nt, lie will Work until be gels tircil, aud then he ; will throw dun everything aud say, ’‘a man of my talenl was never intruded to do hard work.’’ We arc umhr the im pression that ha lias but ouo talent, I and that is fjr loafing. , - .j, I Pictures ! Pictures !! Mr. Peter Sinclair has opened a first class Fereotypejgalliry in town and rc spcclfuHy solicits the patronage of the public generally AH who are desirous nf having work done in Lis litio, will do well to call on him at once as he will remain only a few days II is pricer ar reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Notice- A Convention will bo hub! at Jesup an Wednesday, Out. 314 1877, at 12 in.-, for the puipose of nominating a candidate for the House Representa tives aud appointing delegates lo tin Senatorial Convention. Kaoli Militia District will be entitled to five votes in the County Convention, Tha nieinbers of the Executive Com .raitteo will please e.ill moetiags in their respective Districts before tbo solec lion of delegates. Upon the primary meetings rests the vntire responsibility ef a anticfcctr.ry nomination, and it is earnestly rrqncst od that the voters in each District turn out solidly and st*pd their best ciiizen to ropresout them in the County Cons ventiou, Geo. W. Haims-, Chairman, Dem. Ex. Com., W. C. Bead This ! Farmers aud others who fed any in terest in the use of Guano the coming year, will please meet at Bhickshear on the second Saturday in November next for the purpose of consulting together as to the best mode of procuring them at reasonable prices, aud to adopt some uniformity of action, etc. As it is a martter of much interest to the farmers this section of country, now is the time to act upon the matter, for when the ■timo comes to purchase them it is then rtoo late. Wo hope every one who ex pects, or desires to use any of the cotn -111 roial fertilizers will meet, as we trust it will be to their interest to do so, and we desire that every farmer who has been in tire habit of using them will be present and report their experience in their use, etc., so we may be able to proximate to their true val u°. Farmer, HAILEY XOTES ay li. n. Baxley i is improving very rapidly— buildings going up fast. Georgia will v >to fir tho N-w Cm stilulinjrit ilk: December election. During tl*c 1 si tvro we- ks it Very i hiiiy ami dwsgrcuahhs weidber, Y\ c would be "Ja l to sec a change. 'Ye alt-tided a mas-mio burial of Mr. Bafeiight, last Sunday, a well-known “"d good citizen of this county Hope Lc will be long remembered. Our clever yonng friends and wide awake merchant*, Messrs. B ach & l’owell, is enlarging th> ir already com ui dims Louse. Billy and Ben doubtless contemplates shelving a largo fall stock. AH stock lnids.-s who want to make butter will do well to call at B B. Hoppe’s Dry Good and Grocery store, t Baxley, Go , and secure the patent ebaro, warranted fo get butter in three mints tes. Priee, ojily $3.50. At the expiration of thirty days all Die legal advert is mctits of Appling C'.uoty will be ch.tngod from the East man Times to the Jesap Sextisel. All interested io the advertisement^will do well to sub cribe for the Jesup Sex tin el. Only- $'2.00 a year, or six months for $ 1.00. A. young man who is evidently with out piide of anoe.-tiy or hope of pros |cri'y, is eons ruciing a raft, on wbicli be expects, if it niontb, to ride over Ni ag:a Fails The raft is being cn- B'rceted on scicntiffe principles, bnt no doubt the youcg tnsu will be fu the eon-mon wav ORITI V RY. Mrs. Caroline J. Stewart, wife of Henry G. S'ewart, was burned in Hamilton County Fla. on tbo 27th day of February 1831, aud departed this life iu Wayne County on the Ist day of October 187 7, aged 23 years, 8 months and 4 days, after a short illness of 12 days with Typhoid fever. During her period of afflictions she was not known to utter a word of com plaint. With faith growing brighter aud her lovo towards God strengthen- ] ing, she pa'icutly leaned up n that Sa- viour bo has assured His people that His G'ace shall be sufficient for them jin every hour. She was an exemplar , j ui 'mber of the Baptist church for about |l3 years, and after b .ving been c u versed with as to ber love towards her Heavenly Father she replied, “all is well ” A calm resignation proved her Spirit love had banished all fear of dea'h; she left the world with a peace that passeili all knowledge and was re ceived into the arms of ber JefU*. Her many virtues a a wife and frh nd wl bo eberithed by llmse who now mourn her departure. Sho leaves a fond, de v ited and true husband. To Dm grief stricken husband, weixiciid our warm est sympathies a-d arc sad with him, but while offering this c<*nd deuce, ie rnind him that a few fleeting years will tes ore f irevtr the holy union which, death has s verod. There is no in- fluence so vital aud strong in tuning the thoughts affections and lmpes of mortals 10 the liual rest uf the S>ul as tho dialh ef fit. ads, and nothing which j tends so much 10 import a leulizing j and enduring faith in the theory of the ; Suu.’e imsnortaht ■. “Where the tress ; upe is, there will the heart be also,” is j true of the trva u es that have passed | over tbo Liver as of those still linger ing with us h.-rc. Indeed most persons j who ha'-e arrived at the years ot main j rity, may count moro loved ones who ; have joined the eternal host than a>e | mingling iu tho busy, rest! ss throngs of this world. These depart-d friends were dear while in life aud aro tnoru sacredly cherished ioee. they have been t.'keu from n. They are troasures b j Otrd tiie illfllli no- of tint', unOying treasures, holy, pure treasures and pos sess the power to draw tuir hearts after them and away fr n the things of tho world. Not only do the aft ctions fol low thesj dear on-s hut we contem plate a reunion with delightful hope. It is impossible for us to consign I hose departed friends to non-existence. We caunut consent death Urn,io.itw t’cse bciugs. F r them wo e'uini im mortality of mutable bliss. This tbo ory, therefore, scents to be iuh rent in i the soul, obtaining illumination and I cunfi mstiou in the light of Goa’s rov in'ion to man As one after auo'Jier of those mast beloved by us din, link af'er link is severed from the chain rh-st hin'ls our hearts to earth and are added lo the obuin that joins them to their ire-s --ure* iu Heaven. Thus oue love of this world grows less, and onr longings for UlO spirit* land moro intent. Thus is that t ie terrors of dentil abato ns it. is presented in tho light of a process which will re-uuito us with the dear ones who have proceeded us to the realm of per fect j"y Oondderiug the shortness of mortal IRe hud the eternal duration of the sml the period of this existence is hut the twinkling of an eye. Though wc often cling closely to this life an 1 engage in hitter contests f r its posses sions and otij yments. tis only a baief period of pupilage prliminary to the eud'.vss existence that lies beyond times narrow borders. He is by f r the tro-t wise who employs it to promote the happiness of his ctern 1 state, who leans by f ith ou tho Saviour ot mankind wbil mak'ng earth s pilgritnugo. Wl o by obeyi g tbe law of the Go-pil, awaits with hope tho Gl-ry uffii al re demption. Appling County Legal Adver tisements. Nome. GEORGIA — A" ’i.iNc County., , On and after thisdute the Official priuti g of this county will be found in the Je-cp Hentiseu. Silas Cb muv, She riff A. P. B. D. Moblit, Cierk, A. C. Silas A Crosby, Ordinary. A. C. Oet. 9th, 1877. SHERIFF SALE j GEORGIA— C .unty. WILL be sold before the Court ; House door in town of Baxley in said ! county on the Ist Tuesday in Novem i ber 1877. Within the lagal hours of • sale tlie following property to-wit; Lots of laud Nos. til2, G 33, 583 and | West half of loi N ■. Oil, all iu sec. ud t dis'rict of said county, levr-d on with • one Superior C uirt fi. fa. Mosses W. ! Spence vs. John W, Lord and Henry ; Davis, properly pointed out by Plaiut ■ iff fa., September 3 and, 1877. ALSO, ! At the same time and pine*, will be sold Go acres off of West side of Lot ! No. 307 iu 3rd D strict of said couniy, known as part set nja t by Homestead. Levied on with Superior 0 u. fi. fa., IM. W, Spenco vs. Samuel Hargrove. : Property pointed oui by M. W. Spence. ALSO, At the *ame time anil place, will be sold Ist acres off of Lot N->. 403 in second District of said county, levied on with Justice C -urt fi. fa., John Orifiin vs A. L. Z trior Lvy made and return ed to mo by Dunstable. ALSO, At the gams time and place, will be sol i 150 acres off of L t No. 390 as tbe prop rty of Paul A. Cnter to satisfy ooe Justice Court fi. fa. in favor of E. Branch. Levy made and returned to me by Cmgtablc. ALSO, At the same time and blaee, will be *|.) L >t of land No. 571 as tbe property < f H. H. B eoher to satisfy on*. Juatiee Court fi. fa., in lavor of K. D. Graham L vy ma*le and returned to me by Con stable. October 8t l ‘. 1577. 81147 Cee-spv Slit riff, A ORDINARY’S COURT. OcTOD'r Term, 1877 Thirty days after date application will bo made to the lion. Court of Or dinary of said county for leave to sell the real estate belonging to tho estate of John Hall, late af said county de ceased. Vz: Lots Nos. 514, 233, 332 324. 326 and 315, acres of lots Nos. 228 and 215 of lot No 253, all in flic second and originally second dis trict of rai l eouuty of Appling. This Oct Ist 1877. Catherine Hall Adminst rad ix. Jons J. Clark, Administrator. APPLING MORTGAGE SHERIFF SALE. GEORGIA— ArruN’G Cod tv. WLL be sold b. foro the Court H"tts • door in tlio town of Baxley in said county on the first Tuesday iu Decem ber next 1877. within tbe L -gal hours of sale the following property to-wil: One gray peney horse, twelve years old. levied ou as iho proper'y of John E Youmaos to satisfy one At ir'gage fi. fa issued from tlu Justice Court, 457 of said county in favor of I’, H. Carter, Admii)is'ia*or upou the estate of Paul Carter, deceased. ESTRAY NOTICE. GEORGIA Arpi.iNo County Personally eauio John W. Dnltes of said county and of 457th District, G. M. who b iug duly sworn, disposetli and I says that the üb-vo in a oorroct discrip tion of an is l ray. One barrow hog, and the said J. W. Dukes, freeholder, marked crop and under hit in 000 car, 1 and Nwttlb'W fo>k noil under bit* in the other oar, black colored rf about seven * ears old. a'd appraised to be worLli t? 1.00, and flir'her swears that said marks have boa unal ere I or chaog and since taken up S* in to miL scrib-d bef'uo in- this Oct 8;h 1877. Silas A. CnO*BV, Old'll rv, A C. We the undersigned uow freeholders, chosen to appraise the foregoing dis c ibed li-g, and value the -mo to be worth $4.00. October Btli, 1577. Jvs. G McCall, Francis M. Loud, Freeholders. Application for Letters of'Ad ministratiou. GEORG tA— Wayne Coi nty. Whereas, Jolm J3. Johns. Applied to tho linderMignod for Letters of Administration on tliecßlatcoi Joimniah K. John*, docoas ed, thehc are therefore to require nil person** concerned to file in niv office, on or bt*f"r the first Mftn<ly in November next, tlicir objoctiens, [lfany they have] u* said ap pointment, othcrvvujo L-ttM’B of Adminis tration will lcgranted to applicant. Given under my hand and official aißiw turn, this Sop tcm her 13th. 1877. K. Ik HOPFS, Ordinary, W. ('. GEORGIA— Wayne County. Wtiereas. Willis Clary applies to tho un dersigned for lotfars of AduiinislraHon on the vHlnte of Mae. Carter, deceased * ate of said county. These are, therefore, to cite and ad monish nU and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ho and appear at mv allied within the time prcscrihuil hy law, and show cause (if any they oaii) why letters of Administration on ihe estate of said deceased should nofbo ’issued to applicant. Given under mv hand and seal of office, tins August 31st, 1878. It. B. Hopps, Ordinary. GEORGIA, WAYNE COUNTY. •Wheeeas, Win. 11. Aspinwnlt, of Raid State n<l county, nppliuH to the Ordinary lot Lut ers of Administration on thoestatu of Alton Aspinwail, deocasod, late of said county mid State. These arc, therefore to cite and lulinoniHh, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office, within tho time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of administration on the estate of said deceased, should not be issued to the a plicant. Given under my hand and official signa ture, this August fitli 1877. It. B. IIOPBS, Ordinary W. C. Pierce Sheriff Sales. G KORG I A—Pierce Coun i v. WILL be fold before the Conit bouse door in the town of Black shear, Pierco county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November next, 1877, bc'wiei) the legal hours of sale tho ful- I w : ng property to-wU; The North half lot of land numb r forty five in iu the 9tb district of oaiginally Appling now Ptctce county, contdriing two hundred ami forty-Dyu acres, tio ro -r less, levied mi as the property of Enoch D Ilendry, by vii lie of an elocution issued from the City Couit of Savan nab, Georgia, iu favor of Th mas J. Jordan, f r use of Neil McLeod vs E inch D. Hendry. Property point' and out by Plaintiffs Attorney. ’ei'in*- cash This September 20th, 1877. E. Z. Byrd, Sboriff, P. C. G EOUGIA —Piecce County. Will be sold before the Court Houso door in lllnckslu-nr, Pierce Comity, on the let Tuesday in November next, between the le gal hoars of sale, wild lots of land No. 2 7, 371, 412, iu the 4th D*st. said county, No. 19,32, 33 and )5!1, in sth Dint, of said Coun ty. Nos. 27, 64, 75, I(<7, .Ml, 112, 119 and 159, in tbe Bth Dint, said county. Nos. 58, 90, 327 and 371 in 9th Dist Hniil comity. Each lot containing four honored and ninety acres. Levied upon by virtue of executions in fnver of tbe State of Georgia, issued by W. L. Goldsmith, Comptroller G* ne*al ot Georgia, for the State and Comity Tax due on said lauds for 1875-6, and sold to satisfy said tax executions, said lands being wild uriand improved. This October 6th 1877. E. Z. Cyrix Snerilf, P. O. G KOR G 1 A— Pierce County. WILL be did before the C urt bouse door in the town of B’ack ghenr. Pierce county, Georgia, on li e first I’uesday iu F. vemb r next. 1377. betw ea tb" legal hours of c *lc the ful -1 wiug property tn-wit: 0"6 lot of land number one bund ed and ihirty ooe in t c ninth di-triet, original y Appling now Pierce county, containing fonr bun-ire,l mid ninety acres, more or leg, and known as the place whereon A lam D.xo i now lives, levied on os the nr-m rty n| A him D x-m l-y virtue of three ex cilio'H isxnod from tbe ppo* ra>i >*i (.'o u t of Bi'icktihrar. Pierce county, Gi*-gii.iu fav *.• *-f I*. C. Mil tax V*. V t.ioi I) ui Properly p,.iril ed out by Ptiiimtlf’s Attorney, this Sopfcinb r 29th 1877. E. /. liven, Bbft'fT P i' NOTICE. OKmX.VKII'S OFFICE, ) ! Blvoksueaß,l‘u 1 ' CovtrrGnor.iii t. Scplcmhcr IStli. 1577 I On and after this dale, ali 1.0 ;al ino from this office will lie published iu the ! Jesup Sentinel A. ,1. STIUOKLAND, Ordinary, P. C. G EORGIA Wayne O u nty. kVrixlie sold before the Court House door | of said county iu tiie town of Jesup, within j (lie legal hours of sale on (lie first Tuesday ■in November next the following described property to-wil: One white colored ox called j Dick, one dun collared ox ailed liright, oa red colored ox called Tom and one black | spotted colored ox called Harry; also oue 1 Iron axle timber cart levied on as the prop erty of W. \V Coli|tiitt under and by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from Wayne Suderior Court in favor of W. H. Cm ry against said W. V. C’olipiitt. Property deserilnnl in said Mortgage fi in and p(listed out by Plaintiff in execution. Terms of sale cash, purchaser paying fur titles. John N. Gjoiiureap, Sheriff Wayne County. August 30 1877. GE< lllfrl a— Finn of. Oou \ty. Onlinary’s iffiee of said county. To all whom it may coticern. Where as Henry J. Strickland applies to Hi" Oi'dtiimt of-aid douaty for letters of Admioish aii"U on the es'uto < f Richard Altman, late of said county, tl ‘CO itC'l. These are therefore lo cite mid admon ish all a.d siligUjar, tin- kindred aud oi editors of said doeeused In ho and af - pear at my office within the timo pro scribed by law, and shew (if auy they have,) why letters of Administra tion on tlio rs'alo of sail deceased should not ho issued to lire applicant as applied for, on lira lio>t Monday ii No vember next. Given under my band and official signature. Out. Ist. 187/. A. J, Sti- Iceland O dinary I*. C. DLL A!,[ KN BROWN, DENTIST, Blackshkar, - - Gkouoia. Is prcp.ircil to (lo nil kin 1 of Dental work in tlio most nppiovoj Htyle. All ortlorw will meet with prompt nttcntion. Uhoh nil tho Into iinprovtoiiciilH. (Jlmrgt'H niodorute nml s tisfaction guiunutct'd. jnn*22-ly ATTORNEYS ATLAW, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA ROBERT J. SMITH, JLSTICK 01’TUK I’KACK, ;i3rd histmt t, kiaiHLit nii,ith- Court dayu, firal Saturday In oVc’y in until Office Gauiu, Ga. i Call At Z. WEISS', j CHEAP CASH STORE i j And examine his large and j Assorted stock of ! (iH.VEKAh MERCHANDISE. Tho cheapest" took ever offered in Joeup. ’ Come, every hotly, nnd examine my ! ik*\v stock. L Imvo jus roemved my Fall and 1 Winter pnrcliaHcs of I >l y (loodw, • ifatw, l5(o(rt and Slices. CALKOES AMI IIOMKSIHTNS Mado a Hpjooiulity at tlio very lowest (GASMIPIEUKGISS. Ah I will not he undersold, the Lndlt's Especially, arc united to give me n call, L. WEISS, Brand sirurl, Jcmiii, i;a. jP Oil CV. It you can’t get gain ■ft Q He fln yon call g( t greenbacks. We T_fl* JlB AT i l -*' |l< l :l person in ovary towd totalm siibs-iriptions f-*r tbe best llnstrnted family publication iu ttie world. Anv one can become a successful agent. Tbe most elegant win ks of art given ttre'to subßcfibf-rflt. 1 ' The price is so low that ilmost everybody H-ibserihcH. One agent. pejM i t.s.flaking over sls()in ave< k. A iady agi nt reports taking <orer 400 subscribers in ten days. All w~o engage make money fast., You can devote all your timeUHhc business, or only yenr spare time. You need not lie away from homo, over bight. Yon can do i' as well aa others. Full pnrtic nlars, directions and tcrms free, Elegant and expensive outfit free If you want droll table work send ns your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business No i in who engages tails to make great pav Aildress "Tlie People's Journal," Portland, Maine. Paints and Oils. Mixed Paints, Grynnd in Oil, ready for imm'-ilinte iih", 75 c’., to $1.50 per. gill. F.xoi.rsH Risir Faint, grennd in oil. 60cts I.igrju Sucre iMorl-’fi-cr. fireproof 75cts Kbui.y’s Eoii.t o I’aist Urn. ftOcts Mai HINEBT (Ylis ' “ li. G KELLY'S pft'eot sperm oil. SI.OO ENGINE OIL 75 F i.tkrkd Hock Lubricating oil, GO Send for card* of colors anil testimo nials. THE NEW YORK CITY OIL COMPANY. SOLE AGENTS. No. 124 Maiden Y oitk . CANXERS CUREI)r DR. JOHN D. ANDREWS, OF Tiiomasvf lb. Ga., CUKES CANCERS in vm in My when applied to fur Treatuieut before it is too Into. Treats all Chronic disenos, or discafi eg of long standing of Males and Fe males SucCOssfn ly. C. T. LATIMER, M. D JESUP, GEORGIA. n lers Hi* ur.ifess muni services to tho e ns of Jes-ip an and vicinity. Ui-n t.o the nlticC turtle !y occtlpie.l by r. .K. 11. Karri*. nov2tf t MURDER?k But a roan "An earn with thia WXTaL AUGER, $25 Per Day w ary and at Uie raU* t 14^*wtpwr dar. Anfrra t Ca#t-*t**-l r.rvi +mrr-.r,u<l Atwajauu* - firful in qmtttknnfl. H+ttUtol in th* wmi'l i'>r l*r- otp •ln f*r >nal an ’ t'mnn, lornli'p •ifl CoimCjr ntfiUP* td?. Hew) l'i •*. wit*! y'*iY P. O , 0- vA Mat* .vd fit4r.':r'p' v Ir,.k with r<pkua<pFy. M4rz* A tg-.r <Jj , buLvuif. ! A /l/l/AGE 7iAZAA : /i I A. K. WILSON ('or. U.nj awl Montgomery Sl-meln, SAVANNAH, ----- GEORGIA. ± GABRIAGGES, DUCCIE3, PLANTATION WAGONS* CANOPY TOPS and FALLING TOTS, 1 i HARNESS, WHrPS, U.MIIREI/L'S, AND , lU’UUY& WAGON MATRIUALS ; ALL AT 11ED l( 1 DATES. Alm) iimwikinu done at prices to suit I lie times, Addies, A. K. Wilson, Coil. 15AY ANI MONTH IOMKUY STREETS, Savannah, Ga. 2 3m. WHOLESALE DtiALK DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS amiSHOES, IIATS, BENT’ FiritNlSHlNti GOODS, ETt . ■•11 IViwrrm Nlrvrt, NAVimH.UA. A. ,/. MI EL E/l X- CO. WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL FURNITURE dealers, ISO Ik 152 HrwiiKliton Mitcl, SAVANNAH, --- - - UKORUIA. ed-Room Sets, Parlor Sets, Bureaus, Wash-Stands, Bed steads. Chairs, Children’s Carriagos (diiutry orders promptly tilled at lowest prlc s. a-tf - WITH— TAUE DECKED, Provision Dealer and General Commission Merchant. - ' t*' • tor. ilryam Hi., And Market &i|uar<, SAVANNAM GA ’ • • DEALERS INf • f Clothing,, Shoes, Hals , I • ■ ■ . *j and 'Domestics. 1(11 I'diwn'si SI., Opposllr Nnrki’l, SAVANNAH, GA. MOEM/XGAEH X PRIZE STORIES The Weekly Neews OP— WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER lOtli, Will cntitiiitt Urn first olmptirs of mi intnisely inloiAHliog Mfi'l well written nlory 'i n o Family BY S. a. IIILLVfiU, Jit', Of (’utliberl, (in, wl.'ieli wan awarded tho Fifnt -Prize of Our. Hundred Hollars, offorod for Un\l7,t Hjory. founded on iiiciilriits of tlio Inin war. The Weekly Nowh, in if it* n to tin ItMTI/riKU and fJTKIUKV l> P .rh f M ~t,/ nct jillv miiD‘lu el, till lauitituiiiM its din l inetivc foul id t*s hm a niediutii fur Kffete. Po lltlral and Ucnrral \rws, and v ay w ill lie devoted to in ikiiiK it a eompr* lieiiHive tiioilinui of inloriimtion for (lie | >-|• 1• - 1 Its Market Reports nee etmipleto ami reliable. PUK ES. 1 Weekly f. $1.0(1;, I your s*2 Oi*;•|>HAfiij.'e free. Daily, (* moiitiiH sf (H; I your $10.GO; postiit'e free. Jt'‘init tniKMH lieii|(ifl I* v Pont Olllee Order, l>tfer, or Ks|iri**tf, ut my isle. Letters hlionltl lie.nildrwiKwl: . J H. ESTILL, Savannah, Ga. i7. 7 S WHOLESALE AND HETAIL DRUOGiS V & SEED DEALER, ISS <'llKl’es Wkwl, SAVANNAH, - - - - (JA.j I Imvft opened n ju- w IflUUi tnre and take plciwnrc* in culling 4houtiwjfiti| ~t h * public to my thoroughly Fre*<- uikH h*n n'ae ck of * 7)ru//s and Chemicals y SOAPS, CUMBEB, HAIR & TOOTH DKUBJIEB, PERFUM KKY I.AMI’,S, AND LAMP OOODS. WARRANTED GARDEN SEEDS, I a'n nak n* a SPECIALITY. I solicit the pntrnna; e of flu pin ho getters 11,. Country orders *ubniitte<l 10 rny can vi] roei iv# prompt jiltonfioii at he oachl |i ic ft ft'•liable i'oodx, AdilrcHH T , 1 IIP I KINK, I‘O C<Hi" OH ” If * } au S > VII ij A 1876. BlTll.v THE OLDEST AN? * . Shoe Empor: [IN THE SOUTHERN r 1 133 CONGRESS STREET, OPPOSITE P r J SA TAAJVA/I GEOW , . i • ‘ : Jluviug reeeived one of the Largest nn ’ ' Hoots and Slices for Lanies, Gents, and ChiM brought to this market, is piepaVi'd to offer lh suit (he times and Cheaper than tho Cheu t ,< Calt and examine stock and be am Butler's is tie place to Buy y * * .. i VA LE NT INE• BA S , .■ i (Successor to his Brother Antony , ■ The We H K nyo wn- * tmpmmM -D At the Old Stand 174 Biyan Street, Opposiie tb , —DEALER IN - , Brandies, Whiskies, Wines, Lager Bo6r, Alo, and All Ofa : ;•• •s. 0-22 m .'I KKKIN LIQL'OitS Aftii ALL' MV OW:/ - ! V , ' mmmmmC , ~ ... •"!.*' ' ■ . i ■>' ■■ i 1 - 1- \\x\ .77. E.HEIDT HAS just returned from tfew V' l i (.1 . ... ?•; f •: choice stock of Mens, ’/tops;, and Childrens ri IIATS, TRUNKS, UiIIIUKLLAS, AND lURNISFIIW<; ;. • And has taken the store of DEWITT & MOSGAI-i, No. 130 Congress Street, WHICH libeen filled iij> for a form to Roll at prioot tu suit tlio timou. To bin stock ho itcS adil.-.i -(BKaLBIMIJS (ClTJU'lfll'Hfi mDM OTIB YIRJ} 7 (' " ''('*• • r ’ jjV HICH will bo n saving of innoli trouble to mothers. 1 AH in colling neat fils and luteal styles uliq at lotv’dr prieoa than Hiey can ) Ifo liopcß to Bov liiH old fiiond* nod customers ntjiin new pluco of I all wlio wish io .to well Huiletl will ploaso oall at No lßOJCongref TANARUS: Mi iO , ■ U • V • _■ , X DEWmi'k. M< Hid A AN'S OLD STAND, SAVANNAH, < lIHTEK'SIH J 8 STUB | h /, BROAD STREET, JESUP, OA., .. ' 1 ■* f* • 1 i • j a 4 Kccjis (‘otislanUy on hand a full assort mimt of‘goods 1 ly kept ii) a Drugstore, such as t DHUGS* MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, Filial IGA It lIGN S KHI), KTC. I can always lx- found at lh- Drug Store, except when :d scut on I’-otcssional duty, where Medical advice can be 0:1- laimrit. ' .. •! E. M. D # ASK TOUR GROCER FOR XT! ♦ Depot, 104 EEADPSTREET, Kew Yak. * Wc,3?e anted I