The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, November 21, 1877, Image 2

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JESUP SENTINEL. ~ t 7 V. LITTLEFIELD, Editor and Proprietor. OJicf hn the Jesup House, Jnudiroj on Chary Street. tiro doors from liroful St. ’ WIM>UAI. IX” . Department. Uif •E. JtYJil), Editor. • Locals ore scatce this week Colton is still coming into marke*. Sugar boiling is in progress this week. Eggs and ctrckens are in demand. Subscribe for the Jesup Sentinel. Tlie Pearson Pioneer has changed bands again. • Mr. R. W. Carpenter, of Savannah, is in town this week. C 'me and pay your tax so as to save trouble. , Mr. Peter Sinclair is yet in town ready to wait on customers. ' Dr. W. E. Fraser is looking for his • wife nest week from the North. <j : . Election tickets printed at this office at short notice. Job work has been a little crowded on us this and last work. Mr. A. P. Wade is having the first eoat of paint put on his now mansion, Mr. R. G, Middleton has pone to Ellaville, F"l n., whero he intends open ing a mercantile business. Mr. IT. J Tatum has renewed hi li quor liccns and is getting iu a lot of fine liquors. Wo would like to hear a word from Mr.Daniel P. Pattoreon on the snbjoct of the ensuing election in Lis favor. .Mr. J. 'Mason Purdom will close b's tax books on the 30th. Parlies who have not paid their tax will do well to give this their attention. K. D Gralmm is the nominee for the Senate at the emuinq clee’ion < n December the stb, which is fast ap proaching. CoIs.G.J Dolton. A E Coebrane and E. D. Graham aro tlio Candidates for the Senato from the Third Senato rial District We are informed that Mr. Joseph Harper is going to open a fiNrt-d-isH bar in a few days in the old Roberts & Denton store. Hold your tongue madnme,' or ynu will not prosper in this community. Consider your own faults and then seek to admonish your neighbors. * Air. T M. Hurt lias commenced paint ing the Academy. Mr. Hurt is calcu lated to do the job in the most superb atylo known to the art. Rev. Mr Corley preached last Runs day aod bandny night iu the Methodist church at this place. T ero was a large aod attentive congregation present. Rev. Mathew Sweat passed th ongli town a few days ago for the purpose of making a political speech st Hob do n in his behalf ns a candidate for Ropre- ncntativo from Pieroo oountv. Wo are iufncmed that. Mr. Franklin Hayes >nd Mia* Sunnn Dickson wan to l>e married laat Sunday at Shiloh cliurcli. Wo have not beard whother they wore or not. Mr. J J. Jeneios, principal of the academy, tiae organiud a night aohool in the academy on-the practical sub ject of mathematics. Hellas several pupils and there is still room for more. Mr, Ftanklin's sawyer, Mr. Wilson, accidently came in contact with the saw while in motion and was seriously foot fatally wounded. 110 had Ids leg amputated from i*. We have been in formed that Mr. Wilson is slowly im proving since tho surgical operation. It appears to us from the conversa tion that wo hoard last Sunday, that aumebody is infringing upon nur bar tenders, by writing to their placo of trade in New York that they are not good for their contract*. They ear such may ho laughable to us, but and and little can they laugh. GEORGIA—Pikh<'K Ci ctn v. Will bo sold lx fore lo Court House door iu Blnckshcar ni the first Tues day iu Dcacmbor next, 1577, between the legal b.ra of tslo ihfl following property to-wit; Lou of land Noe. *O4 ami 59 in tbe fourth district of said county, No* 7 and 100 iu the Jit It dis trict of said county, each lot con taining four hundred aud ninety term. Levied on by virtue of executions in fa vor of the State of Georgia issued by AV. L. Goldsmith, Comptroller General ofGcorgitfor the Stato aud countv tat due on said lots of laud for the years of 1672 and 70, and sold to sat isfy said tax executions. Said lauds is wild and unimproved. Terms ea-h, purchaser psyingfor titles. This Nov. Ist, 1877. K. Z. Bvkd. Sheriff J*. 0. GEORGIA— Pierce Corsrtr. On the first Monday in December next application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for it ave to sell lots of land, unbers, 135. 13G and 95, each lot emitting 490 acres, more or less, all three lots being situated in the 9'b district of Pierce County. The entire real estate of Wil ismßrown late of said county deceas ed, Sold for a distribution amongst the heirs of said deceased. This Octo ber 29th 187-9. Ailin Brows, Administrator, Putt HixAv^Adaticistnuix. Atlantic tnd Gulf Railroad Geneilat. Hupkiii.vtexdknt’k Office, Adamic and Gulf Kali road, \ fcAVA.NNAH, AugUbl 3i, 1877. ) ON AND A v T.ri i SUV jAV, September 2 L*. < 1 c r lY.i 1119 on tlx is Hoad will ro n a follows: NIGHT £XI HESS. Leave Savanna h Hy at 3:00 P. M Arrive at Je**i|> “ r,:!jU V. M Arrive fit Uniuliridge 4 4 0:15 A. M Arrive at Albany “ J0:00 A. M. Ai iveatl.i e Oak “ 1:30 A. M. Arrive ui Jacksonville 4 7:10 A. M. Arrive at Tallili.issue 14 7:35 A.M. Leave Tallahassee 44 5:251*. M. Leave Jacksonville “ (LOOT. M. Leave Live Oak “ 11:30 I*. M. Leave Albany '* 2:00 T. M. Leave Haiti bridge “ 2:301*. M. Leave Jeanp “ 7:10 A. M Arrive nt Savannah “ 10:00 A. M. No change of cars between Savannah and Albany PaKKcngeiß from Savannah for Tallahassee, nrntiKwick and Darien take this train. PoMHengerM leaving Macon at 9:15 m. in (daily except Sunday)connect at Jesup with this train for Florida. Tii scngciH from Florida hy this train con nect at Jesup with the train arriving in Ma con nt5:45 j). in. (dii’y except Sunday) No change of cars bet wee.i Montgomery and Jacksonville. Sleeping cars run through to and from Savannah and Live Oak aud Montgomery ami Live Oak on this tr*in. Connect at Albany with passenger trams both wavs on South w *stcrii Kuilruad to and from Alacon, Kufanli, Montgomery, New Oilcans, etc, Mail ■tcamer leaves Hainbridge for Apa lachicola every Sunnay afternoon; for Col umbus every Wednesday nrmiing. Close conneotion iit Jacksonville daily, Sundays excepted, for St. Auguatiue, Pulul ka and Enterprise. Trains on H. and A. It. It. leave junction, going west, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 11:11 a. m. !• or Hrunswick Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday nt 4 ;40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION Tit A INS EASTERN DIVISION. Leave Savannah [Sundays exempted] at 0:45 A.M. Arrive nt McTntosb 44 “ 9:35 A. M. Arrive at Jesup *• 12:05 1* M. Arrive at Blackshear “ “ 3:20 i*. M. Arrive at Dupont 44 “ 7:001*. M. Leave Dupont “ “ 5:00 A.M. Leave B.iiekshear •* “ 9:W)A . M. Leave Jesup “ “ 12.15 l*. M. Leave Mclntosh “ 44 2:22 I*. M Arrive at Savannah “ “ 5:00 I*. M. NY KS I’Ll IN DIVISION. MONDAYS, MiiDNEHDAYg AND FIJIDAYS. Leave Dupont Siuly’a excepted, at 5:00 A.M. Arrive at. Valdosta “ “ 7:15 A.M. Arrive at Quitman “ 44 9:02 A.M. Am*.• at Thonnisv 11a M “ 11:15A..M. Arrive at Albany 4 4 4 4 5:15 I*. M. Leave Albany * 41 “ 0:00 AM. Leave Tlionnisvillo 4 44 1:00 I*. M. Leave (Quitman ’ 44 2:69 I*. M. Leaac V'lildosta “ “ 4:10 I*. M. Arrive nt Dupont *• 44 0:30 I*.M. Georgo S. Haines, General Ticket Agent. H S. HAINES, Gcyjcral Supcriniemlcnt. DAILY TO FLORIDA, Mafon & Brunswick Railroad ( iENEU IL ScFEUt VI SNV’RN T H OfHCP, \ Macon, (>a., Nov. 13th, 1877 | ON and niter this dale, Hamenger trains one this road will run as follows: DAY PASSENGER, DAILY. Leave Macon 9:15 A. M. Arrive at 11.32 A. M Arrive ut KaMmali 1 2.3-1 I*. M. Ariive ut Jesup 5:55 I*. M. Leave Ji Kiip 0:301*. M. Arrive nt Hrunswick 9:10 I*. M. Leave Brunswick 4:16 A. M. Arrive at Jesup 0:55 A. M. L niv .JoMiip. . . 7 25 A. M. Arrive at Eastiiii a 12:31 I*. M. Arrive ut Cochran I :59 I*. M. Ai i ivuftt Macon 4:25 P. M Going down oonneota with A. & G. 11. IC. :it Jrgnp f r Jneksonvillo, and u! 1 points in Florida. Up train cout coin at S'-Mip for Savannah. TKI-WFI'.KLY r IMSSENC ’lt AND FREIGHT. Down, Monday, Wednesday and Friday Nights, Leave Macon 7:‘5 I*. M. Arrive at t'oehraa 10:17 11.I 1 . M. Arrive at Ka it'u.’n II "0 n . M. Arrive at Jesttp :00 A. M. tip Tuesday, Thursday amt Saturday Ni . Is. Leave Jesap 10; 'll l’, M Art ive Kastman .... 4:ofi A. M. A r i\• tlochrall. •- - - i1 A M A reive IIM hi - . 7 : '•> A. V Connects at Je.up with .V’-mtio St Rsilrord loend from Savnenah. IIAWKINSVIU K BRANCIi. Tuesdays, Tliursdry* rad, Leave Hawliinsvillo 10.00 A. M; and I.Ot) I*. M. Arrive nt Cochran 10,43 A. M. at o 1.45 P. M. Leave Cochran 11 ’-10 A. M; an I 2.43 P. 1. Arrive at ILitvkiusville 12.25 P. V. Ami 3 30 P. M. Mon.l .y? The above figures will br run, . xeepl, in .lead of leaving Oociirilu at 2.15 P M., train will wait until 10.0 > I*. M. Wednesdays and Friday* l,eive Ilawkiusville 4.13 A M and t.OO P. M. An ive at Cochran 5.00 A.M. autl 1 45 IV M. Leave C-chran 11.40 A. M. and 10 30 P. M. Arrive at Hawkinsvillo 12 25 P. M. arad 11.15 P. M SUNDAYS. Leave Ilawkinsvilia 4:16 A. M. Arrive At Cochran ■> AM. I .cove CVreli ran 11.' > -V. M. Arrive nt Itawainavill* 12:25 !’■ V. Cmuitvi.i atlVeUma with Ik)tu l>,.y and N d:l t.:: I.S ..nurd Ireni Jlaeoo. GKO. W. ADAMS, Gen. Supt. W, J J aims, Mbs Trans. Paints and Oils. Mixed Paints, Ground in Oil. ready for immediate us'-, 75 ct., to $ 1.511 per. pal. ; l'\iii.isir IRkw Faint, ground in oil. StVt la ip Hi its I'.int. Ih proof 750 t Hr jay's Ron t:i> FaISI Oil, SOcts Mv. nisi i v On s K. tl KELLY’Spatent splint oil. f 1.00 ENGINE OIL, 75 FiLTMtKD Ryes Lubricating oil, CO Send lor cards of colors aud testimo nials. THE NEW YORK CITY OIL COMPANY SOLE AGENTS. No. 124 .Mau>ek Lane, New Iff MIS! I would respectfully announce to the citizens of Jesup aud surroundiug counliy that I Lave tut u* > i lull hue of I) R Y G OOP S . all of the Inteat style’, Ladie erw find tny stock complete to make sc ections from. I have also a complete assortment of first-ohms Shoes, couaictiug of Ladies, Misses and Childrens line sowed Shoes and Slippers MEN’S FINK BOXED TOED AND PLAIN SIIO E 8 . Full line of Crookeryand Tinware, Wood ware &c. I have a'so a full assortment of freih Druajs and Familv Medicines. FRESH GARDEN .SEEDS, &C X have returned permanently to Jesup, and offer my Professional ser vices to our cltizons. Calls answered promptly, dnv or night Z. W. LITTLE, M. D. 38 if ri :t r? © is ie 5 s “OLD DOMINION” (7a.PURE Whits Wheat Whiskey. !■' > r Faintly mat Medicinal I'hc. This dilicious product, prepared from selected grain, contains, in a high ly concentrated form, tlio nutritious properties of Wheat To those requiring a nouri-hing s'imulant, litis palatable article has a tendency to recreate and repair the waste attendant upon active, physical or moral labor, debility, cto It has received the highest ononni utns from eminent medical auth iriiics, as possessing qualities that arc abso lutely f.ißetiintr; this desideratum len ders it invaluable tothiao who arc suf fering from Consumption, Lung O r n>- plaints, Bronchitis, impaired sttength, Lack of Vital energy and II diseases which, in their incipient stages, require a generous diet, and an invigorating, nourishing stimulant. Put up in eases containing twelve largo bottles, cud sold hy all prominent Druggists, Grocers, etc. UiNl NO ERA (JO., (Established 1778) No. 15 Stuki.t, Nnw Yokk. Solo Ageuts for Distillers. THE MILLER BROS, CHUT. SI. AND U. S. STEEL SI IHA It CO., '>'s IS,III I t M \ NCFACTUIIKItH OK Patent Pocket Cutlery, AND SOLID CAST STEEL miIILmSAKD 3(8H2X)2i3. Till? ONLY MANUFACTURKUB OF SOLID CAST STEEL SHEARS & SCISSORS lit THE UNITED STATES THE I NI.V MANCFACrritI HS IN THE WOB’.D OF POCKET (ITLKUI, WITH Covering Secured by Screws. NO NT. BUT THE BEST English Pocket Cutlery Steel Uim'al, and pvt vy Knifoft o tistoifi \V .\ Kli A NTED. Th* tcmivr anil cutting i’iJt'i!!oH ofhotb Kr.l#cs mill Sf^vrw sre HI ••lull V tchtfrl. Great rare \* tak'*n to mi dnlum .anil increase tke ay t* II tiriiod reputation which ihis* Company have at tained, an The Leading American Cutler?. In liattnntu with flic verdict of customer*. the t Fiitcini ill I’xposi:bni .hu irdeti Med.ils* tool *■* fir ti rcat -i t xcelk uco in quality uiul o tlU’Ht foils. The Miller Pros. Cutiory Cos. CANCE SCURTD ! Dll. JOHN I>. ANDREW?, OF fIIOMA-VU LK, CIA., (T U RES C.\N(’KR? invariably "ken \) apidie<l to for I'reatuieut before it is too n'e Treat* II o')f >i ie diseases, or djsens es of lung ktaudin* of Males uud Pe nnies Sueeessfii iv. ©ODBTiSAB & JEUmiIS, ATTORNEYS ATI AW, RUNS WICK. - GEORGIA' DR. ALLEN DROWN, DENTIST* BI.ACKSIIK.VIf, - - GEORGIA. Is projure l !' io all kind of l>ntnl work in the most rtppiovt tl styi. All orders will ( nit*t { with p:o:upt ..t;ntjn. Uses i\ll iho late iiw| rn-fmf*i!\ Chari e< moderate and tiatavmcn i;u.unntceJ. *&n£My m -trTatwTW’- tl. 3 m 4 —* ■ >TaA’*t*t'iui 's< riXiii ravewri ~4 r* *■ TV* mil i a fca.v. -rt-y U s m * rw * ? s^s****.■ V F ‘ **■ •* **•• .M • e— m) II. . .v. a RR ‘ HRM m. , r . iv. v N S. W!t,v I ■HQPiiSr now - • -*> -m> • m - *dk rv-. • sn § *r.. m f A. *-•>. Watches. Jewelry. Romaine OoM. f*G extensively worn In Pari?, was flr*t discoverer] Jn 1970, by the celebrated French cheroUt M in*. D. He I. iurrie. who ntanufactureti it into jewelry, and fur five years sold it to the ieadin jewelers of ej.ris. for Solid (iold. In IST.'), when hts secret became known, ten of the mannfnctnriu at jewelers estahlMicd a rtwk company, uit . a capital of fIOOUJ.OtX) for the purpose of manniacturinff liouiame (void Jewelry and Watche-. With this immense capital, and the aid of ifnpiover! machinery they are enai*!' and to produce ad the latest patterns of jewelry at Jes- than one-tenth the cost of Solid GokL ami of a quality and color which makes it impossible even for experts to detect it from the genuine. We in*,.• -c,cured tier exclusive agerey of the I.,'nited States and (,’anarU. for the sale of all L ,f >ods manu factured L om this metal, and in order to introduce them in-the most speedy manner, have put up assorted f ;innl*‘ lots u.t below, which we will sell at one-tenth the retail value until January Ist, In7B. Head the list. < harm. 1 pair pearl Inland sleeve buttons. 1 Lake | George cluster pin. 1 pair (2; heavy hand bracelets. *3.00 LOT, 1 ladies’ opera srttard chain. 1 ladies neck chain and cross. 1 beautiful locket, (engraved.) 1 pair baud bracelets. 1 pent's twi*f link vest chain and charm. 1 pair onyx sleeve buttons. 1 e*-t (;) onyx ihirt studs. 1 new improved collar button. 1 ex tra cut cameo seal rin^. 1 Arizona solituire stud. 1 set Am thyst. or topaz pin aud eardrop- 1 . 1 ladies’ chcmUe button. 1 plain stamped lfe K. IHS.OO IA>T. 1 ladies'opera chain, with slide and tassel, (retail price S7.GO) 1 font's heavy watch chain, with curb charm, (retail price. S7.DO). 1 ladies* heavy ion" neck chain. 1 elegant chased miniature locket for Indies neck chain. 1 set cameo medallion pin and eardrops. 1 pair (2) h-avy ehased baud bracelets. 1 gent’s soliialre diamond stud. 1 gent’s cluster diamond pin. 1 pair amethyst or onyx slee' e but ton-. r*sa (3) studs to match amethyst or onyx sleeve buttons. 1 elegant heavy set cameo <al ring. 1 massive band or wedding ring. 1 new patent collar button. 1 ladieschuiniae bntton. 1 amethyst or topaz ring, (uttr ft finish). The rcta'l prie of the artieles in each sample lot amounts to exactly ton times the price we ask for the lot ; for example, our SI,OO lot retails for SIO.OO : our 5.00 lot for 50.00. A SOLID ROM A INE GOLD IIUNTING-CASE WATCH FREE. To anv one sending us an order for the above jots bv express to the amount, of 15.00. we will send free o n* Solid Romailie G< Id Hunting--< Watch, (ients or La ies sine, warranted to keep ported perted time nnd look equally as w- II as a 100.00 gold watch. H> mail pn-phid. 15.60. 'ibis is our oiler lo and is worth a trial, as the watfh alone will sell or trade readily furfrom 20.00 to 50.0. (.ents or ladies watch alone, *7.00 or 8.00, with a hoavy genfs gold pattern vest chain and charm, or ladies 4 opera UWI RKMKMBKR : -This r ffVr only holds good until January Ist, ISX After that time we shall sell only to jubbi-rs and wholesale dealers, arid any one wishing our goods will then have ro p ty ful 1 retail prices. Ifoinaine gold is the best, and, in fact, the only imitation of genuine ”o!d made, being the same in weight, color and finish, and all our goods are made in the latest gold pat ter us. VV ill guarantee satisfac tionlii every instance, or refund money. . , _ x „ T . Send money hy !\ (>., Money Order, or Ueffistere i Letter, at our risk. .No goods sent C. O. u. un less at least 5.00 sccoinpmics the order. Address plainly, W. F. EVANS & CO., Sole Agent3 for U- S. and Canada, 95 Si 97 SOUTH CLARK STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. ang 22 Cm JOHN A. DOUGLAS —DEALER IN— STOVES, RANGES, GRATES, ANI) TIN IIND WOODEN WARE AT WHOLESALE. 159 BROUGHTON STREET, S A VANN A IT, GA . Come and See I H. WHALEY & SOS IjESUP, GEORGIA Who are constantly receiving by the Car Load, Direct from, the West, by Green Line, CORN, BACON & FLOUR, Which are Specialties with them- They Keep Constantly on Ilmd a Full and Complete Stock of DRV GOOD3, CLOTHING, HATS* CAPS* BOOTS; SHOES; ETC.; ETC. WHICH THEY AllE SELLING VERY LOW FOR CASH OR BARTER. GAS DGOFF S ‘ READY FOR USE” FLOUR AT SAVANNAH PRICES ALSO DEALERS IN Groceries, ardwarc. Glassware & Crockery. F* attention given to nil Orders from a distance No charge for dravage to the depot. AL7AM iIH AHOTSL, J£SI T GIJO'JiGI'I. This wcl! known Hotel, at the junction of the Atlantic t Gulf and Macon and Brnnswit k Railroads, is now under the manage ment of *-i ".. Former assist ant manager, and hopes that this statement will be a sufficient giu'.rautee to the traveling public, that it will be conducted to the satisfaction of those who may patronize it as an eating house or hotel. Board. S2.CO. By the Week or Month on Reasonable Terms. Passenger Trains on both roads stop here for meals JJO-CEVr I.OT. One gent's watch chain, retail price $1 00 j One pair engraved sle**ve buttons, retail price 75 One stone set.scjirf pin, ** “ 75 (ne set (3) spiral shirt studs, “ 75 One improved shape, collar button, “ 44 50 One heavy plain wedding ring, 1 25 Total $5 00 For 50 cents we will send above six articles post paid. s!.•(> LOT. One pair sleeve buttons, stone setting. One set (3) spiral shirt studs. One heavy band engagement ring- One s-t (2i engraved bracelets. One ladies' long guard <*r neck chain. One engraved miniature locket lor the ladies’ guard or neck chain. One gent’s heavy link watch chain. One Lake George diamond stud. 82.(M) LOT. One indies' neck chain nnd charm. One ladies heavy guard chain fur watch. One eet pin and ear ring- Amethyst. One extra fine miniature locket. One earner© sea* ring. One very heavy wedding o I engagement ring. 1 gent’s heavy watch chain witjj **’*"Ve\ WOOD igjwwgp BJutchUy’s Standard Cucumber and Grafton Cos ’a Pumps, with copper linings old and new styles, and .dl valuable iuipro*oments. Manu facturing LuiUUea greatly increased; st.<k and assortment LARGE, price* SMALL. When in towu to tliel ig, call and soo us or a*uJ for catalogue, with prices and tenui. IC. G. BLATCHLEY. Manufr, 50G Como.KCK J'TKXiT, Philadelphia. These pumps can U* *cen at Centen'l Exhib., Apric’l Hail, Cor. Aisles JAN, Column Let ter O, No* 10. Price List OF Leading Dry Goods, Hosiery, Notions k Fancy Goods AT DAVID VEimm CELEBRATED GHEAPDHY-COODS HOUSE, Calico, the very Vieat quality, at Gjc Calico. lower yrade at 5 and sjc Quilt Lining Homespun at 3Jc 3- Crown Shining l 5 and 51-2 C 7-8 Brown Shivtlnjr, heavy, at 6 1-4, 6 1-2, ~c 4- Arown Slotting, heaviest kind, at 8c 4-4 Brown Sea Island at 7 l-2c 4-4 Brown Sea Island, very best, at 30c 3- Bleached Shirting at 5c 7-7 Bleached at 61.4 c 4 4 Bleached Shining, soft finished nt 8 l-2c 4- Bleached Shirting, without dressing, J c Heaviest Brown Drilling at ]oc Shirting, 10-4 bleached and brown at 25, 30, 35 and 40c Good article Uicnory stripe at 10c Best round-thread Georgia Checks and Stripes at lOr Blue Denim, a good qnalily, at lnc Good Mattress Ticking at 10c Good Feather Ticking at 1G 2-3 e Best F-ather Ticking at 20c Good Gingham Checks at 8 l-3e Best Gingham Checks at 10c Balmoral Skirls at 60e Boulevard ready mad" skirts at 50c Cotton Diape", wide 111 yards to the piece at $1 00 Linen Diaper, apiece, nt $1 25, 1 50 2 00 and 2 25 Fronting Linen, yard wide at 30c to $1 00 Wash-Poplin, beautiful goods at 10c Dress Goods of all kinds from 10c to SI 25 Neck Shawls at 25c and upwards Ladies Shawls from 1 00 up, very cheap and nice qualities. American Black Cashmere at 25c Eog'Dh Black Cashmere, yd wide, at 40 and 50c French, ai’-wnol Cashmeres, 40 inches wide, at 75, 00c, $1 00 and I 25 Bembazine, Hernani, Australian Crepe, very reasonable Alpaca, a nice aiticle, doubte width at 25c Alpaca, silk finished, double widih, at 50c i Black Silk at 75, 0q,.. $\ 00, i 25, 1 50, 1 75, 2 00, 2 50 and 3 00 Brown Blankets. per pair, $1 25, 1 50. 2 00, -2 50 aidS 00 White Blankets, rrr pair, $2 00. 2 50 3 00 4 00 5 00 aud C 00 Haney Comb Bed Spreads at 75e Bridal Quits, the nicest spread out, at 81 50 Ladies undervests at 50, 65, 75c, 100 and 125 • • Hamburg Embroidery, Edgings and Insertions at, bargain prices. Plain Grot-Grain and Sa-b Ribbons, very cheap. Everlasting, Crochet and other Trim mings. low- r than ever. Italian, French and Guipure Laces, very cheap Ladies’ Silk Ties and Scarfs 10c and up Ladies’ Cuffs and Collars at half pi ice. Uuihrc'!a~ as low as 35c Two > t Kid Gloves—Ladie>s’— black, . _.te, colored and opera shades, at 50c Two-button Kid Gloves—Ladies’— better quality, at 75c and 81 00 Ken'ucky Jeans at 10, 12 1-2, 15 20, 25, 30. 40 and 5Qc. Cassimeres at 50. 60, 75, 85c. $1 00. 1 25 and 1 SQ. Black, Blue and Gray Waterproof, 1 1-2 yard vide, at 75c, 1 00 and 1 25 M e have endeavored to enumerate the principal articles kept in a first- da s * Dry Goods House, and attached the prices We are aw are that this is sufficient to c nvey a correct idea of the quality. Those who desire to purchase, we will, ]>’u application, seud such sample-, with prices attached, jrs th y may desire, when they can form a much better opinion and select for themselves Not thau a million of people have dealt with us and wc are sure we have satisfied .l. Any one displease ! with his purchase can return the goads to us at our expense and we st ill return the money. On twenty dollars worth of goods we prfcpay height to tLe neumt Maiiuu. \\ e make no charts! -r packiuy or drayage, \\o jou i sell olc article low aud make it up ou the others, * WE RETAIL OUR GOOES AT WIIOLESASE PRICES; liicli accounts for our Wonderful Success. U c don t advertise to humbug, but we talk plain business and mean it. We sell odd ya and a.s low us we would ten thousand. Those woo are tird of paying ex-, borbitant piices and appreciate the value of money, are invited to send 4 their* oideis, w ich we will till C. O. D. witn privilege to examine, or can aeod fiiCw* mt ucy with the order. David Weisli e in. NO 1G 0 BROUGHTON STREET. S'AVANNAH, G A { ‘OLD LONDON DOCK GIN’ Especially designed for the use of the Medical Prolession and the Family, and possessing those intrinsic medical prop cities which biltong to an Old and Pure Gin. Indispensable to Females Good for Nervousacs 4 , Liver and Kidney Complaints A delicious t >nic. Put up iu cases, fluitaining one doz*n bot tles each, and sold by all Druggists. Grocers, etc. A. £3 & (B©., NO. 15 BEaVER STREET N. Y. (Establi-hko 1776.) Importers of Wines, Brandies, Etc. j A. E. COCHRANE, arroßXEr atta tr, RlaeksUear, Fierce County. GA Canton Flannels at 8 1-2. 10, 12 1-i. , 15 and 20c, While mixei Flannelsat 15 aid 2C< White all-wo->t Flannels at 25. 3s, '4O, 50 and 75c. , Red ail-wo<>l Flannels at 15, 20, ief > and 40c. lied all wool twill Flannels at 25, 3C ; and 40 j Gray Flannelsat 15, 20, 25, and 400 Opera Flanne's, in all colors, at- 400 Opera Flannels plaid styles, best at (50c Wo le> Libsey at 20c- Heavy White Undershirts at 25c and Up ards. Calico Shirts at 25c and upwards A’hite Dress Shirts at 75c and upwards Yard Long Towels at 12 l-2c and upwards. Towels as low as S S , Linen Table Cloth, 1 1-2 yard wide, as low as 25c Table Oil Cloth, best quality, at 40e Woolen Table Club-, good, at $1 00 Good French Corse's at 50c Thompson’s Glove-fitting Corset at $1 00 and I 25, Suspenders, with rubber in back, at 10c Turkey Red Table Doylies, per, , d< z> n, at f Jss White Linen Table Doylies, per dozen, at 60 and 750 Table Napkins, per dezen, at $1 00 I 25 and upwards Children’s Woolen Capes at - 400 Veil Borage, b'st quality, a yd., at 40c Silk Veiling, per yd, al 50,60 and 750 Neck Ruches, per duz si 12 1-2, !5, 20 and 25c, Neck Fuelling, by the yard at 5, 6 1-4, loe and u| w rds. Alpaca Skirt Braid, a bunch, at 5o 12 il< z, Ajjate or Kice buttons for 5c Fashionable Silk Dr, ss Buttons at 10c Ivory and Gutta P reha Butions at 8, 10 and 12 l-2c. Children’s Round O mbs at 10 and 15c Ladies’ High-back Combs 10, 15 & 250 Children’s Fancy Stockings al 5 & 'lOcl Misses Fancy Stockings at 12 1-2& 150 Lndies’ limey Sllrckings at . ]o>& Ladies’ White Stockings at 5, 6 1-4, 8, 10 and 12 I-2c Ladies’English Stockings, wiihout seams at 2,/iC- Gouts' Half Hose at 5,8, 10, !2 !'2 V 15 and 25c. Gems’ Bordered Handkerchiefs kt 3c' Gent’s Turkey Rod Handkerchiefs IjQc Ladies’ Linen Handkerciiicfs at sc, Ladies’ Colsred Linen Handker chiefs. at I'Oo The best Needles, a paper, at 5c Coats’ am Clark’s (j. N. Cotton, at 6e per Jp; 65c, Negro Handkerchiefs at 10. 15, 3> anc 35e Kn lting and Darning Cotton a ball,, se' Gems’ Paper Collars, a box. at 5, I.QJ. 15 and 20c ' ' Linen Shirt Fronts, ex'ra length, at 25c | Corded Pique, norili 20e at 1 Oe- "* White aud Black Cotton Gloves at 10c ; IS not easily earned in thcs®s 3 / // times, but it cno be made ia j three months by any one of either sex, 'in any part of the country who wil | ling to work steadily at the employment that we furni-b. SGG a week in your own tiiwn. Y'ou need not be away from ! lvnie over uight. Ypu caD give your whole time to the work, or only yout' spare moments. Be have agents v, tt 1 are m king over 820 per day AH wiiO j engage at once can make money Sist. At j the present time money cannot i) e made. ! so easily and rapidly at a> y other base’ ness. It costs n .thing to tj;y tic besi ne-s. Terms at.d So On'fit tree.’, Ad dress at once, H Hallett k Cos . Port-* land, Maiuc. ROBERT J. SMITH, jrSTHEOFIBE PEACE, 333rd IIHTRtff. (.FIIRI.It WII.ITI Regular Court d.*y, frst Saturday in eve y moi Off ce, Pabpi. Ga.