Newspaper Page Text
t. r.
riditor aad Proprietor.
Ojicf Ail tne Jf.vup, fronUmj oil C/.etry
Street, two door* from ]Jr<*td St.
WE\i>a>i, mi:< i miimi s*.
The people who nro plotting n war
with Mexico, have chosen well in pitch
ing upon the region of El I’ato county, !
for ihe>r field of operation. An ex
change rays : "The city or rather tiro
nation of El Paso is the oldest Smm- I
isli settlement in northern Maxieo. Tho
acetic of the active trouble on tbebor
tier is al oat ten miles from El Paso,
on fertile island, which is about 20
miles long. On this Island arc tho
towns uf Isletn, Soccrro and San Kli
zirio. At the last named place the
fightning between the mob aid the State
tr >ops occurred, and i hero at las' ac
counts tho latter surrendered to them,
when they shot two of the ufficots a..d
the mau Howard who oaused the trou
ble. Aout 1100 meti from Firt Bayard,
the nearest post, h:r <- been ord .ted to
tho scene of 11>o difliciiliy, and other
tioapa will fallow, if utoessaiy, fi Jiu
Fort Clark, the nearest Texas post.
The immediate cause of the outbreak
relate to the control of a salt lake near
San Etztrio. Tho people on both
files of the liver bud used the lake ever
ttiucc tb* settlement of tho country ,
but in 1850 a eotnpaoy of speculators
‘ located" it, an I attempted to collect
toll from the people fur the suit they
gathered. Thu effort was abandoned
at tho iiiiio cud was not renewed until
a few months ago, when one Judge
Howard was appointed to collect the
tolls, lie begun by killing a Mr. Car.
dos, who was a local politician and
state senator. Tho desire to have
Howard punished and to aecurc free
salt led to tlio riot o. Han Ellxnio:
Gov. Hubbard has forma ly applied
to the Piesideut lor aid ‘to repel ibis
inTJaiou of our country." Texas is or
ganizing a militia force of 2,000, and if
the federal tm qts do not uet promptly,
the militia will act, aid when liny uot
war will bo at hand. There bus beur. no
change in the orders übout United Ht alca
troops following marauders into Mex
ico, but simply a modification of them,
to the effect tbai they nro not to crosx
over if there nre any Mexioan Holdietra
lu eight who can lake up tho pursuit.
To llio outlets of wild lauds iu Uoor
f>ie, mostly widow* and orphan*, I write
to tell ' ti by forma of law youaro now
leing rob Led of your lindn by ntnl act
of Ibe Iff'ikluturo All unrelurnaJ wild
land* alter u curtail) time were to ho
aold. Under that ac. the Comptroller
Gcnoij! Lai seen fit to isua Ft Fas
again;,i nil lots thet seem to bo in default
and lia> wold and given oootrol of said
Fi Fjs to any one who pa : 1 tin tax,
*ad fifty cents extra for the Fi F'.
Laud speculators have goo* iu many
instances uud got control of tbeso Fi.
Fas. and numbers of lota Hre now ad
vertised for sale on the first Tue sday of
January next, and will be Held should
tho Governor not issue anno ordei to'-
bidding il.
On the lOilr day of March 1875, tlio
Comptroller Uetioial issued u sheet
bended "Wild Land Sales, 1 ' two of
which ws sent to every county iu the
Mule, ons f r the Ordinary uud one
for the Ch ili containing a hat of all
untubers tint were uot returned for
1.-74, and on August, 31st 1877, tie
bad published iu the Atlanta Cons'i
tuiion two lists of number* one for
1875 and one f r IS7u. In the*o lita
there muii be fiotn ton to twenty thu
-r cud lots <ai y ,ng iu *l2 > Inin fluoPi • >n ‘
of a few acics each lo I'JO uer s inch
TUs tax has bc< u paid on hundreds ot
these lets honestly paid and rtill they
will be a 10 and the ica-on is lies the
lax receiver iu many u a :rvi allowed
lax paycts to giro in tLcir land s n.o
without r-gard to l,Umbels n luu
wi ll lit regard to dist.ict and some
\ ilb< at r gold to > ciion. \\ lieu
111 tier was omitted the laud is alver
tieeJ lor lax ss the Comptroller by no
no ana locate the lot, And another way
many lots tie advertised in deftaii.
M any mistakes are 1: aJe by •* rc
ceivcis l y the iceing u[ ouu I**;—
lire Mid by mai.i..g figuu a that ao per
son cau If!! what they are. Thcie arc
i'lM*y of boekt indt out by ihnt rt
c'tivi rof lax lhai bat buudiedt of
UUlijbtis that they could lot clou to'!
what they are and not a uaa on cuith
My of you look at ycur tax beika
and find yoor ruuibcr and link you
are safe. 1 have Ivuud the lands giveu
iu perfect Mid paid for aud by a ruis
uk of the C ork in 1~0 Mild laud of
tiec tbe land was advirut-ed iu default
aud a Fi l’a iMuUt and tigaintl it There is
uo safety that I cau tee only to cet one
of ibe lists of F74 issued the< lOlb day
c.f March l'7i aud tbe two lists pub
lished iu ibe Atlanta Coastitutiou of
August 31st 1577 and lo k through
tbeUi and when }-u 1 . L tbu'.igh them
you will find that thty are v rv e tn
phwaied especial}- Ibe jisti of 1874. Iu
fact I don't believe tbe wan who made
it out cou!J define it. My honest opin
ion it the whole thing is a fisud and the
Governor ought lo pul a atop to it.
The persous uv stlv to be injured a;•
tht widoai and orphans wuo cannot
aee that tbt ytire being robbed Tbry
cugLt to Lave sown mercy sLeiwu them
1 trust the Governei will intercede.
lf t Le does not at must ail co tbt best
e mu aud £0 to Kotk and Sod nut
bow many of our lots are gobbled up.
We will be put to a wml l of Itotfbl.*
and much expense but we may i are
something out of tho Buck by close
watching and great perseverace I pru
poic to do all 1 can to save my own
land and the land of all for whom I am
aciing agent and 1 make this prop si
lion to a 1 owners of wild land who
have not been so lucky as to got hold
of ilieso ibr< e wild land advertis. mean
for 1874 1875 and 170 that they wib
scud nie their bind numbers wiiti Uis
trict and section with two postage
atamps to pay for stationary and stamp
to return 1 will (•xtun'ue the three list*
I have and if I find their lands adver
tised I will iufrui them of it that they
may go to work aud save some part of
their lands v due.
With my respects, Etc.
Wat. P. Andbii.on.
Marietta, Gi 1
Cal. Warren Aiken died at Carter'
ville in this State, on the 17ih iust , in
the GOth year ' f bin ago. Col Aike*
was a member of tho Confederate con
gress from this State, and u lawyer of
marked ability.
The Savannah Nittrs t*ays the wild
lands in Gilttor county were sold as ad
vertised, last Tuesday, and a large
crowd "as in attend, i.ce. Three thou
and and forty acres were sold ranging
from three to twonly-aix dollars a lot,
-ho total amount paid being $.35 75
one buudrod und sixty acres of laud for
three dollars.
Cap*. 0, E Carnes, editor of the
Soul her nor and A/i/mal, Irwiuton. Ga.,
died on Tuesday the Irtth inst. Capt.
Carnes served throughout the war aud
undo a gallant S mthern soldier.
Quitman Tiinitx : We lean that a
difficulty occurred between Mesars.
Burton and James Lividb r. on Satur*
day evening list, in Hawkousville, dur
ing which I.aidler was shut.
Marshal Fi'zsitnmona will tesidc in
and have his beadqiirtcra at Atlanta.
Georgia is now added to the twenty*
three out of thirty-eight Legislatures
that uioct bi ennially.
On Thursday tho 20th inst., a daring
attempt was made to break and burn
tho j“il of Bibb county, by four colored
oouvio'.s, and had it uol bit'll I r the
OOolncsß and bravery of Mr. U. S Wca
oolt, tho attempt would have boon suc
Mr. Dodgo lias fifty or seventy-five
hands at work on his uurrow gunge rail
road running from the neighborhood of
Mr Alexander MoKaoliin, Tslfair C'lUll
iy, to Powell's landing, on tha Ornnil
goo river, and has, it is reported, ptir
| chased tlio engine and iron formerly
owned by tlio Gortnau mill i in Tatnal
Sitting 1 Bull Again on the War
A Tcrriblo Explosion in Now
Chicago, December. 20.— A Time*
official from Hulona, Montana, says
‘ Fatbor Oenin arrived nt Marias
river on Sunday and reported to Fort
Benton by messenger than Silling Dull
ensued the lino and c imped at Dear
Paw Mountains with u large force of
Sioux and Key. Forces. This is eon
firmed trim utlicr sources, It is stated
thul the ludians are burning the prairie
south of the Hear Faiv and Sitting Dull
is on Miles Itaillo Ground and bus
been joined by Lime Deer's ban t of
sevemy tivo longe*.
New A'oiik Dec tuber 20 —An explo
sion oeeurredut ten uumiws past tivo
this afternoon in llio inuuon-o candy
factory of Greenfield A Struun No 63
Barclay street which extend* in the
toi in of an L from Barclay street and
■ lie > xpluMou lure down llio whole flout
of the I utldiiig scattering the Hagniintß
in every direction. Over 150 mils were
employed in tlju i slabli.-hiuvni. The
nail of the bulldi g fell a few iimiUea
niter the explosion. Tho policemen ou
duly near lie building u.iys that he
saw ihefrcnt of tiro building live Min us
bigu fa 1 into Ibe atieet*. Too sire t*~
wire fidod with screaming people Theta
eie about 200 pci son* at woik 1 rushed
io the polioe station and sounded the
alarm ul lire. Several girls jumped
horn (lie lop o! tlie building into the
tiro. Several hoy* weieblowu tiro ugh
the roof Fifty six wounded and 0..0
dead were icpcrlcd at the Cluiufieis
street Hospital ti| to C:4soclook A
number of uieu were also sent to the
Dellevuo aud oilier hotpilalx. It is
estiuia ed that 12.5 ate wounded out of
the 275 employed iu the laouiry. Tho
number of dead is nnoeriain. The lira
was tMider eouliol at 0.30 and al 0.45
only dense clouds of smoke surrounded
the rui.s.
The undouicsticatcel editor of a
neighboring paper, thus relate.' bis iuu
IriUiOUial vipeiicuce . " A ivotuan is a
mighty handy th; g to hart about tbe
bouse. Jslie doesn't e-eisl auy more lo
keep than you'd give her, and sbc'il
. take a great interest iu you. If you
go out at night, she II be awake when
gcu gel Louie, and tbeu she'll tell you
ail about votnfelf, uud in ire too. Of
t *
courae she till know where you've
been and what kept you out so late, and
will tell you ; yet, right alter she geta
litre ugh te!Jiu|f you iba'j she nil! ask
V• iu whrro vou lave been and what
kept y u out so late. And after you
tell Imr, and siie won t believe you, you
ruusu’t tuiutl that ; and if, after going to
bed. she says she hasn’t closed her eyes
the whole tight, aud then keeps up the
in a lime two linn-s longer and won’t go
to fleer) when slit) hits a chance, you
must" l mind that, either ; it’s her na
turn ”
w ti > v. mi vrv.
GLOKGIA Wavse (Joistt.
To all whom it may concern. Wknrtas,
Brnpimiti filiteh, of sale) gtnle mid County,
;q.|)i<-.l to the Ord nary for l-tters of mtioin*
lstr.ilion on tho estate of Harriet Witch, de
ceased, late of a.iid county and State; these
lire therefore, pi cite aud admonish, all and
in/, i:, tlie kindl'd and ned t rs of i nid
deceased, to he and appear at iny office,
vs 11 imi llie time prescribed by law, and show
cause (it any they have) why litters of ad
ministration on th.i estate of sniil deeeitKcd,
atiouM not iisue to tlio anpticant. Given
under my liami ami offii ial signature, this
Jfov 2fith 1577. It. 1). Hours,
Dec 6 it Ordinary, W.
< 1 EtynolA—Watnk County.
Wn.r, lie sold b ■! re ttie Court Honse door
| in ttie town of Jesnp of said county within
1 the legal Lours of silo on the first Tuesday
1 111. 1 mu try next, sidijnel. ton mortgage lien
upon said property in favor of K A. Klitr
-1 li. e. lot, iif land numbers five hundred and
eight (50S) and five hundred and nine (5(1!))
| in the llii District of originally Appling,
j now said county of Wayne, containing IP 1 )
| acre:,, mure or ie- , each. Levied on as t!io
property fT. A. Floyd, pi satisfy an excen
lion Hailed Iron the Justices Oonrt ol tlio
, 1 go'llh Hisliint G. JI.. in favor of I. 1,.
: l a II; ACo , vs. T. A. Floyd. Levy made
I and returned to me liy .James Wa rt n. eoti
| statde in and foi the district sfiiresaid.
. X-ims ofsuli: cash, purchaser paying for ti
ll,' . Tliia Novemh''r3ol!i. 1577.
[John N. (ioonmirAi),
I dec 5-41 .Sheriff, W. C.
GKUHUIA Watnk Counit.
Wu.u la* sold l.efote the Court House door
iri the town of Jesnp, of said county between
the legal hours of sale, on tlio first Tuesday
in January next, iS7s, tiie following ntop
eity to-wit : ilhj urns of lot liiiinher 211, ; n
fourth district of said county ; levied on and
sold as tlm property of Isaac L. Thornton,
underand liy virtue of an execution issued
front the Tax Cut ector of said county, for
Ihe State and county taxes due Dir tin* year
1H77. lhoporty pointed nut liy the Tax Col
le tor of said comity. Ti rin'! of sale cash,
purchaser paving for titles. This December
sth 1877.
At the fame time and place, s part of lot of
hind ir Jump of the county of Wayne, mill
known mid distinguished ns lot No. 'I. with
all improvements thereon, now occupied by
John Massey mid known as his store. Levied
on and soul its the property of John Mtissey,
under and liy virtue of an execution issued
from tin- Tax Collector for the taxes due on
said hunt for tlio year 1877. Property point
id out hy Tux Collector' Sold to perfect ti
tles. This Die. sth 1877.
At tho same time mid place, 490 acres o|
land in tliinl district ol said county with al*
improvements thereon, levied on under and
hy virtue, fan execution issued from the
Tuk Collector for the taxes dun on said
lot of land, Tax Collector vs. William A.
Detinisuu, for the year of 1877. Property
pointed out by Tax Collector. Terms cash,
purchaser paying for titles. This Dec. sth,
Al 11,e aanict'ime and plane, 400 aeiea of land
Nn. :ui, hi futiilli iliairinl of said county.
Levied an aud sold under and by virtue of
an execution United from the Tax Collector
against Ann Dixon, tor the State and county
tuxes due for the year 1H77, on said land.
I’ioperty pointed out by Tux Collector.
Temi'ienHll. This Dee. sth 1H77.
At the nnnie time and ydnee, 7 ncrcH of
land m lot Na 1 Vi, In third district of said
conn v. levied on and sold as the property of
Stepney Hulo r, under and liv \ irtueof an ex -
, ion issued from tlie Tax Collector of said
countv tor tin* luxes due on n.iid lot ot
101 l I for the year 1377. l’roporty pointed out
by Tux Collector. Terms cash. This Dec.
6ih |S77.
At the same timo ami place, 200 acres
of land in third distiict of said county,
levied on and sold under and bv viruio
of nn crxccuiion insi ed fri ill the lux
Colloctor against Samuel Nioliolls, for
the taxes due on Haiti lot of land for the
rear 1877. Property pointed out by
Tux Cull olor. Terms cash. This
Dec. stb 1-77.
John N. (loonaaiAO.
Sheriff, \V. C.
(IKOUGIA- Wayne CotiNrv.
Wi and lie sold befolo the Court House door in
the town of Je-np of said count y, betiveen
the legal luniis of sale on Iho first Tin siiay
in Keiiiuiny next, IH7S the following propi-r
--tv to-\vit ; due iron axle timber curt, levied
oil mid sold ns the properly of W. W Col
ipiitt under nud hy virtue of and to satisfy
a ui, rtgnge ti fa., issu'd from the Superior
Court of said eininiv. in fav*r of It. A H.
Mattox vs \V. IV. t'ohpiiit I’ioperl, point
ed out |,y def inl.Hit ni execution. Terms ot
sale cash, purchaser paying for ti ba.
This Dee 10th 1377.
John N. <foonin;r.u>,
dec ult She.lff \V. 0.
tm.lMi t M VI t.
< I EOUG IA Acridxu tLn x rv.
\ il i. bo sold I>. lore the Court house
and or in the town H.ixh v within the le
gal It oil Slf Hilo on the lirst Tuesday
in January IS7H the billowing preperty
to il. - Ouo mouse colored uitib', eight
tears eld, I*vied on a* the property of
i Judah Tilbuaa to satisfy one mortgage
. 7 t*
“ f.i. issued from the Appling Bupe
ti irvomt in fiver of F \V, A J. Q
KotUirer, Property pointed nut by
pl.duMll in h, fi. Ootob.r 'dibit I *77.
B'ii.ts I'n s it. S criff, A. C\
UEOltiilA Arri.ixo tVrsTV.
Under and by virtue of an order of
the Court of Ordinary of said county,
will bes Id at public outcry before the
Cout f Louie door of said county tvitbiu
the legal hours of sale on the first Tues
day iu January nest, the follow ng
property 10-wit : 1, ts of land No 321.
43, 34 and 81 in the second and origin
al. \ e<uwl district ol said county. Al
so lots No 5.5, 214 and all the unil
timber ou lot N • 203 in the thirl aud
originally third Jlsliict of said Oeutltv,
Also lots Tfos. lod, 337 and three
! i ll - undivided interest iu lul N ,
24 4, in the fourth and originally fourth
district of said county Also loti Not,
I o'd 2-57 ad 2in the fifth and oiigin
ailv filth district’ f said county. All of
the nbore mentioned and described
lots of land containing 4V*O arrrs each
more or less, and sola as the piopettv
of the estate of Al en F Surreney Je
ci ased, for the bem fit of the heirs and
creditors ef said deceased. Turns of
sale ca*h, purchaser rayiug for titles.
This tu 3rd day of Dec. 1877.
Wealthy Si uitrxcr.
Ailtitiutr s of A. F. Bjmccy. d.vd.
Watches. Jewelry.
Hom.iin#* Gold. ?o <■ xtfnaiveJj worn hi Pari?, wa? firnt and Hoovered in IB7oi by the c*?lbr'!rd French
rhfimtt ¥ i • I. Ih- Laijrr;*-. wuc jnaotifH'tnred it into jewelry, and for live year* *• and it to it*e ieadiri
JeWeler? of • ;irii*. f r >oljo Gold. In 1875. whu h*? secret bi'eame known, ten of the manulHCinriir*
jevn-l ar* * tki.: > - iif- -t: .1 -lock c/-n.\\auy. jritn a capital <*f On*) 0<)0 for the purj>mi <jf manufat turint;
Koname tio!d J.'vt<-lry and Watclo*?. With ihia Immense capital, and the aid of impioved machinery
they are enabled to produce nil the lat?t paiWrh? of jewelry at leas than one-tenth the co?t of Gold,
and of h (jualitk and (<dr which ni tke* it iinpo!4ih*t; even for expert* to detect it from the genuine.
have secured the exclusive of the United Stat M and Canada, for the i*a!*’ of ml enocs tnann
facturjjd from thl- !neti. and in order to introduce them in the rno-f ?pe*dy manner, have pilt lip aborted
- ■ mule lot* a heiow, w iich we will aeii at oue-tentb the relttll value until January 1 -L, i'oead
tke list.
'harm. 1 pnlr pearl Inland button?. 1 Lake !
clualcr pin. 1 pair <2i lu-avy band bracelets
ma.Otl MIT.
1 ladle*’ op-ra chain. 1 ladie? neck chain
and rrop*. i beautihll Jf*ckef. tenjfraved.i 1 pair
hand bracelet*. 1 pent'? twi-f link ve*t chain anfl
charm. ! pair on . x-lee% *• b'lfton-. ] M t(‘i) n>x
>liirt ?tnd*. 1 new improved collar bnfton. 1 ex
tra <nt cameo ■*•! riim. 1 Arizona ?olitalre Hfnil.
1 *et Arnethyat or top z pin and eardrop*. 1 iadie*'
chcmlue button, l plain rin#. Btamped IS K.
$:.oo JLOT.
1 ladie? opera c! >in. it;t ?!ide and ta??- 1. fretail
price (Xi) In, ,w w. ■ b florin, with enrb
charm, (retail ;.i ■ t ") 1 I'die*' heavy ,on
neck cnain. i #•!. ni,t cha-<'d mini *tnre locket for
ladie? neck clmlii. 1 ?etcamro metlallion pin and
eardrop? 1 fiair (2) h>avy chased hand bracelet?.
I jrent'f aolitnlre diatnonrl ?tud. 1 jjent’? tltif*ter
fliatuoiid pm. 1 pair arnethyet or onyx clee'e but
t -n-. 1 ?et (3) ?lnd* to match am*thy*t or onyx
aleevr htittoios. 1 c’.ejant heavy - <: t. cameo hi al rhrj.
1 mn??*ve hand or weddinir rintr 1 n*'s patent
i collar button. 1 lad.•? cheini?e button. 1 ameiiiyft
or Wpz (extra ii u in-).
The min'! price of the article? in enrh ?amnV lot nm<vnr.t? to exactly ten time3 the price Wc ak for
tho lot , lor example, our sl,<kJ lot retail? for : out 5.00 lot for 50,00.
one ?' tiding u? ;tn order for the above j of? bv sxpre?? to the amount of 15 00, we will ?eftd f ce
or>/ ii,i tine (if I<l 11 nnt iri r-Ua?e Watch. <ir f.a I*■ ** ?!?• ivarrantcd to keep perfect perfect tituti
and look equal:. >,*. va ii a- a M • >kt vaKh. JJ v mail pr*-|i: id. lf.f>o. '1 hi? i* oiler to
Af;liM’s, ami i w<,rtli n trial, a* the *v;it.rli alone ill ,- r trade rcaililv f> r fn-m 2"-‘*o to &h.( # (o-nt*
or ladie? wiitdi alo/ie, 7.<X) or with a hoavy t?ent‘g pattern re.-t chain and clmriQ, or iadiea* opera
chain H’lth "i-• I. . ~,,,,
XRWKMISKK : Thi? offer only hohl? good until January Ik. IKTs. After that time we shall sell only
to Johher* and whok*?nle dealer*, ind any one wi?hin/ our pood? will then have to pay full retail price?.
IP.rnaine pold i? the bi ?f. and. In ffl' t, the only imitation genuine void made, btiup tin* -ante in
weijfht. color aud fini*h. and all our iroodi are made in the luteat pattern*. \\ ill guarantee satisfac
tion In every In?t4npe, or re'und money.
Send money by I*. (>.. Money Order, or K<*i;i*tered Letter, at our riak. No poods sent C. O. I), nn-
Ics* nt lea?is UU acoomprnica the order. Address plainly,
W. F. EVANS & CO., Sole Agents for U- Sand Canada.
aup W-6m
S A V A N N A H, G A .
Md7ou &' Brunswick Railroad
GexekalSi fKin vrr.M'KNr's Ofstce
Mucon, Gu.. Nov. ?3th, 1877 f
ON and ntier this date, Passenger trains
j onu this road will run us follows:
LcftVf Mnemi 11:15A.M.
Arrive niCloehrnn 11:32 A. M
Arrive nt Kastmnu 12:34P. M.
j Anive nt Jesnp 5:55P.M.
Leave Jesnp GJIIIP. M.
I ArriventHriniswiek 0:1 OP. M.
I Leave llrunswiiK 4:16 A.M.
: Arrive at Jesnp •. GTiA. M.
j Lone Jesnp 7.25 A. M.
Arrive at Eastman 12:31 P. M.
Arrive tit Cochran 1 :59 P. M.
I Arrivelit Macon 4:25 P. At.
Going down connects with A. &G.
H. It. at Jeaiiu for Jacksonville, and all
point* iu Florida. Up train cooiccts
at S’ -iip for Savannah.
Down Monilav, Wednesday nml Friday
X •!.*.
LenveMicon. .. 7:15 D. M.
Vr. ive iitGoehraa 10:17 I’. M.
Arrive at Eastman II 23 P. M.
\rrivi i 5:00 A, M.
1’ p Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Xiglils.
Leaveleanp ..lO.iOP. M
Arrive F.tiHtniun....- 4:OfiA.M.
Arrive t'oehran. 5:11 A. M
' Macon ... 7:45 A. M
Connects at J,sup with Atlantic A Gulf
U Hirin'.i lo and frtmt savaiiiiali.
Tuesdays. Tnnisdays, and Saturdays.
Leave DawLiusviile 10 00 A. M;and
I. F. M.
Arrive at Cecbrm 10 15 A. M. and
1.45 F M.
Leave Cuchran 1140 A. M; aud
2 liP M.
Arrive at Dawkins villa 12.25 F. M.
aud 3 30 F. M.
Mondays—T Iu? above figures will be
nut, exc’pt, t wtrad of leaving Cochran
at 2.45 F. M.. tram will wait until
10.31 I>. M.
Wednesdays and Fridays
Leave Hawkinsville 4.15 A. M aud
1.00 F. M.
Arrive at Cochran 5.00 A. M. and
1.45 P. M.
Leave Cochrau 11.40 A. M. aud
10.30 F. M.
Arrive at Hawkinsviile 12 25 P. M.
uud 11.15 P. M
Leave Hawkinsviile 4:15 A. M.
Arrive at Cocbrwn 58k) A. M.
Loave Coe lira n 11:40 A.M.
Arrive at llawkinsville 12 25P. M.
Cnuneets at X'oelirau ;tii both Day and
Night trains toand fixim Macon.
G Kef. W. ADA M3, Gen. Supt.
W J Janvis Mns Trans,
Baxley, Ga., November 20tb, 1h77.
All persons indsbted lathe estate of
Jcbu H dl, deceased, are requested to
ni ike immediate payment, and all per
son- to win m the estate is indebted, are
r quested to present their claims prop
erly authenticated, to the uudeisigoed
within tho next sixty lays.
Carucai.xK Hall, Administratrix.
J->as J. Curs, Administrator.
RO-( F\T S OT.
One pent’? watch chain, ret ii price (>0 '
One pai-enpraved *le-vo button?, retail price 75 j
One one Bet *e;irf pin, ** “ 75 !
One ?et |3t ?p*rnl ?hirt *tnd. ** “
One improved t-hape collar Outt on, “ " 50 !
One heavy plain wedding ring, 1 25 |
Total $5 00
For 50 cent* we will ?end above eix article? poi
One pair ?leeve button?, ftone ?ettinp. set (8-
spiral ?tiirt ?’.ud. One heavy hand ciiffnprcrnent
riii". One ? r -t (2) enj?raved brnceleti*. One ladies'
loup p* ard <-r if* k chain. On© engraved nifnuitura
locket lor ttie Ijul.c*' pnarl or neck chair. One
pei.t’? heavy link watch chain. One Lake George
diamond stud.
82.00 LOT.
One ladie?* neck chein and ct:arm. One ladie?
heavy priard chain for watch. One ret pin and ear
ring?. Amethyst. One i xtia fine minlatnre leek
One camero ?* al ri*p. One very heavy weddingft.
engagement ring. 1 gent’? heavy w atch chain with
Atlantic and Gulf Railroad
General Sufkiuntundent’s Office, i
Atlantic and (iuir Kail road, [
Savannah, August 81 1877. )
ON AND Af 1' EI i SUN AY, September 2d
Pa Trams on thislioad will run as
Leave Savannah jaily at 3;00 P. ]\l
Arrive nt Jesnp f>:so p. >1
Arrivo at Jbtiubridge “ 0:17 A. M.
Arrive at Albany “ 10:<K) A M
Arrive at Li e Oak u 1 .JO A, M.
gVrrive at Jacksonville 5 ‘ 7:10 A. M*
Arrive at Tallahassee “ 7:35 \! M.
Leave Tallahassee < 5:23 P. M.
Leave Jacksonville <* G:00 P. M.
Leave Live Oak •* 11.30 P. M.
Leave Albany '■* 2:00 p. M.
I cave
Lettve Jesnp 7:10 A. M
An ive nt Savannah *“ 10:00 A. M.
No change oi cars betweeu Savannah and
Brunswick and Darien take this train.
Passengers h ivmg Macon at 0:15 h. m
(tlaily except SuiidrtV)COllUCCt ilt JcsUp \%ith
t*• is train for Floi ida.
Piisseneeis from Florida by this train con
nect at Jesnp with tlie train arriving in Ma
con at 5:45 p. m. (didy except Sunday)
No change <0 cars between Montgomery
n Jacksonville.
Sleeping cars nm through to and from
Sa'annuh and Live Oak and Montgomery
and Live Oak on this tr.dn.
Connect at Vlbanv with passenger trains
both ways *n Snutliwestern Pailroad to and
from Macon, Kufaul \, Montgomery, New
0 leans, etc,
Mol steamer leaves B.i in bridge for Apa
•aebicobi e\-r\ Sun..ay afternoon; for Col- |
limbus every \N. dn ?sdav morning.
Close connection tit Jacksonville daily, i
Sum ays e\ e ted, tor St. Augustine, Palut- ,
ka and Enterprise.
I rains ou ]. and A. It. P. leave junction, !
going west. Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day t 11:14 a. m.
i or Bruiisw iek Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday at 4:4<) p. iu.
Leave Savannah [Sundays cxeeptedl
, at 6:4'> A. M.
.Vrnvs al M -Tutosh “ “ 9:"o A. At.
Arrive at Jesnp ■ •* <• 12.-05 I>. M.
Arrive at Bluekshear “ “ 3:30 I’. M.
Vriive .it Dupont <• •• 7:00 I'. M.
Leave Dupont “ •> 6:00 A.M.
leave B.aekshear •• “ 9 )OA.M.
leave Jesnp “ “ 12:15 P.' M.
Leave Mcl ntosh * * .* o-oj P M
Arrive at Savannah “ •• 5:00 P. M.
Mondays, Wednesdays and tridats.
Leave Id up ml Sndy's excepted, at 5.-00 \ M
di rive at Valdosta “ 7:1.7 A.yi"
Arrive at Quitman •• <• 9.-02 A. Ah
ArriVi at Ttiomasvllle “ > 11:15 y. At
Arrive at Albany •• 5:451* AI
Leave Albany ' .. cSoOa’m!
Leave Tb n- asville • .* ] qc pv] _
Leave Quitman * <* 5.-59 P.M. Valdosta *• •* 4 : io p AI.
A irive at Du out •• *■ C:3O P.M.
Gv-orje S- Haines, General Ticket Agent
e al Superinleu lent.
Blackshear, - - Georgia.
Is prepared to do all kind of Dental work
ir tbe most approved style. All orders will
mwt wall prompt atteation. Uj*s ad the
life improvements. Charge;? n:eder*t and
bathdacticn guaiauiecd. ;anE.-ly
Price List
Leading Dry-Good?) Hosiery, Notions A Fancy Goods
Calico, the very host quality, at file !
Calico, lower grade at 5 aud 5,c |
Quilt Liidiig Homespun al 3£c ;
9-4 Crown Shirting al 5 and 51-2 c
7-8 Brown Hhirtittp, heavy, at 6 1-4, 61-2, "c
4-4Arown Shirting, heaviest kind, at 8c
4-4 Brown Sea Island at 7 l-2<’
4-4 Brown Sea Island, very best, at 10c
3-4 Bleached Shitting at 5c
7-8 Bleached at fi l-4c
4 4 Bleaehad Shirting, soft finished at 8 l-2c
•l-t Blettched Sl.irting, without dressing, It c
Heaviest Brown Drilling at 10c
Shirting, 10-4 bleached and brown
at 25, 30, 85 and 40c
Good article IlicKory stripe at 10c
Best ronnd-tbicad Georgia Checks aud
Stripes at. 10e
Blue Denim, a good quality, at lrc
Good Mattress Ticking at 10c
Good Feather Ticking at 1G 2-3 c
Best. Fi-irther Ticking at 20c
Good Gingham Checks at 8 l-3c
Best Gingham Checks at 10c
Balmoral Skirls at 50c
Boulevard ready made skirts at 50c
Cotton Diape", w ide 10 yards lo the
pi-ce at e c] oo
Linen Diaper, apiece, at $1 25. 1 50
2 00 and 2 25
Fronting Linen, yard wide at 30c to $1 00
Wash-Poplin, beautiful goods at 10c
Dress Goods of all kinds from 10c to SI 25
NeckSbawis at 25c and upwards
Ladies Sbawls from 1 00 up, very cheap and
nice qualities.
American Black Cashmere at 25c
English Black Cashmere, yd wide,
at 40 nDd 50c
French, all-wool C-tsbmercs, 40 iticies
wide, at 75, 00c, §1 00 and 1 25
Bembaziue. Hernnni, Australian Crepe,
very reasonable
Alpaca, a nice at tide, double width
at 25c
Alpaca, silk finished, double width,
at 50c
Black Silk at 75, !)oc. SI 00, 1 25,
1 50, 1 75,2 00,2 50 and 3 00
Brown Blankets, per pair, $1 25,
1 50. 2 00, 2 50 a t and 3*oo
WhitCjßlatikets, per pair, S>2 00
2 50 3 00 4 00 5 00 aud 0 00
Haney Comb Bed Spreads at 75c
Bridal Quilts, the nicest spread on*,
u 81 50
1 uelb s nnderve ts at 50, 65, 75e,
$1 00 and 1 25
Hamburg Embrotelery, Edgings and
Insertions at. bargain prices.
Plain Gros-Grain aud Sash Ribbons,
▼cry cheap.
Everlasting, Crochet and other Trim
mings. luw. r than ever.
j Italian, French and Guipure Laces,
very chi ap
| Ladies’ Silk Tics find Scarfs 10c and up
Ladies’ Cuffs and Collars at half piice.
1 Umbrellas as low as 35c
Two-button Kid Gloves—Ladies’—
black, white, colored and opera
shades, at 50c
Two-button Kid Gloves —LadieF—
better quality, at 75c and 81 00
Kentucky Jeans at 10, 12 1-2, 15,20,
25, 30. 40 and 50c.
Cassimeres at 50 00, 75, 85c. $1 00,
I 25 an and 1 50,
Black, Blue and Gray Waterproof,
1 1-2 yard vide, at 75c, 1 00 aud 1 25 '
To undrr-tand our method of business, we have endeavored lo explain it in
unmistakable language aud for which we request a carsfnl perusal We beg to
caution tnc public lo try to disoriinh a*e between our dealings and that of mer
chants who offer a few domestic goads only cheap as a bait, to catch the unwary,
aud make them believe that they sell everything equally as low; the intelligent
reader will easily understand ibis. We off-r our goods for inspection to every
body. for itv; will*endsamples of Dry Guodx, with jtrices attached, to any one who
will write us for them aud give everyone a chuneo to see for themselves.
. * a
\\ e have endeavored to enumerate the principal articles kept in a first-nla"
Dry Goods House, and attached the prices YVe are aware that this is suflieii n*
to c nvey a correct idea of the quality. Those who desire to purchase, we will,
upon application, send such sample-, with prices attached, as tli y may desire,
when tiny can forma much better opinion and select for themselves Not 1;
than a million of people have dealt with us and we are sure we have satbfic-d a.I.
Any one displeased with his purchase can return the goods to us at our expetisa
and we will return the money. On twenty dollars worth of goods we prepay
Height t> the nearest station. Me make no cliargi sf r packing or dray ago, AVe
dou’t sell one article low aud make it up ou the others,
Which accounts for our Wonderful Success.
'Ve don’t advertise to humbug, but xvc talk plain business ami mean it. AVe sell
one yard as low as we would ten thousand. Those wno are tird of payiua ex
borbitant pi ices and appreciate the value- if moocy, are invited to send their
orders, woich we will fill 0. O. D. wita privilege to examine, or oan send the
utomy with the order.
David ffeisimn.
Fain ts and Oils.
Mixed Paints, Ground inOiLreadyfor
immediate us-, i 5 cl., lo 81.55 per. irai.
F.xolish Boor Paint, ground in oil, 50cts
T.Uiein Suite Roof Paint, fire proof T'.cts
Kelly’s Hoii.eii Paint Oil oOets
Machixebt Oils
K. G I\ELLA”S patent sperm oil. §I.OO
I’iltered Rock Lubricating oil, .CO
Seud for cards of colors and testimo
No. 124 Maldes Lane. New Youk.
Canton Flannels at 8 1-2, 10, 12 1-2,
I 5 and 20e,
White ntixe' Flannels at 15 and 2$C
White all-wool Flannels at 25, 30, 40,
50 and 75c.
Red a'l-wonl Flannels at 15, 20,
and 40c.
Red all wool twill Flannels at 25, 30,
and 40c
Gray Flannels at 15, 20, 25, and 400
Opera Flannels, in all colors, at 40c
Opera Flannels plaid styles, test at 60c
Wo: le' Lin-ey at 20a
Heavy White Undershirts at 25c and
Up ' aids.
Calico Shirts at 25c and upward*
'Vliite Dross Shirts nt 75c and upward*
Yard Long TeWeis at 12 l-2c and
Towels as low as 5
Linen Tabic Cloth, 1 1-2 yard wide, a
low as 25c
Table Oil Cloth, best quality, at 40c
Woolen Table Cloth-, good, at $1 00
Good French Corse's at SCo
Thompson’s Glove-fitting Corset
at $1 00 and 1 25
Suspenders, with rubber in back, at 100
Turkey lied Table Doylies, per
dozen, at 75c
White Linen Table Doylies, psr
dozen, at 60 and 750
Table Napkins, per dozen, at $ I 00
I 25 and upwards
Children's Woolen Capes at 400
Veil Berage, bt st quality, a yd., at 40c
Silk Veiling, per yd , at 50,60 and 75
Keck Ruebes, per d..z at 12 1-2, 15,
20 and. 25c.
Neck Kuching, by the yard at 5, 6 1-4,
10c and u[ wards.
Alpaca Sltiit Braid, a buneb, at 5c
12 doz. Agate, or Hicc buttons for 5s
Fashion able Silk Dr-ss Buttons at 10c
Ivory and Gutta P.rcha Buttons
at 8, 10 and 12 l-2c.
Children’s Round Cotnbs at 10 and 15e
Ladies’ High back Combs 10, 15 & 25
Children’s Fancy Stockings at 5 & 10a
Misses Fancy Stockings at 12 1-2& Ise
Ladies’ Fancy Stockings at ]oa
Ladies’ White Stockings at 5, G 1-4, 8,
10 and 12 l-2c
Ladies’ English Stockings, without
seams at 25a
Gents’Half Hose at 5, 8, 10, 12 1-2,
15 and 25c.
Gent*’ Bordeied Handkerchief- at 3o
Gent’s Turkey lied Handkerchiefs lOr
Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs at 5c
Ladies’ Colsred Linen Handker
chiefs. at 100
The best Needles, a paper, at 5c
Coats’ am Clark’s (j. N. Cotton
at 6c, per dn£, Gsc
Negro Handkerchiefs at 10, 15, 25
and 35c
Kthlting und Doming Cotton a ball, 5c
Gents’ Paper Collars, a box. at 5, 10,
15 aud 20c
Linen Shirt Fronts, ex'ra length, at 25a
Corded Pique, worth 20c at 10^
White aud .Black Cottou Gloves at 10
Especially designed for the use of tbs
Medical Profession and the Family, and
posses-intj those iutriusie medical prop
erties which bebng to an Old and Pure
Giu. 1 ndispensaUle lo Females. Good
for Xervouaaes-q L'ver and Kidney
Complaints. A delicious t mic. Put
Up iu eases, containing one doz-n tur
tles each, aud sold by ui 1 Druggists,
Grocers, etc.
a. m- smmsTß. & so.,
(Establishsd 1778.)
Importer* of AHues, Kr.tndie*, Etc.