The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, January 09, 1878, Image 2

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THE JESUP SENTINEL. T. P. I>ITTLKFII:U), Editor and Proprietor. HJic* in tin Jrsup , fronting on Ota nj Stmt, (v i doors from Broad St. WUntMUAV. JAM AIM !. ISIS. WILD LAND SALES IYc publish below for (be benefit of our rend ra who are nil interested on extract of letter of 'R. K Hines, a lawyer of Macon. It will be seen that a gross outrage is b; perpetrated, mostly on the widows and orphans of Cos federate soldiers, in the trats'ering ofT.n Fi Fis of unrctnroe l wild lands to private parties, by tLe Comptroller General of the State : “By turniug to the act of 1874, 1 find tbo duties and powers of the Comp, troller General specifically pointed out in Section* VI atul VII, and which en acted ‘That the Comptroller G ncr-il should give thirty day*’ notice (Her Wji'd* by act of I Si.s pigell'.l, thn'g'd to once a wce'-t (or f rcr weeks) to own ers in dclault to pay their lues That at the eipiiatioo of such nolioe the Comptroller General should isnuc fi fas against the wild lots assessing them at the average value of such laud in the county in tvlii.h they wore which ex ecution shall he directed to the Sheriff of iho county w'.icro the laud liej and the Sheriff shall forthwith proieul to advertise aod sell the >auie nuder the a.uue ru'es and icgulalious as govern other Slienff .ales and make his returns (he Sheriff in his return to *hotv what land was soli to who a arid when nnd where and for what amount and pay siid imncy over to the Comptroller (icaoral," Etc, The rights of owners of Uu 1 woic protected by tbo following scctinii, 10-wit: VIII and IX and XII which tinnc led, That llic lands could be re (tcoined in ouo year by paying 20 per coni internal aid amount paid out by “purchaser," or on making nutiafaotory evidence of his title to the C mplidjcr General ho may receive the purchase money loss amount of taxes etc , and j proviccs further that idiots lntiuiros or i minors without legal reprcscntativeH i eliould not be affected by the act. Sec tion XIV of this act of 1874 repeals all conflicting acta. By the positive directions of this act the Comptroller General was dirceled bow to proceed and what to do. A time was fixed by it for the fi fas and after issue there is no question lie was to follow up the mat tar, have the Sheriff make his levy and sue t) it that the rights of the Htttto was property represented and us a par 1 of Lis duty sec to it Gut the lauds brought this fair tuaiket price, aud to 'receive the surplus and place it in the Treasury of tho St.ilo acting as agent of tho Stale and at tho same lime tiusteo fortius fund, when called for by the owner. The act of 1871 siys nothing about ‘ Iraiisfering" tux fi fuN. as to wiid lands. Tho whole scheme of tboir Kitle and tba duties incumbent ou this officer makes such action per fo’tly iuujti'istout wiili his duties aud while it is admitted that tho aot of I 72 did allow ilieie wild land li fas,, to bo transferred the act of 1871 repealed it und set forth exactly what tho Comp troller should sod should not do us to levying these fi fas., aud toUectiug tax n wi and lauds in defeat. II" has issued li fa?., directed I To ali and siugu'ar the sheriffs of tho State " The set says ha shall direct them ‘To (hojsbxrill ol the cjuuty wh ra tho laud lies. H - Las , I rautferre I these ft fas, to anudiy par ties tiiui lesieg control of them and tnrning the sheriff over, as it w. reto the transferee of the li fas. The net of 1871 says ho shall issue fi fas., and proceed to collect the tax ans therein provided in sixty daysfioui date of the act. n Chandler's Open letter AsHiKuroN Dvceiubet Wiu E • hvndler, of New Hamp-hiro, of the lic -1 üblieau National C uiiuittep, has ad drcße 1 an . pen letter to the liepubhoans "f b's Slate, making ineultcn <4 numbcri of explicit statements ciui'erniui' bai gaii > miidti duiing the clreloral count aud the fulfilment by the adoption und pursuance of the Fnrideuts, S utlic n piliry. Mr. Cltabdler tvascri* that the -*epuhlicau party by the advice aud procurement uf Govet tor Haves ma le “the inocsiiiy of keeping federal pow er iu Republican hinds and using it for the pioteciion ot black and white South eru Riqubhcati*. The main issue of the Presidential campaign, Chandler ••ye. the “bleody shu ts " as it is called ws freely waved and Governor Have* lu nisi If urged public men to put forward a our best argumrLt the dangers of rebel rule and a solid srnth. Chandler quotes s'l'iid (Xpre.-e ot. from' letter of Nnyeuiber, 1876 wl en liayes though; hituself defeated and said : 1 do not cans lor myself, but i do care for the Hacks Northern men cannot live ihere. the Southern people will treat the constitutional amendments as nullitLs and then the colored msu'e fate will t **r:e tl ai it was when be was in siav ety. That is the only reason that I tc gret that the new a ta as it is. C hui.ditr proceeds: ‘Gweioor Haves tot only pledged Lmsrlf to to tha full f X i et , cf F e d eril | poWir Jlf , tl'ffr.go and political n VLts in the icuth rut vyae coupfcd in as President ! o ily by reason of such special pledges ; given by Senator iShiriuan and oilier | Ohio who practically and emphatically promised that he would recogn zo arid maintain the lawful Sta <■ ; Governmt nts of 8 uith Carolina and l.ousiann and stand by Governor Cham bcrbiiu and Packard." Chandler umpilifics these statements at length and proceeds to make clabo : rate ci a'ge*; A most the Gist act of the uew ad ministration was to fulfill a bii.aiu that had been made duiing the Presidential c Hit by which, if Hayes should be President the lawful Governmenta of of Lousiana and South Carol na were to he abandoned, and tbo in b Govern ments iu those Slate* were to he recog nized and e.s üblishcd. Certain Demo crats in the House of Representatives seeing that by tho recurring decision-, of the Electoral C nntniasion and the regular | r,codlings of tho two Houses under the elector'll bill which they so warmly supported. Hayes will surely become President had cone ived the idea saving something from the wreck. They had therefore threatened that by dilatory motions and riotous proceed ings to break up the count and then petted nrgoliatioris with such timid or 'iu expectant Republicans as they oauld find. Oac Henry. Wattcrson, a i member of the House and a in phew of I Stanley Matthews, had acted us g’- I uelwerm Senator Sbermsn, in the mean time Inning visited Ohio and c insulted Guv. Haycnon one side M atihews, Chas. ! (•’otter, John Slictmau, Jimes A. G ars field, and on tho oilier L. (,{. C. Lamar, •Jo* n, Id, Gordon, E. J, E lis, Kiodall Gibson, K. Idnrk', and Jo n Yoring JJrown, had agreed first that the count should not be broken iu the H >u-e, bui that Hayes should bo declared and iu auguiatcd President and second upon Hayes’ accession troop*should be with drawn from the support of Chamberlain arid Packard that iho new administra tion should recognizo Wodo Hampton and Geueral JS’icholls. After Iho nnu guratiou the bargain wus fully carried out. Governors Paekurd and Chun bur laiu >vi-re notified by Matthews and Evans to get out. ’ (liiaudler proceeds at great length noticing among others the appointment of Key who ill the Eeoute den mice] Kayo’s tiilo as fraudulent lo the Pog'- tnustar (deucralship. —J* - - —a European War- IJooot, Dec. 31.—After an exceed ingly difficult pass 'go over snow-oov erod mountains and froacn foot-paths, tho vanguard of a Russian division has occupied tho Halltun passes between Arabkunak and Sophia and cavalry has ahoady been stutionod on the Si pbia road. Tho Turks were taken by . urpri-o consequently the ltussians lost ouly live wounded. Along tho eastern front namely the [liver Lain tho Turk* have withdrawn front all their positions leaving only small armed bodies compos and ol troops and inhabitants. Thu latter with arms ictirc to tho woods after burning their own villages. Bruin Amt, Dee. 31. It is rumored [ that the Tut its have retreated from 8i phia ulier burning it and are tiniiehius toward the lob tin ait defile to bur the Hessian advance upon Tatar-lJjz.ird jik. 11 agusa, Do. 31 Negotiations for the suilouder of Antivaii have bouu bro ken oil beeuuso the de manded l but, the giirnson should be al lowed to huvo with all their arms and even art! lory and go to Scutari. The Montenegrins huvo recommenced the bombardment of Aiitivart. London, Dec. 31. —The 'Times Bucli nrest dvspatoh says: “The bridg a cross ing tho Danube ut Sinini'xt were taken up to prevent their and struutiou. ft is hoped ilia, the bridgo at Pelroahani (just reported as having boon carried away) oru to repaired. Nino hundred horses perished m tho vicinity of Sis tovu during tho recent stouu. The total loss of draught animals was ho num beietl by thousands. Details aro slowly cutting in o incoming the suffering* of the Turkish pr sours from Plevna on their way to Kjumnuia. Tho prisoners were unaccompanied by any vehie'e fu ll e purpose of picking up those that tell by the wayside. These wero left by j the guards to free/.! as they had no Ur ami ut Dairying them aud to hall would ou'y huvo been to iucreaso the 1 number it victims. The absouca ol wagons was not due to and. liberate cruelty bu; to that Ihought'essucss winch so U'lqucutly suiijeots Russian soldi rs to uunveessry sotfenug. 1 learn through Roumanian officers who came from Nikopol to l'levua alter the passage of ibese pris u rs that they ibovo agumst a number of dead bodies tu the suo. No provisions was made in tho Bulga rian \ Hingis toi the proper sustenance ol the captives but wlieu the Danube was passed supplies wore provided und horn that time their lot was never hard to bear. The Timm Bucharest correspondent telegraph as follow ; “l’liu rewiteh hi. l le-uiaui iii Bulgaria witli To die ben as the real commander of his army. It is reported that there are 26,000 sick iu Bulgaria and that sup plus rr load quaic. Tho uuinber prob ably includes luc sex auiiig ifie Turk ish pusouns. - - —• ♦ • - GRAND JURY. The following are the Grand Jurors for Wayne county, at the Spring term of the Superior court, held on the sec ond Monday of March, H.u. Joo. L. Harris, presiding ; Chas Harper, Bryan George. M. W. Kickerlighter, Lewis Manning, J. C. Hatcher, Jobu T. Strickland, C. C. Grttee, R bert Williams. l)ivid Red dish, J. il. Nichols. Thomas l’urdoin, J. tl. Smith, J. W. Harris Jr., W. D. Middleton J. If. Bennett N. J. S’ew scuo W. M. Wetl>ry, J. L, Parker, John T. Bennett, West lie molt, Sr, R. li. Strickland, W. R. Causey. John li: Robi-.n, Jr,, B, L. Wletten, W. H. . Roberson, William Spcurs, W. T. Red i dish, Joseph Knox, James (J. Rober son, Tt Gurs rtTiT jcaort -. Th' undersigned are rhe Petit Jury, for the Spring term of the Superior C rurt : M. W. Rrnwri, T. MeSwiney, J. F Kmc, I H. II glismith II i-rv Cro#bv. I A Mr (i Mi mi, J. H. J Johns, C I Lewi?, Allan Strickland, David JcGaUlo), Jit IIKS K’iuX. Tl.OUiiS CfO*- uv, L. Stewart, P 11 Richards ’11, J. F. 01i|>*ws i, Jr. J dm Weatbury Sr. J. J It burton, J. J Johns J. D. 0, J. L. McDilda, 11. J. Strck | laud, G. K Fort, Thonus Ali. j Uighsimth, L. J StricK 1 Hid. W. (J. > Kin*.*, Human Anderson, R, L. Pcn- Jarvis, J. A. Stiicklaod. J. il lidiTiug, M. Dre*y, J. D R*bison, S. A. Tilliijan, J. A. Davis, J-ji, E. Joyner, J, W. Popwell. LEd A L A1) VERT I Si: HUNTS. wivx k <::n \ rv. GK 01 i() IA —Way :< k Coi; n rr. \Vi 1 he Knit] before the t’niirt Hons* Joor in tlie t o*n of Jifvup of R.titi county, between the in February ty to-wit : One iron axle timber eart. levhe! mi and sold a l * the property of \V. W. <’ol i rpiitt under au l by virtue of an<l to natisfy i a rnortgogo fi fa., iwoed from tin* Superior ! Court of Raid eounly, iu favor of M- Ay 11. Mattox vh. W. W. Colquiit. Fiop* rty point ed out by def* -miaul iu < xocutiou. Term* of Halo fiaffb, jMircliar paying for titles, i Thin Dec 10th 1877 John N. Goodbbkad, dec f2 ii SliorifT W. C. GKOItGIA -WAtnr Countv. Will i<* gold before the Court House door in th ; town of J;iip of Raid county, Ijc* twreri th** legal hours o! snlf. on th** first Tu ml iy in February next, 1878, the follow ing property to-wit : hundred acres of land in lot number, 218 in t ml DiHlrict of Raid count v, levied oil as the p opeil.y of Mir. Uuchal Jovner, undr and l>v virtue of an execution iHsueii from the Tax Colb**tor for the State and county tax due on Raid lo’. of land for th* Year 1877. Property pointed out I>Y tax collrcloi*. Terms of sale c-isb, ! purdiaßcr paving for title-. Thin December | 27th 18, j. John N. (io*ji>hi{K.m>, Jan 1 id Shei iO W. <’. (, I■;* >KGI \ Watxe Oounti Will be Hold b Torn the Court House door in the town of Jenup of Raid county within the legal bourn ofsile, on the first Tuesday iu February next, 1878, the following prop erty 10-wit . Ijotsof land numbers a* follows, iu the 1 tlx District of originally Appling, now Raid county of Wayne, 308, ‘2d7, ‘258, •197,457 4f 7, 377, 2134, 3f.l t ‘2S9, IlCf, aud3oß Abo lots of land in third district originally Appling, now Wayne county of said Kmt-iis fill.nvH ; it’ll, 18!l, 225, Bfi, 410, 25, 31. 2.’10, 23!*. 31, 237, 231, 85, 42"; frnc tioti 121, 13, 2<M, 310, 415. and *221, all iu said county and State uforesai !, the same being wild and unimproved and each lot containing 490 acres except fraction 420, levied on under and by virtucof executions issued from and by the lion. W. Ij. Gold smith, Comptroller General of Georgia, for the faxes due therein for the State and coun ty tax due for the years of 1874, ’75 aml’7<. and Hold f**r tbo benefit of Isham Reddish, transferee of Raid fi fas. Said lots of land pointed out in raid executions. Terms of cash, purchaser paying for titles. This Dec. 30, ’77. John N. Gooduki ao, jan 2-4 t Sheriff, W. O. A (IminidrfoFs i GEORGIA Wayne County. I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of county at tbo ilex'; regular term, for leave tc Hell portions of lots of land No. <>B aud 89, in lb** third I) strict of originally Appling, now Wayne County, the entire real ch aie of II irriot lllitch, deceamd: for the bsmli*. of tde b**irs of said deocasud. This January 7 b 1878 jmß I v It. BUTCH,'Administrator. A <lm i iiint rut or s notice. GEORGIA —Wayne County. Thirty days Hf'er the date hereof, npplioc tion will bo made to the Court if Ordinary of slid ooltnty, for leave to 01l lots of laud numbers 1!M) aud 25G, iu the 1217 District, (J. M. of said oou ity, the entire real estate ol Isliani U. Ijiuear, deoeas'd, for the b un fi , of the heirs if said d>caused. This January 7th 1878. Win. J. LINEAR, jinO-'.f A ff.uiui itrator. vm.iv: tot >rv. GRORGI.V OuritTV. Wn.i. be sold liefoio the Court House door in tho town of Bnxley, ofsitid county on tho tii-Nl Tuesday in February next, 187S, with in the legal hours of sale, the following prop city to-ivit : lots of limit n i tuber 47 in third district otsiid county, and lots Nos 508. 08, 57. 10. 414. 122. Bt.'i, :L7. tll.O, Ut, I sit, 4'2:1, 0 lO.JBrt. 314, 311, :tSO and 115, adiu the second disti ict of said county the same liciun wild mid unimproved lan Is. Each lot containing 400 acres, levied on under and by virtue of executions issued by the Hon. \V, h. G ddsmith. Comptroller General of Georgia for the taxes due thereon for the \ctus 18',4, '75 and 7(>, and sold tor the ben efit of Islnun Ucdish transferee of said Fi IV*. This Doc. :U, 1877. ALSO, At the same time and place, will in- sold lot No. fi-i'.t, in third disliietof Appling county, tho same being wild and unimproved land containing too acres levied on und by virtue of an execution i-sued by the Hon. \V. 1.. Goldsmith, Comptroller General of Georgia, lor the i axes due thereon for the year 1874, '7sand 70. and sold for the bi-uofit of.T, H. Moodv trnusferee of said Fi Fa. This Dee. 31, 1877. ALSO, At the Sam. - time and place, will be sold 10, No. 401. in second district of Appling eonii tv, containing 4‘,MI acres, to satisfy two tax Fi F.Ts issued bv John J. Clark tax collector of Appling county against Elijah B. Sellers. Levy made and returned to me by constable. Dee. *2711i 1877. All the above for rash. Purchasers ire expected to pnv for titles. Silas Cbosby, . jn S 4t Sheriff A. C. GEORGlA—Afpijno County. Whj. be sold before the Court house door in the town of Baxley, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Wb ' Ynnrv 1878. the following property to-wit ; lot of laud number :l'ti. in the second dis. triot of said county, levied on by virtue of a Tax Fi Fa issued by W. L. Goldsmith. I Compli oiler General of Georgia for ttie tax due for the years 1874 and '7ti, said fi fa having hern transferred to W. W. Graham. This January Ist 1878. Silas Crosby. jmltd Sheriff A. 1\ AffTKK' Haslet, Cm., N irembir 20ib, 1877. All persous indsbtcil t< the estate of Jehu H >ll, deceased, are requested to ; nuke immediate payment, tuff all per sons to whom the estate is indebted, a-e requested to present their claims prop erly suiheuticated, to the uudeisigued within the uext sixty days. Oatbciune,t, Administratrix. John J. Clakk, Adtuinisirator, Watches. Jewelry. *r Remain* fiolrl. i*n ex'rntlvely worn In P.iri*. wa<* first discovered in 1870, b}- the celebrated French < t**ini*i M*ii<. I). It*: Joaiirue. who ms mi fact u red it ii. to jewelry, and for fl\e ycarw *o!d it u the !**li n j-w-lcr* of for Hoiin In 1M75. wheu his secret became known, ten of Ihc manufactiinn at . wr < r* j-sfabli-hcd a sto* k *'*rnpmy. witn a capital of #IOOIXI.OOO f>r the purp**c of mauuiat.tnrinK Romaine to!d Jewelry an*l Watches. With this imnu-n-e cspilal, and the aid of impiovcd oim* htnery iln-y ;tre eiinMed to produce :• I ihe palters** of jewelry at !*** than one-tenth the <;o-t <f Solid Gold, in iof n tpiality ai* l * o!<r which make<* it itnpo#>i ile even for exjM-rts to delect it front the genuine. We have secured the exclusive agency of the L’uited State* and Canada. :or the sale of all good* manii fsctureil front litis in eta I, and in order to introduce them in tn* most speedy manner, have put up assorted lota as j'iveii below, which we w ill ell at oue-teoib the retail value until January let, IS7B. liead t <• list. charm. I pair pearl Inland sleeve buttons. 1 Lake George cluster pin. 1 pair <2 heavy band bracelets. $3.09 LOT. 1 ladies* opera guard chain. 1 ladies neca chain and cross. 1 beautiful locket, (engraved.) 1 pair band bracelet** 1 gent's twist link vest chain and charm 1 pair onyx sleeve buttons. 1 eet (')) onyx /liirt studs. 1 new Improved collar button. 1 ex tra cut cameo seal ring. 1 Arizona solitaire stud. 1 set Am thyst or top pin and car drops. 1 ladies' chemise button. 1 plain ring, stamped 18 K. *r>.oo LOT. 1 ladies* opera chain, with slide arid taasel, (retail price 8*1.00) 1 gent's heavy watch chain, with curb charm, (retail price. 8'*.00). 1 ladies' heavy long neck enain. 1 *-i< gant chased miniature ha ket for ladies neck chain 1 set cameo medallion pin and eardrops. 1 pair (*2) heavy ehaaed baud bracelets. 1 g*-nt’s solitaire diamond stud. 1 gent’s cluster diamond pin . 1 pair amethyst or onyx sleeve but ton- I -*-t (3) studs to match amethyst or onyx sleeve buttons. 1 elegant heavy set cameo Real ring. 1 massive band <*r wedding ring. 1 new pnient collar button. 1 ladle-chemise button. 1 amethyst or topaz ring, (extra finish). The reta 1 price of the articles in each sample lot nmonnts to exactly ten times the price wc ask for tho lot ; for example, out SI,BO lot retail® for $10.(X): our 5.00 lot for 50.00. A SOLID, ROMAISE GOLD HUNTING-CASE WATCH FREE. one sending n* an order for the above fots by express to the amount of 15 00, we will send free on f *pOai tfuo G 1.1 Hunting-Case Watch. Gents or La i>-s smc. warranted to keep perfect perfect tfn.C all * 1 rjutlly as well as a 100.00 gold watch. By mail prep: id. 15.50. 'ibis is onr I>rst ofhr t Af.F.V H, and i<* worth a trial. a the watch alone will sell or trade readily for from 20.00 tso.(;i. Gents *>r ladies w atch alone, J.OOor .00, with a hoavy gent's gold pattern vest chain and charm, or ladies' opera chain with tassel. UKMKMHKU : -This offer only holds good until January Ist. 187 ft. After that time we shall sell only to Jobber* at;*! whol j.-;tle denier*, and any one wishing our goods will then have to pay full retail prices. Ibcnaino go’d is the bent. and. In fact, the only imitation of genuine gold made, being the same in weight, color and finish, and all nur goods are made in the latest gold patterns. Will guarantee tatisfac tion iu every instance, or refund money. H**nd money by I*. <)., Money Order, or Registered Letter, at otir risk. No goods sent C. O. D. un less at leuci 5.00 aecoinprnics the order. Addrt s plainly, W. F. EVANS A, CO., Sole Agents for U. Sand Canada. 95 &. 97 SOUTH CLARK STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. n ti£ 23 flm JOIN AJDOHLAS, -DEALER IN— STOVES, RANGES, GRATES, AND TIN AND WOODEN WARE AT WHOLESALE. 159 BROUGHTON STREET, SAY A N N A H, G A . DAILY TO FLORIDA. Modern & Brunswick Railroad General Supkuinten dent’s ( )ffice | Macon, Gii., Nov. ?3th, 1877 i j. ON und after this dale, Passenger trains 1 on this ro id will run as follows: DAY FA.SSKNGEK, DAILY. Leave Mncon 0:15 A. M. Arrive ot Cochran 11:32 A. M Arrive nt Eastman 2:341*. M. An ivo at Ji sup .5:55P. M. Leave Jesup 0:30 I*. M. Arrive at HrniiHwiok 0:10 P. M. Leave RrunswicK 4:loA. M. Arrive at Jesup 6:55 A. M. L ave Jesup 7:25 A. M. Arrive at List man 12:31 P. M. Arrive ut Codirau 1 :59 P. M. Arrive at Macon 4:25 P. M. Going down connects with A. & G. I U. K. at Jrsup fur Jacksonville, and a!! ! points in Florida. Up train contccts at Sesup fi't Biivann ih. TRI-WEEKLY NH'.IIT PASSENGER AND FREIGHT Down Monday, Wednesday and Friday ‘ Nights, Leave M.icon 7:15 P. M. Anive at-Cochran 10.17 P. M. Arrive at Eastman 11 20 P. M. Arrive at Jcaup 6:00 A.M. Up (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Nighls. Leave Jesup 10.20 P, SI Arrive Eastman.... 4;O(LA. M. Arrive Cochran. 5:11 A. M Arrive Macon -. ------ 7:45 A.M. Connects nt Jesup with Atlantic & Gulf lt iilrord to and from Savnimali. HAWKINSVILLE BRANCH. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Leave tliiw’.viu-villc 10 00 A. M;and 1.00 I*. M. Anive nt Coohrm 10.43 A. M. and 1.43 P M. Leave Cochran 1140 A. M; and 2 43 I*. M. Arrive at Hawkinsville 12.25 P. M. and 3 30 P. M. Mondays—Thi above figure* will be mil, c\e-pt, i.wtcjd of le-iving Cochran at 2.45 P. M., train will wait uutil 10.od P. M. Wednesdays aud Fridays Leave Unwkiusville 4.13 A. M and 1.00 P. M. Arrive at Cochran 5.00 A. M. and 1.45 P. M. Leave Cochran 11.40 A. M. and 10.30 P. M. Arrive at Hawkiusvillc 12 25 P. M. und 11.15 P. M SUNDAYS. Leave Hawkinsville 4:15A. M. Arrive at Cochran ,‘FI'V* \V L -live Cochran... a. -n • Arrive at HawxinaviU* 12:Sol. M. Cnnnccts at Ccchmn with both Day and Night trains to and from Macon. GKO. W. ADAMS, Gen. Supt. W. J. Jarvis Mrs Trans. MKB. (HtKLOTTE K>OLES, Proprietor. 71 LA CA SHEA'S, GA. Hoard 00 Per Jk 2./, Room Included. | The above home has hem newly rejMiiretl anj luruibhvd. Mf BO*( K\T ;.CT. I fne gent's watch chain. ret*ll price $1 00 One pai-engraved elc- vr butlona, retail price 75 | One sione set *carf pin. ** 7J One set (3 spiral shirt studs, “ “ *75 One improved shape collar button, “ “ 50 One heavy plain wedding ring, 1 35 Total *5 00 For 50 cents we wiil tend above six articles ik>6l - sl§ LOT. ' One pair -leeve buttons, stone setting. One set (3' spiral shirt studs. One heavy hand engagement ring. One set (2) engraved bracelets. One ladies’ long guard <-r neck chain. One engraved miniature J lo* ket for the ladies' guard or neck chain. One gent's heavy link watch chain. One Lake George diamond stud. LOT. One ladies’ r.eck chain and charm. One ladies heavy guard chain for watch. One set pin and ** ar ring- Amethyst. One extra fine miniature lock One camero seal ring. One very heavy weddinget. * engagement ring. 1 gent’s heavy watch chain with Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Geneiuj. Superintendent’s Office, Atlantic and tlulf KalSroad, f Savannah, August 31 1877. J ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, September 2*l Pasnger Trams on this Hoad will run .s follows: NIGHT EXPRESS. Leave Savannah daily al 3:00 P. M Arrive at Jesup “ f:SOP. M Arrive ut Raiubridge “ 9.15 A. M Arrive at Albany ..10:00 A. M. Arrive at Li e Oak 14 . ... 1 ;30 A. M. Arrive at Jacksonville 54 7:10 A. m! Arrive at Tallahassee 44 7:35 Leave Tallahassee 5:251* M Leave Jacksonville 44 6:00 P. M. Leave Live Oak 11:30P. M. Leave Albany • 2:00 P. M. Leave Raiubiidge 44 2:30 P. M. Leave Jesup 44 ...... 7:ln A. M Arrive at Savannah 44 10:00 A. M. No change ot cars between Savannah and Albany Passeiigos from Savannah for Tallahassee, Brunswick and Darien take this train. Passengers leaving Macon at 0:15 s. m (daily except Sunday)conncct at Jesup with this train fur Fieri la. Passengeis from Florida by this train con nect at Jesup with Ihe train arriving in Ma con nt 5:45 p. in. (diily except Sunday) No change <t cars between Montgomery n fcitaeksouville* va 6plng cars run through to and from Sa nnuh and Live Oak and Montgomery and Live Oak on this train. Connect at Albany with pissenger trains both ways on Southwestern Railroad to and from Macon, Eufuulj, Montgomery, New Oi leans, etc. Mail steamer leaves B.iiabridge for Apa lachicola even Sammy afternoon; for Col umbus every Wednesday morning. Close conueoiiou at Jacksonville daily, Sundays exce ted, tor St. Augustine, Palat ka aud Enterprise. Trains on II and A. li. R. leave junction, going west, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 11:14a. m. i or Rrunswiek Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday at 4:40 p. 111. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS—EASTERN DIVISION. Leave Savannah [Sundays excepted] .at 6:45 A.M. Arrive nt Mclntosh 44 “ 9:35 A. M. Arrive at Jesnp * 4 ‘ 12:05 P. M. Arrive at Blackshear 14 14 3:20 P. M. Arrive at Dupont 44 44 7:00 P.M. Leave Dupont 44 44 5:00 A.M. Leave Iliackshear •* “ 9?>OA.M. Leave Jesup “ 44 12:15 P, M. Leave Mclntosh 44 44 2:22 P. M. Arrive at Savannah 44 4 4 5:00 P.M. WESTERN DIVISION. MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS ANI) FRIDAYS. Leave Dupont Sndy*s excepted, at 5:00 A.M. Arrive at Valdosta 44 “7:15 A M. Arrive at Quitman “ 44 9:02 A.M. Arrive at Thomasv!He 44 44 11 :15 A. M Arrive at Albany 44 44 5:45P.M. Wave Albany 44 44 6:00 A M. Leave Thomasville 4 44 1:00 P.M. Leave Quitman 1 ** 2:59 P.M. L e uAe VabUjsta 44 44 4:16 P.M. A ie at Du nt *• 44 6:30 P.M. George S. Haines, General Ticket Agent. fi. S. HAINES, General Superintendents DR. ALLEX BROWN, DENTIST, Blackshear, - - (rEORu. Is prepared to do all kind of Dentil) work ir the most approved style. AS orders will meet nuh prompt attention. Uses all ihe late improvements. Charges Moderate r satisiaotiiiu guaranteed. ' jauiS OF Leading Dry-Goods, Hosiery, Notions k Fancy Goods AT CELEBRATED DRY-GOODS HOUSE ! Calico, tbe very l est quality, at 6jc Calico, lower grade nt 5 and sje Quilt Lining Homespun at 3£c 3- Crown Shirting at 5 and 51-2 e 7-8 )’rown Shirting, heavy, at 6 1-4, 6 1 , 7c 4- Arown Shilling, heaviest kind, at 8c 4-4 Brown Sea Island at < 4-4 Brown Sc-a Island, very beat, at JOc 3- Bleached Shirting at 5c 7-8 Bleached Shirtiag at 6 L4c 4 4 Blenchad Shin ing, soft finished at 8 l-2c 4- Bleached Shirting, without dressing, ]tc Heaviest Brown Drilling at JOc Shirting, 10-4 bleached and brown at 25, 30, 35 and 40c Good article Hickory stripe at 10c Bust round-thread Georgia Checks and Stripes at iQg Bine Denim, a good quality, at loc Good Mat tress Ticking at loc Good Feather Ticking at c Best. Feather Ticking at 0c Good Gingham Checks at 8 l-3c Best Gingham Checks at 10c Balmoral Skirts at 50c BouHvnrd ready made skirts at 00c Cotton Diape", wide 10 yards lo the pi-ce at $1 00 Linen Diaper, apiece, at SI 25, 1 50 2 00 and 2 25 Fronting Linen, yard wide at 30c to il 00 Wash-Poplin, beautiful goods at * 10c Dress Goods of all kinds from 10c to il 25 Neck Shawls at 25c and upwards Ladies Shawls from 1 00 up, very cheap aud s’ce finalities. American Hired Cashmere at 25c English Black Cashmere y’d wide rt 40 a 50j French, all wool Cashmeres, 40 inches wide, at 75, a 900., s 1 00 and 1 25 BombiiZine, Hernan’, Australian Crepe, ve ry ri atonable. Alpcoa, a nice article, double with at 25c A'pnca, Silk finished, double w idth at 50c Black Si k at 75, 90c. ft 00, 1 25, 1 30 1 75, 2 00, 250 aud 3 00. Brown Blankets, per pair, $1 25, 2 40 2 00, 2 SO and 8 00. Waite Blhi knis, per pair, $2 00, 2 50, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00 aud 6 00. Horn y Gi mb Bed Spreads at 75c B.idai Quilts, the nicest spreads out, $1 50 Ladies undervests at 50, C 5, 7gc. £ t (JO and 1 25. Hambu g Embroidery, Edgings and In sertions at bargain pr;c s.* B!aih Gros Grain aud Srsh ltibbone, very cheap. Everlasting, Crochet and other Trim rnings, lower than ever. Italiar, French and Guipure Laces, very cheap. Ladies’ S Id Ties aud Scrrfs 20rand up. L dies' Cuffs aud Collars at hajf price. Umbrtlias as low as 350. iwo-bfitton Kd Gloves Ladies’ black, white, colored and Opera Shades, at 50c Two button E and G ovrs, —Ladies’—bet- ter quality, at 75a and $1 00 Kehtucky Jeans, at 10, 12 1 2, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 aud 500. Cassimeres at 50, (10, 75, 35c. $1 00, 1 25 aud 1 50. Black, Blue aud Grey Waterproof, 1 1-2 yard wide, at ,3c, .-Sil OO and 1 25. Canton Fianhels at 8 1 2, 10, 12 1:2, 15 aud 20a. To understand our method of bu-inesa, we linve endeavored to explain it in unmistakable lai gunge and for which we request a earsful pei usul We beg to caution the public to try to disciimii a'e b 'tween our dealings and that if flliiuts who offer a few dcutestic goods only cheap as a bait, to catch Ibe unwarjl and make tliem believe that they sell everything equally as low; the iutelligeyfl reader will easily unders'auil this. We off-r our go.ids fur inspection to evei tJ body. for we will send samples of Dry Goods, with prices attached, to any oue viA will write us for them aud give everyone a chance to see for themselves. *1 We have endeavored to enumerate the principal articles kept ia a first-ala* I Dry Goods flonse, and attached the prices We are aware that this is sufficien |i to e nicy a correct idea of the quality. Those who desire to pu'chase, we will J iipnu application, send such sample-, with prices attached, as tlr-y may desire^ 1 when they can form a much better opinion and select for themselves Not L [ than a million of people have dealt with us and we are sure we have satisfied a.I. Any one displeased with his purchase can return the goods to us at our expense and w will return the money. On twenty dollars worth of goods we prepay Height to the nearest station. U c make no eharg-s f r puckiug or diayage. We- Joa’i sell one article low and make it up on the others, WE RETAIL OUR GOOES AT WIIOLESASE PRICES, Which accounts for our Wonderful Snccess. We don’t advertise to humbug, but we talk plain business and man it. Wreli one yard as low as we w- uld ten thousand. Those who ara tird of paying ex horbitaot prices and appreciate the ralue of money, are luvited to send tlmr orders, v- ich we will fill C. O. D. vvitn privilege to examine, or eau send the in ui y with tLc order. David WeisTbeia, NO 160 BROUG HTON STIfE ET. SAVAN N An, G A Paints and Oils. Mixed Paints, Ground ru Oil ft S6ady for immediate us", 75 ct to §1.50 per. gal. Exgush ltoor Paint. unj in oil, 50bts LrqriD Si.itx lits.f Paint, fire proof 75ets Kelly’s Boilfo Palnt 011. 50cts Machinery thLS “ K. G KELLY’S patent sperns oil. SI.OO ENGINE OIL, 75 Filteued Rock Lubrteatir g oil, 60 Send for cards of colors and testimo nials. THE NEW YORK CITY OIL COMPANY. SOLE AGENTS. No. 124 Mhills Lane, New: YosA. White Mixed Flannels at 15 and 20c White ad wool flannels at 25, 30, 40, 50 and 750. Ked all wooi fl tnnels at 15. 20. 25. and 40c lted all wool twill Flannels at 25, 30 ana 40 1 Grey F suutls at 15, 20, 25 and 4i c Opera Flannels all colors at 40u Opera Fiau:-en, plaid styles, best, at Otic Woolen Li sej, a g <d quality, at 20u Heavy white uhdei„nirta at 20c and upwaids. Oa’ico Shirts at 25 and upwards. White dress shirts at 75 and upwards Yard lor g towels at 12 1-2 and upwards. Towels a.-, low as s<j Linen Table Cloth. 2 1-2 pard wide, 25 30, 35 and 40c. Table 04 Cloth, 114 yard wide, best Quality, at 40e. BleacLtd Table Damask at 50, 750. fl 00 and 1 20. Woolen Table Cloths, good at fl 00 Good 1 lurch Corsets at 500 Thompson’s glove-fitting Corset at $1 00 and 1 25. Suspenders wnh Hubberin tbe back at, 25c Turkey lte-d luble D jyliea’ per dozen 75c Wmte linen Table Dojhea’ pet dozen 00 and 75c. Table Napkins, pe, dozen, at $1 00; 1 25 and upwards. Childteh’s Wooied Caps at 40c Veil Btroge, best quality a yard nt 40 i rink Veiiu g. per yard at 30, 00 nnd 7uo Neck Rucnes, perdiz.n at 12 12, 15, 20 aad 25c.. Neck, by the yard, at 5, G 1-4 10c and upwards. Alpaca Skirt Braid, a bunch at 5o 12 diziu Agate or ltice Buttons for 5o FaTioi able Sila Dress Buttonsat 10 and loc Ivory and Gutta Percba Buttons at 8, 10, 12 1-2 and 15c. Children’s Hound Combs at 10 and 15a Lroies’ High 11 ,ck Coml s at 10, 15 and 23c Children’s Fancy Stockings at 5 and ldo Misses’Fancy S ockiugs at 12 12 and 15c Ladies’ Fancy Stockii gi at 10 to 500 B 1 .ck Pruts Buttors, none, best qui.l. ity, box for 10c. Lrdies Wuite Stuck,ngs at 5, 0 1-4, 8, 10 and 12 1-2, and 15c. Ladies’ English Stockings, without struie; at 25c. Gent’s Ht.U iiose aQS, 8, 20, 12 1-2 and 15c Gent’s hi.lf Lose without seams, 25c Gent’s Bordtrcd handkerchiefs at 3 and 5c Gent’s Turkey Ked handkerchiefs at 10c Ladies' Linen Handkerokiefs at 5c Lubes’Corded L uen handkeichiefs at 10c The best needles, a paper, at 5c Coats’A Cl nk’s N. O. Cotton at Gc., per dozen Gse. Gtod spoi l cotton lor hand sewirg, 200 v aids -t 3 Negro II inuaerchiifs at 10, 15, 25 and 35c Bill thread, 10 balL f r 350 Khittiug and D <rmug Cottol;, a ball, 5c Gents' paper collars a box, ot 5, 10 15 & 25: L nen Shirt Fronts, ex ra length at 25c Corded P.qne, worth 20 at lfc White and Black Coftyn Gloves at 10c Lisle Thread Gloves at 15, 20, 25 and 35c Euglish Pine worth 15c a prper, at 10c American pins worth 10c a paper, at 2 l-2c Best quality Hoolt3 aud Eyes I papersf >r 5c Paper Cambric, yard wide, at 7c Twhl lining Jouu, at 10c ‘OLD LONDON DOCK GIN Especially designed for ihe use of the Medical Profession anti tire Fandly, and possessing those intrinsic medical prop erties which belong to an Old and Pure GiD. 1 ndispensabio to Females. Good for Nervousness, Liver and Kidney O mpLinis. A delicious t mi#. Put lip in cases, containing one and z-n ties each, and sold by all Druggisiß, Grocers, etc. A. Iff- 32TJ3KM& & o©,, NO. 15, BSAYEK SI KKBT N. T. i, Estaeli-exd 1778.) i#po!lcri of Wines, ilrandlc*, Etc.