The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, January 23, 1878, Image 2

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THE JESUP SENTINEL T. I\ L.ITTLKFIKLI), Editor and Proprietor. (ffia i.i tut Jtsup House, fronting on Uiei ry Street, two doom from Ilrotul St. WEDKBMDAV, JAM AKl' 23. IHl*. WILD LAND SALES Mr Goldsmith Replies to (he Charge* Against Him. Editors Telegra/dt and Mesnengtr : In your paper of the 0:b in*t appears n loiter from Hon. Nelson. Tift, dated the 7th tost, nhioh demands notice. I have refrained from repaying to the sev eral letters recently published in your piper because I have a great aversion to parade my name io newspapers; and sigain, in order to show tlio truo “io nardnej*," of the wild land tirade against the law and myself I would he compelled to use inforroati m in the Comptroller General’s oflico aginet eertsin citizm* who are making the (rouble which I dislika to do. I bad rather suffer minconstructioa and bo misunderstood than take tho step. ISut when gentlemen not only impugn my motive* and insinuate that from aiding and abetting wild land specula tors to defraud tho State and people, then the "s'leuce coaeea to be a virtue.” and justice demands the seeming nn propriety. I have been honestly en deavoring to execute the wnd land law, as construed by the Attorney General. Other lawyers of great ability agree with the Attorney General in Ins con a'ruciioo of Beotion 891 of foe Code authorizing transfers of wild land fi. fa’s, Messrs H'nes. Units, and Tift., argue that the wild land act of 1874, repeals the act of 1872 embraced in section 801 of code. It tins be true it IB Strang- that the legislature in 1875 j page 119 sola of 1875 ] amended the act uf 1 87'd by riqitiricg roivrd of all transferred fi. fa’s., and wild land ft. fa's were not excepted. This was one year alter the re-enacting of the wild I uni act in 1874 ami 1 oka verv much like vitalizing the act uf 1872 so far as wild lands are concerned even if tepeal cd by the act of 187 4. These gentle men may be right; I cannot tell I have great respect ior the legal opmuion of Mr. Jliues. 1 was opposed to said trausferg hut my aworn duty i* ro exe cute tho laws as I fiud-tbern and as cou- Atrued by the Attorney General. I am a.!) no way responsible for ibo law. It is truo that speculator! bought these fi, fu’n, but I have always said thut of all .persons connected wnb this jnattor they would get "sickest” of their bargain?. They will have to do just what the state would have done ■ottrl the transf.r nut been made to-wit: advertise and sell these I rods in the country where located at public out cry by the Sheriff as other Sheriff's sales, aud all persons have the o(|> xtnnily to buy. lu leas tliau via tnooibs this en tire question will be reversed and tho people will then sec who it is and f r what purpose this lino and ary is made. This same cry lias bc*u mired by w ild bind rings in every instance in which the state hat attempted to collect this land tax since IBot nod now after so patiently waning, tho state is requiring them to pay their tux on wild lands as on their property. They redouble their efforts to have tbc sale suspended as formerly and adroit'> ,'iceal from view their real motive* by calling at tention to the liausfe-r of said li. fa's Tin* law was suspended t me and again •luring Goycnur IJulljck’s adintnts ru tion aud the legislature did not repeal the law though great noise was mads simply against tho salo of these lusds for taxes. Tlio question <4 tr*nfer i sinder tho law of 1872 now u-ed as a pretext did not then exist. In l'7sa list of wild lauds was published The ■wild land owners raised a cry against the sale for taxes aud the law was not j enforoed. Still the legislature of 1576 , and 1877 did not repeal tho law but .prominent tueu tu thoso bodies urged me to celled the lax. Tho legislature and people itt the ratification n| the in w constitution have “deoieed” like C*s“r I of old that Ilae ' wlioj world should be taxed,” including tho sr'aiity property of the poxr ‘ widows aud tnplums" and | auanned soldiers and ahull these wild lands go free? A* long as the law re- j mains on the statute books it should bo enforced. If the people wish to •x --empt front taxation wild land owners who count their acres by tbe thousand, j then have the legislature re-peal the 1 law aud the Utv and 1 shall bow sub uuteively to tbe great tnjusnicl Tit - people will before u groa while under stand tbe motives ot the guardians of Iks "widows aud orphans’' inter.L 1 have uol beard one single word of corn pluiut io reference to tbe sale of wild lauds fir taws or transler of sneb fi. f's., from neither '’widow or orphru,” oar indeed lr tu any one else except ftotn men who speculate in wild lauos snd who either wish to rvsdw tho pay rnent of tinr legal taxes tud burdens or do not want these land* sold at the juiblic out-cry ad pnruhamni by rim people but wtati to prevent such s le* in order that they may buy and s.tlut private sale aud make la go profit*. For example Mr. A. G, Buts of you. city seems very much exercised ab. ut this matter —has written two letters over hi? own signature and squibs over his initials aud asked f t tbe legal opinion of Mr. R. K. limes and i pre sume (bat ot Mr. Nrlsou. Tift, as you ssy‘‘his letter is at reply to s promi nent citizen.” Now Mr. A. G. Butte, ha* as agent been forced to pay in the last two or three mouths tax ou uii'C toroed wild lands iud>fault and against which 1 bad issued eXiCutiou. lie has also hero receatly forced to pay as agent $118.05 taxon wild lauds which be re turned to tha receiver of tax returns el Bibb County for 1876. Not paying tbe eatne the tax collector of Bibb Ciumy recently smt up said amount to tue m e tiding mac id trs insolvent list which 1 retained directing (be collector to collect Which 1 presume has been dobe and ibt •• j*' pr;*r te ibo df* of l his bowels of compassiun b ing moved, | as exhibited in bis wri'inga about wi j dows and orphans.'' interest being sac rificed. I am infoimed that Mr. A. Q. Butts as agent controlled a f. w years ago one hundred and forty tbousond ( 140,000 ) acres cf wild land* in Georgia worth one dollar per acre and opoo which neither he nor any one else paid one cent of tax. I now briefly notice Honorable Nel son Ttf.’s letter which is reeking wi'b falae and urjut intuomlioos Mr. Tift refers to recent sales of wild lands Dy th United State* Marshal at Savannah and the doings of speculators as if I hid some connection with them. While , relying upon tho goad name which I hove always striven to make and m,n --i tain to repel this injustice still I desire to assert—and the pnhlic will please | pardoo personal reference—hat I have I nothing to do with the United States I Marshals or their sales. I know nothing j of tha transaction referred to or any j other similar one. I have never been : engaged io anything of the kind—never : owned a f iot of wild land directly or in directly or any interest direc ly or in directly in fi fi for wild land nor have 1 ever favored any speculator to de fraud tho "state and people;’’ and if any one thinks thero i* oey thing wrong in this matter—that l could give aid and comfort to spcculat its or enemies of the people nr that I am interested in wild land speculation os has been Intimated then let such invoke section 112 of code which provides that "he (Comptroller General) shall uot direc'ly or iu-directly he interested or engaged io the purchase aud sule of wild lands on speculation on pain of removal by the Governor or the General Assembly. I respectfully protest against being made responsible for all the rascality i imagined or done by ‘ wild land epocu- j hitors,” or "United >S ates M.trsha',” or I any one else After allu ling to said United States j M trsbal's sales as the first s'rp la the j speculation,” Mr Tift proceeds to say: j ‘ Tho next step in the speculation was J to get tbe Comptroller General’s (run*- | fer of tbc fi Ist. far talcs UJiUUSt the uu- . rotumod wild land* accompanied by in- . struc'ions to tbe effect that the surplus that flu land might bring above :.x s aud cost etc should go to the orig mil owner of the land if he could be tound and to the public treasury in case no owuer appeared." This perfected the scheme. Tney were tho owners under mo bogus deeds from the United Stales Marsihal they being oonstituti >ncd rim judges and they would pay all stnplus to themselves, lint riic Coiupirol'er G 0..- oral souio time uf’er the first ci.cular sent these ipcculuto's a siipph mcutuiy circular in which after warning them ! that many false and traudulcnt owners will perhaps try t> impose on you tu or der to get tho surplus of sale* iver and above tue taxes etc 1.0 says: 1 think it would bo best to lake a good and legal bond from all persons to whom you pay sooti ui ntcys conditioned to repay the panic witliiu twolve months if nroper au riiurittes decide that another i* the truo owner.' ” This statement i entirely un j true and 1 fear iutcntionally so. N iti— -1 riruotion* or circulsts were over sent, io (hone speculators but Iho very op posite was douc. Tbc circular to wliien reference is made iva* scut to the sher iff* for tbcir guidance and only c >n tainod tbo law (“co code aection 892 and section 7 act of 1874 page 106) aud were intended to and no doubt will protect tho owner* against spec dolors gobbling up tbo excess of money over tax and Cost. 1 give yott tlwso etrculors in full that you may seo wlist efforts Sir. Tift, resort* to—of misconstruction and ll*- graut perversi' n. CoMrTßoi.i.Kti G knkr <l’m Orricr, Ati.ania (i*, Nor. I l 7 To llin Sheriffs of Georgia: Yon will soon bo called upon Ip levy ndvcrliic nmi soli wild land under ti fan issued from tins oflic® agrinst wild land hi \our comity, winch bus bam report ed to me bv your tax receiver a* unro turncJ wit I land, l will send yuU C fas j direct from tins oflieo, and transferees 1 f such ti fits, under section 891 of the code, will also place such ft la in your bands for levy and sale. In tb above and all cases, you will not sell any Grida to be f mud un the j large digeat fir null years, deposited 111 the ordinaiy'a office; 'or we don't | wish tu sell improved laud, but only ! wild land. Mistakes of nil other kinds will b j promptly corrected here (if subslan- i tinted by the books) on women appli- j ca'ion or let cr, approved by the ordi- : nary. In all wild land siles, the cxeea of J money over and above uu and all eosta J must be paid to the owner of the land, j if io be f iood at lime of sale, or if th® j - owner u net to be found ihou aaid sum ' of moucy in cxce-s of tax and ecu' must be sent tu ru", to be deposited in the treaauiy to tbc credit of ins owner, !as a trust fund. Tins applies to all parties who have bad inch ti fas trans | furred to them by tuvself. ( will send otlur instructions with • tlic fi las This circular is sent bi j cause eouie transferee* “f such S las will soon have (heir ti fas in your bauds tor levy acd Sale. Tieaaa Leap this citcu’ar for refar eucc. Very reaper fully W. I. tiobt’MllTU, Cmpirullei General. The transferee will have nothing t do with this elects ef money—over tax ami cost nnless ho is the true owner to sheriff* to • tako bond aud security u • less he was satisfied oftbe true ow ner,” \|r, Tift again says. * in these citeutU' . stanets the comptroller general does not speak to these speculator* by the au ibrnty of tbe state He bis divested himself of that right—so far *s l> c. uid do so—by bis illegal action and in tbe atseoco of authority t> preserib® law f.u their (guidar ce. Ciiigeu Goldsmith ten ters to tbe wolves hi* circolar and "uppleiDrutal circular advice as to bow in bis opion-u they should take cart of and protect the lamba.’’ Tbe unjua'i* liable insinuation iu lb a picture of niy 4 pu't'ng ike ‘‘•slves*' in pifiricn to take care of the ‘Jamba’ like tbe other eiturion i= wholly unwarranted by the fact* These circulars were issued and sent to sheriff* alone, and oot to specu lators, and have had their intended ef fect; for [ have bad, in the last few dav* trutipfere"* of wilJ Imd C fas, m b g me to allow them to return rii. 6 fas aud refund to them the amount j they paid, stating that at some ol their . Bales in tbc upper eounlic* they did not buy a single lot; but eitiz-os who lived ii the vicinity of tbe Isods b mglit them aud t :ey only got the mu ■ nut fey | paid for the li fs. and lo*t their lime arid trouble. To tbe public I offor my I humble analogy for the personal char acter of this letter, for they will bear 1 me wi'na s that I rarely obtrude myself self upon them not even to repel lulse | hood aud gross injustice. Very respectfully, \V. L. Goldsmith. W AsniNc.TvX, Jan. 10—Under the leadership of Mr. Wood, of New To< k the lletn reratic majority of the House displayed to-day its usual lack off >re thou iht lack uf diciplme aud laek of success. A majority present and in its favor is a somewhat necessary prelim i ! nary to the passage of any resolution to which opposition is undo and this Mr. Wood failed to receive to day The fortunate arrival of some Democrats on : the limited express from New York ! enabled him t * adjourn the lluma in I time to prevent the Republican* lr >m ' gaining tiie full fruits of a suec•?* which their own blnndms prevented from i being final. At the opening <>f busi , ness to-day the Glover res dutiou pro ; vidmg for a general unsparing and or 'cntiiz'd inv.stig uiou w• before tb*‘ ; If uise as* toil nusiucss. Alter an I aboitive attempt to restrict deb rie upon | tho resolution t(J fiv. -minute speeches, I M'. Wood Jii< Idotd for a debate of ao li .uraml a half. Tl*c first lest voic upon Hahi vauicudmem ‘equiriug eve V com mittee to prisent charges before it could obtain power to send for per* ms t,d pap r?. Showed tbit wiule 98 R-pub licitns tvioe in tbcir seats only 93 Dem lien's bad t'oaeliett town boil lung debate the ocartintiee rose and ic poru'd tiie resolution tu a house un friendly to iiiveatigntiori irscotnplexi n was fortumit ly *oiidcnly ehauged by tlio arrtvil of Home uietnbet'* mi the limited expires and ill do-pnr ot no cotupbsbtog anything to-dav. Wood carried n by riic narrow vole .J ICI to 99 Defeat ii not nn pro b. sb'e to-morrow unless Wood can cn f ireii a strong enough to keep in their soa's members who prefer lunch rooms aud private busiu ess to legislation. LEa Al. AD I ■ Elt TISEMENTS WAVXK tCINTT. GEORGIA —Waynf. County. Wi I lie sold before ttie CcurtlHouse door in the town of Je-up of said county, between the. legal hours of saloon the first Tuesday in Felirnary next, 1878 the following proper ty to-wit : One iron axle tirnbor curt, levied on and sold as the property of W. W. Col quitt under and by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage fi fa., issued from tho Superior Court of Hard comity, in favor of H. .V H.' j Mattox vs. W. W. Colquitt. Property point ed out by defendant in exec ution. Terms of ! sale cash, purchaser paying for tit Us. ! This Dee lOtn 1877. dons. N- sloornar*n, dec 17 4t Sheriff W. C. GEORGIA avatm County. j Wti.r. lc sold hetore thcXlourt lions* door j in tbo town of Jo sup of said eonnty, be j tween tbe legal inmrs ol sale, on tlio first j Tu sdiy in February next, 1878. the follow ing property to-wit : One lmodred acres of land in lot number, glB in third District of said comity, levied cm as tke p opeilr of Mrs. Uaclial .lorner, under and in 'irttm of an execution issued from the Tax Collector for the Slate and eountv tax due oil said lot 1 land for the rear 1877. Property pointed out bx tax collector. Teriun of sale cash, purchaser paving for titles. phis December 27th 18,-p. John N. <.■ oodobkad, Janl td Mlwriff W. C. GEORGI A Watke < lovntt. Will bt aold before tho (> urt House door in the town ol Jesup of aaul county within the legal hours of s.tic on tho first Tuesday in Febrtiary next, 1878, the following prop, efty to-w it . Lots ot Und numbers as follow s, in the 4th lbstiict of originally Appling, now said eountv <f Wr vno, 358, 257, 258, 497. 457 417, 377, 251. 3GI, 259, HOC nnd39B Also lots of laud in third district originally Appling, now Wuvno comity ot Raid Stat- as follows ; 191.15**.), 225, 80, 410, 26, 34. 230. 239. 31. 237, 2.31. 85. 42*; frac tion 321, is, 200, 310, 415>. and 221. all in said county and State ufo isai l, the same being wild and uuimprove 1 and each lot contain mg 490 acres except fraction 420. levied on under and by \ irtuoof executions issued from and by tin* Hod. 4V. L. Gobi smitb. Comptroller ileneral of Georgia, f*r the taxc”' due thcr iu for the S tatc and coun ty tax dueftirtlie yc.usof 1$ 4. ’7. atid’Ti*. aud sold (or the beiietit of Is,mm Rrddiuh. transferee of said ft la-. S;uil lots of land pointed oat in said exacutioas. Terms of ra*ti, pm •Inner paying ior tit lea. This Doc. 31, 77. John N. tiOODBRIAD, j.nt *2-4t NheritT, \V. C. tppi.ixt coi Nrr. (J KOUUlA—Arruao County Will be mddbefoio tbe Court House door ■ itttheb wuof Brtxlcy.ofsaid (Otmtv on thy | fiiKt Tuesday in Febr mry 18*8, with- j in the legal hours of sale, the fallowing prop- j city to wit : lots of land n .m nr 47 *n third district ofaiid eountv. and lo .s Nos 50t 38, 57. 3-1, 10, 414, 122. *495. 317. 309, 114. 4*9, 421. GW. 3l<. 314. 311, 359 end 115, a A in the second dist u*t of said county the same Wing wild and unimproved lands. Each ; lot omtuimng 490 aores, levied on under and by virtue of executions issued by the Hon. W. L. li 'ldsnnth, C<anptn>ll r General of Georgia for the taxes due thereon for the Vv us 18.4, 75 and 7<, and sold tor the ben t fitol lshaiu Redish tnuusfvree of said Fi ■ Fa’*. This Doc. 31. \S77. ALSO, At the same time and place, will be sold lot , j No. 32H, m third dist- iet of Appling county. ; the same being wild and unimproved land j c*ont.lining 4‘.H acres levied on and by virtue J ot au execution issued by tbe Hon. W. L. I Goldsmith, Fuuptroller General of Georgia, i t .r the t axes due thereon for the your 1874, '75 and 7i. and sold for the benefit of J. H. Moodv trunsfei'ce of said Fi Fa. Thin IVc. j 31, 1877. ALSO, At the same time and place, will lr so id lot ! No 491. iu aecoud district of Appling conn- ' tv cvuiiaiumg 490 acres, t > satisfy two tax 1 1 Fi Fa's issued by John J. C lark tax collector J <t" Apphug county against Elijah K Sellers. ■ Few made and returned to me bv ccmstable, IVc 27th 1977.* All the above for cosh. Turchasers are expected to pay tor titles. SILV* CmOSBT, MBS.'cHAELDTTt KXOLES, Proprietor, TiZA CA SUAA'Ji, GA . Hoard $2 00 Per Day, Room Included. The above boiue Lau betn newly r*-paired •td furnished. j*u Hit :t. ALLEN BItOWN, 1 DENTIST, Bdackshkar, - - Georgia. Is prepared to do all kind of Dental work tv the most approved style. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Uses all the late improvement*. Charge* moderate v oatisfaeticn guaranteed. ;an22 CANCERS CURED! DR. JOHN D. ANDREWS, OF FhomssYl* Le Ga., CURES CANCERS in'aiiably when applied tu fur Treatment before it i* too la’e. Treats sll Caroric diseases, rr diseases of longstanding of Males and Female* vtry buccssfully. Get the Standard \fThf be*t author'lly ... U nwjht to le in Jmi/ Library also in every Academy and in every School ” —H N. Chsh Sl’mvhk •*The best exirt'mj Enylish Lexicon.* I —Lon- DOM ATHKNiBUM A hn ln>m TO|ura of 18.V4 ffsontdining more th;*D 100,* 000 Word. 4in it Vocabnltry, with the correct Pronune* ! ion, Definition, and Ktj molo^y, illdbteated andunabidgei> t.ibmamt Eli EEP . MARI'.IsEI) EDGES, T IS T* ’’ iff bow reunified a* Llie STANDAHD Al riIOItIT\ and iff to rectiamn **d by I’ryaiit, Lonvf*!low t Wlii ttle r, feu inner, lloliuph, Itviiij;, \\ 111; h rop, Airan-ist Marih. Henry. Kverrtt, J/unn. Quincy, Feiion, Hilliard, and the nnij.irity of our nio-t cits ffchoirn. and in, re’o*jni/.fftl • tuthority by tbo Department* of our JxaiioiiDl Gov ern high t. * Tue volume na >hw a amonot of diligence; but with Web-ter it is .diligence in com bination wltli fuDCiftilneap. Willi Worcester, in combination with Mood and judtinifnt Wor iff the imi Ktrcr anti wifur book, and may be oronotincsd tint bi-nt exivtiii); lexicon. 11 —. London Athkn*.elm. “The best writers and the most particn lar Americim writer* use Horccster a tbcir autho ity.”—N*w Yoßi llihaDd. •‘Afier oor recent sfrik*-we made the rhnner® to fVorcsiitsr as our authority in spelling, chisfly to brin< ourselves into confuiimty M, itli tlio aeceuted usazt.aa well nr* to gratify tiie dost roof most or our ctsfT. iurJiidiiiE sucJi g o.ticmeu as Mr. Ha yard Tay lor. Mr. Oso rue W. Si to* I ley, and Mr. Joau li. C. liaffsard.”—fT. Y. Trtbunu. THE COMPDETE SERIES OF WORCESTER’S DICTIONARIES- Qumo D ctionarj . Profusely Illustrated. L brary ahvep slllOO Uoivcnsal and Griti wi Dictionary. Bvo. L : - brary rlioep. s*! 25. Ac-demio Diotionai y Illustrated. Crown Bvo. Half roau. s‘2 (X) Gvitisprehensive D cilonary. lUns'rated 12ino. H-.lfro'in. $175. Sobool (R emeotary) D Cionary. Illustrated 12mo. Half roan. $t 1)0. Pr mary Dictionary. Illustrated. lGmo. llslf roau. 60 centa. Pocket D ctiouary. Illustrated. 2smo. C.otb, 65 ota; roan, ff-xih e, 85 cts ; roan, tmks. wilt tdgi-R. 00 Many apcial Rida to tftiidp.ntif. in addition to a very fuJ pnniouuciiig and deflning vocabulary, make flat- aho\c nuinetl tßOokv, in the opinion of our mofft cl Hi ioguishud cduca ion, the mtci compleiff. ur well us by lar the cheaps*t Dictionaries of our langungee. For ff.ile by all nr will be ■•at. car riage tree, ou receipt of the price by j. u. umrcoTT di co.. PablisberH, Booksellers, and Stationers, 715 snd 717 M,tkat St., Hhiladelpbia jsn 16 3;n ‘OLD LONDON DOCK GIN Especially dvsjgiß and for ibe use of tbc Medical I‘roleeslon ami rite Enmity, and posses mo those intrinsic medical prop ci ties wlncli belong to an Old and Eure Gill. Indispensable lo Females. Goo. : for Nervousness, Giver and Kidney Complaints A delicious t mi. Put up iu cases, containing one d"zn b" 1 - tles each, and nold by all Druggists Grocers, etc. A. m & (DO., NO 15 IIEAVKK SI'KEET N. Y ( Estahi.mhei) 1778.) Importers of Wines, Brandies, Etc. Paints and Oils. Mixed l’aiuls, Gv"Utid iu Oil, ready for immediate ns- ,75 c., to $1.50 per. gal Knoi.tsu 4.00f P.viNT. Ki.unid in oil, 50cIs Liquid Si.stk Roof Paint, fire proof 75cts Kri.i.v’s Boilkd Paint Oii.. SOeta Maihinkrv Oils “ E. G ItySLLY'S patent sperm oil. 51.00 ENGINE OIL, . 75 Fti.TKKEt) Hock Lubriearing oil, 00 Send for cards of colors and testimo nials. THE NEW YORK CITY OIL COMPANY SOLE AGENTS. V. 124 M ATIVWV L\vr Vrxx' V^rV. At WALL, Propi-iet oir, JESUP, * * GEORGIA. RATES $2 00 Per Day. Single Meals Fifty Cents. SofiT* Special Arrangements made by the ock or Mouth. “^iSi The location of th-'s House is on high Elevated ground and dimetfy opposite tbe Depot. It is well supplied wnb water aud dramege, and is fi te.i in every way to give us guest* every comfort of a firs:-class HoUl. THE TABLE will be a Leading feature of the JESCP HOUSE ; and being nader the immediate supervision of the Proprietor, no pains or expenae will be spared to mafia it aqaal to the beat. A IF ALL, Prewritten. Atlantic and Gulf Railroad GsKXRAT. HmcRIMfINDEXT s (>mci, I AtUnlk and Gulf Kailroad. > JSavaknah, January ltt7 7. ) ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, Jana ry 6*K Trains on tliia lioad will run as follows: aNIGHT PXPPaLSa^. Lenve Savannah jniiy at 4:15 P. M Arrive ftt Jes'ip “ 7.10 P. M. Arrive st TbomasvlUe ... s:2ft A. M Arrive at Bainbridgs “ BloA. V, Arrive at Albany “ ‘J:">O A. M. Arrive ut Li. e UaU “ b .30 A. M. Arrive at Jacksonville “ SL2A A. M. Arrive at Talluliaiwce “ i*:3o A. M. Leave Tallahassee M 3:5t)P. M. Leave Jacksonville “ 3:45 P. M. Leave Live Uak 44 9:40 P. M. Leave Albntiv * 2:30 P. M. Leave Baiubiidge 44 3:15 P. M. L Hve l'ruifAJDSVille “ 7:00 P ’V. Leave Jeanp 44 5.45 TL 11. Arrive at Savannah 44 8:40 A.M. No change ol cars between Savannah and Albany Pausengers from Savannah forTalhihftftsec, and J csßoiivillt* take this train. Pa—*iu>er from fea'RUD'tli for Brunswick nod Darien take thin train arrtviug at Btuus w*rk It :10 p. 11 daily. Passengers leaving Macon at 9:35 a. m (daily) connect at Jesup vsilh t**i train for Hoi i la. Passengeis from Florida hy this trair* con nect at Jesup with tbe train arriving in Ma con at 5:19 p. in. (daily ) No change of cars between Montgomery and Jacksonville. Pubo an Pnii i e sleeping cars rnn through to anil from Savannah unit .Jacks, m i e; also through see es frm Atlsnti, Ga , and Montgomery, A a. to Jacksonville, Fa. Noth ng of tas Lc.uetD Montgonieiy and J-1 ks nv Ilf. Connect at Übanv with passenger trains both ways on Southwestern lluilroad to and from Macon, Eufaul*, Montgomery, New Ol leans, M Li e etc, Mail steamer leaves Cambridge for Apa lachicola every Snnnay afternoon; lor Col umbus every' Wednesday morning. Close connection at Jacksonville daily, Sundays excepted, lor St. Augustine, Palal ka and Enterprise. Trains on li and A. K. IX. leave junction, going west, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 11:14a. m. For Brunswick Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday nt 4:4U p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS-EASTERN DIVISION. Leava Savannah [Sundays excepted] at 7:00 A.M. Arrive at Mclntosh 44 44 9:50 A. M. Arrive at Jesup ** 4 12:15 P M. Arrive at Bluckshear 44 “ 3:30 P. M. Art ive at Dupont 44 44 7 :10 P.M. Leave Dupont * 4 44 5:00 A.M. Leave B:uckshear 0 1 44 9:15 A.M. Leave Jesup 44 44 1*2:35 P. M. Leave Mclntosh “ 41 2:47 P. M. Arrive at Savannah 44 44 5:30 P.M. WESTERN DIVISION.' MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Leave Dupont Sndy’g excepted, at .5:30 A.M. Arrive at, Valdosta 44 44 8:20 A.M. Arrive at Quitman 44 44 10:28 A.M. Arrive nt Thomasv.'lie 4 4 4 4 l:loP. M. Arrive at Albany 44 44 O:4P. M. Leave Albany 44 44 5:00 A M. Reave Thomasville 14 4 4 ll :00P.M. Leave Quitman 44 44 1 3> P.M* Valdosta 44 44 3.22 P.M. Arrive at Dupont *• 44 0.15 P.M. George S. Haines, General Ticket Agent. If. S. HAINES, General Superintendent. DAILY TO FLORIDA. General Superintendent's Office ) Macon, Ga.. Nov. ’3th, 1877 f ON and after this flate, Passenger trainh on this road will run as follows: DAY PABSKNGEK, DAILY. Leuvr Macon b:ls A. 11, Arrive nt Cochran 11:32 A. M Arrive at Eastman 2 S4l\ M. Arrive nt Josup 5:55P.M. Leave Jesup 6:30 P. M. Arrive at Brunswick 9:10 P. M. Leave Brnnswicx 4:15 A. M. Arrive at Jesup 6:>5A. M. L .ive Jesup 7:25 A. M. Arrive at Eastman 12:3-1 I* M. Arrive nt Cocbran I :50 P. M. Arrive at Macon 4:25 P. M Going down connects with A. & G. R. R. at Ji'SUD for Jacksonville, and ali poiti'* iii Florida. Up train contects at S 'Stin for Kavann ill TRI-WEEKLY'NIGIIT PASSENGER AND ’ FREIGHT Down Monday, Wednesday and Friday N filits. Leave Macon. 7:45 P. M. Arrive nt Cochran 10:17 P. M. Arrive at Eastman II '2O P. M. Arrive! nt Jesup 5:00 A. M. Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Nights. LeaveJesup 10:20P. M Arrive Eastman....- - —■ 4:C6 A. M. Arrive Cochran.- - s:tl A. M. Arrive Macon 7:45 A. M Connects at Jesup with Atlantic & Gulf Railrord toand from Savannah. HAWKINSVILLE BRANCH. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Leave H:\wkinsvillc 10.00 A. M;and 1.00 P. M. Arrive at Coelrr-tn 10 45 A. M. and 1.45 P M. Leave Uocbrsn 11'40 A. M; and 2.45 P ill. Aniv - at flawkinsville 12.'25 P. M. and J 30 P. M. Mondays—ibc a\-ove figures will be inn, eNC'pt, t.rcad of lerviug Cochran at 2.J5 I*. Si., train will wait until 10.3 i P. M. Wednesdays and Fridays Leave Hawkiusville 4.15 A. M and 1.00 P. M. Arrive at Cochran 5.00 A. M. nnd 1.45 P. M. Leave Cocbran 11.40 A. M. and 10.30 P. M Arrive at flawkinsville 1225 P. M. and 11.15 P. M. GKO. W. ADAMS, Gen. Sup'. \V. J J auvis VaferT r "<-poi-triivn- Ei H § *}f —of — Leading Dry Goods, Hosiery, Notions & Fancy Goods AT CELEBRATED DRY-GOODS HOUSE I Clieo, the rery t est quality, at Calico, lower grade nt '• and 5Jc Quilt Lining Honmapen at 3£c 3- Crown Slurring al 5 snd 51-ie 7-8 lirown Sliirtiut.', heavy, at fil-4. 6 1,7 c 4- Arown Shirting, heaviest kind, at 8c ~4 Itrewu Sea Island at 7 c 4-4 Brown Sea Island, very beat, at JOc 3-4 Bleached Shirting at 5c 7-8 Bleached Shirting at fi l-4e 4 4 Blenched Shining, soft finished at 8 l-2c 4.4 Bleached Shirting, without dressing, Inc Heaviest Brown Drilling at ]oc Shirting, 10-4 bleached anil brown at 25, 30, S5 and 4£>c Good article TTicxory stripe at 10c Best round-thread Georgia Checks and Stripes at 10c Blue Denim, a good qualily, at 10c Good Mattress Ticking at 10c Good Feather Ticking at 1Z l-2c Best Feather Ticking at 20c Good Gingham Checks at S l-3c Best Gingham Checks at 10c Balmoral Skins at 50c Boulevard ready made akirta at 50c Cotton Diape' - , uido 10 yards ro tbe pi-ee at $1 00 Linen Diaper, apiece, at SI 25, 1 50 2 00 and 2 25 Fronting Linen, yard wide at 30c to SI 00 Wash-Poplin, beautiful goods at 10c Dress Goods of nil kinds from 10c to $1 25 Neck Shawls at 2Se and upwards Ladies Shawls from 1 00 lip, very cheap and nice qualities. Arcer ran ltircd Cashmere at 25c English Blank Casbmrroy'd wide rt 40 a 50c B'rench, all wool Cashmeres, 40 inches wide, at 75, a 00c., A1 ( 0 aud 1 25 Bombaziue, Heruaoi, Australian Crepe, ve ry reasonable. A'pcca, a nice article, double with at 25c A'pac, Silk finished, double width at 50c Black Si k at 75, 900. $1 00. 1 25, 1 50 1 75, 2 00, 250 and 3 00. BrowD B'u ke'.e, per pa - v, $1 25, 240 2 00. 2 50 aud 8 00. White Bi“> k per pair, $2 00, 2 50, 8 00, 4 00, 5 00 aud G 00. Horn y O ral - Bed hp-tads at 75c Bridai Qailia, the uicesi si ieada out, $ 1 50 Ladies und'rvests at 50, 65, 7gc. $1 00 and 1 25. Harubu g Embroidery, E Igings aud la ser- ions at bargain pr c s. B’aih Gros Grain and S tsh Ribbons, very cheap. Everlasting, Crochet and other Trim niings, lower than ever. Italian, French aud Guipure Laces, very cheap Ladies’ S id Ties and Scarfs 20cand up. Ladies' Cuffs and Cohara at h,i f price. Umbrellas as low us 35c. two button K and Gloves Ladies' black, wmte, colored and Op.ra Suedes, nr. 50c Two button K rt G oven, —Ladies’—bet ler quality, at 75c and $1 00 Kehtuohv Jean-, at 10, 12 1 2. 15, 20, 25'. 30. 40 and 50 Cars m ri sat 50, G'l, 75, 85c. $1 00, 1 25 and 1 50 Black, B ue n it Grey Waterproof, 1 1-2 y, rd wide, at 75c, §t 08 • and 1 25. Canton Ftm hela at 8 12, 10, 12 1:2, 15 and 20*. To understand our in- tliod of bu iuess, wo ha*e endeavored to explain it i iininis'abnhl In- gu>ge anil fir winch *r toques' * e*rsfnl piinl We beg to caution tne public to try to d'Seriml- a'e b tween our and. -alines ami that ■ f mer < hunts who offer a few denies*tc goods only eln ap as a b"i*, to ca'ch tbe n win , nnd make I linn believe that liny sell everything equally as low; the iu'elligeiu rea-ier will easily under* mid h>. W off-r oil- o.r f-.r inspection to every body far no; will senil samples of Dry Goad*, with prior* attached, to any one who will write us tor tncin and give everyone u ehauco to see for themselves. “ k ' We have endeavored to enumerate the principal articles kept io a first- la* * Dry Goods Hou*e, and attached the prices We are aware rl.til this is sufficient* to c nvey a correct tdt-a "f the quality. Those who di-ail'c to pu-chase, we will, upon applicition. send such sample*, with pric■ attaclred, a* th y may deawe, when they can form a much better opinio" and select for themselves Not than a million of people have dealt with us and w • are sure we have snthfied a.I. Any one displeased wiih his purchaS'- can return the goods to ua at nur ex; ens® and wo -*■ ill reiurn the money. On twenty dollars w. r'h of goods w* prepay freight to rhe nearest station. U e make no charges f r packing or dray age. Y\ a don’t sell one article low and make it up on the others. WE RETAIL OUR GOOES AT WHOLE3ASE PRICES, Which accounts for our Wonderful Snccess. We don’t advertise to humbug, but we talk plain business and mean it. Wa*fH nuc yard as low as we would ten thousand. Those woo arc tird of payiuz ex horljitant pi ices and appreciate the value of money, are invited to send their orders, wieh we will till C. O. D. witn privilege to examine, or eau lend tb* money with tbc order. David WeisMii, 4 NO. ICO BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, GA —i JOHN A. DOERS. DEALER IX— STOVES, RANGES, J RATES, AND TIN AND WOODEN WARE AT WHOLESALE. 159 BROUGHTON STREET, S A V A NNAH, GA. White Mixed Flen - eta at 15 and 200 White ad worn fl„nueis at 25, 30, 40, 50 and 75a. Bed all woo. fi.unela a! IS. 20. 25 aud 40e Bed atl wool twill Fiannt/a mi 25. 30 and 40r Gray Flauui-ls at 15, 20, 26 aud 4c<s Open ™ ' Dels ell colors at 40c O* r Flan eie, plaid styles, best, at t>oo W olen L -ey, * g id qualm, at 200 H avy * uudcrehitlb al 20c and upwaius. Cm - Siiirta at 25 ai d upwaT7 '^ White drees shirts at 75 aud upwa * Ycid loi g towels at 12 1-2 and uporaica.. Towels as low as Ca Linen Table Cloth. 2 12 pard wide, 25 30. 35 hi and 4<K Table Oil Cloth, 114 yard wide, best Quality, a* 4Do. Bleached Table Damask at 50, 11a. $1 00 and 1 20. Woolen Table Cloihs, good at ffl CO Good Flench Corsets at 50c Thompson's glove-fitting Corset at $ 1 00 aud 1 25. Suepeudera wuh Rubber in tbe beck at, 25a Turkey Red Table Doylies' per di zeu 75 White linen Te.b e Doylies’ per dexan' 60 aid 75c. Table N-pkn s, pe. dezen, at ffl CO; 1 2o Hud upwards. Cbildifcu H Wooled C ps at 40 Veil R-roge, best quality a yard at 40a Biik Vtrilu g. per yard ui f>o, GO ard 700 Neck Ruche?, ier d< Ecii at VI 1 2, lfi, 20 mdu 250. Neck Ruching, by tbe yard, at 5, 6 1-4 10c and upwarda. Alpaca Skirt Braid, a burch at 5o 12 dt xon Agate or Rice Butioua for ro Funliioual le Silk Drena ButtoDaat 10 and 15a Ivory and Gutia Peicha Buitoua ai 8, 10, 12 1-2 and 15j. Cbildreir’h Round Com bn at 10 and l r >o Indies' Hig- B-ick Com Is at <O, 15 ano 250 Chil Iren’s Fancy Stot king* at 5 and'lOo M shen’Fancy B*ockiigs at 12 12 and 15e‘ LndieH’ Fancy Srockii g< at 10 to 6do bLck Prnts Butloz s. oone, best qul. ity, box for 10c. Lrdiea Wune St* ckings at 5, G 1-4, 8, 10 aud 12 1-2, and 15c. ~ ‘ Ladiea’ Engl it* b b.ockiuga, without a 250. Gent’s Honent 5, 8. 20, 12 1-2 and 150 Gent’s Engl sh hi If brae Without Gent’s bKnckercbiefff at 3 aud 5c Geni’a Tuik yR- and buuokercbitfn ai lOj lihdite’ Lmeii Hundkercbiefs at 5o L.d ea’Cord*d L neu baitikerebiefa at 10a L’tie beat net dl<-*, u paper, m £o Coats’& Clark’s N. O. C *iton at 6;., per dozen line. Good.'apot 1 cotton tor band hw : i g. 200 varus, nt 3 II nddech efH at 10, 15, 25 and 350 Hall thread, 1G b: y f r 35c Khitling aid D .rn?ng Cotlob, a bfrll. 5o Gt.Lte’ pi*pe/ c< 1 ura a box, ot 5. 10 15 25a L nen Shin Frunte, ex r* length at 25c Coidtd P q . wor !20 or Ico White an: B 1 ck C*>: yu G ove**' at -Ith: Llfcl Tbuao Glovea nt 15. 20 25 an. 35c E p 1 trb P .► worth 100 a j r. er, rt 105 Aimr oMi t> ns wo*b in * a j att-r. f 2 l 2o Ktbl q i I'J H ks mm Ey* a 1 paper- f iso P -pei Cami r c. ynrd wide, at 7o i Wl.l illill g, at luo