The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, March 06, 1878, Image 2

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THE JgfltfP SEfITWEI. T. I. LITTLEFIELD, Editor rind Proprietor. t >rf fro,ding on Utiry •iiretl, <lo# doors from Broad Si. vt k:vkw®*v. ** w,, *■ ****• APPLINO COtWTY OFFICERS Ordinary-*' '“t£ ronhJ ' Silas OrosbV- Oierk-B. D Mob’.ey. H. Overstreet. T-r end K ceiver John J. Cl r!untr C jroner—Hetnr McE.cMn Ojmmiisionera -Joe'b Lightsey, John O. iUrtudW., G. Stewart. the silver bill Tbe Silver Bill has become ■ Uw, notwithstanding tbe reto of Hayes. In ‘be boura it pawed over the reto by a rote of 196 ays# to 73 ny, j io the Senate it passed over the veto bv 16 to 19- Jo his veto Mr. Hye* • that > wl , big earnoat delre to concur with CoDgrcas io tho adoption of.Bome meaa urc to increase the silver coinage, but that the present bill did not meet his viewa. ILs opposition to the bill bo eaja is, that it “oontains no provision lor protecting front its operation, pre existing delta. Exactly, there i. where the shoe pinobes, the originator, of the bill did not|intend it to eorich bond holders but pay them wbat tbe govern ment promised them, currency, but it did not say whether it wofild be gold or silver Hi says ho could not sign a bill "which would authorize the violas lion of sacred obligations.” 'Well, be ia getting honest, but tbe Am.ric.n people hare no confidcno. in wbat be says, for they do not bolieve him. Ho said he would not accept the presidency unless legally cle.ted, but the country has proof to tbe .ontrary ; ho is Pres ident, and made so by the most glaring fraud tha world ever witnessed. He promised Chamberlain of South Caro* lina, Packard of Louisiana, and a host of other xcoundri'hs, that if tli.y sue* seeded in caiiiitiog tbe electoral votes of those States for him,, and make him .President, lie wotlil pastect n<l up- told their govoromonti in tb*c perso x:oled State*. They succeeded by fall* swearing, changing balM*, throwing out preciots sud ersry other method oalj koewu to srch thiercs in and >ing ?fht he detired, sttitted by tbo noto rious returning boards, and what it the reiutt. Anderson it a sentenced perju- rer, W’tUa, Cesi-nivc and Kenner, is on (rial end will undoubtedly be oouvieted, while he aits io the White Houea, the chief cxecutire of the United Stales, (be moment fiand of them ell. The following is a text of the Silver Hill, which bceime * lew ou Feb. 27, 1 STS .' An Act to authorize tbo ooiuege of the steoderd silver dollar, and to restore itt legal tender charaeter. fie it enacted, Thnt there Rball ho •coined at the several mints of the Uni ted Slates silver do".,re of the weight of 4ltdl grains Troy of ataudard eilver, ns provided in the act of January 18th 1937, on which shall be the devious and •uperacriptiona provided by a,id act, which ooin9, together with all ajver dollar* heretofore coined by the United Stales of like weight and fineness, shall be a legal tender at their nominal vaN tie for all debta and dues, publio and private, except when otherwise express ly stipulated in the comraet ; and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to purchase from time to time silver bullion at the market price thereof, not less than (3 000,000 worth per mouth or more than (4,000,00© worth per south, and cjuso the sums to be corned monthly, as fast as so pur chased Hkto such dollars ; and a sum sufficient to carry out the foregoing provisions is hereby appropriated oal of any money in ihe Treasury not other wise appropriated, and any gain or aeienioragc arising from this coinage •hall be ace .'tinted for and paid into the Treasury av provided under existing laws relative to the subsidiary coins. Provided, That the amount of money nny one time iuvested in such silver bullion, exclusive of *ucb resulting coin, shall not exceed (0,0'>0,000, and, prvndeti further, that nothing in thia et shall be construed to authorize the payment in silver of certificates of de poait owiaed under the provi ions of sec tion 354 of the iteviaed Slntu'es. Sec. 2, That itumediately after tbf paw.ige of this aot, tbe President shall tuvitc tbe government* ot the countries composing the Latin Union, o called and of such other European nations *a be may d'em adrisab!# to join tbe : Umtad State* to a conference to adopt j • oobhloo ratio as between gold ami silver, for tbe purpose of establishing internationally the use of a bi metallic money and securing a fiiity of relative value bttaeeu these metals, aocb con ference to be held at tuch place io Eu rope or in the United State*, at such 1 time witbia six months as mav be mu tually agreed upou by the exercutiv* cf 1 the governmeute joining in tbe same, , Whenever tbe governments to invited or ary three of them, aball signify their Willingness to uaite m tbe same, tba President shall by and with tbe ad \* ce and consent of tbe Senate appoint U.r*e eommiaaionere, wbo shall attend snot conference ou behalf of tbe Untied cities Mid shall rtport tbe doing* there of to the President, wlo stall transmit ‘l* same to Congress: Said commis- Btoners shall each receive tbe sum of $2,500 and their reasonable expenses. to be approved by the Secretary of State, and tba amount necessary te pay web coarpcistlißß and upytje* t j hereby appropriated out of *ny money in the*Treasury not otherwise appropri ated. SkC. 3. Any holder of the oio au thorised by this act may deposit tt> sama with the Treasurer or any Assist ant Treasurer of lha United States, i> •am* not leas than 810, and receive tberefer certificates of not 1 ea than 810 each, coir*.ponding with the o'e nomination, of the United States units Tha aojji deposited for or representing the certificates shall he retained iii tie Treasury for tbe payment ol the same on demand. Such certificates shall be receivable for coatoms taxes and all public duties, and wbeu u<> received may be reissued. See. 4. Alt acta and parts of acts io oooaistant with iha provisions of Ibn set are hereby repealed. •The Milli of the Gode grind alow, but they grind exceedingly Small." So thiuka Mr. T. A. Anderson, ono of the Lvuinians Keturoiug Board. Wa e*ll ibe attention of aur readers to tbe fol lowing : Nsw Oai.iaws, Feb. 25.—T. A. Ao deriun was tailed before the bar this morning and motioD in arrest of jridg raent overruled. When asked if he lied anything to offer before sentence, Anderson aaid that hw c inside rant his case cruel persecution under form of law ; that he Wat in the power of tho court and ready to receive sentence. Judge Whitaker answorad tbat the ae cused had bed a fair trial before an im partial jary and tbe verdict was fully justified by the evidence ; he then sen tenced Anderson in oorisequsnee ol the recommendation of the jary to the mer cy of the court to the lowest term cin der tho law, two years hard labor in the State penitentiary and eoeia. A suspeasive appeal was granted, return* able on Wednesday A motion to transfer the etset of Veils, Kenner and Oassnavo to the United State* court waa filed and will be heard on Wclresday, March 6. ritol MOXTUOMKftIT COIUTT. Mr. Vkiinijv, Fob. 21,1879. Mr. Editor :—(Jourt met on Monday tho 19th inat., Judge Heory B. Tomp kins prosidiag. His Hon. A. O. Pate haviog gone to Ravtnnsh to kuld court at that iil ace. The wek has been a dull ODe, no cases of interest tried snd to-day tho rain is falling in a contin* ous stream. But this rain, while being and and by the lawyers is being bJetasd by the timber cutters, wbo bare largo quantities of timber eut and swaitibg water. Judging by present appearance they will have it and plenty of it. This county is iu a prosperous uondition. With a climate balubrous nad healthy, land abounding in timber, and a soil wbilo generally poor yet rewarding Ihe I husbandman for hia toil. The people •re hospitable, honest and clanniah. The Scotch element prevails and tne names, feud* and ncitieerncntr pirtnke of thsir owu Calidonia. With the thrift of the Scotchman they are out of debt, and wbilo the comity 1* sparsoly popu lated renewed attention is being (ji„ u to education. A flourish*;,g u now in sessioo at thia puint and under the in | dafatt'iuie hoard of school commie stonera almost every child he* within easy reach the aicaus of aducaiion. Want of industry and education are the great wants of the wirt-graas, but large advauaos are being made io these direc tions. No scctiou ot the State baa im proved more iu the last decade, than Ihe wire grass, and the ptople aro be ginning to learn that without labor and edtiealiou no success can be gained. Fiuit growing and sheep raising are be coming important sources "f industry. The facilities for shipping off naval stores by icasein of the railroads, is building p soother kind of industry and the outlook to-duy is brighter than ever. At this session of tbo eourt tba news paper fralerni'y has bc;ii well repres ented. We find hers Burton, V\ ooda and Buioh, representing 111 ir several Papers, while there aro moro lawyers than clients, end more olieute then fees. Messrs. Meltirnm of Savinneh, Stubbs, Stanley, Connor and Hightower from Lauren*, Huberts from 1> *dge, Beasley from Taltiall, Kmiili from Telfair, Camp end Muting from Kmauutl, EsSo", Wooten end Herrington of the local bar, are all gailieicd together seeking te make tbe * worse appear the better reason." M-ktg mxut. STATE NEWS- Four hundred and aeiventr-one car loads of mules bavo been received at Atlao ta this season, A correspondent of tbe Augusts Setos eeya tbet Mr Mell analyzed some rock found on tbe place of Mr- F. W- Lucas. Tbe rock was found to cootaio gold. One ton of this reck will pro duoe $36 worih of gold, and one crush er will crush out $360 worth a day. We learn that Mr. John Wilcox, a son of Mr. Wooten Wilcox of Telfair county, who has shown signs of insan ity for several years, was adjudged a lunatic and sent to tbe asylum, taking the train t Mcßae last Sunday. Me bas a wife and several children, besides a host of other ralatives and friends.— Sagtman 7'unrs. The Newnan Htrald, speaking of Mfj Hill's course, asya : Ti e people donl like tbi* pairing any wav. They want to see their Senators aud Representatives stand square up ts all important questions, like tbe gal lant Gerdon, Georgia's fawonte Sena tor and Representative, whose name ap pears among tbe yeas and nays of tbe tjenata at tbe Anal vote npon both tbe rrrnt important cecaeicna mentioned numasvUle Time* : Deputy Sher ff Coyle haa a way of inquiring of a dar key the lime of day, and when Cuff pulle out hie watch to Wli him. be tasrt *ha wateb and nagro 100. That's the way he played it on a gentleman of the colored p. rsuatiou who had ateleu a wstoh at Bacouton the other day. Kliijay Courier: Our readers wil’. remember tbe boirible tragedy that recurred in Piekeoa eowoty at ,at a year ago, when Narciawa Cowart was dubkad and killed by Kit* Sou'hern, daughter of John Hamhrick and tha wife ol Boh Southern. The luurdsrtsi fi dto parts unknown. Hob Southern amt Kate have been arretted io North Carolina and carried to Piekena county jail, ini’, there lodged lo await trial, both being included in the bill of in dictiu ent. T'urmiaxviUe Time.*: A few evenings amr e a* Mr. Jerry Tilly waa returning t<> his horns from Ochookonae a anon, he was set upon by some desperate ne groes who knocked him down, eboked and otherwise maltreated bint. The ob ject of tbe iieeeult waa robbery. They took something over S3O from Tilly, tnd let b>m pursue hie way homeward minus bis money. A ‘‘culled |rmeo" waa noticsd the other day to be hand ling more ready rash than bia impecu nious appearance would jus'ify. He wiui shadowed and subsequently proved to be one of Ibe embryo highwaymen Another one baa beua piekad up by tbe minions of the law. L EOAL A U VEIt ITS EM ENTS PKIBCK CSI KTT. A damsssiatratwr a .Notice. GEORGIA—Prises Cocbtt. To oil whom it may concern ; Where*', John V. A. Warren of Hid Htato and county, applioe to th* Ordinary for lettaraof eßmin iatratioo!on tho estate of John L Wa res, deceased, late of aaid e .nuty: These ara therefore to cite and admonish all owd ain (juar the kindred end creditors of said de ceased, to tie end eppeerat my office, within tbe time preeeribed by lew, end show oasm, (if any they here) why let-era of administra tion on the eetate of aaid deceased, should not ieeue to the applicant. on the first Mon day in April na‘, ia Itieckabear. Given u-ider my hand and official signature, February 25th 1878. A. J. STRICKLAND, feb 27 tf Ordinary P. 0. GEORGIA—ArrMBo Coobvt. Umdbb and by virtu# of an order from the Hon. Court of Ordinary when setting tor Ordinary purposes on tbe drat Monday la January last, will be aolf) before Ibe Coort House door in tbe town of Baxley, within tbe legal hour* of sale on tbe first Tuesday in March neat, the following property to-wit: 3IM) scree of lot number 100 in the third dis trict of acid county, cold ae the proparty of F. D. Boatright, minor son of Cetherioa Boatright late of aeid county deeeaeed. This Feb. A, 1878. C. W. BOATHIGH TANARUS, Guardian of F. D. Boatright. SHERIFF’S SALES GEORGIA—ArruNO Couux*. Wiul be sold belor* tbe Conrt House door in thu tows of Bstley of said connty, be tween tbe legal hours of sate, on the first Tuesday in March '7B, the follow.ngjproperty to-wit : Lots of land Nou 50 and 54 in the third di-triot of Appling county, the rams being wild aud unimproved land, levied on uad-r and by virtue of execution* issueed by Hon. W. f,. Goldmlth, Comptroller Gen eral ot Georgia, for the taler due thereon for the State andcounty tax due forth# years of 1874, '7ft eud'76, Sold for for ihe bom fit 6 Silas A. Crosby, transferee of eaid fl fa*. This Jan 51, 1878. SILAS CIIuSBY. Feb 6 ta Sheriff A. O. wtivx wt kti. OEOBOIA—Went* CooWrv. I will apply to the Oourt of Ordinary of said county at the next regular term, for leave to sell portions of iota of tend No. 68 and 8. in the third Diatriot of originally Appling, now Wayne Comity, tbs entire real eetate of Harriet Blitob, deaeaard : for the benefit of tbe heira of said deceased. This January 7th lull. jan A4 w H. HUTCH, Ad minis*-;, tor. GKolttilA— Arruxo Corvrsi Will be Bold lirfore the Court boose door in the town of Bullvy, within the legal hours of sale on th first Tursdsy in March 1878, the following property to-wit ; lot* of bind numbers 415 and 417, in the Fifth Dis trict of said enmity, caoh lot containing 400 aere*. the same bring wild and nii*n'.proved land, levied ou and by virtue of an execution issued by the Hon. W. L. Goldsmith. Comptroller General <>f Georgia, for the taxes due thereon for the years 1814, 75 all,l 76, aud sold far the benefit of J. H. Moody transferee of laid Fi Fa*. .Said lot* •minted out in said A fas. Terms es>j, par. ohas-ra pejiug for titlaa. This Jan 31, I*7*. Siua Cttosax, jan 6 Id Sheriff A. P. 4* KO libit A —Pataca Cohstv Will he old before the Oonrt Hones door in the towu of lilacksaenr, iu said comity on the first Tuesday in March next. 1878. within the legal hours cf sale the following properly to-wit : Five Lots of wild laud Nos. 38, 80 102, 105 and 127, all lymg and being in the fifth diatriot of originally Ap tiling now Pierce eoanty, Levied on amt sold bv virtue of execution! leaned by the Hon. W. L. Goldsmith, Comptroller General ef Georgia, tor the tales due thereon for the teuia 1574,'75, '7B, the eaoie being wild end unimproved. Term* of sale eeah. imrchaevr paying for titles. ThiaJn 31, 1818. W * K. Z. BY HD. Jen fi td Sheriff J*. O. GEORGIA—Wataa CounrT. Will sold before the Const Honee door in tbe towu of Jeaup ofaaid count J. between tbe legal hour* of sale on the first Tuesday m M *roh uett. 1878 the following property to-wit : A paw o parcel if land, it being a past of lot tin tba township of Je-up and knows and dieituguiabtil no tbs Oil Move lion eO’ John Exlerliog. sow oocupied by Morgan A Jenkins, eold under sad by vir tue ot so amecutioa issued from the Taa Collector of said eouaty agaiaat Mrs. Kiui line Kaaterltng for tbe State sad eoaaty US due by tbe laid Mrs. Emilias Easter ling, foe tbe yea* of IIT. ea tbe mid shore dreari bed property. Property petal ed out by the witbia defendant. Terms of •ale cash, pnrehaser paying for till** Tbu Feb Mb 187*. Jobs S. Goooßßßan, fab 6 tt Sheriff W. C. G KOKGIA —Arriawo Cocjitt Wrtx be eold before the Court Hons* door in the town of Baxley, of eeid count* on the first Tueadar in March nett, 18<8, with in the legal hour* of sale, the following prop. e,t* to-wit : loU of land number*. *7, 10, us 187. ns. ns, tss, an, an. sai, so, ass' 364. 378. 379, tot. 421, *73, 424, 4iS, *7O. *7l. *99. 409, SOt, 509 and 512, in the fifth district of Appling county the same being wild and unimprored lands. Each lot containing 490 sere*, levied on under and by virtue of executions issued by the Hon. vi. L. Goldsmith. Comptroller General of Georgia for the taxes due thereon for the year* 18',4. ”5 and 76, and sold tor tbs ben efit of Daniel Loti, transferee of said FI Fa's. This Jaa. U, I<*. SicasCbos**, fab • 4* Meri*> C. DOUBLE DAILY TO AND FBOM PLOEXM* M#ion It Brunswick Railroad Gasaaat ScnaiNTEsoxirr'a Omcß I Macon, Ua.. Jan. !2th, 1878. f ON and after thin dale, Passenger train* on till# road will run as follow*: EXPhK-iH PASSENGER, N. 1 Son'h Di y. Lesvr Macon 7:30 A. M. Arrire at Eastman 10:51 A. M. Arrive Jesup 3:55P. M. 1 Arrive 8ranewick............. 6:45A.M. Leave Brunswice per steamer . 7:00 A. M. Leave Fernandraa ...... 11:00 A. M Anive at Jacksonville 9:45 P. M. Mo 2, North Daily. Leave Jacksonville 11:00 A. M. Leave Famandins per steamer . 2:45 P. M. Arrive Brunswick 6:45 P- M. Leave Brunswick .7:15 P. M Leave Jesup )0:3o P. M. Leave Eastman a. ....... iil AH. Leave Ochr.n 5:20 A. M. Arnveat Macon 7:46 A. M. Close connection at Macon for • 1 pain ■ North, East owd West via Allan's. Mo. 3, Booth, via Jess p and Live Oak—Daily esoept Sunday. Leave Macon 7:30 A. M. Arrive Cochran ■> 10:28 A. M. Eastman II 67 A. M. Arrive Jesup 631 P. VI. Arrive at Jarkaoavi le. 9:25 A.M. No. 4, NOBTH, Dafiy rieept Sunday. latave Jacksonville ..... 3:45 P. M. Leave Jesup . 6 OO A, M. Lave Kastman... .• 12:43 P. M. I-esve I inch ran. 9:08 P. M. Arrive Macon - .... 5:10P. M. Connects at Macon for points North, East and West. HAWKINSVILLK BRANCH. Freight end Aeoommodittoo- Daily, except tssday. fears Cochraa 10:00 P. M. Arrive at Hawkioaville 10:45 P. M. L av | ttewkiuaville. 4:15 A. M. Anive Cochran 5:00 A. M. Connects at Owlins with Tra.ns Nos 1 end 9to end from Meson. Leave Cochran 10:45 A.M. Arri< Hawk nsvil e. 11:30 A.M. Leave Hawki-svills 1:00 P.M. Arrive Cochran 1:45 P. M Oji’U cts atCoet ran with trains 3 and 4 to and from Mason. CKO. w. AD AMS. Oer. Supt. W. J. Janvrs. Maeii r Trans. Get the Standard “ 7?< beM authority ti owjhi Io b* is eivry Library, altu in tvery Actukmy and in tvtr School.' Ha. Cw*4 evras. “’Jhi beat exutiny Enjlith Ltzictn.” —hot out Arman an <■ /as A iSrga. handsome voiome of 1*54 pages eontaining eone-derably more then 100,- 000 Words in its Vocabulary, with the correct Pronunciation, Definition,' end Ety mology. I n.LWsraxTSD tan csßtnoan nraixav SWBWV, MaBBLSt) OKIES, #lO 000. ’ ' "W ©a®lß S 7 II" k It tow rfirtrdfd II the BTANDARD AUTHORITY and it •• re:4*m<hefi'ld by Bryant, Long tel low, Whittier. fMimnrr, Holm**. Irvin*/, Wiljlhrop, tgtttit. Mr*h. Henrv. Everett, Want., tyilncv Kell on. Hilliard, and the majority of oar moM dl ' # ’ tlngutehefi echolare.and je, httlrfot, •u thorny by ibe Departments of oar tonal Uot* ertinieMt. , •Th volume befort ns show * **•* . monl t of diligence; hiil with Wrhrter t*. is B \,g,. nc * |„ com bination with ftnicifiihier,. V* | t |, Worcester. te combination with good sen- >nd Ja<Wmß „, W or eerier ,la the coherer i l ',, , M f,, r tn„,e msy he pronounced ihe ho,t g„„n, h lexicon.”- Lorimih Athik* -ug * • “Tht heit writer* tnd the moat particu* jtr A*'*’ ican wr |t rr e uh* Worcester •• Ihoir aulho* -NivYork Herald. “After air recent atrlke w* made tha chwirA to Worcester •• uur authority in •pelliii]’ chiefly to brine or*elva into conformity with tn accented iiMtf<', tt well t to grttffy the. desire of moat of or ela#, iaelndln/ uc.h couiU-meu Mr. Bnyartl Tay lor Mr. OtfOre W. htiMille/. tnd Mr. J tbt R. 0. lltMtrd. I*—N, 1 *—N, Y. ♦ THE COMPLETE SERIES OF WORCESTER'S DICTIONARIES- Quarto Dietiooary. Profusely Illustraied. Library ahnep. (10.00 Uoiveraat and Critical Dictionary. Svo. Li brary sheep. (4 23. Academia Dictionary Illustrated. Grown Svo. Half roan. (2 00. t'om prehen *ive Dictionary. Illustrated. l*mo. Half roan (t. 75. School (E'cmanUry) D'etuntary. Illustrated ISibo. Half roan (1.00. Primary Diotinoary, Illuatratad. lfitno. Half roan. 60 cute. Pocket D'Olionary. Illustrated. tamo. Cloth, 65 cts; roan, flexible, 85 eta ; roan, locks, gilt edgt*. (I 00. Many (tpAcinl Rld to tnd;nta. in ndditina to * very fall pronouncin' •nd drflnlng vocubuUry. make the ahotr named book-*, in the opinion of oar gput dietinirnithrd edacnloVE, the mort Complete, •a well •• by ter tbe (beapeat IMctbrnarirt of our lan/aaifea. K*r ante hy nil BKkwllrr, nr will be a#t. car rijf free, chi receipt of the price by j. a. urmcoTT a c#„ Pabliebere. Hookw-Uors, and Stationers, 715 sod 717 Mwkst St., Hhiladelphia. Jan 16 3us CANCERS CURED! DR JOHN*. ANDREWS, OF f Hotfssvn lk. tla., CURES CANCERS iovariably, when applied to for Treatment , before it is too late. at! Chronic diseases, or disseise of long standing of Males sad Fearetes very Beee'-sfutG iSSOT ROW®, A. WALEa JESUP * GEORGIA KATES $3 00 Per D %j. Single ■!• Fifty Cento. Special Arrangements made by the W*ck or Month, “lig x Tbe iooation of tbi* Houa* is on high Derated ground and difeetly opposite the Depot. It is well supplied with water and drainage, and u fiitel in erery way to gire Its guests erery comfort of a first-elae* Hotel THE TABLE will be a Leading feature of lb* JESUP HOUSE , end being under the immediate ssperviasoa of tbe Proprietor, BO Mill* OI expense will be spared to make >4 {Mi at lb* beaS. 4 FELL, riwprv*4M. Atlantic and Gulf Railroad ir ScptsijrrxjrcEKT s Omcs, i AtUfillc b 4 bulf Kallrofid. SavassaH, January 6, 1877. ) ON AND AFTEH SL'NaiAV, January 6-. b, Passenger Trains on this lioad will run as follows: NIGHT EXPRESS. Leave Bavaroeh la ly at......4:10 P. M. Arrive at Jesup " 10 p - JJ- Arrive at Tbomawille “ 5:36 A. M. Arrive at Bainbridge ", A' Arrive at Alhsmy “ ...... 950 A. M. Arrive at Li.e Osk " SSOA. M. Arrive at Jacksonville '* 9 '• Leave Tallahassee . “ 11:30 P.M. Leave Jacksonville “ 3:45 P. M. Leave Live Oak “ 9:40 P. M. Leave Alban? " 2:30 P. M. Leave BaiuhtidgO “ 8.15 P. M. lesaVa TUoujaeviUe 41 ...... 7:00 P. M. Leave Jeaup “ 5:45 A. M Arrive at Savannah “ 8:40 A.M. No change ot cats between Savannah and Albany. Passengers from Savannah tor Tallahassee, and Jacksonville take this train. Pasaengera from Savannah for FermeasHne, Oaineavilte and Cedar Kys take this train. Passenger* leaving Mscon at 755 e. m (daily) eouneet at Jesuy with tbi* train tor, Florida. Pasoan gets from Florida by this train con* nect at Jesup with the train arriving in Ma con at 8:45 p. m. (daily ) No change of cars between Montgomery and Jacksonville. Pullman Palace sleeping ears ran through to anij from Savannah aud Jacksonville; elso through oieepera from Atlanta, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala, to Jacksonville, Flo. No change of cars between Montgomery end Jacksonville. Connect at Albany with passeager trains both waya on Southwestern Railroad to and from Mscon, Enfant*, Montgomery, New Oi leans, Mobile, etc. Mail steamer leaves Bainbridge for Apa lachicola ever} Sonumy afternoon; for OoL uuibus every Wednesday morning. Close eonueetion at Jacksonville daily, Sundays excepted, tor Gre<n (Jove Springs, St. Augustine,' Palatka. Enterprise aud a 1 landii gs on St. John's Biver. DAY EXPRESS. [Daily, Sunday Eioep'eL] Leave Savannah ot 9:15 A. M. Arrire at Jacki-ouvill* 3<>:UO P. M. Arrive at Tallahassee at 3:10 A.M. Leave Jack-.ouvillo el 6:00 A. M Arrive at Savannah at 6:18 P. M. No change of oar* between Savannah and Jaoks ,ovill*. Passenger* for TalUhsliee tske this train. Pass ngers from Savsnnsb for Brunswick and Darien take this train, emvin at Bruns wiek at 4:00 P. M. Paeosngeri) from Brunswick arrive at 8a veunnb at 6:18 P. M- Traina on B. and A. U. B. leave junction, going west, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 11:14 a. m. t or Brunswick Tuesday, Thursday aad Sat urday at 4:40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS-EASTERN DIVISION. Leave Savannah [Sundays exceptedl ' st 7.60 A.M. Arrive at Mclntosh " “ 950 A. M. Arrive at Jesup “ ‘ 12:151*.M. Arrive at Blocksbeer " “ 350 P. M. Arrive at Dnpont " •• 7:10 P.M. Leave Dupout ♦ *' '• 5.00 A.M. Leave iliacksheer ** " 9:15 A.M. Leave Jesup 1255 P. M. Leave Mclntosh •• •• 2:47 P. M. Arrive at Savannah “ “ 550 P.M. WESI'EBN DIVISION. ■oirnaTs, WHDBEsnATs asd Fuiuavs, - Leave Dnpont Sndy's •*c-, te d i a.M. Arri? at Valduata • it Artiffe at Quitman $ ** 10 28 .\*M. Arrive at Thom ** l:if> P.‘m! Amve at * „ a :Al>P. M. r , “ T *. Albany ' •* S:OOA M. jave TboiuasvlUo “ “It 06 P.M. ho'ave Quitman “ “ 1:36 P.M. Lease Valdosta •• •• 3:22 P.M. -Arrive at Dupont *• * " 6:15 P.M. George S. Haines, General Ticket Agent. If 8. HAINES, General Superintendent.. THE MILLER BROS, CDTEERY COMPANY AND U. S. STEEL SHEAR CO-, KsmtuiiTni, MaxmcTCßSits ov Patent Focket Cutlery, AND SOLID CAST STEEL sexa&s ArrD-s©2SS®as. THSOKLT MAKUVACTUKUW OF SOLID CAST STEEL SHEARS & SCISSORS IS THE UXITIiD BT3TIB THg dwlt etsrnnnir.M is thb would of racKir ckuirt, with Covering Secured by Screws NONE BDT THE BEST English Pocket Cutlery Seel Deed, and every Knife and Scissors W AKK ANTED. The temper and cutting qualttie, of both Kxlvee •nd Seitawra are carefully tePtll. Great ear© is taken to maintain and inercaae tk wc 11-cartiod reputation wbkk this Compaoy have at tained. as The Leading American Cutlers. In haimpny with the verdict *f customer*, tha Ccntcnnh*! Rxpsteition awarded Medal* a ini Dipiooi ae for the erwtaai ncellcnca ia quality and Aiiah • thee* tfoode. The Miller Bros. Cutlerr 00. FISHES L 1ST:: OF r: .. " ’ • ' - H- , , Leading Dry-Goods, Hosiery, Notions <fc Fancy Goods ■ •—AT WKXSBtirSf CELEBRATED DRY-GOODS HOUSE! Cnlieo, the very heat quality, at <jc Calico, lower at 6 and sjc Quilt Lining Honwspaa at 3[c 3- Crown Shirting at 5 aDd 61-2 C 7-8 Brown Shirting, beery, at 6 1-4, 6 1, 7® 4- Arown Shirting, heaviest kind, at 8c 4-4 Brawn Sea Island at ‘ . . I t 4-4 Brown Sea Island, very beet, at 10c 3- Bleached Shirting at 5c 7-8 Bleached SbirtMgat 6,1-4* 4 4 Bleachad Shirting, soft finished at 8 l-2c 4- Bleached Shirting, without dressing, ItJc Heaviest Brown Drilling at . 10c Shirting, 10-4 bleached and brown at 25. 30, 35 and 40c (rood article Hicsory strip* at —• ‘ . 10c Best ronnd-thread Georgia Checks snd . , • Stripes at 10c Blue Denim, a good quality, at . 10c Good Mattress Ticking at 10c ‘Good Feather Ticking, at 13 l-2c‘ Best Feather Ticking at ‘ ‘ --30 c ■flood Gingham Checks at • l-3e Best Gingham Checks at 10c ' Balmoral Skirls at 50c Boulevard ready mad* skirts at ‘ 50c Cotton Diape', wide JO yards to the pier* at 81 00 Linen Diaper, apieew, at 91 25, 1 50 2 00 and 2 25 Fronting Linen, yard wide at 30c to (1 00 Wash-Poplin, beautiful goods at 10c Dress Goods of all kinds from 10c to $1 25 Neck Shawls at 25e and upwards Ladies Shawls from 1 00 ap, very cheap and *ce qualities. Ameru enquired Cashmere st 25c English Black Cashmere y’d wide rt 40 a 50c French, all wool Cashmeres, 40 inches wide, st 75, s 90c., #1 00 sod 1 25 Bombesin*, Hernant, Australian Crepe, ve ry reasonable. Alpcea, * nioe article, double with at 25c ATsc*. Silk finished, doable width'at 50c Black Silk at 75, 90c. fl 00, 1 25, 150 • 1 75, 2 00, 250 and 300 c Brown Blankets, per pair, fll 25, 340 2 00. 3 50 and 8 00. Wkit* Blsr-k-ts, per pair, #2 00, 9 50, 8 00, 4 00, 5 00 and 6 00. Honey Comb Bed Spread* at 75c Bridal Qail'a, th* nicest spreads out, fl 1 50 Ladles uod'rveete at 50, 65, 7gc. fli 00 and 1 25. ' ; Hamburg Embroidery, Edgings snd la*. sertions st bargtio price*. Blaik Gros Grain and Sash Ribbons, very cheap. Evsrleeting, Crochet and othes Trial soinge, lower than ever. Italian, French and Guipure Lscee, vary aheap. Lsdirs' S'ld 'iia# and Sesrfs tor. tnd up. Ladies' Utiffs add Oollsrs si halt priee. Umb.e.Uat as low as 35a. A'Wo-huUon Kd Gloves—Ladies'.— black, white, colored and Opera Shad**, at ■ 50c Two-button K'd Qlove*,—Ladies' —bet- ter quality, at 75c and fl) 00 Ksktseky Jean*, at 10, 12 1-3, 15, 20, ■i 25, SO. 40 and 500. Casairarres as 50, 60, 75, 850. fll Oft, 1 25 and 1 SO. Blank. Bias and Grey Waterproof, t 12 yard wide, at tie, fll 06 end ) . Canton Flanhel* at 8 t 2, 10, IS k?K S* and 20a. To woiAotaUaJ our me tied of bn*inesa, wo have en JearoreJ to fixpfwin ft i* twvßitvtakabrc - which me request • earefnl peroeel We bag *f eautioD the pub)fart toy digcrimii ate between oof dealing* and >Bt efmwr rbants who offer Sjwi Aomestic good* only cheepes a bait, r Ihe Oftwer; , nad make them bebcw khertbey sell everything eqwhlfj *!bw; tbe intelligent reader will easily omJersteoil this. Wc offer oor goo* far xwapietivm fo *ery body, for we will *en>i jomplen of Dry Good*, witkjmiff** jttishfd,. te way eat vabm will write us for them aud give everyooo a ohawtac te aee tot Stemuel'rem. We have endeavored to enmer*fe fhe pyineipal gvfiei** kept in a first—lgew Dry Goods House, and attaebed Ihe price* We ers- a>w*e rht thiv is anfl&eit of to g avey a correct idea of tbe qwalrty. Those who elewife ro pwebese, vwv wilb ■wpon application, send such sample*, wrfh prices atteehed, m ffkyrwvy Sewirw when tkey can ftvrm a much betfer opinion and clee* for rhewselvea No4i I * than • million of people have dealt with ns and mi are gore we bnve gefisied ti. Any wne displeased with hia purchase caa return the goads to ne at our *xp*nM sad we will return the-money. On twenty dollars worth of goode we prepay freight to tbe? wearest station. We make oo chargee f-r packing or ('. W don’t eelljoo# article low and make it up oa tU* tek*Mt WE RETAIL OUR GOODS AT WHOLE3ASE PRICES, Which accounts for oar Wonderful Success. W# don‘t advertise io humbug, but we talk plain business and mean if. Wteolt ona yard as low as we would ten thousand. Those who are tird of paying ex hoghilsnt price# and appreeigt# the value of money, are invited to aend their orders, w ; ich Me will till C. O. U wits privilege U UWtt*. <K • wnd tbb m my with tbe order. David. Weisbein, N0..160 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, OE JIH i. IIICUS, -DEALER IN— STOVES, RANGES, ABATES, AND %%%*%, TIN AND WOODEN WARE AT WHOLESALE. 159 BROUGHTON STB JEST SAVANNAH g-a. Whit* Mixed Flsn-el* st is and 20* White *ll wool flannels st 35, 80, 40, 50 snd 75c. Red sll wool ffsnnels at 15. 20. 25: aad 40* Red all wool twill Flannels st 25, 30 snd 40* Grey Flsnaels st 15, 20, 25 snd 40* Opera Flennels sll colors at 4ft* Opera Flsnselv, plaid styles, best, at SO* Woolen Libsey, s good quality, st 39* Heavy white nnderahnts si 20c and wpWsrdw. Calico Shirts st 75 *nd upwards. White dress shirts *t 75 and spwsrds Yard long towels at 13 1-3 tnd upwards. Towels as low ss Li net Table doth, 3,1-3 pard wide, 95 r • '3O. 35 end 40c. ' Table Od Cloth, 114 yard wide, beet Quality, at 40*. Bleached Table Da mask at 50, 75#. tl 00 sod 1 20.' . • Woolen Table Cloths, good at ■ |i |g Good French-Corsetq at jo* Thompson’s glovs-fliticg Corset st $1 00 and 1 25. Snspendsrs with Robber in tbe bask at, 25* Turkey Red Table Doylies' ptr dosen 75* Whit* linen Table Doylist’ par dossa 60 and 75c. Table Napkin*, p, dosen, at fll 00; 1 25 snd upward*. Cbildreh's Wooled O pest 40w VeR Btrsgs, best quality * yard it 40* Silk Veilu g; per yard>t 50. <0 snd 70* Neck Baches, pt rdr s-n st 1212, 15, 20 and 25c. Neclf Kuching, by the yard, at 5, l-* - • 10c sod upwards. . ... , Alpaca Skirt Braid, a bnneb st . le 12 dozen Agate or Kiee Button* for 5* Fssbionable Silk Dress Buttons at 10 snd 15* Ivory, tnd Gutta Peroba Buttons' st I; 10, 12 1-2 and 15*. -=- - Children'* Round Comb# st . .10 and 15* Lidias' High. Back Comb* st (0, 15 and 25s Children's Fancy Stockings st 3 snd 10* Misses'Fancy Stockings st 13 12 and tfi* Ladies' Fancy StockM g at 10 to 50w Black Prats Buttors. bone, best qual ity, box for lOfc. ''' , ' Lrdies Whit's Sti cking* at 5, '6 1-4, B\. 10 aud 12 1-3, and 15c. Ladies' English Slockiuge, vltboat eermc; a: Voo, Gent's Half Hose at A, 8, 20, 12 1-2 end 15er Gent’s Euglieh h*lf hose without eeeme, 25* Gent '* Bordered handkerchiefs at 3or.d 5e Gent’s Turkey ltd fiendkeichiefs si 10s Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs at 5e Ladies'Corded L nen handkerahiefa at 10* Tba heat needhw, a paper, at , 5 .Coats'A Clerk’s N. O. Cotton at fie., per dioen 65c. 4 GeaJ spot l ootton for hand sewing, SOW * ; ' yards, at 3 Negro llsnddercbicfs at 10, 15, 33 and Sse* Bell thread, 16 ball* for 25 ti Khittisg aud Darning Cottob, e ball, te Gents' papercollare, ot 3. 10 15 A 25* Linen Shirt Front*, extra length at 25* Corded fiwrc, worth 20 at 10w Whit# and Black Cottyn Glwrea at hdm Lisle Thread G(ovee at 15, 20, 25-and 33® English Fine worth 15* e prper, at 100 Aineriaan pins worth T 0 a pOper. at- t 1 te Beet quality Hooks,and Eyes 1 papers tot 5* Paper Cambria, yard wide, at is Twill Hair g Jean, at 1M