The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, March 27, 1878, Image 2

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THE JESUP SENTINEL W. />. .)/. Jfasam jEMUor .. . j .11, er fri'itth'tl ea (futnj Ojhi rIH f lt? .Itvmp . Itiv tloorsfrom IlroaA S>. 'Kll>:'*" U ' **< SI. *?"•. APTLING county officers Ordtoarv—Sd** A - Crosby. Slier. IT Slias Crosby. Cuim’y OlerT IT. D. Mobley. I'roasoror —Win. fl. Overatrett. 'i ax C-dleetor and K Oliver 4ohn J (Tark. Vlounty C ironor— Hactor MoEicbjn. T-raoty Commissioners .laoob l.iubTwy, Daniel li -E.cJnn, John 0. Hart and Win. 6. Stewart. Again in Harness. Willi (his issue of the SgSTINKi., 1 fh\e efiaVgc of (lieeditorial department, t'tid frill cndeav -r to so conduct its col umns, as t.) place it among the leading weeklies ‘f the State. The r porturi:-'. duties of a country newspaper, is any thing c-l-e but play. This position is tint enviable, by any means. 1 alia]! make it a rule, in all discu*- lo be pointed and precise, hewing tn tlie litre, “letting the chips fall where ‘t-bcv army,'’ I shall employ > very ef- Trtrt id giving yon a pap.r fully worth tjh't you pay for it, and one in which Vhc people may he proud of. Jaot boirqf as versatile and flue it a writer a* a mnj irity of the Georgia > d ilors arc, you may expect plain Ia 11,’, as I am yet quite a y ontli, being; under (ho age of twenty-one; and a htiby in the entire mating' incut of a paper Tlii< bning the ease, T am fully satisfied that cur gem r Mi' renders will “pass by our impeifeclions,” and overlook all defi cieiiei s. If the pc? pip will give nio their e>- op. ration, mil tally to the mipport of 11. 0 S.ntini:l, 1 belie vc it can be niauo ijuitc a fav< l it - in journalistic ratik.. I mu a stranger to flic most of our renders, but hope, ere King to firm tlie mv|tt;Ltiititticj of you all. and nnk of you to rail at our xdm/i/ni when in town, and aokc our acquaintance. H"l ling to iiKi it ynur rslocm anil co rqa-mlion in limKing l lie Sentim:i. tthftt ii ai-oul'l be, 1 will subicribc myself, Your Lumlitc servant, IV. I>. M Mason. A ih w pijM'i t ih' ii iii a f mily #epm ’in M'jiil li iini of it nr>tuul. *i t giwM (lie c'lii!l l i'll ii Uist for ioa<l in*r, it communii’ifi s all thfc I'vcyfjln (I av arc pussiiig in Hiu busy WatM. nii'l furiiislicH n fund <fff'i"Btrnc • ion Out will nuvtir be exh**<l. Kv in family, Lovi< vur poor, it they wi*li to b >l>l a p|a3o in the rank* of iotclli rrrtll \>ciiv;, Into aA <m' newspaper, Anti Iho nmn who in pos 'sensed tif properly suflicicnl to make lijtn easy for lift, itiiJ surrounded hy children cagci fO' kurwlcdgc, a>i<l neg lects It fMihgeritri It) a new-paper, is de ficient in i lie dutesof 11 parent. ora good nilizon, and deserving til oeMsure from liis intelligent m-ightiore Idle all >vc vk eCipfrom an exchange, and IteavHly endorse the itaunoh truths t*re writer set* forth. Let our people inrti'cftfc a tas o for newspaper reading in Iho ntiuds of their bright eyed cliil dren. 1) m’t rnire fliein up in profouml ignorance, for they are lltc hope of lliii* oountry, anil should certainly have the 'right kind of knowlclge given them.— Again, we say, give them newspaper culture. .Difficulty Nonr Bethel- We b arn that a serioin dildi 'ulty v-- •wtirtotl on Saturday night last, on the ‘road leading from lletliel, (ilynn coot)' ty, between Mr. J. U Williamson anti oolorci man named Coly Floyd, in which Mr. W. received several severe Hid dangerous wounds from a knife in the hands of l’loydv From the evidence takeu in a Justice Court, we are cm bl*d io glean the following particular of this sad nflair : Air. Williamson, it wppcwre, was dri ' liga horse aad wagon on said roatl, miO a tlic trorsi was running, Floyd, *’ e ’ n K "n the same roail nml im t '"wit Mr. \\'s friends at tins j> int. Imposed la slop ilio horse, slid after doin so, he(Floyd) told Mr. William bob tl>*t <ttn ? tvftgou was broken, and could ujt be used, and to lake tho botse iiume, and tluat he would remain 'vith Hie things in the wagon, wliercup* on Mr. Williamson asked Flovd wlmt lu bad to do with it. One word led to another, and ti e and ffimlty occurred between the two men. in which Mr. *ll****flit received a severe cut in the t.cad Bud ebotttder, and several bruises hboti: the body. Mr. W, it seems was then left in an unconscious c nditi >u in: a aa> not fouud uukl tbe npxi moru rng. Floyd alao reserved tcvctal wcunds •M übis uxrtm", Mr. Williamson is l>. >g '> tt ctitieal eondiiii n, with but lit tle hopes of recovery Floyd i.n* Wen urr.steil and it uow lodged m tbe jad in ibis city. Tbe nbore ss.l we Gnd in the S<ti/<ort Appcai. Mr h iatus uis a citizen of ibis county, and is cneusiv - ly kuowu It is to bo hoped that this de-perado will be invited to a lunging jbooo, iu com mem oration of ibis deed - if Mr \V. tires fiom liis w.-unis. A pariy.of yeotlemeu from Tbotnas- Adle returned from a hunting expedi tion one day la*! melt, With ijuitc a .number of bird*, fish, flowers and ‘ga tors. Happy sportsomo, tfcey. lU u.oinbor the game law white jreranibu- Lj-iIUJ the pure t rest* *n(| y. u> ble at tea. What a Northern Visitor Saw in Tjioraasvilte, Fien> tbo National Ka 10, Clarem ait, N TT. TiiomaSVU i,i;, Oa., Feb. 18, 1878. Mn. Kiinou Thinking that povlmps some of your ri a lers may be thinking nf going South for tlicir lieolth, and would like io know of som- coiufoit i lilo anil desirable pi ice, f will tell you something about liiiv eiiv, and tliis liouse, Palled the ‘M'lchnll House, pleasantly located in Ihe •■■■ tt it si part of it and kept b.y Now Hampshire me i . in New England style, Thom<rsille is 1 think, about HO and - north latitude -about * lies garm Hi Mobile —very n<ur the Flnri'Vi une and üboul 30 ini'es from the waters of j ti e Gulf of Mfi-cu find about 10.) feet | above the level r.f tin: ocean. on a dry rolling pine plcateau, plentifully inter \ spersed wilh live-oak, water oak, and I Ollier finest trees, with liere and there fine specimens of the beautiful nngno lia, with its cxjeodiugly rich and ever green foli ,g ’, with n rich, productive ! soil if easy tillage, readily yielding 1 profit able returns fur all the lab ur i\ ! pended on it. Tiiia city of alnut 3,003 people including hs immediate vicini ty lias mere of a thrifty 10->k than any other I have seen. The Mitchell II use, the only bold here, is a line, reW three-story, brink bin ding, ‘dllO feet front which can ac cont'nodaii; one or two hundicd profile, is well kept by M-’Ssrs. h'ande son A Fahyan ; the latter is the s m of the I' i hytiii of While Mountain fa no ihe funner was, I thuik, from M issa'dio s-Ms, and ho'li of them snum to ‘know lio.v lo keep a hotel." Tho rooms are large, 111 and II feet high, ?e D and I filmin, wilh inure than cotnf -rtiddo lie's, which, f am gin I to Sav, have all huco occupied wlulist tve have b en her*, and by n very agrei able company, from 'h : j I North and W< 31 inorlly, enmiug here | hop ng to heboei-fliied saui uriy; hut none of 1 hein so sick hut that they in in j cheerful and appear to enjoy the mild nii J pliiisaut weather, holii r than thu rainy and cold, of which, of coi *o. we I have s in-. The average t-mp( nature j hi uco Jan. I si, a' 5 a. in, his been dd dt-gr cs. Wo have a liitlo firo every day in our rooms, but it is very | leasmt stroll I ing about in the pine woods with only J our ordinary spring clothing, and sits j ling in chuich with doors and wind.'as open. This morning at 5 o’clock the mercury stood nt 55 degrees, and to* day as I was out walking with our for iner fellow-citizen, Mr McDuffie, ol Hindi’ nl, Vi., wo picked several very large, ripe oranges, and bouquets of j >- pollicas and laurel and oilier H iwer* in j the garden nf Judge llunsell, into which : We were kind \ invited as we wore pass* ing W o nud the people very friendly ami soeiah S>ei tt of their ways differ from ours, tor instance : lnstoid of shutting up in * 1 t, p nun*, bl.iek nr white, oo ivt.:(e,| of minor oilt uses they si uteuco them to the '‘chain gang and that m ana, Irom 10 to 15 pounds of iron riveted on their slides far 10 las loti months, and work on the streets, wearing the iron day and leg'll. I esc I tino of the colored li iy* us I passed wbat liin crime was; bo Maid, '‘rie.lir-g a whip, hut l didn’t do it. 1 uni t ibl that the plan works well in preventing petty tbef s. Another darkle said he ‘had s’tue trouble about a chicken.” G. AVr re id tho foregoing it the Tit'w* of last Saturday, ntnl thought it wouid probably inform oar piny wood* sub set it ers wbat Northei nets think of our piny wood* country. Our hcapl-ful clime in gaining f.ivor with Nov’hern and Western m n. This ahould cer tainly arou e vry Southerner, ml cult so us to exert ourselves in putting the resources ol Georgia into action be fore the world Vi c certainly have the best country on the globe, an 1 only lacks the vale of iodtistrv lifted to rc ven'tins hi.-xoi Ido truth, (’one'South, and he convinced. W’c will give you n hearty welcome, and do everything within our p wer to make your stay pleasa tit. STATE NEWS Onpt. Tiiplett lias (|nitc nn expatia ted mind, and last we. k after gras ing tbe ijuill and twirling his curly— not silvery locks walk as graceful a s’yle ns any old bitch, p. u ccd down and wrote seiio thing : fter this style Now and then wo hour of trewspnp r men who can lie religious, but we they are few ami far between, and if there isn’t some “naif way place’’ f r them, their chance is slim. Wo will go beer that five or six fleas were hopping in Ilia socks Tli y do cause n fellow lo forget sonictiiccs, don’t they? The s me editor, in speaking of tbe di parture of a fascinating young Nor thorn lady says, several elongated vis ages have appeared since she and parted V os, Capt , every body knows you are passrouaiely f rid of the female sex, and you arc coircot, too. *'\h ! woman in til’s world ofoirs. h t.-tl j,tft ui be compared ta thee ? ‘ i’jp'., bear it like a man. though it l>c painful. Siinyii U trial iu* eicn />• r re Tina liishmcu of Sevan:.ah wore shaiureck* on the lSih, and had ijnilo a i ■••• Hint' Ft. Fatiickad v. | Fiom the lest issue of the Kistman Timrs, we see that tpring figh rug •j, commenced, and we iufer fr* u *bt the editor says, th and he las th o a share m the (lay Our advice to von. brother, is to :ggt<rout f ibis c id K iu s ain’t much on a listsi-eutf mc ii e. However, brolbcr 1-v ch ii sd s- C \i lid tins fai *, -1 eady. The Tax Collector of Dodge county has made a fiual net dement with the .urify Treasurer. The county loses about, fifteen dollars. .Kc\ Willis M. Russell, will soon slart the poldieaiimi nf a paper al O - landa, Florida. The Rev gentleman is an old jour nulis', and wc hope suc ccs may follow this enterp ise. Wouldn't, it be a wise policy for the prpss gang to Login staling away tlie j ' dollars of onr and id lies.” to enable them in taking a trip to Gainesville, in May? Tue press convention meets at that plic -. Wc bead the list, and if we suc cee I in raising the ‘ wherewith,” wilt, most positively be there. Caai’fc we luvu fiend Kaytmi with us again? Ol course H nn—th ugh out of the nows piper business—will go, just to learn the koya how to gas succcshfully. C and. Young, of Tbomasvillo, inciting green peas. Atlanta Conuhlation : A few of the new kilv-r dollar* hnve reached .Vtlnnla. The god-less of liberty looks like a va riety girl, nnd the noble eagle is stand ing upon u pair of impossible liind-leg*, with both bunds spread out as though it hud so n a vision of John Sherri tin in a red fltmel night-gown. Upon tho whole, however, it is a valuable dollar -a m,,0 J dollar to pay debts with. 1. -(Jrriiige fle/mrler : Tlie Constitu tional Convention hus more than paid for itself Tho cos! was not quite SSO 000. This year, by the operation of the constitution it give the people, over n hundred thousand dollars have been aived, in not having n session of the Legislature This thought, leads to an other. A'c <! not really letter off, in other wavs than pecuniarily, by lire lack of a legislative sess’on this year? If the old constitution hud remained in force, the legislature would meet ns usual ; the members would have been as busy as usual ; tho laws would have hf-eti changed ns usual ; tin-1 somewhere between 8100,000 at-d 81-5,000 would have been spent. Who will say that a session of the Legislature lias toen needed this year? In tho light of pres ent experience, wo are almost prepared to say that it would be butter to have the Legislclive ae aious quadrennial instea I of biennial. r l Im Fort Valley Mirror says: ‘On la t Monday night as the Kev. Satn'l Anthony was preaching in the Metho dist, church ho was stricken with paral vlis of Iho tenge and coul I n't proceed with his discourse. D.s. Green and llnllinshed attended him, and he rtev ered his speech after some time, and (he next-day felt very little ino uven icnco from it. Singular lo gay ho was uff ioli'd in a siini) ir mauni-r six years ago while fillin ' the pulpit fir out min ister, aitd we ht-li-ve preaching on tho saiilu subject, and llieao are the only ones on which lie ever felt any difficul ty of speaking. SPISGIfAX M'D'JrißE. An port hH been circulittri throughout th* country that my bu-roeafl liah been <Ks f* lup and iii tiiH bauds cf the {Sheriff. I horolty declare it a falsehood! M.v biis ooM is ami has been conducted on interrupt-si, mid will lie ho lineafb r, m* ports to thi o< jtrary rot wilbfCaftd ng. inti 1 will ph ioHvcr in tbefuturr, aa I bv in ihe past, to merit the contidtnee of uv patrons and the pr jliu generally by a r •o'i’ii tii a:r oily bonoiitble dealing, of which I fl t er myself 1 bare convinced the moat hkei t oil. H apaotfollv. DAVID Wi; IS HEIN, l’ropri>*or r f the celobrat* and c < ap Dry Goc da house, Did Broughton S rce', Savannah, (in. A T T ORN K Y AT LAW, Ra\lr>, Appllnit fauntjr, liror^la, Will promptly attei and to business entrusted to bis rare in the Brunswick Circuit., Mid hi Telfair and Do fgo counties. inch. 27 tf. L EGA L A D VERTISKMENTS GEORGIA—Wsyne County. To a'l whom it may coiorrn. WLereas- J t linT H ghamith Jr. of antd S'ate and couuly, applies tithe Ordinary for letters of administration on the <B‘ate of John T. H h Sr , and ceased, late of aaid c uuty and Stat'*. These arc tlmr* f re to rite Mi l sdmou : a l i, all anti aingul r the kiudred and i r ‘ditors, of said dcctastd, to bo r"t iftpear at my office within the time pres cribed by law, a id ahow ctnae ( if any they why let.era of admiuiatr.i ion on the estate f said deoMW#d, aht uld not Issue to the npplic nit. ft Ten under my hand and oSici and signature, this March 1> h l s 7B. It B HOPPS, mar 20 4w Ordinary A. C. ELECTION NOTICE I An election will be held at IVudarvi \ on B%‘urdiv, ift ch 30tb, l>rs, bet4(‘dij tho hou a of 10 A |f. ( and and I*. M-, to determine tho 1 o-*tion ( f tho e edit u precinct f n the nl district, <. M, The election to be hold in strict icco-d pne • with the law* g verQing elti-uons fir no uiLora of :hw General A*si mbly, uitioi.s of Voters to bo the same os re quite.! at Bi.oh eleMioup. Tin bnVots and papeiß rela'iiii? to said elec ion, must bp tor. wrtded to the Clerk of t in Hoard.- Voters tfut ui'ou the<r ballots the nnme < f i ’tier P**nda vs, BuftMo —N >. - M A R it U ,—or G tdi. The p’uce rrc iving tbo ina j my of To'es east at sad election, to be declared the pieciaot for above n mod did- H> cider ('eminiaaii to rs Hoads and Uev nue, Wayne County. I*. O. MIDDHE TON, mob *Jt> *Jt. Clerk B. C. K H. W. C. FOR SALE CHEAP- A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT- I Off t for sale my House and Lot on the ;> ner f Orange and C'h *rry streets, Jt-Mip '* * r k> The is half an acre in size and u t • m B*. ile'i able part *t town. Tbe L s it iu g, and oviiditk u and has all * f the *• ra i i’i*o*~(netitß, and has a gvd a tb* yard K>r tennN of sde, apply to the iU b * and in the premise**. L* 21U BUYANT GEOKGE. * iWr.l k.' ven to all persona tlut •~.j **' i Wi luni, has ahand-'Uid * irt from me. and l therefore * 4 • ftir;wt employing or in ■-AJ t t-wfc.l-* .ttm to her support. J NYIIXI'MH- DOUBLE DAILY TO AND FItOM F 1 0&IM., Mo 3 on & Brunswick Railroad Ceram. SrrwwvnwMW-r's' 'mcc | Mmcod, Ga.. Jin. 1-th, TB7S. j ON and after this date, t'-i -i-nL-er trains on tliis r-r-1 v.ill run a* follows: EX PUEBS PAbSENGEK, N. 1 on;h Dai y. j 1.1-ave '' ! Arrive at Eastman l '!• j Arrive Jesup " ’ ,' Ar ivo Brunswick g 'V ‘.V Leave lirii now iea per stammer .. t’■ A- At- Ariiie ten an i I '; 1 , 1 ? Jf- Arrive a* Jack- g:l-il.Aj. No 2, North Daly- Leave Jacksonville IjAave FernaLdica per uteamer J • M. Arrive Brunswick • - brave Jesup !'>• > f-{• lauv-j Eastman I'■ '' bravo C. e.bren ... A. M. Arrive ut Macon ~ i A,> A * Olofte connect on at Ma'son for al 8 North, East aiid Wotl v.a Allan a. No. .'J, B< uth, vi. ’h aip and hive Oak—Di* ’?> Leave Macon 7 SSr)l r ) A. M. | Arrive Cochran i'.astniaii Arrive Jesup * I’. Arrive at Jacksonvi ic 0:25 A. M. No. 4, NOUIJI, J> ily except Sunday. L?avc .IfickHonville.. U: 15 P. M. \ t < > *h-snp * .... (j.’OoA.M. Lta\*; i’.astinanr - 1 ' L’. I'. M. Leave Cticljran. •- 2:DH P. M. Arrive Macon . . 5:10P.M. C- tin eti at Mason for y o nts North, East aud Woht. f i a w k i xsvill •: ri: a n< :h. Freight aul Accocnnir and lion Daily, except t miday. Tstave (Vchran .10:00 P. M. Arrive -.1 itawl.i sville. . li;isP. M. Leavrt Ihiwkin Yiil.- J:i-*A. M. Ar ivc Cochran.. .. 5:00 A. M. ( >'ir cots at n with Turns N*i i acd 2t) i.rsd froro Macon. L ave t’ocJmin ....101 * A. M A. rlve llnwkii fiv 1 t 11 :•’><t A. M. Leave lliial i avi.lo Loil P. M. Ai l ive (jij< \ ran....... P. M Oiun cth : Coo ra i with trains -and 1 lo and troui AJ.aoou. GEO. YV. ADA MS, Gcr. t tij t. W. J. Jauvih, MdHi. r I’ran b Get the Standard iL 7he tw.sf (i , ithol’ity .. It. ouylil lobe i)i vnry Libya rtf a'.xj in cr /// A(<uh y nvj '(lnu m ,} , , - ■ . ’ —ll.v. i tea. “ 'llf host - ‘ i'n / IC. ift \ h:X\r>>n. n - Lon DON AtUKN/EoM i iL :v:-a < THE gXANUAp. A largo, >iindaf*iiin vopinie of 1 K.”♦ cOli*aiiiing r iis d-irably more than 000 Worda m iia Vocabulary, with the correct ProiiuiioiatioD, Dli .ition, aid Ety mology. F01.1.Y n.I.UMTRATISD AM) UNABRIDGED T.IIIRAB V bIfF.KP, MAHI-LED EPHBS, 000. IE IE S aIE IE” o- I.ww nml i.t f*o r.'U.inyjfn led hy T.cttgleHo\v, Whittier, Simmer* llultn**.’*. Ovine. Winihrog. A: .--iz. Mtirxli. Ift iMV. Kierett, J/unn, O'ltucy, Feiton. Ilillmrtl. Mint the majority of our tits linjfulfOied scholars, and is*. bCHitlcF, ns yut horny hy the Departments of our National Oov- ent. “The volume he/or*- lie show n vast amount of UilfiD'tMv; Inn with VWhster ir ncc in com hiu.ition im f;it eifulness. With Worcester, in ct*f>Muatinii w itli kfiWal t*-n*t, and jinliiment Wor erstrr’s h tin* sohrinT ami sa!>:r hook. ainMnay be proiionnceil On* hi*si existing Knglisb lexicon. 1 London AtiiknAki m. ‘ The host Kntrl i-b writ r> and the most pnrticr lar American uf IVoi-ivster ns th. irautlio tty." Nkiv Yolik llBfiAU). “After onr rt cent strike we made the change t> Worcester as our authority in apelling, chieilv to brim; onrselves into coiiformity the accented nsaire, as well as to era lily the tleslre of most or our j start', ineluding such c i.thmen as Mr Hiyard 'l av lor Mr <> *rge \V. Smalley, ami Mr. John It. C. j Kitssard." N. Y. Tribune. THE COMPDETE SERIE3 OF WORCESTER'S DICTIONARIES Qnarto 1) ctionary. Profusely lilustratod. Library nheep. 10 00 ( T tiversal and Critical Dictionary. Bvo. L : - brary sh ep. 23. Academic Dictionary. Illustrated. Crown Bvo. Half rcan. $2 00. Coinprehennive D ctionarv. Iliusirated. I2ino. Half roan. $1.75. School {V, omentary) Dictionary. Illustrated 12mo. Half roan. SI.OO. Primary Dictionary. lilusirated. Hlmo. Half r’an. <lO cents. Pocket D ctionary. Illustrated. 2-? mo. Cloth, 03ots; roau, flexible, 83 cts ; roao, tucks, gilt edges, *1 00. Many eiK*'ißl aids to student*, in addition to a very- full nftwati ci.,' ami defining vocabulary, make the ahor ■ named hooks, in the opinion of onr most dititigt.iLcd eiiiHrttors. the most cnmplele. ns well as by htr ttie cheapeat Dictionaries of out laiiif’iagee. For sale by all It< >k-*‘lh r. nr will be rent, car riage free, on receipt of the price by J. B. LirrINCOTT it 10., Publish era. Booksellers, and Stationers, 71"’ anti 717 M irket SC, UL-iladelphia. jau 10 3 u CANC RS CUR D! DR. JOHN I>. A N DREW?, OF raoMAsvn i.k, Oa., CURES ('ANCEUS in' ambh’, when irppli il lo for Trcutuient before is is ton late. Treats nil Chronic diseases, cr diseases of long standing of Males and Females very S'w<**v**fuHv W. m! AUSTIN, "Frop’ir, JESUP, - - GEORGIA RATES $2 00 Per Day. Single Meals Fifty Gents. 6*3"* Special Arrangements made Ly the Wuek or Mouth.‘xSl Ihe lecvSivn of this II >uso is on h'gh Elevated ground and directly opposite tbe OetH t Iris well supplied with water and drainage, and is ti ted iu every way to give us guests every con.fort of a llrst .-lass iloteb THF. TMi I.K wit be a I.vsdinp feature of tbe -JESUP HOUSE; and being nDder the iuru-ediatc sajervi-:ou of tLe I‘iuprietor, uo p.iins or t-xysriise writ be sjisred to or tke it to tin* best. <V. M. AUSTIN. Proprietor. Atlantic and Gulf Railroad General Sopi:rintevdext*s Office, ) Allanlicaml Gulf Kail mad Savannah, January 5, 1#77. ) /y NAVD A FTEIS SL >D'A Y, Jannury O.h, I* PaDflf-ricfer Trains on this itond will run ns follows: NIGHT EXPRESS. Lt avc StY G nah 3a ly at 1:10 P. M. Arrive al J sup “ 7:10 P. M. Arrive at TbomflftviUe “ . 5:20 A. M. Arrive at Dainhridge “ 8:10 A. M. Arrive at Albany “ 9:50 A. M. Arrive at Li e Oak “ i!:30 A, M. Arrive at Jacksonville ‘ 9:2s L'. -i vc Tallaha- • - “ 11:20 P. M. Leave Jacksonville " 8:45 P.M. Leave Live Oak '* 9:40 P.M. Leave Albany '* 2 80 P.M. Leave Buinbridge “ M:L>P. M. Leave Thomafiville “ 7:00 P. M. Leave Jesnp “ 5:45 A.M. Arrive at Savannah “ 8:40 A.M. No change ot cars between Savannah and Albany. Passengers from Savannah foi Tallahassee, and Jacktonville take this train. Passengers from Savannah for Fernand na, G-dn< s\ille ai.d G dur K* ys take thisirain. Passengers leaving Macon at 7:95 u. m (daily) connect at Jesnp \>iih t' is train for I'Urri'la. lessen gets from Florida Ly this train con nect at Jesnp with the train arriving in Ma rf-oii at 8:45 p. m. (dadv ) No change of cms between Alontgomery ,iO and Jackson v ille. L iil.mii) Palsce sleeping cars run through to aid from Savannah and Jacks, nvilk; hls*t throiu h f icepers fr>rn Atlanta, Gi. t and Mont<a mcry, A'a, to Jtcksonville. Fa. No cli ngo of (icfi between Montgomexy hi and Jack.’villa. Connect ;• t Albany with passenger trams ! Loth ways oj' Southwestern Railroad to and i from Macon, Enfaula, Montgomery, New ; Oi loans, M0b1.6, etc, Mail steam el leaves Bainbridge for A pa ! lachicola evt-ry N.inunv afternoon; for Col umbus every VYecPifc day morning. Close connection at Jacksonville daily, Sundays excepted, l>>r n Oove Springs, St. Augustine, Palaikn. Enterprise and a 1 landi gs i n Sr. John's R T er. DAY EXP RES M [Daily, Sunday ExoepU and ] L ave Savanrnh at 9:15 A. M A • i en f Jack oav:Le 30:(K) P. M. Ai l iv - at Tallahassee at, 8:10 A. M. Louve at ,8:00 A.M. Arrive tt Savan ah at 0:18 P. M. No cl n ge cf Curs b jtweon JSavan’iah and J.IC s nvil h. P s enge sfirTa’lab take this f .rain. ]* ss* timers fr m Savauuah for HrnnbWick an i D-iiic-i take this trair, arnvin at Bruns wo k at l:Oi) P M. I*a-seiig<“ f oui Brunswick arrive at Sa va. .i u‘o a' 0:18 P. M. • Trains on I>. and A. lv. 11. leave junctiop, going west, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day .: t 11:11 a. 111. For Brunswick Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday nt 4:10 p. in. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS-EASTERN DIVISION. Leave Savannah [Sundays exceptedl at 7:00 A.M. Arrive at Mclntosh “ “ 0:50 A.M. Arrive at Jesup •* ‘ 12:15P.M. Arrive at. Blackshear “ “ 3:30 P.M. Arrive at Dupont “ “ 7:10 P.M. Leave Dupont. “ “ 5:00 A.M. Leave lhaekshear #< “ 9:15 A.M. Leave Jesup “ “ 1*2:35 P. M. Leave Mclntosh “ “ 2:47 l'. M. Arrive at Si vamiuh “ “ 3;30 i J . M. UESfEIIN DIVISION. MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Leave Dupont Sndy’s Dxceptr and, ut 5:30 A.M. Airivo at Valdosta “ “ 8:20 A.M. Arrive at Quitman “ “10:28 A.M. Arrive at Thoinasv’lU “ “ 1:10 P. M. Arrive ai Albany " “ (5:loP. M. I wave Albany “ “ 5:00 A M. Leave Tlnun’asvllle *• *• li:00 I*.M. Leave (^uitmnii “ 1:30 P.M. Lt-axe Valdosta “ 3:22 P.M* Air ve ut Dupont •• “ 6:15 P.M. George S. Haines, General Ticket Agent. H. S. HAINES, General Superintendent. THE MILLER CUTLERY COMPANY AND U. S. STEEL SHEAR CO., llOVtUl.llll-U'.ll), MANUFACTURERS OK Patent Pocket Cutlery, AND SOLID CAST STEEL AMID sanss©is. THE ONLY MANIJFACTFREBS OF SOHO CAST STEEL SHEARS & SCISSORS IN THE UNITED STATES THE ONLY MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD OF POCKET CITI.EKV, WITH Covering Secured by Screws NONE rtUT THE BEST Knglisli Pocket Cuter y e el Used, and every Knife and Scissors WARRAMTaI). Tk*4cmp(‘r :ind cuUins qualities of both Knives mill Scissors are carefully tested. <.ret r.ire is taken to maintain and increase the v. e li cMfrtK'd reputation which this Company have ai u>iieti, ns The Leading American Cutlers. in harmony with the vernict of customers, the Centennial Kxposition awarded Medals and Riploin as fr the greatest excellence in quality and finish o these jroods. The Miller Bros. Cutlery Cos. OF Lead in? Dry Ooocl.--, Tfosiery. Nofion.s A Funny Goods AT CELEBRATED DRY-GOODS HOUSE I Calico, the very best quality, at HJc Calico, lower grade at 5 and 54c Guilt Lining Homespun at 3^c 5-4 Crown Shirting at 5 and 51-2 c 7-8 Brown Shirting, heavy, at fi 1-4, 0 1, 7<‘ 4-4 Arown Sliirting, heaviest Kind, at 8c 4-4 Brown Sea Island at 7 c 4-4 Brown Sea Inland, very best, at 30c 3- Bleached Shilling at 5c 7-8 Bleached SI irtisg at fl-4c I 4 Bleachod Shin ing, soft finished at 8 J-2c 4- Bleached Shirting, without, dressing, B e Heaviest Brown Drilling at ]()c Shirting, 10-4 blenched and brown at 25, .40, 85 and 40c Good article TTicnory stripe at 10c Best round-thread Georgia Checks and Stripes at 10c- Blue Denim, a good quality, at ioc Good Mattress Tick inig at 10c Good Feather Ticking at 12 1-LV B* F. ather Ticking at 20c Good Gingham Checks at 8 l-8o Best Gingham Checks ai 10c Balmoral Skirts at 50c Bonkvrrf readymade skirts at 50c Cotton Diupe-, wide lo yards to the pbe at $1 0o Linen Diapciv ajdeec, at $1 25, 1 50 2 00 and 2 25 Fronting Linen, yard wide at 80c to $1 00 Wash- Poplin,-beautiful goods at 10c Dress Goods of all kinds from 10c to $1 25 Neck Shaw Is at 25c. and upwards Ladies Shawls from 1 00 up, very cheap and dcfe i+aiulii i<s. American Itired Cashmere at 25c English Black Cashnure y’d wide rt 4(Vd 50w French, all wool Cafi-1 at 75. n JB)e., $1 00 and 1 25 Bombitzme, Hcmauv Australian Crepe, ve ry reasonable. Alpcca, a nice article, double with at 25c A'pacß, Silk finished, double width at 50c Black Si k at 75 90c. 00, 1 25, I 50 1 75, 2 00, 250 and 8 00. Brown B ai.kets, per pair, 25, 2 40 2 00. 2 50 and 3 90 White Blui k ts. per pair, $2 00, 2 50, 8 00, 4 00 r> 00 and (> 00. Honey Comb Bed Spreads at 75c Bridal Quilts, the nicest spreads out, $1 50 Ladies mdervests at 50, Ho, 7-go. $1 00 and 1 25. Hamburg Embroidery, Edgings and In sertions at bargain pria s.' Blaih Gros Grain and Sish Ribbons, very cheap. Everlusling, Crochet and other Trim iningt.. lower than ever. Ualiar, French and Guipure Laces, very p Ladies’ ttiM 'Pies end Fctrfs 20* and up. Lidles Cuffs and Collars ut hail" price. Uinba llas as low ns 85j. Two luHon Ktl Gloves Ladies’ black, white, colored and Optra Shades, at 50c Two button K and G’ov.s, Ladies* —bet ter quality, at 75-j and $1 of> Kohtuckv Jean ,at 10, 12 1 2, 15, 20, 25. 80, 40 and fOc. Ca>s in r* sat 50, 00, 75, 85?. 1 25 and 1 50. Black, Bine and Grey Waterproof, 11-2 yrd wide, at 75c, !jr 100 aid 1 25. Canton Flanhels ut 8 1 2, 10, 12 82, 15 and 200. To l onr w< lliod of bu inoss, we liavo cnJunvored to explain it in uninisiakaKl.- lai go <e ami for wliicli wo request carsfnl perusal We beg to cautiou the public to try to disciimi' a'o l> tween or doaliuss auil tbat of nier tbants wlio offoi a f.-w doinestit?goods only cbc:f>as a bait, (o cait'Fi llie nnwarj, and make lliom believe that they sell cnoylbiug rqoally s low; the iutelligena rea'ler will easily understand this. W oSTt our go"d for inspection to every body for we will xrml .samples of Dry Goods, with prices attached, to any one wbo will write us for them aud givo'everyoue a chance to see for themselves. • We Imvc endeavored to enumerate the principal articles kept in a first-olasl Dry Goods Home, and attached the prices We are aware tbat this is sufficien to c rirey a correct idea of tbe quality. Those who desire to purchase, we will upon app'ieuti lu. sen 1 such samples, with prices attached, as they may desire when they can form a much better opinion and select for themselves Not l; tiian a million of people hase dealt with us and we are sore we have satisfied aa. Anyone displeased with his purchase can return the goods to us at our expense aud we w ill return the money. On twenty dollars w. rtb ot goods we prepay freight to the nearest station. We make no charges f r packing or drayage. We don’t sell ouo article low and make it up on tbe others. WE RETAIL OUR GOOES AT WIIOLESASE PRICES, Which accounts for our Womlorful Snccess. Wo don’t advertise to bumbng, bet we talk plain business and mean it. Abefeli one yatd as low as we would ten thousand. Those who ate tir;l of paying cx horhitant pliees ami appreciate tbe value of money, are invited lo send their orders, w ich we will till 0. ‘O. D. witn privilege to examine, or can send th in'ii< y with iLo order. David Weishcin, NO. 160 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, G A How Hatches arc Made. It w’lt be apparent t • flnv nip, wlo will examine a il G-'hl W ti-h. tlr it rwde bum tbe n ces ary tlickoes- for engraving and poli-bing, the 'urge proporirn of the pre cious mi til us il, is needed only to st lien and br lil the engraved portions in, and supply tbe neesary sriidity and strength. Tue surplus go'll is actually needless, so far as ut litv ami beantv are concerned. In JIVES FOSS’ PATENT STIFFENED GOLD WATCH CASES, this waste of pre cious m-tal is overc me. and the same so lid ty and strength produced at fom one th rd lo on< -In If of the usual cost if solid cas- s. This process is of the most simple na ure, as follows : A rdite cf comp-s ton metal, specially adapted to t ,e nunstse, has two pistes of solid gold so:deri and ore in each side. The three are then pass db. tween polished steelro lers. and 'he result is a strip of heavily plated composition, from wb ch tie case's, backs, centres, b* zel>. Arc , art* cut and shaped by suitable fea ad fo-m rs. The gold in these ersesis sufficiently tai. k to admit of all kinds of chasing, ergr-aving aul ecamelirg; and i ngrav-nl esses lave teen carried utrt Uirrt erf. etly smooth by t ore and use withnt removing the g I<l These cas s sre for eal- by a ! jewelers, ad are girftrua'eel bv Special Certificate to WEAR F.)K -2) YEARS. If your jeweler d.ies not keep tl em. ant D Hrosr'Z t Thori% L Butldini* i , iiiiAdc.phn, or illus.ratej oatalo^uj. White Mixed Flanrels at 15 and 2^ White all wool flannels at 25, 30, 40, 50 and 750. Red all wool flannels at 15, 20. 25. and 400 Red all wool twill Flannels at 25, 80 aDd 4()o Grey Flanuels at 15, 20, 25 and 40c Opera Flannc Is all colors at 400 Opera Flansek, plaid sfyles, besf, at 00c Woolen Li; Fey, ag id quality, at 20c Heavy white undeinLiits at 20c and upwards. Calico Shirts at 25 and upwards. White drees shirts at 75 and upwards Yard io: g towels at 12 1-2 and upwards. Towels low as 5 Q Linen Table Cloth, 2 12 paid wide, 25 80. 85 aid 40\ Table 0:1 Ctoth, 114 yard wide, best Quality, at 40c. Bleached r iub!e Damask at 50, 75c. $ 1 00 so and ! 20. Woolen Table (kerbs, good at $1 00 Good Frercb C -rsets ht 500 Thompson’s glovt fiaii g C- rset at .fl 00 and 1 25. SinpeLders wnh Rubber in the back at, 25c Turkey Rtd Table 1) lies' per dozen 750 Waite linen T' b e Doylies’ per dtzen GO si and 75;. Table N pk ilk, pe. d< 7, * r at 00; 1 25 snd upwards. Childreh’s Woolcd O pa at 400 Yiil B rage, betst quality a yard at 40j Silk Veilii g p: r yard>t 50, 60 and 70u Neck Ruches, per and z n at 12 12, 15, 20* nnd 25a. Neck Ruchmg, by the yard, at 5, G 1-4 iOe and upwards. Alpaca Skirt B.aid, a bunch at 5o 12 di z-n Agate or Rice Buttons for 5o FasLion&l lu Silk Dress Buttonsat 10 and 15a Ivory and Gutta Percha Buttons at 8, 10, 12 1 2 and 15c. Children’s Round Combs at 10 and 150 Lrdies* High B ick Coml sat eO, 15 and 25 s Children’s Fancy Stoi kings at 5 and 10a Misses’Farcy Stockings at 12 12 and 15a Ladies' Fancy Stoekii gs at 10 to 50c Black Prnts Buttoi s, bone, best qual ity,. box for Lrdies Waite Sti ckmgs at 5,8, 10 and I‘2 and 25c. Ladies’ English Stockings, without s< run*; at 25c. iGeotV Half Hose at*s, 8. 20, 12 1-2 Gent’s Engl sh L If hose without seams. 25 Gent’s Bordered handkerchiefs at 8 and 5 j Gent’s Turkey Rid handkerchiefs at 101 Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs at 5u Ladies’Corded L cen handkerchiefs at 10a The b''St needles, a prper, at 5u Coatb’ & Claik’s N. O. CL 1 ton at Qc. r per dozen Gsc. Good spot I cjtton for hand sewirg, 200 yard?, at 8 N' pro H uddrrrhu f< at B), 15, 25 and 85c BpII thread, 16 bulls for 35c ivLuLting aLd D *rning Cottoh, a ball, 5o Gents’ paper col'are a box, ot 5, 10 15 & 250 Liuen Sh’rt Fronts, extra Kngth at 25a Curded P qn#*, worth 20 at 10or W ite aim Blick Cottyn Gloves at 10c Liele Tlireau Gloves at 15, 20, 25 and 85a English Pins w < rth 15c a \ rper, at 300 Amer cau pins worth l'Oc a paper, at 2 l-2o Best qua I *y Hocks and Eyes I papers for 5c Papei Cambric, yard wide, at 7o Twill bun g Jean, at low PKlIU't: COUNTV. AiliuiuistrattM'k Notice. GEi tRGlA—PiEBirs Ci-nsmc. To all whom it may concern; \vherea J , John V. A. AVarren of eai I State and county, applies to the O. dinary for letters of adtni t istratiou on the estate of Aobir I. Warrc i, deceased, late of said c Bity: These i•■ therefore to cite and admonish all ands i puar tbe kmured and cridi ors of ea-d r ; >- ceased, to be and appear at my office, witl a the tin e prescribed by law, and show cau t, (if any they havi ) why let ers of adminis ae tion u the estate of said deceased, short l' rot issue to the applicant, on the first M ip day in A; rii n< x , in Biackshear. Gi' .a u-.der my band and official signature, T iia February doth 1878. A. J. STBICKLAND, feb 27 f Ordinary P. C. DR. ALLEN BROWN, OENT I S T f Blackshear, - - G'fiOßGU* I*; prepared to do aS kind of Dental \ >rts ir the mo*i approved style. All orders me‘t aith pr*iu|4 Uses all vbft Lite iinprovesiKutag. mod satsSfaeticu tsVi'tseU.