The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, April 17, 1878, Image 2

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THE JESUP SEiVTINEt piTTbt't IbLD, Milor. \X. V. M M asol, ' Associate y O'C Jesup bouse, fronting on Lhary Sired. Itoo doors from broad HI. WKKMn.tT, tfun. i~. is;-. APPLING COUNTY OFFICERS Ordinary—S sas A. Crosby. .Sheriff—Silas Crotby. Oiuutv Clerk —B.>D. Mobley. Treasurer— Win. If. Overstreet. Tax Collector and lUceivur John J. Clark. T ANARUS, , . County Coroner—Hector McEaehin. County Ooromiasioners- Jacob Ligbt-ey, Daniel McElchit), John 0. lfart and Win. Or. Stewuri. Encourage Others-You Need it Too. Many persons, in various pursuits of life, have abandoned success, given up their efforts, r.-j-t , me ut- ter ciphers in society, simply far want of a little encouragement at the proper time. We shall guard very carefully ngninsl the—too common—practice and fault rf discouraging others in any laudable vocation. When wo use the term Uuuloh'r. in this connection, we wish it distinctly undetsfood that we do not use it in its usual sense. We take flic position ill it anything is land utdo that i- honest and legitimate. What, sir! is the position of an ostler, or that of a teamster, laudable '/FFe,c e , just as much so- if faithfully and hon orably pursued—os merchandising, farming, journalism, tho various pi o fessioos of fine arts, and is only rcgeid cd as raiL.i- degrading, Ly people of no sense, nnd less principles. The great fault of otir people i-, that idleness is too much encouraged, and horest toil- especially of a physical na turc —as much di. couraged Even the children of tho pn-seot day, turn up their small noses, and sneer (it manual labor, however hones’. This may boa tuning truth to some over-indulgent parents ;if s”, we cannot help it; that makes it none fho less true. Reader nro you guilty of ridiculing anything that ia honest, beostn - called labor ? if so, you should have the pity and con tempt of every intelligent man and wo tna-'. Just such imbccils as you, have driven many a well-mean ng—though soft-headed young man from eotno honorable trodo or occupation, and have caused them, perhaps, to bring dis grace upon nged parents, and end their own miserable enreor in notno Stato prison, or, vvliat is \mso, pot haps ott tho gnllows ; wltori ( hoy wero qualified in rntny wy j , to have beoomo orna ments to-souietj, j-ist by hjuK‘ • litilo cnflourngviuont from Ihoso by whole influence thry were surroundi-d and governed. Think what you may do for ttu individual, by speaking o llv one word of uUcourngciucut, and then reflect whnt can bo—what Inis 10, it — done by n few words or actions of cn f'oinngctncnt, wh n n hope mny have been almost got e. How tinny shipwrecks have been averted by tho bravo and dar ing conduct, as w. 11 as bold and cn oourngciug words of commanders, the crew all in oot fusien, and tho most ut ter consternation prevailin'); hope n!- luos' gone—tho hands, win's duty it was to man her, all dbcuirnged, it may be, have ceased every iffurt, when the vneourngoing words of tho commander is heard, above the shrieks and crios of the affrighted multitude, and new en ergy and liopo are revived, and the no ble ship rides gallantly and safely into port. pieturo is not too t ighly colored ;it is t r uo to life, and nothing more forcibly illustrates human life.— Many have bo, n saved from moral, men tal and financial wreck, by cncourage incat from friends, and many have sunk —to iisc no more for want of a little et.courgrmi ut. We have in our minds eye, a ease in point: A good man, one who had seen hotter days, had readied • poiu', iu financial matters, at which U seemed that he must stop —to ad ▼sueo without some onc<>urng r ivieot, was impossible, and as no human being cun lire over yesterday or last week, lie could certainly never go back. Ho was mechanic, a master workman, but lie conld not tako c nlraets. us ho could uot gi't money advanced on any job snd could not employ laborer- for any thing but the cash. In this condition, lr “good Samaritan’’—an ohl friend cnuic to him and asked him why be didn't take cotitrucis, as in former times and go to work. Ah, said lie, ‘I cannot get any funds wiih which to pay labor, ru.’’ His friend asked him if bo bad tried, which question was an swered; bn*, raid he, “1 ■can g<-t no one to n-i-t me. I am dooegooe ep witlt.vnl lul t . The “gooA J-amautau' asked him what anvuiut he conld commence cpmtiou with, and when told, furnished the m-c'scary tutu, in a tew dajA this hono-t, yet almost lost mar, had as much wink under cou tract as be could dispatch fur a I me. and-so continued to noiivo contracts, and in a short while, was sgam on the road to prosperity, usc'ulneas and bap J-UICBS. We£hi:k our M.iker that wv w-re rrised I* insaro the most prof utid res- t pect for honest labor, in whatever shape or mauDCr we bavo seen it. Il is—always bas been, and we (rust will ever be—our plcasuro to encour age every one in the pursuit of any laudable enterprise, profession, or oc cupation. We love to tako.them by the band,'and bid them God speed. Nor aro we—wo say it gratefully—ashamed* to labor with our bauds or head, for the welfare of others ; and like others, we feci and acknowledge the need of en couragement from others, and as ours i. a position, tho intere-ts of which are identified with every class of industry and every commerc al interest, we have a l ight to hope for encouragement from all the good and wine. Let us. especially, encourage tho young to refrain from misspending their procious time in idleness anj in dulgence of vicious practices. Let us urge upon them the necessity of culti vating their minds, hearts and hands, in that which is n-eful and good. Encourage the children to attend sabbath school, church and prayer-meet ings ; to tell the truth and Imte a lie ; t a-sist father and mother in every | availablo manner, and feel that they I are li moiing their God, their parent", 1 and hetnselvcs , ami by thus living, they will become an l.onor to th ir country. * ** OUR WASHINGTON LETTER, Suggestions for the Improvement or (lie House of RepresrntntlvrS" The Defects of the Present Hull Hint it shot (inn Would Have Done The Presidential and Congressional Excursion to flies ter, Pa An Ohio man who did not come to Washington—The new Dollars The Cameron Sherman Wedding, etc., etc, | From our own correspondent.J Washington, It. 0, Apr. G, 1878. It has long been a souroo of dissatis faction and complaint, that under the present organization arid airangemcnt of our Uou Q e of Representatives, it is almost impossible for a speaker on the floor, unless ho be gifted with extraor dinary vocal and reformatory powers to make himself hoard by his colb agu s iu distant portions of the hull, and in the reporter’s gallery. My daily visits to Congress have convinced me of the justicc- of this complaint, and of how much better it would he if some plan liko that recently suggested by Mr. Hewitt,.of New York, were adopted, by which most—if not all—of the phys ical obstacles to debate which now ex ist, would be removed ; improving the stylo of speaking and making the house a fur more attractive field for able men. Mr. flewiil’s plan is, bib fly, to di via- naif or iu. nouse in two, ar range ono half of it with benches fac ing each other, on the two sides of the house, as is tho osso in tho Engli-h House of Customs. This half of t’e liou.-o should ho sacred to debate, and no business should ho pi-miiitod there hut tho discussion of hills and resolu tions, and notion upon them. The oili er half of tho house should ho filled with desks, as at present ; and at the do u s bet wcan tho two halls, there should boa gong or bell to notify the members when a division w-s demanded or a note to be talon. Those who choose to lis ten, or take part in tho debate, would be in tho hall with tho beuohcs, whi’o those who li.oi more import ml duties to attend to, would bo in tbo ball with tho desks, within n -inglo step of the odter ball. Widi such a ehtuge would come ease of -peaking, n quieter tone, bettor thinking on tho t’oet bettor taste in orn’ory, better progress in every thing that makes profit.ihlo business diacu-Mon, nnd hotter pr g.-tss til-o in tho public business. As 1 returned from tho reporter’s gallery yesterday, lifter having listened for mi l our or so t,, an amusing sally between Ren Hutlcr and .Mr. Cox, of New York, in reference to the much contested Doorkeepership -made vn caut by Mr. i’alk’s sum-nary dismissal, on TLiur-d iy -and was on my way to the Senate to fee was going on there. I stv standing together in the lobby of the Senate chamber, engaged in free tun* easy oinversa’ion, Go 1 , loui Scott, Jny (* u!d, C. I’. Huntington, and Sidney Dillon. At the distance ot a few feet, with his larboard car ileva ted to the proper nng’o of communica tion, was John Roach, the fatuous iron ship builder, of Chester, Pa. A shoi guu loaded with buckshot, and dischar ged t v n accomplished fowler, would have swept the famous quintette dear out of tbo region of interest in sublicn rv concerns. At a f .ir calculation, those live men reptesent'-d not Lss than two hundred millions of dollars, and could probably have tbrir ebook honored for more money than any other tivo men path'rod together iu any other city in the ci it ty'; and ret there are people who say that Wushing’on is noi a big city I Toro Scott, Jay G uld, and their confreres tire hire to lot,by for their railroad, and the object of Mr. Roach's visit, "a* to invite his Senatorial friends to join the excursion which left fur Phe-ter ibis m ruing, to witness the 1 ,uno: ing of one of Ins large s'Camrrs the "Pity o( Rio Janeiro,” I believe This party included the I’iestdcn', all tho members of the Cabinet, wi-h the exception of Postmaster (Tenoral Key, who is on hi- way to Havana, Pubs, - many members of the corps ji/Jotna ft.-;m-, and about a liundrtd Senators and m tubers of Oongtvs*. They wdl ' leave (' iett*r this evening, slo p off lh>ir h -nd:ieh.s t'-morrow Sunday— . and be "ou dee*” ag dn Monday m ro mg. The rum n ext-i - ve’y circulated iu the pr. ss that Mr. Hayes will spend j j the summer in Ohio,provei. upon in- ! quiry at the White H-iuse to be un- | true. He will take up his old list sum- i mer quarters in one of the cottages in i the grounds of the “soldier’s homo the same which the late President Liu | coin occupied with his family ; but it ; has b en enlarged and improved since j his time. Naturally, when on Ohio man is im sing from his uative hearth, his , friends look tor him in Washington, | a ”d so when ex- Congressman Vauce left borne and dilu’t turn no here as expects 1, it wa- at oneo concluded that lie had been killed, or was crazy, or ' was a defaulter, or had ran off with a I woman, t account for his abnormal and extraordinary deflection from the road to the seat of Government and to of fice, Mr. Vanco has many friends here, who arc loath to believu that he has i been guilty of any wrong, and denoutice as fabrications, the sousational stories j recently telegraphed from here by the correspondent of the New York Trib une which assert that lie had been guil ty of petty thefts, such as the purloin ing of books from stores, etc., and of oven still graver offences which would i ~übj ;ct him, if found, to criminal pros ecution. A change lias been made in the coin age of the silver dollar, which will ena ble it to wear belter. The much abu sed spread animal with wing-, which is supposed to be an eagle, is still theie on one hide, bu' lias been depressed be liw die rim and g-neral surface of the coin. The head of tho Goddess of Lib erty, on the other side, has also been flatu-ucd arid a- press and, to prevent cou j -taut friction and w.-aring away. The ; hard steel dies aro working much bet ter now than at first, consequently the Coins issued lately have a smoother ap peiiririco and hotter finish than those I fie at turned out at the mints. Tho on ly tr üble is, that the supply is far from j equal to the demand 1 The talk among fashionable circles just now, is the Cameroo-Sherman wed ding, which is to come off’ on May !)'h, and promises to be a most brilliant af fair. The lroußHca.u, made in New York, is said to be worth many thous ands of dollars, and tho presents will bo simply supcib. Old Simon Cameron, the fattier of the groom, bas publicly declared that he is going to “let him self out” on this oecasion, and he is, generally speukiug, a man of his word! liret iiirte is in the city, and called upon the President yesterday. And ihat is about all the news on itie lupin, with the exception of an order scut to the Navy Yard to-day, to clear up sev eral hundred heavy guns, which have lain storod there since the war, and put them iu serviceable condition.— What these guns arc to be used for, is, as yet, a mystery ; hut it has probably no connection with tho threatening ns poet of affairs iu Europe. THE IMAGE OF HER MOTHER. A NOVEL. BY KITH RUSTIC. In Die Savanna*. VV.News <-r Sntnr dey, 20th April, will be coniinenoert n now SEruil story with the above title, written by a lady ol S.,vanuab. Tnr. Weekly News is llio La hi jest and Best Wkeklv 11 is n co r up 1 c i o newspapo - , ami oon'alns Markt tH, ole., .n Agricultural and Military Department. It iw adapted for general craiVion throughout tho South. S.,li u ript iou, ono year $2 00; six months SI.OO. Specimen copies smt free. A idnHs J. 11. E3TILL, S ivannah, Ga. Apr 1 17. NICOIAS MARIN, 17- I,RYAN STREET, Savannah, Gkoroi.i. Sin 1! ruftobiaery made and repaired. 8 >w iiiß Machines, Sites, Soales and looks of ev ery description oarelul y repaired, apr 17-tf. C A N CERS CURED! UK. JOHN D. ANDREWS, OF Thoma-viilr. Ga., CUKES CANCERS invariably, when applied to for Treatment before is is too late. Treats all Chronic diseases, or diseases of long standing of Males and Females very Suces-fuly. lloh Watches are Made* It will l>e apparent t > ny one, who will **\ inline a sol l Gold Watch, th it undo from tho mces ary thiekness fjr uugraviuß aud pohfhii'g, the large proportion of tho pr - oi >us xxn til us and, is needed only to stiffen and he ld the eugraved poitionain plaop, and supply the necessary aohdity and strength. The surplus gold is actually needless, so far as utilitv aud heontv are concerned. Iu 1 JAMES' BOSS’ PATENT STIFFENED GOLI* W \ l\ li CASEB, this wnste of prt | ctous metal is overcome, nml the same so lidity And ftrength produced 8t from ont j ih'id to cm-half of the usual cost of solid cask s This process is of the moft simple ua ure, as follows : A piste if oompoaition incth Isj e:ullv Adapt utl to the purpose, bus I t wo plates ot sol.d gv Id solder* and or e in eAch siile. The three are then pass* and bet ween polisbetl steel rollers* and tho result is a strip : f heavily p|tod composition, fit m which il ceases, haok‘, centres, bezels, Ac., arc cut iOtdsha|vd by suitable dus an*i form rs. fu** gold in these casts is sufficiently thick to admit of ail kinds of chasing, engraving md enameling; and engraved esses have i n eartied u*>t Iwc rn perfectly smooth by tim * aud use without removing the gold. I l'h se cas s are for Mile by a’ 1 jewrhrs, and are guarantee 1 bv Speiial Certificate to WEAR F\lli 2d Ylf your jeweler do*** not keep tin in. seU*l tj Huai' Z it rnoiu-K. Lx dger Building* Philadelphia, lor idusirated cm alo^ue. DR. ALLEY BROWN, DENTIST, Hi aokshe vr, - - Georgia. 1- I,' Jo all kiiul of iVntal work i- the most p|>r®Y<<i style. All orj, rs will uni tvi nii prompt intention, l -os all tbe . lat,- mi|>rov, nu-nts. Clmrgrs mod -ati-a K-tj,-n guavxd. DOUBLE DAILY 10 A Mi iROM Macon & Brunswick Railroad- Oenekaj, Scpeui stem,ent’s Office I Macon, Ga-. March !, 1878. ( ON and after Sunday, 3i Passenger trains on tiiis road will run as follows: CUMBERLAND ROUTE, via Brunswick. NIGHT PASSENGER, No. 1 South Daily. Leave Macon 7:30 A.M. Ariive at Cochran 9:50 P. M. Arrive at Eastman 10:51 A. M. Arrive desup 3:55P.M. Arrive Brunswick CAT, A. M. Leave BrunswicK per steamer. .. 7:00 A. M. Arrive Fernandmn 11:00 A. M. Arrive at Jacksonville 2:45 P.M. No 2, North Daily. Leave .Jacksonvilli 10:30 A. 11. Leave Fernandina per steamer. 2:45 P. M. Arrive Brunswick 0:45 P- M. Leave Brunswick 7:00 P.M. Leave Jesnp 9:50 P. M. Leave Eastman a 3:02 A. SI. Leave Cochran 4:05 A M. Arrive at Macon O’Jo A. M. Close connection at Macon for all points North, East and TV est via Atlanta and Au gusta. DAY ACCOMMODATION NO. 3, South. Via Jesap and Liye Oak—Daily except S'n’dy Leave Silicon 7:30 A. M. Arrive Cochran 10:28 A. SI. Arrive Eastman 11:57 A- M. Arrive Jesup ... 3:31 P. SI. Arrive at Jacksonville 9:25 A. SI. No. 4, NORTH, Daily except Sunday. Leave Jacksonville 3:15P. M. Leave Jesup 6.-OOA.SI. Leave Eastman. .12:43 P. SI. Leave Cochran. 2:08 P. SI. Arrive Macon - —.... —.... 5:10P. SI. Connct:i at Macon for points North, East and West. HA WKINSVILLE BRANCH. Freight and Accommodation—Daily, except Sunday. Leave Cochran 10:00 P. M. Arrive at Htwkiosvilie 10:45 P. SI. li'*ave Hawkiu-viUe 3:00 A. M. Ariive Cochran 3:45 A. SI. Connects at Cochran with Trains Nos 1 and 2 to and from Macon. Leave Cochran 10:45 A. M. Arrive Hawkiusvil a 11:30 A.M. Leave Hawkinsviile LOOP. M. Arrive Cochran 1:45 P. M. Corn, cts . * Cochran with trains 3 and 4 to and from Macon. GEO. W. ADAMS, Gen. Supt. XV. J. Jakvih, Slasttr Trans. Get the Standard tl lhe best authority It ought to he in wry Library, also in every Academy and in ever S) tool ’ [ s Ch vSumner. kl The best existng English Ijcxicon — Lon* don Athenaeum.i A large, handsome vopime of 1854 pages, containing cncs'derah’y more than 100,- 000 Words in its Vocabulary, with the correct Pronunciation, D. ii iition, and Ety inolot-v. Funny SHEF.iI MARlinF.n EIHIKK, $lO 000. “W© !E(0 ms "TM” iw now regarded rb the STANDARD AUTHORITY and in ho recommen led by Bryant, Longfellow, Whittier, Sumner, llolmen, irvinp, Winthrop, A.ciHf-i/.. Marnh, Henry. Everett, 1/anu. (Quincy, Felton. Hilliard, and the majority of our most dis- Hcholarii. and i, benide?, recognized at* authority by tbo Dq lrtmenta of our National Gov ernment. ‘ The volume before ns fdiow a vast amount of diligence; but with Webster il diligence in com bination with fancifulnent*. Willi Worcester, in combination with good sen• and JudKinent Wor caster’s in the soberer and safer book, and may be pronounced the bent existing English lexicon.”— London Athenaeum. “The best Emrlish writers and the most particn ; lar American writer- use B’orecSter as their autho ity.”—New York llehald. “After our recent strike we made the change to Worcester as our authority in spelling, chiefly to bring ourselves into conformity with the accepted usage, as well as to gratify the desire of most of our staff, ineluding such gentiemeu as Mr. Bayard Tay lor. Mr. George*W. Smalley, and Mr. John It. C. llttßsard.”—N. Y. Tribune. • THE COMrDETE SERIES OF WORCESTER ’ S DICTIONARIES. Quarto Dictionary. Profusely Illustrated. Library sheep. SIO.OO. Universal and Critical Dictionary. Bvo. Li brary sheep. $i 25. Academic Dictionary. Illustrated. Crown Bvo. Half roap. $2 00. Comprehensive Dictionary. Illustrated. 12mo. Half roan. $1.75. School (Elementary) Dictionary. Illustrated 12mo. Half roan. SI.OO. Primary Dictionary. Illustrated. lGmo. Half roan. GO cents. Pocket Dictionary. Illustrated. 2-mo. Cloth, (55 cts: roan, flexible, 85 cts ; roan, tucks, gilt edges, SI.OO. Many -periat Aids to student.. In addition to a very full tmuiounctne and defining vocabulary, make TUr above named hook., in the opinion of our moat distinguished educators, the mo-t complete, a- weit as by far the clieapeat Dictionaries of our languages. For-ale by all Booksellers, nr will be sent, car riage free, on receipt of the price hv J. U. LIPI'IXCOTT Jt Co s Booksellers, and Stationers, 715 and 717 M irket St., Hhiladelpbia. jau 16 15.n LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS GEORGIA Wayne County. To all whom it mny Whereas, John T. Il ghsmith Jr. of said State and county, applies to the Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate of John T. Higlismith br , deceased, late of said county and State. These are therrf jre to cite ami admonish, all ar*d sirgidar the kindred aud creditors, of said dtceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pres cribed by law, aud show cause ( if any they have) why letters of administration on the eet-itc cf said ’dec*ased, should not issue to the applicint. Given under my band and offici and Mgnature, this March oth 1878. K. B HOPES, mar 20 4vv Ordiiary A. C. Wayne County Sheriff Sales. Will be sold before the Court House door in the town cf Jesup, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May nex*. town lot number fif y two (*52) and iis apper tenanccp, situated iu the town of Jesnp, in sa *l county, contain ng two hundred feet square, and bounded North by Cherry Street lane, E*st by Brunswick Street, South by Plum S*reef, and W*s: by Broad Street l-ne. L< vied on under an 1 by virtue of and to sit i-fy an execution issue*! upon a decree rer dered :u the Suj>erior Court of said coun'y, in fav xr of James Wauvn, against A. IL Bo lin, a? and Slid lot of land Property poiuted | out in said execution. Terms of sale cash, ! pure! a*tr piy : n£ for titles. This the 2nd 1 day cf April, I>7s. JOHN X GOODBEEAD, 4t. Sheriff W- C Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Gene tut, Kerr, uisrr ndent’k Office. | Atlantic and liulf Railroad, r Savannah, March 30, 1877. J ON AN D AFTER SUNDAY, March 31st, l’assenger Trains on this Road will ran as follows: NIGHT EXPRESS. Leave Savannah lailyat 4:70 P.M. Arrive at Jesup “ 7:30 P.M. Arrive at Thomasville “ 5:20 A. M. Arrive at Bainbridge “ 8:10 A. M Arrive at Albany “ 9:50 A. M. Arrive at Li/e Oak “ 8:30 A. M. Arrive at Jacksonville ’• 9:25 A. M. Leave Tallahassee “ 1:00 P. M. Leave Jacksonville “ 3:45 P.M. Leave Live Oak “ 9:40 P. M. Leave Albany ’•* 2:30 P. M. Leave Bainbridge “ 3:15 P. 51. Leave Thomasville “ 7:00 P. 51. Leave Jesnp “ 5 :45 A. 51. Arrive at Savannah “ 8:40 A. 51. No change ol cars between Savannah and Jacksonville and Savannah and Albany. Passengers from Savannah for Ftrnsndina, Gainesville and Cedar Keys take this train. Passengers leaving 51aeon at 7:30 a. m (daily except Sunday,) connect at Jesup with this train for Florida. Passengei s from Florida by this train con nect at Jesup with train arriving in Macon at 5:10 p. m. (daily except Sunday.) Passengers from Savannah and B. unswick and Darien take this ‘rain, arriving at Bruns wick 6:45 a. m. Passengers from Brunswick arrive at Sa vanuah 8:10 a. m. No change of oars between Montgomery and Jacksonville. Pullman Palace sleeping cars run through to and from Savannah and Jacksonville; also through sleepers from Atlanta, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala, to Jacksonville, Fla. No change of cars between Atlanta and Jacksonville. Connect at Albany with passenger trains both ways on South western Railroad to and from Macon, Eufaulv, Montgomery, New Ol leans, 51obile, etc, Mail steamer leaves Bainbridge for Apa lachicola every Sunday afternoon; for Col umbus every Wednesday morning. Close connection at Jacksonville daily, Sundays excepted, for Green Cove Springs, St. Augustine, Palatka, Enterprise and a 1 landings cn St. John’s River. DAY EXPRESS. [Daily, Sunday Exocplel.] Leave Savannah at 9:25 A. M. Arri-e at Jacksonville 10:00 P. SJ. Arrive at Tallahassee at 3:30 A.M. Leave Jacksonville at 7:00 A. M. Arrive at Savannah at 6:45 P. 51. No change of oars between Savannah and Jnctsonvilp. P. avengers for Taliahrssee lake this train. Pcssengets leaving Brumwick 7:00 a. tr. (Mord-ys, Wednesdays and Fridays) via B <fc A It K., arrive in Savannah 0:45 p. m., leaving Savannah 9:25 a. m., (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) arrive in Bruns wick 8:20 p. m. Trains on B. and A. R. R. leave junction, going west, 51onday, Wednesday and Fri day at 11:11 a. m. Tor Brunswick Tuesday, Thursday andSaf urday at 4:40 p. m. ACCOMSIODATICN TRAINS -EASTERN DIVISION. Leave Savannnh [Sundays excepted] at 7:03 A. 51. Arrive al slclutosh “ “ 10:00 A. 51. Arrive at Jestip •" ‘ ■ 12:15P.M. Arrive at Blaekshear “ “ 3:15 P. 51. Arrive at Dupont “ “ 7:1015 51. Leave Dupont “ “ 5:15 A. 51. Leave Blaekshear •* “ 9:32 A. 51. Leave Jesup “ 1:10 P. 51. Leave Mclntosh “ “ 3:08 P. 51, Arrive at Savannah “ “ 5:35 P. 51. WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont Sndy's excepted, at 5:30 A.51. Arrive at Valdosta “ “ 8:20 A.51. Arrn’o at Quitman. . . , “ “ VAflft-.W.. Arrive at ThomasvHle “ “ 1:10 P.M. Arrive a! Albany “ “ 6:40P. 51. Leave Albany “ “ 6:00 A st. Leave Thomasville “ lf:00 P.M. Leave Quitman “ 1:36 P. 51. Leave Valdosta “ “ 3:22 P.M. Arrive at Dupont <• “ 6:15 P. 51. J. S. Tyson, Master of Transportation. H. S. HAINES, General Superintendent. THE MILLER BROS, CUTLERY COIPAIY AND U. S. STEEL SHEAR CO., (CONSOLIDATED), MA NUF AtTUREBS OF Patent Pocket Cutlery, AND SOLID CAST STEEL SHIKARS AKTO SanSS©S. TIIE ONLY MANUFACTURERS OF SOLID CAST STEEL SHEARS &. SCISSORS IN THE UNITED STATES THE ONLY MANUFACTURERS IN TIIE WORLD OF POCKET CUTLERY, WITH Covering Secured by Screws. NONE CUT THE BEST English Pocket Cutlery Steel. Used, and every Knife and Scissors WARRANTED. The temper and enttincr qualities of both Knives and Scissors are carefully tested. Great care is taken to maintain and increase the we D-earned reputation which this Company have at tained. as The Leading American Cutlers. In harmony with the verdict of enstomers. the Centennial Exposition awarded Medals and Diplom as for the greatest excellence in quality and ffhish o these goods. The Miller Bros. Cut! cry Cos. n um: toi nty. SHERIFF'S SALES. Will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Jesnp, of snd ccnnty, be tween the lfgal boars of sale. on the first Tuts jay in May ntx , 1878, the fol. owing property to wit: Lots of lauds numbers as fo'lows, in the third district of old originally Wayne:—B, 9, 10, 12, 19. 5.1, 56, 91. 109, 116, 117. 177. 180, 181. 200, 244. 254. 255, 2, 27, 28. 50,72, 89, 90. 94. 95, 132, 133. 141, 194, 195, 202. 217, 218, 223, 224, 226, 236. 237. 259, 264. 265, 272. 275, 276; n'ao third district of priginal iy Appling, now Wavne. ns follows : numbers 339. 340, 344, 347, 343, 37£, 379, 330-81,all in said conity and State aforesaid, tbe same being wild an l u- improved and each lot lev ied on under and by virtue cf exrc tlons is sued from and by W. L. Galdsmbh. Comp troller General of the State of G orgia. for the taxes due thereon for the years of 1374-5 6, and soli for the ben fit of W. T. McA'- thur, tiar-sferee of siid fi fw. Lots of lands pointed out in sail fi fs. Terms cash, pur chaser paying fir titns. Tli s Apr !1, 1878 JOHN N. GOODBUEU). Sheriff \Y. C. 1 Aj.rU 3-4*. j OF Leading Dry-Goods, Hosiery, Notions & Fancy Goods AT CELEBRATED DRT-GOODB HOUSE ' Calico, the very best quality, at CJe Calico, lower grade, at 5 and s£c Quilt Lining Homespun at 31c 3- Crown Shirting at 5 and 51-2 C 7-8 Brown Shirting, heavy, at 6 1-4, 6 1,7 c 4- Arown Shirting, heaviest kind, at 8c 4.4 Brow n Sea Island at 7 c 4-4 Brown Sea Island, very best, at 10c 3- Bleached Shirting at 5c 7-8 Bleached Shirting at 6 l-4c 4 4 Bleached Shining, soft finished at 8 l-2c 4- Bleached Shirting, without dressing, 19c Heaviest Brown Drilling at 10c Shirting, 10-4 bleached and brown at 25, 30, 35 and 40c Good article Hicnory stripe at 10c Best round-thread Georgia Checks and Stripes at 10c Blue Denim, a good quality, at 10c Good Mattress Ticking at 10c Good Feather Tickingjat 12 l-2c Best Feather Ticking at 20c Good Gingham Checks at 8 l-3c Best Gingham Cheeks at 10c Balmoral Skirls at 50c Boulevard ready 7 made skirts at 50c Cotton Diape", wide It) yards to the piece at * SI 00 Linen Diaper, apiece, at SI 25, 1 50 2 00 and 2 25 Fronting Linen, yard wide at 300 to $1 00 Wash-Poplin, beautiful goods at 10c Dress Goods of all kinds from 10c to SI 25 Neck Shawls at 25c and upwards Ladies Shawls from 1 00 up, very cheap and nice qualities. American Kircd Cashmere at 25c English Black Cashmere y’d wide rt 40 a 50c French, all wool Cashmeres, 40 inches wide, at 75, a 90c., $1 00 and 1 25 Bombazine, Hernan’, Australian Crepe, ve ry reasonable. Alpcea, a nice article, double with at 25c Alpaca, Silk finished, double width at 50c Black Silk at 75, 90c. $1 00, 1 25, 1 50 1 75, 2 00, 250 and 3 00. Brown Blankets, per pair, f1 25, 2 40 2 00, 2 50 and 8 00. White Blankets, per pair, $2 00, 2 50, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00 and 6 00. Honey Comb Bed Spreads at 75c Bridal Quilts, the nicest spreads out, $1 50 Ladies undervests at 50, 65, 7gc. $1 00 and 1 25. Hamburg Embroidery, Edgings and In sertions at bargain prices.) Blaih Gros Grain and Sash Ribbons, very cheap. Everlasting, Crochet and other Trim mings, lower than ever. Italian, French and Guipure Laces, V6ry cheep Ladies’ Sild Ties and Pcurfs 20 c and up. Lidies’ Cuffs and Collars at half price. Umbrellas as low as 35c. Two button K and Gloves Ladies’ black, white, colored and Opera Shades, at 50c Two-button K'd Gloves, —Ladies’—bet- ter quality, at 750 and $1 00 Kehtucky Jeans, at 10, 12 1 2, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50c. ATapsYn -vef, wt 50, 00,M3, bo j: 1 tftf; —— 1 25 and 1 50. Black, Blue and Grey Waterproof, 1 1-2 yard wide, at 75e, $1 00 ard 1 25. Canton Flanhels at 8 1 2, 10, 12 1:2, 15 and 20c. To understand our method of bti-inese, we have endeavored to explain it in unmistakable language and for which wo request a carsful perusal We beg to caution tno public to try to diserimii ato between our dealings and that of mer chants who offer a few domestic goods only cheap as a bait, to catch the ftuwarj , and make them believe that they sell everything equally as low; the iutelligeua reader will easily understand this. We offer our goods for inspection to every body./V ik will send samples of Dry Goods, with prices attached, to any one who will write us for them and give everyone a chance to see for themselves. a YY r c have endeavored to enumerate the principal articles kept in a first-alas Dry Goods House, and attached the prices YVe are aware that this is sufficient to c nvey a correct idea of the quality. Those who desire to purchase, we will upon application, send such samples, with prices attached, as they may desire when they can form a much better opinion and select for themselves Not 1= 5 than a million of people have dealt with us and wo are sure we have satisfied a i. Any one displeased with his purchase can return the goods to us at our expense and we will return the money. On twenty dollars w.irth of goods we prepay freight to the nearest station. YVe make no charges f r packing or drayage, YY’a dou’t sell one article low and make it up on the others. WE RETATL OUR GOOES AT WHOLE3ABE PRICES, Which accounts for our Wonderful Sncccss. YVe don’t advertise to humbug, but we talk plain business and mean it. YVe sell one yard as low as we would ten thousand. Those who are tird of paying ex horbitant prices and appreciate the value of money, are invited to send their orders, which we will fill C. 0. D. witn privilege to examine, or can send the money with tie order. David Weisleia, NO. 160 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, G A Come and see W. 11. WHALEY MB SOI, , Who are constantly receiving by the Car Load, direct fro El the West, by Green Line, CORN, BAGON & FLOUR, Which are Specialties with them. They keep constantly on hand a full and complete Stock of LRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, BtC„ TF&ie-A they are setting very low, for CASH, or TIAIITE /?. Ganiigoff's Ready for use Flour, at Savannah prices. Also DEALERS IN Groceries, Hardware, Glassware, Crockery, <&Ci •©“Prompt attention given to all orders from a distance. Fa charge for drayage t) the Depot. April 3-.f. White Mixed Flan-els at 15 and2C? White all wool flannels at 25, 30, 40, 50 and 75c. Red all wool flannels at 15, 20, 25. and 4fni Red all wool twill Flannels at 25, 30 and 40c Grey Flauutls at * 15, 20, 25 and 10 Opera Flannels all colors at 400 Opera Flannels, plaid slyles, best, at 00c Woolen Licsey, a giod quality, at 20a Heavy white undershirts at 20e and upwards. Calico Shirts at 25 aDd upwards. While drees shirfs at 75 and upwards Yard lot g towels at 12 1-2 and upwards. ' Towels h low as 5® , Linen Table Cloth, 2 1-2 pard wide, 25 30, 35 and 40e. Table Oil Cloth, 114 yard wide, best Quality, at 40c. Bleached Table Damask at 50, 750. S'l 00 and 1 20. Woolen Table Cloths, good at $1 00 Good Fiench C rsets at 500 Thompson’s glove-fitting Corset at fel 00 and 1 25. Huspenders wiih Rubber in the back at, 250 Turkey Red Table Diylies’ per dozen 75u v\ hite linen Table Doylies’ per dozen 60 and 75 Table Napkins, pe. uezen, at $1 00; 1 25 and upwards. Childreh’s Wooled Caps at 400 Veil Brage, best quality a yard at 40 Silk Veiln g per Neck Rucnes, perdcz.n at 12 12, 15 20 and 25a. Neck, by Ihe yard, at 5, 6 1-4 10c and upwards. Alpaca Skirt Braid, a bunch at 5o 12 dozen Agate or Rice Buttons for 5a Fashion slid Silk Dress Buttonsat 10 and 15 a Ivory and Gutta Percha Buttons at 8 10, 12 1 2 and 15c. Children’s Round Combs at 10 and 15a Lvdies’ High Back Combs at eO, 15 and 25a Children’s Fancy Stockings at Sand 10a Misses’Fancy Stockings at 12 12 and 150 Ladies’ Fancy Stocking! at 10 to 500 Black Prnts Buttons, bone, best quel, ity, box for 10a. Lrdies White St< ekings at 5, 6 1-4, 8, 10 and 12 1-2, and 15c. Ladies’ English Stockings, without serin:; at 25c. Gent’s Ht.lf Hoseat.s, 8. 20, 12 1-2 aud ]so Gent’s English half hose without seams, 25c Gent’s Bordered handkerchiefs at Sand 5o Gent’s Turkey R-d handkerchiefs at 10c Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs at 5c Ladies’Corded L nen handkerchiefs at 10c The best needles, a paper, at 6j Coats’A Clark’s N. O. Cotton at 6c., per dozen 65e. Good spocl cotton for hand S6w:ng, 200 yards, at 3 Negro Hsnddercbiefs al 10, 15, 25 and 350 Bail thread, 16 balls for 350 Khttting and Darning Cottob, a ball, 60 Gents’ papered urs a box, ot 5, 10 15 & 250 Linen Shirt Fronts, extra length at 250 Corded Pique, worth 20 at lOe White and Black Cottyn Gloves at lUo t/hi.l.Xi'ruwl.Gl-AV.eaoy,—A%,-2fM.V!W3r?lbo English Pms worth 100 a prper, at 100 American pins worth 100 a paper, at 2 l-2c Best quality Hooks and Eyes I papers for So Paper Cambric, yard wide, at 7e Twill lining Joan, at 100