The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, April 24, 1878, Image 2

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the jesup semtineu T. I’. LITTbEHUI-D, Editor. \V I)". M Ma-oii,* Associate “ Uiu-'I OI Me Jesup House, fronting on Chary Street, two doors from Broad St. WBKOHMV. trUL 14, is:-. APPLINO COUNTY OFFICERS Ordinary—Silas A. Crosby. Sheriff—Silas Crosliy. Couny Clerk —B. It. Mobley. Treasurer —Wm. H. Overstreet. Tax Collector and lbceiver—John J. Clark. County Caroner—• Heotor McEachin. County OommiHSionors—Jacob Lightscy, Daniel McEachin, John 0. Hart and Wm. 6. Stfcwart. Georgia Press Convention- The meeting of the Georgia Press Association will be held at biinesville, ou Wednesday, the Btb of May. The Central, Southwestern, Atlantic and Gulf, Western and Atlantic, and \ir Line Railroad* have kindly extend ed their u-nal cnurlctdcs to members des l ing to uttrnd the meeting- Rep resentatives of papers oti the line of ilits three first tamed railroads will be tftttk4 uh lUlinta on nppl'.avti- L to the President. J. H. EH TILL, President. C. J'. H*-si:u., Rcc. Secretary. An Old Caso Stirred up. Mrs. Elizabeth Tilton mndc confes sion of her atrorioua mime committed with the Rev. Henry Waid Hcechcr. on the 15th inst., aid I lie Ifith Henry, wrote a letter to tho N. Y. Tribune, deujing ht and her guilt, in which be said : “I declare her to ho innocent of the great mmaffrnssjon.” Ono of them has, uu.lojbledly, prevaricated. Shauic! Shame! I If Mrs, Tilton is not guilty, she would have never made public Confession. ‘‘An buniblo con fession is good fi r the soul." Slia de nied—moat bitterly—this crime four years ago, but now says "that the charge brought by my husband of adul tery between mysoll and the Rev. Hen ry Ward Beecher, is true, and that die lie I had lived so well the last four yo ,rs, had become intolerable to mo.’’ The following postal card was receiv ed Monday n'glit: Mr. Editor : Owing lo my illnesH and absence in ntlcndanco on Telfair Superior Oouri, it will be impossible for mo to coutribi'to to the columns of your paper. I rogmt being ntiubie lo fulfill, promptly, toy engagements with you. Hoping it will not be thus iu the fntmo, I am, L-ixtuy, Ga., Apr. 20, 1878. Tyro. STATE NEWS lJcn Russt-M, of tlic KiiinbrMgc Deni- U'Tal, is a hiij;lit)' a- didi wag. If l ' wont exchange with the Skntini i,. (Lane, lion, wli.lo you uit) talking bo muuli Fair, tote fair widi tlie liltlo one horse t ewspapor nags, Just because )on arc i/oing to have it “big to-ulo," don’t be mi confounded derelict. Wo hope thin item will liave tlie desired effect, nnd bring tlie Democrat a bouncing. Decatur county will liavo her fimt Fair on Wodtieedny, tlio Ist duy of id ay. We expect nothing loss than a couiploto suoooss Tho Fair in Albany is to como oil the '2l t nnd 22nd of May, On the 23: <1 of May, the Fair in Tbomasvillti opens. It p omisos to ex cel utiyihing yet soon in this part ol tbe world. List year’s Fair will bo hard to boat, gentlemen. Thomas county people never uso the word, fail. Dr. U. P. Turner, of Mitchell coun ty, found a piece of soapstone, and a piece of cypress, rt tlie depth of fifty h 1 x feet under tbe ground, while having n well dug, near Dranchvdlo. This is o hono for scientists to pick. A yvung gentleman in Albany, who is | radioing for the regatta to c one off during tho Fair, paddled his bml iv mile, in six and a half minu es the idl er duy. l’retty good rowing. We learn, from the Valdosta Turn's, that the l\ev. W. It. Tally’s residence rt Ousley, was destroyed by fire, aud lion; ly ill bis housoliolJ and kitchen fur niture lost. Tho fire is thought to have originated from the flue of the stove. Hugh Powell, a whole sou led Oon duetar on the A. & G ltoad, was rob bed cf a 6ue gold witch utid eight dol lais, one uight last week. We hope lie may recover his watch, nnd send c<.fly to the home of the wicked, prepared far nil transgressors, who arc caught up with. The Snbbnth Schools of Valdosta tiro tu have n pic ntr, on I lie itiir 1 of May. Pendleton is niukinj: wonderful im provements on the limes typngraphi rally ami tueupbo ioullv. Wo n-e ' to pro lis brby improvin';. Hr op VKlos*a very beautifully aaj ieall.y T. E. Collin 0 , of M icon, died t* e ether day from injuries received by failing through a trap door eoiuc 11 feet. Seine of cur country towns b.■ v 9 got the base bill fever nwful bad. The Macon Fire Department had a gala day on the 15tb. We are sorry that the Vigilants, of Augusta, bull doze i the Macon boys on tho reel con test. Ouly one second’s difference. One of Valdosta’s barbers stole a suit of clothes from another “cullud gemmeu” of the same faith and stand ing, and is now enjoying high life in tho “most secure jail iu the South.’’ Henry Mclntosh slided down to Quit man last Tuesday was a week ago. and created quite a sensation, as the fallow ing will show : “Henry paid us a visit lust Tuesday, He reports Albany and the Advertiser in a flourishing condi tion, and his many friends in this com muuity will be glad to learu that he hiinscll seems to have been faring sunipt uously. Since he lias taken charge of the Advertiser it has become one of the best weeklies in llie State, au J if good clothes arc an indication of prosperity, Mac is on the road to fortune. As our handsome friend made his appearance on the streets Tuesday morning, a wretch whispered asking if wo hal heard of any recent fire in Albany, tie ins nuation, though quite apparent on ly seived to raise our indignation with out on answer.” This proves that his subicribera pay for their papier. Wo endorse Perhain’s scintillations, about the Advertiser ,one of 'ho best weeklies iu the State, though its been over two mouths siuco wt’vcscen u copy of it Q ijtinan has a rifle association. We just know Perhain can plug the bud’s eye every crack. He’s a crack shot with the riflo, you know; or at least you ought to know it, you know. The Quitman Factory commenced operatior s again on Monday, the Bth, under the management of Mr. W il liams, the former superintendent. A regular town fop criticised the column Charlie Pendleton calls the ‘ Ladies Column," so buffoonly, week before last, that Pendleton’s irisil rose, ami he let’s 11 <w from liis gulden quill, what wc term a greasy item. Charlie said lie felt awful after this criticism was blown into bis hearing organs, and he felt as if ho had been knocked down wif.ii a slioul ler of bacon, or that a smokehouse hid been blown up, and lie was caught without an umbrtllu, iu a shower of meat skins. Friend l’emlicton siy he will not go to the Press Convention next month, as lie has decided to live sober this your. Charlie, wc don’t even drink cider, a'e, beer, wino, champagne, or other b vir agos, and wo will not be there either, as wo liuvo to do all the mechanical work of tho oflioe. Darien wants a mu'ino hospital. Grubb thinks it would be liberally sup ported A lady in MilledgOvillc picked near ly two hundred cut worms from ber garden sirs one diy Inst week. That was not a good day for worms, either. In 'l'ultnul county, the I do rains have injured tho rice crop, which had just boon i lanti'd. Tho F air in Amcricus conics off tho 23th of May. A gonllenmn in Amcricus lias a chick that has not run in twelve months, but tho other day it oomim need to run, and runs nn hour in livo minutes. This is a fast clock, brothor Hancock. Arc you right sure you hive told the truth about it ? Probably tlio typo rondo a mistake. Mighty hard to swallow, cer tain. Tim following three paragraphs we purloin from tlio Georgia News column of the Savannah News : The Grdlin Sun boasts that thero is ono inhabitant of Spaulding county who it will pit as a remarkable man against tho whole country. Ho is known us ''Unelo Charlie Hammond,” and says that paper : “Though near nine ty years of age, ho is really younger than most men, who arc fifty years his junior. Ho can do more walking than any ono wo know, and can ride further to n dunce and then fiddle longer than tho youngest man in America. A long and men v life to Unelo Charlie.’’ The Irwinton Southerner an l App al notes tho fact that spring poetry, in its iucipioncy, has entered tut * tho compo sition of 0110 of the young won con nected with that office, anil tho conse quences at one limo threatened to be grave in the extreme. It w rns its rentiers, however, not to be alarmed, us he is being liberally dosed with Patent OiVuc Reports, Supreme Court decis ions, and other dry faot, and every ef fort "ill be used to prevent its break ing nut. The truth of the first part of the above statement is fully proven by the following extract from the columns nf.said paper : “In is ineificucy (hr bdiuy breath of spring salutes us with the sweet perfume f lovely tl nv.-r-, and our eyes are delighted with the infti y luud bean ies of ua'urt 's prince ly tohe.’ 1 A “gl rions revival" has been g ing on in the Methodisi Obu'oh at Tboiu vil!o during the pel two works Over fifty conversions h -vo In on tuad 1 and thirty li iv united themselvos with the cl ireh. Maj. Owens, proprietor of the M itk tr.rD House, is dead. The Brown II use, M icon, w s de stroyed by fire, on the ‘2lst it,st. But for lie indomitable energy of L c I.ia Deput men!, the National wool I i.aie a!s • been lam iu ashes. Americas wa° visited by the file fi r.d last we k. The Glynn County Agricultural Fa r comes oil the 29th and 30. hof next month. Our exchanges are filled with acci dents, such as runaway-, filling down flights of steps, eta. A great many la dies have been mangled and bruised up by being thrown fiom buggies, while driving out firey steeds. JVetr Adt ’erlisem cuts. SAVANNAH MARKET. CORRECTED BY V*: % NV^^V-.V, Jefferson tit., Cor. Congress & St. .Julian, St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, DEALERS IN Groceries, Liquors, Tiddlers’ Supplies and Counljy TTOJ) UCE. Particular attention g;v w n to cash orders and c Hif-i^nrnentH Pavannah, Ga., Auril 22nd, 1878. b icon. Sank and C. R b Sides, Gk&G? ‘ ‘ B*loll Id? lA, L l CaJdl Dry Salt G. liJ> Sides, b(hf, “ “ L. “ “ r>f<^o “ “ Shoulders,* \u, -;J Sugar Cured Cnnv&Hsod Haras, 10 Ny. 2. Uucftiivanned “ FLOUR. Super, T t .r'*(S) 0.75 Extra, 7 < 0fw 7.2.7 Family, 7.5()@7.75 GROCERIES. CoflW, VJldolHclb Hui.jir, tb Lirt, Three*, 8.,/Jw.* Lard, J aha, 9<§)9itti, 20@3lcm Cheese, 18(6)15 clb Salt, per Hack, 85(5)90; So;p, p< r box, 80!!> 4.00(6)1.25 8 ap, 100 cukes in box, /7G|i, 2.7f> bex Soap, 100 “ “ “ slb 8.50 box Starch, 4\(ri)()Clh i’ot sb, per box, \ doz. cans, 4 20 box Rice, C(2) f l tl> Tobacco, com non cfcowing, U8(fo I.Vlb Tobacco, lino “ OfoHO. |t> Shot, per bag, 1.8.'>t02.i0 or un. M x and Corn in sacks, 68@72j No. 2 M'Xfd Corn, 00 White, Mixed, 70<8>74 Oats, 50(%>55 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ilid s, Dry Flint, 1 lclb “ “ Suit, TtoOclb W o! f 20(2/>22clb W x, 24 lb Potato, h, sweet, 355/10 peck (' uutry Sugar, K (.'S, 125/0 2'j dnz WOOL AND HIDES. THE HIGHEST CASH pric) paid for WOOL AND HIDES, in any amount. Ai dless, bhfiira Hailing elsewhere, M. "ST. Henderson, 180 HAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. April 21 It. OC/JA.Y //or ,svy, TYBTS ISLAND, GEOIiCIA. The O 'E\N HOUSE will lr opened Io tlie public on tho IhJ i May. It issituaUd on Tv bee Idand, 1H di 1 rf om Sivunnnb, i!ml faces the bioud Atitoitic. Tho sand bunch is h x miles long and almcat level, itf folding the ft tent fit a hinLing in 11.> woild. Sttanp rn will leave Savnnuah DAILY ft r thu i.-I nl. T.deyjruphi -• comwuiueaHon from tho hotel to nil parte of tho world. I*o.ird, p< r day, $2.00 ; per week, slo.('**). For further rarth ul.irs address A NOEL . YDANKZ, Proprietor, Savuuuah, Gn. Apr. 24-2 v. Manhood; lion Los , l*ow Kcstorcdl Juot pobli hed, ar< w edition < f Dr. C’il verw'-li’M (■ I l*r**tptl E'fiav oi tho radical cin ( .vii It > t- ti o 1 o.nt*) of S; e mutln; i or S mil :d W akmHs. luv duiHary Seminal L’> son, Impotoiipy, M nta 1 m.d Physical I capacity, Impo liit'*ntH to Marr ag'*, oto.; ul n■, OoLMimpl on, Epilepsy ai.d IDs, indu'c ed by tic if indu g m-j or c usual extravagance Ae. CeT Price, in a at.ah and umloio, only six cents. The celebrated author, in tl is admirable Essay, clearly demon t--ateH, from a thirty jeiiis’sue ms*fu! practice, that the alarming co.isf qnouces of sel'-abuse may be radically cured with ?ut tho dangerous use of internal medicine or the nppl ca ion of the knife ; pointing out n mole of euro at once simple, Ctrl .in. and eif dual, lay menus if which iv ory sufferer, no matter wl-afc Ins condition uiny be, may euro hims e lf cheaply, privately and radically. CsT This Loctuto should be in tl.o hands of t very youth and ov*ry man in tie laud. Hint mi ter s al, in apian envelope, o any a ’dress, post-paid, on receipt of s x cents or two p s age stamps. THE CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO , 41 Atm St.. Now York, Post Officeßtx 15SG. April 211) r. THE IMAGE OF HER MOTHER, A NOVEL. tEA Itt 111 Ul M IC. In the Savannah Wki kly News of Satur day, 20th .April, will be coinmenced anew serial story with tho above title, written by a ledv oi Savaunah. The Wkkki.y News ia the Largest and Best Weekly It is a newspapr*, and enr.Oilns the latest Ttlogr pbio and State News, Markets, etc., uu Agi icultuial and M htary Department. It s adapted for general c thronghoiit tie South. Suh-aripliou, on a year DO; s:\ mottli f 1 ih. Sptcimen copi 4 s s *nt fr*e. Aldnss J. 11. ESTIIiL, S ’.VI, tin all, Os. Apr I 17. NICCLiIS MAEIN, 172 HUY AN srUKi: r. SwiNMii, •. Small in.tol i nrv at do mi 1 repa*red S. v •'ng Mach ires. Site*. k ch> .n i 1 ck> of t rr> pti <m careful y repatic \ apr 17 tf. CANCERS CURED! I>ll. JOHN D. AX DUE AS, OF I'll m ' \i.i. Ga. f| I’lir.Sl CANCEiIr* invariably, when U appli. and to f.-r Treatment before is | is too Uve. T<vats nit C '.ri-'ie iV<r: s >s. or liswes of snm-ltng of il Vs aul F, males vey Succssfu ly. DOUBLE DAILY TO AND FROM 7 7 A m IkMi&iLiykLv Macon & Brunswick Railroad- General Sjpetunt in pent’s Office ] Macon, Ga., March !, 1878. \ ON and after Sundry, 3 I Pas server trains on this road -vill run as lollows: CUMBERLAND ROUTE, via Brunswick. NIGUr PASSENGER, No. 1 Fouth Daily. Deave Macon 7:30 A.M. Aniv st Co/Lran 9:50 P.M. Arrive at Eastman A. M. Arrive J. sup •• • 3:5aP. M. Ar ive Lruu wick 0:45 A.M. Leave Bruns wick per steamer. .. 7:00 A. M. Arrive Fernaruhna 11:00 A. M. Arrive at Jacksonville 2:47 P. M. N" 2, North Daily. Ij iftve Jacksonville ' Leave FernaLdira per sttamer.. 2:45 P< M. Arrive Brunswick 6:45 P* M. Leave Brunswick .... 7:00 P. M. ! Jesup U* M- Kastman & 3:02 A. M. Leave Cochran 3:05 A. M. Arrive at Macon • 0:33 A. M. Close cennfct:< n at Macon fa* ad points North, East and M r e.‘>t_v.;i Atlanla and Au- j c’nsta. DAY ACCOMMODATION NO. 3, South, i V'ia Jesup and Live Oak—Daly except S’n’dy Leave Macon 7:30 A. M. Arrive C k Van A. M. Arr v* I'li.stinan 11:57 A. M. Arr vo Jesup 0.31 P.M. Arrive at Jtaksonville 9:25 A.M. No. 4, NOR JIT; Diily except Sunday. L?avo Jacksonville 3:45|P. M. Leave . ...* 0 .’OO A, M. i Leave 1L1.3P.A1. Leave Cochran. 2:08P. M. Arrive Macon 5:10 P. Ivl. C* i;n ';(■ ts at Macon for po'nts North, E;st and West. HAWKINSVILLE BBANCII. Freight ar and Sunday. T/ r ave C‘*clmn . .10:00 P. SI. Arrive at H twli. sville 10:15 P. SI. L ave Hawkinsvllle 8:00 A. SI. Ar. ivo Cochran 3:15 A. M. O nrectsat Cochran with TANARUS: ans Noj 1 and 2 t > and from Macon. * L ’ ve Co< (.ran 10:15 A. M. Arrive ilawk'LSV 1 o J 1:30 A. M. L jvo Ila ■ kit'svi'.le Loop. M. A live Cochran 1:45 P. M. O>r ti cts at Ooctraa with trains 3 and 4 to and iroiu Macon. GEO. W. ADAMS, Gtr. £u. t. W. J. Jaiivis, M Htt r Tran ?. Get the Standard “ The bent authority h ou/jht to be in every Library, also m every Academy and in ever S •'/ .*>!.’ - In. CiiiSumner. “77/c hr si < x'sin j E if. Is \ Lexicon —Lon* DON A TIIE NXU M. L A larpe, hnndsfimn vopune of 1854 pac;c*s, confining eras dorahly more than 100,- 000 Words in Ps Vocabulary, with th - * correct Pronunciation, Dilution, and Ety mology. FULLY ILT.UST RATED AND UNABRIDGED LIBRARY fcHKEP, MARHLEI) RDGEL, SIO,OOO. -• jiflUHi ME-” la u<; v rcsfardeU ns llm STANDARD \t T TfIO!ITY mid la so rucntont' > n-leil by Bryant, Wititiler, hinnm-r, iMarsh. Henry. Everett, J/unu, Quincy, Felton, 1, and ti ■ niujorily of our most dis tliiL'uUheil scholars, and is, hepides. recognized as Mtillioniy by the Dq ai tnu-nU of our National Bov- on.■ fur. ‘•Tins volume bof.'H n Fhow n vast amount, of dlHgouc. ; but w ith \\ it i- diligence in com bination with IHut- D.lnfßs. With Worcester, in combi natiun with maul mo.-v atal judgment Wor cester Vif the fobercr and faL r Look, and may be pronounfod the lajst existing English lexicon.”— London Ath: nAkum. “The hunt Eli:cl Ch writers md the most particu lar American writ > ■ I Pore. Ih ;ir autho itv.” Nk.v Yoitk IIKHALI*. “ATVi onr recent strike \vr made the change to M it . fti u .is our authority in Fuelling, chi oily to brill- into conformity with i!io accented uwuro, as well as togratif) the desire of most of our stall’, ineluding such geMleineu as .Mr. Bayard Tay lor. Mr. (b’orge W. Smalley, and Mr. John It. 0. liassaril.” -N. Y. Tribune. THE COMrDETE SERIES OF WORCESTER’S OICT ION ARIES- Quarto D ctionary. Profusely Illustrated. Library sheep. SIO.OO Universal and Critical Dictionary. 870. Li brary hlicop. $4 25. Academic Dictionary. Illustrated. Crown Bvo. i|alf roan. $2 00. Comprehensive Dictionary, Illustrated. 12mo. Half roan. $1.76. School (Elementary) Dictionary. Illustrated 12 no. Half roan. SIOO. Primary 1) otionary. Illustrated. 11 df roan. GO cents. Pocket I) ctionary. Illustrated. 2iino. Cloth, Go c*s; roan, lDxible, 85 cts ; roan, tucks, gilt edges, >1 00. Many epochal aids to students, in addition to a very t'u'l prpmmucing and dedHing vocubulnry, make the above named look-*, in the opinion of our most ili>tioguiflHtl etim utwiss, the ino?t complete, us well as by far the cheapen! ldctionaries of our languages. For sale by all Booksellers, nr will be sent, car riage free, on •receipt of the price by j. is. uiTiMorr a co.. I’dblihhers, Booksellers, nnd Statiorers, 71A nnd 717 M rket St., Hhiladi IpLin. jan Id dm LEGAL ADJ 'EIITIE EM EXTS ©BORGIA W*tne Cocn'ty. Ton’lwlemit tuny co.ciru Vi'hcrens, John T. H ghsmitfi Jr. of saiil S’ate and county, appl es to t’-.e Ordinary for letters of administration on the rs ate <f John T. Highsmith Sr , deceased, late of said C: uaty and State. Ttieso are then f ra to cite an 1 admon'sh. all amt aingtiUr the kindred and iriditors, of die <as.d, to be and appear at my ctfioe witfcia the time pres cribe, t by : ,i, and show c us (if any they hnv. ) why lit e>s f admin; s'ra’ion on the ot Hr if said deoi tl-id, slicubl not issue to the p•! e >.ut. G von under my hand and ofEci il liguaturc, this Mach 1* h IS 73. It. 15 HOPES. ‘JO iw Ordinary A. C. Way pc County Sheriff Sales. Will li > so 1 b torn the Court House door n the town < I Jesup, wit! in the le ;al hours if sals, on the first Tnerday in Msy next, on u lot number fit v tw ' su iJsapper | teeauers, snuatid in the inaruof Jesup, in -uni eeuuiy, contain ng two hundred feet ipiare. and liountie 1 N. no by t'ueiry Street me. -t by Brim-w ok Street, South by l*i li iu S rce*, ai.d '''•, s by Broad Street 1 n'. Lvidon un Ur ui by virtue of an !tos t :.iv a n exeout.on issued upon a decree leu d. r. ii in the Superior Court of said .oun“y, in favor of J.-n.i s VV.i-r u, soaiuat A. li. Ik li;;, and si and lot of lau.i. I'iorverty p- iated out in said etecuticn leruie of sa‘e cash, i purchaser p vug fir fill. s. Xuis the 2nd j ilsv i! April, ISIS. JO IN X G JODBTiEAD, si r ;’> Is. SUeTlu B. C. i Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Gen'F.OSX Surnr.INTENDENT’s OrFTf-F. I Atlantic and huir Railroad, \ Safannah, ilujch -it), 1877. ) ON AND AFTEP. SUNDAY, March 3 lit, Passenger Trams ou this iioad will run as lollows: WIGHT EXPRESS. Lf-nve Savannah Jailyat 4r2OP. M. Arrive at Jesup “ 7:30 P.M. Arrive at Thoinasville “ 5:20 A. M. Arrive at Baiubridge “ 8:10 A. M. Arrive at Albany “ 9:50 A. M. Ai ' iveatEi e Oak “ 3:30 A, 11. Arrive at Jacksonville “ ...... 9:25 A.M. Leave Tallahassee “ 1:00 P.M. Leave Jacksonville “ 3:45 P.M. Leave Live Oak “ 9:40 P.M. Leave Albany “ 2:30 P. M. | Leave Baiubridge “ 3:15 P. M. | Leave Thomaaviile “ 7:00 P.M. Leave Jesup “ 5:45 A. M Arrive at Savannah “ 8:40 A.M. No change ot cars between Savannah and Jacksonville and Savsnnah and Albany. Passeneers from Savannah for Fernand’ns, Gainesrille and Cedar Keys take thistrain. Passengers leaving Macon at 7:30 a. m (daily except Sunday, I connect at Jesup with t'as train for Florida. Passenpeis from Florida by this tram con nect at Jesup with train arriving in Macon at 5:10 p. m. (daily except Sunday.) Passengers from S-.varnah and Brunswick and Daren lake this train, arriving at Bruns wick 6:15 a. in. Passengers from Brunswick arrive at Sa vannv 8:40 a. m. No chango of cars between Montgomery and Jacksonville. Pullman Palace f leeping cars run through to and from Savannah and Jacksonville; also through sleepers from*=At+anta, Ga., ,and Montgomery, Ala, to Jacksonville, Fla. No change of cars between Atlanta and J < ksonvi’le. Connect at Albany with passenger trains 1 .'MI. ways on Southwestern Railroad to and from Macon, Eufaula, Montgomery, New Oi leans, Mobile, etc, ilnil steamer leaves Baiubridge for Apa lachicola every Sunday afternoon; for Col umbus every Wednesday morning. Close connection at Jacksonville daily, Sundays excepted, for Gre< n Cove Springs, St. Augustine, Palalka, Enterprise aud a 1 lardings on St. John’s River. DAY EXPRESS. [Daily, Sunday Exoepfed.] Le ve Sa van-tli at 9:25 A. M. Arrive at Jacksonville 10:00?. M. Arrive at Tallahassee at 3:30 A.M. Leave Jucksouvil o at 7:00 A, M. Arrive at Savannah at Ci4s P. M. No charge cf oars between Savannah and Jacksonville. P nsenge.sfur TallabßS’ee ‘eke this train. Ik ss-ngers leaving Brun wlck 7:00 a.m. (Mold, ys, Wednesdays and Fridays) va B &A R R., arrive in Savannah 6:45 p. m., leaving Savannah 9:25 a. m., (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) arrive in Bruns wick 8:20 p. m. Trains on B. and A. R. R. leave junction, going west, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 11:14 a. m. i or Brunswick Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday at 1:40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TBAINS—EASTERN DIVISION. Leave Savannah [Sundays excepted! at 7:05 A.M. Arrive at Mclntosh “ “ 10:00 A. M. Arrive at Jesup 12:15P.M. Arrive at Blackshear “ “ 3:15 P.M. Arrive at Dupont “ “ 7:10 P, M. Leave Dupont “ “ 5:15 A.M. Leave B.aekshear " “ 9:32 A.M. Leave Jesup “ “ 1:10 P.M. Leave Mclntosh “ “ 3:08 P. M. Arrive at Savannah “ “ 5:35 P.M. WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont Sndy’s excepted, at 5:30 A.31. Arrive at Valdosta “ “ 8:20 A.BI. Arrive at Quitman “ “10:28 A.M. Arrive at Thoniasv.'lle “ “ 1:10 P. 31. Arrive at Albany “ “ CcloP. M. Leave Albany “ “ 5:00 A 31- Leave Thomasville “ “ li :00 P.M. Leave Quitman “ “ 1:83 P.M. Leave Valdosta “ “ 3:22 P.M. Arrive at Dupont “ “ 0:15 P. 31. J. S. Tyson, Master of Transportation. H. S. HAINES, General Superintendent. TEE MILLER BROS, cm comm AND U. S. STEEL SHEAR CO., (cessoi.iiui t:s>), MANUFACTOHnns OF Patent Pocket Cutlery, AND SOLID CAST STEEL SHI'ASS AKTID SdnSSOM. THE ONLY MANUFACTURERS OF SOLID CAST STEEL SHEARS St SCISSORS IN Tllf: UNITED STATES THE ONLY MANUFACTURERS IK THE WORLD OF POCKET CUTLERY, WITH Covering Secured by Screws NONE BUT TIIE BEST English Pocket Cutlery Steel. Used, and every Knife and Scissors \ya mi Tho temper and cutting q-ta’ities of both Knives and Scissors are carefully tested. ttreat car.- i> taken to maintain and increase the welJ-i arned reputation which this Company have at tained, lAA The Leading American Cutlers. In harmony with the verdict of customers, the Centennial Exposition awarded Medals and Diplom as for the greatest excellence in quality and ffhish o these goods. The Miller Bros. Cutlery Cos. W tISH lot NTY. SHERIFF’S SALES. Wilt he sold before the C. urt House door iu the town of Jesup, of s -ad c ur.ty, be tween the 1< gil hours of sHe. on the fi-st Tu-sd.-y in May n x , 1573, the fol!„w:rg property to wit: Lots of lauds numbers as fo'iows, in the 1 third district cf . Id originally AVavne;—B, :i, j 10. 12. 10, d.*, st>, tu, li P. lit;. 1 if.-177. 180, 181, 20*1, 2i4. 25L 255. 2. 27, 28 50,72, 89, I ;0, 94. Pd. 132, 133.141, IP4. IP3. 202. 217, ! 218, 223. 224, 226, 236 237. 209, 264, 265, i 272. 27d. 276; a'so third district cf original ly Appling, now \\ ayee. as follows ; numb rs 339. 210, 311 317,24 8 376, 379, 330-Sl.ail in said county and State aforesaid, the santc be ug wild an u improved and each lot lev ied oa under ar.d bv v r u> r 1 ex c t vns is -u il from and by V-. L- G Idsm- h, C mp tioiler G.*neml of the State t f G crgls. fir the texts due for; on for the Terr* of 1874-d at:d st 1; for the btn St of W T. Mi A - ti-i; s- .a * sud fifes. L its of 1. n-d --pointed . u s.ud fi I ,s. i’erms cash, nur- 1 chaser p-vrg for tiro s. Tb s V; r 1 1, 1-7.- JOUN N. GOOD3BE4.D, 1 Sctrid W. C. i Apri: 3 l I OF Leading Dry-Goods, Hosiery, Notions & Fancy Goods AT CELEBRATED DRY-GOODS HOUSE Calico, the very best, qualify, at 6Jc Calico, lower grade, at " 5 and 5Jc Quilt Lining Homespun at 31c 3- Crown Shirting at 5 and 51-2 C 7-8 Brown Shirting, heavy, at 6 1-4, 0 1,7 c 4- Arown Shirting, heaviest kind, at 8c 4-4 Biown Sea Island at 7 c 4-1 Brown Sea Island, very best, at 10c 3- Bleached Shirting at 5c 7-8 Bleached ShirliNg at 61-4 e 4 4 Bleached Shining, soft finished at 8 l-2e 4- Bleached Shirting, without dressing, ltlc Heaviest Brown Drilling at ° 10c Shirting, 10-4 bleached and brown at 25, 30, 35 and 40e Good article Ilicsory stripe at 10c Best round-thread Georgia Checks and Stripes at 10c Blue Denim, a good quality, at + lor- Good Mattress Ticking at 10c Good Feather Ticking at 12 i-2c Best Frather Tickrng at 20c Good Gingham Checks at 8 l-3e Best Gingham Checks at 10c Boulevard readymade skirts at 50c Cotton Diaper, wide 10 yards to the piece at ’ SI 00 Linen Diaper, apiece, at SI 25, 150 2 00 uixd 2 25 Fronting Linen, yard wide at 30c to SI 00 Wash-Poplin, beautiful goods at 10c Dress Goods of all kinds from 10c to SI 25 Neck Shaw is at 25e arid upwards Amtr can Rl.-cd Cashmere at 25c English Black Cashmere y’d -.vide rt 40 a 50c French, all wool Cashmeres, 40 inches wide, at 75, a 90c., §1 00 and 1 25 Bombazine, Hernatr, Australian Ciepe, ve ry reasonable. Aipcca, a nice article, double with at 25e A'paca, Bdk finished, double width at 50c Black SPk at 75, 90c. $1 00, 1 25, 1 50 1 75, 2 00, 250 and 3 00. 3 00, 4 00, 5 00 and 0 00. Honey Comb Bed Spreads at GOc Bridal Q-idin, the incest spreads out, $1 50 Ladies undeivests at 5*5, 05, 7go. $1 00 ard 1 25. Hamburg Embroidery, Edgings and In sertions at bargain prices. Blaih (d .oh Grain and Bash Ribbons, very cheap. Everlasting, Crochet and other Trim mings, lower than ever. Italian, and Guipure Laces, very cheap. Ladies’ Sdd Ties and Scarfs 20cand up. L apes' Cuff-i and Collars at htuf price. Urn. hr las as low as 35c. Two-button K:,i Gloves Ladies’ black, -white, colored and Opera Shades, at 50c All L r.en Table C othr, per yd 30, 40, 50, 65, 75, and $1 00. Grass CiOth, in all the newest shades, 10c Pure Liceh S.-itii-g. per yd 12J 15 20c, and extra fine 25c. Lofcia Colored Lawn, all shades 12j-o Figure cl Musi n larnsr. styles 12jj Jackonets and Organdies l2)c “ P tjuefiue sqles as low s s lGe Corded "83 very best 10c Cottoraeies for Men Boys wear 10 12 j 15, 18, 20e, the very best 25 Sumner Tweeds a-.d Caisiniore 20, 25 30c ard 35. x. We have also redee- and the prices t-f a great many of the fbove named ar .cles, but want of time preveuti us from enumerating them. To understand our method of business, we have endeavored to explain it in unmistakable language am! for which we request a carsfui perusal We beg to caution tnc public lo try to discrimiia'e b tween our dealinss arid that of mer chants who offer a few domestic goods only cheap as a bait, to catch the unwarj , and make them believe that they sell everything equally as low; the intelligent, reader will easily understand this. We offer our goods for inspection to every body.for ice will send samples of Dry Goods, with prices attached, to any one vbo will write us for them aud give everyone a chance to see for themselves. We have endeavored to enumerate the principal articles kept in a first-elass Dry Goods Honse, and attached the prices We are aware that this is sufficient to c nvey a correct idea of the quality. Those who desire to purchase, we wil ! , upon application, seud such samples, with prices attached, as they may desire when they can forui a much betler opinion and select for themselves. Not less than a million of people have dealt with us and we are sure we have satisfied s t , Any one displeased with his purchase can.return the goods to us at our expense and we will return the money. On twenty dollars Wurth of goods we prepay freight to the nearest station. We make no charges f r packing or drayage. We dou’t sell one article low and make it up ou the others. WE RETAIL OUR GOODS AT WHOLES AS E PRICES, Which accounts for our Wonderful Success. We don’t advertise to humbug, but wo talk plain business and mean it. Weseli one yard as low as we would ten thousand. Those wtio are tird of p tying ex hor'oitaut prices and appreciate tbe value of money, are invited to send their orders, w icb wa nili til! C. O. D. witu privilege to examine, or can send the m nty with tLc order. A CAf?2). A New Departure in the Dry Goods Trade ! To etiklle me to offer tfie bist bargains tver brought to Snvacnah, I Lave found it necessary to be constantly in New York, to watch chances in person to purchase cheap. T promise to sell goods henceforth at prices wh : ch must sur prise every judge of g..ods I litre always endeavored to come up to promises made in newspapers or otherwise, aud have never sought to draw trade by mis representations, and therefore I beg that the public wiii thoroughly examine my Goods sud prices before purchasing elsewhere, for I will give them more for the tnonoy, than any other house can afford to g vc. At present, we do uot enumer ate Special Bargains, but pref r the public to send for samples, and be convinced. Respectfully, Bayicl Weisbeln, Proprietor of the Celebrated Cheap Dry Goods House. Lo i&isrts) llt IM <® wMMs WHOLESALE DE ALERS IN Dry Cfoods and Notions, Boots mid Sloes and Gouts’ geiis FtmisnuG GOODS, NO. IT CONGRESS STREET, SVYAMAB, G33TGU. }U.4d f , White M'xed Flannels at 15 audl'Ch. White all wool flannels at 25, 30, 40, 50 and 75c. Red ah wool flaunels at 15, 20, 25, and Ha iled all wool twill Fiance.'s i t 25, 30 and 4uo Heavy white undershirts at 200 and upwards. Calico Shirts at . 2.5 and upwards. White dress shirts at 75 and upwards Yard lorg towels at 12 1-2 aud upwards. Towels as low- as 5 0 Linen Table Cloth, 112 yard wide, 25 30, 35 arid 40e. Table Oil Olotb, 114 yard wide, best Quality, at 40c. Bleached Table Damask at 50, 75c. $1 00 and 1 20. Woolen Table Clo:hs, good at $1 00 Good French Corsets at 50c Tfitrmp'i.onVgtfiyr-lhtu gCorset at $1 00 - - and 1 25. Suspenders with Rubber in the back nt, 250 Turkey Red T able D yli. s’ per dezmi 750 Waits linen T h e D y lies’ per dozon 00 and 75c. Table Napkn-s, pc. and z n, at $1 00; 1 25 -i r,u upwards. Veil B-.-rage, best quality a yard at 40c Bilk Yeil.i g per yard at 50, 60 and 70c Neck ltncues, per and, z n at 12 1 2, 15, 20 and 25c. Neck ltuehing, by the yard, at 5, 6 1-4 10c unci upwards. Alpaca Sk.rt Braid, a bunch at 5c 12 dozen Agate or Rico Buttons for Sc Fashionable Silk Dress Buttons at 10 and 15c Ivory and Gutta Percba Buttons at 8, 10, 12 12 and 15c. Children’s Round Combs at 10 and 150 Indies’ High 15 .ck Combs at tO, 15 and 25c Children’s Fancy Stockings at 5 and lljo Misses’ Fancy Stockings a"t 12 12 and 15c Ladies’ Fancy Stockirgs at 10 to 50c Black Prntsßuttons, bone, best qual ity, box for 10c. Lrdies Whi e Stockings at 5, 6 1-4,8, 10 and 12 1-2, and 150. Ladies’ English Stockings, without serms; at 250. Gent’s Halt Hose at 5,8, 20, 12 1-2 and 15c Gent’s English half hose without seams, 25c Gent’s Bordered handkerchiefs at 3 and 5c Gent’s Turkey Red handkerchiefs at 10c Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs at 5o L-dies’Corded L'nen handkerchiefs at 10c The best needles, a paper, at 5c Coats’& Clark’s N. O. Cotton at 5c., per dozen 00c. Goodspocl cotton for hand sewing, 200 yards, at 3. Negro Handdercbu fo at 10, 15, 25 and 35c Ball thread, lObella fir 35c Knitting and Darning Cottofc, a ball, 5s Gents’ paper collars a bex, ot 5, 10 15 & 25j Linen Shiil Fronts, extra length at 25c White anti 151 it-k Cottyn G’ovc-s st 10c Lb la Thread Gloves at 15, 20, 25 and 35c English Pins worth 15c a prper, at 10c American pics worth 10c a paper, at 2 l-2o Best qunlity Hooks and Eyes 1 papers for 5c Paper Cambric, yard wide, at 7o Twill lining Jean, at 10c Two-button Kid G'.oves, —Ladies’—bet- ter quality, at 750 and #1 OO K nlucky J, cue, at 10, 12 1-2, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50c. Oassimeres at 50, 60, 75, 85c. $1 00, 1 25 and 1 50. Black, Bine aed Grey Waterproof, 1 1-2. yard wide, at 75c, $1 00 and 1 25.