The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, June 12, 1878, Image 2

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THE UESUP SENTffIEI T. P. LITTLKFIBLI), Editor. \y. |). Ji. Mason,* Associate “ itfH-e in l/ie Jrsup house, jrono on V-ir</ .Nfretf, (tw doors from HnrulSl. WEBMWBAY. JI YE 13, I*”'- APPLING COUNTY OFFICERS Ordinary—Silas A. Crosby. Sheriff —Silas Crosbv. floitnty ClfiTV-P. Mon.oy. Tressu'er —Wm. H. Overstreet. Tsx Collector and Kceivcr John .1. Clsrk. ~ t- , ■ County Coroner —Hector >1 cl ate’ m. Courty Commissioners —1 ■col Light-" y. Ttsniel McEachin, John O. Hart and >' tn. O. Stewart. To the Democratic Executive Committee First District. In piiistianoe of my duty ns Dm*'* Amt of tho Convention of 1h Dera© era tic party which n c srmldi '1 at Jump on the Gill of September. 187 1 , to nnm ina'e n candidate for Ootqrrrfo tn the Fiift Confftesaional District, i af terwards issued a rail for a tnei 'ino < r the lixee.ntive Committee of toe Di - tiuvt to nsscrnbl© at .lestip on tne .1 I'll day of September, 187(1, for "in pur pose of orKsnirinu. The pusvh run of vii'ow fever in Savannah and Bron"- wick at that time prevented a tt ' *n U.o o-lh 1 tb.-ref iro req-m t that the mem 1 ers of (1 l'mentivn < ’ uu I'o. who were appointed Uv ceiinti'", neniposinff the Fi'** ' ri ol ■ al District, will meet ill Jc-'M’. "• the Court House, at on I m • ilnv, the 18'li Jny of Aline, 1't J 1,1 bel a chairman at <1 to nriMti;* • f°' the coming Campaign, ami sbmiiii they deem it then expedient, to name ad y nnd place fei t 1 t a^f-emb of a (. t)- vention nf the Democratic por t . of First Confressimml De net- to noi ’i ra'c a candidate for (lie Forty-aistli (‘in W. Honr. Giomj hit, Fr'si lent lute Jesttn Conventmn. Darien, dune 3rd, 1878, i:\rCtJTIVE CCEMITTF.r. Appling, O. J. Holton ; liryan, A, O. Smith ; Bulloch, I). H. Groover; Burke, J. J. Jones; ("inch, T It Swent ; Charlton, John H. Diiclilott ; Camden, John M. Kim.' ; Chatham, John \V. Ander on; Kcholpt, J. li. Crnwford ; F.mnnucl, Jom pirns Cu"io , KfliDglinm. 11. 0. Norton ; (Jlynn, ’I lios AV. Lamb ; Liberty, I*. A\ • Carney ; Melntoah, K. S. Barclay : Pierce, A I len L. Smith ; Screven, A'. 11 Cmus; Tattnall, \\ iliin J‘Uwnrdn ; \\ are, J H. Casey ; AVuyno, Coo AV II F.oportorial Chips and Splin tcrs. Bon Roller -ny* the climate in Lou isini.n i- too hoi for him now Tim Wtlllusion Rost piv.-t* Hnyen nrul K y particular li 1. i ' 'tisu the phi asc Bin Husscll t.ajF Ben ITill is the proatoßt man fn in (lonigii or the Fnulh in t’onprcKH. We Is :; to <ll f tii with yon, lirottiu Hotsill. Hill 's too wiahy-wna’iy. to ,auit us 11 • n 'it loth aiilt sat tino.o, then at in 1" 'on •5r fi ires' neutral. Gentlemen, of the >j'ti!l J|] 1 ■ 'li ve mnka a move, if i t •••,* < f oril< ,r , that f'r. .Invne*, Agricultural ('mntnis* t-ioi or of Georgia, lie his nwn AVIio will second tic motimi V A certain fraternal brothel li is for gotten the first piiuciplee "f parlia uniitary iifrgce. •Johnson, whose nick-name is Iliettc, with the at Matnncc of Cd. i’cndletnn - end plagiarism-—gets up n cracking po. <1 | vt| er. Te kwu|i horaen within! L lliiiu u lie, i about us pious an net as any otto can ilo. The Kinr rets of Austria lm> got the trail bad. She tv curs "tie thirty feet Ion?. What has beconio of Beecher, Me- Coscrey and IJ< iiilriek .11 • pu-iiluni tnous seducers? The (Jcnoral Couferenee of the M K. Church, has adjourned, to meet ill Nashville, Tenn , in I S-. Little Alex Stephera is the bigg it demagogue and political Irdtor in iVu jjrfim, or ativ wheic else. lie is par ing himself off with m e nf the rntten <rt und filthiest, lc.adors et the Kepub lieon party Stanley Matthew Not very long ago, Ben Hill mi lled Blaine's l air. He ought te have pull ml i' out. - •♦ STATE ITEMS. Frank lVrryno, the pusillanimous son of Ham, who killed Mr. I•<’ of lbil heh comity, will be hung ii: Chatham county, on the 2olli ins'. That's light ; mi. g ’em up every time stub acts me perpetrated. A\ !yi- it that (’j| *. X, ij l< 11 likes Gainesville V C. 1. t.... 1’• <- iinta (or it iu this way “We aie e Ito u that hr loves ii tiuim sville g .h! so.” Kfgs-aetly. Dnu’i I : . .. . . I you Grubb? By the “" we (ergot tile C> I. is o lu.n < 1 man. Cu ( t T iipleK, wa- dim I’- i.dtr at l!ie Fair \\V In■: id moo i \ i.< \ thought l-e got .tl a Ki'' (hoiking it w as Thomnsv die. The eommi toe appcailcd ly tlu Giaud Jury of 1 dis . . ntdv, at the May let in of 1-77. to itisp.-ct the books uf the various county officeis. cverlast iugly gives a gin in v iij M. .Vili all the becks were found to Be incur tcctly kept, and they “go for 'em’' with gloves of. Wo hav cu t beard of a tuueral yet. Will Ben Russell plea tl -t out a can iidaie for G veiuui ? L> ig:. tune. One us s< g t . r:p . n tiuring 'he bested morti s of eemm r Col. Grubb wants the people of Me I Tutosh county to g tup a Fair. Cap- I ital idea, brother The Brunswick Fair was not as big a thing us sonic might supp so. The Atlanta Constilulion is publish- ; ing a .cries of interesting—we judge j they are i lcre>!inc—letters from Par is, written ly -‘Old Si”—Sun Small. . As the Con si ilulion doesn’t exchange ; with us, we to thu diAi iv-cd"’ uro of reeding his flaahVt jr : * * arc going to begin ft letters in a few weeks, ' • •-•-*- • The little boys nf Bain bridge have comm'-nced going in bath ing, and Ponder thinks there is a law in Georgia applicable to their camp — Correct. Boys would do well to re member this, before going in bathing near a public reel er bridge. \Ve learn, from a reliable source, that the r< d-lie>tlc > local of the Coii' ylilutimi Ins written a narrative, net - tled ‘ The R imatino , f Roekville,”- AVn b(-t it u mistake. I Jim Ponder, the loquacious arid vi j vaciouß local of tiro li fin bridge Dmx ocrot, imagined he heard somebody say something about ice cream last week. Jim needs something ieny. Send imir l eiln ru„t ripply brother in J< sup, a few drops, by next post, if you ph as •, and if yon and ruT please, send it any h w— provided you don’t rua your skeleton all ar and it and !o k it up. Join stori says (do devil in th • Tinny n(B- ■ ads tip three "alleys of type in a day. Mighty hard to believe, sure. Ill’s what w - eoll a devil <f a devil. The n.ore,tony of Valdosta was dig tuibid lust week, by a cock light 0. AV Spinks of the 11. A and hem i r, Mi)* ’■ “AVu take pride in men tioning the fuel that the Broad Axe and Deiriixer tikes will in Jasper county, etc." Tim loc and p-'oeib r "f the Sf.nti m-x, takes s pride in saying that the /{. A. and I'rmiz'T is the poorest ; riot ed psper on out exchange list. Get a new roller, and pul on 10-s ink. Thu wheat, crop of Putnam county is veil y good. Loafers ill Katonlotl got a pretty i good hint from brother Sparks, lust iv rk, shout c ego gating at kit* office t,, "talk over the defonts of Imsc bull o!u!>“, -itg mu-iciil hymns, nnd talk ns though they wet born ill a saw mill.” (I that don’t have the desired eject bn will giv, tin tn a verbal chat That’s j the uay to do it. Sparks. . - * Kato HnUtliern ban been consigned , to (Jn|,i f-’mitli - farm, ia Washington eoniity. Her brute ol a husband lias h C-U id a situation with ('apt. Smith, as a far in lmnd . A Whiiflt-ld n uuly lien hutch'd Cf tern ehi'kct s from twelve eggs. Bevt rftj towns are discussing tho 1 1 hut up at fi o'clock’’ question. The cloiks need a littio recroatiou. F otn what we cin learn, I hoy-- the clerks— I nnllv h ive < uotlgh to do to s-til'! their Im-li. Bane hull playing is a mi ld 1 way < f turning bash into soup, Af. J 1 iglitnVYOr, Of (and I I IMII sllOl (), pl l ll' In patent ll < tr ip in the back room of hi- store one day hist Week, baited it wiih tin ends worth of molasses, and in two davit time, only caught three Ihes. Something over a 1 000,000,000 of fli.-s have In-on counted in his store -in'o he his had dial trap, but they don't erne to h trqped. Ho thinks •irinus'.v of hiri n g a negro to catoh th and put in that trap. A HORRIBLE TRAGEDY. 1 Wholes,lie Murder of a Faintly and Suicide of the Perpetrator One of the most Heart sickening tar nival* of Heath on Record. !n Sumter eounty one of ilie most sickenii trseedics was committed on Manila' c' cuing that has ever occurred ! i lt the i >i fines of the State. The news reached the city yesterday af.crnooo early, uml we sot immediately shout procuring the fact* in the ca o. So terrible si and unprecedented v.-ero the de tails a aim >m to atagser credulity.— Fuels s.'Hu b irau to pour in. however, until the last lingering doubt vv s dis polled and 'ko crime sto and forth in all i its revolting reality. It seems that the tragedy occumit 'ia the WVti rn portion of Sumter ! eoe.nty, a’out fifteen miles West of : Ami rims t ear a | lace kuewn as Da -1 vi-on’s Mills Mr Julia W (’aldwell, who W.lB re garded as a lnrd working, quiet, iu ds-trious citizen, proC' Cih and mappar i : > ii- most methodical manner to ii iV Cl S entire fllltlly. V rhi ts run r- aieafl at, n’td iu : iiai.nis i'tiu <■- hav bin assigned tor the deed hut we have aeertaioc I as clou - [n-s lde th tiCts in tin cj- •. and til V ire .tS fieh'WS, as brought torth in ti e e r merV inqu s' : Ctd.Lit]l fi St lrroCei deil to kill his wI - 11 L.. iron by be.ting out I . i ['• ail K. N t at! nt, be attacked bis children, and wiih iln same vvespoo dashed out the br .ii -• f ti’.r.e • f them Still iOt e it, nr ill ihe harvest of death which lie hid r. aped, h rushed into the g r denwt- re ins -I.ter-in m M -s Frnn ' o . Mi'cht I, had fled f r sntety when the bloody work fit-i eomn. i.eot, at I m / ii a grtlhbn g hoe, with lf;-eatsil .-tn kes uiutilatcU her .-kuU tearfully. nliiiOßt i' s'autly kiilii.e her. He tinn turned tits utti'alinu to kioised. He cloubid uuou *he root ot h s ri -- liiiucc. Xht? war the first that was known of the uffiir. B,one negroes were I at w r rk iu a field near by when they I heard screams, and whin they turned i they 6nw Caldwell r,o the t. pof the I house, gesticulating violently and call- ] ing for help. They hasten-d toward j him hut as they a preach' and they sov him hap from the house-top- Do on his brea t and body. ID was taken up insensible, and enrii and in the bouse where the glntg'ly -ipt*t of the retard' r ed mother and children m t heir ((%'<. - A.Xvwiwf y.e rysgrojj s then starutd fo r :.. st,,<,ee, leavtog two otters to w.itell i th -man, ihev were nn.v eoriviocetl was j raving miuiiie. Cddwrih soon reviv {liTve*yogglinc? si" you in y nr sens es V” If* replied ‘y *, I vo kilo and my fnmilv ft' <1 %iar,t to i I myse f, sod bsiccd tbe negroes t m. They, f)f• enurs", rf- and. He then ."lit rino of them aw-.y f, r '■ nr-"-:,bo' 1 11, uving but one with him. The mur •.• •tw r then -’arte l fo v-n b ; olurod ' imin, telling him if I < id n■' ■ ave he wnnlU t. ii s;ui. i . ■ e II . C Id* i tin ri proe e-t i, ’ g'f - i hoti-e, ne.i by, cun.b g t : ’op. —- l One of his sons, about 1 c y years of ! ug'*, <"ui" up and a U v. hah vns ; the matter He rp i" ■ '■ l ' he < ■ ! killed his fain ly an w ■ 'to kill ; himself. Bv this inn- i m -d \ been Hounded ttrou u t ■ n ’;;u f bood and they begn lu iq pr ah, md ill full Hito i,f tilt in h'.' | " i h id f fiiletJlOttl to the, t; Ui: • • O"" ' 01 I flirty n,(: i, : ■ n 1 . s ' and died 111 a few moment-. Those killsi \vr >■ ■ hr, '- ; o! !-, n, Alice, aged ten. I. *i •i t ,x B a, two yearn i-f age, Ills v. !'• . sgud forty and tfi-- hislit h i. ' ,‘j i I|lr;iu cea Mitchell, thirty ■ i-. 1 ;•• --f g ! . lie fad fgiit chilli n. For v, c übuenl, lr, in lit in' ill Ii ;i' I where. Hjs Jj'tle . lit r, U Mini w at home but i -fiip, i b !i g> C run ■ling three quarto,h of iin , On yiv Ingl ho lu Mn A > sli •j' - Jln i' ■ ei sail, ‘■llmirni do mu . to ui ,’ she bei ; ft i r r>n i I, “Oh, ; i per, no,” lie then -■t, “ i knve hoi e (puck, or 1 will knl n’’ lie win, a man I fr -i v n y s a farmer, a conHistuit uu i.bcr of Jr' Jhiuiiiive 1! pit Cio'ii, and Vie clerk of iis ebui’uli. lie i- until m milliner, and regauted , ■ u tjm t, in ilustriotis, pe.ic .■ i , , t ixun. Two themicNof fho n••• of the mur dt ts and snicidu have I, ' n f rtn and • one that ho whs ins.iiio at. tin: t'U! of the tragedy, 'dor lute t advics, bo v over, :i-suii: ns ilint. it I- dim that, lie was ant insane, but that bo caus) 1 1 lie great crime was lii.s ini; roper rohl ttous vvitli Ins sister-in-luvv, who was found to bo in ft didioato stnto. Phe community i* .'really ..hooked ■Six ceffii.N were sent out or tl. • dea l Iroin Ainoi iiiun y Urduy. fSueh a trig edy lias never before occurred in tuts pi 11 ion i.f our Suite, nod we t.,ust we tuny not again have to chroniclo such diedg of bloodshed and u natural vil lainy.— Tel, and d/e*. slh in. 4 .. . ■ - "m nqwwi Alv/ ’ .V </i 'crtiscin rn Is. Cumuilssloners t’ouit, April Adjourued Tf*riu. GEOUGIA Wa¥nis (’ot xTT Upon thi* jM’tit ion of S. ii - Imi no Gilll. I' litlvl O hor , I'tiiV;. s dll' Itii' fXtMI Mon ft <1 cm u'. I -t-im t( oi fin •‘m* \ !i uiui Git M tiHD ft hI. {; Hkhtwo •!, on t)i M. A H. li. It., v. ill iv•*ml , j .t to lit*-c<)tiv nionco of Lilt ti itv l limn p'fi'lio, ill ’ peo; i(‘ • I tint m* g iktorhoi <!, lliFt 11 Ii u Mich ? • 1 romt Will Jims ! ; l is h- 11*!.> O ll ,*• ! . { Win. 11. Apmv ill, ltuu>la l 11 lei. t ii: cl Ahn li(im tt Uf it i* ii ib< \ Im •• y npp '.n ttl li \it wm of N.iiti v’oiit iM H* vJ >’>■ uJ khl Hliould Hxt'l Khv t'worei li tl -u and oouLouipla ti'd rontl of pii 'lc uii ), Hj an I: rul>y direct- 1! uu i r qu t Ito n u ( ti Mt mh:uo, arid lU'tko repci t th- rcof to tui;i coirt. Tin : •Julio, 187 H. ]{. O. MIDMiUTON, Ol' U li. and C ui. iv ■ i: W O. (OmuiisHloiMTs ( oiirt \r 11 A joimnd Tomb GE()lit iI V W ivm: (T N XV. 1 1 id II tip* nit i <*l ti* r , . * Imt tioo ttiblisfmi .t t f it. m-v *■ •<!, <• <■ • ■ > t Sorovou ali i running t. IV" ii hollo Wii\ Crt tic, i’o tlio r • ui J.tM rs, will oo;.du • tti the c< uV 't‘ il.o travelling public, rt 1 }um p!crf tJm 1 ,’orho. <b ti * 1 ,b \vb' i.l and \v 1 pa s; Ui i hercl-y oi;l lm’ xt VC. Gr.,i”. N. .1. No"i i*m i ini ibiJi" !>' ti' id, .<* a liny are hereby hi j • K vie • * of suui OOi.t ; .'• '♦•d r ■ !, i.i l t it lb ! i w *r find cm id and; -il real of public utility, thev aie Lu x by and r cn-d nnl r (pt r and to ihftik out tlio r.iijto, ;ir l P t\i i thereof to this cooT: : - .l*nc ol . lx'i> H. (). MiDUI.r. U>N T ANARUS, Clerk Hoard V -UAIt W 0. Order for New Militia District GEORGIA \Y \ v : C r. Tt is oul r h\ by the Hoard, ' it tho rop.- ( of Silas ll.orntop. \ l. K l y p. I Jl. O Mi idlotou (’ dtib i -i iit'rs hp. o t ftd to iu\ out und tb -i.v**vO" ;i m u 'uni l>i--riot from tho 121, bIV ic! < • M. ‘ *.• . and tba llr- new I's riot b ci -v.l ix: x , •Mr.l iUv* a wrh xt' v p' ; , v.d ;nt t ! c Clerk In saiit nt- - t n, t’t •<• iror r. . such proce eding' in n tin m .n : , p;.b- , lifch same h the ityvdi <* s. The iollown g r^q>r. >-n sth pint of • 1 j l> s(: l, tVi’iiu rv li : at 1, S till;', lit *• • with iv t V*. 113. of lill di p.‘ :of or totlK Appl ng, if Way no. Puo l \\u< ) by lota 4 •4t' b 4SB/4U7. l.'-s •VV . *h. ;i.•{\ in l. iliKJiiotof otipup.hy \ppo ro.vV* , w hich arc not inc ii ltd i? t > wtl - o? : U o 06 to 1 ‘ ' N S 11, XI - > SI, V V ! . * 1 12, ISS. 201, 2oS, 2. : . f-S, l . 2 •; ; u;:. L’.-.s, 2i 0, 270, *271, 21'*, V IS, IH. P 11*2, Ul, IX\ C 9, 07, iu onto. io: r • • vt ly W v, . * or.s ty ; e.-*id ots t* : c uA in new dstrio*. GEORGIA Wai - 0 We, tli ut i *v s;■. •!, vb-* l ’ ol\y • y that the nl>ov \ lat 11 re, ’> *<. nt * i- : vi n new ilia 1 ot tv is oi.y surrey-xl IV• ; by :u I otd*r to us d■ rroted b> t : . HuJ• e • - -r>i st (V*n3t.:i'N.o ers *1 .. t a ut.ty. This .Iwuc IGb. I'' - K IV MIPIU,;’ ON. ) Sll.\S I‘llOU TON. CouiiVre. ■ A K KELLY. I 1 hereby certify tho U v '*' is ft cor ret tOvi \ - t * c*;i v f • ft : i* Kui| !> April aTj )urxc4 t •* m, l"7> iu . 4-up- tb, t'ON Cl- r'; U >l.l C u K A UW C. ATTORNEYS ATL A W, BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA Meals 50c. Lodgings 50c. Planters Jlolel, MAKKET SUUABE, SAVAXXAH, OA. COMFORTABLE ROOMS and first -class table. Rates, 81.50 per day* JOHN BRENNAN, Manager, r ' 11 - pcan House. M. L. riARNK !’. Cierk, late of Brcsnau’r Eli- ' desimui of host ' cositf ■; ts s’tm, 1 stop at the PLANTE: ' HOTEL. THE NEEDHAM ijndcal Cabinet T i* m dl*H ->■ | y PRICE, SSO. Tnifl nf av . I v; ndcrful Instrument h r under standing music dt not, to play any de r-;;■ -} m 1 i li.trmony, sacred or i U ..m \}\r most plaintive dirge to the iin ;t lively dan- music. It posses ses a moehenism of marvelous simpli city, rr.q- iring Int the intelligence of a Feof repro ducing, without limitation, the musical compositions of die past, present and future. The execution is faultless, strict in melody, harmony and rhythm, - .(1 the instrument is eminently adapted \ >r Sunday Schools, prayer and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in 1 ca! where good, correct music is required, and no musician is at hand to perform. Address, a. V. aSTBB3HAt A SON, MANUFACTURERS, * .113,115 & 117 E. 33d St., Raw York. DOH’LR DAILY TO AND FROM \ 0 nswick Railroad <; n . nm 'ti Office [ i , 1878. | (p' 1 : ’ lViMsengcr trains on this ro "1 will run us follows: ( I . 1 1-i-UTK. via Brunswick. 1 :■ v .. I South Daily. I.• 1 7:30 A. M. \ < i (' 0:50 P. M. An L. I 10:51 A. M. V n '■ b . . - • • and :55 P. M. A•• iv. ! ’• - 15 A. M. i. ".IV' i‘i •i l rr. •.. 7:(H) A. M. Aiiiv • J 1 l-. 00 A. M. Vrr;vv ■' ’• -Jiuib ... 2:1*7 P. M. Kd 2_. Notlh Dn ; ly, i p.- •vv -\ i i ,10:30 A. AT. > V. M. f> r- M. 1 I.eave *.V' ick... . . , 7:tm P. M. n 4:05 A. ii. j tb’'" A. M. 1 - . - ' n frr ail points v a All ta and An 1 “** NO. 8, South. V." ■ r ’ OD i!y evoept S’n’dy .. 7:80 A. M. Alii. ' ■ e, 10:28 A. M. \r: . -Joil. f (i:81 P, M. Art' ‘ 9:25 A. H. \ ... xcept Sunday. I 6.00 A. M. • 12:48 P. M. ' - 2:08 P. H. .... 6:10 P. M. i ‘ : 1 • ". r . lints North, East lift t Wt.Hl. II ■> ■ i.i BE(NCH. and \c mncil ition—Dally; exoept Sunday. n-e 0. "hr." 10:00 P. M. ... 10:45 P. >1 . .li “rams Nos I and Vll on i 1 ,T!,: ?.!.:o ! o. \rr, . . vl. 11:30A.M. 1 "i>P M. Ani'"'. m' t :45 P. ,\I. th trains 3 a".! 1 to and " m At soon Gen. 6up(. AV. ,J. Jiisvis, V t r trail-. ALLEN BROWN, TV ■'• :: - - Georgia, i .It' 2. ' r ' kiiul ef Dental work # All orders will i t ;• 11 ii i. Uses all the !.te i: pi v ' tents. Charges mod sudsluv tieu placed. 3-k 'NWATi'g m Aliaatic and Gulf Railroad G,ISEJUT. HrPERISTF.NItENT’S OFFICE, I Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, > Savannah, May 5tU, 1877. ) ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, May stli Passenger Trams on this Road will run as follows: NIGHT EXPRESS. Leave Savar nah daily at 4:20 P. M. A: live at Jen up “ 7:30 P.M. Arrive at Tboznaßville “ S;iOA M. Arrive at Eainbridge “ 8:10 A. M Arrive at Albany “ 9:50 A. M. Arrive at Live Oak “ 3:30 A, M, at Tallahassee “ 3:30 A. M. Arrive at Jacksonville 1 9:25 A.M. Leave Tallahassee “ 1:00P.JI. Leave Jacksonville “ 3:45 P.M. Leave Live Oak “ C .40 P. M. Leave Albany 2:30 P. M. Leave liainbiidge “ 3:15 P. M. Leave TbomasviUe “ 7:00 P. M. Leave Jesup “ 5:45 A.M. Arrive at Savannah “ 8:40 A.M. No change ot cars between Savannah and Jacksonville and Savtnnah and Albany. Passengers from S..v., for F. rut ndma, G intsiille and Ctd,r K ys take this train. Passengers leaving Macon at 7:- : o a. m (daily cxc ji Sunday,) connect at Jesup with Pus train for Florida. Pas v: ii pel s from Florida by this trmr, con ! ncct at Jesup with train arriving in Macon jat 5:10 ji. m. (-1 ally exaejt’ mu, . y.) P rjk . i ad Darien bke this train, arriving at Bru wick 0:45 a. m, Passengeis from Brunswick arrive at. Sa vannah 8:40 a. m. No change of ears between Montgomery and Jacksonville. Pullman Pa! ce ileeplng cars run through to and from Savannah and JacVs livii e ; also through skeuets between Montgomery, A’a, to Jacksonville, Fia. Connect at Albany with pa.’-senger trains both ways on Southwestern Kuilroad to and from Macon,, Montgomery, New Ui Icniis, Mobile, etc, Mail steamer leaves Bainbridge for Apa lachicola every Sun nay afternoon; for Col umbus every Wednesday morning. Close conneciion at Jackson-ille daily, Sundays excepted, for G ■ • n Cove Springs, St. Augustine, Palalka. Enterprise and a 1 landi g-mS .J ,tin’s River Trans on J}. AE.It , Ictve jnr.C'on, going West, Mi nd:.y, AV.idnt why m-i Fr day ii 11:14 e. n ..u and f r Bru sick, Tues day, Thur- tlay and Siturd y at 4:40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS—EASTERN DIVISION. Leave Savannah [Sundays excepted] DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS FREE. nt 7:05 A. M. Arrive at ]\TcTntosli “ “ 30;OOA. Arrive at Jenu}) •* ‘ 12:15P.M. Arrive at Dluckfthear “ “ 3:15 P. M. Arrive ;it Dupont “ “ 7:10 P.M. Leave Dupont “ “ 5:15 A.M. Leave Biackshear •* “ 0:32 A.M. Leave Jesup “ “ 1:10 P.M. Leave Mclntosh “ “ 3:08 P. M. Arrive at Savannah “ “ 5:35 P. M. WESTERN DIVISION. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. Leave Dupont at 5:00 A.M. Leaac Valdosta at 7:50 A. M. Leave Quitman at 0:15 A. M. Arrive at Thomasville at 11:30 A. M. Arrive at Albauy at 0:40 P M. Leave Albany at 5:00 A M. Leave Thoniasville at ] :G0 P. M. Leave Quitruan at 3:14 P. M. Leavt Vabb slant 4:42 P.M. Arrive at Dupont nt 7.00 P. M. J. S. Tyson, Master of Transport tion. TT. S. HAINES, General Superintendent. THE MILLER BROS, CUTEERY COMPANY AND U. S. STEEL PLIi:An, CO., (<ONMIi-ICSATS.iI), MANUFAOTUItKUS eF Patent Pocket Cutlery, AVD SOLID CAST STEEL SEMS2 AT7ID THE ONLY MANUFACTURE2B OF SOLID CAST STEEL SHEARS 8: SCISSORS IN THE UNITED STATES TIIE ONT.Y MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD OP POCKKT CUT'DRY, WITH Covering Secured by Screws. NONE BUT THE BEST English Docket Cutlery Steel. Used, and every Knife and Scissors WARRANTED. The temper and cutting qualities of both Knives and Scissors are tested. Great care is taken !->% detain and increase the well-earned reputation which this Company have at tained, as The Leading American (hitlers. O In harmony with the verdict of customers, tho Centennial Exposition awarded Medals and Diplom as for the greatest excellence in quality und ffhieb o these goods. The Miller Bros. Cutlery Cos. NOTICE.” For pale or ix-hftu e far laml on the line of the Mncon & Brunswick, or the Atlantic & Gulf It sail, two neat littio farms iu Glyyi county, near Brunswick, and on title water, with comfortable re idences on each. imh -27-'f. JOHN L. HARRIS, "CANCERS CURED! BR. JOHN P. ANDREWS, OF rnOSfASVTt I.n. CrA., CURES CANCERS invariably, when applied to for Treatment before is is too lato. ' Treats all Chronic diseases, or diseases of longstanding of Males and Females very Successfully. WILLIAM ARMITAGE, town vitok vm) iti ami Manufacturer of yi-ODrars, I AND PLANED LUMBER, STAVES, LATHS, SHIXGLES, ' TICKETS, FECIT AND VEG ETABLE BOX STUFF, Georgia. ES IT MATES GIVES ON' BUILDINGS. Ci* Prices are as foil vs: Staves >l5O. j Shingles >2 50. Laths SUSO. Flooring $2 00. Cviimg sl2 00 Weitherboszd ng $lO per thousmvk May S .f. OF Leading Dry-Goods, Pfosiery, Notions & Fancy Goods AT CEiLEBEATED DRY-GOODS HOUSE Calico, the very best quality, at 6fc j Calico, lower grade, nt 5 and sie Quilt Lining Homespun at 3£c 3- Crown Shirting at 5 and 61-2 C 7-8 Brown Shirting, heavy, at 51-4, 61, 7e 4- A' own Shirting, heavieet kind, at 8c 4-4 Brown Sea Island at 7 c 4-4 Brown S< a Island, very best, nt 10c 3- Bleached Shirting at 5c 7-8 B! t relied S :rtisgat 0 l-4c 1 4 Bleacbod Shir: ing, soft finished at o I-“c 4- Bleached Shirting, without dressing, loc Heaviest Brown Drilling at 10c Shirting, 10-4 id .-ached nnd brown Ft 25, 30, 35 and 40c Good article HicKory stripe at lOe Best mr.nd-t'iread Georgia Checks and Stripes at . 1 ft,- Blue Denim, a good quality, at I,Oc Gowl Mat tress Tieking at 10c Good Feather Ticking at 12 l-2c Best Feather Ticking at 20c Good Gingham Checks at 8 l-:’.c Best Gingham Checks at 10c. Boulevard ready made skirts at 50e Cotton Diaper, wide 10 yards to the piece at * 51 00 Linen Diaper, apiece, at Jl. 25, 1 59 2 00 and 2 25 Fruit ■<’’ Linen, yard wide at 30c to 81 00 Wash-Poplin, beautiful goods at lOe Dress Goods of all kinds from 10c *o Si 25 heck Shaw Is at 25c and upwards Am r< a K "and Csahmere at. 25c IFgl -h Ji k C -hmerr y’d wide rt 40 a 500 I -■ . ' ■' < i-hrnert s, 40 inches widi, m 75, ’• itOe.. - 1 00 and 1 25 ii a4 iz i: , Hen am, Australian Crepe, ve -I*3' n asom-.Me. AG'cca, ire i jc’p, donblo v/itb at 2. r *c A pac, S liirstifd. double width at F:oc Black Si k hi 75 900. sjil 00, 1 25, 1 50 1 75 2 00, 250 -ud 3 CO. 3 Of), 4 00, 5 00 and fi 00. Honty Or mb Bed Spreads at 60c B J Qil s, Hie nicest spreads out, Ladies ui.d-rvests at 50, (15, 7go. $1 00 and 1 25. Hamburg Euibioidery, F.dgiags and lu- f< i K'l.s ;.t bargain prices. Plaid and Gros (irain llibbons, and Sash very obeap. Evtrlas* Crochet and other Trim lnii'gK, lower than ever. Italian, Fre ch and Guipure Laces, very cheap. Lndii-s’ Silk Tics nnd Scarfs 20cand up. L’l s Cuffx and Collars at hall price. Uuibr. 11 a s as low as 350. Two button X and Gloves Ladies* black, white, colored and Optra Sbadea, at 60c All I/ren Table 0 : ot’. s, par yd 30, 40, 50, C 5, 75, and $1 00. Grass Cloth, in all the newest, shades, 10c Pure Erneh Suitings per yd 124 15 20c, aid extra fine 25c. Libia Cos! red Dawn, a'.l abodes ] 210 Figured Jlusl i- latest styles 12Ao "■ ,T ikoi -te and Organdies Ittjo “ P.qii* fine styles as low i.s 10c Cord and “ 8 3 very lust 10c ! Cotto- a r . for 11. u aid Boys wear 10 12!, 1, 1 4,20 c, the v. .J-beel 25 F.uinn: Tw. e s ai.d Caesiinere 20, 25 30 e i li 85c. We have r.D'O reduced the prices cf r grin many of the above named erodes, but "ant of time prevents us from enumerating them. To understand our method of Lu-iness, we have endeavored to explain it in unmistakable language and for which we request a careful perusal We beg to caution the public to try to discriminate between our dealings and that of mer chants who offer a few domestic goods only cheap as a bait, to catch the unwarj . and make them believe that they sell everything equally as low; the iutelligen, reader will easily understand this. We offer our goods for inspection to every ! body, for vc will vend samples of Fry Goods, with prices attached, to any one who will write us for them and give everyone a chance to see for themselves. We have endeavored to enumerate the principal articles kept in a first-olasa- Dry Goods House, and attached the prices We are aware that this is sufficient to c nvey a correct idea of the quality. Those who desire to purchase, we upon application, scud suoh samples, with pries attached, as they may desire when they can form a much better opinion and select for themselves. Not less than a million of people have dealt with us and we are sure we have satisfied t. Any one displeased with his purchase cub return the goods to us at our expense and we will return the money. On twenty dollars Wurth of goods we prepay freight to the nearest station. We make no charges fr packing or drayage. We don’t soli one article low and make it up ou the others, WE RETAIL OUR GOODS AT WIIOLE3A3E PRICES,. Which accounts for our Wonderful Snccess. \Vc don’t advertise to humbug, but we talk plain business and mean it. AY eseli one yard as bvvas we would ten thousand. Those wtio are tird of paying ex horbitant [liees and appreciate the value of money, are invited to send their orders, w ich wu_nil! ti!) C. 0 D. witn privilege to examine, or can send the m nev with tic order. cL CtITID. A Xew Departure in the Dry Goods Trade ! To enable me to offer the best bargains ever brought to Savannah, I hav& found it r ece-sarv to be constantly in New Vork. to watch chances in person to purchase cheap. I promise to sell goods henceforth at prices wb'ch must sur prise every judge of 2 ods I have always endeavored to come up to promises made in newspapers or otherwise, and have never sought to draw trade by mis representations. and therefore I beg that the public will thoroughly examine my' Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, for I will give them more for the montrv, than any other house can afford to give. At present, we Jo not enumer ate Special Bargains, bat pref-r the public to send for samples, aod bocouviaced. Respectfully, David ’ WeisMn, Proprietor of the Celebrated Cheap Dry Goods House. 1# Hhir £2) H Xci WHOLESALE DEALERS IN' Dry CrOois tiiid Notions, Soots and Slices and Gents , I.EITV rmiMim. coons, NO. 17 CONGRESS STREET. SWAMAH, GEORGIA. jvuli U White Mixed Fiannelfi at 15 ana2 White all wool flannels at 25, 30, 40, 50 and 750. R' and FI wool flannels at 15, 20, 25, and ifV, lied all woo! twill Flannels at 25, 30 and 40i ; Ue .vy white undershirts at 20e and upwards.- Cu ieo Rhirts at 25 and upwards. White dress shirts at 75 and upward.-: Yard long towels at 12 1-2 and upwards. Towels as low as 5 e Linen Table Cloth, 1 1-2 yard wide, 25 SO, 35 f-r.d 40c. Table Oil Cloth, 114 yard wide, best Quality, at 40c. Bleached Table Damask at 50, 75c. @1 00 and 1 20. Wcr ’en Table Clothe, good pit $1 0(7 Gcod French Corsets at 50e Thom; -t-urs glove-fitting Corset at $1 00 and 1 25. Suspenders with Rubber in the back at, 250 Turkey .Red Table Doylies’ per dozen 75c Wmto linen Tsble Doylies’ per dozen 60 and 7Ac. Table Napkins, pe. dozen, at $1 00; 1 25 and upwards. V-il B rags, best quality a yard at • 40c Silk Veiling, per yard at 50, 60 and 70c ! Neck Rucbt-s, per dozen at 12 1 2, 15, 20 and 25c. Neck Ruchmg, by the yard, at 5, 6 1-4 10.- in ‘i urwards. Alpaca Skirt Braid, a burch at se‘ 1- do:: -n Agate nr Rice Buttons for sc -I’. - - 'at I • Rdk Dress Buttons at 10 and 15c Ivory 1 rrl Gutia Percha Buttons at 8, 10, 12 1- 2 and 15e. C: ildrei s Round Combs at 10 and 15c L-cc s’ Hig! B u-k Combs at eO, 15 and 250 Oil iron's Fancy Stockings at 5 and 10c Mis -'-.V Fancy Blockings at 12 12 and 15©- Ladies’ Fancy Stockings at 10 to 50c Black Prats Buttons, bone, best qual ity , box for 10c. Lrdics Wnite St< ckiDgs at 5, 6 1-4,8, 10 and 12 1-2, and 15c. Ladies’ English Stockings, without serms; at 250. Gent's Half Hose at 5,8, 20, 12 1-2 and 15c Gent's English half hose without seams, 250 Gem’s Bordered handkerchiefs at 3 and 5c Gent’s Turkey Red handkerchiefs at 10c Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs at 5o Ladies Corded L nen handkerchiefs at 10c The beat needles, a paper, at 6o Coats’A: Clark’s O. N. T. Spool Cotton at 50., per dozen 60p. Good apod cotton for hand sewing, 200 yards, at 3 Negro Handderohitfa at 10, 15, 25 and 350 Bail thread, 16 balls fur 35n Khitting and Darning Cottob, a ball, 5o Gents’ paper collars a box, ot 5, 10 15 & 250 Linen Shirt Fronts, extra length at 250 White and Black Cottyn Gloves at 10c Lisle Thread Gloves at 15, 20, 25 and 350 English Pins worth 15e a prper, at 10c American pins worth 10c a paper, at 2 l-2e Best, qua! ’ y Hooks and Eyes I paper-fur 5c Piper Cambric, yard wide, at 7o Twi linn Jen 11, at 10c Twi -nt? nK and G'oves, —Ladies’—bet . >. .-,>..11- ot 75c and $1 OO K itui , j J w, at 10, 12 1-2, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 500. Cats raeres at 50, 60, 75, 850. $1 bo, 1 25 and 1 50. Black, Ii ne ar.d Grey Waterproof, 1 1-2 yard wide, at 75c, $1 OO and 1 25