The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, November 12, 1879, Image 2

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THE JESUP SENTINEL. T. P. IJTTLKHKU)- VMiiov 12. IHlO* The Lats Elections- Savamah Ness—N ■. sih. i Returns so iiu received from t.hc elections yesterday indicate that in New York the State tic ket, with tiie exception of the Gov crn or. lias l>een elected, the city of New Y'ork gives the ticket 45.00 ft ma jority, which will, in all jirollability, secure its success in the State liy a majority of about 18,000, though the World ciaiins a majority of 30,000. This indicates that New York ts still a Democratic State, and but for the defection of (be Tammany faction the satire Democratic ticket would have beau chosen. It can therefore safely tv© counted 1 >r Urn D -mocrats ill the & esiduitial contest m xt year. Lb il assachusi tts, Butler lias been <dt3UiU.lL and tie UejmbSieans victo Jtlc by a deel led majority. This a* fate of Grci nbivekism m a, jr>ii*-".al ihsm-t and retires Du tier arojj public life probably for all time. The Brunswick Appeal. Wo nr:) gratified to learn that the Brunsw k Seaport A/ynal will he re vived on tlie 20th inst.. with Col. Carey W. Styles ns editor and proprietor. We shall gladly place it on our ex change list. Death cl llev Lovick Pierce. The Oldest Methodist Preaelier In the ' tilted Stales Macon. November 9.— Rev. Lovick I’iercc, I>. Jr. tin- oldi st Methodist preacher in the United, died to day in Sparta, in his ninety fifth year. His remains will be carried to Columbus for interment on next Tuesday, lie died at the home of Bishop Bierce, his son. MACON A II It I NSW It k RAILROAD , No Lease Klfecled THE 110 AD TO UK UEADVEIITIBED. r l, I (grain lo Morning N M \ Nov. (> The Macon and Brunswick Railroad was offered to day at public outcry. The lease was postponed to ne o'clock from eh ven, ami then to two o clock. Before the bidding commenced Julius Brown, of Atlanta, asked Governor Colipiitt to postpone tin sale, oil the ground that the advertisement and law did not correspond with the advertisement retpiinng the Atlanta extension to bo "Vti.f Hi'i r; ‘| 1 iT J rrffsfg'V-:. < e 7trtVt Trtl'' izing purchase after the commence ment of building the extension, and also that forty live days had not elapsed since the pa sage of the amendatory act. Ho further stated that he represented a company pro pared lo comply with the require ne up I tin base, but ill view of the taels he would not bid. Kimball, J. '. Stanton am 1 U. 11. liazlehurst made similar statements. J. .1 Gresham then bill $(>0,000, followed J>\ K. A Flow* Hen with a thousand advance, raised by K T. Paine anotliir thousand. Bidding continued between these three until J'b wo llm bid $07,900, when L. N. Whittly, el Macon, bid SOB,OOO. Bid ding continued lively at this, and A. O. Bacon bid SBO,OOO. wont to SBS, POO and fell out. Toward the close bidding wo- lively between Flewclleii and Paine, Plewelleii raising by Aim thousand and Paine by the ten dol lar - A tour o'clock approached the excitement was intense Vs the city clock slniek the second stroke the road v is kmH led down to Flcwellcn, Paine balding L n dollars just as the hammer tell. Both parties claim the b-as- Governor Colquitt divided that owing to the rapidity of bids it was impossible to tell which bidder ;i - In du st at the time of the striking of the clock. Considerable excite mi nt was ninnitVstod in the crowd. Both parties tendered the money to the Governor, and protested their .ability to comply with the terms of the b ase. The road will bo readier lised in a few days. The five coin missioned- will not be appointed just now. live jiartiis were contending for Hu- a : I’b wclleii A Gresham rep ivseliti and tin stockholders of the Cell tral R->ad and others. Kimball the Niw York capitalists, Paine Georgia ami B. ion partu s. Brown probably 'Jelin -see parties, and lia/.lchurst Nor lilt in capitalists. “How Long Havfc I to Live?” Harper's Ha* r.j It is not every 0110 asks hiw s< it this lUi stion. lea:ie, strafiifoly enough, it is the belief of most per nous that their lives will be exception ally lengthy However, life assur once e inip.mii s ;ue aware of the cml ii'ioUN v. < .iknesses of those whose lives liny . -iir.. and have tlieivfore com ]1 t:>!!!ieixis tables of expectancy < f lib if their own et,a dance, which are can fully referred to before a |K)I lev is grunted. ' The follow ini; is one of Mno well authenticated tables in use amen*; London assurance corn ] ..:i*. - .1 lowing the average length of in*'at various In the lirst col limn we have the present ages of |ic*r r ms ,f av no, health, and in the see* i oii l column v - are enabled to peep. | ns it were, b* hind the seem s of an as j mir.iiiei otfi ■ ami (.rather from their t table til number f y,..,rs they will } j-ive us to live Thi table has been l He. result vf careful v;Ucul:ttivn and j soldi mi pr- ivei misleading Of course, sudden ami premature deaths, as well as lives unusually extended occasion ally occur, but this is a table of the average expectancy of life of an or dinary man or woman: Mom years \n,. to live. 1 39 10 51 20 II 30 34 40 50 : 21 60 1 1 to : 9 80 4 Our readers will easily gather from the above tabulated statement the number of years to which their lives, according to the law of averages, may reasonably be expected to extend. THOMAS WEST, Importer of and Dealer in CROCKERY, CHINA, ‘K\AY='T\Vt-.\, All kinds cf . • i v HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY, .SILVER PLATED HARK, KERO SENE LAMPS, CHAN DELI EHB, TOYS, Ac., SiCtf 185 A 187 lirotiglion anil 27 Jefferson SI , St. Andrew’* Hall Build ng, SAWAHHAIH, ttISGMM. H pt. 1-tf. X. IfOTffl A WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Dry Goods and Notions, Boots and Shoes and mn misinifi ijiiods, NO. 17 CONtJIiESS STREET. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. NEW A DVERTISKM ENTS. TO MY OLD FRIENDS: Hi© Public! I m daily io receipt uf otic of tlio UrcreHt ami Most eatefully ifffcTC'CleTT Blocks of FALL k mu over lirouylil to tliis luurket. I will tiiipliouio any bill, regardless of amount, wliioh you unit puiolimo outeido of tV liolcmtlu Houbob. I bavo poison ally selected tbnso goodn with tba viutv of adopting tbo motto : “ l|itl< k Sales ntitl Stnull PrulllB,” aud will not be undersold. As my ex pctißes aro ligtlit, I cau nnd will givu my cußlouior* tbo boooiits of small per ceutage. I am tbankful to my many customers for tlinir patrotiuso in tbo pint, and expoct to merit tin ir enntinuod favors by fair and upright duaiing. Beforu purcliusing elsewhere, call in and < xstuino for yourselveH. 1 Imv6 1 largo aud varied stock of Biry Liffht nnd Heavy Groceries. Hardware, Boot* and Shoes. EADIK-T AND GENTLEMEN'S HATS, MEN'S CLOTHING. Ladies’ Dress Goods AT BOTTOM I’ll ICES. I call M|M' attenttou to my Ur go ami well sol* cum stock of Buddie*, llndlrH, Huggy llumoH, Oruckcry and Glassware, vs hull 1 will st* 11 at pne?* that will compete with my retail house, oven Suva ninth not exoepted. Below tiitil priori for a few articles. It woultl he ttx) tedium for me to *tuoto prices of all my goods. U KCK'KK IKS, Hucou. per pound, 7)<icßs Shoulders, par pound, . r o tisms, par pound, lOc l.srd. per pound, 100 Corn, per bushel, S.' Flour, per barrel, $7 to $7 77* Flour, iit lb. aacka,'v#rj beat, $1 i to 6 pounds, $1 Tobacco, par pound, 4.c to $1 Sugar, per pound, 5o to Country Syrup, par gallon, d.c Bolted. liomiD.v and Meal, par bush,, $1 lVarl tints, per package, 10c Koroacue Oil, I'sr gal ou, 150 l>K\ GOODS. | I’rints, per yard. 7c to Sc I Yellow Homespun, } 7c Yellow Homespun, 4 So ! Yellow Homespun, l t !0o lflesoLe.lJUoo.ts, 6c to 10j Ueorgtajstripss- low —el 10c Betchelor’eiDost.lllogeil Shoes, ft 10 A No. 1 Suoe, ft.So Lidia' Shoes, ft to s•_* 1 mi eole agent for I’ATAI'StX) FAKING POWDSS, which is guaranteed by lln Manufacturers to be rqual to Gants' Sea Foaui, or any other baking powder, st re duccd figures. 1 here a few sample boxes to give awsv in order to lulruduce it. HIGHEST MAIiKEr I'UICK I'A 111 Foil CO IN IKY FIfOOUCK. Call at an rnrly .l*y and price and examine i uiy stick. No trouble li show goods. JOH.N BASSE Y, Jcsuf, Us 1 Attention Jarirs! The undersigned desires to call the atten tion of farmers to Ilia fact tnst he is now manufacturing at-Jesup, (in., First-Class CYPRESS SYRUP-BARRELS, wh eh will l.e furnished low for rash. Special Indiifemeiils lo ilcrilianls who purchase lots of 50 or more- J. B. WITHERS, w-i.trt 4t J sup, (ii, A NEW KIND OK WATCH I ASF- New ItfTaiiv** t !• only w!thin 1 lie hint Jew years that it has i*e<n Improved nnd brought within tli<; r.-ach of every dim* : old in prim lpltr Imthuw the* fin*l invention whm made and tin first patenl taken out nearly t wenty ywi* ago, nntlcatM** made at that time and worn ever since, are 11 curly an good n* new. head the followin'.', wlrlch Is ' nly one cuts* of many hundreds, your Jeweler can tell of similar ones. MANsrii.f.i), Pa.. May 28th, 1878. I have n customer who l. t- r.irriert ou; of llo*- Palent Cases fifteen years and I Um-w it two years before he got it, and it now appears good for ten years longer. If. i: OLNKY, Jeweler. Item**mher Jas. Uo“s’ 14 I In; only Patent ( - mode of tw< phil' S .f .olid tpdd (one outside aud one inside) m,v rinu ■- • i y i>- n • -|" -• and to r i <>, silfht, the I'uml a .Viiutiure of Ihes* '■olid pines over electro id Wing Is fippaietii lo \ ;,or.< 11-"h 1 iv the only potent (-<■ with which there is idvcn a written warrant, < I which the following is a Uk simllU - \ Tst© *ieCi*rtnrut wcMXQt**nrma Ca*/ \lr WUIMAMUTAOTUKO UH'irn / VlKflttlVnji'V rwmeu * souo / \TwW-0 •<**• im. a*Tai'wa'*/ Hee that you pet thn gnainn tee w ith each Care, a*k your Jeweler loi illustrated Citnioguu. Jii), WEJNN’ 1 CHEAP CASH STORE, JHBUB, GA. Having rnoi-nlly ivtui nid from the Ncrtb ami uimld my puuhttHOJ fiom liral clrhb Wholesale Dealers l run pr< part ■! tj * ffer bell or bkfg 1 ns I r '1 u y tdPlofToi'S if ui* public Ron 1 rally lli n < ver 1m fore. .My Dry Goods Duparfnu nt ombrnceacv eiy vanity I tp uilv from lint tourstsl to tbo tint*Ht grade-. In lt my tl and bit iiobvil poods me supt rior lo any in inarki t. My l'niiiH ae of the 1 ttesi pat Urn*, and are warranted 1 \ 1 ooia its 1 have the largciu and cLcapeel stock of 'JiCitf/y-.)[((<te Cj iol h in o’, ever lrt iglit to the t iwn of Jesu > IK >1) I’V and SHOES, HATS and (’A)’.S in great va rity. In 111 v tleparlm *nt of L ulus'D.lsh Goods l All STILL AHEAD i keep a vm'll sell c led stock Family GROCERIES, which i\ro offe • I at reduced ri.i H, ar.d an* of Hiipt rior gntd h. My oiistouiurs havn my thauka for past avor.s, They may ro’y on ftiir dealing “Live mit*l l< 1 Live" is my motto. (lull and see 1110 at my old stand. No trouble to show goods. L. B LISS, Itrou<l wireel, Jrsup, |;;i. fi jl Miller. ATTORNEY AT I.AW, Nil. < M lli r \lil lK ST., SAWAHMIEI, OMlifiM, Will i> u tioe in the S iperior <**.irt of W uyo (\>uuly. OvinMultAtlonH l>v 8. H. Harris. Attorney and \,V& .1 KSI 1% (. A Praotio* a regularly iu the Courts of tl.o Hiunswt. k C u*uit. jtui22 lyr John D. Rumph, Attorney & Counselor at Law ANI> sour non i.x Flurry, J|>l P, (.KOK(J Will |>rhe ioe in the Couitsof ike H um wick Cirouii, n nl I y <j> r il contract in ot i er Court* o! the State, including the State Supreme (Vurt. Sati; tin*tory rt fereuoeH giwti in all cases vbi n deai red. N BOOK WALTER ENGINE ! . i\uipact, Sul stantiaJ, Ko * onomical. sn.l easily mau ►SKSe* • 1 *R**d. GuaranUcJ to woik 1 ’ I sell, ami give lull power .*V claimed. Kngine and l>od f?.!. er completeincluding Gov oruor. Pump; A; , (iuelu diug hexing.', &t iko low price ot a •- *\ :* M. Power, >•; *2 o iIJ ** i 313.50 l'ut on cam At Sprii gtieU. J AM£S LEFFEL Sc CO SPR ! EL[. 0 j*u22 ljr — — From the Factory tothe Wearer. __ Shirts of Superior Musliu. Extra Fine Linen Shield Bosom, French Vokc, anil completely finished for \ $7.50 A BOZEN! 1 j ; ; M - rv 1 irrM|MmU t<* M or.! ff.ited to , yof Sh:r* r.-f extremely low •• I ./ t ; f;*- „,r.a 1 our f. tor* f -r the manufacture of .... u a and Uoya' a*. nT r ' ' -■ - - •>* •• ..p n-i.t and ,-vrt .r- . v..ur.e Mb ... h?; r.l-> •' * . .VC-,: • - - • 7 -r:.. a.:.’.- ut - 2 w • r, : I r V r middlemen aud the rc w jj j . tt l| U u.e unprecedented oflef r.„ / . - ..![. -la nab-l.n'tlll.y ' . - ? \ '!~ i L V.-r,.! ' r •• - - >“•■* ' front, aV r ■ -—1 *. J,. W. if trt % u.”t< f.-rjct l-t. J-• ag gv. il. a/fc fira.- \ I.• J / J r ,., |w ..t. \rty ir,o> I: iorr than tbe Muwquai.:.. can 1* Wugbi fr ©ltwwhcre, m>l Kail H Inter I ndcrw cur, at $1 J-r tuit, (Shirt ami Draw f ■ ■■"■.na t . f -i Tiding or turn down, 15 cU. each, : . hUg. 'per par ‘ - ■-d < an, ilaitiiiug, ;o ft*, each j turn t I H- I n\.rt. I’ * . F.nrv Strand regular u-:*!eH.inio*e per pair. S. 50 p. r do*. L.g --l 1 ■■■—*>. if. ( H.'.. v rj.v - - prr r.l :.I HdkL., .L_ .A* ami tone, • - - , •o. vTi: *l.liin ..1,. lioja Milrta u *vi iultj , |V \ OKk. Vl. N O C IK, 42 J Jlroudwuj, .. ... .. .. .. a. .4. ... .. . .Cl .414.41, .<l.l*l.l't.f *4.11..* A ’W 0M A ,S T Who lias i nec u-'fd I lie FFOPLES’ MACHINE will prefer it over all others J” '■ '~rrr. an l AGENTS selling it find it just what * the PEOPLE want. It makes tLe ' 'it-' -t/Ua, I-...- / o : i’y, docs ti.o I, -IL'.i.s without running the works of the WmfM \ rrfflrafl machine Write for descriptive circulars jrir Thila. Seifinff Machine Cos 1301 & 1303 ED ttonwood St -1 A. J. MILLER & CO. deileus in /(ivnUnvc **4 tfiivjjcta MB, 100 and ir,2 BIiOUGIITON 8T , SAVANNAH, GA., Wo liavc just r. O‘ivf.d r btrtck< f UefiigerfttorH, lfom $ f up. Mopquito Not* l , complete, in f'bitze, at Si anil in lace, at $5, SO, and $7. Extra Frames (fall kinds. Wlii-e ng* from 15c. per yrrd up. ’ 1t.,1 (Heck Mattings from ZOc. per y r.l up. Fu: cy Maltir gs, all gri d,s, 3, r >c. to Civ. p,r ynd. (J. i,<i iliincraioiis of uiir room aid we ml snd rtqusite quantity. Also, H mdOW Hl.iidts and ui! Cloths in gnat variety. Largest stock of Furniture in tile State. A. J- MILLER & CO., otjh wmmmmi Ami U,e public generally, are invited hi extend to us their pat ronage. Out* Mr. Weisbein is in New York nine months in (lie year. lie watches the market closely, aad bar gain is sure to find its way to our establishment, ltesides. we ure enabled to have at all times the latest styles and a full assortment on hand. B 3E. SW B A.R'Grv* AEMS l M/tk A Bail) 21 tv A A ikavitv® ( 1 oin j) 1 c k (v AsNorlmenl ! should Ih* imltioemenls to attract everyLoily in want of our, ami il in aildiiion thereto, our ?reH-A/io>rn refi aOitity i-s coiisiilcrtMl, no one need wonder to see <uir ; crowded Irom early morn until late at night. 1 hose who aie 1 unable'to come, please write for samples of such goods as they mav desire to purchase, ami we will send them at once, with prices attached. Hoods will be sent as heretofore, 0. O. L. and, if preferred, w ith the privilege to examine goods before paying for them. DAdIP WE IS 15 KIN. 153 Broughton street, SAVANNAH, ... GEORGIA. DOUBLE DAILY TO AND FKOil FL@EI.Mp General Superintendent's Office, ) Macon, Gi., April I‘J, 187'.), > ON farpltf er S iDc!ay, 20. h infet. cr traius on tbi-i roai will i uq as fellows : CUMDEItDAND ItOUTE, via Bmnswick. NIGHT PASSENGEK, No. 1 Soath Daily. 1 Leave Macon.. v 7:4*>P. M. Arrive at ( <‘Cbran 11:47 V. M* Arrive at Eastman . .10:45 J*. M. Arrive Jesnp 3:27 A. M. Arxive iirunswiek (J:0o A. M- Leave LrunswicK per steamer. .. 0:15 A. M. Arrive Fernandma 10:15 A. A'. Arrive at Jacksonville 2:35 Y. Al. Arrive Cedar Keys 8:35 P. M. NIGHT PASSENGER, No 2, North, Daily. Leave Cedar Kr vs 5:25 A. M. Leave Jacksonville 11:15 A. M. LeYve Fernandiiift per steamer. • 8:15 P. M. Arrive Brunswick 7:15 P M Leave Brunswick 8:00 P. M. Leave Jesup 10:35 P. M. Arrive Lastiuan & 3:31 A. M. ! Arrive Cochran 4:33 A. M< Arrive at Macon 6:45 A. at!. Close connection at Macon for all pom's North, End ana West v:a Atlanta hIU Au gasU .DAY ACC9 MMODAT lON NO. 3, South. Via Jesup and Live Oak—Daily exc* pt S’n’dy Leave Macon. A. Al. Arrive Cochran 0:43 A. M. Arrive Eastman 11:11 A. M. Arrive Jc up 0:25 P. M. Arrive at Jacksonville 7:25 A. M. No. 4, NORTH, Daily except Sunday. Leave Jacksonville 5:15 P. M. L ave Jesup 0.15 A, M. L avc East man....-- 1:2 LP. M. L?ave Cochran. 2:45 P. M. Arrive Macon- 5:15 1\ M, Connects at Macon for points North. East and West. i IA WKIXSYILLE BE A NCII. Freight uid Accommodation—D. ily, except feuu day. litave Cochran 10:00 P. M. .\rrive at jlawkinsville 10:45 4*. M. Leave Hawkinsville 3:30 A. M. .\nive Cochran 4:15 A. M. Concocts at Cochran with Trains Nos 1 and ‘Jtjand from Macon. Leave Cochran 10:00 A. M. Arrive llawkinsvil o 10:45 A. M. Leave Hawkinsville .... 1:45 I*. M. Arrive Cochran. 2:30 P. M. Cornccts at Cochran with trains 3 and 4 to and from Macon. GEO. W. ADAMS, Gen. Suit. W. J. Jarvis, Masttr Frans. NOTICE TO MILL MEN l MR. WM. GRIFFIN, A Practical Saw Maker, N*. V (Ift'Cnt for C ni*lls A t o.) Who lias repair'd Sa .h ot nemlv tve’y Saw Mill in the S :i ; v ithin ti e last seven years, has permaneL-ly oca. til iu Jesup for tlie purpose if Repairing; Kvcrj - Bcsorip'.ion of Saws A 1 wrk s id to me vid prr.ihpt dttenlioi', or, if jirefured, I wi 1 come to ilie Mi l when- re | ;i rs are Le tied. K .lire .sat isfaction gui iv. ll e* and. juull-l 1 WM. UIiHTTN, Jesup, Ga. OIIAULKSTON & SAVaNNAH Stencil and Variety Works, 88 Chun h St jet t, Ckailcst-on, S. G. 28 Drayton Street, S~vi nnali, Ga. w. W Slllfll and BKQ , Proprietors. Maikiug Platt s for nit rk ; ng Cot no; Lum ber, Cotton, Ac , cut lo od< r. A pin hots, Inks, Brushes, Ac., always tn land. Nr ta ry Public, Court, Lodge and W >: cal ,t x ecuted iu neatest style. Orders by mail promptly attcLil and o April 3-tf. |j 0 do moie than the unaouat stattil ahoy*', Nooi o can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You cmi mkc f/O u .'>o cen s to $2 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the businefs. It costs nett ing to try the business. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before. Busi ness pleasant s’tH'Sirietly honorable. lead er, if you want to know* all about the paying business before the public, s nd us your address and we will sand you fu I par ticulars and private terms frei; mntples worth aho free; you can then niak- up your mmd for yourself, Addr* ss Gil< ‘IvJK STINBON A CO., Tort lauds Maine. To Merchants and Business Men ! SUMMER SCHEDULE! GREAT REDUCTION OF BOARD AT THE MARSHALL HOUSE TUc Host Arranged and Most Thor ougliiy Ventilated Hotel An Savannah, 1.a.. JOHN BEESNAN, Proper. Darii the S-.m;mor months the Tiacsient rates ut bcar.t will be §•2.00 per Day, And at tLe same rates for any part of a dav. t ■ S. B. —Notwithstanding the great re duction in our rates the unrivalled uct-1 lenceoftte Marshall House Table will be ma nfalnetl. t _'Y wi ! p’ve all oar irieL.A the same rules us at the l -antcrs. "J vr " -y\jr \ Atlantic and Gulf Railroad* General Biteiiimendent’s Officf. ) ATLANTIC A GULF llAILUOAl), Savannah, Oct. 31, 187‘J. ) On find after SUNDAY, October sth, Pdstenger Trains on tk.s Load wi:l run as follows: , NIGHT EX PE ESS. L ave Savptinah duiiy at 4:30 p m Arrive at J up ‘* 7:00 [> m AfiiVd at TbouiaM jl3 “ 6:35 am Arrive at Bainbridge “ 0:40 a m Arrive at Albany “ 10:45 a m Arrive at L ve Oak “ 2:00 am Arrive sat Tallahassee “ 7:00 ani Arrive id Jacksonville “ 7.50 a m Leave Tallah&s.,co “ 5:45 pm Leave J*< ksonv 11 9 “ 5:30 p m Leave L ve Oak “ 11:15 p ni Leave Albany “ 4:00 p m Leave Ba nr 1 idjje k ‘ 4:00 p lu Leave TLomLSvilie “ 7:35 p m Le ve J<.siip “ 0:30 a ui Arrive at bavaam Ii *• 0:(0 a m No c angt o cm between Savannah find Jack son vil *-• an ; S ivannah and Albany. S'eep’i g cars run thiough lo aLd from S SttVimrah Ind Albany. Passengers from Savannah for Fernan lina, | Gaicesville and Cedar Keys take this train. Pf.ssergeis lor D.irien take this trail:. Passei gers from Savannah for Biunsw’ck t ike this tra : n, arrive at Brurswiek (a, in. Passer g vs leave Brunswick at 8.00 p m., 1 air've at S vam ah 0:00 a. m. ; 1* *ss ng-r8 leavirg Macon at 7:15 a. m. ! (daily except Sunday)coln*.ct at J sup wuu this train for 41 1 it*. PasheDgers nvm Florida by this train connect Bt J sop wbb tr**m amvy \1 M con at 0:25 p. in. ';i ly r txcept Suntniy. Palace sleeping cais run through 10 and from Savannah and Jacksonville. Connect at Albany with Pasieig r trains both ways on Sou’hwestf ra ltailroud to likl from Macon, Eufaula, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleai etc. M i S'eannr leaves Bainbiidge for Apa lacbicoJn every Sunday anl Thuisiay even ing; fer Columbus every and Sat urday afte. noon. Clcse connection at Jasktoavillc daily (Sundays excepted) lor Gfte*n Cove Springs, S-. Augustine, Palatka, Enterprise and il landings on St. John's i. vi r. . Trams on i'. A A. It. U li leave jur etioii gi i g w st at 11.37 a. m., and lor Biunsw cl - ut 4:40 p. nn, daily exc pt bund iy. Through T eke s tela atd Seeping Cat Berths secured al Bren’s 'licket Ofiiae, N / 22 Bull street, and at Atlantic and Gulif liuilioad l’assenger Depot. ACCOMMODATION Til AIN. —EAST Eltlff D. VISION. Le&ue Savaucah, Sunlays excepted, at , 7:00 a Hi Leave ildntosh “ 0:28 a r,, Leave Jt-sup “ 12:00 Leave Blackshear “ 2:05 p n7 Arrive at Dupont “ 0:15 p u, L ave Dupont “ 5:15 a u, L.ave lilackstear “ 0:85 an. Leave Jtsup “ l.:3o p Leave Mclntosh *• 2:52 p n^ Arriue at S.,vai n.'.h “ 5 ; 40 pn, WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont, Sundays i xcepttd, at 7:30 a in L~ave : Valdosta *• 10:02 a iy Leave yuitman ' “ 11:42 an 4 Arrive at Thtniasville “ 2:10pn 4 Leave Thcinasi itle “ 2:40 p ly Leave, Camilla “ 5:24 p ly Airive at A.tany “ 7:20 p iy Leave Altai y “ 5:00 a iy Leave OannJiu “ 7*20 a ly Ai rive at TLomasv ille “ 10:20 aiy L:.ave Tfcomasvii.o y “ 10:50 a iy Leave Qi ii man “ 1:10 pu, L ave Vahloeta “ 8:15 p in Arrive at Dupont “ 5:45 p nf ■1... ''' ''il^rs'.' 1 lI.UNES, Gen. Supt. r IMS. J. BABY, PRACTICAL TIMER —DEALER IN \ N. *3 , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, And Manufacturerfof TIN WARE,, 1 TIN ROOFING, GUTTERS, &c. Personal at tout ion given to repairing Tin ip-ofs. 177 Congress Si., Savannah, G a di i.s-lvn m BURmARTS • rfgSf’aife WARRAHTCO BEST ASiO CHEAPEST. Pricrs reduced* J\imphlet free. •. I MILLING SUPPLIES. Works : ln-istiana, l.amastor ., Pa. ,flier: 2.5 -. Heaver Sit., York, Pa WILLIAM ARM IT AGE, t avnucriiit tvn in nurit. ay Manufacturer of ax : "ALxxi, ©mm© AND FLAMED LUMBER, IS LATHS, SHINGLES, PH'KETS, FRUIT AND VEG ETABLE BOX STUFF, Biavkshcar, Gecigia. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON BUILDINGS. :. Prices ere ss fll vs: Staves $4 50. -2 ' LatLs $1 50. Flooring -12 i4. Ceibug Si 2 '-o. Weatherboarding ■JIO 0<) per thousand. May 8-tf. ftfjA WEEK in your cwn toirn. anti I 1 | I co ital risked. You can give % l us : ness a trial without ex y IJIJ Dense. The best opportunity ev. er offered for those willing to woik. Yt y should try nothing else until yon see for yourself what you can do at the business *e Affer. No room to explaiu here. Y’ou cay devote all your time or only jour spare time to the : ' -• i make e: eat pay for ev ery hour that you work. Women make as ranch as men. Send far special private . rms and particulars, which we mail free. ~outlit free. Don't complain of bard times while you have such a chance. Ad dress H. HALLET A CO„ TotUand, Maine