The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, October 13, 1880, Image 2

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ThS jest? & 8 T:m. -*............ ’ * : ’ 1 ...................... «. »l»> ■ V. ‘ • >», ■»«»• Till;’. N* PAPER &"■'•‘-'-' • '*» •■ •: -v S.hrfti^VW ia -"V< ; I.',,: ' IhiiVVO pj . , . . , M Viidkp hitm-iAt !'’T publiieamn ,, tf.w cbUmth, V any !*yith,m ar. »i< ? (o ii,*(<rsin?*rtipti. tfiVtd& l# nan:hd V ; AH ttmd be mxom j ^ -........ •••*. T J S re T i',C- V -I-sid Ait • flic r ".’*•' 1 HtltCft: W.SfiLl.!! scon HANCOCK, Of yVitiutvivania. F r VtCt i'iv!,>-V'Dt' W;tLl*S! n. ENGLISH, o; h-ut 1 t, . I-Anr (\mpniAa~- Fi.r^S J.toRtrict. item, Goovge E Black, .isf'ito’strss, LI is IdoctibA, iTswito sr^erlts By a to the Morm uj Xnt-.-. *it > ! ' t*. U\ e ‘ ' id, t* tbit the voto ,.,h t'Uto Di- ‘0 will rewfc 'cvd.Otol el k,d\ h.dou..d; gofe id '-. OUO. h 1 h. this 1 rti j nity t t 6*hto **. Whito majority m y be- tiirain \ ‘ ' t y * n 1 1 «e, ii Ws .oorto pretotode that d will S>f Botoowhai iiu.-t'eaeed. It bis be*;ii charged that Coltjartt his vie ton 4 to the ■ do-" 1 v toe. 5-d tie. i :V once drsp-*s;xl *:4 wiu>« wo say List U , 101 -i v o - -1, ‘aonly ■ Of this- \ -*o lq -dl got i -d i>-n,i 20,000. Olid Xi-w,vil ten White gmftg Oo%iitt Bit a luuj-uifcy f>.«'the eafcy of 56.000 of ,.Le volee iaj:gna;oiih wiy eh to, Goveruco' OoI=4'':U g, t f - dyTi -< V ,fcl‘ < A ] , u! ! y 'ib-1 t , 1 < < > 01 s-* , Ut! , • ' to' ' ■> .• h i , tie 0*to u L- e to :.too f -r tIi 5 ■njorir.y ' ■ at-iNEtd ; / r tol]W>\ ' ' I ?; i ?:>■-' tf‘ -vVw:- : b oowd l cd bv negroes aud ignortint whitep«o pit. bun iy ilif- jiftriisait been U-Iuig red .Isot os tint pap;y avmd mtoe or in. > to,K:.i' \v,>'.i'.d,,.-i have vsnt tea ibeae iutefsi-. ■ Ti,e thtov-D in usvr; it wag but a fiasil sy quurrc! "Lot uh Imvo peace, f- itotoh sviiaihi totohhd, and kvk tototy ktotohlt wiiicli it: bidi-H'-e UH. X.» OUT fneodn a; the Nunvood party, m S' v. i -i*i, ai ! m- i'jiftv * . eecl Ik " cral IlatiC'ick s.u h'Vvitojjber. 'Figjit li,uh;vi toaX av iiard jv y en did 'Co; quite., and vie* «<ia will rvdl :i|> a wvlid i00,0OO Rvj if-iy fwr Hm'oek ami liagii;;’.. TheEioclion iu Wayne ty for Kr.prcsontative Atom a aemov.-uat i UcaU-d , , mnpiugu - Im.iu.U- „t . 1 'lorn i S i ;u< TtoDttoXtos'ia the. #eit«Ta,I Ahotofithly, Uie. vtytoihto' I),;mo.T:ttk eandidot-j late a nii'C- to vv-n,- ritocf ii'wtor ’i . Sal ‘--to , l : ."!•• *\\ 1 1 % .i. amtodXhtto .Dir M.IS l j tto.t Cel. Harrk mu v.W'.to torn non. itoiV -. ; tree to '. to. .’to Cvd" H Vi it: Patofiv:,! at. to.ud bvi’toi fa. ii,■:■ .....,.>... bn;;, ' (to.-etoV,,; - . t -1 \ * nd ’ ' ej - v, C ; ‘ > ,to-r»* * v C'fit-5 ton: i-toto.tovtotouL'tto.: dlto poopk; til vectored iu> or i.ugi 1 V- : 4 y— -: tut- .; >-;. 1 vv-Losi: ui- 1*” t '.'• f-'.teh Hat to v,;!i readily !h „ !' 1 l- Ii, ...-Ml do . viiyeii may l>e .7: -,nto.r beivj-e the H w-.-o I i 1 \ . ' .. , * :vlr i ;,f,'to UOVuJ- eK to II. p-etoitoe ya;, toad, ion u ; ,,n.y., ; ii i > :. *:* * i * OCl,t.KS ticket, iU;< itL. ti,. p-eU;X t C 1. I tin A t- , „ t.,y uiee Lieut .ung L ksk Cecciid Cvt-p-bf Peaches. VV>il:ti :.a„ „,, r 4ue & jmicti. wlucis m i; oat n i .. , tr mi \Siue.. u - taken i ■i ■' •!•:-:*' i *’«•'!„ «»d d«b siissidj piv da: d * it eraji el large, tine in.ui. I . i--b ' pei;>,,i in Jane, -n-i amv !,u,: u crop •>} qattn giiiailfrmt un it.. Tlijy is f. &(»x: la.!-- s-...- niT heard af >* t * » * V . t *. s . vVl eni beat; Ckssuy rna,mg pwaclm? la it not abiu go that our funuon d-.’D < pn-y more alt an .sen toy, Kiis bag .n Vs ,r ms Gs-rebD Nl -UK and BouU:*.ru Ocorgia m rnn-vn n as a fruit growing kdumiv. Ba sdv jicrtioo <f i'U* VuiUitt .ud wo doubt if it is -i-KjUAUod. Wmt m to provent a»y t m-vu. living adjacent to a in;Kva--, lrata |y-arlc-s. ap pie-v '.po-o-Tf*, .gmpes, m. .ete, rso to foor wiH a. i-t A nw i > don* from tin .-nd*L, .:. s Noniiam stab Tht* profils ft-'s» on© twrc ni iim> t -grcwitoV ti-a- sy w< im* .rLu.-, ten. ae, of my owsKudy «• * I. .,. t . now r»i aiiti this vifuno land, wliuui now grows j n - to-« >’ j. n , ,f *.n»U si b , ii%k t© ii* mi o tu tv-i, f To farmer mly h au» to bud mA gmli, . Ouv fpiudi-ml iralt trees of iht imwKLi i» amX, nr u„„* tLu any bn« r r« t m m to r . b- guia f Let Ima -as, tfc.« w : s « iUO«t tiiea; pdiect pcaobi*, euc, aud plan. m a '-.-e.;; i'-.aiu?-••--! nm> m-v, A y«ar aid ike ytmig tmO W: b« m_rt proj-u •-- -.--tL-m for grafting, ti *' * * "• >u' to- , ti*-,.-, ;ttit i, j tiw bnls wuig iu, w . yito b-tii ii * ■■ ■- - VfSMUg. ItolkJ v-.n v.ks.1 tow" SHiSCSto long «• J. I It ill-teauly km#* how ' r.!";;: its,1^,| ripro-f the ir ,.. ;l,e l<'!f*{.r., &<•. runl dtn-t: fiiw fruit the w'-iid year. and j th.-, with idii,:*. a- nltwitiou vd! If ;mr | feraer* are «®e, there he muriy ' ■■’■■■ >r- u »,.!»■».> Georg-m thuc • in MuMloauu riuuthean .'winter ^ a , y .^ of (iwrgiit election proirPe m the tu j Bistriof « ' Ail - x<M .-ngly lively one Hu standara to* o( the I>: nv c-rro.y. slJ’V cat,*h< liev . 'tV. % h-s- A..MeI>«n l.. ii of 4,1. a life bt^r in Dm,,) all -rat, Bounties atul a sontit very |ic<jmlar fUhuealia man riv the gr^ytly the ehri're -r wry 8tg:uiii>t Chi’. I- crease-; a Mu >• i.-.a > ni.-otiios UK- any for the oUction of the RtjpaUkau eiiiuli'htte. \ Wa have not lu.iU-1 from Mr. Me Don.- • aid rwoftiiy. 1>«1 trust, he hm r.-CO!. si.lei'o:! fcisO iiuttli.'!, and vtili throw his iuflnoi.- • in favor of t he regular nomittec of lhe party v.jk 1 princiiPr ho claims so dearly to ' love, ;a,-d ' hi be wxtimi to abhb. M» fdno. -----*.......... ................—k^abio, Wi- 1 <Mhi idfii, tlif; teiiu el dump have n »>fei) Mr the p;U.;i;g in ed die er-ciiiery iuhaevnt to 5he .- M- Ti>< tt< r, i.- is a wry latuk 14,-" oae,- ttr.d we f;A-l t’.-at oar vvwlhKorndiy 1 ,v. v,d l th. aopy ,o,-> ; iii i’.to ilii-t-rl-.- ». Let -us Lt iir- t)l yotor BtuvcRK, kuliefl, aad if printer h' id: cud d,, you :iT,y word vo :;r-.> M It! ff t,0 u d iu l« h. if of If uineb Viehi't'd object. Vh have the rtiaterial m o«r uiULc. read tui that 1a n.. sdwHn iu a»y public enterprieo, in i in oru*.-i to -utv iam tu-ur, the ca o-pt ratio a of lio In,! 1 a Bpaakiag A ppointxnents. Rou Ouorgo Ih Jbaek, Itouiucmtic R-OB2ti«o of the First Oosgrussiotia’ District, will address tbs pooplti of the First Oaugre.gaiojuai District at tins fol* Ewibg-tiw- s and r-he.r Wiioruvor o #a$ r-raed vAb: - he feaa ooiuoruurd v-Lhc appiibuotnoe f:,.r . tolere mode to ■ Bra L, 1. Benm niio elect >1 e,r 'dir too ■ t . ■ : l ' thertforr, iuwrt iho name of .Mr. Bito wherever their uppomlm uL oc curto^atb,r nSSi?: JiT'u , FIT, Mr. lirodwr'.', jUbotty eduntyj at IJiacaviU-.', Sidue tfavpOfrt. id,. h,.i n mi oouftU, at S»ur i--i Maiiday, Out. IS, Taitt.nll «&usty, at ibul-viiU’, Wed, Os-t toO. Unilusib caaotf, at StaSesbi-Te, Tb urn lay, (Xu. 21 Sul-,veil comity, at Syiviu-ia, Frisiay. Oct. 2% s»tj-0<iiftph!si*ii by Mr. Bnui*eU Efliugbaoi «ai!st?, at gpu&gfield, *" Bo; H 00Bnf d* at " »yne«but., n Wv . uicsaay, Otoe 2/, Oiintbam coud'V, at Savaanat, Mou~ i t | B , 1 jt 0¥ j 1 cor. a ". i. ' i-viiw, ,, Iwioe Murwiig , ,, #aauwu*l- appornt- , I ,U »«ke c umy, »t W .y«i» S boro, ! " sV 5 t ’ ** 4 b#l!U <, '-^rx ! 0c ' , j a-u\ CbaiiWrt Od *«:r, Siivasrtab. i 7" evsuto? .si Fri W©, , OC. 2ii „n ■ fc i Ui -' " "* - j Warner's Safe fiteLLiier A I'mitiH' iiwui-iii un A Li. j itSb Rto’Rl ®«le. JUIA 3 THE RE CO ED ; "ll ixj Dh -s.».. i>, sJkfc-vi y, Alii,. ' *1 J5 ino b-R' d - "* vt! * rj. ■il!* '■■Mm?’* s 1 *- ■ d * f -** '? 'H*r \ ix - _ , v ‘f' i;*a.-- }"i.-nsoCi siid s»* svn pmlor>‘d iv-dr ■*.? fir.* f tTrtor iC;i; \*th:nl iV. t?.L Ua,..,; • — Z*r• ,15 1 ,1'js i\ *’No dcr- Tto;-,- HD-i-ao h« uK U..*.Tii<4'b , !i! ;•:« ttt* ri.j'*; .-'Ai»ii ijih T. -- 1 - A *hu >. :• “f Wrtl«llUi4t*>n, U. c . H ,! ' real A.starai HciBetl} is for Salt' hi Bra&iiats in sii i*ari« »f the War! ' 5 . TiiY IT ASO T.tKK M 0 -TIIEtt H H. waembb & oo„ fob 4 Her Kochc-sfc-jr, V. Y IF BO«»TW»ctr^ «AMT STiiCl® 1 * ' ^ &4 SA*^ [ r 1 "•ay ; to" *S H 5 -m. 7 to nit. _- Tnr: - :r ^ n - ri , rr r . n . t ., ,. . , # V E S»t«Tw 8R<I tu,Bberm * n »««»» one. ffwuuMur WAgWAOTncmsei ^ Kitsfsssi:;®; '- ’•''■V'* *^ I THE PDPUM 8 GLOI 1 ING HOUSE -,— .toU*— HKNMAMUN (l- I.1-.V1, 1 f, 1 .'Mi,.! I' 1 ’’ f'on^rr-ss Si. corner JpflVv .son, ;~,\\ mrah. Oa DEALER. IN stU'S Ml VS', AND CHILDRES’D ClOTKlNG, HATS 1 f ‘V- :S' ^ s' i 1 ! WILL | <:•: yv,,.; -/.jr \T - T TRIttTV p*X< hie ruth* itex-k -fit Rr.atiy rcftiood j pneec—itt order to m«fc« rooiu for liis Iktro stork of .spring at«? ^>er Go-, i ■?. ! i’liriifi.s viHititijr Sarnonah aill do wmI to eali «m him Or>Ur< bv u.inl prompt5f «t- I ttmdwd to. Speeml. iwti to eonutrs userohotiU. HEMKM I1F.H TUB PJLAt’K ! ii. it, LEV Y, Proprietor, •“» e fearh£) a tohAddi a mm« wHotTH.iLE totovrcuA m V-r [Iau}M and Boots and Shoes and eK—a 1 ■ 9 is T 11 c SII 11 1 1.1 t r is 05 iw $ NO 17 CONGRESS STEMMT, ^ & m ............. C i^e^tStotoyptoSSgtoS: I^PII a- aB y|i.pSI ^sp*lmeto.: eiteN! i w&| ■ htoto toMto W. Gss. "Uwin-G'-W y>:, _ of, 10-! vr j THOMAS C HUMPH. Comraxsaionea „ Notary Public, end Eu-OfTiuo .V I‘„ Coai-ts ijli-id !.it the UilSM! i ! ,&fie first j Skturdny iu cash wamth. ! ja»J'i/.3yr 1 , i 1 >"!■■ '• j \ i h 0 k N h AT 1. AW i i , . 8LACK8HEAR, OA ; PrtOliijfiM wyahfir itt the s-iVistles eom- I posing pivtxict the Brurwwiok Circuit. *iid is tt)« S am! t u-an .,s.i..u <4 ib« Joiud “• iot So * 4t: ''' r, » D*-~ uieto! ^diiyr • J Cnovftrr. AXUJO.I 'MABilY fit 0* ? uHUfflll ^n?aTv j Attorneys at Law, Bstoto’sWuv., i 7 , -Ot to: l A | >ftunv,'!j •' '.'7. Wayi,- U5-totor.ciii.Y jn j Ttt K - ' vo.i i xhUhv. Watts • , . . I. -if- ■ Uiil,iA*il-i( VOkbLit, ar.U TtjJftttr m tt« e wvait. mo j] Of. ......... H Attorn by and SVSdhWV*?! VA \\Wi JltoAt t\ ti A - Practlfi-H fegulnrlv m <h> Oo>art« r-f the Uittiinwi. k Cn-onir... JOHN D. UDMcri Attorney & Counselor at Law A h 1> muorrou ;.v i^arr, JK*it hfenus. ! Will T-mcUw* 111 tho CoinlM nf th« ilrsm- I '* I'to- (’ircaii of to- t.4 *i hr tr„i-t !,, otli ! >-r i w<~ film., e U e Si*ti j hftprwof, S iiar V lift. *■ I v r* r< Ofiafi ,-i mas*# ; a-iwir* a, l - J vr i i i WK SOSLE, Dontiit, «lL*lls«i*to»•» mi.. D- ap,. *fi ';. is. ■ > ■ * - - j = <>m . I h'^'iS 1 '.-. l' , ; Work iT; ,; vv j WSTV !>*■-■!, „» low Ms::hto«w ca:l ; he a *i i:; y, y. C Wit to -ter m-!;*' t , J * .11 * P r-i * -.vfi v,-,- fe ; la ©»»}i m-fiitta si t:f->v,» j, i .. weete W>r,ft:*sstoS, -. M W M; -, r , Ti y.j U«!fii . :’**'C6E m it«i; 11-a w.-« >1 it. 0*,^ MORSE AMO CATTAE POViDEffS •i ;to nap efiwf iif wga ft? 5V’-Jbw-E£ ti# *M|xsg*^.s a * ft, to s, to" ,‘A.- ? - - Ko nmunt r'nTZ c-Ycoliri ft“ t s“or tree “■ re. ! inv- > • IvtuSVo w^rt^wiir^^vcnt U o c ?ppi^«^ Kti& c ^^ ^SS Tv*w*Tow<tet% -wm.tticrMWft the w* 3 of S !i,Ul ' u '"' ari ’ ktvo . tt live ip lellDii-r »A!iTiM%iito; ! A V> » » fp q ** s ” w*™* v»i«> *p-d *»-■ 0., ‘ ,'to, to,-,; p. - -snAiut pa*.-,nr- fcssinow w<>ii>>v?v i-iile-ndnfto. i -L.i'thif , j y i,EP may M>VS ear, VHil «-* v ‘ 1£R , to: utsvi mtacft, be patelil , erl l>y «v. JSfiii tft opt H'v- i'- H. ‘ IvH’LV'iH 'NV-! iu VW'&XT m X ?K-n 8 K1«V, n. * •. . w. in i 'I-:# ti., -e who r . nu- "rnu! ■ Wesimvmii Hud who ma. t dfojnmd u|Son iko ] OSh-e, *n*tJn mi ail irausactiocs witb tht- Bateui \ V»h«t*. Inventors! «> ml mo,lei or aketelj w> t maSie a to ftoiiroli rts : (MStmibbtoity its (5 hi Bau>nt O0ko ,y eAavi/w ta T vivive (i. j { r r-npHii,,'. ■'!«• i-o- 'i.l i to! THiUUE ISitESS 1‘AfEVr IH 08 rusm toX 1 °' ! ‘ C. A. SNOW & C0-, Olipmsao Detent Utoee. Washington, D. V. ■ lUiitors ami Acwspspijr Hea Of thr tov-tov;:- y . j;b', f .rp v.vs B',;> , l }'\ 'ybt$T Ad a u*:Vi tLfc £■.••-Mhucrtx Md., March Tlh „ « 4dich w Db.-t-uiv to inform you ; c ; }>tmm o-asc t. 'i.n’- I l ‘toAiv t il bid givto oerfotft dRlisIffCvdoLto s t'eaitUfo!?- 4. <30 I'M 1 , .(piRiu. t* Vo : v-i . MiUfih to!. y-eV «■*••*!■» iu «* : i<fim*n nii!i:i; tlui j.u.ici- Do? V- t;»r l «... t.:x%rrxt a* i W»n M w.m -a -v etoVy-Vi:..--,'! I>VM ,'.j j. s y , .. Our , ' . ‘ in vtoLik;'- pay»i tui i Is.-Vi.vli m iif-iy VV4-Y. c.: Oi c. }.DA/:K^ --d> I . 1 tv* Shui v , 4n am ■d k*t. iU* : , •'HU pJt'fiPcJ to dt*y hui till'- sfi**. iK^m ■.» v? tod < ,nUf TLfy »Ht1 mx in a - O'i ffk Ld. r«7j ivdti . . it. i-*Kt iiS, r;s).u-n« Prv-L. ik.";X Cu, Vil , IrXU , W. * , M*Mk [ VM II. |H * >. i\tO ' ‘ i a ^ t ■ - < f > ko m i.vuV whv triUikUvtuTjk't tt ic Just liii. H. HAHN M, «2i4 i'r<v. vrtci i>tLiberty. *ne *b->»B:*re ttiaicurria :n >>i f .-iher Is-Unri* HiiuiS ;s- M,,rc4*,*- ■ :,,; ai,,: ■> - efcr*, la nil p#stS of tl.e ,.-‘.ie.ttHy. - ift site may 5«s;s«t r.i»» wsAe i*f T-sa :>t -tt-iSni ItoiiiA. r ..-,-.. , ( :rtll!c*lle. A--: s-mr J.-Vi -- Ollntr.j'u- (-...nltohlili^ hill . ' A LECTURE TO YOUNG On the to. e-f |T?*™«K5KK: ,.:VXr5 4 h;,drr ii'-uawfir.ii. ii-iiaoril by jk- invot-an t,iry tS»;!iwio»-ft, taipfiiei’ey, Ktovoiw DehiiL fj, «i« i mps-tom,; My to Merr-oge ponertitl.s C-e*wnn'iptw'», , uc,{ !%tr ; .Mm,tin »>-.! i’uyufcH rnm^fi-Tty mo. toy iioivrt * r , i >, t u. the “Divio , -V to "*C ..........i :0 , ! " ir - ?n tr,. , .i.Scura i ‘ '* - - - ; i is-o.urt. . ci- * ■ j ; '- «* .t- ii; • !■-' >'.vii I, ,-p ritttic-5 *i> i. iti* assful ,1,-fis Ti""' a 1 ;)ro ' '-” ' ‘;d 'Vu-i'-t 1 ^"‘y operatiouH, um y ri:i:-m“.i v.-i- is.,; in- ! ' "to '■* m-i- pi''!-- •■- :■ ..;! a ■■■ . I o • or,, *---; :»fivt ••••;. Mfi-ct,... 1 , S2* to to:.-' .C? l!1 to «•- -< " " «wa»u-r f * cfao,l tal t L ‘ ’ 1 rad * ^ U - f M-t . ,***., , ^ - [V - H % * ; 4 . , . , , Z’ 1 „ '* y ila /r! ? 1 ‘ » «... t * . .. *«•»•-« '■ UULVtHVVfcLt . MEDICAL CO.. ■lU!i. 1 s:i-m,Smi„rt JW#-«r i*«-yflisv jfnx e*HW II | t|| i ■ - to Savannah, Florida & Western Bail way, Osmiiui. Mm town's Omot. I SerujouK, Huy ■(, U •> > O* ewi nftor hWSiMt, ' ;•■ tod Vi.-w.-i., i Ts,u..j on ’.hi.; Koa4 *U nu> us ftttkms i Ninir, t.^avo Arrive gsi-ni.r-iEi daily *t i’30 a m at-ieiun 7 '2o j. in Afr;v* at Tb..>*?t»,-<vUT0 ** tij'S) am Arrive at iMiubsidga “ !'.««» ilsCd ■’ LteS a Of i k vox 1 oi us _ „ 7 ini ^ as > . . h.., i .S'h’,. ,. j : to I « eu <* >■ '■>» p a; la v * > d hx t kmm v , 1 to § 210 p s/a T.satvi, L.vo Chd* i-wA.DR.y l.e.ave i«-uv« TLoiawndlfo y i j, Hmt.Wktth tw.KI a u; Arrive at, « ■ftoi a s« N<, Kh\m%# of eera bvtwe-m B&ntmnJt and Jnekscu vitto iusd SavauriHU and Aibuny 1 ■ i'u k. -c>pjnj> . urn daily be isve. u aad •.}.K»iieM...nv»;l,v WuvattMS^i ■SCtpi»g can tun listxmyj.t -iu«ksonyiite to and fro*a bud AJbnijj-, *,d anti At baity wittKiiu, oeitag m tT* : -■■' *U-.gei(ifjraju tovVMstiah for FeTtiatsdlc!*., Ot.ii,CHflUe _ uiul Ontat Koya Iuk« Uu» Until, gtj>i tor i'iftrteu lake t«M tyum, i'.-.-v-et-Kt re ,aa Suvanaab for Biuiwwlck t. i. tt.ia train, arrive at lirutbwica C a. in. itofKtA i- ivn ttcifjiWKV, at - .UO i>. l,... «rttve .a EtoAruteU Utvit it. fif. S\w , feuvmg Muenii at T;J5 a. aw (•ttiily itihtoaing Sttnditjfj ootiavot at f.aui, *.m this iraia for Florid*, ».i«f from !,,0*4da by thti train -ut iltaup with tmu, arriving in At*. a; t >. Albany t.i,. y.lHjiy inninding bit - .day **•• - t ’ lI * at f,i,tui, wttb I'a-tsitoug-.r truin' '*•*-'. a : 0 a u'. su ru ifttiiiead to at,A Ah-eotw iae t awat, Atoetfyoeuery, Ai ,.taita A " iJriuusS. hi o. Mail c-tseaeu r leaves .Ttoinhridgo far Aptv f- : .toil t even r-'s .tto> t.fui iUt..5>!Mj ibjjt lt»t uiuitnvtm. OhCHut/Ua evt-ry 'i’wtjwlKy hbd IStti, unit.; i.i-i-.., iv.eattwmn at Jtt.cfc.cmvitie daily , wsfi-j-ii-.i; Ot. iut Uum- opt tt-j.'- , Su iagasimt', i'umikti, lenterpris# wn4 Vdi iuMi twg-s via ftw Joint A MW. 4;1 ; >y* : it * I-, txu* itsitiy uXCi : ' Sn?.da? oLvina T:.ivt,b, .. .... nnii Mar i lk:- I- ttiivd ,-,. i.uwii j/icki-t .. 1 .-.a.. ,;;„t ,u. , ,,i, s* kLr.Ca ..... ■\ V. a, it. iiailuftv r Ut -» A C ;cOMtoi ODATfOX TUADi.— KASTfiitN iii v itoiuto.. Li fife Bisvamin!;. K-iwiisi* cix-epiei!. at 7 ;tK» ft m Leave SliTutoob tuito ft-.b Lease I ,m:i, 7 tis.Vt; Xto.,n:kajbe»r i ■ I iu & spout i'to - * »> r* l- j ^ !. i.vo I-OI OISI '* to live. feviis'ar y.-Ati u m !>-,vs> .1 , . I n k ) p us to* -.s. M AtACiiih i 1,1 Amy,- ;0 Uc.Vannah toi lh ii & Yi EHTFUN DIVISION. Lears Dupont, Sn«d»y« ouTptol, at to-'fc a ra Le«V;; Valdosta , to’ 8 s S 5 s ns JLiCisv;:'ipiisui-sn .* > 9:4A il to Arrive »t Tiut-;' inviUe -- 10;**.' > iu i hito."" r,--.‘to j., p jj. ii Am-.,, at A'.u.vny - t *;.::a it p-> toi l to a jsi j 1 into 1 ft i;: lit 5 p IM ! , L- iNa ik-A p Va' f-to T p r.: A»nv - «: Da petit ?; Wjl «t J. lit* », ht.-.ntrr I'Kii'CirfirtsttoB. L. iiAlNKS, tioti. .Mi,imp,r. M)'UI>LE DAILY TO AN b , rtOBIM # & iji.r - & (no:, Mmtiotas'M t’rvua, * Mie-ou, yiis,, April 29, ’toO. f 1>N aud i ft* r Suitolty , M„y “ i‘. . treiuii u itii.v roast will run fte fOlew: CCMtlJSlUlAMi UOCTL, via Bruiiswick. NIGHT PASEISKtiilii, K-i. \ (Wb Danv. Leav Mf.fien,... ... 7.1, to. M. Sfiie. ill UechrisR,... at? hv At. Aret vs Eit.-.u;;,,!). . . . to ;<£ 1 to. it. Arrive, ik-wp........ BruiMsW fei. - to <5:2? A. M. Atrhe . to,, H! A. si. iKiiv:.: ,tin * ' .w-i; i>t-r stciwsw .. tt:{5 A. 81. &rr s>.’ Fevstoo- tiiaa. ....... t#.K, A. M. Ailiv;., ji.t-vtoemiilfi.......... 1,8" }>. »*, Ai'itve O-tolar Keys...------..... 8:35 1’. M. * pa^rukr, n, ->,Kortb^ix. Leave Cedar Key# ............. 6.2.1 A. M. h ii: i e A. M, ....., . . . L'-*>-V'- f. i-iii'.ilina jh,j- stfiimc-r. P. M. - D.IWIISV!, ...... , . to M ix’Kss L.-miswick...................WhP, M. L,-pd(W|!.................Ift’JJfi to. M. Artivti Utostniftit.......t......... 8S<1 A. 51. i?n« Oe. Vi;,!-,.. ., 4;3h A. M, ArPiVtrtt il«eei......... . 6;.{.£, A. A!, Ulosi- cumu't-tUm mt-Unison U.-t &U Minis Nortii, Juiot u, d VY6»t via AUiinta and An DAY ACCOMMODATiOsN f»Q. 3, Jgjwtb. Y;:j ! , •y!|)Lto 6 Oak —Daily c-xeept S'nVly Leave hhiatn, ....., . C :SR A. M. Arrive s'oiYm.n ■ . .. . 9 a to A. M Arrive JEuslosoo.,.. . tOdBP A. M. Arriv-,- JeMipto;-........ , C;»F*M7 Arrive at JusiksmiviHe,. . 7:35 A. M. Na 4, NORTH, Das?/t seept Suniky, Ijsmve l, Ji-.-. JeckaonviUe**. . ........ s'cljj IV U. uvt-. p................... C.'iSA.M. LliVI- l. ...... .......... J, avo ..............*.....3i>. M, Airiito Mwtito- - -------------6:10 V. M. Oemieels ui Macon for point* North, Enst »s*. .1 Wt-ss, I Li WK LN8VILLK UKaNCH. Freight and Mccoaimc^ation - Diuiy, except ailudiiy. liter® Om-lirat;...----- .... . JftOO p. yp Arrive -.1- Uawfehimile........l.U'.-4yp. M. Lom-trci*. at tiKovan with items Noe 1 .end 2 to and froo ikm LvftVa '<'o«ii.“8n., ... .... .... 5j;is A. M. Arrive toave lU«'liit - HnwhiuiiVilio.....«5;0W s'»aie,------ A. hi! 1 .... 2:45 i>. V, - * - ' o -.*’.- c n m - .. *......... ,«*»,» 4 'MX 1*. .V. Loi.u ;:■*-t, tooobrau with ththoi $ end t »« anti from Mac-on,. .j A ji yi_ UUW4A-I.W A Gt-n HOiW w. j. ,i r I m-n fl H . y —. (p \ *4 § 11 fl J V MONTH trs-iranWed. a Ly ily bis at !wffl.£> »iiide bv ttu.« lutlu,:. r v to w i.riens. Capital 1 »ot K-jaUed- JUUU, > * *v« a whl itart yoa. Men, women, tmya, «»! s i r ]s n nk<-was* y iH-slcr at ^vrk f'U m thm %t an$thu># Tto work is hgbt «n4 itUl » can rgirt at ■ ‘-t l it- m- V't-n iLh aoto wl ■ ‘ -»'-. ! ,,-k- 4 . bfiv.i,,, Up ini . ■ -mins Of uiouiiy. Adtirv-e Anpusta, Maine Lw 14-lyr -------- la P it P 1$) ® A> £6 v. m t 4'-V; Roto ill stm's Gr-at World's Iutposition New Electric Light Show, Animal Omt cn'Vtolory Amc u :mn uml fVv-'" 4,1 ■lit ^kK/j HI H Tf»f tm 1 jpsssii Cl.rcis! Will exhibit at ft2S*S ^ ? *t:~r . v ' 1 - -» ■ c, V *V4 f.-d | i to ef.d u mm j "to i'ND g ton* ... ^ . K-pg#, ■—- a.',* , T'iMBw*— 1 'Xt'P m Sesun. Saturday, October S3, J880. ThU enUy.appcintod MOTIKL VONSTRU KN'TKRTAINMKNT . invdra. . nriti- . , maantla and <■'« .’ea^aa omopar w-'n. tfcneo is g ball ao varied and «ompreh«nai»e on d*. mu'. <t.:t-c «b»nl H apir span n»w. It ia iu no aonae one of the old time «mi v„- d,ftws of t!,e pMi, i-c n firpi'ih.,,1 on a teak of immenaity ItHliwio upm8*M. itrrt- 5 VK.itV ACT ..nd V’l't'T. It I 1 NoVKf.TV. Tim entire sirio of voat inivii-ona liaatly illunjih.ttad > n, tie no-* Crum Mlecttip Lh:ht, iu ntatiy rurpovite yrCe-vS-io to the va-toao Ovvyv-As. V'.^A. Urqu{*-ing sspttciaOy raastnito d Mtoaoj riven. -,f «n#»iy ljoew* pewt-r, for tin* g«n«nUkn ° r ' *>-<•**.» »•-**%'. », *1 i: i.s *u ttf .........! wlr", *it Mirn-uiHliny otii«v>ts w ill; -• •- nil's, i-io ~w ■; 7 y torTliiv-it Tg 0. i-.-jUnlisM' .« in.t«t,in!y iiptt UlO HOOtulay h iii. a nwlSiiB of k«o a .-n. . T> . > o-i, uso i ,u o u>«>fili<>ti w Ui this »'»» <vu» s *u«*«f oh -i f,-,.r this p-arpois-'- ?:>y Oj(s toiiatotorg Sttsul Ku^inu COni|'iau)f, df Ftiuh h,\rg. Mms, /he v -V//.V-.V/ and 71csi TROHIT, OF ISSII 0 CELEBRITIES Lvctt hiHOsstoiViil llv auisi. mu, ii- ffcTto-iiig ramo bnt iJv.Giute novcliioa in the eijU-r tsiiiiiieiii-j ot ti.o nog. ,. to , r ,-;■;.) A - ? :? W7- (M V^Z 1.0 h ftoifi f., im ,.4f» we i-sfv-.r,:; ,,f tt.c )*„ t MAUI, ts in A.ltr(';.r}«*, ft!l of nest fticl *.. suifi 5 il* . ■ -• -to., con loll -.1 v. .Ui n v v v* i»U|iurio>i:j ami ti!eoiiiuus Th-» eW'O-nUi to »■!, -o I V . ;!!!>; , ■ o( l Vito t ,».t»iHl.l( , Bills ftft.f U 'JiLi.'S Oil Ul« «WgD« WtU tWM Jl e* liiiuftU . LDf‘ vTAS Mn'< and Female, from it s ?«?s( 1-7; s-s rienHc nnd Gyinuieestablisbrnenta the world hurt produt-ed. CITRimra AND n \ HK IfTfXVto OF THE «EA, IMMENSE SBMATHAN iiillNOtAdtOA UV5NO d nwopOT AMT 0 CRE^TIA) STEM M V TOPI'S, AFRICAN NYLGHAU, RIDING CYNOCKPHAMTi •DJOON, GDI ANTIC NRM’dOtodC. iJKKAT \Jt.\KA EbAXu. WHITE JA VA BHACOCILS. ROYAL Y A K, THE IIaKTBF.EHT, CABlA BARA, OK WATER HOC, LiViNO KOYPTIA'N b’ROCtod)! !.!; (20 ks i U.riii), AFRiOAN AND COLORADO A NTT. COP K8, POONA if. "TV. ,\ su SLOTH BEARV and u» <-d «< coBiKttioD of all the rare De ists, BR-cLi and IiepUlee known to Natural II isLey ; nmm^dWM &:m rvw'm I' A A k \ ; . p j \ \ :;o-" r-' 1*25*. tSlO-- Xkv; y" X ' -c - IX"’; -iaafa wmBk : ‘X- ? ! ■' " ->• - r-T). ■ WiB v c- i-1 ■y...; v-v.-c v . ■maw tMM. ' * -.. - a* HERD Off MONSTER ELEPHANTS! Tramad differently from any In . xi- 'cnee, ftfd Sttlbradingevory Inown »p ole», frcai |fc» tiny yi'xlltig 1-- lun fttapeoiliiun unde. A COMPREHENSIVE COLLEGE OF EDUCATED ANIMALS ! Tlio most oo.n3pli.>to and exhaustivc Aeademy of finite Hoholere ever estabiished. A Mapitaj! Naveliy Paraie! This GRAND SrLC'i'AClJL,\M HOIdlHl STREET PAGEANT wiii be an aeoepte . hu> iauoTftt'on on <ti« oJd faeiuotird Shoe i'eiadeaof too past. Alt it* mmmwu* *»< f < W*oiu#tr«oUi «tn rpn-h mihu sew, «H gttnthw wi*h the "been «nd gHtter of *ir gin buinnihecl jali Evovy ofej-'-< i -.t. tt pus-ww the MtoUer, a novel (um 5 pledging eue J>rKe. The ext. nib si r-*’}- -> < of Oft,; n, lit*nfe, Vans am! 01i*n<»U au. masterpSeaeM of tfeo eJaboTate wc-rkinanaliipi am! wtilpear »nsnch cloaer inapeotwn than can he gainod iw they 'fw»» along-th,*'Sireej& Kv-ery 'cage ts a atnsty In ifuoif. a»ci myrlatl visitant ieside Ui« ceovfta wdl And th-.-m to be quite»» mneh of an attraction ee the eurioeitiee tht.. our <i t Uoasni iweopScH etiTiw-in. Tm unh}m; l'«oy Ohari-vto, drawn 'ntaimted fiy half a bWbt-i .SiieUand pimiefc 'their h«iws« mannfMitiMred of fttiaam leather, end with solid g , )fd . lUe Baw BU<l eoaU y Urn end Imim. the EUsphaett, Oemeia end 0rmMdwit»; hK eh-gmitly fvipMuoaett; with the epUu-Ud ret!no« of Umg Horeem Pouiee, M-ilw, eta., alt mv^ji ilki’titf? wilt* wurirrge aail harming u> wA i» iln variety uf ati raoiiona *hi»n xh* Uiiium |.utj,'uuuu > f amueiil EiO pt, n , r y , uitn,, hr tii arlmvii W !h-‘odhiu^utn Um : nnd n ‘> «wr« f/tu.< . v cAorsf^ % mrnor skomwiik otafy on* of two Unis. «■«•» P«-n«rw ; .:»«>. snnty. Boor- »» n s. »* M.. »«,i « «». »t. 4slmia*u>n, ?S mmte, 'Meduced flet/es on 'JZailrouds ,