The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, November 10, 1880, Image 2

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JESLT smVtftZl. I IT « I.Kl'irUl Mtioi W«»*W***Af» «#*. *«' »**“* this mass?.* >W #**««*> 5foW*»M»-r A4t »*•»««» YORK. <smm • ■« NEW - All mutter lohndM for prfifcatii-H »f| ilo .-*> i&/umn*> <my tengfh, to nr der /., * - -iff*'- riiw *'fi**f*, Antth) l*’ handl'd m Atfer USkdi iRw%. Ad comm whtdtom must. t** tutmm pa hj a retpttmMi for mfttx.noe. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. The Democratic Sys tphus Still Rolls the Stone The cratie Foci says Garfield Legitimate The Democratic Thurman Retires before the Republican Kellogg Regular Coit.-*t*»iOviK- t **ap ScOfiaut. W,w«OK?to», It C, N©r 6. J880. j The bold Des»«#r«ti of Wtbhinf. 1 t ft aw iltt Tttir.sday m^niag t > tb« 1 u»ni*uw that ti ©7 b«4 «gai« played called ihe foot i« theuna<t r «D«ial fkret vbe Pr«*id«t>tlit! i-lection. The fool hardiness of tits osterrified Democrat i« nubiima. That he cnn*»w»«>« *•» vole v.-»r .her year with »b« f.itb of n i-.tiiid, and tb« perviuNrtwo of Synapbo*. ioapirea #Hh< f or awe—Ii der.opd* eu buw you lo«k at it. 1 not'ea that same demoerata are fe lio.iRtiiig theniwlvel with Ut« id®* that Oar Sold ha* b««o booavtljr ek-eted, and tbat lb« aounlry will m»*, at »«>•»», be •ii«gr*®«d by a fraudul'-n* PrwWwl. Nncb onligbtesed igtoora*.®® wip, fo'srnt l top*, «*Moh in the tnora to v> « «re p. wtwnding. l»* auffimeet e»u*e far di»fr*Oibis«TOeo*. There will never again be a bg«ti« mate Republican nut! vn apposing admloistration h*s ia «* tefbit. I* any one *» simple •» t» he beve tba*. bad Tildeo had hi* right*, <3 arfield wob hi have isseo elected / If, then <j.»rtl(*!d owes his saeccssioa to tiro fra»4 that »«;aif<i Ho Hayes, i* he not of bimsclf u flraudl is the ptoknfe all fraud, the lineal d«M«a4ant of lie, political abomii ftdoo* of the c«ote<»; nisi year ; and if there is »• Anaerie n vtuz^ti vn« nan re«t ®a*dy until the temple ©f the United States b** been •courged and »eour*d of all that pe*ti Imee, m moat tfee worse for tbs aitixoa sod ter America. Of course wo can do nothing new, bat bide’our time; we have ©owe upon evil days. • Millionaire stock holder* and maoufactuters, utterly devoid of jiriocsple, patriotism, or eulor*; s»bt*i tons only that they ahalt he osdi* tar bed in the enjoyment of tbo good things of this world, have more ioda* e»ce, through their wealth and the vote* it eoQtro!*, than the Boron* of the taiddla ag* * bed. Through their powerful oseiwtanoe. and with an isn mrnee army of offio«- holder*, tbo party in power ha* ivocn aide under the forni* of law to practical f y dwelare ilse’f p*-r tnaoeot, aod tbi* is monarchy in *U but the name. It aeems now that the Senate i- Re* publican. Thttr»»n foe# out and Kel« logg comes In. Oh 1 the loveliness of Republican rule, where stateamsuabip must give way to petjtmra and thieve* Wbiikey, ,\o advertisement whisk appeared in our column# for th# past month, and which has been oonuptemniriy pa»ted *B our court house door, »* anffioieut wurning to our people that a strong *ff-irt is being made to bring back info our midst tba* monster evd, intoxica¬ ting liquor. The following extract from a letter, signed W, P. Ward, ami pub¬ lished to tba Coffee Cotiuty Gazette, me comatccd to She rousidefatian of our reader*; *‘\V« claim t> know (KUBclhing uf those mho would call tltoutsolves tb«.< toitigsfeir#; and we orb openly, »r,d we think safoly, any their motive fm *n«h ao not ># no* to bandit tfc« cids n* < f tt» eo©sty, whether the act shall or shad nut be rspeofed Tha first qn<-e tioo should W will it p#y ! W ill it In¬ to our interest? Sh»t it improve «.*9»&t}? I foot it dttntBkh crime, tb»a d*»o trouble and in*tire proaperity *o the rising p«ocr»tP»»i? The*© question* Lav# bovfi Sfi#wercd a thouaamd time*. It i# *.-ii“ugh to look oroatid u*, !>u* when we |nok hack oo the past hietory what 1*8 bi$n*ry hcrrtble i« »w©*>* are pretented’? the kunorjr *»f war, of of rate. It it the An©/nr. and \li»rio-ip}i| among the wOrthfeg* rivers. It is the Alexander and N po leou tiiiiotig the warriors upon th<. peace ami cieots, good of mm, l‘y its tears have laa-r, ah, d enough to toake a oca, and blood enough to redtka the w-sves of every oeesn, and wr»»g chorus ««t the wwtfing lamoniatke enough of to m*kc a to the under world. !: is the f«th> r of prison* *#d osyltim*, a destroyer of pane©, e worker «f mi®; te ctuiMcy <>( bell. I* ha» brought tions greet ctrie* to r.xugl.t end na¬ u ntio Babykj®, the wonder of tfe« world. Kgypt, tba source of eetene* b» 4 tii-we.y «*slier#, each in it* turn, ha* bad she bruit !«©. rated with this deadly «*a.k«r worm, tta4 b««e*»c a.® easy prey to the destroyer. It is a by4r*-.fe«d«4 uionster, wttfata wfeasr «o»! }o« wr« rained f«t t tm in e worth it b## per* k»P« duns more t«w«rd feijsgiug earth and bell together the© stay «*,« { m of T’cc, Tke vomit* -i* mm Mim tke S-eiifflc of our coettty. and feii yet f t ‘buffi to #*y wbrtber at not Um mn »b*U fee reptjtled.asd we true* with th« ***** attitire for good, and teewriwg L-sting ;>«»ee that the act wn« ynaerb with the «#«»© cnufidcutw may tt (tiled. sss TMM mmmmm ^BL«_ S m ■; SSis ; K ! 32-, rifeT ’■* wme^ gH «?] TO - * - t\\V 1 Wk I pztim HSifi m ****«'«'Hilff s a § BMJ f* -aT5^ HMm if ss & F «t _. m wp And rumor has it that hw election is to b* contested. A nice case for com st, isn t it? Keep this, and let us see lmw they wjII manage it. We hope, however, the rumor is untrue. Our School system. In our ia-ht. we ctvllt-h uf t. idii.n to &* article heiui d, "tdr«M of a 1 ittv «Uer, ’andatete.UlAt wa might have something to say in reference thereto. While it does hot represent things altogether ns they are—Jesttp having several privst«j schools, with «xcell©ut testehers -yet, at the same tiuio, it in full of 6 <d for thoaght. Our p ople to*ki to been tbe let well ♦monf'li alo* e orA*r—laeki g <f witt rjiriso and go aitaadativetni h The/ attend to their own huttmews, pro /kte for and odueato their own oh jl Iren, but seem to lose sight of the fact U*at there nr© public interests to be a lvaneed that will enhance and in eraam the valuation at their own pri* vate int<Tents, and that those who art able to take care of tluanselvtTO are the very ones on whom rests the rcaymnsi bilitios of prouvotiug genera! good. Straws show whieh way the wind blow - I'hia traveller observes tha' the e iunty is out of debt, the people making plenty, and eongrat ula! - th* ni upm ttu: fa< t.; but. he aces n public iustitutiou of learn tug, ai.-l dtaw.M to hitnadf thu cutn-luhion th > we have no fachitioH for tit© ©duca tion of the masses, Solar as tlu Academy and a ftahiltg advcrtiwm««t in tli© local paper is conccmetl he is correct, nof..withstanding the fai*! that we itavein the most olegibU position in our city a building that might iMtobtuiutxlon retwomvbl© terms, roiutsh led an l made into an academy ala small cost, corupktod and put in first class ordir by the first of January, ltfel, that would U* of ines tiniabl© value P> Jcsup ami the stir rounding coutrv, situated as w<- in. at the junction of. the S- K A W. by : ,% M »t }>. R. II. with ample hoU-l Cu ciliiiea and acxomuiodatioos, where reasonable board Could be obtained, Wo lutve several schools, aud tlu -, are all well patronized locally. scholars, Th* ir iciw-hiTH arc ©fticiciit and and e.icii and all of them huv« their ftn-ariu.* who patronize their school;--, and unless these schools were all sulniiergwi into one, thu ids-a < ’f fh« Academy would be a faihuv, for it would not bo Mipp tL <1. and our al ready pc«p«!»r tetachers would hold their sehoiare. But, as we said before, we see m> roa'sou why w© should not have awgafariy organized and systeui kdaeatkiB'-a l'rcsideut Board of Diraetor.s-—a pr.neipa! and an ©ffident tetehora . ! to different gm.h* of mstructio!!, in sepantfce ©pitriaients, merits. in a fine pnblie sehuol building, beautiful that would vio iu i-oks with our Court House, and fee not only an or muoent to -fesuti, but a source of revenue to her. and a support to fed ent already at work witltm her bor dors in the capacity of tea© Iters. Let our city fetkew look into thi« m.-itL-i Let our School tloimniabiou era look at the magnitude pcopit* awakn «>f theques tion, «rid let our to tb. fact that Utoy are ©KTping on thru rights- -that they live tu a dnv of pr» gross*-Shut energy aud (:itter[>V!se sut.i tact arc btnUling up th© wa»to places, and that pronjicrorts tow ns and vil lag» j s» j n Ateorght, or etoewhore, are only reaping th© friiiis of their ia,wins aud that whatever of these hu-iiitkb anti advaiitagtis -L-sup hwks is ht-s own fault- tins want of ©uergy and <*o . -p* ration. Thanksgiving Proclamation. At e© ,.cn-.1 ... their but-ry «®Ce • be United Sales Brumes nation, has tbi* ptwqik hid »® at>M«datii »«d *,» rrsinraSL’twtr'ss: #nljirt-t to #» pmb mid w« i»Wgauon t« | 1 *C thank# top Ui* hieing litwW, £j:X:£r and priwpenty throngliont at! otu ©©filet a j }«•«<• , bower and friend .-big Willi ail the WfirW; a tirm atnj fnifLfi.} atifewrence by the great bo y u| our pr-pyiaffo© to the prjt «ip»«* of liberty and justice which have scad© our ttrcaln©*# 6# « ns'ioc *od t<i She * g. ioaiitniiuna a ad K'rot.g form t,( gov i-srui.i;M si.d «©ei ly which nil: ,-et.d to peritsutate it—-tor nil then© let the tl< alike of « hnpj y aud atiitj-tl gn-o( l.-, a« with <w© voice, aswnd iu honsagu to Ums i!iv»r ul nil Qo*d. thertfuM} rveouit©*®d that m Tt.uis,* d«y, tiStjb ; d*j ©f btumtiber ©ext the pttipW wsil trseet tu tlitir rorpcclite |ilac<* of worship to make thi-ir owkt-owlrdpeotrt ta ©t Almighty <7-'-d for h» bauuth* an.I | rotretiow, ataj to affet to him sr«jei» for their too iwteme. 1« w ttea, vtWuf l have heuutmo ae; i, v i.suit ami c ittsed the iWAl uf the l.’titnm St«u-» to be affixed. De.-e at tho City ©f \V*#b lttgU>n thw lm ihf of Nww&ilht, - IwO. tit the iuikfmimm ot 4he Tutted 8fet» ike ©ti© ha © art'll and fifth W»i. iM«gti«dl M n ii. Hm.-*. Ktauis H'.e'y of St»t.J l4r Southern Gardening and Fruit Culture. T l ' P lv l’ ri< '-' th © South. r„ “«'« *£■»» 1 a ^ premium f/ "' h t»f One JhiulnA mi.i 1 tllars for a \\oil oil \ uit.rAi.i t. Gakdknixo a\'i I sr;r Cr: tckk is thk ; ‘octhkrn' Ntatcs. The rapid momtM in tbrsc libhwtn. m the South has created a denmnd tor a pracfiaal and popular work on thin important subject, adapted to and Uw- L.ti i tudea of th- South Atlantic (■ •.:: States. I hero iu-, • a imint**T of %vt , written Unit - published at the Nort on Oardenitv.'.utd Fruit tlnltum but ; owl to the diCteret.eein l tun.'e. they • arirti-.u acte;--tod to the wants of t»«r I j !" ') .c.r sncli a 'voric as m in. g timiod ••©> v<, vo .tu-n by a Southern author, why _ ^ '■ send a reward Notice in ? ,oi tint iflQO IT ad Hid UO Bubsorib.'-rs ; is cfijvl offered. ion* j SJI ltd K s Farmer's hav,> M <■:), tlu;ta tins m< 3 i th f p h the tuli r> 1st will of j ent ■ , i up j i •1 itnuary, ldrt'2. I li tvi> no mor© thmbt of the hone ;),nd floial Liver c.ftcet« Cure of V. than araer’s I have Safe that Kidney the J ! Gomt-r m< s wniitus wtlo l,d,et Ua y ■ " ‘ f ‘ ■ n>i ,,l > /! * <»0fc»h iK 1 MPRDVED Exmsma Cure Your BacMe And alt rPoaeae# of tin Kidney, Itlmldar, aU-.l hmx&ry On; by wearing Uta 1 miirotet! Kwebinr K iiliteppati It i* a MAHVRLof JUiKG am? SILL IKE Simple, SfiidMr Direct, I’stlu less,. JHIVK-I ful It wi’«s.r«* t»n *»••*»(? fills, a HfABlafion m a «;n«t ion -ia Mc-Ticus^, Ab-H’irutDm «.*r tu sic in m X? .ieunf *W<»*e* U, K'-iuy >\<- £ h. i sor our u ‘ •*“ 1 1 *iM by d by f itrir , i \* u va o» X William. D IIIik jVIj.v W $hi »<> other. tr.;i , A fte AY Or Y # I %Ti ^9 w m ' THE VfVu -At j urn© Wufe A B>OIU»i IO.\ Oshii'i-k «;»> ii. LUNG DISEASES, TH IDAT DSSFASES, : BREATHING TROUBLES it r nti rM m o th • # nit ‘ urnthe :<■ 1 him! h»»-n-l?rte mcrSitrifri-t ut if ttlili a -it:, 4 part: the !» S. j «•!!« iinti cMt*v Avalti. Tb«Ms«tIMl* Ttmtiiy t« M* 1 trine* , Can he Ru%ved and Cured s j ‘&vZ l rX h ©vWsSfflat*, or *i-tit bv matt no rt-cnioJ m £tf.r # t 6 »MJ, by Tho ,0rJy ' Tn ' 8 * tvihuci* kio «. “‘otist*,. IMr-t. Mleh. , | jffi, SPJ® i I s ff®o T f 4* | DUO LI ** from *>*'*&'* a ai-i.p., Ti„, teal . ,-.ii ..1 U-. : : tjiltt #*”-*«'•• , <“ for ait tm aaeathateauw pain* in •: .- m rt «r »h« STOriW »«*»•, TerjiM Qtavel, Matorw, Un-t n aibtL,* •■dauBdit* Kidney*, iin-i a ‘ « the Uver aub t’riii.sf.- Vs, y-,.» | «. t:t» mid iHi f make the « f *i -.-m,- !!C*5 H lie w ‘'"i- t itidmtm rx-mmy titer. • ©©»< f* »»w t*/*©.,),-. < • * »»**» j * 1 . ti Vt %M\ rtf * i*#,; • OCH 4fUO» um ■‘inkier, %. > i] KIDNEY PAD ATTENTION CLOTHING BUYERS ! NEW GOODS, NEW STYLES, NEW PRICES IN MEN’S, BOVS’, AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHIN .* V, -AT BENJAMIN IT. LEVY’S, 101 anti !0” f’ougrcs.s P(.. corner .fellerson. Savannah, (Ja. 1 lake this mufcSt>J tn inform my fr>nds sn l that I am now r»iN»paroJ to exhibit te largest ni»«t omn|>ief#* Him of MENS’ BOVS, «rul CHUJIRFN’R SUITS, rs :?©m ©i® imw wmssra st ostoulohiu g low jirtct K. Gunnl your intenat and save money by calling at B H LEVY’S, KM im* f*r»t»crro«R Sfreoc SRvmioaluOa ^ mm & mM<) w -i ksai.d dk \i.r.nt* th Dry (aOO(Is and Notions, Boots and Shoes and mn mu hi! m. i.iiiiiii. NO L7 OONOmuSS STKKKT, a a T? ' LJii B! \ '—* m v % | j T *] t j rw=* S P&a Um ■ % * r..... 0-1 vr PATENTS ©tenia..’ for new, or for iuiprov, . >»euM in ..lit no - I' .v.a ... Trade.Mark* a lit niton r„! Imv firm* to, imvriovji Tint mn hms iu; .BC TEW uiay sill;, n mo* ' .-.-l-a. tin jlatctit - *d by «« Being Opposes *'-e U, K, Patent and engage,j in JMTK Vf III SIAESS KltbtAimV, « ean j- e ,,j “•*» l *'% th r who uri * r Wasatngton and who otuat «I»j • al np * ii the mails in ail iranauoiion* w.tb tit* r * t-u *jrtW ' J?®' ««ea Inventors Mod nwdd or sk S;- we "'t * *o lts p» etatabihty ! b r *>'*“’ tree ° <g a “’: dmre * U ' S •’ *'•>'" c ■ r ■ reH|ion>ie«aw> eonAd i- w, mm NO CflUUlE t SIMM P.iTf.YT I.S (Hi TUAKil. Kor »j*t cial r, f.. rsn.-t-g terms, advice, A .V i.lrjbo C. A. SNOW & ro, Opposite Patent t>rik-«, \\ a^tut.ktoo, D. 0 j 0 2« f "ecttoe toyouno men ,.,.... ,’^^1*^-4 ,, w . 1 1 *. ot , * 1 - , y ^ - *MuiSI£iS« A ttu- Nitnii-f. Tirauurnt aud notioai euro of b tauterrhea, ii;d toxy Maiwmoua, iiajn *v. and “ftJSSu™-.*................... X2^1!Z2&"Z££2Z‘X ■ibu-io m,j b«i ffi‘Ct,uui:y rui»fi»od wj hpat i dowgeroo* vtlrgical opr, rat ion*, botgi : : atruoteota, wote riug*. ur oonlut’a, poti.L g out a ot cute at onoe et-rtale »«4 <fi t ::t tiy b-biots every Ottfferar. nc matter what !>... uOiiimoa may be, mey cure Uiiuoeif oite»).-lv privately tt«d rii-ticaily. This test .tre wilt prove a 5*,,. (him sored#. Boat under was, j® » pbra em-r'i p<», to «ay udifrosii, on receipt of g.x cetua, or two postage nfrtmtM Aibiftwa the iiuhliritars THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO.. «) tn« Wrrrt. New l»r jiiii to lyr l\ »t OWcs foi 45W«, ^^afiua^Ksi: ^WANTED Sf»TS J i»r?5555:^ fit ¥*T. <t 1l i«5 .-nr ^'-' ™ U 11 1 0°K EPHBaTm 'T**' ' v ! 0i Blow*, >Wil4 *' 1 ' Lomu, Saw-W Attorn y and .* I-Mt l\ 4. A FrnctUw* reguJji t>J !» ti!r€0Ul'S ( ! U VI k C l.-u)> l»»«5ra 1 y JOHN I). ftOMi’II, Attorney & Counselor at Law AND souerrou y.v i\tcn v, J»>t I'. (. I © 'Vill pra. tioe In the (ir-ntt* of the IImito a ick Circuit, and \>y *|toe<nl oto tract lit oth¬ er Courts of the State, n-oUutuig tfco Statv Bwprr ine Court, SaUhfactory r, ferru.-ea given In « I rum k whib dovired, jaiil-tyr THOMAS C. HUMPH, Commissioned Notary Public, and Ex-Officio J. P., 1‘Wlth WstrirtN M , W»yne t o., Ka C ourts b< !<1 in the Court II. use firttt Siitartlay tu «?acb month }unIf. tjr A. 18 ATTOliNHY AT LAW, BLACKSHEAR, GA I racHcrs rcgal.-u ly jj, the count!** ooai »K M Hrmwwink Circuit, and iu tl-w Usstriot »t il Citcait Court* of dj* (jniUd Ht*u at fl ivituottli for tiro Southern lit* trict of Ooovgi* : *______ spll4 lyy ........ a. 11 51 ABB X A. J. CaoviTT. MABRY & CROVATT, Riunswu-k, Attorneys at Law, . . Obokuia 1»RA*“rn * «*« Olvan, k R Applli in Pfe th* co,ist(K!* ( aanivii t*f syiui g, m*, Uoffe©, \% „| ir {*int i )k- Brun r-w icit Circuit, aud Twlfai Of fbe Owmm le, t irtuu. r nidi 3J Ijr : sr WM NOBLE, Dentist, •a m,«iir % it. ar t,, tfiilly informs the e : t * n« of Pierce and adjoining counties !fiat l.c Is prspartid to da alt kinds of aotk known Vo bis pro fnssii >n. 'it -th ex! rn .1 ■ ■■ i a s hoi,t pain by the »»«•© of nitrous ox <)« for laugbtng gw>. Work wnriAiitsd, and „t , » low jun-i-s us can be (lone elsnwliete. Until further notice, I w'U *f>cn 1 one vri- k ill each month at the fo lowing pieces 1 si week week in in Brouswick; iiazielittrst; 5Jd w.ek in jvwvff; 3d 4th week in Black sh*u»r. 1 yt Kditorsi and Ae*sjtaj>er Men of tit,; *e*i«Htry iMMiume Jah, HOSS» PaTKNT 001.0 W.ViVi! CASKS, As s f»nt«i, n-*d itw> lolltm Ing: It Idri-s ftailllKare. Md.. March Wily »«s#. I*”* ©alf'h me pii-aviir,- ium.„rui vi-h trial tUv .la,,, ■ 1 * fin m ! Have i »t «t bar ,-iveil ih:i foci «» tt#lii(rti<m. It »v;ti» li.-ainlfiitij-, T. KiN(HHM.O. Kd- «0*i i'l' fi. '2'eieeruiii 1 . »*fc« , 1* Fityrttv, bid,. March #lt. l SKt. . pawouni in urHuHnwairsfttw Jmm fk«MK ! - u ffctt RS wen! a?- uatiHL W. s, fJNiibk, «f iJuuner. Th>». Mo? Srt Yvh Uhl. 1 H^ Our maib’i'.Tt arn >ii ft /*alt'M i-c, »>,ij rtinjttuil | that it ( 414 «i*t iw Ik mly u> any w»>\ STATE LSADKA* i'Xi,, laths, tvwa Slate C-a.k-r l Wi M .roil Mb. ba am pH a h ifetu t m* .1 ■ Bos. 14 * ftir h vc St* A*Ht}?«}) -i>Tu. Uvry, Uf <*v my ti?~ ’i* iu*? mf I’ten L <L L U *»* « k:ut tM7lU»V, M l\ ektkkh, K*l. ami i‘t-(»|i. tr L C<*. TUn-...*< Thu Ti.umtu. WO , March Jrtth, fro vm tfh eg i have ,.f rnskt.- i* i« t > ( way tsM tsMUory: iv li» j l*l<k luiitl Ml A OOv ti HAHNeM, Ed.and Prop- fwdt ur Liberty The ahtjY# ti (s Ckiqrsirttid it* by ij«isiir*?d* of other Editors an wed **# Merchant*, Mrcimriie# and Jew hi ad pA te of the i try Tfcia in the only imttni ».-»*<- made of Ta« l»i{tU‘K of RMtilid *;o*tl, lt \* warmnf«a by ^ euil eertIRcafe A»k v'twir Jeweler tur tllui-tnu.,1 catab^m? eoiiLiihluir full km T1IK (JEXUINE SIISIl ? Ai- u PM um Mm m | m j . xi j mr^ a siwiifi mm j ; W ■Mil; i Will pr»v#ot ©twine. ear* or No SOM* will Ate of ©©we, B«ts or Less ?* »*», If Ifarm't Pow*!*r»*re a*ed ia tins,* ruauM fowdsr* w i! l am an# prv v i-n u loeCmta* a aouereautweaty E5S5JSS?-SSiJJST'oI?^ <nZu* , perewtw so# amts tho mat fins « ■*«**“ »._. - SontsM IWwdtra will eoM«ri»vveatalin<Mt>r«av Di,***» to Wl,li-a Honct uwl C*ul -1 »ro rnia*,--.. ravm fowosaa wim. «wv« 8 *w»v*cth»*. ^ 2 i I rorrr*. 8 ax,tikob. 2 m. . i i.4 tyr .V * •>* \x • - ^*Sfe X53»" a k X ft 5 I - * twPASEnetak ! IA Agrtcultura! Jeuraal Published ia the South. ' THE SOUTHERN r«a7 arami. % A tAEOK QOABtO of W paa«»- bnaaetwaaly pn»0 -,■! IUi«« mtl: -t-r»*rS ,n« of laaaMat te tb* TOr writ, wlrti mi tHaMWated fMfcteu AepartuteM for (ta latlbe ‘ * Wl,tt i8r “TJ’ssar <ls : ‘ « wmwa, " |«fw «/ -w t.f mmfmmit. the ‘ Owtf 'PV s «h' %k? : m# m * *« mf Adstra* sat 4^tW* . The iiudersiguetl informs the citizens of Jesup and surrotiml ing country that he ha accept¬ ed an agency for the above named machine, and is pre !' ar< '4 10 f“r» them* r» sormble terms All in m*ed of a. machine that is FIRST-CLAS* in every it's peel, would do well to avail fhernselves of this opjmrtiunty. Call on, or address T. P. Littlefield, Apit J i Yitit LS l ' i i % I * * |.0 i >1 l r N n n h, ’ (»a. t JeStlp, j BI Savannah, Florida & Western Railway. Cxx-rtui, ktaxatuts'* Ornoa, > SaviNX**, M«y ‘23, 1880 { 0) and ,<fi t r HVh DAY. M»y i»3rd, Pa*M«t*pi»r toltuWSj Irumn on Ut.s Hand wtSi run an K1011T KXl BESS. 1 .we Sim n nab daily # t i -.30 p in Arriv« at 4*« tip «:30 p TO Ati if* at. Ttiottiar viifc 4t <800 a to A, Arrive mem AJb*#| Baiubritlg® “ 8:40 a to hi » uj Active *i L ve tfefc if 2:00 » m .Arrive Kt TbtlHbMMMi *» 7:W it TO Amv« at JuoKaouriilo •• ftAO a ill I* »*e T*Btib«*MMi fetW j. m Leave »J aukirori ' t tie 6SJ*) p in 1 »•>(*« Lire Osh i» ti:lA p in Leave Albany 4:00 p to Leave B«i«J>r»dge A tlS© ft to i •> n*e T to in »h vUie 7:80 p to l.<-«ve .JlKlip 4s 3 © » to Arrive at Savannah 0rt iW • m Nor I mi«e of o*r» between Savumah and and ttrtveuuHU and Albany t'u.iiTOTO Pekoe Sleeping <: ara duly be t»ee© SaVttbtwti and JockauavUle. Sleeping oera run Uir««Kb to and front tvviiiidHlt »to 1 A ‘!J.y, itoU JaekHonritio and Albany w about eliftti^e. 0*b Pawengvrv from Havennati for Pemaudina, , hv»lt« »u.J Urdor Key* take tlti* tram. P:t,een>;.;r* PiB»enger« tor D*rs«n ult« tbiatr on. frotn lor tfrunawiek take UiU tram, arrive at Hrvumrriok ti u. TO. IWenger* teave BrottawMik at 8.WW P «“•. air ve at ?* v.uit.»b si.otH v. tu Pm»k ngew iMViug Alaeott at Tslft a. m (daily tududiug Sntwl.ty) < ©uneet at J. oup #tu. tin* Mratu for PJonda. Piuarongeva iron Kor.da by this train cuii i ■ ret 6;25 at J,»up who tram arriving Ma oou at p. to. ( uuiiudi- g Siutday )■ t "i.ntei at A it.Mi.y tiUi IWrug.t tram* ttoUi »*)* ou Muuvow«*trru Uaiiioad to and .rom Mar-on, KnlaUlo, ilont K ou.erj, Mobil*, Oritftts, tbia. MH SteuTOer leave ltaltibrlit^H fo r Aim laoiiieota every Ounttay and I’numday «v«,n >»>gj lor Oolouibue every Xwieday and ct«t o.u.y aftotlioon. Ijinrai cotiii, ■ iob at JackfouviUe dkily -Suih.uvb oaoe pled) foi Oiet*u Oov* Hprttigw, Hi. Augwitin at, , Lnhitka, Euterprut^ aud all tanttiiiga im St. Jotui'a river. I tain* on it. A A, it. it. leave junetton going wret at i t ::7 a. to., and tor itruunwiok at i:M p. to., daily except buuday. 'inrougb Tick*.* »old and Beeping far iteriba at caret! at ilreo'a iickot Otbc« No .~ Unit «, and at Ksvannau, yj, >ri,ia A Weatern itallaay 1‘aeawugvr Oepot, ACCOMMODATION Til AIN.—EAST Bit N D, VISION. bmv« Savannah, Sued ,y« tacepted. at ls-ave McIntosh ?rt» « to a -III a ui i.est t- 5 1 sup p m Leave fUaekshmir 4: Of, p u , A rrtve at Dnpout ? ©0 p m l« svo Bapotil &'.3t) * iu Lave L sekshear 9:W a to Li-ive Je*u|i IrtJU p to Ijmiv- Mi'lutoali *« 3:©6 p tu Aim© ».t Ssvamutti 0:4© p in WESTEKN DIVISION. Leave Oupuut, fciuwtaj* t sinpu-d, at Leave Valdoaia f.’:0 © « to Lc..w 4: >7 a US Quitman < !*;4.i a to Arrive «t 'l’h(-)ii»sville : 12rt#i m TbeitiHMVilie S 2 .;Ail p m Leave Cuatillrt • p to Arrive at A,buoy : 7:15 ,u Wave Albany : ♦i 5 m Leave Camilla : V An iv* at Ti <>u,a*vHle II i' tu i.aave i’t.ot*i«^vii,*, M m L- - v i On tuutn tu Lave Vaidust* U: m iruv- «t Dupont 7:3m J. *<. Tta-N, Mooter Trauaporlution 11. b. Ii.\ i,N Ki>, licti Manager DOUBLE DAILY TO AND Ft,Oil FLDBJBA. Maeou & Brunswick Railroad. Sri-’x A Qxs. Manaiikh’d Orncx, » Macou, ti»., April 2n, ISHii. * ON *ml after Sunday, May 2*1, l > »a*eng«r trtuii* on this road will run a* follow* CUM»E«DANI> KOUTE, vis lirit&sivicfc NIGHT PASSESCKK, No. I Houth Dally Leave Maron..... ..... 7:45 P. M Arrive »t tkiejirao. .... 9;47 P. M Arrive «t KaeUnan .....10:47. P. M Arrive, lemp. ttruusw ... . »:2J A. M Arrive lete .... f IKI A U Leave ltrn»»«’»CK per sirumer 5* 15 A. At Arrive Parnaiidtua ..... ... ; IS .4 M Arrive *t Jink*onvilie....... « >5 P. U Arrive Cedar Keys........... X I-'. I’. M NJOHT PAS-ENCEIl, No 2, North, Daily. Leave Cedar Keys r..25 A. M. L*i«ve <Im-k«oiivitle..., ..... 11:15 A. M. L ave PanMiidios per staamer 3:45 E M. Arrive Brunswick. 7:45 P M Leave Brauswick, ., «:<»» P, M. Leave Jos up...... ...10:35 P M. Arrive East matt... a. .... 32U A, U, Arrive Oucbrsn.. 4: IS A. M, Arr.vent Mncon,,, ti:45 A. At. Otoae oouseeiion at Macno tor all points North, East ai si West via Atlanta aud Aa gaatTO DAY ACCOMMODATION NO. 8, South. Via J< sup aud lave Oak—Daily except 8’uVfy Leave Maoon........ ... fi.36 A. M. Amve OmAim ......... ... SHOO A. M. Awrfe Sasttaao. ......... ... I.H27 A M. Arrive 4t;-up........... ... r.m i*. M. Aw i vs at J as: kmu viti«.,, . ., 7:25 A. M. No. 4, NOItTH, Daily except Bund ay, T.i'iivo JavkHODville. 5:15 4*. M. L*ave ditaup....... Baatuian... «;26 A. M. L ave ,- 8:12 I M. Lav# dpehriut.-«**• AliO 3:x» 1*. M. M. Arriv© Muioo ...... I*. Cofiti«t«»t At noon for poluta NoUti, E«»t ui,.! Writ. HAWK1 NEVILLE BIlANCH. Freight and Aueomutodation Daily, except Sunday. lawve Oeebftro-------.... 10:00 P. M A*rite at Hawkiuavilto 10:46 i*. M Leave HawklnaviUe... 3.-15U A, 51 Afiire Cochran...... 4:15 A M. Coonect* at Ooctiraii with Trstna No* 1 and 8 to and from Mat an. Leave Cochme------ .... fhU A. M. Arrive HawkinevtUc ...,I0:ia> A. M. l*cav* HewkinaviHe. ..,. *:*6 i*. M, Arrive CeoferoB...... .....3:»E M, Connects -.a tNushrun with trains land# ta and from Matron. JAS M. EDW 4KDS, Supt. A Own. Mao’w W, J. J.ttnut. Master Trana. $300 trkma- day A MONTH at home Capital guaranteed. made not by rcijatredi tho ind :f!2 «»- we » will uteri you, Men, women, Sroya, Rtwl girl* make ntouey flutter at work, for u* iluo at anything else- The work ia light and pfeo* not, and uuch tus anyone can go ognt at TUoae who are vriao who see «ht* « :w will mad >ia their ottdreaaea at utioa and »h* for thotnaeWea. Costly OatAt aud um» free Now i* the time. Those already at work are TKl’I Coi»« mlrnagtlmm of money. Addre.a A CO., Auguuta, Maine ju.iell lyr