The Jesup sentinel. (Jesup, Ga.) 1876-19??, November 24, 1880, Image 2

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THE JESUP SENTINEL. r. p urn lfuipi,!). Editor Wt5»3E«*»A», Wi *4, MH» SVw*p«tier THIS PAPER ArieertlainK Damn krfS ilO N|>r«oe >r«e». tzsrsv* where ;Ltve. fc.T’lt? ntm UflDlf YuRiv. All mutter intended for 'pubtta&m « them column*, of ox*> i. wth, m or to irumreimetiion, xfivutd bf handed i.-i out Utter than Monday. AM (.omnumic&hofu mud he trxxm* paijikd by « restpvimHe tiynafure far rfwimee. ATLANTA LETTER. The i«Hitnr»ttt«-»Wrt Weather-»K|*! txMtll -VfHWtlw «t M#li 14. * . t. BltM’h »mt Ks-env, Braan-aeutltern Npcciuf ('ormtpruvUnct -letup S>r,tbiH. ArcaHT*. Nov. 18, 1880. \ friend has just left conVbnsoK iay mom, with whom I liav* been f>»r an hour and tAalf, It is new 9.30 p. ni.. but 1 mast write (o yoa. The Governor's iaauguratton wan ouite imposing of *n«i A Urge comber per sum were tu at rrii,1tvno«, and, as far u* f *as capable at j.wlipnK, (hey were favorably ita (ironsid with tbo ceremonies. We have bad some v«iy unpleanant westber since we cause to Atianfa When It rai:*s, tbe streets because elrppy aod urodiiy in some places; • ad. oh! sneb rout*. U m very red and teitaeiown, And aft e tit laics ‘* sfieketii closer than a broth, r, When we ctm* ber*. we found many horses aud peisuis fBieted with sum.- • biug lik« tfee Kpmo -l.ic, ft has spread extensively aasanif the Le«iri«tors m h .th Hou-es. greatly to their iutwove -.ence and arnioysncs. 8’*me have r «* l,y * ick ® itb u art " 0(S the ,-a. and throat c»se-b* rsdoewg ..eatralH., sore.hroat, cough, •c. I have suffered somewhat w.tb « ,w of mucous fr-m the head -*.«d ■ •* rMfte8!, ‘ maesifcd ,tf k> ’*' r y post And thtok I am nearly ) over »t ->W. Pocket hudktnfcieb have had A^At^sal ha* been said rhont the dissipation of m-oben of the Legist. tnre. If muiiJfefs are J»s* si paoid J sot act .ware of it M any great exicttf. f do. net bear any tit re - wearing Uiaa «!*..where, nor do [ wit ■>»# any mare dviukieg than in other »«es where large urvwds are eoogre ,{ated. We bad the plaasore of beartog a very eloquent Hall, speech (a th-- ftt-pres. tit' stive .ui last Mor,.lay afternoon, ly Col 3 C. 0. Black, of Aaga-t.., sod on the night f the same da.*, ex Qovenmr fiwni spoke to the Opem ilouae to an imm-Bss crowd. Many, like myself, Low were atixiou# to hear him •.«4 am he would meet tbe v*riou» ilogationa that were madexgaiuat bi«i. He did a Dumber of thin*# during the war, astl after the w*r .of which I did out approve. Ife’»p<»k« for U o h* ur* and a-half, smd thoogli h« compiainad of his threat, amt was f. sWr in body, yel h* d**pl#y* d a powerful mlsd. Hia rprevh ^wa# highly e«tertaiiu..p, aod long before its Acncbiritm, I ova# per eaadtd that H was my doty to so* for .him for Son ,tor «.s the ra m able to aa - oaiuplwh Ihc nm«> gr»-rd t v r tbo State Georgia and the coast ry ja s «a«»ai, and eonsetiueotiy did *« I Wibw it will be be#t for tbe people (>{ _ tbe Smith, for »ime yewa to come, ’o rvfrsin almcet etdindy Irom Fedutai politics, and turn _th««r nUttdina to home indtmtrivs Mid the dcveloninem or our OKU rt-souices. If we will te»v the lUdtcsU t» Ujvaisrivev. »f.«r *wi»tl« " e * W!i! sr,(H, > * B, 1 d sbdcjtra lion will ter the inevitable re»»]t t a»<| then, if we vtdi act wisely *u4 pr« - ecu 1 1 y, aiay Bueceed to <tahi«t>u»f that party, whjeb for »o long «iiu@ ba» been a bur rib! norm asd an taeabu-t on tho Country More an»n. A. -0. WASHINGTON LETTER, tue FwfSiti-al and aorial KrhnBltitatton «** w a*iiift»tw«»«PrciwriM* tii itiMuati rate—rnc Inaoirirfal Balt., Hi* rsuif Viirti-J” \*U ' • . ••• ’ • W.suinotos, DC., Nev.20, ifiSO. Wadtttttglun b«» began to rehstotme Its moiety «n»e *»d politjenl panoply TI e ExvetiMve »tid bis C*bluet te» at irfigtb settled dawn {„ their bom-ea Foreign M in triers, at t»ohe* oi bgati-.n »t>»lttary and naval ittlicv’ 8 may be mo drivioK, or pruineukditij- oa the givttt bouit vgrd that atrttfeliea from t oe Treicsttyj It i# i>ojisiu;n.,tot m««et«4 thftt ^ iOsjftoi n»e ring « ti . o yeaaiou will b*- very i, t-rresling ta no vim kiuiw* whit! a Congr ta uiav bring forth, but there will be no lack >■■<{ tirfetFsi m < fffwal and p, Rsk-al cir in relauuu to Um new udmiwisifa tmo. Ff rftrfiriow* for the inaugural atm* fJV'Djf OB the 4th of Murrit are mn\ sindi’i wav, imrl tho pageant L e-sp-e'iJ to «x«el aU rtvvmtm m-naartii ibvp'avk, HtJ'eifi and foiftrjiug houera are ox, . fte«#g * «■ htei harry, -t. Ol d pi*' put a rioos are ir.Antg to »■ cnia nun late t 0 f nit >t the various votfifi'- er aaththty' .evgstjrxari t,»* h-,v- aiguified their tnuMuiti *<f VIr trig t!»« .1. at th»* Ofoe, take the J fade. to pari m luftogiita! ' p*. Tbe ir aagor-*! bail writ foj hold in the N-tifmi »l Muavuui, ■* hi«h ba« just bsetl COBipteled. t bis odiliea 18 »|1S rtoBs having, prrltors, the largeet «,«. yle, Utissate i b«|| m the Gutted Suns, M«l It M», Ktfiwbt, wetoin»ti?dfttesli'PA, fV forint it *,t «ntra,.e« * USU * V Ct “" g ( ’ d ° n SUcb W**’**. The crowded **tate of , Bohiams the punt f«. -crt-. h.*« prfiveuted » s bom Upo« before ..«r nadvrsa .eriea Ot artwtetMUl an aeriettlrfim! flat*, am, of Wfoeft WB ruUtomd at,ms w*4» **K besjwd 8t««A Wtto* tom **•**, ALMOST A RIOT! SHOGTiS MATCH BETWEEN A JESUP house porter AND COUP’S CIRCUS COMPANY, Several Shots Fired- Intense Excitement.....Threats Made But Nobody Killed ORDER AGAIN SUPREME. Shortly aft. r ihe arrivul of Conp » Circus Humhty laomtKg, a porter of the Jtttrnp House was sent aboard the oar for some baggage- On entering t)i r cat’ Iu* was curseil aua ordered out. The porter replied that he would get off. bttt there W no use in e«rs mg him in that way, whereupon (he man made signs of drawing a pistol, The porter forbid him to poll out a pistol last (lies a man belonging to the circus, paaemg by hit the porter in th, .fm*e, nearly ft.-Iling !uin k> ground. He regained his footing ant fir«l four shots at the white man who had struck bins, and who was running for tkair life. Oms of the ieum..e wait ere ran to him and endeavor.^ to get him bark to the house. By this time two or three other pistols »hoov, coimurmvd firing,and cries of **I>ou t. I yoa u kill the woman, became gentn bat the woman jmmsted utml suo got him b.i**k mto the H-.t,-!, wiu it ho wita Iwifectl up. fisc f-xeit-.;ta«*«t grow m tea»e, and throats* w.-vl* nsado to ran • sack the house and kill him anyhow; but just- at thin time the Proprietor spund:*d the olinner bell, and the at tentiou of » hungry crowd whs di verted to a more pleasant preparation s« -n>.- b soon as tMjB»r was over they wna jmnie for a move and away went, leaving two or three wm rants behind, wirn.-h Henry d g... v ‘ n<l ° f " nd k rV the a *n r °* .Y’!! enugmmd . clmm »* » * 1 amter, dt* ^ f tkl k able ot him** If, but has we mu.^ . him when rtho and a d mk id. ad. 11 • I s " ,wa r iwnl. taudy hav been shot down had i it * not been t-.r the woman the waiter” V/think he was aomewhat to At blame t-h 1 mxnv for dimrng teve, any tuum «.smtau^ Jut m.wds ways have of men, mining handwl them logger boor men a who Mo uman enough for anything, had he shown no resistance, he might have be&ti beaten nearly to death. We hope, therefore, as the boy was hurt worvt* than anybody else, (atv.l by some of his hi;., listed men, who can knock down and drag ,,ut an long as thexfe is no resistance. but run like a turkey from a pistol in the hands of a negro,) that Mt Coup will' drop the matter and withdraw his warrants, and that His Honor tins Mavor, as bn dida l arm'd any o-f the Circus crow l fur a violation of the m-dinanee in reference to firing in the ! ,tmi will let the waiter oil too. j Iu justice to Mr, Vmp, vm must their say : that, th • gentlemen who taken •’ uu . ft ] a t tbe J«s«p House, were AS or ’ Icrly and geutlomanly as could be i wislied. and it was from th'nn that We 1 apprehended trouble. They were in roused at the i-lca »f the winter s firing i u fc 0 tlie car where there- were women }mi foil | children. Any gen tenon would 1 called up m to’resent such an in dignity, bur the fact that he was n the j ground, at the the foot of who the platform. the ) { liring, not it* had mau cursed was him, cm (and nlutiorm and . who, by the way. was scud to b * the porter of the train) but at a passer-bv who had struck tela and was then rana j u ,v lengthwise with the train, sctJ01s to m to explode the idea that ho. (the Jesup Hunse porter, or call waiter, hsm) wteehtrYer you pb tW to iir. J into th**- irate We regret very much that such s thing should Itave ocourretl, ai d with the desire to see it settle*.!, have given some of the points that the Irieuds of the Jesup House porter ray he can easily eetrfblish, tint Mi. Coup may ; see them, tuul, if ho has any .doubts, . give the prisoner the benefit'of them I and stop the proceeding at once. I A l*«#tor Made 1 I nave been gmiby troubled w*th m J kld Ueys imd liver oy«=r twenty i years, and .tenug that entire time I vm mrer f «« <««» P^«* *1 m; d ‘ ! <w3 hilte wore miormous. and I visited Hut &Ttd tliG W aitc SpriUtfS, tiot'd f r the curative qualities of tlie water. | atii happy to m\ 1 am BttW a well raid rrft.r./'y a* the i*.rfith, of v\'ti > ;■ b, Kidney iihvw Cure. With i>tH* tenuous, r, *;*utr. - fttti only IP : ;tei<l r . t -rify r-gat hi'xg tlie remedy vrlheli hot m t ic me s (tir- , I*. F ii MuUi Voltl Hun Vrosmix,. Ark. 1 3n®f N^ , : > ;» *- ••• , ; - \ ! 1 } cur*-* h> k H*si»lt I ft . ”T i - *•*•*• j I » I Tll7TAT Itfl i Itl foAsjCO I «« " ^_ ft QCiOC3 I ' JEt^miVK* ** Bd tvrw - AlRtN'J TnJtlBUS. n * 0 *- st «- 2 nm j dm -teu.mi pa»H file pot nummaia Ts-ttnt ta-H* vtrtw**. j You Can be Relieved and Cured w feNr ,„«,. ’ Ktef riJ-v m'bvn’.\t. mall ,« r* e .lpt w mm, -. »* toUtot., kick. Thanksgiving Proclamation. At no pemd io their history rice* >h@ United Suites breath© a nation, Lr this jr»t- *|»<* h.»>J to at>an4aot and so asive/«»l roaaotts for \ >y and grati-tida at iho favor of Aimiyh’y Got, or inn aubjuct to *o profound His loving an oblgs'ion kitKltses*, to give thank* for mA feaably to impfore His e itmuuod cure and pnmcum. Health, wealth am? pr©*pe«ty thrOngtioat all oar borders*, ftfitio-, b«»or end friendship with nil tbe world; a firm aoJ faithful adherence ty the great bo ly of our population to thft prineiplee made of liberty and justice which have oar £jr«»ft)0M as a aattoe ami to the wi#n institutions and strong form <f gov eraasent «od society wi.tcb will tend to perpetuate it—for all those let the thanks of a happy and waited people, as with ope vnei\ ascend devout homage to tbe Urnr of all Good. I therefore rieutninetui that on Thus dttj *J5th day of Nuveoib-'r (te*t the p.ople will meet iu their respective place* of worship to make their sekoowtedgetBei.tsi to A imighty 6*4 for bis bounties aud pr«twdion, and to offer to biui jrayerg for their eotj tinaeuoe. In witness a hereof l have hefcurtio set my band and tjauwd tbe leal of ibe Untied State# to t» Done at (be City of Washington this tbe 1st day of Novemb.-r, ISSO end of tie itidepeudfoe of the United States the one hundred and fifth. |Signed] 4 Bvasts S**o’y It B. Hates Wm. M. of State. Southern Gardening an4 Frait Culture. The pi’oprietor of the Stoilhern Farmer's Mouthly (Savomuth. t!a.) offers a premium of Oae Htmdred Dollars for a work on "Veoktabl* Gauokmno ast> Fmit Cvtrmm tx the ^uUTHKKN hTATSS The ntpid mcreaae in theseindufltrh S . m thf; s , )uUj haH ere *twl» demand for apm.'tiaal snbj.tcU and.uopaliu* work on this imporunt adapted to the luti tnd^ of the South MUmtic and «u!f SW' 1 Tlnrear-a number of well w dtfen books published ut tbe North 1}n aartlt . t) . Ilf , and Fmit Culture, but owing to th. d-fferom . ,u l-uitu K, they ar( , tlol ttdni(ttll to th , ; wants of our p«>ph,. F- r saeli a .. oi as is imm ‘Xhcfr ^ ^Vewani S$iuu .,* (K> isoffered W(| nutict . t t ail Mlbs orit.«ra t , , . 4l v , ... eJto^s s., u lhrn, * ,, . . , ., •••. haYe ' them entetU .) up to the' 1st of . . ,vuaa»y, . Jesup House. Aipiin wa were mode guest of tin above hotel last Mottiiav. Mr T. P '■ LitUehehl pv-iimt-t-.f. spatvs m. painB or exp iso in mom: - the Jesup House the Imdm * h >t,-i m tn-- town, ! and making yon leel e,.niforl«bie and at home His tabu s, being the lead lQ o feature, grmm beneatli tite bnr , t-hi! ,, , the , tv miirkets , u# oi •tftbf.l ' anil has no rival. Ww <-.m mend the Jesup Himse to the travel >i»* e>'“« te • * r *|.;e>iey alia good trv:run<mi,.~li-at:hihajr AfitRI. — The Savannah Penny Local. if fan want st little paper t-teit is bright and sparkling, teli of phun. phaet, laff and phatuty, and that will make you bofur.0 break fast, iaff after dinner an \ laff at sitj^wr. sen \ sixty ctata ; , Eh* fji'o. Hov.oih ut. (* , and got f&A lU.AHtt hortii for (11 year, postage fro* ........... W ih»y adklrtoss fr .-„. * ‘t I tio i. fSft "-iP'EW- ®s5g,kl arl Cl ®s ™ v *4 Wt j 4; JS 81 * ty*~ DNEYiLl R Is mud- from a Slmpi, Tropical f.eaf of Rurr VaJac. ana !# mMttVK UHtd| ftv ail the fffanme* U»;t «k»«* p»p»* Bvrr—Hradacln-M—tiumdico— in yin !»»« t mn of tbe *yw;v— or T rnlii o,*is5n,fft». lin.vch Ui.Snrm, and an digfeentes to th*- Hi Hie* «, I.lvcr slid t'r-.nary .Ire* > Fur I-* SS ■mte >*-'■(* VS-Mithiy Mins-.r asti (far »!f Fi-.-tHo.iiLj t« has no r>in«l. » vwtwrc* (We .re in* * 1 ,k‘. tii- i*l;«-i #(-•( i rnti i» the best Rltarf ?8f *aicW» .tv. B •» m mA fessown nntedt Ua‘f ; t.o *- -•■ Dta-a «. for V *Mivr*. ’*«•■** Olahaln « urr For * '.„ig " 1: ir«v t- i-»Mn-l il- «l -t* lit SI.*} i «( *«•; lie. t.;n !i. !M: ttt*« tsiaiaet, l'n it, SI. U WUt\K« A to*.. n «•;>(-► t»r. a. t. IMPROVE!) EXUHSIEIR Cure Mi Imm V, d of tin Kid* e y HUdder. u . Urinary Organa hy *.»-t g ti<*» I^pr«vwtt K*Cf«^.»r tviUnvr-isatt 1, „ a MAliVEt. of UKJUSO ami IU.UKF Simple, Nviisitsltt, t, Ptaiu am llcurr Itv^iwUiNi „, »n».5k-.^' S ^‘ u ' u '‘ *"'-'‘'*o ■"<'*• Tr^. “fi'tTifN 1 '’ 1 wt vric '-* z - ? -- 1 *1 « KIDNEY PAD ATTENTION COIIS,'mV CLOTHING BUYERS ! NEW STYLES, RV «! flSEjN’8* I m BOYS', AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, ! 1 ------AT------ BENJAMIN IT. LEVY’S, 191 ami 193 (‘engross St,, corn or Jcffmion, Savannah, (hi. 1 wit® this bod to inform my trend* end pe'mne tb(i f I *m now pr«par< d to exhibit he largest an‘|I most complete line of MENS HOYS, and CHILDHRN'S STTITS. ©tr®M©ASPS jm ®M) Mm tt rum , at asttfnishinfj tow pnew, Guard vour Sntfra»t#«d «ve money by B. e»ll»n# LEVY'S, at H. | ! IfM an • 19:‘ Onsre-s S*v< i e* V «v nn*li.<4«. ! *-» T9 i ; 0 PST 1 I 1 & !M © WHOLESALE HEALERS IN Dry woods and Notions, Boots and Shoes and i,f.via niiiisiiiiii coons, j no. n congress strcct %VIVh^V8, a a a -----------.„ ^ Ti ¥%JiP I -v I yr OSS, ? . IW mi*** &&\ * JR S % CVE j : T. •yg^sjpesss -' i k 1 <lt: ■ 1(4 1 yr PATENTS obtained for «4w invvntfama, or for N»t rov. , BMW in old on* s. Cavvafa, Trade -Ma*. k~ j andnll ateut tu hi «»#>«» inpomptly iif'entUd fn. I IN VKXTIOBfft TH (T HIVE BEES El 3I»t ,;yi“„^±JS'gTot TEH « #y i till, >n moat c.u.ea, be paivut i iiboSs j j li ESTil'SJVKJdj, ti-uji thooa wo can who secure t atonia tn # (tun- ure nnot* 1 rou Washington aijd who ni«»t tie per A upon the •■cate in ail trwsaaetieika with tbe l a;cut Olfiae. W' ra Inventors send mode! or sketch we io ike anarch in the-Patent Otftae l-itl advise s to it# pate atatiility free of Cor • ipondi i i e ssmfut■ utia), pnoa low. etui SO (MAKbE UNLESS f A TEST 18 OB ‘ TUN KB. ft. For special i mne eg, term*, advice, Ac., A id less I err- 1 . to!,*i i iutfft.if — --------—— A lecture _ to young men :SI*sA.viaaStelL TECrEHt t Lrrtnrtan the lainrr. i rrataitiitaail . >.t«mi«5ttoo( b-euntial weak twit, or Si»i* tc-ifee#, tiidut-vd li> S# f Abuse, ftt-y KtoiiMo- «, lib} ototicy, N* rvout, DvbJti >, ami laipadinit-ri*# to Mart ,,g- pmerullj, ■,'i >sb( option, Kp lej ay, at.d FTtr.; Alesr# « d Physical Itu**pa«ify, etc. By Jtobvrt i OnSvnrwali, M. I)., author of the “Green Book,” Ac The wotld-rono wnt <1 anibor, ip thisadttirt - Me lecture, el ear iy prov, #fri m bikown expe¬ rience that tfie- awful ootinergMiicet) «rf wit abuse may be effectually removed wit-fcotw dangeromt aurgieal opt ration*, m n#»«, to strumaate, r:a^#, or cord a 1 #, iii.i.,ti > out a mode oi cum at once o*-rt«iu and affretaui, by wbiub every sufferer, u< matter * hat. bis oSBditioo may be, may cure bimaelf ebeapi; privately 9" This nod radically. < iwctwe mU prom a bmm to them - .valid.,-. S*»> under *»»i, i B a plant eovelrprt, t, any address, on reoeipt of s;x eants, or two postage st amps Aiit!rt'ft* the pufeH'hfcn*. THE COLVERWELL YiEPICAL CO 41 Ann street. \>vr vwrk junSMvr P ft * Sir. Hot 4S««. , &mmz jzMfsi i), EMPLOYMENT Foil ALL, «»f TbomndMl ttotier# Uade In Tliirlt ( We wan every body to w t‘<> to «l* f< 1 I foil J-ftitietiUrf of A 1 t«a:ti->B in wb.ct { u.ouey and nifidly. eau liu We nikdj s-dii easiiy, Houmbo booeril* - art* g a d j article U»ut i» u««dt-d b? »vsry faKiily it i the world. The pctifit* to Agents mv fun i 100 to M0 per VVbutbtr )ou wwet lo | < ngage in our bas-iti#** < r .- . *, we «•* : impart valuable i„fora;atnin tn j :>n. Buber s ladi-stt or gent-it ta* u spin ftotidort, ti, boait.vw ! wiocesafvnly. [ will c. at jo« i’iil\ ■> eceM to write to n«. 0# r « negn ct tjji* oj por traitj; Uie b«g newt la 1 ybt a^d p „s*ui. Full 11 i i"-«!n.t# free Aftor<. m BUOKKYB VUNUfAL’ll HiN<5 IQ,. V vir-Ooa M rim , Ohio FOITTZ’S HORSE AMD CATTLE POWBERS mjL P -eur; fo I w. t*** r# ; ..*.!r.vwVn ,u',v.:.h iLM. nZ' .T-IT-*', ii rjuuv t J^rSSXt^S ^’ZVe.'Z fZZufbZ iehi Syr HOLMAN’S PADS (Sllpr b’ •'«» THE OHO simply TRUE BY V ; Absorption.! Tisaiu! Max— Antidote, Ui.liMan’i A triie. Liver »»A Ktamuch UVm Pad Lt into MALARIA. il TEOU- AUCK, Kl'rfMA BL»» FrU;« $:> 00. a Vl-itrusn'M Special l-'iul—AAxp*'i'.t to Old chronic csae«. M* AAMi IIui «!««.'» sptcr t, Belt—For #to btern case# niiyletdtug of Kiilargcd Spiren atomaob (tint Liver and Jr^SlffS trouble#. Price $5.00 Bladder H **.<». Holaiaa’* Complaint#. Prtee 1 (itertun Fad—Far Fenaia Itiiliuni'i , troublw#. Price $5 00. tb«« i-ptlve vj.-dti tnal Body If olman's A tott^rpuve ’It tiL inal l^ooi f*!«*te wm- • Pornu mbteci m&»l Aw.,....|"ssrjg&OTK;c.T: For sain by all dragglaj#—or aant by mail. ■■«',‘Aii!. (*:s receipt . f price The Abuorptlon t 1* not pmatMtiia ** and .tnast be scut by Ibforem « parol a**y’» ev»»m*e The sucres# of Jinbmiu’* I*n<I# bns In. apircii liultHtora who utfi-r PnU# eiaiiiar iu votM and naan to rite -rnru Hubun-s. suylng, Bowes “They Pad#, are tbe same. Beware of all tation of only gotten an to seit tm the repu¬ the genuine. Nee that oaeh Pad t»ear» the greet) pntrxin Rr -'s.'- ' * .WTAWei'f tire Holuuiu Pa-i pany wi'h above Trade-Mark. If xStletad with chronlr atbnnnta scad a con, ceive rise {tewersption of symotoiiw, which will re. Da jirosapi Hot,MAX and . and ui atteiitk-'ii, free # advice ia free. Full tre&tiaa #et;t on apphcftthn Address, (F. U. Box JUWj ^Wto.amsTrne® N^wVork. 1 Vllt DTI':-* the saffwt . atKt ma t»e*t lawt i «kw t» stan- ! t»asetmst HMuuy, iiWKiucmir tl,« most natural sharfu KiRIOTMBMW Offt) own %jpM StiiB.yi akin; r »Miti«l A *'■ (Mliti 'VejuiMtteb : well favor ointito (Kin every toilK-t 8»* poi Tleutau tor for lady lady all or goti d«ig*fWH and by piled by »i»l ati- ap* *u imis Uttment . j. mm&oofm, S3 Wijiu i#a» Street, Sew Turk, r. U BOSTWICIfJk JLct I T tj, GIANT bin q StM* n , 1rl - -v-___- jL V'* 4 ^S.v-*t^*vrT»r.‘*.'*' > ’ - AA.-fSlSb p J THIS W ONUERVUI. IMPROVED SAW MACHINE pssESSsS Far jmcBw !J* iXnt.crxrama ro„ t * Flo* rtlml, (TnvSanurL (I ooriS •sasa A««" I ttf LM>', aeBs* i Kvkbvvjh ^.9 lu-.jflte && tt*. X* w iTmmmm, s {: 1 -/r- 1 • *'m timWJ imrn, <1 :t >n l - For Sale Ten lot* of go >J land in the eona ty of Wayne, i^tate of G j-rfg.a. F .i nformatic-ii, apply to T Y 3jITTLKF1Et,D. JfH’ip, lid R. Hariris,' ■ “l„ JfM'P, «A. 3Pr*ot-i«w regularly SB the Courts t f tic B tB Mw w I rfc deceit Jjaaj BM'y r JOHN D. RUMPH Attorney & Counselor at Law AND ’ souciron m equity, jmvr, LFttHtu Will practice In tbc ComU of th, Brun* wick Circuit, ftru! bv«i>.- ' cm tract in oib cr Ooorta of th« State, Soprani* Chart. when Satlsliwtor? rrfmuw given in «d car. v detdml, jaut-lyr THOMAS C# RUMPH, Commissioned Notary Public, and Ex-Officio J. P.. 1255th District 0 M , W»jm* €o., (ia Courts b< Id in tbe Court Unite first junlhdy* Saturday iu each mouth, A. S. WBE1&OT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLACKSHEAR, GA. prsetioca reguSiuly ia the oowntiee oom. posing the Kninnwiek Circuit, m „1 j„ ,p t , District and Oitetm Conrta of ike f u it. J State# m ihtvsutMh for the Southern Dh. triot erf Oeorgut. #pit4 lyr G. 8. JUiwr. A, J, Csovatv MABRY & CROVATT, * Attorneys at Law, i Bhokswiok, . . Gw't gja * PRACTICE «k «l»mu Way##. RMULAHLY Applti IS IHmva. THE Caltw. cOvNTIKS »•(* I ni»'i«’uniden c, uf th,- E-riuiawlck Circuit. snU TvUsi i of tm OcoiMe A Itcoit. ! u. e Hl-ljt tsr WM NOBLE, Dentist, B1 U h»BF UI. ti t.. llospeetfally informs t}-,p c .t * ns of Vtfrce and tidjoining counties that he is prepared to do ait kind# of vroik known to bis pro Session. Teeth extracted wt-itont pain by the use of nitrous ox da (or laughing g«»). AVork warranted, aod at is tow ptSkm as can t e dou« etsewtisre. Until further notice. I w Qapen l oae week in eaub tnontb at the fodoaihg place#: 1st »eek in Brunswick. 2d week in imip-i 3d we«b in llaziehur#t; 4th week in l taelB _________........ »r maySB-lyr Editors ,*t»d Newspaper Me» Of tke *v«M»Wry endorw JAS, Hosts* «*aTENt OOUJ WATCH CA8K« As * pmot, lead the foiiowtUK; rHm> HiiHhllO-'-. M l . Mai ,'h x r.j ix . it (tie pleasure ti. so oru. « tli«t t Bo*» d'stcli rtuw f haw cun el h*» Si van perfect sstiafactioa, It w«#u Ob#si Ifi/tic ,f. T, Kt.MiOfH.J). ■8-and Prop, 'i'clwrus# ! ' - let T»wi‘c, Itirt, Mutch Kill, I take pNaevn- , in .................. James Bun m llstcli t i«e an highly ntuefuei, iy rt , u „| ut , went u> one of aulid #oid. they are the "Bu»* m tact «< welt as uaiuc. w. I.IMlLK, Ed. and Prop, t.'otificr 0V» Moines. l», f'«b, J3d. Um Our MMiairer has carried a >h- H -- p-. n, isi Case, gist cticcriulii sa). t.ta,* ii cannot bm teu to ttlif way STATE f.EAllEff <50., f’li'-r l tt» is..lie L.Alter Wat#! k». Ilb*. Marc;, ail), um l am pleased to say that tlie J«*. l!„s, •.cairti case i aaw is eitmb sstlsfc t-ory, hetat In every r sja-ct just «• repo.seated. I- t» « pc tut tutuiuv. .'1 11 PETERS. Ki!. a od Prop Iitmusi* <:<• Tlrnue The watch Wtiwaa, have Wi*„ March tf.ltfc, tf«8. ease 1 »f jsmr ma *« i# i« i.fvry «#y KUiafaciory: it la tost et.UW.W. Mark a lUftNvM Ed. *t«l Trup. Tfwefc of Ll tarty. The above are concurred io by hundred* of other Kditom It troll aa Mercbarit-, Metbaule# and Jew >■ er*. In ail purls of ttie country. This i» the only patent east* made of Too Elate# of toiiitl Laid it i- warrai)i«(5 t-v *p ( cs*< cerMficste A»k your Jeweler fur iliurfrated ratslogae full Rescript for TH f*: GENUINE I b v I M i» p U w 1 E ® i^sstes, _ * \ i dtL I --W». i f\ £& ■ft**; m m m n':K\K I SEH 1 ISII If The aiitJersigned informs citizens of Jesup and suminml dig country that lift ha aecept *d a ,| agenev tor the above named machine, and is pre paced to furnish them on rea¬ sonable terms. AH in need of a machine (hat us FtRST-CLAS ’ in every respect, would do well to avail themselves of this opportunity. Needles, Oil and Attach¬ ments on hand. T.P.LittlBflBlfl, AgeU JESUP HOUSE, Jftsop, Ga. SS £&$* mr^^St Savannah, Florida & Western Railway. Qnmmth MenaocnV Omn, > hAVAwwAH, May 23, 1«80 | Oo w»d after 8VM*AY, May 23rd, Pa**eeg« fr»sn« on Una iteed will run •« follow*: night exp hers J..ettve Sttvanaah daily at 4; 30 p m Arrive at Jnttp 1 :20 p to Afnv. at Tbomft«vrfl« *‘ 8:80 a Ut Airive at “ »i3t» a m Arrive at Albany “ 1<I:2A a m Amvp «: L »e Oak •• 2:00 • m Arilva at talUtmumm 7:**> a tu Arrive et Jitckiujiiviile •< t.m . m B- eve TaMniihv-e* •* brfttt p ru l*uve .)»okiM.tiv,Ua *< ®r$*r p m Live Ovk ** rr.rAp m Wave Albany •* 4:00 p Ut Leave (ar.ttvr ttaiubndge •* itdii p a« ibouieevliie 7:30 p m lvttave Je»up “ 8:80 a ui Arrive at Savaautth “ a u> No change of ear* between Sarannafa and J&e.keonvU.e and Savannah and Albany. Pu.lman Palace Sleeping c^r# b e tw®eii and 8i*ej>*Dg cun i run Umuigh ui and Umn Savannah and Albany, and J.teksoooUe and Albany without obauge. Passenger#f ruua Sava, in «b fw Feniandtua, Uraineanllf and Cedar Key# -He ib w uain. Paaaeugera tor Dar.ea uka Uuin. Paeaengera from Savannah tor Brimswica take ihl» traiu, arrive at Itrunewtok ti a, m. 1 (UHfcVfc* Ikutfs,W hsJl it «.00 p Oir, mrr v« lit OoV«ut.HL *«. P#»a.»ger# Mmkm at 7:X5 a. ra. (duiiy llti# tttOittdiug Sunday ) couaeot at J v «un wan train tor Eloruta. Ptutaeuger# trou. i itw.du by this train * at Jtang with train arriving in Ma. eon at p. tu (daily iuciuai: g Sunday). ccnaeoi at A,na,,y aim i'aeeeugi ■ iraiuu both »«}* on Soul l, wean ru liaattied m and trorn Aiaeou, Kutaule, Moutg-7u.ory, Me bile. New Urieana. eia. Aleii S:«„tiu-r leaves Bars abridge for Ape ingj Inouieola lor Oolaustiae **«J Sunday and iue»dey, Iburwiay avou itfle-. every end Sat uiukj noou. C»oae conn, cion at JaekvonvilJe daily i (juutiai e eacepu-a) tor Uie, u Clove Spring*. St. AuguMine, 1 alutka, Euterpriae and all lanUingK on St. Jonn’s river. *er 1 rains on B. A A J. it. )«sve junction S* U *K **tst at 11-37 a. iu., no cl lor Uruuawiek «v 4:48 p. tu,. tl«i,y axevpt Sunday. ItiiougO i ivkoia sold #ud ei,ceiling Car B«nhs Bvcurvd at BrmiViicket O0«e, No. 82 Dull street, and at i-'u/iu:# & Wi» Hallway fasavu^t r Depot. ACCOMMODATION train, —eastcam D. VISION. Leave Savannah, Sundays excepted, at McIntosh 7 «» a m Leave 0-40 a Oi Leave At sup 18:30 p tu Leave Btackshea* a -05 p tu Arrive at Dupont 7;wO p m Leave Dupont hiM a ui L- aw B.iwkshear Me # tu Leave Jesilp I’AXJ p IU I Leave McIntosh 8:88 p tn f Arrive it Savannah 5. it) p i» restehn division. Leave Dupont, Sunday# exwpted, at Leave Valdosta ikw a m ' «;17 a tu . L*s Vi Qditmsu - 0:45 a <u j ' Arrive Ij##v Thciinavtiiin #, Thonmavili# R - 12:<lU in LiOl.Vs 8 o 5ft 38 p w I , UI: i ill s-* 6:2* t iu I Arrive ut Aihan; 7; 15 p ui j Leave Alban; : t> 30 « iu , Lvr.Vt Cnllilila - h;4h S ill Amve si iiom#sviilfe r 11 :M a iu i.,t.nV(, 1 1 OUiartriiiu * i;4 i p tu L* vv tju an an ' 8:54 p su Is kw t xtdosfa - .»: * 7 p iu I-tivu »t Dupont - 7:50 p iu J. S. Tts iv, Hester TihriHportalioii h, s, MaINj&s. Goo aiiwger. double daily TO AND FI,Oil FLQMM. Mo con & Brunswick Railroad. Sup’t a Gvn. MAxifiKh's Omc*,> Maeoo, G#„ April 88, ISHO, > ON and after Sunday, May 2d, l‘#s»vn, er train# on tii# road will run as follows ; CUMBKBDAND ROUTK, via Bronswick. NIGH t PASS ENG lit. No. 1 8«mtb Daily. Leave Macon......... .. 7:45 V. 11 Arrive «t Gocbran....... . 9:47 p. M Arrive at Tliis»unan.,.. ,.10.45 1*. M. AVrivo Jesup.,,...... . 8.27 A. M Arrive Brans* iek,,., 6:00 A. M. ldf«ve Brwttawle* per aUAUier... 11:16 A. II. Arrive Fernatolma....... 10:15 A. M. Arrive »t Ja( knouvilte.. 2as Y. M. Arrive Cedar Keys...... «;&*» Y. M NIGHT PAS-ENGElt, No 2. North, Dully, Cedar Key# .... 5:25 A. M. L-ave Jarkaouville ... 11:16 A. M. Lenve iri. mai'-dioa per eteaaaer 3:48 V. M. Arrive Branawiek,........... 7:tft F M Leave Hruuswkk............ 8:00 P M. Leave J#**tp................... 10:® p, M Arrive Eastman.....,, 3:81 A. 51. Arrive Ocibran............. 4.:u A. y Arrive»t Miieon.............. «:4-» A. A. Close cotiueelion at M■><»>» for all j oint# North, East and West via Atlanta and Aa DAY ACCOMMODATION NO ». South. Via J- sup *nd Live Oak—-Daily «xm pt s'c'dy Leave MsMMin. .... ,-t ...... $m a. m. Arrive CotMinn Vdkl a. 51. Arrive E*»r>Hsa........... in 37 A. 4L Arrive- Jc up ............ C.30 l*. M. \n i-v* at J»efeso»i>jlii..... 7:25 A. M. No, 4, SOUTH, Daily »»c«pt Sunday. f*e«ve Jeokannville ,... 5.-16 ft. M. | j L, ave Jesup...... 6:26 A.M. L EiiStiuali... ----- 2:12 ft. 51 L- ave CocUruii,. --- — • 3:89 ft- 51. Arrivo Macon...... “•l. 600 ft. M. Oomieotaat Maoc-n tor pon.ta North, .East and West. HAWK1NKVILLK niLVNCH. Freight aod A«marfu(<dattoo buuday. Daily, uwpt Loawtt Cochrani:.......... 10:00 ft. 5 L Arrive ut MnwkiiiSviH*. , 111:45 ft. M ftSHva llawklUeVtit*..... 3;30 A. M. Artivfi Cfoekma------- - 4116 A. M 0»ut row at Otuiliran with Tram* Nda 1 Wid 2 to and fro® Mn**fi. teavtt Oudmiii........... .... 9:15 A, M. Arrive H •wkiuttnlle..... .... 10:00 A, A! L*»ww HawkiuMville.. .... 2:86ft. M. ArriveOocbtau. ....... .... 3.20 ft. 57, Oe*iM*t*:*t Oo0tU* with train# 3 aud 4 la »»d froui Macula, JAS M KDU \UDS. Sup*. A (Jen Mati’.r. VV. t. Jjusru. Mast, r Trim*. A ifONTH guaranteed. f 12 * 'triova. :l*y at -liD-me «s*#* by tbe ind«# Capita) not mputted; *•• will atari yno. Mao, womeo, hr***. »• d girt* make taouey faater at work for «ialu»»r t any thing rise Tbe work i» l gh( aotl pleas¬ ant, and such aa any. tie euu «*♦ * #<-• Th«»e who »rn a be *b*i »«* tet- n* tifie w»U Bead M thriv <»ddr* a-e-' at ooce atnl v - fur ’hew-elv.4-.. Cithity Oaifii and Arm-- work tree. Ho i is ihe tiu.e, i hit*-, uirtady at i re laying Tkul on large s«fi,s (A mooey. Ad,.res# A (MJ., Auguste Maine-. juaelA )yr